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A project proposal on

Clay pot making machine

Prepared by

Amrit Dhungana(074/BIE/003)

Bisham Bagale(074/BIE/017)

Dibash Pandey(074/BIE/021)

Krishna Gupta(074/BIE/024)

Alish Rauniyar(074/BIE/026)




Jestha 2078

Date: 01/02/2078


The Project Supervisor,

Departments of Industrial Engineering

Thapathali Campus

SUBJECT: Letter for proposal approval

Dear Sir/Madam,

Submitted for your review is our proposal entitled “CLAY POT MAKING MACHINE.” The
report is submitted as requirement of course entitled Group work and Presentation-II. Within this
document you will find the basic introductions, objectives, methodology and expected outcome
from the proposed work (Listed in detail in the table of content section).

We hope for your keen review and future assistance in this work along with the approval.


Amrit Dhungana(074/BIE/003)

Bisham Bagale(074/BIE/017)

Dibash Pandey(074/BIE/021)

Krishna Gupta(074/BIE/024)

Nawa Raj Rauniyar(074/BIE/026)

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Context/Background of Study ......................................................................................................................7
1.2 Statement of Problem ..................................................................................................................................7
1.3 Objective: .....................................................................................................................................................8
1.3.1 General objective: .........................................................................................................................................8
1.3.2 Specific objective: .........................................................................................................................................8
1.4 Significance/Scope of Study .........................................................................................................................8
1.5 Limitations ....................................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ...........................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................................10
1.6 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework ..........................................................................................................10
1.7 Study Design ...............................................................................................................................................10
1.8 Work Schedule/ Activity Plan .....................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 4. BUDGET ESTIMATION ........................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 5. EXPECTED OUTCOME ........................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 6. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................16

Figure 3.1 Gear ............................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 3.2 block diagram of process chart .................................................................................... 11
Figure 3.3Gantt chart for work schedule ...................................................................................... 13

Table 4.1 Cost Estimation Table ................................................................................................... 14


AC Alternating current

DC Direct current

Dia. Diameter

FNCCI Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce & Industries

FNCSI Federation of Nepal Cottage and Small Industries

Ft Feet

KW Kilo Watt

HP Horse power

Kg Kilogram

m Meter

mm Millimeter

RPM Revolutions per minute

Rs Rupees


1.1 Context/Background of Study

Pottery is one of the oldest human inventions, originating before the Neolithic period with
ceramic objects like the Gravettian culture, Venus of Dolní Věstonice figurine discovered in the
Czech Republic dating back to 29,000–25,000 BC and pottery vessels that were discovered in
Jiangxi, China, which date back to 18,000 BC. Pottery is the process and the products of forming
vessels and other objects with clay and other ceramic materials, which are fired at high
temperatures to give them a hard, durable form. Major types include earthenware, stoneware and
porcelain. The place where such wares are made by a potter is also called a pottery.

But lately the use of this clay has been increased to make the ceramic product. The clay pot is the
hard, brittle, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant material which is cheap and ecofriendly to use.
So, slowly people attention has been given to the clay pot making procedures in Nepal. In
different places like Bhaktapur and Lalitpur, the locals are earning handsome amount of money
through it. The machines and process they are using are controlled manually and the mechanical
energy is used to make the pottery out of clay. So we come up with the idea to reduce the manual
work and design the automatic machines to make the clay pots.

By these automatic machines the production rate of potteries can be increased and the mass
production of the rope can be enhanced in the places where suitable clay is abundantly found.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The traditional way of pottery making through clay by using bare hand is more time consuming
and inefficient. Though traditional method include flywheel powered by mechenical source has
somehow helped the locals of some villages to utilize the clay to enhance process of
manufacture. They cannot enlarge it to large scale production because the machine runs through
the mechanical efforts. If we could reduce the mechanical effort required to run the machine, it
could result to a drastic increase in production rates.

So an automatic machine is required to make the pottery out of clay that greatly reduces the
mechanical task and increases the production rates.

1.3 Objective:
Our objectives for the project can be discussed under followings.

1.3.1 General objective:

 To design and build the prototype of a clay pot making machine.

1.3.2 Specific objective:

 To compare the prototype with the mechanical operated clay pot making process.

 To discourage the use of plastic cups by replacing it with eco-friendly ceramic cups.

 To utilize the clay by mining as it help to support local economy.

1.4 Significance/Scope of Study

The clay pot making machine will be easy to use and can produce good strength ceramic product
from the clay available in the local geography. The fine quality of clay for pottery is abundantly
found in all areas of our country especially in Bhaktapur. So, this machine can be the best way to
utilize the clay for economic benefits in perfectly eco-friendly way because the pottery is fully
environmental habitat and pollution free.

1.5 Limitations

 The heavy use of gears may create serious problems in alignment during construction.
 The machineries and technology available in our workshop is not sufficient to
manufacture complex required shape and dimension.
 The components may not be available at our desired time.
 The estimated budget may not be sufficient to complete the project.
 Study is done in few district of Nepal, so it may not represent all.


It can be imagined that the production of the clay pots is the oldest of all human arts. According
to the study of research entitled, “Traditional pottery production in Thimi, Oct.1989” , Kumale
castes are responsible for pottery production through Nepal and India. The people from Thimi,
Bhaktapur are making their economic growth through the china clay (locally called dyo cha).
Pottery has been adopted as a main occupation especially by the Prajapati in Nepal. The
members of the Newari ethnic group, potters' community of Thimi, Nepal, all have the same last
name: Prajapati. In the Newari language this means 'potter.' Thimi has been a hive of potters'
activity for hundreds of years, the traditions handed down from one generation to another

The booklet published by ‘Nepal Ceramics Co-operative Society Ltd.’ states that there are 23
ceramics factories in Bhaktapur only. By far the largest of Nepal's potter communities, Thimi
consists of several thousand potter families, with about 8,000 individual members involved in
some aspect of pottery. . In Gulmi district potters are trying out new designs thanks to a modern
pottery training organized in 2018 by the District Development Committee and Cottage and
Small Industry Development Committee in association with several government and non-
government organizations. The training also managed to attract younger generation to pottery
business to some extent.

China clay is abundantly available in the many villages of Nepal. Lately the advantages of this
clay have been enlightened to the people. Terracotta ceramics have a long history in Nepali
culture and religion. It is most famous form of pottery in Nepal. The terra-cotta objects are made
by hand or on the wheel, and firing them in an open oven. The surface is rubbed and polished,
with a wood or stones while it is still wet. Glazed pottery was introduced to Nepal 25 years ago
and the practice is now thriving in Thimi, thanks to the smooth transition from traditional to
modern by potters themselves, along with assistance from the Nepal Ceramics Cooperative
Society (NCCS).


1.6 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

From the research done by our project members, the clay pot machine has been the best idea to
improve the scenario of clay pot making in Nepal by using the china clay. There are many
villages where people are choosing the clay pot making activities as their profession. But, all
these procedures are conducted in small scale and the machine used is very simple. So, we
developed an idea of making the machine that is fully automated.

The machine shall be constructed through the gear mesh mechanism. The power transmission in
the machine is carried by the mesh of different gears. To make the machine to operate
automatically we will be using the motor. The semi-automation of the machine reduces the
manpower as well as increases the productivity.

Figure 3.1 Gear

1.7 Study Design

The block diagram representing the series of activities that needs to be performed during the
entire work period can be shown below:

Problem Identification

Idea generation

Required Calculations

Designing structure

Material selection

Cost Estimation


Testing and modification

Figure 3.2 block diagram of process chart

Our design of prototype is based on gear mesh mechanism and quick return mechanism. The
input power will be supplied by the motor which will be connected to a pulley which is again
connected to gear to drive quick returm mechanism. This will result in rotation of quickreturn
mechanism. There will be hopper to feed clay and water which is injected to mould. The
finished product is transferred to conveyer belt.

The designing and fabrication of our prototype will be carried out with the joint endeavor in the
pre-planned work schedule. Our project design is made simple and easy to operate to the
unskilled manpower. No any technical knowledge and skills are required to operate the machine
as it is highly focused to empower the women. Our prototype machine is not portable and it also
needs some manual work before the initiation of the machine.

1.8 Work Schedule/ Activity Plan

The approximated work plan of our project based on duration of days to carry the specific task along with
the starting date is represented on the Gantt chart below:

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

brain storming

idea generation

designing structure

material selection start day

material collection duration



project report writing

Figure 3.3Gantt chart for work schedule


The approximation of the budget for the project is expected in the following manner.

Particulars specification Amount Price(NRs) Total

AC motor 2-5 hp 120rpm 3000
L channel 4m 2 3000
Inverter 12v 1500
Rotory encoder 500
Bevel gears 20 teeth 500
Worm gears Gear ratio:20:1 500
V belt 2 1000
Pulleys 1500
DC motors 1 1000
Shafts 1500
Iron rod Dia. 60mm, 20cm 10kg 1000
Iron rod Dia.50mm, 50 cm 8kg 1100
Rod Dia. 40mm, 1 meter 11 kg 1200
Wheel 1000
Screw conveyer 4000
Metal plate 400
Hollow pipe 1000
Arduino 800
Sheet metal 1000

miscellaneous 1000
Total 26500
Table 4.1 Cost Estimation Table


After the completion of our project we expect a successful clay pot making machine that
will be operated automatically by means of motor, reducing the labor cost and increasing the
productivity. This machine will be easy to handle and reliable for the locals to operate without
technical skills. We also expect that the quality of clay product formed by our machine will be
better than the handmade clay pot found in the markets. Any positive outcomes beyond this will
be a warm benefit for us.



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