NIST CSF and ISO 27001: Becoming Cyber Secure

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NIST CSF and ISO 27001

Becoming cyber secure

Protec Protect Comply Thrive


Introduction Background to the CSF

Information is the backbone of commerce, and protecting that information is critical In 2013, Executive Order 13636, “Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity”, was
for organizations large and small, across all sectors. issued to establish a voluntary, risk-based cybersecurity framework outlining best
practice for critical infrastructure sectors.2 In response to the executive order, NIST
Information and cybersecurity are particularly essential for critical infrastructure developed the CSF in collaboration with stakeholders across a range of industries.
sectors such as chemical, energy, health care, water, and transportation. The impact
of a major cybersecurity breach in such critical sectors could result in serious In 2017, a further executive order (EO 13800) was issued, requiring all federal
disruption, with potentially catastrophic consequences, both physical and digital. agencies to use the CSF to manage their cybersecurity risk, placing it at the core of the
federal cybersecurity program.3
However, effective cybersecurity is also critical for smaller organizations in non-
infrastructure sectors. Without the resources of their larger counterparts, smaller While initially developed for use by US critical infrastructure sectors, the Framework
organizations are often just as, if not more, vulnerable to the predations of cyber has proven flexible enough to be adopted by organizations of all sizes, across all
criminals, yet many mistakenly believe they are not large or important enough to be industry sectors, all around the world. As of 2015, the CSF was used by 30% of US
targeted. Nothing could be further from the truth. organizations; Gartner projected that this figure would rise to 50% by 2020.4

As the frequency and complexity of cyber attacks increase, so too does the cost of a
data breach. The 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report places the average cost of a
breach in the US at $8.64 million.1

To combat the risk of a data breach and the associated reputational, commercial, and
legal damage, more and more organizations are adopting internationally recognized
cybersecurity frameworks to help them protect the information they hold. This paper
discusses two such frameworks with strong uptake in the US: the NIST Cybersecurity
Framework (CSF) and an information security management system (ISMS) as defined
by ISO 27001.

The CSF explained The informative references are not mandatory. As the CSF is an outcome-focused
system, the specific method used to achieve a given cybersecurity objective does not
The CSF is an outcome-focused system for ensuring cybersecurity. It comprises three matter, provided the objective is achieved. If none of the listed references for a given
key elements: the ‘core’, ‘profiles’, and ‘implementation tiers’. objective contains a method suitable for the organization, you can opt to develop your

Framework core
The framework core describes five high-level cybersecurity ‘functions’:
Profiles play a key role in determining the current state of the organization’s
1. Identify cybersecurity (the ‘current profile’) and the desired future state (the ‘target profile’).
2. Protect
3. Detect The current profile is developed by mapping the organization’s current practices
4. Respond against the functions, categories, and subcategories in the framework core. This
5. Recover provides a picture of the organization’s present cybersecurity status.

These functions are divided into ‘categories’, which describe related cybersecurity The target profile follows the same process, but instead focuses on the organization’s
objectives in a general sense. The ‘identify’ function, for example, contains six desired cybersecurity status. Once the two profiles are complete, you can compare
categories: asset management, business environment, governance, risk assessment, them against each other – or perform a ‘gap analysis’, if you like – to determine what
risk management strategy, and supply chain risk management. steps you need to take to achieve the target.

Categories are subdivided into ‘subcategories’, which contain specific cybersecurity The target profile should be developed following a risk assessment. This lets the
objectives, each of which has a unique identifier. For example, the ‘risk assessment’ organization determine which functions, categories, and subcategories to include or
category contains a subcategory requiring that “Asset vulnerabilities are identified exclude in their profile. The target profile should be a ‘living document’ that is
and documented.” updated to reflect the organization’s ongoing cybersecurity requirements.

Subcategories describe specific cybersecurity objectives, but do not specify how to

achieve them. Instead, each subcategory is linked to a set of ‘informative references’
that offer guidance on how to achieve the objective by referring to specific sections of
recognized cybersecurity standards and publications like ISO 27001 and NIST Special
Publication (SP) 800-53.

Implementation tiers Implementing the CSF

Implementation tiers provide a common language for the organization to describe its
cybersecurity program in broad terms. They also serve as a continual improvement Implementing the CSF is best approached in stages. To begin with, map the
mechanism. organization’s current cybersecurity status against the components of the framework
core to develop a current profile and identify the organization’s current
The four tiers (‘partial’, ‘risk informed’, ‘repeatable’, and ‘adaptive’) are used in a implementation tier.
similar manner to profiles. A frank examination of the current profile will indicate the
tier that most accurately represents the organization’s cybersecurity status. Then perform a risk assessment to identify threats and vulnerabilities. Once the
organization understands the threats to its information, it can determine how to
Organizations should also select a target tier that reflects their cybersecurity goals. mitigate them. This information is then used as the basis of the target profile, which
The broad requirements of the chosen tier can then be used to inform how the ‘target describes what the organization wants to achieve in detail, and the target
profile’ develops over time, helping ensure that information security arrangements implementation tier, which describes the organization’s aims for risk management, so
remain effective as the organization evolves. that everyone involved is on the same page.

The tiers consider three high-level cybersecurity aspects: risk management processes, Once the target profile is complete, examine the informative references for each
integrated risk management programs, and the degree of external participation (in requirement in the framework core, and select the most appropriate measure for
information-sharing programs, collaboration with suppliers, etc.). implementation. If none of the CSF’s informative references are suitable, the
organization can look for or develop its own – what matters is that the objective is
NIST encourages progressing to higher tiers where doing so would result in a cost- achieved.
effective reduction in risk.
All this forms the basis for a plan of action to move from the organization’s current
cybersecurity arrangements to a more mature, comprehensive, and consistent set of

As the organization’s cybersecurity stance evolves over time, profiles and

implementation tiers should be regularly reviewed to ensure that the chosen
measures remain effective and that newly identified vulnerabilities are mitigated by
existing (or, where necessary, new) controls.

ISO 27001 explained Certification allows the organization to prove to stakeholders, including customers,
partners, and regulators, that it takes information security seriously. A certified ISMS
The international standard ISO 27001 provides the specification for a best-practice may also open new business opportunities – an increasing number of contracts,
ISMS. An ISMS offers a systematic, risk-based approach to information security that including government contracts, require the tenderer to demonstrate robust
focuses on three core ‘pillars’: people, processes, and technology, recognizing that IT information security practices. Some even specifically require ISO 27001 certification.
is only one part of the wider security equation.
Certification is not mandatory, however. Many organizations choose to use ISO 27001
ISO 27001 requires the organization to determine its needs and obligations (legal, as the basis for their information security program but forego certification. While this
contractual, and business), and the information security risks it faces. Policies and can make it difficult to prove beyond any doubt that your cybersecurity practices are
procedures are then introduced to support the actions taken, and records are kept as effective, this approach can be used to implement the CSF.
evidence of those actions.

ISO 27001 contains 14 categories of information security controls that cover all
aspects of the organization. As with the CSF, risk assessment is used to determine
which controls should be implemented, allowing the ISMS to truly reflect the
organization’s unique needs. Risk assessment and treatment are the core components
of a successful ISMS, and the approach chosen must be structured and repeatable to
ensure consistent results over time.

Monitoring and measurement are mandated to ensure the ISMS remains effective.
Periodic audits ensure that the ISMS operates as intended, and regular management
reviews keep the board informed as to the state of the management system, better
enabling it to make informed cybersecurity decisions and provide direction.

Many organizations opt to certify their ISMS through an independent certification

body. Certifications to ISO 27001 in the US increased by 37% from 2017–18.5

ISO 27001 and the CSF How we can help

The requirements of ISO 27001 and the CSF are closely aligned. Both frameworks Organizations looking to implement the CSF to increase their access to contracts
require the organization to implement controls based on a risk assessment, strongly and markets will find distinct benefit in meeting the requirements by way of a
emphasizing the importance of risk management in protecting information. certified ISMS.

Both frameworks are outcome-focused and vendor-neutral, specifying information An ISO 27001-compliant ISMS not only helps achieve the objectives of the CSF
security goals and objectives, but leaving the decision as to how they are achieved to but also helps ensure the organization adheres to the widening array of
the organization. ISO 27001 explicitly recognizes the critical role that top management cybersecurity regulations in effect around the world, reducing the long-term cost
and the board play, not only in such decision-making but also in driving awareness and of compliance.
responsibility for information security throughout the organization.
As a leading provider of IT governance, risk, and compliance solutions, IT
Both ISO 27001 and the CSF require a controlled, long-term approach to information Governance USA is perfectly positioned to help you on your cybersecurity
security based on continual improvement: Through regular review of profiles and tiers journey. Our team has extensive experience in implementing the CSF, and we
in the CSF, and through regular audit, monitoring, measurement, and review in an have helped more than 600 organizations achieve certification to ISO 27001.
Whether you are implementing the CSF as a first step on the road to
In fact, of the 108 subcategories within the CSF, only 3 do not reference ISO 27001 as cybersecurity, or as an enhancement to an existing program, IT Governance USA
a possible route to achieving the objective, making an ISO 27001-compliant ISMS an should be your first port of call.
effective way to implement the CSF.

Speak to an expert

Useful resources
IT Governance USA offers a unique range of helpful products and services, including books, documentation toolkits, standards, training courses, professional
consultancy services, and more.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework – A pocket guide ISO 27001 Cybersecurity Toolkit

Get a clear understanding of the NIST CSF with this essential Accelerate your ISO 27001 project with this bestselling
pocket guide. Among other things, learn how to implement toolkit, which includes customizable and fully compliant
the CSF and integrate it with standards such as ISO 27001. documentation templates, dashboards and gap analysis
tools, and direction and guidance from ISO 27001 experts.

ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Standard ISO 27001 Gap Analysis

The international standard ISO 27001 details the requirements A specialist review of your information security measures
of a best-practice ISMS, which your organization can against the ISO 27001 requirements. Get the true picture of
implement to improve the state of its information security. your compliance gaps, and receive expert advice on how to
scope your project and establish your resource requirements.

Certified ISO 27001 ISMS Lead Implementer Training ISO 27001 FastTrack™ 500
A fixed-priced consultancy package designed to help
If you are involved in information security management or organizations between 20 and 500 employees achieve ISO
implementing ISO 27001, this course covers all the key steps 27001 certification readiness in an agreed time frame. We
in preparing for and achieving ISMS certification first time. offer a certification guarantee with no surprises!

Certified ISO 27001 ISMS Lead Auditor Training Course

Learn the skills to plan, execute, and report second- and
third-party audits. Build your career as a lead auditor, and View more products and services
gain the skills to achieve ISO 27001 compliance in this five-
day course.

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IT Governance USA solutions

IT Governance USA is your one-stop shop for cybersecurity and IT governance, risk Training
management, and compliance (GRC) information, books, tools, training, and
We offer training courses from staff awareness and foundation courses, through to
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We sell sought-after publications covering all areas of corporate and IT governance. Consultancy
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Our industry-leading software tools, developed with your needs and requirements in
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IT Governance USA is the one-stop shop for cybersecurity, cyber
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© 2003–2021 GRCI International Group Limited | Acknowledgement of Copyrights | GRC International Group Trademark Ownership Notification
IBM, “2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report”, July 2020,
The White House, “Executive Order -- Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity”, February 2013,
The White House, “Presidential Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure”, May 2017,
NIST, “Cybersecurity Framework”, accessed August 2020,
ISO, “ISO Survey 2018”, September 2019,

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