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Scheme Plan for Graphic Design – Melanie Jones

Title of Scheme: No. of Lessons:15 Group: 1st year

Graphic Design: Logo Design Total Time: (5 doubles and No. of Pupils: 14
for an Art Festival 2011 based 10 singles) 13 hours & 20
on theme “Voice” mins

• Students will develop design skills and visual awareness.
• Students will develop personal skills in small groups in the designing, making,
• Students will be introduced to the history of graphic design, its role, and function in
communicating a message through visual imagery to its target market.
• Students will develop an understanding of logo, branding, typography and subject
• Students will be able to discuss and describe the work of David Carson and
Bauhaus and minimalist movement
Overall Learning Outcomes for the Scheme:
• Student will explore how to translate their ideas into a design context. Develop the
skills to mind mapping, word association for the brief
• Students will develop personal skills in small groups and as an individual in the
designing, making, experimenting and resolving design issues.
• Student will demonstrate creative and imaginative skills through their design work
i.e. logo, colour, typography, thumbnail sketches, imagery, and layouts in relation to
festival theme.
• Student will be able to identify and discuss designs by David Carson and styles,
fonts and imagery in the Bauhaus and Minimalist movement.
• Students will design a logo for an art festival based on the theme to a high quality
standard that is visual interesting that will promote a message to the target market.
Investigating/Exploring/Creating (include illustrations, especially your own work):
• Voice can be…… sound from human, animals, music; singing; speaking;
instruments, man-made & mechanical sounds; spoken through the mouth or by
unspoken voice through hand symbols; speakers corner; visual imagery that is
literal or abstract; gives ideas, identity; message; talking, bird song; spoken words,
celebration and imaginative.
• Investigate: design concept with small scale thumbnail sketches
• Placement, shape, size, colour, line drawings, design.
Exploring requires:
• Describing the festival theme in words and imagery looking at shapes, form,
texture, space, text
• Investigating… different compositions, design, logo, fonts, size, placement, colour
composition, theme, text…. torn out, cut out, collaged, and stenciled printed, hand
drawn, painted and inked imagery.
• RSA Design Directions UK award for a series of stamps exploring issues of renewable energy and global warming

• Examples of stamp design from RSA Design Competition UK. Illustrate simplicity
of design, layout, font and use of colours, imagery combined with text

contemporary graphic designs- interesting imagery, texture, text, shapes, materials

and colour.

Creating requires: Word association/ mind map on theme;

research different text; exploring different layouts; typography and illustration;
research style of font used in Minimalist, Bauhaus, and De Stije movement; design
work& mood boards with key works and visuals; final logo design with promotional

• Students as an individual will produce: -

• 3 logo options: in black and white and colour: 1 x finished design presented and
mounted on A5 board – 210mm w x 148 mm h; 1 x finished design that could be
applied to one promotional material - i.e. brochure; website; posters; postcard
• 1 x A4 colour studies; 1x mood board; 1 x a4 typography 1x a4 collage 1x concept
sheet with annotated research and ideas; 1 x a3 mind mapping and word
association ; 2 x A4 working designs
• Observational drawings based on theme taking interesting elements and
developing them
• Working method: - mind mapping and word association
• Concepts with notes, visual research; group discussions, mood boards
• Drawing through observation and tracing. Design a logo and imagery.

Understanding/Evaluating: (include illustrations):

• Evaluations through group reviews, research, homework, design worksheets
through the scheme.
• Group research, peer presentations and discussion about Minimalist, Bauhaus and
De Stije movement. Students will understand these movements and influences on
the artists/designers of the time? What style of font used? Describe the style?
• Students will understand what logo, branding and typography is? What makes a
good logo, what are brand values, is the typography and image working as a visual
• Students will show evidence of problem solving in relation to their design work and
identify how to improve and develop their designs to the next stage of the design.
Does the design stand out; is it readable to the viewer in relation to logo? Is the
design layout balanced i.e. right about of colour, space, simplified typography?
• Students will show evidences of applying their research, and be able to comment on
the similarities and differences between their own work and others work

Illustrations used to show students examples and highlight key areas:-

David Carson, graphic designer

Example of different layout, techniques ie stencil, fonts, designs

• Images sourced from internet and books on graphic design and contemporary
• U-tube clip about creating a logo about Tether; David
Carson graphic designer
• Students will use internet for research work
• Record students work by digital camera
• Whiteboard to outline the structure of the lesson

Key words/phrases:
• Mind mapping, word association
• Line drawings, typography, font, text, layout, image, graphics,
• Composition, placement, message, mood board, development of concepts,
• collage, colour, black and white, tonal value, shape, space, line, styles, proportion,
size, rendering, stencils, cutting, pasting, photocopies, refine, simplify, tagline,
thumbnail sketches, torn, cut out, hand drawn, painted, inked
• visuals, concept/mood board, research theme, stamp designs
• Design brief, research, festival, art, voice, theme, target audience, community,
music, symbols, speech, ideas, sound, performance and silence.

Teaching/Learning Strategies:
• Present information on subject matter and key areas of learning through visual aids.
• Group discussion and analysis to compare and contrast key areas and techniques.
• Group description of key area, techniques and subject matter verbally and through
observation drawings
• Teacher guided instructions through demonstrations and guidance
• Homework will demonstrate if the student has grasped the key areas of learning
during the lessons and confidence and skills in subject matter and research will
improve student knowledge.
• Group and individual work assessment, discussion and peer presentation.
• Question and answer time allowed after technical demonstration and lessons

• Colour & white cartridge paper (different weights), pens, colouring pencils, post its
paper; pva glue, tracing paper, magazines, acetate, paints, craft knives, scissors, ink,
cutting boards, fabric paint, food colouring, photographs, photocopies of text,
sponge, inks, festival brochures, music- cd and instrument, recorder and music
Safety Precaution:
• Safety talk and demonstration on correct use of craft knives and cutting boards
where applicable to lesson plan.

• Visual demonstration of each tasks
• Use key words on whiteboard to support and map out each lesson.
• Students will be encouraged to work to their own strengths and adapt their designs.
A selection of materials will be available for those who have difficulties with cutting.
• A4 laminated photocopies of visual images, logos and worksheets with key words.
• Encourage students to work at their own pace and capabilities and adjust scheme to
suit this.

Timeline/Sequence of Lessons:
Week One- introduce subject matter, graphic designer, logo, branding and research
Lesson 1 (Double)
Introduce brief and subject matter with visuals and recording of different sounds.
Describe in groups what the meaning of the theme could be? Present findings.
Draw thumbnail sketches on these key words. Homework research and collect
imagery that relates to theme
Lesson 2 (single) – Review. Introduce what logo and branding are in a design
Lesson 3 (Single) Review. Introduce David Carson graphic designer group research
for Design board. Group homework-Collect different type of text from a variety of
sources i.e. magazines, old books, stamps, look around local environment i.e. shop
front, sides of vans, road signs.
Week two: art movement and graphic designer- logo - typography
Lesson 1 (Double) – Feedback on group research. Review homework. Introduce
what is logo and design layouts. Experiment with typography layout, colour studies.
1 x finish colour studies using only 2 colour and 1 x black and white studies
Lesson 2 (single)
Research feedback and imagery on Bauhaus, Minimalist and De Stije movements.
What type of style is evident what influenced this movement? Homework:
experiment with typography text
Lesson 3 (single) Review. Design text for stencil design using only 2 colour.
Homework :2 working designs for next lesson
Week Three: stencils- colour studies- layout-typography continue
Lesson 1 (Double) Review of work. Introduce and demonstrate stencil technique.
Produce own stencils with simplified design and text
Lesson 2 (Single) Review work. Continue to explore different types of typography,
layout and colour. Explore tearing, cutting, painting drawing. Homework colour
Lesson 3 (Single) Group review of work. Introduce designs used in stamps and
concepts behind them.
Week Four- design logo-imagery - concepts
Lesson 1 (Double) Review work. Show examples of mood boards that support
design work. Work on final design work and finalized concepts. Homework: mood
Lesson 2 (Single) Continue with final design work and imagery
Lesson 3 (Single) Review mood boards. continue with final design work

Week Five- finalize designs

Lesson 1 (Double) Review
Work. Continue to work on logo designs. Design work, mood boards. Guidelines for
presenting finished design
Lesson 2 (Single) Continue with final designs.
Lesson 3 (Single) Final work hand in: Group review, worksheets and discussion on
peers work.

Assessment Rubric:
• Design concept/ creativity
• Technical skills and development
• Knowledge and understanding
• Effort/ commitment to project
• Evidence of Learning

Assessment rubric –1st year scheme –

block 2- graphic design
Design Technical skills & Knowledge and Finished Effort/
Concept/ development (20) understanding work commitment to
Creativity (20) (20) project (20)
Visual and Balance of colour, Design / Finished logo Effort during
imaginative typography, imagery, research and design class
design and colour, shape; stencils; Art movements/ Knowledge And applying
concepts(5) colour studies (5) Graphic and this to
designers(5) understanding homework (5)
of key areas
Development of design/drawings/ Key areas (5)i.e. Visual impact Student taking
ideas and concepts/ logo/ branding/ of finished on board
designs in word association/mind typography design; guidance and
relation to art mapping/ mood boards/ presentation evidence shown
festival theme (5) (5) in work (5)
“Voice” (10)
Demonstrate Development of class Design, layout Student Works well
independent work/ composition, (5) technical individually and
thinking (5) Homework (5) response to in group work
design (5) (5)
Experiment with different Techniques Creative ideas Enthusiasm
techniques and took time learnt and and throughout the
in creating the designs. (5) Medium used experimenting project and
(5) (5) finished piece
reflects students
best work (5)

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