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Telford engineering

Post Mexit

Market Expansion – the opportunity to increase revenue

• Telford engineering can use MEXIT as an opportunity to increase its foreign market worldwide – i.e beyond CETA

• Although exports volume to CETA will naturally fall, the company can take advantage of the potential fall in M$,
this may result in an opportunity to deal with other countries as they look to take advantage of the weakening
currency as it means our products will become more affordable to them.

• This will help to increase revenue to cover the revenue the company will lose when the exports fall to other
CETA countries.
Telford engineering
Post Mexit

Cost Reduction– the opportunity to reduce costs, this increasing profit

• Cost Cutting should be viewed as a essential to helping the company turnaround

• During this crisis, the company has already saved funds by outsourcing much of the accounting department, can
other departments follows suit without compromising on performance or quality. Not only will this help profit
but will also help to improve company cashflow following MEXIT

• Can we secure an alternative supplier for all material imported from CETA, ideally from a domestic supplier. This
supplier would need to provide same quality products for a similar or preferably lower price.

• These actions will help reduce the impact of increased materteral costs in the face of weakending home

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