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Quarter 3: WORKSHEET NO. 1 MELC: S10LT-IIIa-33.1.1.



The Endocrine system is composed of glands that use chemical messengers to
influence a wide range of activities such as growth, development and metabolic activities.
These chemical messengers called hormones regulate processes at a slower rate. The
hormonal effects last longer and are more widespread within the body.

Activity 1 “Intro to Endocrine”

A. Direction: Read the statement below and fill in the missing words. Refer to the word bank
Receptor Target cells Endocrine
Exocrine Hormone Secreting cells

1. is a gland which release secretions through ducts into cavities or body

2. is a gland which secrete hormone directly into bloodstream.
3. is the chemical messenger that regulate processes at a slower rate.
4. affects only a limited number of cells.
5. binds to the target cells but not on the non-target cells.

Activity 2 “Endocrine Glands and Functions”

A. Direction: Label the endocrine glands in the diagram


7 1

8 11
B. Direction: From the list below, select the hormone that fits each of the following
functions or descriptions, write the letter of the correct answer.
a. Parahormone g Testosterone
b. Cortisol h. Gonadotropin
c. Calcitonin i. Glucagon
d. Oxytocin j. Epinephrine
e. ADH k. Thyroxine
f. Estrogen
12. It raises the blood sugar and increases the heartbeat and breathing rates.
13. It stimulates the uterine contractions during childbirth.
14. It produced in small amounts to bring about the onset of puberty.
15. It drives the development of the secondary sex characteristics in males.
16. It regulates blood calcium levels. Calcitonin
17. It maintains the salt/water balance in the extracellular fluid.
18. It is release in response to stressors by relaxing the muscles in the airways and
tightening the blood vessels.
19. It is directly responsible for regulation of the menstrual cycle.
20. It controls how much energy the body uses.

Activity 3 “Endocrine Diseases and Disorders”

A. Direction: Name the hormones produced in adequate amounts that result in the
following conditions
21. Cushing’s Syndrome
22. Demineralization of bones
23. Diabetes
24. Dwarfism
25. Cushings Disease

B. Direction: You are working as a health care provider in a clinic. The following are case
histories on several endocrinology patients. Review the symptoms of each patient and answer
the questions in each statement.
26. Lisa Santos has just been brought into the emergency rooms of Philippine General Hospital.
She is perspiring profusely and is breathing rapidly and irregularly. Her breath smells like
acetone (sweet and fruity) and her blood glucose test out at 650mg/100ml of blood. She is in
acidosis. Normal blood glucose levels should be less than 140mg/100ml of blood. What
hormone should be administered?
27. The parents of a 14 year old Luis are concerned about her height because she is only 4 feet
tall and they are both close to 6 feet tall. After tests by their doctor, certain hormones are
prescribed for the girl. What hormones are prescribed and explain why the girl might expect to
reach normal height?
Author: MARIA CECILIA A. SANTIAGO – Manuel G. Araullo High School

References: and
28. Mary and her grandmother went out to eat at a restaurant that had a self-serve soda fountain.
During the evening Allie drank 5 cokes. Later, she found herself visiting the restroom on a more
than regular basis. Explain why she is experiencing excessive urination? What hormone should
be administered?

29. Parents of a 5 year old girl are told by doctors that the reasons for the girl’s chronic
illnesses are a weak immune system and low T - lymphocyte count. What hormone is deficient
and what gland produces this hormone?

30. A woman in her mid - 20’s has been having trouble falling asleep. Tests reveal that she
has low levels of the hormone.

Author: MARIA CECILIA A. SANTIAGO – Manuel G. Araullo High School

References: and
Author: MARIA CECILIA A. SANTIAGO – Manuel G. Araullo High School
References: and

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