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DEM Simulation of Bed Particle Compression Using The Particle Replacement


Conference Paper · September 2015


2 705

3 authors:

Gabriel Barrios Juan Perez

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro U.S. Food and Drug Administration


Luis Marcelo Tavares

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


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DEM Simulation of Bed Particle Compression Using The
Particle Replacement Model
Gabriel K. P. Barrios1, Juan Pérez-Prim2 and Luís Marcelo Tavares1
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Laboratory of Mineral Technology, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2 DEM solution Ltd., Edinburgh, UK

Abstract. The present work describes how the particle replacement model implemented in the commercial commercia
software EDEM can describe the compression bed particle breakage behavior, in terms of compressive force
versus packing density and particle breakage probability of the particles versus compressive force applied to the
bed. The model is calibrated using the results of the laboratory piston and die press test applied to particles of
iron ore pellets,, demonstrating good predictive capability.

Keywords: Particle bed, discrete element method, simulation.


Nowadays, the modeling of particle reduction
processes using mechanistic approaches is becoming
very common in n mineral processing and is being
accepted as a powerful tool for the design and design
of comminution machines. These models describe the
nce of the comminution machines coupling
information of individual and bed particle breakage
mechanisms, from detailed experiments, to data of the
mechanical environment inside the machine, obtained
using the discrete element method (DEM)
(Weerasekara et al., 2013).

DEM has been demonstrated to be a useful tool for

modelling comminution processes, providing useful
information on the energy utilisation,
utilisation wear on liners,
particle degradation and predictionstions of the product
size distribution.. The description of material handling
(Tavares & de Carvalho, 2011),, comminution in ball
mills (Tavares & de Carvalho, 2009) , VSI crushers
(Da Cunha, De Carvalho, & Tavares, 2013) and SAG
mills (De Carvalho, 2014),, has been possible using the
one way coupling between the energy ene spectrum of
collisions obtained from the DEM simulations and the
mechanistic comminution model developed at
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

However, the description of comminution machines

as cone crushers and high pressure grinding rolls
roll pose
some additional challenges because breakage of the
particles needs to be explicitly included inside the
DEM simulation environment. The understanding and
FIGURE 1. Scheme of the different DEM particle breakage
description of the energy absorption, stress approaches
distribution, bed packing density,, as well the size
distribution of the compressed particle bed are very • Considering the particles as unbreakable
u discs or
important for the appropriate description of the spheres and use the collision information to
comminution machines. calculate the progeny distribution as functions of
the energy absorbed by the bed of particles
DEM codes describe breakage inside the simulation (Djordjevic & Morrison, 2006);
environment using some of the approaches (FIGURE • Modelling the fracture process by including
1) (Delaney, Morrison, Sinnott, Cummins, & Cleary, internal structure in the form of tetrahedral
meshes and allowing the elements
ements to un-bond and explosive decompression of the packed particles, a
separate (Potapov & Campbell, 1994);
1994) dissipation coefficient bL is used to remove the excess
• Using bonded spheres, which is a popular force created byy the overlap of the fragments, making
approach particularly using available commercial the simulations more stable.
DEM codes (Potyondy & Cundall,
Cunda 2004);
• Treating a fracture event as being instantaneous The progeny of the mother particle (size of daughter
and replacing a particle by its progeny packed into particles φF,i and number of particles on each size Np,i)
the original parent space (Cleary, 2001),
2001) also created by the DEM particles replacement model is
called particle replacement. calculate based on the t10 model (Tavares and
Carvalho, 2009). The t10 model is used to calculate the
Many authors conducted studies of bed particle primary breakage distribution of fragments for a
breakage by compression using numerical approaches specific material as we can see on the FIGURE 3.
and applying the different particle breakage models
(Djordjevic & Morrison, 2006; Khanal, Schubert, &
Tomas, 2007; Kou, Liu, Lindqvist, Tang, & Xu, 2001).
2001) 80
The simulations results describe the stress field inside

Passing (%)
the bed, the effect of the wall friction of the particle 60
bed, the compressive force profile as functions of the
packing density, and the breakage distribution. 40

However, numerical bed particle breakage models

need to be improvedproved in terms of accuracy,
representativeness and computational efficiency to be
applied in the simulations of industrial scale 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
comminution equipments. Normalized particle size (X/Y)
Model t10 DEM progeny

MODELING APPROACH FIGURE 3. Primary breakage distribution of the Iron ore

pellets based on the t10 model and the equivalent daughter
The particle bed compression model in the present particles
rticles of the DEM particle replacement model
work describes the energy absorption ion and the packing
of the particle bed when loaded by compressive force.
forc Additionally a particle limit size φL is defined because
The particle bed breakage is described using the is not possible to simulate breakage of very fine
particle replacement model (FIGURE 2). 2) It is a particles. The amount of particles under the limit size
custom model for the EDEM® software implemented is counted in a sub-DEM
DEM routine in order to allow
in C++. The model is based on a modification
modifi of the reconstructing the size distribution at fine sizes.
Mindlin contact model, that replaces initial
particles by a distribution of smaller particles every
time the initial particle is subjected to a load contact METHODOLOGY
force fc that surpasses a maximum value fL,i, which is
The material studied was iron ore pellets, which
dependent on the mother particle size. size After the
approach an ideal material given its nearly spherical
replacement the daughter particles are allowed to
shape. Piston and die tests were carried out using the
break subsequently.
experimental setup shown in FIGURE 4. 4

FIGURE 2. Scheme showing the main variables of the

particle replacement model
After substitution the daughter particles that are
created are allowed to overlap initially.
initially In order to FIGURE 4. Piston and die press experimental setup for
allow such large artificial overlaps
laps without generating particle bed breakage tests
TABLE 1 summarizes the main experimental settings
of the bed breakage tests with iron ore pellets using 600

the piston and die press system. After loading particles 500
were inspected individually to discriminate between

Compressive force (kN)

broken and unbroken particles. This was rather 400

straightforward in the case of iron ore pellets,

pelle given 300
their regular shapes.. Fragments from breakage were
then separated and their size distribution measured by 200

screening. 100

TABLE 1. Piston and die press tests experimental settings 0

0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8
Parameter Value Packing density

Particle size (mm) 12.5 x 9.0 Experimental Hertz-Mindlin bL = 0,02 bL = 0,2 bL = 2,0

Maximum compressive 50, 100, 200, 400, 600

force (kN) FIGURE 6. Simulations of the compressive
c force versus
packing density of the bed using different bL parameters of
Bed diameter (mm) 170 the particle replacement model compared to the
Bed high (mm) 60 experimental data and prediction using the Hertz-Mindlin
model (unbreakable spheres).
Further, FIGURE 7 shows that the calibration of the
maximum load responsible for fracture allowed
RESULTS describing the proportion of iron ore pellets particles
FIGURES 5 illustrates the DEM simulations of bed broken over a range of loading conditions, even
compression of the iron ore pellets using the piston describing
ing saturation at high loads, that is, the fact that
and die press system for the unbreakable sphere model even at the highest loads some pellets remained remain
and the particle replacement model. The figure shows unbroken, being stabilized by neighboring particles.
the qualitative result of the particle size distribution
and bed compressiveive force inside the press system.
Broken particles (%)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Compressive force (kN)

Experimental bL = 0,02 bL = 0,2 bL = 2,0

FIGURE 5. Comparison of simulations of the piston and

die press tests using the unbreakable spheres and the particle FIGURE 7. Proportion of broken
roken particles as a function of
replacement model. compressive force applied to the bed predicted using
different bL parameters of the particle replacement model
FIGURE 6 compare experiments to results of and comparing to experimental data for iron ore pellets
compressive force profile versus the packing density FIGURE 8 presents the experimental and DEM
of the iron ore pellets particle bed compression using simulated size distribution of the particle bed as a
the unbreakable sphere model and the particle function of the maximum compressive force applied
replacement model. The figure shows that the to the bed. The figure shows that the size distribution
unbreakable spheres model using the Hertz-Mindlin
Hertz of the bed becomes finer with the increase
increas in the
contact using a constant Young´s modulus can only compressive load in the bed which is consistent
co with
describe properly the compressive response of the bed the experimental results. Although the complete
in the case of very small deformations. In the case of description
n of the bed breakage distribution is still a
the particle replacement model, on the other hand, the challenge, the particle replacement model can be fitted
response of the bed throughout the different and calibrated to better represent the real behavior of
deformations was described accurately using a the bed particle compression.
dissipation coefficient bL of 0.2.
100 the primary breakage of a real particle and the
daughter particles can break subsequently until a limit
size is reached,, after this the mass of particles is
counted in a sub-DEM
DEM routine.
Passing (%)


40 The DEM simulations of particle bed compression of

iron ore pellets using the piston and die press system
20 using the particle replacement model represents
represent in a
realistically way the compressive force versus packing
0 density and the broken particle versus compressive
0 2 4 6 8 10
Particle size (mm)
force experimental results
Feed 50 200 400 600
The calibrated bed particle compression model can be
used for the simulations of laboratory and industrial
FIGURE 8. Size distributions experimental (symbols) and scale comminution
inution machines as HPGR and cone
simulated (lines) of the bed of particles after different
crushers that use the bed particle compression as the
maximum compressive forces applied
main breakage mechanism.
Finally, FIGURE 9 shows snapshots of the DEM
simulations of a laboratory scale HPGR equipped with
cheek plates using the two different particle models.
Both show the expected increase in loads that particles ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
are subjected to as they approach the gap between the The authors would like to the Brazilian Council of
rolls. However the particle replacement model Research (CNPq) for financial support for this
describes more accurately the flow of the mass of investigation. The authors also thank DEM Solutions
particles through of the compressive zone of the for providing the software EDEM® through the
HPGR and the axial ial pressure profile of particle bed. Academic Programme.
More detailed results on prediction of the
performance of the HPGR on the basis of the particle
replacement model may be found elsewhere (Barrios REFERENCES
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