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CAED 500C (8542) – Career and Personality Development

Week 4 Activity 1

Submitted by:
Kristine Nicolle E. Dana

Submitted to:
Prof. Nethgen Origin

February 12, 2022

1. Three of the classmates of David posted a website that openly attacks some of the
teachers and students, using explicit and offensive language. About a several weeks ago,
David knew the identities of the three students who created the website. One of them
accidentally said something to him in a conversation. The other two quickly corralled
David and pressured him not to reveal their names. Now, the school principal has
obtained a program that allows him to identify each person who has visited the website.
He is asking students to come forward with the names of the creators of the site, and if
no one does, he is going to question each student who visited the site. David is one of
those who did visit the site. He realizes he may be the only student who knows the names
of the three kids who created the site.

2. David can lie and say he doesn’t know, or he can break his promise not to tell.

3. It is evident that even before he came to his choices of telling the truth or not, he’s
already experiencing the consequences of his actions and that is he lost his friendship
with one of the three students who supposed to be close with him. Indeed, sometimes the
cost of integrity is the loss of a friend. Maybe if he would reveal the names of the students
who created the website to the school principal, his life will be put in threat or danger yet,
it must be the right thing that he should do.

4. The values displayed here is honesty and integrity. Most of us sometimes tend to lie
because of fear. Fear that we will be the one to suffer at the end. Just like what’s the
situation of David, he is afraid that he will be caught by the three students revealing their
names and as a result, his life might be in threat.

5. On the other hand, the feelings being demonstrated here is the feeling of guilt. David
will probably be guilty if he would not tell the truth.

6. However, David is a person who holds good morals, and he already has the clear sense
of what is right and wrong. By this, I can suggest that he should do what is right and that
is to tell the truth.

7. If there is a person or a people who can help David resolve his problem it could be his
self and those whom he can trust. David is responsible for whatever the consequences
of his decisions. He should think prudently so that in the end he will not be caught by his
shame and regret. He can also ask help to his mother who’s on the school board. He can
seek advice regarding on how he should respond to the given situation.

8. If I were David, I will go for telling the truth to the school principal. Yes, it’s not really
that easy decision but I chose this one because I firmly believe that lying is a bad conduct
and we must put into mind that honesty is and will always be the best policy.
9. If I would also assess this decision made of mine, I can guarantee that this will pass
according to the standards of morality. As individual, we are to possess a clear
understanding of what is good and bad. By this, we can always choose to stand for good
side instead of the bad side. Though sometimes, doing the right thing will makes us feel
bad. It is really true when Margaret Chase Smith says “The right way is not always the
popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is the true test of moral

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