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sur ‘DPR: INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SECTION A: 50 MARKS BAHAGIAN A: 50 MARKAHL INSTRUCTION: This ection consstsof TWO (2) structured questions Please write your answers in ‘the answer booklet provide. ARAHAN: ‘Bahagian ini mengandungi DUA (2) soatan sruttr. Sia tls jawapae ada dl alas buk jsvapan yang dsediakan QUESTION 1 SOALAN 1 C102 |(a) Caleuiste the intnsie value of bonds that mature in 8 years peviod of time, with fae s value of RM1000, The coupon rate offered is 8% per annum and the investor's rate ‘of return is 14%, Kika nila itrinsit bon yang, macang dalam tempol 8 rahun dengan rit mika ‘RN1000, Kadar Kupon yang ditewarkan adalah 8% setakuy dos Kader pedangan pelobe ada 1496 i. Coupon rat paid once a year Kader kapondbayar sein sekal [a masks] [marke fi, Coupon rat paid semi-annually ‘Kadar kupondbayar da kal setahun (4 marisy [4 marta sur sur DDPDGA2S: INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT ii, Ifthe investor's sate of retum is decreased fo 12%, what will happen to the ‘value ofthe bond? Identify the relationship between investor's rate of return and bond's price Seiranva kadar puongan pelabur memura ke klar 12%, apokak yang akon berlatpode nial bon? Kena past! hubungan antara kadar pulangan pelabur

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