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Case Description Deadline

Go to the gym for

Also pay for the subscription 21.02.2022
a workout
Do English
Page 11 make list of tasks, page 12
homework in the 21.02.2022
exercise 1, all exercises in 13 page
Make tasks in
Unit 1 words, workbook 22.02.2022
moodle (English)
Make a task on
discrete structures
Laboratory works 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 24.02.2022
on the topic of
boolean functions
Go to the gym for
--------------- 25.02.2022
a workout
Start doing the
Development of visual elements
Object Oriented 25.02.2022
based on python
Programming Lab
Finish work on
Make a report and upload to google
object-oriented 26.02.2022
Get Started on the
Learn how to write a technical task
Software 28.02.2022
for creating software
Architecture Lab
Complete the Make a report, answer control
architecture lab questions
Go to the post
office to pick up Also renew Spotify subscription, pay
the package, pay for internet and communication
utility bills
Development of a non-relational
Start the database
database management system. 02.03.2022
Object approach.
Complete the End and make a report, fully check
database lab the functionality of the program

Green - not very important, can wait

Yellow – important
Red - an important task that needs to be completed on time

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