Content Validity of The Pretest

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General Information:t

Name: Karen Joy C Gellamucho

Agency:Edwards NHS

Position/designation: SHS TII

Highest educational attainment: MAT Science

Number of years in service: 10

Number of years teaching using module (if possible): 1

A. Content Rating:
Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with each of the statements by
encircling the appropriate number using the scale below:

4-strongly agree 2- disagree

3-agree 1-strongly disagree

1. Generally, the test content accurately assesses all 4⭕ 3 2 1
fundamental aspect of the topic
2. The researcher’s constricted questions are congruent with 4⭕ 3 2 1
the competences indicated in Biology’s most essential
learning competencies
3. The test instruction and questions are clear and readable 4 3⭕ 2 1
4. The test intend to measure the respondent’s both lower and 4 3⭕ 2 1
higher thinking skills
5. The test covers specific questions that measures the 4⭕ 3 2 1
student’s knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis
and evaluation
B. Corrections and Suggestions:

Kindly rephrase questions 1

and 2😊
Name and Signature of Rater

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