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In order to demonstrate to students at the College of Business and Accountancy (CBA)

what accessible research and extension programs are all about, a webinar was held on March 12.

It was an excellent start for the class, as the instructor provided an introduction of the various

statistical approaches that are utilized in research. We learnt how to use IBM SPSS Statistics to

decipher what our respondents said, wrote, and clicked on in order to better understand them.

This is why it's critical to base policy decisions on scientific evidence when implementing new

regulations. It provides you with an indication of what individuals are thinking or feeling, as well

as what they are likely to do in the next few moments.

The statistician Professor Canaman stated that "research cannot exist without statistics,

but statistics may exist on their own." I was in agreement. If you don't have any numbers to back

up your assertions, it's like you don't have any bones in your body. This object lacks a defined

shape as well as a stable foundation. When a team of investigators collects data, they rely

extensively on statistics to establish the high quality and significance of the information they

have obtained. Having the ability to recognize important trends and movements in the data

would help us to make informed judgments based on a clear picture of the situation, which

would be beneficial. As a result, research is incomplete if it does not include statistics.

It is only half of the battle when it comes to performing outstanding survey research that

you are asking the right questions. Performing a thorough and precise analysis of the data

collected by a researcher is essential if the researcher's hard work is to make an impact on their
profession. Students gained an understanding of how to utilize statistical approaches to get to the

heart of their data and uncover its underlying meaning as a result of the webinar.

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