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User management

This module allows you to manage users, groups, and roles defined in the default
security realm. You must be logged in as a member of the Administrators or
IntegrationAdministrators group to add, delete, or modify a user, group, or role.

User management modules are typically available only to administrators for managing
user information. Certain modules (e.g., the View Profile module) can be used to display
the current user's own information (e.g., their own profile).

The user module allows users to register, log in, and log out. ... The user module
supports user roles, which can be set up with fine-grained permissions allowing each
role to do only what the administrator permits. Each user is assigned one or more roles.

This is the users module. In this module we include this module in our project for easy flow and
also for managing the users easily and efficiently. In this module users have some features like
profile creation , profile updation, viewing the projects etc.

Users can directly login in the system by using his/her LDAP credentials and then be able to
create or update the existing profile.

In this module user

User Features

● Login
● Create profile
● Edit Profile
● Update project details Add/ Remove in his resume
● View list of projects running in the company
● View the list of employees
Setting Module

The Settings module is used to manage user interface display options, update
preferences, password protection, and other security settings.

Settings page that enables authorized users to modify basic settings related to the module
content (e.g. module title, module header and footer, module start and end dates) and module
permissions (e.g. which roles or users are able to view and manage the module). This module
also controls more advanced settings related to the design of the module (containers, borders,
printing) and site wide module settings. This module also contains settings related to the view of
the web page and its contents.

Profile Module

This module contains the profiles of all users. This module is used for managing the profiles as
well as viewing the profile of current logged in users.

Resume Module:
The system contains various kinds of resume templates for all kind of qualification i.e. for both
fresher and experienced. And also according to the kind of degree one has.

This module contains the layout of resume , color settings , fonts settings,etc

Project management module

Admin Role:-

The ADMIN’ module consists of the following functions.

Employee. Enable/Disable .

Add employees.

Update employee details.

View Employees details.

View all projects.

View all modules.

Super ADMIN: The Super Admin’ role consists of the following functions.

Add a new project.

Update Project

Assign project to project manager.

Reassign project to project manager.

Disable any project.

View All Projects.

Create/generate resume

Update resume
Normal role :- Normal role consiste

Create profile

Update profile

View projects

View employees

NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Nonfunctional requirements define system properties

and constraints it arises through user needs, because of budget constraints or organizational
policies, or due to the external factors such as safety regulations, privacy registration and so on.
Nonfunctional requirements are:







Application Affinity/Compatibility

Resource Utilization

FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Functional requirement describes the relationship between

the input and the output of the system. The functional requirements of the project are given
below. This application comprises the modules.

1. Admin Module

2. Setting Module

3. Project Module

4. User Module

5. Resume Module

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