Asphalt Overlay Method Statement-Final

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Contract / Job Name

Contract / Job Number


Method Statement Written by National Contracting and Transportation

Company, NCTC


Method Statement Approved by

Signature of Approval

Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Method Statement, NCTC 1


Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Course Overlay Method Statement for

Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Method Statement, NCTC 2



The purpose of this method statement is to describe the activities and methods, which will be used to
carry out the Asphalt Wearing Course Overlay Pavement at Road No. C03 and Road No. C04 -
Community 671.

The Method statement in this document is subjected to the approval of the Engineer.

Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Method Statement, NCTC 3


1- Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Course Overlay

1-1 Purpose

This Method Statement describes the procedures and activities which will be used to carry out
Asphalt Overlay Pavement (Rehabilitation & Resurfacing).

1-2 Scope of Work

Placing and compaction of Asphaltic Concrete (AC) Wearing Courses

1-3 Definitions

AHA Activity Hazards Analysis,

CM, SE, ME Construction Manager, Site Engineer, Material Engineer respectively
ITP Inspection Testing Procedures
ITR Inspection & Testing Request
JHA Job Hazards Analysis
MS Method Statement
PS-GCMI Project Specifications-General, Civil and Mechanical Infrastructure

1-4 References
1. Specifications
2. Drawings
3. BOQ

1-5 Material

Mineral aggregates, Bitumen and Tack Coat (SS1h)

Aggregates, bitumen and mix design will be submitted for approval as per specifications.

Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Method Statement, NCTC 4


1-6 Tools & Equipment

Surveying Instruments
Light Vehicles
Tipper Trucks
Steel Rollers
25 Ton and 35 Ton Pneumatic Tire Rollers
Bitumen sprayer Tanker
Water Tanker
Flagging Tape/ Warning Tape
Tool box
Personal Protective Equipment

1-7 Safety

All sections form the Conditions of Contract: General and Preliminary.

CSM: Construction Safety Manual
SM: Safety Manual.
Activity Hazards and Precautions to be submitted for approval

1-8 Prior Activities

1. Prior to any site work; a joint inspection will be held between the contractor’s and the
consultant’s representatives to define any defected areas that require repair/rectification.
Method of repair works will be mutually agreed. Report for the same is attached herewith

a) Reports for the joint evaluation of existing pavement condition.

b) Record the thickness of existing base course layer

2. Submit mix design and aggregates for Engineer’s approval as per specifications.

3. Prepare calibrated Surveying equipment.

4. Prepare Testing equipment.

5. Obtain necessary approvals of Traffic Diversions/ Traffic Management

6. Preparation of all safety procedures.

Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Method Statement, NCTC 5


7. Prepare all necessary shop drawings, submit and obtain approvals for the same.

8. Notice in writing to the Engineer.

9. The temperature of the bituminous mix delivered to site should be between 135-165 deg C
( General Specifications clause 3/33.1)

1-9 Procedure
All activities carried out will comply with the specifications which reflects the testing requirements
of the Contract

1. In case of a parallel parking is required to be constructed along the existing road; the
construction works of the said parallel parking will be executed and completed up to the road
base layer as per the approved shop drawings for the layout and cross section.

The Road base layer will be prim coated by the approved MC-70 material in accordance with
the specifications. The longitudinal joint with the existing road will be constructed in
accordance with the approved standard details drawing of the same.

The top level of the road base layer of the parallel parking will be flushed with the top level
of the existing base course layer of the existing road creating a plane layer to receive the
final AC wearing course layer.

2. Surface Preparation

a) All existing road marking will be sand blasted and removed; sand blasting
material will be cleaned to the engineer satisfaction

b) All Existing Asphalt Surface will be cleaned and prepared by removal of dust and
deleterious materials by air jetting or mechanically sweeping or any other
approved means.

c) An approved tack coat will be applied to the existing asphalt layer at the rate of
0.30 to 0.6 liters per m² as per specifications. Spraying of the tack coats will be
done by a tanker fitted with nozzles at the back of the tank to allow even
spreading of bitumen. The bitumen will be pre-heated to a temperature of 10-
60oC in the tanker prior to the spraying. The accuracy of rate of application will
be adjusted during the trials.

Note: Enough time will be allowed for the curing of the tack coats before laying the asphaltic
concrete course.

Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Method Statement, NCTC 6


3. Bituminous Pavement Material Transportation

All pavement equipments shall be according to the General Specifications clause 3/28

a) Transportation of asphalt concrete from the mixing plant to the pavers will be via
30 ton tipper trucks designated for this use only. The trucks vehicles will be
treated by oil or water or any other approved means to facilitate the discharge.
Moreover, they will be specially modified to prevent any spills during the
downloading into the paver.

Note: The number of trucks to be used for hauling the asphalt will be sufficient to avoid any
interruption in the paving operation.

b) The flow of delivery will be uniform to assure the best quality of asphalt

c) All mixed material will be delivered to the paver in time to permit completion of
spreading and finishing of the mixture during the day working hours. Should the
bituminous material be placed at night, adequate lighting will be provided and
request for approval will be sent to the engineer.

d) Maximum care will be taken to avoid delivery interruption. However, in case

there is a long stoppage between trucks, a joint will be cut in the fresh layer,
loosened material discarded and a very light coat of hot bitumen will be applied
before the next strip is placed.

4. Surveying Work

a) The limit extent of the asphalt layer will be defined according to the approved layout
and cross section

b) As the thickness of the asphalt layer is fixed to 50mm; the finished profile levels will
be the existing road profile levels plus 50mm.

c) Smooth matching with the existing roads at the limits will be ensured to engineer

5. Placing of Bituminous Material

The procedure of placing the bituminous material shall be according to the General
specifications clause 3/33

a) Spreading of bituminous mixtures shall be done by automatic controlled pavers.

ABG pavers will be used in this job. The ABG pavers are equipped with automatic
Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Method Statement, NCTC 7

sensors that control the grades and cross slopes. The sensors are mounted on either
side of the paving legs and are individually controlled. Crowns or continuous grades
can be established on an ABG Finisher. All machines involved in asphalt operation
shall be in good condition and will be checked before and during the operation.

b) The paver screed will be set to produce a 50mm thickness of asphalt and to be
maintained and controlled on both sides following the existing road profile.

c) The material temperature should be between 135-163 ºC and will be checked directly
before its discharge according to the specifications.

d) Longitudinal joints in successive layers shall be offset by at least 300 mm from

parallel joints in the layer beneath. Transverse joints in successive layers and/or
adjacent lanes shall be offset by at least 3 meters.

e) The material discharge will take place without delay. Rolling shall commence
immediately after placing of asphalt and will stay as close as possible to the pavers.
However, all loose material shall be removed prior to compaction.

f) The pavers shall operate at a speed which will give the best results coordinating with
the rate of delivery of material.

g) Initial rolling shall be carried out with the Steel Roller at speeds slow enough to
avoid displacement of asphalt.

h) Excess base course material will be removed by brooming or light raking and will be

i) Rolling shall be longitudinally, beginning at low side towards the high side of
pavement. Adjacent rolls shall be shorter as progressed and finally semi diagonal
steel rolling is applied.

j) The asphalt shall then be rolled with the 25 Ton tire Rollers and shall stop short of
any cracks that might appear.

k) The high powered 35 Ton Pneumatic Tire Rollers shall then be applied to achieve the
required compaction.

l) Final rolling shall be done by the Steel Roller especially at joints and points of

m) All Rollers shall be equipped with water reservoirs and scrapers to avoid any
breaking of the asphalt surfaces. The tires of the rollers shall be sprayed with oil to
prevent any fine particles from asphalt getting stuck to the tires.

Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Method Statement, NCTC 8


Note: Method of compaction should be as per General specifications Clause 3/37 to achieve
the required density.

The following photos are showing different activities in placing bituminous courses:

Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Method Statement, NCTC 9


6. Testing Procedure
a) All Tests to be carried out at DCL as per General Specifications Clause 3/47

b) During the asphalt laying operation, samples will be taken from the plant and site as
per specifications to verify the conformity with approved mix design.

c) Upon completion of the asphalt laying operation; after the specified curing time;
cores will be taken as per the specification to verify the thickness and compaction of
the asphalt layer.

Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Method Statement, NCTC 10

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