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(i) ANS- Osmosis

(ii) ANS- In potato A water moved from a high concentration from the distilled
water into the cells of the potato and then finally to the lowest concentration of
water, inside of the potato cavity through the semi- permeable cell membrane of
the potato cells causing the water level in the potato cavity to increase.
However the water level did not changed in potato B because when the potato
was boiled the semipermeable membrane and cells of the potato died. Osmosis
cannot occur if there is no semi permeable membrane.

(iii) ANS- the level of water in the potato cavity would decrease slightly.
Water would move from a high concentration (inside the potato cavity) to a lower
concentration (inside the cells of the potato)
(Total Marks 6)

(a) (i) Water molecules, water molecules.

(ii) selective reabsorption in the kidneys nephron

(Total Marks 3)
(a) ANS- Cell membrane, Mitochondria, Nucleus
(ii) Ans- Container A
(iii) Water molecules moved from an area of high concentration (container A) to a
lower concentration (container B) through a semi-permeable membrane.

(c) (i) Diffusion

(ii) osmosis takes place through a semi permeable membrane.

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