4th Art History Art History1

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Scheme Plan for Art History – Melanie Jones

Title of Scheme: No. of Lessons:5 Group: 4th year

Art History: Edgar Degas Total Time: (5 singles)3 No. of Pupils: 17
and the Impressionism hours & 20 mins
• Students will be introduced to the Impressionism movement, Degas and Monet
• Students will develop an appreciation and enjoyment of the subject matter.
• Students will describe, discuss and illustrate one work of Degas and Monet and be
able to compare and contrast them.
• Students will develop a visual awareness and language and critical appraisal and
evaluation skills
• Students will develop personal skills in small groups in describing, making,
reviewing artworks.
Overall Learning Outcomes for the Scheme:
• Student will become familiar with Degas painting and illustrate with annotations
“Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando”
• Student will become familiar with Monet painting and illustrate with annotations
“Water Lily Pond”
• Explore and develop their visual literacy and research skills to enable them to be a
visual detectives build up a word bank that relate to Impressionism, Degas and
Monet work.
• Students will be able to describe, discuss, compare and contrast Monet and Degas

Investigating/Exploring/Creating (include illustrations, especially your own work):

• Degas paintings … show the non conventional viewpoint of his subjects, repeated
poses and postures, curve of a stooped back or the slope of a shoulder, texture,
surface, colour and form mysterious, fantasy, experiential and vivid colours,
unusual perspectives and complex formal structures. Study of gestures and poses of
human figures in interior settings. “a painting requires a little mystery, some
vagueness, some fantasy when you always make your meaning perfectly plain you
end up boring people” (Degas)
• Investigate: small scale sketches and paintings of Degas and Monet work
• Placement, shape, size, colour, line drawings.
Exploring requires:
• Describing in words and imagery looking at line, colour, and atmosphere, light,
reflection, water as theme, circus act, form, movement, posture, poses.
• Investigating… different compositions, size, colour torn out, cut out, collaged, hand
drawn, painted imagery.
Creating requires:
Research Degas, Monet and Impressionism movement; design a mood boards with
key works and visuals relating to this period and artists;
example of mood board:(see appendix 1 )
Harmonious (theme)
emotional connection, timeless, craft and elegance combined, all over patterns and
placement prints, atmospheric and decorative, vintage and antique elements, abundance of
contrasting textiles
visuals: Degas, floral, lace, Japanese antiques, gilt frames, Venice

Requires researching key word, illustrations, drawing, making, annotation

Example of word mapping to use in word bank worksheet (at

• Students as an individual will produce: -
• 1 A3 x mood board on different themes with key words
• Group A: mood board on Degas painting “Miss La La”
• Group B: mood board on Monet painting “Water lily pond”
• Group C: mood board on Impressionism styles
• Group D:mood board on Degas or Monet in a modern context
• 1x A4 illustration with annotation of Degas painting;
• 1 x A4 illustration with annotation of Monet painting
• 1 x A4 word bank of key words relating to this movement and artists.
• 1 x A4 collage/painted/illustrated image of Miss La La in another setting

Understanding/Evaluating: (include illustrations):

• Evaluations through group reviews, research, homework, worksheet, class work,
mood board, word bank worksheet
• Group research, peer presentations and discussion about Impressionism movement
and Degas. Students will understand the influences of this movement on the artists
of the time? Describe the style used in terms of colour, composition, light,
atmosphere, and theme?
• Students will able to illustrate Degas and Monet work with descriptive annotation
Illustrations used to show students examples and highlight key areas:

See appendixes at back: support worksheet and example for activity in lesson 2 and
examples of mood boards for lesson 4

Edgar Degas- Miss La La at the Cirque Feranado 1879

Example of illustration from the original painting – eg descripiton:- warm colour of
the circus building suggests danger, which spills onto Miss La La’s satin costume

Claude Monet- Water Lily Pond 1903

Example of illustration from the original painting – description:- the surface of the
painting is a rich carpet of colour with brush strokes of yellow, pink and lavender
woven in with the shimmering green of the plants.

• Images sourced from internet and books on Degas, Monet and Impressionism Era
• Websites: Tate online: www.tate.org.uk/britain/exhibitions/degas; The
Metropolitan Museum www.metmuseum.org; National Gallery, London
• PowerPoint presentation on Degas and Monet work and examples of illustration
• Students will use internet for research work
• Record students work by digital camera
• Whiteboard to outline the structure of the lesson

Key words/phrases:
• word bank, new words, phrases
• Line drawings, image, illustration with annotation, unconventional viewpoint, vivid,
bright colours,, suspended, reflection, water, Composition, theme
• collage, colour, black and white, tonal value, shape, space, line, styles, proportion,
size, cutting, simplify, sketches, torn, cut out, hand drawn, painted, series of poses,
• visuals, mood board, reflection, bright, nature, outdoor and indoor painting,
Japanese prints, sunshine, mixing colours on canvas, light, shade, study of colour,
technique, fleeting moments, atmosphere, swirling shapes of colours, abstraction,
drawing, painting from life or imagination, collage
• research, art, ideas, circus, performance

Teaching/Learning Strategies:
• Present information on subject matter and key areas of learning through visual aids
and demonstration.
• Group discussion and analysis to compare and contrast key areas and artists
• Group description of key area, techniques and subject matter verbally and through
observation drawings
• Teacher guided instructions through demonstrations and guidance. Questions and
answer time allowed after demonstrations and during lessons.
• Homework/ class work will demonstrate if the student has grasped the key areas of
learning during the lesson, confidence and skills in subject matter and research will
improve student knowledge.
• Group and individual work assessment, discussion and peer presentation.

• Colour & white cartridge paper (different weights), pens, colouring pencils, pva
glue, magazines, acetate, paints, scissors, fabric paint, photocopies, craft knives,
cutting boards
Safety Precaution:
• Safety talk and demonstration on correct use of craft knives and cutting boards
where applicable to lesson plan.

• Visual demonstration of each tasks
• Use key words on whiteboard to support and map out each lesson.
• Students will be encouraged to work to their own strengths and adapt their designs.
A selection of materials will be available for those who have difficulties with cutting.
• A4 laminated photocopies of visual images with annotation and worksheets with
key words.
• Encourage students to work at their own pace and capabilities and adjust scheme to
suit this.

Timeline/Sequence of Lessons:
Week One- introduce subject matter, Impressionism and artists like Degas and
Lesson 1 (Single):- Introduce subject matter.
Who were the Impressionists? Why do you think they are called the impressionist?
What are the similarities between the paintings? What is their inspiration?
What did the impressionist do different from the previous school of art?
How was colour used and which materials i.e. brush?
Group Activity: visual cards and worksheet. Divided up into 4 groups through
worksheet and present findings. (appendix 1a)
Introduce word bank – handout with list of words on Impressionism, Degas and
Monet (new words/ phrases to be added to list).(at the end)
Homework: Research Degas and Monet and impressionism and collect imagery for
What are their key styles/techniques and unusual compositions?
Lesson 2: Start adding to word bank.

Week Two: Impressionism – introduce group work for week 5 presentation

Lesson 2 (Single) – Review any new words for word bank. Discussion about Degas
‘Miss La La’ painting. Why were so many artists attracted to the circus for
inspiration? How does this painting compare to any performance you might have
seen, for example at the circus, film, street artists and the theatre? Do you agree that
Degas was described as an abstract artist using the human figure to project form,
colour and movement?
Introduce: visual image of Degas pastel sketch and painting
Activity: Think of an alternative place for Miss La La to be suspended from, using
collage, photographs, drawing or painting from life or from your imagination, place,
and daring acrobat into other settings. (see appendix 2-4)
Homework :
1 x illustration with annotation on Degas painting ‘Miss La La’ for lesson 3 and
finish class work
Week Three: *
Lesson 3(Single) Review and collect homework/class work
Describe Monet work – water lily pond (Visual image)
Collect homework from lesson 2: Homework: 1 x A4 illustration on Monet painting
‘Water Lily Pond’

Week Four- Compare and Contrast Monet and Degas paintings

Lesson 4 (Single) Review new words for word bank.
Compare and Contrast Monet and Degas paintings (Visual image)
Introduce mood boards and show examples.
Collect homework from lesson 3 (illustration – Monet)
Group A: Degas mood board and key words based on Miss La La
Group B: Monet mood board & key words based on Water Lily Pond
Group C: Impressionism style mood board & key words
Group D: mood board & key words Degas or Monet work in a modern context
Homework: Mood boards completed for presentation – Lesson 5
Week Five- Group presentation on Degas, Monet and Impressionism
Lesson 5 (Single) Presentation of group work. Group review, worksheets and
discussion on peers work.

Assessment Rubric:
• Design concept/ creativity
• Research/ Development
• Knowledge and understanding
• Effort/ commitment to project
• Evidence of Learning

Assessment rubric –4th year Art History

Design Research & Knowledge and Finished Effort/
Concept/ development (20) understanding work commitment to
Creativity (20) (20) project (20)

Visual and Development of visual research Finished Effort during

imaginative literacy/ presentations, Impressionism design class
design and (5) movements/ Knowledge And applying
concepts(5) Monet/Degas and this to
(5) understanding homework (5)
of key areas
Development of design/drawings/ Key areas (5) Visual impact Student taking
visual concepts/annotations compare/ of finished on board
vocabulary/ideas word bank/mind contrast/ design; guidance and
and designs in to mapping/ mood boards/ discuss/ describe illustrations/ evidence shown
subject (5) artwork and presentation in work (5)
matter(10) movement (5)
Demonstrate Development of class Design, layout Student Works well
independent work/ composition, (5) technical individually and
thinking (5) Homework (5) response to in group work
design (5) (5)
Experiment with different Techniques skills Creative ideas Enthusiasm
techniques and took time and medium and throughout the
in creating designs. (5) used (5) experimenting project and
(5) finished piece
reflects students
best work (5)
Example of word bank about Impressionism and Degas and Monet

Academic art: art that met the standards defined by the French Academy of Fine
Arts, characterized by hard outlines, smooth surfaces, idealized figures, and
mythical and biblical themes; this artistic style was popular in Europe from the
17th to the 19th centuries
Composition: arrangement of forms in a painting or another work of art
Cool colours: colours that contain blue tones and suggest coolness; cool colors
appear to recede in a painting, suggesting depth
Expressionism: artistic style that exaggerates or distorts the painting’s subject in
order to express the artist’s emotions
Genre painting: use of scenes of everyday life as the subject matter of a painting
Impasto: paint applied to the canvas in thick, raised brushstrokes
Impressionism: a style of painting, which emerged chiefly in France during the
late 19th century, that focuses on the artist’s general impression of an object or
scene and often uses unmixed colours and small brushstrokes to depict reflected
Naturalistic: representing objects or people as they actually appear
optical mixtures: technique that places pure, primary colours, in small touches,
right next to each other, so that the colours appear to merge
Palette: range of colours used in a painting or the flat surface upon which an artist
mixes paints
Plein air painting: French term meaning “open air”; used to describe a painting
that is created out of doors
Realism: French artistic movement, led by Gustave Corbet, that focused on
painting ordinary objects and people, instead of the lofty themes traditionally
represented in French painting
Still life: painting of non-living objects, such as flowers, fruit, or utensils
Series painting: a set of paintings that represent a single motif seen under
different combinations of light, weather, and seasons
Warm colours: colours that contain red tones and suggest warmness; warm colors
seem to advance in a painting, appearing closer to the viewer

Add you own key words and phrases that describe Monet and Degas
Presentation for Art History

Slide: 2 Week 2

Edgar Degas, “Miss La

La” at the Cirque
Fernando 1879

How does this painting

compare to any performance
you might have seen, for
example at the circus, film,
street artists and the theatre?
Why were so many artists
attracted to the circus and so
few to sporting events?
Do you agree that Degas
was described as an abstract
artist using the human
figure to project form, colour
and movement.

Slide 2: Week 2

Which view point was this work taken from?

Describe the medium used in Degas works?
Which do you prefer and why?
Slide 3: Week 3

Monet: Water Lily

What is the main theme and
inspiration in this painting?
Describe the colours and his
use of light?
How does this influence the

Slide 4: Week 4

Compare and Contrast these paintings

Describe the atmosphere in both these paintings?
In terms of subject, colour, and techniques.

Monet – Water Lily Pond Degas – Miss La La at the cirque Fernando

Slide 4a: Example of Mood boards - group work for week 5

Degas Mood
Describe the mood you might
find in a Degas painting through
visuals, illustrations, colours he
would have used. How he might
have created this atmosphere.

emotional connection, timeless,
craft and elegance combined, all
over patterns and placement
prints, atmospheric and
decorative, vintage and antique
elements, abundance of
contrasting textiles
visuals: Degas, floral, lace,
Japanese antiques, gilt frames,

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