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Activity 1.

 Using the Decision-making wheel as guide, resolve the given dilemma

below. Comprehensively provide your answer.
The Dilemma:
David is a student in a school district where his mother is on the school board. Recently, three of
his classmates posted a web site that openly attacks some of the teachers and students, using
explicit and offensive language. It even goes as far as predicting which gay students will be the
first to die of AIDS. Remarks about several teachers are scathing, suggesting that one fantasizes
about having sex with young girls and that two married teachers are having an affair. The site
includes disgusting graphics.
Several weeks ago David learned the identities of the three students who created the website
when one of them accidentally said something to him in a conversation. The other two quickly
corralled David and pressured him not to reveal their names. He agreed, not thinking much
about it at the time. David used to be close to one of the three students, but that friendship has
Now, the school principal has obtained a program that allows him to identify each person who
has visited the website. He is asking students to come forward with the names of the creators of
the site, and if no one does, he is going to question each student who visited the site. David is
one of those who did visit the site. He realizes he may be the only student who knows the
names of the three kids who created the site. He can lie and say he doesn’t know, or he can break
his promise not to tell.
David has always thought of himself as an ethical person with a pretty clear sense of right and
wrong. Right now, however, he feels that either choice will end in disaster. What should David

DECISION MAKING WHEEL can be acces here:

Activity 2. In this part, you are once again required to elaborate thoroughly your answer on the
questions below:
1. In creating personal decisions, especially with career and other vital aspects of your life, how
do you resolve conflict between what you want to do and what your parents, family, or friends
wants you to do? How do you usually feel and think about situations like these? How do you
usually manage it?

Activity 3. Decision-making is partially influenced by emotions that one sets in a given situation.
It either propels us to create a choice or prevent us to do so. With this in mind, provide your
answer on the following:
1.    Is it easier to think of situations that held negative consequences or positive rewards? Why?
2.    Do you think about the possible outcomes before you act? Or do you act first and then worry
about the consequences later?
Activity 4. In this part, you are once again required to elaborate thoroughly your answer on the
questions below:
1. Remember a specific moment in your life where you are contained with so much emotions
that you felt you are going to explode? What had brought you to that situation? What happened
during that time? How did you manage yourself back then? What important learning have you
acquired out of that experience?

Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. In this part, you are once again required to elaborate thoroughly your
answer on the questions below:
1.    With your readings on the self-cofidence module, what aspect of self-
confidence struck you most? What are your thoughts or feelings about it? What
insights did you get out of the readings?
In reading Carrying Yourself as a Confident Individual, I’m inspired on it because I have low confident
epically when they’re many people who staring on me, those tips that I read I will try to apply it slowly
to myself. Now we should accept our differences because every person is unique and we should love,
respect, value and mostly treat yourself-right.

2.    Self-confidence is an everyday process of building and rebuilding. Were
there any days that you feel you are less confident of who you are? What made
you feel that way during those times? How did you handle it?
there are many times that I loss my confident when my relatives and friends understatement or judge
me, using the word of ugly, black people, stupid and fat even if they say in a joke way I hurt a lot. I
ignore or avoid those toxic people in my life, take a breath and go away; also I make them an inspiration
to achieve my dreams and I will focus my attention to the people who love, care and support my

3.    What things that are within your controls that can help you strengthen
your self-confidence? How would you do it? When will you start doing it? What
will make it effective for you?
For me, if you don't believe and faith you've accomplished anything, it's easy
to lose confidence. The thing that makes my confidence boost is when I dress
up, and I look pretty myself-confident will be boosted by wearing a dress and
make up that cover my weakness. To make effective, think positive every time
when setting a list of your goals and focus on your dream, accept who you
are, do what makes you happy and also try and fail but never fail to try again.

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