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QUARTER: 3rd/ SEMESTER: 2nd/ WEEK: 1.d

Name: ______ Score: ___________

Grade & Section: ____ Subject: PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1

Name of Teacher: _____ Date: _____________

I. Title: Differentiating Quantitative from Qualitative Research

II. Type of Activity: Concept Notes with Formative Activities
LAS for Summative Assessment
( Written Work Performance Task)
III. MELC: Differentiates quantitative from qualitative research (CS_RS11-IIIa-4).
IV. Learning Objective/s:
 Differentiate quantitative from qualitative research.
 Provide examples of quantitative and qualitative research.
 Identify quantitative from qualitative based on the given criteria.

V. Reference/s:
Print Materials:
Baraceros, E. L. (2016). Practical Research 1. First Edition. REX Book
Store, Recto Avenue, Manila, Philippines.

Baraceros, E. L. (2016). Practical Research II. First Edition. REX

Bookstore. Recto Avenue, Manila, Philippines.

CRistobal, A., Cristobal, M. C. D. (2017). Practical Research 1 for Senior

High School. South Triangle, Quezon City. C&E Publishing
Company, Inc.

Online Resource/s:
Third Quarter Self-Learning Materials. Retrieved at
learning-modules-and.html?fbclid on February 22, 2021.

Qualitative and quantitative research. Retrieved at
research/#: on February 22, 2021.

VI. Concept Notes

Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Research method determines the way how the researcher will identify, collect,
and analyse relevant data for his/her research. As a student- researcher, choosing
either qualitative or quantitative research will affect the components of your study.
Hence, you need to recognize the similarities and differences between the two.

To easily understand the similarities and differences between the two research
methods, study the table below:

Quantitative Research Qualitative Research

Involves processes, feelings, and motives
Aims to characterize trends and
(the why’s and the how’s) and produces in-
depth and holistic data
Usually starts with either a theory or Usually concerned with generating
hypothesis about the relationship hypothesis from data rather than testing a
between two or more variables hypothesis
Uses structured research
Uses either unstructured or semi- structured
instruments like questionnaires or
Uses large sample sizes that are
Uses small sample sizes chosen purposely
representatives of the population
Has high output replicability Has high validity
Used to gain greater understanding of
Used to gain greater understanding
individual differences in terms of feelings,
of group similarities
motives, and experiences
Uses structured processes Uses more flexible processes
Methods include census, survey, Methods include field research, case study,
experiment, and secondary analysis and secondary analysis

Generally, quantitative and qualitative research differs on the type of data they
produce. The former dwells on the collection of numerical data analyzed by statistical
analysis, while the latter deals with descriptive, in-depth and holistic data analyzed by
summarizing, categorizing and interpreting. On this note, you need to use quantitative
research if you want to confirm or test a theory or hypothesis and use qualitative
research if you want to understand concepts, thoughts and experiences.

Here is a simple example on how you can apply two methods differently on the
same research question, “How satisfied are students with their studies?”

In quantitative research, you may survey 250 students in your school and ask
them a question, “On a scale from 1-5, how satisfied are you with your studies?” Then,
you can perform statistical analysis on the data and draw conclusions such as: “On
average, students rated their studies 4.10”.

In qualitative research, you may conduct in-depth interviews with 15 students
and ask them open-ended questions such as: “How satisfied are you with your
studies?”, “What is the most positive aspect of your study program?”, and “What can
be done to improve the study program?” Based on their answers, you can ask follow-
up questions to clarify things. Furthermore, you can transcribe all interviews and try to
find patterns and commonalities.
Here are some examples of research to give you a glimpse on how the two
methodologies can be applied in different studies.

Qualitative Research 1:
• K-Pop Apocalypse: Invading Filipino Cultures
This study aimed to explore why Filipino cultures are invaded by the K-
Pop mania. In this research, the researcher used survey and descriptive
method to determine the reasons and venues of where Filipinos would usually
find out about K-pop. Their answers would then help the researcher gather data
on the awareness of the respondents regarding K-pop and how it has
penetrated their life and culture.

Qualitative Research 2:
• Livelihood Aspirations and Life Struggles of Badjao People
This study aimed to discover the livelihood aspirations and life struggles
of Badjao people in the 21st century generation. In this ethnographic research,
the researcher employed participant- observation with a combination of
unstructured interviews as tools in acquiring data. This involved the use of
behavioral analysis and recording of the information gained from participating
and observing on daily interactions. Through face-to-face discussions, the
respondents’ subjective and detailed personal story can be told. This further
granted access to deep knowledge and explanations and helped in grasping
the subjects’ perspective on their livelihood aspirations and life struggles.

Quantitative Research 1:
• Comparative Assessment on the Full Implementation of Senior High School
Curriculum among Private and Public Schools

This study aimed to investigate the impact of the respondents’

expectations and apprehensions on the effectiveness of the full
implementation of SHS curriculum. Comparative assessment of the program
was conducted between private and public schools with students, parents,
teachers and principals as respondents. To give comprehensive analysis,
interpretation and implication of data, weighted mean, t-test, ANOVA and
Pearson r were employed.

Quantitative Research 2:
• Use of Supplemental Learning Materials in Improving Students’ Academic and
Attitudes in Pre-Calculus

This study aimed to determine the effect of simplified supplemental
learning materials in improving students’ achievement and attitudes towards
Pre-calculus. Quasi-experimental research design was employed with 70
students as subjects of the study. Mean Percentage Score (MPS), weighted
mean and t-test were applied to describe data and make good inferences
about the experimentation. The researcher used the gathered statistical data
to analyze and interpret the achievement and attitudes of students on using
the supplemental learning materials in Pre-Calculus.


Task 1. Fill in the Blanks. Complete the given statements by filling in the appropriate
word/phrase in the blank. Write your answers on a separate sheet.

1. Research method determines the way how the researcher will identify, collect,
and relevant data for his/her research.

2. Quantitative and qualitative research differs on the type of

they produce.

3. ________ dwells on the collection of numerical data analyzed by statistical


4. deals with descriptive, in-depth, and holistic data analyzed by

summarizing, categorizing and interpreting.

5. Qualitative research is used when wanting to understand concepts, thoughts

and .

Task 2. Which is which? Indicate whether the given characteristics fit in for
quantitative or qualitative research methods. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
1. Aims to characterize trends and patterns
2. Applies more flexible processes
3. Gains greater understanding of group similarities
4. Follows structured processes
5. Employs structured research instruments
6. Chooses small sample sizes purposely
7. Focuses on greater understanding of individual differences
8. Employs either unstructured or semi-structured instruments
9. Provides deeper context and meaning
10. Starts with neither a theory nor hypothesis

Task 3. Bubble Graph. Surround with the appropriate words/phrases the expression
in the middle of the graph. Write your answers on a separate sheet.



Task 4. Classify Me! Given are research titles lifted from the internet. Classify them
by indicating if the research method employed is quantitative or qualitative. Write your
answers on a separate sheet.

1. Studying During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Students’

Perceptions and Experiences

2. Effects of Extra-Curricular Activities on Student’s Perceived Academic Self-


3. Bullying After the Fact: Experiences of Senior High School Learners

4. Students’ Experiences in Online Classes: A Synthesis

5. Impact of Parental Involvement on the Academic Achievement of 3rd Grade


Task 5. Discover More! Using any available online resource, find at least five
research titles. Then, identify whether the study utilized qualitative or quantitative
method. Use the given table below and accomplish it on a separate sheet.

Research Title Author/s Type of Method Used


Task 6. Looking Around! Think of any present a problem in your area of interest or
field of specialization. Describe how you will conduct quantitative or qualitative
research about it. Write your answers on a separate sheet.


Task 7. Infographics Everywhere! Design an infographic covering the difference

between quantitative and qualitative research. Use a short bond paper.

Task 8. 4 PICS - 1 WORD. Using online sources, figure out four (4) pictures to help
give meaning to the given themes. Use a separate sheet for your output.

1. Trends
2. Hypothesis
3. Questionnaire
4. Interview
5. Experiences

Task 9. Let Your Thoughts Run Wild! Write a free – verse poem to showcase your
understanding of quantitative and qualitative research. Use a separate sheet for your


Task 10. Insightful Thinking. Reflect on the given questions. Write your insights on
a separate sheet.

1. What subject matter do you want to study using the quantitative research
method? Explain why you choose to explore on it.

2. What topic do you want to investigate using the qualitative research method?
Explain why you choose to investigate it.

Task 11. Spiel it! Develop a persuasive speech tackling on which is the better
research method. Use a separate sheet for your output.

Task 12. Muddiest Point. Write down the most difficult or confusing part of the lesson.
Better yet, what interesting questions remain unanswered about today’s topic?

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