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I. Identificando cognados (palabras similares al español y con su mismo significado).

Lea el texto, traduzca y subraye 10 palabras similares al español.


“ very year, thousands of
whales visit the west coasts
of Baja California. They come
here to breed, as part of their
anual migration.
Charles Melville
discovered their secret breed-
ing grounds 150 years ago.
Then people came and killed
many of the whales, In 1972,
with the establishment of the
world’s first whale sanctuary, waters of Alaska --- and back Sanctuary to include the San
the whale population began again! This is the longest Ignacion lagoon.
to recover. Now, about 20,000 migration of any living Whale-watching is fun and
gray whales visit the área. mammal. there are lots of other
The whales´ migration Nowadays, whale-watching animals such as dolphins,
route is a ‘round-trip’ of is a million-dollar indutry. sealions and pelicans to see
20,000 km --- from the warm And, in 1988, the Mexican in the Scammon´s Bay
seas of Mexico to the icy government extended the sanctuary”.

II. Observa con detenimiento las respuestas a las preguntas del texto
En el espacio escribe la pregunta correcta a cada respuesta que se te da
*Se revisará la traducción del texto*
1. Charles Melville Scammon. _____________________________________________________
2. 150 years ago. _______________________________________________________________
3. 20,000. _____________________________________________________________________
4. 1988. ______________________________________________________________________
5. Dolphins, sealions and pelicans. _________________________________________________

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