Argumentative Essay & Annotation

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John Carlo A.

10-Darwin Mrs. Golda Z. Achas
“Does Internet Affect One’s Productivity, In a Good or Bad Way?”
Hook, captures the reader’s attention This paragraph is the introduction paragraph
As we enter an era where technology is almost everywhere and can be utilized for almost everything,
from posting pictures and photos to being able to search how one thing is made, are we sure that it will a
hundred percent improve someone’s productivity? According to Pew Research in 2013 that 94% of jobholders
are internet users and they work in all kinds of enterprises from technology companies to non-technology
firms; from big corporations to small proprietor operations; and from those in urban areas, farms, and places
in between. Among this 94% of jobholders, only 7% of people felt like their productivity dropped because of
the internet and 46% of them felt that their productivity increased while the remaining 41% said that the
internet doesn’t really affect their productivity at work. |Background information| I personally
believe that with proper discipline and management, we can make the internet more useful in increasing our
productivity in doing work in our jobs, schools or research.
Thesis Statement

Because… Supporting point #1 evidence

Internet serves many purposes aside from making communication from people to people easier, but it
also helps people improve their performance in their jobs with the help of the internet. According to, 87% of CEOs believe that providing their employees with the digital resources they
need can have a substantial impact on their revenue. You can make a website for your company or business to
minimize the need of things like manpower and other things because of the digital realm. Take for example, a
certain business won’t have to pay or rent out a single square foot of office or warehouse space. With the help
of internet as well, lots of people can come to your website because an influential posted a post that tells
about how your service is and may increase your brand reputation. You might be thinking, wouldn’t it be hard
if your company or business is technology based? Well, the whole business doesn’t technically rely on the
internet fully. The internet just aids the people in the business to have lesser jobs to do, while still increasing
their productivity. You can do things digitally, with the help of internet. One person could do things through
the internet while 10 more people can do manual jobs for their company, which makes the company have
more things accomplished. How evidence is persuasive

Because… Supporting point #2 evidence

A child’s performance and ability to create may be a different topic, but the internet also helps and
gives them guidance to accomplish a certain school work that they need to do, since the steps can be easily
found in the internet. Assignments that are given to them are something that are taught in schools already,
but there might be some terminologies that may still be trippy and hard to understand for them so they will go
to the internet, so that they can understand the terms and steps easier. There are dictionaries, that can help
them find terms too and understand it, but using it can still be hard for them since a dictionary is too thick and
finding the word, they want to understand may take them too long, while looking for a result in the internet is
just a few types and clicks away. There might be distractions on the way, but according to Samsung, “Focus
Mode allows you to block out distracting apps when trying to get in the zone. Whether you're at work or just
need some me time, you can customize and remove certain applications from notifying you or stop yourself
from opening apps by temporarily,” and it can be found in different devices nowadays. It can help parents be
complacent about if their children are browsing the internet for purposes other than school since distracting
applications are disabled temporarily. Radiations from the devices such as computer, laptops, phones and
other gadgets are still one of parents’ main concern; that it may affect their children’s health as they use
technology and internet often. There are features in phones like blue light filter and it protects the human
eyes from getting irritated and there are also UV Protection Glasses that also protects the eyes while using
electronic devices. The internet can serve as children’s safe space and spare them more time from doing
school works. How is evidence persuasive.

Because… Supporting point #3 evidence

Someone’s ability to create while in their house might be greatly affected especially as it might be a
distraction while doing their respective tasks, but it can also be used to their benefit if they use it with
discipline and know their limitation. As someone who grew up in a strict family, almost everything we do has
to be controlled for our benefaction. Take for example, one of the siblings are having a hard time to figure out
how to fix the broken fan, they can always search ways on the internet to know how to do so. The parents
might have a hard time figuring out how to operate their newly bought air-fryer, they can search on the
internet on how that thing works. While other family disapproves the use of internet especially since it can be
in the way of their bond and interactions as a family, when they can actually have bonding with internet.
However, we can’t deny the fact that family bonding as they are, are fun but we can still spice things up with
the help of technology, giving more of a modern fun and bonding between the family. Rebuttal

Restate your thesis statement and other supporting points in other words.
To put it all together, we can safely say that the internet can have a positive impact in one’s ability to
create, especially if they utilize it to their maximum use while still using it rightly. It might also cause little
inconveniences that affect the people using it but it can also be fixed easily. We knew that the internet
increases one’s productivity rate, be it on their house, on their job or on academic aspect. Internet has served
us many purposes that are beneficial to us and to our performance on different aspects of our life. We should
always remember that if we utilize the internet and gadgets that we use in their fullest potential, and we use it
knowing our limitations and using it with discipline, we can always increase our ability to create and improve
our performances. So what? Why is your essay important to readers? Why should they believe what
your thesis states?

This whole paragraph is the conclusion paragraph.

“Does Internet Affect One’s Productivity, In a Good or Bad Way?”
As we enter an era where technology is almost everywhere and can be utilized for almost everything,
from posting pictures and photos to being able to search how one thing is made, are we sure that it will a
hundred percent improve someone’s productivity? According to Pew Research in 2013 that 94% of jobholders
are internet users and they work in all kinds of enterprises from technology companies to non-technology
firms; from big corporations to small proprietor operations; and from those in urban areas, farms, and places
in between. Among this 94% of jobholders, only 7% of people felt like their productivity dropped because of
the internet and 46% of them felt that their productivity increased while the remaining 41% said that the
internet doesn’t really affect their productivity at work. I personally believe that with proper discipline and
management, we can make the internet more useful in increasing our productivity in doing work in our jobs,
schools or research.
Internet serves many purposes aside from making communication from people to people easier, but it
also helps people improve their performance in their jobs with the help of the internet. According to, 87% of CEOs believe that providing their employees with the digital resources they
need can have a substantial impact on their revenue. You can make a website for your company or business to
minimize the need of things like manpower and other things because of the digital realm. Take for example, a
certain business won’t have to pay or rent out a single square foot of office or warehouse space. With the help
of internet as well, lots of people can come to your website because an influential posted a post that tells
about how your service is and may increase your brand reputation. You might be thinking, wouldn’t it be hard
if your company or business is technology based? Well, the whole business doesn’t technically rely on the
internet fully. The internet just aids the people in the business to have lesser jobs to do, while still increasing
their productivity. You can do things digitally, with the help of internet. One person could do things through
the internet while 10 more people can do manual jobs for their company, which makes the company have
more things accomplished.
A child’s performance and ability to create may be a different topic, but the internet also helps and gives
them guidance to accomplish a certain school work that they need to do, since the steps can be easily found in
the internet. Assignments that are given to them are something that are taught in schools already, but there
might be some terminologies that may still be trippy and hard to understand for them so they will go to the
internet, so that they can understand the terms and steps easier. There are dictionaries, that can help them
find terms too and understand it, but using it can still be hard for them since a dictionary is too thick and
finding the word, they want to understand may take them too long, while looking for a result in the internet is
just a few types and clicks away. There might be distractions on the way, but according to Samsung, “Focus
Mode allows you to block out distracting apps when trying to get in the zone. Whether you're at work or just
need some me time, you can customize and remove certain applications from notifying you or stop yourself
from opening apps by temporarily,” and it can be found in different devices nowadays. It can help parents be
complacent about if their children are browsing the internet for purposes other than school since distracting
applications are disabled temporarily. Radiations from the devices such as computer, laptops, phones and
other gadgets are still one of parents’ main concern; that it may affect their children’s health as they use
technology and internet often. There are features in phones like blue light filter and it protects the human
eyes from getting irritated and there are also UV Protection Glasses that also protects the eyes while using
electronic devices.
Someone’s ability to create while in their house might be greatly affected especially as it might be a
distraction while doing their respective tasks, but it can also be used to their benefit if they use it with
discipline and know their limitation. As someone who grew up in a strict family, almost everything we do has
to be controlled for our benefaction. Take for example, one of the siblings are having a hard time to figure out
how to fix the broken fan, they can always search ways on the internet to know how to do so. The parents
might have a hard time figuring out how to operate their newly bought air-fryer, they can search on the
internet on how that thing works. While other family disapproves the use of internet especially since it can be
in the way of their bond and interactions as a family, when they can actually have bonding with internet.
However, we can’t deny the fact that family bonding as they are, are fun but we can still spice things up with
the help of technology, giving more of a modern fun and bonding between the family.
To put it all together, we can safely say that the internet can have a positive impact in one’s ability to
create, especially if they utilize it to their maximum use while still using it rightly. It might also cause little
inconveniences that affect the people using it but it can also be fixed easily. We knew that the internet
increases one’s productivity rate, be it on their house, on their job or on academic aspect. Internet has served
us many purposes that are beneficial to us and to our performance on different aspects of our life. We should
always remember that if we utilize the internet and gadgets that we use in their fullest potential, and we use it
knowing our limitations and using it with discipline, we can always increase our ability to create and improve
our performances.

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