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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 8

Teacher: Normel P. Claros

Time: 9:45-:10:45
Date: March 1, 2019
Validity: One hour

I. Objectives
At the end of the period, the students will be able to:
a. illustrates the measures variability (range, mean deviation) of statistical data
b. follow the step by step process in solving the mean deviation
c. compute the range, and the mean deviation of ungrouped data
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Measures of Variability of Ungrouped Data
Reference: Mathematics Learner’s Module 8
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, chalk, marker, manila paper
Values: Cooperation

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation/Review
Please stand for our opening prayer. Student’s do as told
____________, kindly lead the prayer.

Good afternoon class. Good afternoon Sir Normel. Good afternoon

classmates. Good afternoon.
Okay. Before you sit, please arrange your chair
properly and pick up pieces of paper under your (Do as told)
You may now take your seat.

Let’s have an attendance. I have here a different

flags. Then, I distribute you one by one. If I say the
flag of Philippines. Please raise your flag that means
you are present. Understood. Yes sir.

Class, let’s have an activity. Please answer this

following problems and I will give you 3 minutes to
answer this. Okay you may now start. (The students do the activity)

Okay, stop! No need to change your paper in your

seatmates. Who wants to volunteer to answer on the
board? Sir.

What have you observed in our activity? Sir, I observed in our activity that our activity is all
about the lesson that we took yesterday.
Very good!
Based on the activity, the topic that we have is all
about our lesson yesterday the “Measures of Central
Tendency (ungrouped data)
B. Motivation
Class, are you excited to our lesson this morning? Yes, Sir.
But before that, let’s have an activity first. The
name of our activity is “WORD REMOVAL”
Class look at the word chart on the board. (Listen attentively)
Follow the instructions 1 to 3 below.
When you are finished, you will find the message in
the chart.
1. Cross out words that consist of four or five letters
2. Cross out words that consist of six or seven letters
3. Cross out words that consist of nine or more
letters. (do as told)
You may now start.

Based on our activity. What does the message tell us? Measures of Variability

C. Presentation
Our lesson this morning is all about “ Measures of
Variability” “ Measures of Variability”

D. Discussion
What is Measures of Variability?
Okay, _______ kindly read the definition of

Everybody read the definition of Measures of Measures of Variability refer to the spread of the
Variability. values about the mean.

Alright Measures of Variability refer to the spread of Listen attentively

the values about the mean. The most commonly used
measures of variability are the range and mean

Yes, ________ kindly read the definition of Range. Range is the simplest measure of variability.
Range is simply the difference of the highest and
the lowest value in a set of data.
Thank you, ________.

Range is the simplest of measure of variability Listen attentively

because it is the easiest measure to compute.
In computing the range given by the formula:
Range=Highest value – Lowest value

Okay let’s have an example:

A set of data are 16,20 13,11
We use the formula in getting the range.
R = H-L
= 20-11
Class, how to compute the range?
Okay, ______. Sir.
In computing the range is equals to highest
Very good! ___________. value minus the lowest value.

(Giving another example)

Let’s proceed to the mean deviation.

What is Mean Deviation? Mean Deviation is a dispersion of a set of data

about the average.

To compute the mean deviation of an ungrouped Listen attentively

data, we use the formula:

∑ |x−x|
Where MD= mean deviation
X= individual score
x=¿ mean
N= number of scores
|x−x|=the absolute value of the deviation from the
There’s a procedure in computing the mean
1. Find the mean
2. Find the absolute difference between each score
and the mean.
3. Find the sum of the absolute difference |x−x|
4. Solve for the mean deviation by dividing the result
in step 3 by N.

For example:
By using the same data.
(Listen attentively)
A set of data are 16,20 13,11

Step 1: Find the mean

∑ x = 16+20+13+11 = 60 = 15
N 4 4

Step 2: Find the absolute difference between each

score and the mean.
|x−x| ¿|16−15| = |1| = 1
¿|20−15|=|5| = 5
¿|13−15|=|−2| = 2
¿|11−15|=|−4| = 4

Step 3: Find the sum of the absolute difference


|x−x| ¿|16−15| = |1| = 1

¿|20−15|=|5| = 5
¿|13−15|=|−2| = 2
¿|11−15|=|−4| = 4

Step 4: Solve for the mean deviation by dividing the

result in step 3 by N.

∑ |x−x|
We use the data given in your grade in

(calling one of the students to solve the mean


E. Application
Collaborative Game(Pick your Number)
I will group you into three (3) groups. Count 1 to 3
In every number that you pick, there’s a
corresponding problem behind it. Then you must
answer it your group mates. Each group must select
one representative to present and explain your work
(Giving materials)
( Presenting Rubrics) Possible Solutions:

Then post your output on the board.

|x−x| ¿|7−6| = |1| = 1
Questions: ¿|9−6|=|3| = 3
¿|5−6|=|−1| = 1
¿|7−6|=|1| = 1
1. The score of 5 students in a Mathematics
seatwork are 7, 9, 5, 7, 2. Find the mean
deviation. ¿|2−6| = |−4| = 4___
MD= =2

|x−x|=|10−14.4| = |−4.4| = 4.4

2. Find the mean deviation of the following ¿|18−14.4|=|3.6| = 3.6
scores: 10, 18, 20, 19, 5, .
¿|20−14.4|=|5.6| = 5.6
¿|19−14.4|=|4.6| = 4.6
¿|5−14.4| = |9.4| = 9.4

MD= = 5.52

3. Given: 2, 5, 9, 8. Find the mean deviation. |x−x| ¿|2−6| = |−4| = 4

¿|5−6|=|−1| = 1
¿|9−6|=|3| = 3
¿|8−6|=|2| = 2

MD= = 2.5

F. Generalization
Class, how to compute the range?
In computing the range is equals to highest
value minus the lowest value.

What are the procedures in computing the mean

deviation? 1. Find the mean
2. Find the absolute difference between each
score and the mean.
3. Find the sum of the absolute difference |x−x|
4. Solve for the mean deviation by dividing the
result in step 3 by N.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Answer the following problems and write only the letter that corresponds the best

1. What is the other term for mean?

a. dispersion b. average c. mean deviation d. scores

2. What is the formula of mean deviation?

a. MD=
∑ ( x−x ) b. MD=
∑ |x−x|
n n

c. MD=
∑ |x−x| d. MD=
∑ ( x−x )
n n

For the number 3-4, consider the scores of top 5 qualifiers for a scholarship:
92, 93, 95, 90, 89

3. Find the range of the scores.

a. 5 b. 7 c. 4 d. 6

4. Determine the mean score.

a. 91.7 b. 92.8 c. 91.8 d. 92.7

5. What do you call the measure which refers to the spread about the mean?
a. dispersion b. mean c. range d mean deviation

6. How to compute the range?

a. Range is equals to highest value divided by the lowest value.
b. Range is equals to highest value minus the lowest value.
c. Range is equals to highest value plus the lowest value.
d. Range is equals to highest value multiply by the lowest value.

7. What is the mean of the scores 8, 7, 9, 9, and 10?

a.10 b. 9 c. 8.6 d. 4.3

8. What is the simplest measure of dispersion?

a. scores b. mean c. dispersion d. range

9. Determine the mean deviation of the following scores 8, 10, 9, 11, 7.

a. 1.5 b. 1.2 c. 2.3 d. 2.1

10. What is the formula of mean?

a. x=
∑x b. x=
∑ ( x−x ) c. x=
∑x d. . x=
n n n−1 n+1

Possible Answers:
1. b.
2. c.
3. d.
4. c.
5. a.
6. b.
7. c.
8. d.
9. b.
10. a.

V. Assignment

Direction: In ½ crosswise. Compute the range, the mean, and the mean deviation of these set of
79, 83, 92, 88, 77

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