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Chapter 2

The main purpose of this hypothesis is to provide some effective information about the
implementation as well as the effectiveness of the entire normalization aspect between the UAE
and Israel 1. In addition, this hypothesis will also help to determine through which techniques an
effective normalization process can be implemented which will help to increase the GDP of both
the UAE and Israel countries. All the aspects or the part of the GDP which will be influenced
through the normalization process will be determined through this hypothesis.
Diversification is the main part of the economic growth of an entire country which always
manages the volatility of the entire organization. In addition, this Diversification aspect also
helps to make the development path of an entire country 2. The equality in between the
development and growth contrast of an entire country is also critically measured through the
normalization process. In order to make a proper evaluation of the normalization techniques of
the entire UAE and Israel will be determined by this hypothesis topic. In addition, the impact of
diversification on the economic growth rate of the UAE as well as Israel will be gathered
properly from this particular hypothesis.
In order to make a good and reciprocal business growth in the context of the global business
market, the normalization process plays an important role 3. Similarly, the relationship between
the UAE and Israel totally depends on the normalization process which affects GDP as well as
the annual revenue of both the UAE and Israel. In order to gather some exact information about
the relationship between the UAE and Israel, this hypothesis has been created. In addition, some
information regarding the business context relationship between the UAE and Israel has been
gathered from this hypothesis.
Chapter 4


Beven, K.J., 2018. On hypothesis testing in hydrology: Why falsification of models is still a really good
idea. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 5(3), p.e1278.

Popov, S., 2019. A hypothesis on the purpose of grave No. 36 from the Varna I necropolis. Journal of
the Union of Scientists-Varna. The Cultural Heritage of Varna, pp.11-22.
The hypothesis of a research paper is generally considered as the proposed explanation which
helps to gather or determine the phenomena of an entire research paper 4. In addition, a
hypothesis is generally used to fetch out all the positives as well as the scientific methods which
also help to determine the positivism of an entire research paper. Apart from this, it can be also
said that the entire hypothesis process usually used to describe the exact explanation of the entire
through a certain number of scientific theories which will help to determine the difference as
well as the innovated of particular research as compared with the other research.
In addition, it can be also said that the hypothesis is the most important part which helps to
ensure that whether the methodology of the entire research has been created with a perfect, valid
well as the scientific way or not 5. In addition, it also helps to measure the progress and the
resulting probability of an entire research paper. The hypothesis is also important because it
helps to assume that all the theories which have been given into the entire research are relatable
to the entire research or not.
The hypothesis always provides a proper basis as well as a piece of effective evidence which
helps to prove the entire possibility as well as the validity of the entire research paper 6. As per
the previous statement, it can be easily said that a hypothesis is always considered as a function
as well as an answer which usually helps to understand the motto of the research question as well
as the guides of the data collection process along with the entire interpretation process.
Therefore, all those are the necessary aspects of the hypothesis which describe the need of the
hypothesis in a research paper. In addition, due to all of the above reasons, the hypothesis is most
important as well as a significant aspect which will help to determine the exact impact of the
diversification as well as the normalization aspect of the UAE and Israel. This hypothesis also
describes the relationship between those countries.
Chapter 5

Wait, E.C., Reiche, M.A. and Chew, T.L., 2020. Hypothesis-driven quantitative fluorescence
microscopy–the importance of reverse-thinking in experimental design. Journal of Cell Science, 133(21).

Hodson, M.J., 2019. The relative importance of cell wall and lumen phytoliths in carbon sequestration in
soil: a hypothesis. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, p.167.

Amaral, R., Pereira, A.M., Jacinto, T., Malinovschi, A., Janson, C., Alving, K. and Fonseca, J.A., 2019.
Comparison of hypothesis-and data-driven asthma phenotypes in NHANES 2007–2012: the importance
of comprehensive data availability. Clinical and translational allergy, 9(1), pp.1-7.
This entire research has been created within the number of five different chapters. Those five
chapters are -
Chapter 1 has been created based on the background of the entire research where the general
impact of the economic diversification and normalization has been described in a brief
paragraph. In addition, some factors of the economy which influence the entire GDP of Israel
have been described briefly. The normalized relation between Israel, as well as the UAE, has
been also described in this part. A certain number of questions along with the hypothesis analysis
has been done in this.
In addition, in Chapter 2 all the objectives regarding the topic of the research have been
discussed in detail. In addition, a theoretical framework along with an effective conceptual
framework that will help gather more information regarding the topic has been described in a
brief paragraph. In addition, the process of the normalization between the UAE and Israel has
been critically analyzed in this chapter. Apart from all these, the significance of economic
diversification, as well as the role of government in this aspect, has been critically discussed in
this chapter.
Chapter 3 of this entire research has been created to describe the anti-immigration policy of the
entire UAE which plays a major role in the aspect of economic diversification. In addition, some
other concepts of the business relationship theory which influence the entire diversification
aspect between the UAE and Israel have been described in this chapter.
In addition, Chapter 4 has been created based on techniques that help to accomplish the entire
research. In addition, all the effective research approaches, research philosophy, the entire design
process of the research as well as the data collection method which helps to accomplish the entire
research has been described in this chapter of the entire research paper. In addition, some
information regarding the hypothesis has been described in a brief paragraph.
At the end of this entire research paper Chapter 5 has been which described all the information
about each chapter of the entire dissertation. In addition, a brief discussion about each chapter
has been discussed in this chapter of the entire research.
Reference List
Beven, K.J., 2018. On hypothesis testing in hydrology: Why falsification of models is still a
really good idea. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 5(3), p.e1278.
Popov, S., 2019. A hypothesis on the purpose of grave No. 36 from the Varna I
necropolis. Journal of the Union of Scientists-Varna. The Cultural Heritage of Varna, pp.11-22.
Wait, E.C., Reiche, M.A. and Chew, T.L., 2020. Hypothesis-driven quantitative fluorescence
microscopy–the importance of reverse-thinking in experimental design. Journal of Cell
Science, 133(21).
Hodson, M.J., 2019. The relative importance of cell wall and lumen phytoliths in carbon
sequestration in soil: a hypothesis. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, p.167.
Amaral, R., Pereira, A.M., Jacinto, T., Malinovschi, A., Janson, C., Alving, K. and Fonseca, J.A.,
2019. Comparison of hypothesis-and data-driven asthma phenotypes in NHANES 2007–2012:
the importance of comprehensive data availability. Clinical and translational allergy, 9(1), pp.1-

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