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(online course)

Comprehensive training for the big picture

of renewable energy modelling

Understand the Funding requirements over the life cycle of a

renewable energy project

Learn how to balance the interests of ALL participants

Take decisions on behalf of debt and equity providers

Register now: visit or call +44 (0) 208 638 5753
• Understand the funding requirements over the life cycle of
Mr. Joachim Baumgaertner is a a renewable energy project and types of funding
specialist management consultant
instruments available.
in the renewable energy sector,
advising technology start-ups, growth • Learn how to balance the interests of ALL Participants
companies, financial institutions and strategy consultants on
a broad range of issues across the whole clean energy value • The Lender’s criteria
chain, including complementary areas of business planning, • Equity participant’s criteria
technology strategy, financing and carbon management. • Offtaker’s criteria
Joachim is involved in the project development of utility-scale
solar power, solar greenhouses and • Take decisions on behalf of debt and equity providers to
waste-to-energy plants worldwide, including Zimbabwe, invest in or lend to the project based on financial analysis
South Africa, Ghana, Puerto Rico and India.
He has a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University HOW DOES IT WORK?
of Stuttgart. Joachim has conducted research into off-grid
hybrid renewable energy systems with solar photovoltaics,
and wind turbines at the Centre for Renewable Energy in All Materials and slides will be shared electronically
Loughborough where he was awarded an MPhil.
Course Timings: 9am – 12pm and 1pm – 4pm UK GMT.
He gained an MBA with Distinction from the London Business Timings can be adjusted to suit your time zone.
School with particular focus on finance and entrepreneurship.
Course places will be limited to ensure learning quality

About 5Training
During the past decades the power market has We deliver Clean Technology Training courses.
experienced waves of ups and downs. Regulatory
uncertainties, liberalisation policies and volatile oil & Headquartered in London and with top
gas prices have made investors and debt providers professionals based globally, 5Training brings
very wary. clean technology training courses to professionals.
We help new entrants, senior managers,
This course on renewable energy modelling and professional advisers, industry suppliers, and
financing presents the tools to analyse and structure regulatory officials bridge knowledge gaps and
renewable energy projects and to incorporate and attain precious industry insights.
measure inherent risks required to navigate any
renewable energy project. This enables a wide We are on the pulse of Cleantech training course
variety of people to benefit such as: content that will help you and your team
dramatically boost performance and exceed

If you have a team of
5 people or more, our
experts will tailor and
Energy Asset
deliver the course to
your requirements.

Register now: visit or call +44 (0) 208 638 5753
Summary Agenda
Part III Risk Identification and
Part I Introduction Management
• Characteristics of renewable energy projects: technical, • Objectives of risk management
commercial and social
• Two measures, 7 generic strategies and 17 risks:
• Touchpoints between technology and finance measuring risk and devising risk strategy

• Cash-flow analysis using a financial model: • Risks include amongst others engineering, completion,
objectives, basic principles, key metrics (case infrastructure, operational, environmental, political, credit,
study: 50MW solar photovoltaic power plant) interest rate, market and modelling risk.

Part IV Deal Structuring

Part II Financing Instruments
• Dear structuring: the art of balancing all participants’
• Basic funding structures: all-equity, on-balance sheet, requirements: lending decisions, investment decisions and
non-recourse buyer’s criteria
• Project finance: motivation, characteristics, why and when • Valuation of embedded carbon project (selling carbon
to choose and not to choose project finance credits)
• The toolbox for funding: financing instruments: • Debt re-financing to optimize debt after commercial
• Grant Funding operation date

• Debt Funding: loan drawdown, repayment and debt • Secondary equity sale as exit strategy for early investors
optimization, covenants, fees, tax shield • Building portfolios: sequencing and portfolio building
• Equity: Ordinary vs Mezzanine shares • Taxation overview
• Investment tax credits

Register now: visit or call +44 (0) 208 638 5753
• Non-recourse financing

Detailed Agenda Excursion: Project Finance

• Comparison between project finance and on-balance sheet
Part I Introduction • Motivation for project finance for private investors
and governments
Characteristics of Renewable Energy Projects
• Technical: short-term fluctuations, seasonal variations, • Why not to choose project finance?
annual variability, area usage, conversion efficiency,
capacity factor, spinning reserve, dispatch mode, project • Characteristics of a project finance deal
• Trends in project finance
• Commercial: capital intensity, capital recovery factor
and capital charge, capital raise
Debt Maths
• Social and Political: Incentives for renewable energy
projects, regulated tariff structures, secondary revenue • Loan parameters and covenants
streams from sale of environmental attributes. The
• Interest calculations
principles behind carbon credits.
• Draw-downs: equity-first, equity-last, pro-rata – calculation
of capitalized interest and commitment fee
The Unlevered Project
• Project context: grid-connected, off-grid, mini-grid and
single-buyer vs de-regulated market
Case Study 1 – Continued
Calculating capitalized interest and commitment fee during
• The touchpoints between technology and the financial construction (IDC) for a given cash flow schedule applying
model: energy production, annual production profile, pro-rata draw-down method.
asset lifetime, dispatch mode, seasonality – include a
roundup of technologies • Loan repayment: debt service cover ratio as a measure
• Cash flow analysis: free cash flows, Internal rate of of the project’s ability to repay the debt.
return (“Project IRR”), net present value, levelized cost
of energy, payback period • Repayment schedules: equal principal, amortizing
with / without increasing / decreasing debt service
payments, cash sweep, optimized repayments
Case Study 1 – Utility-solar 50MW schedules thru debt sculpting
Examining a cash flow model in Excel for a solar farm
project. Case Study 1 – Continued
Debt sculpting and debt optimization.

Part II Financing Instruments • Other credit ratios: debt service cover ratio, minimum debt
service cover ratio, loan-life ratio, residual, liquidity.
and Sources • Tax shield
• Fees
Funding requirements over the life cycle of a renewable
energy project and types of funding instruments available. • Debt service reserve account: purpose, funding

Grant Funding • Principal moratorium

Cash vs in-kind benefits
• Debt service reserve account: purpose, funding
Debt Funding
Motivation for debt funding • When to use bonds and when not

• Process of issuing a bond

Basic Funding Structures
• All-equity • Project bond vs private placement

• On-balance sheet debt financing Equity Instruments

Register now: visit or call +44 (0) 208 638 5753
• Modeling risk
Overview of equity instruments and the structure of claims:
• Free cash flow to equity
• Ordinary vs preferred (“mezzanine”) shares Part IV Deal Structuring:
• Shareholder loan Balancing the Interests of All
Leasing Participants
• Principle of leasing, motivation, calculating annual lease
Equity participants’ criteria
• Financial criteria: net present value, equity return, payback
period, hurdle rate
Islamic Finance
• Principles • What is the right discount rate? Estimation of risk and cost
of capital taking into account an implemented risk strategy
• Debt-like structures
• Non-financial criteria
• Equity-like structures

Investment Tax Credit Case Study 1 – Continued

Evaluating equity returns and debt service cover ratio on a
levered deal.
Part III Risk Identification
Lender’s criteria
and Management • Non-recourse loan: debt service cover ratios, life-loan ratio
Objectives of risk management and the risk management
• On-balance sheet financing: liquidity and other
credit ratios
The 2 Measures • Criteria for “bankability”
• Measuring risks: probability and severity
Offtaker’s criteria
The 7 Generic Strategies • Savings in comparison to grid price or fuel
• The 7 generic strategies to deal with individual risks:
accept, trigger, finance, allocate, mitigate, hedge, avoid • In off-grid / weak grid applications: autonomy, probability
of loss of load
The 17 risks • Levelized cost of energy as a measure for policy makers
For each of the risks: description, sources of the risk, ways to
measure and applicable strategies Case Study 3 – Roof-top solar for
• Engineering risk industrial client
• Completion risk Assessment of the feasibility of a solar energy system for an
industrial client that is currently supplied by the grid via a
• Infrastructure risk 3-tiered pricing method with particularly high prices during
• Operational risk peak hours

• Environmental risk
More Debt Structuring and Sources
• Force majeure
• Door-to-door vs separate construction loan
• Political risk
• Funding from export credit agencies and re-financing after
• Credit risk COD
• Foreign exchange risk
• Co-financing: debt from commercial and development
• Equity/sponsor risk banks
• Liquidity risk • Loan syndication
• Syndication and inter-creditor risk • Bonds and private placements
• Market risk • Commodity-based lending
• Renewable supply (“traffic risk”) risk: calculation and
application of exceedance probabilities Re-financing
• Legal risk • Mechanics, reasons, costs and benefits of re-financing after
Register now: visit or call +44 (0) 208 638 5753

Secondary Equity Sale

• Exit strategy: benefits of selling shares after COD,
calculating the sales price

Other Strategies to Improve a Deal

• Embedded carbon credit project
• Portfolio building and sequencing

Case Study 3 – Competitive tender in

Illustrating the impact of portfolio building on the overall
return or bid price.

• Equity participants providing services to the project

• Tax optimization (overview)

Register now: visit or call +44 (0) 208 638 5753

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