ManualofElectionLawVolume 1 English

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mfijQ 'tiB CfT~ ~;a-~ 'tiT 1j~<i\'1)

[m.: I)

Manual of Election Law

(A Compilation of tbe stntntory provisions governing elections
to ParUament and tbe State LegisIatares)

[As on the 1st January, 1995)

F Clifton White Resource Center

lmmaIionai Foundation for Election SystemS

lIi1"!f1l;, 'IT~ ~'l; l!lf"IT<'IlI', '!i{T<mn~-121 00 1 ~-q l{1!r<r <I"fT
5I"'Iiro'r-f.f>t.A;, 'IT'l;<f ~T'l;, ftr1'ir.r~, flffi:ft-l10054 ~-q lflIiTfu<r I

ir.if ~ 'liT uf~ ,,~ : ~'W if: 14 5 ~

m'W if: 2. 851f~ 'IT 4.60 vrn.
f.:rcrf;:r;:r fcrfer A"~fWCfiT
[~<'G: IJ

F Clifton Whitr l?esource Center

lmemational Found",',,-' for Election Systems

- .~--

This edition of the Manual ot Election Laws is heing published in diglot form. The English text and
the authoritative Hindi text of the Act. have been modified up to the 1st January. 1995.


1... 1 JANUARY 1'>95 Serretary 10 the GVl'('rnmelll of bulin.


a. .---.--.-.-....-_......---.--.....---.-..............-...........------.-.---.-------------------------.J>r aa....
I .... Inaertod.
Notitn. ··•.•... _··••NN_.····.....__ ·........··_.__...__•__.····•••. _..._____________________________________• " Notif""'!ion.
R<p. Ropealed.
S. Section.
Sch. Schedul..
........ _._.... __.... __ ... _._... ____ M!. ___.__.______________________________________ "
Sub!. Subllitutad.
w.e1. with effect from.

First dial'" edition-l982 : U,OOO

Second dial'" edition-1984: 14,000
Thin! dialot edilion-1989: 14,500
Founh diaJot edition-I991: 12,500
Fifth diglol edition-I995: 15.000
~ ~ ~ CIiT ~ ~1'!T1it t!r~ lI'Iirrmr ~"lIl 011 1m g I ~ ill ~ f:i 10111 <liT ;3rTi;lft 11'10 am: C"e'CIiT fW;:;ft
~ 1l'TO 1 ~, 1995 era; t!r~ g I

;:r8 ~; ~O I!;<!fO ¥lldi1\ifbll,

1 ;;r.w(t, 1995 lI~, ~ lIum: I

to ................................................................................................................~.('IAI{) I

'1m! ~ mtur-I982: 15,000

.(UU ~ ~-1984: 14,000

<ftuu ~ ~-1989: 14,500 I\

~ ~ mtur-I991: 12.500

~ ~ ~-1995: 15.000



ExtraClllrom the Constitution.


1. Emadl from th.lndian POnal Code (4S oll86O).

2. Th. Rep....ntation orth.l'I!opl. M. 19SO(4J olI9SO).
3. Th. Rep....ntation olthel'l!ople M.19S1 (43 ol19SI~
4. Emadl from the SI .... Reol1l"nwtion M. 1956 (37 or 19S6).
S. Emadl from the G_mment or Union tamtories M. 1963 (20 ofl963~
6. Extracts from the Government or National Capital T.mtory or Delhi M. 1991 (lor 1992).
7. Th. Jammu and ICaJhmir Representalion orth. Peopl. (Supplementary) M. 1968 (3 or 1968).
8. Th. Delimitation M.1972 (76 or 1972).
9. Th. Scheduled C ..... and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) M. 1976 (lOB oll976).
10. Estracu rrom the Scheduled Cute. and the Scheduled Tribes (Prnontion or Atrocitie.) M. 1989 (33 oll9l!9)


1. Officcn before whom. candiaateS may make or subtc:ribe oath or aft"trmation.

2. The Prohibition ofSimultaneoua Membcnbip Rulel.l95o.
3. Th. Constitution (Scheduled Cut.s) Order. 19So.
4. Th. Constitution (Scheduled Cutes) (Union 1enitoriesj Order. 19S1.
S. The Constitution (Jannnu and Kashntir) Scheduled Cutes Order. 19S6.
6. Th. Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Hami) Scheduled Cut.. Order. 1962.
7. The Constitution (Porulicherry) Scheduled Cutes Order. 1964.
8. Th. Conllitution (Sillim) Scheduled Cutes Order. 1978.
9. Th. Constitution (Scheduled nihes) Order. 19'0.
10. Th. Constitution (Scheduled nihes) (Union Territories) Order. 19S1.
II. Th. Constitution (Andaman and Nioohar Wanda) Scheduled "Inbes Order. 19S9.
12. Th. Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Ha..ti) Scheduled "In"" Order. 1962-
13. Th. Con.utution (Scheduled nihes) (Uttar Pradesh) Order. 1967.
14. Th. Constitution (Napland) Scheduled "In"" Order. 197Q.
IS. Th. Coollitution (Sillirol Scheduled Tribe. Order. 1978.
16. The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Tn'beJ Order. 1989.



1. The Parliament (Prevention or Diaqualifiution) M. 1959 (10 oll9S~

2. Acts or the Stat. Leaislatures ClI<:latina to Removal ol Diaquali1iutioDl~
f::tcd",., ftriV f::t~ft!11.ti1

~ 1


~~~ ............ .

I. 1IItl!t1I _ \11m (1860 1IIT 45) ~ <mwr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . • . . . . . . . . 26

2. .~~. 1950(1950"43) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3. • Qft!P-!fto .. ~. 1951 (I951111T 43) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5S
4. _ ~~. 1956 (I956111T J7) ~ ~ . . • . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \18
5. ~ -*" Ilm'I ~. 1963 (1963 om 20) ~ <mwr . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .• 119
6. ~ tT$I mI'II'I\ ~ Ilm'I ~. 1991 (1992,", I) ~ <mwr ................. I2J
7. GJ-fi"Pftt m.
Qft!P-!R>\p (~) ~. 1968 (196810' 3) . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
8. ofttl\;R ~, 1972 (I972111T 76) . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 128
9. ~ 1IIIft!<If alit ~ ~ ana. (trolu;r)~, 1976(1976 .. 108) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IJ2
10. ~ onftr alit ~ <r.mflI 1 _ 1!ImwI) ~, 1989 (1989 II! 33) ~ <mwr . . . . . . 135


2. ,un:nqftus ~ ~~. 19S0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 142
3. ~.(~ onftr1rI) mmr, 1950. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
4. ~ (~ onftr1rI) (~ -*")
mmr, 1951.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 157
5. ~ (,"".-lit) ~ ~ mmr, 1956. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
6. ~.jCmI alit """ rot) ~ 1IIIft!<If mmr. 1962 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
7. ~ (~ ~ 1IIIft!<If an,
1964 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
8. ~ (ftrfeII) ~ onftr mmr, 1978 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .• 162
9.~I~~mmr,1950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
10. ~ I~ ~ I~ ......) mmr, 1951 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
II. ~ ( n - alit r.m.m:
i\Q) ~ ~ anm,
1959. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
12. ~ (~aIIt """ rot) ~ ~ mmr. 1962. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 176
13. ~ (~~ I~ un.) 1967 . . . . .anm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 177
14. ~ (~) ~ ~ anm.
1970. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. 178
IS. ~ IftrfeII) ~ <r.mflI an.
1978 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 179
16. ~ (GJ ...i>It<) ~ ~ anm. 1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , 180

I. iIl1! (1!IdaI 1!ImwI) ~. 1959 (1959" 10). . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

2. _ """' IIniI' • ~ (flIm1air .a
mil • lilt ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 191


Extracts from the Constitution

2-sn·1 M/o Law & Juslicf'/94



• • • •
The President alld Vice-President
52. The President of India-There shall be a President of India .
• • • •
54. Election of President-The President shall be elected by the members of an electoral college
consisting of-
(a) the elected members of both Houses of Parliament; and
(b) the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the States.
l(£xpial/mio/l.- In this article and in article 55. "State includes the National Capital Territory of Delhi
and th'e Union territory of Pondicherry.}
55. Manner of election of President-(l) A< far as practicable. there shall be uniformity in the scale of
representation.of the different States at the election of the President. .
(2) For the purpose of securing such uniformity among the StHles il/ler se as well as parity between the
Swtes as a whole and the Union. the number of votes \vhich each elected member of Parliament and of the
Legislative Assembly of each State is entitled 10 cast at such election shall be determined in the following
manner :-
(a) every elected member of the Legislative Assembly of a State shall have as many votes as there
are multiples of one thousand in the Quotient oblained by dividing Ihe population of State by the
lotal number of the elected members of the Assembly;
(b) if. after taking the said multiples of one thousand.lhe remainderis not less than five hundred,
then Ihe vote of each member referred to in sub-clause (a) shall be further increased by one;
(e) each elected member of either House of Parliament shall have such number of votes as may
be obtained by dividing the total number of votes assigned to the members ofthe Legislative Assem-
blies of the States under sub-clauses (a) and (b) by the tOlal number of the 'elected members of both
I-louses of PClr1iamenl fractions exceeding one-half being counted as one and other fractions
heing disregarded.
(3) The election of the Presidel).tshall be held in accordance with the system of proportional represen-
tation by means of the single transferable vote and the voting at such election shall be by secret ballot.
'(E.l"pimwliol1.-1 n this article. the expression "popul",ion" meanS the population as ascertained at the
last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published:
Provided thatthe reference in this£<pianaliollto the last preceding census ofwhich the relevant figures
have been published shall. until the relevant figures for the first census taken after the year 2000 have been
published. be construed 'as a reference to the 1971 census.}
56. Term of office o~President-(1) The President shall holdomee for a term offive years from the date
on which he enters upon his office:
Provided that-
(a) the President may, by writing under his hand addressed to the Vice-President. resign his
(b) the President may. for violation of the Consti~ution, be removed from office by impeach-
ment in the manner provided in article 61;
1. Ins. by the Constitution (Seventieth Amendment) Act, 1991. s. 2.
1 Subs. by the Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) A.i.;l 1976. s. 12. for the former Eyplanation (w.eJ. 3-1-1977).
"lI1T 1


• • • • • •
U1>!qfu aiR: ~qfu
52. 1'lmI lIIr U'<!'lft! - ""'" lfil '<'Ii ~ l;1rrr I
• • • • • •
54. (It<:QFa !iii mf;r.r-~ lfil ~ ~ F~qri\a;'lol <f; ~ o;tTt fmrif-
(a;) mli,1 <f; ,Rr ~r <f; ~~. al'l1:
.(e) UU<it'lft ftIt:IR W1T31r <f; ~~,


'I~""-~ 31~ 31'11: ~ 55 ii' "~" <f; 3T<!r/a' ~ uG!tln:r.lm;ft ~~ am: qffl:~~ ~ go II
55. (I t<:Q Fa $ f:,~ ;it ttftr -(I) m;;i OQ; mvn), ~ <f; ~ itfir-l-fir-I U'l'ir<f; Qf/tf.tftl", <f;!l1QllR ii'
~Q'ill l:)r\ll
(2) U'l'irii~31_ ii'~ ~~QOl.,.n ~ U'l'iram: ~ ii'''~ll>li<lal 'lll<I ~ <f; ~ ~ am: O<ito;~ '1ft ftIt:IR W1T
ihll!<i!a; f'lqff\rn ~ ~ f.!~ ii'RmR;re ir.t lfil ~ g;;;J'Ift m;zu f.t"'tlilffila ttfIt it3l"'IIfur 'Ift~, 311!lfQ :-

(a;) ~t ~ '1ft ftIt:IR W1T <f; O<ito; ~ ~ <f; m

!let ~ RmR fu; '<'Ii 6Ofl{ <f; ~ ;n! ~ ii'l!rull
~ ott ;;r;ro1'\'ll a;) ;n! fll'lR W1T <f; ~ ~ ott ~ m;zu if "Il'T ir.t II{ 3111<:

(e) ~~""",<f; a'ffl ~ all if.t<f; OR Qtq qtqm if <1»1 'lttUt ~ (a;) ii'~ l!<i!a; ~ <f; mit '1ft
m;zu ii' ~ al;' ~ fu'I! ;mu:rn:
(Tt) ~ <f; l!<i!a; ~ <f; l!<i!a; ~ ~ <f; mil' '1ft m;.n 'II! g)r\l;;it ~ (a;) am: ~ (e) <f; al~ U'l'ir
otl flI'lR Bm31r~ ~<f; ~ f.!<rn ~mit''Ift m;.n a;), ~ ~ W-itrnt&i ~ ~'Ift ~ m;.n it "Il'T ir.t II{
'3m! fumll' 31ri1 if 31ltia; fir-I a;) '<'Ii flT;rr ;;nu:rn 31'11: 31"l fir-lr '1ft ;;qau '1ft ~ I

(3) ~ ihl f.!~ 311~QIfi1a; IIfItf.!fuC<I'.ma &i 31~ ~ihi!I !'rIf,~o1rQ ;re mt m am: ~ ~ if!lCl1:R ':J'<! l!1rrr I
2[~",,_~ ~~,it, "~" ~it~3tftm~'lRlTOAIii'dllt1f.tfha 'lftrffl~dllmi'oi~
~ ~ ~ta;(VI it aifcrn ~qcff 'lRlTOAI <f; ofu, ~. ~Wta ~ ~ it ~ i', ~!1Ilfil, <;til OQ; tr.{ 2000 &i
WlTcI ott rffl <mit 'lRlTOAI &i ~ 311a;~ ~ '1;ft'it ;mH', Ill! 31<1 Ql1lllII;;nu:rn flt; 'II! 1971 'Ift'lRlTOAl <f; ofu f.R!1I i II
56. U1>!qfu;it ~mg-(1) ~ aJqi\ ~ = '1ft attrer if qtq "" '1ft dI'Iftr OQ; ~ <m:ot a;{rn :

(a;) ~, dQ(I'<Qf/t a;) "'~ dlq;ll!1'<!lart ml:a lite mt a!1l'Il ~ <"IlI1 ~;
(e) l'rfll'lR a;1 31~ m II{ ~ a;) al~ 61 it a<liiftrn ttfIt it 'i\l!lIQ; ~ "mfW/m mt ~ it
iRJ'll ;m ~1lT:

I. ~ ("""'" """'"') ~. 1992 0\\ 'IlU 2 = eia:..moa ,

2. ~ (~"""'"')~. 19760\\ 'IlU 12= (3-1-1977 01) <ml~"t>1R 17t ulli""fildl
2 Extracts from the Constitution

(c) the President shall, notwithstanding the expiration of his term, continue to hold office
until his su~~~ssor enters upon his office.

(2) Any resignation addressed to the Vice-President under clause (a) of the proviso to clause (I)
shall forthwith b~ communicated by him to the Speaker of the Hou'le of the People.
57. Eligibility for re-election-A person who holds, or who has held, office as President shall,
subje~t to the other provisions of this Constitution, be eligible for re-election to that office.

5~. QHlili:atioBi for electioll al Presidellt-(l) No person shall be eligible for election as
President unless he-
(a) is a citizen of India;
(b) has completed the age of thirty-five years; and
(c) is qualified for election as a member of the House of the People.
(2) A person shall not be eligible for election as President if he holds any office of profit under
the Government of India or the Government of any State or under any local or other authority
subject to the control of any of the said Governments.

Explanation.-For the purposes of this article, a person shall not be deemed Ito hold any office
of profit by reason only thlt he is the President or Vice-President of the Union or the Governor 1.'!O.
of any State or is a Minister either for the Union or for any State.

59. Conditions of President's officc-(i) The President shall not be a member of either House
of Parliament or of a House of the Legislature of any State, and if a member of either House of
Parliam~nt or of a House of the Legislature of any State be elected President, he shall be deemed
to have vacated his scat in that House on the date on which he enters upon his office as Presi-
• • • • •
62. Time of boldlng election to fill vacancy in the office of Presldeot and the term of ~ffice
of person elected to fill casnal vacancy-(l) An election to fill a vacancy caused by the expira·
tion of the term of office of President shall be completed before the expiration of the teflll.
(2) An election to till a vacancy in tnc office of President occurring by reason of his death,
resignation or removal, or otherwise shall be held as soon as possible after, and in no case later
than six months from, the date of occurrence of the vacancy; and the person elected to IiII the
vacancy shall, subject to tho provisions of article 56, be entitled to hold office for the full term
of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office.
63. 'The Vice-President of India-There shall be a Vice-President of India.

64. The Vice-President to be ex officio Chainnan of the COIIIIcil of States-The Vice-President

sllall be ex officio Chairman of the Council of States and shall not hold any other office of pro-
fit :
Provided that during any period when the Vice-President acts as President or discharges the
functions of the President under article 65, he shall not perform the duties of the office of Chairman
of the Council of States and shall not be imtitled to any salary or allowance payable to the Chairman
of the Council of States under article 97 .
• • • • • •
I. Tho w,>rd. "or Rajpi'amukh or Uporajpramukh" omitted by the Constitution (Seven,h Amcndm<n') Ac. ,1956 ... ,9
and Sth.
('I) ~", arof.\' ~ '1ft snfi:T ;{lfM Itl YfR If"( 1ft, <A' <f'l; 'R fm'IT ~<IT <#.'" "1'1' <f'l;
'3!m ~ arq'IT ql{ "Il:"T 'llf/ 'Ii, i'rm ~ I

( 2) '" (1) i!; $ ij; ' " (q;) il; 3fitA' ~~ 'Ii) mnfilo ~ '1ft ~ '3tA;
rem ;rTlfi If'ITT i!; 3f6"q'0l '1ft ~ <IT ;;rK';'l1 I
~'fr"~lfof ii: r.'1~ ql.uI--liT~ o'l'ih,') 'i.~1ff ij; 'H if q1 ..nor ~; ~ "T ~1: '!'~
~, ~ ~ ij; 3l'''f ~;iii ij; 3i"T" 'ltit gq ;nr IF. ij; fu~ ~f.!qf,"" 'li'l 'fRi &.T'TT I

58. ~r, f'f~flf" ~7t ii: f<'ll! lf~<mt--( 1) m arfr:; ~ f'f.i'iiu ~I't 'l>'f 'fRi <I'Ifr
~r \;f;r ~-
('Ii') 'IIrni 'liT 'fIlIfu; ~;
of<ft!l' "" '1ft 'ITIT. '1;1:1 'Ii'"( '{'liT ~; aft<:
( 'l! )
('I) <'I7'Ii';;"lT 'IiT!I''''''' f.Mf'lO ~t.\' ij; ft;;1{ ~ ~ I
( 2) ~ Olififfi', '1'1 'iff'Vi " " " ' il; 'iT ffim- ~ 'li'l ;:ru;n: ij; 3l'JR 3f<nrr """ ~i. it «
ffim- i!; fll<ffluT it fi><fr '?l!T.m 'iT 3f"f Inf<l'liTU i!; 3l"ir.r 'Iili: \iTIf 'liT 'R!ffi1!T 'I>1:!I'T~,
~ f'l'rif'lO ~r.r 'PT 'fRi 'lit ;il;rr I
~t:lI"".1 ~ aq~ ij; ~ ij; f~, ~ "'I'f1!a' ij;'fVl" ~!I' lfi'T"(GT 'Iili:;rN 'liT 'R ~
onitm;r 'llf/U'IIlIT ~f.!; ~"I'tr 'liT ~ "T "q{I,,!<qfa 'iTffim- 'U"<i'i 'liT (I~4ql'-'1' ,**. ~3f'l1fT
«'1' 'liT 'iT ffim- U'i'i 'liT *ft ~ I
59, ~ $ 'R il; ~ wif-( 1) '>:T"i<'ffcr ~ ii: ffim- ~ 'liT 'iT ffim- 'U"<i'i ij; f;(.rr.r->iif<'i
ij; ffim- ~ 'liT '1m' ~ ~)'TT aft<: '4ft ~ il; flP.fT ~ .. T 'iT fm mli ~ f;(;n"I->i;r.; iI;
fm~ 'li'T 'Iili: ,,~~<i f~"iF"d ~r OI'rnr ~ "I ~ ~ ~ f'li':;~ '3'!1' ~ if 3l'I"IT
~ ~ ii: ~q if 3f'f.t 'R ~ !fit ~ « rna- 'Ii', flm ~ I

• .. ... ... ...

62. ~ $ 'R if M!; 'lit ~ ~~ ~ ~ om _ ~ "'~ M!; 'lit ~ ~
~ r"qiF..." oqfu; 'lit 'RTIIfi1- ( 1) '>:T"i<'ffir '1ft <m'I'fii '1ft ~ «~fU'Ia' ~..m- ij; f:;r:!: f.m-
'"'" ~ 'liT ~ «~ ~ '!;"f 'Ii'"( fi;'iT ~ I

( 2) ~ '1ft 'If'!-, 'R fIl'T1T 'iT 'R «~'l; YfR 'iT 3f"f lfi'T"(GT ~ '3tA; 'R if f<f.Rr ~ «
m;f ij; fu'~ f~, ft:f.ffl Itt.\' !fit ~ iI> ~ I!'mflEi aft<: 5R~ l{WT if ~3: >mr;fia;l
«~ f.!;'if Gi'T'l;'1T. aft<: fmcr
q;)..m- i!; ~ f~"if"'d 0lIfur, ~ 56 ij; milT ij; anft;r
'Il:it gq, 3f'f.t 'R ll~ '1ft <IT'fuf «<rRr
<N '1ft ~ ar.rf1i cr'li' 'R ~ 'I» ~ rn
63. 1Irnr lIlT :aq<lqqfd 'I!roi 'liT ~ "qU"i<qfd i{1"TT I

64. ~qf/f lIlT U9If WIlT om 'It.'! ~ ~-;;>«i"i<qf<l, 'U"<i'i If'ITT 'liT ~ wsmf/f ~
m 3f"f q;1f;rN 'I» 'R !ffi1!T ;;,IT ~'TT :
~ f"f!l' f.t;Ifi ar.rf1i ij;;:'\"u;r "q<l,,!<qf<l, ~ 65 ij; anft;r ~ ij; ~ if m 'HaT ~
'iT ~/f ij; ?)(liT 'I» f.r~ 'I>1:!I'T ~, '3'!1' ar.rf1i ij; <mFr 'I&: 'U"<i'i ;;"'IT ij; \I1TT'fRr oj; ql{ ij; ~ 'liT 4Tor'l' iJ(\'
~ m 'I&: aq~ 97 ij; anft;r 'U"<i'i If'ITT ij; \I1Trcmr ~ ~'l';f<f'l 'iT 'l'<f 'PT ~ ~ &.f'TT I
• ... ... ... ...
3 Extracts from the Constitution

66. Ellletion of Vlce-Pre!ident-{l) The Vice-President shall be elected by the 'lmembers of
an electoral college consisting of the members of both Houses of Parliamentl in aCC'ordance with
the' system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote and the voting
at such election shall be by secret baUot.
(2) The Vice-President shall not be a member of either House of Parliament or of a House of
the ~gislature of any State, and if a mem1?er of e~ther House of Parliament or of a House of
the Legislature of any State be electe~ Vice-President, ~e shall be ~eemed.t0 have vacated
his seat in.that House on the date on which he enters upon his offico a& Vlce-Prosident.
(3) No person shall be e\iglble for election as Vice-President unless he-
(a) is a citizen of India;
(b) has completed the age of thirty-five years; and
(c) is qualified for election as member of the Council of States.
(4) A person shall not be eligible for election as Vice-President if he holds any office ofprofit
under the Governnient of India or the Government of any State or' under any local or other autho-
rity subject to the control of any of the said Governments.
Explanatioll.-For the purposes of this article, a person shalllWt be deemed to hold any
oftlce of profit by reason only that he is the President or Vice-President of the Union ot the
Governor tOOO of any State or is a Minister either for the Union or for any State.
61. Tenn of office of Vlce-Pre~"leDt-The;Vice-President shall hold office for a term. of five
years from the date on which he enters upon his office:
Provided that-
(a) a Vice-President may, by writing under his hand addressed to the President, resign
his office;
(b) a Vice-President may be removed from his office bya resolution of the Council of States
passed .by a majority of all the then members of the Council and agreed to by the House of the
People; but no resolution for the purpose of this clause shall be moved unless at least fonrteen
days' notice has been given of the iritention to move the resolution;
(c) a Vice-President shall, notwithstanding the expiration of his term, continue to hold
office until his successor enters upon his office.
611. Time of holding election to fill vacancy in the office'of Vice-President and the term of office of
persIID electedto ftII casual vacancy-{l) An election to fill to a vacancy caused by the expiration
of the term of office of Vice-President shall be completed before the expiration of the term.
(2) An election to fill a vacancy in the office of Vice-President occurring by rea&on of his death,
resignation or removal, or otherwise shall be·held as soon as possible after the occurrence of the
vacancy, and the person elected to fill the vacancy shall, subject to the provisions of article 61. be
entitled to· hold office for the full term of five years from the date on which lie enters updn his

'L11. Matters relating to, or COIIDected with, the election of a President or Vlce-Presldent-{l)
All doubts' and disputes arising out of or in connection with the election of a President or Vice-
President shall be inquired into and decided by the Supreme Court whose decision "shall be final.
1. Sub•. byth, Cln,titution(EleventhAmendment) Act, 1961, s. 2. for ''m1:mbers o. both Houses of Parliament
a.ssembled at a joint meeting".
2. The words "or Rajpramukhor Uparajpramukh" omitted by the Constitution (S,v<mh Am<ndmfDt)Act, 1956, s. 29
;. Subs. by tbe Constitution (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act, 1978, s. 10. for article 71 (w.d. 20·6-1979).

66...... ('~qftl 'Ill ~-( 1) aq(o~4r.r ;or f~ '[~ it; <itoIT ~;ff it; !I~,", it f<r.rP.
II'R m fll .. foq..,lOU, it; ~] 1m 3iT't'flfuolr ~ 'I<!fu' it; a;;o;.m 11;'1"1' n~ Iffi li'U r.»rr
am ~ flr<oR'f it Iffi1U'r '1"'" ~ I
(2) a4(1~qfd ~ %- fm ~ 'liT .... fm mll %- f<fiTif-lf .... it; folr!IT \n''f q;r ~ orifT ~"'I
am: llft ~ it; fif.lft ~ 'liT .... f.!;tft mll it; f'qilfil-.m; it; fi!;l:rr ~ 'liT 'fiF. ;m<r ;;.l'(I~f.,. f'T'lff.rff
i!:) ;;rrm ~ (I) ITil: ~ ~ f.!; m ~ ~ it 3!"{'f[ \' .... , "q(l~qfff it; >;:q it m 'R" !Il"T
'1ft <rIiIli H"(I!([ '"' mr ~ I
(3) 'IiTt Clff.Rr "q(l~qfd f~ .. if... d i!:~ 'liT emf <r.ft ~"Tif ~-
( .., ) 'I!roI 'liT 'fTlOfu; ~; .
('i) f<fi;r if'f '!it 3fTlr. rU '"' ~~; 3IT(
('I) U"f ij"Iff 'liT ~ F~qiF.. d ~ it; ft;« ~ ~ ,
( 4) ~ OIfflffl "IT 'I!roI lmm: it; .... mIT m>i '!it ,rom it; armor 3T'M il'ffi !IVmT it it fm
it; f';rlt.fur it f.!;tft ~ .... ar->l' l1Tf!l'm.T it; ar!1T'f ~ \'IT'I 'liT 'R" ~ ~ ~. "Q·.I,,?qF:1 f~ .. ir.. "
i!:~ 'liT emf ~ ~ I
... 6ti¥(G' 1m ~ it; lflir.m it; fti~. ~ '..-f'Rr il;<;;;; Il:ff ~ 'Ioli '"" 'liT 'R" ~ 'lI't'i'
<mIT ~ ~ ~ folr ~ ;t'l. 'liT ~'" .... aq(j!~qf~ til fq;ffi mli 'liT ",,,ql;;; ~ ar'l''IT .* ••
~ 'liT .... f.!;tft m>i 'liT liar ~ ,

.67. ",q(O"4 QIa'lft 4i1Ti1fu--l4(1'1qf'i' 3T4't 'R" lfi!:11[ <f.t ffTu.. «'tT'I'....t 'lI1 arqfu ff'lI 'R" ~ ~ :

('Ii) W~'f. ~lf'" 'lit .r-nf<m 3T4't ~ ~<r ~ rm 3i'm 'R" <"lJ1T ~lIT;
('i) aq<l,,}qfd. {i.,. ;Jlfl it ~« ~ iITTT 3T4't 'R" it ~ ,"T ~ f.!it 'tT.,. WIlT it;
..·,r..~ ~ ~ it; iT§'1<f ;f qrfT<r f.!>rrr ~
"'a",,""or;;f am:
f;rnlr ;;IT'I1 1l'IT ~ ~; ~ w l!h it;
lflim it; t:~ ~ ~<"i <l'iT ~ lffiITf<;" ;rf.f f.!;rrr "'ro:'fT "''if <f'Ii f.!; 'O!r ~ 'lit ~@f"d '!>fir it;
aml1i '!it ..".. « if;1! ~ m.r
'!it 'f'A'T or it ~ 'Ii ;ft;
(tr) ~qfu. "ItA- 'R" <f.t 3f'ifJ 'l1fTt"T F.:) "'R qT ..n <!"if "'~ 'R" '.mw 'Ii"T<IT "$IT'liiT ff'lI
~ "t1" '" """
-'" ~-
3T4'fT 'R" ~ ~ <,' 'Ii< '1-iT ., I
68. ",q(O"44fHito'R if hfu; II>'t ~ ito ~ f~ m
am ...¥r""q; ~1I>'t~ itofi:!1t
r.....I~" ;qfu; '1ft 'RT4ftl-( 1) 3'H1',?Qr", <f.t 'l'rr'Ifu 'liT «gt fu'Rr 'Ii) ..m- it; ft;Q: f'f'lf'A'.
omqfu 'lir « ;rr rr>f
;r1fT1'n' ~ !fiT. fti'lT ,"ro:rr I
( 2) "q (I~qr", '!it q;<'!,. <rolIT'T .... 'R" it ;rm>: orR 3f'<T ~ «gt ~ 'R" it fd1rcr 'lit ..m-
ito ft;« ~. fd1rcr ~~ t. wmJ: lIl(fmsr f.!>rrr ;;;ro:rr am: fd1rcr 'lit m:'t it; ft;« f....iRd
~ 67 it; ~ it; mft;r ~1t r:r;. artA- 'R" '1';l'1I[ f.t mn ~ '!i'I' 'l<i 'liT 'J;'r arlffu ff'lI 'R" ~
• • * * *
'[ 7\. ~ In ",Q(l"4 qfit ij; ~ it ~ .... ~ f~- ( 1) ~ ..... iN <I~q fd ij;
f~ ~ ~ .... ~'ffiI rn mm >IT>: fqm'f <f.t orf";f >IT>: f~ ~<flt 'Q"IQI;;rq li'U fq;rrr 'lIn:'lT
ar'\'( ~ f~f~.,,~ aif<flt Ifi'lIT I
I. <ifimA (~ ~'.;m;.) ~. 1961 'Ilt UfTT 2 iIT'J "of,!"" ~ it '!lffir ~.11'! ~ .:r.i\ %if t. om>ii" iii
~ q;( stfdfttlNd I
2- 'l'fiI1IT'f ('""""' '"""") ~.
fIIoIT "'" 1
19 S6 ~ !1m 29 em ~ WI

"cr<m '1'IlmV l!T
- .
aq".,....... """ or.i "'"
3. ~ (q.I~)MO ~) ~. 1978 'Ilt!lm 10 mr cr.!,,,, 71 it; !'Il'I ~ (20-G-1979 ~) If~ I
4 ExtrtlCtI from tM C01l4tltutlon

(2) If the election of a person as President or Vice-Pres;dent is declared void by the Supremo
Court, acts done by him in the excrciseand performance of the powers and duties of the office of
President or Vice-President, as the case may be, on or beforo the date of the decision of the SupreJDC
Court shall not be invalidated by reason of that declaration.
(3) Subject to !he provisions of this Constitution, Parliament may by Iawl regulate aDY matter
relating to orconneckd with the election of a Presiden' or Vice-President.
(4) The election of a person as President or Vice-Presidant shall not be called in questioD on
the ground of tho existence of any vacancy for whatever reason among the members of the
electoral college electing him.]
• • • • •
• • * *
79. Constitution ofParBament-There shall be a Parliament for the Union which shall consist
of rhe President and two Houses to be known respectively as the Council of States and the House
of the People.
80, Composition of tile Council ofStates-~ 1) '[ •••• The Council of States] shall consist of-
(a) twelve members to be nominated by the President in accordance with the provisions
of clause (3); and
(b) not more than two hundred and thirty-eight representatives of the States '{and of the
Union territories].
(2) The alIocation of soats in the Council of States to be filled by ,epresentativcs of the States
'[and pf tho Union territories] shall be in accordance with the provisions in that behalf contained
in the Fourth Schedule.
(3) The members to be nominated by the President under sub-clause (a) of clause (1) shall
consist of persons having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of such matters as
the following, namely:-
I Literature, science, art and social service.
(4) The representatives of each State •••• in th~ Council of Srates shall be elected by the elected
members of the Legislative Assembly of the State in accordance with the system of proportional
representation by means of the single transferable vote.
(5) The representatives of the '[Union territories] in the Council of States shall be chosen in
such manner as Parliament may by law prescribe.
,{SI, Composition of tile House of tile People-{l) '[Subjectto the provisions of article 331 ....]
the House of the People shall consist of-
(a) not more than l'[five hundred and thirty members] chosen by direct election rrom
territorial constituencies in the States, and
I. See th. Pfesidential and Vice·Pr,,;dent;al Elec1ions Act, 1952 (31 of 1952).
2. Subs. by the Constitution (Thirty.fifth Amendment) Act,l974, s. 3, for "'II" Council of S1at.... (w.d. 1-3·J~5).
3. The words "Subjcctto the provisions of paragraph 4 of the Tenth ScIKdule" ",nin«! by the Coll5t;1uticn (Thirty.
sl"'h Amendment) Act, 1915, s. S (w.e.f. 2641 975).
4. Added by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 3 (w.e.f. 1·1I-19!6).
5. The words and leners "specified in Part A or Part Bofthe First Schedule" omitt..: by s. 3,1bI4.
6. Sub•. by s. 3, 1b/4., for "States spocified in PIlrt C of the First Schedule".
7. Subs by 8, 4, 1bf4., ror articles 8t and 82.
8. Subs. by the Constitution('l'blrty-4lfth Amrndment) kt,I974,s. 4, for ''Subjcct to till: provisionsofnrticlc 331" (w.e.r.
9. The words "and parapapb 4 of tbe Tenth Schedulc" omitted by the Constitution ('lbir1y..mth AmendnunO Act,197~,
s. S (w.e.f. 2641975). .
10. Subs. by the aoa, Daman and Diu l!.corgan;satioo Act, 1987 (18 of 1987), s. 63, ror "live hun4rcd and t . .nlf-lin
~«~ 4
('iTT'! I)

.: (2) .m:.~ "Wl'1;;rll' am f'I;ffi "'lfur ij; ~<llI'f 'iN<I«;;qf<r ij; ~ if A'il'f'r '!it 'TIl' .m'i<l
'"' ~ ;;rRIT ~ <IT m irTU, lMlff4Ri, ~ lI'f 'dq<l'1Qfd ij; 'R 'liT w!;i''Il ij; l!1iTq am ~
ij; 'IT<l''f if. ~ '" 1'1J(H ij; ~lI' 'liT <rn:m '!it lI'l 'de~ 'ii!(:r fi!ro: ~ 'Onf 'd'C! qr'l"TT ij; """'"
(3) 1<<< ~ ij; maT ij; Ofq');r ~ ~, ~<I lI'f 'dHI«;;qf<r if. f;r'fR;r ~ *ffim lI'f ~lrffl
f'I;ffi ~ 'PI ~'f~!l"\ 'M!T irTU 'Ii"{ ~ 1
( 4) ~ lI'f 'dq <lqqf<r ij; ~
if f'PtfT "'Iffl ij; f'l'lf'f'r '!it 'd~ f'f'f'if<n 'O<ir <n(t f'f'fT'fiirrar
ij; ~f'TT if fiim -rf 'Of<ilJ' ~ flf~'fi'f fii~T j'qfl ij; amm: on: !I<:f,r;r 'fif f.'ff "Iro:rrr I]

* * * *
* * * *
79. ~ 'Ii! ~~ ij; ~ ~'O Il'~ ~lrrT "II ~<I ar"\"{ .) ~ifn f'f<'r '"' q'rtft f'll'ft ;nil
~ ij"IfT am: m "'iTT i!m 1
80. ~mn,.q~--( II '['•• * ~ Q'ITT]-
('0) ~<I i:"rn It;r (3) ij; 'd'.ffllT ij; ar~lm:~I'fr~~fimt fii~ 'llrir qr(t m~ ;mit, am:
(.. ) m'Il ij; .[am: <i'f ~.r;ff iF] .) mar~ It ariff~'O l!fuf.rf!TlI'T,
(2) ~ lrllT if U.JIfT ij; '[am:~.. U~lnT(1'T ij;] lIf<lf.tfirll'T am 'Irt <!!R q-r(lr ~T "" arrift'f
"fWt 0f0!lJ:'fi if ~lr f.tfim ~ ~ ij; Ofo!ij'r~ ~M 1
(3) ~ am ~ (I) ij; 'd'Fh ('0) ij; arm ;n<rf~~r"d' f~ "Ifir 'fI''J ~fll' ~~ otffl ~iit
r.r'f f~.., f.. fula mmij; ~<fEr if flf~q- ;1T'f 'IT oll'fif¢"ii at''!:'fif ~, arll'I'( ;--
lrrf~,lI', f<r;:r.;, 'I>.t'T ill"\"{ lr'ff"l ~I 1
(4) ~ !I'1T if lTC.f'O .*** ~ ij; lIfi'fr.rf!T'l'i 'PI f'l'lf'f'r 'd'C! ~ 'liT flf~ lrllT ij; r.mffir
~ irTU 3!T't'lT;(ro 1Ifuf.rfiTC'f 'i<ifu ij; ill'!;lrR u:~ ~"",afttr 'fi'f irTU fiill'l ;;rn::rrr 1
(5) ~ lrllT if • ['lq ~<f"l'f] ij; srfufifffi i);m Ufu It ,!ir 'lni.r "IT ~~" flffir ~i'f ~ 1 m:r
7[SI. ~ mn ~ ~-(!I 8[ill'!;~ 331 ij; 'd'TiM ij; at'Elh ~i!:r 9'1; ·***].rtii ij"IfT-
(q;) ~rfi if lIr~·j; f'RT'i'if-&f<rT <:f lIClI';T r'f'fhrif am ;:ir ~ 10 [Gt'f m <it>:!] It 3l'f-
f."q; lOr ~r(i], am:
I. ""~ <1\1: TI>:r'~~ f.!qf",. .n:"""",, ; 95 2 ( 1952 fl 31) ilf<l1( ,
2. ~flIUT" (~<fr!l1!l ":of"",) "r~, 1974 ot.\ an:r ~ mr """" !!lIT" ij; 'i'Wo ' " (1-3-19'; It) lf~'
3. .;r~ (gtimifi '1'.m;.,) "rof.r<r'f, 1975 ot.\ 11fTr ; mr "<1I'i\"'!'f"\ '" om
4 it; ""~~1" wr.r ",am ,"
~i'!"T!:fir (26- 4'1 Hi 5 «) ffiq f.r.zrr tM I .
4. liil!UT'l ('f1'ffi emq,,) <!far""", 1956 ot.\ an:r 3 mr ( 1-11- 1956 It) ~ '"rTl
5. rim lIfr!1p;[ 3 irf'J "'llMT "'!~ it "'" '" <1\1: "'" '" it ~.. lIfm <In: '!:t <irT f'f.'fT "'" I
..,n'" an:r 3 mr "'llMT "'!'f"\ ij; "'" ~ it ~ ~l"'l'f" ij; I'fI'f "" ~ ~ I
6. ot.\
7. ~lia ~ *
urn 4 :m 'i'i,,;~ S 1 tITt 82 ~ ~ stfclfl4lfi:tH I
s.lifOUl'l (liifrn<ri","",,) <;r, 1974ot.\ Ilro 4 mr"~ 331 ij; O'1llm ij; 'lliR "l~~" m<i it. ,,,,"
'" (1-3-1975\1) lf~'
9. ~ (~ "'""") "f!lAwr, 19'15 ot.\!I17J 5 mr "<1\1: <:mil ~ ij; om 4" ..m fl (26-4-! 975 It) •• :
"'" f'f.'fT "'" ,
" o. <iro, 'flt'!l <1\1: l!\ir '!"'lo" <;r, 1987 (1987 f l 18).;t !1m 63 mr (30- 5- 1987 It) "~1iI 'f'i'ir~'
it; ~ 't1: Slfiif4ilfGa I

]-so... M/o Law & .Iustkt"/94

5 ExtractJ from the Constitution
(b) not more than '[twenty members] to represent the Union territories. chosen in such
manner as Parliament may by law provide.
(2) For the purposes of sub-clause (a) of clause (I),-
(a) there shall be allotted to each State a number of seats in 'he House of the People in
such manner that the ratio between that number and the population of the State is, so far as
practicable, the same for all States; and
lb) each State shall be divided into territorial constituencies in such manner that the ratio
bctween the population of each constituency and the number of seats allotted to it is, so far
as practicable, the same throughout the State:
![Provided that the provisions of sub-clause (a) of this clause shall not be applicable for the
purpose of allotment of seats in the House of the People to any State so long as the population of
that State doe not exceed six millions.]
(3) [n this ar:icIe, the expression "population" means the population as ascertained at the
last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published:
'[Provided that 'he reference in this clause to the last preceding census of which the relevant
figures have been published shall, until the relevant figures for the first census taken after the year
2000 have been publ shed, be construed as a reference to the 1971 census.]

82. Readjustment after each censos.-Upon the completion of each census, the allocation of
seats in the House of the People to he States and the division of each State into territorial consti-
tuenci~s shdll be readjusted by such authority and in such manner as Parliament may by law
~ determine:
Provided that such readjustment shall not affect epresentation in the House of the People
until the dissolution of the then existing House:
'[Providcd further that such readjustment shall take effect from such date as the President
"', y. by order. specify and until such readjustment takes effect, any election to the House may be
held on the basis of the territorial constituencies existing before such readjustment:
Provided also that until the relevant figures for the first census taken after the year 2000 have
been published. it shall not be necessary to readjust the allocation of seats in the House of th e
P~ople to the States and the division of each State into territorial constituencies under this artic[e.]

83. Duration of Hooses of Parliameot.-( I) The Council of Slates shall not be subject to dis-
solution, but as nearly as possible one-third of the members thereof shaU retire as soon as may be
011 the expiration of every second year in accordance with the provisions made in that behalf by
Parliament by law.
(2) The House of the People, unless sooner dissovled. shall continue for 5[five years] from t h.)
date appoin'ed for its first meeting and no longer and the expiration of the said period of '[five
years] shaU operate as a dissolution of the House:
Provided that the said period may, while a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation, be
extended by Parliament by law for a period not exceeding one year at a time and not extending in
any case beyond a period of six months after the Proclamation has ceased to opemte.
I. "i ,!.H. by h! C'):}.titution (Thirty-first Amendment) Act. 1973. s. 2, fOr ",wenty-flvi.. ml".
2. in,. by s. ~. ibid.
3. A1dcJ by the Constitution (Forty,sc'cond Amendment) Act, 1976, s. 1 S (w.e.f. 3.1.1977).
4. In,. by s. 16. IbId. (w.e.f.l-l·1977).
5. Sub~ b h Con:ititution(Forty-fourth Am~l1~mcnt) Act, 1978, s. 13, for "six yurs" (w.e,f. ~O.6·1979).
mmn'fl\~ 5
("WI I)

(If) ~ "'*l<iliii 'liT srfaf.n1Wf <rn ~ he( ~m "Ufcr «, "IT li~ f1rlii rnr W<ffi«r ~,
~~ '[aIn!]« ~ 1 [~],
(2) ~ (I) ij; ~ ('1\") ij; sr/lhriff if; R'R,-
('I\") ~q; ~ <ron if 'i'<fAT 'liT arToi<:lf itm "Ufcr ~ f'P'll
'lit ;;IT", ;;r;1:p1T fill ~ ~ lie 'i
~ ~ ~ '1:t ~ 'liT Ol"!'!H! ,pfl"U7..rr it; ft1<1; lRTtIWI' ~ ~ 0:), am:
(If) lR~iIl ~ 'lit lIT~ f.r<rhf;r-\lOfI if ~m ,If<I ~ f~<I f'l\"lIT ~ f1l; ~ ~­
ern- !f.t ~ 'liT ~ arroTf~ rn;ff 'lit Ul;'!T ~ 3l'1'l[<I ",1"<1 ~ if 1l"'ITIIWf ~ ~ i!I:
'[rrq w~;r if; ~ ('") if; 'O'Fi~ f'l1<fT ~ 'lit .fr" <ron if'i'lT'lT if; arroTi!'!if; srm" if;
fl'!t1; mr <!iI1 ""'l 'f@' i!T:f 01. <1'1: 'Oil' m::r '1\"1 ;;r;fflG'!T mo <'!i',," it 3ffa<r. 'I'@' ;;:) OIHiT aJ I
(3) ~tr ~ if, '''OIorn>m'' ~ i:t (Nt >if<l'f ,!:i'«if "I'TlfJr'ff if 'If.rr~ 'lit 'If m>m ariir-
IT<I ~ f'! rrij; ~ ~ sr.mmr;;:) '11< ~ :
'[rrq ~tr ~ if 3I'fil'! rf'l";IT 'I'!'f'II''ff it srf<l, f;;rft, ~ JTtii>f sr'liTfucr ;;:) '11< &, 'liT,
"1'. <!iI1 tr'f, 2000 ij; 'l'II"f1'<!, ~ 'If ~ ;;r,iIl"'I'if[ if; ~<I arro{ If'ii111m! ~ if\1;fla-~, 'ii! ar~ <'\'lIM
~ f1l; 'I'\l: I 97 I ~ ;;r'fTTOi"!T if; llfu R~W I aJ
82. ~ ", ..'Iolill it; 'mm!. ~ ~'1-IR:r'l\" "I'~'lul"l ~ ~ 'f\ 'U'i'i'i 'lit ~~'lIT if
.-rAT ij; amii!'! am: 1R<f'l\" 'U',;q if; sn{fu", f~-~iT if f'l"'llT'R 'liT it~ srrf!f'!i1'ft rnr ,If<I am: ttm
«~: 'l'IT~'f fi!;qr "'w.m "IT llWl, firl'!l" rnr 3!'!U1f<:<r 'I\"~ :
rrq it?\' ~: tr'Il'11<i1'f «<i)", \1'"'1"1 if srf<rflrf!R'l 'l": mr <f'l; 'Iitt If'llT'l" 'I@' <Wrr ;;no <!iI1 ~ trII<1'
f'lV'l'R <iA; tr'lIT 'liT f'f'Wr '1';;:1 ;;:) ii!'I<II ~ :
'['!~ Il"<{ am:
f'l\" it<IT '!'f: tr'fiTI"I':;:m <11<'" ~ IT'TI'i't ;pm "IT ~<I arT~ mr flrf.rf~
;p't aiR ~« ~: \TIl'1'IR'T if; W"",I ;fr't <I'Ji" <iT:;; tr'lIT ij; fv>; 'fOr{ ~ 'O'f sr!~ ~-mT ij;
~ 'f\ i!T rri/;Irr "IT ~ ~: \TIl'TIl"1"I''f ij; 'li!il f'ffl'llT'f ~ :
~ "i! arl, >iT f1l; ;;r'l <1'0 'J'I, 2000 ij; 'IT'ITC!, ,'1fT 'If 'li'!ff 'lHlT'ff ij; '];iT"l' >rin,- li'IiTfllT'! '1';;:1
i!T ;;rfa- & mr <1'1\" mIlT 'f01 <1"1:;; ,Ton if PWiT if; 3n;[~'f '1\"[ lI), n 3fif~," ij; 3fit1lTm:o 7J;;::r ij;
sr~ f'I"!N'f~OfT if f.IlTiI'f 'liT 'l,'f: ~llTit'!'f arT'f;;1l"'I\" 'f@' o:m)l •
83. ~ ilI"!RiIl!f.t w.U'-- ( I) 'J"I ;ron 'liT ~:rc'1' 'f@' ;;:I'll, foq ,;rij; ~ if « lRT ll'l'f
~ ~'I\"-f<lM tm'lf, ll<f<\ mf M>I [I'(T >'''' f.n'f'! f~ 'f1i; ~"l ij; ;qm, \Rlh; fii<f)'f 'l"t 'f;1
\TIl'lfT<I 'f\ ~ ~fr~ R¥ ~f m~.r I
( 2) <il'l\" !PlT, qf~ Ifi!" ~I f'l"!fw 'fe) To"{ <I "I'fol ~ ITT, "fT'f IT'Ilf 3I'f~j-w,'f ij; f"R f'fll"<! <11,1..
«'['It;r .t] 0'" .'TI ,~ift, '0"1' 3ffH 'fiIl 3I'T<: '[qt. '{t) '1fT TI:f wrf>l '01 \TIl'lf'<! 'liT 1f'>:orr'l'
<iA; <'l"lIT 'liT ~ ,,'rIfT :
rrt'! '3"10 3f'ff~ '1fT, "1'< arT'H, 'f'r 'T-{'iRl!I >I9lf'f ii ~ qq, ,r~ f,fl< rnr, iM't if, fl'!t1; ~
tAm, ;;(1 11;," '11\ if ~"'11 i:r 'lff>l'" '1,,1 Q'rit ,tr, l~"'TTJiT ~ $[,.If'f if 'I <:;;: "fTii To 'lnr'{ :3m;r
f'ffii!' f'l"fr >1'1 ~ ii I:i"
fj'f'f ;!'l' 'f'ff>l it 'ffrr'fO "-0 ~r'Tf I -

L liflror-< (~ 'l';ft",,) '>fITf.;"", 1073 "~ '1J'J 2 [PI """"" ,,,",i" if. <'If'! 'P: ~f"""f"" 1
2.l[<it.fa life QT~I 2 i:n:r 3(i'Q'.t'-tlf'lci t
3' ma,,, (""",rmn li'lil'-V!) '"'If.vJ'T, 10'6"" 'ml J5 ~J1J (3-1-1977<1) "TVI '1'1'; I

.,;. ......
6 Extracts from the Constitution

84. Qualification for membersbip of Parliament.-A person shall not be qualified to be chosen
to fill a seat in Parliament unless he-
I[(a) is a citizen of India, and makes and subscribes before some person authorised in that
behalf by the Election Commission an oath or affirmation according to the form set out for
the purpose in the Third Schedule;]
(b) is in the case of a seat in the Council of States, not less than thirty years of age and, in
the case ofa seat in the House of the People, not less than twenty-five years of age; and
(c) possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed in that behalf by or under
any law' made by Parliament.
3[85. Sessions of Parliament, prorogation and dissolution-.{l) The President shall from time
to time summon each House of Parliament to meet at such time and place as he thinks fit, but six
months shall not intervene between its last silting in one session and the date appointed for its
first sitting in the next session.
(2) The President may from time to time-
(a) prorogue the Houses or either House; ,.
(b) dissolve the House of the People.]
• • • • •
99. Oath or affirmation by members.-Every member of either House of Parliament shall,
before taking his seat, m~ke and subscribe before the President. or some person appointed in that
behalf by him, an oath or affirmation according to the form set out fer the purpose in the Third
• • • • •
Disqua'!ficalions of Members

101. Vacation of seats.-{I) No person shall be a member of both Houses of Parliament and
provision shall be made by Parliament by law for the vacltien by a person who is chosen a member
of both Houses of his sea· in one House or the other.
(2) No person shall be a member both of Parliament and of a House of the Legislature of a
State ' ••• , and if a person is chosen a member both of Parliament and of a House of the Legislature
of '[a State], then, at the expiration of such .period as may be specified in rules' made by the
President, that person's seat in Parliament shall become vacant, unless he has previously resigned
his seat in the Legislature of the State.
(3) If a member of either House of Parliament-
(a) becomes subject to any of the disqualifications mentioned in [clause (I) or clause (2)
of article 102,] or
'[(b) resigns his seat by writing under his hand addressed to the Chairman or the Speaker,
as the case may be, and his resignation is accepted by the Chairman or the Speaker, as the case
may be,]
his seat shall thereupon become vacant:
1. Subs. by the Constitution (Sixteenth Amendment) Act, 1963. s._ 3, fer c1. (a) (~~e.f. l~ll-I 956).
2. See the Representationoflhe People Act, 1951 (.3 of1951). ss.~ and 4, jn Part II, infra.
3. Subs. by the Constitution (First Amendment) Act,19S1, s. 6. for the original article.
4. Thewordsandletters"specmedinPartAor Part B of the First Schedulf"," omitt<d by the Constifution (Snr(nlh
Amendment) Act, 1956. s. 29 and Sch. (w.e.f. 1-11-1956).
S. Subs. by s. 29 and Sch., ibid., for "such a State" (w.e.r. 1-11-1956).
6 S" the Prohibition of Simultaneous Membtrship Rules. 1950, in Vol. 1. Part lJJ Infra.
7. Subs. by the Constitution(Fifty-second Amendment) Act, 1985, s.2, for "clause (1) ofartic1c: 10:" (w.Lf. ]·3-19F5).
8. Suln. by th! C~nstitution (Thirty-third Amendment) Act, 1974, s. 2, for sub-clause (6).
~~~ 6
('ITl'f 1)

84. ~ 'I>i' rn'Im ~ f.Itt ~~;qflm.r!fl{ iF f.;;it M'I' >j;T ~ iF f~ ~"IT~ ij; f~
'ff~ mft liT'll <ifOf-
'fl!. >m<r ij;"f ifl'f~ ~ am: fif'lf;r.r ~1>irT am ;r« f.;firn lflm~ f.;;it 0lTf.!<r iF 'if'Im
<rT«1:T ~~ if ;r« lf1[I'!if iF f\w, fOll; Ifll; lfl!'q' iF ~ijT~ l!fq>f ~I ~ 'il lfflm'nr 'I>UIT ~ am: ~
'f' iII"1~ ~~ ij;WI ~] ;
(<l') "3: ~r.>l ij"ITf if ,liR iF f<'!<,; '1>'1 q ",'I mil 'I"f il- ~i'!; ij;"f an, <'IT'; «'11 if ,liR iF
fm( ij;lf q ij;"'l If''<ft« 'I'If 'liT ~r1[ ij;"f ~; a:in:
('f) ~ 'fI« ~«T ~"! ~hw. ~ "IT ;tlf;;: ml q.;~ ~ f;;-«T '1lrfir am llT ;;~ miT.;;r« f.rflffi
~ >f.l- "IIU: 1
·[8 5. ~«'!: iF «er. mrr'l«1if Ill" f"lfR--( 1) ~I~lfflr OJ'rf-i1'I7 If" !f!r'{ iF lfi>1;;- ~ 'liT ~q
«l!'Q' a:in: ~ If" Ofl "l!. ~ 0JIT;f, ~fri!1lif ij; f."~ ~IRff ml, f~ ~~ ~ «er ;;-T aif<rlf .r~ aiR
IlIf11l1fT «or 'liT 1I'1'lr orO;; ij; f\w, f'N<r rnm-
ij; 1fT" ~ mIT ij;"f at", 'f@ ifrrl 1
(2) ~<r, OJ~-i1'I'i '11:-
('l» ~T ij;"f 1[1 fm lr«-r 'l>1 «;rI'Hflif '"' «~lfr;
(<l') .if;!, OJ'll ij;"f f<fi1C:if '"' «~1f1 I]
* * * *
9 9. Im'if am U'!1[ IIf<rllT'f--'ff 'f<\ il> lfi,f'l> lR'I ij;"f If;,fi> OJ<~ 1lI'!,1 NT;; lI'~ '"'~ q 'll!.~,
~if llT ;;~ am ;r« flff'£,," Pr'!;f.!<r oqf~a- iF «'£>.1, <IT.,T ~'!.ll:'<ft if ~« III1l '!if iF f."f« f~ 'TT< 1I'!''1
iF ~ijT1:, l!fq>f ~IfT '1r lffiim'! '!>1:IfT am: "3IT ~'iif ~ef~ '!>1:IfT 1q,
* * * * *
1 ~"~ f.J$Tti
101. ~ 'Ill fuIi ~ -( 1) ;;-]t "'lf~'! ;tlf;;: iF ~I;ff lR'IT ij;"f ~ ifQT i!T'lr 31'\, orr "'Tf.!a-
..m «<'iT ;;-T 'mll' "!if Ri1fT "IToT ~ ~ ~;;- "T ~ ~ il> ~liR '1ft f~~i! ~ ij; f.r« ;t'f<\ firfq
;rro ;rota- ~ 1
(2) 'lilt Olif.!a- ;T'f<\ arT-..: fm ,*** 1J"'f iF f'lffl'if-lTS<'I ij; f'!>!It ~, ~T;ff ij;"f ~ 'f@ QJlfT
ari, .m ;;-]t Olif'fff ;T!nf 3I'\~ '[f'I>!It ,r:ur] iF f,!iT,-11'n il> fi>!fT OJ<" ~T;ff ;;-r ~ "!if f.r'lT ;;mrr
~ <it ~m ~fa ;;-T OJ'Irfu iF IfRr<r orr ~fa- ,mr 1fifT~ 'f~ f~'1'IfT 'if f'lf.rr~ il- ;;fI~, ;t!fl{ if ~
.!ff.Iff ;;r ~ f~" QT '1r~ 1[~ ;;«if U;;1[ iF f'fffl'if->m! it Ir'iif mif '1ft ~ ij'l' ifQT i!IT'T" ~
( 3) .m;T 'f<\ ij; f'l>«T ~ ;;r ~-
(;;-) '[~'1~"<; 102 iF lft (1) 1fT lft (2)] if 1ftuffi f.!;!it t~<rT« 1I,<r l!.T ;;rra-r t If)
a[ (<l') !Mft;1!Ifcr, OJltT'ffif 1fT ~ef 'lft ;T'fTfmr ~..if ~r~ OJ~ <'fl.i am 1l!:A ro.; '6\
<'n'f ~ itar ~ am: ~ roIf'!of, '1'lr1~flr, «>U'!fff "I \lI&~ef am ~,",,~ '"' for<rr '1lffT ~.]
"IT i«rT il:r;l' ~ ~ f~a- liT '1T~r :
1. Iif<Iur;r (~tfoi\a;r) '!f~, 1963;tt am 3 mr ( H H 956 if) _ ("') iF l'Wr 'ruf~ ,
2. <it;; lIft!f.rf\Il.,. <!fuf.tlf'f, 1 95 1 (1 95 1 'liT 43) ;tt !ITm( 3.m: 4 'I1iT 1ll'l 2 ~" ~!lirl( ,
3. Iffir>rl;r (~tfoi\a;r) ~, 1951;tt am 6 mr '!'f ~ iF l'Wr OR "fdt'l'Nd ,
4. Iffir>rl;r (1Tmi tfoi\a;r) ~, 1 956 ;tt am 29 .m: ~. mr (1-11-1956 if) "~ ~r ijI In ..
'11 1ll'l ... it ~' ...~ .m: <mil 'liT f'I>lIr 'llIT' .m
50 Tif'ia;tt am 29.m: ~ mr (H 1-1956 if) "~flI;lft~" iF l'Wr OR "fdt'l,fqa ,
6. ",,",.fq., ~ .mr;mm.r, 1950 for«:: toil1ll'll it"~,
.', 7. Iffir>rl;r (.,...,.,.y ~) <!fuf.tlf'f, 1985 ;tt am 2 <IRT (1-3-1985 if) "~ 102 iF <p (1)' iF "". 'H
safdfEilf"id I
II. 1itli>rA (<i'<mm tfoi\a;r) ~, 1974;tt am 2 am "'IIt~ ('II) iF l'Wr OR "fd~ ,
7 Extracts from the COllslltlilioll
"[Provided that in the case of any resignation referred to in sub-clause(b), iffrom information
received or otherwise and after making such inquiry as he thinks fit, the Chairman or the Speaker
as the case may be, is satisfied that such resignation is not voluntary or genuine, he shall not
accept such resignation.]
(4) Iffor a period of sixty days a member of either House of Parliament is without permi ssion
of the House absent from all meetings thereof, the House may declare his seat vacant.

. Pro~ded in computil!g the said peri~d of. sixty days no account shaH be take!! of any
penod dunng which the House IS prorogued or IS adjourned for more than four consecutive days.

102. Disqualifications for membersblp.-{I) A person shall be disqualified for being chosen as
and for being, a member of either House of Parliament- '
(a) if he holds any office of profit under the Government of India or the Government of
any State, other than an office declared by Parliament by law' not to disqualify its holder;
(b) if he is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court;
(c) if he is an undischarged insolvent;
(d) if he is not a citizen of India, or has voluntarily acquired the citizenship of a foreign
State or is under any aknowledgement of allegiance or adherence to a foreign State;
(e) if he is so disqualified by or under any law· made by Parliament.

'[Explanation.-For the prurposes of this clause] a person shall not be deemed to hold an
office of profit under the Government of India or the Government of any State by reason only • "
that he is a Minister either for the Union or for such State.

>[(2) A person shall be disqualified for being a member of either House of Parliament if he is
so disqualified under the Tenth Schedule.]
1[103. Decision on qnestions as to disqualifications of members.-(l) If any question arises as
to whether a member of either House of Parliament has become subject to any of the disqualifica-
tions mentioned in clause (1) of article \02, the question shaH be referred for the decision of
the President and his decision shaH be final.
(2) Before giving any decision on any such question, the President shall obtain the opinion of
the Election Commission and shaH act according to such opinion.]

104. Penalty for sitting and voting before making oath or affinnatlon under article 99 or when
not qualified or wben disquaIiefied.-lf a person sits or votes as a member of either House of
Parliament before he has complied with the requirements of article 99, or when he knows that
he is not qualified or that he is disqualified for membership thereof, or that he is prolubited
from so doing by the provisions of any law made by Parliament, he shall be liable in respect of
each day on which he so sits or votes to a penalty of five hundred rupees to be recovered as a debt
due to the Union.
• • • • •
1. Ins. by the Constitution (Thirty-third Amendment) Act, 1974, •.2.
2. See the Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959 (10 of 1959), in VOlume:1; Part Iv, infra.
3. Sft the Reprooentation oftb. People Aet.1951 (43 of 1951), s. 7, in Part II, infra..
4. Subs, by the Constitution (P'dIy second Amendment) Act, 195, s. 3, for "(2) For the pnrposes of thia artIcIo" (w.e.L
s. lOS. by s. 3, Ibid. (w.o.!. 1-3-1985).
6. Subs, by tho Conolitlition (Forty-rourth Amendment) Aet, 1978, s. 14, for article 103 (w.e.f.:ZO 6-1979) •.
(1fT'f 1)

'[<rt<t ;N«r (11')

itfll~ "'TIm '1ft ~I it, .m-
50'<! "lIl'fml' ~ Ifl q'>lfqT 1lh: ~~ 'Ii"f it rn
'"'"'<t,.nlft!: <5n; «'fif, 'llfTf.~fi!', «/fN{:.r 'IT ;;rq;r 1I'i 'ti(if.:riJT>\' ~I 1f1"'; ~ r"
~!fr ,'WNl ~~~3Jf;
Ifl ~ ~ ~ <rl lft!: ~i <'I'T<mr 'Ii't ~~ "~T ~IIT 1 ]
(4) lff!: «>r;: if;Pmft ~ <fi'T 'Ii't~ «= lIT05 ~ '1ft mil <r,n~ '1>'1 ~m if; fiI'fT m ;f'q'1
l!ff~ q 'I'!,qR:<ia ~ ~ <rl ~ ;;fi HT'f '1>') f>:<l<r tiTfirn ~ «:JiTlI:
~ liT05 fi:;r '1ft ;;<l<r SRfli '1ft «1fOR'1 rn
it f1l;:f\' ihft If"fir 'Ii't ~r<r it ~ r.m ~ mt
~ ~ ~«<r m flIm 'ifI~ ~ lffu~ f<:;rT if; f.rQ; roTrd' ~ ~ 1

10z. ~ ill f<;!q Pn{t1lC( ( 1) m &fila «~ if; f1l;:f\' llO'I '01' ~ '!:if 1frif if; f<~ 31h
~ i!r.I' it; f.ft!: flI~ i!m-
(q;) .m-q
llrnr~l~ 11; m f/;:f\' ,I~ '1>'1 ~lIT~ if; IfJh, ~!f'N "'I v§t1!'H, f;nn;1 \f~or
~mr 'lOT f~'" "~I «!r'i, if 'f'ffu!fro '{)flfi!' fil;Itl~, 'l>'Tt litT'Ir ..1 'I'':!TT<:vr ~I~;
(Ii) qf~ q f~,aF"t1 ~ am: <mIJ ~q '1ft it;ft '{f<Iurr flI'cm'I ~;
(TI) qf~ q ~Tf.m ~mrm ~;
('{) Ifr~ q 'Irrnt 'lOT "ITlf\:<!; "QT ~ Ifl ;;!fit f~\<ft' f~...m ~Ioq "'I 'fllIm;;rr q'i\Jf q lffmr
~ oft ~ Ifl q ~I f-.r~m- '>:T~ if; 1I'i:'I f'fs 051 Ifl If'r,lffli:r 'Ii't Iff\r.;fi m f.!m: ~ ~ ;
(~) .m- q «!!l!; ml ""It '!{ f/;it "f-.rfll <rm Ifl ;;«'1; 1fe{1'f 1;!f lI'm~ f.n:l{el ~ ron
1fT<TT ~ 1
, .[~~-1;« ~ ~ 11''1'1"'" if; f<'fl'(,] "'I~ OIfflfir if;ffl 1;« q;r~ 'Irrnt ~~ ill I{T mft '>:TOIl'
.n ~t it; If«'\';{ 'fT'lr ..I 'N !l'~ ~it <mrr '1'@ «100 1f1~ fif> q " if>1 m~ U~ 'lOT zt.ft ~ I
"[(2)";~ qfla «~~ f'O«r ~ ..I ~ i!1'r iii foril; ~ ii:TIfT Iff~ q crwff ~ ill
w'r.r ~ lI"!OT;: ~ ii:T 1fT<TT ~ I]
all 03, ~ .m
~mff it Hiif!l'<r srm If'( IlIr-l .... q ( 1) ~ ~ In'! ;;i5;rr ~ rif> 11'", iii
Pmft ~ 'lOT m
wn:q If,\'"li~ 1 0 Z if; oj<J (1) _it 'fi'Vrel f..m- f;nt<fT ~ m ii:1 ifill ~ 'IT ~ ell'
q In'! ~ ..1' f\ff.wrll' ij; Hr.-( f'liflmf f~1 1fT11;IfT an;:;;«'IOT f'fr.r~ "f.<rIJ lam 1
( 2) itiJ fm !I'IR q~ f-.rr""n -rn To '1'0 ~1";fr:'1 f'l~'f'l lfTlfR' ..I ~Iq ~I aft;: ~it 'fill iii
~ 'I>T'i ~ I]
lot, qm 99 it; 1I!ft., 'U'I'I ~ 1ft srfimR m
it ~" QT lff~ " ~)l\' f( QT ~ GrA 'l"( NIt
iA att ~ ill ~ ~--'W: ~ it; fm ~ it if>1{ "'If.r:r ~ 99 'Ii't arimliT if>T
atfll"" ~ ~ 'It(!t, 'IT ~ ~ ~ riO if ;;miT ~ ~ f..~ 3!ftr ~ ~ 'IT f'f"l.~.l ~ ~lT
If!IT ~ QT «11'<\ !fro iI'il'Ii or{ Pmft f'ffa q; ~ <rm ~111 rn
q srf<tfq~ ~ fllql 11m ~,~
ij; 1PI it ;fm ~ 1fT 'fa' ~ ~ 'II ~ lI'<1'O fl:''1 ij; fif.:!; G!;( <{~ l(ij' lI'j;f'( ~ ~ QT I«f it<rr 'IA t
<IT ~ ~ wrrer";l ~W!Tf1 <it "!lit "q
~ ij; ¥ll'it <{'t'" ~ '"~ I
.. ...
I, ~ (ft\inM~) 1IflIfm, 1 ~74 ~ Ill'U 2 mT "'a.... ,llia ,
2. ~ (~~) qfllm, 1959 ('959'1'1 10) r _ i i "'1l4iH~1
3. tfu; qfllf.Nq-, I 95! (1 9;t "" 4 3) ~ 11m 1 "TV "T1l 2 ii iIfvt( I
-1. >if.IIIT;r (~ ~) ~, 19"5 .t,\ 'JT7J 3 w.r (1-3-lq~5 ;t)
~ R1\JNiflill I
50 Q'fWr;! (~ ~) mali!l!>l,

1935 ..:t Sf-.\ J;:ro (1-3-1985 6) ~'d_"'1fuJ I

~ ~ ~ ~fiItt" vrJ/i ~"'TlJ

s.1itlmor ( ..,,,,ilij.IIi.rtlA) 'IfIIt1Iql!, 197811lhHr lurtr~' 10J>il rn'lq~ (20,e-1979~) IIfmTf1I!I
8 Extracts from the Constitution

• • • • •
The Gavernor
• • • • • •
158. Conditions of Gonrnor's office.-(I) The Governor shall not be a member of either
House of Parliament or ofa House of the Legislature of any State specified in the First Schedule,
and if a member of either House of Parliament or a House of the Legislature of any such State
be appointed Governor, he shall be have vacated his seat in that House on the date on
which he enters upon his office as Governor.
• • • •
• • • • •
168. Constitution of Legislatures in States.-(I) For every State there shall be a Legislature
which shall consist of the Governor, and

(a) in the States of ,... Bihar,
B[and Uttar Pradesh), two Houses;
...., ... , '[MaharashtraJ, '[KarnatakaJ

(b) in other States, one House.

(2) Where therc arc two Houses ofthc Legislature ofa State, one shall be known as the Legis-
lative Council and the other as the Legislative Assembly, and where 1here is only one House, it
'hall be known as the Legislative Assembly.
169. Abolition or creation of Legislative Councils in States.-{I) Notwithstanding anything in
article 168, Parliament may by law provide for the abolition of the Legislative Council of a State
having such a Council orfor the creation of such a Council in a State having no such Council, ifthe
Legislative Assembly of the State passes a resolution to that effect by a majority of the total mem-
bership of the Assembly and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of the
Assembly present and voting.
(2) Any law referred to in clause (I) shall contain such provisions for the amendment of this
C"nstitution as may be necessary to give effect to the provisions of the law and may also contain
such supplemental, incidental and consequential provisions as Parliament may deem necessary.
(3) No such law as aforesaid shall be deemed to be an amendment qfthis Constitution for the
purposes of article 36~.
'[170. Composition of thc Legislative .Assemblies.-(I) Subject to the provisions of article 333,
the Legislative Assembly of each State shall consist of not more than five hundred, and not less
than sixty, members chosen by direct election from territorial constituencies in the State.
1. The word~ "An1hra P(adesh." omitted by the Andhra Pradesh Legislative CoWlcil (Abolition) Act, 1985 (34 of J 985)
s. 4 (w.e.f. 1-11-1986).
1. Th: word "Bombay" omitted by Ihe Bombay Reorganisation Act,l960 (II of 1960), s. 20 (w.e.f.I-5-1960).
3. No date has beenappointtd under. s. 8(2) of the ConsititutioD (Seventh Am:ndment) Act, 1956. for the insertion of
the words UMOdhya Pradesh" in this sub-clause.
4. Tho: ,,"ords "Tamil Nddu,u omitted by the Tamil Nadu Legislative Council (Abolition) Act,1986 (40 0(1986), 5.4
5. In•. bY the Bombay Reorganisation Act. 1960 (II of 1960). s. 20 (w.e.f. 1-5-1960).
6. Sub •. by the Mysore State (Alteration of Name) Act, 1973 (31 of 1973). s.'4. for "Mysor'" (w.e.f. 1·11·1973).
7. Th, wo,d "Punjab" omitted by the Punjab Legislative Council (Abolition) Act, 1969 (46 of 1969). s. 4 (w.e.f.
Ii. Suhs. hy Ihl· Wesl B('ngnl Lcgislalin· Council (Abulition) A'-1. 11)(.9 c!n uf 1969). s. 4. fur ··Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal"
Iw.rJ. l-R·196")).
9. SI,b,. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Aet, 1956. s. 9, for the orisinalarticle (w.e.f. 1-11-1956).
~~~ 8
('11"1'1 1)

• • • • •
"''''1q 1<'1
• • • • • •
158. <I~qqi'" ~ '1i~ ft:I1t m1-( i) '.I<ill4'<1 mt<; il> f,.,n ~ 'In' '1T ~ ~,"fr it f~f.,filQ
mft 'U<i4' il> f'ltTi"!-m il> f"'tIT >:rn 'In'm~ ~~11fT aT'\'>: :r~lf~ il> firtft ~ 'In' 'il ~fr ffift
,~ il> f'Im';;-m il> ffift ~ '!>T m.
;Wl1' ":r~~ f'l'1'11! 1[1 "1'Tqr ~ oT l1'i[ Wf.lll ~I fq; ;;;R-
"" """ If iI'RT ~ <I~4q 1<1 il> 1?4' it ,,<f,t'l< !!'i["T "1' <lHP:r ~ fNo '"' f.,:rr ~ ,
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
168. ~ ii; Ilfm-'i!<1'f ~ 'lO'f--( 1) 1".1.. ~ il> fu':1; t,"!> f'l<Wi-m ~IIfT orl 'U<i4'q'r.t an~­
(.. ) ,*** fifi[f'~ '**. '-'*** 'l'r~r<:~, .[~,'*** '[oft, ;;;n: sr~l WI1'T it 'ft ;r~ if;
(.. ) ...,.. 'U<i4'T if ~ """ if,
fir.r<I;<: if't:rr ,
( 2) ~ ffift 'U<i4 il> f'<'lT'f->i;r.r ii; ,I """ ~ ifi[i ~ 'In' 'fT1f f.'ll; 'l'~ >it<: ~if( 'In' '1Tlf
f<rnT;r «"ItT I[Prr an,
~r il>!r.f ~ """ ~ ifi[i ~ 'lTlf flr<!l'l W>1I i['Mr ,
169. ~ifllf!lT'l'qf~,",~ .., ~-(1) "'!.,.-a, 168 If fiI;liT iff(\' il> I[Tff gu: 'III
1i~ fllf!l' 1I:m fq;;rl rom 4'f'<'f,\ <mf ,T<il\ If f'fflT'I 4'~ il> ;amT<'f il> f.;rQ; '1T ~ '{f~ if, ~
f'qm;t ~ ~ ~, fil!m 4'~ il>;pT'f il> fu'Q; :O«<l' '"' ;ril;.rr, 1Tf, "" 'U<i4' if.t ~ W>1I it ~
mvrtr 'In' ~ f'ltTi"! ';-iff if.t :!i"I' ~ ll'6!IT il> qglf:i mT <i'lT '3'm'«l' oft ~ If(I' itit 'fTi'r ~
;;1' Iili!i'r if 'liIf it 'liIf 'I-f~ "i'IO il'T<:r 4'rfur '"' m-r ~ ,
(2) ~ (1) if f;;~ mft flffu' if ;;:<1 «f.<Wi il> mfrir; il> f"l'C{ i(if :OG'."T atafim' i[Tif "1'1
. :0<1 Ilffa- il> :o.,;t!ii 'fit srlIT'll" ""it il> f.;r:1; "r.-;n; \'iT GilT iFf '!!n'1', '!fi~'I'iir1' >it<: Q,f'{'lIflf'6
~a- 'III atmiI'Q 1[1 riif f~ «!I'll: ,,~ <1Ifi,
(3) 'l;tRo lI''!>r<: "1' ..1i Ilfia- ,",!;;lR 368 i'j; srl1'I:;r;ft i'j; f~ '<[ rr[ir,rr'f 'In' !ffiT>R ~ mrlR'r
orn:;oft ,
9[170. Ilf!IT'I' ~ ~i ~ -( 1) "'!.~, 333 ij; :O'l'f''ii il> "ir, <:1[1 ii'Z, srill'!> 'U<i4 ",1
f'Im';; ;rm "" 'U<i4 if lITitrq[<p f.f~~ if lfClref f'f<IT., imT ,,!it ii'Z 'Tt'I <it iT o;r;ri>Hi 'lfr, mel if
it ""'15 tm'l'T if fir",,'!><: <f.rtft ,
I. 1IT1l #.or f'ItTR ~ (""«T':'I) m,,~. 1985 (1985 '" 34) ..1 !lTU 4 iffiT (1-6-19S5lr) "1IT1l #.or" llri>.'i
'" ;iN f_ "'" I
2· '!"I( ~;lIi .....rf~. 1960 ([960'" Il) .rr!lTU 20 iffiT (1-5-1960 lr) "'!"It" _ '" otl'i f_ "'" I
3· !i"'!/T~ (lIra'fi !iWttTot) 3rf"f;!lrtr, [956""r aro s(2) if "'1",.mr" lTitj ~ "'a:;.n'l'l I[r"r '{'i :roirr ii 'lII(
m'Uv f.prn ~1 ;ir ~ ~ I
4. af~ f<Im;r ~ (_)~, 1986 (19S6 '" 40) '10' unr 4 mr (J-l1 [986ir)".n'l'''!T~'''.''I:'i'r
;iN Rorr "'" I
5. ~~.w.. .mr~. 1960 (1960 'f.T I [) 'IiT!lTU 20 mr (1-5-[960 lr) iI'<r.;.nfur I
• ~ IF'f ('Ill! m<ni'f)~. 1973 (1973 'f.T 31) 'IiT!lTU 4 iffiT "~. iii' roo'", ([-11-[973« ) l!f,,-
;.nfur I
7. <t;rrorfim;r 'lfw;: ( _ ) ~, 1969 ([969 '" 46) 'liT IlT9' 4 rnr "~' _ .. r (7-[-1970 lr) >it'!
~ "'" I
8 ' f01ll'f qf'1:q~('3lm'!ll)~. [969 (1969'" 20) 'liT "'" 4 iffiT ";re-,: #.or om: 'Ift;!1trm"
ij; roo '" ( [-S-[969lr) .fa,."Na I
•. lifim;J (1Imi~)~, 1956 'liT !lTU Hm'fl'~iIi'roo", "fd .... l'la I

4-804 M/o Law & JUslice/94

EXlfaclsfrollllfle Con~litlltioll


(2) For the purposes of clause (I), each State shall be divided into territorial constituencies
in such manner that the ratio between the population of each constituency and the number of
seats allotted to it shall, so far as practicable, be the same throughout the State.

I[Explanation.-In this clause, the expression "population" means the population a5 as-
certained at the last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published:

Provided that the reference in this Explanation to the last preceding census of which the
relevant figures have been published shall, until the relevant figures for the first census taken
after the year 2000 have been published, be construed as a reference to the 1971 census.)
(3) Upon the completion of each census, the total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly
of each State and the division ofeach State into territorial constituencies shall be readjusted by such
authortity and in such manner as Parliament may by law determine:
Provided that such readjustment shall not affect represcntation in the Legi.lative Assembly
until the dissolution of the then existing Assembly:
'[Provided further that such readjustment shall take effect frol11 such date as the President may,
by order, specify and until such readjustment takes effect, any election to the Legislative Assembl y
may be held on the basis of the territorial constituencies existing before such readjustment:
Provided also that until the relevant figures for the first census taken after the year 2000 have
been published, it shall nol be necessary to readjust the total number of seats in the Legislative
Assembly of each State and the division of such State into territorial constituencies under this
171. Composition of the Legislative COillicils.-(I) The total number of members in the Legis-
lative Council of a State having such a Council shall not exceed '[one-third] of the total number of
members in the Legislative Assembly of that State:
Provided that the total number of members in the Legislative Council of a State shall in no
case be less than forty.
(2) Until Parliament by law otherwise provides, the composition of the Lcgislaitve Council
of a State shall be as provided in c1uase (3).

(3) Of the total number of members of the Legislative Council of a State-

la) as nearly as may be, one-third sball be elected by electorates consisting of members
of municipalities, district boards and such other local authorities in the State as Parliament
may by law specify;
(b) as nearly as may be, one-twelfth shall be elected by electorates consisting of' persons
residing in the State who have. been for at least three years graduates of any university in the
territory oflndia or have been for at lea.1 three years in possession of qualifications prescribed
by or under any law made by Parliament as equivalent to that ofa graduate of any such uni·
(c) as nearly as may be, one-twelfth shall be elected by electorates consisting of persons
who have been for at least three years engaged in teaching in such educational institution s
within the State, not lower in standard than that of a secondary school, as may be prescribed
by or under any law made by Parliament;
I. Sul>,. I>y tbe Constitution (Folty-second Amendment) Act. 1976, s. Z9, for the former Ex'/a.DI/on (w.d. 3·1.1977).
2. I!... by 29,lblt!. (w.e.f. 3.1-1977).
1. Subs. by lbe Constitution (Seventb Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 10, for "one-fourth" (w.e.f. 1·II·t9S~).
!ifinrA it ~
('ltTIf 1)

(2) ll~ (1) %' lfq)~;ff if; f"~, If,,j'i> ,~q 'lftlTT"tflTn f'I.r;r,,-iif if ~m- ,Tf1r it flMf;;r<r
f.'H 'lT~lfr fn If',j' ,; fHf'H--,lf 'fir iii f1',r 'Or 'Off-o) J;frotf~1T ~'lT;ff '01 mr it 'Irl'f[<f ~1f,1T ":TO'Il if
'lotmrtll' I{<O t1' i;! 1
'[t'I""i"'('I--~(f ~'1 it "0f'I6w.T1" q.: ij- ~m- atr'f'f Tf'<'ff >I'fIT'l'fr it ill'f>rf.l'fQ'f1T '1>1 -,r. Of'Im;qT
~ ~ fmA; '!;\i1lO ~ ll';;;TImr ~! ~ ~ :
~'! ~ W"'I"'~I if otfff<r 'J,<fqfff <;R''1'JA1 if; lff1T f;fl!1i '!'i'1'1T m~ lfi'rma' ifr ~ ~, ~ 'liT,
;;r.r <!'O "'! 2000 il; q~'IT,! '01 ~ 'f010f'1'l"l'fr iii '!,\i1lO ~ If<l>Tfua' '1'0:1 ~) :;ffir ~,'l'~ ~ ot''1'T'l'T
m~ fll; '£\! 1971 'Il\ "R''l''f'ir if; lffO' f'i~!1T ~ I]
( 3) ll',,j',, ;;;'f'l'll'fr '01 «'TTfiO' If<: 1f,>:!'O <:r"<r "'" finn'! ~1lT if ~lfr;ff '01 '8<'1 «6Q'r ofn: 1l'<>i''O
<:rOlf if; Il'r~!iT'f;' f.m;r;;~T it for"TrOf'l 'liT ~ij- Il'rf\I"IiT~ lI-r<:r arT, ~!TI 'lf1T ij- 'fl': ~lfrl!'t;r;r f.!;llr 'lr~lfr
;;ft «!fl!. fiff!! ilm ~rf<:o '"~:
<r('! i!% ~'f: ~lfT>iTOl'l' ~ f'fUI'i 'l'm it lffof'lf>.l'1'f 'I, 1T'f 1T'O 'Ift~ lim'! 'Itt qi'Tf 'lif IT.. 'B
«JI'r flrolfT'f f<r!il'f ~>Tl 'for f'l'!C'f 'Itt
i;) ~r ~: ]
2['1<''1 ~ 31'1< f.!; ~~r 'fl': ~1Of'I ~ 0'f(11i ;f lfm<ft i;).TT ;;ft U~ q'rffi;rm forf'lr~ 'O'{
sit-.: ~ij- 'fl': ~1'l1Of'l if; lI'oTl'ft ~!l\' O'i> for,H'I !T"IT if; f<'fl!; 'O~ f'l'!fvr '3"f lir~ f'fiff'R~ifT if; !;Han:
If<: ~) ~1fT ;;ir ~ij- 'fl': ~lfT'l)O!'f if; q'~ fiRIlfl'f ~:

'IV<! ~ aiI< 'If\" f'O ;;ror <!'O ~ 2000 il; <mTIl: 'Or 'It ~ ~'IT il; Wf'r<r ~ 1l''liTfua'
~ ~) ,"Tff ~ <!!r 0"0 lIt>:!'O UGr( 'lil f'1'otT'f ~ it OO'fT '01 '!i<'I \i<;!JT 'liT an,
~ Iii;: if; J;fUR ~ m'!
,f; ~!iT'f;' f'I'IT<!'f-mn if ~ 'liT 1'1: ~nr.r J;fr~ '11!! ~fIfr I]

171. fiIaA ~ ~ ~-( 1) flnm' qfW;;: 'IT~ U"'l oft flnTT'f ~ il; ~T 'lit '!i<'I ~
~ -.:T"If ttl\' flnTT'f ~ il> ~'lT ttl\' '!i<'I ~ ij; S[I{<O-f~ ~ ~f'l'f; ~ ~r.n:
<r(<t f.!rm- U"'l 'lil f'I'UT'f ~ il> ~II'T ttl\' '!i<'I ~r f.!rm- 'If\" <rot if 'froi'P.r ij- 'OIf ~ ~ I
( 2) ;;ror 0"0 oflT1\ f'ffil lr m WII''lT ~ 'f '!>"t <!!r 0"0 f..m- -.:T"If 'lit flnm' ~ 'Or ~ 'Ii~
( 3) it ~!l<f ("tfu it ~I'!r 1
( 3) f~r<T"'l ttl\' f<r!ir.r qf~ il> ~T 'lir '!i<'I «6Q'r 'IiT-
('0) INm'III' f~OIf ~-f~T~ 'l'T'T 'Otl ,rOlf "'I If'T<'flfOl'OTait, f'lm qT<rl Of"r< J;f"f ~~
~'l'II' Il'~T il>, Of) ~ flIfir lrRT f'!f'fr~ '!>"t, roll'T it flf<'Ai( !f'fl\' mr f.m--.rnr
lrT<T f;rnm ~fIfr;
(ll) I!ImAII' f~ 'IT~ \TTlf ~ <T"'l if f'f'fT~ om- mr
~lt OII'flmT it fiI;m: !f'fl\'
'IT~flrlIi';A;~ lrTU f.I'I'ff.rn' ~fIfr, ;;ft \Tt-.:o il; (r'i'll'~ if~r f~'''f''''lot'II' il; 'OIf It'Olf <rR
<N it roO"O ~ II'! fJA'il> II'!~ 'OIf It 'OIf <rl'f <N It ~\ft artffT~ '"' ~~ 1m !f'1'ri ~ f.t;lft fqm
11'1 m Wf;r ~it fm for." f"iiW1'T Or. l:'frO'," ij;) ~O'ran if; ~<'<I' fiffi{O' '1>1 ~ ~T;
(II) If'mI'IIl' f~!fr~ 'IT'l'~<< ~T It fir.A;'t!f'fl\' 'lTi't ~~ il'mfll'<rif\ia'
~T1fl Of) <TVlf ~'1To< 'l16llf,,'l> q'fowr;rran ~ $lflf;;r m >tl'~ fWmQ"<mrTif~ ,",Q'~irm ~
~ mil flIfir lrT<T II'! m q'OIl'f ~ 'Or om( ~l\' il; <l>T'f it 'OIf it 'OIf <rl'f 'I'i ~ oriT ijI{ ~;
1.1if.m;! (_ql,"MI ~) O!f\rf.tqlr, 1956 'lit f1l'J 29 om ~ ... <tI"<'1 iir"",, 'f( (3-1-1977 it) .fut'llfild I
:l.1if.m;! (.ql,"64Im...r)~, 197G'fiI'um 29;:m (3-1'1977) it oi",rom 1
3. 1if.m;! (1IRI'Ilm...r) 1Iftlfil'l'T, 19SG;f:t f1l'J 10 ~ro (1'"'1956 it) "q'!!•...rnf' ~ I'IT'! <n >;\'~,
10 Extracts from the Constitutian

(d) as nearly as may be, one-third shall be elected by the members of the Legislative
Assembly of the State from amongst persons who are not members of the Assembly;
(e) the remainder shall be nominated by the Governor in accordance with the provisions
of clause (5).
(4) The members to be elected under sub-clauses (a), (b) and (e) of clause (3) shall be chosen
in such territorial comtituencies as may be prescribed by or under any law made by Parliament,
and the elections under Ihe said sub-clauses and under sub-clause (d) of the said clause shall
be held in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single
transferable vote.
(5) The members to be nominated by the Governor under sub-clause (e) J'f clause (3)
shall consi;t of persons having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of such matters
as the following, namely ;-
Literature, science, art, co-operative movement and social service.

172. Duration of State Legislatures.-(I) Every Legislative Assembly of every State, unless
sooncr dissolved, shall continue for '[five years] from the date appointed for its first meeting and
110 longer and the expiration of the said period of '[five years] <;hall operate as a dissolution of the
Assembly; .
Provided that the said period may, while a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation,
be extend,d by Parliament by law for a period not exceeding one year at a time and not extending
in any case beyond a period of six months after the Proclamation has ceased to operate.
(2) The Legislative Council of a State shall not be subject to dissolt.tion, but as nearly as
p"ssibk one-third of the members thereof shall retire as soon as may be on the expiration of
0vcry second year in accordance with the provisions made in that behalf by Parliament by law.
173. Qualification for membership of the State Legislature.-A person shall not be qualified
III be chosea to fill a s~at in the Legislature of a State unless he-
'lea) is a citizen of India, and makes ana subscribes before some person authorised
in that behalf by the Election Commis~ion an oath or affirmation according to the form set
out for Ihe purpose in the Third Schedule;]
(b) is, in the case of a seat in the Legislative Assembly, not less than twenty-five years of
age and, in the case of a seat in the Legislative Council, not less than thirty years of age; and
(e) possesses suth other qualifications as may be prescribed in that behalf by or under
any law made by Parliament.
'[174. Sessions of tbe State Legislature, prorogation and dissolution.-:{l) The Governor
shall from time to time summon the House or each House of the Legislature of the State to meet
at such time and place as he thinks fit, but six months shall not intervene between its last sitting
in one session and the date appointed for its I1rst sitting in the next session.
(2) The Governor may from time to time-
(a) prorogue the Houses or either House;
(b) dissolve the Legislative Assembly.]
• • • • •
I. Subs. by of the Constitution (Forty· fourth Amendmtllt) Act, 1978. s. 24, tor "six years" (w.e.f. 6-9-1979).
2. Subs. by the Constitution (S;xtccnt" Amendment) Act, 1963, s. 4. for cJ. (a).
3. S« th' Representation ofth~ Poopl. Act,I9S1 (43 ofl9SI), ss. S, SA and 6, in Part II, Infra.
1 ,),11,;, b}o' tlt~ Coa.titulion (First Anpndment) Act! t 951. s. 8. for the original article.
~"i~ 10
('"'If 1)
(Of) tpl'~ r"'' ' 'dit
l1."'-ftIwi 'IT'I' ~ ",1 flrnr.f In!T il: «WrTirm ~ "'fflf<flftif ~
f.l'o:rif"l<! i!:Nr ;;r) f.m1'I In!T iI; ~ ~ ~;
(-=) ~ ~ <Iv.."", irm ' " (5) il:,;pf;;fEi'i iI;~ ~m fifi11; :;mtiT I
( 4) n (3) iI; ~ J",), <mi'!r (Ii) aiR '3'i!h ('T) il: ~or'" f';r~ i!:):t lfT~ ~ ~~
lfT~~ f~-m if ~;;rrt(ii, ;;r) ifmm. '1m
'Ii flffiT irm 4T m miR flf~ fifi11; mrt <I"IT
;;'Ia' <mi'!rr il: aiR rm '" il: ~ (Of) ij; mtR f';r~ 'If~iT~ lI'fa'r.rtm<r <r.rftr ij; 'If'l.:m<: '<ifi<'i'
~ 'f;i\ oil.. '1<1' irm i!:PlI
(5) (Iv4<m! irm m (3) ij; ~~~ (g:) ij; 'Iflft;t 'WfflrifWa' f1it1; ~ mr ~ ~ 8m i'irii
fd ~rfl m.n iii m
it ~ WI<{ 4T 84'1<fi!:T~ 'If'I.:~ ~,~:-
m~, flmr;r, ifi<'i'T, ~<OTI'l' m~r.r-r ath: ~r;;T rn I
172. ~il;mn>I~.ih"laIIftr-(I) ~"{T'ili qft lICli", fifm 1n!T,4f~ ~i!:1 flNmr
~l ifi"{ ~';;miT ~ <it, ~i\- If'Ilf ~fu~~I~ if; ftrIt f';r4a' <rrfur ~ '[qfq' 'I1i] a'~ ~1 "{~, ~ ~
~ aiR '['!i'f 'I't] "'~ qlffiT iIr'l' ~ 'fiT ~ fln:rr;f In!T 'fiT flItl?:;r i!:T1fr:
~ ~<i 'IflffiT '!it,' "1'1 ~Ta' ",'l' 'd",eilqoll 'lI'lf<i';I' i'I t ~ ;f~ M'f irm, ~ 'If!ffir ~ f.r~ i1~
~rft, or) '<'" m if 1,"" 'I't ~ 'Iff'fifi 'n"l l!Trft aiR ~)qovrr ij; lI'<ffl;r i'I " "{Z orr~ ij; qT~T<{ f.m' 'lit
~ if 'd~ ~r'( ~ Il'm qft 'IflffiT i ~fiR; ~ {!Ttrr I
( 2) '{fV4 ",1 f.m1'I ~ 'fiT m<:'l' ,,~l i!:Ttrr, ~:a"ifij; rn>I'Ti'I ~ ~ f.f-rnrlf '<i>-fu'~r~
~ u!Tlt irm flff'f irm ~ flfrlffi ~ 'f11; ~ii'fii il: Wf,<lf'(, lICli", ~ lI'f ",1 ~ q"{ 4'4T1I'!!4
~ilf'l f~ i!:) ;;rrt(.r I
173. ~ il; ~ ~ il; ~ ~_w 04rr:r i'l;[1 "{r'ili ij; f,m-lI"r.r il: f.l;m
'i'IT'I '!it ~ tj; fuQ; 'tit orrit ij; f""tr ~ <!'If'l' i!:Ttrr "1'1-
'[( "') lfi!: 'I!f'(a' 'fiT ~ ~ aiR f~ 'lfr4T1f ir m I;If f';rflffi lfTf~ foj;m .... flffl' ij; <I'fllf
<fur<'l' ~~ if ~ lI"ft"l'l' il: r.ftt ~ 'f11; m
ij; ~ m"l' ~ ~ 4r lIftIm" 'lI"(iT( ~ 3fh ~!T q,
~~ i'iffiTlif"{ ifi"{a'T ~;]
(I!l') lfi!: f~ In!T ij; 'i'IT'I ij; ~ """ ~ """ ~ lI'f qft 'IfT,\ ifiT at'\"{ flrnr.f q~;;: ij;
'i'IT'I il: ~ """ u """ m.r
lI'f '!r'l' 'lfr'! ifiT ~; aiR
('T) m 'mI ~m 'If'If 'If~ ~ ;;r1 l\:<1 f.rflre ;f~ irm 'l"!r~ 'THl'm fifiif n(T 4r ~1'l;
'Ill"'" firiiia' '!r'l' ~ I
<[174. ~il; mn>I..Qw iIr g, .. ,\iii,.... m~-(I) <.... ql"', ~I'!4'!IlI'f q"{, ~ ij;
flim' ~ 4T ~ ~ 'liT ~ ~ aiR ~ 't"{ ;;r1 ~ g);; <I.m, 'lffuifW'! ij; f.r~ ~TP.'f
~, ~ m '<'" ~ qft afflR ~ aiR mlTTlr'l' ffif qft lIlflprOS • ij; f-r<:!; f.rlfiT <fru ~ '!1;ft'lf w~
Il'm ifiT ahf"{ ~ i'iTtrr I
(2) (1.'NI"',tr'I4-~ 'f"{-
(II') ~ 'fiT 4T mit ~ 'fiT ",Me I~ If'"{ ~;
( \I ) 1lmT'f "'!IT ifiT flItl?:;r ifi"{ ~'TT I
* * * * *
. «fimT;r (~.,,~) •• , 1fIoiIoR) ~, 1978 'lit om:r 24 'lit '3'fInU (1)-lm-"6I{ 'I'i"" "'"' on: (6-9-1979«,!
SifdEtiifCtd I
. ~ (~1i1ihR) ~, 1 963 'lit om:r UT'! VI' ("') .. "'"' on: l!ftwqrfq~ I
J. '"'" .!lJr~fi",,~, 1 9 5! (1 g 51 'iii 43 ) 'lit tIl'lJt( 5, 5'1' om 6 <ll'l 'Ill'! 2 if ~ I
L «fimT;r ("t"'1i1ihR)~, 1951 'littm18mr'lif~""""on:,,rd""N" I
11 Extracts from the Constitution

188. Oath or aftirmadon by members.-Every member of the Legislative Assembly or the
Legislative Council of a State shall, before taking his seat, make and subscribe before the Gover-
nor, or some person appointed in that behalf by him, an oath or affirmation according to the form
set out for the purpose in the Third Schedule.
• • • •
Disqllalifications of Members
190. Vacation of seats.-(l) No person shall be a member of both Houses of the Legislature
of a State and provision shall be made by the Legislature of the State by law for the vacation by a
person who is chosen a member of both Houses of his seat in one House or the other.
(2) No person shall be a member of the Legislatures of two or mere States specified in the
First Schedule and if a person is chos~n a member of the Legislatures of two or more such States,
then, at the expiration of such period as may be specified in rules' made by the President, that
P3rson's seat in the Legislatures of all such States shall become vacant, unless he has previously
resigned his sea"! in the Legislatures of all but one of the States.
(3) If a member of a House of the Legislature of a State-
(a) becomes subject to any of the disqualifications mentioned in 'lclause (I) or clause
(2) of article 191); or
"l(b) resigns his seat by writing under his hand addressed to the Speaker or t he
Chairman, as the case may be, and his resignation is accepted by the Speaker or t he
Chairman, as the case may be,)
his seat shall thereupon become vacant:
'lProvided that in the case of any resignation referred to in sulH:lause (b), if from information
received or otherwise and after making such inquiry as he thinks fit, the Speaker or the Chairman,
as the case may be, is satisfied that such resignation is not voluntary or genuine, he shall not
accept such resignation.]
(4) If for a period of sixty days a member of a House of the Legislature of a State is without
permission of the House absent from all meetings thereof, the House may declare his seat vacant:
Provi4l:d that in computing the said period of sixty days no account shall be taken of any
period during which the House is prorogued or is adjourned for more than four consecutive days.
191. Disqualifications for membership.-(l) A person shall be disqualified for being chosen
as, and for being, a member of the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State-
(a) if he holds any oflice of profit under the Government of India or the Government
of any Stlite specified in the First Schedule, other ,han an office declared by,the Legislature
of the State by law not to disqualify its holder;
(b) if he is of unsound mind and so declared by a competent court;
(e) if he is an undischarged insolvent;
(d) if he is not a citizen of India, or has voluntarily acquired the citizenship'of a foreign
State or is under any acknowledgment of allegiance or adherence to a foreign State;
I. S .. the P,ohibition of Simultaneous Membership Rules. 1950. in Vol. [Part [[( infra,
%. S'lb •• by 'h, C>n.tittltio:t (pifty·second Amendment) Act, 1985, s.4, for "clause (1) of art;c!,'191" (w.e.f.
1·l-1 !iJ8S).
3. Subs. by tho Constitution (Tblrty·third AnI_adment) Acl. 1974, •• ), for '$-claqs< (b),
4. Ins. by s. 3, /bid,
~~~ 11
('fTIT 1)

1118. ~ 1m mq qr !Ifir.mI'-'U1rlf'l'i'flM;r ~ qrflM;r q~q;r lI<!f'l1 ~ qqo;n ~

lI&"T rn q~, 'IVlfI1'ffi'iTm [T<T 1l'Q'f.rfim flI't,'A' 0IfflF.r it; 1mT, <ftlr6 w;,'ffT if ~ lrlfl';f;rit;
fl:ro; fu:t ~ ~ ij; w;,m" W'I'if ~ lIT lIfCfilA' ~ am ~ 1ft m \i+,1101 ~ ~'1T I
* * ~ f,.'
* *
~I qrr"(f!riit(
19 u. Rm 'lit fm 1!)'Il- ( I) 'I1)f cq[lf:r ml ~ flr!{T;r -Tin it; ~RT lml q;r ~ 'f~ 11m <Ill,
;;r) ">rllI<r ~R1 ~ q;r ~~11 ~'I f.r>il ;;rIOT ~ ~it; ~ 'iT ~ ~ it; m'f '11) f\'f<T ~'t it; font
;m <Tour q;r f.M;r-ll'<r.r f\If!:f iHU ....oili ~I 1
( 2) ..It OIff;ffi ~. ~ if AAf~ <it lIT trfW ~ it; fiM;r4m q;r ij'~ ~'Y ~T aft,
'If!\' '11l{ OIffif<1' .) lIT ~firI; ~iT <TOlI"T it; fiM;r46<'ff q;r ~ "I"f ;;mrr ~ aT ~ q''lfu 'l'i' lTlI'Tft<T
it; 'f'lI'ffil: "" ,~fcr mr ""T~ ~ flIlflTT' it fqf;r~ ..1 ~,"~hIftWlf( it; f\Imor-ll'r.rilf ~ir 8!fflfa'
q;r ~ f't1Ia iI) ;;rI~lfT~m ~ <TOll" 'lit l§W~'WIl' <T:;lf( it; flM;r~ifm ~ 'I1t ~ il1
~'Y CllTlf f<m ~ 1
( 3) Iff. U"'I flI'm-ll'<r.r ij; 1%'«1 ~ q;r ~-
("') 2[~lt 191 ij; l1i<r (I) If T !i6 (2)] if ~ fm fln:\fOT 'i Imf liT ;;rm ~ If
'[(!iI) 1T>.TT~1!fu, ~ 1fT ~ '11) ~)fa'a' mi!+<fT1IR $ mr ifrom ..wr .. T CllT'I'
~ tn ~ arl1: 'P.f.m CllT'1'T<f, lflITf,qftr, ~ ITT ij'i!T'lf<T if m ~ 1m: ~ f.rIrT ;;riOT ~,]
aT ~ i!~ 'f"l: ;;~ <<IT'f f<'f<1' i!T ;;r~'I'T :
4['R\l; ~ (... ) if f"r~ <'fl'l"t.;f 'lft .ITI if, IT~ lIT':!' ;;rI",;r,1 q ITT WlfITT <Ill, ~lJ1;;rt;r rn
'l; 'f'lIqTff, ;;fi "I'il: i5l'. '!'fif, ITnfi;'lf:r, lI~T>r Iff lJiTT-tr:r;;1 IT, ij'1IT1lT'I' lr) ;;rm ~ f.I; it<rr <lfT7I"!;f
"'f~ Ifl qolf\'ft ~ ~ <1'1' "I'il: ~if <'f1lT'lif q;'t H1f>1, 'f\(f ~lfT I]
( 4) IT~ f'pft <T"lf it; f"l'!:fl'f-m it; NlJ1 ~ lj;f ~'T ij'fO R'i 11ft w.rfir 61> lJ~ 'liT ~~ ij;
for.rr ~ mft .. nmm q q',!q~ ~:!'I ~ aT lJ~ ;;:r't ..wr 'lit full' 'iTf'fll' ~ lJhl:
q~'1 «T1i f~ "',. ;;'f:f q''ffa''lft ;f1f'Jl"f1 ~'t if fmft ~ft ~nf~ 'lit f~:rT'l' if 'ff/ for:rl ;;r1l1;1fT f;rn't
lt~ ~ mrrmrff ..I flImt 'iT<: q q'ftl";; f{'f'f it; f~ ~'lf1Ta' ~ ~ 1
191. ~ij; fil~ flf'(~:trti--( I) ..1~ a:rfl:T f;;ft UH -;;1 fun 'i\'oTI lIT run '11''T\ 'Oi-R'fl
,,!i mil' 'l; 1m!: am: ~!fO:T:r filii f.;'Ui!<1' i!rITI-
('0) Iff~ "I'i! 'I!rof ~T, ij; IT! 'ii!<'ft ~<['ft it flff.If= 1%'«1 <TOll" '01 ~ ij; lIT.ffl, ~if
'I'lt 'Or ~ Rm ~"T ~ "I'A q;r ~<f 'f i!~'fr u;nr if; fiM;r~ ;f f<riii ifT\T q1fq<T f~
~ , 'O):t \'1m q;r ''" !ffiUT ~ ~;
(lil" ) 'If. "I'~ ~ff ~ am: <T~ "W:rr-:N <it <f~ 'Il-l"l'T flr~ ~ ;
(If) lI'R "I'il: 3f,!<itf;m f'rofu1ff ~ ;
('1 ) lI'R 'I\! >rna' lj;f ~ 'I1fi ~ 1fT 'l"lJ"{ f'pft f.mIT mIT 'liT 'I,'lr«dl ~ q ~
~ \'It fl: ITT "I'il: mIT f<mfT U"lf if; lIf<T filtOT ITT 3fiJ.'Tfiffi 'lit arfl!¢I",,, f'lro; ~ ~ ;

I. ijij.'ijf~ .. !m'Im lIfm~, 19 50 f~R I ~ 'IT'll if Wrll; 1

2. tiflm;f (;mr;m «>ilwr) 'If~. 1985 >it am 4 mr (1-:H985 it) "~ 191 ~ ok( I)" • "II'! <n:
SlFciNlftia I
3. IimIr.f (~«>ilwrJ ~, 1974 'l<t am am m1\'
(Ii) it; "II'! <n: 1 .n"",fit.
c. ~ >it am 3 WI ej".,",lflIO'I
12 Extracts from the Constitution

(e) if he is so disqualified by or under any lawl made by Parliament.
·\Explanation.-For the purposes of this clause] a person shall not be deemed to hold an office
of profit under the Government ofIndia or the Government of any State specified in the First
Schedule by reason only that he is a Minister either for the Union or for such State.

'[(2) A person shall be disqualified for being a member of the Legislative Assembly or Legis-
lative Council of a State if he is so disqualified under the Tenth Schedule.]

4l192. Decision on questions as to disqualifications of members.-(I) If any question arises

as to whether a member of a House of the Legislature of a State has become subject to any of
the disqualifications mentioned in ciause (I) of article 191, the question shall be referred for the
decision of the Governor and his decision shall be final.
(2) Before giving any decision on any such question, the Governor shall obtain the opinion
of the Election Commission and shall act according to such opinion.]
193. Penalty for sitting and voting before making oath or affirmation under article 188 or when
not qualified or when disqualified.-If a person sits or votes as a member of the Legislative Assem-
bly or the Legislative Council of a State before he has complied with the· requirements of article
188, or when he knows that he is not qualified or that he is disqualified for membership thereof,
or that he is prohibited from so doing by the provisions of any law made by Parliament, or the
Legislature of the State, he shall be liable in respect of each day on which he so sits or votes to a
penalty of five hundred rupees to be recovered as a debt due to the State.
• • • • •
324. Superintendence, direction and control of elections to be vested in an Election Commis-
sion.-{I) The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of the electoral roUs
for, and the conduct of, all elections to Parliament and to the Legislature of every State and of
elections to the offices of President and Vice-President held under this Constitution .•••• shall be
vested in a Commission (referr.:d to in this Constitution as the Election Commission).
(2) The EI6ction Commission shall consist of the Chief Election Commissioner and such
number of other Election Com:nissioners, if any, as the President may from time to time fix and
the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners shall,
subject to the provisions of any law made in that behalf by Parliamtnt, be made by the President.
(3) When any other Election Commissioner is so appointed the Chief Election Commis-
sioner shaU act as the Chairman of the Election Commission.
(4) Before each general election to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assembly
of each State, and before the first general election and thereafter before each biennial election to
the Legislative Council.of each State having such Council, the President may also appoint after
cpnsultation with the Election Commission such Regional Commissioners as he may consider
necessary to assist the Election Commission in the performance of the functions conferred on the
Commission by clause (I).

I. Seethe Representation of the I':ople Act, 1951 (43 of 1951), s. 7, in Part II. Infra.
2. Subs. by th-:: ConstittLtion (Fifty-second Amendment) Act, 1985. s. S. for "(2) For the PW'posca of this artick"
(w.e.f. 1·3-1~85).
1. Ins. by s. 5, ibid. (w.e.f. 1·3·1985).
4. Subs. by the Constitution (FortY·fourth Ame"dmmt) Act, 1978, s. 25, for article 192 (w.f.f. 2()'6·1979).
So C'!rtain \V.Jcds omitted by th·: Constitution (Nineteenth Amendment) Act,1966. s. 2.
~R;m-or 12
(>TP! 1~

(i') .m ~ ~ mr iI"I'li 'lit mrr fmr. mr 1fT ,"if.!; <I!lft;r ~ l!<IiTI: Mila "" ~ "' mT
II .
• [~~-~ ~;r if; l1q"f;r;IT if; ft;rQ:] 'lftt ~ ~ ~ '"""'" 'IT'm tI'Vm ij; 1fT 'li{.rt aq~
if fqf~f,,<e mrr ~ .". ;m;T"{ ij; mi'r.r <il>T 'lIT 'R ~ rn 'fT<il 'lit ~m ~ f11 ~ *r 'lIT
1fT ~~ ~ 'IIT;j;ft I I
'[ (2) ~~ Ollf'ffi mrr m>r""
f.nn., ~r 1fT fim'1" 'if""l; 'lIT ~ iiT't ij; f'N. ~ .m
ill ~r 'f'tl.!:'" ij; mi'r.r ~ l1;m: il:) <mT I I]
'[ I 9 2. ~ '1>' f,"~'lICil a ~,"U<f lWif "'" ~~- ( I) .m Ill! W<f '3OcIl I fl!; fl!;~iT ~
ij; flraT;T·m ij; mrr w.; 'lIT ~~ ~ 'f'tV'iJ'l' I 9 I if; f l (1) it qf'iJrn fl;;m f.r<tm ~ m it) 'TIlT
I 1fT 'lit <I) ~ l1R ~~ 'I>'t fqf~.",,, if; f'N. f.,.;ffirn fl!;IfT "fTlf'lT am ~ fqf~.",,, air,,/{ ~ I
(2) lf~ f.t;m W<f 9' f4f·"",,, rn ~ ~ (j~"qi\1 f.M;r.r 3fTl!Fr .". "Uli ~ am ~ "Uli ij;aq-

'IiTlf 'Ii"l:rTT I]

am ""
i;i <il
oil anr", ~ "'"
fi:I't! flraT;T
1fT !I'ftr.n ~ ~I ~ Of IFtlll't 1fT f~ f~ GfT;f
f.t;;ft ~ 'OT fim'1" ij"qT 1fT ~ it 'lftt ~ ~
,, .
I 88 .". ~ 'lIT 'fif.'ffii'1" rn ~ 'li{(:r, 1fT Ill! ~ §It fl!; it a-m lm'«IT ij; ft;rQ: ~ 'lit ~ 1fT
~ "" ~ 'TIlT ~ 1fT ,r~ 1fT ~ ij; flraT;T-m am iI"I'li 'lit ~ f.!fu ij; mm am ~trT rn
~ lIfffilf4 "" ~ 'TIlT ~, ~ ij; ..r if ofom I 1fT >m itrr I ,,) ~ m.. m- it; f'N. ~ ~
l1lf;~ .ro:rT lIfT "" imr m- I'll ~ .".
I, mftf 'lIT 'fT1it iiFrr or) m<f 'I>'t ~ 'Il"T ij; ..r it ~ .".

* * * * •
3 24. fii4",,;jf ij; - . " m
f.mol "" f'lllf.rOf IIITIIm if ~ ~- ( I) ,(1'1 ~ ij;
3!!ftif <hl'l; am
'ni~ ~ f'!'!lTif-li~ ij; f'N. ~ 1>l'A' ~ lJ"IiT f~ .. ""~1 ij; ft;rQ: <I"n ~ ~­ am
~a ij; 'Ilff ij; f'N. ~1 ij; ft;rQ: f.l'<!m-'!T'l'T< <tIfT<: 'lIT ;;or lJ"IiT ~1 ij; ~'I'TWf "" <m:r" am
ar~, f.mrif am ~ •••• l!;~ 3fllWr if ~ il:mr (fuR '(1'1 ~ if f.riIm art<lT1f ~
'TIlT I) I

(2) f~ 3fllWr '!;l;!f f.r'If;r., arT'!'ffi am ,,"" arOlf f.m"A' ~ ~, .m ~ ~, ~ ~

~11'-~ ~ flnrd 'Ii'l:, flrn'"" <f.m <I"n '!;1iI1' f.m"A' "IT'!'ffi' am arOlf f.m"A' "IT'!'I<ll .". ~, ~
am f.Ifim iI"I'li 'l'{ f.!fu ij; ~1
,(1'1 ij; <I!lft;r ~ Ql!;, ~ am .". ~nMT I
(3) or. 'lftt 3f01f f;rqtq;r 3l'1,\'ffi ~ l!<IiTI: f.rt{,'ffi fl!;IfT"lT1lT I <Til" ~ f.m"A' "IT'!~a ~ 3fTl!Fr
if; ~ ij; " it 'IiTlf 'Ii'l:>rr I
( 4) ""~ ij"qT ij; am
<r,i~ ~ .". fim'1" ij"qT ij; ~~ WmoT f'f'lt;rOf ~ <I"n fim'1" qf{.f'l; i:r
lf~ ~~ ~.". fim'1" ~ ij; ft:r~l1'fll'~ ~i:rmt(:ram wi!; ~~~ Fg'uf.. ", f.m"A'
i:r 'li{(:r,
~" f;rqtq;r 3fTl!)Ir ~ i:r
ij; ~ f l ( I) am ~ 3lT'i'itr ~) rn 'Tl!; ~ ij; m
on~ if 3fllWr .". ~ ij; f~~ ~ 1I~ 3J'TI{'l<ff .". 'iT f.rt{,f.t;<r "" ;A;trr ~ ~ 'f1'lN'" I m
I. 'If.!; l!ftrilIf!ll<l~, 1951 (1951 '1'1 43) '11\ !1m 711ril 'ITIl 2 it i1fQ1t 1
z.lffiIm;r (1l1l\';roT mihr-I) ~, 1985'11\!ITU 5 ~rn (1'3-1985 tt) "(z) ~ ~il> lI'i\or.ii il> f,ro." il>
l'IIR '" srfffi'fTfim 1
3. ~ (~mihr-I) 'IfiIf.Nq, 1985 'Ii'! omr smr (1.3-1985tt).rn:~ 1
4. lffiIm;r (",,,~l\J.i mihr-I) arf!lf.!ll1J, 1978 'Ii'! !ITU 25 ~ ~ 192 il> ro;r '" (Z))-6-1979 it) lIfo"lINa 1
s· «RaT<r. (~. mihr-I) ~, 1 966 '1ft !ITU 2 ~ !W woii "" m f.rn 'Ill! 1
• ~ 't

5-804 ~/o Law & Justh:e/94

13 Extracts from the Constitution
(PART 1)
(5) . Su\?jectto ih'! provisions of any law made by Parliament, the conditions of service and
tenure of office of-theElection'COmmissioners and the Regional Commissioners shall be such as
the President may 'by ruledeterinine : .
Provided that the Chief Election Commissioner shall not be removed from his office except in like
manner:andon the like grounds as a Judge of the Supreme Court and the conditions of service
of the Chief Election' Commissioner shall not be varied to his disadvantage after his appointment:
Provided further that any o'ther Election Comm issioner or '1 Regional Commissioner shall
not be removed from office except on the recommendation of the Chief Election Commissioner.
(6) The· President, or the Governor , ••• of a State, shall, when so requested by the Eledion
Commission, niake available to the Election Commission or to a Regional Commissioner such
staff as maybe necessary for the discharge of the functions conferred on the Election Commis-
sion by clause (I).
3~. No person to be ineligible for inclusion In, or to claim to be included in a special, electoral
roll on grounds of religion, race, caste or sex.-There shall be one general electoral roll for every
territorial constituency for election to either House of Parliament or to the House or either
House of the Legislature of a State and no person shall be ineligible for inclusion in any such roll
or claim to be included in any special electoral roll for any such constituency on grounds
only of religion, race, caste, sex or any of them.
326. Elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assemblies of States to be on
the basis of adolt suffrage.-The elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative
Assembly of every State shall be on the basis of adult suffrage; that is to say, every person
who is a citizen ofIndia and who is not less than '[eighteen years] of age on such date as may
be fixed in that behalf by or under any law made by the appropriate Legislature and is not
otherwise disqualified under this Constitution or any law made by the appropriate Legisla-
ture on the ground of non-residence, unsoundness of mind, crime or corrupt or illegal practice,
shall be entitled to be registered as a voter at any such election.
327. Power of Parliament to make provision with respect to elections to Legislatures.-Subject
to the provisions of this Constitution, Parliament may from time to time by law make provi-
sion with respect to all matters relating to, or in connection with, elections to either House
of Parliament or to the House or either House of the Legislature of a State including the
preparation of electoml rolls, the delimitation of constituencies and all other matters
necessary for securing the due constitution of such House or Houses.
3'1.8. Power of Legislature of a State to make provision with respect to elections to such
Legislature.-Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and in so far as provision in that
behalf is not made by Parliament, the Legislature of a State may from time to time by law.
make provision with respect to all matters relating to, or in connection with, the ele~tions
to the House or either House of the Legislature of the State including the preparation of
electoral rolls and all other matters nece~sary for securing the due constitution of such House
or Houses.
329. Bar to interference hy courts. In electoral matters.-3[Notwith~tanding anything in
this Constitution ••••_]
(a) the validity of any law relating to the delimitation of constituencies or the allotment
of seats to such constituencies, made or purporting to be made under article 327 or article
328, sha1l not be called in question in any court;
I. The words "or Rajpraml1kh" omitted by the Constitution (Sevenlh Ammdmenl) Act. 1956, s.79 and Sch.
2. SUbs. by the Constitution (SixtY-first Amendir.<nt) Act. 19S8, s. 2. fer "tw,nty·cn, yea,," (w .•• I.1.8·3·1989).
3. Subs. by the. Constitution (Thirty-ninth Amendment) Act. 1975, s. 3. for UNofwithstanding anythh;g in Ihif CC'n~fi­
tution"'" (w.e.f.10-8-197S).
4. Olvt>in word> omitted b] the Constitution (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act. 1978. s. 35 (w.e.f. 2().6-1979).

~i;nr~ 13
('fT'I' 1)

( 5) ;i~ irI'U 'f'ITt ~ fm fitfu it; ~ it; anft;f ~ ~, ~ atTI!.'I\1l am: lIT~ at1"!'R1l
'1ft rn otT ~ am: <m<Ifu ~ ~ "" ~<I' ~ irI'U arq!tTfur 'o~ :
~ 'tli!f ~ atTI!.if<I' '0) m IN ~ :am ~ ~ am: ~ orrmt 'f' f ~~, ~~
~ am: fOR orrmt 'f' ~ ~!f it; ;!fllll';'., '0) ~T;;rRIT ~ 3fOlf~ or{f am: 'tl;q' ~ arl'l!if<I'
'Or rn otT wa'! it ~ R!l'm it; ~, m ~ 3ATif'Ii"rtT ~ or{f f<I>!fT ~ :
~ ll'{{ am:
f.!; f.!;«f 3fOlf ~'f arT'!,if<I' 1fT lIT~ 3TT'!,if<I' 'liT 'tij!f f'f'lTvf 3TI'l!if<I' '1>1' f~ 'f'
f IN ~ ~ ~, "l"'I"IT or{f I
f'f'ri;r'f 3Tf!l')1[ ~ 3T'r,UIr 'O~ <l'iT, ~<I' 1fT f.!;«f "(I<i'f 'OT .:r~~%....
( 6) ;;y;f *.. R'ITvf 3Tfli\'1[
liT !f~ 3Tr'!:if<I' '0) ~ 'Olf'fTf"fll: ~ ~ f"T<l'it ~ ( 1 ) irI'U f'f<rivr 3TTtiFr 'liT mil' ~ W<'ff
it; ~ it; ~ 3T(q'"qlfq; ~ I
32 S. QIi, 11m, m 1fT f\'!IT t !IITtm: '11: ~ ~ om ~.",~ ihr~qf;t<l' ~ OIA •
mq ~ ~ ,,~
'I'I11l mt ~r ~ m q .. (1:qf""!{orAlII'T1[NT ~ ~\\lT'IT­
mr'l: it; IRq'O IN'! liT mit '{r;;!f it; IflM"f·m it; IN'! 1fT ~ IN'! it; ~ f'f'l'm it; ~ IR!f'O lIT~~
~~ it; ~ ~ mun:or f'f'ri;rq;"lI .. I4<,/ li)ifT am:
'lr>r.r a'lf, 'i'if<rn, orrftr, f;rt1' liT ~it ~'f.!;d't it;
amm: 'f' 'Olt "l!f.!<r ~ fm ~lql<{<11 it \1f... f""
f.!;o; ;;rf.t it;f'il'o; at'mi or{f liM 1fT, il:\l\fm f«R'f
el<f it; fu'o; fiFd't nPT'f
f'f'fT'fiF·~T11T.m it \if AIr.,."
fiFll; ;;rT'r 'Of ll:1<IT ~ I
326. ;iN; ~ ~ mull1\T fiM;t~ t ~ f'14t...;(1 if;! ii1ff'5 qalftiq;l( t !IITtm: 'f' I[f'IT-
;iN; 'fI>lT arf< IWr'O '{r;;!f otT f".iH" 'fItfT it; f'ifO; f'f'fR'f 'I'~l> "orfirl>n: it; 3fT!ln: 'f' ~ril, ar'lf<l IR;r'O
;lff'l<l', ;;r) tfn:<!' if;! 'fT1TfVj; ~ am:
ctd't <l'm~ 'liT, ;;r) 'fI'!.m f'rilT'f·lI's"orirI'U 'f'ITt ~ f.!;>ft fqfu rnr
1fT m 3Tm ~;r f;rl'1ffl f.rlfd otT ;;rro:, 'Otf ~ q;'f '[am~ 'I'f] otT 3TTlf if;! ~ 31f< ~ ~·1fT \i"tm
f'rIlT'l'·m [T'U 'f'ITt ~ f.!;«f fitfu it; 3TJi'f arf.i<mf, f'l'<lf'riifu, arroa' ~1fT W<: 1fT ~ it; amm: m
'11: 3fO!m f~~ or{f '"' tim ;,r<l'T ~, il:~ fq;;rf' ~ it 'I'crmrT it; 1!"f it mr~ lin 'Of li~
liM I .

327. ~!fTlf-1{~ t ~ f".mr.n • q ~ m m

otT d\f<!.lI\T ~ ~ ;if<nn''f it; w,mit;
anft;f ~ ~, ~ \TIl'<l.;r>rlf '11:, fitfu [I'U, ~ it; !f<ii'O IN'! 1fT f.l;it. '{r;;!f it; f<laT;r·m t \1'Il:" 1fT
Sf<ii'O ~ it; f'il'o; f' ~ qlfa'<l' 1fT ;i\1'if<l' ;rifT f'l'flfi it; ;iiia' it, foT;ij; arn.rn f.lqRq;-'fTIrT<f<'it \lm
'Im'fT, ~'f-&l.n if;! qf«(1/'1'1 3Tf< <f~ IN'! 1fT ~ if;! , ~ 'IQ.f w-m"'"
'O~1r it; ~ ~ \1"Ift
,,","If'O f'r'flf ~, ~ '"' ;ril;m I . .

328. fm '(TiJ/f t flm;f...m. t mq f~ t m if ~ m "';nr fim;1-tift ~ • - ~

;if'riTT'I' it; ~tif it; arm ~1r §o: am:
"1l;i <I'ift " " ~;r f.rfirn ~ or{f ...m
~ ~ <I'ift, f.!;d't '{r;;!f
if;! f<f!lT'f·m ;r>rlf.;r>rlf '11:, fqfu irl'U, ;nr '{r;;!f ij; "'m·m
ij; IN'! 1fT If<iiq; IN'! ij; ~ f.,.f<Hl ~
~<I' 1fT q;rq<l' \fift f'l''I'!l'r it; ;iil'u it, foT'Iit; arn~<I' R'I'm'11'1i<hii ii.rn: ~ am:
it« IN'! 1fT ;wi'!
'Of ~ 'IQ.f '!flrfm rn it;. fuo: .
3fOlf. \1"Ift ~ fiT'flf ~, ~ ifi'\: ;ril;m I
329. f.m;R. ~ ~. if .."i"",q{ t ~ om m-..JI[~;r 1iflIm'f it fWt m it; Iif<\' ~
'1ft .***-] . . .
('0) ar~ 327 1fT ar't~ 328 ij; arm ;;yf.t it; ~ <m'I'flfd. f.l;it ~m
'f'ITt 'It liT 'f'ITt
Wli otT Wa"fTOlfdT; :;it ~'f-&l;rr it; qf<;r~ 1fT il:~ f.riTR"-&l.n '1ft ~ it; arTik'f ~ ;ilffim
~ f.!;«f .... 14 1<,\4 it !T'q'f'T<I' or{f ~ ~ ;
1: limTIf (lmR\~) 1If"",""" 1956 'lit !lTU 29 .m: ~ mr "lIT ~" """ "" AoIT 'lIlT I om
2. lI'f""'" (~~0i!I !i1ll<R) arflrf-nrr, 1988 ",i aw 2 iml (28-3-198911) "{fltm 'fIf" iF ro; q, ~{! I.
3. limTIf (;;;!~ mlR) ~, 1975 'lit !lTU 3 mr "w;r it f1I:IIT ;mr ;j; ~d' itt >it" ;j; ~ 'R
(10-8-1975 it) .fd+<1lf.d I
&. liflrar;r ('!'I!'it«'fi ~) <rflrf.rql!, 1978 'lit am 35 mr ~ Wiii "" (20-1l-1 87911) "'" RIIT '"" I
14 Extracts from the Constitution
(b) no election to either House of Parliament or to the House or either House of the
Legislature of a State shall be called in qucstion excep(by an election petition presented to
such authority and in such manner as may be provided for by or under any law made by
the appropriate Legislature .
• • * *

::130. Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castell and Scheduled Tribes in the House of the
People.-·-(l) Seats shall be reserved in the House of the Peopl<l for-
(a) the Schcduled Castes;

'[(b) the Scheduled Tribes 1 except the Scheduled Tribes in the autonomous districts
of Assam; and]
(e) the Scheduled Tribes in the autonomous U1stricts of Assam.

(2) The number of seats reserved in any State '[or Union territory] for the Scheduled Castes
or the S~hejuled Tribes under clause (1) shall bear, as nearly as may be, the same proportion
to the total number of seats allotted to that State '[or Union territoryJin the House of tht People
as the population of the Scheduled Castes in the State 2[or Union territory] or of the Sche-
duled Tribes in the State '[or Union territory] or part of the State '[or Union territory), as the
case may be, in rcspect of which seats are so reserved, bears to the total population of the State
'[or Union territory].
'[(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (2), the number of seats reserved in. the
House of the People for the Scheduled Tribes in the autonomous districts of Assam shall
bear to the total number of seats a110tted to that State a proportion not less than the popu-
lation of the Scheduled Tribes in the said autonomous districls bears to the total population
of the State.]
'[Explanation.-Tn this article and in article 332, the expression "population" means the
population as ascertained at the last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been
Provided that the reference in this Explanation to thc last preceding census of which the
relevant figures have been published sha11, until the relevant figures for the first census taken
after the year 2000 have been published, be construed as a reference to the 1971 census.]
331. Representation of the Anglo-Iodian community in the House of the PeopIe.-Notwith-
l,. standing anything in article 81, the President may, if he is of opinion that the Anglo-Indian
,;ommunity is not adequately represcnt~ in the Housc of the People, nominate not more than
two members of that community to the House of the People.
332. Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trihes in the Legislative Assem-
blies of the States.-(I) Scats shall be reserved for the Scheduled Castcs and the Scheduled·
Tribe~, '[except the Scheduled Tribes in the autonomous districts of Assam], in the Legislative
Ass~mbly of every State····.

(2) Seats shall be reserved also for the autonomous districts in the Legislative Assembly of
the State of Assam.
1. Sub,. by the Constitution (Fifty-first Amendment) Act, 1984, s. 2, for sub-clause (b) (w.e.f. J 6·6-1986).
2. Tns. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 29 and 8ch.
3. In.c;, by the Constitution (Thirty~first Amendment) Act, 1973, S. 3.
4. In.s. by th~ Cons.titution (Forly-second Amendment) Act, 1976, s. 47 (w.e.f. 3-1-1977).
5. Sub•. by the Consjitution (Fifty-first Am:ndm.nt) Act, 1984, S. 3, for certain words (w.e.f. 16-6-1986).
6. Thf' words and letters "specified in Part A or Part B of the First Schedule" oTYlitted by the Constitution (Sew:nth
Amendmrnt) Act, 1956, s. 29 and Scb.

mm'Qt'I 14
('fT'1 1)
(V) .r<r<;: iF lI,li''Ii"
'IT f~1 ~ ~ iF f<m;r-.m, iF ~ 'IT SRiA; ~ iF ~ 'Ii\t ~
~it ~ 3T,"1 If\: i!1~ f..'lT ""r~, ;;ft~?r lIrf~ 'fi) am: ~ 'Ufu ?r lR1!~ 'liT rr{ ~
f;;rn..-r ~'if'ffl fq!ffi-.m, ~rn 'I'lli' 1ft fqfu ~ 'IT m
armor ~ fil;m ~, 3T"i'IT ~ 1
* * * * •

• 330. ""'" \fin if "'l'ilf,," ;nfuqT ~ "'l'i\f"n ",.,.,If,,"" ill ft!1{ ~ 'flnm""T-( 1) 0IT'fi \fin
('Ii") ar't,W'ffl ;;rrf0"l1 ij; f\il!;,
'[ (V) ar<l'! iF ~ f",;ft 'liT ar'i~ ~rf<rq'f If;) lJ~ ar"f ~~ "I'fOI'lfd41 it;
f\il!;, am:]
(if) ar<I'! iF <>fl1Tffil for;ft 'liT ar,!w'ffl ~<rq'f it; f;;r!1;,
t"iT'f arrmm ~;r 1
( 2) ~ (1) iF 3Ti!R fm ~ 'r'lT *.
~Ilf<f] if 3fo!~ ",rfrn 'IT Of'!~ ~q'f it;
f\il!; 3Tmlff<r t"iT'fT 'liT <i'M 'f>T Of'!'ffif, <'11.. ~ if ?<r ~ '['IT .r'l" 'i~<f] 'liT arrilfgo- t"iT'ff 'liT
~ ~ if ~. q~ ift'rr ;;ft, If'llfiolfu, ?<r ~ '[lfr ;itr ~<f] 'liT 3fo!W«<r ;;rrfu>:rT 'liT 3T!fqr
~~ ~ '[lfr;itr Wlrffif] 'liT 'IT ?<r Wlr '['IT;itr Wlr<f<f] it; 1IT'T 'liT ar,!~ ;;r'f"lrftrq'f 'liT,
f,;,orij; m if f1TT'f ~ ~ arRfu<r ~, .. o.r6llT 'f>T ar'!'IT<r ?<r ~ '['IT ;itr (1 0 '1"'''] 'liT f;;r "''«f6llT
'[ ( 3) lh (2) if fm iITcf iF i!Rf irQ; 1Il', '"'" ~ if ar«'l it; ~ ~;if 'liT 3T!W'I:! """"'rf<riff
it; f.rQ; arr<fu<r t"iT'fT 'liT .rw 'f>T ~, ?<r ~ If;) arT'Ifur ~;ff 'liT ~ «o;qr it;.~ ~«ij;'f 'f@
i!Torr .oft ,ffif f'!mit f;;r;ft 'liT "'1W"d ..;r;;rrf<r'l"T 'liT <;qr 'f>T Of'!'ffif '0" Wlr 'liT !;;r;qr ?r ~ I]
'[... ea1"'(GI ~ ar,!:~ if arh: 3T~ 332 if, "",;qr" ~ ?r ~it affir>r ~ ;;r"'luHI if
arfllf'lfil'ffl 'li"1 rr{ "''f~§!fr arfll"sr<r ~ for<TiF ~ art~ lI'!i11mr i!) 'I(( ~ :
~ ~ t'loilMUI ii >if<r:; ~if1 ;;r.,.,u, .. , iF !If<r, f",<TiF ~ ~ lI'!i11mri!) 'I(( ~,f'f~ 'f>T, ""i[
<r'fi ~ 2000 ii; wrf<l; 'liT or{ ~ "''I1fUT'!T ii; ~m ~ lI'f>TfW 'Itt i!) ;;rfct ~, If~ aN ;;rt[t'lT ~
f.t; '11! 1971 'fil ",,'I1fUT'!T iF !If<r f.riw ~ I]
331 . .m; ~ if ~"'1-~ ~ 'f>T Rr"r.. ftI", Of'!~ 8 1 it fm iITcf ii; ~1t 9Q; 'Ill, qft
~<r 'liT !fi! U!f ~ fq; <if).. lriiT if aril<if-1frof!>:r ~'!.<nlf 'f>T lIf~ <r'ifCff 'f@ ~ <r) 'Ii! <'11.. ~.;r ii
?<r <I'!<:fli ii; <it ?r ar'ff... ;m:>:r ~rmr 'Ii<: ~ 1

332.~T iii) f'IuFl a>mii"
"'!'iI~" ""lim ~ ~tI ..~"',f"41 ill ~~;fj 'In ~_
( 1) '*** lI~'Ii" ;:r;;'l" 'liT f'qo<lT'f ~ilT it Of'!~ ... rf<r'l"T iF f;;r!1; am:
'[ar"" iF wrrit f;;r;ft 'liT Of'!-
~ "".r.rrftl'l"T 'Ii"l' lJ'r~] ar"f Of'!~ "".r.rrf<r'lT ii; f\il!; t"iT'f ~.r 1 arrmm
(2) 3T<I'! ;:rnr 'liT fliolT'f <ri/f it <>fmm forill ii; f<,<l; '1l "'Til 3Tm.," ,~'.r 1
-I. - -
lifiIw, (~~.. r~ .mt!l'l) arIilf.ll!lf, 1984 ",'r Ilm 2 nu 16'6'1986 if (if) .q.n oil m~ '" lIfilf'llfiler •
2. mol'! (m<I'ii li,ilfl'l) <rfqf""", 1956 otT urn 29 om
~ 1m atff:~<1 I
3. liml'! ( livilil'f) <rfqf;o1!ii, 1973 "'1!lTU 3 nu arn:..m<m I
4.liflM'l (lTIIlifummil!l'!) lIfllf.lil;t, 1976 otT '1m 411m (3-1-1977) itater:..m<m I
5. \iflrErR(m<I'ii livi\!A) ~, 1956 otT !lTU 29 om
~ 1m "~ 1l'Wi\ ii fitf.t~ 'lTII '" 'IT 'lTII .,"
VIi,1 .rn onrn "" '"" f",'Il 'lIlT I
6. m- (_PIlttmrR) <rf~'I', 1984 ",I urn 3 lIT<! (I6-6'I986i1)fWWi<i\ilI"rooI'",,,f<lt>iri'tdl
15 Extracts/rom Ill(' Con.Willlfiol1
(PART 1)
(3) The number of seals reserved for the Scheduled Casles or Ihe Scheduled Tribes in the Legislative
Assembly of any Slale under clause (I) shalI bear. as nearly as may be. Ihe same proportion to the total
numberofseats in Ihe Assembly as Ihe populalion of the Scheduled Casles in the State orofthe Scheduled
Tribes in the Stale or parI oflhe State. as Ihe case may be. in respect of which seats are so reserved. bears to
the 10lal populalion of the Slale.
1IOA) NOlwithstanding anything conlained in clause (3). untillhe taking effect. under article 170. of
the re-adjustment. onlhe basis oflhe first census after Ihe year 2000. of the number of scats in the Legisla-
live Assemblies oflhe Slates of Aru nachal Pradesh. Meghalaya. Mizoram and Nagaland. the seats which •
shan be reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the Legislalive Assembly of any such State shall be.-
(a) if all the seats in the Legislative Assemblyofsuch Stale in existence on the date of coming into
force oflhe Constitution (Fifty-seventh Amcndment) Act. 1987 (hereafterin Ihis clause reierred to as
the existing Assembly) are held by members of Ihe Scheduled Tribes. all the seats except one;
(b) in any other case. such numberof seals as bears to the lotalnumber of seats. a proportion not
less then the number (as on the said date) of members belonging to the Scheduled Tribes in the exist-
ing Assembly bears to the total number bf seats in the existing Assembly.)
>[(38) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause 0). until the re-adjustment. under article 170.
takes effect On the basis of the first census after the year 2000. of the number of seats in the Legislative
Assembly ofthe State ofTripura. the seats which shall be reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the Legi~I~­
tive Assembly shall be. such number of seats as bears to'lhe 10lal number of seats. a proportion not ress
than the number. as on the dale of coming into force of the Constirution (Seventy-second Amendment)
Act. 1992 of members belonging to the Scheduled Tribes in the Legislative Assembly in existence on the
said date bears to the total number of seats in that Assembly.)
(4) The number of seats reserved for an aulonomous district in the Legislative Assembly ofth~ State of
Assam shall bearto the total numberofseats in that Assembly a proportion notless than the population of
the district bears to the total population of the State.
(5) The constiluencies forlhe seats reserved for any autonomous district of Assam shall not comprise
any area outside that districP.... I

(6) No person who is not a member of a Scheduled Tribe of any autonomous district of the State of
Assam shall be eligible for election 10 the Legislative Assembly of the State from a ny constituency of
that district 3•••
333. Representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the Legislative Assemblies of the States.-
Notwithstanding anything in article 170. the Governor.. •• of a State may. if he is of opinion that the
Anglo-Indian community needs representation in the Legislative Assembly of the State and is not ade-·
quately represented therein. '[nominate one member of that community to the Assembly).
334. Reservation of seals and special representation to cease after <[fifty years I.-Notwithstanding any-
thing in the foregoing provisions of this Part. the provisions of this Constitution relating to-
(a) the reservation of seats for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in the House of
the People and in Ihe Legislative Assemblies of States; and
(b) the representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the House of the People and in the
Legislative Assemblies of the Slates by nomination.
shall cease to'have effect on the exoiration of a period of <[fifty years) from the cOmmencement of this
. Provided that nothing in this article shall al1ectany representatIOn in the House of the People orin the
Legislative Assembly of a State until the dissolution of the then existing House or Assembly. ~s the case
• • • •
1. Ins. by the Constit..:tion (Flfty-se\'enth Amend~ent) Act.. 1987, .5, 2 (w.e!. 21-9-1987).
2. I~ by the Constitution (Seventy-second Am~ndment) Act. 1992. s. 2 (w.e.f. 5-12-1992).
3. Certain words omitted by Act 81 of 1971. s 71 (w.e.f. 21-1-1972).
4. The won:ls "or Rajpramukh" omitted bYlhe Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act. 1956, s. 29 and Sch.
5. Subs. by the Constitution (lWenty-third Amendment) Act.. 1969. s.~4. for certain words (w.e.f. 23-1-1910),
6. Subs. by the Constitution (Sixty-second Amendment) Act. 1989. s. 2. for "{ortyyears" (w.e.f. 2().12·1989\.


(3) "!'is (I) of; 3!'fR flIffir m>I<tt ~ m:n iH!!~ <mfcr<ITlIT ~f'Rr .. "..,Ia<il· of; ~ ~ ~<tt ~""
3!¥ffi, ~ flItlr.i m:n ~ ~r <tt ~ ~.r <I'lIT~ 'Itt iWlr oft, '1<rrft.<Tfu, ~ m>I <tt ~f'Rr <mfcr<IT<tt ar<TlIl ~ m>I <tt
lIT ~ m>lof; 1W!<tt ~~ .H.lIR1<li <tt, ~ ~~ ~ ~ t;rO;f( omieo t, ;;r;ffi\9!!J lI>1 ~ ~ m>I <tt~ ~
• .r WI
1 [(3l1» "!'is (3) iI' flIffir om! of; m ~ tfr, 'R 2000 of; qi'llQ <tt 'It <mit <;RTJ11AI of; all'![( q{, aI~ IRQ!, ~,
~ am:~~<ttlmlR m:nalTil'~r<tt~of; aI~ 170of; ai¢!, F: tllll<il.." of;'lmlftil'~<!lIi, oft~ ~
• ~l.f\ 00'l <tt lmlR e<ll ii' aI~\lfila ""''1fi1<il' of; ~ ~ ftIro; -.mtit iI- .
(lI» ~~ (e~BW:R) aI~, 1987 of;lI1l'f1rr.hftlllfuoll» ~OO'l<ttflRrlll'!lmlRe<II~ (~
~ "!'is iI'm qi'llQ flRrIIR lmlR e<lllIi611ll1T ~) m:I\ ~ ~~ GHolliil <li of; ~ om t:JJfur h), ~ ~ lI»
~, etfr ~ lITTt: aI'h:

(I'l) flIffir aI"'I ,QII,f , m

~ gTr), ~ ~ lI>1 aI~, ~r <tt ~ ~ of; ~ ~ .r lIill 'ltf iirn oft
flRrIIl'! flt'II'! e<II if' aI~\l~a ""olliil<il' of; e<W!t'<tt (a<ffllllfuo lI»'1~llI'!) ~ "" ~ flRrIIR lmlR e<lliI'
'[(31'l) "!'is (3) iI'flIffir om! of; gRl ~ lit, 'R 2000 of; qi'llQ <tt 'It <mit <;RTJ11AI of; =
q{, fus;u 00'l<tt lmlR e<II ii'
",,"I' <tt ~ of; , ~-;;R 170 of; ai¢!, !!'I:tllll<il.. " of; 'lmlft g);! <!lIi, oft ~ ~ lmlR e<II ii' dI:J\l~a "".IIii14\' of; ~
~ ~1J; -.mtit iI m ~ 1\')<) ~ B\9!!J lI>1 dI~, ~T<tt~ ~ of; ~ aI~.r lIill 'lttiWlr oft flRrIIR lmlR e<II
~ aI:J\l~a ~<lf of; ~ <tt. @I'll'! (iI6W'It BW:R) dI~, 1992 l!; lI1l'f g);! <tt lIIfuo lI» ","f1l<litH ~ ""
3!¥ffi a<ffl lIIfuo lI» ~ flI'lR e<ll ~ ~T 11ft ~ ~ .r WI]
(4) alell m>I <tt lmlR e<ll ii' flIffir ~mft ~ l!; ~ ~ ~<tt ~ "" ~, ~ ~ e<II iI'~)'<tt ~
~ of; ~ ~ .r lIill 'Itt iWlr oft ~ ~ <tt ~ ,,"3!~ ~ m>I <tt ~ ~ .r WI
(5) 30 0 0 &ell l!; ~l.f\ ~mft ~ l!; fuu: ~ ~ l!; f.fflt<R~ ii' ~ ~ t 0fIiI{ "" lI>W !iF; eII~
(6) lI>W 51Iftffi oft alell 00'l l!; flIffir~mft ~ <tt aI:J\l~a ~ "" ~ 'ltti, ~m>I<ttlmlR e<IIl!; ~30 • •
~ ftw) <f; ~l.f\ f.fflt<R -!iF; .r ~ g);! "" qfjJ "tt, iWlr I

333. U'mT <it"ITolf Il-' aTi«1t·~ ~ lI;f1:.rftr~~-~ 170,f flIffir om! of; m QlJ; tlt, ~
~l.f\ 00'l <6 = 4 0 • • <tt ... U'I Wfu; ~ 00'l <tt fIl'll'! e<ll ii' dIiri;i -~ ~ lI>1l!fcJf.Jftrc<I dI1<Ii'llIi WaI'h: ~ ~
1If\1f.1f«"" q4ft<I 'Itt W(I) 'IS ~ flI'll'! e<II ii' 5[~ "1a<T4 lI>11J;lIi e~ 'I1IIMfQm "" ei;rnJ I
334. ~'$ aTfl:1fflll aT"fuI/TIP:.rftr~ "" 6(~ <fIi] $ Tf~Of ur.rr-~ 1W!<6 ~~iI'flIffir
om! of; gRl ~ tlt, - •
(lI» ",Ill> e<II ii' am- OO'lT 11ft lmlR e<IIOIT ~ dI:J\l~a <mfcr<IT aJ'h: ~~ """Iiilai!' of; ~ ~ of;
aJf(!\!'1I ~, aJ'h:

(I'l) ",Ill> e<ll ii' Ol'h: ~ <tt lmlR e<IIOIf ii' ~QI'l om ilIfrB-~ ~ l!; IIfdf.1f«"" ~,
~ @I'll'! of; ~ ~ ~ of; \Iffm .r 6[""", !fit] <tt ~ <tt elllft<T q{ = 'Itt l:ii'l :
~ ~ aJ~ <tt flIffir om! .r iffia; e<II ~lIT fu;{fi 00'l <tt flI'lT'! m:n ~fu;{fi lila f.1f«"" q{ l!iI <!lIi lI>W = 'Itt 1$TI G!il
<!lIi, 41Q1fl:<Ita, ~ ell", flRrIIR ",Ill> e<ll 4T ~ e<II "" ~ 'Itt ;it ;;mrr WI
• • • • • •
I. ~ (~~) ~. 1987.:1"", 2 <TU (21-9-1987 ,,) """...rtita I
2' ~ (~~) ~. 1992 <iii "'" 2 <TU (5-12-1992 ,,) i!ta:...rtita I
3. 19711/; ~"'O 81 <iii "'" 71 <TU!Ii" itolI' '"' (21-1-1972 ,,) .n.!a;m mtli
4. ~ (ma<t ....iilv.!)~. 1956.:1 "'" 290m: ~ <TU .... ~ .. itolI' ,",.n.!a;m mtli
5. ~ (i.\Wof ~) ~. 1969 oft "'" 4 <TU !Ii" itolI' 1/; ...... 111: (23-1-1970 ,,) 1II1l ... ,llld I
6. ~ (omool ....iilv.!)~, 1989 oft "'" 2 <TU .. ~".r' 1/; ...... 111: (2(}.12-1989") Q~""llld I
16 Extracts from tM Constitution
341. Scheduled Castes.-{I) The President '[may with respect to any State 'Lor Union territory].
and where it is a State •••• after consultation with the Governors .... thereof,] by public
notification', specify the castes, races or tribes or parts of or groups within castes, races or tribes
which shall for the purposes of this Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Castes in relation to
that State '[or Union territory, as the case may be].
(2) Parliament may by law include in or exclude from the list of Sched uled Castes specified in a
notification issued under clause (I) any caste, race or tribe or part of or group within any caste, •
race or tribe, but save as aforesaid a notification issued under the said clause shall not bet varied by
any subsequent notification.

342. Seheduled Tribes.-{I) The President'Lmay with respect to any State 'lor Union territory],
and where itis a State •••• , after~onsultation with the Governor'*u thereof;] by public notifloo-
tion', specify the tribes or tribal communities or parts of or groups within tribes or tribal com-
muniti~s whi~h shall for the purposes of this Constitution be deemed to be Schedule<! Tribes in
rdation to that State '[or Union territory, as the case may be].
(2) Parliament may by law include in or exclude from the list of Scheduled Tribes specifiea in a
notification issued under clause (I) any tribe or tribal community or part of or group within any
tribe or, but save as aforesaid a notification issued under the said clause shall
not be varied by any subsequent notification.
• • • • •

• • • • •
356. Provisions in case oreaOure of constitutional machinery in States.-(l) If the President on
roceipt of a report from the Governor···· of a State or otherwise, is satisfied that a sitlIation
has arisen in which the Government of the State cannot be carried on in accordance with the provi-
sions of this Constitution, the President may by Proc1amation-
(a) assume to himself all or any of the functions of the Government of the State and all
or any of the powers vested in or exercisable by the Governor •••• or any body or authority in
the State other the Legislature of the State; •
(b) declare that the powers of the Legislature of the State shall be exercisable by or under
the 8uthorityof Parliament;
(e) make such incidental and consequential provisions as appear to the President to·he
necessary 01 desirable for giving effect to the objects of the Proclamation, including provisions
for suspending in whole or in part the operation of any provisions of this Constitution relating
to any body or authority in the State :
1. Subs. by the Constitution (Fin:t Amendment) Act. 19S1, s.1.0, for "may. after consultation with the Gov(rnor Or Raj.
pramukh of 8 State".
2. Ins. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956. s. 29 and Sch.
3. The words and letters "specified in Part A Or Part B of the First Schedule>? omitted by s. 29 and, Sch., ibid.
4. The words "01 Rajpramukh" omitted by s. 29 and Sch .• ibiiJ.
S. See Molnnual of Blc~tion Law, Vol. l. Part Ill. infra. .
6. Subs. by the Constitution (First Amendment) Act. 19SJ • s. 11, for "may, aflcr comul'ation with the Oovc-rnor or Raj-
pramukh of a State,".
lffinI",ii~· 16

341. "'3m ~-( I) ~il '[fir.m U<Ui '[Ill ;j-er. ~l ~,jihr if am .,.~ If(! ••• *
~ ~ 'lQi m ~r.; ,*** ii
'r~' ~ ~ ~l <m ~5 [ro, '3"f .,.rf<fliT. 'I,wfm
III ;;m,rfirl<l, 3N'IT 'lImr:rr, 'L<'i<rnT III ;;r'Rrf<fli1 ~ 'liT'll III ~ if; 'ion ~) fqf~f~"" 'Fl: ~, f.,..~
~.'1' m<lT'f if; Inlnr'IT if; tm(, '[q~If....:rf~] '1'1' 'J'iq '[Ill <if.! ~l ~ >f;;hr >t ",!'i,f.a- "I'Ifu>rt
ij'I!IJT 'lI Il(lTT I

(2) ,j<l;;:, M!T rnr, miT"fI'fir, 'i.-r<il1l' III ;;r.r.rrfu" 'fir 3T'!'fT ;;rTfil, '" III ~ if; 'I!J1T' lfl
M 11; '1.'1 ~) '" (I) if; ar<fr;! f.r<!m;ft 'It arf~ if fqf~f~", "",!~f;m .,rf<l"fi ~r ~ if "fAlf..."
'Fl: ~ III ~ ii 3l'l'IfGlil 'Fl: ~, fi!;;;J; ot«T o;q, ~ 'I'll ~ ~ f~ ;;<ffi' !!iT 11; anft;r f.r<!m;ft
'It 3!~ if mrr 'I,,,,<{..
<ff arMV;"ij, Jro ~'f 'I1it f.o'Il ~ I
342, "'l.'l"" .. ij .. ,fnql (I)~, '[fm ~ '[Ill <I." ~l if; ;t;i!T # am 'lI~
If(! .*.* ~ ~!f(!i ffi; ,,~q4l<1 .u. ii ~ ~ if;'r'il"l'lifJ ;;T<j; ~ [ro, '3'f .,..;orrfu1if
III "".. rfil '1''tu>!l arvRr 'lIij"T,fd1i1 III "''f'i1fu lJ'!.u>!l if. 'l!M III ~ if; 'i,>if 'fir fqf~f""" 'Fl: ~
f;rij[;':lJ ,ji'fal'f if; m'l'i if; fiii'l1;, '[q4,f.4f1j '>lJ < '[Ill ~ ~r.rl OJ; *la' if "f'!,f!,f.f<i ;;r'f-
errf~ lI"!!lT '" Il(lTT I
(2) ~, Mu [ro, mit "l"f"Tifu III <l1'f"Trfa' '1''!;<mf 'j;) 3N'IT fir.m 'lI'f'Iifu ,Ill ;;m,lfu ~ if;
IfJ1T III ~ if; 'i,'f 'fi) ' " (1) if; i!lfr;r f.f~ 'It arfu~ if f~ aq'lf'm "I'~ '1ft V;;Jr
# <lfi;lrf\'TO 'Fl: mr
III '01;1# ii 3l'l'Ifilja' 'Fl: '1'iI>:iT, ~ ;;f«T ~ '!ill 'I'll ~ flJ<!T1I' ;;<ffi' m
OJ; n
8l\ft';r f.r'imft 'It arfu~ if mit ",,,,<t.. <ff arr..~"ij' rnr 'Ifoot'f 'l{t f.o'Il GlIl(lTT I

* * • * *

* * * * *
3 S 6. ~ OJ ~ ffif ~ flr'Ir.I~) .mf ~ twT if w.it1- ( 1) ml{ ~a' 'In', mit lJ'i1l'
if; *** ii ~ flrn'ir on: 1fT 3f'lI'iT, ~ lJIfT!TT'f i!!) "mIT ~ fi!> "tm ft'lfa' "3<'A' ~ 'It ~
fm '0'1' ~'I>l 1111'1"f "'1' ~firm'f ij; ~i if; aq~ Ofi!!1 "f<1TllT GIl lJ'I><rT ~ aT ~a' '3,\~1q"1 Jro-
( .. ) '>lJ ~ .. r ~ 11; ll>fT III ",I{ ~ am!f '* ** if 1fT ~ ij; floo;r >i:r.I' ii
f'll"l ~ if; f.t;>:ft fif'I>rII' III liTfu"..m if ~ III m [T(I lI'iffirall' ll>fT 1fT '!ir% ~ am- ~
if \:t ~ ;
(Iii) ~'f)q"1T 'Fl: "ij;/fT r.. u...- ij; fiI!TT'I->f:r.r '1ft ~ ~ Jro '1T ~ llrfir<!;r{ iF: i!lfr;r
lilfr't\fClf ~I ;

(If) lJ'i1l' if; mrr f'f'l>Tll' III lTTfu'l>lU ii mnwr .." ~ if; f~ '>'Ioia'f ~ lr'ffl;; .r.t '!;"fa':
1fT 'I!l'If<r: f.r.if'l<r ~ if; fiii'l1; '>'Ioi>if ~ ~ arqQflri!> 311<: ~f~ '3"R!T 'Fl: ~ "1') '3'1.~lq'iI
ij; '3'~m 'fir IPl'm ~ if; fu'{( ~ 'fir ~ III 'l'T'GiftII' lI'tfia' ll:T :
I. """'I'f
(~ Ii,,",,") <If'*""", I 95 I 'l" "'" I 0 mr "<r.lf it; m>l'!m' 'IT ~ It
'T< ~f"""",,, I
<r>:mi ~ it; "'""<t"
2. lif""," (m<m 1i>I)u;r) ~. 1956 '1', "'" 29.m ~ ~ro "'a:..m<rn 1
3 ~ 'Iit.,.ro 29 ,ito: ~ ilro "~r "'!');ft it; 1Wr '" 'IT 11111 ... if f~' wm .ito: mi "" ,,)q f_ 'l"1'I.I
4. 'li'~ 'lit IffiT "9 1IT< "'l.');ft ilro 'IT """"'l'I" ...., "" '"" fiI;1rr 'l'IT I
5. f'IIri'lf'! ~ f ~~w.rr
ft;r\olI: j 'I'! 1Wr 1 <f~ I
6. IiRlrl'f (~r~) ~, (951 .fr <IT" 2~ 111':1 "~"'~ ... ~_ ~r mIlI'l'" It crooni ",,, oil q"T1(
oil ~r~ q~ lIf~" 1

6-804 M/o LAW & Justk,t.!!94

Extract,. from tile COllftitution
17 (PART I)

Provided that nothing in this clause shall authorise the President to assume to himself any
of the powers vested in or exercisable by a High Court, or to suspend in whole or in part the
operation of any provision of this Constitution relating to High Courts.
(z) AllY such Proclamation may be revoked or varied by a subsequent Proclamation.
(3) Every Proclamation under this article shall be laid before each House of Parliament and ,
shall, except where it is a Proclamation revoking a previous Proclamation, cease to operate at
the expiration of two months unless before the expiration of that period it has been approved by
resolutions of both Houses of Parliament:
Provided th\It if any such Proclamation (not being a Proclamation revoking a previou~ Proclama-
tion) is issued ata time when the House of the People is dissolved or the dissolution of the House of
the People takes place during the period of two months referred to in this clause, and if a resoluhon
approving the Proclamation has been passed by the Council of States, but no resolution with res-
pect to such Proclamation has been passed by the House of the People before the expira tion of that
period, the Proclamation shall cease to operate at the expiration of thirty days from the date on
which the House of the People first sits after its recon~titution unless befcre the expiration of the
said period of thirty days a resolution approving the Proclamation has been also passed b the
House of the People.
(4) A Proclamatloll so approved shall, unless revoked, cease to operate on the expiration of
a period of l[six months from the date of issue of the Prodamation]:
Provided th;it if and so often as a resolution approving the continuance in force of such a Pro-
clamation is passed by both Hou,;.,s ofParliament;the Proclamation shall, uIl1~s> revoked, con tinuc
in force for a' fllrther period of '[six months] from the date on which under this clause
it would otherwise have ceased to operate, but no such Proclamation shall in any case
remain in force for more than three years:
provided further that if the dissolution of the House of the People takes place during
any ·sl!ch peri<;>d of2[siJe months] and a resolution approving the continuance in force of
such Proclamation has been passed by the Council of States, but no resolution with respect to
the continuance in force of such Proclamation has been passed by the House of thll People
during the said period, the Proclamation shall cease to operate at the expiration of thirty days
from the date on which the HOllse of the People first sits after its reconsti!lltion unle.s before
the expiration' of the said period of thirty days a resolution approving the continuance in force
of the proclamation has been also passed by the House of the People.
3 [Provided also that in the case of the Proclamation issued under claus~ (1) on the 11th day of
May, 1987 with respect to the State of Punjab. the reference in the first proviso to this clause to
'three ye.ars" shall be construed as a reference to 4l five years II
'[(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (4), a resolution with respect to the
continw...;e in force of a Proclamation approved under clause (3) for any period beyond the
expirnti~n of one year from the date of issue of such Proclamation shall not be passed by either
Houso of Parliament unless-
(a) a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation, in the whole of India or, as the case
. II!iIY be, in the whole or any part of the State, at the time of tl'P. passing of such resolution,
_ (b) the Election Commission certifies tltat the continuance Jll force of the Proclamation
approved llnder clause (3) dllring the period specified in such resolution is necessary 011
account of difficultics in holding general elections to the Legislativc Assembly of the State
.. conccrneu:]
'[Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to the Proclamation i,sued under Clause (I)
on the 11 th day of May, 1987 with respect to the State of Punjab.]
• .. * .. ..
1. Subs. by tile c>n~tilution (Forty~rourth Amendment) Act~ 1978. 5.38. for "one yur from the date ot t~.. )." lsing 0 r
tbe second of the resolutions 3pp~oving tho:: Proclamation under c1nuse (3)" (w.~.f. 20.6·1979).
2. Subs. by s. 38, ibii. for-"one year" (w.t:. r . 2()'6:'1979)) ~_
3. Ins. by the Constitution (SixtV'luurth A"""\I\Iment) Act, 1990. S. 2.
4. Successively subs. by the Constitution (S~xt; te..,enth Amendment) Act. 1990, s, 2 (w.e.f. 4~10-1990) and the Constitution (Sixty-
eighth Amendment) Act. 1991. s. 1 to real as above (w.e.£. 12-3-1991).

5. Subs. by the Constitution (Sixty-fourth p.:thendment) Act. 1990. s. 38, for cl.(S) (w.e.f. 2~1979).

~11 ~ !ill ~"'Tt <mr ~ 'lit ~ "M'\1Q .;r flIft<r lIT m rnrw41"" ... mit. 'Ill
8I'f:t I{I'f it ~ lIT ~ "frq'j'i'!'I'r l\' lf~fua ~l! m!1A' t rm ;mV t lI'Ii<A "'I ~ lIT 'I!TIIlI': f.nifira
m t ~ momr ~ ~ I

( 2) ~ 't·rt ~)q-oTT rm <mfTq:i!<ff ~'Nvrr em 'IT'fl! <'iT <III' lfiir;fT lIT '>«it ~ fiRT Iff
(3) ~ ar,!~ tar.R ~ 'If 1T'.r·", ~'lT lI'lI<;: ~ ITt<I'I> ~ t ;rqe'j' ~ ;;rr~ ~ ~ ~
• 'l;f"c(f ~'Nvrr 'lit 'fT'itl ¥r lffiit "''\''''Olr ~ ~ ~i ~ n
I;'n; ~ 1I1fifu '1"', sr.<f.T it ~ ~ IIfiJ:
;;a lI!lIfu ~ !I'I'J1i:a l\' WT lfll<;: t liR'i """"' t lfmt em OlIm 3f'(,.m'f if{t ~ m-r ~raT ~:
<r(j 'lft ~!IT 'lilt. ",o;:q')qOjf (orl ~<ff '>",'Nvrr '1>1 'IT'fl! itit lffiit ~"""' 'I'@ .~) <>l! a'!'of ~
;;rflft , "'If ...1'1\' !1'I1'1".r ~ iiI ifQI ~ lIT <'iT<It 'NT 'liT flf'l'~ ll:a lig it f.rii::"?: <:T 'mr 'lit ~ t
~ ~! "lraT ~ am 'lft ~)qorr '1>" 3f,!~~ mir Ifrl-lr lfi>?l lJ:;q' lI'lr em 'lTfu! ~ fi:lTr '1q'1 ~
~ ~ ",,\,<'(qOI( t· m it 'lilt ~ ...1'1\' 'NT em '31i ~f"l '1>1 ;rqif'<l l\' ~it ~ ~ flI;qT '1q'1
~ <'IT, ~'mT <>l! ~ l\' m~ ...1'1\' l!ITT aM'it Tfm t 'Il<rTq: If'I1r <rn: otliffi' ~, <mr fi:if ~ ;rq~
'1"(, !f?f<i'f it ifirl 'f.;Ii1' 'l'f~ '>.;0 <it;r ~ 'lit ~fU <it !!''!'rf':a l\'. ~ ;;<;:<iAvrr 'l>r ar,!.m>r ~it 'Iliff
!i om- ...1'1> l!ITT em 'lit 'lTf'(a ~ ~ r~ orTal' ~ I
( 4) ~ l!'IiTI: 'l!'(,lflforcr ~)qorr, 'l'1l:' 'IT'fl! ~ orl 'Iral ~ <it, '[([!IT ~~ t f'l>1l; "'.. Of <it mt.
l\' I§~ 'lTa1 'liT ~f!l' <it !rIfffi:a 'I"( Ifdif ii i!W ~ :
<r(!! 'l'f~ 31'11: f"!ff'iT <m: ~!it '>!{'il",,", 'liT If":'" 'I'm!; m 'liT 31''!IfR'f''-« mrr lf~ ~ it; <:l;ff
l!Wff rnr 'lTf'(a ",,' fi:lfl' "!I'ar ~ <II am';;aifl <rn: If~ ;;~""",, 'lft 'IT'fl! if{t <'iT 1Ir<ft ~ aI, ;;a
aRI.. l\' f;rnIfiT 'f~ ,a ~ t ar!ifR "I"'f'lT sr.ff'f ii if{t ~~T, '[IS;! ~ffi] <it ar'ffif 06 If!' am:
lI"iT $1, f.!;'!! i!!IT '>~,!Norr f.!;<it >ft >mr ii <fA' 'I'i l\' amr't\' ~ if@ 'f.;Ii1':
~ 'I'll: '1'11: f't\' 'lft ..rr<lt l!ITT 1f>r firifi!if ,[~ Iff!!'] <it~!IT 3l'riU t mr.r;;T ;;mrr ~ am: it'ft
"'~ 'liT 1Ti\'" 'I'~ 'IR 'l>r 3f' ",,:t 'l'l'ii'r ;i~ lJ~ "'Iff;;:ro '1'rfur '"' fi:'l'r 'flfr ~, r~ ~
~ 'liT sr.", iHro: ,,.it ~ (l';f"l ii ifirt !t"~1f <iff;' ;rorr lHU ".<1 t ~r.:ril' <rrf(o if,f'i f",q'I '1'1'r
~ m, "'~"I""I( ';;-., ifrtlT if, f~;rliT ;r16 lIorr 'fiT '!'f.TO'il' t '1<ifrq: IT'!'!' '1'1\ ~oifr ~, <ittT [{if 'liT !rIfffi:a
'1"(, lTd'f ii 'f,f'i ,~Ii1' 'lft ,,~:r <it", fi:'f <it 3f'!fir,"! ;rqrf«! ir q~;Y a;:Eir"'l!T '1ft !f<{",;rifTlt W'f II>r
""'tom'!' ~'r Ifl'ii'f ;i~~ "'T~ lI'1r iru 'iT 'lTfur ~ ~ r'f'l'r ;;rr<IT ~ I
'['!ttl '<Ill \ij f.I; ~ wo:r qi\ 'lI'«f 11 'It, 1987 'liT tis (1) t ~tlR qi\ 'If ~ qi\ ~ ii, l!I1R t
. <ml tit[a; 1I. "<IR ,.,q" t tift! r.;w <iii ~ QlliR: arof QITImT ;:;jJl(TTI :rAr ""
41qfq !f!fJ ~ tift! f.RiT Kr I)
'1(5) IIf;r (4) ii f.l>;rl ina t;;Td"g~ >ft, '1i{ (3) it arJr.r ar~lf)fu;- o,~, it ~ ;;rr'r 'liT al'dli
l\' ~ <N <it !I'I'J1i:a!f arrif r"'!IT 3f'I'fu t f"'~ ~!fr '3',\'11"""' '1>1 1f1;'! if'ifTIt wit t ~.w if 'lilt
~ <hr<;: if; r"';I'1 ~if mr <lofl 'lTfur f.!;q'I "lft1;lfT ;t'I'-
('I» ~l\' 'i~ t 'lTfur r<lt~ Gf"'r ~ ;roTpl'i'ifo >tr "Pf(lfT, :r:rrf;1f1', ,rpr of((,f if >fH
~ '(!':;q' Ifl ,"",if; r",!fr '>1'1"1' it IT'I'<f'f it ~; arR
(Ii) ~if arrEir'I ~ mUf<! ~ t:<rr ~ rll> ~ir ~ ii firf.If'flO! arqfu if; IIh (3) iii mr.r
Jl'!ft'f ar'!,l\'lfi:o ~Norr 1fi't IT~"" 'lfirn!; ~lfT, ~<ffim \I':;q' <it fir.A l!ITT t !I'nmUT ~ ~ it
~rff t ;rnur, ~ .~] :
'[<r(~ ~a li'~ <it ",It .nr <iGfr.r \I':;q' <it ;n<i'a II lit, 1987 >tr n ( I) t arJr.r 'Ifr 'If 3\4i...Ii
'1» <rf1l 'fiIT \t'Pit I]
* * * * •
1. \fflnr", ('fimft1lOt lio!rtr.r) ..r~, 1978 it tmr 38 rnr "_ (3) ~ 1IIit;r "","""r "" or-ri1o:;r rn "'"
~l it it ~ ~ 'ITfi<r ~) 'If.r ;(.1 irrmr it ~ If't it 'Im'II1IfIl" ~ _ ~ (20'6-1979 iI) l1finorrml
2. Jif.nrr:r ('l'lRPm 'i,"",,) ..r~, .978;(.1 """ ~H'Tf "~If't" to _ .... ('0-6-.979 it) ..r>imf<rn •
3. ~1lR (~ mit",,) . .~, 1m li\l 'Oro 2 {1U (,6... ,990 ii) 3ia,l'lIflla.
4. ~ ("l'IlilIf ~) ~. 1990 iii <11{1 2 "'" (4-10-1990 ,,) aIR ""'''''" ~ (~ <rmr..) ~. 1991 .:t <11{1 2
tmIt!a m <$Ir.! ~ iI' """'.
"'" (12+1991 ,,)
s. ~ (~_~) ~. 1990 iii <11{1 38"", ' " (5) Ii; """ <!{ (20-6-1979 iI) ~.
18 Extracts from the Constitution
• • • • •
• • • •
1[371F. Special provisions with respect to the State of Sikkim.-Notwithstanding any-
thing in thisConstitution,-
(a) the Legislillivc Asselllbly of the State of Sikkim shall consist of not 11:6s. than thirty
(b) as from the date of commencement of the Constitution (Thirty-sixth Amendmen t)
Act, 1975 (hereafter in this article referred to as the appointed day)-
(i) thl! Assembly for Sikkim formed as a result of the elections held in Sikkim in
April, 1974 with thirty· two members elected in the said elections (hereinafter referred to
as the sitting members) shall be deemed to be the Legislative Assembly of the State of
Sikkim duly constituted under this Constitution;
(ii) the sitting members shall be deemed to be the members of the Legislative Assem
bly of the State of Sikkim duly cleet<X\ under this Constitution; and
(iii) the said Legislative Assembly of the State of Sikkim shall exercise the powers
and perform the fUllctions of the Legislative Assembly of a State under this Constitution;
(c) in the case of the Assembly deemed to be the LegislativeAssembly of the State of
Sikkim under clause (b), the rderences to the period of ' [five years] in clause (I) of article 172
shall be construed as references to a period of '[four years] and the said period of >[four
years] shall be deemed to commence from the appointed day;
Cd) until other provisions arc made by Parliament by law, there shall be allotted to the
State of Sikkim one scat in the House of the People and the State of Sikkim shall form one

. '" '" .
parliamentary constitu~ncy to be called the parliamentary constitutency for Sikkim;

(j) Parliament may, for the purpose of protecting the rights and interests of the different .
sections of the population of Sikkim make provision for the number of seats in the Legislative <
Assembly of the-State of Sikkim which may be /ilk'li by candidates belonging to such sections

and for the delimitation of the assembly 'constituencies from which candidates belonging to
such sections alone may stand for election to the Legislative Assembly of the State of Sikkim;
.. '" ..
'[371G. Special provision with respect to the State of Mizoram.-Notwithstanding anything-
in this Constitution,- .
(a) no Act of Parliament in respect of-
. (i) religious or social practices of the Mizos,
(ii) Mizo ctlstomary law and procedure,
(iii) administration of civil and criminal justice involving decisions according to
Mizo customary law,
(iv) ownership and transfer of land,
shall apply to the Stat~ of Mizoram unless the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram
by a resolution so decides:
Provided that nothing in this clatlse shall apply to any Central Act in force in the Union
territory of Mizoram immediately before the commencement of the Constitution (Fifty-third
Amendment) Act, \986;
(b) the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram shall consist of 110t less than
forty members.].
'[371H. Special provision with respect to the State of Arunachal Pradesh.-Notwithstand-
ing anything in this Constitution,-
(a) the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh shall have special responsibility with respect
to law and. order in the State of Arullachal Pradesh and in the discharge of his functions in
relation thereto, the Governor shall, after consulting the Council of Ministers, exercise his
individual judgment as to the action to be taken:
I. Ins. by the Constitution (Thirty-sixth Amendment) Act, 1975, s. 3 (w.f'.f. 164-1975).
2. Subs. by the Con)t.i!ulioa (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act. 1978. s. 43, for "six y.ears" (w.!'.f.6-9-1979).
1. Subs. by s. 43, ibid.• ror "five Y~iJrs" (w.e.f. <1-9-1979). .
4. Ins. by the Constitu~ioll (Fifty-third AmcnJmt'nt) Act, 1986. s. 2 (w.e.f.20-2-1987).
S. IDS. by the Constitution (Fifty-fifth Amendment) Act. 1986. s. 2 (w.e.f. 20-2-1987).

flfim"it~ IS
('!TIf 1)
.. . .. ,. ,.
'" '" *
<lifOl4ilOll ~~A ath: fcrit~ ~Iiu
• * * * .. ,. ,. ..
'[371'" ftIfimf ~ ij; ~ if~:aqq-", ~ it f.!;it omr ij;~~ ~ Vr,-
(~) f~ ~ ~1 f'i!iT'i I!1IT If\">r it If\">r <1m ~ it fir.A;!: ;;$r1 ;
(~) ~fimIr (~mrnr-r) .. fufw\, 1975 iF lIT>:>r '!it ~ it (f;r~ ~ >q~ it
~;A; ~ f"'ffl m- ~ 'fllT ~)-
(i) fuf.A;1r 'lit fuwr tl'lfT, ,"13Ti';r, 1974 it fum" it ijQ; f~qi.. ;ff iF qFl.'II'"'",,,q
'3'Rr r~qi",'j if mm 'I"fi'T ~T it (f.",t m ~;A; qHfli: 3(1"':1"1" ~ ~ 'fllT ~) fq;;r'l>{
q.ft ~, ~~ morT'< ij; 3T!iA ~ ~ it 'If/;" f~ '(nl1" '!it ilf<n"., ~>1T lflmT ~ ;
(ii) amfR ~ w ~ ij; 3T!iA <J"'lf'!( ~ it f~qif"<1 ~ ~ 'lit rom ~I\T
ij; ~ wnf <Jfi<tif; am:
(i ii) f'!f.R;1r ~ 'lit '3'Rr tiro" IJI\T !:<1" ~ ~ or!TA' ~ 'lit flM" 1JI\T '1ft "TflFrft
~ lI1it'T am: ~ ~ I\T;r'< 'Ift;ft;
(If) !h (~) ij; 3fQ'R f~ ~ '!it rom ~1lT tI'Iffft ~ firflT'f !NT '!it ;rnr if, ~
I 72 iF f l (1) if .['If'if 'l" oil '!it arqfu ij; Ilfu Rim ~ ~ ar<f "I'1'Ti<f ~ f.. ;i [m 'I'f]
otT arqfu iF Ilfu Riw ~ am: '[m 'I'i] '1ft '3'Rr arqfu f.nre" m- it srr{lf ~ tI'Iffft "IT~ ;
('If) O1iT <A; ~ fl!fu mr 3I'IJ '3'fiir( 'I1l:T 'Ii"W ~ \'Til "'" f~ ~ '" ""'" I!1IT if ~
~T'< arrofuf fiI>lfT ~ am: f~ ~ l1;~ ~ f.r.ri<R Q ;r1'Tr f~ '<[if ~ ~
fiI<rI'I'T« ~1'Tr ;
,. ,.
* * * *
('f) ~, fuf.A;1r '!it ;;mrr iF flffir;;r 3T,!'IT'ft iF ",fa,," <'i am: '!it mm rn iF 1llI'r.r"
f/; fu"lJ; ftrf.f<I;;r ~ !f.'t fuwr I!1IT if '3'f .1Wff otT ,r<;IjT ij; fu"lJ; ,"1 <tit 3f,!:llTlfT ij; "'''NUl
iI1"'J 'I'l: "IT rii/ am: ~it I!1IT f.m;;.r-~ ij; qfufnr., iF f<1"q;, f.nrit m ~it 3(:fffTiif ~ ~1 ~ ~ otT f.m'f I!1IT ij; ~' iF fu"lJ; ~ ;;:1 m, '3'fiir( '!i\ ~ ,
* * * .. *
'[371\§. ~ ~ ~ ~" q: ~ if-m g"l{ .rr,-J
.. ~IJ m1m'l" if f~ffi" ,mr
:aqq- ij;
(~) r~· .. f<iflit<r ij; #!f if ,r~ ~ lj;~ arf~ f~ ~ '" \'Til <r.. <'IT'!. ~;ft'Tr:sr;r
<:!'Ii" flr;;r"\'<:1f ~ otT fuwr I!1IT ~ mr ~I\T ~q 'f@ 'Ii"W if, 3t"If<r :--
(i) flr;;ft ;{tifT '!it ~ Iff 1JTifIf.r.. lfV1'l'lt;
(ii) flr;;ft ~ fl!fu 3Th: 1lf'PfT;
(iii) f~ am: <:tffl; "lTIr ~, <riff r"f""4 fq:;ft "q~\IR f<rf" ij; 3f"!m-<: ~~;
(iv) 'lill' ~ roflrclf am: ai~ :
'l<''!. '" fl 'lit '!i'r{ omr, <ffiM;r (m'l"m ~) arfuf.r'flf, 19Bn ij; srm; it ~ ~?r
f~ *'
~ it li¥ f.!;it ft1zr arf!;r '!it <'IT'!. "@ ifm ,
(11l) ~ ~ '!it f.m'f I!1IT If\">r it If\">r ~ ~ it fif;;r'!i\ ;A1ft ,
'[37101. "'.11 .... Il(u 'U'l'1f ij; ~ if ~ :aqq-~1J m~ if fm iTT<f ij; ~ ~ .rr,-
(lj;) 3fOUTr<r.r Il~ ij; <I"'1QI;r ~. 3f'iGlT'f;r 1l{!1T m'l' if Rfi..r am: "'T<I'm iF;iif!f it f<n'l'i
~d~',-4,fi,fiI",= ~ am: -u;nm;r, 'm ~;f!f if arqit 'f(.C'IT lj;f f.,if~" rn if otT ';;rf.j- 'l"T;ft ~ iir
~ if arqit ... fifd"<1 f.rotIf ~ 1l'll'T ;ffir-~ it 'lWl'i1f '!i\it iF 'l'i'fTi\ 'foi'TT :
1. li!inrR (~~) ..t'!If.N,r, I 975 ~ 1m[ 3 IT'J (2 .. .., 1 975 lr) 'Rr,..m<m I
2. 11fuI .. (... .,<fI •• 1 mnuif) ~, .1978 ~ fIm 43lT'J ""l1 'I'i" '" "II'! 'rt ( .. i>-T979lt) .fu'«t I
:I. 'j,'iI'I<! ~ 11m 43lT'J "'"" .,.;" '" _
'rt ("!>-1979 lr) "foNI". I
.. lifQI;r (~m...r)~, 1986~1Im 2lT'J (20-2-1987lr) oi<r:..m<m I
.. IifQr.t ("""""'ftN>r)~, 1986.rr 11m 21m (20-2-1987 iI) 1i6,,",,III. 1

19 Extracts from the Constitution
(PART 1)
Provided that if any question arises whether any matter is or is not a matter as respccts
which the Govel1\or is under this clause required to act in the exercise of his individual judg-
ment, the decision of the Gov~rnor in his discretion shall be final, and the validity of anything
done by the Governor shall not be called in question on the ground that he ought or ought
not to have acted in the exercise of his individual judgment:
Provided further that if the President on receipt of a report from the Governor or other-
wise is satisfied that it is no longer necessary for the Governor to have special responsibility

with respect to law and order in the State of Arunachal Pradesh, he may by order direct
that the Governor shall cease to have such responsibility with effect from such date as
may be specified in the order;
(b) the Legislative Assembly of th~ State of Arunachal Pradesh shall consist of not less
than thirty members.]
1[Y71-I, Special provision with respect to the State of GOll.-Notwithstanding anything
in this Constitution, the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goa shall consist of not less than
thirty members.]
• • • • •
[Articles •• 99 •• 18S··]r
Fonns of -Oaths or AfBnnatlons
• • • • "
Form of oath or affirmation to be made by a candidate for eler.tion to Parliament :-
"I, A. B., having been nominated as a candidate to fill a seat in the Council of States (or
swear in the name of God
the House of the People), do solemnly amrm that I will bear true. faith and
allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established and that I will uphold the
30vereignty and integrity ofIndia".
• • • • "1
" " • • •
Form of oath or affirmation to be made by a candidate for election to the Legislature of a
"I, A. B., having been nOl/linated as a candidate to fill a seat in the Legislative Assembly
swear in the name of G04 .
(or Legislative Council), do solemnly affirm that I Will bear true faith and
allegiance to the Constitution ofIndia a~ by law established and that I will uphold the
sovereignty and integrity ofIndia."
• • • • •
1.' Ins. by the Constitution (Fifty-sixth Amendment) Act. 191f7. s. 2 (w.e.f. 3O-S~1987),
tSee' also Articles 84(a) and 173(a). - .
2. -Subs. by the Constitutions (Sixteenth Amendment) Act. 1963, $.5.
WfinrI'I' it q~ 19
('IlT1T 1)
lIfl: 'fl{ ~ mIT ~ flf; ",It 'ifIrliT ~m 'ifIrliT ~ ~ ~ ~ WilT if (j.qqn1' it 'ij"
n it; ~ amrr lilt rrf ~ flf; ~ 3!'rit aqfiffilffl' fifGflf '!>I II'qrr ~ '!>Iii if'i'l: a't mlM«r if'iT
at'R 11m; it ~ ~ f<lf~.,,~ 3/fu'If Ii)'IlT ~ ("lfq,«r IT<T .m rrf fi!im iffiI' .m fiIfu'iF'«fr ~>J
amm: If\: 11'' ' ' '
~ .m ~ fiI; ~ at'R OQAai,a f.!vtq '!>I Il'Ifrr ci m if'iVIT 'ITf&. '1r
~. 'fl{ am: fiI;
lIfl: (I:sq"<1" it Il'flf(lr-r !ir<f.t If\: ~ 'l!'If'IT ~lf if'iT Ifi£ ~ ~ ~ ~
f'" 3fq' 'fl{ <IIfIIW'I> ~ t f'" 314."''''1 lI'iffl m!f if Mol" am: ~ it; m if (I:sqq'<i if'iT f.rnq-
'3t1(ii,N<'f ~ if) 'fir, armr iIT"<T, e: ~ fiI; ":sqq,,,, '!>I ~ "'tt(,,,rl!<'f ;m a'T'fuf it
~ $IT 'lIT armr if f<lF~f\:", .m ;;r~;
(Ii) 31 •• " .... m m!f .m fim;r lfliT "'" it "'" lft';r ~ if ~ ;R1ft I ]
l[ 3 7111. lim mil it; m
if mR '!'IW - rn ~ if fi!im iffiI' it; lira- ~ "I/l", 'TT-iff m!f.m
.!fA" If'IlT "'" it "'" lft';r ~ it ~ <Rrft I 1

'" '" • '" '" *

[..,.,a". 99"'· Vh: 188*"'lt
~ '" Afl'IfiHI' ~ ~
'" '" '" '" '"

q"" iIr f~ ~ iIr fi:rQ; 3f"Rl'ff I m l'ft ~ ~ ~ ~ fil;l(;;rR' m II'f<rm'l' If.T \l'V1f:-
"it, 3f'f"', 'lIT "(T<iZj If'IlT (~ <1"1<1>" ij"1iT) if ~T'!" tffi ij; fi;rQ; 3f"RI'ff ijr ~ if iflll'flIifVllf ~r
~ 'lit m'f m If'
r.r'-- - - - - - - f i I ; It M!i 1m ~lflfi«f'rrnfif;~fim;rif;ll'fif~qr ait,~
"",f~0S6fit lIfinrr;r if'i'{ij'f ~
~ am: If' '"'" lilt lI'4!:ifT am: arlhifT ~ 1:«rr I"
* '" $
* '" *1
*, • O[ ,
'" '" '" '"

f'Pft' "(T<iZj i flM'I'-liii'l' if; f<-:rn: f.riINol if; ~'" 3f'fIT'ff mr l'ft ~ ~ 'l'I"f 1fT fil;l( ~ mt
srfinrT'!" '!>I ~:-

"It, 3fI{,"'. 1f) flm'I'-lf'IlT (1fT fim;r ~) if ~ tffi .. ~

fvq-, >tt m'f m ~
~ if; ~ if ~fucr ~~ f'" it fiIfu 1m ~ 'I'rof if; ;ffir-
>JtiIf.rosor it Il'fmtl"r if'i'{ifT i!
!iT'!" if; Il'flf ~) qr ~ f.rosor ,~ am: It 'l'r1:lf lilt lI'4!:ifT am: ~ ~.... ~ I"
• • * :4: * * * *]
I. IfmI'I'I' (lII"I'\1I'I um) """"""'. 1987 ot\ Ifm am (30-5-1987~) 1/;r:"'lfiR .1
t. ~ 84("') lilt 173(11)) oft' ~ • •
2, liflm;r (~~) """"""', 1963 ot\ tiro 5 mr "rMIl'ia I

20 Extracll from tM Constitution

[Articles 4(1) and 80(2»)
Allocation of _IBID the Coundl of States
To each State or Union territory specified in the first column of the following table. there shall
be allotted thc number of seats specified in the second column thereof opposite to that Sta te or
that Union territory, as the case may be:

I. Andhr. ~.d..h 18
2. A;sam 7
3. Bihar 22'
'14.) (loa I]
'I'I~.) o..j.rft' II)
'1'16.1 Haryana . , ~)

1[7.) Kerala 9
'[8.) Madhya p,.ad..h 16
,[,[9.) Tamil Nadu) '118)
'1,{10.) Mahara.h" ft 19)
'1'{11.) Karna,a ka) 12
'[12.) Ori". 10
'{13.) Punj2b "17)
.'{14.) Rajasthan 10
'[I ~.) Ullar Pradesh 34
,16.] West Benr-::11 16
'[17.1 Jammu <IntI Kashmir 4
n['[IS.l N,galand I)
1I['{19.1 Himachal Prauesh 3)
"[,[20.) Manipur I]
till., Tripu"a
'[~2.) Meghalaya

1. Sub~.l:>Y theConstitu!icn (St. vc:nlh Am~ndmenl) Act. 1956, S. 3.

2. In,. by Act 18 of 1987. s. 6 (w.e.f. 31l-~·1987).
;\. Subo;. by Act 11 of t 960, s. 6, for entry relating to Oujar,'t (w.e.f. 1·5·1960).
4. Entries 4 to 7.6 renumb:red 2.S C'n~rit .., to 27 rl;'$p~ctivC"y by ,Act 18 of 1987, s. 6 (w.e.r. 30-5.J987).
5. In,. by Act 31 ofl966, •. 9 (w.d.I-Il-1966).
6. Sub,. by Act ~3 01 1968. s. 5, lor "S. M.dr.s" (w.•. f.I4-I.1969).
7. Sub,. by Act ~6 01 19~, s. 8, for "17." (w••. f. 1-4-1960).
S. 10<. by Act 11 011960, •. 6 (w.<.l.I-S-I960).
9. Subs. by Act 31 00973. ,. 5, lor "10. Mysor." (w.d7·11-1973).
10. Subs. by Act 31 of 1%6, s. 9, lor "I I " (w.dl·II·I966).
11. In,. by Act 27 ofl962, s. 6 (w.e.f. 1-12·1963).
12. In<. by Act 53 of 1970, ,. S (w.d.25-I-I97I).
13. Subs, by Act 81 of 1971, ~. to, for entries relating to Manipu r • Tripura, Mrghalaya. ~Ihi and Poodichrrr)'
WflmRt ~ 20
(1fI1I' 1)
[~ 1(I)Wt~80(2)J

r ~ ~ if ,~1111T 8IT~

f~"'f.. r"d m1!fi iI: '11{~ ti'lf .;r f'rfltf"~ 1T<.l~ 'mlr lIT 9'rr (, ....111.. IfiT m ~ arr.iIhf f.!;~
GfI1toi' fi;nR m ~ ~ it, 4."F.4 rd, ;rn 'mlr lIT ;rn mr ~ it; m>f~ fi<f~fq... ~.
1. arTtr ~w 18
2. am>!' 0 7
3. f~ 22
. 2[4.) IflllT 1]
3Ns.] ~ ll]
&[<[ 6.1 i!:F<4,ujj 5]
<[ 7.] iI;it;r 9
<[ 8.] If6Ii lf~ 18
'[<[9rdrq"~'(J '[18J
8['[ 1o.J qi!:I<.OSS 19J
·[<[II.J ~] 12
<[12·1 ~ 10
«I 3.] q'vrTif '"[7J
<[14·1 "(nf~ 10
<[ 15.] :om: smr 34
<[ 16.] qfr,pft <irmr 16
<[ 17.J ""'i ~ 4
11(4(18.1 ~ 1]
,.[<[ 19.J ~ smr 3J
"['[20·1 ~~ 1]
<[ 21·1 flit« '1
<[22.] q~m 1)
t. ~ (~nmliofur;r) 'lfilf.rQIf, 195€..nom! 3UU.rd\'4,fild'
2· 1987 it< 'IfiIf.rIfIf!i. 18..n IW:r 6 rro (30-5-1987 It) w.\'4Tf1m ,
3· 19.;0 it< 'IfiIf.rIfIf~. 11 rtt
om! 6 1m (1·5-1960 It) 'l"'"' IiWi ~ it< \'4l'f 'It .ral'l,tqd ,
·1· 19bi it< 1If~!i. 18..n om! 6 WJ (30-5-198.7 It) 4 It 26,",..n ~ 5 it 27!1'1' lilt ~
..... ii~~,
5. 1966 it. 1If~!i. 31 '!1! Ilro 9 rm ( 1-11'1 !0661t) oilr:\'4Tf1m I
6. 1968 it< 'lfilf.rqIJ!i. 53·lIlt Ilro 51m (14+1969lt) "8. 'IlM" it< \'4l'f 'It .n",uNa,
7.1959 it< 'IfiIf.rIfIf~. 56 ..n '1m 8 rrn (H-1960 It) "17" it< \'4l'f 'It .fa\'4lilld I
8. 19601l;1If1lf~!i. 11 ott-1m sn>:! (1'5-1960lt) q;!:ttITml 0
9. 197311; 1If>tf.r<rlf ~. 31 'iii '1m 5 imT (1-11-1973 It) "10. ~' it< \'4l'f 'It lIfinonA1! I
10. 1966;r. 1If>rf.r<r>r!i. 31 q'T !lfU 91fT! (1-11-1966 It) "II" it< \'4l'f 'It .r~\'4IM" I
I I. I 9 6 2 it< 'IfiIf.rIfIf !i • 2 7 ..n am 6 rro (1-1 2- 1 9 6 3 It) q<r.\'4Tf1m I
,2. '9 70 it< 'IfiIf.rIfIf !i. 5 3 ..n Ilro urn (2 5- I-i 9 7' It) oilr:\'4Tf1m I
I:L 1971 it< 1If1lf~!i. s, f.r'IIT' 10 mr (ZI+I.7Z·i!t) 1ffVT, f\rJtr, 1tIlilPf, ~ '1'1>: 'IIM'& ~ ~
;r. \'4l'f 'R srflfrof'r~ I _

7-~f).$ MIn law & Juslict"/\.}4

21 Extracts from the Constitution

··--oj,{23.) Sikkim I)
'[,[24.) Mizoram . I)
,[,[25.) A'UllRchal pradesh I)
'[26.) Delhi 3
,[l7.) Pon1ichr.rry
---------------- Total- 5[22311
- . • • • • •
[Articles 102(2) and 191 (2)]
Provisions as to disqualification on ground of defection
I. Interpretation.-In this Schedule, unless the context other-vise requires,-
(a) "House" means either House of Parliament or the Legislative~Assembly or, as the
case may be, either House of the Legislature of a State;
(b) "legislature party", in relation to a member of a -House belonging to any Political
party in lIccordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 or, as the case may be,
paragraph 4, means the group consisting of all the members of that House for the time being
belonging to that political party in accordanct' with the said provisions;
(c) "original political party", in relation to a member of a House, means the political
party to which he belong~ for the PUrPoses of sub-paragraph (I) of paragraph 2;
(d) "paragraph" means a paragraph of this Schedule.
2. Disqualifieatlllll on ground of defeetion.-(I) Section ~o the provisions of paragraphs 3, 4
and 5, a member of a House belonging to any political party shall be disqualified for being a
member of the House-
(a) iflw has voluntarily given up his membership of such political party; or
(b) if he votes or abstains from voting in sucb House contrary to any direction issued by
the political party to which he belongs or bt any petson or authority authorised by it in
this behalf, without obtaining, in either case, the prior permission of such political party, person
or authority and such voting or abstention pas not been condoned by such political party,
persOn or authority within fifteen days from the date of such voting or abstention.
F.xplanation.-For the PUrPOses of this sub-paragrapb,-
(a) an elected member of a House shall be deemed to belong to the political party, if
any, by which he was set up as a C3Jldidate for election as such member;
I. Ins. bY tho"Constitutlon (Tbirty-sixth Amtndrnent) Act.I97S, s. 4 (w.d. 26·4-1 975).
Z. sntrl.. 4 to 26 renumbercd as entrl.s S to 27 r.spectively by Act 18 of 1987, s. 6 (..... f. 30·5-1987).
S. Ins~ by Act 34 of 1986, s. 5 (w.e.f.20-2·1987).
4. Ins. by Act 69 of 1986. s. 5 (w.e.f. 20-2·1987).
5. S,<lbs.- bY Act 18 or 1987, s. 6, for "131" (w ••• r 30-5-1987).
6· Subs. by the Con'!.li!lItinn (fifty-s~ond Arnendment) Act, 1985. s. 6 (w.c.f. 1-3-1985).

4[2[23·1 ~ IJ
3[2[24·1 ~ IJ
4[2125.1 aT~ ~vr IJ
2126.! ~ 3
i[27.) qifg~ tJ

• • • • • • • •
'I~ a{~
[~I02(2) am: ~ lel(2)]
~ 31TQR ~ f.,(~a, ~
qf(<4d., if ';3'Ifat~ om-
t. f~-~. ~ ii, .,.. ~ fit; m ~ ar>'I'IT aAfu<r 'f i!.!:-
(ij;) "~' ~ ~<r~ 'In' ~ m-'f 'fI fq;ft Wlf 'Iff, If'!Tf<'lf<r, fifllT'f "'ITT 'fI, R'llTif-lI'r.r 'In'
~ m-'f amN<r ~;
(~) m-'f it; mIT itit ~ it; ~<ilr ~ orr, If'n'R='If<r, 'hI 2 'fl. 'hI 3 'fI q-U 4 il; '3'I'ihif
i); ar-tm< mIT mr;ftf~ Ir.r. 'In' ~~, "fiM;r-Ir.r" ~, ;;;r tI"I'I' i); ~ 111ft ImliT 'In'"
~ amN<r ~ orr ;;"!f<r '3'I'<itit it;ar-tm< <mI'I'lf ;;;r mr;/lfdq; """ it; ~ ~;
(If) ~ i); ~ ~ i); m~, "'t.<'Tv.r;ftf~~"~ ~mr'f'lf~,,",,~~fi;mq;r~
of-u 2 it; '3'fIi-u (I) it; lflfr.r;ff it; ~ ~.~ ; .
(ti) "tf-u" ~ ~ ~ 101' <t-u amN<r ~ I
2: 'I\'l' ~ 'II srnm: or-.: ~- (1) tf-u 3, q-U 4 am: tf-u 5 it; '3'I'<itit it; <!T!iA' ~ 9'<,
~ 'lIT ~ ~, orr mIT mr;fl'fuq; """ 'In' ~ ~, m-'f 'In' ~ ~n ij; f~ ;rn 1flIlT ~ f.m"i!.<f
i!1Ifr f.rnif-
(q;) a'~ ~~ mr;ftf~ """ 'I1t 3f'I"ft ~ ~ ~ . . oft ~; 'fI
(~) ~ itlt mr;ftf~ ~!frofG!~ ifi! !m'l' ~ 8I'flITm il'ro~lI' f'lfi:r\'flllf~fit;;ft"'lf.rn
'fI lnfwm:r ;rro ~ ~ fit;.ft i); flmr, \'{~ v.r;ftf~~, 'lffil;;- 'fI 1IrfiT;!;rU 'f.r ';{'f
aqm .it; fil"fr, i(i «-f ~ "I'iro'f q;"«fT ~ 'fI "I'iro'f 'I\"f.t ~ f<f'<l" ~ ~ am:
~~ 'I<NT'I l(I <imf1'T
'I\"f.t ~ ~ 'Q{il' 'Iil' \'(~ mr;fif<r'li' ...., iIlIfIf<r 'fI lI'rfiA;r~ '" il;l't 'f:rU'f 'fI1f:I"'IT'I rn
~ f.;,{f
'Q{if rtf arfur ~ <i'iri! f.'f it; '11m IlT'Ii ;r(f f.t;>rr ~ I
fitI<!1.. ~"1 l<r '3'NU il; lttfr;;r;if i); ~-
( .. ) lI'~'f il; mIT ~<r ~ i); .m: ~ III ~ ~ fit; ~ ~ mr;fl'fuq; ~ 'In', ~ .m
i!I, ~ ~ f\;r<R ~ ~ ~'l' it; ~ ~ ~ it; ~ ilf'Rfl{f il; ~ ~ ~ fit;lfT 'IT;
- -
I. m.m (~ .m\a;r) ...r~, 19'5 otT OT<r • 1m (26-4-19'5 It).rn:~ I
2. 1987oi~lIo 18 ..... um SITU (30-50198,II).if 26 «'!'otTlIfIrf"'''' 5<1 27.'6"(lIf'"""'I~~ ii 'f':-
ti~a I
3. 1986 t ~ 110 34 ",'I urn Simi (20-2-1987 It) oia:l'lTflrn I
•. 1986t~lIo 69 otT uru nl'U''t20-2-19S' It) oia:tOllfur I
5. 1987 t ~ tio-18 1(.\. am 6 mT (30-501987 It) "232" q; t'!R 'It lIfm'lWrn I

•. Iiflrui'l (~< ,fblll,."., "r 5 otT Ui1J '11113 (1-3-19~ 5 It) oia:..m<m I
22 Extracts from the Constitution

(b) a nominated member of a House sball,-

(i) where he is a member of any political party on the date of his nomination as such
member, be deemed to belong to such political party;
(iI) in any other case, be deemed to belong to the political party of which he- becomes,
or, as the case may be, first becomes, a member before the expiry of six months from the
date on which he takes his seat after complying with the requirements of article 99 or,
as the case may be, article 188.
(2) An elected member of a House who has been elected as such otherwise than as a candidate
set up by any political party shall be disqualified for being a member of the House if hejoins any
political party after such election.
(3) A nominated member of a House shall be disqualified for being a member of the House
if he joins any political party after the expiry of six months from the date on which he takes his
seat after complying with the requirements ofarticle 99 or, as the case may be, article 188.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, a
person who, on the commencement of the Constitution (Fifty-second Amendment) Act, 1985,
is a member of a House (whether elected or nominated as such) shall,-
(i) where he 'Was a member of a political party immediately before such commencement,
be deemed, for the purposes of sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph, to have been elected as
a member of such House as a candidate set up by such political party;
(ii) in any other case, be deemed to be an elected member of the House who has beeD
elected as such otherwise than as a can8idate set up by any political party for the purposes of .
sub-paragraph (2) of this paragraph or, as the case may be, be deemed to be a nominated
member of the House for the purposes of sub-paragraph (3) of this paragraph.

3. Disqualiflcatlon 00 gronnd of clefectlon not to apply in case of spUt.-Where a member of a

House makes a claim that he and any other members of his legislature party constitote the group
representing a faction which has arisen as a result of a split in his original political party
and such group consists of not less than one-third of the members of such legislature party,-
(a) he shall not be disqualified under sub-paragraph (I) of paragraph 2 on the ground-

(i) that he has voluntarily given up his membership of his original politiclll party;
(U) that he has voted or abstained from voting in such House contrary to any direc-
tion issued by such party or by any person or authority authorised by it in that behalf
without obtaining the prior permission of such party, person or authority and such voting
or abstention has not been condoned by such party, person or authority within fifteen
days from the date of such ~oting or abstention; and _
(iI) from the time of such split, Such faction shall be deemed to be the political party to
which he belongs for the purposes of sub-paragraph (I) of paragraph 2 and to be l!is
original political party for the purposes of this paragraph.
4. Dlsqnallfication on gronnd of defection Dot to apply in case of merger.-(I) A m!)D1ber of a
House shall not be disqualified under sub·paragraph (I) of paragraph 2 where his original political
party merges with another political party and he claims that he and any other members of his
original political party- . .'

(a) have become members of such other political party or, as the case may be, of a new
poHtical party formed by such merger; or

(~) Woi t fiI;;it ~i .. f~i{filid ~ t om: if,-

(i) ~ m if, f"l'ilif '1& itQ- lm'lf t ~ if aT" 'l'lJrf«4I''I' 'lit aT~TT ;tt f41«t '{r.r-
;fifR ~ 'liT ~ t. q \l'If1lT "I'~ f41 <r~ ~ll' '{T:;r;ftf.'f~: ;nr 'liT ~ ~;
(ii) fiI;;it ar>t( m if. 'I'll: \l'IfIIT Gl'i!('TI f41 lI1 ;rn '{T:;rM'I'~ ~... 'liT lm'lf ~ f;r1'llT.
~if('Vlfd, art* 99 1fT ~ ISS 'lit aAman 'liT 3('!.%1'I m iIr 'I1"Il<r, amT <'iT'I'
lit"! ~ 'lit <IT'{l1;r ~ ~ 'mr 'lit ~rfC<r ~ 'i<f <r~. lNTwmr. ~ if;I(fT ~ llT ~ <rT'{ <r'I'<rr ~i
( 2) ~ 'liT ij;ft f;ffif"fa' ~". >iT) fij;lJT ,{T1R'Tf(A; ~ am ~ f'l>11; '"t ~ i\' f1nr 'iFtf it
~<ra" pr~. ~ 'IiT!J«.... t!~iIr f'l'1!;fiI'~ ~r.rT..rH~ ~i\'r«milr '"'"'l: fm'Ulr-lTf(A;
;nr it (If'''lf.l<r t!) >iTT<IT ~ I .
(3) "'I' 'liT ij;ft'l'ni'forif1Rr !I'm". ~ ij;T lIm (R iIr~ f~ i)rrr"f<l' '1&. lnT~<r.
Vof'"lR 99 llT 'I'!~ is 8 ij;T 'I"'l'iHPTr 'liT 'l"'l'mR' m iIr <rro<{ 'I"tf'I'T ''IT'I' Iil'T ij;'{i\' ij;T
<rrm if ~ 'IT!J it IllITft<r iIr 'I1"fr<! fij;ffT '{f ~ ~ if lIf"'l'fWf ~) 1fTQT t I
(4) {lI of'{f ilrTfmT ~ itmrT ifr<r iIr~)ff G'! 'ir. f.l;ft ~i\'~ iIr"r~ it >iT). ~fwT'l'
(ifI'if'l'iri ~) 'I'fii~. 1985 iIr srr(1T tf'{. ~ 'liT (I~ t ("fT~ lI1 f.rlfifif<r ~ l(t llT 'I'ni'-
(i) ~lrnT it. f;r(I'it lI1 ~ir srr(1T i\' ~41 ~f.I;!I'T "U1T'I'lf<fi!; ~ 'liT ~ 'f1' ~. {II
of'{f it ,m'{f (I) iIr SflI'T;r;rr t f<'ll{. q \l'IfIIT ml{'TT f.I; '1& ~i\' tr.r-fIf(A; ~ 1m '" flI;l{ '"t
~ iii 1I"f if iti\' 1I;r-r 'liT ~ f';rlOf;!<r ~'I"T ~ ;
(ii) lim Wll lrnT if. ~. {lI tJu iIr ~'l'of'{f (2) t lI'lf);r;rT it f~, ~ !JIt'iIT >iTTl{'i'r
f.I; "II ~ 'liT ~!JT f.r'Iif"f<r ~ t >iT) f<l1!1'T '{f'l'rTf<fi!; ~ am ~ f'l>11; '"t ~ i\' f1l"l' 1I"f if
~ r.. ..if.... " FT t 1fT. {lJ tJ'{f iIr m'{f (3) ij; lj'zr't;r;r1 iIr fl'l'~. 'l'll: !JIt1I1' ;rr1{'i'r f<l1 lI1 Wolf ij;T
"Aflfi'tmr «(R ~ I
3. lIW ~ it ~ tf'{ ~T 'liT ~ ~ it ;rm if l'T1'l " ~ -~ lf~'I' ij;r <l1"rt 1m"
"iI: fflU !fmTj' ~ f.I; ~ arT,{ ~ f.riT'l'~'" it 'Ift~ Wll lfm ~i\' 't~'IiT li'f<rf;ffiwt <mTT rn !JI!t! 'fro<r
'!>tit ~ or) m >t<i '{r;r;rrf<r'l> ~ ij; flflfPr'l' ij; tf~~'It""tf ;:m'f ~r t arT< ~«lf'Ll! if ~q f'i'f.l'T'I'-'{'f
it 'Ii1r i\' 'Ii1r It'F-r<l'~( ~ ~ ~t-
('11) 'l&q'{f 2 it ..:ri'{T (I) ij; IUI'I' i'ilJ ~lT!rr'{ q'{ f;rUq:<I' Of'(\' {t'fT f<l1-
(i) ~;t arq;f 'l<'T '{f;;r;rrf<fi!; ;:-'f 'lit ar'I"fT !J«.,.<IT ~". ~ ~;ft~; tfT
(ii) m ~i\' ~ n'{f w:r.:tT m am ~ rlffim lllfi1",d fqr 0IIf'la' lfr lI'Tf$!;r<'l' fm
f<:'1{ 'i'l{ mr f'l'~ ij; fmr. ~i\' <:"f. IlI'f'la' 1fT lI'Tfim1:r ij;T '1,'i ,,",ifT ij; f<f'H. ~ij- ~ it
'f<NT'I' A;1fT t 1fT ~ Ij'~T'I' m if f<r«f ~T ~ ar~ ~i\' 1t'<I(T'I' llT "'~'I' m q f'l'«f ~
'1ft ~ iIW, aqflf<{ l4T IfrfwmT if Q;if ~'I' 'H Ij'~T;r ,,~ if f'I'T(f ~ ~r <Tr~T(I' if 'I'I~
r"" it 1il'~ 1I'lQ; Iftl f'!rllT ~ ; llI'ft
(If) ~'" iIW firqTll" it; Iflf/f if. ~if '[,! " lI"rttr q WlfflT 1IT1t'1T f'!1 q. i'{f 2 ~ IIftfr'{f
( I) it lI'lf)~l it; r~, Q;!JT '{f;r>fTftfor. ~ ~ f~ q ~!f ~ an'!: 'I'~ ~"« <i'{f it; lj'zr't T'ff ~ fl'l'l{
""' 11," '{f<l'f1flA; ;nr t I
4, "'~. ~ q'{ f.nt<n 'liTfiJloR~ .!fmif ""l" ~-(I) ~ ij;j' '!itt rnll'of'{f
2 it ;r.N'{f (1) t n'l'Of f;ro&1f ;r~ 6:T'i'r ..r" m 'til ulToftflr-l;;nr 'liT A;1r1 Wll '{j'lf'II'Tf(A; m
fllWlf ~ ;mit af('{ "II q lU'I'r 'Ii,{1fT ~ fij; "II af(, m
~ ,r;;r;{\'fll'l1 ~ it """'~-
(111) ~<I', ~ Wll' ~ ;r.r it lit itHifl'I'lf i\' ;r.; 'fit '{T;;r;{\'f<fij; <:"f t' ~ lfJf
'fit ~ ; Iff
23 Extracts from the Constitution
(PART 1)

(b) have not accepted the merger and opted to function as a separate group,
and from the time of such merger, such other political party or new political party or group, as
the case may be, shall be deemed to be the political party to which he belongs for the purPOses
of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 2 and to be his original political party for the putpose~ of this
(2) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (I) of this paragraph, the merger of the original politi-
cal party of a member of a House shall be deemed to have taken place if, and only if, not les9" than
two-thirds of the members of the legislature party concerned have agreed to such merger.
5. Exemption.-Notwithstanding anything contained in this Schedule, a person w}1o has
been elected to the office of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker of the House of the People or
the Deputy Chairman of the Council of States or the Chairman or the Deputy Chairmanoft.he
Legislative Council of a State or the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
of a State, shall not be disqualified under this Schedule,-
(a) if he, by reason of his election to such office, voluntarily gives up the membership
of the political party to which he belonged immediately before such election and does not,
so long:as he continues to hold such office thereafter, rejoin that political party or beoome
a member of another political party; or
(b) if he, having given up by reason of his election to such office his membership of the
political party to which he belonged immediately before such election, rejoins such political
party after he ceases to hold such office.
6. Decision on questions as to disqna1iflcation on gronnd of defection.-(I) If any question arises
as to whether a member of a House has beoome subject to disqua1ification undel this Schedule,
the question shall be referred for the decision of the Chairman or, as the case may be. the Speaker
of such House and his decision shall be final:
Provided that where the question which has arisen is as to whether the Chairman or the
Speaker of a House has become subject to such disqualification, the question shall be referred for
the decision of such member of the House as the House may elect in this behalf and his deci
sion shall be final.
(2) All proceedings under sub-paragraph (I) of this paragraph in relation to any question
as to disqualification of a member of a House under this Schedule shall be deemed to be pro-
ceedings in Parliament within the meaning of article 122 or, as the case may be, proceedings
in the Legislature of a State within the meaning of article 212.
7. Bar of jurisdiction of courts,-Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution. no court shall
have any jurisdiction in respect of any matter connected with the disqualification of a member
of a House under this Schedule.
S. Roles.-(I) Subject to the provisions of sub-paragraph (2) of this paragraph, the Chairman or
the Speaker of a House may make rules for giving effect to the provisions of this Schedule, and in
particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, such rules may provide for-
(a) the maintenance of registers or other records as to the political partios, if any, to
which different members of the House belong;
(b) the report which the leader of a legislature party in relation to a member of a House
shall furnish with regard to any condonation of the nature referred to in clause (b) of sub-
paragraph (1) of paragraph 2 in respect of such member, the time within which and the
authority to whom such report shall be furnished;
(c) the reports, which a political party shall furnish with regard to adniission to such
political party of any members of the House and the officer of the House to whom such
reports shall be furnished; and
ltl£ ! !'PJlI> Mlj ~~J<.!Js .\!~ I.~j tllf!>JIi lJlelll! ~ ~1£ Jb~ ~ !>)!~ l@ ~
l'!IlI,jJs 1iI.I:U! lIlllj.y.JtJ). .\!e
\.lI! ll~ ~lI!J l@ l<l!Jl l:lll !l!J<.!tllJl ~ ~j ~ (It) .\!e
! lJiliJIo Jh.aj hll~.l(jJs JJle ~j tlJllllYJlS
h Uth ~j hltJl h 'lb~ !:! r # l@ t!bJ.h .\!I' l'j.itJs ?~ffij !:! (s) ~[il ~ (I) a~ l@ Z
ll!> ll.I!lJ! tll! n=!lIt Jle 'Jl'~ llI! l:lll-~JHJ ~J1~~l@ .hili) tJ)lI!j ~ ~l'JJs JJle (!il)
. Mi J.h u~Jl !:! ~Jl! ~ '~.h.i.llJ:l ~!~ !I!l'JtllJl ~l!:j ~ .!UtJ"j l@ ~ (lI!)
-:ll!l>.b 'lb~Jl JI<. J.hll!J
.ti~1E, JJJ:;J ~ l!hJ~.b~ !:! !}w~J <!~ 'Jl!.Ej l@),It lll!tl:i l:l!wljlS lh Jl'!I!hUJ.
tll! 1llUJ4 thJb~ lV£ Jb£20JliJl!J JM! Jlt!!:,Jl l.l<l! hlll'J tl:lJ ~ ~lI! Ill!.<JI.hJlI! \.!l; !AI'.b£, ~ tlJ!'1!i
.Il:t 'ruzsJfs JlI l'jhJltIt JlI! 0>It 'bii .lib. ~~Ii l@ !F!?b.E: ~ (z) n.!,1.E: ~ a!, Jll" (I )-~ ·s
I tb\.ll J..~~ lnjJ!l;r:.J1l! }I.;;'!:! ~JE ~ lI.hEj -If!!J l'I'Ji'il ~ Jl'~~j J~ Blll IJ':!J ~ ~Ul ~1!'h ~ ~'1li
JUl.lI> .h1:lJ.h~ ~lI>j \h hli Ril ~ IlJE ~lI>J !:! ~Jl1Ej~ Jl:t-"!!.h l!I! JJl.).JWijJfs t.!l! lbJ:lUllll<'L

I ~ -!.hlljlEplll! t!£ .Ii..!t,h-~Jl1bj ~ !i!>Jl iii j>1i ~ Z I Z l!€!~1<1i 1.h ~ -!biljJI1!>I!£ t!£ 1Ji ~
h ph ~ Z1: I l!~1"j; 'l'~J.h£!jJ.bll '!,!£j J.l!tJk illh.ll lin iii ~1J: ~ I.biYll!pJ!£ tl'.Il .l<tPh ~ (I) Jl!'J>.E:
l@ ll!> .Il:t iii!>!?!' l@HJs tJ'!l-J!:! ~JE l@lf~~j~!i£!lJl tJ)!lJ l@ ~.I<ifli ~ \.lJ!'1liJl:t (z)
I Jlt.\.il
.hl>b.l<jl!j l.!I!.IlE: lil'J!2
lll£ ~ ~~j ~j~j Jll 0>.Il ill! ~j lJilillt lb.!l(! l'JIij:~j tl:lj % lI"'~~jl?j ~ .h£!l.Il ~e l@ ~ m
b Ill. lID. J.h ~ .£ilI .\! ll'¥~j l:!b~ J.12 l'jhJhJl Ill! ~ :!J ~ U,£,E: l<LtI ilh lillt bh
: lb\.lI hllJ/£ bH~J.IH J!lJ).E: lll£ J"hllt Jb!!J Uj!~j fj;J l@ .tH~JEj lI! Illb~1i 1.h l'jhJhJl
'!ljJUjJhh '~ .bll.ll ~e h I.ll JjJi III ~ lil l'U, ~ ll'¥l.l<j .l<tH. l@ t.e.:&'1Ii.ll:t b~ ~l.lI! l!I!
~ ~ ~ Jll.2~ [,U (I) -1l~J.IY l!I! ~ ~ ~ l@ ~ lb llllJJj; %.I<~ It!l! "9
I ~ Jl'lJt \.ill'~ :JJi ~ l:llI
~~Il. ~e llJ.e.u, ll! ~lt llu lb .llb ~e 1\.1£ ~ ll'~ i\.§!. If.h£!l.ll .L.I<,bJfs 'J.Io h£!l!Jl ~ !I!t.2 .\!
~ ~~ b.\.!l'..\ikj ~ l:lll !£Jljt.loJ<ll~e '!.all!£ lI! ~.e.!l1~Hbhlb l!b~e 'ill> ~ (II)
l.I! ! ~ J!lbE lID.
.hi!JIJl llI! l:lll!i&lJJ#'1l ~~ t~ III ~ Il'\.il WI; l'l:l~:JJi !:! l:lll !I:·.l(jtJ;l<ll B.E: '!11.l1 .I!Jl ~ tllill
~ l.olJ!> l!ob h .!£Il l!lt llru..b ~ )ll£ ~ ~ i\.0 .\! J&~ illll£!lJl tHIi 'Jh .h£!l.Il ~ilh !iI~
~j .\!e h J!iI.Ill<j~l:lll .!£Iljt.l:J£Jl .l!e JniUh l@ ~j.\(.b.Ii lb .llb.l!e 'ill> l!j.h (!I!)
-'l.I!l.ilW.I< ~j I;tllJi ~ ~1-b Jl:t '~llill ~!l1.1<j lob !lob ~ ~!lsJ.h.E: Jll ~!:lsb l@ JhJl .l!ll'll1j ~
~u t~· lEU l' Jll l'jhJltJl l@ }JUJob .I!.ll>.ej ~ ~u -l.ll!ilj ll!hli l'jh1!t.llh.E: l@ JhJl b!>ll lJ!hJfs JI! Wlsllll! JhJl !il.\ '.l1ltJhs ~ '~ i:& lll.illl! .l1JJ! tJl:!J ~ tlJ.'1ll Jl:t-2S 'S
I ~ bl1
\.lIllhb h"'ll l@ .l!l:l.ej ~e A£!l!.Il }.J~j I..l! h!iI .I! .h!l! l@ .I:lll-.I!ll'll1j l'!>Jj!!, J!lt ll.hllo HUI.Il tll!l Jlill
.hl:l.hj llI! l:l.e .!£Il.l-ll!l!oJl .I:l'h l@ .t£!lJl .\!'!I!j l@ ~ 'tl:lj ~ ~.I:J£\..I!Js l@ (I) 1l!>J>.E: l@ ll!> Jll (~)
I ~ .I:ll! !£l'jt.l:J£J1 .I:l'h Wl.E: hl:lj l@ ~.l!kI..hJs l@ 1l!>J>.E: .Illi llJ> ~1£
~ HlJl h llI!JlJtH l:l.l! !i&lJ-lllJl lJle 'hl:lj l@~\.blS ~ (I) llfb.E: ~ z a!> 'h !ilj J.uhJlt J.IlItJl

il.h I! ~ ll! ll'h.ll 11! ~ .!£IlJ-llla ll.I! J.h .I:U! .!£Iljtl!l!oa Mi ~e 'l'j~ '~ .hhJl l@ .l!J:l.IH ~~ ~
'~ l.h!iIj
.h.ha~ J!I! ~ J2ll1! ~ ob .. l@ ll'itJl W !ill:! lll£ ~ Ih!ilj I,.~.I! 1Iltij;~ .I!.I:ll!j ~ll.e (II)

(t .lt1h)
£z JAa.eo ~ ~
Extracts from the Conslitutioll

(d) the procedure for deciding any question referred to in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph
6 including the procedure for any inquiry which may be made for the purpose of deciding such
(2) The rules made by the Chairman or the Speakcr of a House under sub-paragraph (I) of
this paragraph shall be laid as soon as may be after they are made before the House for a total
period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions
and shall take effect upon the expiry of the said period of thirty days unless they are sooner
approved with or without modifications or disapproved by the House and where they are so
approved, they shall take effect on such approval in the form in which. they were laid or in such
modified form, as the case may be, and where they are so disapprovcd, they shall be of no effect.
(3) The Chairman or the Speaker of a House may, without prejudice to the provisions of
article lOS or, as the case may be, article 194, and to any other power which he may have under
this Constitution direct that any wilful contravention by any person of the rules made under tbis
paragraph may be dealt with in the same manner as a breach of privilege of the House.)
~~~ 24
(\lTIt 1)

('f) <iu 6 ill ~r (1) it M~ f"'lfr '"'" 'lIT f'lrf\rf'l'll' rn ~ lf~ fonr~ atrnr ~
orR 'Il'l' lff.m ~, ;;j't ~fl' lf~ "'I f'ff;rf'l'll' ""it i lflf)~ t fif~ 'Ii'l' mtt 1
( 2) ill ~a- 1fT ~Sl11;l il"m ~ oiu ill ~U (1) it: ~!ft;r ~ 'lit flrIflf. ~ orA ill
~ 'l'flwi~. IN'f ill ij'ifl;l.~ omfl:;r "''l' ~iIl ~'Ci;mtoT1 II'i{ ~It'" mr if qwr<rT~)q'r
I!ffirl; m't~ mil it '};"':'l' i!f ~rr'l' 1 ~ f;r<r'l' a-'l'« R'f ..'l' 'O'f<f ~fiii 1it {fIfn«r 'fl: snrril' ~l.r ~
<A> f.!; ~ IN'f irfU qf'C'fct.fhTf~ q'1 ;;;rill flr.rl ~~ ~'l' ~'!.lTm 1fT ~lfm ;rtf ~ mr 'U<Tl' t 1
lifll' " f~ ~ lfil;T'C Wf,IfWlI'a- "''Cf~ oir(l" ~a-) ~. q'orrfl'>ffa-.If~ ~ it fonrit if W 'lit fr 1fT~
qf'{!;fa-a- ~ it lli \NT,!"! l!1ii 1 'l'R f'i'fll' ~ lTOT'C WfilT)1lta- ~ f~ orT(l" ~ a-) if f;r~lfJiTif l!);mtoT I
(3) 1f~ '!>T ij)ffqfu 1fT ~./fI;l, II''fTfrna-. Wf,~lI' 105 'l'T~~ 194 iIl~lq, ilfh:mi\'~1f\
wflrn' q'( or) '5fl' 1[<1' lff'ftlT'l' ~ Il"OT'l'or lfft<f t lffa-I1,'I' If'fT'f iT~ f.rorr. If!!: f;r~ ~ ~1fT f.!; W
~u ill w'l'or i!~rlt 'l11; f;rli'l'T ill f~IT'l' i!lIfif<f ;rro -;rr;r;.~ f.!>It 'I'll; f",!it -rnt'tr.r ill if'rt it '5lit <tftr ~
m~ 'Ii'l' ;;rTtl; fonr 'C'l'fa- fl' ~ ~ f~'C ill >flT ii; lI'l't if '1ft ;;mil' t I]

8-804 M/u Lnw & Justicc/94

ft9Ci ~ afUf..tq'f

Acts of Parliament



(ACT 45 OF 1860)

• • • " • •
'[!S3A. Promoting enmity between different groups ou grounds of religion, race, place of birth,
residence, language, etc., and doing acts prejudicIal to mainteuance of harmony.--(l) Whoever-

(a) by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representations or other-

wise, promotes or attempts to promote, on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence,
language, caste or community or any other ground whatsoever, disharmony or feelings of
enmity, hatred or ill-will between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or
castes or communities, or

(b) commits any act which is prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony between different
religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, and which disturbs or
is likely to disturb the public tranquillity, '[or]

(c) organizes any exercise, movement, drill or other similar activity intending that the
participants in such activity shall use or be trained to use criminal force or violence or knowing
it to be likely that the participants in such activity will use or be trained to use criminal force
or violence, participates in such activity intending to use or be trained to use criminal force
or violence or knowing it to be likely that the participants in such activity will use or be trained
to the use criminal force or violence, against any religious, racial, language or regional group
or caste or community and such activity for any reason whatsover causes or is likely to cause
fear or alarm or il feeling of insecurity amongst members of such religious, racial, language
or regional group or caste or community,

shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.

otrence committed in place of worship, etc.-(2) Whoever commits an offence specified in

su~section (1) in.any place of worship or in any assembly engaged in the perfor:nance of religious
worship orJ,e.!:rous ceremonies, shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to five
YII<ITS and also be liable to fin e,)

I{lSlB. ImputaUtm&, _Ifuus prejudlcial aatJonal IntegratJon.-(1) Whoever, by words either

spoken or written or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise,-

(a) makes or publishes any imputation that any class of persons cannot, by reason of
their being members of any religious, racial, language or regional group or caste or community,
bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established or uphold tue
sovereignty and integrity of India, or

1. Subs. '" Act 3S Of 1969... 2, for s. 1S3A.

2. IDs. '" Act 31 Of 1972, .. 2.

~n ~ aTM Pi 4 '1
mnfur GU6 ~fu<rT (1860 lIiT arfuf.1utl g;guia> 45) ~ ~

'[ 15 3~· P, ~,""'T, 1IPIf'-, flMU"",," ~ Ii 3T1'IlT'U on: ~ mt~ Ii ,,);f ~i!.!!1
"". mft'Ol m. "" ~ on: srflA!." 1T'II'I1t -"'" m m ~-( 1) >iTT !f;~-
('fo) <r)\!! 'ro: 'TT full! ifll; ~ rnr ITT «it:<rT rnr ITT ,\.4"'" off rnr 1fT q;zrzrr fi'fMr m~,
~1iI<iw)zr, mm: Ifr mfW~ ~:r~;ff, ;;rrfrn 1fT ~<uzff ij; <r'hr ~ ~ ~aT, '{"IT 1fT ~
",'t ~, !fff, 't<'f<fw, ;;r.lf4'm, flrmr·~, 'fl"IT, >iTrf;r Ifr "'tUll' ij; mtm'f q"{ Ifr IIR' f~
'ilT 'fra-T', 'I, ltwcra' ~ 1fT «~;r;r rn 'I>l \TIf<'I' 'J;'t1fT, 'II"m ,
(ll) 'liW ~T ''liTzi mT;;IT f<rMr!l1fir<l;. If,<'fltmlf, 'i!T'I1'f 1fT ~~;{f lIT >iTl'fuzr'T lIT
~~lfl i!; if'hr ~Ti ~ ~ 'l" ITf<r"1,<'f IT'i!Tif mr't <miT & ~ orT".STWTf.;r if flfi'l' mrnT &
Ifr fm :nrif ~ ~'I'r ~ ~T; o[qlfifT]
('1) 'liTt ~Il'r 9;j~!fr~, ~H~T;r;l', 'ftrzR Ifr '1'''1' ~lTr ~1 M;lIr'lil'fr'l' 11:~ 'fIlI'II q«~ ~'TT f'l>
~~ mT'li<'ff"l it 'II'r'T ~'t ifT~ ~ f'folft!l1fir<l;, 1f,;:['I'mq, ~ lIT lIT'tfor" ~~ 'IT "T1f;r
1fT q~rzr <I; flf~ OfTCf<rf\R;.<'f Ifr ~r 'lir ITm rn
Ifr 1T'Il'T rn
;j: ~ ITfW~;r flI>tt >iTr~ ITT
~ ~ ;;rRa- ~ {f;rrfucr mrf'i; ~~ mT'li<'lr'l'
if 'II'r'T ~'t <r~.1ffl«f f'i;«l' mf'f~ If~"'ffl'tlf
"IT'tT~ Ifr ITlitl'W'I> IflJ.lf IIr "TTf<r ~r ~'!,~11f i!; f<mr m<ruf!l~ !f<'1 lIT ~ 'liT 1T!f)'T IIr IT!fTIf 'fo<.r
'IWf ij; full; ITforflff<l' ~ ;;rnttT 'f!fifT ~ ~T'li<'fTCf.if ~ 'fmlf ~ 'II'r'T ~1fT f~ f'I;«r mr~, 'i"l''lW'(,
'II''''r~ 'II mf<T'l> ~;r 1fT ;;rlf;r IIr wt<:T.r ij; f'l1i<! m<rm~;r.r lIT ~r 'for IT'll1f ~ 'II 1T1l'T'T
~ ij; fu~ ITfum.r f.t;!Il ~ III IIi! ;tlfr"'l ifT'I'(t il'~ 'll'T'T ~r fip ~~ f'lm'fo<'ff1f if 'II'r'T ilt' "'1,""1'
f'lim mf""" liT 'tiT<imlf 'll'r'llt lI'r~f<Tip~;r Ifr "TTfu" Ifl ""t~1f ij; fimr 3fr'l'Uf!fip <riT 1fT r~ 'l>r
IT!fm 'foiiT 1fT \flfm rn ij; ~ lI'fwflffcr fi!;ll; ;;rnt.r
Of), ~«fur •.m ~ ita- !frflfji', 't~<iwrir,
mm 111 srRfir<I; ""f.i! ITT;;rrftr 1fT ~~ ij; ~~q'f t ifi"l', ~ r.m-
'11'1 <m:VT ~, '11"1 ITT ~rn Ifr 'f~
'fo1 'i!T1t'I'T '3'ffiI' l!)<rr ~ 'II >m;:r ~);rr ~<'i!T"'I &,
'16 <6R1'iffi ~ ~ ~ iff;! 'ltf 0<6 oft it ~tit, II ~f.I q, lIT ~ q mer fui!IT 'l!T1VIT1
( 2) \I"fl' it; """ am. .
if flfilfT 'TIlT ~-;;IT 'liW ~ (1) if f<lfojf~.!. ar<rml' fi!;m 'i("fl ij;
""" if lIT f'I;Ift ;;rlf'" if ;;rT mfir'li 'ffI' ITT !lrf,;~ q;,f 'Ii-.:'t if <'I"lT ;rT, ~,~ 'Iii <Ii~iff ~ orr 'Ii'f <N
<r'Ii 'liT i!T ~:tIfT <if~ f'IiIfT .,-nprr am:
"f,l!f.r ~ \iT ;fg;ftlr i!TIfT I
.[ 15 Jta'. ",*q ~ 'l'< ~ 1l11THT1iI't ~;Wlr lTRln'f- ( 1) ;;IT 'liT{ <r)~ 'T~ 'IT f\1'·i
~ ~ iITU lIT m iITU 'IT ~t~ gro Ifr ~-
('Ii) ~~r 'liW \'Tiw.r \1'~ IIr lI'..mrn- ~ f~ f~m <rtf ij; O!ff.f<r ~ 'liR'OT ~ f~ ~ f~4T
't!'I"mlll, 'i!Tm III lI'T~ ~'l:i! lIT .,-Ifu 'IT ~~If ij; \mlf ~, f,rfIT iITU <'11'firn 'l!T«I' ij;
m!TA' ij; srfil' ~ "KII ar1< f.w;r ~ <ll ~~ 'IT 'II'T{'C! '1ft lI"!,il'r ar~S<fT '1ft If..m 'Itt am:
~ <ll m, sr<Ta:T
1. 1969 iit <!f\lf.rlIlr lio 35 'iii <rru 2lIrq IIT'<I 153 I(; iit ""'1' 'R l1fd, .. M" 1
2. 1972 iit <!f\lf.rlIlr Ito 3 1 'iii <rru UIQ 'II'lt.l"ITfiI1f 1

27 Extracts from the Indian Penal Code
(PART n.-Acts of'Parliament)

(b) asserts, counsels, advises, propagates or publishes that any class of persons shall,
by reason of their being members of any religious, racial, language or regional group or caste
or community, be denied or deprived of their rights as citizens of India, or
(c) makes or publishes any assertion, counsel, plea or appeal concerning the obligation of
any class of persons, by reason of their being members of any religious, racial, language or
regional group or caste or community, and such assertion, counsel, plea or appeal causes or
is likely to cause disharmony or feelings of enmity or hatred or ill-will between such members
and other persons,
shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.
(2) Whoever commits an offence specified in sub-section (1), in any place of worship or in any
assembly engaged in the performance of religious worship or religious ceremonies, shall be punished
with imprisonment which may extend to five years and shall also be liable to fine.]
• • • • •

171A. "CandIdate", "Electoral right" deflned.-For the purposes of this Chapter-

'[(a) "candidate" means a person who has been nominated as a candidate at any elec-
tion ;]
(b) "electoral right" means the right of a person to stand, or not to stand as, or to with-
draw from being a candidate or to vote or refrain from voting at an election.

171D. DrIbery.-(l) Whoever-

(i)" gives a gratification to any person with the object of inducing him or any other -person
to exercise any electoral right or of rewarding any person for having exercise any such right;
(ii) accepts either for himself' or for any other person any gratification as a reward for
exercising ariy such right or for inducing or attempting to induce any other person to exercise
any such right,
commits the offence of bribery:
Provided that a declaration of public policy or a promise of public action shall not be an offence
under this section.
(2) A person who offers, or agrees to give, or offers or attempts to procure, a gratification shall
be deemed to give a gratification.
(3) A person who obtains or agrees to accept or attempts to obtain a gratification shall be
deemed to accept a gratification, and a person who accepts a gratifiClition as a motive for doing
what he does not intend to do, or as a reward for doing what he has not done, shall be deemed to
have accepted the gratification as a reward.
171C. Undue influence at electloDS.-(I) Whoever voluntarily interferes or attempts to interfere
with the free exercise of any electoral right commits the offence of undue influence at an elec-
I. Ins. by Act 39 or 1920••• 2.
2. Sub•. by Act 40 of 1975••. 9. for cl. (al (w.e.f. ~1975).
'I'mftIr I(q ~ flo ~ 27
(1fTIT 2~ 11; djr..f~qq)
(!if} III lrTliIl'A 'IiW, <mrm w, m:mr w, lim 'lfW lIT ll"!iifua' 'Ift'1T f.. fiI;'\ft' ~ it;
aqfiRr 'IiI', I:~ 'Ii'R"'l' fiI; ~ fiI;'\ft' mti:r.., ', ~ lIT lIT~" ;rlf.~ lIT. mfu lIT <TIf.1Ulr iii' rolf
~, 1Irnr it; ~ iii' ~ if ;m; arfu'im: Of ~ "fl1!; lIT ~ ~ ;if.ra' f..1IT or~, ar..",
(rr) fiI;'\ft' ~ iii' ~ '1ft, iIWm 11; ~ if, ~ 'Ii'R"'l' fiI; it fm ,mti:r.., ,!,\'Iq.i)q, '1l"<nt
lIT !I'T~" ~'I:~ lIT orrfu lIT ~'r.1Ulr it; ~ ~ ~ li'r;;!IT'f 'IiW, <rn1nf W, mlT<fr..
'IiW lIT dt'fr.r 'Ift'1T dt"I"fT ll"!iifua' 'Ift'1T ail1: {tij' ~, <mrm, arf~ lIT dt'fr.r ij' ~ ~
"'"' dt"4' ~ ij; ;ft;r ~~ dt"I"fT Wq,OI lIT 't"lT lIT <f'fOWf '1ft ~ ~lI:reT ~ lIT iiffiT
~);ft ~~,
~ '1>, (j'lit,
ij', Gft <ft;r 'f'i """ 'I1T II:T \WiT, lIT "l,'!f.t ~, dt"I"fT <;l;ff ij', mer fiIiIIT ~ ,
( 2) Gft ..'If '3'm'U (1) if ~~ ~ arrmr fiI;;ft ;;m'r;rr """" if lIT mti:r.. ;m«'IT apjq,
!l'm lfi'If rn if \'rtf ~ fiI;'\ft' orl(l'<f it 'Ift'1T '1& 'I>"'.'ff ij', Gft qt;r <t'1' """ 'I1T II:T\WiT, m<r fiIiIIT
~ ail1: "!'!f.t ij' >it ~ II:Trrr ,
• • • • C< •


f~~ ~ csmTal ~ ~~ if
171111. '~', ''mN-f clfu'I>, <"qf<1lTflmo-l:ff 3{SqTlT it; !I'~ it; f<'lQ;-
.[ (.. ) "~' ij' '1& 1'1'f.rcr arf'f!f<r ~ orT fm rm'H if ~ it; ~ it 'fT1if.rf= f'l1llT
ITIIT ~ ;]
(Iif) "f~ .. fu'l>'(" ij' fm ~ it ~ it; 1O"l' it ~ ~n qr ~ Of ii"f:t 'l'T ",oq4",
ij' dI'I'IT 'fT1i Ifmf ~ lIT q<r ~ lIT lffl" ~ ij' f<ror ~ 'I1T fiI;;ft oqffir 'I1T arfi;.m"1; dI'flrnr ~ I

171•• fulm-( I} Gft ~-

(i) fm 0!ff'Rl' ..T ~ '3'~..,.. ij' qfur"N itaT ~ f.. '1& '3'« oqfur 'iii' lIT fiI;'\ft' 3f'll' oqfur 'iii'
fm f.m'H atfiI"om: 'I1T !I'lfrrr rn iii' fu~ '3'ilffur ..'t lIT f~ oqfur 'iii' ~m~ ~ ~ fiI; '3'ffit
qij' arfu'im: 'I1T !I'lfrrr fiIiIIT ~, dt"I"fT
(ii) m dI'l'f fmt lIT fiI;'\ft' dt"4' oqfur it; fmt ~ qP«f,qo, ~ fiI;'\ft' arfi{'!1T'( IIiT lI'IfT'I it \'frit
it; t:'I'!; lIT fm 3f'll' am<r 'iii' ~ij' fm arf!l'om: 'iii' lI'Ifrrr if mit it; f~ ;;&fur m lIT ~
rn 'I1T lI'>r<'l' rn ij; fmt ~ 't. 1O"l' if Ufd'!i!ld '111;01 ~,
~ r~ 'I1T arrmr '111;01 ~ :

~ .",. ;ftfu '1ft 'fN"lT lIT .",. 'I1T"~ 'I1T <r'H I:~ !l'TU 11; 3l'!iN arrmr Of !!Torr I
(2) <lit qflRr qfurM'or ~ '1ft !I'~ '111;01 ~ lIT ~ 'iii' ~ ~ ~ lIT '3'fI<Cr rn '1ft ~f<jlqi1l
lIT !I'lI'<'I' '111;01 ~,1It Il'l1IT ~ fiI; '1& qf""",,, itaT ~ I

(3) Gft ~ 'IF«1)"" .,.f'l"iI'r«l 'ii"<a'f ~ lIT srf<rW'r rn 'f>l ~<r ~ ~ lIT .,.fl1'!l1't:l rn 'I1T
lI'>r<'l' '111;01 ~, III fflmT "~' fiI; '1& qF«1)' ", ~(f '1>1:01 ~ ail1: ;;it "'l'fiffl '1& <i'Td' rn it; f~
f",ij' rn 'Ii1 '3'Q"I1T arm" lfi[T ~, ~1O"l', lIT ;;ft <rT<r '3'ffit ~ '1ft ~ >3'ir rn it; f\'r~ ;r-rr'l' iii' 1O"l' it
qF(o~"ol Ufd'!i{\d '111;01 ~, 'l'i! ~m "'~ fiI; '3''Iit qF«1'jq OI 'liT ~'IT'I' iii' ~q if lI'fuori!1<r fiIiIIT ~ I

171'1'. f-lqt.loif if ~ Ilnl'U1\'Iin- ( 1) ;;ft ~ fiI;;ft ~ .,.fQ'!m iii' flRhr lI1iTrr it ~

~ '111;01 ~ lIT ~q ",,;r 'I1T lI'lI'<'I' '111:01 ~ ~ ~ if am<>A! <IfQ'1; 1mi'it 'I1T di'ro!l' '111;01 ~ I
I. 1920 ~ 1Iflrf.rlr'l w.-
39 «.t ~ 2 1m ~ 941 ~~ I
2. 1975~1Iflrf.rlrqlio 40~IITl'91m (6-8-197511) ~(Ij;) ~~If{!Ifa!'l'lf<m I
28 Extractl from the Indian Penal Code
(PART It.-Acts of Parliament)

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section (I), whoever-
(a) threatens any candidate or voter, or any person in whom a candidate or voter is
interested, with injury of any kind, or
(b) induces or attempts to induce a candidate or voter to believe that he or any person
in whom he is interested will become or will be rendered an object of Divine displeasure or of
spiritual pleasure,
shall be deemed to interfere with the free exercise of the electoral right of such candidate or voter,
within the meaning of sub-section (1).
(3) A declaration of public policy or a promise of public action, or the mere exercise ora legal
right without intent to interfere with an electoral right, shall not be deemed to be interference
within the meaning of this section.
171D. Personation at elections.-Whoever at an election applies for a voting paper or votes in
the name of any other person, whether living or dead. or in a fictitious name, or who having voted
once at such election applies at the same election for a voting paper in his own name, and whoever
abets, procures or attempts to procure the voting by any person in any such way, commits the
offence of personation at an election.
17m. PlIDishment for brlbery.-Whoever commits the offence of bribery shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with
Provided that bribery by treating shaH be punished with fine only.
Explanatio!l.-"Treating' means that form of bribery where the gratification consists in food,
drink, entertainment, or provision.
171F. PlIDishment for f\J1due inDuence or personation at an eledion.--Whoever commits the
offence of undue influence or personation at an election shall be punished with imprisonment of
either description for a term which may extend to one year. or with fine, or with both.
171G. False statement in connection with an election.-Whoever with intent to affect the result
"f an election makes or publishes any statement purporting to be a statement offact which is false
and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, in relation to the
personal character or conduct of any candidate shall be pnni,hed with fine.
171H. DJegal payments, in connection with an election-Whoever without the general or speoial
authoritiy in writing of a candidate incurs or authorises expenses on account of the holding of
any publir: meeting, or upon any adVertisement, circular or publication, or in any other way
whatsoever for the purpose of promoting or procuring the election of such candidate, shall be
punishod with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees:
Provided that if any person having incurred any such expenses not exceeding th~ amount of
ten rupees without authority obtains within ten days from the date on which such expenses were
incurred the approval in writing of the candidate, he shall be deemed to have incurred such expen-
ses with the authority of the candidate.
171-1. Failure to keep election aecounts.-Whoever being required by any law for the time being
in force or any rule having the force oflaw to keep accounts of expenses incurred at or in connec-
tion with an election fails to keep such accounts srull be punished with fine which may extend
to five hundred rupees.]
• • • • •
2~~, it;

( 2) '3"M"J (I) it; ~ 'lit "qTtfifm IT{ l1'ftr"i.(;f lNT'r rnt mr, ;;iT iOW-
('I() ~>fT 3fPfm '1f 'fT:"ra-c 'FT, '1'( f~T 'fit' "'1f'ffl' 1>"1' fornil' 3l1'II"ff lIT IfflImIT ~ ~,
r..rm IT;1n: 'lit mO' 'lI<:'t ifil !(If'IiT ~iTT ~, "I"m
(~) f'FiT 3T1'sr!i'f '1'f If:fmrf 'liT ~ '"''t iIr f.r~ B'&ror 'lI<:iTT ~ lIT ~
flmrll' 'lIT m
srT" i":'t'f ~ flo '1ir '1'fo~ it·;;c a1'f~:f, f;;r;rlr 'Ii{ ~-rif;r ~, ~<iT arlTm>l: lIT ~~ ~ 'liT
1fI";I'if (t ;;rro;'TT lIT iRT m-r
'1'i{ lfINrT ;;rcq:'TT f," 'Ii{ 'ONrU (I) it; 3fif it; 3f':f·fa- it?t ar'srm '1'f 'l'O<mI'f it; f.m;r;r arftA;n: ij;·flfirfir
IT'1"Tor it ~<it<r 'lI<:iTT ~ I
(3) "I'TI>" ;fir'f 'IiT'I'Tlf"IT lIT ;fT1I" 'lITif'lr@ 'lIT '1'1'if '1'r f'O," 'l''' arf~ 'lIT lTm 'I'm', ;;ft fm
fifqi'1'if arfti<1l"n: it i{~:f.irT ""'t il; "1r~N' il; fif'!'f~, H!in:f if; arlf ij; :;r'rtfO' i{mr'T 'I>l:iff;;i{\' ij1f1fT
Gl'rt1;'TT I '

171"1. r.m;f;ff
ihflYiFCfGT--;ft 'liTt "fl;;ft flI'qi'1'if it f,"6"1 ar.'1' alfilf:f if; ilTIl';r, ~ if&: Gl'lflffl
i!:T lIT 'la', 'Tf f'l(;ft 'l>"f~ 'l'/"l! if, 'I':l"T;r if; Fi'l; O{C~H 'lI<:iTT lIT 'l'(l' ~ ~, lIT "tif f.Iqffi it ~ 'In:
'fa' \ ~ 't~ if; 'I'1/'1'fq: B'm- finf'1'·' if ar'l''t ;IT'! €r 'f(l"'Tif if; ~ ~ 'lI<:iTT ~ am:
;;iT iOli flrnt "'1flm
il'm %6"1 {tif lTifin: if 'f<m'i ifiT ~Giiror iOv.rT ~ B''lT'':r 'Ti\a'r ~, lIT ~ rn 'lIT lI''1C'i 'lI<:iTT~, ' "
~if if lTflr~ 'lIT 3l"l'mI 'Ov.rT ~ I
171iF. f{f'f.' ~ r"'!t
'I" --'ll 'liT~ ~u ifir ar:n:f;r 'l1l;'IT, llfi{ ~;ff if if f'l>"m- 'ltfa' it; Ef;1(1'I11l' iI',
t'JI<nIl' ar'ffti11;;; lfl( 0''1\" '!it itT ';ri;,ft, lfC ''[If!.r if, lIT ~ifT it, lI~ f;1!ff GI'rt1;'TT :

w~ 1l','1I"n: if; I>'t if ~ff it;qo;r 'lj;lfT't if {t 1If1!sa' 'liT ;;rro;lfT I

~GT"- -"Il'<'1I"n:" it fl:nr '"c
If, 'ii'T arr",b ~ "l'T 'Tf'{<llflT ~T1T, oi'1', 'l'ifTt-sr;; lIT 'QN 'I; ~

171~. f;;~hl! if 1IfEl'<,", lIfEl'( !l'fiff ;~i lTf,nQ'l ~ 'f(;f(f 'IO'--'ll '!iTt tm f.Iqffi if anTRI'I1'
, '
arfr( !l'r;rr lfi sriirIF'C'lf 'Of ar'mti 'O(lff, 'I;! ,TifT if it flom- \ltfa' t 'Om<fnT it, form Gl'iffll' 1{<1I" '1<1
'1''1\" 'lrT i(T 1l'i;'IT, 'IT "!lfT't if, lIT ,TifT il', lIf1!sa' flrn GI'iq:IlT I

1711J. rif<{\;H il; r"",!«,"1\' r""!fl 'I1'1"--1fT .~ f.f'IT'1'if it; 'Tf'(urrlf IT{ lI''IT'f rnI''t it; amI"l' iI'
mft <If1'lPff hf'ffl'<1I" m(;f,rf ariif':"I' t ~;f" if a-<"lf 'Of 'I>'f'i O'i\'lfur <!T:f 1ffii[ '!iTt itm 'I>'I"i, <n'W
lI'f lTi1rfW;r 'l>"rlJT, '1'1' fqqf ~, arl~ f:;r·lf;[ f"llqf ~T" 'f<! ;;rfoffll' ~ lff ('r<'fHl' 'Ov.rT ~ 3fil'lIT f;r.-A; IRlI'
i{T't 'lIT ~ f<mT1l' 'lltT <nv.rr ~, 'I'll: "!:,lfT:f il' ~ f'l>"Q'T OTrt1;'TT I
1 71G1'. f.l~~ il; ~ if m ~-," 'F~ flI;tfT ~ t m!lT<'lf lIT flro!I ftit~ "I fllEf;j(
~ firifT il:il" arq"f'l>"f fififr'ff arif\T\ ~'t '1"i fiflfl'1'if ""f~:f q; f;f-l; ,"T~ tli'hTflr<1l" l.NT it lI'T flrnt rn
firllT'l''f, 'Tf'\'T;r '1'[ sr>mr'f 'n:, lIT fifim- >IT ar'!f <i'l' il' "'14' ,"{,n lIT 'IiVrr srrf~ ~, ~"!.~ il',
OTT 'li"<r ",1 H'~ O'!i' 'lIT i!T ~it;IJT, ~ f.I;<n ;;riq:'l'T:
~ lff~ '!i'~ "'1flm, fi;nR I[rf~ t mr
'!iTt ~il' "'1'1' fi!;q: i[T, ';;ft 'PI' f~ ~ ~ ~ <Iif!l1l1'
;; i[T, "311' <rrUilT ~ rOT11' ~ 'liT ~it oq4' ~ 'rt1; ~, lI1l' R"if t ~ <rIl' 3l"Rf'ff 'lIT f~ ~
3(fq~I'<I "" ~,'fT lfl! tr'!'IlI'r ~ fiO ;;;f.\' itil' 0«'1' <rIl' 3l"Rf'ff it; lTTf\To!;'n: il' fim ~ I
1 7lil'. ~ \lim m
if "".....iii-1fT 'Off flrnt <ml'I'I'lI' smr firfu' [m lIT flrl!r 'Ii'f qo;r ~
'!Tit f'lIT!T f'l'1"l [! m ~ f<'!lr, ~ i!T~ W( f.-,; ~ ~if if i:rr ~ t m if flr;q: lrt1; O«'1'T 'lIT
«r w, {t;;r \irn wit if ~ "$IT, <r~ "!~ it, ;;iT crt", ~ (l'<n 'lIT, ~ ~, ~ fit;qr m
0II'rt1;'IT I ] ....
• • • • •

9-804 M/o Law & Justice/94

29 Extracts from the Indian Penal Code

(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

'50S. Statements conduCing to public mischief.-(1) Whoever makes, publishe< or circulates any
statement, rumour or report,-
(a) with intent to cause, or which is likely to cause, any officer, soldier, sailor or airman in
the Army, Navy or Air Force ofIndia to mutiny or otherwise disregard or fail in his duty as
such; or
(b) with intent to cause, or which is likely to cause, fear or alarm to the public, or to any
section of the public whereby any person may be induced to commit an offence against the State
or against the public tranquility; or
-(e) with intent to incite, or which i~ likely to incite, any class or communi"ty of persons to
commit any offence against any other class or community,
shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both
(2) Statement· creating or promoting enmity, hatred or ill-will between classes.-Wboever makes,
publishes or circulates any statement or report containing rumour or alarming news with intent to
create or promote, or which is likely to create or promote, on grounds of religion, race, place of
birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other ground whatsoever, feelings of enmity,
hatred or ill-will between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or
communities, shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to three years, or with fine,
or with both.
(3) Offence onder sub-section (2) committed in place of worship, etc.-Whoever commits an
offence specified in sub-section (2) in any place of worship or in any assembly el)gaged in the per-
formance of religious worship or religious ceremonies, shall be punished with imprisonment which
may extend to five years and shall also be liable to fine.
Exception.-lt does not amount to an offence, within the meaning of this section. when tho per-
son making, publishing or circulating any such statement, rumour or report, ha~ reasonable groum:;
for believing that such statement. rumour or report is true and makes, publishes or circulates it in
. good faith and without any such intent as aforesaid .
• • • • *

I. S. 50S has been reproduced here as am('ndcd rrom time to time.

~ qIII'.
('lf1'T 2~, ~ "If~)
~ ~("f 29

'50S • .,A;f<f;",.,'~"~-(I} .".) 'OTt fm ~, 'ifl''!f<l' 1fT ~'Iit,-

(if» ~ amTIf \T. fif>, 1fT for;r\T ~ lf iff ~ fif>, >rroi' ~ \T;rT, ;ft\To{T 1fT ~ \T;rT 'liT ~
3(ffq;,i1:, ;if;fif>, 'lTfqif> 'if qf\m;;if> fq,,~ ..t. 1fT 3('lf'IT 'f{ arr'r ;m ;;ffi arr'r Wo!i ~ ar$o{T
..t lIT, ~ lIT<'I'f <r arll'n;r ~, W('fT
(~) ~!i arm<! ~ f'-n, 1fT f"1'.,·lf ~ lJAlT-" ft fif>, <9'1 .. 1fT <9'1.. ~ f;t;!iT 'l1"T 'lit itlJf 'lflf lIT
If H'l' if>rfB' ;fr f"1';r~ .,Tt ;;llflRr Wil( if. fqq lIT orr.. <:mff"l' ~ rif~4 3!'ro!T ""'r ~ fl;rn: ~
~), 3(lf'ff

('f) .:;r armr ~ rif>, ~T f"1'lJ~ If<\: lflTTiT ~T rif>, ,,,If irf;a"T if>T ~ '1'1/ 1fT lJ'{,>:T"l' fif>ffi
":lJl: qif 1fT ':T~<mr ~ fifq 3!'ro!T ~ ~ f..-'I; ~ fif>IfT "1'i'l;,
~, "'lITfqr, if>l:1fI Iff qf~rfl'l'<f ~, q<l: 'IIT1:TifTlJ \T, ;;fr <fr;r 'f'i <1''0 'liT itT ~,1fT "IIIf,t \T, 1fT
1Wi if, <fll1lO f~T"1'R'!fT ,
( 2) ~ 'f'fl if mr'", ~ 'iT mflr -tOT 1fT ~ffiI' ~ ~ ~-;;fr ~ "1'."t'tr 'IT
'T;'fT""Ti'r ~l'if" aitr~ ~ qf~ rif>tft <r.H 1fT f,'!Ti if>T. ~ amr. \T fif>, 1fT for,lf If<l: If'lfTi. ;iT
f.., f>;f>r>r ~rfqof" 'L',<iWT~', ...rem Iff lIr'W'/f" "'!:iiT 1fT "1'rf:'f1lT 'if lJ,!OO ~ .w.
tT'tfff, 'lOfT 1fT ;r.;'ff!r
..T '1f'ATn:, lllf, '!5if"l', "1''''.'''fT'f, f'f'fT~HqH, 'H'fT, "1'lfo Iff "''t<n<l if; 3(farn If': Iff 3('1( fm 'IT
"'Tm<: If': t ..T 1fT me,,"
tr, mT, sr-r.fu if>i:;rr 'IT qf,;~rf""" ~, if\! if>T1J'fTlJ \T, .,-) <fr;r "" trif>
,'I ~:r %'fr, 'IT "l,'I'R \T, IfT';;-T;ff \T, .-fll1lO f;r.orT "1'ir;tTT ,

( :J) :1m if. N1'l mf. ii fif>IfT 'TIfT ~ ( 2) ~ mft;; lII'roU-;;fr .,-Tt ~ (2) it flIf.!f;;-"!'-
3l'lf':T'" fiP.iT 'J."l'; it. ~ if 1fT fm "l"lf<T ii, ","r m1lf.. ~T 'IT !lrf"", ...r q;'!Jf if ;;rIfT §3!T ~, if>'t>rr
if\! if>(o:r.rrlJ \T,,,,"! qi<,' qq: <1'", if>( it) mr, ~ f;r.orT "R'!fT am: ~'r \T '1ft ~If lft<rr '
~--it<;'T ;f.r{ "'l"T, "1'r'fo'iT ~ mri "','OJ
if; 3!"f ~ 3l"ff4<r 3!'r'OJ!l' '!1t .,-ire' it 'I{f amft,
".. :m m ~, 1IifiTfm; ~ ~ 'iT ~fu<r ~ 'fT~ "'!f.ffi ~ 'ffif ~ f<mm ~ fuQ: '!fiA'';!'Rf
3l'Tm<: !1r f.. it"T ~, "1'oNf<l' 1fT mTl \'Rli' ~ am: if\!:a\T ~ ~ ff'!T ~ ~\T fm amm it
f'!'if ~r ~, lIif;fftr<r ""f ~ 'if ~ffi! if>1:<Tf ~ ,

* * * * * *


1. Short title.
2. DeftDltiODS.

The House of the People

3. Allocation of _ts in tho House of the People.
4. F"t11lng of seats in the HoWIe of the People and Parliamentary Conatituenciea.
5-6. [Repealed.]
The State Leglslatipe Assemblies
1. Total numbor of lleat.s in Legjalathe Aaael:lbUes aDd Assembly Constituencies.
1A. Total number of lleats in the Legislatlvo Aucmbly of Sikkim and Assembly Constitucnc jos.
17to! lHlintllat16rt of Plzrlft11Pl41lltUy /SlId b.Jembly ~titrlellCln Order
8. Consolidation of delimitation orders.
9. Power of B1oction CommiJslon to maintain DoIimitation Oracr up-to-date.
9A. Power of B1oction Commission to determlno the constituoncies to be reserved for Sc-boduled
Tribes in certain States.

98. Po:-ver ~f Election Commi.ssion to detennine certain Constituencies to be reserved for Sch dId
Tnbes In the State of Tnpura. e ue

The Stare Legfllatfpe Councill

10. Allocation of _ts in the LogisIative CoWICil8.
II. Delimitation of Council constituencies.
Proyisions as to orders deltmtrating constilumcfes
12. Power to.alter or amend ordors.
13. Prooedure as to ordon dolimiting constituencierr.
13A. Chief e1octora1 officers.
13AA. District election ofllcon.
13B. Electoral re8istration ohn.
·13C. Assistant eleCtoral reaistration oflloen.
S I (1 '11_~ ,'.IfiIf
. """ I

"'" 2
~11llT ~e.f~. f,,"Nij~ lIlT qf(4'Qij
3, ~ ~ it ~ 'liT ~. I
4, Wt'I! ~ it ~ 'liT 'I'U ;;n;n am ~ ~. I
5-6, [~ll
-mq~ ....~
f'IV1'f ~ it """" !1ft ~ Prr <11fT ~ ~. I
~, f~ 'lit fiIvrf ~ it ~ !1ft f\'f ~ am ~ ~.. I

~ m uwr ~-O'I 'III qf\iftq.. vm.-

s, q~ tfTft'f 'liT ~ I
9, flr~ """" 'lit '1M..... ~ .n '""'"
If'II'(t ~ 'lit ~ I
9"1, flr~ """" '1ft 'l!.W '{f~ it ....~\(f.. \'1 ""'"lfd4'i iii ftiIt mftr\'I ~ \O'A' 'ITi ~ 'liT
q .. &I(III m '1ft ~ I

9\;1. ~ amim lift ~ l:N'l' il' dI~t!f<la o,'1Oi,faq,' $ ~ dIRf$o flfi11;""" lIIii\ ~ ~~ lIiT dI1I<lT{1JT m
lift ~,

10. fiIvrf iIi~ 'IIr.~ I

II.'llr~ I

~ 'III qfuftq .. ~ ~ ..ml_ ~ it lI'mI

12 . 'Ii'r 'lfu"ffre" 1fT ~a<r rn 'lIT lI'fif<r I
13, 'IIr qfcii'llt" rn 'ITi $($if it lift it srmr I

I~' If.WII ~ ~ I
13lflIII. ~ mm ~ I
1311. f~ (fij~"l'li<ol ~ I
1311. ~ flr,""", m~ q"fA;n I

31 Representation of the People Act, 1950
(PMT H.-Acts of Parliament)
I3CC. Chief electoral officers, distriot election officers, etc., deemed to be on deputation to Elec-
tion Commission.

J3D. Electoral rolls for parliamentary constituenr:ies.



14. Definitions.
15. Electoral roll for every constituency.
16. Disqualifications for registration in an electoral roll.
17. No person to be registered in more than ono constituency.
18. No person to be registered more than once in any constituen~y.
19. Conditions of registration.
20. M~ ..ning of "ordinarily resident".
21. Preparation and revision of electoral rolls.
22. Correction of entries in electoral rolls.
23. Inclusion of names in electoral rolls.
24. Appeals.
25. Fee for applications and appeals.
25A. Conditions of registration as elec.tor in S"ngha constituency in Sikkim.
26, [Repealed.]
27. Preparation of electoral rolls for Cowlcil,onst'tuencies.

27A. Constitution of eleewral colleges for the filling of seat, in the Council of Srates allotted
to Union territories.
27B-27F. [Repeaied.]
27G. TermifUltion of membership of electoral I.'ollege for certain disqualifications.
27H. Manner of filling of seats in the Council of States allotted to Union territories.
271. [Repealed.]
271. Power of cle~toral colleges to elect notwithstanding vacancies therein,
27K. [Repealed.]
28. Power to ffU\ke rules.
29. Staff of local authorities to be made available.
30. Jurisdiction of civil ,;ourts barred.
.". wfttftlft ..... r.rPiqq, 1950
('iiI"! 2 jlli( it; qfllf.m')

13'l11. IJ.1ilf 'f.r<I'm q,f..."o, f,sr;n ~ q,rq;.,(l, qTflr "" ~ ~ if lIfclf~,!1ffi' \!1I1fl orR'l 1
'"" ~
~"cil4 f~~~a1 .. mit f~~ i1iQi .. f<'l4i
13'f. Ii~q mm~ il; ~ f'f'ri;A; .. ,~,.f"qi 1

'"" 3
~1{f fi1 .. f... i1~ ii ~ f.,..t'4'li '1T¥ITarfW.rt ]
. 14. ~l'ITtt 1
1 5. ~ mm-~ ii; f<'!t1; flf~ 'fTlII'IflI't ,
16. flf<1f~ 'f'TlI1"I';ft if ~F<i fiI;I!; ;;rf.t ij; ~ f~<{d'tt ,
17. ~ «
qf".. flf~~ if ~dt<! "" 'iI1f ~F<f ~ f.I;lrr ~ 1
18. ~ mm~ if 'Ii't{ ...f'ffi' ~ it qfll'l> ~ ~ ~ f.I;lrr ~ 1
19. ~~ '!IT ~ 1
20. ""''tor, on: « r.r~" 'ffi 1
21. flf~ 'fTl!Tmm '!IT ~ 3th: r-ro~ 1

22. f.m;A; "'~,"f"41 if ~! lIfi1f~ '!IT iT,f« 1

23. f.m;A; .,;..,.~ if ;;rrif 'I>T "f'~f"" IiI!l!T <11m ,
24. qq"ti{ 1
2 5. qrtlAl If'h: ~ ij; ~ ~ 1
25". fufift;1f ij; *r flf~~ if flf<1f~ il;

'"" .
~T if "d':;r~'l>!;~

"~'t f~.,.-IIl!tf .. m~ f'1'lri~ i1iQiCllf<'l41

'!IT mi' 1

2/j. [f;n:fud)1
~ 7. q'~ flfffl'l'-mn ij; f<'!t1; Jim'f'l\' '11'Il'Afiflif 'It! ~rtr 1
'"" ~
~ Uil'll'O eli srfnf'1'fufif em 1l~ ~ ..m U~ ~1lT q ~ ~ !tiT 1l~~!tiT ~TfCf
27~. *r ~'I'i i!?r ~ it f"" '$li Wll'T if it; ro'f'i ~ 'If"(it it; ~ f... i .. ",.,afi 'I>T IfO'i\' ,
27.... -27'l. [f;n:fud I).
27'i§. ~ f~dT.rr ii; f<'!t1; flf~IIUJ ~! !mIr~ "" ""'""" 1
2 7". ~q ,,~ i!?r qrm
if flI\it tl"fq !f.n if it; ~ ~ 'If"(it <t1" (If" 1
2711'. [mftrd I)
27'>1'. f~qi"""'Gfj if fdlIdlft'~ [Ct '1ft ~ f.Af'I'f' III't ~ 1 rn
2 n. [mftrd I)

'"" 5
28 . flfll'l ;r;rf,f "'" wf.Id 1
2 9. ~ lIrf!l1l>rWii il; ..""rh.~
• • "" ~ fiI;oIrr ;;rm 1
32 Represenl4tion of the People Act, 1950
(PART IL-Acts of Par!iamont)

31. Making raj. declarations.
32. Breach of official duty in connection with the preparation, etc., of electoral rolls.


THE SEYENTH SCHEDULE.-[RepeaJed.] !Ifctfimi" ... fQf~qq, 1950 32
('lIT'! 2~;f: 3l'f~)

31. fi!>m ~ '!ron 1

32. f~ '"~lqf<1'fi 'Or < 'lfrR (t m<r tf.)lr ..~ 'PI WI 1

lI'{1f wm it ~T 'PI 'IfI'ie:f 1

fitftqo aq,.;ft-fmrr;r lNTaif if ~if ,"r 'lj"f QW 1

~ ~--f'rflTif ~t it ij; fl.f1'fT 'PI o;rroie'f 1
mri ~m-f'rfIrif 'If<'f<ff ij; ft!t1; mmy ij; lI'tT.;ff if; G~ f"<rr.fl<f sr.~ 1

"'if>! ~m-[f.i'Wcr I]
~ ~-[f.rm«r I]
~ ~[f.i'WcrI]

10--804 M/o Law c.~ Juslice/94

(43 OF 1950)
[12th May, 1950.]
An Act to provide the allocation of seats in and the delimitation of constituencies
for the purpose of election to, the House of the People and the Legislatures of
States, the qualifications of voters at such elections, the preparation of electoral
rolls, '[the manner of filling seats in the Council of States to be filled by repre-
sentatives of '[Union territories], and matters connected therewith.
BE it enacted by Parliament as follows:-
1. Short lit/e.-This Act may be called the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
2. Definitions.->··· In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) "article" means an article of the Constitution;
(b) "Assembly constituency" means a constituency provided '[by law] for the purpose
of elections to the Legislative Assembly of a State;
(e) "Council constituency" means a constituency provided '[by law] for the purpose
of elections to the Legislative Council of a State;
" • • • •
(d) "Election Commission" means the Election Commission appointed by the President
under article 324;
(e) "order" means an order published in the Official Gazette;
(f) "parliamentary constituency" means a constituency provided '[by law] for the
purpose of elections to the House of the People;
s. • • • •
(g) "person" does not include a body of persons;
(iI) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
'[(i) "State"! includes a Union territory;]
(j) "State G~vernment", in relation to a Union territory, means the administrator
'0. • • • •
~: by Act 73 of 1950, s. 2.
2. Subs. by the Adaptation of Law, (No.2) Order, 1956, for "Part estates".
3. The brackets and figure "(1)" omitted by Act 103 of 1956, s. 65.
4. Subs. by Act 2 of 1956, s. 2, for "by order made under section 9".
5. Sub•. by the Adaptation Of Laws (No.2) Order, 1956, for "by order made under section II".
6. Cl. (ee) ins. by Act 73 of 1950, s. 3 and omitted by Act 103 of 1956, s. 65.
7. Subs. by Act 2 of 1956, s. 2, for "by section 6 or by order made thereunder",
8. CI.(ff) ins. by Act 67 of 1951. s. 2, was omitted by the North'Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) (Adaptation of Law. on
Union Subjects) Order, \914, s. 3 and Sch. (w.e.f. 2\·\·\972).
9. Subs. hy the N"rth·B~tern Areas (Rcorganisation) (Adaptation of Laws on Union Subjects) Order, 1974, s. 3 and
SoIr., forthe formercl. (i) (w.r.f. 2\·\·1972).
\0. Sub·""tion (2) omitted by the Ad,ptation of Laws (No.2) Order, 1956.

• mft:1f~ ~, 1950
(1950 "" maf.,,,,,, fl@tli ... 43)
[12 'If, 1950)
~~ m
~ it;~""Imii if ""'" it ~ ~~ m
k;if it; , 'ti r....
r~.m it; 'IfuitIf'f, i(W mT"," ~ ~ ~"""' ",q,.. l ~ !l.m'l, r.m- r....
l[~ ~ if ,[~ (i .... o1oif] it; stfilf.lfUq'f mi·· 'IR ;fA iii\!r ""'".) ~ m
~] ~ m r.m
it; fl'lq ~ .~ it; ~
~~ rnr r'f~,"", ~ it TfI! IITfit r"q r"a la) :-

'"" I
I. ~ \,,",-~ 1ITfl;rf.fqq- <'iJlt; lIftrfiffli<'f 1ITfirllf<r'f, 1950 "'i!T OfT Ifitm I
2. qf{q, .. ,tj '''** ~lITf~ it ;;ror <Ai' f~ m it IIf'll'!T ~fu<l 'f i!T;-

( ~) Uq;r'i\k" it ~~ ~
''Ifqr f.fiflvf~,," it ~
. 'lit f.m'f
q;r'"iR 1ITf1rSi1f
1f>TT ~
f'i'l; f.r<ri'l';ff ~ 1I1tT't'f!'f ·[~fifllro.
;a"!'!f.mI' f.fffl'f~" ilTNia ~ ;
( ... ) u'ffuf~ f.f~'f'I'-~,," it ~ 'lit f.m'f qf~ ~ fl:r« f.fffl';if ~ 1I~ ,[
.. IlfUj ~ f.r/ft;r;r-mr IITf1rSi1f ~ ;
. ' •• • • ,• • • ••
(.. ) "~'" IIfrIirr'" it ~fif rnr q'!~ 324 ~ wft'f flfr!~ f.f~'A' mItT.,.
IITf1rSi1f ~ ;
~ ~ it ~fua' IITRW IITfm ~;
(w) "1ITmr" it
('I') ,u~f.fiflvf~" it <'iJlt;1f>TT ~ f<'l'O: f.f4f'l'·if ~ IIft;r'fl'f '[fiffU llT>:r] "q; .
flm'I';r-mr IITfm ~ ;
•• •• •
. (w) 1.~f.I<l" ~ oid'fa ~f.I<lql ~ f.wQ 'f~ mar ~;
• • '"
.. . '"
(;r) '~' it ~ilf!ff'fll'lf ~ IITmil'rn( I)'(!. f'f<i.ii ill\!'
, f'fflaa ilfllia ~;
'[ (IT) .. ~" ~ at<rITa m 1ft ~... ~ffir IITld'r ~ ;]
("'I') "~~,," it flolt ~'Hr •• ~~ ~ «itlf if "n;r IPTI,", qilfitd ~ I
tO$ • • * * * :II

1. 1950 it; IIflIf.IlPI '.i. 73 ott urn 2 i:T'1 ...-..,:~ ,

2. flIfll .. ~ (U' 2).mw. 1956IlU.""""q.,...n"ij;~ ... lIfu\om<ml
3. ,956 if; ari<If'nm g 103 lI\\ "'" 65 iITU "(1)" ~ am: <Ir1Ii "" '"'" !a;m 7JllI1
.... 1956 ij; OIfIrf.Nq U. 2 ott urn 21lU "Qrn 9 '" WlT'I' ro~ 'Itt <n~;rro" it; {tIR 'to: ~11r""ll'n"
5. flIfV~ (It. 2) .mw. 19561ml "urn 11 ij;'ltt<n~ Iml" ij; r;qR onllfuflllfur I
6. 1956ij;"flJf.IlPI \I. r03otT1lR1 651ml_ ('111) ..,<'I'1'ffilofr'1l11 ,
7. I ~56ij;..riJf.!lPl". 2 tI urn 21ml "urn 6 ij; 1m! '<1 :;-;ri!;1IIiR'ffiT( 'Itt <lTTtw ~1(1" ij; ~ qorftT~ ,
S. 1951 it< 'IfIrf.Nq U' 67 ott sT.r 2 Imlllfu~ - (;r;f) "" ~ of« ('f!40'1') (!I!f r"," 'I": fon- ,,~!<'Ft)
" <nTtw. 1974 Iml· (21-1-1972 It) ..lIT. roO'" ',qr ,
". ~ .Iii ('1'lIi<5';) (!I!f flIq1jj on flIfll~) 1l1'.vr •• 1974 rm ~ it< - (ft) it< ~ q-.; (21-1-1972 It)

10. flIfIr .~ (!/. 2) .mw. 195GI\~ ;;<IIl1<I (2) "" <'I'1'f f'R' "'" I

&prulllllllion of tile People A.ct. I~O
(PAllT ll.-Acts of Parliament)


The House of the People

,~ Allocation of seats in the House of the People.-Thc allocation of seats to the States
in theHouso of tht: People and the number of seats, if any. to be fl:'lCrved for the Scbeduled Castoa
- and for the Scheduled Tribes of each State oball be as shown in tho First &badlllo.
4. FIIIlDa of seats In the House of the People and parliamentary CODStitueDcies...JI·...
"[(2) All the seats in the House of tho People allotted to the States under section 3 sbaIl be
seats to b~ fiIIea by persons chosen by diract election from parliamentary COllstituencioa in the
(J) Every parliamentary constituency rof'erred to in sub-aoction (2) aha1I be a IiogIo..JIIOD!ber
(I) Every State to which only one _* is allotted under section 3 sha1I form one parUamep_
tary constituenc.y.
1(5) Save as provided in sub-section (4), the extent of all parliamentary constituencies except -
the pa.rliammtary constituencies in the tInion territory of ArnoaclJa l Pradesh sha1I be as deter-
mined by the orders of the Delimitation Commission made under the provisions of the Deli-
mitation Act, 1972 (16 of 1972) and the extent of the parliamentary constituencies in the Union
territory of AinnBcbal Pradesh sha1I- be as determined by the order of the EIoction Commission
un:ier tb.e prOVisions of tile O;)verQ.n~Qt of Union Territori..,a Act, 1963 (20 of 1963).n

5. (ParlitltMnuuy constituenci4s.) Rep. by the Reprumratioll of the People (~t) ~'"

.1~ ~ of 1956), s. 4.
6. [Delitllitatlon of parliomlntary cOll8tituencies.) Rep. b.y the Adaptaltim of l.IIws (No. ;1)
Ortk', 1956.
The State Legislalive Auembi/tes
5[7. Tolal number of seals in Legislative Assemblies and Assembly consliluencies.-(l) "[Subject to
the provisions of 7[sub-sections "(lA), (lR), and (lCY1 the total number of seats1 in the Legislative
Assembly of each Slate speclIiod in the Second Schcallle, to 00 filled by penons chosen by diract
election from assembly constitu.mcies, and the number of seats, if any, . to be reserved for the
Schednled Caste~ and for tile Schednled Tribes of the State, shall be as shown in Schednle:
Provided for the period referred to in clause (2) of article 371A, the total numblm of
seats allotted to the Legislative Assembly of the ~tate of Naga1and shaH be 8[fifty-two). of which-
(a) '[twelve seats] shall be allocated to tile Tucnsana district and sha1I be filled by persons
chosen by the members of tile regional council, referred to in article, from amonast
themselves in such manner as the Go"emor, after COjlSnlting Councll may, by notifica
tion in the Official Guette, specify, and
I. Sub.. by Act 47 or I~ .. 2, for II. 3 and 4 (w...r.I4-J.l.1966).
2. SUW<ctiOD (1) ondIted by Act 29 or 197'... 11 (w...C. 1'-8-197').
3. Subs. by s. 11./bld.. for sub.sec:tion (2) (w.e.f.1'-8-197S1.
4. Subs. by Act 88 or 1976, .. 2, Cor su_tion (5).
,. Subs. by Act 47 or 1966, L 4, for s. 7 (w•••f. 14-12-1966). Original .s. 8 aDd 9 were rep. by AcI 2 DC J9S6... , and
Ilia Adaptation of Laws (No.2) Order, 19'6.....pectively.
6. Subs. by ActS of 1980, s, 2, CO< certain words (w••.r. 1-9-1979).
7. Subs. by Act 3R of 1992. s. 1. for "Sub--sections (lA) and (Ill)" (w.e.!: .5-12-1992).
S. Subs. by Act 61 of J968. L 4, lOr "Cony-IIX '. -
9. ~ubs. by 8 • .f. tbIJ.• fOl uliI: aeatau•
oft'Ii Sirdr~ftI'" cd'afllqq. 1950
('!T1T 2-~ ~ "fufiflllf)

'!T1T 2

~~ moie.r ~ fiii.lf"''1-m ~r IfftMlR

oft'Ii WtIT
'[ 3. m.;WtIT it ~ 'III ~'f-;ftn'lIT \f ,n<if 'lit <><r'fl 'I1r wm am: ~ l('4I' ~ oil'
~'tl(l;f;m ;;rrflf'ff am: ~W;f'fil "f'prrfilrrr it; f<;f~ 1fT'l:f~iI f'l1~ 'irr:t 'IT(:r ro.n ~. lf~ '!itt {I, Itm ~
1['\1ft ;;it lI'!lr q;;1(I;'fi it.m ~ I
4. "'''' WtIT it f'ir.if 4!T 1m 1;l1'l\'I IATI: ~ f.m;fofG-' • • •
'[ ( 2) ~ '!it!l'm 3 it; ~ CI'f<k;r' it flf,t fflq; '"" if t U'Ii\' <"IT'f ~ m'f {fit ;;it
~ it il; «~r...m-·m It lI'<lm f'l'1ffi"f mr ~ ~ "'If1flf'ff mr 'Irt ~ii I]
( 3) ;romr ( 2) it f~ I!' ~ f~-~l<f ~'11 !1m' f.frn-~ il:'l"1JT I
( 4) I!' <:f'Zli, f;;rm!l'm 3 it; ~ CI'f<k;r it m ~ <"IT'f fir.n ~. ~ ~ . fi\1rr I
'[ (5) IrnIRT (4) it lf4T ~aif!l'O ~ftmlf, ~.'Tmr smr;t.r m"ffi t mr<il'lf mm.
nf '!it w~ ~ ~ mm-m "" ~ ~m i!m ~ qFWjlf'f ~flrf.I'lfIr; 1972
( 1 972 'Irr 76) t ~ it; mit'f 4'~ '!IT>I11r ~ fiI;l( 'ro: trmn rnr "~Q 1(<\1 fIII>tr ITIlf
~ am:
,,,,OJ I""
1ft'll {if:
~ 1m!'!' "fuf~4q. 1963
<1"Qii~ t "'~r
(1963 "" 20)'fi!'~ "" f~"'"
t '04'ii!if ~ ~ f.f<rivr
itm ~ "lIT "
1IITli\Ir" vmr mr
""QlrW fiI;Irr ITIlf I['l" I ]
s.[]~ srfffilffim(~) "Illf,!qq, 1956 (1956'111' 2) 1/1\' Irm •
1m r.romr I
6. [~~.qf«ilq'f]-f.rnl ~ (to 2)~, 1956 rnr flr<f!nrl
~ fiM;r IfIITIi
'17. flmA ~maif ~' ~ a!t ~ mRn.<T"IT U1'IT (}'"f",,-ir.r-(\) ~ ~ it' ~Plffi", gr '<'Ii
n;;>l <tt flI'II'I {l1:!j ,I'
·I'I~ "11 0;). ~ I hI) an: ~ (I $ ~ $ aitIA C'I ,,"l
.~ '!\t ~mr] <U 1l'lIT fnrn-i"if it lI'/lf~ fod'!''! rnr 't~ 'T~ "'Jf"",qf rnr 'l't ~
6'fT \VI' ~ !fll', ~ '!itt ~.;;it <:f'Zli ~ ~f;f" ';rrflflff t f\f'l; am: ""t~~1TflrIr1 lit
~ ~ !fll' orr;I\' ~. ~ 'I\{ ~ ;;it ~ ~ ~:
.. ~ q;;~ '371'11 t ~ (2) it f.!me 'III0fTifftr t ~ "I'/Il~'" t ~ 1/1\' ~
'"" q;'\' .~ ~ !fll' ~ ~ O[~]~, f.r-rit. It-
('11) o[mi{ m] ~ '{'\'!ri'T f.r.t 'lit ~ fIIro:;;rrtii am: ~ ~ iIT.<T' ' " ~i
~ ~, ~ it r~ ~ 4'f<,r!;: tll"Wff imT ~ if It . ~4'r ~flf it, t!h Onl.
W ~ It <r<mf rn it; ~ ~ ~ it "full"'" 1m f"~ 'ri, ~
I. 1966 ~ q;;;f\.iifr,i;;.;q';j,j.;;-4:;-;7~~~"",m.-;-2;;m.~~~<t-;]';i~~4 II1;-;4~-1;2':-;19;;6:;6'itltI);;t.f<;;;d"';;'~ii1;1;-'----~----
2. 1975 ~ 1IfIrIlItpr ti· 2 9 ~ I\T(T II mT;mmr ( I) '1'1 (I 5-9-1 975 it) 'i\<r flo", "'" ,
3. ~~IIT'J II 1TU'3'I'IIm (2) ~_ ~ (15-B-197slt) .flI""ii1ri' .
•• 197 6 It< IIfiIflnI'r Ii. 8 8 ~ IITTI 2 ~ '3'IIIT<l ( 5) ~ _ 'l'uriI", ,Fbi ,
5. 1966 .. ~ </0 47 it <lIU ~ ifT{J <lIU 7 .. """' orr (14-12·1976 ,'I) oill ... ,iild' 1956 .. ~ </0 2
~ urn 5.m Mil' ~ (li o 2)
1956 iIrn 'I.'" ~ • ~ 9 ~.'!>1':flr<:flr<I ~ 'If "',
-L'" 6. 1980~~lfll. 8~tm' 21TU~~ilr_or.: (1-!H979itbdlll'lllMU . .
7. 1992 .. ~ ",,0 38 oft <lIU 2 ifT{J (5·12·1992,'1) """"", (I'") "" (I")" .. """' Q{ oill""I.d'
8. 1983 II; ~ "" 61 a\\ "'" 4 ifT{J .. ~.: .. " " " ' orr ofl!...rtlre ,
9. ~ ott <lIU 4 ifT{J ..... '""'"' .. II; """' orr ~ ,
35 Representation of tile People Act, 1950
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

(b) the remaining forty seats shall be filled by persons chosen by direct election from assembly
constituencies in the rest of the State.
'[OA) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the total number of seats in the
Legislative Assembly of the State of Sikkim. to be constituted at any time after the commencement orthe
Representation of the People (Amendment) Act. 1980 (8 of 1980), to be filled by persons chosen by direct
election from assembly constituencies shall be thirty-two, of which-
(a) twelve scats shall be reserved for Sikkimese of Bhutia Lepcha origin;
(b) two seats shaH be reserved for the Scheduled Castes of that State; and
(c) one seat shaH be reserved for the Sanghas referred to in section 25A.
Explimatioll.-In this sub-section "Bhutia" includes Chumbipa, Dopthapa. Dukpa, Kagatey, Sherpa,
Tibetan, Tromopa and Yolmo.]
'[OB) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), in the Legislative Assemblies of the
States cf Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland, to be constituted at any time after the
commencement of the Representation of lhe People (Third Amendment) Act, 1987 (40 of 1987),-
(a) thirty-nine seats shall be reserved for\he Scheduled Tribes in the Legislative Assembly of
the State of Arunachal Pradesh:
(b) fifty-five seats shall be reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the Legislative Assembly of the
State of Meghalaya;
(e) thirty-nine seats shall be reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the Legislative Assembly of
. the State of Mizoram; and
(d) fifty-nine seats shall be reserved for the Scheduled tribes in the Legislative Assembly of the
State of Nagaland.]
'[(lC) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (l), twenty seats shaH be reserved for the
Scheduled Tribes in the legislative Assembly of the State ofTripiua to be constituted at any time after the
commencement of the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act, 1992.]
(2) Every Assembly constituen~y referred to '[in sub-section (1) or sub-section (lA)] shall be a single-
member constituency. e-
5[(3) 0rrhe extent of each Assembly constituency in .all the States and Union territories except the
assembly constituencies in the State ofSikkim and] in the Union territory of Arunachal Pradesh shall be
as determined by 'the orders of the Delimitation Commission made under the provisions of the
Delimitation Act. 1972 (76 of 1972) 1[; the extent of each Assembly constituency in the State of Sikkim
shaH be as provided for in the Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies Order, 1976,
as aClended by section 4 of the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act, 1980 (8 ofl980)] and the
extent of each Assembly constituency in the Union territory of Arunachal Pradesh shall be as deter-
mined by the order of the Election Commission made under the provisions of the Government of Union
Territories Act, 1963 (20 of 1963)].
7[7A. Total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of Sikkim and Assembly constituencies.-(1)
Notwithstanding anything contained in section 7, in the Legislaiive Assembly ofihe State of Sikkim
[deemed under the Constitution (Thirty-sixth Amendment) Act, 1975 to be the Legislative Assembl\' of
that State duly constituted], the total number ol seats to be filled by persons chosen by direct election
from assembly' constituencies shall be 32.

1. Ins. by Act 8 of 1980. s. 2 (w.e.f. 1-9·1979).

2. Ins. by Acl 40 of 1987. s. 2 (w.e.[. 22·9-1987).
3. Ins. by Act 38 of 1992. s. 2 (w.e.f. 5-12·1992).
4. Subs. by Act 8 of 1980. s. 2. for "in sub-section (1)" (w.e.f. 1-9-1979),
5. Subs. by Act 88 of 1976, s. 3, for sub-section (3).
6. Subs. by Act g of 1980. s. 2. for certain words (w.e.f. 1·9--1979).
7. Ins. by Act IO of 1976, & 2 and Sch. (w.e.f. 9-9-1975).
<iffiIr ~~ alft~. 1950 35
('lJTJ ,2-m ~ ilI~f.14~)

("") m ~,~lR it~ ~r iUU <r( ~ ;;it i\q U""I ~ WIT ~-1Wir it' ~ 'Tc'<a! ~
iUU ~ ;;rntj) I

1 [(IOi) ~ (I) it'f$1:It 'IRI' ~.Tit ~ >fI, ftrftIq;" U""I <tt i1l'lR WIT it';;it .il"i Y~f.1F'lCq ((riTI>:R) ilI~, 1980
(1980 ~ 8) ~ I!I"mI ~ 'l~ f$1:It W!7< l'J!3<r <tt ~ Wa""'I ~ <tt ~QI ~;;it WIT f.J$R-1Wir ~ 'Tc'<a! f.Jqf;,.j iUU ~
1111; ~ iUU <r( ~, .rem m fumit' it-
(Oi) 'IR6, F!lR ~ ~ fu~ ~ full( ilIfffu<r w):

("") <It F!lR ;n! U""I <tt ~ftre ~ ~ full( ilIfffu<r .rq; aW

('I) '<'Ii F!lR 'IlU 250i it' ~ iI"lT ~ full( 31~ .'mr I
..qt>l!&l,UI 1W ~ it' .. ~ .. ~ a.wfo ~, .)a!nqj, ~, 'IiTlffi, I/n:m, ~. ~)1n 31~ ~)
>fI til

2[(11'l) ~ (I) it', f$1:It 'IRI' ~.Tit ~ >fI, ilIb'II'''' IR~, it'lTiil'l, f;r;;jl<'i aW ~ ~<tt i1l'lR WIT3Irit', ;;i\
<ffi<I; yRlf.tI'El", (cftmo (riTI>:R) 31~, 1987 (1987 ail 40) ~ I!I"mI ~ 'l~ f$1:It W!7< ~ <tt ~ c-=-

(1'.1) ~ U""I <1ft i1l'lR WIT it' 31~ ol~,,"fd<il' ~ full( Il'i'l'I F!lR ilIfffu<r .)1); •
('I) Il!~ U""I <1ft i1l'lR WIT it' '31~ "'~ollfa"r ~ full( d~,,'<!;l<l F!lR om:f!ffif;ITi\; 31~

("l) ~ U""I <tt ftltIR WIT if' or:l¢'la ",~""fd~' ~ full( <rnlO F!lR ilIfffu<r grq II
3[( 1'I) ~ (I) it' f$1:It 'IRI' ~ .Tit ~« >fI, ~ U""I <1ft ftltIR WIT it', ;;it QlT!Il y~p.,I'El'" ((riTI>:R) ilIftlf.'I4~. 1992
<f; llI<m ~ 'lQ'iml ilI;>ft W!7< l'J!3<r <1ft' <iIRt W, ~ftre ""'~ ~ full( ;1m F!lR 31~ .rq I I

(2) 4[~ (I) 41 ~ (IOi) itl ~ 6( WIT ~-!it;I '<'Ii-<m>I f.JOO-!it;I itrnl

'[(3) 6[~ U""IaW 31601IijQlIR~ (r'q ~~ WIT~-!it;lOi)~~ WffiI~aW(r'qU""lIWir~ ~

WIT ~-!it;I ail flmm:1 w;ilTTl ~~ 31~f.14~, 1972(1972 ail 76)~ ~~ 31>lR 'llMrI!'1611'itriom ill;((
1111; 31R~r om 31Q"llful ilf;4j 'I4i .) 5[~ U""I ~ ~ WIT ~-!it;I Oil flmm: itrn <hrl • w
((riTI>:R) 31~, 1980 (1980 OiT 8) <1ft 'IlU 4 om 'l'TT (ritftrn ~ aW WIT ~-!it;I qR';I~~ arR~, 1976 it'
~ ilI;41 'I4i itl 31~ 31~ IR~ (r"l ~ ~ ~ WIT ~-!it;I OiT flmm: itrn ~ (r'q ~ ~ w
311'\~, 1963 (1963 ail 20) ~ ~ <f; ar>iR ~ 6II'itri iUU ill;(( rro: arR~ iUU 31 .... ,R" ilf;4j 'I4i it I

'[7q;, fuftf"l>ll' <1ft ftfmof ~qr 1i'~ <iT ~ Ul9tII alA: ~qr p.,,*.,,-Iflor-(1) 'IlU 7 it'f$1:It 'IRI' ~ ita ~
111, fum" U""I <1ft i1l'lR WIT it' [;;i\ ~ (~(rvlrv.!) 31ft1f.t4'l. 1975 ~ 31>lR;n! U""I <tt ~ <;q ~ l'J!3<r
~ WIT ~ <iITcft wi (l''lT ~-1Wir ~ lftt) ~ om ~ rro: ~ om <r( ""it <mil F!lRr lilt ~
(1m 32 ml
L 1980

<i; ~ ';0 8 all "'" 2 oro (1-9-1979 <t) ;!jo:~1
2, 1987 <i; ~ ';0 40 all "'" 2 oro (22-9-1987 <t) ;!jo:~1
3, 1992 <i; ~ ';0 38 all "'" 2 oro (5-12-1992 <t) ;!jo:~1
4, 1980 <i; ~ ';0 8 all "'" 2 oro .. ~ (I) ,,"" <i; """ "" (I-H979 <t) "~"",Rld I
5. 1976 <i; ~ ';0 88 all "'" 3 oro ~ (3) <i; """ "" Q~"",Rld I
6, 1980 <i; ~ ';0 8 all "'" 2 oro ~ ..,;r <i; """ "" (1-9-1979 <t) of.Q~""
...mlil!\'' 'd I
7, 1976 <i; ~ ';0 iO all "'" 2 a1t< ~ <m (9-9-1975 <t) ;!jo:~ I
36 &prtlMrltation of the l'eople' Ad, 1950
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)

(6) ivory Assembly constituency referred to in sub·section (1) shall be a single-member

OOD9tituency .
(') In the Legislative Assembly so deemed to be duly constituted, tho extent of c:ech eonsti-
IhIIcy and the reservation of scats shall be as provided for immediately before tho commence-
mont of the o.nstitution (Thirty-sixth Amendment) Act, 1975.]

The Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies Order

8. Consolidation of delimitation orders.-(l) As soon as may be, after all tho orders referred
to in sub-section (5) of section 4 or in sub-section (3) of section 7 relating to the delimitation
of parliamentary dnd assembly constituencies have been made by the Delimitation Commission
or, as the case may be, the Election Commission and published in the Official Gazette, tho Election
Commission shall, after making such amendments as appear to it to be necessary for bringing
up-to-date the description of the extent of the parliamentary and assembly constituencies as
given in such orders, consolidate a!l such orders into one single order to be known as 'Ithe Delimi-
tation of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies Order, 1976] and shall send authentic
copies or that Order to the Central Government and to the Government of each State having a
Legislative Assembly; and thereupon that Order shall supersede all the orders referred to in sub-
section (') of section 4 or in sub·section (3) of section 7 and shall have the force of law and shall
lIOt be called in question in any court.
(J) As soon as may be, after tho said Order is rceaived by the Central Government
er by tho Government of a State.. that Government shall cause it to be laid before tho House
of tile People or, al the case may be, the Legi.sIative Assembly of the State.
'[(J) The consolidation under sub-section (1) of the orders referred to in ·sub-section (5)
ef aeetion 4, or as the case may be, sub-section (3) of section 7 shall not, as provided in sub-section
(5) of section 10 of the Delimitation At-t, 1972 (76 of 1972), affect the representation in, and the
llerrltorial Mmtituencies of, the House of the People or the Legislative Assembly of the State
existing on the date of publication in the Gazette of India of any such order or orders as may
be relevant.]
-=-9. Power of Election Commission to maintaIn Delimitation Order up-to-date.-(l) The
Election Commission may, from time to time, by notification published in the Gazette of India
and in the Official Gazette of the State concemed,-
(a) oarre~t any printing mistake in '[the Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly
C'lmtitu-.ncies Ordor, 1966, or, as the case may be, the Delimitation of Parliamentary
and Assembly Constitu~ncie~ Order, 1976] or any error arising therein from inadvertent slip
or omIssion; .
'[(00) make such amendments in the Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly
tIonstituencie, Order, 1976-as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for consolidating with
that Order any notification or order relating to delimitation of parliamentary or assembly
IJOnstitoencies (including reservation of seat~ for the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled
Tribes in SllCh constituencies) is'!1led under any Centml Act;]
(b) where the boundaries or name of any district or any territorial division mentioned
in the Order are or is altered, make such amendments as appear to it to be necessary or
expedient for bringing the Order up-to-date.
(2) Ewry !lotificatiG,'l nnder this section shall be laid as soon as may be aft« it is
iHlIed;bofore the House of the People and the LegislativeAssembly to the State concerned.
I. Subs. by Act 88 or 1976, •. 4. for certain words.
2. Ins. by s. 4, Ibid.
S. Sobs. by s. 5, ibid, for certain word••
4. IDL '" Act 21 of 1989, .. 2.
~ .. filf.. r..I<UIr..r,.qq, 195 0 36
('"" 2~~ ii; qfiff.rqlf)

( 2 ) ~ ( 1) if f.f~ lWr'O ij"'IIT f.f<rivr -fur ~~ -m- i[\tlT 1

( 3) l!ij" !I'm: ~ 1!"'T ?r 'TRxr ~ ~;r ij"'I[f if ~ f.f'Ifvr-m- 'Of ~ am: ~
'Of ~ >fij"f lfl'i[\tlT .rij"f f1!; lif'f!lT'f (~<rrt ~!I1'w.r) m!if.r!nr, 1975 if; lTro'If if; tr.!; 'ri'
~<r 'IT I]

~ ~ ij"'I[f """",,,.mn 'Of qr«."lq~ ~

8. 'ffun"" ~ 'Of ~-( 1) 1f'iTf~, f.filf';r;r ~ e:rn

m~ mm'1' 1fT
~'N'flT am: ij"'I[f f.f(l'f' if; "fl:m"" ?r ij"«« frnT 4 ~ '3'TfrnT ( 5) if 1fT frnT 7 ~
~ (3) if f.ff~ ij"( q-T~!1T f1!;~ orR am: ~ mmr if IT'f.rflmr il:);;rr.t if; ~
1l"TTlIT'IIT ~~ f.f<rivr q-rql'T, ct?r ll'wTlf'f rn if; ~, ~ 'ffliiit ~~ q-mfi if ~ ~ m'flT
am: ij"'I[f f.f<rivr~oiI if; Fffa'Tl: if; 'fGT'f '0) ~ 'f'fR if; fut:r q-r<m"'f; IT<fl<r il:T. Q;?r
WITT m~ 'liT It.. t:t'O'" 31'~!1T if rifin<! !f,('l'T or) 1[~ am: ~1lT f.f<rivr...mfi 'Of <m:mlf'f
~!1T, 1976] if;:wr?r mr ir)'l'T am: ~q-~l!T~q-fiisnrrfOr<r srf<Tll'f il;;;fl-q ~Tl:'liTam:ct?rlf't:t'OmIT
~ ~~, f;rnif r'f!l1'f ij"'I[f ~); ~,<T'TT ~ ~ m~ frnT 4 ~ ~ ( 5) if 'iT frnT 7 ~ ~
( 3) 1f f.m:tC~ ~'O) ~<r ~'TT am: flmi'Of iT\'T w.rr
<T'TT f.!;m ~TlTr.rq if lIV'f'T<T ~ f1!;lfforfIt'TT I

( 2) '31I<f ~ ii; ~ ~ 'iT fl!;ffi' mIT ~ e:rn lTl'<f ~ ;;rr.t if; "1I'iI<{ If'lm'l<{ ~~
~ ~ 'ffliiit, IfllTftorfu, ""'" ij"'I[f if; ij"lf~ 1fT l:~ ~ FfIfT'f ~1lT if; ~ '1"'-' l:ta"~ I
'[ ( 3) frnT 4 ~ '3'T!Trn (5) if, 1fT, 1f'iT~f<r, !ffi:T 7 ~ '3''TilHT (3) if f.f~ ~1Iil 'Of '3'T-
frnT (1) if; mir.r ~, qF<61qij q-flrllIlTq-, 1972 (1972 'Of 76) ~ frnT 1 0 ~ ~ (5) if
~<r 1!"'T if, f1!;m itil" ~ 1fT f1!;~ ~?r m~ if;,;;it 'Ja''1'<r~. '1m' if; l:T;;rr<l" if lI'mT'f ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ij"'I[f if 1fT mIT 'Ilt FfIfT'f ij"'I[f if lTf<rf.Jf>Ti( 'liT 31'1, lTT~fu..- f.f<riH...mfi 'liT
lT1T"Ifur 'f{f .rnr 1 ]
9. ~ 1IITIIl'T 'I>i qf<dlll'l ~~ 'I>i ~ II'mt m 'I>i ~- ( 1) f.f<rivr ~'1' '1m' if; ~
if am: ~ mIT if; wmm l:T"I"'T<I' if IT'OTrn<r 'II~""f mT ~'I"q"-ij"'I"q" 'H--
('11) q'"ff'lfd,' [~~ am: ij"'I[f f.f<rivr-*oiI 'OT "f'(~ m~, 1966 'iT ~~~q" am: ij"'I[f
f.mvr...mfi 'Of qF~"qij ~, 1976] if 'Ilt mft ~ ~ '{"f 'liT 1ff q-;f~<rT?r ~ '{"f
'iT .rt<r ?r m ~ mft 'l<i<ft 'liT lII'f 'Ol: ~;
.[('0'11) ~ am: ij"'I[f flr<Ifvr...mfi 'Of "f'(mlf'f~, 1976 if ~6" ~m!H '0, ~il;lrT ~
'3'?r ~ ~ llfuf~qq ii; mir.r ~~'flT 1fT ij"'I[f f.f<rivr...mfi if; "fUi\1R" if; m if (f.r~ W<!'to
~?r f.f<rivr-io!1 if II'tWild ;;rrftrq'f 'iT 'II~ "T'f<nfuq'f if; fut:r flTr;ff 'Of ~ >fi t) orru '1ft
'It fiI;ffi 31f~ <l1 ~ lin 3lffi ~ t mOl Wtf<t;o iliA t f.Jl; ~ <l1 wi\<iR lllfu! m;]

(v) ~, ~ f1!; ~ ~ if qf'Urn- room m- Iff f.i;m ~ milt 1fT :wr "f'(.mr<r
'I1l: 1ft ;;mIT ~ 'iT 'I1l: m-r ;;rr<rT t. ~6" ~ 'I1l: ~iIr'l'r ;;it ~ q-T~ 'liT '1111'<1"'1' 'wi if; r...~ '3'm
'MQ4'11 'TT ~'r.ft;r IT<fl<r il:11
( 2) ~ frnT ii; mir.r If' OJ Niii ij I q-qir f.r'i1f,t orR if; q~ 1l"TTlIT'IlT ~~ ""'" ~iIT if; <fiT T
~ mIT 'I>i fimr;r ij"'I[f if; ~ w ~ 1

I. 1978-.~!t· 88~!ITU 4mr~~",:nl'l"l'fulil(""f1ld I

2. 1978 il<1fflrilrlflr!t o 88 'Iil'aru 411m"~ I
J 1976"1< lff<lflfN!f' 33 r1r lit! 511(1 ~p lI;n"l< f!Il~H lIflTmfi«! I
4. 1939 l< ~1iIflrt" g, 21 wi "HI 2 ilHl Wt!:1'IT1irn I

11-804 M/o law & JU.;licc/94

37 Representation of the People Act, 1950

(PART H.-Act. of Parliament)

.1[9A. Power of Election Commission to determine the constituencies to be reserved for Scheduled
Trihes in certain St.tes.~(1) As soon as may be afler the coming into force of the Representation of
the People (Second Amendment) Act, 1987 (38 of 1987) the Election Commission shall, having
regard to the provisions of the ConstilUtion and the principle specified in clause (d) of sub-section
Ij) of section 9 of the Delimitation Act, 1972 (76 of 1972). determine the assembly constilUencies in
the States of Meghalaya. Mizoram and Nagaland in which seats shall be reserved for the Scheduled

(2) The Election Commission shall.-

(11) publish its proposals under sub-section (1) with respect to any State In the Official
Gazelle and also in such other manner as it thinks fit:

(b) specify a date on or after which the proposals will be further considered by

(el consider all objections and suggestions which may have been received by it before the
date so specified:

(d) hold. for the purpose of such consideration, if it thinks fit so to do, one or more public
sittings at such place or places in such State as it thinks fit:

(e) after considering all objections and suggestions which may have been received by it
before the dnte so specified, determi!)e, by order. the assembly constituency or constituencies
in the State in wh ich seats shall he reserved for the Scheduled Tribes and cause such order to
he published in the Official Gazette: and, upon such publication, the order shall have the full
force of law and shall not be called in question in any court and the Delimitation of
'Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies Order, 1976. or. as the case may be, the Mizoram
(Delimitalion of Assembly Constituencies) Order. 1986 shall be deemed to have been amended

(3) Every order made under sub-section (2) shall, as soon as may be after it is published under
that sub-section. be laid before the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned.

Explmratioll,"':'For the purposes of this section, "assembly constituency" means,-

(a) in relation to the States of Meghalaya and Nagaland, the assembly eonstilUencies in
those States as specified in the Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies
Order, 1976: and

(b) in relation to the State of Mizoram, the assembly constituencies as specified in the
Mizoram (Dclimitaion of Assemhly ConstilUencies) Order, 1986,)

1. Ins. by Act 38 of 1987, s. 2 (w.e.!: 21-9-1987).


1 [9lII. f.t~ amirrr ;it ~ m<i\' ~, at i'J i'fIa ;;r;;;;nfuW ;f; ftrro: at l<flt"" faro: ~ ~
~ ..r..,,·rn
<iiI <!Inrrorr m
;it 1l!ftRr-(J) ~ amilTT. ~ Yr1li~f'"'' (~ ~~) 311tif.'n:r1!,
1987 ;f; ~ m
;f; llRm _~ ~, ~ ;f; ~ ~ dI~f.14". 1972 (1972 <lIT 76) <1ft am:
'IIU 9 <1ft ~ (I) $ m- (er) ~. ~f.1~", ftmo <it "'ll'I ~' m ~, ~, ~ am: ~ <Ii
~ ~. '3"1 ~ ~-Iffiir <it 31"'lIf<d m f;;r;rit. dI:a\!~d ",~""fd41' <Ii fi;ro: ...r:1
arrnarcr ~ ;;mtill

(2) ~ amilTT,-

(0;) ~ (1) ;f; 3lt:fR flIffi) U\;4 $ li1i>:! ~. 3l<r.I\ Y,,"lq~l3Ir 0;1, mroft>I ~ if, d"lT ~
3RT tIfcr iT <l) ;;II ... am {Ill~, ya;lf'mr m;
(lSI) ~ <ntIl> fllf.1ffi", m fumo;l 'II fum$ l!i'mI ... U,,"lq ~""r !IT 3lITI f!r;m:
(11)· C'I {!tft ·3IT!itqr 31f1: ~r ll{ f!r;m: o;trn ;;II ~ ~ ya;11: ~ <ntIl> iT ~ '1It<'r i'I
rro; gr.

(er) ~ 0liIT{ f!r;m: m ;f; ~ ;f; fi;ro:, ~ ... i(1:r1 <Ii\oiT am ~ ar. # U07.! ~' # "'IF!
m ~ l!{. fttit m ~ ... am ~, "'" 'II ~ «1&",f.'Io; ~ m;
(<1") C'I {!tft 31TlflqT 3h ~ l!{. ;;II ~ ~ 0liIT{ ~ artIlSI iT lI6lfl '1It<'r il rro; gl'. ~
1,!;{il ;f; llRm orRl1T 00, U07.! ~. ~ ~ ~-~ 'II C'I ~ ~.Iffiir o;T3I"'lIf'{d m, fumil'
. 'II ~ ~i'Ia ",~""fdlil' ;f; fi;ro: l"lR '31Rillra ~\( ;;mtrl .3h # 311ill1T ~I mroft>I ~ ~. 'JQ;ifua
lIiU\(11T; am: # ~ g);"r l!{, ar~ <it flI~ <lIT ~ i!i!! '1It<'r m 3lfl: ... ftlffir ~ it 17~
;;;fr m a"lT. ~, ~ am: ~ ~-it;r qfufm" m, 1976 'II ~ (~ ~-~
qfuft.,,,) orRl1T, 1986 ~_ ~mfmr ~ rro; ~. ;;mtir I

(3) ~ (2) ;f; .31>lI'1 '1'1141 11'11 ({ m, ~. ~ ;f;31<1t'1 ~ ~.~ ;f; l!i'mI ~
iift;r, ~ U\;4 <1ft flI'IR ~ ;f; {Illlll m "It\(l1I1

(0;) ~3h ~ m>lI' ;f;li1i>:! I'r, ~ am: ~ ~_~ qf<~,,~ ~, 1976 il'
_ f!lf.1ffi", C'I m>lI' ;f; ~ ~-~; am:
(lSI) ~ U\;4 <Ii ~ #, f;j;;i\{q (~~-~ qlh;\"~) ~, 1986 I'r _ flIf.ifft", ~

I. 1987 .. .~ -.10 38 <Ill 'IIU 2 1!TU (21-9-1987 t'I) 6R!:...rrl«J,

38 Representation of tlze People Act. 1950

(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

'19B. Power of Election Commission to determine certain constituencies to be feserved for Scheduled
Tribes in the State ofTripura.-(1) As soon as may be after the coming into force of the Representation of
the People (Amendment) Act. 1992. the Election Commission shall. having regard to the provisions of
• I
the Constitution and the principle specified in clause (d) of sub ·section (j) of section 9 of the Delimita-
tion Act. 1972 (76 of 1972). determine the three assembly constituencies in the State ofTripura in which
the three additional seats for Scheduled Tribes. as increased by suh-section (lC) of section 7. shan
be reserved.

(2) The Election CommIssion shal1.-

(a) publish its proposals under sub-section (1) in the Official Gazette and also in such other
manner flS it thinks fit:

(b) specify a date on or after which the !,roposals will be further considered by it:

(c) consider all objections and suggestions which may have been received by it before the date
so specified:

(d) hold. for the purpose of such consideration. if it thinks fit so to do. one or more public sit-
tings at such place or places in the State as it thinks fit;

(e) after considering an objections and suggestions which may ha ve been received by it before
the date so specified. determine. by order. the thrce assembly constinlencies in the State in which
the said three additional seats shall be reserved for the Scheduled Tribes and cause such order to be
published in the Official Gazette: and upon such publication. the order shall have the fun force of
law and shan not be called in question in any court and the Delimitation of Parliamentary and
Assembly Constituencies Order. 1976, shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly.

(3) Every order made under suh-section (2) shall as soon as may be after it is published under that
suh-section. be laid bofore the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tripura.]

The State l.egislative COlil/eils

10. Allocation of seats in the Legislative Councils.-(l) The allocation of seats in the Legislative
Councils of the State6having such Councils shall be as shown in the Third Schedule.

(2) In the Legislative Council of each State specified in the :irst column of the Third Schedule. there
shall be the numher of seats specificd in the second column thereof opposite to that State. and of those

(0) the numbers spccified in the third. fourth and fifth columns shan be thc number of seats to
he filled by persons elected. respectively. by the electorates referred to in sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c)
of clause m of article 171:

(b) the number specified in the sixth coluum shan be the number of seats to be filled by persons
elected by the members of the Legislative Assembly of the State from amongst persons who are not
members of that Assembly: and

(e) the number specified in the seventh column shall be the number of seats to be filled by per-
sons nominated by the Governor"» of the State in accordance with the provisions of clause (5) of
article 171

I. Ins. by Act 38 of 1992. s. 3 (w.ei. 5·12-1992).

2. Thl" words "or RajpraOlukh. as the case may be" omitted by the Adaptation of Laws (No.2) Order. 1956.


I [9V!l. """I..., &fIi\tT <it ~ U'Jtl it' 3l':t'lfila ~;6 ft;ro: am:f%ffi ~ ~ anff ~ Fll"I.. .,·
~ 1.fiT 3lQmm m <it ~-(1)~ amIm, iffio; yft!f.otfttC<l (B'~) aT~,1992$ ~iR $ ~
1I<IT~ QItoJ, @l'IR $ ~'ilIR Qt{ ..I~" ~. 1972 (1972 <fiT 16) lift 'lTO 9 lift 0Qtrru (I) $ Us ("I) it' ~f.t~GC
Rnm! 'iiI U!A it- mil ~, ~ ~ it ~ <fr.! {l1'!T ~·ar.r 'iiI dlq,.,t{d <WIT~' di:J\l~d ilj.,iiilft!qr", furo; <fr.!
~ ~, ;jj) 'lTO 7 lift <N<lm (111) ifTU ~ rttt t, aT~ ~ ;;mtTt1

(2) ~ aTn:rm.-

('Ii) <N<lm (I) $ aT$! a11Rr Y""N'llaO' 'iiI ~ ~ it' 0<Tl' ~ ilf"lI tmr it tfi ;jj) <m ~
~~. Y'lilfffir 'litrrr;

(~) ~ II'liI1: flI;m: 'lir-l $ Y'lI'iw.! $ furo;, ~ qg W 1li\'!1 ~ ~ <it,.<rn ~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ Qt,

~ <IT ~- <m of,re ~, ~ <IT aJlm; el~iiif.t'li ~ <WIT;
(s) ~ ll'tfi amlItit aT'ir P ;jj) "it ~ !I!!iI1: ~ d1fuol it mllll'<f l!T rttt it'. flI;m:
Qt. m $ ~,
~i1I ifTU. m'I it ~ <fr.! {I1'!T ~f<R-R 'lilaT'I'Iiftd' 'litrrr~' di~\lf<>od iii.,iiilfc1<ir lfi furo; ~ <fr.! iIlftrft<ffl
~ aT~ fl!;t( ;;mtrl aT'ir ~ iIl~i1I 'iiI ~ ~ it Y'lilfffir ~: am:
~ ~ iR Qt, aT~ <it ~ <fiT
!!"f IIliI lII'<f ;i'tm aT'k <m ill»:ft ~ it- W'!Tfd l\'Jrn (ftIT ~ ilIR {I1'!T ~ oar. qfuft;r;J alRllT, 1976
~11: B'ifiIftrn il!;<n I1<!i {l1IW ;;mrrr I .

(3) ~ (2) If; aT$! iI'!T<!i I1<!i l\'l: aT~. <rn <!'Qt!lU If; aT$! ~ ~ G!R lfi ~ ~ QItoJ, ~ ~ lift
~ {l1'!T If; ~ll! n;rr ;;mrrr I)

10. f'!im;f ~r it';6 ~wr.rr 1.fiT ornk,,-(1) ~ ~- it. ~- ~ lIft<R- t. ~~ it $ ~r 'Ii,

3i1iIo.I ~, itrrr <hn ~ ~ it' 'lfu<r g I

(2) ~ ~ If; lI<I'I ~ it' il!f.!~ l\'l: ~ ~ lift flIm-:I ~ it ~ lift trelIr qg lImt ;jj) ~ flI<frn ~ it'
3{1 ~ ", wR ·~f.l~GC g aT'ir ~ ~ it it- .

('Ii) ~'''Iff ilIR ¢;;m ~it' f<lf.ot~GC ~ ~~ lift ~ M;jj)~ I7I $ Us (3)$ ~
('iiI. (~) ilIR (11) it' ~ ~ lir.It' ifTU ~llT: ~ oqf!fa<i\' ifTU '<It G!R t;

(Iii) '1'0 ~ it' ~f.\~GC trelIr ~ ~ lift ~ ittft;jj) <rn U<ii' lift flI'IR {I1'!T ~ ~ ifTU ~ oqf!fa<i\' it it
~ oqf!fa';r ifTU '<It G!R t
;jj) <rn {I1'!T ", ~ '!iff t; airr

(11) ~ ~ it flIflI~GC ~ ~ ~r lift lmIlr ittft ;jj) ~ ", ~ 2••• ..m ~ 171 $\im (5)'"
~' lfi ~ ""'~ oq~<il' ifTU '<It G!R tI
I. 1992 .. ~ ll'o 38 <fit "ItT 3 I1U (5-12-1992 .t) !!Ia:~1
2. ~ ~ (ll'o 2) .mOT. 1956 I1U "", "'" ~. ~"''''''' "" '"'" ~ =,
39 Representation of the People Act, 1950
(PART IT.-Acts of Parliament)
,.- • • • •
11. Delimitation 1lU::Ouncli constI~cles.-As soon as may be after the eommencement
of this Act, the President shall, by order, determine-
- (a) the constituencies into which eaeh State having a Legislative Council shall be
divided for the purpose of elections to that Council under each of the sub-clauses (a), (b)
and (c) of clause (3) of article 171;
(b) the extent of each constituency; and
(c) the number of seats allotted to each constituency.

Provisions as to orders delimiting constituencies

12. Power to alter or amend orders.---'[(I)) The President may, from time to time, after con-
sulting the Election Conunission, by order, alter or amend any order made by him under .••••
section 11.

'[(2) An order under sub-section (I) may contain provisions for the allocation of any member re-
presenting any CounQiI constituency immediately before the making of the order to any consti-
tuency delimited a new or altered by the qrder and for such other incidental and consequential
matters ns the President may deem necessary.)
_. .' 13. Procedure as to erders delimiting. cODStituencies.-u ••
* * * *
(3) f VIlry order made Umler .... section 11 or section 12 shall be laid before Parliament as
soon as may be after it is made, and shall be subject to such modifications as Parliam i nt may
make on a motion made within twenty days from the date on which the order is so laid.


13A. Chief electoral offieers.-{l) There shall be for each State a chief electoral officer who
shall be such officer of Government as the Election Commission may, in consultation with that
Government, designate or nominate in this behalf.
(2) Subject to the superintendence, direction and control of the Election C;ommission, the
chief electoral officer shall supervise the preparation, revision and correction of all electoral rolls
in the .state under this Act.
'{13AA. District election officers.-{l) For each district in a'State, other than a Union terri-
tory, th~ Election Commission shall, in consultation with the Government of the State, designate
or nominate a district election officer who shall be an officer of Government:
Provided that the Election Commission may-designate or riominate more than one such officer
for a district·if the Election Commission is satisfied that the functions of the office cannot be per-
formed satisfactorily by one officer.
I. Sub-section (3) ill!. by the Adaptation of Laws (No.2) Order. 1956 and omitted by Act 37 of 1957. s. 12.
2. S. 12 re-numbered .s suh-section (1) of that section by Act 20 of 1960. s. 2.
3. The words and figures '"section 6, section 9. or" omitted by Act 2 1956. s. 7.
4. Ins. by Act 20 of 1960. s. 2.
S. Sub-sections (I) and (2) omitted by Act 2 of 1956. s. B.
6. The words and figures "section 6, section 9," omitted by s. a.lbid.
7. Part JIA and Part JIB ill!. by S. 9, Ibid.
B. In•. by~Act 47]of 1966. s. 5 (w.•. f. 14-12-1966).
""' IIrdf~RrtIi "tar....... I95 0 39
('"" ~~t~lI')
* * * * * *
11. ~ ~ If;! ql'uil .. ~-~ 'ffilflr<fll' t mnr t 'H~I<{ !f<mrf~ mil' "U~tf"--
("') O'f'f;r-ar~ 'liT f'l''I'if'I' W1J mit ~ qR'<f~ t. ~(f "1'00{ t ~ ""f"~
171 iii Qq (3) t ~! ('11), (10) am: (,,) it it ({ 11;'1> t 3Tift;r t RIIT,." t f.Ill;
IimtI' f1Rr ~;
(Ii) ~ It'I' f.m'f'f~ t ~ 'liT. <ro
(,,) {{ It'll R~-~;r 'liT ~ it f.r.r ~ 'liT dm 'liT,
vriIw 1m .... a,f<a ~ I
~ "" qfuil.... m ~ wmiI. m "i'fW
wmiI '101 qft;ri""ffiI lIT mill" m 'lit m_2{ ( 1)] ~ l . . . am- J J • WI;r 'H~ ~r'J
~ ~ ~ 'liT ~ qr4T1j q 'rnlrn' ~ iii 'Nirnt amr rm W1P/-\m" ~ ~ffiI lIT «mlWl
IIl'{mT I
4[(Z) nam(l) it; ~rtif'r t ~ iii ~"IT" q Q'ilf~ft<t \1;' "iT ~ ~ f.i;4t ~f.f~i'f"
Ih "" llfufltl&"" ~ ~ ~ ;a,r ~ "" ~ ;a,r ~ rm 'fit ftrt t 'ff{(flflr<r ... I orFm""" f~""
~~ ... 'liT fiI;qr ;;nit t ~ am: ~-it WI! qr~<tfiR; am: orrf«lIlF..", ·tirort w fu"'~' ·;liT ,~
~ m.
'O'WU ~ ~ if ....ffi~~. m I
13- ~ "" qf.OI'\.... ~..m ..-mit" ~ if lINIn _'U*
-l"" " •
(3) 6.** mll 11 lIT tIT"U 12 t Ql;r. fil;r.i '1111 ({ amr ""'" ~ ;;nit t 'Nirnt lf1IJ11lif<I vilu
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ am: ~it ~ t 1IliZrIft" '$T ",it WI{ ;nr mlv it, f.rn'Ii't ~ ~'TI
~ 'lQI ~, ;jf(f ~ t 'lfl'" f.i;Q; lilt lla~ q, 'lit I
7[111'1 ~
13'1l ,\!!Iff""t'f;r 3f!f~--( 1) if' ~ U;;I/ it' ~ ~ rr.ffR f.Rr'f;r qrf'li~ ~r'TI ;ir ''''f-I{
~ ~ ~ ~I ~(fl fir<ri.;r., ~" ~ ~r( t 'l'"U1fW iii '" firfll'ff 'fi(lf"~" 1/1 "I"r;n'l"~
\ 2) f~ m>ir'I ij; mtmvr, ~,,~ am:
R!f'f"l ij; ~,ft'l' '{\i~ I~ ~ffR fir<riif'f qrlit'!1; U,'(
.. '.;If 'ffilf.r4'1l' t iI1i'f;f ..m ~iI f'f'ri'fifl .. ,.. ,<if., ..! i!i'r ffrrrU, ~u- ;ii, ~!f;;;- 'I1r orq~,f'T q;,'rr I
'[ 13~. f1r~ ~ ~- - ( ,) ~ ~~ it f\ro;r f..<fT"U... q: If( ~q; f;,r.r t fiil~
f~" 3fTliW, ~ (I'il/· '1"1 ~"I~;j; nrrrvr it 11;.:r; nr"l'r f~ arrf'l>~ "I 'Rrf'lffi;<! 'TI "'rrrf.!fi:to
~, ;;fr ~I ((Tfif;(f~l;'!'1'T:_
"""i! f~ Q'rlillT ~I f;;f.r ~ f"~ ~. if ilf!1iF ":;r qrf\r;'I1: ,,'nforitr"' 'fr "11ff;1f~, P lW-"
om r",,",,,,,· "TlillT 'lIT !fit IJII'TUl'f ii) "ITO'T ~ f" 'R ~. t<!fT '1"1 ~ qrfir;m ifm (fIlBT"lf{ ." '1
'Iffl'i' 'i'If'i f'f;ll'! :;rl (fii<fl ,
1. tmr ~ (11.2), 1956 ITU 1I'<I."'lfild <3'M'(f (3) '1\'1 1957 it< orftIf.II(Ir II. 37'11\' tiro 121TU .nor
I mr"," I
2. 1960it<~ tiD 20 'liI tiro 2imTtIro 12'1it~<3'M'(f (I) it<~iI~~mr'IIIT I
3. 1956 it< 'lfilfiN1f Ii. 2 'lit tiro 71TU "tiro 6, tiro 911T"....ti.m: <t.t;l '1\'1 om mr "'" I
.. 1960t~li. 20'llium 2imTlRt.~1 ,
5. 1956 it< ~ Ii. 2'11\' tiro 8 imT ijQijl(l"l ( I) .m: (2) 'I\'I.nor
fiRr 'lIlT I
8. 'i'lRt! 'II\' tiro 8 imT "lml 6, tiro 9" 1II1'iI.m: Ii1ti 'I\'I.nor
fiRr "'" I
7. ~ 'II\' tiro 91TU "1IJ1I N.m: 1IJ1I 2'iI" II'<I~ I
8. 1966it<~V. 47'11\'tIro Simi (U-I2-J966ir) IAI,Mlfilal
40 &p,.sentotion of the People Act, 1950
(PART ll.-Acta of Parliament)

(2) Whore more than one district election officer are designated or nominated for a district
under the proviso to sub-section (1), the Election Commission shall in the order designating or
nominating the district election officers also specify the area iii respect of which each such officer
shall exercise jurisdiction.
- (3) Subject to the superintendence, direction and control of the chief electoral officer, the dis-
trict election officer shall co-ordinate and supervise all work in the district or in the area within
his jurisdiction in connection with the preparation and revision of the electoral rolls for all parlia-
mentary, assembly and council constituencies within tIic district.

(4) The district election officer shall also perform such other functions as may be entrusted
to him by the Election Commission and the chief electoral officer.]

138. Electoral registration ofBcers.-(l) The electoral rolll['[for each parliamentary consti-
tuency in the State of Jammu and Kashmir or in a Union territory not having a Legislative Assem-
bly], each assembly oonstituency and each Council constituency] shall be prepared and revised by
an electoral registration officer who shall be such officer of Government or of a local authority
as the Election Commission may, in consultation with the Government of the State in which the
constituency is situated, designate or nominate in this behalf.

(2) An electoral registration officer may, subject to any prescribed restrictions, employ such
persons as he thinks fit for the preparation and revision of the electoral roll for the constituency.

13C. AssIstant electoral registration ofBc:ers.-(J) The Election Commission may appoint one
or more persons as assistant electoral registration officers to assist any electoral registration officer
in the performance of his functions.

(2) Every assistant electoral registration officer shall, subject to the control of the electoral
registration officer, be competent to perform all or any of the functions of the electoral registration

,13CC. Chief Electoral Officers, District Election Officers, etc., deemed to be on deputation to
Election Commission.-The officers referred to in this Part and any other officer or staff employed
in connection with the preparation, revision and- correction of the electoral rolls for, and the con·
duct of, all elections shall be deemed to be on deputation to the Election Commission for the period
during which they are so employed and such officers and staff shall, during that period, be subject
to the control, superintendence and discipline of the Election Commission.]


1130. Electoral rolls for parliamentary colWituencies.-(I) The electoral roll for every parlia-
mentary constituency, other than a parliamentary constituency in the State of Jammu and Kashmir
or in a Union territory not having a Legislative Assembly, shall consist of the electoral rolls for
all the assembly constituencies comprised within that parliamentary constituency; and it shall not
be necessary to prepare or revise separately the electoral roll for any such parliamentary cons-
1. Sub•. by ActiO] of 1956, s. 65, for certain word•.
2. Sub•. by Act 47 of 1966. s. 6, for certain word. (w.e.f. 14-12·1966)_
3. Ins. by Act 1 of 1989, •• 2 (w.•. f. 15.3.1989).
4. Subs. by ACI47 of 1966. s. 7. foro. 130 (w.o.f. 14-12-1966),
<'i\'I; lIftmtiml mtIf~, 1950 40
('1T'I 2-rnc;: ~ arfa-~)
( 2) ~ fiI; f.l;;fi f.;ffi if; f\or11: '3'!Um (I) if; 'IV\!:<j; if; q!ft'f t:t'I1 it qfU<j; f;!\;'r f.roo qrAi\n:
:mNf~ 1fT 'IT~ ~"lTa-~, 'f<J:T f'frTH qf>r'N ffflr f;nh~ >;I'rf'li~i q;) 'fniiTfif:f !(r 'ffllflff~
~" <mt q~ if ~ fur q;) 'f) f;rrr~<o 'l\"'t;rr f"nr-it 'frifti if' ~-f; ~m ,"film"!; "fu<j;,f{<rT q;r If'fTlr

f~,"iI''I 'frfil;ln: if; '!f~, rrl1T'f am: iitliiifllf if; q5!fffi'l "!;ifff ~~ f;rifr f,nT'f'f 4I'rf'n"(
(3 )'t'"
~ f.;ffi if lIT q'lifT 9;ff~furT if; ,,)'" if; tWa' if ~ m ij; 'Ill':n: if; \Tif !f!f~)lr, \TIlT am: 'film;:
f'f,i'f'HM if; f\or11: f.r<rt'f'f 'fr'l'T<!fuq'f 'liT <fz!m am: ~~ it ~ <til' 'Iil>I' 'In" ~ 8Ih: ~,
(4) f,<!;!r tl'fr"fl 'Il'iR;;r, ~ir if'" !irqr ,"I 'fT'1'f.;r.f j;{.rr,;;j(r a'it f'!uil''I 4I'f1it'l' 8Ih: 'fi'l' ~
mfil;;r1: aRT "R<f ~ ;;mrl

1 3\1; f'!~ ~~T~ ~ ( I )'['[If;'t'''~'n: W'I if 'IT ~ d'Ef ~ if, mit

f<rol'A ID1T 'l'~ ~,l if' ~:o ;i'«<irzf f.rfflNla', if' t:t'I1 ij'1fr f.roo-fur] am:
I["!; t:t'I1 'ffW{ f.roo-mr
if; f<1'q; f.rffl F 'l'f'Il'l"'ffffi' f.rfflq; -.:f.r$'o"'" ~ mr d<!" am:
:J)'l'Uf4ld ~ ~ .rt """"
'In" Ifr fil;m ~ lTTfiT<!;rtT 'In" 'fif mfin'«-.; ~r f.;ffi f.rqfvr ilTrzrm, ~ W'I ~ ~ if;, Rut
W'I if 'fif f.roo-mr m ~, '1'JlT~ it, w f.rfiru qq, f1rfil:a 'IT 'l'flff.rfli~ ~ I

(2) f.rfflq; "!;f;;r~ ~ fiI;~ f.flt<r f'l'.t.!r;ft ~ ...~ifi'l' ~ ~ ~it ~ q;T ~_

&liif if; fu« f.rffl<j; 'l'flfl'1f<'ft d<!" am: :J)'l'uflffil' ....:" if; forq; f.r4'tf;;ra- ~ mr ~ '1'1{ ~ ~ I
131!. ~ ~t'lflli ~~ anf'lim - ( I) f.r'ffvr qrzim f.rfflq; <f"l~""u, ~ if; qq-"
rn if a'ij' q~ ~ ~ffi ~" ;if fu« t:t'I1 Iff ... fiA; J!fl'flq'f 'lit ~ f.rqf~
~ 'In" 'IT<1''l'
<f"l~<j;<u, ~ if; ~ if ~ q;"!; ~"1fr 1

( 2) if' ~q; f.rfflq; ~;r~ mf'Ii«-.; f.rfflq; -.:f.rt~ 9;fifil;«-.; if; ~ ~ III'Slfd'R ~
~ f.rqi'fq; ,f"l~<j;(UI III'TfiIiii<: if; \Tif Ifr ~ ~ 'In" 'IT<1''I' rn if; forq; \Tellf 1fT," ,]
"[ 13'1'l· l!;:q- f'llff~" 3l1\iti"U, f1r.n f'l«m anf~, anf;: lIlT ~
amtl" ii lIfirf'f'!'fll' ""'"
.,."', - W \fill if fom"" am: IJ'fT filqf;ffi if; f~ ~ 'l'iQ,ilf,,4'i ;¢T d<!rtr, ~et.,., am: ~
~'r, am: ~it Rffl'l'l q;r «ifr.l''I' q;,,, if; ;i'~", if f.r4'tf;;r/l' ~ W!I' ~ Iff If;<t'ij,fq"', ~ IIfiffir
if f;;r«il; .rnr... ~ w !Tq;" f.r<1"Tf.;r" f..lf; "lrnT ~, f'f~ III'rzrm if srftr~ lJil'of "lro:.r am: ~lr
;f;f1!;!f( 3ft( ..<i.... m'. ., '3'!T ....rtf if; mA, f'l'~ arrzrm if; f.r4<for, mfmvr am: "'l>"''''~ if; 1II'!lf!fR
ii1'T I 1
~«<ftlf f.f~,,;:r·~i{1 ~ m~ fl{lri"", lffq'ff(mlft
'[J3ff. d~ f~-~iir~mm .. ,.. ,qffiQl (1) ~-'II1IJ'n: mor if if; lIT ~ "
~iof it if;, r.,.«if f\r""" \T>1T 'f~ ~, «~ f.r'"""-~ it f'lT'll' I{"!; ~ f.r<rivr-mr if; ~ ~
'lT1ft<r.ft ~" \TitT mrvr-fiT ;¢T ~ 'fw.. F<'I41 it ~ Ij'f!if i!:Fft ~ ~ ~ f.At;rrr-

lIliiT if "lflfqte ~ am: ~it f'l1lft «~f.rOO-mr iir f\or11: f.rlrfifI!1 .. ,.. '{'ffiI': """ 1fT ~''ir~\I ,,,.0
'iO':'!T .. ," .4 if> 'f I!\>rr :
,. ·i956i1r~". I03""'!I1'(165i!ro!9",,"iIr~'RS1f\1f"'flt6'
2. 1989 ot; arfllflrlf1!.t. I .."r "'" 2 ITt, (15-3-1989 ~) ",,:rof~~'
3. 1989i1r1lfllllrlf1ld. ,oFIIml2Im ('S.:l-1989~) !l6.\",,"6'
~. 1988 >II arlIlf.rIr~ Ii. '47 'If'r "'" 7 ,">:r "'" 13'1;j1 """ 'R ( 14-12-1966 ii) ~f1I~lf1rft ,

12-804 M/o Law & .lustice194

41 Representation of the People Act, 1950
(PART-II.-Acts of Parliament)
Provided that fot the p=riod referred t'o in clause (2) of article 371A, it shall be nCCllSSary 10
prepare and revise separately the elector-dl roll for that part (tf the parliamentary con~tituency of
Nagaland which comprises the Tuensang district and the provisions of Part III shall apply in rela-
tion to the preparation and revision of the elector..1 roll of the said part as they apply in relation
to an. assembly constituency.
(2) The provisions of Part III shall apply in relation to every parliamentary constituency in
the State of Jammu and Kashmir or in a Union territory not having a Legislative Assembly as
they apply in relation to an assembly constituency.)


,(14.· Definitloos.-In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) "constituency" means an Assembly constituency .. ··;

(b) "qualifying date", in relation to the preparation or revision of every electoral roll
under this Part, means '[the I st day of January] of the year in which it is so prepared or revised:]

'lProvided that "qualifying date", in relation to the preparation or revi~ion of every electoral
roll under this Part in the Yedr 1989, shall be the 1st day of April, 1989.)

15. Electoral roll for every constituency.-For every constituency there shall be an electoral
roll which shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of this Act under the superinten-
dence. direction and control of the Election Commission.

16. Disqualifications for registration in an electoral roll.-(l) A person shall be disqualified for
registration in an electoral roll if he-
(It) is not a citizen of India; or

(b) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court; or

(c) is for the time being disqualified from voting under the provision~ of any law relating
to corrupt .**.practices and other offences in .connection with elections.

(2) The name of any person who becomes so disqualified after registration shall forthwith
be struck off the electoral roll in which it is included:

'[Provided that the name of any person struck off the electoral rolI of a constituency by reason
of a disqualification under clause (c) of sub-section (1) shall forthwith be reinstated in that rolI
jf such diS:Clualification is, during the period such roll i~ in foroe, removed under any law authoriz-
fug sUch removal.]

I. Subs. by Act 2 or 1956, s. 10, for tho heading "RsolSTllAnoN 0' PARUAMBt<fARY EI.I!C1Ok".
l .. Certain words omitted by Act 103 of 1956, .. 65.
3. Suos. by Act 2 of 1956. s. tJ;-ror s. 14.
4. Subs. by Act 58 of 1958, s. 5, for '~th. 1st day Of March" (w.e.f. 1-1-1959).
5. Ins. by Act ~1 of 1989, .. 3 (w.e.f. 28-3-1989).
6. The words "s.nd iUegal"lns. by Act 73 of 1950, s. 4 s.nd omitted by Act 58 or 1960, .. 3 s.nd Sch. n.
7. Ins. by Act 73 of 1950, .. 4.
• .fwfUif&t;;; ,,"'fiN.., 1950 41
(~ 2~ ~ arflif'f'N)

'H'S ~!~~ 371'11 it; !iiil (2) it f;rr~~ 'I1lorl<rfu it; f<;r~ 'l'1'T1~ it; ~.~ f.r<rm~ it; '>«
1I"f'l it; for<t "I) ~,'{'I'«t'l f.r~ it «>rrf.f<?: t
f'l'.fT'f'll 'l'nrrqoi\" ~ ...~: <f>m: am
$'f8fu<f '!roll .uqWIi
~m <f'ff ~ 3 it; ~if'li ~ ~ 'lir f;r<rm 'IT'IT'roit 'I:t ;:i"I~ am $'f~ it; ~ it ~ ""'l
~ "(r " ~ f'l'<rm~ iii m
it <'IJ1t;. i{Rf ~ I
(2) 1ff'l 3 iii ~if'li ;;r9:'1;l!ItT1: """ it it; Iff ~{r «!if ~;r it iii, forni'! film;; ~ ~ ~,
~ ~ ~.Q iii m it ~{r <'IJ1t;. lIli't "flo " ffi f;r~~~ iii m it ""'l ~d" ~ I]
_ 3

1[2"·~af:q.,_~ • ~ f.:iaf'i!lifl .,'iilaI'ffi41]

'[ 14. qj\'M.q~« 1ff'l it ;;rif <f'I1 fie; m {r ~'IT ~f~<f 'I' iit,-
('11) "f;r<rm~" (r ~ f;r~~~(f >rfm ~; ••••

(Iii) ">r~<ff 'I:t <ff{t... " flo lHf 1ff'l it; >rm If>: f;rqi'fll; 'I1lfI'fflr 'I:t <'I<rrtt Iff ~ ij;
«MI'<ll it ~~ <r.f 'Ii) '[;;r.wl '111 q~orl fHj >rfri<f tjfom 'I'i it 'fi! W lI'IiR <Pm: Iff ~
'I:t GIT<ft ~ :
5 [tRi\ "" 1989 it 1lI 'IT'T i\; 31tlR ~ f.rqfqq; 'I1'1T'R'ft 'iii fmrU 1IT 'Fil1lJUl i\; ~ it, " . 'iii <!RroI" 1989
~ • q;c <mll ~ mill
150 ~ f.IIItif1i~ ij;~ ~ ;n~ ~~ it; ~ ~ ~ ~1'1I<..iI lI)ift
-n ~ \fflIlir it; ~, fif~11A am f;r'l';ror it; >rm W >r~ it; ~ it; ~ <Pm: 'I:t

16. ~ "'iM,," ij ~~ ~ ocA ill f\:cIt ~<mt-- (1) lff.f ~ "'fflRr-


( '11 ) 1fror 'I1f ;;rqf\"q; ~ ~; \f'f<rf

(Iii) f"tdf'l'd ~ am ~ ~ Ii~ 'I:t ~ '''IT'f10flf 'I:t <ft<rurT I'<wriif ~; >r<r<IT
(1f) f'l"i .. ~l it; m it ~ •••• ~ am
~ >r<rmif (r «oifif<f fil;lft IiIfu ~ it;
onfR ~ m iii ~ <mf1fIf f;;u~ ~,
,,) IfI{ f~ it ~fS<I' fiI;Q; ocA it; ~ mr~ lim I
(2) <f.. tifI'I1(u' ij; 'iffi<{ ;;ft ~ "'fflRr ~(r f;r'U~ Ii) omrr ~. ~ 'I'fIf »« mm ~r
it « ~ rm tim ~ forni'! "It ~ ~:
7[~ fiI;«t ~-er.r 'I:t f~ ~ it (r f..-« "'ff~ 'I1f 'I'fIf ~'flffif (1) it; !iiil (1f)
ij; onfR ~<ff iii 'IiT(Uf '11m 1f'1T ~ ~ ~dt ~ '>« ">i<'I'''fi:c it; <it<A, f.r«ij ~ .. lI'!'f ,'I,,, . .
q<f\' ~. f.mft tt<ft flffif it; onfR ~ oft ;;mft ~ 'I) tt«f ¥AT mat<f 'I1<at ~ at '>« IIffiRr 'I1f '""
~ m
~.~ 'If{ mr ~Iff I)

I. 1956t~lio 2~1Im 101lTl1"~f~,""""'In~""'~t~',ufoWI,,,a I

2- 1956 t~1iO.103~ 11m 651TU~WI'iI'In '"" f.Rr'llll1
.. 1956t~lIo 2~1Im IlITUIIm 14t"""<n:lifuwmal
'" 1958t~lio 58~ml 51TU"lfI'ft"",,~"t"""<n: (1-1-1959 ii) "foWl"'. I
5. 1989t~lIo 21 ~ 11m 31TU (28-3-198911) oi<t:~,
e. 1950 t ~ II. 73 ~ qro 4 l"I'~iIW" "",,~WI'iI "" 1960 t~lio 58 ~1Im 3.m~
2 ITU '"" A;lrr 'IlII I
7. \950t~Ii.73~aro41TU ""'~I
42 Representation of the People Act, 1950
(PART Il.-Acts of Parliament)
17. No person to be registered in more than one constituency.-No person shall be entitled to
be registered in the electoral roll for more than one constituency , •••

18. No person to be registered more tban once in any constituency.-No person shall be entitled
to be registered in the electoral roll for any constituency more than once.

'[19. Conditions of registratlon.-Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Part, every peTSOD
(a) is not less than l[eighteen years] of age on the qualifying date, and

(b) is' ordinarily resident in a constituency,

·slull b, eatitled to b3 registered in the electoral roll for that constituency.]

20. Meaning of "ordinarily resident".- '[(1) A person shall not be deemed to be ordinarily
resident in a constituency on the ground only that he owns, or is in possession of, a dWelling house
(I A) A person absenting himself temporarily from his place of ordinary residence shall not
by reason thereof cease to be ordinarily resident therein.
(I B) A member of Parliament or of the Legislature of a State shall not during the term of his
office cease to be ordinarily resident in the constituency in the electoral roll of which he is regis-
tere:! as an elactor at the time of his election as such member, by reason of his absence from that
cJnstitu~ncy in connection with his duties as such member.]

(2) A person who is a patient in any establishment maintained wholly or mainly for the recep-
tion and treatment of persons suffering from mental illness or mental defectiveness, or who is
detained in prison or other legal custody at any place, shall not by reason thereof be deemed to
be ordinarily resident therein.
'[(3) Any person having a service qualification shall be deemed to be ordinarily resident on any
date in the constituency in which, but for his having such service qualification, he would have
been ordinarily resident on that date.]
(4) Any person holding any office in India declared' by the President in consultation with the
Election Commission to be an office to which the provisions of this sub-section apply, , ••• shall
1. The words "in tbe same State" ins. by Act 2 of 1956. s. 12 and omitted by Act 58 of 1958, s. 6.
2. Subs. by Act 58 of 1958, s. 7, for s. 19.
3. Subs. by Act 21 of 1989,s. 4, for "twenty-one years" (w.e.f. 28-3-1989).
4. Subs. by Act 58 of 1958, s. 8.. for sui>-sc:ction (I).
5. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 8, for sub-section (3) (w.o.f_ 14012-1966).
6. The following offices bave been declared by the President by Notification No. S.O. 959, dated the 18th April, 1960:-
(1) The President ofIndia.
(2) The Vice-President of India.
(3) Governors of States.
(4) Cabinet Ministers of the Union or of any State.
(5) The Deputy Chairman and Members of tbe Planning Commisaion.
(6) The Ministers of St. te of the Union or of any State.
(? 'l Deputy Ministers of the Union Or of any State.
(8) The Speaker of the House oftlle People or of any State Lc:iislative Assembly.
(9) The Chairman of any State Lesis1ativo Council.
(10) Ueutenant Governo," of UnJon territories.
(11) The Deputy Speaker oftlle House o(the People Or of any State Lesfalative Assembly.
(\2) fi" o,p,ty Cn.irml. of the Council of States Or of any State legislative Council.
(II) ParUamontary Socretaries of the UDiOll or of any State.
7. Cenaiil w<mb omitted by Act 47 of 1966;s. 8 (w.o.f. 14012-1966).

17. q-.r ~ IIflAr~" -il{ if filfm ell'r.1I ~ "''' <fil4"" ~ fiII1n ~-l!.II\' ~ ~ ~-~
if; f'Ert1; ~•• * Riff;;.!; ;n>!Tffi if ~1i ""f.Rr ,~~ f.!;~ "If.f '0' ~m 'I' {!Trif 1
1S. filrm flOO;f" -n if ~ IQrtil' ~~ i\' llfU", Ill< <f...{liri ~ ~ Oft1{IlT -f.!;m RifliA'-~" if; f<;r1!:
f.m;A; ~ iI 'Ii'rt ""f.Rr ((II\' lr ~ ;n<: ,~r~ ~ mif '0' ~m " ~"r 1
2[ 19. (f...{I"(GI 'If\ ml-~ \l1'I ij; <rI'Trlfr '3'fiT'!lT if; ~ 'II{ ~ Ii!; \!, '!Iffim IITr-
('0) $r ~ ~ if.'t O[ 18...t] lr '"" IIfl\ om 'f@ ~; <I'IT
(~) fm f~~ if ""loft <In: lr RIfffit ~,
~ ~,,~ ij; f<;r1!: f~ ~ iI m~~ f.!;~ "If.f if; f<it!; ~m \!'Ttl, I]
30.•, . <in: i\' f.mtiI" ~ ri--'[("I) f.!;«1' '"f.Rr 'Or 'I''''
ij;q.r ~!\' qrf'«IT fill "II: f.I'.IriA'-
Iffil if f.!;«1' f.1<rrn '111 'f( rofi;-«r lIT "':'SOl ~ Il'i! 'I' «If~ ;;'-[":'1; fifi 'I'f{:;!f f,,~h l-ll"f iI IfT,!!;r
<fh: lr f.1<rrnr ~ 1
( 1'0) qtfif Ifll!"TI' f'TmT~'iT.f if qtfif tmif.'t q-€'lT'ft ';:'1' ~ q-'rf~<I 'O"f.t lfr.r "'if.Rr ~ lfTlf<I' ij;q.r
\"«1 '""'" 'I\{ " If'l'iIT ;;,-~", fill 'II{ lfi!i om "i'Iffi' <fh: lr mml' 'l'i!T 'l!: -(lIT ~ 1
( 1~) 1l'~'O' lfT f..IT) ~ ij; fiim'-ll'~ om ;;it tm"1" Q;ir tm"1" ~ .;:q if ~ mm ij; If'l'1l'
f;m A~~ ..I' mm "flIT...r if f.r<It;re ij; .;:q if m~lf(f ~ o!\'~ q-[qff IHT ,..,,'" tih. ~ ~?f
;ml!' if; ~ if ~ ~ ij; m if ~ AlfiiA'-m lr ~~ff 'l{1' ~ Ifl{ 'I' If'l'!H ~r f.!i 'II{ w.ft
~ if; ,h:rIf ~ f.miA'-tilor if ""loft <fh: lr f.r<mft ~T '1l: 'llfT ~ I]
(2) 'iT) "lIfiffi 1fT'ff«'O "{I'l "r "If)l",;;<r i\' ~ ...r~<f1lT ij; wit am: f'I'firnIT if; ~ ~ lIT
'f,6I«r. q'IN<I fiI;<fi 'll'1"l'if if f'qfii<~ ~ lfT <ifT fiI;<fi tlfT'I' if <I>I<I'II( it lIT BI"'lf MWI> srf'l!l;lllT
if ~, ~ IifT'l: if m ~m '""'" 'I\{ 'I' 1I'IiIT mr('lT f'O If<l "iIt 1fT'l,ffi' rn i\' mm ~ 1
'[ (3) f.;;m ~ o'If~ if; om: ii, tifT ~T >f~m ,'Om ~, 'I\{ \11NIT 'iTr~ f.!; lfi! f.;;m ~ '!iT
'3lr R.l'it'f-!llOf if 'fnrfi <ir< ~ fifliTtfl ~,f'iT<rIf,.m o<Tfl ~m ~nr >f~<lr 'T ~dT <fT, ,,~ 'n <li'}i
,..T ~ <In: i\' f"",m i!TffT I]
( 4) 'ilT 'Ii'rt ...r~ '>TroT if W lIT{ !l'' ' '
~ gil: ~ f<l!a- ~<I it, ~.f mll't" if; q-'IJII'Qf ~
~«T lIT{ lfrfqa' Of;"{ fll<rr ~ r",ll' H ;;NW if; 1'W. <i\'i'l. ~ 7* •• ;;IT:t' lfT( if Il'i! <r'rlfT ""({'Ir f", Iii[
I· 1956 t """""" Ii· 2 '!iT !lro 121TU""",, 'U"'t if _:~;, wm '" 1958 ilr liM'!'!, ';' 5. 'lit 'IT<r G ~"r
om f'lil!! 'l1!T I
2. 1958 ~ Oiiltf.r'fIT~' 58 "') omr 7 Inr mr 19 tHH <n ~r~ 1
3. 1989 ilr qfsflr>rJl ';' 21 '!iT urn • wr 'Ili" ilr """' <n ~i'H</Tf'«T 1
(28-3-1 !l89«) "21
4. oil ~f\1f.r'fll"O 58 unl8 I!ronaTtl (I) il;<'ll'l<nmrnmrl
5· 196sii;""""""Ii' .7 'lit aro 81!ro;rnrrn (3) ~".(I'(<n (14-12-1966«) ,fM'"Nd 1
G. ~ iWl f.r"ff'""'" 'l'i'i oit ~ lio ,nfll 1I1;rn, 959, mf'rv, 1980 II'<! ilfOil! fil;ql ~'TI ,--
( I) 1IroI 'In 'T~qftll
(2) '1m! 'In :aq ~d 1
(3) 1JOli'!~~~1
(.) Wi I(( fiI<IIl' """ ~ Iif<l'iror OJ; ~;iT 1
(5) ziI;r;rr '"'"" OJ; ""lr'!f~"I" 1m'r 1
( 6) Wi I(( fiI<IIl' """ >il 'T'!f oilit 1
( 7) IitI III fiI<IIl' 1J>lt OJ; '3'11i;iT I
(8) '"'" IJ'IIT III fiI<IIl' ,r:;q oit mn-. "'iii "" """" 1
(9) fiI<IIl' 'U... flnl1'r qfw;: 'f1T 'I'IIT'lf" 1
( I 0) Ii<r ~ t '3'l' 'U"I'Irn' 1
( r I) '1Rr 'I1lT I(( fiI<IIl' m'! oit r~ I!'IIT 'liT _ 1
( I 2) ~ _ I(( mtt'.,.., f<rlll'! ~ '"' '" <T'I!T'Iftr I
(13) 6>I!f1 fWt ~I"'t it. \i'!':r~ Il'f\r,,,
7, 1966 ii; qf.wr.1l U. 47 '!iT!lro 8;ro!1J vr.-.T "" ( 14- 12 1966«) m'l r,.",. ~·n 1
43 Representation of the People Act, 1950
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

be deemed to be ordinarily resident •••• on any date in the constituency in which. but for the
holding of any such office ,. ••• he would have been ordinarily resident s••• on that date.

(5) The statement of any such person as is referred to in sub-section (3) or sub-section (4)
made in the prescribed form and verified in the prescribed manner. that '[but for his having the
service qualification] or but for his holding at:!)' such office •••• as is referred to in sub-section (4)
he would have been ordinarily resident in a specified place •••• on any date. shall. in the absence
of evidence to the contrary, be '[accepted as correct].

(6) The wife of any such person as is referred to in sub-section (3) or sub-section (4) &hall
if she be ordinarily residing with such person 6'.' be deemed to be ordinarily resident on " •• in
the constituency specified by such person under sub-section (5).

8[(7) If in any case a question arises as to where a person is ordinarily resident at any relevant
time, the question.shall be determined with reference to all the facts of the case and to such rules
as may be made in this behalf by the Central Government in consultation with the Election Com-

(8) In sub-sections (3) and (5) "service qualification" means-

(a) being a member of the armed forces of the Union; or
(b) being a member of a force to which the provisions of the Army Act. 1950 (46 of 1950),
have been made applicable whether with or without modifications; or
(c) ·being a member of an armed police force of a State. who is serving outside that
State; or
(d) being a person who is employed under the Government of India. in a post outside
0[21. Preparation and revision of electoral rolIs.-{ I) The electoral roll for each constituency
shall be prepared in the prescribed manner by reference to the qualifying date and shall come into
force immediately upon its final publication in accordance with the rules made under this Act.]

'0[(2) The said electoral roll-

(a) shall. unless otherwise directed by the Election Commission for reasons to be
recorded in writing. be revised in the prescribed manner by reference to the qualifying date-
(ij" before each general election to the House of the People or to the Legislatiw
Assembly of a State; and
(ii)before. ea\:l;J. bye-election to fill a casual vacancy in a seat allotted to the cons-
tituency; and
1. The words "during any period or" omitted by Act 2 of 1956, 8. 14.
2. The words "or employment" omitted by Act 47 of 1966, s. 8 (w.e.f. 14-12·1966).
3. The words "during that period or" omitted by Act 2 of.1956, s. 14.
4. Subs. by Act. 47 of 1966, s. 8, for certain words (w.eJ. 14-lil966).
S. Certain Words omitted by s. 8, ibid. (w.e.f. 14-12-1966). •
6. The words "during any period" omitted ~y Ae, 2 of 1956, s. 14.
7. The words "during that period" omitted by 5.14, ibid.
8. Ins. by Act47 Of 1966, s. 8 (w.e.f. 14-12-1966). Original sub-section (7) was omitted by Act 2 of 1956, S. '4.
9. Subs. by Act 2 of 1956, s. IS, for ss. 21 10 to 25.
10. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 9, for sub-section (2) (w.e.!. 14-12.1966).
~ Slr.. r.. rai<l afiif..q .., 1950 43
('fT1I' 2-1i",\ it; dffuf.. ~ .. )

if 'l'f1i\'lT an: ijo f.romft ~ rm. ~ ~ ~ ~'" IN!IT"(Uf 2• • •

fiI;~ ~ ~) ' ••• ~ f.r<Ifvr-~
" flIro; ~ a-) ~. ~ ~ ~) •••• 'l'f1i\'lT an: ijo f.romft ~mr 1
,. ( 5) ~ijo mft lI!I'fiI<r lOT. f.;rWi; 11fa- ~ ( 3) 11'1 ~ (4) if r~ 'III'I~. ~
if flIro; ~ am:
If'f''l' firii!<r twa- if ,,<,<,fila, \1:" 'Ii"A' 'lit ;;mrn r~ '[~ irtl' ~ a$T] iI' ¢ 11'1
il mft ~ijo IN 'Iil' !fl""1' •••• iI' flIro; ~. "I," ~ (4) if ~ ~. a) il ~ r" Ii'fA' if
~ ~ ~)' ••• 1fTlfIt an: ijo flr.mft ,\:mr. ~"" \I'm it; 3!"IT'f if "" .[~ r~1if ~
flI; ~ ~<r ~] 1
(6) ~ ~ijo rm -'!fur ••••
'lit 1f"<4t. :;iijo "'1'fiffi it l1fa ~f'U (3) 11'1 ;rorru (4) if ~w
r~ 'l1l'i ~, ~ij; \t'i"f Iff,!"" an: ijo 7 • • • flRm 'Ii1:<fT ~), a-) ~>ft 'Wit it om: if "" .....wr "I~ r~
~ ~ ijo "'If.!a ncr ;;<romr (5) it am'f ri(f"f~tSG f<m; ~ f.r<Ifvr~ if ~r an: ijo flr<mft ~,
.[ (7) ~ flI;>ft ~ It If~ lI1/'f <flU i!mr
~ flI; 'I>){ 8lI'flfa mft P ~ ~ <iW lOT 'l'f1i\'lT
an: ijo f.romft ~ a-) lI\f lI1/'f ~ it; \for av:rr
it ~ itijo f.nrIlr
it;, "lit ~ <rom: ilRT flmvr 3!fIi'j1r
it; 'fl:mf ijo 11:" flrfirff q;m( "lilt. srr<r r'f~W ijo df'l'ilTfur r~1if "'~ 1
( 8) ,,4,.. "atl (3) am:
(5) if"~ df~"!r-
(~) ~ it \t'm<f if<'i'f lOT ~ ~. df'RI
(lif) ~ <r.r lOT ~ ;;f.rr. r~ ~ dffuf'f>l'11'. 1950 (1950 lOT 46) it ;;<r~ ,,4,'<'1<.1
~ 11'1 ~<r """t ~ ~ ~ ~. artm
('I) mft ~ it \t'm<f ~ <r.r lOT it'" ~Q ~ ;;ft ~ ~ it ~ ihrr ~ ~~.

~ '1
?[21. ~ ",.. ,,,fi:t41 ~ ~ .m: :J"<I,,,., (I) ~ ~ f.r<Ifvr-~ it r~ ~ 'IM-
> ar~m 'lit ~ it; 11fd' flmr ijo am: ~ -ufd' Ii' ,ilm: 'lit ;:;mMl' am: II:\t' 3jfur.. ~ .. it dI'!fR ~
~ flrqtff it; ar-rm:
3I"R arTd"I lI'mf'f ~ iJV<f !I'{~ ~) omMt ,
10 [ ( 2) \1'Id' f.t'<Im ", .. ,".,-, lOT--

(~) ~ twd' if f1Ul;1o, ir<f it; f\t<f11l "Iijfl1; \1'iI' 'lin:off ijo. ;;ft ~ mr arf'llfuflJd' ~
"Irtf,iT, f.r<Ifvr 8ITIfT'l df"lm flmr ~-
(i) ,,~ \t"ff 11'1 fm ~ 'lit R!lTiI' \t"ff it; ~ ~ ~ r'l'lff.f ijo 'Il(:r. (flIT
(ii) flmvr~ 'Iil' arliifut ~TiI' if -....rnlf~ ftf.fd' mit it; f.rQ; ~ ~ :';4f.. "i,,'1
ijo ~,
ar~m 'Ill' affili it; lIfu f.Rqr i\' r~ ~: d'II'I
I. 1956~ ~ Ii. 21J!\ am 1 um"flJ;Ift-'ImI1IJ'f" ~ mJ'l'III"..m'l'l oiM f'I;ln 1Jl!l'
2. 1966~~1i· 471J!\!Irq 81rn1 "111~'....n '1'1 ( 14-12-1966~) oiM f1Ior.1Jl!l'
3. 1956ilillfllflrznrli. 2~lJRr I4mr";rn'l!rl'f'* ilimr'l~r"..m",roiMf1IorrlJl!lI
4. 1966;j; IIfIIflrznr Ii. 471J!\!Irq 8 mr flI oro(! IJ!\ ( 14-12-1966~) S1rdt4,fl" f.ton WI
50~ IJ!\ am 811-0 flI1JIIiI 'liT ( 14-12- I 9 6 6 il') oiM f.ton 1Jl!l' -
~ IJ!\ II.~, IUITl'~ 'l!lIm'fil~~;(' W1Iif'l'loiMf.ton """
7.~ IJ!\ 111-0 "In! ";rn ~ ~ ml'!"
W1Iif 'liT oiM f1ro '1'IT ,
6.1966 ~ <JfiJ1!r'l1f II· 47 IJ!\ II1\r 8 r~ (H'12-1966~) 'iiJ;mJ1V (7) 1956~~1I.
""":",,m 21J!\~
14 1.-0 oiM IJ!\ II( oiIj,
g. 1956 %"f~~q Ii. 2 it ".~ I' 1IT~. 21 ~ 25!1 ~ !ITtlin ~ f1IT'! otT S1RH'II flI<J ,
10. 196611 'fifHt~· H it mr 9 m. ~rlml (2) 1> f'IITH~ (14-12-1986~) .flIEC1,flIa,
44 Rrpresenfafion of fire People Act, 1950
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

(I,) shall be revised ill any year in the prescribed manner by reference to the qua1ifying
date if such revision has b~en directed by the Election Commission:
Provided that if the electoral roll is not revised as aforesaid, the validity or continued opera-
tio 11 of the said electoral roll shall not thereby be affected.)
(3) NNwithstandil1g anything contained in sub-section (2), the Election Commission may at
any time, for reasons to be recorded, direct a special revision of the electoral roll for aft)' cons-
tituency or part of a constituency in such manner as it may think fit:
Provided that subject to tho other provisions of this Act, the electoral roll for the consti-
tuency, as in force at the time of the issue of any such direction, shall continue to be in force
until the completion of the special revision so directed.
'[11. Correction of entries In electoral rolls.-Jf the electoral registration officer for a cons-
tituency, on application made to him or on his' own motion, is satisfied after such inquiry as he
thinks fit, that any entry in the electoral roll of the constituency-
(a) is erroneous or defective in any particular,
(b) should be transposed to another place in the roll on the ground that the person con-
cerned has changed his place of ordinary residence within the constituency, or
(c) should be deleted on the ground that the person concerned is dead or has ceased
to be ordinarily resident in the constituency or is otherwise not entitled to be registered in
that roll,
the electoral registration officer shall, subject to such general or special directions, 'if any,
as may be given by the Election Commission in this behalf, amend, transpos~ or
delete the entry:
Provided that before taking any action on any ground under clause (a) or clause (b) or I
action under clause (c) on the ground that the person concerned has ceased to be ordinarily
resident in the constituency or that he is otherwise not entitled to be registered in the electoral
roll of that constituency, the electoral registration officer shall give the person concerned a reason-
able opportunity of being heard in respect of the action proposed to be taken in relation to him.)
2[23. Inclusion of names in electoral rolls.-( 1) Any person whose name is not included in
the electoral roll of a constituency may apply to the electoral registration officer for the inclusion
of his name in that roll.
(2) The electoral registration officer shall, if satisfied that the applicant is entitled to be regis-
tered in the electoral roll, direct his name to be included therein:
Provided 'that if the applicant is registered in the electoral roll of any other constituency, the
electoral registration officer shall inform the electoral registration officer of that other constituency
and that officer shall, on receipt of the information, strike off the applicant's name from that
(3) No amendment, transposition or deletion of any entry shall be made under section 22
and no direction for the inclusion of a name in the electoral roll of a constituency shall be given
under this section, after the last date for making nominations for an election in that constituency
or in the parliamentary constituency within which that constituency is comprised and before
the completion of that election.]
1, Subs. by Act ~8 of 1958, s. 9. for s. 22.
O. Sub,. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 10, for s, 23 (w.e.f, 14·12.1966).
.m. ~r"f~fQ<1i 'Af~, 1950 44
('iIT'I 2-~ 'II' arf'-Tf'fll'If)

(~) r'ffiiO ,If<f ii f,"~ 1;ri it 10-':m.r >r{<ff oft \'l'fmc if: lffir f;r'<i'r ~ fir.<rr Gff{('1T .rn
~m ~ ~ 3!f"l!N tro f.!mi!' f'j;<rf 'TlIT ~,
'I<'i! .m: mm ~""Q\;f, 'I>T "'"'~ 1;;1:1~ ;; f'j;<rf 'TlIT~) "') ;W~ ~ ~ ~,q,q","i
'1ft r"fu~'·4a, 4T f",'<f<: l!<t<f'l <f( lr.;,." 'l~f ~'1T' '
( 3) '3'G'llro (2) it ~ f...m 'tiff ~ ;,;T(t ~ '11 f'f'IN"I ;rmrr f'l>'fl '11 ~;;-~ 4T
fi!'<1R;; &To; if; 'lfTf if; f.,-o; f~ 'llTfr.;fr ij; i1;;it -.:If" it, f.rfi' ~ it;;; ~if
f~u, <R' 'I>T'1;UTT ij' of, ~,"ff fir.{( Gff~, f.r.Ifl '11 11"14 ~ TTi;;,,,:
~ if; f;:rn:

'I'"I '<1':1 r'f<tt;r;r~ if; f'1ll: ~ij; 'fTI1Tq;fr 3l'A' "3'~' -';:'1 ii, forlPi ~ fJ;'f1 ~ij' f'l~ 1r. ~
;;if.t if; ;r>;4 If'{\l ~, W srfflf~' if; 3F!f ~!fT if; o;s..m;; 'i[a- ~ ~''f ",ij; lI'{?f .;ft $1 Gf'1 <foj; ~ir
f:'~ f.r.4T 'TlIT f.rntf ~m.r ~ff ;; 1;1' orm: I

'[22. f;;of'if.l; 'ffIf1"1'f<'l'<ii if "" Slf...f'a'~ "" ~f<r--.m: f,.~ f;;.r.r;;-~;r i f~ ~r.¢ij;'1;UT
<>nf1;m: 'I>T ~ 3l'A' ~ "f!'f.., fir.{( ~r.r '1'1: 4T "",i["'IT '1'1:, ~m ort;f if; "''91'<1.: ~~ ~,of'i; .,.<m",
~, ~) ;;mrr ~ fir. "<1' f.riff'!;;-~ '1ft f;ro'!,. 'fTI1Tq;fr it ~-- m
(.. ) fm ~ if <r.rd' ~ 4T ~ ~,
('lr) W ornm: '1'1: foj; '1'I'!'ffi' .!lffi' if Tff f;;'ff'f'f-~ if; """ ar'1'H <{['lift f'i''ffH'TH ..9'
lim ~ 'fTI1Tqm if WQ';T W <iT orA' "f~{(, 3J'I'«1'
('1') '0<1' "fI'!lT1: '1'1: fij; ~ Ollf~<f l1'1: '1'41 ~ 4T :3"", f.r'ff"'f-~;r if Il'flI\ft ein: ~ , f.r<t'rm
~ ~ 'TlIT ~ '<I '<1'1 ~,,,,,,";l ii -.:f;;r"'f~ f~ 'fR ~ fi'i'll; 3f'4'<1 ~'li'm: ;;;!j~, f'fij;r.T ;ft orr;ft
"'I f~ -.:for"},""" anfi!;;n:, ~ f~ 4T fq~ f.rm if;, .m:
't'TUT'1:'IT m ,@, ;;til ~ orrziT'l'
ifro ~'1' f.rll;9' ~ ;;rrlt, >r»rdT'f ~ ~ "3"1' ~ 'Tit ~mftrn 'Ii': ~, 3f'lrof W '1'nr 4T f.r<rnr
<roq ~ (ij;) 4T '"~ ('lr) if; sr)ir;; fj;lft amm: '1'1: 'Tit~ ",rrotiT 4T ~ (If) if; arliT;; fi<1orrE/l7.
'1'1: fj; '1'I'!'fO .~ "3"1' f'fiff"f;f~i.f if '1f'!:m <t'n: it f.r<t'Tm ~ ~ 'TlIT ~ 4T ~ :at! f'fiff"f'f-~ '1ft
mm '1'''''~<'i'I it ~~ fir.{( ;;rr.r if; f,1Q; ar'4<rr ~'li"{R ~ ~ '!iii ",,,1,,,1\" ~ ~ f.r.i"f" rn
<f'*i"''''''' '>fffili'!f'< \T"f!a ~ ij;T "3''1' ~ if; .rEj'l' if,;';;rr.r ~ f"i'tl; lI~..,,,h'i' if;'I'ltit'.FfTif
'Of 'l'.~ ar<rn'1: ~ ,]

'[23. f","~ 'ff,..-f..lif if;mjf 1l!I 1'If1:"fl.m f1f;<n ;;r!'ff--( I) m

>iT '~f~, fJj'/I';;r 'fj1f f... fit
f'fiff"f'f~~ """Il"l'f! ii 1f<Qf,,4 ow.:T ~, '3'<1 ~"ll it arl"I1' '!T'I' ;f~ 'fi'l:T't if; f~f'l''ffIfJ; 1:i'ilFfr-
ij;'1;UT' arrflIi;n: 'Tit arm;; "" ~ ,
(2) ~ ~'!><."T 3!rfimr< "'r <rf<l: !l'if «'1rmif ~I "Ircrr ~ f~ .. r~;; '3'ilf.r<t'f"fj; ;;,,,,.,,,, if
tii\,,"""d ~ Gfr.r if; fun: ~'( ~ <it ~ ,.~ fif~ ~'1T Ii!; TffJ;1 '!T'I' '3ll'Q af<l!f~ fiji''" <l1~ :
If'<"! ~ arm,. f..IlI ;;'''1 f.rerT~if-$
'l'1' f;;or.r... ~;ft it -.:f~i>q ~ "') f.rffl;; ~*ij;'1;UT
'lI'Tfq;!I,( 'Oll' OF!I' f.I<t'i'if'f~" if; f~ J; -.:fJj'*ij;'1;UT arrf1Irn"< 'iii ~.'I'r ~<!T am: ~ ~ J'( Q;lft ~
SlTtd i;'liI' '1'1: '3ll' '!T'I'rr.It, if Or ~ if; 'IT'If 'I>t 'liTe' ~ ,
(3) fm mR'l'-~ it'll '311 mml! r~Rl-~ ii, f.rolt If~ ;;rqf~;;~o; ~rfif.:e €, f;r(",~ if;
f.r{( ;;,'If1riw'l iF(it '1ft moo"'!' <frUrlr if; '1r.I·I« am: Tff ~ "'I' 'i!mf'q ~ 'l:<i !rT{r 22 it; 3I'dt, oft(
'11 IT~ Of <it ~)fua '1ft ~"r, ;; 31' ...." ~ ~ am: ii fiI;;rffi' '1rcrr"r air • .Of ~ fll'r if; anfr.r
f<!>'ft f;rqf;f'f..m '1ft ~ '""'-r.;;ft it fipft 'IT'If 'liT ufi:<;f.r/l' ",,'it il> N'Q: '!iii' 8t ftll1' ~ ,
1. 1958it.~1flio
5sIf.t'mTt !H'''U8f7:r 22tt'J'R-n ~t
2, ,966" ~ if 47 aft "'" III mr "'" 23 .. ""'" '" (14-,2-1966 ,,) ~ I

IJ-RII4 M/o law & .Iu~liL'('/94

45 Representation of the People Act, 1950
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

1[24. A[lpeals.-An appeal shall lie within such time and in such manner as may he prescri-
(a) to the chief electoral officer, from any order of the electoral registration officer under'

section 22 or section 23 '***.
* * * *
25. Fee for applications and appcals.-Every application under section 22 or section 23 and
every appeal under section 24 shall be accompanied by the prescribed fcc which shall. in no case,
be refunded.]
3[25A. Conditions of registration as elector in Sangha constituency in Sikkim.-Notwith-
standing anything contained in sections 15 and 19. for the Sangha constituency in the State of
Sikkim, only the Sanghas belonging to monasteries, recognised for the purpose of the elections
held in Sikki,l1 in April, 1974, for forming the Assembly for Sikkim, shall be entitled to be regis-
tered in the electoral roll, and the said electoral roll shall, subject to the provisions of sectiom
21 to 25. be prepared or revised in such manner as may k directed by the Election Commission,
in consultation with the Government of Sikkim.]

26. [Preparation of electoral rolls for Asseml>/y constituencies.] Rep. by the Representation of
tlte People (Amendment) Act, 1956 (2 of 1956), s. 17.

27. Preparation of electoral roll for Council constituendcs.-(J) Tn this section,"local authori-
ties' constituency", "graduates' constituency" and "teachers' constituency" mean a constituency
for the purpose of elections to a Legislative Council under sub-clause (a), sub-clause (b) and sub-
clause (c), respectively, of clause (3) of article 171.
'[(2) For the purpose of elections to the Legislative Council of a State in any local authorities'
(a) the electorate shall consist of members of such local authorities excerising Ijuris-
diction in any place or area within the limits of that constituency as are specified in relation
to that State in the Fourth Schedule;
(b) every member of each such local authority within a local authorities' con stitllen cy
shall be t ,ttitled to be registered in the electoral roll for tha t constituency;
(c) the electorai registration officer for every local authorities' constituency shall
maintain in his office in the prescribed manner and form the electoral roll for that consti-
tuency corrected up-to-date;
(d) in order to enable the electoral registration officer to maintain the electoral roll
corrected up-to-date, the chief executive officer of every local authority (by whatever designa-
tion such officer may be known) shall immediatcly inform the electoral registration officcr
about every change in the membership of that local authority; and the electoral registration
officer shall, on receipt of the information, strike off from the electoral roll the names of
persons who have ceased to be, and include therein the names of persons who have become
members of that local authority; and
1. Ins. by Act 40 of 1961, s, 3 (w,c.f, 20·9-1961). Former s. 24 ins. by Act 60 of 1956, s. 2 and was omittrd by Act
58 of 1958, s. 10.
2. The word "and" and ct. (b) omitted by Act 47 of 1966, s. II (w,c.f. 14·12-1966).
J. Ins. by Act 10 of 1976, s. 2 and Sch. (w.c.f. 9-9-1975),
4, Subs, by Act 2 of 1956, s, 16, for the former heading.
,. Subs. by s. IB,lbld., for sub-section (2),
~ SlfllfllfU... vfbfiIlIII, 195 0 45
('lIT'! 2~<;; ij; alfiIf.IlJ1I)

1[ 24 . .m<'l~Q<! 'ifI!'l ij; 3R'l: am: ,"tfu if.3I'iR--

('F) fi;;ffi ~ 3!T~ ij; f~ ;;it m'i'l~ m~ 3!TMm: 'r !WT 22 1fT !flU 23 ij; 3fdR
f'PfT ~. ,!1;lf ~ 3!T1'Iim: 'FT l!~;ft .* *.
••• * • • • • • •
2S. ~ m:
aofuii ~ ~ '11m-am 22 lIT !fro 23 ij; 3I'!ft;J ~ 3IT'I<A an~ !fro 24 it;
anft';r i!' 3ft!1;f ij; 'fraT ~ m
il);ft ;;it fWI '1ft !fm if <n'm 'l'@ ott 'lIT~'ff I ]

~ ~ IN ~.1Il;r if
I[ 25.. mmr
~ ~ if (~+{1"'(Iii 'lit ml-mr 15 ~ 19 if fiIrdt
~ ij; i{~ f[ '1ft. ~ '\i'<iIt if " flT<Im·1itif ij;~. "o'f ij; it m n.
f.!mll '1,.,1 .. ", if tftr..
~ il:T'r ij; il:~~ ;[fit. ~~ flffinnT ~ 'TITT ~'r' ij; f~ d;r. 1974~if ~ if fI!1lt 'TIt
f.Rfq.ff it; If'lTlri ij; f;r~ l!T'1r:Tf ,I ~ oft m
'3'H f'l'<ri'l~ 'l'TltTdt 'lit, fI'ro 21 q 25 <T'F ~ m:ran
ij; ~ojtif ij; arm ~(f gl1;. ~m ,')fu ~ ciw: f~'lT :"TT~ lIT '!'I''Ufeli\' f'F!fT ;;r~. m fJff1wr >rum:
ij; <ru.m ~ ~ arrit>r mT ~ 'lit "Trq; I]

'lIT'! 4

4[~, f" .. i:q;,-mff t f~ f., .. h:"" .".u .. r",qi)

26. [1N1 f~,~ ij; f.TI1; ~ ",,,,,,f,,,'" 'lit ~l-;fi;j; 1lfuf.tI'.Ti<I (~) 31f.. f'l"". 1956
(1956'FT 2) <tram 17ilTUr.romr,
27. qf~ f~~ij;f.TI1; ~ ",,,,,,f,,,«f
f!;1 ~-(I) >:'l!fro if "~ ~".
"f".rt'fi-llTOf". "<'TTi\'~ f.r<l'i'l>T--llf\'f" am: "fm1<; f.r<l'i'l>T am" q f1wr'I' 'lfu'e,: ij; f<,11; ar"!~ 1 71 ij;
"J7< :1 it 'l''IVT: ",,;«h ('1'). ~«h ( ..) 31" ,q,.'z (if) ij; 31m f'f'l'i'f.n ij; 'f'1'hT.f ij; f""~ fo'l'i'l'f·
am .rr4'litf ~,
'f (2) r"'IIT 'i'lT;itQ' W!.T'I1T'l:1 f~+am if 'J"T <tr fq!TT'f 'Tf-':lf';: ij; R": mhr.n ij; If'lnr'f ij; Rq;-
('fo) f'f<T'[;rr. ri.., '>'f afOf '01 <it'!TlIT il; 'Ifu!~ ij; f"(ll m·T lfr afOf if 3[fl'Or~fr 'FT If'1'Tif
rn ..r<; ~ "'lr<IT1! ~rtb"'IF(qr it 'ffllff i't 11r.Tio( ..:'tifT ~i'r "If 'J,Q' ij; '1'1''1 if 'if~ 3f1'rfi
it fqf.r~ Wi.
(lO) 'ilf[;it" 'f1f>l~T'l:1 f.r<ri'l.f~\'f ij; 'Ifu!-.: ij; i!' 11;~ rr,q m<ITQ' 'fTfum.:t "" la< ~
'>'f ~.f afOf ij; {lin: fif'l'i'ff; 'Ti1iT'f.rr if -.:f,,~~:r f1>": "Tit ij; f1.~ ",om ;fr'lT.
(if) i!' 'i'lT;itq 'fTf.T1>r{, f'T'fi'if'T~ il; fi'T~ f'T'lf'f'l' -.:f"l~"f ~ 'J1! f~'f~ i
F-fIl. f.rqm ","1"",,) armf'f l!I'Tftm m f~ Ufu 31n: Iflf'l if '!'Tit 'l'r'lR" if 'I''TTI1; ,~.
(Oi) f.r«f'<~ 'TT'1T'i'.rr om 3l'lT<I'T wmr ""ij; 'I''I'rn: ,,.:r ij; f.l,~ f~if\' 3!Tf1I;m: om
!I"!'f <ro:r,il; f<iO< i!' ~'f W!.T'I1T'l:I 'FT "!,~ ""·i<rl .. ,,, ~ (~~m ~ fi;;ffi '1ft
<rof~T!TT'f i't l!r<f 'fIl'T 'T ~r) f".t.iif\' -.:f'i!~"""f 31rftt;EI'1: 'lit 'O'f \''IT;it~ W>l'!>m om ;mQ'<iT if i
i!' qft<r.!'T 'iiI 'iT'fi[ '!'<'<I ~mrr ~lfT, an< f"I'qj"",·,f"l«;')'!> (01 31t1l!im: '3"T 'If<i\iT ij; Il1'<I ;fr:'t 'T'l:.
f.rq1".. 'l'TltT'f<'iT iI '3"1' Ol!f1ffi'lT ij; 'Tt1! <j;jC ~ifT m '3"T ,;>;>rr;itll" 'lrf!.T'l1m it;mQ' 'iilT -q
31"- '3''' orfo/.!oli ij; 'l't1! 'llfil ~;;m "" ~ifT ;;fr 'llf 'i'n;ft!r W'f'liTU il; ~ ~T '11\~. <I'lT

,. 11161 if.lrhlfrn:rq «.40 cf.r UP:! 3[T7J (20-9-1961) if 1Ff:l'nfird I ~dl ID"Q 24 IH5Ii;ir, lIfuf;rlfl1 «0 60 ..1
ern 2 ;m <I'" :rom '"~ I 958 ii; .n~ !i' 58 <it I1T<l 10m, '1M r"", 'lit, 'IT ,
2. !!IOti ~ "far""" Ii· 47.,;t 11m II i!1~_".m:".m_ (.. ) '1:' ('4'2,,9660\') <mf'l:q, """
3. 1>176 it '"~ ~. ,0 '1:' I1T<l 2 .m "'l':\'f\ I''''
(9- ... '975 0\') "",.NrfH"
4. '9% ~ ,"ulil>P< q' 2 <f.r urn '0 i!l'J ~ viP!;; ii; I"'II'f '" lIf~ ...F1'l'
5. '.('iI<m .,q 1m, , . .'" '3'I1In:J (2) it: ro'I 'I< lIf"""fir~ ,
'46 Representation of the People Act. 1950
(PART II.·-Acts of Pnrliament)

(e) the provisions of sections 15, 16, 18,22 and 23 shall apply in relation to local
authorities, constituencies as they apply in relation to assembly constituencies.]
(3) For the purpose of elections to the Legislative Council of a State in the graduatcs' consti-
tuencies and the teachers' constituencies, the State Government concerned may, with the
concurrence of the Election Commission, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify-
(a) the qualifications which shall be deemed to be equivalent to that of a graduate of
a universitY!in the territory of India, and
(b) the educational institutions within the State not lower in standard than that of a
secondary school.
'[(4) The provisions of sections 15, 16,18,21,22 and 23 shall apply in relation to graduates'
constituencies and teachers' constituencies as they apply in relation to assembly constituencies.]
(5) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this section,-
•* • • •
'[(a)] every person who '[is] ordinarily resident in a graduates' constituency and has, for
at least three years '[before the qualifying date], been either a graduate of a university in the
territory of India or in possession of any of the qualifications specified under clause (a) of
sub-section (3) by the State Government concerned, shnll be entitled to be registered in the
electoral roll for that constituency; and
8[(b)] every person who '[is] ordinarily resident in a teachers' constituency, and has,
within the six years immediately '[before the qualifying date] for a total period of at least three
years, been engaged in teaching in any of the educational institutions specified under clause
(b) of sub-section (3) by the State Government concerned shall be entitled to be registered in
the electoral roll for that constituency.
'[(6) For the purposes of sub-sections (4) and (5) the qualifying date shall be the I st day of
November of the year in which the preparation or revision of the electoral roll is commenced.]


27A. Constitntion of electoral colleges for th~ filling of seats in the Council of Stales allotted 10
Union terrilorles.-(I) !O[For the purpose of filling any seat) or seats in the Council of States allotted

to any '[Union territory) ..... in the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution there shall be an
electoral college for "[each such territory) , .....
, • • • •
• • • •
1. Subs. by Act 2 of 1956, s. 18, for sub-section (4).
2. O. (a) omitted by s. 18. Ibid.
3. O. (b) re-Iettered as. e1. (a) by 5.18. ibid.
4. Subs. by Ac' 40 of 1961. s. 4. for "on the qualifying date was" (w.e.f. 20-9-1961).
5. Subs. by s. 4, ibid.• for "before that date" (w.e.f. 20-9-1961).
6. CI. (e) re-Iettered as cl. (b) by Act 2 of 1956. s. 18.
".' Subs. by Act 40 of 1961 ••. 4. for sub-section (6) (w.e.f. 20-9-1961).
8. Pan IVA ins. by AC! 73 of 1950. s. 8.
9. Subs. by the Acaptation of Laws (No.2) Orc':('c, J956, for "Part C St3.t(:s".
10. s"bs. by' Act 29 of 1975. s. II (w.d. 15-8-1975).
It. The worils'''or group of such S~ates"omilt('d by the Adapat8tion of Laws (Nt), 2) Order, 195(,.
12. Suhs. Ibid., for "each such State",
13. The words "Or gTouap of States" and pre-visa cmitlfd by Act 2 of 1956, S. 19.
14. Sub-section (2) omitted by Act 20 of 1963, 5. 57 and Sch. n.
mli srf,d"rfF<! !IIfuf.Iq"\1', 1950 46
('lfT1f 2-:iW{ if; 3ifUf.rQIl')

(s-) !lTU IS, 16, 18, 22 3J'r( 23 'l;3'lifilt wift. ~rr;T'l>fU f'f.i'f,,-~l if; ij"f'U it $I
~r "'f'); ~TtT ~ if ij',ft f~'! if; ij'''l'!l it <'!'f'J. lit1t ~ ,
(3) '"fPH' fif'l"r'fif-~i.!T am: fQM'l>f.~'fi'f;;-iTOf1 it f'li'''fr""If
'1ft f'fi1i'\' qf~ if; f.ri!; flf<1f'fiff·
if; lim" if;; ij'''l'Rf

""l! ~'li'R:, f~ 3ffllTlf '1ft Il~ Qo, ~rn'<I>1'1f ,'"''1<1" if arf!l~'-f~ ilJ(T-
('1» if 'lf~a'rlt, ;;iT lfrof if; ~~ it if; f'<'~m<llf if; '"f1'a'1i ij; ,,If¥r.r ij'Iflfl' orf1tlfr, Q"n'

(IiI) W', if; ..-th, '1ft if .rrm'ar'l> <iflntt, ;;iT1l'r»i1ir'l> mrF'I'!f if; ;;rl; Qo ~ '1ft '!@ ~,
f"f~R'" 'R !l'f.lft,
'[(4)!lm 15,16, 18,21, 223ff<: 23.if;·~~~ifra''l> flm'f'f-mn am: fvmq; f\fiI'i;A-Iffii1if;
~ it <fu ~ "'f1!. ~ ~ if ',r111 f.m..'! ~m if; <iot!7 it "'f1!. ~)1t ~ ,
( 5) ~ !IT(T if; Tilfl'1lf '3'lomT if; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f.!;-~
,* * * * *
'[('1»] ~ '00,;;iT f'1>m foiRln flf<1f'fif~Of it 'l'r'!m m iit fif'lrm '[~] ~ '[$ '1ft ~
Qo ~~] 'l>Il' Qo '!>If m "of a'<Ii r.rr :IT ltT<:,l if; ~;;rh it if; fm flm~ 'fiT ~'li' 'Il !IT
~ ,1"'1' <rom mr '3'I'!Iro(3) if; ri~. (;;) ij; 3fitr f'ffif~oe 3f~<rlaff it iit 'l>1i ,$T Wa'l
. 'IT, '3ll fif<1f'fif-efOf ~ f;ro; fif'fT;r I> ~<ft it mr~lJ"I f'1>ll; ;;fA' ij;; i\:...m: i\:)IfT, <!'U
'[(\iI) i{<: '!ff.f\'I', 'IT f'1>m fQT\H fifn'fl-iTOf if 1l'1'i,<'1T of<: Qo flf'l'lm '[~] oW; '[$' '1ft
~ Qo] 3l'i5lf$ '[~] "il: q<f ij; '11m 'l>Il' iit 'l>Il' <iT'f 'fof 'lIT 'Ii" 'fiT<'\'~ ij; . ij'''!'I'f >:T1li
ij'1;'I>R: ;rrn '3'I'!Iro (3) ij; ' " (Ii) ij; lfitif f'<'f.r~ QIiJr'l> W:'Il'aff it Qo f.!;m it fum ~ it
",m (itT lit, Oij' fiffi'fif~" if; f<>f.:t fifnifl> ifrlfr.fft if >:f>1EtTtm f<li'l1; orlit if; fi~ ~~ i\:TIfT'
7[( 6) '3'I'!7m (4) am '3'1'!lT>:T (5) ij; ITIfTsriff ij; f'l'l1; 3l'~ '1ft rnr<1' ~ 'I'f ij; ~ ij; If(.\'
f.r.f '1ft ~ ~ f;rni\' flmq-j; 'ITl'Ir<r.IT 'lit !IT a-mr '!..u.,u,
l/ro"I1 flIro; 'lint' ]
'[fIrq 4'1>

.[~ ~1 ~ srftff.lfa-Iff n~r ~-{ ~ .ens ~ ~ if Ii; m;n IIil'

'l¥~ q;') ~t'f
27'1>. !N o ....iftJi ~. ~if fif.r mil' am if ij; ~ ~ ~ ~ ftIq f....i .. "'i'oi'i 'fiT ~­
( 1) ~r ·[ter ~~] "*** ;it m'f!l1'f '1ft ~ ~ it ~ it ~ ~ am ij;.,,[~ ~
Ifr f.!;"@ rn;fi U[;it 'l',it ij; lil1T;;r.r ij;j f.rll; "[i{<: Il;'I> ~it >:T1li ~j 13'" ~ fort!; Il;'I> f'f'lj,,,,,i,u, ;il1rT'
13* • * •
11* * * *
I. 19s6tm~" q. 2 it am ,srmr;mmr (4) t""""'lIf~,
2. ~"'!IT<! IS:ro _ ("') 'liT ~'M" r",,,, '11fT I
'1.o'\'f'I'r.tam '"~,." _ (v) "".,q ("') it; Hit 'f"""'"""' r...n 'llI1I

4. '9G' t'1lfilf.rlr1i Ii •• O""lml 4 ITU"$ ",,<tIi\V"".1!T"t"""", (20-9-'961 It) ~'mr I

5. '1."""" "" !IT<!
4 mY "..., <tIi\v It ~lr" t "'"' '" ( 2 I" 9- , 9 6 I It) ~'«II
Ii. 19S6t'lforr""",,j. 2"""'" 1"01''' ..... ('I)'" ~ (v) *~if'f':~f.vrr"'" I
7. '96' t~li. 40""am 4mY;mmr (6) t""" on (20-9-' "'" iI) lIf~ I
R. I 950 t 'Ifuflr>rsr oj. 73 it mr A rmr '!T~ .'" I _,rnf'rn
9. flofQ ~ (Ii. 2) ,,;;hr.
I 9 SAl'" "'II'!" '''""'' t '!'WI ",!!fu"nf'llll
10. 'X'imrnu ''tp~h''<iI'''' ~"oo ",I 'I'M" fil;ttr'lllll .
11. 1975t~"li. 29,.!\!ITU 1111'(1 (IS-S-'97SiI) .faNifirn,
I?.. ~m'''~r~~~'' ~~tftstft\ft1lfqtt I
13. 1 956 t 'Ifuflr>rsr li. 2 lit rnl I 9 mT ~ ~<iI 'lit ~' ~,,~ 'R'i!'I' ..I ~ filon ~'IT I
14. 1963t~lio 20,.!\m:t 57I1'hli<fl1l~rmr;a<m.q (2) ",,~flrn'l1fT'
47 RepreSelllatioll o/the I~'(}ple /leI. 1950

(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

'1(3) The electoral college for the Union territor or Dell' . . .

the LegIslative Assemhly constituted for Ihat ten'it . I"sh.lll ~O\~s,st of the c!ecte:lmembers of
. TerritOIy of Delhi Act. 1991.1. DIY UIl< e, the (,overnment of NatIOnal Capital
=[(4) 'lThe electoral college for the Union territory of .,... Pondicherry] shall
consist of the elected members of the Legislative As,emblv constitllted for that territory under

the Government of Union Territories Act. 1963 (20 of 1963).]


.270. [Electoral college constituencies.] Rep. hy Ille Ten'ilorial Council ACI. 1956 (103 (~{ 19~6).
nc. [Delimitation of electora/ college constituencies.] Rep. by s. 65, ibid.
270. [PolVer to a/ler or amend orders.] Rep. by s. 65. ibid.
27K [Procedure as 10 orders delil11i1inK comlill/encies. ] Rep. by Ille Represenlalion of Ihe People
(Amemlment) ACI. 1956 (2 '!(1956). s. 21.
27F. [Elecloral rolls for Coullcil 0( Slale.' consliluencies.] Rep. by s .. 22. ibid.
27G. Terll1inalion of JIl('mbership of elecloral eolle~e for eerlain disqul!lificalions.-If a person
who is a memher of an electoral college becomes subject to any disqualification for membership
of Parliament under the provisions of any law relating to corrupt and illegal practices and other
offences in connel·tion with ekctions to Parliament. he shall thereupon cease to he such member
of the electoral college .
. 27". Manner of filling of seals in Ihe Council of States allotted to Vnion lerrilorie~.-7. • •
The scat or scat< in the COlIncil of States allotted to any '[Union t.'rritory] '. *. 'in the
Fourth Schedule to the Constitlltion shall be filled by a person or persons elected by the members
of ihe electoral c"lIege fN '''[that territory1'" • , in accordance with the sy>tem of propor-
tional representation hy means of the single transferable vote:
"[Provided that the person who immediately hefore the cnmmeneement of the Constitution
(Seventh Amendment) Act. 1956. is filling the seat allotted to the Part C States of Manipur and
Tripura shall. as from sueh commencement. he deemed tn have heen dulv elected to fill the ,cat
allotted to tho Itni,," territory of Tripura.] .
271. [Sperial rl'fII'isionsfnr Illefilling of Ihr w'alS in Ille COllneil (lI'Slalrs o/lolled 10 Ille Slales
"I' A.illlel' and ('olll'g lind IIII' Slalrs 0/' Morlipllr and Tripl/ro.] Rep. hI' tlte Adarlalion or l.all·s (No.1)
Order. 1956 .•
ll7J. Powers of electoral ('ollcl(<5 to elect nOlwithstandinl! vacancies therein.-No election by the
m,,,,bcrs nf an eleetnrai en liege ", • • undl'r this Act shall he called in question on
thl' ground merely or the existence or any vacancy in thc' memnership of sllch wllege"· • •
27K. [F/erlol'lll college.l· (III' cerlai" Sillies for lJ'hiclt LrgHflli,'(· ""''i'lI/hties 11I1I'e heen emutl·
IIlIed.] Rep. hr lite Ad"plalion of Lall's (No.2) Order. 1956.1

Subs. by Act I of 1992. s. SS for sub-section"(3) (w.c.f. 2-10-1993).
2. Subs. by Act 20 of 1%3. s. 57 and Sch. II. for sub-section (4).
3. Subs. by Act 69 of 1986. .'I. 7, for certain words (w.e.f. 20-2-1987).
4. The word "Mizoram" omitted by Act 34 of 1986. s. 7 (w.c.f. 20-2-1987)
5. Sub-section (5) omitted by Act 29 of 1915. s. 11 (w.e.f. 15-8-1975).
6. Sub-!.celion (6) omil1cd by Act 32 of 1954. s. 7.
7. Ccrtain words omitted by the Adaptation of Laws (No.2) Order. 1956.
8. SUbs.. ibid., for "Par1 eStates".
9. Thr words "or group of such Slates" omitted. ibid.
10. Subs.. ihid.. for "such State~.
II. The wOTCh "or group of States" omitted by Act 2 of 1956. s. 23.
12. [ns. by the Adaptatifln flf Law!! (No.2) Order. 1956.
1.1 Certain worrls nmitled hy Act 49 of 1951. s.44 and Sch. V.

'[(3) ~ mnJOlIai,Ilf; ~ ""'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U';;!\'HlorElI'" ~ mwI.8Iit<Pt,,~. 1991

~31'-lR ~ flI'lR ~ ~ f'r~ ~ it ~ oWn I)
'[(4)'[' ,. * .. 'iifrift ~ U~ it; f;w. f~l!1IIl :;q f'flll;; 'NT ijo; f'i'iI.'Ir.r~'
'fIfI'lii if f'Ril<>: 1!if1!T.rr I]''! m>,·ffif >T1'1'; <rf'lf.rl<'l, I Y6 3 ijo; 1f!it;r :;q ~ ijo; f~ mi5>; " •
•rf. 1:) I
.* ,.
" ,.
2~. [f....I........ ~~'J -mtr" orm'l; llffaf.!'llf, 1956 (1956 'liT I (3) ~m f~,f'A' I
2711. [",.1,,01'1 01 f~~ 1ffuiIq" Il-r.f~ ~T lIm ti 5 WI f"um. I
2 'I'l. [1!I'Rw 1111 ~ .m:
~ ~ ~ Mj4i1'N:! ~T lIm Ii 5 ~U f.nfuil I
27T-. ["",",,,-n 'If",,"'.,
amn;t'\ ~I Ij-.i'r~ !rl'~f.;flm (!frftl1'l) 11ffIlRIfIl, 1951j (I \! !il;
:f;'1 2) ~T 11m 21 [m f'imr1l' I
27<1. [~"'" f.m;;.f-Wil if; ~ r.m- "",rQt 'l~ffii 'It) am 22 ;rm f~ I
2'7W. ~ mt;mii ~ ~ f;rm~ Itft!mlm II!! ~-<I~ if\l: oqfq'ff, .rr A;'IT r.m'fll;-
"" 'ltl 'l'w<' ~, WI';: «.1 'W'al ir; f~ f"''IT f,,-.:t<rr if; tlU;'lftor ~'!!"t f.. lfi riffu ~ 'roI"rii if; qUI"
il "1m: .rr !f'l":' if; f"ififfi if '1<i1:[ 'W.i! m q~1I ~i 3ft>: ..... Im"'ll if; '1<i1'11 if ~ fit ,~
~'T1 ;rf.r !f' :;q U'lf f.rqt~1!1II ~'I zm'll' ;;;fi ~ omt~1 I
2 7'i!. ~ "94"," 'lit ~ if ~ 'mil If'Il if .. _'" III) ~ III) ~-f"'!lT ,[!!'!
~a '[~** 'ltl «1~a1'i 'itT .*** "'!'l crprft if <If1Wt if flf~ >:TOll II'l'I if if; fI!1T;; 111
fowii 'liT "[OZ!l U"l o.ial 11~** .. f\'i1( f.. ,"",~rrar if;!FWii ;rm m:rrrfir; llf"f'if!1i'r !f:;rf,' ijo;
11'1',1\ "'It'f I]'lfi!f'lf.'-I If.; ml f~jfiffl .,.·fiR Ifl .... ~·lii it 'IU ~'1 I :
12[~ .rr O1Iifl ,rf",!1A (!!<'til 1i'l11i'!) IIfaf'ilfll, 195-; if; lIT"'" if; Cf"!l.r\l:"'.\;f IlfOrp: <iT'.
ttM'<l if; 1f1'Q ~ u>lii 'fir ~ ii fll'r f1f1'"-'T ~ <1r>:ut f'I>1!; it': ~ :;q .,.fiI;r 'It, .a~ "t!:!I1TlI1 "f11:7111
ti!;' ifl!: fi:l'~T1 if; !itf T1"'~T ijo; wv.;; it f~ ~ 'lit ~ lIT>:<'I1 iJ 1[1 m if; f;w. 'i'4'" ~ if
RlfTf'ffl ~w ~ IJ
2711. [~ If'Il .. mq _iR .m: foi UNt .m: ~ .m: fIT' m.n .. f1niI .m.. mq
f;nltt ",""ql-flffII q'!;~ (ijjl2) mi'l', 1956 ;rm f.i>:f!r1! I
27'11. f...I ..... ,.ii if ftmIlri ~ii ~ 'I) _f fiRfv.f ~ .' .~-fir;!I'') f.. mr.f1'7I ,,~ •• q,
~<>ii ~ro ~!I' qfaf'i11ll .. ~1'-i\.; A;l/1 11~ 1 'Iirt >if f'l''''''R .. if ~'lI "" _ I it fill"') f7f!n ijo; flfVlll'i
~I'r ijo; wm If-': ~ ~V'flf;t' '" t"'''--I ~I I
27~. [f"ll UQ'i .. mq fm mq mnol nnt w;nt IIf f" f,,'1'1_ ""I-Mil ~~.; (oi.· 2)
<lT~, 1956 ~m fonf'lO I

L '99~ Ii; ~ "0 11Il ..-0 55 IfTU (2-1O-1993;t) """'" (3) Ii; """ "" ~,
2. 1963 Ii; ~ "0 20 it ..-0 57 &tt reato ~ IfTU """'" (4) Ii; """ "" ~,
J. 1986 Ii; ~ "0 69 it ..-0 7 IfTU (20-2-1987 ;t) ili" """' Ii; """' "" ~, .
4. 1986 Ii; ~ "0 34 it ..-0 7 01U (20.2-1987;t) "!lrllmo" ........ flI;", """
5. 1975 Ii; ~ "0 29 it ..-0 II IfTU """'" (5) '"' (15-8-1975 ;t) "'" fl!;11I """
6. '954 Ii; ~ "0 32 it ..-0 7 IfTU flI;", """
"""", (6) "" ....
7. MQ ~ ("'0 2) ""~. 1956 IfTU """, " "",," Ii; """ "" ~,
8. ~ II1U "", q;t tmlr "" .".." .,..-y '"' .... flI;", """
9. ~ ~ ("'0 2) ""~, 1956 IfTU ili" .,..-y '"' .... flI;", "'" I
10. ~ ~ ("'0 2) ""... 19561fTU "w "",,"
Ii; """ "" ~I
IL '956 Ii; ~ "'0 2 1t\ ..-0 23 IfTU "", tmlr '"' ."..': .,..-y '"' .... flI;", "'" I
12. ~ ~ ("'0 2) ""... 19561fTU "",,:l'IlIfllo,
13. 1951 Ii; ~ "'0 49 it <I1U 44 &tt _ ~ IfTU ili" .,..-y '"' .... flI;", """
48 Representation of the People Act, 1950

(PART IT.-Acts of Parliament)



28. Power to make rules.-(/) The Central Government may, after consulting thc Election
Commission, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules ' for carrying out the PlJrpo~es of
this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, sHch rules
may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely;-
'[(a) the determination of ordinary residence under sub-section (7) of section 20;
(aa) the particulars to be entered in the electoral rolls;]
(b) the preliminary publication of electoral rolls 3. · .;
(e) the manner in which and the time within which claims and obiections as to entries in
electoral rolls may be preferred;

•• • • • •
(e) the manner in which notices of claims or objections shall be published;
(f) the place, date and time at which claims or objections shall be heard and the manner
in which claims or objections shall be heard and disposed of;
(g) the final publication of electoral rolls;
5[(h) the revision and correction of electoral rolls and inclusion of names therein;]
(i) any other matter required to be prescribed by this Act.
'[(3) Every rule made by the Central Government under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may
be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of
thirty days which may be comprised' in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if,
before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions afore-
said both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule
sho~ld not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no
effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without
prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule.]
'[29. Staff of local authorities to be made availablc.-Every local authority in a State shall, when
so req~ested by the chief electoral officer of the State, make available to any electoral registration
officer such staff as may be necessary for the performance of any duties in connection with the
preparation and revision of electoral rolls.J
30,' Jurisdiction of civil courts barred.-No civil court shall have jurisdiction-

(a) to entertain or adjudicate upon any question whether any person is or is not entitled
to be registered in an electural roll for a constituency; or

1. See the Registration of Elccwrs Rules, 1960, in Volume II, il1fra.

2. Subs, by ACl47 of 1966, s. 12, ford. (a) (w.e.f. 14·12·19(,6).
3. Ccrtajnworosomilted by Act 73 ('If 1950.s. 9.
4. CI.(d)omitlcct by Act 200fI960.,.3.
S. Subs. by Act 2 of 19S6, s. 24, fer cI. (II).
6. Subs. by Act 88 of 1976, s. 6. for sub-section (3).
7. Sub" by Art 2 of 19S6, s. 2S, fo". 29.
~ IIf<lr.. flt<lr .lUr"q... '1950 48
('fr<r 2-~~ lj; 3l'f\l Pt." )
28. f_ "'IA "" . - ( 1) ~,q ~ ~~ mf.Tf.iIJ.... iii mOAT '1ft 'fl'4If.... " ""it if; fu't!;
ilf4"" f.t"<IR".; m'it<r iT ~. ~ if; 'l"ffi'!. llTrniflm- ~ if ~f~ mr iRT ml'
( 2) f~: 3l1<: ~[q"' lIIfiffl" ,"I ~<lT If"( ~"'" lMlr ml f\r;rr l!iT flrqq" f.r:orfufW ~iI
firflll if; f<11:!; 'iT ~,iT ~l if; f<'Tt!; '3'fiI"i!f "" m, ~:-
'[ ('") 'lTIt* at< iT 20 '"I '3'l"0fr0 (7) if; $lllR ...",~r;
f.rqrn ..I !fro.
('l>'O) ~ ",,,,,,f.. 4T if llWe '"I <;jA <miT f"fit,fi;eqi];
(Ii") ilfilhrl; 'fill r"lf<;ll1 a *** if1l ~'11'11 l!'mR;
('I) ~ ftnr mif ail, qi[ ~ mif; '1'1," f.r<ri;A; ;n",,,r<14'1 it 'ltl Iff.. ""'q' 'IIt;rmr
~ 311<: mm
~ <;jr M~'I;
•• * • •
(1') ~ ~fu mif .m 4r mWii 'ltl ~ IAirfua '1ft :;mt>ft;
(,,) ~ ~, ~ am: ~q, f",;rit 'iT·m If"( itr<f 'iT 3lTWr ~it 'IITltit am: ~ ,)fir f;;rnif ~
lIT 3lralq ~ ail, f~ "'~;
(~J ~'" ~,,,,,,f l11 if1l :;fflnl lIif1l!1A;

'[(",) ~ ~,q,,,f,,'l! if1l $if'm.r ar1<: 1!);fu <PIT;m"l; ~ omif 'lit ~fi:qf<iQ" ""~;]t
(11) .m; '1ft ti;;ft _ iffif orr ~ 3lf>Tilf4f¥t" «m ~Q" f~ ;;nit if; f~ 3fitfmr ~ 1
'[ (3) ~~ 3lf.. f.. q" if; arq~
ij;;ftlf !l<:if1l, «m iifiITl1'T <r'lT ~ flrqq" ~ (;!Tit iii ~ lI'fT
mi'!, mr;: iii lRIf," ~ if; <lq&"{, "IiI ~ !lor if i[" ffi"~ ~ '1ft "IiIf!f iii fu't!; ~ ~<rt 1 ~'
t(1I> !lor if a!'I«I" ~ 'iT artii," ~ifl !lor! if l);" i[T ~"j;Ift, ~ ;m ".or if; lfI" 'i('ffiffl" ~flrifl ".or! iii
or.. iI1~ iii !lor iii 3I'!m'! iii ';I,'i itm <r'1:" ;rn fof1l1f if 'OW qf~ rn if; f~ ~ i[T 'IITlt <iT
d\~ ~ ~~ qfufuQ" ~ if i!'
lI'fI"q i[RT 1 lifit '3'ffl 3I'!m'! if; ';I,'i itm ~ ~(f ~ 'lI'n:t fifl ~
f.!'lI'I" ~ iifiITl1'T Gff'fT ~ <fTam'",! ~ ~q i!T ;;rn:rrr , f~ f.r1l... if; ~« qfu-r(fd lIT fof<lI3lT"
i[r.t ~ ;;Wi; anf\;f ~ '1ft 'I"t f.f;<rl ,nO" '1ft fqf!fq"T~ If"( srf~ lI'fT<f ~ ~ I]
'[29. ",,;{\q snftl'folfuif 111 iii';"'<l,!~ iii' ~ IiIm :;n;n-~ it 'Itli!' ~....m.iii,(l >::tOll"
it '!6If f;rilT;;.f anfll;~ «m u: ~ 3fitf&lO" f~ "'A If"( f't1<rT ...., flrm<l1 <f';r!'ifr<j;"{lJf 3l'~ 'lit ~lI"r 1fi1f-
~ ;rorilI ~m f~qi...~ 'fIl!Tqf<i1ll iflf<f If/",'
3l'1, $if"&lU[ iT hiffl" f~~ if1ff.n iii <rr;f'f if;
fu't!; ~ ~'l \
30. ftrmr dO'4,(OI41 "" maiii,f(d' ~-fiI;;fT ..,.1 fm,,"",""lIl'm!'t ,"T--
(if1) '!iTt ~m 5111;; f~ .m; 'lfu"''I"-~;r if; f,,"~ fiflfh j; 'flqrnl if ""'~'/iCI f;;~
orA iii fu't!; ~ ~ 'iT 'f~ ~I![ if1>::>t 'IT 01ll'lf'f1!["fu if1,it 'lit, 3l''<'fr
.1. ",iT ft;IFl{ 2 if ~~"""" f;ror, 1%0 ~ I
2. 1966 iI< 1Iflrill'nni' 47.,;t!lm 1nn:l .... ('l» iI<;>fJOr '"' (14-12·1966 i'I) lJf,~rfi!a- I
'3. 1950 iI< 1Ifllf.,.".,ni· 73.,;t!lm 9 im:T;>e> ~ 'lIT "rtf'lOfl 'llTI I
4. 1960 iI< <lfllf.".".1I. 20 'l>T !IT"U 3 in:r l1t'I.- ('I) 'lil """ fiIorr 'llTr I
5. I 9 56 .. .mrf.ivr a· 2 ~r fln:r 24 Imr "". (" ) if; ''II" '"' srfuNrfirn I
6. 1976 iI< <rilrfltqq Ii' 88.,;t !In:r 6 ill" '3'1"1":1 (3) ;, ,'It" '"'
7. 1956i1<<rflrf.t".,,,i· 2.,;t!ll<l251n:rUHT 29 ij; "H'l" ""lJfaf'llfir<r I

1-'-804 M/o Law'\: Juslicc/94

49 Representation of the Peuple Act, 1950
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)
(b) to question the legality of any action taken by or under the authority of an electoral
registration officer, or of any decision given by any authority appointed under this Act for
the revision of any such roll.

1['[31. Making false declarations.-If any person makes in connection with-

(0) the preparation, revision or correction of an electoral roll, or

(b) the inclusion or exclusion of any entry in or from an electoral roll,

a statement or declaration in writing which is false and which he either knows or believes to be
false or does not believe to be true, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.)

32. Breach of official duty in connection with the preparation, etc., of electoral roUs.-( I) If any
electoral registration officer, assistant electoral registration officer or other person required by or
under this Act to perform any official duty in connection with the preparation, revision or correc-
tion of an electoral roll or the inclusion or exclusion of any entry in or from that roll, is without
reasonable cause, guilty of any act or omission in breach of such official duty, he shall be punishable
with fine which may extcnd to five hundred rupees.

(2) No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against any such officer or other person for
damages in respect of any such act or omission as aforesaid.

(J) No court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under sub-section (I) unless
there is a complaint made by order of, or under' authority from, the Election Commission or the
chief electoral officer of the State .concerned.)


(See section 3)
AI/ocari,," or Seats in the House of the People

Number of seals in the House Number of seals in tbe House

asconslilutcd un 1-1-1973. as subsequently constituted

Name uf the Stllte/Uniun territory Total Rescrvcu Re:-crvcd Total RCS(IVHl RC1ieIVll"
fur the for the for the for the
Sl.:bedulcll Sf.:heuuled Schcdukll Scheduli.:LI
Castes Tribes Castes Tribes
---' 2 3 4 5 6 7

t. Andhra PraLc::,h 41 6 2 42 6 2
'1.2. Arunachal Pradc~h 2
.. J
'(3. J Assam . 14 2 14 2
'(4.1 Bihar . 53 7 5 54 8 5
I. lns. by Act 58 ()f 1958. s. II.
2. Subs. by Act 20 of 1960. s. 4, fors. 31.'
3. Subs. by Act 88 of 1976, s. 7, for the First and Seconrl S,hec'l:}(S
4. Ins. by Act 69 of 1986. s. 8 (w.e.r. 20-2-1987).
5. Renumbered by s. 8. ibid. (w.e.f. 20-2·1987).
• IIf!lf"ftml afar","" 1950 .jl}

('IIl'T 2-~~_ <i 3lf~)

. (Ii) f1I;m f.l'rf'l'~ ~~ 3llfi1; ~ if; lfTfi:m, if; lIlU ~ 3!flT" >tt 'Ii fnl ",,'1"Iift
>tt lIT ~m f~m 'II'!r.m if; ,!"~II!r"l if; ""''1; ~q 3!f~ if; 3!~ f.rTf' flrnt !IIf'.n/7l~ ~lU f.rrl:
'!'1: f.;;m f.. f~." 11 ~I 1i ""I Iii r lIlA11i'! 'li<'t ~I,
lI!fuoI;rfm " ;;Ttfl 1
1['[ 31. fiI<ln QNomi 'li<'II----'rllr ~~ ~,,-
(~) f1I;m ~ 'II'rr<n'iT ~I IflITTl, ,!~fl.,ul ~ ~rn it, "I'M
(Ii) f1I;m ~ if; fit;m ~ 'f1'1Ir.m if r,fl:qrn lIT 7!JIif amfiira f~ orr'! if; ,r;fu ii,
i1;m 'li'I'f liT u:m Q~ f3!f1ii'! 1;'f if ~ <01 !1f'llT ~ air< forWi; fl(>q' ~R ~r ~ "I ;rn lIT'! 1!; ~ f""""
~ ~ f,;rnil; mll ;;R '!>f
"it f'milf "ti ~,<iT ~ u:it ",":T<mr ~, R;rm ar'Ifu ~ ~ ~ Iii iII >R;If!,
lIT "1>rf.t \'t, lIT ~Rl it, mr.r ;;Prr I]
32. f~ ""Mfi:I<i\ ",I illl"T l!I1R iI ;fll."qtll "''''llT "" 'tit:--(I) lIR~Wf",*"~uor~­
""" 3!rf'lrtT<, lfi!Ill~ f~.R", 'fGr"~.",U[ anfit.,,' lIT """ .~f,,, ;;iT f.;;m f.l~ 'IflImrl "'I "''-TT'€t,
q~a.,ul lIT m it !TlI'f" ~ r~lfl 1If<rlt< "'I "II filqi'l''I' 'IT'IT• .rl' if ~ffif ",(it rtr "eit 3I'Pffi;rif
~':\f !TlI'!1I°f~1 'l'it>T ~'rt if; 'fll'l'! if;fu~ ~>r mw.r'-T'! if; il'''lIT ~ ~~, u:it om'l'~.rt
lIr vtrr ~ f1I;m 'iITlt lIT 'iITlt<>T1'l' '!>f ~'.'f1 ,{Ii.",!" ~'" if; R'!I ;;rPrr, ,,) "!I "!'!fH, <Ol~ !Tl 0'1''1; ~
"" i!) Q if;rrT, o'rnrt ;;Irrr 1
(2) 'l"'fi;! ,*(t f~!IT ""1 lIT 'I'T.t<iM "'hT"" ~~;n;ft if; f~ 'li~ '1'1 ~ liT 3!<4 firt'!l''I' "",fqlirl
~« f.t;lfl 3IImr< liT 3f'li "'If.f" <i lio<>Tr'n" ifllfl 1
(3) '"'" <\To f~ f.rql'l''' 3!r'l'IIf rtr ij1''!'I'a ,I"rt <i '!,~11 f.rql'l"! arrmr< '" 3!r~ imr lIi lIrf!l''I'T'
if; 3!flT" qf"","' '! f",'l'T If"r ",I, ~Tii '1'1 "",,,(>Tr( '3'M'U ( 1) if; 31m, ~'s'll'-T f~r am:r!l' "'I IDrR
" ~ ,]
3[sr~lf ar~;ft
(mu 3~)

"''''' ~'" ~ ~ !fiT one'eOf -- ----
I- I -I 9 ". oft ""'''fo" """ if "_, '! ""f'lfie ii "n," ..)
PH;fi q'Glrr

:Ii" "~'.!f"" "'l\lf"" :!i" ~\If'rn firn
,"f"~) ;j; ,,"", f,I'ij ",m.) ;j; "'l'i:
f"'l vn:f&rn it f"'l f"'l '" ,J,," H",
3 4 5 6 7

I. U1iII:
I. ",'11 ~itor . 41 6 42 6
'[2.J "'.,,"" witor 2
6[:t.l """
'14.J f..,~
53 7 5
2 14
54 3

<rftlf""q ". 58'" '"" II rm ""''''''''',"

L 1958;j;
t <rfirf'mI d. 20 oft am 4 rm !{I'U J I ;j; "''''' "" l!ftr~ ,
2. 1960
3. 1976" <rf\If.oTII d· 88 oft!{m 11m li'l1I ~\I") "Rii<r~ ~\I,,1;j; "'," "" !lfa~ ,
4. 1986;j; ~ d· 69 oft IlT'U "1m (20-2-1987 it) ai<I;~ ,
5. '.'6;j; <rfllf'l"l"f a. 69") m>:T "1m (20-2-1987 ii) 1"; \i •• ","" ,
50 Representation of the People Act, [950
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
2 34567
.. [
24 2 3 26 2 4
1[7.} HarY3na 9 2 10 2
2[8.) Him~chal Pril' esh 4 4
1[9.] Jammu an~1 Ka~hmir 6 6
1110.) Karnataka . 27 4 28 4
1[1l.] Kerala . 19 2 20 2

IlI2.1. Mallhya Pradesh 37 5 8. 40 ,[61 '[9["

1[13.} Maharashtra 45 3 3 48 3 '[41

1{14.} Manipur 2 2
~[l5.) Mech:).laya 2 2 2
"1\6.} Mizoram I)

'[17.J Nagaiand
'liS.] 0Eissa . 20 3 5 21 3 5

'{l9.1 Punjab 13 3 13 3

1 (20.] Rajasthan 23 4 3 25 4 3

'[21.1 Sikkim 1

'l22.1 Tamil Nadu . 39 7 39 7

2 2 . 1
'[23.) Tripura
'[14.} Uttar Pral'e~h 85 18 85 18

1[25.} West Bengal 40 8 2 42 8 2


I. An·iaman and Nicobar Islanlls

•• • • • •
'l2.) Ch.amiisarh
8[3.} Dldra and Nagar Havcli I

'[4.) Delhi 7 7
1G[5.] Daman and Diu
6. Lakshadweep
• • • •
. - ----_. .. - - .
522 77 41 543 7? 41

I. Ins. by Act 18 of 1987. s.8 (w.e.f. 30'5·1987).

2. Renumb",d by s. 8, ibid. (w.e.f 30·5·1987).
3. S'J-b. by NOlifn. No. S.O. H67.l.1att.'d 16-10·1979. for "S".
4. Subs. ibid. for "sn.
5 Subs. by Nut;f". No. S.O. 35(E). ,:~ted 21·1·1978. for "3".
". In<. by Acl34 of 1936. ,.8 (w.e.r. 20-2·1987).
7. RenHmb:!n:d bys. 8, ibid. (w.c.f.20·2-1987).
8. Elltry ~lating to Arun:1ch'lI Pradesh o:niltl!d by Act 69 of 1986. s. 8 (w.e.f. 20-2-1987).
~. R."nu;n~"'d by s. 8. ihi.t. (w.c.f. 20·3·1987).
II), SUI)S. by Act 18 of 1987. s. 12, for the ~ntryrclating tIJ Goa, Darnall and DIU (w.c,i. 3().S-1987).
II. Entry relatilt3 to Miloram omitted by Act 34 of 1986. s. 8 (w.e.f. 20-2-.1987).
12. R~number<d by s. 8. Ibid. (w.<.r. 20·2·1987).
"~lIftlr"fII,,, ..fur".... , 1950 so
( 1fT'! 2~'l: '* atfllf.flrlr)
2 3 5 6 7

'[s.] 'I'm 2
'16.] 'l""J6 24 2 3 26 2 4
'[7.] ~url 9 2 10 2
·[s.] ft!'!1""lIil>! 4 4
.[ 9.] ""!:"'"""' 6 6
'[ 10.] """"" 27 4 28 4
'[ 11.] h'<! 19 2 20 2
'[12.] lItIflltw. :n 5 8 . 40
'[ "I
'[ 13.] >!W'U~ 45 3 3 48 3
'[ 1 4.] 1IfVJT' z 1 2
.[ 15.] """'" 2 2 2
'[16.] ~
'[ 1 7.] ",'IT""
'[ 1S.] """" 211 3 5 21 3 5
'[ 19.] <ion'! 13 3 13 3
'[ 2 0.] mrro;r 23 4 3 25 4
'[ 21.] !\If""", 1.
'[22.] aflt;r.n~ 39 7 39 7
'[23.] ~ 2 2
'[24.] "'" ~ 85 18 85 18
'[25.] """"I;t.n" 40 8 2 42 8

'[~.] ~
am: r.,.;m, r",
* * • *
'[3.] .,"'" 31), '1'1'1"< ~<i\
.[ 4.) r.",,1 7 7
IO[ s.] ~ 3ft"),, I
6• ..-.riM' --I
* * * •
....:.~..:..-)_~_~_______--::-:-::-_ _-::-=-__-:-:-__.,...:.!______...:::.
"[ 7.) q:.:;~:.::
""' 522 17 41 S43 79 41
1. 1987 it; II'fl1fl1"" lio 18 'j;1. "'" 8 ~m (30-5-1987 if) .rn:~rfita,
2: 1987 it; 1I'f\rf"""
lio 18'j;1 11m 8 nn ('30-5-1987 - ..
if) Q":Ii!l1:ltf..."
3. ~ lio '1<10 <rio 3567. arm.. 1<;-t0-1979 fro "5" it; ~R q-.: lIfirmf'r6 I.
4. ~ tic 'liTo liro 3567, Cliihr' 16-10-1979 lrn::r "a" iii f'fTrr ~ J;lfffi:q'rflrn I
S. ~r «0
IfiTO'lfTo 35 (q-o). ar~"tv 21-1-1978 lTU "3" t ~ 1ft SlfdfiflNa I
6. 1986 it; lI'f\rfi!li1J lio 34 ...IFlTU 81n:r (20-2-1987 if) 3j,,:~rfita ,
1986 it; ifr.rf,,~;r Ii, H ,;1 ,,:,; 8 lIt' (20'2-1987 if) 't;r:liO!lif'j;(I I

'I" r..... q"


8. J986 it;~ lio 69 'If) 11m B ~'" (20-2-1987 if) II'If"!T;H lItllT (jt,ft lIf~lv. 'j;' I
9. 1986 oil .lflrf;r'i'f lio 69 'j;1 unr S ll(l (20-2-1987 it) 'tll':a·oqtr.. " I
10. 1987 it; lIfilfi!li1J lio 18 ...IFlTU 12 n" (30-5-1987 if) -hi, <11'' 1"", it.. ~f<it lIf~! lI~lf'ni'l~ I
11. 1986 it; lI'fafi!li1J 'lio 34 'If) !1J(1 81W (20'2-1987 if) r~;j)tlT 4i<it r~f<I '1>1 m f"'~i q<rr I
12. 1986 it; ~ lio J4 ...r lIi,r B 1m (20-2-1987 if)~":Ii~a I

51 Representation of the People Act, 1950
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)


(See sections 7 and 7A)
To/aillumber of Seats in rhe Legislative Assemhlies

Nurnbcr Df sea.s in lh.e Lcgislat ivc: Nnmbcruf seals in the Legislative

Assembry as ,onstituted on Assembly <IS sub5eqt:ently
1-1-1973 constituted
Name of the State/Unh In terri'ory ---.
Tutal Reserved Reserved Total Resfrved R('~f'r ... ed
for the for the fur the for the
Scru:duled Scheduled Sch,~uled Schcquled
Castes Tribes Castes Tribes

2 3 4 5 6 7

I. STA1l:~ :
I. Andhra PraQ(sh 287 40 II 294 39 15
112. Arcna(:hal Pradf~h 60 59J
3. Assam 114 8 10 126 8 16
4. Bihar 318 45 29 324 48 28
'[5. Goa 30 40 ·1
6. Gujaral 168 II 22 182 13 26
7. Haryana 81 15 90 17
8. Himachal Pralle~h 68 16 3 68 16 3
9. Jammu and Kashmir· 75 6 '76 6
10. Karnataka 216 29 2 224 33 2
II. Kerala 133 II 2 140 13
12. Mac'hya Pral1.csh 296 39 61 320 44 75
13. Maharashtra 270 15 16 288 18 22
14. Manipur 60 19 60 I 19
15. Megh.laya 60 50 60 55t'
1{16. Miroram. 30 40 39J
17. Nasaland 52 60 59
18. Orissa 140 22 34 147 22 3~

19. Plinjab 104 23 117 29

20. Rajastba'n 184 31 21 200 33 24
21. Sikldm 32 2 12"
22. Tamil Nadu 234 42 2 234 42 3
23. Tripura . 60 6 19 60 7 17
24. Uttar Pradesh. 425 89 425 92
25. West Bengal 280 55 16 294 59 17

1. ID •• by Act 69 of 1986, s. 10 (w.e.f. 20-2-1987).

2. In•. by Act 18 of 1987, •• 12 (w••• f. 30-5-1987).
• Under the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the number of scats in the Legislative Assembly of that State ex-
cludina the 24 seats earmarked (or Pakistan occupied territory is 760UI oCwrucb 6seats have becn reservc:d lertfte
Scheduled Caste!' in pursuance of The Jammu and Kashmir Rcprcscnl8tinn of the p(ople A(T, 1957.
3. In•. by ACllt of 1986, •. 10 (w.e.f. 29-2-1987).
•• Reserved 1 seal for Sanahas and 12 scats for Bbul-ia Lepcha urigin.
t' NQW S5 seats, see s. 7 (IB) of this Act as ins. by Act 40 of 1987, s. 2 (w.e.f. 22.9.19871.
~ lir"r'lr......,fllfilonl. 19 5 0 51
('ilT'I 2-"~ ~ ;rt;IflI~'1)

(am 7~ ""~)
~ Q .. ici'f " ~ ~ Q
,.,.,.,. '" ~ ~ ~/Omfr,! ~ r"""" '1"11' q
'l'1li If ", oj"", ,,''''''''
or, <f~~'

__________________________·_2______~________•_______5______~CR_______ 7

I. ~:

1. VI'tl'
'I,-J __ m
m· 2~i 40
" 29. 39
.I :l

~. OAI'I 114 R 10 '2. 8
4. 31' 29 124 48
'I<.J riM 30 .0
R. T'~ '6' I I "2

" I• 66 "
•. fl'n-"it1I
.. ~
,.• R 6 "76

'O.~ 21. 29 2 33 2
I 2. q'f;If m .
19 ., 2
210 I. 288 I.
'3 111[1"~
14.~ RO " 19 Gil

I 5. iJ\.,~"ii Rn 50 .0
_'1Ib.jflc;iin> 30 40 :191
17. ;rrlfFU ;1 fiO 59
,..~ 140 14i 22 H
II i 29
HI, !f~'. 1114
20. •:I~A
22. HfII;!;n!
6 19
2 214
" 7
24.~m 8·
"5. 'If""" 1i~lif 1 Ii ';9 17

Ii vf8f;pr1f
I. ) 9tU' "0
69.a- flro 10 InJ (20-2-1 ~tl7 «) aia:t1lTf'H' ,
2. 1987';;~rio , • .,lIIJn:II2Im (3"-5-1987.)3i<I~If.e,
, "...~ ~,.. ~ • 'If!Ito< 08 """ ~ r."", lI'II ij ...I-il oil <i.~ q~ .. ~ ""'UR"~ Ill<! f.mI • 24
. "",ft .., ormA .... 76 t f;Aii II • f'IIA ~-_... oil.. ofdf"",,,,""'f.<I!'I 1957 oj; ~ iI <f~a ,,,,,,1/\
.;; i'I'! ar'dml , ,
J. 1986 Ii; ~ '" 34lt\ "'" 10 om (20-2-1987 Q) <!nI:...mlm I
•• ~~ • flI1! I ar.r1ll8 8111 12 ~~ irn(1'" flI1! ,,,'dmI ,
t'''''' 55 M. ~ 1987 .. ~ '" 40 a'l "'" 2 om (22-<).1987 Q) <!nI:...mlm f(t ~ It\ "'" 7 (IOZ) I
52 Represen,atioll uf/he Peop/eA C/, 1950
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)

2 3 4 S 6 7
,. . • • • •
•• • • • • •
•• • • • • •
4. pon1icherry 30 S 30 5 .. I


(See section 10)
AI/ol'ao'ion of Seals in the Legislative Coundls

Number to be elected or nominatecl lmC(f 8rti( Ie J 71(3J

Name of State numb~r Sub· SOl b- Sub-- Sub· Sub·
of clan<;c clause clause cl:n:sc clal:re
seats (a) (b) (c) (<1) (,.)

1 2 3 4 S 6 7

.. • • • •

2. Bihar

'[3.1 Madhya Prad"h




8 8





s· • • • •
'15.\ Mo.jlIlrashtrt 78 22 7 7 30 121
lOI6.} tl{Karnatak al 75 2S 7 7 2S III
n. • • • •
8. Uttar Pradesh 108 39 9 9 39 12
," • • • •
1. EntrY relatir.~ (0 An:nachal Pradesh omitlf'd by Atl 69 of 1986. 5.10 (w.e.!. 20-2-1987).
2. Entry relating to Goa, Daman and Diu omiltt;>d by Act 18 of 1987, ~:. 12 (w.t'.r. 30·5-1987).
:1. EntrY f(;lalins to Mizc:ramomittc:d by Al t 34 of 198(" f. 8 (w.~ .f. 20-~·1987).
4. Sub,. by Art 37 of 1957, ,.12, for the Third Sl'hedule.
S. EntrY relaling to Andhra PrDd('sh Cmitlf'O by ACI ~4 of 1985, f. 5 (w.(.f. 1-6-1985).
6. Bntr·y relating to Bombay omitted by Act 11 of 1960. !':. 21 (W.f.r. 1-5-1960).
7. Renumbered by s. 21, Ibid. (w.e.f. 1.5.1960).
8. Entry relatiJ'.g to Tamil Nadu omilled by All 40 of 1986,~. 5 (w,\:,L 1-11-19R6).
9. Ins. by Act 11 of 1960. s. 21 (w.e.f. 1·5·1960).
10. Sd,s. by A<l 31 of 1987, s. 2.
11. Sub!', by the Mysorc State (AltcrationofNnme) (Aj'aPlctionofLnwScfl lIn.i(:n Ordc.;)". 1974 5.3 anq Suh.,
for "Mysore" (w.e.f. 1·1 J.I973).
12. Entry relating to !'l'J"J.b omitt<d by A<t 46 of 1969, ,.5 (w.<.f. 7+1970).
13. B'try "Iating to Wo.t B'ngal omitted by Act 20 or t969. s. 5 (w.e.f. 1.8.1969).
Of)!!! SlMli1ftn" afaf., ..", 19·50 52
('I{1'l 2-mr, it; 3Ililf.,QQ)

2 3 4 5 6 7

II. RQ~ill
I· • • • • •
4. 'lifr.{fr

• ..
• •

30 5

30 5

·[mftIf 31'1e "
'" .... i ~

(um 10~)
fifQ'A qftr(if if ~ "" am#e-r
ty;s;:r ~r ;rrr . ~r.i'foft ~ 171 (3) ~ qliR ~ Q1 ot,qr;cf(Cl! f~ 'Crif
f"';"" .",;l ooIt ,;...,
------------------ ------
2 3 .4 5 6 7

sf • • • • •
2· fqr( 96 34 6 8 34 12
•• • • • • •
7{ 3.) 'I'll m 90 31 8 8 31 12·
,. 0 0
• • 0

915.~ 7. 22 7 7 30 12
" G_Lu. ....m.1 75 25 7 7 25 11)
". 0
• 0
• •
"'~m 108 39 9 9 39 12
I). 0
• 0
• •
1. 1986 ~ ~ liD 69 oft tI~r 10 nt! (20-2-1987 il) ,,~ m \i1ilfr II~ "" <Wf.~~r 'rqr I
2. 19R7 ~ qlllf.rtA liD 1tt.ooIt tlnr 12 ~ro (30-5-1987 iI) ~R1. "'" atn ~ m"t smflz ",r ;iN IiIo!r '!IIi 1
~. 1986 ~ qtilf.!ll>! liD 34 ooIt aro 8 ~nr (20-2'1987 iI) ~ .\i1ilfr ~ 'III 'IN ~ ~r 1
4. 19 5 7 ~ qlbflnr'f li. 370ft tI ro 12 mr q't~ 3 ~ """ on .m, ~tf't8 1
5. 1985 ~ qf!lf.rtfq liD 34 ",i tint 5 1m (1-6-1985 iI) qi", m
~ IIflrltz d. 1 'lit "N fitrqt "qll
6. 1960 $ ~firf.ItIq liD 11 ",i "~I 21111't (1-5-1960 Ii) ~t #lnllflrltz 3'111;iN f_ WI
7. 1960 $1fIlrilIqq' liD 11 ",i flI~ 21 "'0 (1-5-19601/) T't lillllf'll<! I
8. 1986~. qRtf'llrt liD 40 ooIt af1.t 5.lm (1-11-1986 iI) "fl{~'!rl_ \i1i1i\ IIfllfSz· "" "N f~t "'" I
9. 1960 ~qfiJf.rrRli. lI ..rtlt"l21 rr<t (1-5-1960 II) oid:",tflId 1
10. 1981 <I; afuf.w! '" 31 all 0J1t1 2 mr'~ I
11· ~ 1I>If ('!III~' (lia fiAql ~ f'IfiJ 1I't"'."") qtt.r. 1974 1f1.' "4'1:''' $ "'''' ~ (1-11-1973 iI)
!tf\l"""," 1
12. 1969 t qfirflr<tl! liD 46 ..r Ifn' 5 rro q'",,"r p'd\ llfilfoz II>! (7-1-1970 \I) ;iN ftnIr "'" I
U. 1969 ., .. raf.rq~ liD 20 ooIt II", 5 r~1 qf'"," ."'~ dlia) IIf~ "" (1-11"1969 \I) "N f'l!lll :w I
53 Representation of the People Act, 1950
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)
[See 6ection 27{l»)

Local Authorilips fur purpo.les of Electiaf/s 10 Legis/qlive Callf/cit,I'

" •
.' •

I. Municipalities. '4. Notified Area Committees.

2. District Boards. I{S. ZiIa Parishads.
3. Cantonment Boards. 6. PanchayatSamitis.)

•• • • •
'[I. Municipalities. 4. Cantontnent Boards.
2. Janapada Sabhas. 5. Notified Area Committees.

3. Ma!1d1d Panchayats. 6. Town Area Committees.))

• •
'[I. Municipalities.
2. Cantonment Boards.


Zilla Parish ad. )

• • •
I. Municipalities. "[4. Notified Area Committees.]
"[2. MandaI Panchayats.) 13[5. ZiIla Parishads.)),
3. 'Cantonment Boards.

... • • • •
I. The: hcadins "ADdhra Pradesh" and lhe a"ri.. relaliDlllu:reto cmitt,d by ACI 34 or 198!I. s. S (w.•• r. 1-6-198S).
2. Ins. by ACI 2 or 1963••• 2. OrisJnali .. m S wa.omitt.d by ~CI 2 or 19S6. s. 26.
3, The:hea~.ina"Bombay" (that is, Maharashua) and lhe entries relatm, the .. 10 omitt.d by Act 40 or 1961, •• 6
(..... r.20-9-1961). .
4. In•. by lhe Adaplalion or Laws (No. 2) ~.r, 19S6.
S. Sub.. by Act 37 or 19S7. s. 12, ror lhe to...... r.ntries.
6 .. The headina U Tamil Nadu" al\d: the entries rclatiqtherc10 omitted by lhe Tamil Nadu Loai'datjye OJuncil
(Abolition) Act. 1986 ,(40 of 1986). s. S (w•••r. 1-1l·1986).
7. In•. by Act 40 or 1961, s. 6 (.,.·.r. 2o-~I96I).
8. Subs. by Act 2 or 1963. s. 2, ror the rorm.r .ntri•••
9. Bntry "3. Town Oommltt...... OOl"t.d by Act 21 or 1989••• S.
10. SlIb.. by Ih. Mysore_Slal. (Allfration or Nal1'~(A~aplallon or Lawson Union Subjects) Order, 1974, s. 3 and
Sch.. ror "Mysore" (w••• r. 1-11-1973).
11. Subs. by Acl 31 or 1987, s. 3, ror "2. Talllk Developmenl Board.:'.
12. In•. by ACI 37 or 19S7. s. 12.
13. Sub.. by Act 31 o( 1987, s. 3, ror "S. Town Panch.,• ..,:'.
14 .. Bntry relatina 10 Punjabomined by Ac, ,6 or 1969, s. S (w•••r. 7-1-1970).
<'1)1; stfuf.;1i:nq !!Ifuf.lmf. 1950 53
('IT'r 2--li'irl\ iii 3ff!if.r'flf)
"fCf~ ar-=rn;ft
~ ~ ~

[!ffiT 27 ( 2) ~1!I1!1

f.mT'f ~~ i f~ f,,<lf... ;(f if; SJ1I')~ ~ ~ m~Ttr mfs<rnT

'. • •
• * * *

4:' ~.a "" ttflIfuoi ,
2· Fir;!1 ifii
, 2( 5. f.,,,1 qf7qi;: ,
~"Ii' 6. <i"fl'«l o:tIilfaot , I

,. • • • • •
'[If!.'II' If rn
'[ ,. ~""<t, 4. wT<r-i\ "Ii ,
5· "flr«I'm "" ~ I
6. om: 0 ~orfu,rt III
•• • • • • •
"I I. 'I-.r"".I';, •• • •
o.lm'It .... , 4. Fir;!, m",! II

,. "'""""..nt , lSI4... flIW',," "" lIfiIfaot ,

1l[2.m~1 1lI[ S. f';r;ll qRq'\] , I)
3. lJIlI'ft li\i ,

,.. • • • • •
,. ,985 ~'"fuf.!"" qo 3, <1\ em' 5,m ('-6-1985~) '"t" lft,,';rr,;.. m 1'1i; ~)~ 'iii' srf.:O<ol." '"' r.,OI
I!lIT ,
2. 1963 iIr "ftrf,,1l"f lio 2 ~ "1'i 2 11m sia:<'flflrdi 1956 iIr "faf"~,, Ii. 2 'lit artl 26 ~ '!." ~ 5 '1<' "R
fir.,rr I!lIT 'f! I
3. 1961 iIr <!ftrf.r... Ii. 40'" qro 6 \{!« "tot" ('!1i~, ir~tlq) al){ -n Vllh t "Iif 1<) lfr~f'<," ..r (20-9-1%1
l\') >iN ,,"I I
4. Afil",!:'f''' (!io 2) ,,!tor, 1956ml.;a:"'tfi!a I
5. 1957 it< .. f'lf"o,,,j. 37 'lit ,""I I 2 J~I ~lt '1Illff",""", it< t'I!'f ~ lff.~,f'«l ,
6 . •Iim",". f = q,,~_ ( _ ) .. fuf.!lflJ, 1986 «(986 "" 40) ''lit ffI~1 5 ~I (1-11-198. ~) "afil~",\" ~
~ 'If<j 'iii' lff","",,' "" ,,)q f...n '117' ,
7. 1961 it< "ftrf~"" q. 40 <1\ "1'1 • m' (20-0-1961 ~) ">a~rf'«l ,
8. 1963 to .ifaflr'f1qj. 2''IiI' m, 2111~ q~lt ·'IiI'lff.i<m ~ ~ q, l!fu~tfi!a \,
9· '989 ~ <tfttf.nrTnjo. 2 I mT "3. 'I.r< .fi<fil1II ," lfllff;e '1<1 "1'1 f'l<lf! 'W I
10. ~ -.:ro. ("('I 'TC>:',f") (<iq r.,<11 q( f'fo '''.'1.'''') <!fur, 1974 IRI "~" iIr_ ~ (1-11-1973 1I).ifu:
....rml .
II. 1987 iIr '1fof""'" q, 31 'iii' 0'1\1 3 w," 2. al'!.", (1f6;'1 .Ii" VIm .. ,~" .... "r,,,,,,f'«l ,
12· 1957i1r'lftlr"",pj, 37'1i1'''fT1 '2111">1.:","'«1'
I 3· 19.7 iIr '1f!If\flfl! q., 3 I ..,. 01" 3 Or\ i "5. 'I<R <i_d" iIr """ 'H srf.....tI'ta ,
14 1969 ~ qfaf<f'lol g'; 4.6 (or ~l'Td 5 ", .. f Qll'iif ~ ~o(f1)fPff~! ~T (7-1-1970~) ~)l f""QT q!lTI

Represenlation of the People Act. 1950
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

1. Municipalities. 5. NOiified Area Committees.
1[2. Zilla Parishads including Antarim Zilla Parishads.] '[6. Kshettra Samitis.]
3. Cantonment Boards.
4. Town Area Committees.

•• • • • •
• • • •
[THE FIFTH SCHEDULE.] Rep. by the Government of Union Territories Act, 1963 (20 of
1963), s. 57 and the Second Schedule. .
[THE SIXTH SCHEDULE.] Rep. by the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act. 1956
(2 of 1956), s. 27.

THE SEVENTH SCHEDULE.] Rep. by s. 27, ibid.

J. Sl:bs. by Ac( 20 of 1960, s. S. (or "2. District Ba<:rJs." (w.l.f. 1-2-1960).

2. Ins. by Act 2 0(1963. s. 2.
3. The h~ading "West Benpl" and the cntries relating therelO (JmiI1~cl 1)" A[ j 20 of 1%9. f. S.(w.(l.f. 1·8· 19f;9).
4: The heading f'Mysore" and the entries re1ufirg thereto ClntiHed hy lhf Adaplnfion of] O;'\\'!' (No 2) Or<il'l 19;t.
"If;!; !!fllf.,fi.rr<{ !!!iUf"". 19 5 0
(1TTlf z-li~,\ i,rETf'f!l'<f)

I· OW'l'1lfr:pr.r~ I
. 4. ,'T': ,r'l 'If'!fitll'i I
1[2. f"1'~r 'lf~4~: f>l'1&; ~;;:,.rd "A~fO::lf fSiBr '1f~:l7i '-'TiT ~'I

5. lIf<l'J!'fd >T" '!firf,"~r I
3· ~mr ;rri
'[ 6· 'Y<f «fl<fu1l'i]1
• • '

• • •
• • • • •
[-riM ~'fl I)-Wi lTi'Rfiil' 11lHI'f 3ff>.rfif'f'1'. I !)(; 3 (1 %~;;;r 20) 'fol 'rm S7 arT, fJ(fI!f""1,:(;1r
.ro f'Rf,;'1! I

[~~{Tlj-m'" lffuf'ff-m (mfr'.1"if) 3ff>ff'1'!fI!. 1956 (1956 'liT 2) 'liT '.mr 27 lrTufof';f"il'1
[;i'{I''1 ",,!'!,;fr Ij--'rii'Hf 'f.T ,m:r 27 ~ru f.rn(1'(f I



1.' Short title.
2. Interpretation.

CH.u>1'ER I.-Qualifications for Membership of Parliament

3. Qualification for membership of the Council of States.
4. Qualifications for membership of the House of the People.
CHAPrmt II.-Qualifications for Membership of State LtglalallllWs
5. Qualifications for membership of a Legislative Assembly.
SA. Qualifications for membership of Legislative Assembly of Sikkim.
6. Qualifications for membership of a Legislative Council.
CiIAPTER III.-Disqualifications for Membership of Parliament and Stare
7. Definitions.
S. Disqualification on conviction for certain offences.
SA. Disqualification on ground of corrupt practices.
9. Disqualification for dismissal for corruption or disloyalty.
9A. Disqualification for Government contracts, ete.
10•. Disqualification for office under Government company.
lOA. Disqualification for failure to lodge account of election expenses.
11. Removal or reduction of period of disqualification.
CiIAPTER IV.-Disqualifications for voting
IIA. Disqualification arising out of conviction and corrupt practices.
11B. Removal of disqualifications.
12. Notification for biennial election to the Council,of'States.
12A. Notification for election to.fill the seatall6tted to the State of Sikkim in the Council of
~, 13. [Repealed.)
14, Notification for general election to the House of the People.

'In'! 1
I. mtl'<l 'IT'! I
'In'! 2
~ am: f",(~,"~
~ I~,~) 1I~!'I«IT ij; ~ ~
3. 1F'< If'I!T "') ~ ij; fm1: 31~a; I
4• .m; If'I!T '1ft qm-a; il; f~ a$m: I
~ 2-mtI fWr'l-.m.t ~) lR~ it: ~ ~1ITlt
5. f;rnr'! \fill '1ft ".~ il; fm!: 31~~ I
5"!. ftrf.R;q '1ft fur,,! \fiIT "') ~ ij; fun: 3ci'lr{l' I
6. f.mI'! ~ "') ~ to f~ ~~u: I
~ ~,m.: mtI lR!'I«IT ij; ~ f~~HI~
7.~r{l' I
8. or.fa'i>:! 3I'roal ij; fun: <ftqfm.r on: f~ (~ a; I
8"'. w:e an"!(111 il; f;;rn: f.n:il.m I
9. ~,lff 3Nfli<f il; f;f<7 'l<I0l:l5 i';tit on: f.rci:<fl I
9'Ii. """n: ~ """ "') 'Ii ~3!T 'Ilf. il; f<'lll; I
1 o.
~T :t'l'fT ij; 3f!Tl'1 'l<I 'f; B-(( f'l-oim I
10"'.f,,"\vI .~'I'i '1'1 ';'liT <:Jf.."l 'Hit if 3fil'lWfll ij; 'j;\'(111 f.n:il.a; I
11. ~~ 'l'T ~.. ,.) i['ITo'IT lff '1>11' ",,'II I
4_ ~ ij; ~ ~<mi

1 1"'. .'' am: ~ 3!~ rr ""''rf f.n:il.m I

ll'if, f,,$1311 "'I \ti!llff GfAlI
'In'! 3
m\'.lT~ f'i<'i'f;ft ~ an\'.lmf;:n ~

1:. ~ ltorT ij; from r'!'fT<R t. f<il'; 3If>r'rf'IT I

12'1'. ~ lI''IT ;f f~ U"'f '!il 3[[~'I ii f'li ~'fH "'T m:it 'f;. f"lii f'f'li'f'l '!it .if<1'J;'fifl I
1 J. [f.ll:flffi I J
14. on.. <NT i!; mm1!f f'l<mr'f t. 19':( 3!f..r'J;'f'IT I

Represelltation of/he People Act, 1951
(PART ll.-A<:ls of Parliament)

14A. Notification for electing the representative of the State of Sikkim to the existing House
of the People.
15. Notification for general election to a State Legislative Assernbly.
15A. Notification for certain elections to Legislative Councils.
16. Notification for biennial election to a State Legislative Council.


19. Definition.
19A. Delegation of functions of Election Commission.
20. General duties of chief electoral officers.
20A. General duties of district election officer.
21. Returning officers.
22. Assistant returning officers.
23. Returning officer to include assistant returning officers performing the functions of the
returning officer.
24. General duty of the returning officer.
25. Provision of polling stations for constituencies.
26. Appointment of presiding officers for polling stations.
I 27. General duty of the presiding officer.
28. Duties of a polling officer.
28A. Returning officer, presiding officer, etc., deemed to be on deputation to Election Com-
29. Special provisions in the case of certain elections.
29A. Registration with the conullission of associations and bodies <IS politkal parties.
CHAPTER I.-Nomillatioll uf Calldidutes
30. Appointment of dates for nominations, etc.
31. Public notice of election.
32. Nomination of candidates for election.
33. Presentation of nomination paper and rcqui.remcnt for a valid Iwmination.
34. Deposits.
35. Notice of nominations and the time and place for their scrutiny.
36. Scrutiny of nominations.
37. Withdrawal of candidature.
38. Publication of list of contcsting candidales.
39. Nomination of candidates at other elections.
CHAPTER H.-Calldidates alld their Agellts
40. Election agents.
41. Disqualification for being an electilln ag~nt.
"2. Revocation of the appointment, or death, of an doction agent.
43-44. [Repealed.]
.mr lIfiff;;fvf/f !ll1itR"". 1951 56
(\WI' 2~~ ~ !IIfuf;r.rlf)

14'11. NCIlIl'T ""'" mIT ;r rnmlf ~ if; srfiff.rfil 'l>f flr~ 'I1,'t t f;f1:t lI"f'~F"'fri
I 5. ~..,. mr-r mIT if; ~T!T~"I for(i'f'f ij; f~ !II~f 1
1 5'1>. N!il'f ~ if; 'l>Rr-Tlr flrifR;fT t fu1t !IIfu;;rro 1
\6. "U<or flf!il'f 'f~. if; ft<rrffl'l> flr(i'f'f if; fu1t !II~ 1

'"" 4
f~cri~;ff ~ ~~~ ~ f(lflt snmrf~ "mon)
19. ~I
19... f.r!ff;;.r'!IITliPr if; ~ 'liT ~<4141"'~ ,
2 O. if.0Ill' f.r!ff;;.r .. 1f'I;~ (j iI: ;rnrnar "*'r 1
20'1>. f;r.rr f.mvr ~ iI: ;rnrnar 'liif0li 1
21. f~~,
22. ~ f~f'fll ~ 1
2 3. n:~orlf ..,.fll;!I1: if; !II'<f.t<r f-.:~rorlf !IIrM;!I1: if; ~iliT 'liT 'ff;r'l 'I>,'t Ifi~ IJ~~ f-.:'!f'flf ..,.r'li!l1: !IIj1tit,
24. f~'I"If..,.fll;m:. 'liT ;rnrnar 'l>ffo>r'
2 5. flr~-m iI: fu1t IICro'I" m 'l>f ;;qo;r;u,
26. IICro'I" iI;-.;i'f iI: f'l'll; mm'f ..,.flIiIJU ..,. flr~'
27. oftmft;r ~ 'liT memor 'I><f0li ,
28. IICro'I" ~ iI: ~ 1
28'1>. ~! oftmft;r ~ ..,.fil' '1ft flr(i'f'f !IIflit1f ;r lI'Rrf.r'J:f<I''
29. 'l>Rr-Tlr flr~ ..,. '""" ;r NI11'f '3"\"iI>!i'
'"" 4 'Ii
mr~fcm ~ ~ (f"'f<}1",(GI
2 9'1>. mr am: f.romT 'liT -.:r.r.i'f<.'f'li ~ if; li"f ;r !IITliPr iI: <mf 7id"";,,,~";-Taj",",''''''' ,

'"" 5
f.f<il~;ff ~ ~~
!II'SInq' 1 AiI41'<,,1 ~ '{('If",",,,
30. '!TIff.rW-ff ~ iI: fu1t <rrmi f.rznr 'Ii1:'rr'
31. flr~ ..,. ""'" l,('f'ff'
3 2. flr~ W>'ii1rtii 'liT 'I"Jlff'l"1hf;r ,
33. 'I"Jlfflmror-<r.r 'l>f 'Hfffir f.i;lff orr;rf am: f;rfir<r,.qo 'l"f'rilrffi'f ~ f<'fol; !llrent 1
34. f.m'f,
35. 'I"Jlff.mi;ff ..,. ~f am: ~..,. ~ftOlT iI: fuol; IJIfIf 3f:tl: m'f 1
36. 'fi .. f.. i1I,~1 ..,. ~,
37 ....... I'<d 1 If1'rn WIT,
38. flrifR'I" <WI" .mr W>'ff'flit ..,. ll'fi 'l>f l\"I>fQA' 1
3 9. II!"l" flrifR;fT if W>'if'flit 'l>f 'I"Jlff.r~W'I" 1

!II'SInq' 2~ m m !11M..'"'
.u. f.r!ff;;.r m1f'litlf i!:1'f iI: full; f.r$"r 1
n f~ ~ ..,. flr'!,mr 'liT lI'f<r~ 'iT ~..,. 't"! '
43.-44. [~<r I]

16-804 M/o Law & JusticeJ94

57 Representation oj the People Act. 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
45. Functions of election agents.
46. Appointment of polling agents.
47. Appointment of counting agents.
48. Revocation of the appointment or death, of a polling agent or counting agent.
49. Functions of polling agents and counting agents.
SO. Attendance of a contesting candidate or his election agent at polling stations, and perfor-
mance by him of the functions of a polling agent or counting agent. .
51. Non-attendance of polling or counting agents.
CHAPTER III.-General Procedure at Elections
52. Death of candidate before poll.
S3.· Procedure in contested and uncontested elections.
54. [Repealed.]
SS. Eligibility of members of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes to hold seats not reserved
for those castes or tribes.
55A. [Repealed.]
56. Fixing time for poll.
57. Adjournment of poll in emergencies.
58. Fresh poll in the case of destruction, etc., of ballot boxes.
58A. Adjournment of poll or countermanding of election on the ground of booth capturing.
59. Manner of voting at elections.
60. Special procedure for voting by certain classes of persons.
61. Special procedure for preventing personation of electors.
61A. Voting machines at elections.
62. Right to vote.
63. [Repealed.]
CHAPTI!R V.-CoWiting oj Votes
64. Counting of votes.
64A. Destruction, loss, etc., of ballot papers at the time of counting.
65. Equality of votes.
66. Declaration of results.
67. Report of the result.
67A. Date of election of candidate.
CHAPTER VI.-Multiple Elections
68. Vacation of seats when elected to both Houses of Parliament.
69. Vacation of seats by persons already members of one House on election to other House
of Parliament.
70. Election to more than one seat in either House of Parliament or in the House or either
House of the Legislature of a State.
CHAPTER VlI.-Publication of Election Results and Nominations
71. Publication of results of eiections to the Council of States and of names of persons nomi-
IIlIted b1' the President.
<=i\II; .. fdf'ila", 1IIftrll!II'f, 1951 57
('IfI'T 2~ ~ .,filf.lqq)
45. f~i'<r.f arf'lf'llmaff if; ~ 1
46. If;r::Pf 'if'!'f; .liott 'f;T f'l7!fifO' 1
47. fT'IR a;~r <t\ ~ 1
48 If;rifl'f arFIT';;(ll 'if 'T"I'f:;rf>{'f;.1i 'liT f'f'!,f'lO' ....i !lfmilr"'l rrr ~r ''t''! 1
49. If'f'ifl'f arf1l''limoij 311, 'T"I'f a;f'!'f;m3!'j if; 'P." 1
50. f~i'<r.f "I'~t 'H('fl 3!'''vff 'n m f'l'fI"1'1 "f>{'f;m 'f;r 'I1m'l if;;ij if ~,~ lIih: If<m'l' llf1liftT
Ifl 'TOT'I -.;FIT'f;;rT if; iO<'-l"j ....1 ~ ;rrry 'IT<'f'f 1
51. If(l'ifl'f "I 'T"I'f a;f'lf'llO'TarI ;;T >i, "If;;ril 1
_ 3-f.. QN ..l q Imln'IIIf\I;In
52. If(l'ifl'l if; ~
53· «mTa' 31h
or.,.-.rT 'l'r, If<'-l'
- 1
3!mT!l' f."'If<A1 >i' lIf"'''1 1
54. [f.Rfim I]
55. ar'!'lf""t'llf(l'lf'i "I ar'!!J.f'fO' ;;r;prlfu'l! if; ft.rzl: OfT 1O'l'A' a;"f1;1'O' ~r ~ ~ IlT'{'IT
;;:lfO',ij "I "R''ilfO'If'j if; ~I ;(.1 'f1,HfT 1
m""'" ""
55'1'. [f~f~m I]
VSQ'N' It'tillif
56. 1f(I'ifT'f <i f"lll: ~ f'flf(l' """,r 1
5 7. arl'f[O' ii 1f<RT'f "" 1O'l'lT'f,
58. '1(f-if<!lit >? f"OW-' ~ arrfif 'liT ~r >i' >,'IT If<m'f 1
58,". '!.~! if; "Of I,! 1T1!"! if; 'f;1~ If'f'{I'f 'f;1 ~f'lO' liT f~i'f'l "" W<I~ fif;ll'1 Of,'fl'
59. f'!'lm! if If(!' tf ..1' ,rf'f 1
ti 0 Ji" 'iti! if; 07,f'lO'Q'j am If(!' ~ <lil'" if; f\'rIl: fiff11T'<!: !Tflf."I1 1
I; I. f·n-!.·..i l; ~f(f.'l'l\' '1'1 f'lifl'OT ~'r if; ft.rzl: f.ri['I Slf"'''1 1
6\;;. f.f'lf'f'ft " 1fiiO'l'f 'lVfti;' 1
62. If'" it'r 'f;1 arftT<r.H 1
63. [f'lU«'f I]

6 4. If0'1 ;;r 'T"I'f1 1

64'1'. '1"1'f1 if; «~If If"""! ~T \!Tf.f, 'lT~ 1

65. If(!' ~~ !!1'fr 1
66 f'lifV"'1 lff{OTIIf! 'liT '1T'i'lT1 1
61. f'fif!'f'l ~ <tT f'1fV- 1
61'f;. ~ if; f'fifi'f'f <tT lIliT'3' 1
_ 6 4af'i,f"41 ~
68. «!f~ if; ifHi ij'if;fl if; f<;f~ f.f<rif\'!0' ilT orli\' ~ <'IT'ii 'f;1
fl."<I' if) <rr-fT 1
69. Ofi .~f'n liq~ if; Il:'f; qif'f if; ij'iff'< 'f~.'t !r !!T ~, ~ qif'f if; f1'I'!T ~ f'f'l'Vf~'f ~)?,Ii\' ~ ~
1O'l'A' 'f;r f'ffi ~T ;r,1'f1 1
10. 9'q" if; '{Iofi q·HI if !r f",qr ii, 'l'T 'i.,. if; f"!fI'f-ll'~ if; 'l'if'f ql ~'r'f! '!I"«'f! if if f!rnt if ~
I1;l6 i< 3l~ t'QR <i; Iln1< ~ 1
58 RCP/'CSClltlltioll <1" the I'cvplc.AcI. 1951
(PA,ltT II.-Ads of Parliament)
72. [Repealed.]
73. Publication of results of general elections to the House of the People and the State Legis-
lativ~ Assemblies.
73A. Special provisions as t<t certain elections.

14. PublicatiOIl of results of elections to the State Legislative Councils and of names of persons
nominated to such Councils.
CHAPTER VII I.-Election Expenses
76. Application of Chapt~r.
77. Account of election expenses and maximum thereof.
78. Lodging of account with the district election officer.

CHAI'TER-l. -Interprelat ion

79. Definitions.
CHAPTER H.-Presentation of Electioll Petitions to Electioll Commission

80. Election petitions.

80A. High Court to try election petitions.
81. Presentation of petitions.
82. Parties to Ibe petition.
83. Contents of petition.
84. Relief that may be claimed by the petitioner.
85. [Repealed.)

CHAPrER 1Il.-Triol of l:;lectivlI {'elitivlI.•

86. Trial of election petitions.
87. Procedure before the High Court.
93. Documentary evidence.
94. Secrecy of voting not to be infringed.
95. Answering of criminating questions and certilicate of indemnity.
96. Expenses of witnesses.
97. Recrimination when seat claimed.
98. Decision of the High CourL
99. Other orders to be made by the High Court.
100. Grounds for declaring election to be void.
101. Grounds for which a candidate other than the rcturned candidate may be declared to have
becn electcd.
102. Procedurc in case of an c'/uality of volcs.
103. Communication of orders of the High Court.
104. [Repealed.]
105. [Repealed.)
106. Transmission of order to the appropriate authority, etc., and its publication.
107. Effect of orders of the High Court.
·1IfII1II~ .. fa"'" .. , 195 1 58
('lIor 2-!iw;: iF arfllf'l1!lf)

72. [~'l
7 3. ~ ~pn 3iT'~ '(T"'f f...xT'" It'lfTii iF!: ltfll'~ r~~i.. ;fi iF "~I +1 ~'IIT~'
73'1'. !l» f'f<;"i .. ;ii if, ;[1'( ii'flriror ~,

74. '(T"'f f;WPT If~1 iF!; f'AR;r 'iiI m4lflfl am: ~ ~I iF 'fT1If~ ~I ..
'fI1f1 tOT ~T1T;r,

76. ars>nlf..,. ifflJ. ~"'I ,

77. f'f'l\"f;r Olflll ..,. {;tVT am ;;.r;tt an1A>ffcr crm,
78. ~ 'n. f;;r;rr f'f'li'f;r a!l~ t 'fffi ur~ fll>1fT 0fT'fT I
f.... T..... ~wne~

80. f'f'l\"fif arf.;r,rt,

80'1'. ~ ... "I1'iliflf ;rro mm anorlll II>T ~~,
81· arf.!ql 'l'T ",fnf'f fIIroT .. T;rr I
82. ar;;rr it 'l~f'(,
83. ar;;ff <f.t ar~ffi'

84- ~ 3f!<fT<f f~T ~~ "'~'( 'I>'( mT'
8 5. [mfuff ,]

s ';. f" ..\"f;r iOfl"'lfi 'Ill r....I'('II ,

87. ,,~.. 'lfTIII""f 't' ltcr~T IIf~T'
93. ~ii<ft ~q,
9~· '«ro;r '1fT ~,·m'i<rT 'liT arf~ ... flInn "IlifT ,
9 5. ar'f'{T'l if '!ilfl~ iffif "'I'I 'III ",,'( t;rT aft, 'ffl:<fTIIT 'I!T ~ ,
96. mfu>:rl il; ~,
9 7. .orr.r
iF f\'rI:!: lfl<;'T ~ ~ If'{ lftlm"rq ,
98. ~.. 'zrntT""f 'liT r.f~ ... q,
9 9. ~.. 'lfllff<'l'lf ~nT i"IIl!; "'T~
lfT{;t 3f'II' arr~ ,
100. f'f'l\"f;r '1' 1 liT"I 'fI'1f'fl'ff r n ibmm: I
1 01. f;r.m amr~ it fom ar"f'ff f>r;r arl'1P:I If'( f~ 'I'm'" ~T <31, ~ i iIIT1fI'(L
102. 'f'fi it; ..,1<;''( ;fTif 'Ill i;'OTI if IIf",,,"
1 03. ~.. "I11IT"'f it 311m ..1 "'X'f'fT I
104. [f'f'{f\!<r ']
1 0 5. [f'f'(f~ I]
106. arlif;r 'OT 'T'!;f..ff lITfll'i>T6 otTflf ..) If~"Of ail>: ~ lIII>~'
1 07. ~ ... 'IInniflf t anm tOT 1I'f'R'
59 Representation of the People Act. 1951
(PART II.-Acts of Parliament)

ClIAPrER IV.-Withdrawal and Abatemeni of Election Petitions

108. [Repealed.)
109. Withdrawal of election petitions.
110. Procedure for withdrawal of election petitions.
111. Report of withdrawal by the High Court to the Election Commission.
112. Abatement of election petitions.
116. Abatement or substitution on death of respondent.

116A. Appeals to Supreme Court.
116B. Stay of operation of order of High Court.
116C. Procedure in appeal.

CHAPTER V.-Costs and SeClll'ity for Costs

117. Security for costs.
118. Security for costs from a respondent.
119. Costs.
121. Payment of costs out of security deposits and return of such deposits.
122. Execution of orders as to costs.


CHAPTER I.-Corrupt Practices

123. Corrupt practices.

ClIAPrER 1II.-Electorai Offences

125. Promoting enmity between classes in connection with election.

126. Prohibition of public meetings on the day preceding the election day and on the
election day.
127. Disturbances at election meetings.
127A. Restrictions on the printing of pamphlets, posters, etc.
128. Maintenance of secrecy of voting.
129. Officers, etc., at elections not to act for candidates or to inftuence voting.
130. Prohibition of canvassing in or near polling stations.
131. Penalty for disorderly conduct in or near polling stations.
132. Penalty for misconduct at the polling station.
132A. Penalty for failure to observe procedure for voting.
133. Penalty for illegal hiring or procuring of conveyances at elections.
134. Breaches of official duty in connection with elections.
t 34A. Penalty for Government servants for acting as election agent, polling agent or counting
om; Slfdf'!M'" aflrl\fqq, 1951 59
('Ill'f 2 - ~ it; at ftl f'!41f )

lOS. rf'i'ftr<r I]
I 09. fiRm ~T 'lIT lrc41 ~:<"I 1
110. f.f-nvr arf1flfT il; mT<\<:"I il; fm1: ~T 1
I I I. ~ 'WI4T\iT( ~n:r f.v.!m 31[l1rr 'fiT lR<lT~ 'fir f\"<l'1t 1
I 12. mm ~T 'lIT '3"q"l1T'I'f 1
116. ~ .:r lim <n: < •
~ 'iT ~f<H'''I4~ 1

1 I EJo!;. ~"'f<rIf ..... >mr<r ~ ar<fRif 1

llGli. "~,, "'<I 'II WI it; ~w it; m:r 'lIT ,m Gi1'I"T 1
1161T. aAr.r ~ lTf':I;IIr 1

·1 I 7. _1 i!; lTfulrfu' 1

\IS. IT<'IIiff \T lA1 it; ~ lTftnJ,fu 1
119. '"" 1
I 2 I. lTf'l'lTfu f'lreloif ~ \T lA1 <l11 ;ro'l orr.: ~ f';mtif '1ft m~ I
I 22- '"" ~ arrimT 'fiT f.I"Il~ 1

123. ~ ~I

lJI'SIff!I 3-~ 1I'mIl

m i\' 'fIfI
I 2 5.
\2 R.
~ it;
mm \T ~ ~
~ ~ ~;;<m"1
* mm
it; ofR ~ ~;r;r q;vrr 1
it; flf;r 'fi'forfli<l; 'f'!T1Il 'fiT lffu"ifIT 1

127'fi. 2.f", .. I..'i, 'f~ mR it; '!'f"T <n: ~ 1

12S. ~ '1ft 'I'jq~l .. ai 'liT ~ WilT i
129. f'lqN~'i i\' ~ ~ ,,"'Moif i!; f\;rQ; 'IlT'f :r .."(., orr.: :r Ifd" ~ ;;rf.!t it ~ ~ m1iT i
130. ~ iI;;;if ~ 'iT ~ f.A;c Ifd" ~ 'fiT l!fcpfIT i
1 31. ~ iI;;;if ~ 'iT ~ f.A;c F4~'ii!l'" o;rr;r(UT i!; f\;rQ; mffir 1
I 32. mm:r iR it qq;m it; f\;rQ; mfur i
13 :w. Ifd" ~ i!; lTflI;qr 'fiT " '1.4I<H ... ,;r if "'!T'liiI"dT i!; f\;rQ;
f\;rQ; mffir 1
1 33. f'lq\".,'j it ~ it; ~ 1!"f \T '!T~ <n: ~ 'iT '3'fT'<r rn i!; f\;rQ; mffir i
134. F'IqN~l \T ~ 'Ilftq "*'r it; 1i<r i
13«1: flm<r.f qf;""di, 'I<m'r '!f>t ..a\ in 'l"JI:r 'ff'll'l1df it; ~ It m ~ ~ iii ~
60 Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART II.-Acts of Parliament)

135. Removal of ballot papers form polling station to be an offence.
135A. Offence of booth capturing
136. Other offences and, penalties therefor.
137-138. [Repeal(d.j

CHAPTER I.-Disqulll({;calions for Membership

139-I40A. [Repealed.)

CHAPTER H.-Disqualificatiolls for VOling

141-144. [Repealed.)
C1tAPTER TII.-Other Disqllal!fications

145. [Repealed.]

CHAPTER TV.-POll'e,,, of Election Commission il/ connection Irit" inquiries as to

Disqualifications of AiI'll/has
146. Powers of Election Commission.
146A. State ments made by persons to the .Election Commission.
1468. Procedure to be followed by the Election Commission.
146C.' Protection of action taken in good faith.

147. Casual vacancies in the Council of States.

148. [Repealed.)
149. Casual vacancies in the House of the People.
ISO. Casual vacancies in the State Legislalive Assemblies.
lSI. Casual vacancie, in the State Legislalive Councib

152. List of members of the State Legislative Assemblies and electoral colleges to be, main-
tained by the returning officers concerned.
153. Extension of time for completion of election.
154. Term of oillec of mcmbcrs or the ('ouncil of States.
155. Commencement of the term of office of members of the Council of States.
156. Term of offiee of members of State Legislative Councils.
157. Commencement of the term of office of members of the Legislative Councils,
158. Return or forfeiture of candidate's deposit.
159. Staff of every local authority to be made available for election work.
160. Requisitioning of premises, vehicles, etc .. for election purposes.
I'IT'!i" lIfuf.!f!l?{ m~, J 9 5 J 60
('If11T 2--~'1'';. ;j; l<r'lf..,I"T)

~ 8-f~"'" ~i 'In SI""~(" 'lit( '"'""'~

J 35. 'I<m'l' iA: lf ~t 'fiT ~i!'RT ~\l if'IT 1
J 3~. ;,If il> 'fflTI( ~ "" ~ 1
J 36. Q"'i ~ aft< ~ Fro: mfunri 1
J37.-J3S. [f.r<fu<r I]

J 39- J40~. [f'r<fi«r I]

J4 I-I H [f.r>:fu1r I]

I 45. [f.r\ftrn I]

~ 4-lm'ff ~ f'H~H,,;i '1\''1 ~ il> liiu" ~ III'I'i\rr If;i.qt

J 4 6. f.r;ri;r.r m>ft;r ;f.T wfiffim 1
J 4 S;;. f~ m'lPr if; lPfer "'ffri ;::ro f.!;t:I: >rn: ~'H 1
I4fi'i. f~m>ft;r ~ ~ ;f.T ~ <mrl' srrorr 1
146'1. 11'\" Iq"ti'" f.m; ~ ~"",r>f "" 'ffuif'lT 1

'"" 9

I 47. m7l' mrr " ~ mor.ftlflf; f'd'~iI'I'r 1

148. [f.r\ftrn I]
I 4 9. ;;fR; '!'1fT ~. ~~ arr~ f<fur.ft 1
I 5 O. m7l' f'l'm' >nmfi ii ~ m;r.ff'f'l; f<fiil'lt 1
1 5 1. 'F!I' f'l'l'A' 'ffmi ii 2~ m;r.ff'f'l; fmil'lt 1

1 52. m7l' fq'!lA' !if>n..rr aft< r~qf","lr"t il> ~f'lt '1\'1' ~ *!~ fm'l"l ~ wiT 1
I 5 3. f'l'ilm ~ T! ~ir il> f;"f!!; IJ'rlr "" R""("I 1
1 5 4. "FIl' mrr il> ~t ;f.T omq-f!l' I
15 5. ~ mrr iii lm'ff ;f.T <m<rf!l' "" srT<l'1I' 1
156. m7l' ~ 'ff'«m iii lmIit il' <m<rf!l'1
1 5 7. f~ ~ iii lmIit 11fT ~ "" lIT<I'1I' ,
I 5 8. IIf"lI'1ff iii
f'mqo 11fT 1Imft If1' !if q qII (11' ,
1 59. If' ~ !lff!llli'("! 'I\T 1f1Ii", F<,;q f.r;ri;r.r iii '1m!' iIr Fro: ;;:r~ flfrIf1' "ITI\"IT I
160. ~, Iff';fT 'ITf( 'I\T ~ iii ~ il> Fro: "fiI"II" ,

17-804 ~/o low & Juslice/94

61 Representation of the People Act. 1951
(PART H.-Acts of ParliameN)
161. Payment of compensation.
162. Power to obtain information.
163. Powers of entry into and inspection of premises, etc.
164. Eviction from requisitioned premises.
165. Release of premises from requisition.
166. Delegation of functions of the State Government with regard to requisitioning.
167. Penalty for contravention of any order regarding requisitioning.
168. [Repealed.]

169. Power to make rules.

170. JuriSdiction of civil courtsjbarred.
171. [Repealed.]
"'III Alilf.. ft.l", afulit ...., 1951 61
('fT'T 2~ iii" ~!.If.!!I'II)

1 6 1. srf(!1lr{ 'I1T ~ 1
162. <lM..,1 (l ~qlIl'<f rn 'lit wffir 1
16 3. f~ 'lfW"(, ~ it "riw rn aiR m f'fu~ ~ wmm 1
164. ~ 'lfW"( It ~~I
1(; 5. "ftr~![ijl It <rfuI<: ~ f.n{flRr 1
1 6 6. qf~ ~ iiI1<rn ~ ~n: if; ~ 'I1l 1«'lrrll:T"lR 1
16 7. ~f~ ;t~ fit;«r ~ it ~{ it f~ mffif 1
168. [~I)

"'" 11
1 69. f.rII1I' IRR ~ ufiRf 1
170. firiir.r '4,41.,41 '!1t CI""fi"'d.."",Tf,fir.(d"1 ~;;rn 1
171. [flrmrn I]
(43 OF 1951)

[17th July, 1951.)

An Act to provide for the conduct of ~kctions to the Houses of Parliament and to the House
or Houses of the Legislature of each State, the qualifications and disqualifications for member-
ship of those HOllses, the corrupt '." practices and other offences at or in connection with
such elections and the decision of doubts and disputes arising out of or in connection with
such elections.

BE it enactcd by rarliamcnt as follows:-


1. Short tiile.-This Act may be cr.lled the Representation of the People Act, 1951.

2. Interpretation.--(I) In this Act; unless the context otherwise requires,-

(0) each of !hi) expressions defined in section 2 or sub-section (I) of section 27 of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950), but not defined in this Act, shall have
the same meaning as in that Act;
(b) "appropriate authority" means, in relation to ar. election to the House of the People
or the Council of States •••• , the Central Government, and in relation to an election to
the Legislative Assembly or the Legislative Council of a State, the State Government;
a[Cb!» "chief electoral officer" means the officer appointed under section 13A of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950);)
(c) "corrupt practice" means any of the practices specified in section 123 •••• ;
"[(ee) "district election officer" means the officer designated or nominated under section
13AA of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950);)
(d) "election" means an electicn to fill a seat or seats in either House of Parliament or
in the House or either House of tbe Legislature of a State other than the State of Jammu
and Kashmir •••• ;
'[(e) "elector" in relation to a constituency means a person whose name is entered in the
electoral roll of that constituency for the time being in force and who is not subject to any of
the disqualifications mentioned in section 16 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950
(43 of 1950);)

1. The worc".s land ill'!galn omitTed hy An 27 of J9S6,:'i. 2.

2. Certain wore's omitted by Act 103 ('If 1956, s. 66.
3. Ins. by Act 27 of 1956. s. 3.
4. The worcl's and figlU'Cs "Or section 124" omitted by 8. 3, Ibid.
5. Tn•. by Act 47 of 1966. s. 15 (w.e.f. 14-12·1966).
6. c.ttain wonls omitted by Act 58 of 1958. s. 14.
7. Subs. by Act 27 of 1956, s. 3, for d. (0).



~ mf;tfe«Cf ~faf"'l4+t, 1951
(1951 ~ 9;ff~f~q ~~tm; 43)
[17~, 1951]
~ it; ~ ~ if': , ~ "'" it; f'f!IT'I...n<'l' it; ~" !IT IR'IT it; fu1t ~;if ill ~
ill fu1t, '"" ~ ~) '!mIm it; f<'llt ~ ~ f~cmif ill fu1t ~ f'l'lfq.ff
if !IT m
~/'I;!fiZ 1**.
~ ~ WI!' wrnif it;, ~ ~ f.. <lI.. ;;y
If ~ !IT !i~ ti>mii ,,~ mm it; fu1t ~
~ mr f...... f.. fiild I!"I it 'II! IIl\1f"4Md iil:-
1IT'T 1

1. ~ ""'-lII! 'lfu~ 0I'I'l1 lIfd"f.rF<l'i'f ~f~, 1951 IF@" ;;rr ~ I
2. ~~-( I} i\:'if .. ftlf.. 4Q it, "I"f aq; f.!; If'llt ?t ~ ~ ;r ~,-
(If;) 'Oij" I[' ~ 'fO 1f>T, ;;ft 0I'I'l1 ~ m~, 1 950 (1950 If>T 43) ~ mu 2 it
!IT mu 27 'lil" :rnrm (I) it qf<Il,Na ~ f~ l{lf ,,~ it qf<qlfild ;ri!\' ~, ~ ~ \!Torr
;;ft ~ IIftlf.. 4Q it ~;
(I¥) "~ lnfu'lnit" ?t 0I'I'l1 ;NT !IT m>r ;NT
om: m>r 'lil" flrnR ;NT !IT flrnR 'ifW; it; f~ it; m it m'l" ~ ~ t;
it; ~ it; m it i!r.iI>r ~

'[(_) "'t'i'f flmvr 'I,fln,,(" ?t OI'I'l1l1rn-f.rftwf ~~, 1950 (r950 If>T 43) 'lil" mu
13'" ~ ~ f.l"J:'I'I iIITfilm ~ ~;]
(,,) "~ 'I1"f<'II" ?t mu 123 -.**
it f.f~ qom:aff it ?t m '1ft IIfI"f'<'IT ~ ~;
.[ ("") "f;r<;rr flmvr iIITfilm" ?t <Wo lIrn-f.rfiwf m~", 1 9 5 0 ( 1 9 5 0 If>T 43) 'lil" mu 1 3'l1'11
it; CI'!fi;r 'fOrf~ !IT ifTIff.If~ iIITfilm t;]
('f) "f.ri!f;R" ?t ~ it; ~ ~ ?t f.!;<iT it it; !IT 'lfRt."'I1lllf"t< .... m>r?t m- f.!;<iT
m'l" it; flrnR~;r.r it; ~ !IT ~ ~ it ?t f.!;<iT ~ it; NT'\' !IT ~ 'lit ~ ~ ~ ~
,[( .. ) "f.. "I.."," ?t f.!;<iT flmvr-ir;r it; ~!l it lI\! OIffiRr ~ ~ f;m1r;r "'" 'Oij"~.
it; ~ d<\l'1I1r lI'{'f ~ ~,q'''.;l it ~ ~ om:
;;IT om; ~f6f.. fi",. llfuf.."q, 1950 (1950
If>T 43) 'lil" mu 16 it ~ f~'fT3IT it ?t f.!;<iT it; ~ ~ ~ I

I. 1956l1r~ Ii. 27~ Iml 2 rnl "'ih lIW' ~ "" ,,'Nf'llllr 'I!ll I
2. 1956 lIr ,, Ii. 103 ~ ""I 66 rnl '!jI!I VTJ<i ",I ,,'N f'lOlT """
3. 1956. ,, Ii. 27 * om! Hr~1 1IYa:~TflIa I
4. ~ ~ IrnT 3 rnr "III am 124" ~ om ai~ ",,;iN fir.'fI 'l'!l1 I
50 1966il<1IftrilIl!Ifli. 47~om! IH," (14-12-1966\\') 1IYa:l'Ill'Ia,
6. 1958. Ii. 58 * 'III'ii "" ;iN fiI:lIl 1JlIT I
anI 14 1m' '!jI!I
7. 1956 ill 1Ifuf.llfIt Ii. 2 7 ~ QTll 3 " " <h (~) .I'f'~ q~ Ilfal'llAa t

Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)

I[if) "political party" means an association or a body of individual citizens of India

registered with the Election Commission as a political party under section 29A;}

(g) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;

a[(h) "public holiday" means any day which is a public holiday for the purposes of section
25 of the.Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 1881);}

•• • • • •
•• • • • •
'[(I)] "sign" in relation to a person who is unable to write his name means authenticate
in such manner as may be prescribed.
I. • • • •
• • , •
(2) For the purposes of this Act, s", a Parliamentary constituency, an Assembly consti-
tuency, a Council constituency, a local authorities' constituency, a graduates' constituency and a
teachero' constituency shall each be treated as a constituency of a different class. .

(3) Any requirement under this Act that a notification, order, rule, declaration, notice or list
issued or made by any authority shall be published in the Official Gazette, shall, unless otherwise
expressly provided in this Act, be construed as a requirement that the notification, order, rule,
declaration, notice or list shall-

(a) where it is issued or made by the Central Government, be published in the Gazette
where it is issued or made by a State Government, be published in the Official Gazette
of the State; and

(c) where it is issued or made by any other authority, be published in the Gazette ofIndia
if it relates to an election to, or membership of, either House of Parliament •••• and in the
Official Gazette of the State if it relates to an election to, or membership of, the House or either
House of the Legislature of a State. .
(I) Where, under any of the provisions of this Act, anything is to be prescrihed, different
provisions may be made for different cases or classes of cases.
1. CI. (/) which was omit,cd by Act 27 of 1956 s. 3 and ins. by Act 1 of 1989. s. 3 (w.r.f. 15-6-1989).
2. In•. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 15 (w.e.f. 14-12-1966).
3. Cis. (h) and (I) omittrd hy Act 27. of 1956 s. 3.
4. CI. (I) re-lottered a, cl. (h) by s. 3. Ibid. and omitted hy lhe Mopt.tion of laws (No.2) Order. 1956-
5. en
Cis. (k) an·J (I) ro-Ictt<re<! os rI,. and (k) by Act 27 of 1956. s. 3.
'" ct. (j)ins. by 3, II/d. and omitted by 1he AI.-'aptati( n of laws (No.2) On:('(. 19~6.
7. CI. (k) omitted ~y Act 47 or 1966, s. 15 (w.e.f. 14-12-1966).
S. Certain words omitted by Act 103 nf 1956. s. 66.
«'\III ~f<'lf"fu"" "fur".... , 195 I 63
('11'1 2--~ ~ orfUf.l'P!)
1[('1') "~;ffui!. 'l'<'f" it '1m! if; iIIlf'CoO 'frrrf'~T -'f;1 ~'rr :frrlfll'l f.f.!rnr mm a ;;it !1m
2 % if; q'!ft;r ~fu>l; 'l'<'f ;f. 1;''1 it R"-mr'f ~ if; <m! (f>t,{itid ~; 1
(,,) "flf~" if {ij' qfuf'f'flf ;f. W't"'f iAT1l; 'Ill; f'f'fIfT am flf~ ~rdd ~;

'[(01) "<'iR; ~"'1iI r~" if 'Iit{ t"r r~ ~flrit(f ~;;ft <ro!iI<lf fu'I;f/l 'I fit f""", 1881
(1881 'f;T 26) tt !1m 25 if; lIlfR;fT if; ~ <'iR; ~ m ~;l

•• • ...
* •
•• • • ... •
, (111') ..~ If;\i!'' it ~II if; ~iI'l! it, ;;it 'I'A'I 'fill' rn~ it 'I'lI'IfIf ~, ~ '{\ftf it
vfU"'~d 'I'm lfNitfl' ~ 01111' fiIfil:" '1ft "IlT( I

'. • • • ...

'. • ...
(2) •••• ~~ f.l~-ffif, 1NI f.l~vr-ffif, 'If'<m\ ~-n, ~'f SUfil'iila f'f'If"<A.,

'i'\'RAr f.m;R-ffiI' am fml~ f.l~-n- it it ~ (('" ~l! lif'JR"'P! if; lI'<lTH'f if; ftrt( ftri1nr ..t 'In'
r.mvr~ ~ ~II

( 3) ~ ~~ if; 'IVA'~4't fiI;!ft ~~m 'f;T, fiI; f'l'ffl lfTr!Tlif'l:1 mr f''!1r.ll 'I~ Ifl vrrt trf
~,~, f'f'f'l, ,",,"II, ~ 11'1 'rfi
'lit ~If ~{<I' it ~ fiI;!fr "1'!1l;, tr'f "A' ~ Ai'
~ mllfll'lf>l it ~ ~'Id 1i"f it ~ 'T ;fr, ~i ;rrrnrT "IlT('I1 '"'" "1 ~ ~ fiI; ill ""'«"'ifi,
~, f'f'f'l, ,",,"IT, ~ 11'1 ~-
('f;) ~ fiI; ~ if;;it'f <rnm: mr f'f~r;ft trf 11'1 0'I1t trf ~, ~ '1m! if; "'"1<1' it ~
..rr 'lI'l1l: ;
(Ii) ~ f.!1 '1~ \rn ~" 'fro f'floT"I'1 'Ii ~T '1-m 'Ii ~ ~ U>lf if; !1T[lft'tl/ mrl!if if
1I~..,'\' <iITI!;; d'li

(,,) "I![t fiI; 'II! fiIi1l"r W'f lI'If~ [lU ~r ~, ~ ~fl: ~ ~ if; tr.n
'Ii 1fT 'I'f~ ort
~ if it f'RIT if; ftrI1: f.l-mr'f 11'1 '3'll'ot1' ~OT if; if ~, <it '1m! if; ~ it m llfl: ill am
fiAt "!F'I' if; f'l>m'-q'r.r if;:m' 1fT <IT;fi if if fiI;~ 'R'! if; f'lll; F~lff'1''f 1fT ~ 'l'lffll:fT i!; m
if a, <it '3"1' '(I"'l' if; ~. ~ if lI"f;Tfmr tt <iITI!; I

( 4) OI\{T Ai' ~.. maf'f"1f if; ~m if it fli;dr if; ~~ ~ ~ ~ ot1' ;;rr;h ~ ~ fi!fW
1fI'1fOii 11'1 lff'I'.n if; 'I'll if; ~ fiIf>!'if ~ fiI;C( orr m I
Representation of the People Act. 1951
{PART H.-Acts of Parliament)
• • • •
"[(5) Any reference in this Act to a law which is not in force in the State of Jammu and
Kashmir shall. in relation to that State. be construed as a reference to the corresponding law. if
any. in force in that State.]
• • • •

CHAPTER I.-Qualifications for Membership of Parliament

'[3. Qualification for membership of the Council of States.-A person shall not be qualified
to be chosen as a representative of any State .... or Union territory in the Council of States
unless he is an elector for a" Parliamentary constituency in that State or territory.]

4. Qualifications for membership of the House of the People.-A person shall not be qualified
to be chosen toilll a seat in the House of the People •••••. unless-
(a) in the case of a seat reserved for the Scheduled Castes in any State. he is a member of
any of the Scheduled Castes. whether"ofthat State or of any other State. and is an elector for
any Parliamentary constituency; "
(b) in the case ofa seat reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in any State (other than those in
the autonomous districts of Assam). he is a member of any of the Scheduled Tribes. whether
of that State or of any other State (excluding the tribal areas of Assam). and is an elector for
any Parliamentary constituency;
(c) in the case or a seat reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the autonomous 'districts of
Assam. he is a member of any of those Scheduled Tribes and is an elector for the Parliamentary
constituency in which such seat is reserved or for any other Parliamentary constituencycompri-
sing any sucD.autonomous district; 7 •••
'[(cc) in the case of the seat reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the Union territory of I
·[Lakshadweep]. he is a member of any of those Scheduled Tribes and is an elector for the
Parliamentary constituency of thpt Union territory; , ••••]
"[(CCC) in the case of the seat allotted to the State ofSikkim. he is an clector for the Parlia-
mcntary constituency for Sikkim;]
(d) in the case of any other seat. he is an elector for any Parliamentary constituency.

1. Su1)..sections (5) and (7) omitted and sub1lection (6) rc:numlxNli as sub--sl.Clion (5) by Al.t 27 of 1956, s. 3.
2. Subs. by Aet 47 oC 1966. s. 15. COt sub·section (5).
3. Subs. by s. 16. ibid.. Cor Iho pc<\,j')ll' It""im; (w.d. 14·12·196(,).
4. Subs. by tho Adaptation oC Lawe (No.2) Order. J956. for s. 3.
5. The: words and brackets "(othl't than Ih,: State of Jammu and Kashmir)"' omitted by Att 47 uf 1966. s. 17
(w.e.C.I4-12·1966). .
6. Certain words omitted by Act 29 of 1975. s. 12 (w.e.f. 15·8·1975).
7. Tho word "and" omitted by Act 47 of 1966, s. 18 (w.o.f. 14-12-1966).
8. Ina. by s. IB,-Ibld. (w.o.!. 14-12-1966). .
9. Subs. by the Laccadlvo, Minicoy and Amindivi IsiaDda (Alteration of' Name) Adaptation of La... Order. 1974
10. The word "and" omitted by Act 10 of 1976. s. 2 and Sob. (w.e.(. 9-9-1975).
II. Ins. by •• 2 and Sob .• Ibid. (w.e.f.9-9.1975).
• ~ l1.:'£if'7!f<l'. 1951 64
('0'1" 2-mr-\ ~ a:rfllfm)
'. • ... ...
.. [( 5) ~~ ~f!l'f'Wf it flIIqr ~,ft f.flr ~ lffl: ":; ,.."'t-'lmr~ 'U"q it lI"[if '.f.~, f.offi' flIiw 'PT
ii'i ;;« 'U"If iI; ~<i1i if 'i~ "'Inn .;,'It'IT flII <1"0. :;;« ,~it IF!ff ~ fuflOT G, 'lfi< '!iW t Ilfu

1. I]
* *

• . ~u~"(~iqJ
[iW~ f. • •

~ l~rmum<1Tit~~
6[3. \till ~ln '<iT m~l('!r il1 f'llt ~~:;r--,~ <fln <t, flII.ft U:iIl lIT n ~ffi; iI;

lI"ffff.rflr ~ if '¥ ;;rriI iI; ~ ~ ..f.m QiI" <Ai m~ 'I' lP''Ir "liT ffi\' flII 'ill :;;<1' ,r;;!l' 'ij \I;;!I'llil'
if ij; ~ f.riiN;;-&t.r ~ f~ ~ 'I' lP' I]
4. ;t,," ~r 'Ii) ~ iii f~ ~--<'fI~<M '·"if ff;it ~ 'll'I 'l"{~ ill lWt!: ~ GfT;;- ~
lWt!: 'lfi-( ..fui QiI" <Ai ~~ lP';rr '!if <Ai f.!;-
('O) ~'!'.(' GfTftrrif ij; fu''l; f.!;,ft ,"'" if ~fmT NI'f 'liT om if, <iQ: ~ ~ W 'iT fl;;W
W'T 'U""l '1fT q'!,ijJ'Hf GfTftrrif if il" fm 'I>T ~ 'I' i!)ar1<: flII.ft ~'i ~-lll;r ~ ft:rlt f~
'I' lP';
(~) (~tIT'£ iI; mrr.rr f~ if 'liT ~~ Gf'I''ll"fuIiT il"Ftrn) ~'!'.(I'rcr Gf'I''Ilfuq)' ~
f.!;.ft 'U""l if ~ ~ 'lIT qm it <iQ: (~ ij; "foi,;rr!<f 1it.fI'I>T ~ m) ;:m' 'U""l '!iT
'iT f.!;.ft W'i """ 'liT ~'!'.(I'rcr Gf'I' ;rrfu"4T, <t il" f.!;,ft 'I>T 1m''I" 'I' lP' om: f.l;dt ~ f.r<IT;r;r-lffiJ
ij; ft:rlt f.;'If'l'!1 'I' ~;
('1') ~ ij; ~mil' for.i'i if 'liT q~ Gf'I',;rrfu'q'T it fu1t mfucr ~ W <roT if, <iQ: ;;'f
q~ Gf'I',;rrfuzif if il" ff;.rr 'I>T ~ 'I' ~ om:
;:m' ~~ f.riiN;;~9;r i); ft:rlt f.;m>f ~ roOf
~ ~ 'ir f.!;.rr~ij- ~<lr.rr f~ 'liT ~~I"'iSd ~ 'I'ffi W'i ~ ~-&'i<l ij; f.rQ; f.;~
B[ ('1"1') .[,,~] ij; *r 'U""l.ror if .q'!'.(f'ld Gf'I'~ ij; f.rQ; ~ <''IT'I' W qm if, <iQ:
;;'I' Q1.W'ld <;f'I',;rrfuzif if ij- f.!;.ft 'I>T ~ 'I' ~ ;:m' *r om: ('' ' ' '<\
ij; ~ f.t<It;;.r-liffi if; fu1t
~" iT:!O"')
u[ ('1"1"1') fufiFt;>r """ 'IiT~;je;r if ~ ~ 'liT qm it, ~ flrilR;>r ij; ~ f.r<IT;r;r-liffi
ij; ft:rlt ~ 'I' ~, <I'IT]
('1") f.!;dt W'i ~ 'liT ~r if, <iQ: f.!;it ~ ~..&fa' ij; f.rQ; fti'lf.... Of ij) I
1.1956 ii! <lfl\flrlrl! d. 27 It\ lilti 311" (5) oi\1: (7) .Q!lt1.,an ""
;j\q tilnIr 'I'l'I at'h. '3'I!I1"T(6) 'llt ;;qum
(5) ij; "'" it $i[OlilllJilit<. fiIofT 1Jll'I1
2. 1966ii!lIfirl1rl111"\i. 47'i1ttmT 15i1nT;;<!U1t' (5) ii!_'lstfd~ I
30 Tif'!a 'i1t lim 16 fill ~ ii! 1I\li'6 iF _ '" (14-1 2'1966 it) l1f<1~rf,," I
4. flIfil!!lfl.'l" .(11. 2) ~, 1956 fill lil~T 3 ii! _ '" stfd!'Ttfim I
5. 1966 iF<I~ d. 47 'i1t IlT'T 17 mr "(""i.~li)nl~it f\pi[)".~.m ~ 'ill "R fu~l 'Iqll
6. 1975 .. "raf.n/l!
d. 29~ "lll I HIlT f'iJ ~ "" (IS-S-1975 if) <iN Iit<~l "'IT I
7: 1966" qf!lf.nrl ii. 47'11) "l"{1 18 mr ..~" '!Oil"" (14-11; 19 6 6 it )If'" r.. ~ 'flIT •
II- ~~lirH Isill"{T (14-12-1966 it) 11"':l'1lf1r11.
g. '11ftiN. (fiIflr.m .m qlft~tittIt iN Q'I.i\ ;til qftlf<i;) tmr ~i[ amr,
1974 ill'T (1-1t-1973 it) ~~ •
IQ. !D7S" <lfiItlr>tl! U' 10 'i1t "1" 3 fill m.
.~ rnl "3l1't" 'Ji'I'ill (9-,.1975 iI) "It! r..rn 'i1(T'
11. ~'i1tliRI 2i11'l1.q't~m' (9-9-1975 it) <A:"'Illrn i

18-804 M/o La w & Justice/1M

65 Repl'l'Selllal ion of the People A (;t • .195 I
WART n.-Acts of Parliament)
II.-Qualifications Jor Membership ;if State Legislatures
.. .
5. Qua1Iftcatioos fot membership of a Legislative AssembIy.-A person shall not be qualified to
be chosen to fill a seat in the Legislative Assembly of a State unless-
(a) in the case of a seat reserved for the Scheduled Castes or for the Scheduled Tribes of
that State, he is a member of any of those castes or of those tribes, as the case may be, and
is an elector for any Assembly constituency in that State;
(b) in the case of a seat reserved for an autonomous district of Assam, ,... he is a
membeiofa I[ScheduledTribeofanyautonomousdistrict] and is an elector for the Assembly
constituency in which such seat or any other seat is reserved fcr that district; and
(c) in the C:lSe of any other seat, he is an elector for any Assembly constituency in that
l[Provided that for the period referred to in clause (2) of article 371A, a person shall not be
qualified to be chosen to fill any' seat allocated to the Tuensang district in the Legislative Assembly
of Nagaland unless he is a member of the regional council referred to in that article.]
<[SA. Qua1IftcatiODS for membership of Legislative Assembly of Slkkim.-'[(l)] Notwithstand-
ing anything contained in section 5; a person shall not be qualified to be chosen to fill a seat in the
Legislative Assembly ofSikkim (deemed to be the Legistative Assembly of that State duly
constituted under the Constitution) unless-
(a) in the case of a seat reserved for Sikkimese of Bhutia-Lepcba origin, he is a person
either ofBhutiaor Lepcba origin at\d is an elector for any Assembly constituency in tbe State
other than the constituency reserved for the Sanghas;
(b) in the case of a seat reserved for Sikkimese of Nepali origin, he is'a person of Nepali
origin and is an elector for any Assembly constituency in the State;
(t) in the casei>f a seat reserved for Scheduled Castes, be is a member of any of the castes
specified in the Representation of Sikkim Subjects Act, 1974 and is an elector for any
Assembly constituency in the State; and
(d) in the case of a seat reserved for Sanghas, he isan elector of the Sangha constituency.J
'[(1) Notwithstnnding anything contained in section 5, al'crsoll sl1311 not be qualified to be
chosen to fill a seat in tbc Legislative Asselnbly of the State of Sikkim, to be constituted at any
time after tbe commencement to the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act,
1980 (8 of 1980), unless- .
(a) ill the case of a seat ~e~erved .for Sikkimese of Bhutili-Lepcha ori~in, he. i~ a person
either of Bhutia or Lepcha onglO and IS an elector for any Assembly constituency In the Stato .
other tha n the constituency reserved for the Sanghas;
(b) in the case of a seat reserved for Scheduled Castes, he is a member of any of those
caltes in the State ofSikkim and is an elector for any Assembly constituency in the State;
(c) in the case ofa seat reServed for Sangbas, he is an elector of the' Sangha constituency;
(d) in the ease of any other seat, he is an elector for any Assembly constituency in thc
EXplmultlon.-In this sub-section "Bhatia" inCludes Chumbipa, Dopthapa, Dukpa, Kagatey,
Sherpa. Tibetan, Tromopa and Yolmo.] .
I. OonaIll.wordlomlued by the Nortb-~ Anu (RearpDlsatlon) (Adaptation or Laws on Unjon Subject') OrdL'f:
1974-CW.o.r. 21-1-1972).
2. flubo. by Act 47 Of 1966, .. 19, ror "SclIedulcd TrIbe Of that diItrict" (w.o.r. 14-12-1966).
a. IDa. by Act 27 oU9Q. .. 11. .
4. Ins. by Act 10 Of 1976, •• 2 uuI Sch. (w.o.r. 9-9.1975).
50 S. SA nn\l1!1bJNll U Il1WectJon (I) or tbetle!'llon by Act 8 or 1980. I. 3 (w.o.r. 1·9.1979).
6, [n •. by •. l./b/d. (w.• .r. 1-9-1979).
('if1'T 2--Wr" if, o;rfum-If)

~II' 2-mII' finn'I• 111) ~ ii; fflIt ~

5. ftM;! WIlT 111) ~ffI ii; fflIt 'Rtlmt-f'I;iT <:1"'" '!it P.f!il'1'f If'ifl if if, ro;r 1111 'if<:'1 111 f.--ro:
'!'r >If.; if, R~ 1I1)t ....m; Oil' ij"ij; 1f~ 'f ~lfl 'I"l 0'" f'l\"-
('l\") ,<1" U'iI! "') 1f!'.(f'fo ;;rm;II'! ij; R~ 11'1 o;r11:f;r~ ;;f'fillfull'i if, ~ ~ ro;r '!it
<mr if, .~, "4"rft:4"fo, '>'1' ;;rlffill'i iI if 'IT "if >I'f .rlfulii iI it f'l;e':t Ij;f ~ 'f ~ am;;'f
~ if ij;
f. ir Hr f'!fl'fof-~;r if, f'l'<l: fifn.'l\" 'I ifr;
( .. ) 1IIf'lT'! ,*** ij; f.!;ir ••Vimr f~ ij; RQ; IIIlmm ro;r ij;) ~r ii, 'fil' '[f.!;ir ftmlft
f'l<l "') 1II"!\If.:r;r.; .rrf.r] ij;r ~l 'f ~ 31'1"\ '3' I If>lT f.r"i'f"-~ ij; f;r~, fiflfq '3'1f f.r;f ij; f.rQ;
~lfl ro;r II'r 'lfrt ¢Ii ''IT'f mUefil ~ f'f'fi;rr. 'f ~. <NT '
(If) f"'lf) 31"11' <''IT'f '!it ..m .r', 'Ii!: '3lj <:T7<I" if i fl'lft lflfT fif<ri'f'f-ei;r ;jl f<'l~ ~ if if) :
3[<n:'i! 1111>.... 371 it 'i rr (2) if f.;r.Gi! 'l\"T'fr'ff!.T if; f~ 'lfr~ "tf'li .,. <l... 'fr:mlv-i '!it f'lliT'f
~r if ~'1,"i-!lt1f f~ '1fT IIIroimr f'l;1ft Nr'f 'lfr ~ ij; ~ ",il >If.! ij; f.r~ lllfi!:~ ifift ~lfr 'I"l ij"ij; f'l\"
'fil' ;,e 1f~ if f.r~ srRmI' 'Tfuf,\ 'l\"1 ~1 'f ~ I]
'[ S1I1. fum;II 111) flmor !flIT 111) !f{flf<l1 ii; fflll ~-'[ ( 1 )] !.fro 5 if f'l;iT .ro ~ ~ ~~ -fr,
fuf_ 111) f.f<fR !flIT if (.n .~f"<fR ~ 1II<iT., '3'1f 'T"f 111) lJP1~ ,.'r if If~r flm'f !flIT lflffiT "lITffi
~) Nr'f 'lfr mil ij; R" ,!il "lITil if,R~ 'lfr~ "tf.f:r "". of, lllfi!:<l ifift ~'IT 1T'f 01> f... Ifi!:-
(ij;) 'ifu"ll'r-*'fT ~ ij; f"f.... f'llfT if, f.rQ; mUefiI"'lT'f 111) ..m it. 'IT <iT 'ifbri -'IT ~
'3',\'if'f Ij;f "tfUi if ~ 3I't'{ U"!f if f",iT i'(;rl lfllT f.r<ri'f.,-arn- ilr f~, ;;fr «off ii; ~ ~ ~­
~ H~ ~, f.r'fiif1l1 if ~;
(<;f) 'NT;fi '3','if'f ij; flff'l1l1flf<ii ij; fiii'< 1fm&l<l .'fT'f "') ..m it, i;'rr;fi '3"<{'if'f 1I1T "ffUi ;; ~r
ill'\<: m..- iI f1l1ifr !flIT f.rffl.,-if;r ij; f<:;Q: f.rffl... if ~;
(If) 1ft;(f'ii ;nfu'l'i if, f;r~ mUefiI ~ 'lfr .. ViT if, ror~V1'I1fTq; fuflfl>'! ~If ~~,
1974 if nf~ "lITffill'i if if f'!ilf) "lITfu ij;T m!f 'f ~ am ,T'SIT iI f.!;ir !flIT f.,'fi'f'f~ if,
f.r~ f., '1'1''1> if ~; 0'fT
('f) ~lI'i if, f.::rQ; lfmiffil 'i'fT'f "') ..m it «>r f.r.i • .,-~ 'l'T f'f'fi'f1l1 if il'r I]
.[ ( 2) !.fro 5 iI fil;tTl 'fT, if, ~ir g'1; '.fj-, f'fffflf <:n<i "'I f.!iI'T'f !flIT it, ;;iT <'I)... srfuf'lfw'f
(<<~) srfuf.r!f'f, 1980 ij; srro='if ilr ~'fr<{ f'l;lfl III lfIfII' Iffi;,nr >IT'f1 ~, ro;r 111[ .m- ilr f\'rIt ",'r
;;rr0! ij; RQ; 'lfrt ...fUi 0' 0'1> ~ ;rtfi QT'TT 'I"l of, fij; 'i!:- .
(111) 'lf1:!(f-9<'fT '3','if'f if; firf'l1l1flrll'i ilr ~ mU~':1 Nr'f ij;1 ..m it, II'T <iT 'i~T '.-r;fc'fT
~ Ij;f ....fUi 'f il'r am U"'i it f'l>lfl ~q ;f'lT f.M'f'f-elof if; Pr';, ;;fr'it.! ij; fflIt lf~ f.r'fi'f'f-
elof it f;r;r ~, f.r<ri'f1l1 if il'r;
(.. ) If,!'.(N<r >lTfull'i if; ~ lfm&l'f ro;r '!it ~Vir it, f;rfif'li'l U'SIT if ;,or ;;rrfu'l'i it it fi!;,"
Ij;f ~ if QT aro" ~ if fi!;iT !flIT f.rffl'f-etor ij; ~ f.r'fiif1l1 'f ~;

(If) ~ ij; fuQ; IIIm&l<r ro;r 1111 <mr it, «>r f'l<ff'f'f-elof >iT Rffl'l> 'f ~;
('f) f.rnt 1f'II' li'fT'f '!it ..m if, ~ iI ij; f1l11ft ~ f.r'fi'f'f-elof ij; fflIt f.r<ff'f1l1 'f ~l 1
E4Iii!:1.. ~, ~.,. 'iI'f!Tro it, "~" if; o;r-'<i'fa- ,{f<ffi, :it<'fT'TT, <:'!r'fT, 1I1IfTff, iron, f<fiil<ir, itztm
am: 111m 'ifl ~ 1
I, ~q ('ri~) ("f'l'<l~r~f~lJ1ItT'I~) 1I~, 197Hr~I!W1filil ..r (2t-t-t97JII) ;mlirnll q~11
2· 1966i1<lIrflf.nJ ... V. 47~IlRI19ml"'3IIf'l<tori\lI,!l{;i~"rfu"iI<f'fI'!'l'>: (14-12-196811) IIfiII'fIfl<a I
J, 1962 iilllfilf.Pfq V. 27 ~ IlRI II ml .... :~ I
4, 1976i1: .. filtlrIIIfli. 10 ~II"" zomll'tll"fifl'1 (9-9-197511) 1I'l1:1'ITf<rn I
6. IB80 to llfilm Ii•• ~ QI" 3 fT~1 IIRI 5" oi, 'l"llfr 1'IQrtI (l) '" ... it (1,,"1"7,. it) 'l":~ r.~,
'II!! I
8, !980iil~v. 8~QRI JIR! (1-.-1979 II) "'a:fII,f'«\ I
R:?preSelllalion o/the People Act, 1951
(PART IT.-Acts of Parliament)

6. Q.1!:l'.lfcc~c::s [::, Cf"~~~JClti~ Ol'e. ][,2gislative Couucil.-(l) A person shall not be qualified
to be chosen to fill !: seat in the Legislative Council of a State to be filled by election unless he is
'in elector for any Assembly constituency in that State.
(2) A persol' E~'c.11 Dot bo qualified to be chosen to fill a seat in the Leglslative Council of a
Stete to be fit:~d by nomination b~' the Governor •• 00 unless he is ordinarily resident in the
'[CHAPTBR IlL-Disqualifications/or Membership 0/ Parliament and State Legislatllres
7. D~f!:!it!o;:z.-In this Chapter,-
(a) "appropriate Government" means in relation to any disqualification for being
chosen as or for being a member of either House of Parliament, the Central Government,
and in relation to any disqualification for being chosen as or for being a member of the
Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State, the State Government;
(b) "disqualified" means disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of
either House of Parliament or of the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State.

8. Dkljjll&!Llic!l£:OCl 03 ~o:Jviction for certain offences.-'[(1) A person convicted of an offenD"

punishable under·-
(a) section 153A (offence of promoting enmity between different groups on ground of
religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc., and doing acts prejudicial to mainte-
nance of harmony) or section 171E (offence of bribery) or section 17lF(offence of undue
influence or personation at an election) or sub-section (I) or sub-section (2) of section 376 or
section 376A or section 376B or section 376C or section 376D (offences relating to rape) or
section 498A (offence of cruelty towards a woman by husband or relative of a husband) or
sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) of section 505 (offence of making statement creating or pro-
moting enmity, hatred or ill-will between classes or offence relating to such statement in any
place of .... orship or in any assembly engaged in the performance of religious worship or
religious ceremonies) of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or .
(b) the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 (22 of 1955), which provides for punish-
ment for the preaching and practice of "untouchability", and for the enforcement of
any disability arising therefrom; or
(e) section II (offence of importing or exporting prohibited goods) of the Customs Act,
1962 (52 of 1962); or
(d) sections 10 to 12 (offence of being a member of an association declared unlawful,
offence relating to dealing with funds of an unlawful a~sociation or offence relating to contra-
vention of an order made in respect of a notified place) of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention)
Act, J967 (37 of 1967); or
(e) the Foreign Exchange (Regulation) Act, 1973 (46 of 1973); or
(D the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985); or
(g) section 3 (offence of committing terrorist acts) or section 4 (offence of committing
disruptive activities) of the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, 1987 (28 of
1987); or
t. O:nain words omitted by the Adaptation or Laws (No.2) Order, 1956.
2. Subs. by Act 47 ofl966, •• 20, [or Chapter lIJ(w.e.[. 14·12·1966). Previous Chapter IV(ss.IIOaud 1II) was rep. by Act
103 of 1956. s. 66.
). Subs. by Act 1 of 1989, s. 4, for sub-sections (I) and (2) (w.e.f. 15·3·1989).
\'i'ro II'",
195 t 66
('IIfIr 2 da, iii .n~)
(). iimA ~ 'lIT ~fIT ill' fuq ~-( 1) f..;"T "(~lj'Q;;' fifllR' 'l'fuii{ it . it; ;;« ~1lT'r '1ft
'it<:'!f ij; futt.;it f.M<r;r mr \fU;;n;n ~. 'J}i ;;nil' i!; F.rtt <o"hf llIffu; <i'I' ~ ~ ;r ~T ON ",oj; fiI;
~ ":ra ~ if ii; fll;.ft ~ f.rilf<r.,.«
it; f.1I!; f"<rf;r</i" ;r ([r I
(2) ft::f.\- ZI~ '1ft ftnn;r~ if iii ~ ~ 'liT tWi 'l; ~. 'O} "Q7l(<tr.r 1*$* iIl"T ""
\rTU 'J'U GfT'\1~. '{,'if ~ ~ ft:ri{ 'Ifr;f OlIlta irq ~ ~<i' 'I' ~'iY ;;r<r ~ fiI; lfl! ;nr U1ill if ~
m: ~;r ttt I

('0) .~~.. if ~ ~
if ~fi!tm q;y Im'II' "tit ;;rf.r lIT ;m:zr t!'rit lIT ~
iii ifr;f!
il> fitll; fil;d\' f.r$rr ii; ~"'-T'fX if iIi;ifr~ m~n: n<IT foOd\' "(f"'f 'lit form' ~ 'l'T fum 'f~ q;y
mil' 'ft ;;rR lIT mll"l' ~ lIT ~ iii" F.rtt !Wi f.r<liffi' iii" \1'1'<mi if lfl! ~ ~n: ~ ~;
(Ii) "~<r" ~ fi"" i;; <ft;if mm ~ f.m q;y 'IT fim "UIi!l' '1ft ~ ~ lIT f'lm' 'IfW,
q;y ~ 'ft "ff.r am: Im'II' \!Tit 'l'T <Wr it; ~ ~ ~d' ~ I
S. ~ m<w ill fi:Ilt ,*,,,r.. fl,j on: f.I'$T_3[ (1) f~"1f<1f",d ill Oi'!ftif ~ fiI;dY. iIl'fml'
ij; ~ f~>t" ~,,<l'T 'fll'T "'I'f1ffi it<fr ifNfuf4 'lit <TfU>;r ~ ~ 'I'i ~ arm
iii f-!t!: M~f t!rlfT,
('0) ~ n ., 1860 (1860 q;y 45) 'lit uru 153'" ( ..ri. 'l9"ili1r. Gf"f-~. R<rffl'-
~. 'IfliiIT. ~ il> arrml If"( fiff<r!T ·l'!.@ il> 'lh W'!;O'f iOT o!f<r'l"i;r m~ iff ~it If"( m
~ \tIITiI m
~ iOT <I'l'(Tfl) lIT ar(T 1711:' (fuu .... 3{T(T") lIT ar(T 171"l'
(f"ilf'i1~l if ~ ~ 6T<'R lIT lifu€'f"f .... ~) 'l'T ar(T 376 ~ ;;o:r;rm (1) 'l'T ;;'1'!Tro
(2) lIT mu 376'0 lIT uru 376llf lIT em 3761T lIT a-m 376~ (,.~ ~ ~ ~). lIT
STV 49sq; (f1/l<ft t<l"T il> m lIT 'lfr if; 'fliRn: mr ,<I't' m,J,,:fT ""it .... 3!m!T). lIT !I'm 505
'Iit;;<mQ (2) 'l'T;;'1'!IT\T (3) 'l'f (fmr.r if·if it !1Tif;<rr. ,orr
lIT oht'ff!l' ~ '1'[ mffrd' ~
Ift.r q;q'if at'I'lrT flo.rr ~T il> ~ if lIT f~ "1''11''1' if. ;;f'r mof; 'l:",T lIT atflfoj; 'I1Ii ~ if ~
g3!T ~. ~ Ii>1IIr ~ ~ ~ am'!!T) ; "
(Ii) fum! arr!l'lm: A"I ~If. \955 (1955 .... 22) ;;f'r "3fff/lI'ffr" iOT lI'm: am:
~{VI' ~ am: ;;W ;;'1'.rr fm fif<ifnrn'r 'lit <iT'r, 'O"(it ill f.r" ~ iOT ;;'1',"" q;v.rr It; lIT
('1') ;f\~ 3!fuf"Qq, 1962 (1962 iOT 52) (~>mr .... 3!T/l'TO' lIT ~ ~ ....
~'); lIT
.. f<4""<i412r f.... I.... lq (~) 3!fur"QQ.
(tf) firf4firf '<It tlTU 10 ~ !IT<T
1967 (1967 lOT 37)
12 <i'Ii (~'Ilfi«r ~ 'I'll; fm m .... ~('<f i!Ti .... 3!' I'U!T, foj;m fiIflrl1mr m 'Ifr' f~
~ iT(d'1t ~ ~ ~ liTfil;;f\' arr!TW<!(f ~ il> m if foj;o; 'I'll; arr~ iii ;r.;£'l';r q ~
0l'r0tI); lIT
(l!') fimitljifT (f<lf.. qq~) OIfilf.. QI1, 1973 (1973 iOT 46); lIT
('t) """'" aftqflr am: .,.,:\1'"'0'1 <ro>i 3!filf~4Q, 1.985 (1985 q;r 61); lIT
(") 01~ am: flrs<imtt f1t;~ (~). ~. 1987 (1987 q;r 28) 'lit
!iT(T 3 ("Iti"ill~l 'OTli 'O"(it .... 3!'-ro!T) lIT !I'm 4 (f'f,;;tEr~ f1t;~ ~ .... iIl'f"(T!T); lIT
I· f"IIillf!'li.'l; (Ii. 2) qmr, 1956 iITU!9~. IFI .m.1iiolr "'rl I
2. 1%6 if< 'Iftrf.r>t>r Ii. 47 '1ft UI".I 20 rTlI ""'IT'! 3 to ~ 'l1 (14'1~19G6 ll) lI'fitt'llill~ I 'liififf ,,"all!
• (IIU ,fro III Sfln() 'III 1956 tr. Qfuf~!Jl! Ii. 103 If'! am 6G 1m! f~ f'f!l!l I 'I'll'"
). 1989 it; II!lIflriI1! Ii. I 'iiI Q1'U 4 ~RT (15-3-1989 it) 1I'lUro (I) .m (2) it; ~ 'l'(!lfurom I
67 Represelllatioll of the People Act. 1951

(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

(h) section 7 (offence of contravention of the provisions of sections 3 to 6) of the Religious

Institutions (Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1988 (41 of 1988); or
(i) section 125 (offence of promoting enmity between classes in connection with the election)
Of section 135 (offence of removal ofbaHot papers from polling stations) or section 135A (offence of
booth capturing) or clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 136 (offence offraudulently defacing or
fraudulently destroying any nomination paper) of this Act. [orl'
I [(j) section 6 (ofTence of conversion of a Place of worship) of the Places of Worship (Special
Provisions) Act. 1991,)
shall be disqualified for a period of six years from the date of such conviction,
(2) A person convicted for the contravention of-
(a) any law providing for the prevention of hoarding or profiteering; or

(b) any law relating to the adulteration of food or drugs: or

(c) any provisions of the Dowry Prohibition Act. 1961 (28 of 1961): or
(d) any provisions of the Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act. 1987 (3 of 1988),

and sentenced to imprisonment for not less than six months, shall be disqualified from the date of such
conviction and shall continue \0 be disqualified for a further period of six years since his release.
(3) A person convicted of any offence and sentenced to imprisonment for not less than two years
[other than any offence referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2)) shaH be disqualified from the
date of such conviction and shall continue to be disqualified for a further period of six years
since his release.)
2[(4)/ Notwithstanding anything 3[in sub-section (1). sub-section (2) or sub-section (3)) a dis-
qualification under either sub-section shaH not. in the case of a person who on the date of the conviction
is a ;nember of Parliament or the Legislature of a State, take effect untilJhree months have elapsed from
that date or. if within that period an appeal or application for revision is brought in respect of the convic-
tion or the sentence. until that appeal or application is disposed of by the court.
Expiallation.- In this section-

(a) "law providing for the prevention of hoarding or profiteering" means any law. or any
order. rule or notification having the force of law, providing for-
(i) the regulation of production or manufacture of any essential commodity:

(ii) the control of price at which any essential commodity may be bought or sold;

{iiO the regulation of acquisition. possession, storage, transport, distribution, disposal.

use or consumption of any essential commodity;
(iv). the prohibition of the withholding from sale of any essential commodity ordinarily
kept for sale:
(b) "drug" has the meaning assigned to it in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of

(c) "essential commodity" has the meaning assigned to it in the Essential Commodities Act.
1955 (10 of 1955):

L Ins. by Act 42 of 199L s. 8 (w.e!. 18-9-1991).

2. Sub-section (3) renumbered as sub-section (4) by Act 1 of 1989, s. 4 (w.e.f. 15-3-1989).
3. Subs. by s. 4, ibid.. for "in sub-section (1) and sub-section (2)" (w.e.f. 15-3-1989).


("') 'llffi<l; m:<n (~ ~) ·i\lN~",,,. 1988 <tr flTU 7 (flTU 3 it flTU 6 oq; if; ~ if; ~ 'lIT
<!1<IU'l); III

(~) ~ "'~~4" <tr flTU 125 (~if; ~ ihrif if;;f};l ~~~ <l;G 'lIT <!1<IU'l) III flTU 135 ('«Rl'I
R it lRI1I"iI' ofr lreR ior <!1<IU'l) III flTU135<1; ('!.'iT if; 1ll1I!q lIil1l'l'lIT <!1<IU'l) III flTU 136 <tr ~ (2) 'lIT m (<1;)
(~ ~r"~~QH <1;) <l;Q"9~<I; ~flnr ~ III ",q"\!&,,, ~ ~ <l;r <!1<IU'l): 1(1111

1 ((or) 3lmI'IT t=I!«i! (flii/tti ~) dlNflI"'li. 1991 <tr flTU 6 (%lfi ~ t=I!«i! if; eQftqd~ 'lIT
(2) <l;rt "'IfIffl ;;IT.-

(<1;) ~ III '1"r'f,rtil{\ 'lIT ~ <l;G 'lIT ~ ~ 'Ir.!t !b;dt ~: III

(§) 10m III ~ if; 3I1Ifti1!l1ll it tIiiftrn !b;dt ~; III

(~) .~ ~ "'~~4". 1961 (1961 'lIT 28) if; fll;;;ff ~; III

(~) utfr (~) ar~. 1987 (1987 'lIT 3) if; fll;;;ff ~.

if; ~ if; ~ ftIm ;mill! '1'lIl i aiR WI lim' it ~ if; <l;1UlIm it ~ ftI;ln '1'lIl i, <m ~ ~ 1tI <rTtniJ it
flRfu! Wlrn ,3ft< aJ1I'f w~ on:l it Wg <rtf 1tI ",fafttfu ",r<!M~ if; ~ ~ 1i'Il Wn I
(3) <l;rt"'lflffl;;IT (~(I) III ~ (2);)' ~ ~ dI'<ro'l it,l<A1 fuitfr dI'<ro'l if;~, ~ 0imlIl '1'lIl i
3ft< ~ !llf it aT""{'" if; <l;m<lm it ~ ~. '1'lIl g. ~~ <tr <rTtniJ it !l!m gl<n ah: ail w~ ;;rR it lJl! !llf <tr
~ "'16.t"'~ if; ~ ~ 1i'Il Wn II
2(4)J 3(~ (I). ~ (2),111 ~ (3);)1 flI;lft ,",,'if; itt! ~ I'll, ~;WU(ldl)';),it flI;Iftcf; or$! flrdm 0lI
"'IfIffl <tr Wi ;)' ;;IT .r..ftIfl: llfr <rTtniJ iii m 'lIT III U'RI if; flI'WI-ltrn 'lIT ~ i, <I1r 016 .~ .,.gr irnt '"" 016 0lI
<rTtniJ it tIR lim' " >fRl1l1t it, aI<1'lT. ~ 0lI ~ if; I'ftlrt 0lI ~ III mwllfr !ITiffi a!1ftollil ~ cf; ~ amr..r
flnlIl '1'lIl i <it '"" oq; ~ rnT in! ar1!m III 8n~... 'lIT flItrem " g) '1'lIl III
~-~ flTU;)'-

(<1;) ";;JIlnirft III l)"I'f,ltiI{I cf; ~ cf; ~ (!1!a/>I<I;{il 'Ir.!t ~" it 1IiTt ~ ~ III ~ 'lIT fI<!I ~ !IffiIl
<l;rt ~r orrm. f.rIm III dI~\l"~1 ar~ i ;;IT ~""Ifflfl&a if; ~ ~ lImfr i-
(i) flI;lft ~~ ~ i! ~ III M-mfur lIil flint",.,.,.
(ii) OlI'llfrInI li;r ~ fq 'It lIirt ~ ~ mtt '" iI;!t "IT ri,
(iii) flI;lft ~Q1Ill; ~ i! ;P;r. •, <h!1(o;(UI, ~, flmvr. "'1'1'1. <!"I>IIrr '" ~ lIil
ll!flI~r.tmzili"''' .

. (iv) flI;Ift ~ ~Q1Ill; ~ i~ lIil ~, IliI • th 'It ~ $ ~ mr""", i;

(ur) "~" lIil q 81'<f t "" ail aft'IIi\t .m: 1m1'A ~ "."'flI",,.. 1940 (1940'lIil 23) ;)'
.... :J~OC: i: .
('I) "~Q1Ill; ~" lIil arc! i IliI ail arJlIV1IlII ~ 8I~flIQI1, 1955 (1955 lIil 10) ;)' tllI:J"'" i;
I. 1991 $ ~ ~o 42 all oom,8 IIItI (18-9-1991 W) 1!Rr:~'
2. 1989 $ ~ ~o I II!I oom 4 IIItI (IH·I989 W) ocriIm (3~ lJ1I'Im (4) $"", qo !1'1!~'
3. 1989 $ ~ ~o I II!I oom ,4 IIItI (15-3·1989 W) "lJ1I'Im (1) ant lI'I1Im (2)" $ ~ 'It atiQft,~
6R Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART H.- .'1cls of Parliamenl)

(d) "food" has the meaning a'Signcd to it in the Prevention of Food Adulteration
Act, 195~· (37 of 1954).

1[1111.. m!:1jft:cl:~ttt:a;) cs g.Oi:i1( 0;' CO;"~llt Jil1!lctizes.---(I) The case of every person found
guilty of a corrupt practice by an order under section 99 shall be submitted, as soon as may be,
after such order takes effect, by such authority as the Central Government may specify in this
behalf, to the President for determil\ation of the question as to whether such person shall be
disqualified and if so, for wha t per' ad:
Provided that the period for which any person may be disq ualified under ,his sub-section
shaU in no case exceed six years from the date on which the orde. made in relation to him uncler
section 99 takes effect.
(2) Any person who stands disqualified under section SA of this Act as it stood immediately
before the commencement of the Election Laws (Amcndm~nt) Act, 1975 (40 of 1975), may, if
the period of such disqualification ha~ not expired, submit a petition to the President for the
removal of such disqualification for the unexpired portion of the said period.
(3) Before giving his decision on any ::jucstion mcntiuneci in sub-section (I) or on any peti-
tion submitted under sub-section (2), i;lC President shal, obtain the opirrio'1of the Election
Commission 0" ,,', questioJ1 or petition .lnd shall at': ul-eordin~ to such opit" 'n.]
9, J]JI:":.::;~,:: :",:';':::1 ~'" ~;;::::;~;:i :."_ cO,;u;!lOfl or .:',;!c:rc!~y.-.(/) A FNln "ho having hc.1d
an office under the Government of In:iiu or lOnder the Governmcnt of an;' St~te has been dIS-
missed for corruption or for disloyalty to the State shull be dis.:jualified for a period of five years
from the date of such dismissal.
(2) For tnc purposes of suo-section (J), a certificate issued by the Election Commission to the
effcct that a person havin(l held office under the Government of India or under ~he Government
ofa Stat~. has or has not been dismis~ed for corruption or for disloYillty to the State shall be
conclusive proof of that fact:
Providd that no certificate to the effect that a person has been dismissed for corruption or
for disloyalty La the State shall b~ issued unless an opportunity of being heard ha~ been given
to the said person.
911.. J]JIk:':;:Jn:~c!l~filll:: ,,::1 Govelr;meli:~ ccnt7octs, etc,-A person shall be disqualified if, and for
so long as, there subsists a contract entered into by him in the course of his trade or business
with the appropriate Governnwnt fo= the sl!pply of goods to, or for the execution of any works
undertaken by, that Government.
Explonotion.-For the purposes of this section, where a contract has been fully performed by
the person by whom it has been entereolllto with the appropriate Government, the contract shall
be deemed not to subsist by reason only of the fact that the Government has not performed its
part of the contract either wholly o~ in part.
no. J]JIi!l!'t:cm!cn~io!! lior office l!:t:':~7 Govelmnent comillc!:;y. -A person shall be disqualified
if, and forso"long as, he is a managing agent, manager or secretary of any company or corporation
(other than a co-operati\~ society) ill the capital of which the appropriat~ Government has not
less than twenty-five per ce,lt. shl'.rc.
n@A. Elii:!J::c:~'::!lt!on fox fi:.ihi'C '~J !o:':ge nCCOI!!lZ oio:~~~~on eliI!(';] .es.-] f the Ejection Co.p1"
mission is satisfied that a person- .
(0) has failed to lodge an account of election expense< within the time and in the
manner required by or under this Act, and

1. Subs, by Act 40 or 1975," ~

('lIT'! 2- -U!!1 ij; 3iftIf.fll1f)

, (~) "'i1~" ~T ~ 3l'! ~<iit ;;» 6ffl ~ ~ arftlf~qlj, 1954 (1954 q;r 37) if
'18$. ~ 611"J1{1JT !Ii ~ ~dcrl-( I) 'll1:T 99 <i; 3!t:fr.! fa;U'~iII ilIU 1R arl'W"l <i; <Wl\
~~ ~ ~~ ~ q;r 'fI1!m, ~ anil~ if; lMmfl<'l i!~ ij; ~ 'l'lTliT'I'I ~~, ~ lITf!f<m"r om,
i!;oif\lr ~ 1:lI f.!f'ffi f.lf.!r~<;! oP., s.lI_IT'" q;r ~ ~ ij; <T~ '1ft ~-i' f.n.rr
G!'l1(Irr Ii!; 'm itm aqf.a f.rd""~ fiI;ln arr" am: 'If<: fiI;ln ~ al ft;a;ft ~ ij; :
'Ii.~ 'l11 """,<1M ~ ~ ~)f oqfur ~1I :rnrru il; anfr;f f~ ~T ''IT ;rij;Trr, f.rnt 'f"r '""" if
'3"lI 6rtlT;r it ~ ~ it "llflT<I;;rifT ift'ft f"lll~) mr 99 il; 3l1ft;r m ~ if r'li'IT '1"lIT arr~ 1T''''~.fl"
'i!.)6T ~,
(2) ~
a1Iflrn' ;;r'r ~ 3lf~ '1ft rmr 8'0 il; 3!'ffl, ~ Ii!; ~ ~ f.rfir (~) 3iftIf'f>tlf,
1975 (1975''Of 40) il; am.<'f iii ~ ~ otT, f.Hf116 11) if>tT~, qf. Q;ft !'r~ifT '1ft 'Of<'TT'lf!i ~
~ 'i!.) Iff ~ al, \;iI<! IfiTl'IT'1fir il; iN 'IT'T ij; ~ift ~6T ij; ~t:t "lR ij; f<i\l ~d' '1ft
IT~ ""~,

~;r it ~ ~ f.Iq1<q.f arr>trr it f.¢t ~it W<!"

'Iitm ,]
( 3) \3'mU (I) if 'IfVRr mtl" llV'r 'IT '3'!!lTU (2) ij; 3l1ft;r ~ '1ft 'It f.rnt ar.ff ~ uq ~:rr am: '3"lI U>t ij;
'1( f'l f~ ... q
3I1.rn . ifmi

9..... '.I( lIT ~ iii" ~ 'R'R{!I ~q"(~6T-(I) ~ ... f.fa", oft '1m" ~ ij; 3l1ft;r
'IT flt;tIt ,f;;q ;tT ~ iI; 3l1ft;r IN !IT"'T ~ ~ 'OIET~"{ ij; q;r {VI" 'IT "Q;;q ij; ITfu ~ ij; 'Irr~
~!I fil;qT '1"lIT ~, iMt ~ ;tT !Irtt~ it 'l"R' ~ ;tT oo'''i~R:r ij; f.roll'f ~ i
( 2) \3'mU (I) ij; srtmRf ij; ~~ arr>trr. mT f.r;r;r;rr 'IlIT 1:lI 'IIR 'Of!f1n1ll'l?r Ii!; ~
"IfiRr '1m" ~ iI; 3l1ft;r l!T fil;ift ~ ~ ij; 3l1ft;r IN a~ rn ~ ~( iI; '"""' 'IT u;;q-
iI; ITfu 8f'IIfur ij; ~ ~ fiI;ln '1"lIT 'IT 'IT ~,~(f 61'f q;r f~." WI> lIi!." 'i!.Prr:

'!1.Oi! ~ 'ITlf 'Of ~ 1ft ll1l'T"mI fil; ~ '00 ",,,,"I'If"{ 'IT "(r.'.I" iI; ITfu arllfu iI; 'Of~ IN~
flI;>tT II'IT ~, <fiT <f~ ~ R'liTilT "lft:t'IT .".. <fiji fiji '3"'Id' o1ffiR 'Ii\' '!'t <iff't 'Of ilt"'!1f"{ ,,~ fl:"qf II'IT 'i!.) ,"
~. ~iII"~ ~"r 'If ~ mf;rij;~~~ 'IT "'lffd' fl!$ ~.
~ ~ift Iif.m m'IT~ ~ ;;ir ~1R ""!,f'lO lI"{ijif"{ ij; ~ an't ozrrm: 'IT """"' ij;
'*"f!'j;lfar~if <if.
trom 'liT >mr '"' !M>t "'~'t ij; .'IT '3"lI lI"",, rnr ~ fil;;@ ml ij; ~ ij;' oft ~I
-~-~ rmr ij; lf7ir.rit ij;, ~ fil; ~ ~flIl{T ~ "'If;r;r arll", ['''flit iIlIT ~ «'l'flIlr
fl"{lrn ij; lIf1I;tT 'It oft, ~/fT f~ "" .ft 'It ~,~ ~ @m' ij; .m if ij;f;r ~ 6"1' ij; ~
Ii!; {"If;!"{ It ~ Iif.m ij; aT'A' 'lIT'! "'T ~ 'IT 'IIT'T<r: 'IT<'I'I ~ f<j;qf ~ ~ ~ ~frT ,,~ fil; ~
mIlT'! ~I
10.~ ~"r iii" auk 'It ill" ~ ~!IT~ 1ft aqf.fa" ~ @Trr qf<f am:;;r;r <i"I1 'l11
(~ ~ it f'rw) fil;;ft ~ift Ifi"q;ft ll'I f.!>rq '"' r.rm't.;;fT if ""!,Rd' ~ 'Of q-;;.mr~ it
8i"!'1 urn ~, lfihf arl1im, ~ 'IT ~ ~ ,
I ()II;. ~ am 'Irr!Wr IITfi!m ~if ""'''''Iat ij; iliT1."1 ~-'!f<: f'l'lf;;r~ arrlft!r '"' «'l'T!IT'I tr)
'11,',1 af~ I!iTt aqf.R!-
'Of orm '3"lI l!II>t ij; 'fT"r<R
('11) flrIII"I;r aqql am: ~ ,")ftr if ;;lift ..... 3lf~ ij; rnr 'IT
snft'f ~~. ~ '11~ it If~ ~ ~; <r'IT

19-804 MIa Law & Juslice/94

69 Representatiol/ of the People Act, 1951
(PAin 11.·- Act; pf Parliament)

(b) has no good reason or justification for the failure,

the Election Commission shall, by order published in the Official Gazette, declare him to be dis-
qualified and any such person shall be disqualified for a period of three years from the date of the
11. Removal or reduction of period of disqualification.-The Election Commission may, for
reasons to be recorded, remove any disqualification under this Chapter [(except under section
8A)) or reduce the period of any such disqualification.

CHAPTER IV.--Disqllolifications for Voting

llA. Disqualification arising out of conviction and corrupt practices.-'[(J)jIC any person, after
the commencem'nt of this Act,--
····is convicted of an offence punishable under section 171 E or section 171 F of the
Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or under section 1.25 or section 135 or clause (a) of sub-sec-
tion (2) of section 136 of this Act,.. ••
•• • • • •
he shall, for a period of six years from the date of the conviction or from the date on which the
order takes effect, be disqualified for voting at any election.
<[(2) Any person disqualified by a decision of the President under sub-section (I) of section
8A for any period shall be disqualilied for the sam~ period for voting at any election.
(3) The decision of the President on a petition submitted by any person under sub-section
(2) of section 8A in respect of any disqualification for being chosen as, and for being, a member of
either House of Parliament or of the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State shall,
so far as may be. apply in respect of the disqualification for voting at any election incurred by him
under clause (b) of sub-section (I) of section II A of this Act as it stood immediately before the
commencement oCthe Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 1975 (40 of 1975), as if such decision were
a decision in respect of the said disqualification for voting also.] ,
liB. Removal of disqualifications.-The Election Commission may, for reasons to be
recorded, remove '[any disqualification under sub-section (I) of section II A].1
U. Notification for biennial election to the Council of States.-For the purpose of 'filling the
seats of members oCthe Council of States retiring on the expiration of their term of office the Presi-
dent shall by one or more notifications published in the Gazette ofTndia on such date or dates as
may be recommended by the Election Commission, call upon the elected members of the Legis-
lative Assembly or as the case may be, the members of the electoral college, of each State concer-
ned to elect members in accordance with the provisions of this Act and of the rnles and orders
made thereunder:
Provided that no notification under this section shall be issued more than throo months prior
to the date on which the term of office of the retiring members is due to expire.
t. Ins. by Act 40 of 1975. s. 3.
2. S. l1A renumbered as sub-section (1) of that section by s. 4, ibid.
3. Th. brackets and letter "(oJ" omitted by Act 38 of 1978, s. 3 and the Second Schedute.
4. The word "or" omitted by s. 3 and, the second Schedule, Ibid.
5. O. (6) omItted by Act 40 Of 1975, s. 4.
6. I... by s. 4. Ibid.
7. Sub•. by s. 5, Ibid., for certaIn word•.
8. Subs. ~r Act 27 of t9~6, s. 7. for \'IIrt III (ss. 12 to t81.
~ IIrrifolW"" 1IIfllf.lqq, 1951 69
('IIT'T 2~ "'! it; atfuflIlPI)

(l!I) ;rn 31~ ~ ~ 'Iiif ~ ~ 'lI ''lI'llf;mr ~ wm ~,

(II ~ 311'li't'l 'lITm>f uorm it !I'OlfW ~ if!U ~ f.fU~ 'l"If«<l 1j;'t1TT 3!h: ~lfT a!ff.Ia' ;n
~ ,;r (IT,,," if (I," 'I'f <tI ,,,, .. ,,,fu
il; ~ ~ ~ I
11. f.r$!! qf\ ,,,,.,,qm I!!) ~ Q'T q;1f iIrofI-f~ 3IT>Wr ;;.; ~ il; f<'TtJ;,
arf'l1fi1f<9<t <iT1
f~ ;;mtii ~ 3!'-"lITlI il; 31lT," '[(f~!lT(T 8'0) il; 3!oit'f,] ;f,\ rir9') fH#lI'r '01 ;;.?:! !Thr 'lI it,rr
f<rnT f~'fT Ij;T ToT<1"!iffU of.! 'T.l! 'f" if.i;qr I
'" " !IT<Q'T4 4-'«1 ~ it; fl'Tll f~<mt
III!!. ,a~ IIiR ~ ~ if:n;'!"' f.f$n---"[ ( 1)] ~ of.!~ .'rff1! ~ 'lIfuf<1'QIf il; !Tro'I! it;

3*** 'ITT",)q tg mfrTT (1860 ,,;r 45) <tT ~ 171" qr miJ 171'f 3f'1"IT {lI 3!fuf,4Q
Ij;T !lTU 1 2 5 'lI tm! 1 35 il; 3I!iR' 'lI ~ 1 36 <tT <!'IUT (T (2) iF "'.. (I!!) il; anft;r <iToftll'
Pr.lfr am:T!l" ,,;r fu<roq ~ 'l'<"T ~, ... *
* * * * *
ii, 'Ii: , ;irqfufu $, <lltrer iI 'II ;rn <lltrer iI fumir 'Iil3lT~i1 'l'lI'.I~ ;mrr g. ffi! 'Itt $, lfi,"",fi:! a; fuw;, fu;,:fr I:fI
f.l$r-! it' ''ffi ~ 'il f.rIfuI IDrn I

,[ (2) !lTU 8 <tT <!'IUTq (I) ij; 3I!l," ~~ il; f<lmT 3IT~9T mr f~'Tr '!m'!T1f\1 iF fui:\' f.roiF'
04f.a, I'PrT mm i! '«I ~iI 11 :am 'I'T<1'l'Ifu il; w.
f.rdi[<T ;f\'TT ,
(3) fifi"iT ;rru .m,
il;fii"ft op,,, ,,;r lI'r firm 'U'q <tT f<m;f 'ii~r 'lI flfilH '1'f\:q, 'I!T ;rl'l'~
~ .,r'I 3i\<: ~ '!l'I 'lI ''ll:'' iF f.;rt( flj;,rr f.f$r ,;r 'fT'IQ ~ 8'0 'OT '3'ff1ro (2) il; 31!iR' lffi!<T
,;r 'If f'li"it 31.rr q'1: ~ 'I!T f.. f,.1lf, <iT~i' (!'I! ,!T \'[il; ~ arfw..f'l"l "') ',J'fU 11'0 Ij;)
il;.n ('") il;anft;r, ~1 f'l> if,! f'lffi'f mu (,r~) arfaf.r!lli, Ins (1975 'I!T 40) il; 1m'" il;
I) '01= (
<5l>!; 'l!li'r'fl, f1t;1ft ~, it 'n 'til iF f~ ;no1; mr ,H,f f.f{~li TiT 'lTU, ,!iT lI'ofl: <1"1'J, oJlTT Iff'll
• ~\TT ~ 'ffi it'I il; f.~ ~ f.r$1 ,;r 'fT'IQ flff.r.i;fq €ill]
11'11. f'l$n~if 'I!T l!O'lfT ;;n;n-mm 3IT>i\1T 0'1 ~ il; f~, 3ft 3If..f<'TfliJ' fir~ ornt>1, '[mu
11'1> ,;r ~ (I) il; anft;r mit f.r$1] of.! ~ if.i;qr,
'['IIT'T 3
'UQT{II{ fil .. ilit.,llf11 m;H1litil' ~

12. 'U'lI' ~ iF ~ ~ il; ~ ~;;.n-<FII H'ITT il; 0'1 ~ il; ~ 'lit "'~
iF sr:i\'o!'1 il; ~, <iT1 3l'T'ft <mqfu il; 3!'f!TT'f il; "rn<r fil'{'f ;fr ,,:J. ~, <!~ ~ 'fT':l'1l 1fT nm~ of.!,
f.;rn<t\ rli'liTf!.w fif'fAiI at'T1lT'I :H\T fl <iTf~, 'ITT{(! ij; ~'<f iI !ll>rf'lr:! ~ Ifr' arfa'l> arfa'r!'ifTiT oro
il' tt<fi ~ >:17l! 'Ii'r, ~fu, f.f!lTi! lIqr il; mjf<m m:f'fi q!fT f~..1f'IT il; ~ it 31:tm 1j;{1TT
f.I; >! ;;g 3Ifuf'i!!Ili if; 31'r: (I'{<itil i[~ 'Ttl: f'lq.rr 3i\<: f~ 'fI': ,;lIm il; '3'l'm ij; 31TlT' ;mq f.f'lTfif(!

'l"9 1FI um il; 3!UTiI <f.rt 'liT arf<l'!J:ififT ,,\'[ (1m... if oTT ;if r if 3If$li ~ 'I Fol'-n!ffi' "IT~
m,iu of.! f,,¥ ill'l <if<:! ~ Ij;T <m<rfor 'I!T arq!TI'T i{l1fT ~ I
I. 1~75it.~rElf;;'lfqtto 4utrufV 3aru~;t'I:~rfqa I
2. ':1"'' ' ;(.t "fl.1 4 rn'
I '''' "') ",,11\ =, (,)
il; "" if !~:Iii'lifil;. fc,' "", I
,1. ",nif. ..faf""", ti. 38 ;(.t "IH 3 am
fi:<ful ,,'!'l;'fi irI" "(",)" qOl\ 'Ill ~1 "" liN r...rr 'IlI1' I
•. ~ of.t ",{I 3 'Ill m.n. "'!'I'" ~", "or" ~ ,:I "'" f... , '"", I
S. I" 7 5 ,: qfaf.nr1( oj. 40 of.t IlTl.l HI" OR ( .. ) ,,:I "'" f""" or!(l ,
Ii, 1975'l:"faf_li. 40""uro 4I''UIRT~'RI1

7. ~"'''''''" U(TIS rro'li"or-fiil;"""", llf"",mdl

H. I !J fiG if; u(¥lollfIt' «0 29 olIT Q'Hr 7 ifru 1lf1I' 3 ( 1·2 fr 18 ~ Ii Ui1)\!) f.' nIl 'f{ !if~tf",rfq,,, I
70 Represel11atioll of the People Act, 1951
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)

'[12A. Notification for clectio I to fiU the seat aUotted to the State ofSikkim in the Council
ofStates.--For the purpose of filling for the first time the seat allotted to the State ofSikkim by the
Constitution (Thirty-sixth Amendment) Act. 1975 in the Council of States, the President shall, by
a notification published in the Gazette of India, on such date as may be. recommended by Election
Commission, call upon the elected members of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Slkkim to
elect a member in accordance with the provisions of this Act and of the rules and ord~rs made
thereunder and the election so held shall for all purposes and intent be deemed to have been held
under section 12.] .
13. [Notificatioll for reconstitl/tion of electoral colleges lor certain Union territories.) Rep. by
the Territorial COl/ncils Act, 1956 (!O3 of 1956), s. 66.
14. Notification for general election to the House of the Pcople.-(1) A general election' shall
be held for the purpose of constituting a !lew House of the People on the expiration of the dura-
tion of the existing House or on its.dissolution:
(2) For the said purpose the President shall, by one or more notifications published in the
Gazette of India on such date or dates "as may be recommended by the Election Commission.
call upon all parliamentary constituencies to elect members in accordance with the provisions of
this Act and of the rules and orders made thereunder:
Provided that where a general election is held otherwise than on the dissolution of the existing
House of the People, no such notification shall be issued at any time earlier than six months prior
to the date on which the duration of that House would expire under the provisions of clause (2)
of articte 83.
'[14 A. Notification for electing the representative of the State of Sikkim to the existing House
of the People.-For the purpose of electing a representative of the State of Sikkim to the House of
the People, specified in clause (e) of article 371F of the Constitution, the Election Commission
shall call upon the members of the Legislativ~ Assembly of the State of Sikkim to elect the repre-
sentative in accordance with such of the provisions of this Act, and the rules and orders made
thereunder, as are applicable to the election of the members of the Council of States.]
15. Notification for general election to a State Legislative Assembly.-(J) A general election
shall be held for the purpose of constituting a new Legislative AssemblY on the cxpiration of the
duration of the existing Assembly or on its dissolution.
(2) For the said purpose, '[the Governor or Administrator, as the case may be], .... shall
by one or m~re notifications published in the Official Gazette of the State on such date or dates as
may be recommended by the Election Commission, call upon all Assembly cOllstitutencies in the
State to elect members in accordance with the provisions of this Act and of the rules and orders
made "thereunder:
Provided that where a general election is held otherwise than on the dissolution of the existing
Legislative Assembly, no such notification shall be issued at any time earlier than six months prior
to the dato on which the duration of that Assembly would expire under the provisions of clause
(1) of article 172 ·····[or under the provisions of section 5 of the Government of Union
Territories Act, 1963 (20 of 1963), as the case may be.]
·[ISA. - Notification for certain electiolls to Legislative CounciIs.-For the purpose of constitu-
ting the Legislative Council of the State of Madhya Pradesh under the States Reorganisation Act,
I. Ins. by Act 10 of 1!}76,~.·2 and Sch. (w.e.f. 9-9-1975).
2. Sub •. by Act 20 Of 1963, s. 57 and the Second Sche~.ule fOr "the Governor".
]. Certain words omilled by the Adaplation of Laws (No.2) Order, 1956.
4. Ins. by Act 20 of 1963, s. 57 and Ihe S,cond Schedule.
S. In •. 1»1 Act 37 of 1957, s. 13.
.mr stf~ 'IfU~, 195 1 70
( I1'T'T 2 -~ f!:il: ij;- arf!Tf.rrrIf )

I[ 1211t. ~"T ii fu"""'"

mlf "") amm if finl ~TlI' IIit ~ • ~ r.m'l'~ IIit a!fu~-,~ !!"II!
itfirfi!>t;lfw.·~ 'lit ~ (~ \im'W!) atf~, 1975.,-q lI1'T¢.I if f~ ~R '!it lI''f'T ill' 1TVf
;i; lI'~!l; fuo:~, 1!ror ij;- ~i;[ it ~arf~ am. ittft mfrs '!it, flrm fa'lllf<" f.mvr
arnirr ~ro.n- "Tilt, ftrf'iI'Ii'f ~ .n- f.m;r ~ ij;- f;;q\f<m ~ if 31m '!ftm f'l>' it ~ ilIfiItlrzrIT ij;- am:
-ml' ~ iI'IT1l; IT1l; fil1f'ir <PIT ~ ij;- ~. ij;- 31~ it ~ 'ffll1' '!it fif'lff..; ~ ~1l' lI'~ ~ am:
fifq'j' 'I'fT ~ f!'Ift lI'itlrff am:
arm" ij;- f.!tl: I'fI"(T 12 ij;-atirif riff! 'l'll'T f,.t'l''f 1l"NTT "lT~ I]
13. !W""".......nfi:tit m~ ill ~ IItT ~..'"-~"hr ~ 3Ifuf'f'fQ, 195~
( 19" fi 'Ii'T 103) .n- mu 66 Ir<T f.T<fua'1
14. • ~ iinml'rt"T ~ ill ~ ,db"..." ( 1) ~ "Ilif ~ m ..rot iii' IT'il'or'l' iii' ~
Ilfm'f ~ ~ w.r 'liT .. fffi,414ftr iii' '3i"fflT'f 'l'l: '" ;;-«iIl me.... Ifl: fil;Q'T "T~ I
(2) ~ ~ iI>' f<'f'l; ~ ~ mull' '" <rrfrii 'liT, f.iTm fe'lilfN f.I<rm >{Ill'\'tr. ,ism .1/1t
~, ~ ij; mJ'P.I' it ~ ~llIT arfVI!t atfu'i(".,I5I'i 1m ~ Ifam- f~~ i\' amfr .~
til; it ~ atfufllq .. ill am: if~lftii'. i!iiTI!: IT1l; 1'lIlfJff 3111: ~ 'I'\'( armrr if; ~ ij;- <lI'!m" W!f : f~~lflld
~: .

~ ~ fiI; . . , . ~ ~ ill ~ Ifl: fft1t ~ "l"1f'TT ll1"..TIt"l f~'I'ii fftiTT ~ lI'~ t3:tft m
~...". ;;-;r ffift>s \!t, f;Jf,,'!it w.r.n- atFffi< 'Ii'T amrTii' ~. 8J t!h (2) i); '3'fiI'fif t at~
;;)ifT, 'fi ~: '-"~ '1m if; ~lf.r if f~ ~ I

I [Hilt. flft:nTTif "'~ " ' if ~ ~ ill Af"Mb 'Ii'T ~ m ij; ~ .. fQ\\.... ,~ q~
if fam '<m' ij;- llf~ 'Ii'T fif'!T<rif..rot ij;- ~ it. ~, ~ fit; m-Iffi ij; ~ 37 I.. iii' OlIlf
('£0) it ro;rm ~, ~ arrll')1J' f~ ~ .n- f..1ffi ~ t ~ \!t arm '!ftm til; ~ ~ arf>f-
f'iI'/l'Il' ij;- m ;;'1l'WaraT'I' 'I''TT1l; ~ f'l''f.rr 31'1'1: arT~!1[r ij;- ~q ~ t 3f'rl"" it" "T) (l7<f a'l!T t ~"i
if; ~ ij;- f~;;r~ ~, lIftrfllfl..T f~!f('{' I] . ,

15. ~""finrrott~.~ ~ f~ ij; ~ CIfu".....r (1) ~ f4mii' ~ ~ ~

if; ~ ij; f.rI!;, I!1'm'f f.!qf;r.,. ..~ 1l"I!T .n- .. fftiw.1U ij;- 3T'f1fR 'l'l: 'fT T'fW R''IC'I' '1'1: tiI;~T
1l!'ft!,'JT I.

(2) ~ IT'il'orif t f.rrl;2 [ll'1'TfM'<f, ~'" 'fT lI'vrnr.jl*** ~ ~ '" crrfrVf '!it, f;r:;.f.T
fDfu"''lilrnF,'' Q1 ~~ lJ!fli\'rr rro .n- "T111;, ~ t ~ mr:r.r it lI"Ii'Tfmr ~ 'IT atf>f'l> atf"'t'.,i3l'j rro
~ it ;i; ~ ;rIIT ~-llM \!t amtr '!ftm fif it ~ 3If'~f~'I" t am: ~ i!iiTI!: IT1l; am: film: m.rr
~~atT~t~t~ ll~f~~:

""'J ~l fiI; ..~ f'rnr'l' ~.". t ~ 'l'l: ~T~ ~. 3f''1''1'i' ijT;mor f~'l' ll.:T<rr ~ ~ ~ Iliff
arr~ ;;'1l' ~ ~, flro'fl ~ .n- arr""fi{\q'fu' 'I>T at"T1fR '['Iq,rftlf<f] ~ 172 ij;- ~$ ( 12
'*** ~ ij;- ~ 4['1'T ~ ,~ VIT1l''I' atittf.,'l", J 903 (1963 'Ii'T 20).n- anT 5 ..
;mm ij;- arlftii'ilT<rr, '1'f iF ~ <mf i 'fil9' ;J f{if>r.ft OIT1l;'I'T 1 ]
S[ 15"'. fim;r ~ ij; 'I>f""" f~ mul{'ro-:o:n'Il' TPiOO! 3!fuf.rIrq,1956 (1956 'Ii'T
37) ij; ~ Q.l1' smr >:n<r.n- f;r,TR 'If<'fi{ ij;- 'I'Oi! am: fm'l' 'If~ 3ff.~, 1957 (1957 'Ii'T 37)
I. 1976".n~ If 0 10 'fi'r"m 2 am: ~ ~m (;-9-19751:) """;,,mil
2. 1963" 'If.,f,;-..r If 0 20 !fir ,,!'<r 57 am: f'.<r'l1r ",!\('it fm "'U'"l'1T.", " >'fT'I' 'l': ~I'm I
3. t(~ifi~
(qo 2) ~ i'vr J 956 fro ~ ~j <r.i" B"r:r fifi'lrT lTTi I

4. 1963 of; qf~ «0 20 oft!TT'U 57 fn:r fFf,'rI "'1\('it lTU W'I;"1Tm I

S. 1 9 ~ 7 it; ~ qo :1 i ~ aT"J 13 If7T trr:"":<!'T{lr; I
71 Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

1956 (37 of 1956) and constituting the LegislativeCouncii of the State of Andhra Pradesh under
the Legislative Councils Act, 1957 (37 of 1957), the Governor of each of the aforesaid States shall,
by one or more notifications published in the Official Gazette. of the State on such date or dates
as may be recommended by the Election Commissio,n, call upon the members of the Legislative
Assembly of the State and all the Council constituencies to elect members in accordance with the
provisions of this Act and of the rules Ilnd orders made thereunder.]

16. Notification for biennial election to a State Legislative Council.-For the purpose of fill-
ing the seats of members of the Legislative Council ofa State retiring on the expiration of their
term of office, the Governor , ... shall, by ooe or more notifications published in the Official
Gazette of the State on such date or dates as may be recommended by the EICI.:tion Commission
. call upon the members of the Legislative Assembly of the State and all the Council constituencies
concerned to elect members in accordance with the provisions of this Act and of the rules and
orders made thereunder:
Provided that no notification under this section shall be issued more than three months prio
to the date on which the term of office of the retiring members is due to expire.]


19. Definition.-In this Part and in Part V, unles. the context otherwise requires, "consti-
tuency" means , ••• a Parliamentary constituency or an. Assembly constituency or a Council
'[19A. Delegation of functions of Election ConunissloD.-The functions of the Election CJm-
mission under the Constitution, the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950) and this
Act or under the rules I11flde thereunder may, subject to such general or special directions, if any,
as may be given by the Election Commission in this behalf, be performed also by a Deputy Election
Commissioner or by the Secretary to the EI~tion Commission.]
'[20. General duties of chief electoral offieers.-Subject to the superintendence, direction and
control of the Election Commission, the chief electoral officer of each State shall supervise the
conduct of all elections in the State under this Act.
"[20A. General duties of district election offieer.-{/) Subject to th~ superintendence, direction
and control of the chief electoral officer, the district election officer shall co-ordinate and supervise
all work in the district or in the area within his jurisdiction in. connection with the conduct of all
elcctions to Parliament and the Legislature of the State.
(2) The district election. officer shall also perform such other functions as may be entrusted
to him by the Election Commission and the chief electoral officer.]
21. Returning offieers.-For every constituency, for every election to fill a scat or seats in
the Council of States and for every election by the members of the Legislative Assembly of a State
to fill a seat or seats in the Legislative Council of the State, the Election Commission shall, in con-
sultation with the Government of the State, designate or nominate a returning officer who shall be
<[an officer of Government or of a local authority]:
1. Certain words omitted by the Adaptatjo.n of Laws (No.2) Order. 1956.
2. Certain words omitted by Act 103 of 1956, s. 66.
3. Ins. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 21 (w.e.f. 14-12·1966).
4. Subs. by Act 27 of 1956, s. 9. for SS. 20 and 21.
S. Ins. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 21 (w.e.f. 14-12-1966).
S. Sub). by s. 23, Ibid.• for "an officer of Govel nment".
OIA;"Ilfuf'lfW<4 .. fur~Q", 19 51 71
(",io'r 2--~ <l; orfllf.flnr)

1; 3litif 3ftu- 1f~'1\' U",. '!it fif"Til' ~ % IlO'f ij; Ifli'r.!'f % Rrr, ~ m>:!1 it it ll." ~ ;m
'!FHT1'I, ~-i't 'lrfn '~I ''lltr,,1 '1ft, f;;rifl;1 f,n;rf>.w ~ "3fI'il;r!fro '01 ;;rT~, U;;'1' % m~ uorror
it If;mfvr.r ~'" 'IT arf"," arf'f~if;n3i\ H{!, m~ 'Of f'f"T'f um % "",,.1 it ail, !R ~ f.r-.ri'l'i-'llOfI
.r amn 'O{qr f'O ~ '" arf~ %>iT<: O'l"!lR q~ 'T!!: flflflfl 3111: fm: 'r-~ 1!1{!11'i % ,mm ij; 3f'NT<:
'Tr"~ fm<rn' ~ I ] Y

16. mQ flfaT'f qf<'T<! ij; m:~ f.m<f'f ij; f<'lll af~-~ '!it f<fm ~ ij; To\' ~'il
'r. ro;ff lfiT m::r il>lI'iror'l 'f; ~, ;;iT 3(q;ft 'W<!fu % 3fmT'f % 'lV'll<! f'l1<1 i\l ,~ ~, -m>:r!1""***
Tt'ii' "frtt.. lIT mU>;ft lfiT, j;;r'f'!i\ fMilf(Q1 f'ffflif 3fTfrq ifTU '0) ;;r[Il;, '{I"II il>, !!TIm'~ UOf'TOf it If1I;Tfu;;
1l;'Ii 'IT arfa'li arf!l~'lT3!l ifTU U"I 'FI f<f"T'l >:NT it liRn''i if oil"': rn.i !R 'If>:Q'".' f.lqi'R..w.ri it oftelT
'O1:'1l f1l;'~ om 3ifuRlflf it 311"<: 0'l"1l1'f .'fIll; 'T!!: f.flltfi oft'( f~ '1f11: 3f1~cii il; '-n-rul if; 3f'FT<:, >:mil
f.lqif'm ~:

~ 'H tmT it 3fif.. 'Iir~ '~I,ni!~if'!T 3'Q ;rrU·, it ,fr'f 'II" e- 3!rolr; 1~ '1 f'fliTit 1f1~ql f;;r,T
ar,p, 'litf~ ill't <lT~ tro''il '!it <rmfll ;m 3f1!m'f me g II

u. qf""",- -'" mq it 3fT<: 'ii'i'T 5 it, "Iii ;I " fjO ;hoi ~ ;r;lIm lI'Tf<f:'! 'f ;,:1, "f.flfif'!-e'!or"
if'*** >:jam- ~-p.m lIT IT''IT lIT '1i":<!q f'f'l'R'f-r:JOf amurn ~I

'[19111. ~ m>iItr ij; ~"" ~iII141"'~--m<ruA' ij; l'f1'O !lfilRf!l<'l 'lfuf.!lr.., 1950 (l(JSfJ
;m 43) ij; ai\1: '" 'lfuf.!lr.. ij; liT <I'l"!lR iI"!l't( 'T!!: f.t"..I'r. WR, f'llfR;r mzfrr ij; ~ 'OT, '3'!f.«rI't'f
<l1'!,'fc! ifT'{I liT f'f'lff.f <lri\'lr ij; ~fqq ifTU >it 'ti'l mom"! liT fuT1f ROO ij; <JE'lfm;;, 'lirl' ~" 'ir .m
f'llfR;r <I1'ittr am '" f'ff'f<! ~ omt, omR ~ <i1'i ~i;;trT IJ
4[20. 'l.~ f.m;f'I .. rf",,,,,'! ij; mm~ ",<iorI-f'l1lT<Fl <I1'ittr ij; mrla1"JT, ai\1: f'f<iOfuT ij;
~ ~ go: ~ 1l;'O m>:! 'Or '!,ijOf f.f<IT<i'lmmr, '3<f WI! it '" 'If~.. 'l; WI-of if; !R ~T
ij; ~ ;m 'Ilt~a1"JT .rnr I]
·[20~. r.r.n .f~ mmn ill mtm:"I ""'~-( 1) '!,ijOff.f<IT<!'l <lrfln~ ij; <r!iT~l'lT. ai\1:
t~ ij; <JE'lf!lR WI gil;, f~ f.f'lff.f <JTIiIm', '3<f r.r~ It 1fT q'l''fl "fu'Olf<'dI ij; "m~ ;r, oi;r it
~~" ,JlR '{I;;q ij; fqa'T'I-'I"r.r ij; ij'iI' f~ 1r. >:i'oiT1'l'f ij; ;i{itT It ~" IIIT'f 'liT ~ ai\1: 'i>Rel'lT
",mT .]

( 2) f"<'IT f.f'lff.f <lrf<nm: <:fit W'! ~ ;m 'if 'iT<'!'f 'Omr ;;il "it f.fiIR'f <lri\'lr ;in: '!~ f.fifR'f
~ mr "ffiI f"'ll; "fill;' I]

21. f~~1f mf"~-R<IT<!'I m>il'I, ~ f.m'!HfOf ij; full; m>:! ~m It i fin'! "T f'IT'ii 'liT ,,~
if; ~ fi{..t'i'f it fut.( ;in: WI! '>1t flnrr;r IT''IT ij; w.~ ifT'I '{I""l efl f<ruA' qii:'<'{
f<'!1l; ii ij; f"tT'f lIT
ro;ff lfiT ..m i; ~ ~ ~ ij; f.rt1:. WI! 'Ifr ~ ij; <rot1~ it, <.('lO t<efiftT ~ ~ 'fT
'I'f'If.ff~ ror ;;it '[m:'IOT<: ;m 'fT ro;fto:r lIl'fU<I;r€t ;m <Il'ftm] ~"t i;,'rtrr :
I. flIfll ":!<:''f~ (';0 2) "r~". 1956 m, "!'" 0Ti~1 .., ;il~ fio<Ir '!!II I
2, 1956 ~ ~,;o 10J.,;t IIT<l 66 1m !" Wi<ii q;I '"" f<mn 'llI1 I
3, 1966 ~,,~.;o 47 <[;1 11m 21 11m (14-12-1966 It) IP-I:~"'"
4. 1 9 5 6 ~ orfIIf""" ,; 0 27 ..111m 9 1m 20 aI"~ 2 1 "mail oil I"ll~ '" srfd\'~rfI:r.
5, 1966 ~ ~,;o 47 ..1 fir<! 221m (14-12-1966 It) ~'rn.
6. ~ 'Ii) liT<! 23 IT<! "~, q;I <I'T~' ~ ~I'I Of'< srf8~rtinll,
Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament) .

Provided that nothiilg ·in this section shall prevent the Election Commission from designating
or nominating the ·same person to be the returning officer for more than one constituency.]

22. Assistant returning officers.-(l) The Election Commission may appoint one or
more persons to assist any returning officer in the performance of his functions:

Provided that every such person shall be '[an officer of Government or of a local authority].

(2) Every assistant returning officer shall, subject to the control of the returning officer, be
competent to perform all or any of the functions of the returning officer:

Provided that no assistant returning officer shall perform any of the functions of. the returning
officer which relate ,*** to the scrutiny of nominations '*-* unless the returning officer is unavoid-
ably prevented from performing the said function.
23. Returning officer to include assistant returning officers performing the functions of the
returning officer.-References in this Act to the returning officer shall, wlless the context otherWise
requires, be deemed to include an assistant returnin~ officer performing any fWlction which he is
authorized to perform under sub-sectIOn (2) of sectIon 22.

24. General duty of the returning officer.-It shall be the general duty of the returning officer
at any election to do all such acts and things a~ may be necessary for eficctually conducting the
election in the manner provided by this Act and rules or orders made thereunder.

'[25. ·Provision of polling stations for constituencies. -The district election officer shall, with
the previous approval of the Election Commission, provide a sufficient number of polling stations
for every constituency the whole or greater part of which lies within his jurisdiction, and shall pub-
lis, in such manner as the Election Commission may direct, a list sho wing the polling stations so
provided and the polling areas or groups of voters for which they have respectively been pro-
vided.) , .

26. Appointment of presiding officers for polling stations.-(l) The '[district election officer
shall appoint a presiding officer for each polling station and such polling officer or officers as he
thinks necessary, but he shall not appoint any person who has been employed by or on behalf
of, or has been otherwise working for, a candidate in or about the election:
Provided that if a polling officer is absent from the polling station, the presiding officer may
appoint any person who is present at the polling station other than a person who ha~ been em-
ployed by or on beh.alf of, or has been otherwise working for, a candidate in or about the election,
to be the polling officer during the absenge of the former officer, and inform the '[district
election officer) accordingly:
'[Provided further that nothing in this sub-section shall prevent the '[district election officer]
from appointing the same persoil to be the presiding officer for more than one polling station in the
same premises.]
(2) A polling officer shall, if so directed by the presiding officer, perform all or any of the
fun.:tions of a presiding officer under thi~ Act or any rules or orders made thereunder.
\. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966, s.24. for "an officer of Government".
2. Certain words omitted by Act 27 of 1956. s. 10.
l. The: words "or to the counting of votes" omitted by s. 10, ;bid.
4. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966. s. 2'. for s. 25 (w.e.f. 14-\2.(966).
5. Subs. by s.26. ibid.• for "returning office'" (w.e.f. 14.12·1966).
6. Ins. by Act 27 of 1956. s. 12.
• Rlididli... ~fI\q", 1951 72
(1IT1T 2--tfi'{ 1/; .. M~41f)

<m! ~ f~~ it ~ iI; ~ otft IIIfPRr 'lit fuf.rIr ~ q~IMf® trT i1I'1f~fitti! rn
w~ mm.r 'lit W m'U <tl" 'Iitit <mr r'f'IfTR' -;' '!ft;fT I]
22. ~of;' rnr'fIT ~-( 1) f.r'lf;r;r ffi'lft'rr fll;<fT fuf.rIr mmn: ~ m 'IlfflT '" <mr.r'if
~ rn
iI; ~ ,np trT ~ ~1 'lit riflfffl If;"( ~rr:

,,~ I!' i{m IIIffim j[~ q;r trT ~ ~ 'I\'T ~J ~ ~,

( 2) I!' ~ fuf.m ~, f~ ~ iI; f.r>t.ivr ij; ~ ~ ~, fu;f.r;r mf'Im, iI;
UiI' ~ trT m it fll;<fT 'Pr 'Iff 'IT<'f"f m
iI; fir~ m1'I' ~:
~ fu;f.r;r ~ il; ;;it,W<'l' if''If'1'<:ltlifl illl' ~,****
~~ '***w m i't mrr 'lit 'Iirf
~ fuRrr wflI;m: ;rq 6'P if ~ ;:;ror 6'P fll; fu;f.r;r ~ ~ 'l"<! 'lit rn ~ "qf<,,;ij';'i4a:
f.rq 1f<a if ~ G!l1l; ,
23. rnr'fIT 'iI1fiI;m ~ fuf.m ~ ill ~ 'I\'T <rIl'I'if
ill' ~ ~ fu;f.r;r rn m.m:
81'11i'T~ 'If'!l'f.rlrq if fuf.m ~ ij; srftr Fmfi il; ~, ;:;ror a'P fll; ~ it WlNT ~flffir if ~,
~ mrr W<'l' 'I\'T 'IT<'f"f m <mIT ~ fuf.rtr ~ mm ~ r.rn 'f<'f 'I\'T <mr.r m il; ~ "If
am 2 2 ~ ;mm:r (2) il; ~ lI'TfimI' t 'li{ Wl1!T G!l1l;'IT'
24. I'm"'fIT wlI'Iim: 'III UTtfI"{Vl' ~-fll;<fT 1ft ~ if f~ ~ 'I\'T 'li{ m'!m"l' 'P:fa>:r
'f\l: <f ij1I' 'fiTlf am: <mr~ ~ "IT ~ .. far·wi am: ~ if'fl'Q; ~
Iilm fll; f;n;ql am: flm:r tI({ Il'TW
urn \jq"f.tla ~ if ~ 'I\'T II\ll'ft ~ i't ~ 1fif.t il; r.r~ .. ,,,.qq; !it'
4[25. mm-"IIT ill fiorq ~itr.if'lll~-r.r.rr ~ ~, ~ mq)1r il; '!,'f
"'tlim' it, If' i{it f'l"Ifvr~ il; ~ 'f'lIfc<r «filf( if ~ m 'I\'T ~ ~ ;;it ~ 'l'r furt;r
"ftr1t; 'IfT'I ~ .. flIq; 1f<dl il; 1furI: a,
am: ;tit il'f!ff.'a'a' ~ m 'lit am: \j"f If<m'r m 'lit trT
.1\141<"311 iI; ~~ 'lit, f;r;rt ~ If 'OIro: I'lqqf.tld fll;~ tI({ ~, !I'flJ<r rn !fr.ft' ~ ~ f\fu if, ~
f.rqt.r;r mm.r ~ '1ft! lI'f\TWcr ~ ,
26. q<RA iII'oit iIIfOlq ~i1 cuf",.. « ~ fiIli~-( 1) '[r.r.rrf.rqf;;.r~] I!' "'"~
il;'il; il; f.,.~ It'1l 4T5nrrr ifrf'liH 31'i, ~iT Ifd'u;r ifrf'li!!" 'l'f \fi't If<m'r "'fiI>\t>:i 'lit, ~rr "If \11"''11.
!!'If'[, f'1'!iffl 'P(lff, fll;~ 'l'il: fll;(ff ~it O!l'fiffl 'lit f.r~'ffl if~1 'P~r "IT f.rqt.r;r if Ifr ~ <tl" iITlRTfmfr
if'I'lI'ff rnr trT ~ am: w~ fll;trr 1M ~ trT WIf'!T ~ ~ 'I\'T'If '!><m ~ ~ :
~ ~ If<mif il;;;l it IT<mif ~ ,,~ff'rn ~aT rfumft;r ~ ~ IIIffiRr it tmr, ;;itf~
it trT f~ ~ iITlRT fll;<fT ~ rnr Ifr ~ am:
it r~4'lf"ld fll;trr 1M ~ Ifr if'IftrT m ~ ..,..,.
'!mIT W t f.!;tft ~it 1IIff.ttr 'lit, "IT 1f<Wol' il;;;l if \j'f~ ~, 'l,'f mfinm <tl" ",!"ffllfd ij; ..m mr-r
If<f4Ti1 ~ il:~ il; ~ • ~ ~ om:
r.r.rr f.rqffi ~ 'lit ~m ~r: mr.rr
.[~ ltI{ om:
1ft fll; ~ \l'ftIro ~ 'lilt 1ft ~ r.r.rr f.rqffi ~ 'lit ~ ~ 1IIff'ffl if;T ~ ~f
crfW1. if ij; ~ it ~ 1f<Wol' il; ~ m
cftoRfi'l' mfinm f.rIrr<r rn it f.rifffur' if +'toft ,]
( 2) ~ IT<mif ~ rfumft;r;~ rnr i{m m il; ~ f~ fll;trr G!l1l; aT "If ~ 'IIfu-
f.rIf>t ij; trT <r4m iATI1; ~ fl!;;(f f'l'lflfl trT flm:r tI({ Il'TW ij; ..m rfumft;r ~ il; ij1I' 'U, f.!r.{t
~ 'I\'T <mr.r ..ron- ,
1 1966 it;-"fllfll'l'l 11. 47 OFf = 24 ~m "~~ OF' 'IT~' it; Nt'" on; llr,,""lfilH I
2: 1956 it; -qftrflnpr Ii. 27 ..f = 10 II"m 'liS _~ OF' .m f'R' 'TIl' I
3, ~r..a OFf!lTlf 101m "", 1!<I'I"A'T it" W"I1 ,,"".m Rolf om I
4, 1966 it; 1!flIflr>Ilr Ii· 47 '!it 11m 25 rm lITU 25 it; {'rR~' (14-12-1966 >I) lIf<n'liful,
5. 1966 it <rfiIf1!lJlf ". 41 '!it IIro 26 fro "r~~' it; (14-12-1966~) lIf"'<nm I
{'rT'! ' "
6, 1956 it; o:rfIIf.rIf'I 27 ~ 1m! 12 ~r" 1l';1:~ I

2{1..f804 M/o Law & lUSlicei94

73 Representation of the People Aft, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

(3) If the presiding officer, owing to illnes~ or other unavoidable cause, is obliged to absent
himself from the PJlIing station, his functions shall be performed by such polling officer as has
beeo. pr~vi'>l1sly autnorised by the '[district election olficer] to p"rform such functions during any
such absence.
(4) References in this Act to the presiding officer shall, unless the context otherwise requires,
be deemed to include any person performing any function which he is authorised to perform
under sub-section (2) or sub-section (3), as the case may be. .
'[(5) Any reference to a district election officer in section 25 and in this section shall, in rela-
tion to a constituency in a Union territory, be construed as a reference to the returning officer
for that constituency.}
27. General duty of the presiding officer.-It shall be the general duty of the presiding officer
at a polling station to keep order thereat and to see that the poll is fairly taken. '
28. Duties of a polling offieer.-It shall be the duty of the polling officers at a polling station to
assist the presiding officer for such ~tation in the performance of his functions.
a[2SA. Returning officer, presiding officer, etc., deemed to he on deputation to Election, Com-
mission.-The returning officer, assistant returning officer, presiding officer, polling officer and
any other officer appointed under this Part, and any police officer designated for the time being
by the State Government, for the conduct of any election shall be deemed to bc on deputa-
tion to the Election Commission for the period commencing on and from the date of the notifi-
cation calling for such election and ending with the date of declaration of the results of such elec-
tion and accordingly, such officers shall, during that period, be subject to the control, super-
intendence and discipline of the Election Commission.]
29. Special provisions in the case of certain electioDS.-(/) The returning officer for an election
•• • * to fill a seat or seats in the Council of States or for an election by the members of the
Legislative Assembly of a State to fill a scat or seats in the Legislative Council of the State shall,
with the previous approval of the Election Commission, fix the place at which the poll will be ~ taken
for sneh elaition and shall notify the place so fixed in sneh manner as the Election Commission
may direct.
(2) 'file leturning officor shall pre~ide over such election at the place w fixea and shall appoin
such polling officer or officers to assist him as he thinks necessary but he shall not appoint any per-
son ,,,Ito ! ruen employed by or on behalf of, or has been otherwise working for, a candidate
in or ,,!lout the election,


29A. Registration with the Election Commission of associations and bodies as political parties.-
(I) Any association or body of individual citizens of India calling itself a political party and
intending to avail itself of the provisions of this Part shall make an application to the Election
Commission for its registration as a political party for the purposes of this Act,
(2) Every such application shall be made,-
(a) if the association or body is in existence at the commencement of the Representation
of the People (Amendment) Act, 1988 (I of 1989), within sixty days next following such
1. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966. s. 26, for "rcturninl officet" (w.e.f. 14-12-1966).
2. Ins, by •. 26, ibid. (w,e,f. 14-12-1966).
3. Ins. by Act 1 of 1989, s. 5 (w.e.f. 15-3-1989).
4. Certain words omJtted by Act 27 of 1956, s, 13.
5. Ins. by Act 1 of 1989, s. 6 (w.e.f.15-6-1989).
om; smn~~. 1951 73
(>TN 2--~~ .r. illfllf'l'>r'!)

( 3) If~ Cf!orm m~ litaffiT 1fT W'l' 9;lCff"{<f;;f;ft/f ~~ if; ~ '«fGr.f iFsr iii m ~O'
,1['1' if; f<iTi!; orTO!f i<T "1'111; O'T ~ <t;,IlT 'l:T Cfr<'Tf ;fiil 'f<f.Ff '!l'Tf<om: [T">:T f'l:'fT "1'Tl1;lfT ~lt '[mTf;;'ff-~
~] or f'l:«T ~! WlmfO' if; 00'1 ~iiI '§<'iT if; Cfr<'T'I if; f-,C!; q~~ iii il! lTTfuWcr f.I;qr ~ 1
( 4) ~ll' >Tfu"flrlllf it Cf"roffir.f '!l'~ if; srfu f'l~!lTT if; '!l''<IIi(l. "1'if (1'1: f'l: ~>i iii W'l''ll '!l'W;rn
'I' i!'\'. ;m f'l:«T '1Wl' . 'I>T 'l'ffi'I' ~:r O[r<'Tf ~ 0lff1i<r o;mrr ~ ~«'1Wl' 'I>T 'l'ffi'I' 'I:,'r if; fut!: '!\!. 1l<iT-
f..n<l. :rom:r (2) Iff ;ron<r (3) if; mTA lTTf~ ~. l!\l !IlfID "l'Tl1;'IT 1 -
2[ ( 5) fm ~<r~ it if; flrifivr-~ if; ~ it tmr 25 it am: ~ tmr it mf flrifivr
~ if; lI"fu mft >T! f~l1T 'I>T wi 'iii \'f'ff'l'f "1'111;'IT tlti 'fii '0'« f'l'fi'fit'-&f<f if; fm;r'f >Trf-mn: if; srfu
f;mr~ I]
27. ~,~ ~ 'I>T mu~ "',,",,-'f<fG"T'l iFsr it"'l'lf'n' 0['f111; <'il'rf am: 'ii! Wr~ 'ImT
fq; 'f<m'r 'I\¥T iii ilT '«f<rr'I ~ it if; <fu;rnA ~ 'I>T ~ '!1dOlf i!T'IT 1
28. 1I"lIln'f ~ " ~-'«f<rr'I iFsr if; 'f<fG"T'l 'HN>\I<J 'I>T 'ii'! q;ffOlf ilT'ff fiI; <f ttiT iFsr if;
'I t?iRft;r ~ qif ~ ~<"T1 if; 'IT\'f'I it ~ ;rl 1
'[ 28q;. ro:f.Tq ~. ~ anNim: arrfor'lil fom"",, arfq)" " srlffi'l''!,if<l a>lWIT-fil;!I! ~
if; ff'ffiF! if; fut!: f<C"f'l'f m~. ~'" fm'l'f '!l'if-mn:, CfIomA mlm. '«f<rr'I ~ aft, ~
1IflT if; .00'1' flr'!,'ffi ~ W'l' m~, am: fq;tT! <F!J !I<'lif, [f<r O',,"lf'l wf"lTfl[<! ~ ~~,
'OtT >Tiff.. if; f(fC!;, ,ft i!;'iT f'l~ qif '!l'itm q;,'r 0[r<'T! >Tfmrro qif <rr-.:l13 iT lIli" illm ~ am: ~iT
flr'fi'f'! if; 'l'f,"TlIfT if; '"tim fil;i!; "1'r.rqif <1m.. 'liT !IlffC(f ilTO'!~, f.r~ 'fIliN it lI"fuflr'ffil <I"'Ilf
"1'f~.r ar1, ~~ ~lt '!l'ftt6«, ;m >Tiff.. if; .1'f'l f'l~ '!l'f<iTrr if; f'lmror, mimvr am: >T~l1Tffi'! if;
mTA il1>T 1
29. '!if""" mi; 'lit m Ii f~ '3"l"f'U- ( 1) <F!J \I"I!T it if; f'1lif l(f f'1l"iif 'liT ~ if; fut!:
f'l'rivr if; f"fC!;. Iff <F!J 'Ii! f<nrT'f 'l'f~_ it if; f'1lif Iff f'1l"iif 'liT ~ if; fuC!; <F!J qif fiI1iI'r !I>TI if;
~ [f<f f'l'rivr if; fut!: '*** fu:f.l'>r mtt6ll', flr'fi'f'! >TfliT<r if; ~Ilr.;r iT 'fI[ f'n''1 f.r'lo rnr
GfI[t fiI; ~iT ~ if; fut!: '«f<rr'I i!'I"rT am: ~iT f'llfO' f'n''l 'liT ~ «T ,!fu it >T~m rnr ffi ~
m1i\1r f~ '1ft 1
(2) f~ ~ ~iiI fif'l'<! f'1lif it ~iT ~ it CfTorm i'!T'IT ail, >T'l"iT ~ if; fut!: ~«T
'IT ~iT '«f<rr'I ~ f'l'!,'R! rnr ~iT 'fI[ ~ !Ilfi, f'l:'i 'fi! fiI;«T ~iT OlfPf<r 'liT f.r'!'f'l 'l@ q;t>rr
;;fr f'l'rivr it 'IT ~ qif iIR<I ~1 [T<J 1fT ;mq;! am: iT P,,,)f"ld fiI;'l'f If'lr ~ 'IT W'l'ft ;mif;
f"fC!; '!>TIT 'l1\<!T 'IT ~ 1
mrilftAi ~ q;r ~\JIfi}i"'(ijl
29'1>. \l'1l,jf ~ f.m,ii q;t ~fcI!f1 W ri ~ " anrittr If? <mI 'f"'f~l ...",,-( 1) 'Ifror if; ~
'lTlTfvii 'I>T ~ \l'ifIf 'IT f.r'I>T'l', ;;fr m 'liT <r"l'~oq; ..,. ~f ~ am: ;;fr ~ll' 'IflT if; '3"Iii!if 'I>T \'fT>T
;aom "fT\!ffi ~, '.{ll' ~ if; ~ if; fut!:, mr;lfcl!f1 ..,. if; 1;'·1 it >T'l'lf '~'!roIT q;<rot if; fut!:
f'f'fi'<r'l m>iFr 'liT >Tr<fG"'! rnr 1
(2) ~«r If<liq; ~,-
('Ii) 'if. m 'IT Rq;f'l' .".. srf<lf'ffu«t (\I'mwr) >Tfu"f.r'l'Il, 1988 if; lIli" 'l'< flf'1lTl'f ~
aT ~iiI1I1"" if; ofq; >TflTIlr! «TO fG"'! if; mo-.: f'li'l'f "l'Tl1;lff ;
1. 1966 ij; ~ >jo 47 'lit "'" 26 II<> "fu:f", "'I~" ij; """ 'IT (14-12-1966) It) lIf~ 1
2- 1966 ij; ~ 110 47 ..1 uro 261l'1.( 14-12-1966 It) "",:ro\"'Ia 1
3· 1989 ij; <I11lf;pflJ 110 I 'iii "'" 5 «m (15-3-1989 It) aia~,
,. 1 9 51>. ij; <!IlIflI'I'I II 27 'iii URI 1 3 IrrQ ~ ~ q;t ~ fiI;I!I '1'IT ,

5. 19 8 Ii t 1IfilI\I'!'I II I 'iii "'" 81m ( I 5- 6- 1 9 8 9 Ii)

0 _,f'l<l'
R"presentafivlI vj fhe People Act, 195 I
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
(b) if lhe association or body is formed after such commencement, within thirty days
next foIiO\\-ing the date of its formation.
(3) Every application under sub-section (1) shall be signed by the chief executive officer of
the association or body (whether such chief executive officer is known as Secretary or by any other
designation) and presented to the Secretary to the Commission or sent to' such Secretary by
rcgist.;red post.
(4) Every ~uch application shall contain the following particulars, namely:-
(n) the name of the association or body;
(b) the State in which its head office is situate;
(c) the address to which letters and other communications meant for it should be sent;
(d) the names of its president, secretary, treasurer and other office-bearers;
(e) the numerical strength of its members, and if there are categories of its members,
the llumerical strength in each category;
(f) whether it has any local units; if so, at what levels;
(g) whether it is represented by any member or members in either House of Parliament
or of any State Legislature; if so, the number of such member or members.
(5) The application under sub-section (I) shall be accompanied by a copy of the memoran-
dum or rules and regulations of the association or body, by whatever name called, and such
memorandum 0" rules and regulations shall contain a specific provision that the association or
body shaJJ bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, and
to the pnnciples of socialism, secularism and democracy, and would uphold the sovereignty, unity
and integrity of India.
(6) TIle Commission may call for such other particulars as it may deem fit from the association
or hody.
(7) After considering aJJ the particulars as aforesaid in its possession and any other necessary
and relevant factors and after giving the representatives of the association or body reasonable
opportunity of being heard, the Commission shall decide either to register the association or body
as a political parly for the purposes of this Part, or not so to register it; and the Commission
shall communicate its decision to the association or body: .
Provided that no association or body shall be registered as a political party under this sub-
,cction unless the memorandum or rules and regulations of such association or body conform
to the provisions of sub-section (5).
(8) The decision of the Commission shaIl be final.
(!I) After an as>ociatioll or body has been registered as a poJitiml party as aforesaid, any
change in its name. head office, office-bearers, address or in any other material matters shall be
communicated to the Commission without delay.]

CHAPTER I.-Nomination of Candidates

'[30. Appointment of dates for nominations, etc.-As soon as the notification calling upon a
<:llllstituency to elect a member or members is issued, the Election Commission shall, by notifica-
tion in the Official Gazette. appoint-
Ca) the last date for making nominations, which shall be the '[seventh day] after the date
of publication of the first mentioned notification or, if that day is a public holiday, the next
succeeding day which is not a public holiday; .
I. Sub•. by Act 27 of 1956, s. 14, fors. 30.
2. SubS. by Act 40 of 1961, s. 7, for "tenth day" (w.e.f. 20-9-1961).
.m; RflllllluPO .. lbfl"lqq, 19 51 74
('IT'I' 2-"fi«;. ~ amrflltrJr)

(~) .m m 'IT flriIml'. Q;~ 5Irt'l ij; Ifffi<{ if'rTzrr ;;mrr ~ <IT m iI'fT1t 'll'1'l' '!it ~ iii
o'N; 'IT'I'llrr <rm fi;.r it ~ flj;!(T ;;mprr.
( 3) :;<Iura ( 1) ij; mft;i lWf~ ~ '" "fior:r 'l'1 f'!"Pl'l' it >&-r 'O~ I!f~ ij; ('"~
~m 'tOll' ",.441i1'fi I!ff!T'PrU r:rm ij; 1;'1' if"lR'T ;;mrr ~ 'IT fiI;«r I!f"l' q'''Ma", il' ;;rr.rr ;;mrr~) ~
ll.PT 3fi<: ~ mtfl'T ij; m. 'liT om fiI»rr ~rrr 'IT ~~ m. 'liT ~ <!T'f; ~ ..riilT ~I
. (4) ~~ 1I'<'l'''' 1!fIlf~ if ~~ f"lllfoe4j if'Mt, I!f'ltt ;--
( '0 ) m 'IT flA>1 'l' 'iii 'Illr ;
(~) ~ <r.Zf fornif ;a'lf'IiI lI!m' ~ fl"ffl ~;
(IT) ~ 'fflI f,;rn "" m
ft:rQ; 1!fTWflra' q;r am: W>r "fi~< 1hiT ii1TIi;
(q) m 1!f5'l'1ff, .r:rm, 'li'm5ll'1ff am: W>r <mf!T'PIFm ij; 'Illr;
(l') m ~ 'Or ~ am: 'l'/7{ ~il> r:r<rfll'i ij; lI'iflf ~ <IT lI',it'l1 lI'iftf '!it ml;
("1') If'IT m 'l>'tt ~ 1:(,"," ~, .m
~, <IT fiI;;r l'<rU '" ~;
(19) im ~ it 'II f'O«r ,f:1!l' f'f~-JiS'Of ij; fiI;«r ~ if fiI;<ft r:r~flr 'l'1 fiI;~~T «m
~ llfuf'fftwf fiI>'Il ii1T<Il ~; 'If. f'P'll 'll'RrI ~ <IT ~~ 'mq 'II r:r~f'iT 'liT , 1f'illT 1
( 5) ;;qum ( 1) ij; !!!IT'f I!fr<f~ ij; r:rlor m
'II flA>I'l' it, m'f'f 'l'1 f'f/flfT am: f'ff.rq-qT '!it "fit
Il1! ~ 'I'll\' il' ;mr iiI. 1:('0 Iff<r i!rrft 31i<: tfil' >TT'I'f 'l'1 f'f/flfT am: f'ff'flfIfT if 'l'if f.f'fr.... .~.m ~
f.!; Il1! lilT'! Ifl flA>flf f<rfu imr rnflrn 'lna' it "fiflm'f it Iff<r ;:rilT r:rIfI"lifiO, q'orf.r\qOla'1 am: .m;cror
if; f~ iF Ifflr r:r~r 'If<lT;rh ['f'Of ,.i'lf aft, 'I!T<:<I 'Or If'l;a'J, 1:('0<11 ail<: 1!f<iS'a'1 'liT 1ImVUI· ,<AI 1 ~

( 6) iIIlff'l' "fiITIf 'IT flriIml' il' ~ it ~ f'ffwf'eqt .rrrr r:ril;;rr ~lIT 'Iii ~ I m
( 7) I!fTliI'T ~ If>-.r it '!it lforr\l:'I1~ r:r'IT f'ffwfr>CllT aft, '01{ 'i'lf 'iT'l~ aft, '!6'rr<r iffii'i '"
~ 'OtOr it 'l'i'm!: am: "firrlT 'IT f'!"Pl'l' il> IfflrflrfUIf! 'Or ,!'fm '01 ,!f.ffl,!~ I!fif\n: ~ if; wmr. 'IT <it
'3':f ':M'! in f'f'lillf 'Or !{IT 'IT'I' it If'lr;;!'I! ij; ft:rQ; ,r.r.ff'i'P .Of it 1R' if 'f.rt¥~ 'O,it '01, 'IT "lr !{IT
If'lil': ,~r~ 'I' ro 'iii, f'lf'fll"fli rnl; am: I!fT'i\1r o;rq;rr flIf.rll"fli Q;~ IilTIf 'l'1 f'!"Pl'l' 'liT Ifr:rffir
'O'l:rrr :
~'! 'li'r{ W. 'IT f'f'lillf !{IT '3'f>Tm ij; 1!f1iT; ,r:i(·rf\r<j; .Of it; ~T it 'I, <fl; ,f'l't¥1J<r 'lift' fil;qT
~'fI ;;rq' <f<j; f.!; ~!r ,rrrlT 'IT f'l'lml" '01 >TN, lfl f'flflf ,", f,flrlf'l' "'Ton,r (5) i'ir oifiAi! ij; I!f,!~
'I{i ~ I
( 8) I!fTliI'T 'iii f" f~'''4 affir1f ~ •
( 9) fqr m orr f'!"Pl'l' il> q,,,~ mAf""" if<; il> "'if if ,f;r~~1J<r fiI;~ ;;rr:t il> 'fl1'fT'!. ~ij;
'Illr, )l1lT'f 'OrtT"flT. 'l1(1f!T'Pif,<if, 'fir 'IT fiI;'l(T Wlf <riff<!;; i'N1l'i if 'l>'tt i\'.~l\'fr l!fi'lTor 'liT I!filr;f. If~f;rn
'lir~r 11
'IT'I' 5
r"Clfoq.,1 ~ ij;oi<=ti'l
an;:rnq 1-~'I'if I,,, '=~IIT"I
'[ J o. omIf.mAf IIITfit iR ftIIt ml1i fiItm "","-~ Itt r:r<rflf 'IT r:r<rf!l'i 'liT f'I~ 'R'l' ij; ft:rQ;
f'f'ri'<l';r. ij- amrr ro 00 a{ftr~'t'fT r.m<'ft iIIll( "~i!r f'liIhf;r a{IWr mmq- ",nor Ii amr\('f'fT
('O) ~.qF~ltil~ 'O{if ij; f,{Q; affirIf i'iro~ ui\' srqq lif"l<r arff.H~;'" i; lI'ImT'f 'I>'T <rrU<l( ij;
""'"'t ..r.r s[m r...r] 'I>'T {11ft lIT .m
'I\{ f%.j <'(I" ammr
f%o'f ~ <it flr~1f 'Otm<ff ~ r...r
'!it \{rift <lIT .rr.. ilIlr'lim flro'f ~ ~;
L 1956;t, <rt!If1lll't ti. 27 'lit tmT 1,4 1m om:r 30 iIr ~r~ qt .fiI,GI"'d 1
2. 1961;t, ~ ti. 40 ,,) 'fro 7 rgr "m r~'f" ;t, l"II'f '11: (21HH961 it) lIf_rfq.,
75 Representation of ihe People Act. 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

(b) the date for the scrutiny of nominations, which shall be l[the day immediately
following) the last date for making nominations or, if that day is a publie holiday, the next
succeeding day which is not a public holiday;
(c) the last date for the withdrawal of candidatures, which shall be '[the second day)
after the date for the scrutiny of nominations or, if that day is a public holiday, the next
succeeding day which is not a public holiday;
(d) the date or dates on which a poll shall, if necessary, be taken, which or the first of
which shall be a date not earlier than the twentieth day after thc last date for the withdrawal
of candidatures; and

(e) the date before which the election shall be completed.

3. • • • .)
31. Public notice of election.-On the issue of a notification under section 3D, the returning
officer •••• shall give public notice of the intended election in such form and manner as may
be prescribed, inviting nominations of candidates for such election and specifying the place at
which the nomination papers are to be delivered.

32. Nomination of candidates for election.-Any person may be nominated as a candidate

for election to fill a seat •••• if he is qualified to be chosen to fill that seat under the provisions _
of the Constitution and this Act •••• '[or under the provisions of the Government of
Union Territories Act, 1963 (20 of 1963), as the case may be).

8[33. Presentation of nomination paper and requirements for a valid nomination.-{1) On or

before the date appointed under c1ausc (a) of section 30 each candidate shall, either in person or
by his proposer, between the hours of eleven o'clock in the forenoon and three o'clock in the
afternoon deliver to the returning officer at the place specified in this behalf in the notice issued
under section 31 a nomination paper completed in the prescribed form and signed by the candi-
date and by an elector of the constituency as proposer :

.[Provided that no nomination paper shall be delivered to the returning officer on a day which
is a public holiday:)

"[provided further that in the case of a local authorities' constituency, graduates' constituency
or teachers' constituency, the reference to "an elector of the constituency as proposer" shall
be construed as a reference to "ten per cent. of the electors of the-constituency or ten such electors,
whichever is less, as proposers".)
t. Subs. by Act 47 of t966, s. 27, for "the second day after" (w.e.f. 14-12·1966).
2. Subs. by s. 27, ibid. for "the third day" (w.e.f. 14-12.1966).
3. Explanalion omitted by s. 27, ibid. (w.e.f. 14-12-1966).
4. The words "for the constituency" omitted by s. 28. ibid. (w.e.f. 14-12·t966).
5. The words "in any constituency" omitted by Act 27 of 1956, s. 15.
6. Certain words ins. by s. IS, ibid.. and omitted by the Adaptation of Laws (No.2) Order, 1956.
7. Ins. by Act 20 of 1963, s. 57 and Second Schedule.
8. Subs. by Act 27 of 1956, s. 16, for s. 33.
9. Ins. by Act 47 of t966, s. 29 (w.e.f. 14-12-1966).
10. Ins. by Act I of 1989. s. 7 (w.e.f. 1-4-1989~

'!At lIfMQI'q' "fuf~q .., 1951 75
(GTfT 2-trw; $3Ift<f.14~)

('if) :nl(f~l 'I<t ~ 'I<t 9Tcr'l ;;ft 'lrqf'!>i'u'!~" it; f.:Il"( f1f,,~'lll' 'Irer.. il; 'laT&!-
qf~ <!If11T1ft f-.r] 'I<t ;;PI') III !If. ~ f-.r ;:fR; <!I'f-mT ~'1 ~ oT f.f~c~q 'l";m'ff itit flR' 'I<t @lft
;;ft ~T'li 3lq.r,rn f-.r ~ ~ ;
(11') ",.~fmrr 'frq-q ~'r it; f.:I;!; f:fll<! affi1"! ffi"fu;-, oi! 'fT11"f.!~ 'I<t ~ il; ~ f'f'l<!
<'II,,," il; '!'l"l'l'l; 2[~"l~ f-.r] 'I<t ~Tift 'IT 'If. ~ ~ ;;frJ; ,<!I'f-mT f'l'o'! .~ 1fT f.f~q 'i!t1(i\di ~il
~;; ..-') ~Tift ;;ft <lI'fiFl'IT f~ ~ ~ ;

('I) 'Ii: 'ii,,).. !;'T !I m,')i f.;j~iiT lIT f"',",l 'if. <!Im'f<l1 ~T 1fT '«flI'1'f ,,}rr am: ;;ft 'Iru..
lIT rot<' <in')~ ij if ~ ffifl''l 3!f'1'Mm't <m>:T ~ il; f<:;(!; folllo affiI'i olu.. il; 'l~'I'T<t q'ht~
f-.r if 'l."l':r: :f ~T) 'fliT an,," i\:Tift; ""'IT
. (& \ ~ ffi'')/~ fmf.I; 'rf ~ o:i'I T"d ~ f-illl '" ~ I
,. • * • •
H f.lafiR~')'!At wrofl-'·**
f,l:f'f1T3fTfllil!, urn JO it; adt'! 3!f;T':('I'IT it; f:r~~ orrit 'f'1: Q.if
r'f'!f<R it; f<:;(!; ~'l1 il; ~f'livr·'! 3!r>rforir ~1t gt.':, am:
~ ~'lH or~t ~f.r;fTH" 'If1:lI'0' f-m( OITit
~, f~F~I\i~a ..m
gt.': 3TT'ITil«r ~ ..1 ;;ft.• l);'HI it~ lf1;'! am:
,lfo ij ~ ~ lIT ffi fqfil<l' f<l1!l'T
lIT 'I<t OIT1( I

32. fl!q'!~ ~~ 1lil''l--<W! ~ .*** f'lrtft <'fio'! <liT >!('t 't. f,'!; <f't OITit it;
fOl1!; '[!I4ifNfu] ~ am: ;w <lIfaf'l"l'i it; ~'T'f'<ll it; alir'!' *.* '[lIT lit; 'U~ WilI:r <!IW'IIfIl',
1953 (1963 Ilil 20)] if; ~1 il; a.,.rr", mil:<l' ~ 1fT ~ '3'''l <'flo'! <it m:it it; ftf"( fi'ffH 3!'~:ff ~
~ ij 'l,qf~f~", f1t;tl1 3fT "T.Irr I

'[33. 1ITI'IfiIi~-'r.I Ilil ~ fiI;QT orm 1A'h: f4fu .. ,... "iqf~<i"", it; ~ ~-( i) i{'
3!'P.I'ff ~ lf1;'! ij 'l:i'<:o ai'r( 3!'ll .HI o'll f.f'l'fq,-eh ij ~ ~'li f.f~f"li;rrcr WiT'l. ~
t!'!> 1;"T ij
~~Tf," ~f"ifT';--q;f fuf.rq 3lTfir.m: "'T '3'l! ~ q-( "IT ~r 31 ~ 3! it T f:ror," Iff '.1:"'11 ij 1I:l!
f.rt;ro f~f~f~ce ~ urn 30 it; ";<r .( .. ) ~ 31m", f'llfo or,,).. 'lit lIT il; m~,f ,pftlr nm:i{...r 3!'l1:
ayqUij{ 01'1 ...r ~ ;fiq III 1fT ;;qli lfT 3!'lit '1 ~<11 ;m:t 'lft.m <oW :
'[""'! ~ <it :rT'if,.rn·H" f(o!f'l1T 3!lffi,,{ 'lit it~ fH ~:r 'f{f f<6'11 ;;yr'Z'l'TJf) <:Tfli 3!'flifQT
~ ilT:]
10[~'~ am: fro ~n'f')1 lI"rfHiT~r f.r;ri<fif-~'1, ~ioo f.f~f'f:r~ 'IT fu~-J; f'l<IT"I';Y-~TOl' ",,) lI"ITT it
"f'f'lF,-'1~ ij if, ~ f:r<IT<f-,. ilJ'IJ STrn<ro if, 1;''l it" ~ !If'T f~"'ij ,fir '!f~ 'It ;;r,rr"r orrr{'l'T fj; q~ "I'i~hof­
el;;( ~ f.,..r,m il; <r.l m.rno mr lfl ,~~ 'l:'T f.Tfhf;l .n:r Hit 11 ;;il'. 'IT 'l>1I~), !T1:!lH<tfi 'I; l;''l' ij"
q; lIfu f.!GVI ~ I]
I. Ii' 47 ~:lro 27 :n:r "~,,~ R, 't. 'mil'!" if; "',' q, (14-12-1966 iI) lIfM"rfnl
1966 it; ..faf.!11'1f
2. 1'.. 10"", "f7' m' "<i\a't f~." it; ,'"'' on: (14-12-1966i1) !If_rli", I
qi\ ur<r 27 ~ """'''''''' "" (14-12-1966") ,M r"",r'llti I
•. 'l."l«l
4. ~ qi\ uro 28 1m '~-<i" it; ftr«" ""', "" (14-1~-1966 iI) >iN fq;orr'llt' I
5. 1956 if; <II\1\"'TII Ii' 27 .,;t IiR' . I 5 ~r<, "Am' f",""" -ffil it" 11l"ii 'liT >iN ~, 'I1IT ,
6. 1956if; ufufltoA Ii· 27~ lim 15 Ir<' ",,,Mri'rn ~ "~.,, f~f" "~~'1. (Ii· 2) ~", 1956 ~f7.i '"" r"'1r """
7. 1963 if; ufufltoA Ii' 20 'iii tlr<l 57 ~'t< ~«u .ql('i\ rru W<I:""r"" I
R. 1956it; ,",""'TIl Ii· 27 ..' aru 16 ~r<r !IT<' 33 it; ~l'I ~ lIf:mmal
9.1966 it; lIfuf'lif1l Ii· 47 ~ ur<' 29 ~rtr (14-12-1966 it) ",~:,qrfq" I
10. 1989 ~ uf<lf""" oj. I .., 'lr<' 7;ru (1-4-1989 iI) oi,,:~ ,
76 Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
'[(IA) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (I), for election to the Legislative
Assembly of Sikkim (deemed to he th~ Legislative Asscm bly of tha t St~ Ie duly constitued under the
Constitution), the nomination paper to be delivered to the returning officer shall be in such form
and manner as may be prescribed: .

Provided that the said nomination paper shall be subscribed by the candidate as assenting
to the nomination, and-

(a) in the case of a seat reserved for Sikkimese of Bhntia-Lepcha origin, also by at least
twenty electors of the consHtuency as proposers and twenty electors of the constituency as

(b) in the case of a seat reserved for Sanghas, also by atIeast twenty electors of the consti-
tuency as proposers and at least twenty electors of the constituency as seconders;-

(c) in the case of a seat reserved for Sikkimese of Nepali origin, by an elector of the
constituency as proposer:

Provided further that no nomination paper shall be delivered to the returning officer on a day
which is a public holiday.]

(2) In a constituency where any seat is reserved. a candidate shall not be deemed to be qua li-
fied to be chosen to fill that seat unless his nomination paper contains a declaration by him speci-
fying the particular caste or tribe of which he is a member and the area in relation to which that
caste or tribe is a Scheduled Caste or, as the case may be, a Scheduled Tribe of the State.

(3) Where the candidate is a person who, having held any office referred to in '[section 9]
has been dismissed and a period of five years has not elapsed since the dismissal, such person shall
not be deemed to be duly nominated as a candidate unless his nomination paper is accompanied
by a certificate issued in the prescribed manner by the Election Commission to the effect that
he has not been dismissed for corruption or disloyalty to the State.

(4) On the presentation of a nomination paper, the returning officer shall satisfy himself
that the names and electoral roll numbers of the candidate and his proposer as entered in the
nomination paper are the same as those entered in the electoral rolls:

'[Provided that no misnomer or inaccurate description or clerical, technical or printing error

in regard to the name of the. candidate or his proposer or any other person, or in regard to any
place, m~Jltioned in the electoral roll or the nomination paper and no clerical, technical or printing
error in regard to the electoral roll numbers of any such persoll in the electoral roll or the nomina-
tion paper, shall affect the full operation of (he electoral roll or the nomination paper with respect
to such person or place in any case where the description in regard to the name of the person or
place is such as to be commonly understood; and the returning officer shall permit any such
misnomer or inaccurate description or clerical. technical or printing error to be corrected
and where nccessary, direct that any such misnomer, inaccurate description, clerical, technical
or printing error in the electoral roll or in the nomination paper shaH be overlooked.]
I. I"'. by Act 10 "r 1976, s. 2 aud Sch. (w.e.f. 9·9-1975).
2. Sublj. by Act 38 of 1978, s. 3 and Second SL'h'~duk, for "clause (f) of scdion T.
1. Sub__ by Act 47 of 1966, s, 29. f(lr the provi.;o (w.c.f. 14·12-1966).
~ ~fc'tf.. lti", ~, 1951 76
('!flIT 2-~ ~ .. filf~4'!)
,[ ( l~) '3't.n (1) it fl!rm 'I'f<l it; l[m f[..-rr f'lfl!;pr i"!oIT'f 'l>!T it; (<liT "'i"!;m 11; ~ '3'11'
~ qft ~ ~ ~ m fiM;; '!'1fT ~ ;;mit~) f.M'I''l if; f"f~ ~ 3fT1iim: 'lit ~Ff f~lI! "I'M
'11m ;nlIf.mR-q;r ~ ~ it aft, ~'lr ,1ft! ~ ~Trrr f<lf~ ~. f~lIr ;;ritl;:
~ '3'!n ~lqf~;'H-q;; at'R1'11 ifTU 4'i! ~ori~' it: ~ ~m~ f.!;m <lIrtrrr f'l>" '3if.r mf.mR 11;
fuu: 8l'l'ft 3fo!'!fu ~ <ft ~ <If'!l!T- .

(~) ~-<1'«fT ~il'I it: f~lif it: ~ ammo roOf qft Iffi. it ~ if; ~ it ~
f~~ it;;pr ~ ip, ;ftq p.,,,Y.. ,,,, ifl'{; ~ 1l"I<ff.T 11; 1;'q' it ~ it; ofiq fiT"Y .. '!>' f.I1rio;rr-er.r
irN.rc ;
('l") #i 11; f<"!'l; am:fu<r IiIfA qft <mT it ~1 11; 1;"l' Ii ~ f.t'lfq;f~ it; ~ it 'Ii'!
iIm f.I~ am arT< ~ it; 1;'q' it ~ f.r'fm-~ q; 'Ii'! ~ 'Ii'! ifRr f.f~ mr '1ft ;
('I) i\1mft '31{>1'! it; fufiR;fit<it 11; f~ ~ ii"lT" qft IffiT i\' ~ if; ~ it ~ ~.
er.r A'""'"
it; 1!.... 1fl"lJ,

~ f.!;lrr GIT'l'IT :

~ 4'i! Sfi, flI; ~ ~, 'lit ~ 'I11!flIi~'f-<m ~it ~ ~ 'Itft fiI;lrr 'ltT'l1fT "" ..,...
aromw ~ ~ I)

(2) f<lfq ~..rffir i' IiIfA ~ ~ m

~ ~ ~ ~'IT'f ~ ~ it; ~ mil 'f'f
11; ~ 8I1\a If <I'IIIIT ~ llI'if O'!i flI; m
orqi'r "Iqf~.",~-'lo! i'i ~ ~ lfI ~ ~m lIImr
~ ~ ~ arT'.: ~ tHO! flr~ ~ it ~ GlTftr lfI <lIlf'IlTrn ~ "qUlf qft, lI'Ilf... fd, 31'1\1;1"1<1 Gftfu lfI 81'f-
W<m G!'I'lITfu ~ f'!f~ ~ omft ~ irm qft ~ ~ ar~ If ~T I •

(3) ~ flI; arRI"'ff '[mu 9] i'i ~ I'm' q"!{qft UR"OT ~,or ~ ~ ~ ~ <liT "'"'!<I ~
fl:lfT 'TIlT ~ arT'.: ~ ~ '!i'i! ~ '1fI 'lil<1 i 'lfil l/t<ft 'Itf ~ 'IW '" ~ flI; ~ -(\fir i'i ~
8lTlI-l1f !I'm f.f':!T 'lIlT llt "Ql°,." W ~ ~ 3lf"fl:UT liT m>f it; lIfff <Il"!f1RI it; ~ q"!{~<1 'Itf W!i!
'lIlT ~ m ;uQf~i(.I~-'IOf it; ~T>l" 'I i1'ta't~ ~ 31<"!1'i'f it; 1;'q' i'i ~_ ~~ '1lqf~~&! pr If'ir'lffT
\lI'111,'11 I

( 4) '11~-",," il; ~ ~ <lIr.t q, fu:f.r;r 3!I1i!m< 3I'm llIr 'i1'IT!1T" Ifi't1fI fl!; ~lqr..~H­
om i'i ~l;! at'RI'ff ~ m lP,>!l'f~ 11; 'I1ll' ~ flr<1i'l''F ~ Iq i "iff ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ '1111'1-
l!f\;rIij it ~: "fli-"
.[~ f.r'f\'I'II" ~I"'''<'f\ lfI 'I1i1f.1~-'«i if <IfUro arRI"'ff lfI ~ ~ lfI ~ 3FlI I!!!f!M ill
if,;; it; .r
il1'l: lfI finft N,"'! II; i!l'l: if ~ 'T<icI '!Til lfI ~ ~uilf <If'!l!T ~!!Ilf dffT a~ 'IT ~
~Ift '1."' 'lIT af;, ~ ~Iql" ..~ if lfI ~lqfli''''~..1f;f i'i ~~ f1t;;ft 8!ffiF.r it; ~ ~;ft Il'~
t IIR if m ~ ~ lfI 'l',i"l ~ 'i<'f l!IT lI'I!T'f ~it "4'f1RT lfI <'<i" qft lI'IiIl! f'm;f-!i" '!TiI['f;ft
ltT." .."f.:~-<m it; 'i,~ _ire'! ~ fif:~ ~~ tmr if 'I(f q~ ~ ~ ~ lfI "ITlf it; lfTi/ it;i!l'l: it
'I"llf ~ ~ Itt m-T"I<r. 'i1i/m GTT ~ ;nm ~ aft;: f'Wl'T 3flfiIm: ~ f..,.~ '1<1'0' 'IT'! lfI 3f~4' 'fJilf
.. ~ ~lf ~ ~ lIT ~ ~ 'B qft ~ ~ -.rf.t <tl 31'!'fT ".:1!r ail"{ ~ fi!; ~ ~T
'IW til ~ W ~ ~I"I'I ..~ if lfI ~-'rn if ~ fif;qr 1fl'fa" 'IT'f, ~4' 'fUf",. m ~
~ lfI '!,i"I ~ 'B '1ft 8I'!'f~1 qft GfT1:( I)

I. 1976;j;.nm'1<l'l ti' IO.a <m:T 2 am:.~ ~ro (9+197Sll")<R:rof'nII

2.. 1978 ~.nm'l'l'l tio 38 .a IT", .1 "'~. 'ri{) .q~r «ITT "ITITT 7 ;j; .... ('f)"' ilrNI'f ~ !If~,
3, 196~iIr~ tio 47~!Iro 29rro""'l",iIr~l'fqT(14-12'1966l1") "",,,,,FI,,,

li.L804 Mia Law & Justice194

77 Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART JI.-:Acts of Parliament)
(5) Where the candidate is an elector of a different constituency, a copy of the electoral roll
of that constituency or of the relevant part thereof or a cetrified copy of the relevant entries in
such roll shall, unless it has been filed along with the nomination paper, be produced before the
returning officer at the time of scrutiny.

'[(If) Nothing in this section shall prevent any candidate from being nominated by more
than one nomination paper:

Provided that not more than four nomination papers shall be presented by or on behalf of
any candidate or accepted by the returning officer for election in the same constituency.]

34. Deposits.-'[(1) A candidate shall not be deemed to be duly nominated for election from a
constituency unless he deposits or causes to be deposited-
(a) in the case of an election from a Parliamentary constituency, a sum of five hundred
rupees or where the candidate is a member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, a sum of
two hundred and fifty rupees; '[and]
(b) in the case of an election from an Assembly or Council constituency, a sum of two
hundred and fifty rupees or where the candidate is a member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled
Tribe, a sum of one hundred and twenty-five rupees: , •••

" • • • •
Provided that where a candidate has been nominated by more than one nomination paper
for election in the same constituency, not more than one deposit shall be required of him under this

(2) Any sum required to be deposited under sub-section (I) shall not be deemed to have been
deposited under that sub-section unless at the time of delivery of the nomination paper '[under
sub-section (1) or, as the case may be, sub-section (1 A) of section 33] the candidate has either
deposited or caused to be deposited that sum with the returning officer in cash or enclosed with the
nomination paper a receipt showing that the said sum has been deposited by him or on his behalf
in the Reserve Bank of India or in a Government Treasury.

35. Notice of nominations lind the time and place for their scrutiny.-The returning officer shall,
on receiving. the nomination paper '[under sub-section (1) or, as the case may be, sub-section
(IA)] of section 33, inform the person or persons delivering the same of the date, time and place
fixed for the scrutiny of nominations and shall enter on the nomination paper its serial number,
and shall sign thereon a certificate stating the date on which and the hour at which the nomina-
tion paper has been delivered to him; and shall, as soon as may be thereafter, cause to be affixed
in some conspicuous place in his office a notice of the nomination containing descriptions similar
to those contained in the nomination paper, both of the candidate and of '[the proposer).

36. Scrutiny of nominations.-( 1) On the date fixed for the scrutiny of nominations under section
30, the candidates, their election agents, one proposer ,.*.
of each candidate, and one other
person duly authorised in writing by each candidate, but no other person, may attend at such time
and place as the returning officer may appoint; and the returning officer shall give them all reason-
I. Sub•. by Act 40 of 1961, s. 8. for sub·section (6) (w.e.f. 20·9.1961).
2. Subs. by Act 27 of 1956, s. 17, ror sub·section (1).
3. IDS. by Act 58 of 1958, s. 18.
4. The wold ~'and" and cl. (e) omitted by s. 18, ibid.
S. Subs. by A~ 10 Of 1976, s. 2 and Sch., for certain wolds (w.e.f. 9-9.1975).
6. Subs. by Act 27 or 1956, .. 18, for certain words.
1. Tho wltds "a~d one .econder" omitted by s. 19,1bld.
..... AfttfitfaN a"fie".., 19 S 1 77
(""" 2-~ ri arfllf.r~)

( 5) "'~ fiI; ","!'ff f.!;;it f"l'''! f'l'IT'fif -ffif 'Ii'! f.rri'f'!>" ~, W '3'1'1' f'ifofm...wor 'ltl ~ 'fI'IlT'f<'fi
ott 'iT ~ ,!qr,o \TTl[ ott l(lf. lifer 'iT itm '11"~ if ott P Sl'fil'kll"1 "'I ~ lI1nfor<r lifer, "'~ """
fiI; ~ '1T~-'l<f ij; m'l ~ 'I" "" <ft 1r{ ifT, ~ ij; ~ "ITfiIrn, ij; ~eT <rn ott .. ~ I
I [( G) ~ !lro '!iT ~ -rl '1m f'!>"lfl 3f~'l"ff 'for "'" it mil'!>" 'fTlri'r.m'T-'T!I [T<T ;rrq ~ Aitt

q",! l1;'" ~ f.rri'f'I-an. if f'ifofm ij; f.;w. ~ it 3!fu"I' '1, .. MM-q'i;! ~ "I'I'I'ff mr 'iT ~
BIT-.: i!r 'I" <rr :aqf;<re' fiI;ll; ",1'# ~' Of .~ ~ [T'U ~Fif'!tflq fiI;ll; ~ ,]

34. ~- 2[ ( 1) 'II"r <r'I' fiI; "I'I'I'ff-
(II» ~ ~~f.Am-an. ~ flAf;r'I 'II\' om if "'" '" ~ ott mu
'iT ~ fiI; II'll'rl
..""'1....'I:~f"""d <l!Tfu 'iT "1'1:f"d ",;;;;rIfU if,T ~ ~ w ~ '1't W1: '!iT 'Ufu, lro]

(... ) fiI;rft >:NT 'iT ~ f.t'lf'f'f~ it f.r'lf'f'f '!iT ~ if iJi'{ '1't ~ '!iT 'Ufu 'iT "'~
fiI; ~ 3j1>f'1d ""rfer 'iT 3f,!W"v.r "T,,",mr "" ~ ~ W ~ m W1: ott -urn, ***
•• • • • •
r.rr""" 'I" "" ~ 'iT f.rnl"er 'I" "'" ~, ~ fm 'If;ri'f';r-an. it fif'lf'f'f ij; f<:ro: ~ 1;'f it 'fT1ff~ PI
" l!'<lIT ""T11:'IT:
~ ~ fiI; 3j "l'ff l1;'I> \l:1 f.r'If'f'f-ffif if f.r'If'f'f ij; f<:rll; ~ i!r ",1fT<!; 'fT'fflfm..q;r i[\'(T 'fT'f-
f.!We f'ltm 'flIT ~, W ~ ;rorro ij; 3j'ffl ~ ~ i!r 3\'f1l"lt ~ '!iT aNm if '!iT ~ I]
( 2) <I'!!Im (1) ij; 3j'liTif ~ ij; f\'f~ aMf'eT<i m
at!ilif f.lflll"<l' ott 'If ~~fu '3'1'1' <I'!!Iro it;
~ ""il1;'fT "Tif eril< f'" I{n:r 33 ott, ~er, ~fT (l)'iT;rorro (111)) ij; at!ilif 'fT'fflmA-onif
it; qf~ it; ~4' arRl'ff it f~ ""~ it; <ffiI 'iT <rr ifij;<ft if f.lflll"<l' 'fij'f ~ ~ ~ 'iT ~
;r@ 'Ii'OO fw ~ 'iT ~-'t<T it; m1f 'til: 00 ~ ~ ~ f'" '3"Iif mw ~. t.I; arm ~ 'll
~ !jl.srrit if ~ rnr 'iT ~ott 3fT-.: it f.Ifut<r "" ~I 1r{ ~, ~ <'1"TT ~ ~ I
35. "1.. f.. (",~'1
~"""~ ~ ~~ it; r..q_~_-f'tcf.riT ~!Im 33 ,[II'IT-
~er, ott :rom:r (1) 'iT;rorro (111)) ij; SIIft'l"] ~..q;r ott Il'TfCQ '" ~ ~ ~ mr
'iT ~ ott '11 .. f~"Ml ott ;i'(tffi ij; ~ flIlrn~, ~ll" ~ {'IIFI ott ~ ~ ~ 'fT'f-
r.rm-'t<T '" ~"Iil '!j;Of ~ IIf'l'e ~ am: '3'1'1' '" ~ ~ ftrm am: ~ ~iJ 'm '" ~
~Wi!"I<I qf~ f.I;iJT 'flIT ~ 'lif1rn ~ 'fTl'rT lI'fl"1'1<f i{fd'T1l1 1\\1 ..tIlT a«....tT<t 'I'mJ"fir ~ am:
'I1<if.liWi! ott ~m ~""" f'll'fif arRl'ff am: 6[lR"!T'f<I;]
~it; ~ ~ ""'" ~ ~ ~lt if ~~
't<T if ~ 3I'!it ~ if f.I;'\ft ,,~'i'" {'IIFI if <1'1 .. 1«'" I
3 6. ;nidiR~ 'lit ~'lm-- ( 1) m" 3 0 ij; lj'!{A 'IT'ff'liw;iT ott ~ it; f;w. f\!Im <rrtN 'lit
31''I'ff, ~ fF.q\",,!" 3\'f'lT'l<r\, ~ «if> arRl'ff "" ~ 1I~ 7".am: ~ ~ arRi"If iITU MW' '"
if ll""; 1;Cq it lI1f~fo 1('1' ~{,,, "'!fur, 'I f.I; m ,ft """" 1otIfiI<I, ~ ~ aft, ~ 11 ~ f1im
1. 1961 ~ ,,",,'I'fl! ao ~ 1m 0'IIIr0 (6) ~ """ 'IT
40 ",'!lr<T (20-9-1961 it) lIfa~nmll
2. 1956 ~ ,,",,'I'fl! ao 27 ""!I'm 'l'ilfm (1) ~ _ '!1:
17 1m srfurnm I
,. 1958" 'Iflrf.r'!q Ii 0 58 ",1 !lg, i 8 iml oro<!:~q<! I
4. 'l."lRr tI !1m fro "3Th:" _ 3Th il"" (If) "" om fiI;ln lJlIT 1
5. 1976 ~ ~ aD 10 orlt ",,12 3Th ~ rro p ....n iI; "'"" q~ (9'9-1975 it) sr~!l1
6. 19 56 ~ ,,",,'lIP! aD 27 orlt 81(f 18 tro p ....n ~ toI'Jif '!1: lIf~ I
7 '1."'' ' ""!lr<J I 9 fro ","",~.. wPl"," ....n "" oil'! r""" lJlIT I
78 Representation of the Peopw Act, 1951
(PART ll.--Acts of P~rJiamentl
able facilities for examining the nomination papers of all candidates which have been delivered
within the time and in the manner laid down in section 33.

(2) The returning officer shall then examine the nomination papers and shall decide all objec-
tions which may be made to any nomination and may, either on such objection or on his own
motion, after such summary inquiry, if any, as he thinks necessary, l[reject] any nomination on
any of the following grounds:-

'[(a) '[that on die date fixed for the scrutiny of nominations the candidate] either is not
qualified or is disqualified for being chosen to fill the scat under any of the following provisiollS
that may be applicable, namely:-

Articles 84, 102, 173 and 191, ... ..

'[part II of this Act, and sections 4 and 14 of the Government of Union Territories
Act, 1963 (20 of 1963)] ,. • .; or

(b) that there has been a failure to comply with any of the provisions of section 33 or
section 34; or
. (c) that the.signature of the candidate or tHe prop,,,c,r on the nomination paper is not

(3) Nothing contained in '[clause (b) or clause (e») of sub·section (2) shall be deemed to autho·
rise the '[rejection) of the nomination of any candidate'on the ground of any irregularity in respect
of a nomination paper, if the candidate has ~~en duly Ilt;il1inateLi by means of another nomination
paper in respect of which no irregularity has been committed.

(.f) The returning officer shall not reject any nomination paper '"l the ground of ;lOy ,. • •
defect which is not of a substantial character.

(5) The returning officer shall hold the scrutiny on the date appointed in this behalf under
clause (b) of section 30 and shall not allow any adjournment of thc proceedings except when such
proceedings are interrupted or obstructed by riot or opon violence or by causes bcyond his control:

Provided that in case lO[an objection is raised by the returning officer or is made by any other
person) the candidate concerned may be allowed time to rcbut it not latcr than the next day but
one following the· date fixed for scrutiny, and the returning olliecr shail record his decision on the
date to which the proceedings have been adjourned,

t. Subs. by Act 27 of 19S6, s. 19, for "refu",".

2. Subs. by s. 19,1bid., for cis. (al to (el.
l, Subs. hy Act 40 of t961, s. 9, for "that the c:>ndidate" (w.c.f. 2()'9.1961).
4. The word "and" ins. by the Adaptalion Of Laws (No.2) Order, 19S6 and omilled by Act1() of 1963. s ..'57 am! thl!
First Schrdul<, .
S. Subs. by Act 20 of t963, s, S7 and the Second Sch"duk, for cerlain WOrds.
6 Certain word. omitted by the AdaPtation of Lows (No.2) Order, 19S6.
7, Subs. by Act 27 of 1956, s. 19, for "clause. (e), clause (tI) or clause (e)", .
8. SubS. by s, 19,ibid.,!'or "refusal",
9. The word "technical" omitted by s. 19, Ibid.
to. Su~s. by Act 40 of 1961, s, 9, for "an objection is made" (w.e.f, 2O-9·t96t).
_ 54fhr",fiufi Clfilf.,Qif. 1951 78
('I!1lI' 2-.~,.j; 3Tf!lf.!>nJ)

8flflI>", f.!1ro ~ ~( iI) m am: f":rn'l 3!TflfilP. .;R 3!'«ffir'ff it; 'fTll'r~,r~'f.q,i'f <tt .;;it tmT w
.33 it orfW!;f"l<! I!I!Ii it; 1fta( ~ ~tm it If<:ro fll;u; ~ ~. qm .. ~:t ~ ~ qif ,!flia'!'fcl' ~

( 2) ~T arrflo:ro: a'1f 'fT'If'fiw-l-'l'OfT <tt'tmn "~1fT m '0, ~ 3TTir.ffor,'!rf f~flw1fq..t1fT

fll;;ft ~ <tt ifT'T1l ~ '!lilt ~ ~ ~[elt:r "It« it; ~,f~ '!>'It.;J:). dim ~i! ~l'l1 \1"l'1f
~r 'fT1ftmA .r., ~«' ar~ 'l1: lfT ~~ it ~f~ ammrit « ~ amm: ~. 3T'If<!.:--
'[ (q;) ~ 3Tm{ ~ '[flI> 3f'P.I'ff 'frl!r.r~ <tt ~ it; f\N. f'f't':f ott' 'If a'mlJj 'IIi
f>Tt'ff\;;ft::r ~. 'lN1'!. :-
""~ 84 102
~ ',' 173 orr.: )QI ••••

.[~ 3f~f~4q it; 'IfTII 17.. oi't( ~ ,~ mlif arfbflIli'l. 1963 (19631OT 20) qf; aro3!l4
am: 14 •••• it « "IT oft. \W! ~ {!) ~it; arm ~" ~ ott' 'I!'~ ij; ~ ~~ <IIR ij; ~lfT,"
~ or@ ~ qT ~ ~. lIl'I'IT
(!iI) m 3TIli,~ ~ flI> aro 33 lfT aro 34 ij; ~l it «flI;Ift '"' 3R'I<B rn if ar~
~ ~. lIl'I'IT
('I) \U 3TTm{ ~ 'fTl!flIi~-"" '11: lIM'ff '"' lfT ll~'l1q.. q;T ~m: au<'fi '1~ ~}
'1{1(1 an mimi II
(3) ~ l!l'Rr4f flI>~ ~ 3T'lf 'fTqfll~'f-'l" «1,1 f.laij; ~R if q;)t lIIflI4f1iadI ~ <tt 'If ~
~ 1!"r «'fT1ffll~ 'Ii{ f= 'IlfT ~ a) ~,~ (2) ij; 7[~ (Jl) qT on ('I)] it .3T"~ ~
.0 ;rnr it; 8fI~ it ~ if ~T 0I'Tlt'I1 flI; lit f'l>9t lIf$ll'l1 it;"" if f~ arflf'tflmm ij; arnm:
~ '[l!f~j rn ij; 1<1I!; l!1ffxtil q;T<ft t I
(4) ~ ~ ~ 'I'1'If.Im"'l'll '1fT ~~ flI;~ •••• '!.~ it; amm: ~"" ~ 1!"r <tt ~
\5) f'(ef.rrr ~ aro 30 ij; on (!iI) ij; lII'! f.rf\r6 f.rII<I' <rrfur ott' wtmr 'lim oi't{
q;"hl~l q;T '!>'It ~ \P.l <m ij; flm,f 3I"!,m if rnr f:;rtri\' ~~ q;jlfql~l it m ltT ~ ~,,:
« lfT ~ f.rltetur ij; iI1{1: ~ q;Tl,1Ifi «flfE:I In i(fllT ~t ~:
~ '0" 1nIT if f.;r!rIi 10[am'iq f'(ef.rrr arr1'rim: mr '3OTQT <1m altT fll;;ft ar.'lf azriiIa mr Ii!;/fI "II'a'T
~l ~ l!l'Rr4f ott' Q<fle!1 ij; ~ f.rII<I' ml!i!« ~ ~ WR'Ii{ arr.r ~ <flO '"' if Ill; ~~
'"' \l1fq ;nrq;r
ott'. f;rq <flO ~~ ~
"'l'l 'H~ it; ~ ~T<I f'Ii41 ~
<tt qf ~; arf11f.rf~ ~ I
am: ~ ~ arqif! f4f'''''4 ;oa
L 1956 ~ """""" Ii· 27 'IiIum 19 1m ,,~, iii ~ ore .fd • .,I"I.,
2. 1956 ~ iIJ1lrilI!r~ Ii. 27 "') uro 19 lro ("') It (If) 8'1' ~!hi ~ ~ ore of~,
3. 1961 ojt 'li!lf0ll''I Ii. 40'lf\ am 911(; "re 'I"I'ff" ojt. torR If< (20-9- i 961 or) IIf'lIt'Ilf'q. I
4_ tlIfV oq~ (u· 2) "'~. 19561ro lAl'l"lrl'la "am" _ ",I 1963;t, q!iJf.TIfIIU. ~D Ill"," 57 am:
~ ~ 1m ""rflrn 'Ill! ,
50 1963 ~ ~ Ii. 20 'iii urn 57 am: ~ "'t~ 1m ~ ~ >r-iI q, """ ore lIfil",*",
(l. tlIfV"'t"!.'l" (Ii. 2) <I'~. 19561m 'fW >r-iI .... ""r flrn 'IlTI I
7. 1956 ~ ufQfIrIIIr Ii· 27 'IiIum 19 mT ..... ('I). 'IV. ('I) Iff ... ~ (~)" ~ """ ~.rd""IlI. I
.. ~ 'iii flT1:1 19 fro ";f"i~" % "'1'1 ore srf<Il'IlfCnIl
9: ~.'IiI urn 19 (T7T ''lrTfimA;'' >1"1.... ""r fiI;qr 'I'll I
10. 1961 ~ 1IfiIf""" Ii. 40 'iii uro 9 1m '~"''I1W 'iii Iff t" 'l; m. ~l (20-9-1961 it) ofllttn1lt"
79 Representation of the People Act, Igsl
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

(6) The returning officer shall endorse on each nomination paper his decision accepting 01
rejecting the same and, if the nomiitation paper is rejected, shall record in writing a brief state-
m~nt of his reasons for such rejection.

1 [(7)
For the purposes of this section, a certified copy of an entry in the electoral roll for the
time being in force of a constituency shall be conclusive evidence of the fact that the person referred
to in that entry is an elector for that constituency, unless it is proved that he is subject to a dis-
qualification mentioned in section 16 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950).
(8) Immediately after all the nomination papers have been scrutinized and decisions accepting
or rejecting the same have been recorded, the returning officer shall prepare a list of validly nomi-
nated candidates, that is to say, candidates whose nominations have been found valid, and affix it
to his notice board.)
37. Withdrawal of candidature.-{ I) Any candidate may withdraw his candidature by a notice
in writing which shall contain such particulars as may be prescribed and shall be subscribed hy
him and delivered before three o'clock in the afternoon' on the day fixed under clause «() of section
30 to the returning officer either by such candidate in person or by his proposer, ".. or
election agent who has been aut~orised in this behalf in writing by such candidalc .
,. • • • • •
(2) No person who has given a notice of withdrawal of his candidature under sub-section (I)
shall be allowed to cancel the notice.
'[(3) The returning officer shall, on being satisfied as to the genuineness of a notice of with-
drawal and the identity of the person delivering it under sub-section (I), cause the notice to be
affixed in some conspicuous place in his office.]

'[38. Publication of list of contesting candidates.-(1) Immediately after the expiry of the
period within which candidatures may be withdrawn under sub-section (1) of section 37, the return-
ing officer shall prepare and publish in such form and manner as may be prescribed a list of contesl-
ing candidates, that is to say, candidates who were included in the list of validly nominated candi-
dates and who have not withdrawn their candidature within the said period.
(2) The said list shall contain the names in alphabetical order and the addresses of the contesting
candidates as given in the nomination papers together with such other parliculars as may be
'[39. Nomination of candidates at'other elections.---{/) As soon as the notification calling upon
the elected members or the members of the Legislative Assembly of a State or the members of the
electoral ('ollege of a '[Union territory) tei elect a member or members is issued, the Election
Commission shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint-
(a) the last date for making nomination~, which shall be the '[seventh day) after Ihe date of
publication of the first-mentioned notification or. if that day is a puhlic holiday. the next
succeeding day which is not a public holiday;
I. Subs. by Act 27 or 1956, s. 19. ror sub·section (i).
2. The word "seconder" and the proviso omitted by s. 20, Ibid.
). Subs. by Act 40 or 1961, s. 10, ror su\).section (3) (w.e.r. 2()'9_1961).
4. Subs. by A~ 27 or 1956, s. 21,.ror s. )8.
5 Subs. by •. 22, Ibid., ror s. 39.
6. Subs. by the Adaptation or Laws (No.2) Order. 1956, rOr "Part C Stat ....
7. Sub•. by Ac. 40 or 1961. s. II. ror "tenth day" (w.e.r. 2()'9.1961).

I'iI'I; srfiIf.!flml afllf>lqq, 19 5 1 79
('ItT'! 2-«11'{ ij; arF.f'flf'!)

(6)' f'm'I'q 3fTf'lim ~ ~- ~'''f"iM-<m on:;;~ ~ ~ ITT !lfoen<rn rn "" 3I'!'ff r'ff~
~ifilI ~ ar), IIf.I' 'fT~-<m !I~ flI;ln '1'lfT ~ <it ~~ ~ ~ f<'f~ ~ ..f<:"IT "f m&l'<l
""PI f;rf\1ffl I;"f ij 3ff'lfl;f\1ffl .n'IT ,
'[(7) .... Oil> Ii!; ~ «Tf.rn 'f ~ foo ...~ f", iii! <'fT'" "foRfu,,, 3If.1f.nn;, 1950 (1950 ",r 43)
'!1t Imr 1 6 if qfiJro ""'tcrr il: :3It'm1'f ~, f~1 ~~ '!1t "'~1l'1l" !IF! f;rffi", 'fIll'r'nn if '!1t
ITfiril:c "'I SI1IIfi>rn lIfu ..~ am il: !I'lr.r;ff il: 1\;11, ,.<1 ff'<! '1'1 f~.'""", me,« ~nit f.;; '1\1 ''<f'ffi", :;ir::1'1
ITfiril:c if ~ f<liln '"" ~, ::1~' f.rm-or-aior ij; 1\;11, ~'" ~,
(8) ~ arrfilm( 1Ji[ 'f!ll'f;RW'I-'T;rr '!1t lifri\1T il: f~~ f~ ;;r,-ij 3Ii( m !ff(l~ ITT lIfd'am.;r
f~ ...R il: M~'lr il: 3ff~ ~;;rR il: ~:r ,!q<fp'! flm,rl!r;l!(!: ' ar~ii '!1t
3l'ril! ;;'f ar«lfilm ",'), f.I~ij; ~I"fo,."., fiml1l'l~ oifO~ ~~ ~, l),<i\ m ~ m;;it 3f'!i 'J'f-fl'li'i'''
'!'{ <'f~r I] ,
37, ~ II1'm " " ' - { 1) ..w
'ql 3M>iI 3f'!'11 3l~r ~* ft;f~ ';{'f.fT mr 'fI'fil if !l'il:~r
f,;mi'f itdT f nf'<:4i 3I'"~ ~r~1 ~<it f~~ '!1t ...M3Ii( orr .... ri ~ mr ~'1o'alf<'! ~Nt
i f<cf;r'T am
atTm"l: "'I ITT (IT m
~ 3!'RI'l1 ~ro 'IT ;;ij'ij; SI~ am ,***
ITT ~ f.t'!lvr 3ff~ ncr orT it!!
~ ~ fufi;re I;"f if ~ f.r11rn lIlfut(l ~r '"" ~ UI'U 30 ij; ~ (rr) il: aroTH fu"! 1;1;1
3mT1\i ""'" ri ~ ~-i'r qfmr "', ~I "fl ~tiI,
2* * • * *
( 2) f.I<I "4f.t<I it 3l'I~I 3l"~l>;m ~'l<I ~it '!i\ ~~T ;;'!>mr (1) it ar;f;r ~-r ~::1i1 'Til l),'A'l
"'T ~ I!>'f.t ij; 1\;11, at'!limr ~ f.!;'11 "'lll.~r "
'[ (3) mf.rrr anW;m: 3MN<lT 'I!'l<I ~it '!1t ~'1r ij; 3HI<'f1 ,lit il: 'n'i if aih: ;;'!JT(T ( 1) if;
ann'f ;;iI 'If...:;:! ", '"~
'!1t "'~~<lr iii '">: it 3l'I iT IT'TTUT'I iff "flit 'H \J!l' ';{'A1 'fir ar'l':j' 'I'I'lf-
f:,; it ~ ~"1'4 \'P" it <'I~"lt!,m I]
'[ 38. ~ ~ ~ "Alf,,<O ",I ~ Ill'! 1I'IInR'- (I) mf.,rr anW;m: ';"f ",rn'lfor iii f;r-rif;
'Ifur<: a-ro 37 '!1t -;mrru (I) ij; 3l'!ll'f "'Alf"" IQ, '"'I"
<'II orr ml, 3l1ffi''f il; ar.~ <mmr f.m.r.r
~ qr~ 3Mf>:I~1 '!1t 3l1lR!, '3'1 3MN~) 'Ii!, <;IT lliflllIT"to: 'I1'ff.!~<?: 3M'~r ",,) ~;fr il;' ar'<l.r(l it
"'), f.I~f.J '3'RI 'I'1<'fTorfu il: 'ql(!l. 3l'!;iT ~"lNar '"'1<1 'I@ <'II ~, ~"I ~ !II;"f ai\,>: 'i ~<it f~ ,If"
"'I ~, ~ITT\ ~T ~ !I'I'I~(I ",trrr'
(2) '3'RI ~ Ii mT<ft ar"INljt il: 'I11f 'l"hf,l! iI 3f'h: '111' ~q .iq ~ .,r'if.mrr-'l'i'l'i 'i ~ Q1t ~
~m ~ f;riV<mr ~<I, ~~i ~ If.r oTTt(, "'~ i!,Tir ,]
·[39.......q f~qi....'f if .. AlN<O 1Il'!'I11If.R~-(I) ~ <l:1 f';;!fl ~ '!1t f~El'f'IlI1l'l ij; f,,~ifd'
~ if ITT 1I~11 ~ ITT f.;;!rl '[ lI''l' ,r-Q'.TOI] il; fol'lRj;~1If ij; ~~r iI ~ 'IT tn't'll 't.T f'i<lR'I
",<it iii f~ 31i1ll1r 'Ii,"
'ffifi ",f~'I'fT f{"'If, "'1~ ~ ~I f{'!l'H "'T'ir~ 'lmrtiT<f 'Ion if ';{<Hr [Ta-
("') 'I1lIf'liW'I ",(:j' if; f~ ~ trrfur, ;;it lI1fl! "f"fJ 3ff.~ • .fT ij; !I,j;r~1f "'I <rr<:1([ il;
'fl"I1'i\ '!Tit '[m<l'i' ~] '!1t 'Onit ~T m'li ~{ >;II'" 3f'IIilW r~ a
aT f{~:!;fl! '!n<:f<if ~;r ~ r
~ i[TIfi or) <'I)if; am;rw-~' ~I ~ ;
,. 1956 to ,"&f~ ~p 27 ",) llRf J~f
awrn (7,) 0; f'fI'f <n:
19 Iff'""""",
2. ~"') llm 20 1m "~"_ ..'h:~'I'T '"" f'lOlT "'" ,
3, 1961 0; 1IflIf~ Ii· 40 ~!frO 101m awrn (3) 0; f'TR 1ft (20-9'1961 it) ,,;;';1fIflrn,
4. I 9 56 0; vIIIf;rll'l' li· 27 "') I'"l 211m !frO 18" f'TR <n: m"'f11'm,
5, ~ .<t 11m 221m 1IR1 , . 0; f'TR 1ft .r_lfut ,
6. f01Ir ~ (Ii. 2) Q';nr. 1956 1m "lflii ~ .-r""," 0; <'11'1 1ft ",
7. 1961 0; <rflrf'1fII Ii. 40 ~ Ii'm 11 1m "m fiI;f' 0; ~ "" (20-9-f961 it) .ra;1flflrn ,
80 RepreselltatifJlI of the People Act, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
(b) the date for the scrutiny of nominations, which shaH be l[the day immediately follow-
ing) the last date for making nominations or, if that day is a public holiday, the next succeed-
ing day which is not a public holiday;

(e) the last date for the withdrawal of candidatures, which shall be '(the second day]
after the date for th~ scrutiny of nominations or, if that. d .. y is a public holiday, th~ next
succeeding day which is not a public holiday;

(d) the date or dates on which a poll shall, if necessary, be taken, which or the fir~t of which
shall be a dato not earlier than the seventh day after the last date for the withdrawal of candi-
datures; and

. (e) the date before which the e1eclion shall be completed .

• • • •
(2) The provisions of sections 31 10 3H, l'xcJuding sub-sections (1) and (5) of Sl'clillil 33 and
,!c1au~c(a) of sub-section (I) of section 34), shall apply in relation to any such election as they
apply in relation to an election in any constituency:

Provided that-

(a) any refercnees in the said provisions to the electoral roll of the constituency shall,
unless the context otherwise requires, be construc-d, in the case of an election by the members or
the elected members of the Legislative Assem!>ly of the State, as references to the list of members
or elected members, as the case may be, of that Assembly maintained under sub-section (I)
of section 152, and in the case of an election by the members of the electoral college of
a '[Union territory), as references to the list of members of such electoral college
maintained under sub-section (2) of that section;

8[(oa) the reference in the opening paragraph of sub-section (I) cf section 33 to "an
elector of the constituency as proposer" shall be construed as a reference to "ten per cent. of the
elected members or of the members of the Legislative Assembly of a State or of the mem-
bers of the electoral college of a Union territory, as the case mlly be, or ten members con-
cerned, whichever is less, as proposers":

Provided that where as a result of the culculatioll of the percentage referred (0 in this
clause, lhe number of members arrived at is a fraction and if the fraction so arrived at is more
than one-half it shall be .ounted as one, and if the fractiun so arrived at is less than one-half
it shall be ignored;)

'['[(ab») in the case of an election to the Legislative Council of a State by the members of the
Legislative Assembly of lhat State, clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 36 shall be construed
as including a reference to sub-clause (d) of clause (3) of article 171;)

I, Sub,. by Ac' 47 of 1966, s. 30. for "'ho secolld day aOor" (w.eJ. 14.12-19(6).
2. Sub•. ~y,. 311,lbld., fur "'hc ,hird day" (w.d. 14.12-19(6).
3. Ii.plunel/;"" omitlc<l hy s. 30. Ibid. (w.d. 14.12-19(6).
4. Subs, by Ac' 58 of 1958, s. 19. for """'lion 34".
S. Subs. by ,he Adap'a'ion of (No. 2\ Order, 1956,·for "Par' C Slate",
6. Ins. by Act 1 of 1989, •. 8 (w.eJ. 1.... 1989).
7, Ins. by Act 47 of 1966 ••. 30 (w.e.f. 14.12·1966).
8. Cl. faa) relettered as d. (ab) by Act 1 of 1989. s. 8 (w.e.f. 14-19~9).

",)1; srnn'lf!JlOl afuforqq, 1951 80

('"" 2--« O'{ ~ 3lf<If.1 '<II )

(!iI) '111!f.fJ1r-if ~ ~ ~ atU!i ;;it 'ITIIf.!iVR rn t

ft;rt!; f.flf(f ~ ~ it; 1[3I"!I'f-
ft<r 3I11111fT ~] ~ ~)<tt qT ~ 'Ii! fir-r <'it;; 3R1n'l! fir-r ~ <It f.f~q '3'trroff (tif ""01' ~ &<fr
..., I'If.I; ~ fir-r ~ ~;
('1') aruriinmi ~ ¥r t ft;rt!; f.tmr ~ m,Pi;;ft '111!'f.!i1ll'iT ~ #1m it; ft;rt!; f'llrn
miI!iI it; ~"Il<! '[~~ ~] ~ i{)<fi qt' zmt 'Ii! fir-r I'If.I; 3R~IW r~;~, <I, f.fof;"~ ~
tW fi:;f lilt ~)<fi ;;it "R; ",";mT fir-r ~ ~;
('f) 'Ii! <l'RN lIT ~ <rrM f-iralli' '" f.m;' ~ 311_ ~, <It 'I<m'I i!!'I'l am: ;;it <rm'i
qT f.;r;r ""Pi) it \\' 'Fo:ffi m,Pi ar<'lfiidlt( 'IT'' '
~ it; f~ m<l ~ <In:,'1 it; 'fW<!: m~
ft\1 if; .~\ 'I i!~ ",,,,,,,,Pi l!)<fi; <!'I!
C~) 'Ii! ~HPi f.;rllt ~ ""'1",01' lIlIrC(! q;, full! GTl{('lT,

(z) am 33 ~ '3'1!1m (2)

am: (5) am:

'[urn 34 ~ '3'f,"U (1) it;

(iii)] 'iii art'fio1'
'Ii\. mu 31
n it it; f.AI';R iI;
\\' m !IRT 38 <!'Ii 11; '3't'RT
ijiil1 it <'IT'J. i!m ~:
fm (t~ """"'" it; «;ffl it ~ ""'J. i!T~ ~ fm """"'"


('Ii) \lIiI <!'Ii fiI; m \\' af'Im 3['Ifw.I 'I i!! f.f'lf;f;f-Wcf ~ ~ 'ITIImfi it; l!ftr ;;it
...,t f.I~w ~ ~ it ~ '3"I~I 3l.t "i! \i/[ffl 3[~ fiI; ~ "(F1f ~ f.11I'I <flf! it; ~ qT f'l"'-
m m~ [m """"'" <t\ <rnr it ,.;r lr'II 11;, qq,f('llfa, _ ) qT f~4ifil~ ~ ~ :m ~ 11;
'Ire f.liw ~ OTT am 152 ~ '3"I!1ro (1) 11; ar'if;r ,lit""'"~' am: fm'[~~;;!f~] il;f.At;;-'I>"'"
iI; ~ mr """"'" lilt 1m it itif f~"i.. "",,,, ~ ~ it '3'l! ~ it; !If" fofi1!l' ~ "";m 11m
lilt '3"I!1ro (2) iI; 8Ill"t'l ~, Gffifi ~;
'(('IiIIi) am 33 lilt ;rom! (1) 11; lmf1:'1'0 ~ it """"",,,-Wcf it 11; ~of;" f.At;;-", rnr
lWMof;" 11; 1!"f it" 11; Thf 'iii ~ 3[* <nm "i~ fi>;q .. ~qfu, f;;.nm «<<'it 11; qT
mrr ',T"'f lilt fim'I lr'II 11; im'!) 11; III ~"q~ i!; mY.."""" 11;\100 11; ~ ~ ~m qT

!t.ifua" 1:\1 ~i m!, ",it ~ 'il' 'II' "''' i!I, 1I~ 11; 1!"f it" 11; l!ftr f.,iw ~ :
If"'! ~ H ~1: it f>Tm! liftma<l! "" .'f'IRI iI; ~~ lIl'<I _ ~ it ~ f\lll' amf\
~ air~ !Iii: ~,i II~I, 1IlC(f fll'il mil \l arfol'li ~ ~I '3'6 ~~ fiAT GTl{('lT am: !Iii: '{1l' sr~ lIl'<I t\tW
anlfr \\' If." a~i '3U'1i' '3<tm"" ;;rl~'" ,]
'[ (11)!!1)] .[ f'I;\I, "(1;;q 'Ii' ",""l'I mill{ 11; '3\1 ~;;q "" f<IuA \!'lIT 11; ~ rnr f.tqI';R lilt
un it arn 36 "" '3'l!11\' (2) 11; ~:;: ("') 'liT, 3[4 lIi! 1I'll'n' GI1~ fiI; ~ ~ ar-r~
171 if. ~ (3) 11; '3'II'i~ (11) iii 11m Aiiw 311m a;]
I. 1966 ~ qfUf.... Ii. 47 'Jr!lr<! 30 lro "~~' ~ ~ '"' (14-12-1966 ") ~ffffl!md 1
z. ~ ..r'1f(l 30 lro"~f~" *_ . . (14-12-1966U) "fa"41Nd'
3. 'I.~'ff "'!1m 3Uro E'N:r.:.:Of '!IT ( \4-12-1966")>iN f'6lfl rm 1
4. 195a~iffQmq«o 5tJlfif tt~ 19rn::r"!Jro 34"itfllA 1ft !4fdfGlr'ictl
5. r1\'f\I~ (Ii. 2)
6. 1989i!<Q!ilfillill·\i.,
"mo, 1956 1m '''IT'l~'''",,''
~"'"' ....
IIT'I Blr<! (1-4-1989i!) aid:..m~lI'
lIf""""'" ,
7. 1966;;; 0IjUf;1f'I Ii. 47'1it!lro 30 JR' (14-12-1966 u) "'d:E>f,rm,
8. 1989 iI< IIflIf.!zrq Ii. I 'Jr!lm .Iro (\-4-198911) m I"""). I_);l; "'" it 'fr~a ,

22-804 M/o Law & .luslice/94

81 Represell,atioll of the People Aet, 1951
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)
(b) any references in the said provisions to section 30 shall be construed as references to
sub-section (I) of this section; and

(c) at the time of presenting the nomination paper, the returning officer may require the
person presenting the same to produce either a copy of the electoral roll, or part of thee lectoral
roll, in which the name of the candidate is included or a certified copy of the relevant entries
in such roll.)

CHAPTER It.-Candidates (/I/d tlteir agel/ts

1[40. Election agents.-A candidate at an election may appoint in the prescribed manner any
one person other than himself to be hi' election agent and when any such appointment is made,
notice of the appointment shall be given in the prescribed manner to the returning officer.)

'[41. Disqualification (or being an election agent.-Any person who is for the time being dis-
qualified under the Constitution or under this Act for being a member of either House of Parliament
or the House or either House of the Legislature of a State or for voting at elections, shall, so long
as the disqualification subsists, also be disqualilied for being an election agent at any election.)

42, Revocation o( tbe appointment, or deatb, of an election agent.·-(I) Any revocation of the
appointment of an election agcnt, 3". shall be signed by the candidate, and shall operate
from the date on which it is lodged with the returning olllcer.

'[(2) In the event of such a revocation or 'of the death of an election agent whether that event
oceurs before or during the election, or after the election but before the account of the candidate's
election expenses has been lodged in accordance with the provisions of section 78, the candidate
may appoint in the prescribed manner another person to be his election agent and when such
appointment is made notice of the appointment shall be given in the prescribed manner to the
returning officer.]

43. [Effect of default in appointment of election agent under section 42.) Rep. by the Represen-
tation oft/re People (Second Amendment) Act, 1956 (27 of 1956), s. 25.

44. [DillY of tlte election agelll to keep accounts.) Rep. by s. 25. ibid.

"[45. Functions of election agents. -An election agent may perform such functions in connection
with the election as arc authorised by or under this Aet to be performed by an election agent.)

'[46. Appointment of polling agents. - A contesting candidate or his election agent may appoint
in the prescribed man ncr such number of agents and relief agents as may be prescribed to act as
polling agents of such candidate at each polling station provided under section 25 or at the place
fixed under sub-section (1) of section 29 for tbe polL)

I. Subs. by Act 27 Of 1956, s. 23, for s. 40.

2. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 31, for .. 41 (w.•.r. 14·12-1966).
). CertaiD word, omitted by Act 27 of 1956, s. 24.
4. Subs. by .. 24, Ibid., for sUb-section (2).
,. Subs. by .. 26, ibid., for s. 45.
6. Subs. by .. 27,/61d., for •. 46.
• .ditr..r"...
af~, 1951 81
(~ 2-~9l{ itI Olf9f~4q)

am 'lit
(,,) Iml 30 it; IIftr
;roIT'(1 (1) it; IIftr
f.m1 t
~ f.m1
'3'1\'1 ~1 it ~ '3'm aN ~ tro4T <n~ f'li "i'f
('1) ftrn'rT~, "IQfl!i'.,l1-"" if; ~ ~ <illit if; ~ ~ 1f1l q;« ~ ~ ~
q art~ q;<, ~ fit; q~ ~ 'I'llflif.rt q;1 'l1 r~~ 'II'""""
if; ,.~ ~ 1f1t fot" ~
IIIi1 .. I>r Rfiqfi;rn 1!q; 11f<l apm ~ f.1.r"'Ii "'''1.-.iT it II<T ~ liM'!'!! q;1 ~ 111f1fVm llf<l

" . 1[ 40. ~ ~--mm it 3fP.I'ff 3I'lf if fll"ll fo!\"m t!;t; .~fl q;, 3l'folT f~ arf.mrt
~ it; ~ ~if 'l:Tm it f.f>{<!tI ~ «~ ari<: <ilof,.; ~'"' ~ f.r<!fiI<I 'liT 31'~ "",." f.r>!,f.ffi 'lit '~m
ftd''flf ~('IiT ~~ ~ it <it <lflt!;lfl I]

'[ 41. ~ af1mri ~ it; ~ ~"'--~ 'Ill ~~'f, ""1~!Tl'I if; anft;r 1fT ~" orfuf..1fIf
it; anft';f oiw;: if; ir.rr ~ if «
~ 'fa lIT f.t;m U"'1' ij; Rm..·1fUI;, oj; 1m' '1>' 'l1 <ft;j'j w.n
it ~ ~ 'fa «~4 ~':t-41 ~it if; ~, ~I f~qi'ij'ii if ,,:! ~:t ~ f"t!; <I,~ f~ ~,<I. <I~31{ iji4;
fiI;~<Il fQqT'f ~,fi!;it 'III ~ .. i f.~~a,f","," ~I't iii f<'Tt!; 'I/T f.!~ ~~I I]

u. ~ .;,.,....1"" ~ IIIi1 S1fcl~~(UI '" ~"'I "f1t- (I) f.!if\oq'l aof'll'l'<li ....
., 'lilt 'I/T sctl";lI.(UI; 3f"4<ff i[l(J ~61fu! f~ <illt!;'TI am: :nf t'l'n:TIir ~ llifftm ~'" m
q ft&r arrmR: if; q1« ~AI'" fil;ql <illt!; 1

'[ ( 2) ~ _{(111 'lit 'l1 "'''m arf1l'fo<ri <1ft '!"!. 'liT If'"
if "ITi ~ >WIT "'~ it; ~ '"
~ 'l1 ""'""" it; ~ ~ arRI'ff if; f~", ~1 iii mart II<T m<T 78 if; ~ if; 3fO!m<
~ fiI;<1, """ ~ 't"
§f~, 3f1lf'if ~ _ .!If'~ ~, ilI'I'!T ~ arf"",<If, f.nliif Ufi! if ~
q;( " ' " &itt;cu,.; ~ f.!q,fU iff <iI,t!;, <!if Ol! f~'!firi! II<T 'l"'fI j'{~.. " 0!If'I;!!'l: 'liT fqf(l<T 'l:\fu if

u. [um 42 it; ~ f.mIA ~ Ifi\ ~ .., '11: lI1IWl-~ '!f<! lIf~ (~

~) ~'" 1956 (1956 'fa ~7) ~ aT'l:l 25 iIT'O f~fQ':I' 1

H. (~af1mri:"1R1 ~IIIi1Pf]---<-frq; IIftrf.tfil<q (~'r<T ~ir<l'l) .,r..f"qq, 11I56

(1956 IIIi1 27) 'Ii'r !ffi1 25 il:RI f.rct'ff.ll

'I U
f.I~ ~ it; PI--"'~l'V1 arf~i mm
iii ~<iu if ~w '3<'11 IIi1 ""'''' q;'l: !It4T
Q flAi';A arf"",," iIT'O ~ "!Tir if; f-1'~ ~ ari'd'R!I1I' if; WT q' aro."'" l1lft1~if ~ IJ
.[ 4 6. ~ '111"'~,!IIVt 'Ill ~cr-f;!'q\'A' ~it if''''' <li"'l,-.!t 7,1;m~ f.lq\'A' "if"",," talil
"'e'fT if a;f~i an'l: a,""'!.~ OIr'll'l'llf ~ ,Tfu it f.rl!,~ff q;, m
fmr.TI~P.T 25 ij; 'illl'l <roIf;~m
~'l: ~ lffiU'f' iA ii '1' ""', .. it f.!~' fIm 29 'If, '3'TlTI'U ( I) it arslli f.!7«I ~'" ii ~~ ar>t<-.ft iii qlmli
arf'qq;<lfaif ij; ~ it ",l'i 'Ii<'t if; ~ f~fi!iI '1<1 ;;;"i~ I]
I. 1956" ~ If- 27 ~ 11m 231m 11m 40 ~ I'fT'f 'n .fa ....!;d,
2. 11966 ~ 1l~,,~q Ii., 47 -tt lli'U 31 rlU am 41 ~_ 'It (14-12-1966 iI) '"~ I
3. 1956 ~ IIfIIf.!qq If. 27 ~ 11m 241m p 0fIIiI "" "'" r.-1i 'W ,
4. ~~ liP'! 24 rro:a<nm:r
(2ril<l'fT'f'tt m1l',m 1
s. ~ ~ II)'tT 261m 1Iro 45" - 'It ~'"' I
6. ~8 ~ Il1'O' 27 rm!lm 46" _ 'n .mm......mlli....a 1
R2 RepreSelllatioll o/Ihe People ACI. /95/

(PART II.-Acts of Parliament)

IJ47. Appointment of counting agents.-A contesting candidate or his election agent may appoint in
the prescribed man.ner one or more persons. but not exceeding such number as may be prescribed. to be
present as his counting agent or agents at the counting of votes. and when any such appointment is made
notice of the appointment shall be given in the prescribed manner to the returning officer.1
48. Revocation ofthe appointment or death. ofa polling agent or counting agenl.-(1) Any revocation of
the appointment of a polling agent shall be signed by the candidate or his election agent and shall operate
from the date on which it is lodged with such officer as may be prescribed. and in the event of such a revoca-
tion or of the death of a polling agent before the close of the poll. the candidate or his election agent may
appoint in the prescribed manner another polling agent at any tin,c before the poll is closed and shall
forthwith give notice of such appointment in the pre.<cribed manner to such officer as m"y be prescribed.
(2) Any revocation of the appointmentofa countingagentshall be signed by the candidate or his elec-
tion agent and shall operate from the date on which it is lodged with the returning officer. and in the event
of such revocation or of the death of a counting agent before the commencement of the counting ofvotes,
the candidate or his election agent may appoint in the prescribed manner another counting agent at any
time before the counting of votes is commenced and shall forthwith give notice of such appointment in tJi;:
pre~cribed manner to the returning officer.

49. Functions of polling agents and countingagents.-I/) A polling agent l11ayperform such functions
in connection with the poll as are authorised by or under this Act. to be performed by a polling ag'¥ll
(2) A counting agent may perform such functions in connection with the counting of votes astJre
authorised by or under this Act to he performed by a counting agent
50. Attendance ofa contesting candidate or his election agent at polling stations. and performance by him
ofthe functions ofa polling agent or counting agent.-(l) At every election where a poll is taken. each '[con-
testing candidateJ at such election and his election agent shall have a righpo be present at any polling sta-
tion provided tI nder section 25 for the taking of the poll or at the place fixed under sub-section (1) of section
29 for the poll.
(2) A 'Jcontesting candidateJ or his election agent may himself do any act or thing which any polling
agent or the counting agent of such 2[contestingcandidatcJ ifappointcd. would have been authorised byor
under this Act to do_ or may assist any polling agent or the counting agent of such 'Jcontesting candidate1
in doing any such act or 1hing.
S I. Non-attendance of polling oreoonting agents.- Where any act or thingis required or authorised by
'.'1' under this Act to be done in the presence of the polling or counting agents. the non-attendance of any
such agent or agents at the time and place appointed for the purpose shall not. if the actor thing is other-
wise duly done_ invalida.te the act or thing done.

CHAPTER Ill.-General Procedure at Eleclions

'J52. Death of candidate before the poU.-If a candidate. set up by a recognised political party,-
AM. on the last date for making nominationsand his nomination is
(a) dies at any time after II
found valid on scrutiny under section 36: Or

Ib) whose nomination has been found valid on scrutiny under section 36 and' who has not
withdrawn his candidature under section 37, dies.

and in either case. a report of his death is received at any time before the publication of the list of con-
testing candidates under section 38; or

1. Subs. by Act 27 of 1956. s. 28, for s. 47.

2 Subs. by Act 58 of 1958, So 20, for ··candidate".
3. Subs. by Act 2 of 1992. s. 2. for s. 52 (w.e.f. 4--1-1992).

'147. mrA ;gmai;o;if:it f;rqftf.;:r-~ Qq~ qr<m ~lllT ~1til ~ 61f1:Ia;crl "'" llT m'l<li f~ W
~ ~31'lm. <WI f'tfu<! ~ "tro:. "I~r <0) 3ltR TfUI'l ",fmF.qfoilllT 31llw.crl3T1' <l; ;;;q ii'llar ofl Tf1lRI <l; ;,mr, 111: E'lfi:.>.rct
. m <f. \1m( ~ ftfu it f.l~ '"' riTfl31ft;;fOlftl; ~I <iff f.rWre ~ "tro: a>! ~ f.lWre ~ V"R' rmim ~ <il ~
ftfu. ii'· <li ;;nl(lfll
48. ;ra"l(r.f alma!"if tIT mrA ~af:it f:!~ <Iilmmmn tIT ;;~ ~-(l) llllGR 3lfmF.qf ~
~ 1til <iff Itt llfumrtrt 3l~ mT 'II ;;B1l; f.l$R 3lllw.crl iffi] rnrrm
fui'll mtt(TJI. 3RT ~ aTfu<I ~ w.mra ifl1l fim:I
aTtl13 <il '!O #31tN~, <f. <m=I. Otm ~ fui'll "tro:. ~ fu;m Tf'II g 31R- lla'lR <i; 01. if.! ii ~ # r.tfumrut ofl 'II m!<R
~f <1ft ~ ~ .~I ii'. ~ llT ~I ~ 31llw.crl m!'lR OR: itil ~ ~ P-Iml Itt 1:!ll1l ~ lla'lR 31llw.crl flIma ttfu it'
A~-D <0, .,<i;m 31ft ~I f.l~ ';1 'a"l'IT l'Ifua ftfu it # 31~ <il aC".!11T ~rIT ;tm flIf;:cr fuillT "tro: 1

(2) TfUI'l 'ilm.;crl ';1 f.rWre 1til <i~ Itt r.tfum11l 31P«rr llTn 'II;;B1l; ~ ~crl iffi] rnrrm fu;m ;mu:T1131ft ~
aTtl13 ii ""'ffRr ifl1l fim:I art'113 <i, '!O itrnn 31m, <f. qm <:Tfuml fu;m Tf'II g3IT{"lliirof, Tf1lRI <f. 'lim'! irii ii ~ it~ llfuml"TT
<1ft 'II n11l'l mm;crl $1 'F'i ~ .i/IT it 31P«jf llT ~1til ~31m.;crllla)' ~ rfURI 11; 'W'l if.! ~ ~ fui", Itt 1:!ll1l ~u T(1JR
·~f f'tfu<I ttfu ii' ~-D <0, B1l;m @ft ii:"1 f.rWre oil 'a"'" itrnn31'fi<.w <0) flIfu<! ttfu ii' a<~ ~ 1
49. ;ra"~1'iI' ormafairorn:mrA ormaioir~~-(I) lla'lR ~crllla'lR iiBl=!<R! # '{iC'lr<o,qmR <0,
;r$rn d.:ir 1til '1a.H3lllw.crl mT qIQ'R fu;m "lI'IT il" dI f<rP,,, 'I <i; mT m31m" 'lIf"!'{ia g 1
(2) TfUI'l ~crl mir <1ft Tf1lRI ~ Bl=!<R! itii '{iC'it' <0, qIQ'R <0, B1l;m ~T' <0, TfUI'l 3lllw.crl mT qIQ'R fti;llT <lIRT il"
""ftlP,,,'I 11; iffi] llT '31d", ~ g1
50. f:!<fhr.t'~"it awn or'Rl'ff tIT '3'f'f$ f:!<fhr.t' (?;!~f$af:it "'a~ ~ it ~ <!In: "'a~ orf"f$CIi tIT
""'" orfto~ $ ~ 'liT ;;""6 WU 1lTl1R -(1) in' iii'! A$R it'. fim:Iit' '1Cl'lR irar g # A$R it' $ ;\,n:," 'fA'<lt<A
~ 'I1ii\ 31R1'ifl31ft ~ f.lqf;;R @fi:!<6crl1til 11631Naw ifl1l fui "Ii: lla<R <i; \1m( "II1J 2 5 11; 31dA :NiI~ fui", Itt lla'lR
~ it- llT lla'lR ;I; mu: "II1J 29 $' E'l"II1J (l) ;I; 31dR f.llla fui", mRIA it' E'lfi:.>.rct n'; 1

(21 'IAqf;;R d%q 'Ir<m 'Ill'llo:lf] llT ~<OI A$R 31~P.I<i '!O <om'll Orct 'F,f B1l;rIT fum lIfu ii:ii mf;;R '"~ 'IIQ)
.3!1'lI<T! 'F,I <itt lla'lR ",fi:!qo;crl'll Tf1!R 'Ilfi:!qo;crl f.l~ f<6'll n'lI iRIT ii, 'Ii\' ~ 'F,f~ ;I; mu:
il" 3lii#rrm 11; llTn 'II 'ildA 'lIf"!'{ii'l
irctT 'II # 2(~ "'"'' qlii\ 31P«m <i; ftt", Itt >illGR 31fi:!qo;crl 'II r,11l'l 31fi:!qo;af $' f,",,' # <om'll,"" m it'
mr<rR, <0, .,1I;m 1

5 \. ~1'iI' lI111'1J1'iI' '31ftof$afair "1fT il(!"f~1 it ;;n;i ftt <ip. <om 'II 'Ita '1"f<R 'II Tf1!R 31m.;crl <1ft E'lf~fu it' fui~
;;n:, ci; \1m( ~.,31f>:!f.llTll <i; mT 'II 31m" "'<D1ffiT 'II ~a g. q;:j ~ ~ <i; fuT~ Alia .,Wl 31ft "'IA 111: ftr.m # 31fi:!qo;crl'll
~(31)' ~ th:;:rf;;r(1 ~ ~ ~ m 'II <m! <0). llfu 'Ii: <om llT <m! dI"'I!IT ~ ~q i'! ~ rrt. 3Ti'Iritrl!T'<T 'lifT' ~ 1

<!I>'' t1TQ' 3-f:!'!fta;it. ,:r "Irt:m:1IT 'Il'fti,-.:rr

'152. ~ ~,.a ~lJ'<ff:it '2"1!-<rft 'II:~. f'lfit f,"", 'I1",aIYI«I u;;Rfuo; «1f mT ~ fu;m n'lI g.-
(<0) 'ITllf.R~ <0'" >ti 3rfu1:r artI13 <0) ~ II ~ 11; qll'ml ftr.m 1:!ll1l1l1: 'I< ;;nat gaTft ~T 'ITllf.R~ "II1J
36 a; :;1m" g,f,~ 111: ~T'<T ~ n'lI g: 'II

(If;!) ~ 'ITllf.R~ "II1J 36 a; 31dA li1Il~ 111: iWmT", ~ n'lI g 31ft ~ "II1J 3 7 a; 31dA artR' 3l'RTfiRIT
'I11l1:! 'lift efl ~. 11, "IRl1 g
,m- ~)' it'.r llIi'" lli/IT it·. f.l'lf;;R ~ 'IT<i13Tl'lTft1'ir' oil 'l"iI 11; "II1J 38 <i; 3ldA Y<6T~ i'! ~ fui1ft ~ ~ 'l'~ il fttirt W<T
iii "mI, g: 'II

1. 1956"t?1f~ ~o 27 <J:r t..:rrn 2R ifRl 'lAm 47 ffi: ~ Qt ~ 1

2. 195~ '" ~""o 58 <Iii 'llU 20.", .. ..
~ <i; "'11'1 0{ '.If~ 1
3. 1992 <fi ~ ~\.'I lett ':.mJ}ifJU (4-1-1992i1') t;IT{T 52$~ trr~1
83 Representation 'If the People Art, 1951

(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

(e) dies as a contesting candidate and a repo11 of his death is received hefore the commence-
ment of the poll.
the returning officer shall, upon being satisfied about the fact of the death of the candidate, by order,
countermand the poll and report the fact to the Election Commission and also to the appropriate
authority and all proceedings with reference to the election shall he commenced a new in all respects as
if for a new election:
Provided that no order for countelmanding a poll should he made in a case referred to in clause (a)
except after the scrutiny of all the nominations including the nomination of the deceased
candidat~ :

Provided fU11her that no further nomination shall be necessary in the case of a person who,was a
contesting candidate at the time of the countermanding of the poll :
Provided also that no person who has given a notice of withdrawal of his candidature under sub-
section (1) of section 37 before the countermanding of the poll shall be ineligible for being nominated as
a candidate for the election after such countermanding.
Explanation.- For the purposes of this section. "recognised political party" means a political party
recognised by the Election Commission under the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment)
Order. 1968.]
53, Procedure in contested and uncontested elections,-' [(1) If the number of contesting candidates
is more than the number of seats to be filled, a poll shall be taken.]
(2) If the number of such candidates is equal to the number of seats to be filled. the returning officer
shall forthwith declare all such candidates to b. duly elected to fill those seats.
(3) If the number of such candidates is less than the number of seats to be filled. the returning
officer shall forthwith declare all such candidates to be elected and the 2[Election Commission] shall. by
notification in the Official Gazette call upon the constituency or the elected members or the members of
the State Legislative Assembly or the members of the electoral college concerned 3"', as tbe case may
be, to elect a person or persons to fill the remaining seat or seats •••• :
Provided that where the constituency or the elected members Or the members of the State Legisla-
tive Assembly Or the members of the electoral college ,..~ having already been called upon under this
sub-section, has or have failed to elect a person or the requisite number of persons, as the case may be, to
fill the vacancy Or vacancies, the 2[Election CommisSion] shall not be bound to call again upon the con-
stituency, or such members to elect a person or persons '[until it is satisfied that if called upon again.
there will be no such failure on the part of the constituency of snch members].
54, [Special procedure at elections in constituencies where seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste or
&heduled Tribes.] Rep. by the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act, 1961 (40 of 1961). .;. 12
(w.e! 20·9·1961).
55, Eligibility of members of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes 10 hold seats not reserved for those
castes or tribes,-For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that a member of the Scheduled Castes
or of the Scheduled Tribes shan not be disqualified to hold a seat not reserved for members of those cas-
tes or tribes, ifhe is otherwise qnalified to hold such seats under the Constitution and this Act 6[or under
the Government of Union Territory Act, 1963 (20 of 1963), as the case may be,]

1. . Subs. by Act 27 of 1956. s. 30, for sub-section (1J

2. Subs. by s. 301 ibid., for "appropriate authority", .
3. Certain words omitted by Act 49 of 1951, s. 44 and the Fifth Schedule .
. 4. Certain words omitted by Act 27 of 1956. s. 30.
S. Subs. by s. 30, ibid., for "until such date as the Election Commission may specify in this behalf'.
6. Ins. by Act 20 of 1963. s. 57 and the Second Schedule. The words "or under the Government of Part C States Act. }951 (49 of
1951). as the case may be" ins. by Act 27 of 1956. s. 32. and omitted by the Adaptation of Laws (No.2) Order. 1956.

('I) R,*," ~ '11O .311'<I'll <i; "q it '11" ;;mIT g 31ft 'IlRR i; '1R"<'! ;:r.t i; 'I4 ~tl 'F':! tl ftq)t 1lI'<I1!I1
;mefJ g.
~I ftmrI 31Ifltm:, ~ 311<1<ff tl 'F':! i; a"/ i; 1i''Ii'< iI'31'l'!111'II'IR iii ;m;llIT, 31R!/I ifm, 'I<i<R 0;1 ~ <fit ~ am: ~
a"l tl ft1lJt R~ 31I<lm 'lil·;h «:jf'ffl r,nf""'KlliI G! 0;, ~ ait, ~ ~ i; 'iii: iI'llGi o;~ "'" ""'f iI'oro; ftIt if ~
1JIl:m tl Gmtrft llRI i! oro; ~ i; ftro: it : ,
lIT'V. m (0;) iI' ~ "'Il!<il iI' '!a1Wl 0;1 ~ a;r.\ a;1a;1t 31R!/IllGi 'IIl!f.RlIT'it tl, ftR<i;.3!arfa 'f<I ~ QiJ
'IIlIi'R!II'I G! g, w.fl~ i; lIi'IICI fttm ;m;n ~ 31"'1'11 'lit :
l!9 '16 31ft ftt:m ~ <Ii ftw. 'lll 'IlRR <Ii ~ ftm.;;Jf.l <Ii l'IWl ~ <!1.~~ !11Q11311'<I'll1Qlllilt ~
'IIlIi'Ri/I'I ?Jl'li!<Jlf, 'I ilTJl :
lIT'V. '16 Ifl ftt fum ~ Or "'''"''' <Ii ~ ftm. ;m;l <Ii 'I4 ·31<Rt3l'l"ffiJa1 '!film ~ ifl ~ '1m .> 7 061 ~""'" (1) <Ii
3!'lr.l ~ 1ft g, '!16 ii:iI ~ ftm. ;m;l <Ii qi'm! ~ <Ii fuw. 311'<I'll <Ii ;;;q it 'IIl!f.R!II'I ftm. ;m;l <Ii ftro: 3J1II'.I' 'I irrn I
~",-llll '1m <Ii 1J1iJ;;r;it' <Ii ftro:, "",~ u;;Rfua; «n" if f.:J'!If"", '11!h!; (31I1"!lI'll:ilft '31I'1c-!)31R!/I, 1%8
$ 3!"jR ~ 5lI<lm ifm "',,"ldIQlta 'lil't mAfulIi «n31fmia g II
5,', mnu &it &f\JUu 1"1,,/;>';( ~'1l'~~_1 [(1) lIfu ~ ql"~ '!I1iIT ·31 ... f'",,(tl1i'm,:ff;;IA '!I1iIT~tl
~ i; ~ g, ,II "'''"''' mil
(2) lIfu ~ ·3!~f 061li'm ,:ff;;Jf.l '!I1iIT ~f 061 "'_ i; ;m;n: g, <II ftmrI 31Ifltm: a-<!lI'll ii:iIllGi dl141l14'f iII'I C'I
",",i' a;1 'Ir.i <l; ftw. llP.P.f, ;;;q i; ~ mflIa lH ~ I
(3) lIfu ~ 31«if",,"' $Ili'm,:ff ;m;l 'ffii!..wfl' tlli'm i; """ g. <II ~ 3!:flI:'m: a<!lI'll ~ llGi 3!~ liI ~
~ ~ ~ 31ft 2[~ 3TI<lm[ ~,~ ~-!W.I i; m R'!Iffua l'IWitif 1II~ tl ~ l'I'lTi; ml'Iifit 1II
f.!'!If'llli111ll o6l'IWit i; 3 ' • ': tmmtI<IlT'lI'I'iI ii ~""'I ifm .~~ a;lTrr fa; " Wl ~'" lII..wfl'a;1 'Ir.i $ fli!u: ~ IQI ... Ilfd <1\'

lIT'V.;;mft!; ~-!W.I1II ~l'IWitlll ~ ~ t;1'!I i; ~'lII ~fl1II<l; l'IWitit 3'" ~~ i; a>Ir.J

q1!i<il tt qmm am:
tl ;m wtt g '!16 1II " ft:flffllll ~'liI 'Ir.i i; ftro: om!lRlli'm iI', 4"'Ift.tJflI , ~ 1II ~ lIil
f.I<rlm m iI' ~ m g lIItt t, '!I6f 2[mf"l'l aI<lm1 ~ 1II &IfoJ~ 0;1 ~ m $ fli!u: mfu ~ it IQI ~
~'if!f'l: 3I<I~ a;r.\ <l; fli!u: <1'1 alf. aJ~ 'I;:1m 5[,"" alf. ftt ~ l'I'II"IR 'Ilff1l1;;mIT ft!; lIfu ~ m ~!f'I: ~~ llIITJt
<It tlm ~->lr-J m ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I Wn 1II 'I WI) I
54. [~f'*.ffi ;;nfutit<~T'i!'~~ "''' "'If€i lir j; flrro: om ~ ~ hwt f.:t" f"''' j; flrro: f.:t d h.... ~
ii' fuliN ~~I~<ffi<I; 'lfu~ ("'~) 31ftlf.I"", , 1961 (196\ QiJ 40) tl '1m 2 ifm (20-9-1961 i;) f.rdmr I
55, &~f'*.ffi;;nfutit<IT &~f'*.ffi "''''''I f€i.i j; flrro:;;it ~ am:fua' ~,t a-rt' tm:Vi ~ a!T a-'1' ;;nfutit
<IT 'Toi'lnf~"rr ~ ~~ llII ~'-ii1Iil $ qft<ffi;J i; ftw. ~ mflIa ft!;lIf;;mIT g ft!; i!I!j~ ~ QiJ 1II aJ~'i!~d
~"I'a;"filt ~ftt.rl ii:iI ~ ,.hn C'I ;mflI4flJl ~"ri; wl'Piti; ftro: aJI1"fua 'lit g'OIf1"1JT m i; ftro: f.rma 'Ilff
ilrn lIfu'!16 61""'If1:<lfdl~;h ~ 31ftlP,,,,,, l/; 6[1II"""~ lIIm'I~, 1963 (1963 QiJ49)1 i; aJ.:fR~~lIil
'lJ1"UI a;r.\ l/; ftro: aJ"'I'II31ff:cJ g I

L 1956 ...?#If""" "0 27 dl <.!TU 30 <Ill :;""'" (!) .. {<IR Ill: ~a,
2. ~;t\ "Il1 30 <Ill .. ~ urt\m!l .... {<IR Ill: Ofd""fild ,
3. 1951 .. ~ ,,0
49 dl <.!TU -14 ;;/J{ ~ ~ <Ill ~ ~ '"' ;iN \a;1n """
4, 1956 j; ~ "0 27 ;t\ <.!TU 311 <Ill ~ ~ ",,;iN \a;1n "'" 1
5, ~;t\ <.!TU 30 <Ill """ difi fiI; ~ ~ ~ f.Iflffi ~ artm ~'" ........ {<IR Ill: oRl""lUa ,
6. I%J .. ?IM_ "0 211;t\ <.!TU 57 ;/I{..,t\ ~ <Ill "'":~, 195~" ·m~ "0 27;t\ <.!TU 32 <Ill "", ""''' n;ni!;t\ """'1: ~,
1951 (1951 '"'49) .. ,.,;r., ~ 'tl\ ft<1fa ;iT" "'":~ or.<! '"' fOft! ~ (~o 2) ""'lI!,
1956 <Ill ;iN \a;1n """
Represe/1/atiHII of tlw People Act. 1951
(PAR'I II.---I\"ts of Parliament)
'5SA. [Retirement from cOlltest at election.' in Parliamentary and Assembly constituencies.)
Rep. by the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act. 1958 (58 of 1958), s. 22.
56. Fixing time for poll.--Thc '[Election Commission) shall fix the hours during which the
poll will be taken; and the hours so tixed shall be published in such manner as may be pres-
cribed :
Provided that the total period allotted on anyone day for polling -at an election in '[a
Parliamentary or Asscmbly constituency) shall not be less than ei/lht hours.
57. Adjournment of poll in clRcrgcncil'S.--(I) If at an election the proceedings at lIny
polling station provided under section 25 or at the place Iixed under sub-section (1) of section 29
for the poll arc interrupted or obstructc-d by any riot or open violence, or if at an election it
is not possible to take the poll at any polling station or such place on account of any
natural calamity, or any other sufficient cause, the presiding officer for _such polling station
or the returning officer presiding oYer such place. as the case may be, shall announce an
adjournment of the poll to a date to be notified later, and where the poll is so adjourned
by a presiding officer, he shall forthwith inform the returning officer concerned.
(2) Whenever a poll i< adjourncd under sub-section (1), the returning officer shall imme-
diately report the circumstances to the appropriate authority and the Election Commission,
and shall, as soon as may be, with the previous approval of the Election Commission,
appoint the day on which the pon shall recommence, and fix the poIling station or place
at which, and the hou~s during which, the poll will be taken, and shall not count the votes
cast at such cb:tion until such adjourned poll shall have been completed.
(3) III ewry s"eh case as aforesaid; the returning officer shall notify in such manner as the
Election Commission may direct the date, place and hours of polling fixed under sub-section
'(58. Fresh polI in the case of destruction, etc., of ballot boxes.-(1) If at any election,-
(a) any ballot box used at a polling station or at a place fixed for the poll is unlaw-
fully taken out of the custody of the pre~iding o!licer or the returning officer. or is acci-
dental1y or intentionally destroyed or lo~t, or is damaged or tampered with, to such an
c.<tent. that the result of the pol1 at that polling station or place cannot be ascertained; or
'[(aa) any voting machine develops a mechanical failurc duriRg the course of the re,:or-
ding of votes; or)
(h) any such error or irregularity in procedure as is likely to vitiate the poll is
cOll1mitted at a polling station or at a place lixcd for the poll,
th·, returning officer shal1 forthwith report the matter to the Election Commission.
(;?) Thereupon the Election Commission slL.~II, after tilkinp. all material cir~umstanees
into account; cither-
(iI) declare the poll at that polling station or place to be void, appoint a day, and
fix the h()urs, for taking a fresh poll at that polling station or place and notify the day
s<' appointed and the hours so fixed in such manner as it may deem fit, or
(b) if satisfied that the result of a fresh poll at that poIling station or place will not,
in any way, affect the result of the election or that 'lthe mechanical failure of the voting
machine or) the error or irregularity in procedure is not material, issue such directions to
L In., by Act 27 of 1956. s. 33.
2. Subs. by ~. 34, ibid., for u:lppropriale authority",
3, SUM, by Act 58 or 1958, s. 23, for "a constilUCncf',
4. Sub., by Acl 40 of 1961. s. 13. r", s. 58 (w.d. 20-9-1961).
,. 1m, by Acl 1 or 1989, s, 9 (w.o.r. 1S-3-1989~
"At Aft"i"'u'nn~. 1951 84 .
('1fT'! 2-- We: ~ 3ffuflImr)
1 55'1'r. r~ an: mwr 'NT ~«a'I i!f ~ ~ ~ ""'f'I ~ Ij.rr.. lIfa'f.rf!Wf (~)
~Tf;f/l'1f, \ 95 R( \ »58 'liT 5 8) >tT tm:T 22 trrn f~ I
56. If1m'I 'l; (;~ "",.. """" «,{,"--.[~ mmj ~m ;wr. f'fll'a' 'li~1 Roof.!; ~1v.r ~A'
~l'Ir am:
l( ~I f.mif 'IlPl' ~Ift (!fa' if wmf'QT(f f'rn ~~I ~ fiffil:a' f.!;rn "fT1l;:
W<'t.'[Ifq'Wt '1'1 'NT it. f'l''IR'1'~O\'j if f'l'iff'f'l' t f.rQ; 'lim'! if; fil'Q; Wiifu'if ~ ~
f'P.ft "'" k-f if lITO ~i'i if 'liIf 'li'T 'I' ~'hr') I

57. """,,if 111m'! "" ~(\) '1'f-.:f~ if !lro 25 if; ~ """IF-aif f.!,<fi '«m'l iR
it 'IT ~ it. ft:I1!; !1m 29 >tT d'l'!fro (\) if; 'Am'l' f;rliH'WI' it 'lifli~T if ~ '1'1 ~<'fi r~
if; trrn fif9' '1T 'IDlT ~ "ITlt '1'T .. ~ f.r'IR'I' if fit;lft 'I'ro'l' iR '1'T # ~ if f.l;1ft ~ fifqfn
if; 1iT':"T '1'T fit;lft W>1' '1m
~'I'r it 111m'! ;ft:rl "''f'1' ~1 ~, <IT '1"Ilf~, ~\l If<ro'l' 'f.;;:' if; f~ <f'tor-
,,1'1' 3I'rf~ '1'T ~ f'l'1"f if '1IWTI'I' f~r;r:r 3nfi;!r{ 1!'iP.T'I'm Tlql 'fr(tq 'f.j; oj; r"l~ f'fl'r<! ~ 'lIT;?
'li'r -rrwl'l'T'I' 'Ol:trr ;;it a'i'~iiT<t ..w.rW'IO
<tt "fT1l;ITI am:;;n;i
f'li II1m'I G"'61E1')~ mfil;m: imT ~i f'fflTif
f",'lT ;;;'TifT ~,'I\lf 'fi'[ ~'!:"! f~ i(ffil;m: 'liT -"T ~ iMr I
( 2) ;;r:;r dr II1m'I d'itm:T (\ ) if; Il'm f'ff'ira' f.n'1'r "fT1l; !Ill fmlrIT ~ q f(rfil rd'ii ;tt
f...nt mr m lTTfu;rn'T am: f.r'IR'I' Il'T'ft;r 'liT ~ rnT 3f~ <ill f'l"l'l'f'l' Il'Tlftrr it. 'lot '.Rll'kol' it
'<'IT!1T'I'i' ~'T<=T 'f\'! k-f f'l"1'if 'lil:trr Rom 'I'ro'l' 't'l': lIro'I! ~ an, 'f\'! II1m'I iR '1'T ~'I' ~, 31'1<'
'II! qll'q f;rnij; 'ft", II1m'I ifmr f.r>N rnr 31'1<' ~~ f.r'IR'I' it rot ~ mii ;tt IJ"RT !Ill 0"!1 '!
"'~ITT ;;r:;r <i'li ~m Pl'firn II1m'I 't~ '! ilT IT'lT ~ I
(3) M'I'IT i(ffil;m: 1I~11"iiffl Ir' IfI1R if, II1m'I if; ft:I1!; ~ urtN, ~ am: 1fII'II', ;;it d'l'1ffi!
( 2) i Wll'I' f.n«r <tt <rt '1'T f'rn 1T'1'T ~, :itlft '00; if l<firn~ffir ~'IT ~'T ~ m>ittT f.:fuTc ~ I
'[ 5 8. "'"~ it; ~ ~11 arfif "') ~ if "'" 1I1m'!- ( \) II'fl: f'lilft R'IRii if-
('li) II1m'I iR if '1'T. '1av.r if; f~ f.n«r ~ if d'l'lftq if <'IT{ <rt ~ If''l'iiT ~
i(ffil;m: '1'T fmlrIT mfil;m: >tT 'II fit "" I if ~ r.. fu r.. .,'" d41 f.r'lir<:r <'fi Iiffifi ~ '1'T " a ~ Iq QI '1'T \I'TWll'
~ ~T ;;mft ~ .... 'lil: ifi ;;mft ~ '1'T !lIT ;;mft ~ '1'T orT ifi ;;mft ~ WI'lIT lfe' f'ffirH. 0"!1;ffl 'I''lim'!
~ omrr ~ '1'T ,,~? "" ifi .mIT
m ~ fil; ;m 'I'<m'I' iR '1'T ~ on: if; II1m'I ""
qf"r~fit"d ~ f./;'1T orT ~a'T, WI'lIT
.[( 'li'li) fl!;1ft '«m'i '1ffi"1' if qf" r.. roO it rn if; ~ if ~ !fift;.!; firli<;ra'T <i;rr ~ ;;mft ~,
(or) 'I'<m'I' iR .... 'I'<m'I' 1; f<~ f'i'1'<i' f'!l'R if srfl;lrr «#I ~ ~ Ifffifi 'IT q-f'fl(f'la'a'T
>tT omrr ~ ~ II\!: Ifl'ifIO!< ~ fl!; 1f<mlT ~ ~ "fT1l;. .
_<IT f'mlI'T i(ffil;m: ;m ~ ;tt m1i f.r'IR'I' 'II'I'll1>r 'liT -"T ~ I
( 2) f.r'IR'I' Il'T'ft;r ;R!fir arm q f(ffil fd41 'liT t:'lT'f if W'lil:; 'IT <IT-
('li) ;m 'I'<m'I' iR '1'T ~ if ;m 'I'<m'I' 'liT !!pII' 'I'tfl«r If'f'lf, ;m 1f<m'f it;;;: '1'T f'fI'r
if '11!; 'I'<m'I' ~ ~ k-f am: qII"1' f.n«r q;W am: ~.;r flNa' N'f am: flNa' IfII'II' 'liT ~ ffir if
q fuqf'ld q;W ;;flft 'f\'! ~ 1rIrir, $I1I"IT
(or) !1ft ~ ~ qII'T!IT'f ~ omrr ~ fl!;;m 1f<mlT iR 'IT ~ if '11!; 1f<m'f if; 'l'f"'TTlr
it f'l''IR'I' 'ffl:urrIf fl!;1ft >IT !l'f;11: !l'lfTfifa' 'I'@ ifmr lir f....[1f<m'f 1fWt;r;tt!fift;.!; firli<;rm lirj
.. 1956 il; <JiIlf'l'll! lio 27 'lit "m 33 1m aj<r:~ I
2. ~mr 'lit !1m 34 1m "!fI!f'fil q If..,.;<')" il; ~ 'R lIf~ I
:0. 195" il; <rfaf~ ';0 58 'lit "m 23 fro ''f.m;;;I..rn~' iIr ~ ~ ~f."'llild I
\. 1%1" <ifuf'!>t1f «0 40 'i.'t 'IT'<' 131m un, 58" t"T'I ~( (2(1.!1-I981 it) ~I
5 1"'""'ffilf'!>t1f Ii. l.m '11>:1 9 ~n' ('5-3-1989i1) aR""IIf/ml

2J-~ M/o Law & .Iusticc-/94

85 Represen:ation of the People Act; 1951
. (PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

the returning officer :.s it may deem proper for the further conduct and completion of the

(3) The provisions of this Act and of any rules or orders made thereunder shall apply to
every such fresh poll as they apply to the original poll.]
l[5SA. Adjournment of poll or countermanding of election on the ground of bootb captnring.-
(I) If at any election.-

(a) booth capturing has taken place at a polling station or at a place fixed for the
poll (hereafter in this section referred to as a place) in such a manner that the rc~u1t
of the poll at that polling station or place cannot be ascertained; or
(b) booth capturing takes place in any place for counting of votes in such a manner
that the result of the counting at that place cannot be ascertained,
the returning officer shall forthwith report the matter to the Election Commission.
(2) The Election Commission shall, on the receipt of a report from the returning officer
under sub·section (I) and after taking all matcrial circumstances into account, either-
(a) declare that the poll at that polling station or place be void, appoint a day, and
fix th~ hours, for taking fresh poll at that polling station or place and notify the date so
appointed and hours so fixed in such manner as it may deem fit; or
(b) if satisfied that in view of the large number of polling stations or places invol-
ved in booth capturing the result of the election is likely to be affected, or that booth
capturing had aff~ctcd counting of votes in such a manner as to affect the result of the
election, countermand the election in that constituency.

Explmlation.-In this section, "b00th capturing" shall have the same meaning as III
section 135A.]
59. Manner of voting at elections.-At every election where a poll is taken votes shall be
given by ballot in such manner as may be pre~cribt:d, and no votes shall be eceiv('(\ by
60. S""c\al procecure for voting by certain classes of person.~.-Without prejudice to the
generality of the provisions contained in section 59, provision may be made by rules made
under this Act for enabling,- .
(a) any of the following persons to give his vote by postal ballot, and not in any
other r,;anner, at an election in a constituency where II poll is taken, namely:-
"[(i) any person to whom the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 20 of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950) apply;
(ii) the wife of any such person as is referred to in sub-clause (i) to whom the
provision. of sub-section (6) of the said section 20 apply;)
(h) any person suhjected to preventive detention under any law for the time being
in force to give his Vllk hy postal hallot. and not in any other manner, at an election in
a constituency where a poll is taken, subj to the fulfilment of such requirements as may
be spccified in those rules.
I. In,. by Act! of 1989, s. to (w.e.f.15.).t989).
1. S~hi, by Act 47 or 19M, q, 33, fnr suh-chu~es (i), (;;;) and (Iv), Sub-clause (if) was omitlt'd hy Act SR of 19SR.!, 24.
l'I~ !lftlf.lfQtlf ~~, I 9 5 I 85
('Ifl'1' 2--W'{.j; arf!l'f\f!rIr)

llr..'.l'r \l'<m '1'<'fdl lfl 'iffi<iflfererl <rrif<R; 'fill~, <iT m-flflf 'ifrfli;1R 'lit 'O\l' f.r<lf<r'f it; 'ifr.T
,r'l1'''f'f am:
'!.~ f.11;~ "fl't it; f,r.; 1i;,r f'fffi it'l'1 ~ 'fi! 'Offir tfIl'lf'
( 3) ~~ 'lffufi'~'f if; 3[)">: a';'Ifr" ;pfl~ '1''-; f.rq<rT lfr f.!;.-; '1'-; 'ifRm iii" ~ I[( ~ "'t 1f<miI'
'I1l ~;T 'if~.~Tri' ~ <f '{..'if >r<ro'f 'lit 'ifIlT. ~ ,)

I [5 8~. '!..n ~ 1I;ffi{ ~ ~ 'm"I 'fiAT'! 'ItT '''f'1'iI' If! ~ l1li lI1If!~ f.!;If! "''11-(1) lffi:
f.!;d'I f'l'lf'f'l rf,--
(~) f~4't q<f<U'f R ~ 'l'1 q<f<U'f it; f,r~ f.IlIiI' ~ ~ (f;rit ~!l'TU rf ~ If""'!
rn'f ~I 'l'lfl ~) ~'f 'lrr iI"'I"l<{ If&"! ~d'I ~f<r if f'RI 'Pfl ~ nrffi\' ~ q<f<U'f ~ lfl ~ it 1f<'m'I
~r<!~ 'iff'l'fifffil' ~ f.!;~ T ;;rr ~ ~; ~
(10) f.!;d\' qil'lfUI'I'I ~ ~ ,,'1' ..I iffll<{ ~"! ~d'I &er if f.!;If! "fIeri ~ fit; 'Oil' ~ <n:
'mrr"!'fi ..I q"~ mfif'R<r 'lilT ~I;;rr ~<fT ~,
<it rnf.;rr ~ ~ qr>r.t ;tt fmi ~ ~ 'lit ~ ..t:'l'I'
( 2) f.r'lfvr 'lfnft'l' rnf.rrr 'lfrf'lilR if 'O'l'!fT1:1 (1) it; o;nfT;r nmt smr iftif ~ am: \l'iI ~ m-
ft'I'f<r1if 'lit 151!R' it ,~ lfl <iT,-
( .. ) ~ qer~ R lfl ~'1'T'f it ~ If.:r~'! 'lit, ~ 'Iff'«! "Qrr,' ~ 1f<miI' R If! ~ it
'I'~ m=t if If<f<U'f it; f,r~ ~ am:
tfIl'q f.r'1i1' "~I am:
~Ii' f'l'q.:r ~ tfIl''I' am: 'lit ~1fI' ~<f it
qf~f;rn ~'lI, ~ ~ ~ tfIl'if; ~

( 10) lffi: ~ lfil tfIl'I!l'T'l' ~ "fror ~ f.!; 1!fi.rq; «VIti it

it;>i'i If! "('If!O{'f it; ifflR{
If&"! 'lit ~Iiit Q1l: f.rorfvr it; q"~ ~ lllfl'f q"~ ;tt «1fT"lI<fT ~ If! 'Ill: f.!; ~ -it; lIl"f'lll <
1fal;tt '!"!'IT ~ it4\' -{\f<r if lfllT.. q"~ ~ flP.!'q f.r'lfvr .. I Gn:"!I1f If'IITf'f<f ~,<iT q ~
~~it ~'1 'lit ~ ~T'

fq","'l'H.. 5-~ !l'TU it, '¥I iii" i!\'rR{~" 'III ~ ~ ~ ;;fr!l'TU 135'1i" it ~ I]

59. f....I,,;i! if "" ~ 'II\' ~q I[( f.r<If;;.; it, mit 1f<miI' t[lm ~, 1f<'Alf mr it4\' -(\ftr
it m: "f~ ~If! f,,"i\!i! ofIr G\'T1l; am: ~ If.:r 'l'mft it; 1fT151!1f i!r 'f 'f\;rQ; ;;n$T I
60_!W lI1iI it> GIf.lIIif 1m Iflf Rq mt ~ fiIf~ ~.-mr 59 it "",I'iI ... ~
;tt ","""","I ~ lffo'I,l'I If'IIllI' m fir'fr ~ .. fQf"'l'lf it; 'iflfl'f iI'I'~.~ flrrr>n mr-
( .. ) f.r<'l'~~fli<! "lf~ it if f.!;1fl 'lit f.r'iTvr~ it it;f.!;4\' f.m'f'f li, ~qim'l' ~~,
mI-lf<if\{ mT, 'I' f.!; f.!;4't Wll' ~f<r it 'if'l"l'1 q<f ~it rf tfIl'~ iI'Il't it; f('f:!; 'Ot'f"l f.!;!fl "II rtrrr,
t[ (i) ~ 8!l'1U n"'r~ m !lftrfifa«r 1!fuf.r<l1f, 1950 ( 1950 'ItT 43) ;tt !l'TU 20
;tt '3"'Mro (3) iii" ~ l'I", ~ ,
(ii) f.!;4't ~q "'ff.f<r ;tt, r.r~~ lffu 'O~Iil'W (i) it f~iq{ f.!;If! 'l'lfl ~, 'Wft m'lit '3"'RJ
!l'TU 20 ;l\ '3"'Mro (6) it; ~ l'I~ ~ ;]

(10) ~ij f'li"4't r, "lfm .. .rr

f.!;4\' <mr1fII' ~ flffu it; o;nfT;r fll'iIm; f.roti it; 'if9(!ft;r ~,
f.r~~ it; ~if f.r'iTvr it, ~ Ifi!~ ~ ~, ~ ~T tt '!.fer it; 'II'EII'If\;{ l«t Q1l:, rn
cW'r '3"'! f.r".fT mr flf~ ;tt "fro:, m; '«I'I'<i mr, " f.. f.!;4\' q;lf ~<f it, \jq"'ff Iflf ~ it
\l'iftf If'I'rit -ft; ~~ ~ f.!;If! ;;rr ~ ,

I_ 'If'r 11m 10 1m ('~~l-1989lt) >iiI~1

1989 il;1!iJi'I1I>r 'f, I
2. 1!IlIf.!qq Ii· 47 'If'r iITU lUlU (i), (iii) artt (iv) ~1 il; ""'" ~ ilfwufll(11 1958 "
1966 il;
vftI!lmr Ii' 58 'If'r iITU 24 111;1 """ (ii) "" .m r",,,, 'lIlT 'lfj
86 Rr!,r~S~lIIati(l1/ of tll~ P~(jp/~ Act, 1951
(I'A".I ll,·-Acts of Parliament)

1[61. Special procedure for pre ..~nting personation of clectol's.- ··With a \'i~w to preventin~
persoll3tion of electors provision may be made by rl!l~s made under this Act:-

(ll) for the marking· witb indelible ink of the thumb or allY other Ii,igcr of every
elllClor wlto applies for II baUot paper or baUot papers for the purpose of voting at a polling
station ~fore delivery of such paper or papers to him;

(b) for the production before the presiding officer or a polling officer of a polling
station by every sn~h el~ctor (IS aforesaid of his identity card before the delivery of a ballot
paper or ballot papers to him if under rules mad: in that behalf under the Rcpn:sentr.-
tion of the P.:~ple Act, 1950 (43 of 1950). electors of the constituency in which the pollin!;
station ii situ:\ted have been supplied with identity cards with or without their respective
ph()tograph~ attached thereto; and

(c) for prohibiting the uelivery of allY baUot paper to any person for voting at a
polling station if at the time sueh person applies for such paper he has already such a
mark on his thumb or any other finger or does not produce on demand his idertity card
befote the presiding officer or a polling officer (If the polling stat;')IJ.)

,{6tA. Votlog machioes at electiong.-NQtwithstanding anything , ontain~d in this Act (If the
rules m!\de thereuI\der, tho giving and re=ording of votcs by voting machines in such m:\nner
as may be prescribed, may bc adopted in such constituency or constituencies as the Election
Commission may, having regard to tho circwnstances of each case, specify.

ExpIOllOli()II.-For the purpose of this section, "voting machinc" means any machine
or apparatu~ whether operated electronically or oth'~rwise used for giving: or recording of
votes and any rcference to a ball,>t box or ballot paper in this Act or the rules made there-
under shall. s:\\'o as otherwise provided, be construed as including a rderence to such votin!)
machine wherever such voting machine is used at .any election,)

62. Right to vole.-(J) No p~rson \Vh,) is not, and except as expressly provided by thi.
Act, every p~rson who is, for the time bein3 entered in the electoral roll of any constituency
shall be entitled to vote in that constituency.

(2) No p:rson shall vote at an election in any constituency if h" i,; sabject to any of th"
disqualifications referred to in section 16 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43
of 1950).

(3) No person shall vote at a !leneral election in morc than olle con.titucncy of the samc
class, and if a person votcs in more than one such constituency, his \"Dtes in all sllch c(>nsti-
tuencics shall he void. '

(4) No person shall at any election vote in the same constituency more than once, not-
withstanding that his name may have been registered in the electoral roll for that constituency
more than once. and if he docs so vote, all his votes in that constitllency shall be. mid.
t. Sub•• by Act ~8 or. 1958••. 2!1. for •• 61.
2. Ins. by Act I of t989,." 11 (w.<.f. 15-3.19891.
.~ ~.'
. . ,
m IIllIf"nllq ClfUf'lQq, 1951 86
('IfI'T z-mr, ~ arfS'~)
'[ 61. fl\'l(~
lIf~ IFr f.rifRVT f'l'llT <lIT~-
Ii 1If.r4"f'l! 'Ill f'f'm"l 'II"'. f.t~ f'fwq' Il'f.r<n-ll: u 'If'e ~ Ii!; f.r~ iI;

(IF) ~Ii It' f.r<ri'I'F ~, ;;it 'l<ffi'f ~ if 'l<r ~ it; m:;r;r 'Ii. R<l; 'Iii fot 'ir 'Iii,," it; ~
~ <rnT ~, ~ lIT f'l\"~ ~ ai'{;ft 'liT ~~ ",,~ ~,;;~ tfa «" 'ii ~~ If'" if; IfFWor iI;
'f.-If,\i<r rn
it; ~,

(~) q~<'iI>!l lff<rf.yfim ~fiff;f<N, 1950 (1950'l\"r 43) ll;~ffT'I':a1! nfifff ""~ '1<1; f.N1fl
ij; dt'l, ;;U f.r~lf'f(-~" %, f;r~ 'l<m'l ~ ff'fli~, ~..~r'f1f 'liT 'fNiffiI'-'iot ;f'I' If~ «~;f'I'~
~'f:r '!1ritmff if; ~R!<r '1'f ;f'I':j; mi
fiN If<l; ~ <I'r 'i'lT·n.'tu ~ir It' f.r~'fl1 'liT 'l<rf<l' 'ir W'liii't
ij; Iffm;r ij; 1;(, ~ rnr If<lm' ~ 'Ii <ftorlft;f ~~ 'ir 'l<ffi'f ~~ it; U'l4f ~r 'l'NiffiI'-
«;I' <rn r"'<l; mit ij; ~, !NT

('I) 'i~ film U'lll ~m ...-ffir rti ~ iI; for<l; ~ <rnT ~ ;;u ~ ~ ai'<J:.5 lIT
f~ ~ ~ <n: rtm I'riii 'IIl:~ ~ ~ ~ 'ir'l'\! 'li-'1 <n: 'II'l'it ~i>f<lT'f-'lot 'liT lfli~ ~ it;
<ftorffi''f IIrI'fiI;S" 'ir 'l<r~ 'l'~ it; U'llff 1111 'fif ~f (iT;fir fil;ffi' Oliffii' 'liT 'l<ffi'f ~ if
If<I' ~ ij; ~ Ii!;~ ~ ij; ~ 'Ill 1IRrq" ""it ij;!;,

~ ~ qfuf~qq ij; m'l' iA'fI!; 1fC!; f.N1fl rnr fiI;!fr <lIT u'tirrr I 1

. ~ 61111. ~;if ~ '""'" .rnr.i-~ ~f.\'lllf lIT ~ o;nf\''I' ""w.

lfC!; f'l'llifT if fiI;~ <mI' 'Ii
~"f<t ~ '1ft. ~ lf~;ff ~ ~~ "(rf<r ij- ;;it f'l'f{a' '1ft \;fro; 'l<r t.Tr am:
q'f>Tfl'l'f~ '!>VfI' ~jJ f.Rf'f'f
~ l!T f.Rf'f'f-rn if atJfr.rn f.;lrr orr 'I'm ;;it f.miA' m>tT1f lf~ 'If''!ir 'Ii'r Iff<fflff<r:ii 'liT 6l!T'I' if
~ ~ fqf~N"" If1'( I
...6<!\iii(GI :~u urn il; lflfTlf'f il; ~; "t!<m"r lf$r" ~ ~N~<r ~ 'la' ~ lIT 'l'Nf.,f<ijd it; rn
fl'l'C!; If't~ '!iii 'l~ 'if ~,~ 'l'\! I{iif¢'f.t'\' rnr lIT WlillT If'fTfor(f @ OfR ~a' ~af.yifll' l!T
It~~. iA'Tu; 1fC!; f'f<forT if ~it 'ir If<rnJ il; lff(f f",JI' f.r~ ",r 'f<t. tm 'f"l'o!fI' ;;nf.<I<l ~
~ fu!nli. ItU If'Im: <rnl!T;;rro;rrr 'fA't ~ w;rrhr <rijj "'if rt~ 'la'U'I' lf~ lffl' Ii!;~ f.nfvr
if snittr ~ ~. ~~ >mR tnf\';r ij; IIRr f.r<i'w t I]
62. "" ~ "" OffU'1m:-( I) 'IiT~ 'liT "'1'ffir nraqn
'ff"! fil;fr f'l'~-~)I' '1ft f.r~qq; 'filfr<t;ft if
~(ftf!f lff.r<! 'fif ~ '3'a' f.r~iA'-oit;r if 'l(f ~it 'I1T ~ 'f ~r am:
It' "'lffl f"l'a-q;r 'ff"! fiI;~ f.r~"".
el<l' '1ft f.m;A; .nq I~""l if <rffl'lflf lf~ ~ Ita' 'ffaf.rli'l' if wnr H~(f: '3' il; f'f'l'flf '3'<1 f.r~"'f
~ it "" i't 1!>1' ~ ~'If I
( 2) '!iii 'liT "'lffir fiI;~ f.r~-ei'<f if f.r'ffvr if 'ld' 'f ~'1i "~'l'\! ~ lfP.rAfim 'l'ffff.rifll'. 1950
(1950 1!>1' 43) '1ft urn 16if f.m-ose F~~dl ..lif ~ fil;;ft il; qOlt<l'rif tl
(3) '!iii 'II\' Olfffir mlm"I flNm if tt'" ~ <r.r it tt'" f.r'l'rvr~" ij- 'ff"'" if If<I' '1' it:rr 3!'h qr~
'!iii aqfil;r ~IF ~ ~ ~i ~~ if'ld'~. '" ~u~ f.r~~iii't if ij; '3'6'~ 'Iii ~ ~Trrl
( 4) '!iii 'II\' Oliffl fiI;\ft f.miA' if tt'" (! f~"Nh' if~!i' ~ 1I'fff 'l';, ~Q' 'l'U il; ~) if~ 1ft
"'" "~'1r Ii!;;req;r iff"!;;U f.r'ffvr,.oit;r oft f.mqq; ·Hql'ht'lif tt'" ~ qf"", m ,f.;r~l'<l ~ lilt am:
'I\{ ~ 'ld' i WI' ~. '";;u f.f'I'f<Io!'.mr if m Uil' 'ld' ~ @rf I

I. 195~ iI1 ~ \/. 58 'lit u;~ 2511'0 &'I"

81 ii t'lA ott ~rf1I1I I
,. 1989>iI1 qftIf.rtrIr Ii· I ;ir tmr 11 rru (15-3-1988 II) ai<I~ I
87 Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

(5) No person shall vote at any election if· he is confined in a prison, whether under a sen-
tence of imprisonment or transportation or otherwise, or is in the lawful custody of the police:
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to a person subjected to preventive
detention under any law for the time being in force.

63. [Method of voting.] Rep. by the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act, 1961
(40 of 1961), s. 14 (w.e.f. 20-9-1961).

CHAPTER V.-Counting oj Votes

64. Counting of votes.-At every election where a poll is taken, votes shall be counted by
or under the '[supervision and direction] of, the returning officer, and each ,[contesting,
candidate], his election agent and his '[counting agents], shall have a right to be present at the
time of counting.
<[64A. Destruction, loss, etc., of ballot papers at the time of counting.-(J) If at any time before
the counting of votes is completed any ballot papers used at a polling station or at a place
fixed for the poll are unlawfully taken out of the custody of the returning officer or are acci-
dentally or intentiorally destroyed or lost or are damaged or tampered with, to such an
extent that the result of the poll at that polling station or place cannot .be ascertained, the
returning officer shall forthwith report the matter to the Election Commission.

(2) Thereupon, the Election Commission shall, after taking all material circumstances
into account, either-
(a) direct that the counting of votes shall be stopped, declare the poll at that polling
station or place to be void, appoint a day, and fix the hours, for taking a fresh 'poJI at
-that polling station or place and notifY the date so appointed and hours so fixed in such
manner as it may deem fit, or
(b) if sat.isfied that the result of a fresh poll at that polling station or place will not,
in any way, affect the result of the election, issue such directions to the returning officer as
it may deem proper for the resumption and completion of the counting and for the further
conduct and completion of the election in relation to which the votes have been counted.

(3) The provisions of this Act and of any rules or orders made thereunder shaUapply to every
such fresh poll as they apply to the original poll.]
'65. EqualIty of votes.-If, after the counting of the votes is completed, an equality of votes
is found to exist between any candidates, and the addition of one vote will entitle any of those
c-andidates to be declared elected, the returning officer shall forthwith deci!ie bt-tween those
candidates by lot, and proceed as if the candidate on whom the lot falls futd l'ecf'ived an add.i'-
tlonal vote.
66. Declaration of resulls.-When the counting of the votes has been completed, the return-
ing officer ,[shall, in the absence of any direction by the Election Commission to the con-
trary, forthwith declare] the result of the election in the manner provided by this Act or the
rules made thereunder.
67. Report of the result.-As soon as may be after the result of an election has been de-
clared, the returning officer shall report the result tothe app~opriate authority and the Election
I. Sub.. by Act 21 of 1956, s. 36, ror"sullervision'\
2. Subs. by Act 58 of 1958 s. 26. for "candidate".
:I. Subs. by Act 27 Of 1956, .: 36, for "counting age.,".
4. Ins. by Act 47 of 1966, •. 34 (w.•. f. 14.12-1966).
,. Subs. by a. 35, ibid., for"shan (OrlhwHh decl...... (w,e.r. 14.1l-1966),
• sardf.,NN aftir"qq, 1951 87
(\l'l11 ~ t .. rnr,,4if)
( 5) ~ >fT. ",f.I<f, A;«t ~ it li<l' 'Il!t ~1JT!f~ if~'Om<mr IlT mwr t ~ ill ,""II'
1fT ~ 'Iii<'.'" it qimr ~ 1fT '!f,;" 'lit f1(f'Tf q'~ffi' it ~:
"""l ~ ~ !fr ~ ij'ffi f~ <IWT!f lI'!'f f!. fiT it; a'Ift'f flAm; f.!mr t WlIft;r azrmr 'lit
"""I. " i{11ft I

[1I'1m"uj-<'l'Iif;"Fdf"fucq (~) ~~.

63. 1961 (1961 'iT 40) <tt !tro 14 mY
(21)-9-1961 «) flrffirtT I

III!i!fT!f ~ om 'lV!In

64. 'I<i'I 'lit """,-it« ~ f.riIT<r;r it. f,;rnif if'<m'f l'!Ta7~. lfaT <tt ~"RT ~ ~ mY
1fT m l[~ afT,;fj t\;r'01 "TT1!;<IT am:
~ Il;~ '[flrOO Cf'Ill"ff] 'iiI. f.rIIN;r m
~ q;T m :;':Tii; 3[~1Jfif ~'I"1>aOOj q;T 1ft{ q-ilf1f;r-.:: i{~T A; ~ ~"RT t ~ ~ .~ I

'[64'11. ""'iff ill lfIfll ...<mit lIlT N;n~. i!1f.I'•..-rRj- ( 1) ~ lfaT ~"RT ll'If'I"<l' ~ flm' .."t <tt « '1,'i
Q'fIi f.;Q'r iflRA t .. ~ 1fT 'l'<roif t fu'u; f.f4<r Ii'ITif ~ ~ it <mt ~Il; 'lilt 'ffi'1'Or ~ ~
'!i"t ~WT it «Nfaf·h4MT f.r<1mf fu'u; "fTit ~ i!'llfT ~e;1I4" 1fT mT!f ~ ~ ;;ffit ~ lIT ~ rot
;;rrt\' ~ 1fT ~ ;;rTff 1fT ...1 ~ "fTit ~ 'fIf"l' ~ (A; '3'ifi1i1 'r'1Q1"1' ~'fllIT ;;mIT ~ 1fT 'I~ m
q;, ~ ;;mrf ~ A; :;Q if'<m'f t .. 1fT \"nif q, t 'Iffl~ 'Or qf>:1Jfrif >ti>t f~ A;1f[ lfT Q!I1<IT <it """d 'Il!t
mr~ ~ :;Q 'l'TIRf ..I furTi f.riIT<r;r "'TIf~ ..I ~ "~T I
( 2) f.rqRif IIT'tT'1 d'iT Qif d'TftiTit; qf>:f€1ffu'!ff 'iiI f;IJTif it~. 1fT <h-
(q; ) ~~ Tfif; 'ffiT <tt q"RT if~ <tt "I'f'1l;. 'T1'f1Ifr ~T A; :;Q ~ t.. 1fT \"n'l' ~ <In'
~ ~"I' ~ :;Q ~ t .... 1fT ~ ~ if1l; ~ it; fu'u; q;1i ~ am: ~ A!fd' ~T d'!fT ~
f.f!fd' d'm... am: ~ f.f4<r ~ ~ '(Tfcr it ~ ~r ~ ~ tro lfIffi. 'f!flfT

(. .
)'* :;Qq;r If(! Q'l'MiT ~ ;;r1d'T ~ A; :;Q if'<m'f it;.;r 1fT Ii'ITif
~ fiI;«t 'i"t lI1m IT'A'rf'fd' ~ ~r d'1 fu'f.r~ ~ 'lit
q, if1l; ~
'I"RT it;
~ aIR
~ ~ ;;rR t fu'u; 3!h: :;Q f.riIT<r;r it; o;(r<T Rr.rif ~ A;1l; ;;rR am: t fu'u; I'm; iIl't it If<ff 'lit .r«
'I1Jf'IT q;"t 'I~ ~ ~« ~r iTt{ :af<rn Q'l'fi I
( 3) ~ ~ it; am: ~fi\;r ~ ~Il; f.rIf'iT 1fT f.l>!;R ~t1; >t'T~ t \3'1';it; ~ ~« if1l; ~
q;1 ~« \if'l ~ ~ ~ '{..\i lid'~A 'lit \iTlf~ ~ Ij
6 S. om.-uiT'>: ~-~ lfaT q;1 ~"RT t ifFt
it; <mT<{ If(! mT 'If\idT ~ A; A;'i!f ~­
t'I>lT it; ifR lid' ~ ~ am:
;;r~ ~ ;;rf,t
'ffiT it It If.. 'l'd'
;;or "'''''M41 «
'lilt r;,.ff... d tftfiId' it«
~ ;;rf,t it; fu'u; ~ i{1 ;;rrl1;~r d'1 fu'~ o;(~ ;;or o;('R!f'1'll1 t ;fT;t \iT<! mY ~ fqf,,¥'!lf q;~r
m ~« ...lIm: l[~r 'l'AI nm o;(<!f'ff it; ~ it \if?; m...."t ~ :;It ...fufud' lid' liT'<l i{1 ~1fT ~ I
66. ~~~,",,""-;;pr lfaT q;"t ~1JfifT Q'll'd' ~ "TT1!; d'iT fu'~ ~ f.r~ qf'{vrr1f
q;1 '[fiIlfR'if >t'fli\';1 ~ mr a6lfdifj." f.. ,,1 i'Nu it; ...'I"T<f it <ml"rj :;Q ,"rfcr if 'IlflId' ~r "" lQ
...f!lf.llf'l' 1fT d'~Tif ~ 'Ill; f.rIf'iT mr ;m'fuo ~ 1
67. ~'lftvrrqlfo'tfl:qli-f.riIf;;;r it; qf'{1rrr'l' ij;. >fIrm A;l1; "If.\' t ~ IflfTW'llf f.riIf;;;r
1IfM;Q>: :;" f.mifif qf'{vrr1f q;1 fWi Q'lf,ffi srrflron.:"t 3!h f.rqRif o;(f'ittr q;1 am: ~ t 1fT ~
1. 1956 ~ .ru"'r<Pr Ii· 27 >it tmr 36 1m ''<rt~~'' ~ ~ '" ~{f I
2. 1958 it. '1f\If'lll'l' Ii. 58 ~ "'" "1f'Rl'ff" iI1 roo! '" ~Ifu! I
~. 1956 it. ~ Ii. 27 ~ f/Jl.T 361m """"" iIf\l'",<t\" it. roo! '" lIftI,/fTfra I
4. 196& it. 'ffiIf.rl!lf Ii. 47 oit uro 34 fro (14-12-1966 It) ""'~,
5. ~ ~ "'" 3 5 1m"",¥'IT '1lf<rn ~'Tr" iI1 roo! '" (1 4- , 2·, 966 It) l!f~d I
88 Represelltatioll of the People Acl, 1951
(PART II.--Nts of Parliament)

Commis~ion.\and ill the case of an election to a House of Parliament or of th~ Lel'blatllr~

of a State also to th·~ Secretary ("If Ihat HOIISO, and Ih~ appropriate aUlhNilY ,It:dl calise io
be Pllbli;hcd ill the Offi=ial Galette the dcciaratio,ls containiag th~ lIa111.;, of ih~ elected

1[61A. Date of clectjail of c:1!l1idnlt.-For the IlU"'JOS~S ,)f thi< Act, Ihe "Uk which a fI"
C<lndid!lIC is dechrd by Ihe roturning officer under the provi,iollS of sectioll 5.1. , ....
un or section ;M. to be cleoid to a House ofParliam~nt or oflhe Legislature of'u S:atc
, ••• sh~1I b~ th~ dllt~ or ~:~cti()a or tll'l! candidate.]

CH .... PTER VI.-Mulliple Electiolls

68. Vacation af seats when cl~cted to bolll Houses of ParliamcI!.I.·-(l) Any person who i; ch,,-
sen;! mcmb~ .. 01 bJth th" Houses of thil People alld the Council of Statc~ and ..,ho has not ta\.:c·1I
his s~at in 'eith~r H,,\i,e may, by notice i!l writing signed by him and do!i\'crcd to th~ Secretary
to the Election CJmissi-Jn '[withia t~n days from th" date, or the latcr "r th~ daks. on whi. h he
is so ch·);cn.] in which of tho HouSlls he wiShes to serve, and th~rcup.,", hi, sent in th"
House in which h~ dws not wish to SIlrve shall become vacant.
(2) h J",fault of SUdl inlimation within th~ aror~:;;tid period, hi; ,"'1t in the COlweil cf Slnt-'s
shall, at th0 expiratk.ll of that period, become \"Ilcant.
(3) Any intimation £iven under sub-se.;tion (I) shall be final and irr"vucablc.
·[C.. ) For the purpos'~s of this section and of section 69, the uatc 011 which a p.:rsoll is chosen
to be a m~nlb~r of either HIluse of Parliament shall b~ in the case of an elected membrr. !Ih'
dat~ of hi" cl~~lion and in the case ofa n(l;ninated momber, the dato of iirst publication in th~
Gazette of India of his ll();uination.]
69. V;lotion of seats by persons already members of one House on electloD to other House of
Parliamcnt.-{I) Tr a perna who is already a member of the Hous<: of the P~ople and has
t:l!<e:t his soat in such Hou5C is chosen a member of the CoWicii of States, hi, scat in the I louse
of tho People ,hall, 7[on the date on which he is S() chosen], become vacant.
(1) If a person whi) is already a m~mber of the Council of State> allu has taken hi, ,cat in
,uch COUJ1~il i$ chOsen a member of the House of th~ Peopl~, hi, ~cat in the Council ,'f State,
5hall. '[()l\ th~ date on which he is S'J chosen], bxome vacant.
"70. Election to more than one scat in. either House of Parliament or in the House or either
HoU:iz of tbe Lc;:isilltare of a State.-lf a person is ek-ctcd to mor~ than one scat in either Hous.:
of Parliament <)!" in the House or either Hpuse of tho Legislature of a State, th~n, unk'Ss witbin
the pr·~scrib~1 lime he resigns all but one of the seats '[by writing ullJcr his hane! addressed to
the Sp..aker or Chairman, as the case may· boo or to su.m oth~r auth1lrity or officer as may be
pre;cribcdj, all th~ s.:als shall become vacant.
CHAPTER VII.-Pllblicatiall of /:.·[ection Res"lls mki Nomillations
D[; 1. Publication of results of cleetlo!ls to the CouDcil of States and of names of persons DOminated
b.,· the President.·--Aftcr the dectiollS held in any year in pursuance of Ihe notification; issuc..,,1
under sCI.;tio!l 11. th·~,.e ,hall be notiiied by the appropriate authority ill the Offirial Gal<!lIe
\. In~,. by Act 27 011956, s. 37.
2. The w~rd :lr.d liS.:r.:s "sf'''li~~n 5-1" l~mi:h;d by .0\•...: 40 Of 1961. 'i. 15 (w.~.r. 20.9·1')61).
:'\. The w\1fd,li:;urO:!i and lcHcr "~CCtiO;i S5A" l1t1litto::d by Act ~8 ~ 1958, s. 27.
4. G;t1ain w,)rds (lmil1"..",! I'y Art 11)3 (lr.. 19~6.~. M.
5. Suhs. by Ad Z:J nf 19j(l, 5. 3~. i'\l( c,-'T1ain W(\rds.
6. Irl'\. ~~. S. 3S, ibid.
7. Sab$. b>' ~..'9, ibtl.. (or C" w"rd~.
8. In,. by,. -10. ibM.
9. Sul,e, by s. 41. ibM.. fOr );~. 71 to 75.
'" S('f.' nile 91 oflhe Conduct of Elecl ion Rules, 1961 (page-76 ofVol.ll), In relation to Prohibition relating to membership both
of PnrHamt'nt and of II of the legislature of a State. see also the Prohibition of Simultaneous Membership Rules.
1950 published under article 101(2) and 190(2) of the Constitution ,·ide Notification No. F.46/SO-C, dated 26th Jannary, 1950
in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary. page 678 (Pages /40 of Vol. I.).
m. AfAflifttN
afWf.,4 .. , 1951 88
(11111 2~ iI; "Illflt .. q)

iI; mr:r-'I'1r;r if, f1I;trr w.;r it ~ 'Or ~ mif 'iiI ~..r.r ~r am: ~ m-
it ~ «;;- it;
'lm:r f.,,,iF,,a o;r..n'1m it; <miT 'I'\qvm( mlrf;TII mI'TOI it lI'IiTfml 'Om1;'lr 1
"'T1l) ..T ~.ffi'fl!G" W'f
1[6 7'1i. m1:lon it; ~'I' 111'\' rnr.-m:f.!-<I ~ mr nm arfrlif 'iiI ~ ij;;if( it ~
'i!qvrr 'fo) ;;rr;fT ~ f.!; ~ ,r1'T~ 1fT ~ ij; fira'r:r-m ij; •••• flIrliT «;;- iI; ~ am 53 3 • • • • • • • 1fT
mu r, 6 it ;;q-w it rr.1'I' f;r'fif;;,. ~ ~1fT ~, ~ amI( 'Or iI'Tirn' w qfuf;m' ij; srllhr;ff ij; ~ ~
I'T'I'IIT <iTf11,lIr f.!; ~ ~ o;r"l"l"T if; ~ '01 rn~ ~ 1 ]
ammI' 6~f.AI ~
6 8. ~h',!: iIr i'r;ff ~ ij; f;{t( f.... !f;.,,~) ;;n'f OR f'!y;ff 'liT ~ ~ OW'I'T- ( J) "" 'Olf IIIfi«f
;;r)q; ~ aft, ~ INT ~I;ff 'liT ~1f "fI .ftf>rr onAT ~ am:
nmlt !{);ff ~ it iT fiI;!!r it ...q;rr~.
~ ;r;ff f..1fT ~ lIl[ ~ltlmT \\.ctllllf{a am: ~ ~1tJ ij; ~ 'Olqf'mf ~ ~ mT
'[~ ij; 1fT ;;'1' ff17.:rm ij; qqiffiT, <miT fff7.:~ iT ~
Ff!i''''ii m- ij; '11m:, ~ 1fT f;;r;rq;t If\\ ~iT '!'I'T '11fT
~, If\! sronfi1";r '1>, ;ri;qT] f.!; lIl[ 00 ~ it iT f.!;(1 it rn 'I>\'IT ~ ~ am:
~(I! 'Ii,lt <n: ~ ~
«;;- it o:<TT'I, fJmit lIl[ im ~i '!>\'IT~, R'I<r i;I <iT1'11;Qr 1
( 2) ~ '!'"fm'lHr ij; '110, ~m.If>IT1f'I'T ij; ~'f it .~ 'I>,lt q, ~ !!tiT it "T;;1'T'IiT f1fT, ~
'Im!1'ffu if, q', fuffl i;I <iTfT!;'lr 1
( 3) ;;qmu (J) if; o;ra1'l' 1ft 'If lim'I'I'T affirlf am: ".
fd4\\<oj)Q ~r 1
'f( 4) nm or>:r.. if.1 O'ffif.ct liw;: ij; flIrliT «;;- 'liT ~1f i!Tlt ij; ~ ~'fT '11fT~,.!! IiTU 'iI, am
69 if, ~ if; f.n; lIl[ fff7.:~, f.,4if"a ~ 'l>r lrWT it, ;;!!i/; f.r4f;;.r '01' 017.:1'..- ~'Tr aft, 'ff1lr.r~
~f'l' ;;'r ~ if, ~ ~Iq r~;QI,,'it 'Ifruf ij; mr<r<r it IT'I'f IT'!>TW'I' 'l>r lI'rW ;[t'Jl 1 ]
69. m 0Iff"" ~,,'!: ij; I!'" m'l' it;- ~ ~« iI' ~ ~ ~ ~. ~;r;A; ~~ e.1 ~ <n:
~ t'n'Il ~ fuffl ~ "","- ( J) ;;fr i!(flIo • \NT 'l>T 1f~ ~ ~ !!'<l:flf ~ ?!'t, ~iI' «;;- it ....l'f(
,,,," ~ "', "!,,,f ~ lfR lIl[ ~ !!'IIT 'liT ~'l' '!:'f fu'''T <iTT<fT .(\' aT;;it'!'" !!'IIT it ;;(lfl f'fT'f ;;(1
ffiT"r>l- ;;"t, nm..-I lIl[ ~i!t yrr "fror ~, f1:'l,," ~ :;rf11,lIr 1
( 2) ;;fr a;{'('F.f U71< \NT "liT If\\(.r iT'\\1 !!....f ~ aft, ~!!) !!'IIT if rr-1"fr f1fr:r lT~iI[ 'Ii, ~T ~ lfR q~
<'iTl' ">TT 'l>T "f~.f '!'f f,lfT "fror ~ <iT ~ \NT it 'liT '3!!'l'T ~ 7[~ orW 'liT, f;rI!'I'l lIl[ I~ 'l'fT
ma'T t,] f>:if.ct ~ <iTfT!;'lT 1
*70. ~ ~ ~r ~r it' ~ ftI;'tft it' tIT tmI ~ ftmr.:!-irrn' ~ ~ tIT ~ m;.rr it' ~ ftndt it' ~
~ iI' 1IIf!i'li "'"" ij; f.:!q f~-II'fi: "'IS: ~ ~ ij; ~;ff ~ it ~ ~ it lIT '{m' 1; f'f,rr'l'-
~ it ~ q' <iToii w.;ff if lr f'l;!!1' ~ it ..-fiR; f1fl'f ij; ~ f.l'qff.fff i!) '11fT ~ 01 <iT!f 1l'F f.!; lIl[.
'[q" IFf'l fd. "'!<f0l 1fT ~ tiT qT i1;it ~'q lTTfil'lr,u 'I'r rrrMilr, 'liT, :hr f'fit:"" f.!;lfT "fr~, ~lT!fiP.r "'if""
t!B';~ ~l "'3'
mT ~ .orr;ff it it ij;q;;r ~ ij; ... fu-f'<1f<r !!'iT ij; <lfT11q''l ~ !rIfII il; ~ ~ ~
~r ~ <Ii! ftIT 'f f1:'l'" ~'t :;rrt(lT 1
1(ItlfTlf 7-~ qftvmj'f .m:
'""f..i<loi'f 1011 ~
o[ n ~ INT il; f'fllf;r.r qf{Oj~ 'liT 1A"h: ~ mT ~ ~<PiI'.;nri'i "" ~rn'!­
lim 1 ~ if; ...!ft'f f.rr.r;;rr 'If m~""~IOII it; rr'!,!r\OT it fil:!r1' 'Ii it fiIro: ~ r.r'lf'A'l' ij; 1f!I'm! ;;'1' If{,," ij;
1. 1 9 5 6," "jlrl'"'I'! .j. 2 7 ~ 11m .l7 1m """,l"Il'fim I .
2. 1961 it'lraf.,Q"q' q.) 40<fjf am J~irrJJ "arn5.,,·,,_1ti1 (20-!H961 it) ;:inff;'-ri1flil
1. 1 C) 58 1> "'fUf-=rzm ~o 5 5 ~ tIP," 27 !fro "STU 55 iii" ~. *~ 3ih: lfWl ~r ,,)q- f<f'llT lNl I
4. ,956 ~ qfaf.r<A Ii· 10J OF' "PJ 66 IrTU ~ ~'j ~ >fIq ~ 'llH I
;. 19;6" ~ Ii' 27 ,,;!If7T ~$ fro ." 1fTi'iI '" t'Il'I Ill: srfll!"lrm. I
e. 'f"I'A 'I"!lm 3R IP:I _:...rna,
7. ,.'m .;\ "''' 39 rrn '"_Ill >1rij '" ~'" 'T'< ,""",tfim ,
1':. ' lmrr.
If,l '!%fTT 40 !ff7J ~:~nf1" t
'1. ~Prt am- 'l1'7.; 11' '[t"':~ -; 1 r, 7:> 7fr. it !1~<iT >l; 'i'tl'R ~ ~r.'fI:'I I

• ~ ~ "" ~~. 1961 (flr.;: 2 "" 'I'" 76) I .r.iY. ~ "'" jlI;>l\ Ul'! ~-1t«I all ~,) ~ oRm:r if;;o{ ir
~ if; ~ 10 J( 2) "'" ~ 190(2) if; a-Or.t "'"' w; "'""'. aII!lm{'IT. 'I'" 678 (<lPi*) (flr.;: 1 "" 'I'" 14U) 1lt aam""
~"el"ll< .. ~ ~~. 1950 if; ftl'! 61fuo 26:r.m1. 1950 a\I ~ >\0 46/5()-{fi q)~,

24-8114 MIt) Law & Ju.'\ti.::e/94

89 Represelllalioll of tire People Act, 1951

(P ART n,-Acts of Parliament)

the naplcs of members elected by the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies ofthe States ar.d by
the members of the electoral colleges for the various ![Uniori territories] at the said elections together
with the names of any persons nominated by the President of the Council of States.under sub-clause (a)
of clause (1) of article 80 or under any other provisions.
72. [Publication of results of elections for tire recollstitutioll of electoral colleges for certain Union
(erritories.] Rep. by the Territorial Councils Act. 1956 (103 of 1956). s. 66.

73. Publication of results of general elections to the House of the People and the State Legislative
Assemblies.-Where a general election is held for the purpose of constituting a new House of the People
or a new State Legislative Assembly. there shall be notified by 2[the Election.Commission] in the Official
Gazclle. as SOOIl as may be after 3[the results of the elections in all the constituencies) [other than those
in which the poll could not be taken for any reason on the date originally fixed under clause (d) of section
30 or for which the time for completion of the election has been extended under the provisions of section
153]. have been declared by the returning officer under the provisions of section 53 or. as the case may be,
section 66. the names of the members elected for those constituencies] .. •• and upon the issue of such
notification that House or Assembly shall be deemed to be duly constituted:

Provided that the issue of such notification shall not be deemed-

'ffa) to Preclude-
(i) thc taking of the poll and the completion of the election in any Parliamentary or
Assembly constituency or constituencies in which the poll could not be taken for any reason
on the datc originally fixed under clause (d) of section 30: or
(ii) the completion of the election in any Parliamentary or Assembly constituency or
constiruencies for which time has been extended under the provisions of section 153;

(b) to affect the duration of the House of the People or the State Legislative Assembly, if any,
functioning' immediately before the issue of the said notification.

6[73A. Special provisions as to certain elections.-Notwithstanding anything contained in section 73

or in any other provision of this Act, with respect to the general election for the purpose of constituting a
new House of the People upon dissoll\tion of the Ninth House of the People,-

(a) the notification under section 73 may be issued without taking into account the Parliamen-
tary constituencies in tile State of Jammu and Kashmir: and

(b) the Election Commission may take the steps in relation to elections from the Parliamen-
tary constituencies in the State of Jammu and Kashmir separately and in such manner and no such
date or dates. as it may deem appropriate.)

74. Publication of results of elections to the State Legislative Councils and of names oft persons
nominated to such Councils.-Mter the elections held 7[in pursuance of the notifications issued
under section l5A or] in any year in pursuance of the notifications issued under section 16, there
shall be notified by the appropriate au thority in the Official Gazette the names of the members
elected for the various Council constituencies and by the members of the Legislative Assembly

1. Subs. by the Adaptation of Laws (No.2) Order. 1956. for "Part eStates".
2. Subs. by Act 40 of 1961, s. 16. for "the appropriate authority" (w.e.f. 2~g..1961).
3. Subs. by Act 10 of 1967, s, 2. for certain words.
4. Certain words omitted by Act 40 of 1961. s. 16 (w.e.f. 2()"9-1961).
5. Subs. by Act 10 of 1967. s. 2. for cl. (a).
6. Subs. by Act 31 of 1991, s. 2. for section 73A and 13AA (w.ei. 184-1991).
7. Ins. by Act 37 of.1957. s. 13.

'I1ll, ;;It~qft ilI"IR ~Tlf; ~ ~>WIt'i:lU am:

flm:r-! 'I""" ~Ili; ~ fJI.f"Ol' lolf li; ~i:lU ~ ~fil'
f.r'lfu ~ '11( t, ~ fc!;;;!f~ If; 'I1llT<6 ufuI, ~~ it ~ ~'" li; ~ ~ 80 li; (1 ) li; ~ (Ol) <6 m
~ 'II ~ ~ ~ li; ardr.! ~lqfJIfli""A~, ~ u;;rq;r ii' ~ '1IiWfirtt i:lU ~ fu;Q;;;mtit I

72. ~.W"er """ill ..I'!Ii ~"f;jiJ)"OI !Ii ~ !Ii ~ ~af;j.," ~ "fto"ql'!J)f 1:JlIiMOI-~ ~
",...riR~"r.""~4~q, 1956 (1956 ~ 103) qft '1m 66 i:lU l'!mrcr I

73, • ~ ahHrnJ ftrm;nr'o:lTarl'!Ii ~ .. ltI((OI ~af"",I'!Ii "fto" .." !J)f1:JlliMOl-;;rntill; 'If om. ~ 'II
'If~ ilI"IR ~ rrf5a m
If; ~ If; ~ ~mfq;j fln'Ir omrr g<rni 'ItrIlI ~-mtil' (;;fr;o;r ~-mtif f1:r-r
m' fl;r;rit '1m 30 If; m (tI) If; ~ wno:
f.!7«I trrfu; ",I mft iIITl1I1'I~ """'" '1fT lit ~ \!II ~ ~ ~ 'IJ'llt<Im ~
~ tIIU 153li; ~lf; ~ ~ mr
'l'lT g) 4"lf~Iir, tIIU 53 'II tIIU 66 oj; ~ li; ~ i:lU qftvmIT qftftm'
~ ~ GIIiI <6 lIRlQ ~ I!ftu;o;r ~ If; 'I1ll ;;It;o;r ~-mtif~ ~ ;it' ~ u;;rq;r it' 21~ awitrrl
i:lU ar~ ~ "'*11'··· am:
~ ar~ If; ~ If('<!'G om. ~ 'ltill"lR ~ qft iIl'IO <iI!' ~r;rT 0I1l!TJ1 ill; lIlI' ~
~ if rrf5a lit 'It<< :

~ ~ dI ~'il "~I li; ~ ;;nil if <iI!' 'I ~ ;;rro;rrr ill; lIlI'-

'[("') (i)mft~'lTmft ~ ~-if;r 'II ~-mtit'fuRir'tIIU 30li; m (tI) li; ~ wno: f.!7«I
artm llft mft iJ)R1'T'IVT """'" 'iii' lit ~
\!II, qCTllA dI'" ~ qft ~ "'), 3Itro m
(ii) mft ~ 'IT mft ~ mfq;j -it;r 'lT~-Iit;!Tli;. ~ ~ tIIU 153li; ~f<6 3ltW! ~ ~ mr
'l'lT g, ~ qft ~ ",T,

'l"TTfta ",«II g: 81""',

(lfI) ~ dI~ If; f.rllm;) ;;nil it ",,,,,.Fga ~ 'V<'I iJ)'( ufi om. ~ 'II ~ fiIt:!R ~ qft, 'lfu <ilt lit,
dI~"'I"~ If( = 61liRft ~ I

6173li1, ~ p.,."f;j.,,'!Ii!lTt ii' ftrtitll'~-ij{I dI~f;14q qft tIIU 73 it' lIT ~ mft ~ 3'!$T it' flI;.thre If;
iff, ~ 'Ill, "'"' m)iJ) ~ <6 ~ If( 'If om. ~ lIiT IlO'I ",<'T If; lPI);;r;r- If; ~ ~ ~ <6 ~ it',-
("') tIIU 73 <6 artW! dll«'ii"~1 ~-~ ~ oj; ffil~ mr-",,-mr ",I fum<! ii' ~ ~ <rR\ qft ""
~rit; am:
(lfI) ~ awitrr""'U -",i!frl: ~ <6'~ ~ ~iI ~ <6 ~ it' 'l'I'Ii ~ if am: ~ {tfu it ~
~ trrfu; '" ar&if llft, ;;It lIlI' ~ ~ iJ)'( ~ I I 1/Q -a,
'9i .

74. ~ flrm;f ~ !Ii ~ p.,."f;j", "ito" ..y !J)f ~ ~ !Ii ~ ~~ am:

EbII'"flti,, , , =..n\'Y !Ii ;miT !J)f 1:JlIiMOI- [tIIU 15",lf; artW! f.riJ)r.fl rrt dlN'il"~laif'lrit ~ itl 'IT' tIIU 16 <6
~ f.rlI;r.f\ rrt a.~'il"~I3IT <6 .~ ii' mft qtf ii' fu;Q; '11( ~ If; ~"Iifi('!~' ~ If; 'I1ll, ;;It
~ 1Iftq;; ~-mt <6 ~, am:
~ qft ilI"IR ~ <6 ~ i:lU ~ ~ ~f.Iqffiffi fu;Q; '11(

I. flri\r ~ ((to 2) R. 1956 i!IU .. "'" n m>/r" i; """ '" ofll ....,llld'
2. 1961 i; aftIf.Ilm (to 40 l/;\ 'iIIU 16 i!IU .. ~ 01lt111;K\ .. ;i; """ '" (2().9-1961 iI) ofll""'Nd'
3. 1967 i; aftIf.Ilm (to 10 l/;\ 'iIIU 2 i!IU 'll" .,.;y ;i; """ '" ofll .... ,llld'
4. i 96 I i; aftIf.Ilm (to 40 l/;\ 'iIIU 16 i!IU 'll" .,.;y .. (2().9-1 %1 iI) """ \lI;oI "'" ,
5. 1967 i; aftIf.Ilm (to IU l/;\ 'iIIU 2 i!IU """ (..) i; ..."" '" OId""'N d ,
6. 1991 i; aftIf.Ilm"o 31 l/;\ 'iIIU 2 i!IU (18-4-1991 iI) 'iIIU 73.. am:
73 .... i;..."" '" ore...m.a,
7. 1957 i; aftIf.Ilm "0 37 l/;\ 'iIIU 13 i!IU <lra:<'I1flIa,
90 Rcpl'csclI/alion oj rhe People Acr. 1951
(PART II.-Acts of Parliamcnt~

of the State at the said ele:tiollS togcther with the names of any persons nominated by- the
Governor 1". under sub·clause (e) of clause (3) of article 171.]
VIII.-Election Expenses
'[76. Application of Chaptcr.-This Chapter shall apply. only to the election.s_1O the House
of the People and to the legislative Assembly of a State.

77. Accouot of election expenses and maximnm tlIereof.-(I) Every candidate at an election
shall, either by himself or by his election agClll, keep a separate and correct account of all ex-
penditure in connection with the election incurred or authorized by him or by. his election agent
between '[the date 011 which he has been nominated] and the date of declaration of the result
thereof, b'oth dates illclu5ive.

'[Expl,matioll I.-Notwithstanding allY judgment, order or decision of any court to the

contrary, any expenditure inclirred or authorized in connection with the election of a candidate
by a political party or by allY other association or body of persons or by any individual (other
than the candidate or his election agent) shall not be de;:med to be, and shall not ever be deemed
to have been, expenditure in conaeetioll with the election incurred or authorized by the candidate
or by his ek;tion agent for the purposes of this sub-section:

Pr,wided that nothing contained in this Explallatio/l shall affect-

(a) any judgment, order or decision of the Supremc Court whereby the election of a
calldidate to the House of the Pe;)ple or (0 the Legislative Assembly of a State has been
declarC'l void or set aside befor~ the commencement of the Rcpresentation of (he Pcople
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1974 (Ord. 13 of 1974);
(b) any judgme~t. order or decision of a High Court whereby the election of any such
calldidate has been de~larcd void or sd aside before the commcncement of the said Ordinance
if no appeal has been prelerred to thB Supreme Court against such judgment, order or
dccisioll of the High Court before such COlllmCllcemcnt and the period of limitation for filing
sllch appeal has expired b~r\lre Slich commencement.
5' o
• • OJ
'[Explallation 3.-For the removal ,>f doubt, it is hereby declared that any expenditurc in-
cllrred in respect of any arrangements made, facilities providcd or any other act or thing donc
by any person in the service of the Gowrnment and belonging to any of the classes mentioned in
clause (7) of section 123 ill the discharge or pUrported discharge of his official duty as mentioned
in the proviso to that clause shalllllJt be deemed to be expenditure in connection with the election
incurred or authorized by a candidate or by his election agent for the purposes of this sllb-section. J
(2) The account shall contain such particulars, as may Ix: prescribed,

(3) The total of the said expenditure shall not exceed SllCh amount as may be prescribed.

78. Lodging or account with the district election officer.- 7[(1)] Ewry contesting candidate
at an ele~tion shall, within thirty days from the date of elcction of the returned candidatc or, if
there are r.lore than one returned candidate at thc election and thf datcs of their ekction are
I. The words "or Rajpramukh. as the case may be" omitted by the Adaptation of Laws (No.2) Order, 1956.
2. Subs. by ACI 27 o[ t956, s. 42. [or ... 76 to 78.
3. Subs. by Act 40 of 1915, s. 6, for certain word, (r.:·tr~l~pccti,,·cly).
4. Ins. by Act 53 O[ t974, s. 2 (w.e.f. 19.10-1974).
5. Explanation-Z omitted by Act I o[ t939. s. 12 (w.e.f. 15·3-1989).
6. Ins. by Act 40 1975. s. 6 (retrospeclively).
7. S. 78 renumbared as ~u!)..section (/) of that s~tion by A.::t 47 of 1966, s. 36.
~ ~ IRfuf~4", 1951 90
('if'! 2~ i ;rf<lf'!4lf)

~, f~ # ....RIi4T
'ITlrT ~, f~ (jRjq", l*U i ~.~ 171 1/; ~ (3) 1/; '3'l'ltf
it; (~) iI;~
'!T1ff.f~ fulfT~, liTrn'm "U"l"·t-ii if II' .f}'il<i lflf<l'Pm mr lIfirW'fCf fir..: ;rrrt'!- I]


'[76. 1R&1fT"";r,,,'1~ofl--'t~ "91'i!l' il;.;r >;fR> ':I'IT il; m c";;~ 'lfI f'HH"'IT ~ nl'lJ; f'l'{i"l-ii
'fit <n'I. ~Prr I]
77. ~ 84'4'i lIlT m ~ ~ 1Iffi.A;/III' iI1lIT-( 1) f'l'~ if If' q ....ifi
f'l''l'fovl' '{<-"Fir
:m w:r _ q;r ;;fT, 3["3"':1. om,.. it, f;;rnm '<il: 'l'f1ff.r~ fi!;1fT 'lIfT ~];fu: ;;(1 f.,{i'f'l' 1/; 'rf>:'71Tll'i '1ft
'fTl"IT. <t'r ort'tIir 1/;, mfi qr:Mr >f <ft;if ortN m<fi ~, <IT'I m am '1T ;;"fin mf'f'l' 'lffiFl;di Wf
\3't'Iff ,.,. lfTf~ fiI;l;r 'I'1T ~. '{"'Ii, ;fu: ~. \NT '1T <it '11! 8!li Wtrr 'l1 'IHi R~'f'I' 1.ff\r-P:Tr =r,'
",,"'Il;'iT I
'[....,,-, •. (., I-fum ~n;r'1lf if; srfu~
f'l'om, mt<r <iT fTf.r,'lli ir. ~il' ~ 'Oft ,,~~ fir.
f~ ~ it; m'i'<A' it; ':I"'f".f if fuofr ,r;r.lf'rl; ~;r am 'If<<f .,.iffiit if; f'lia-f 'If''l lilfq T<i f'l'".f>rr
mi 'WId" !fr lfTfiT!'(f fir.i{ 'I''; f.pfi
am WI'IT (1.f'Pi<if <iT '3'~ R~ 1.ff'll'li.;i 't f'lQl") f'liofr "fiffi
01fit it; 'IT'); if ~ '3'1'ImT it; srmr.n
if; fu~ ~ 'I'{T '.fI!JIT ,"~r f'li "ti ~ ij; W~ if qoqlff
[m '1T m f'l'<ri"l"l' ~i am '3'l'·H lW m!<lX! fui.fT '1<1i _ ~ 3!h: 'litft 'Oft ~ (IT >l'r:
~ ~ ...-.i~'(UT 'liT m <mr.--

(<r.) '1""Io:r ;;Torr'H ij; f~ofr '{iT N,f<1. 'lfi~ 41 f'rf.r~'I'l 'lfr Pr"f1l .rt'Ii \l'ofl il; F-T~ !fr 1~4T
'(!,' <t'r fuTr.l' \l'ofl if; f.,~ qoq4f 'Iii R~'I''! ;fro lTf:crf'l'fiT1. (;rir!r'l')'lf,;qr{liT, 1074
( I 9 H 'Or 13) it lIro"q ir 'l,'i <r'< mflffl fu4'T 'I.., ~ i.fT qq"rH fuo1"r '1.rr ~, IT 'lTf•.H{i 'lii::h,
('") fuir '1"'1' "'fl1fl"..... it; fir.4T i(i'r Rom, ~ 4'1 f'rf'l'l'iI'1' '!it, f"ffiil' fi!:Jr i(iT 'If"I'1T<if
f.m'!f"I', '3"ffi" ~ it; lTRcq i'r ';('i ~"l' 'lTfiI;] f<r.!fr 'I'1T ~ i.fT 11·lF.Q f'li4'T 'I'1T ~,:m 'mf
if lNTf'ro ~ '!f!:<fT '"" # lfT,cq i'r ';('i ;;>:r '1"'f ~;'1T(of" ij; i('r RoT'l, 'lfRw!f1 f'fi'm'!f ij; ror.~
~q "'141<1'1 '!it q<fu; 'I'.fr 9ft >rt ~ aft, itir '!fIT;r 'm:i'T ,"",if if; f-1l:'; '!~4TIfFr;ll i(if m:tq
i'r 'J:'f \l'I!T'<I ~ 'I'1T ~ I
6* * * * * *
J-~ '!it ~ '""'" it; full; ~ mflffl fu<rr "I"rnT ~ f.. rm>i"': '1ft mrl if ~ aft>;
'[... "", .. (.1
tmT 123 OJ;!h" (7) if 'ffUra..,..1 it i'r fil;;fr O!ffu; [T'U<iT ;;ff'iis'~~if !ftfRf",,(l1'fif ,!ifrQ ..,to..
if; ~ !fT amn.ff ~ if fu;:: 'Ill; fi!:ir ~<i:;rTlf, Fft ~ f.l;ir :;F.flllW fi!:<1; '1<1; foj;ofr 1I'''t 'lilli!fl rf,r 'If
fuir <mr <t'r 'IT'ffl '3'f11'<r fu4T """ iii "''); if l{lI ;J" nrm il; lTit.:ii il; f~~ '1'i[ 'I'~ill'lfm' .~rrl f'j: '11!
mf'l"f it; ':I"i""oT if "''I'>IT am 'Ii Tili fcr~ I1F<l'Iiffl [ro ;;·t'M 'II lfTl!l'.!>J fi!:n 'Ill "'01" ~ '1
(2) $i it i(ift flffuftCt!i ",,,,f,,,,,,
ilTrrt ~ I'!f\[<l it\';;m( I
( 3) '3'iI<f ....if 'liT """ '3'lJ "{il;q i'r '!ffiT'li 'I' Ql'l'r;;fT ~ <t'r ~I
78. iN~f'Ir.n~ ~ ~ 1ffiI 'iTIiF.r fi!:'l1 'iIT'IT-'i(l)i [R~ it 'liT If' ~ ~i'f
<mn 11"'1'ff R'ITf'l'O qoq<ff it; R.n~'I' <t'r olU~ i'r '1T '1'[<: R~ it o;q; if '!ffu'!i R~ffir ~ ~,
m ;;,.i; f'l'~ <t'r OTui f'f ... ~ oT ""' ~11iT if if '"1fI<1:'f<lT OTU·'j" ir;fia- f<:'I' il; 11~ l1'fir;
1. flffll~ (<I. 2) ",ii>r. 1956 1m "liT _''Ilf'!'I';;m -It fRfa t'>rm ",r 'I'N r""" 'l"7r •
2. 1956 ij; <!fiIf.r'I1! <I. 27 "') uro 42 rm 76 it 78 WI' "') om:r.n ij; ffi~ ~ IIfal"llflr<l.
3. 1975 if. ~ <I. 40 qiT lim 6 1m ~ ~ ij; flfl'f ~ (,{""m O'f it) ~.
4. 1974 ij;!IfiIf.n!1i <I. 5" ""'11'", 21m! (1!>-'()O1974 \I) ~; ~ •
5. 1989 ij; ~ <10 I >t\!lm 121m (15-3-1989 it) ~~ 2"" "" ro·" q<f1.
6. I 975 ij; <!fiIf.r'I1! <I. 1!i\ lim
40 6 1m (~ >n it) 1!'a ~rfirn r
7 1966 ij;.mn;fIA <I. 47 1!i\ uro 36 1m! flro 78 'iii ~ '3'l'flro ( I) ij; ~ ii TI" ~ r_ 1J1fI.
91 Representation oj the People Act. 1951
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)
dift'orent, the later of those two dates. lodge with the ,[district election officer] an account of his
election expenses which shall b~ a true copy of the account kept by him or by his election <>gent
under section 77.]
,(2) The reference to the district election officer in sub-section (I) shall, in relation to a
constit~ncy ill a Union territory. be construed as a reference to the returning officer for that
constituency.] .
CHAPTER I.-Interpretation
19. DefluIdou.-In this Part and in '(Pl\rt VII] unless the context otherwise requires.-
'[(0) any reference to a High Court or to the Chief lustice or ludge of a High Court
shall, in relation to a Union territory having a Court of the Judicial Commissioner. be cons-
true'! as a reference to the 'lBidCourt of the Judicial Commissioner or to the Judicial Com-
missioner or any Additionalludicial Commissioner, as the case may be;]
'[(b) "candidate" means a person who has been or claims to have been duly nominated
a.s a candioate at any election;]
(c) "costs" mealis all costs, charges and expenses of, or incidental to, a trial of an election
(d) "electoral right" means the right of a person to stand or not to stand as, or I[to with
draw or not to withdraw] from being, a candidate, or to vote or refrain from voting at an
'[(e) "High Court" means the High Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction
the election to which the election petition relates has been held;]
(f) "returned candidate" means" candidate whose name has been published under
section 67 as duly elected.
CHAPTER H.-Presentation of Election Petitiolls ;0 "[High Caurt]

10. E/edioB petitka.-No election shall be called in question except by an eJection petition
presented in accordance with the proVisions of this Part.
'[lOA. 81gb court to try electioa petltlolI!I.-(l) The Court having jurisdiction to try an
election petition shall be the High Court.
(2) Such jurisdiction shall be exercised ordinarily by a single Judge orthe High Court and the
Chief lustice shall, from time to time, assign one or more ludges for that purpose:
Provided that where the High Court consists only of one ludge, he shall try kll eJection petitions
pre'ICnted to that Court.
(J) The High Court in its discretion may, in the intere~ts of justice or convenience, try an
election petition, wholly or partly. at a place other than the place of seat of the High Court.]
I. Subs. by Acl47 of 1966, s. 36, for "returnil1ll officer".
1. Ins. by .. 36, ibid.
3. Subs. by s. 37. ibid•• for "PIm VII and VIII".
4. InS. by 50 37,1bId., orlJinalol. (a) wu omitted by Act 27 or
1956, s. 43.
5. Bubl. by Act 40 1975, .. 7, for 01. (6) (rmoopectively).
6- Suba. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 37. for "to wilhdraw" (w• 14-12-1966).
7. Suba. by iI.. 37, ibid. fot eI. (0) (w• 14-12.1966). .
I. SUba. by: .. 39. ibid.. for ''BI ,c:tIaa O>mmlJsloa" (w.o.f. 14-12·1966).
9. lDI. by o! 31. ibid., (w.o.r. 14-12-1966).
~.. IIftlf'lfa... .n~. 19 51 91
(1fT1l2-~ 'Ii 0ifl:1fl14Q)

m ;;it '3'« m ;tt ~ Iff« ~ f;rtr "if.! 'iT

IIfIfj ~ m f.rqf~ ~r it !WJ 77 ii; 'fJtiT
WI ~ l[~ f.m;r.r ~] ii; mr ~ ...w.
t[ ( 2) " ~ ii; M f.m;r.r-Q ii; m it ~ (1) it nr~r f'r~ m~ t IIftr ~ ri '11! <'l'II1rr ~ flI; '11!: '3'« ~. ii; rnr.r" mf1fi~ ii; Iflir flrfw I] t

r<lIiiiN;:{f ~ .nm ~
IIIIo1ntf 1~
79. qf....... lCi~ 1fT1l if aft-.:: 1[1fT1l 7] it ;;r;r <A; flI; m '" aroro ~ iT i{T-
~ ii; m it, "1W ~ ~ ~ ....,,1114 ~,'3"( RrI1Il'!I'If it; 'iT ~
.[( 'Ir) fiI* ~'" "
....,,'"'' it; ff.'R """'tf"
it; 'iT ""4If''I •• it; lJf\r '!rT ri '11! ~r ~ fill "t 'I'fT-

IIftr t;]

ft:qflr ~ ~ ii; ;:;'iIi .... 4..... ii; IIftr 'iT ~ ~ , it; IIftr 1fT fiI* II'R ~ 111m!; il; .
i[(W-) .~' '" '11!: IIlfu; ~ ~ ;;it f'!>(ft f.m;r.r it ~ it; .., it 1rI'II'4i;Cf: ".qflr~
~ 111fT t liT ~ <t. 'I11If.,-h ~ ~ <mIT '!;"«IT t; ]
('1) ''riu '" ~ ~ il; ~ it; ..T m ~11 w.r ..If, IfIlR am: IIIIf wi1nb t;
(Of) ..~ d1'1"<" '" fiI* ~ it r.RIoff it; ~ it ~ ~ 1fT iT .rt ~ 1fT " ... 1>1(1'1
'[~ iii\' 1fT " iIi\'] 1fT 1f<r ~ '" flror ~ ~ fiI* 1If~ lIlT Wmm: wFd<r t;
'[(1') ..~ .... 4 ... 4" '" ~ ~ wnIfI'<'TIT ~ ~ ~ "flI... F(d' ;tt ~ *1fT3iT
1; 'IfI'<r< Ill{ f.m;r.r PI' t ~ f.m;r.r ~ ~ t;]
('I') "f.I~ CI"RIoff" '" ~.....m wrf;nl<r t ~ 'Il1I' ~4i. FMf... " ii; .rr if !l'ro
67 ii; Cilft;r lflI11'fmr '11< mr 'lIfT ~.
~ 2 r...k .. ~ lIlT ,[_ iq,",""] 'lit ~ IiisIn wm
80. ~ .m.t-'litt 1fi f.m;r.r ~ 1fT1l it; ~ ii; ~qr( '3'I'RoIlr ~ 1ft ~ nf
1m Ii'4'fIl<I fiI;t( ~ it; ftmIf Jm'lT<r iT ~ ~.
'[8CJli1. _ iql4'"'' IT<T ~ ~ lIlT f.... " , ( I) ~ "4'",,,1f ~ nf 'lIT r.m.r.r
~ rn 'Ii\ O4IiI ..,f(d' '(Wit 'ffiri' RrI1Ir.t'If {I"IT'
(2) ~* "f....,f<d' '""l'ft <ih: ~ ~ '4,4,<'1 .. ii;tt'I'~ ...Ilmftw IT<T ~ ..:\ ~'\' am: If.W
'II'TII'lfir '3'« lf4~ . ij; fuoI1: ll1I'If~ ~ tt'I' 1fT CifiI'I1 ... ," ,,,'i., «"1.filost 'lrro:
~ .. ~ fiI; ~ ............q m tt'l1 i4TIfi"!ft4r mr '1mr ~, '.f;!t '11!: '3'« "'l'Il'r.fof ~ ~f'Trf'nr
\!If """"" CIR'Il '!rT fir;mor ~'iT •
(3) ~ .... 4.<'1« i4TIf 1fT ~ ii; ~ it fil;dT f.r'If~ 'flff '!rT ~ III 'IWl<t. fiAr<or ~
f'TR it III't ~ RrI1Il'!I'If 'Ii\ .m; it; f'TR'" flt'lT ~ ""r~4"'1.'iI< '11< lHr'IT .]
I. 1968~ ~II. 47 'lit '"'" 36 rro ''f'<zflI>r ",Am:" ;r _ ~ ~!
2. ~ 'lit uro 36 .ro ORI:t'I11lnII
1 'I,'imt 'lit '"'" 37 rro "'!PI 7 .m 8" ill" _ on ~., I
4. """" 'lit uro 37.ITT "",:rofIrn' 1956;r 'lfir1'Pl1l 11 0 27 "'I !1m 4311'1 'I." .... ("') 'I'T'l"ftfoon'lllr I
50 1975;r 1Ifirf.Nq II. 40 'lit IlT<T 7 n<r .... (or) ;r """ on ('t,lJl'i>i't '!'f ii) ~ I
8. 1966 t ~ Ii· 47 'lit urn 37 sro "".flrnilit";r _ ~ (14-12-1966 it) lI'f<i~ I
7· 'l'IWa 'lit uro 37 rn:r .... (1') 11< """ ~ (14-12-1966 it) lI'iilrof'«I I
8. ~ ~r urn 39 1m "fl',",,~ 1IITt/t1l" III "IT'Ion (14-12-1968 lI) lI/1I~" I
9. "..-mr ~ ","I 38 fro ( It-U-1966 it) q'l:l'llN.' I
92 Reprt:!sent{uhm ~1 rIll' People Ac.t. t ~)51
(P.\RT n.-Acts of Parliament)

81. Presentation of petiti()l\S... -(f) All dection petition calling ill question any election may
be presented on one or more of th" grolillds specili~d in '[sub-section (1)1 of section 100 and
sccti.lll 101 It) the '[High Court] hy ,my candidate at suchelcctioll or any 01ector '[within forty-five
days from. but not carli" .. than tho date of cl~ctinll of the r..:turned candidate or if there arc more
than one returned candidate at the ekctioll and date~ of t,leir election are different, th.. later
of th0se tIVO dates].
Explallation.-Tn this sub·s·~cti'JlI. "eI~ctllr" mean, a I~r$on who was entitled to vote at the
election to which the c10Ction petition n lates, whether he has voted at such election or nol.

•• • • • •
'[(3) Every election petition shaH be accompanied by as many copies thereof as there are
respondents mentioned in til? pc;tition···· and every such copy sha1l be attested by the petitioner
under his own signature to be a true copy of the petition.]
'[82. Parties of the petition.·-A petitioner shaH join as respondents to his petition-
(a) where the petitioner, in addition to claiming dedardio(1 tImt thF election of a1l or
any of the returned candidates is void. claims a further dedaration that he himself or any
oth~rcandidate has been duly elected. a1l the contesting candidates other than the petitioner.
and where no such further declaration is claimed, a1l the returned candidates; and
(b) any other candidate against whom allegations of any corrupt pra\itice an- made in
tlte petition.]
'[83. Contents of petition.--(l) An election pctition-
(a) sha1l contain a concise statement of the material facts on which the petitioner relies;
(b) shall set forth full parti~ulars
of any corrupt practice that the petitioner a1leges,
including as full a statement as possible of tile names of the parties alleged to hwc committed
such corrupt practice and the dat., and place uf the commis~ion of each such practice; and
(c) shall be signed by the p~titio~r and verified in the manner laid down in the Code
of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) for the verification of pleadings:
'[Provided that where the petitioner alleges any corrupt practice. the pdition shall also be
accompanied by an affidavit in the prescribed form in support of the allegation of such ccrrupt
practice and the particulars tltereof.]
(2) Any schedule or annexure to the petition shall also be signed by thc petitioner and verified
in the same manner as the p!tition.]
10[84. Relief th.t may be claimed by the petitioner.-A petiti,)ner may, in addition to claiming
a declaration that the election of a1l or any of the returned candidates is void, claim a further
declaration that he himself or any other candidate has been duly elected.]
t. Subs. by Act 27 Of t956. s. 44. for "sub-sections (I) and (2),'.
2. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 39, for "Election Commi"ion" (w.d. 14-12·19661.
3. Subs. by Act 27 of 1956. s. 44. for certain words.
4. Sub·section (2) omitted by Act 47 of 1966. ,. 39 (w.e.f. l4-t2.1966).
5. Ins. by Act 40 Of 196t. s. t 7 (w.e.f. 20-9·1961).
I .. Certain words omitted by Act 47 of 1966. s. 39 (w.e.f. 14-12·1966).
7. Sub.. by Act 27 Of 1956. s. 45. for s. 82.
~. Subs. by s. 46./b/JI" for .. 83.
9. Ins. by Act 40 Of t961, s. t8 (w.d. 20-9-1961).
to. Subs. by Act 27 Of 1956, s. 47. for s. 84.
~ "r~f;d"'lII !l!r"r.,q.. , 1951
('fFI 2-rr>r,\ i arf'If.r<T!!)

81.!l!f.lq'f '1\1 :ro-f'«f fi!rir f.r;.(I'R'liT lIT-flfO ''Il1::t <mfr f~ o;r.ff mu 100
fir.qr:;mn- ( 1)
'I>'T 1['3'MU (1)] am:
anr 101 it f<ff.rf~ o;rl>m1 it ~ ~ 'IT o;rfiR; 'l"l: C[T-'f '4141<14] 'liT ~
~'f it ~ fiI;;ft ~ mr Ifr fiI;;ft f.r-r'l'l1 ;mr f.rifff'f'f
il; '[f.r'IT;;;; <tT ~ ~ lfT If~
f.r'If'f'f if ~ ~ o;rfu;; fiifif\;'f "'''loft ~ orr.: f'rn'foT <tt crr~~ f'lf~ ~ <IT 'R <rrt'tlif it \T 'Trifrq:if<ff
~ ~ <f'crr.fuf flt'! il; >frcr<: fiI;<; ~ crr~ ~ q"~ onrr) 'Nff'l<r <t!t <ifr ~f I
t«tSa-,'" (Or ~ '3'MU it "~" ~ 'II! Olff'!cr mmrn
~ ;;iT ~ f'l'lf'f'f iT, fmrn f'f'IT'f'f 'A"fT
~ ~ 'IfC1 ~ it ~ ~ 'll mt i;f ~ ~~ f'f'lf<f" if ...-m" fo.,.r ~ Ifr 'f f.t;'l'r ~ I
'[ ( 3) i!' ~ ",;If ij; ':Tr'l" ,~.fT ,rn
srr.'T!Tr ~tlff f"~:t sr"1"<ff 1"lf o;r;lf if 'ff"f<r ~ .**'" m,
~ \!' i>ft srfu 'liT !!f'f.r ~ ~ \\'\.~Ii IfOld 'li"Qrr r.:
'IQ o;r.ff <tT ~ {T srf-'f ~ I]

'[ 82. IIr.IT 11; ~;":-",offm il'f'ft o;r;;lf if lI<Ir'ff it ~ it-

('Ii") :m ..m ii, h'flf f.t; o;r;;fl';m: ~ ~ it'~ fiI; ~if f.rrniffl !I!<l1"f'flif lfT 'Rlf ~
f<j;4'f '1\1 f.rmo IIf.'4" ~, G"f'ff 'In::t ~ o;rfcrf'(ffl I\~ "'~'Tf"'J 'lllf'rrr ij; fu~ 'If fiI; 'II! m Ifr If>'tt
7.f'4' 'If1'7lfT 'If"'i-o, 1;'-1 iT f;N·if,f.'i ,f '1'Iff ~ G"M ~ ~, o;r;ffm ~ N~ f.r'ITvr <iF <mt ,p'rf'flif
'1fT am: ,.~ ..qrr ii, fmrlf fiI; ,Nt ",f:'ff,H '1'r'fVfr it fu~ G"m ;;{t f.w.-r 'TIfr ~ If. f.r'lf'f'f Wl'lfN-zrt
'liT; C1'll
('") fil;4'f "'''f o;r<l1"'ff 'liT f;r~ij; F.~<r fil;4'r ~!C "'I"'-If "I; o;rfln;1f'f ,PIT if fiI;~ '111; ~;

'[8:1. """ 'li"f~-( 1) ~ o;r;;ff-

('Ii") ii 'R crmif'lr crvii '1\1 ~f_ '01f'f W<r~ il:frrr f'l"f n: ~ f.r>h: ~ ~;
(lif) it ~q mrc ~ 'fl'l<:"f <t!t ~~ fiffuf'zlft, f;m;r !I!;ff.-n: o;rflrnlf'f 'li"?:67 ~, ~ q"~
it 'ff'IfT 11; 1f>mT'f4' ~ ~ 11; tr%<r fGf'f~ 'ff'lO' Ifil: o;rfifl;'If'f ~ fl1 "~'r ~crr ~"G m,,","f fil;lfr
"l am: \!' ~'Ii" ~crr ~ fil;1{ ;;rr.r 'lft crr~ am: <'Il'l 'NR--Ifif ~'1r; C1'll
('I) o;r;;ffm mr il:fdllltf@ 'lft ;;rrl{'ff am: ~ ~K'T ii m>1'rM-"f 'lft ;;rfll'lrf I1I't .. Mil .. ,,'; ij;
~ 11; ~ fuf.f<'flrf~"l'f mil:crT, 1908 (1908'1\1 5) it o;rf!fl1l'rif ~ :
'[~ ;;r~ fiI; !I!;;ffm fiI;<fr ~ !I!f"I,"f '1\1 !l!f'lf'li"lf'f 'li"?:ifr ~, '!\!f ~it ~"! m,,","f ij; ~If'f
ij; am:
~ fqfirlf""..'i it m~ it F.fl!<r ~ if ~ VftfIfU 'oft o;r;;ff it crrIf ~'1r I)
(2) o;r;;lf if <'r'ft rt '!i'rt o;r't.~ Ifr '3'Tf"1< '1ft q;lfm mr ~;TMn:if fil;qr ~'1r arr.: '3'~ -IJflf
it m>1'rM-1f f.w.rr ~ r.m "OOf it o;r;;ff !KlI'rfi«r 'I>'T ;;mit ~ I .

lO[ 8 4. ~ "'tm- ~fl'I!l 'fm ~ ~ mnn--$f;;ff;m: iilf ~ '1\1 fiI; \fir f.rnm Wl'lff'i:if
lfT 'O'fl't it fiI;<fr '!IT fofn,of ~'" ~, .r..r ~{:t t ;
fill 'fil: .!f4' Ifr '!>'Ii ""If ;r~<ff ~1[. 1FT ~ f.rlfif,u iff '1lfT ~ I
;rra-n:u 'IT'f''1T ~r '1ft .-rlfr 'Ii"?: If~'rr

I. 1956" "filf.rlI'I Ii. 27 'lit II~I 44 II"I ",q.I" ..1 (I) am (2)" ill ~ q~ .m.~p;,; I
2. 1966 ""fuf.!"" Ii. 47 'lit 11111 39 Irtl"~ "TIit'!" " ~ q,
(14'12-1966'lr) lIf~l"f!fi!a I
3. 1956 ill "f\lf.rI!>r liD 27 'lit ~ro:l 44 1T'1 fill ~ iII~ on srfiT~" I
4. 1966 ~ '1f~ liD 47 '1ft fl'i"1 39 1'" a"IIfm (2) q:1 (14-12-1966 iT) \'i\'! f"" 'lQl I
S. 1961 ~,,~ liD 40 'lltfl'r'r 171r>:! (20-9-1961lr) lI'<.~flrn I
8· 1966 ~ ,,~li. 47 'lit '"" 39 Irtl fill ~ or.r (14'12-1966 lr) \'i\'! f~m ~ I
7. 1958 ill "f!lf.r:'! liD 27 Iffl IIT\r 45 II~ fl'rtr 82 ill ~ '1 ~\4frf!rn I
So 'j'i!1f!I Iff! fl'T\l 4 6 1m !I'm S J II< l'l\'l on IIfu~ I
9. 1961" 11~ liD 40 11ft am 181m (20-9-1961 lr) q..,:~flrn I
10· 1956 ~ "flIf.l>I'I Ii. n If,) lI~r 47 ~I" fl'm 84" ~I'l "' IIfu~ I

15-804 Min Law & .1uslicC'N4

Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

85. [Procedure 011 receiving petition.] Rep. by the Representatioll of the People (Amendmelll)
Act, 1966 (47 of 1966), s. 40.

CHAPTER IlL-Trial of Election Petitions

1[86. Trial of election petitions.-(I) The High Court shall dismiss an election petition
which does not comply with the provisions of section 81 or section 82 or section 117.
Explanation.-An order of the High Court dismissing an t1ection petition nnder this
sub-section shall be deemed to be an order made under clause (a) of se<'tion 98.
(2) A, soon as may be after an election petition has been presented to the High Court, it shall
be referred to the Judge or one of the Judges who has or have been assigned by the Chief Justice
for the trial of election petitiom under sub-section (2) of section 80A.
(3) Where more election petitions than one are presented to the High Court in respect of
the same election, all of them shall be referred for trial to the same Judge who may, in his dis-
cretion, try them separately or in one or more groups.
(4) Any candidate not already a respondent shall, upon application made by him to the High
Court within fourteen days from the date of commencement of the trial and subject to any order
as to security for ~osts which may be made by the High Court, be entitled to be joined as a res-
• Explanation.-For the purposes of this sub-section and of section 97, th~ trial of a petition
shall be deemed to commence on the date fixed for the respondents to appear before the High
Court and answer the claim or claims made in the petition.
(5) The High Court may, upon such terms as to costs and otherwise as it may deem fit, allow
the particulars of any corrupt practice alleged in the petition to be amended or amplified in such
manner as may in its opinion be necessary for ensuring a fair and effective trial of the petition,
but shall not allow any amendment of the petition which will have the effect of introducing
parti~ulars of a corrupt practice not previously alleged in the petition.
(6) The trial of:1D election petition shall, so far as is practicable comistcntly with the interests
of justice in respect of the trial, be continued from day to day until its conclusion, unless the High
Court finds the adjournment of the trial beyond the following day to be necessary for reasons
to be recorded.
(7) Every election petition shall be tried as expeditiously as possible and endeavour shall
be made to conclude the trial within six months from the date on which the election petitioD is
presented to the High Court for trial.
frT. Procetlure before the Hlgb Court.-{l) Subject to the provisions of this Act and of any
rules made thereunder, every election petition shall be tried by the High Court, as nearly as may
be, in accordance with the procedure applicable under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of
1908) to the trial of suits:
Provided that the High Court shall have the discretion to refuse, for reasons to be recorded in
writing, to eX<lmine any witness or witnesses if it is of the opinion that the evidence of such
witness or witnesses is not material for the decision of the petition or that the party tendering
such witness or witnesses is doing so on frivolous grounds or with a view to delay the proc;eedings.
(2) The provisions of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (I of 1872), shall, subject to the provi~ions
of this Act, be deemed to apply in all respects to the trial of an election petition.]
I. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966, •• 41, for ... 861092 (w.•• f. 14-12-1966).
.m; Alltf.. flliii~, 1951 '1.1
('IF! 2~, i qAlf~4q)

85. ~ """ ~ IR Iff;fln~ mflrliffi" (~) $I Faf~q q, 1 966 (1 966 'iii 47) ;f.t
IITU 40 rnr ~ 1
~ 3~ ~ 'iii fiI';rnvr
1[86. ~ af1IIif~ fifm'aI-( 1) ;;.;q rlI'J1fI<iif filr<fi ~ qoff ~ ~ II\<: ;m ;;it
!fro 811fT !fro 821fT !fro 1 1 7 if; 'a'1m 'iii "'l.41<"" .~ qroft ~ 1

... sdl4l("~ '3'!IITU if; !!f<ft;{ f.r~ qoff ~ ~ ""'" <mfr ;;.;q >lI'f11'i<iif qrr !!fR-lr !TT'J
98 if; n (qr) if;!!fIft;r, f.m 'TIfT !!fltqr ~ ~ 1
(2) ;;.;q -4141iW ~
f.r<rivr !!f~ 'iN('<4IMO- filro:: m't if; wrr<I: If'mf'I4' Wtf:i ~ ;nr i'II141&111 ~
1fT :;or i' if q ~ ~ flt~ f.m "'~ ;;it f.r<rivr qfi;r>i'f if; mror if; ~ 't,l;q' i'II'il<'tf<r
mr!fm 80'11 It\" '3'flfm (2) if;!!fIft;r ~~ f.m 'Tl<r ~ 1fT f.t;~ 'It:t; ~ 1
( 3) ~ filr w f.r<rivr It\" iIT'rO ~ q !!ffu'!>" f.r4fvr m:...r ~ rlI'flfr.f1f ~ ,m", fild 1t\";;miI'
~, ~ :;orlf it «iT W ""nmft"qr ~ ~ if; fu~ ~ It\" <r~1 ;;it !!f'!;r f,,;""I1,\1I( ~ ~:
tIT ~ Ifr qfuqr mIif if f,,"lf<a II\<: ~ I

( 4) ~ !!f1'I',ff, ;;it ~~ q itT lWI<ff 'f ~, f'f,",or if; lI"ro'Ii It\" ;rrt\"~ q ~ ~ if; 'lITo<
;;.;q rlI'ilIT<'Ilf q m rnr ~ ~ m't If( am: '""" if; ~ lIfu'lfu if; .m: if mft ~ !!fltqr ;t,
t;f"l"<ft;{, ;;it ~ "fI'mI" rnr f.m ~, lWI,ff if; ~ if ~ ~ m't 'iii ~ ~ 1

......I .. <.I~ ~ ai'rt !fro 97 ~ ~;ff ~ ~ mft ~ 'iii f~ '3<f <rrtN ~ lI"ro'Ii
9"T \1"Il1!T ~ ;;it lT1li~ ~ ;;.;q '4141<'14 if; ~ aq';"Ild ~;r ai'rt qoff if filro:r 'It:t; ~ 1fT ~
'iii '3'", ~ if; ~ f.rIf<r It\" 'It ~ I
if ai'rt ~ ~q f'f'i!f;ff If(, ~ ~ tf.I; m, ~ if !!ff1rl;f<ro
( 5) ;;.;q rlI'f'<TWl fiql if;
fqrdT W<!" ~
It\" f"f,Ifi:<;zi1 it; ~ ffir if ~ ~ m't tIT 'fm-f!fa' ~ m't '1>'1' q;m it mr
-m~ i 'I!:<r. tIT !I"'~ ~ ~ 'If;!f''''d ""'" if; ~ ~ "([If if ~ ~, ~ qoff qrr
~ ~m ~ !!f~ ~ qr"tlrT ~ lI'IIl'f ~ ~ It\" ~ f<mrf'c4T ~, ;;it qoff if ~ q
$I f'>I .. Na 'f ~; lffl;<sz ""'" 'I>T ~ 1
(6) ~ qoff 'iii ~, ~ A ~ f.;-m1lf if;
fif: .m:
if rlI'flf if; ~i!'f i a' ~~ 1m4" «If
l;T ~ \1"1fI1i<l <1'11 m-
llfo-~~ "fi"'t $I" "fiI <r'I1 ~ '4141<'14 :;or 'frr<'Iff q ;;it qNfufW ~;;mtt7
~ ~ 'f f~ flI; ~ ~ >iT'fflf1 m-
q ~ ~ ""'" ~ ~ 1
( 7) f.r<rivr R 'r1IFil1<f Wtmrr q f'r;rrf\<1 '1>'1' ~1 ai'rt '3<f <rrtN q, m...r ~ Rf
;;.;q '4141<14 ~ fir;m:ur if; f<'!1l; ,m~IMd It\" 'It ~, ~ If!\1' il; 'Ifid"< ~ ~ \1"IfI'«f ""'" 'iii If!W!

87. ~ ... 141 .. Q ill 91I1R 1I~( 1) ~ !!ff!lf.m if; ai'rt d'1{!ft'f ~ rro: f.t;o@ 'lIT m.iT if;
~ il; !!f~ ~ ijll:, I[< f.r<rivr R ~ "fI'mI1f ifm 1f1ITW'f'< f~ '3<f lI'f'rn if; ~
fif<nfut It\" <r~1 ;;it fuf<f\'! srm-r
«fl!<tr, 1908 (1 908 'I>T 5) if;!!fIft;r ~ ~ f<r<rr<ar ~ ""'t. ~ :
If<'<! ~ ... >lI'J1fI\i4' ..r
l!"~ flI<A;rfirorn ~ filr ~ :;or 'IiT<"ff q;;it WA rnr >lM<'if.. d ~;;mt.T
fqrd't ~ 1fT mfuoi! '1>'1' <rtmT ""'" q ~ II\<: it, If~ ~ ~ "([If ~T fqr ~ ~ 1fT mfuoi!
'I>T Im'4 ~ if; f.. f~'''4 if; ~ diR'fij; ~ ~ 1fT ~ flI; ~q ~ 1fT mfuoi! ~ trn ""'" <mfT 'fIR-
""' ~ !!fI'!ffU If( 1fT .. lqqlf\[41 ~ f.r.t1'ird' ""'" It\" ~ q ~ II\<: W ~ 1
(2) ~ Im'4 ~1f, 1872 (1872 'iii 1) it; 'O'l'imT ~ >lfuf~4q il; ~ il; ~
'I[(t Q~ «iT 1f'I1r< f.r<rivr ~ if; ~ ~ \ii'!;, ~, ~ \1"Il1!T ~r I]
I· 1966 it "fiIf.Ill1I Uo 47.<t IIT(I 41 iml 86 it 92 a .. ~ !TroIi (14·12·1966 it) !Ifu~ I
94 Rrprescnlation of th~ People Act, 1951 ,,
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)

93. Documentary evidence. --Notwithstanding anything in any enactment to the contrary,

no document ,hall h~ inadmissible in e"id,:;nc~ at the trial of an clecti,)n petition Olt the ground
that it is not duly star,lpcd or registered.
94, Secrecy of voting nflt to be infringed.-No witness ,)r other person shall be required to
state for whom he Ins voted at an election.
95. Answering of ~riminnting questions and certificate of indemnity.-(I) No witness shall
be excused from an,wering any question as to any matter r<'levant to a mltt'~r in i"u~ in th·~ trial
of an e!':ction petition upon the ground that the answer to such question may criminutc cr may
tend to criminate him. or that it may expose or may tend to expo>e him Il) nny penalty or for-
Provided that-
(a) a witne". who answers truly all questions which he is rcquird to ansWer shall be
entitled to receive a certificate of indemnity from '[the High COllrtl: and
(b) an answ.'r given by a witness to a question put by or before '[the High Court) shall
not. except in the case of any criminal proceeding for perjury in respect (1;' th~ evidence. be
admissible in evidence against in any civil or criminal proceeding.
(2) Wh!n a ~ertiticatc of indemnity has b:!Cn granted to any witness. it may be pleaded by
him' in any court and shall be a full and complete defence to or upon any chaTge under Chapter
lXA of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or Part- VJI of this Act arising Ollt of th~ nwtt~T
• tl) which such certificate relates. but it shall not be deemed to relieve him from any disqmdification
~;n connection with an deC'linn imposed by this Act or any otheT law.
9!i. Expenses of witnesses.-The reasonable expemes incurred by any person in attending
to give evidence may be allowed by '[the High Court] to such person and sJu,IL lInless '[the High
Court1 otherwi~e directs. be dcemed to be part of the costs.
97. RecTimination when seat claimed.---(I) \Vhen in an election petlllon a declaration that
3ny candidate other than the returned candidate has been duly elected is claimed, the relurned
candidatc or any other party may give evidence to prove that the election of such candidate would
have been void if he had been the returned candidate and a petition had been presented calling in
uc~tion his election:

Provided that the relurned candidate or such other party, as aforesaid ~hall not be entitled to
give such evidence unless he has. withir. fourteen days from the date of '[commencement of the
triall. given notice to '[the High Court] of his intention to do so and has also given the security
a'\1 the further security referred to in sections II? and 118 respectively.
(2) Every notice referred to in suh-section (1) shall be aceompanied by the statement and
3 • • • p:lrticulars required by section 83 in the case of an election petition anC! shdll be signed

and verified in like manner.

98. Decision of the High Court.-At the conclu;ion nf the trial of an election petition '[the
High Court] shall make an order-
(a) dismissing the eleetion petition; or

I. Sub •• by Act 47 of 1966••. 42. for "the Tribunal" (w.e.f. 14-12-1966>.

2. Sub •. by Act 27 of 1956, s. 52. for "the pubtication orthe election petition under section go".
3. The wor,b "Ii.t or' omitted by •. 52, Ibid.
"""" lIfiIf,{ftmllllfuf""",
1 9 51 94
(YWI 2~ i!;~'T)

93. ~T 1mII-f.!;1t ",RTf.r>rlirfu' it ..~ lff<l~ """ ~ ~~ >fi, ~ >fi ~Jnf"" f.r'!f'A'
qoif i!; ~Gf it tr~ ij; 1;<'1' it w wun: q'"( f.!; ~ tr1'q~ ~ ~ ~f>q<l 1fT 'U~~ 'I'~r ~ "'rliTl!f
'I'~ft I

94. 'f<m'f 'IIi 'i\Qoil4HI 1I!T .'!fllioiwl"!' fil;q'I ;;mn-f.!;<fi mefi 1fT W1f OIff'fJ ~ ~ .. f'1'ff m
1ft ~ 'I' 1ft ""~"t f.!; ~ ~ it f.!;tr i!; fut:t 'TO' flm ~ I
95. a<m!l' if ~ lff.r sm'f 1I!T ~ ~ m
'IfunoT Ill! QQIGN" ( 1) '1ft{ meft, forifivr
qoff i!; ~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ f.!;1t ~ i!; iIT't it ~ '11:( f.!;1t w.r ..T ~ t.l ~, I\iT
wun: q'"( ~ 'I' iftorr f.!; ~ w.r 'Of ~ it~ mefi 'I>'t wn:nr it 'lim mT '1'T ~ ~ '!fq'"(ra'
it '!i!l'A 1ft .-[IIf"t "'1f,T '\i it~ trrm '!it f.!;1t wrfrn 1fT tI"l'li!'Gf i!; f<it!; ,,~ "" tr'l;lTl 1fT '3'tr~ l!'{fu

( .. ) ~ meft ;;it '3"1' tror sm'f ..T ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ 1ft ~ ~ 1ft ~
~, 1['d'V'f "'l'flfr.fq'] ~ .m:;nor
QQIGjq" ~ i!; fut:t ~ ~TIfr, <r'llm
(!if) f.oe; 'T~ w.r ..T ""I 'ffl<: meft mr ~T If'1'T ~,
1['d'V'f "'l'ilfr.fq'] i!; mr 1fT tr'f&l
~ '3'tr m'f tr1<Rft m'1'-Wr i!; fu~ <ID"6<I1 ijil4<<1@ 1ft <:m it lT1W ~ i!; ,fflflf, ~ flmr
f.!;1t fumr '1'T ~ If~ it m'f it !!T~ 'I' ~TIfr I
( 2) "l'iI'f.!; f.!;d't trrm '!it 'fn:O!T1If lI1I'fGN" "''f,'ffl "" ~T 'TifT ~ <Iii '3'tr'OT '!ff~ ~ f.!;1t I
"'l'flfr.fq' it "" trili"'IT ai\'l; it~ f.!;1t ~ ~ ",>p ",I'it 'f[(:r, forti''; tr.;ro!:I' it itm lI1I'rllf'fOf ~, 'lln:ffTq
",g~, 1860 (1860 'Of 45) i!; ~ 9'Ii' i!; ~ '1'T ~tI' q'~ i!; YWI 7 i!; qUA flpfi
mm i!; m<r lIT ifl'irn' tI'~ lfRR&lT ~!ft, filr.ij; '3'tT!ft lfTiT<I 'l'Il: 'I' ~ ;;rro:m f.!; ~ ~ ~ ~
flpfi it~ ~m ~, ;;it W .. fu f..'tq lIT flpfi W1f fiffii mr .. fl." Gf1ld ~, m ""f.'I<T "" ~ ~ I

96. mmrif it ~-mlf ~ it fut:t ~m ~r.t it fi!;d\ ~ mr ~ '!,f<ffi4.'R1 0IfIf 1['d'V'f

"'l'lq'I~] itlt "4'f.!<r '!it ~ "" trili"'IT 3ll~ "l'iI' <f'!; fit; 'd'V'f "'l'flfr.fq' 'l"I'TT ~ 'I' q;'t or 'if'!<I-
>rei 0IfIf

I1R ~ YWI m ;;mt.T I

97. """ .. fi'IIt ~ ~~~~-( 1) "l'iI'f.!; f..ifivr q'oif it ~ 'I'M'urT 'Of <:m f.!;q'I
'1'11 ~ flf<f<l ~off ~ f'lf'il ~ ~ trRf,,! 1O'l ~<f<l ~ 11'lIT ~ <rif f.fqff';ffl ~ 4r
• ~ q'''l' 'f~T, If;; ~ m it fui!; m'f ~ mr f.!; .m
itm VRf'ff f.r'!ff<m VRf'ff ~ aft,
m f.rifivr '!it lIToFT<I m i!; 1m( ~ <!t ~ ~f<ft, <it it~ VRf'ff ...T f.rifivr ~ ~1m :
'm! "'.. <!'Ii' fiI; f.rm<r q"Rfoff '1'T 4q ,~..w ~ W1f <m'Ii'~ i\' ~ itm m it q'mIf 1ft ~
1['d'V'f "'l'flfr.fll] '!it '[flro'l:lJf STro'Il' ~'it 1ft] <I'rttlif ~ ~ ~... i!; ~ 'I' <? ;ft ~ ai\'l; ...rn:
flro3i'f 11 7 aft'l: 11 8 it f.r~ ~ ai\'l; ma-f\:'I<! ~ "" 'I' ~ ;ft ~, ~ t(m m'f ~ i!; 1m(
!!'l'>m: 'I' iftorr I

(2) '3"IlIro (1) it ~ i!' ~ i!; m'f 'II! 'Ii"A' aft1: •••• f<lfit,fl>G4i ~If"t;;it ~ qoff
1ft ornr it mr 83 mr ~ ~ ~ ~ t(~ gr 'Ma it &«i,41'F<<r ~ ~ ~ ,
98. ~ .4,4,,,4 'III f.. f·.....4 -~ qoff it ~ 1ft ~rft<r 'f'l: 1['3""1' rif,4jiiilf]-

(... ) ~ """ '!it IfTfu;r rn 'Of, ~

I. 1966'" '1faflll/lf Uo 47 ~ tI", I", """",,~' ill ~f'i! on (14-12-1966 II) IlfaNTf<ra 1
2. 1956 ~ '1fi1fl1l/1f Uo 27"" ""' 52 1m """' 90 -. '11ft" f.I.t'f;! ~I~' ill "111'1 II\'t" ~ 1'll'I'17 l!fu~"" 1
3· ~ II\'t ""' 52 1m "II\'t orfr" ..-if II<! .iN f""" 'III' I
95 Repl'csemation of the People Act, 1951
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)

(b) declaring the election of '[all or any of the returned candidates] to be void; or
(c) declaring the election of '[all or any of the returned candidates] to be void and the
petitioner or any other candidate to have been duly elected. :***

.* * * •
99. Other orders to be made by the High Court.-(l) At thc tinK of making an oreier under

~ection 98 '[the High Court] shall also make an order-

'[(a) where any charge is made in the petition of any corrupt practice having been com-
mitted at the election, recording-
(i) a finding whether any corrupt practice has or ha.s not been proved to have been
~ommitted .... at the election, and the nature of that corrupt prar.tice; and

(ii) the names of all persons, if any, who have been proved at the trial to have been
guilty of any corrupt practice and the nature of that practice; and]

(b) fixing the total amount of costs payable and specifying the persons by and to whom
costs shall be paid:
Provided that '[a person who is not a party to the petition shall not be named] in the order
under sub-clause (U) of clause (a) unless-
(a) he has been given notice to appear before a[the High Court] and to show cause why
he should not be so named; and
(b) if he appears in pursuance of the notice, he has been given an opportunity of cross-
• examining any witness who has already been examined by '[the High Court] and has given
evidence against him, of calling evidcnce in his defence and of b~ing h~ard.
'[(2) In this section and in section 100, the expression "agent" has the same meaning as in
section 123.l
100. Grounds for declaring election to be void. - 8[(1) Subject to the provisions of su1>-se<.;tion
(2) if ·[the High Court] is of opinion-
(a) that on the date of his election a returned candidate was not qualified, or was dis-

qualified, to be chosen to fill the seat under the Constitution or this Act '[or the Government
of Union Territories Act, 1963 (20 of 1963)]; or
(b) that any corrupt practice has been committed by a returned candidate or his election
agent or by any other person with the consent of a returned candidate or his election agent;
1. Subs. by Act 27 of 1956, s. 53. for "the returned candidate",
2. The word "or" and cI. (d) omitted hy s, 53, ihid.
3. Subs by Act 47 of 1966. s. 42, for "the Tribunal" (w.e.f. 14-12·1966).
4. Subs. by Act 27 of 1956. s. 54, for cl. (a).
S. Certain words omitted by Act 58 of 1958, s, 29.
6. Subs. by Act 27 of 1956, s. 54, (or "no person shall be named",
7. Subs. by 5.54, ibid.• for sub-section (.!).
S. Subs. by s. 55. ibid., for sub·scctions (I) and (2).
9. Ins. by Act 20 of 1963, s. 57 and the Second Schedule. The words "or the Government 0fP,,, C States Act. 1951
(490rI951)" were omilted by the Adaptation ~f Laws (No.2) Order, 1956.
,"iii "f"f"lb", "IVf"qq,
1951 95
('£1'l 2~ if; 'ff'!lf.rrir)

('I) ~ 'I'tor>rr .m- ;mrr Ii!; '[«<r f.."iF'Id "><IMql 'lIT 1fT :;;;rq it li!;tr] 'lIT fim';!Of ~, aNqt

('I) ~ firq'll ~1t ;mrr fir. '[«if f'fnf'f;r q'RfM">ii 'I1r "l "",:t if li!;ft] 'I1r fni'f'f ~-,. ~
ant ~ 1fT '!irt Wlf iiWoff «"'lit 1Ff it f.rilif'fd' ill 'lIfT ~2.*.
iTriro 'liW I
2* • • •
99.·~ Rfrqr.rq rm f~ mOl ...m WQ' ~-( 1) urn 98 ~ dr, 'lI'r~.T 'lrl:ff ij"Il'lf .[~
4""1(1!llQ ] -

'[( "') W ~ it, f;;rri ~ .r ~ m-{rq- Ii!;!lr 1M ~ fj; mm if '!irt 'Il~ qr'l1:'T li!;lr
(i) ~~ qf>lF.. fliId ~ ~ Ii!; f.rrr...r if .*** f.!;\ft IOfii! C4'1'ifI:'T 'Irr fiI;IfT ;;rr;rr gm ~ "l
mf.rd 'f@ gIfT ~ ant ~~ ~ 'fr'f1:'1[ t'r In;Rr 'fi>ff.:rf~:r ,",ff~, <rIfT
(ii) :;;;r «if .,,[irnIif ij; '"'If, ,,~ '!irt ~, f;r;r<1i\' iiTarn ~ if "it «rflid' gIfT ~ Ani
mf'r ~ 'fT'f1:'1T ij; 00 ~ ant W 'fT'f1:'1T '1ft lfifu 3Tfll';r ~ ~, 'I'll]
(v) «~q lIRl 'liT ~ <'1>'1 '1>1 f.rq<T "'",ff g~ :;;;r a1r'l<r>tT '1>1 fqf.. fqfii! ,",ff W~ f7.rt ,
1m ant f~ I/l'if ~ ;;r[1:(o?, I

mw \f\ ~'11 :
~ "fir <r'I> I[W iIIfil<r 'lit, ;;fr ~ 'I1r qmm: Of~ ~-]
("') '[~ Rfr'l'r.r<r] ij; «If~r 'milfl<r ~l1t ij; f<'l"Q; ant "~ii~ ~fu:r ~1t 'liT flII ~
IfIiI Of ttit I1'1flr<r flI;qr;;r~ ~ 'f ~ lft '1~ itT, <rIfT
(v) q~ "'II: ~ ij; 'ft."" or if 'O't«'1Rr if\'ffT ~, aT ~i1 3['3"~" ",j"i<i<r] [TU ~ I!'r ~ 'liT <rt\"m 'liT "II ~ ~ 3Th: f.rn1t m f<mr m"W'1 ~ ~ ~m lfRr.;('rm rn 'lIT,
at'!'ft lfftmlT if ;rM iiw rn Ifi ""C;f 'Irr ant w;.ft lfIm ",r 3T"'" Of ~ Pm 'lIfT _ ilT,
W liGlI (If» iI; ~ ( ii ) ij;;r mi w if •[I1'1flr<r Of fiI;IfT "fI1t'll]1
,[ ( 2) 'C'" !4ru if ant urn 100 if 'qf'l'll'ili" 'l"l' 'I1r~"'r qvf ~ <rT ;a-~r urn 123
if ~ I]
100. ~ ~ q;q Q~ m ihmm:- s[ ( 1) 'O'tmtr ( 2) iI;;a-q;p.ji q; ~ ~ ft,
lit fill If~ 1['3"'1" "', q ,1'f4'] 'liT IfQ: \!If ~ Ii!;-
("') f.r'lff<ra' ~ wf.t f.r;rivr 'liT dRTv lIlT ~ ",it' ij; f.rQ; 'tit llI'T1t iii ft:rtt ~
1fT 'C'" 'ff'1lFrl1q iI; '[IlT «1f ~mr wm'f 'ff'!lf.rrirj 1963 (1963 'lIT 20)] iii C4'd\;' ~<T 'lit'
1ft qr f'ftf~ '"' ~ 'lIlT 1ft, 'l'1fiiT
(Ii) f.. 4ifola IrRI'ff 'll m f.r!rivr C4'fll"i'd"i iro 'll f.r~<T C4"Rfoff 1fT ;a-lit f.r;rivr C4'fq.
m 'liT ;rRI'Rr it ~ C4"'f IIffiRr 1m '!1'rt ~ C4'T'f1:'1T fiI;qy 'I'll ~, 'l'1fiiT
I. 1956 II: l1firilm1 Ii. 27.' ,",I 53 Jill "f.rol'<ra 11"1'ff" qr ""~ '"' !If~""f1l~ I -
2. ~ 'iii ""l 53 1m "q," lilt.... (") ~, llN f~ql IIq, I
3. 1966 tillTf\If'lll1lli. nl!fr IITU 421m "~,, til mil '11: ( 14-12-196611) llfmTf!n!·1
4. 195U ~ llliIf'lll1l oj. 27 tf,t "'~' 541'\1 .... ("'l II< 1'111'1 '"' !If~~fl,~ I
5. 1955 it. -.firilIlI'II Ii. 58 I!fr 11m 29 Illi !I' "rii .., 'IN f~;ql '1111 I
6. 1~5(' it. ~f~ Ii. 27 I!fr 11m 54 In, "~Ut 1IIf'16 I!fr ",fire ;r f~.ql 'II'l'll.-" II< I"!I~ qt Rfa~qlfir~ I
7. ~m. of,\ 111'1 54 JIl' 'l'!!1T1' (2 it. "'Ill '!1 lIf~'E'llf'lll I
R. ~'16 I!fr "Ill 53 tn, :mml3ii (1) "'I~ (~) II< l'I1~ '"' lIfl"'lflIl1 I
9. 1963 rr. l1fllf.rQ" \i. 20 1/It 11",
57 >fit ~~-U 11Trf1 m, l1':1:l'I1r!~ I "ql "I~ ~ ,11;ii 'If! IIt~[l I1r"f~~If, 1951
(1951'1'149)" "rij ~.I
ll't~~ (ti. 2) "~-1l, 1956~"1 ,,)q f.To'lI 1111 "II
96 Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
(c) that any nomination has been improperly rejected; or
(d) that the result of the electiun, in so far as it concerns a returned candidate, has been
materially affected-
(i) by the improper acceptance or any nomination, or
(ii) by any corrupt practice committed in the intere,ts of the retumed canoidate
'[by an agent other than his election agent], or
(iii) by the improper reception, refusal or rejection of any vote or the reception or
any vote which is void, or
(iv) by any non-compliance with the provisions of the Constitution or of this Act
or of any rules or orders made under this Act,
'[the High Court] shall declare the election of the returned candidate to be void.]
'[(2)]lf in the opinion of '[the High Court], a returned candidat~ has "'--en guilty by an agent,
other than his election agent, of any corrupt practice •••• but '[the High Court] is satisfied-
(a) that no such corrupt practice was committed at the election by the candidate or his
election agent, and every such corrupt practice was committed contr,uy to the ord~r" aod
'[without the consent], of the candidate or his election agent;
•• • • • •
(c) that the candidate and his election agent took all reasonable means for preventing
the commission of corrupt 7'" practices at the election; and
(d) that in all other respects the election was free from any corrupt ,... practice
on the paft of the candidate or any of his agents,
then ·[the High Court] may decide that the election of the returned candidate is not void.
101. Grounds for which a candidate other than the returned candidate may be declared to have
heen elected.-If any person who has lodged a petition has, in addition to calling in question the
election of the returned candidate, claimed a declaration that he himself or any other candidate
has been duly elected and '[the High Court] is of opinion-
(a) that in fact the petitioner or such other candidate n:~eived a majority of the valid
votes; or
(b) that but for the vote, obtained by the returned candidate by corrupt •••• pra"'
tices the petitioner or such other candidate would have obtained a majority of the valid votes,

'{the High Court] :;hall after declaring the election of the returned candidate to be void declare
the petitioner or such other candidate, as the case'may be, to have been duly elec;ted.
102. Procedure in case of an equality of votes.-lf during the trial of an election petition it
appears that tru-re is an equality of votes between any candidates at the election and that the
I. Subs. by Act 58 Of 1958, s. 30, for certain words.
2. SubS. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 42, for "the Tribunal" (w.e.f.I4-12-1966).
3. Sub-section (3) renumbered as sub-section (2) by Act 27 Of 1956. s. 55.
4. Tho words and figures "specified in section 123" omitted by s. 55,' ibid.
S. Subs. by s, SS, ibid.• for "without the sanction or connivance".
6. O. (6) omitted by Act 58 Of 1958, s. 30.
7. The wonls "or illegal" omitted by Act 27 of 1956, s. 55.
8. The worda "or illoaal" omitted by s. 56, ibM.
.mr srflIf~ tqfuf~qq, 1951 96
(\WI 2--;t~ it; qfa-f.r'li!)

('I) '!iTt ofTII'f.rm il'l.Rrn I>'l' ij- srfum<r f.t;qr 'Il1'T ~; q>fqT
('f) ;;ri!T <I'Ii' f.l; f.rifTVI' lOT 'l'n:orf'« f.r<rif;r<r !!I"I<f'f1 ij- <f"I'ffl ~, ~r <I'Ii' f.r.Rf'! 'l'n:<1fTll'--
(i) f.l;;!\' ,!f'«f.rl~ it; ~f;m ~ fdQ\i"( ij-, q>fqT
(ii) ~ij- flO;!\' ,"oe ~ ij-, ;;it f.rifTRrn q'1-7{iff it; ~ it 1[~it; f.r<rivr qf>t<m
ij-f1l"l[ ~m mT] f.l;qT '1~ ~; 'II'f'IT
(iii) fiI;;f\' I«f ~ ~ an en: fuQ; ;;nil' it;~" q;,:t 'Ii srf.ififlr<r %11; ;;nil' it; 'IT
~?r f.l;;!\' I«f it; fuQ; ;if.r it;, ;;it llJ."'I iil'. 'I1I1:"'l' «, q>fqT

(iv) ~ it; If[ tq~ ~ If(' w 'lfuf~q" it; ~ ~ 'lit f.F:irr """I[ 'IT
qT~ it; '1<f~!l'i it; f.l;dT ~<mA' ij-, ~ ~'l' «sr>rlf<rn iii![ ~,'

oT '[","," "'If!!1"rl!] forifTf'ffl i!1'lilff it; f.r<rivr '1ft <rrOQ l!\I ~ 'O'tm f.l; ~ ~"'I ~ ( ]
'[ ( 2) 'Ifir '[~ "'I1'l1(,['l'] '1ft III! w:r ~ f.l; f.rifif';rn tq1>llff qq:t ~ ~m « f-rn 'l'f'll'!mi
;m;r .... f.l;4'r ~ m"f<:"l' 'In ~):ft 'l!1 ~ ~ '[~ "'If'«[l1''l'] q;1 {fl[llTrr iil' 'lit; ~ f.l;-
'd«iF f.r<rivr m'll'!mi it ~ it ~m '!iTt '''''0 ~ "@ f.l;qT '1T am:
('0) 'l"'i'ff If[

tr<: ~m ~ ~ ~ If(' 'd«iF f.r<rivr m'l'Fm il; ~ il; ~ '1T, ar'\< 'd«'Fr '[lJ"lifo
it; f.rrr] f.t;qr 'IIf[ '1T,
•• * * •
('I) ~ am: 'dWI; AlfR;r 'l'fqq;m it f.r<rivr it ~ ,... «,,,,or f.l;1!, mit !fiT AiTl,or
q;<;it ~ fuQ; <fiT 'if'Rr'(.if<f 'd'fT!T ~ ~i lTlf('
('f) f"'It.A i!"l! lJiT ifffi'i it ~ liT ~il; arf'l'Foo it « f.l;dT ;t'r o,q; ij- f.l;dT 'I!'r ';;Iv.

~ « 't,1ffl '1T.
oT '[~ ;qTli'r.rlt] III! flf~
'"' «iFlfT f.l; f.rifTRfcr 'l'1'lllff '01 f.rifT~'I' 1/f:"lf '!~[ ~ (
101. f'l'.nRf" ~1I>ff« 111" tq'lf>ff r.r'f mltRi en: flmfifll 'IITf!fll f~lI1;;n a~1fT If mlm:- llfir ~ij­
f'O«'r &l!flilT it, qoff ~;t'r ~ f~qlf"d ~ il; ~ 'liT lIToI'lI<T lR:t it; lIT<rfu<r l!1f 'f1of"l'T ~ fuQ; ~I'fr
fif;t;r ~ f<j; ~ ~ 'IT '!iTt 3[;:q WI'l<lff ~ ~ ij- flmf'f<l iil' 'Ilfl ~ am: '['3V' '~Tl!Hfq] .n lit! '(1'1" ~ f'O--
('0) ...rim 'liT If(' ~ ij- q;:q ~ lOT flfftnrr;:q lffll '1ft ~ qffi['I it ~ ~ ~; q>fqT
('") f.rqjf'f; 'l'P.fiff 'liT '"'0 ' ••• q-r;rOJ[ ifT<:I 'l'f~ lffll it; 'l'\l'I'f it 'l';;f!m Iff ~« WI!
'l'flfiff 'liT fqf~ 'Iffi ;t'r .1iII1 tqf~ ~ i!TlfT,
<rT '[~ "l!Tl!1<ilf] ~<r i!1'lliff il; f.r'fT'f'l' lift ~"'I tftfim 'O,:t il; 'l'1f'fR( Ill{ 'l"r«"l'T 'O'tlll f.!;, ""1-
~, ~ If[ ~m q;:q '4"'R!vff {f«rl( ~ « f.r<rif~<r ~ 'I'll ~ (

102. lffll ~ IRm: ~ .rt qm it Itf'l;lf('-lI'fir f.r'fT'f'f 'l';[f it; fififn:Jf <6 mrr "t! sr<fr<r iil'<rl
a f.!; f.r<rivr it f.!;'t![ 'l1>lf'lll1 it; ;fi~ '10 ;rn;n: ~. ar'\< 'Iffi it I!,'O '10 <6 ;;r~ ~ i ;;.r ~1tf'I<fi it

I. 1958 ij; '1fi1f"1i'! Ii. 58";1 111'1 30 or<:1 ~

1Ti'il ij; l'Il'I 'H Ilfu~rflr~ I
47 .., 11111 42 ~m "'QI'IIN,""''' Ilr ~I'f 'H (14-12"1966 iI) lIr~Hrflr~ I
2. . 1966 ij; .. fuflI'i'I Ii.
3. 1956 ij; '1fm"q'l Ii, 27"1 II~I 55 «n' "'lIml (3) 11ft ",«71'<:' (2) Ilr '/'q Ii $'I: IiGtif¥.1 f.. ~ :;~II
4. 1956 ij; "fllf"q'l Ii. 27 "1 111'1 55 n<1 ",...,:1 123 if flrf~~" ~l I am. ,,'IIi .. 'In
f.w ""11 II
5. ,..m."1 IlTU 55 inl "f;r.rl ';"[t\ am '1'"'~"."a'" Ilr ~I'I 'H Jrfa;lllflr~ I
6. 1958 ij; '1fllf~ Ii. 58 'IIi lin' 3011'<l.,pz (til) om"", fiI1l!1 qqll
7. 1956 Ilr '1fi1f~ Ii. 27 Iffl "'" 55 ITtI "ql ,,~" 11101<1 "'I Of", f""" ifill I
8. ~ <t\ lira 56 1('1, "ql '1'111" ~ om l'ftq f""'l Ifll'II

26-804 M/o Law & JnsliceJ94

97 Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

addition of a vote would entitle any of those candidates to be declared elected, then-
(a) any de';ision made by the returning officer under the provisions of this Act shall.
in so far as it determines the question between those candidates. be effective also for the pur-
poses of the petition; and
(b) in so for as that question is not determined by such a decision l[the High Court] shall
decide between them by lot and proceed as if the one on whom the lot then falls had received
an additional vote.
,{103. Communication of orders of the High Court.-The High Court shall, as soon as may be
after the conclusion of the trial of an election petition, intimate the substance of the decision to
the Election Commission and the Speaker or Chairman, as the case may be, of the House of Par-
liament or of the State Legislature concerned and, :I, '.10n as may be the~eaftcr, shall send to
the Election Commission an authenticated copy u. ,.: !ecision.]
104. [Difference of opinion among the members of {lie Tribunal.j Rep. by the Representation of
the People (Second Amendment) Act, 1956 (27 of 1956), s. 57.
105. [Orders of the Tribunal to be final and conell/sive.] Rep. by s. 58, ibid.
106. Transmission of order to the appropriate authority, etc., and its pubUcatioD.-As soon as
may be after the receipt of any order made by '[the High Court] under section 98 or section 99,
the Election Commission shall forward copies of the order to the appropriate authority and, in
the case where such order relates to an election ,0 * • to a House of Parliament or to an election
to the House or a House of the Legislature of a State, also to the Speaker or Chairman, as the case
may be, of the House concerned and 6[ shall cause the order to be published-
(0) where the order relates to an election to a House of Parliament, in the Gazette of
India as well as in the Official Gazette of the State concerned; and

(b) where the order relates to an ele<'tion to the House or a House of the Legislature of
the State, in the Official Gazette of the State.l
"[107. Effect of orders oftbe High Court.-7[(l) Subject to the provisions contained in Chapter
IVA relating to the stay of operation of an order of the High Court under section 98 or section 99,
every such order shall take effect as soon as it is pronounced by the High Court.]

(2) Where by an order under section 98 the election of a returned candidate is declared to
be void, acts lind proceedings in which that returned candidate has, before 'the date thereof, parti-
cipated as a member of Parliament or as a member of the Legisli1ture of a State shall not be inv~­
lidated by reason of that order, nor. shall such candidate be subjected to any liability or penalty
on the ground or such participation.)

CHAPTER IV.-Withdrawal and Abatemcnt of Election Petitions

108. [Withdrawal of petitions beforc appointment of Tribunal.] Rep. by the Representation of
the People tAmendment) Act, 1966 (47 of 1966), s. 45.
I. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 42,·for "the Tribu .," (w.e.f.I4-12.1966).
:z. Subs. by s. 43, Ibid., lOr s. 103 (w. e. f. 14·12·1966).
3. Subs. by s. 44, ibid•• for "the Tribunal" (w.e.f. 14-12·1966).
4. The words and brackets "(other than a primary election),' omitted by Act 27 of 1956. s. 59.
S. Subs. by s. 59. Ibid•• for certain words.
6. Subs. by s. 60, ibid•• for s. 107.
7. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966••. 44, for sub-soc';"" (I) (w.e.r. 14-12.1966).
on. ~""", 1951
Qftlf.t!Yl/q 97
(>Till 2--~ i ~fl1f'flf'l)

it 'lilt f'l'lff'l<! '1"tflffl ~ m1r 'In" ~ ~ ~, <?r-

(q;) f~~ mf'lim rnr ~ '!Tfufm il; ~<r'lit i m'l f<l\".fr 'l~; iTt f~qlt ~ ",7,
~ 0'1\" flO ;o'! '!T'<'1Ntfj ij; ifi'f lfH 'Or W!tmoT 'I><<if~, '3'>1' ~ ir. ~;jj of. f<'l'll; 1ft SI"Ilm
ifT'lr, <NT
('If) "l1[t "'" f'" 'fi! lf~ ~ir f:;-F;~ oro 'IT'fUrfu, '1ifT gm ~, 'fi!r CI"li '[Tv« ~r;;'il(l
;;'fII; ifi'f .ne ~1<:T f<Tf~ 'lit'll O!P: ~iI mnn: ~r 'll;fr f;r:; flf.ffi ~ G'I!{ ii <fTC R!rt'I' 'AIr:
;;~ U:'" ~f,<;<f li'<f llT'<l' gm '11 1

'[ 1 0 3. ,...'" 'tT1tlmtl iit mm "" ~~""T--;;'"'! '11'Rm'1 k'li~-.r

l;flff ~ f<.iW:"! ;f,T "Mi'<r it
'Il'iml' 11'11'I'il'i"I lifts! f.;f.;;"1'1 ij; mmr ;f,T'ivr ';mlpi afr(, ~-41ftqf.i, .r'l' il; 11'1 ~<I ~
f'!1'll'! '~ if, <!G"! ;f. trl11'&l 11'1 ~'l1l'rf'! of,; ~ Off>: 'li'l4il !d, 11'l11'II'I11' lIft;f f'l"f.n~ <fr '!ff!1~Illi'r!'if
lfrn f'l'rivf mT>r 'liT ~r I]
104. ['IlTllrfu1;~", iii ~{fqll1t) U11' if f-r?rffi]-vr,,"lIf((!Tf<t (f;::<fill ~;y-nT'l) ~~, 1956
(1956 'Or 27) <fr !1p:r 57 rnr ~fmr 1
10 5. [;!{r~rf!l1l('ll iI; 1f1~fl !IIil1T'ni\, fl'f'lro~ ~liil-rri~ :€'I ur,r 5 8 :[r~r f.r,fu:; 1
106. !IIr~fl q;r ~'if;{if lITfw.m:) mf~ "') IfT{t{"I m;: <nm Il...-m'!--~ mtitlT, '[F'1 '11'fIlT'f11'j
;rro !l'T<:T 98 11'1 l-mT 99 ij; dr.r ~ '!~ fo;;«\' ~f.ffi iF\' lfTM oj; G'il'ff<! '!'ml'l11' ~Ti:l' -.rrm;f,t lfffflrt
lTJrN<1 lI!ftr't1~ 'liT ii;iftrr, am: '"'!rl. f.l; ~m -.r~ .*** m ij; f.mft ~'" ij; full: ~ ij- 11'1 mft ~
ij; f.nnor IiSVl' if, <!G"! 11'1 <K'ii if ij- f.l;\ft <!G"! ij; fu~ f.;~ ~ <t'l"<f ~,'Il!l, 11'~, 1I""l"~ <!G"! il;
~I!{ Ifr 'l'i{i'TRt "') 1ft -.r~'!T, 311;: '[~ 'IiT- •
("') "1~ f.l; ~r~ .r~ ij; f.!;,fr "Vi ij; f;;f1Y, for'livf r; m ~, 'I1ll >TR'1' ri1 mM';I' it an>:
>;r('f ifl ~'RT ~ if, ~R u;;rrn if, <T~"1
(.. ) '"~ f'" ~ it "':i'ill' R>.flor·,,'"'rvr if. <!G"! 11'1 ~ it it f",;ft <!G"! ij; ft;1!; f~ it
m ~ ~ ,I'" ij; <mrt111' ~ ii,
mfu<I 'l><f1t'TI :1
0[, 07. ~ m<mr'f ~ ~ 'In" SI'lNj-'[ ( 1) ~R 4'll if >;R1f<l"C 3'1 o<r'l'lii it. m;
~ ~ .n ~ ;q~'l rnr !l'T<:T
98 liT urn 99 il; ~1ft'I' ~ m~ it <it -a<l\" ~ ~ ;r;qf.,;'1 lfm
t:, ~ ~ f.l; If' ~m ~~ .zff ~ '3"'" 'QT11'T(n rnr lfi'lrf'RT f.. ~ -S:lq m ;ft !j''fM ift '1'fI:(IJT I]
(2) ~ r. f.r'l"TN<f '!T"'I.rr "'T f.too !l'T(I 98 il; w.f£'1 ',f[a:~ [1(1 'If'i .mtm 'I>< fi;<rr ''IT'!T ~
<;f\!i' i I!1TIi am: ..flf~ f.lRlt ;nr f'!'rim '!T"'I'fT Or ;nr'li'r <TTU~J ij; 'f'1 ~, ij; ~ 'if; >:"f if 11'1 ~
fi{llT'I-.r~ ij; ;m11' ll; 1!'f it >TfTI ftill'T ~, ,HI' mffi il; l!1~'11 "I 'lff'ffUll'l'l '1 ~'II'~if,' 3(r, or ~ 'IT
~ ~i\' >TfTI WI it mm;: G"( ~ f.l;lft ~fil"" 11'1 mf'i1f ~ !!l1XrJI-T f<r.1TT orlq'!r I]

~ 4 - -Wii... " l:1f.;rri\' q;r ~'(Q! m~

109. ['''14Tf!t6{'1 "') r.,'!.fqif i\' ;:lif...."'1111 .;;r sr~J--<frq; !iimftlfl (<iml1'l) Ilfolf.fll'l', I 966
(1966 lOT 47) iF\' urn 45 rnr forU'11T 1

1.1966 "'IIrgflflpr Ii. 41 oOt tmT 4l ~Tt1 "'·.rrqrflrnvl" ~>'m" "" (14""'1966 ill 'If'I'Hrl'A I
I,. 1966 iir '1f~ ". 41 '1ft lI\"l' 43 ~\"lT !Irl.' 103 if, t<Tf\' 'f{ (11'\2'1%6 ill ~''''lT1111
,. ~ '1ft 1m' 44 ~rn ""l'l!!f\lll;m" <: <"fA '" (\4-12-1966 ill "f'l""rf~, I
4. 1956" '1filf.1ltlf Ii. 21 .m "(lIT'lflf'll f~
<!f\ lIl\I 59 II r.m)" .¢i >Th: '1fT"";,i ';1 '1'1 r."" ·n'l
5. ~ 0(.1 !lTtl "9 11\1 tgW ~ iir 0:<11'1 '" qfd<"fTf'lll I
6. 'lUoiil '1fT tmI 60 il'.1 !II\I 101 iir o:<IR Of': ~fol'lTm I
1. 1966 q; "fuf.rlfllli. 4, 'Ift!lTtl H .1'" ;rrar,' (I) if, <"fA"" (14'1:l-1966 it) "f,"",f",I
Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PARr IT.-Acts of Parliament)

1[109. Withdrawal of election petitions.-(l) An election petition may be withdrawn only by

leave of the High Court.
(:) Where an application for withdrawal is made under sub-section (f), notice thereof fixing
a dahl for the hearing of the applicatioll shall be given to all other parties to the pe.tition and shall
b~ published in the Ollicial Gazette.

110. Procedure for withdrawal of electiOlt piltitions.-(/) If there are more petiticncr~ than one,
no application to withdraw an election petition shall be made ex~ept with the consent of all the
(2) No application for withdrawal sllall be granteR if, in the opinion of the High Court, such
application has been induced by any bargain or consideration which ought nnt to be allowed.
(3) if the application is granted-·
(a) tile petitioner shall be ordered to pay th', costs of the respomients thert torore incurred
or such portion thereof as the High Court may think fit;

(b) the High Court shall direct that the notice of withdrawal shall be published in the
Offidal Gazettt. and· in surh other manner as it may specify and thereu'pon the notice shall be
published ac-cordingly;
(e) a person who might himself have been a petitioner may, within fourteen days of such
publication, apply to be substituted as petitioner in place of the party withdrawing, and upon
complianc~ with the conditions, if any, as to security, shall be entitled to be so substituted and
to continue the proceeding, upon sueh terms as the High Court may d~'em fit.]

111. Report of withdrawal by the High Court to the Election Commission.-When an applica-
tion for withdrawal is granted by '[the High Court! ilnd no person has been substituted a, petitioner
under clause (c) of sub·section (3) of section 110, in place of the party withdrawing. '[the High
Court} shall report the fact to the Election Commis~ion '[and thereupon the Election Commission
shall publish the report in the Official Gilzette].
'[112. Abatement of election petitions.-(l) An election petition shall abate only on the death
of a <ole petitioner or of the survivor of ,everal petitioners.
(2) Where an election ~tition abates under sub-section (1), the High Court shall cause the
fact to be publi,hed in ruch manner a~ it may deem fit.
(3) AllY person who might himself haVe been a petitioner may, within fourteen days of such
publication. apply to be substituted as petitioner and upon compliance with the mnditions, if
any, as to security, shall be entitled to b€' so substituted and to continue the proceedings upon 'such
terms a, the High Court may deem fit.]
116. Abatement Or substitution on death of respondent.-lf b€'fore the conclusion of the trial of
an election petition, the sole respondent dies or gives notice that he does not intend to oppose the
petition or any of the respondent~ dies or gives such noticf" and there i, no other respondent who
is opposing the petition, '[the High Court] shall cause notice of such event to be published in the
Official Gazette, and thereupon any p~rsOll who might have been a petitioner may, within fourteen
I. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 46, fo",. 109 and tlO (w.•. f. 14·12·1966).
2. Subo;. hy s. 47. ibid.. for "the Tribul1:1.1" (w,c.r. 14.12.1966).
3. Ins. by Act 27 of 1956 ••. 61.
4. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966. s. 48. for ss. 112 to 115 (w.e.f. 14-12·1966).
S. by s. 49, ibid., for .. theTribunar'(w.c.f. 14-12-1966).
~ sditf'lfmlt iAnof.w., 1951 98
(>TIll 2-Wl{ ~ 31flff.tqq)

1[ 1 09. f~" 1Af'llff om S"'''\I<'' ( 1) ~ lfoff om ~cq,\{(UI it;'q;f ;;'i'iI' "'11m'I'l' !fI ~
~ ~ f'mn' ;;rr mr ,
( 2) ~ flI; '>'M'U (1) OJ; rit'f lfcq~ '01 ~If'r fil;qf "lIT ~ ~ ~ f,;mit lf~ a,
!fI wm iF ~ <rrtN R<r.r ~ ~ OJ; lfPlJ !fl' QWl1rfi 'I>'l ~ ~) ~ ~ ~" it srrnr<r
'11\ "fn\lI"I I]
11 O. f~" qf.tq1 ill Sf~ ill fEll! >IflII",-( 1) IfN ~ ~ lffWil lflffm iff, aT~" ",off
q; ~,q'\{('1 I!>I ~ 'iii' ~ !fl' ,,~,<l !fI ~ OJ; f<m ;r@ fil;qf ~~~T 1
(2) lf~ ~T ~ ~ ~ ;r(t r'I\'<IT ~, IfN ;;'i'iI' 'IIT'lr.r<l' .fr UtI' it ~r ~ flI;lfr
~lt m~ I!T lffiAi<:r OJ; mr 000\<1 r'I\'<IT IlI!T a
oft ~;mr ,,~ mT ;;rT'lT ~ 1
( 3) IfN ~ Ii"!., f!I;<n ;;mrr aT- a
('Ii) ~ 'I>'l lfitQr ~ ,"~T flI; 'I\{ ~l 'I>'l aT <Ii( <r~ ~'l<r ;ffi '1>' <iT m ~
t\"i> m, ~ ;o't ;
lI'In'l '01, ;i)m '3""l" ... 141.,4
(<!I) ;;'i'iI' ....1!TOi4' f~ ~ flI; lfNlIf"I !fI 'l'f'fT m;r'l>'\'<r U-HOI' it ~Ifr "'''' am trfd
it, ~ 'I'll: fqf~!<lGCO ..t, If'Olma-!fI '"~) am: ~ f'I'IT ~ !Aim !fI ,"i~;
(,,) ~ ...m oft m ~ &:r U'liffi' 'IT. ~lt li'ofIr<H <f; of,q f<i;r OJ; 'lftd1: lWi~'"
IJ>"f.\' mr ~ ij; ~" it ~ ij; ..-r it lfflrf'llr'f<f f'l>O: ~r'r if f;rq lfr;rifif '1>< ll'i''lr am:
li'fu>J.fu ij; ;rR it wa1 '01 l1f<:' 'lilt &:r, ~or;; ",,11' q1; ~it lIfuf'lli'ra ~;;if.r '1>' om: 'I>'IT
'I>'l ~~ f~.",.~'i <n: '"'1 ~ '01. r.m ~ ti\"~ «'{4f. ~ ~r"r 1 J

111. \r.'<1 ~"""um f'lltf"" qMq 'I>'t 111~ 'I>'t ~--;ri(fli; Sf(lf~'" '1>' ~i(" '[~
",,41.,4] mT *t< ~ ~ 'lI!T am: a am 110 ;t'r ~am (3) ij; vow (Il) <f; dt;f '1ft( ~
lfN~·..rot mr <m'I>J'( t ~ it "'~ ij; o;:q it ijRlt"llNd ~ fil;qf 'lI!T '[~ a.
141.,4] ...
~ll' d"'I' ;t'r I\'<iIt f.m;R iI'fIit'l 'lit ~ >[am: a~ f.m'l"r "'14'tIl fu1i 'I>'t 'QlHf4fl'l' mmr it If'I>mm
'I\'l:tlT I] .
'[ 112. f~ ~ II!! ;rotq;!- ( 1) f.roIm ~ '01 'J<fW'f'r ~'fT<I ~;t'r I!T ~ "off;:1 (j
it ~ ,,'(j (<if\q"l ;t'r 'l"L <n: l!Frr 1

( 2) ~ flI; flI;Ifr f.mvI ~ 'fiT ~ (1) OJ; \iIIt;; 'd'ro'A (t ;;rnn a qi ~ "'14"14
~ d"'I' '01 ~Ifr tTfu it. ~ 'II!: tI1fi m.
lI'I1m'I' 'I>""~II 1
(3) ~ "'ifiRt oft m ~ ~ ~ ItT, ~it lfimT"f ij; 'iiq f<i;r ij; >fI<r<: Wiifm: iF ~ it
l!ftrt"Ilfi«r ~ ;;rR ~ ~ ~ "" ~ am: li'ftr'lfir if; "it " wa1 .. r, IfN 'I>'l( \{l. "II"tm'if ",,;j'
q1; tilt ~fdt"lIN" ~ ;;if.r '01 am: .. 14"lfll."1 'I>'l ~it f""",,~'i <n: 'fT'l wit om, <tit ~ "'141.,4 ~
m. i).lfim ~ I]

116. moft ~ 'Pl! ~ ;rotq;! I!T Af"'4IH R~ ~ ~ <rt\1\lVT if! \f1frf1::r It ~ If~ ~
mOl a a
lI<'l'ff If( ;;mrr I!T ~ 'l'f'IT ~r f'l> 'f\{ "" fln:T!f """" 'l>r 'lTWl ;rn1 wer, If' ijcqfq<if
" t ~ q;: ;;rnn I!T ~ q;m m ~ am: ",off lOT f'f~N ..rot <mrr om """ ~ ~ aT ['J~;r a
"'141.,,1] ~ ~ if! ~ m;r'l>'\'<r ~;r 'it !Airfu<r ~ am: <I$'ff(, ,.;11 "'ifiRt, ;;it w;ffm:
~ {I",," ItT, ~ lI<'l'ff t <I!T'i " ~ "" f'f.:ta 'I>~ t f~ li'f<rffif'l'<l flI;~ ;;rf.t t ~ ...m.r ~~
1· 1986" 3If<rliNq Ii. 47 '1fT ,",I 46 111<1 109 am
110 IIltT," <iI t'1IR Oft (14'12-1966 if) lIfa~~ 1
2- 1966 ~ 'lfuflnrq ti. 47 '1fT I/J'(I '7 1m ..... ,.,111.......•
ii< t'1IR q'1; (14-12"1966 lr) lIfu~d 1
3· 1956 ~ 'lfuflnrq ti. 27 '1fT Eml 61 11m 'l'a:l'IlfiIo I
•. 1966'~ 'lfsflnllfv, 47 '1fT 11),(1 48 IRr-H2 lr 115 a ... '1fT Em"" ~ _ '" (14-12"1966 lr) lIful'llfilo I
5. ~ 'III 11m 4Hm """",fiAmr" ~ t'1IR Oft (14-12-1966 lr) lIfa~ I
99 Representation of the People Act. 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
days of such publication, apply to be substituted in place of such respondent to oppose the
petition, and shall b~ entitled to continue the proceedillgs upon such terms as '[the High Courtl
.may think fit.

'[CHAPTER IVA.-Appeals
·[116A. Appeals to Supreme Court.-(I) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other
law for the time being in force, an appt"al shall lie to the Supreme Court on any question (whether
of law or fart) from every order made by a High Court under section 98 or section 99.

(2) Every appeal under this Chapter shall be preferred within a period of thirty days from the
date of the order of the High Court under section 98 or section 99:

Provided that the Supreme Court may entertain an appeal aiter the expiry of the said period
of thirty days if it is satisfied that the appellant had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal
within such period.

116B. Stay of operation of order of High Court.-(1) An application may be made to the
High Court for stay of operation of an order made by the High Court under section 98 or section
99 before the expiration of the time allowed for appealing therefrom and the High Court may,
on sufficient cause being shown and on such terms and conditions as it may think fit, stay the
operation of the order; but no application for stay shall be made to the High Court after an
appeal has ueen preferred to the Supreme Court.

(2) Where an appeal has been preferred against an order made under section 98 or section 99,
the Supreme Court may, on sufficient cause being shown and on such terms and conditions as
it may think fit, stay the operation of the order appealed from.

(3) When the operation of an order is stayed by the High Court or, as the case may be, the
Supreme Court, the order shall be deemed never to have taken effect under sub-section (I) of
section 107; and a copy of the stay order shall immediately be sent by the High Court or, as the
case may be, lhe Supreme Court, to the Election Commission and the Speaker or Chairman, as
the case may be, of the House of Parliament or of the State Legislature concerned.

116C. Procedure in appeal.-(I) Subject to the provisions of this Act and of the rules, if any,
made thereunder, every appeal shall be heard and determined by the Supreme Court as nearly as
may be in accordance with the procedure applicable to the hearing and determination of an appeal
from any final order passed by a High Court in the exercise of its original civil jurisdiction; and
all the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) and the Rules of the Court
(including provisions as to the furnishing of security and the execution of any order of the Court)
shall, so far as may be, apply in relation to such appeal.
(2) As soon as an appeal is decided, the Supreme Court shall intimate the substance of the
decision to the Election Commission and the Speaker or Chairman, as the case may be, of the
House ofParliamcnt or of tile State Legislature concerned and as soon as may be thereafter shall
send to the Election Commission an authenticated copy of the dccision; and upon its receipt, the
Election Commission shalt-
(a) forward copies thereof to the authorities to which copies of the order of the High
Court were forwarded under section 160; and
(b) cause the decision to be published in the Gazette or Gazettes in which that order was
published under the said section.J]
I. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966. s. 49. for "the Tribunal" (w.e.f. 14-12·1966).
2. Ins. by Act 27 of 1956. s. 62.
3. Subs. by Act 47 Of 1966, s. SO. for ss. It6A and 1168 (.....f. 14-12·1966).
.mrAlltr."llf"~, 1951 99
('IT'I 2~ il; qMr~4'q)
lr'lml'\' t ~ ~ t >fun: ~ ~ am: ~it f.;~;fj on:, ~ 1['3V'f "'fPm'rlfJ tA; lJIfmIT ~, ifi,>lq,~
'lit ~ ~ 'lIT ~~,

'[ II 6'11. ~ ""q (

,M if ~-=- I) ~ !f1{'f fi!;«r q'iif flmT it w" r""" fi!;«r <mr t ~
~ ~ mrr'3V'f rif,4",4 am IffiT 98 lfT IffiT 99 !j; q\ft;f ~ 'Til; If': q-fffi it fi!;~ ~ lrr.r on:
(~ 'II[ q;'j' ~ lfT <I"'l'
'fir) q<fi.;r '3V'fd'l! >1,"'f\1li it ~frft ,
( 2) ~ 'M1lJ' il; mf't;f If': lI'fur '3V'f rifPm'rlf;j; 1m! 98 lfT 1m! 99 t mf't;f t 00r <A <rrtN
it <1m ~ <A ifi' .. '<oM t >fun: <A ~:
~ 4ft '3V'fd'l! rif'4'''4 'liT lIlmll'i ift ;;mrr ~ fi!; ,z~ "'f<11'l'1>i t >fun: ~ ~ 'I' rn t
~ q-fi'iT'ff t omr rm<'f ~ lfT <1'1 ~ ;frn ~ <A 'ffif "'T1'IT'fF<f it; q<m;r t '!l'm{ qq'tlf ~
'" mrl
11611. """' "UQ ,M iIr ~ iI; smR q;'j' ~ ;;mn-( I) '3V'f '" ,41" 4' am IffiT 98 lfT IffiT
99 t
mf't;f ~ 'IT!; fi!;«r ~ t If<r.f;r 'liT ~ t fuQ; ~, \Rf 00r it ~ t fuQ; rn
q;,;mr ~ t q'iffiJ'f ~ 'fI
'3V'f -4,41,,4 'lit fiI;qr m ~ am:
'3V'f ;o;'Pll<'i'll', 'I'Ift<f ~ t . ~
fiI;Q; m't on: am: ~ f'l';r;a-;ft am: ~ '1<, ~ 11& tA; lJIfIf, \Rf ~w ii; m'l' 'lit 'Uo!; \>~iT; fi!r.<J;
~ "'1'11'14' 'lit qq't;; '"' ~ ~ 'I!!'fri{, <TIOil t f\i11; ~ ~ q'~, '3V'f '4141<'1'11 'liT ~r fiI;qr

(2) "llrf fi!; IffiT 98 lfT IffiT 99 t mf't;f ~ 'IT!; 00r t f.rq ~ <A 'Ii ~, 'I1f '3V'fliIf
"IIT4'r.!'r, 'I'Ift<f ~ ~ fir;Q; m't on: am: ttit f.;~ am: w:iT "" ;;f~ 11& ~lfil, ~ 00r
il; ~ 'fo), ~ qq't;; lilt 'Ii ~, ~ mr I
(3) ~ fi!;«r 00r q;'j' lr<ffl'l', 4~lff'lfu, '3V'f ri!l1tf<'l'l1 l4' ~ rif1QI .. 4 ;rrn 00 <!I'RlT t
qt \Rf 00r il; ~ it Ill!: ~ "fTIt'IT fi!; 'II[ IffiT 107 .r.t ~ (1) il; qtft;t ~ ~ lf1IT1ft
:r@' p; 31'1< ::rn 'Uo!; ~ <A 1fIi' lifo, ~''I'f~Rr, '3V'f ri!l1t'f",," lfT ~ rif14,i14 ;rrn ~
'"'"" 'lit am:, ~, ~ Ii'; lfT ~ <r"" ~-~;r it; ~ il; ~IH' 4T 6'IIl"Iftr ~ ~
116IT• ...t\~ if lIflI;qf-( 1) ~ ~'I' t am: ~!I\';r ~ 'IT!; f.;q.,fi it., Iif4' ~ if, ;m;al
il; qt;q'!ft;r ~ B1t If': qq't;; ~ "'f1'lfT<1'll mr ::rn lffil;>rr t 1Nf<l'll1 f.l>!;.!ff'f ~ Wfi am: qq-
mfuf lilt ~'t >lit ~ qq't;; <A l,!'I';nt 31'1< ".a'N 'lit ffi'IT. ~Tm ~ >lit '3V'f ""f4f<'1'11 mr ~ 't"f
ftrro;r ~rfun' t lfll)1r if 'l'I'fti f"'«r 1If.;fQ ~ it <A "IT1!; am: fll'f.rlf ~ ~i, 1908 (1908
'l>T 5) t am: ::rn "'ff4r.!'r t f.;lnff t !!1fi '3'f~ (f.;Pf~ "",,:iff lIftrIJ.Rr ~ am: rif,4',<14 t fiRft
~ t ~ it ~ '3'f~ ..rr ~) ,z~ qq't;; il; m it lfTmr~ <1l'It, ifti I
(2) 'ilit ~ qq't;; fqf.tfll .. , IIlt"l1'l( t>ii i[T '3V'fffIf "IITllr.!'r, AA!1'f4' 'liT m:, ~ 'fl1i\1r ~
aft" qqlR><fd, If~ t lfT W!lfO m'l' flnrr:r-~ t ~ t ~ lfT tNl'I'm l!:T smrf'm ~~ am:
",~, "qlW'!:rnTsr, f~ ",1 '1;'" a;f>Tlf~ lIf<l ~ 3,'i'4'Ttr ",'I >I;;ftrr, aft< ~ lIT~'"
'1< f.f<Im 3,1<rTtr--
("') ;;m lffffllf;;'I' lfTtn-rrorr 'for ,f;;f'IT f;;J"flli''I~.>1,'f~-r.n.·t arr~IIltmr TiT'U lOG
t am'l' ~;;ft 'Ii orr; 5'IT
(\!l')::rn ~ ..'I::rn 'U"I'Oi it:;f;;or 'U"I""f il: lf1I;ffmr "'~ ~ ..,.r..c'lit q
arritw ;;q;r TiT'U t Si'tIT:r lr'I1ffmr r""'f ~T orT III
I. 19G6 ~.nlIflrlI'Ili. 47 ~ 1fT.:! 49 In:! ""'llITr~' ~ t'lrr'T': (14-12-1966 It) 1If~ I
2. 1956 *
.nlIflrlI'I ti. 27 '1ft !1m 62 1m """t'II,;;;, I
3. 1966 iI< "fiIflrq'lli. '7 '1ft !IT<T 50 1m 116'" iI'h 1!6lI' "rtI~ (14'12-1966 It) lIf1~ll
100 Repr~sentutioll 0/ ,lie People Act. 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
CHAPTER V.··-Cusls alld security for Costs
1[117. Security for costs.-(l) At the time of presenting an election petition, the peti-
tioner shall deposit in the High Court in accordan~e with the Rules of the High Court a sum
of two thousand rupees as security for the costs of the petition.
(2) During the course of the trial of an election petition, the High Court may, at any-tiine, call
upon the petitioner togive such further security for costs as it may direct.
118. Security for costs froll~ :l respondent.·-No person shall be entitled to be joined as a res-
pondent under sub-section (4) of section 86 unless he has given such security for costs as the High
Court may direct.

119. Cosls.-Costs shall be in the·discretion of the High Court:

Provided that where :l petition is dismissed under clause (a) of section 98, the returned can-
didate shall be entitled to the costs incurred by him in contesting the petition and accordingly the
High Court shall make an order for costs in favour of the returned candidate.]

121. Payment of costs out of security deposits and return of such deposits.-(I) Ifin any order
as to costs under the provisions of this Part there is a direction for payment of costs by any pIrty
toanyperson, such costs shall, if they have not b~el1 already paid, be paid in full, or so far as possible,
out of ~ security deposit and the further security deposit, if any, made by such party under
this part on an application made in writing in that behalf '[within a period of one year, from the
date of such order] to '[the High Court] by the per50n in whose favour the costs have been awarded.

(2) If there is any balance left of any of the said security deposits after payment under su b-
section (I) of the costs referred to in that sub-section, such balance, or where no costs have been
awarded or no application as aforesaid has been made within the said period of '[one year]
the whole of the said security d~posits may, on an application made in that behalf in writing te
'[the High Court] by the person by whom the deposits :have been made, or if such person die,
after making such deposits by legal represeiltative of such person, be returned to the said
person or to his legal representative, a3 the casc may be.
122. Execution of orders as to costs.-Any order as to costs under the provisions of this Part
may ro produced before the principal civil court of original jurisdiction within the local
limits of whose jurisdi~tion any person directed by such order to pay any sum of money has a
place of residence of business, or· where such place is withil1 a presidency-town, before the court
of small causes having jurisdiction there, and such court shall execute the order or cause the same
to bJ executed in the same manner and by th~ same procedure as if it were a decree for the payment
of money made by itself in a suit:

Provided that where any such costs or any portion thereof may be recovered by an application
made under sub-section (I) of section 121, no application shall lic under this section '[within a
period of one year from the date of such order] unless it is for the recovery of the balance of any
costs which has been left unrealised after an application has been made under that sub-section
owing to the insufficiency of the amount of the security depoSits referred to in that sub-section.
i. or
Subs. by Act 47" 1966. s. 5t. for 55. It 7, ItS, tt9, tt9A and t20 (w.e.f. t4· t2·1966).
2. Subs, by Act 58 of 1958. s. 34. (or certaIn words.
3. Subs. by Acl 47 of t966••. 52. for "the Etection Commission" (w.<.f. t4-12·1966).
4. Subs. by ..\ct S8 of 19'8. s. 34, for "six months",
J. Subs. by s. 35, ibid" for certain words.
l'iRr lI!i1fitlil ... "fdr~Q", 1951 lOa
('If11T 2~ ~ 31fl:1f~q .. )

~ s-ri "" '", it; fio!It ~

'[117. II'IiI it; fio!It ~-( 1) PRP<r'l .....1 ~ ~ ~1!lf!130-.tro"( ~~,,",~f.!>."lfl
if; <qm"( ...,-1 if; " , ~ lfl'roifa if; 1;:q" ii '1"T ~"( l;'!1l; ~ <:1m Ij;f ~ ~'f 0l(I11T\'I"4 it ~ 1
( 2 )r.r.ri'f'l ;;or1 ~ fq;n"('71 ~ .hror ~'f "'T><rn~ f"""h1"r ~ ~ (if ..-;ff if; "t~ arfu-
f""" llfuljfa ~ if;) 31truT '11"( ~ ;;fm ~ ~ 'I1l: 1
118_ IItII'if !\- II'IiI it; fio!It lIflnrfit-;r. <'I"'F f..m,,,fur 't ...;if if; f"lll; "t~ srfu1J.flr or ~ 1ft" I!),
;;fm ~'f .,.-rt.-r.r,' in"(T ~ ~;;rro:. <r<r <'I"'F 'IF, o>,m al"(T 8 ~ ~ ~n ( 4) if; O1Iftor II",-.ff it;
1;:q" it ~)f;;m ~ "IT't Ij;f ~;m '11fT \l-l1ir 1
119. ri~'<fI Ij;f ~ ~ '!jT~TOfl( if; m'lmftor i!T>rr:
'1'9;;r~ f.. or.ff!TT"(T 98 if."'6 ( .. ) if.
3i!fror .... lf>:;;r *r;;mft~, ~i'nf .....t.-.ff't a,off
'Ii1 lIf<Tfln:m '11~ if .it n '3'1"'T<r film: ~ ~ 1fT't Ij;f 'il ;::1f.On: l!T>rr all, ~"f '4Tt."r.Tl< .... '" 'lOT ai"1~
f., .ff\m 3(ili'fl if. <m it ~"( 'II'l:'lT I]
121. ~ ~ if!\- IlI'iif 'Ii1 ~ " " ~ f.m<ff ~ ~- ( 1 ) ~.~ t'f ''fflT if. ~l
if; ..""Iftor ..;if ~ 'TT'T<T tinT) "1~ ii finft '~f~a"T firn) ,w.'I>T' if."(T ,..;if Ij;f ~'l"TtI f~ ".I~ '" f<:I~ ~ aT ,,-~ "tif ....'" ~ l!) ~<:tr '11"( ~ 'i1l; ill aT 'tif "l,.f iri'( '1ellj;f"( ~ in"(T ><f 'lfI1T if. a,"Ift;;
f%lil; 'i1l; 1If~, ~ii if 3ft, ,,-ft:- 31flrfu; 1lfu1jf<'r foreltr;;T 1fT ~ 'p1"r ~ f'il Ph, '3tf fi:rfu,p,~~
'1"( ';l;aio: ",. ,,~ ~ ..~ orT ~ ~fur 't, fmA; <m ii .... "f o,'fuforoff1T f'm. 'i1l;~. '[rt~ .,.,.~~
~ ~ if ~'11 'T'f '1ft liil<'ll .. f\;r ij; ,fta"(]'[~ "'' ' ' 11"".] if f'Pt.t ~ 1
( 2) ,,-ft:- \ffir .lIfu>:r"'t;r ~l
ii if !Wi' it if a.W>Tlf ~"(T (I) ii ~ Ilr'<fl 'Ii1 ~ ;;crm"(T
if; anfior ~ q;~ if..!fro<{ if'f "ITOT ~, a) itm a,f~lf, ",. OT~t f.!; ~h·f,"f.Iufur"l!T f~ 'i1l; lIT ~
~"'" a,-rom- '[~ 'I'i] ~ \ffir. ,,"<'IT<IfiT if; ,fm"( Ofl!T flI;", .,.,:T ~ ~ \ffir llfir<Lfu f.m'l ~:
"tif orr«;; '1"( or) '3tf ",f"", in"(T, f.rtf.t fO!af'l f'm. ~, ",. >;1';{ itm ''If<ffl" "tif fO!af'l q;"('t if. qffi<{ 11'"(
1fl<T ~, aT "tif ~ ~ ~ Ilf:~ in1J aforf'F1 '[~ .,.,."r.rl(]
if f~ 1;:q" it f....,. 1fl<T ~,
q'lIf"'fd, \ffir lil(f.m ..T !jT m f'Tf'.l1f; 1If"lf.;fu ..T 'TT!fiI' lr" f<:n. ;;rm:.r 1
122. II'IiI ~ aRm 'Ii1 f.\'Iom'f--~ 'If11T if; '3" ,;r.<.TT if. .;1ftor r:r'<fl ~ 'TT'Ti'I" ..1f 31T~ '3"Q orfu>l;rf"(OT m 1I!TT'f f'lf<r.r '!/Tt."r.Tl< if; lIlI'&r, f';;rm ,,'f\;r,,"f"(OT ift ~;fttl ~afi if; ~"(
~ ....fur lOT f'l'ffir ~ ZIT IOTm, ..r ~'f ~, f~~ !oT'f if;T ..It "(rfvr m rn if; r.r~ ~if 3TT~
in<:l ~ f'P!jT 'I1IT ~. "1;;r~ fq; ~m ~ irflJim 'f1T1: ~ iI)<r"l: ~!iW ~ 'f1T1: if a.·fIT..n"(OT wot
m ~. .oMI'" I{ if; tTII'el <m f....r OTT ~ 3ft"( itm "'' ' 1"''Tf< "tifr ufa it 3ft, it~ lIi'I."" in,T
~ 3TT~ 'Ii1 ~ ~ lIT 'I>Ut';'IT il'T'fT 'il 'TT'l" if IT" if; rol< if; ~ lIHT lft 'Ii In) 11:) :
~ ~ flfl ..If itif f l !jT ~ "'Tt
lfl!1lT am I:! 1 if.T :a-qm"(T ( 1 ) t anfi'f fi!ro: 'i1l; '1"( arnrlf'f
~ fIozrr "TT \Aicrr t !iW;;r. (A; f.t; ",W ~ flr,'l[T lll'll t ,,If .. f<TVilf. ~ ~ ~ ft:rn: or l!l
",) ~ ;;crm"(T ~ a."lftor F-J;o: ~ ~ lj;- !fro\l !I\l' Ij;f"('71 31'1ft<r ~ lTl(r ~ fiI; ~ ~ru it ~
~,flr r.m<rl 'Io't ~ >f<f!!Tto ~. pf al"U iI; .l!!ft'f "'ff "'~lf'f 'r~if 3/T~ ~ OT~ !\- r,"; qtf '1ft
1f1rnr<rf\;r lj;- 'Ift<r"l:] or i!TttT 1

1960 ~'l~
1950 t.1!firllnA
47 *
11m Slim 117.118, 119, II~ sft~ Il" <mrri
58 ~!Im 341m f" ~ ~ _ ~{~f~!'f1frll
(14'12-1966 Ir)lIfitl'lTfurl

,. 1966 ~ ,,~Ii. 47 * !1m

52 I~I"~ 'lTtfiq" - """ ~ (14-12-1966 11) ~fIr" I

5· ~ *
195".~ ~
IlTTr 35 1m
Ii. 58 34 1m "at i!T\f' ~ _
P ~'iI1_,", lIfit~
on- ~~,

27-804 M/o Law & JusticeJ94

101 Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)


,[CHAPTER I.-Corrupt Practices

123. Corrupt practices.-The following shall be deemed to be corrupt practices for the pur-
poses of this Act:-
'[(1) "Bribery", that is to say-

(A) any gift, offer or promise by a candidate or his agent or by any other person
with the consent of a candidate or his election agent of any gratification, to any person
whomsoever, with the object, directly or indirectly of inducing-
(a) a person to stand or not to stand as, or '[to withdraw or not to withdmw]-
from being a candidate at an election, or

(b) an elector to vote or refrain from voting at an eleetion, or as a reward to-

(i) a person for having so stood or not stood, or for '[having withdrawn
or not having withdrawn] his candidature; or
(ii) an elector for having voted or refrained from voting;

(B) the receipt of, or agreement to receive, any gratification, whether as a motive or
a reward-
(a) by a person for standing or not standing as, or for ·[withdrawing or not
withdrawing] from being, a candidate; or
(b) by any person whomsoever for himself or any other person for voting or
refraining from voting, or inducing or attempting to induce any elector to vote or
refrain from voting, or any candidate '[to withdraw or not to withdraw] his candi-

Explanatioll.-For the purposes of this clause the term "gratification" is not restricted to
pecuniary gratifications or gratifications estimable in money and it include; all forms of enter-
tainment and all forms of employment for reward but it does not include the payment. of
any expenses bona fide incurred at, or for the purpose of, any election and duly entered
in the account of election expenses referred to in seetior. 78.]
(2) Undue influence, that is to say, any direct or indireet interference or atteinpt to
interfere on the P,1ft of the candidate or his agent, or of any other person '[with the consent of
the candidate or his election agent], with the free exercise of any electoral right:

1. SubS. by Act 27 or 1956, 5, 65. for the heading "CoRRUPT AND ILLEGAL PRAC11CES AND ELECTORAL OFFBNCLl
2. Subs. by s. 66,lbid.. Cor Chapters I and II (ss. 123 to 125).
3. Subs. by Act 58 or 1958, s. 36, Cor cl. (1).
4. Subs. by Act 47 or 1966, s. 53, Cor "to withdraw" (w.e.C. 14-12.1966).
5. Sub•. by s. 53, Ibid., Cor "having withdrawn" (w.e.r. 14-12-1966).
6. Subs. by,. 53, Ibid., Cor "withdrawing" (w.e.C. 14-12.\9(6).
7. Ins. by Act 58 or 1958, s. 36.
~ "ft1fo11u", ClfUr""", 19 51
('"" 2~, ~ arft1f.ltl1r)

'"" 7
'[~~a' an~UT am: f~'" atlfUtt]
'[IIISQlQ.. l-~ ~
123. ~ ~-f"~fi1l<f ~ orfl.if.nrlf t sr:hll't'f t f.rl: ~'a- arT<roJI RI!1f ;;r!1(IT'--
3[ ( 1) "f'm<r" 111fT<!. :--
(Ii) fil;tft at$ll<fi III ~ atfot1l;<ff (lOU at'f'IT f~ ~4'ff ~ m ~ or!1rf,m
'111 ~'Iff\T it fiI; fr atOll ill"",. iT" fil;al m
illf'f('f '11), 'f~ ~ ;;r) '11){ 1ft ~, f'!>'t'l 'ff,~or
1fT ~I lUll, ~ i III 'fVT, f:;r<r<m srror<!: 'II '1'«1: Ill!: ~1llf iI) r'l1-
if;) ~
(if,) flIffi\" "Iflffi ~ If; Ii ~ 11 '" ~ 1fT 'f. ~ ;J f~
III ~lIfiraT '['fT~ ~ III " ~ iI; ~], at'f'fl
(~) ,,"it f.f'ft« 'Ii) f!l;ift f.f'lT'f'f;!f '1<1'" ilr 1fT '1<1' ~ i fll"«! 'Ill! t f,\'Il;,
"If f'll flllfT "l ro;,
at'flfl :;it--

(i) fiI;tft "'1fiffi iI;; ~ 'fT<! it fiI; 'fl\, ~ lf11;1, ~~ g.!IT 1fT 'ftf prr 1fT
rn a:rt.,,"t ~aT '['fAR ~ oil" 'IT ~ \;"t], at'fiTT
(ii) fiI;tft f~ iI; f.It!: ~ iTT<! iI; fiI; rn '1<1' fl:'!IT 1fT '1<1' ~l! it f\f'«l
'iII, ~ iI; 1;.'1 ;!f l[);
(V) ('11) aqfiffi mT lII"l"'ff iI; 1!"1 ;!f ~ ~ 1fT ' " " ~ 1fT lII14fild, O[ ~ ~l!
1fT " ~ iii ft;ro;;] 1fT
(1'1) fiI;~ "tf1r.r ml, 'f~ "I'~ ;;ft '11){ lit; H* q".f~ f:~« III f1<I~ lII~ "1ff1l:r t f~,
1f<!'fT'f 'I1,i\' 1fT If;ro'f 'I1,i\' it f'f"f ~i\' Ifl f.I>'«"t !l!1'!f.rr '11) lIIl'!ff'«fT '[<rj1f~ \!rit 1fT" i!rlt
iii f.It1;] ~ m 1fT ~ror m 'I1T lIlWf Ill"" iii ft;ro;,
~ ~'!"" t1!"l ;!f 1I1~;\'TIr"<!. '11){ 1roft<for ~ '11"" 1fT ~ m iI; f.rl: ~ ~ ,
"'1IC!'"'<Gt ~ ~ ij; lflff;r-ii iI; ft;ro; "qFuil""" 'I'f wr1!'ft' '1f'"i't"'ihl wr lf q, ...."';j'iq qf(-
mIf'Iff <!'It l["t r.roifltnl' 'f@ ~ om:
~ "'i'\1"~ « ~ t ~t.~ om:
~ t ft;ro; ~ ~ iI; f.f!ft;;r
!I!ffi ~ ~ flIffi\" ~ ;!f 1fT ~ iI; lI"lir.A ill f.It1; R"~" <a'fIl<f om:
am 7 slf f.Im;! flr"<If'f'f
8!f1iT ij; W ;!f ~,1!"1 it lI"fif<z fiI;~ ."'l'ft il; ~ ~ ~ ;r{f !I!ffi ~ I]
( 2) ~ ~ mm, !I!'If<r.
fil;it f.r<It<r;r ~ iI; m"a'lPi\1t lf ~ 1fT m!l!f..,m
if;) 1fT '[ar"l"'ff 1fT m
~ lIIfq'l>al 'liT ~ it] film\' WIf 81ffiffi 'liT it f.Ii'IfT 111fT '11~ lI'<Ifmf: om:
1fT trot: ~ 1fT ~ 'I1f lIQ"/'f :

I· 1956 ill 'If""'"" Ii. 27..:r lim 65 nu " _ ~ q~!l' qr<{t'l ar'I~ f.t<ri;r.! qq{I~" om'!' .. ~ q( IIf~~rf""
2. ~..:r <rm 66 ~m ""IT~ 1 '1'~ 2 (123lr 125 a. '!it Ilr(l,ff) .. ~"H 'f( 1If,.V'fTfit31
3. 1958 ill "fiIilIiAli. 58..:r!lT\1 36 '"1 oill (I) .. ~ 'If lrfa~INa 1 .
4. 1966 ill 47..:r!l\1! 53 ",!'''"!q,, \!A" .. ~ q~ (14'12-1966 it) srr"f1Ilfl~ 1
"faf.l"" Ii.
s. ~ 'I!I sru 531fl.!'~ l! 01)" it!'f1'I 'If (14-12-1966 lr) qfa"!'lTllrn 1
~. ~8 ~ sm 53 lim ";ma l!1r it fQ~" .. ~>tH ~{ (14'12-1966 ") ~;H>tlf~l 1
,- 1958 ill '1fi1f.wr Ii. 58 'I!\ 1Ifl.! 36 1[11 ~",:!lI1I'rft 1
102 Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

Provided that-
(a) without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of this clause any such person as is
referred to therein who-
(i) threatens any candidate or any elector, or any person in whom a candidate or an
elector in teres ted, with injury of any kind including social ostracism and ex-communication
or expulsion from any caste or community; or
(ii) induces or attempts to induce a candidate or an elector to believe that he, or anyper-
son in whom he is interested, will become or will be rendered an object of divine displeasure
or spiritual censure,
shall be deemed to interfere with the free exercise of the electoral right of such candidate or elector
within the meaning of this clause;
(b) a declaration of public policy, or a promise of pu~lic action, or the mere exercise of a legal
right without intent to interfere with an electoral right, shall not be deemed to be interference
within the meaning of this clause.
1[(3) The appeal by a candidate or his agentorby any other person with the consentofa candidate
or his election agent to vote or refrain from voting for any person on the ground of his religion, race, caste,
community or language or the use of, or appeal to religious symbols or the use of, or appeal to, national
symbols, such as the nationlll flag or the national emblem, for the furtherance of the prospects of the elec-
tion of ihat candidate or for prejUdicially affectir.g the election of any candidate :
'[Provided that no symbol allotted under this Actto a candidate shall be deemed to be a religious
symbol or a national symbol for the purposes of this clause.]
(3A) The promotion of, or attempt to promote, feelings of enmity or hatred between different
classes of the citizens ofiridia on grounds of religion, race, caste, community, or language, by a candidate
or his agent or any other person with the consent of a candidate or his election agent for the furtherance of
the prospects of the election of that candidate or for prejudicially affecting the election of any
'[(3B) The propagation of the practice or the commission of sati or its glorification by a candidate
or his agent or any other person with the consent of the candidate or his election agent for the furthe~ance
of the prospects of the election of that candidate or for prejudicially affecting the election of any
candidate.' .
Explanation.-For the purposes of this clause, "sali" and "glorification" in relation to sali shall
have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Commission of Sati (prevention) Act, 1987.]
(4) The publication by a candidate or his agent or by any other person '[with the consent of a
candidate or his election agent], of any statementoffact which is false, and which he either believes to be
false or does not believe to be true, in relation to the personal character or conduct of any candidate, or in
relation to the candidature, or withdrawaL ""of any candidate, being a statement reasonablycafculated
to prejUdice the prospects of that candidate's election.
(5) The hiring or procuring, whether on payment or otherwise, of any vehicle or vessel by a
candidate or his lIgent or by any other person "[with the consent ofa candidate or his election agent], 7[or
the use of such vehicle or vessel for the free conveyance] of any elector (other than the candidate himself,
the members of his family or his agent) to or from any polling station provided under section 25 or a place
ftxed under sub-section (1) of section 29 for the poll :
1. Subs. by Act 40 of 1961. So 23. for cl. (3) (w.e.f. 2().9..1961).
2. los. by Act 40 of 1975. So 8 (retrospectively).
3. Ins. by Act 3 ofl988. s. 19 (w.e.f. 21-3-1988).
4: Ins. by Act 58 of 1958. So 36.
S. The words "or retirement from Contest" omitted by So 36. ibid.
6. Ins. by So 36. ibid
7. Subs. by Act 47 of 1966, a. 53, for "for the conveyance" (w.e.f. 14-12·1966).
.mn ufMl>tIti<"O a!~, 1951 \02
(mn 2-~ i; dI~f.14R)


('Ii) ~ W6 i; ~ ~ &IJ1I1IiOT tn: ~ lI'I!l'I ~ fo!;n ~ 4<iIPi\li", ~ ~ ~ ~

IIIiffi ;;f\-

(i) ~dI~lII~~lII~~~'Ii), f.ltmdll'4'4flll~~i, ~lI1IiIt

~ Il!fa, ~ aRiTIo lWI~ ~ arrr ~ \l!Ifcr III ~ ,) iiI6\ liWII III f!t'.ile't dIffiT i, ~ ~
'Il!1tt ~ i, ar<i'!I

(ii) ~ ~ III ~ lIi) ~ I!i¥'!lm m

$ ~ ~ crnrr i III ~ !6IlI'IC'I crnrr i m
~ tn: III ~ ~~, ~ 'I! ~ i, ~ ~ III dllE4Ii'C>lCli tIftf.!;;n!61 ~ iii ~ III
tAT h 1lIII!TTI,

41!' Ulm/1lIII!TTI~ 'I! ~ aI~ III ~ i; ~ arlt!am: i; ~ lllWT ~~ W6 i; dlof i; aR1: rnr~ 11m!!
(!ill ~ ~ ~ III m lIi1lf<m!\ !61 """ III flI;1:ft ~ arlt!am: III ~, ;;f\ flI;1:ft ~ arlt!am: l)'
rnrm m i; OII~ i; ftAJ i, ~ lift i; dI<f i; <Rl: rnrm liWII 'iii' Ulm/ 1lIII!TTI I

1 [(3) flI;1:ft ~ i; .m ,
~iT, \l!Ifcr , ~ III "11m i; am:rn: tn: flI;1:ft ~ i; ~ "" ~ III "" ~ ,) I!irtr ~ m
~ III amf; ~ilIU III dIl'4'4f III amf; ~ ~~ ~,) flI;1:ft ~ ~ ilIU dI1!r.! III ~ dIl'4'4f i; ~
It) e<"I""dldlr q;) amm ~ i; ~ III flI;1:ft ~ i; ~ tn: ~ lI'I!l'IGRiR i; ~ 'lIffIlIi U<flq;r!61 ~ III 0'I0lt
~ III u$! U<flq; ijqJ ~ III u$! (r!j<ftq; !61 ~ III ~ :

'[~ ~ dI~Pi4R i; dI<lr.! flI;1:ft dIl'4'4f q;) ~ ~ U<flq; ~ lift i; ~ i; ~ 'lIffIlIi U<flq; III u$! UlftlIi
'tiII'Ulm/ ~II

(3'1i) flI;1:ftal"'l'l! III amf; ~lIIdIl'4'4flllamf; ~ a:~~ ~,) flI;1:ft ~ ~ ilIU ~ dIl'4'4f
i; f.!<Ifq;; ~ e'"'"""alaR' q;) amm m
i; ~ III flI;1:ft dIl'4'4f i; ~ tn: ~ lI'I!l'IGRiR i; ~ ~ III '{"II ~ ~
'lffil i; 'II'lftq;)' i; ~ !!liT i; ~ .m, 'JOl'I'iT, ;mftr, ~ III "11m i; dI/'EII"( tn: ~ III ~ !61 lI'IC'I

'1(31ii) flI;1:ft dIl'4'4f III amf; ~ III dIl'4'4f III amf; ~ dI~r ~ ~,) flI;1:ft ~ ~ ilIU, ~
~i; ~ ~ !li41""dldlrq;)amm ~ i; ~ lIIflI;1:ft dI"'I'l!i; ~ tn: ~ lI'I!l'IGRiR i; ~ 1l<fl~ lI'lIlil
m 0;4!61 u;m: III ~ ,h'''''''4't I

.,.. 6i!IQI(Uj ~ W6 i; ~i; ~, "l!<fI 0;4" arrr 1l<fllli4 i; ~ ~ ",hql;Q4't"i; ~iT: li1l\ dI.h?tol;;f\ mil
(~) aI~, 1987l)' t II
(4) flI;1:ft aI"'I'l! i; h~CIi Qfuff III dII'f{IIj i; ~ ii' III flI;1:ft dI"'I'lf ~ dI ... fildllll dI ... filal """" l¥t i; ~
il'lII ~ III amf; ~ ilIU lII4 [dI"'I'lflil amf; ~ ~ ~ ~,)I ~ ~ ~ ilIU ~ ~ d"I i; lIi<A
q;r lIl!iM'! ;;f\ jq"", i dlR: III d) fmr.$ ~ ~ !61 ~) I!i¥'!lm i III ~ tICOI ~ !61 'I! I!i¥'!lm '11ft' crnrr i arrr ;;i'I ~
~ i; 5*** ~ ~ e<"I""dldlr tn: ~ lI'I!l'I GRiR i; ~ \j.1lR1$fd ~ ,) II1Iif't;qo lIi"'" i j

(5) 'IiU 25 i; dI<lr.! aQ"f.«d flI;1:ft """'" ~ III """'" i; ~ 'IiU 29 ~ d'I'E!IU (I) i; dI~ fli'la ~ q;) lII,) /

(m~, amf; 'R'" i; """'lII amf; ~,) ~) flI;1:ft ~ i; 7 [!j1I'6' 1m"i i; ~ flI;1:ft lII'Ilil GIOIlII'i q;) dI"'I'lf
III m ~ ilIU lII 6[dI"'I'lflil amf; ~ ~ ~ ~,)I flI;1:ft ~~ ilIU ~ lIirc6l11 dI04<ii, ~ tn: Q):n
III d'I1«r liWII dI<i'!ii 6[~ lII'I III GIOIlII'i !61 ~ liWIIl:
I. 1961 i; ~ ~ 40 tfi\ "'" 23 om """ (3) i; ~ '11: (2()'9-1961 u) U!l!"",l\Id ,
2. 1975 i; ~ (to 40 tfi\ "'" 8 om (~ ~ u) ati<!:~ ,
3. 1988 '"' ~ (to 3 tfi\ "'" 190m (21-3-1988 A:~ , u)
4. 1958 i; ~ (to 58 tfi\ "'" 36 om ati<!:~ ,
5. 1958 i; ~ ~ 58 tfi\ "'" 360m "II' ~ ~ U R 'IR" ~ l6T ~ 1fIIT , m
6. ~ tfi\ "'" 36 om ati<!:~ ,
7. 1966 i; ~ (to 47 Il\I "'" 53 om ''tmvJ d;ltl1!" d; ~ tit (14-12-1966 u) U!l!"",l\Id ,

103 Representation of the People Act. 1951

(PART n.-Acts of p.,r1iamcnt)

Provided thnt the hiring ofa vrhicle or vessel by an el~tor or by several electors at their
joint costs for the purpose of conveying him or them to and from any such polling station or
place fixed for the poll shall not b~ deemed to he a corrupt practic~ under this clause if th"
vehicle or vessel so hired is a vehicle or vessel not propelk·d by mechanical power:
Provided further that the use of any public transport vehicle or vessel or any tramcar
or railway carriage by any elector at his own cost for the purpose of going to or coming
from any such p"lling station or place fixed for the poll shall not be deemed to be a corrupt
practice under this clause.
Explanation.-In this clause, the expression "vehiclc" means any vehicle used or capable
of being used for the purpose of road transport, whether propelled by m~'Chanical power or
otherwise and whether used for drawing other vehicles or otherwise.
(6) The incurring or authorizing of expenditure in contravention of section '77.

(7) The obtaining or pro\uring or abetting or attempting to obtain or procure by a can-

didate or his agent or, by any other person 1[with the consent of a candidate or his election
agent], any assistance (other than the giving of vote) for tha fllrtherance of the prospe<;ts of
that candidate's election, from any person in the service of the Government and belonging to
any of the following da~ses, namely:-
(a) gazetted officers;
(b) stipendiary judges and magistrates;
(e) members of the armed forces of the Union;
(d) members of the police forc.:s;
(e) excise officers;

'[(f) revenue officers other than village revenll'~ officers known as lambardars,
malguzar~, patels, deshmukhs or by any other name, whose duty is to collect land revenue
and who are remunerated by a share of, or commission on, the amount of land revcnlre
i."OlIected by them but who do not discharge any police functions; and)
(g) such other class of p~I'Sons in the servi~ of the Government :lS may b-:
prescribed :
'[Provided that where any person, in the scrvie~ "I' the Government and belonging to any
of thcclasse. aforesaid, in the discharge or purported discharge of his official duty, makes any
arrangements or proyidcs any facilitie; or docs any other act or thing, for, to, or in relation
to, any candidate or his agent or any other person acting with the consent of the candidate
or his election agent (whether by reason of th~ office held by the candidate or for any other
rea~on), sllch arrangements, facilities or act or thing shall not be deemed to be assistance
for the furtherance of the prospect~ of that candidatc's eJection.]

'[(8) Booth capturing by a candidate or his agent or other person.]

1. los. by ACI 58 of 1958, s. 36.
Z. Subs. by s. 36, Ibid.. fOr sub-el ause (f).
3. 11llI. by Act 40 or )g7S,·s. 8 (retrospectively).
4. )01. by Act 1 of 1989, •• l3 (w.e.f. IS-3-1!lS9).
,,'\'II; IIfirf'ffsn af~, 1951 103
('I!T'! 2-.~I'l: it. arfaf'flf'!)

<£<:'9; ~ ~ 'fI'f.t f'l"i"'':i lIT"U >Nit • Ii~ <£<: ~'fir <it R;~T ~q If<ro'f it.~ 'fI 'I!lm'f
1j; ~ f.Ilrn ~ 'OT 'fI it 1I'1~i'f f'.m: "1m it. lI«~ it. f\:!1t 'fI'f 'fl. "1""'1'1 'i{~ <£<: ~'fI ~,<I'I r.m
'If1: >rtfiil'ii m~,,' lr Ififfu'a' 'f ~'I:t 'filii ~ 0''1 ~if.1'I
'fI'f 'fI "FilWl !IT "Ili'IT'I ~ .~ 'n: f~ "Iri\' rfir'
'Il"o' ~ 'f ~ "I11t'1T R; ~ ~ ~ ~:

"''9; ~ .in: 'l!T R; f.I;~T ~it lim'f it.~ 'fI If<ro'f ij; f..'1\t fifllif ~1 "Ilit .1 ~i « ''1r.r 'fTir
it. lI«T,"", if;f\:!1t >Arif ll:T 6i '1' < j'q;fl'T f'l!fl;n; lIT"U f.. «r;;it
f. '1'f~'I 'fIif "" <if<'f'lT'f 'fI f.l;fl'T ~ 'fI
't<1'1~ if; '3'1'lft:r 'l'T 'f~o' ~ 'f ~ '3fT~~T f<j; 'fi! ~"I'...,;r it. mfr'f ~ ~ ~ I

",.,'\'1\(", W ~ it "'fI'f" «~m '!iTt 'fI'f >Af.NO' ~ .rr

fl'~ ~if q, f..~ '3'1'lft:r if i'ITlfr
;;mIT ~ lfT '3'f'fl11 if ~ '3fT'it h'l... ~ ...~ 'fi! llifiil'li vrffit «'fI w:r>IT lAf1;r~ !'i1 3T'~ ~ ~,.Jf lfTiI'i 'lfl
~ if; f..1'1: 'fI >A'1!'II ~ it 9'1'fI ;;mIT ~'II

( 6) m"U 77 if; '1~" it 6'1'1 '3'1~" "','II lfT lfTfllf:ll n'fT 1

( 7) ~ 'l'T «'IT it 1j; om: f.I1:~ ffi it «, ~ :--

('0 ) "U<lf'1'f0l0 mfil;rii,

('>I) l!I<'ffi'f<j; "fI'fImm om: ~,

(~) ;i"f il; m'ti 'forT il; "'l1:ii,

(~) '!foflf • .n if; "",.n,
('l') '3'ffil:-~ mfil;!f>:T.
("!) ~_~, ofr
1[ ,,<if m" q're, ~11I'!.'>I il; lPl' if 'fI f.t;iT >A"I 'fI'I! « ;no IITII ~
",flm<i it Nw ~, ~ 'O;Ia.r ,!-"U<lfH 'ii'[QTi'f 'OVfI ~ f<if""''1 q'1~>.<fifq; >A'fir lIT"U 'ii'[i'il<r
'I.-~ 'OT <'O'I! il; am 'fI '1fl' q'( 'OlfTl1l'f lIT"U f'rffilT ~ R;.~ oTt f.t;o{T ,!r.r~ ~ 'III ~ ~
q;~, om:]

(Ill) ",om 'OT tt'IT if it. ~q ~.'t "'tfH _;i ~ ~O' f.I;~ ;;mt,
it it f.t;fl'r lIlT it il; f.l;iT 'lff'ffl it >A"",1 it. f.;'If"!;f 'OT "<IlIO!lifr3!T '1''1 qlHH 'O,it 1j; fi'f~ (If<r ~i
it ~<lNI) m ~ >AiIf.n 'fI m af","<Ii [i"U tl'1 '[q~'lI'ff lfT m ~ >Afl1'l><Ii rfir !JOlfItf
it] f.l;e:t ~<tl' ilfffir lIT"U afotlfT«r 'fI '3'Ift<T f.t;'IT "IT'll .'1'1 "fotlfT«r '1'1 '3'Ift<T 'O~ If.I ~.('!II 'fI
1f'l'M 'IIVfI :
'['1('9; ""1>1< 'Or tt'IT it If.I an, ~<r _If'! it it f.t;.rr 'I<i if '01 'lilt "ff'f<r fit>fl''I q~<ff ql
m "f'll'lrt!i, lfT '1!f q>1"'f1 'fI '1«$ f.T'If"!;f >Afl1'l><Ii 'li'l «<lff<T q ",rt 'Ii'~ ~ fit>~i q<tl' ~ it;
f\:!1t lfT m «<'!<!f if qR q'~r'f 'Ii'<fo. if;f.;<f>!'IqT <r".n'fi'f f'f~ q ("!~ >Ami mr mi«r ~ it.
If.I('!II '1'1 f.I;«'I ~<tl' ",('!II_or) "'f. ~'a'GfTII q;>:d'1 ~ '1'1 'O-I~ 1];flnTI {<'IT ~ tl'1 'Iit~ "''f ",rt tl'1 '1m q;"'1
~ 0'1 itm l;..;r:;rr'I!. 1];fwr tl'r 'fort tl'r 'fm '01:1' >A~1 it. f'l'll'fif "'I 1:1'<iff"Ti'fr,fi 'li'r >A;r1:1'~ 'Hit it fl'lV.
~dl ~ ~ ~'rr Il
'[ ( 8) $f"l'ff 'fI m qf'if'Ii'<ri tl'r >A'tl' .!If.F.r l!T"U '!.'I q;r 'I'll<!. '1i';"f I]
I. 1959i11~ Ii. 5s'lfrunr 3Aw.r;<T\7<t (<r) ",NT'f~~f"'~rf'r"1
t. ~ IIIfilflrtrq 'If, 1m! .16 11ft! _,~'fq8 1

~ 1'075 ill riIflrrA Ii•• 0 ~ 1m! 8 Jrn ('f,!IOIGfr ~1IflI it) IT'<I,rofH 1
.. 198st~lI. I ~ .mr
131m (15-:l-19asir ) ct~~lfq~ I
104 Representation _ofthe People Act, 1951
(PART Il.-Acts of Parliament)
Explanation.-{l) In this section the expression "agent" includes an election agent, a
polling aglmt ana any person who is held to have acted a~ an agent in connection with the
eleCtion willi UtI: COll3e<l.t of Ulc candidate.
(2) For the purposes of clause (7), a person shall be deemed to assist in the furthe ranee of
th~ prol,p.:cts of a candidate's election if he acts as an election agent ,'" of that
'{(3) For the purposes of clause (7), notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, the
p<!blicatioll in the OJi~ial Gazette of the appointment, resignation, termination of service,
di.· or r.:.u.> val from servic~ of a person in tha service of the Central Government
(ia,lolling a p<lrson serving in connection with the administration of a Union territory) or of a
State Government shall b~ conclusive proof-
(i) of such appointment, resignation, termination of service, dismissal or removal from
service, as the case may be, and
(ii) where the date of taking effect of such appointment, resignation, termination of
service, dismissal or removal from service, as the "ase may be, is stated in such publi-
cation, also of the fact that such person was appointed with effect from the said date, or
in the case of resignation, termination of service, dismissdl or. removal from servica
sUch persou cease;! to be in ~uch service with effect from the said date.]
'[(4) For the purposes of clause (8), "booth capturing" shall have the same meaning as
n section J35A.] ,

CHAPTER IlL-Eectoral OjJencqs

,[125. Promoting enmity between classes In cannection witb election. -Any person who in
connection with an election uuder this Act promotes or attempts to promote on grounds of re-
ligion, race, caste, commlluity or language, feelings of enmity or hatred, between different classe~
of the citizens of India shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
three years, or with fine, or with both.]
126_ Probibition of public meetings on the day preceding the election day and on tbe election
day.-'[(l) No person shdll convene, hold or attend any public meeting in any polling area
during the period of forty~ight hours ending with the hour fixed for the Condusion of the poll
for any election in that polling area.]
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of s~b-section (I) shall be punishable with
fine which may extend to two hund red and fifty rupees.
121. Distw'bances at election meetiogs.-(l) Any person who at a public meeting to which this
se~tion appl~es acts, or ill~ites others t? act, in a di;;ordcrly manner for the purpose of preventing
the transactIOn of the b:lSlness for whIch the meetmg was called together, '[shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with- fine which may extend
to one thousand rupees, or with both.]
(2) This section applies to any public meeting of a political character held in any constituency
b~tween the date of the issue of a notification under this Act calling upon the constituency
elt)ct a member or memb~rs and the date on which such election is held.
1. The words "or a poJling agent or a counting agent" omitted by Act 47 of 1966, So 53 (w.e.f. 14.12.1966).
2. Added by Acl 40 of 1975, s. 8 (relrospeclively).
3. Ins. by Act I of t989. s. 13 (w.e.f. 15-3-1989).
4. Ins. by Act 40 of 1961, 5.24 (w.e.f. 20-9-1961).
,. Sub>. by Act 47 of 1966, s. 54. for sub-se.."Iion (I) (w••• f. 14-12-1966).
6. Sub•• by Act 1 of 198?, s. 14, foreenain words (w.e.f. 15-3.1989).
• sdftfotlufq .. l8f'14", 1951 104
('IITII' 2~~ ij; atm.-.IUi'1

iXiiit'l .. <1I (1) f~ arf~, ..~ <lIf~ ai'i1: i{m ~ O!1'f'fO f.ll'1il ~ Ii~ ~1lT ~~
f.I; m ~ 'lit W'ffn ~ f'l'lf~-r il: «.....a it ar1i!'I><Tf il: 1;"1 it 'Oli f<f;llr ~ p em it... "3l'f\f onl"
.q1f il: ~ ani! ~ I
(2) 4f< f.t;'ift' 14f'Rl' 'l" 3f'RI'ff il:~ arr,,'IiOf1***t 1;"1' it ..Iii f1i;qr ~,<it ...g 171 ..
lIlir.r-ff il: fOlQ; ::r;r 311m
'lit iIfi1'a' ~ «'1m ~ f" ::r;ri( ::r;r ar",4f il: f~mif 'liT lfI'l1T6!rmit '1ft
a!lt«' ~ ij ~ ~ ~ I]
I[ ( 3) I§'Ii' (7) ij; 1I1l'r.t'l't ij; f<:I\::I:, flI;;ft 3Plt Rfa- it f<WtlT iffiI' t i[)ir ~ 'ifT ij;;ftq ~ of,\
ij;n it il: f.I;ir O!1'f'l<f '1ft (f.I (\'~ 3V<T.fa fm;it{ '(r.IIffir ij; lIm«if ij; %v" if ij;n ~ 'IT efT .:rfff
'l1T ~) liT mit ~ ~'liH If,r ij;n it ij; fm ...m 'If! f.r'!ffir, 'lmT'T, «'IT il: <r~;m, ~,!fu'
liT ij;n ~ ~ ;;nit 'I1T ~ "(r.f1<f ij lI'fi'TW'{-
(i) ~..n<1', ~ flI'!f.Rr, 1I'I@IT11', ~ il: <r1i<rnr.r, "",,!fa' liT ~r ~ ~ "1Til" 'I1T f.rotT1'i
(ii) ~~, ~ff'ffir, ~ f~, 'l'WtI", ij;n il: <r<i<mrr, 'i"-"<'tri. liT a-4'T if ij'.!T1{ 'ffiT t
lI1IT'Imor i[R 'lit aTOll itt li'mT'f it mcr ~ ~ ~ <ia< -Til "IT f~vqr'H <rtl iiT Tl 111
~ aum· '3'RI' <ni\1l it ~~I 1J4'I' on liT '1<:."1".
~ il: 'ili'f!lT'f. ~<1' liT ~ ~ i[<!T?
..Til" 'lit ~ it itaT ill flI<r '3'RI' aTOll ~ itit ~ it 'l\iJ '1!f "IT I]
1[( 4)1in (8) .jt 1I4r.AT i!1 f\1~ "'iii 'I1T 'r<'!Tff lli["T" 'fol q~r or>f ~ ;;ft aw J 3 5" if ~ I
~ 3-=Pltll..lf iII'mU

'[ 125. ~. Pu it <11ft ~1Ii\.. ~ ..... qf".. """'-"IT ~ ~ ,,IT arf"f.rll"! iii arm ~r:r
q'lil{ ~ it; ~ it ~ liT '{"1T'Iit ~ 'lIT""
it; orr'lfuf,f ij; Rf;jW q'l'f il: iff;;!11t. If.''T.w,
orrfu. ~ liT '!fAr il: arl<ilit.'1< «SJ'iIfa:f ~ iiI «;nftr;r ..,iT"I !I'm <R'IT, 'f<{ 'In<T'fT«!r, flr:nft
otlIfU ~ 'IIi <1'.. ~I «~ift, liT ;:III;r ~, liT ~RT ~, iiTilll]
126. ~ U ~ Rlf.h f.r<If;r.r it; w.nn~mol'li Q1I1tif 'I1T Iif~--&( ( 1) 'If:f 'IT azrr""
~ 'ifQVof tr.r it, a-tl >'f tr.r if f,,6'T f<ll!Nif it; fii\( ;rem'l' 'li'T '.1'I1Ii<;r ij; fi'Q; f<lif<f f-m ~ mu
iii UN mI1'a' i[R qr(;l <lI,dl\;j'i\! '!iii 'lit 'li'r.ifilfor iii ~ ..~ ,;14£'1"'" \lqr 'I q<f1'l(11T, 'I' orr<irf.ra

~. 'I' wii m~ iiT'rIl]
(2) ;;IT ~ ...m~!IfU (1) ij; ;ror;!lT 'Ii1 ~ ~" 'f&:"l'fA" «, ;;IT ffl m ~ <1'" 'Ii1
ttl ~, ~ ~)'lT I
127. ~ ,"",,1 ij ~-(1) 'lit ~ ...m ~it m-~ \TlIT
it f'l;r~, ~ it ~
UlU at'!. t 0\1 ~VI11: ~ ~<: 'Iii f.rq,fur lO'(ir ij; lI'ir"''f il: f~ f;nr~ f"'lt "" <TilT ~ 'l't t
f4¥OIal «m ~ liT ~ '1ft 'I>lll lO'(ir il: fu'u; a-{I<o ~i .[q~ q;1 <I 'IT;; ~,~<t\' ar'ffa <!t-r
qm Q';r; ;¢T i[y~ift, liT "!,l!f.t 6, ;;IT It'" ~"n: ~~lt ;r'l> '0' q:) ;(t'IT, liT ~':<ii a-, <:urn. &:T'IT) I
(2) Iii[ uro '{1''IT;f\f6''' ~ tr.T fiI;<ft ~;f'r m.nrfif<li <fo1T 'iiI <'If'!. ~;;IT ~:r liT ;mql 'iiI fif~­
f';rn ~ it; f\1lt f.r<ri;t-r~ « arlID q;'(i! 00 ~ arfaf.rll"! ij; arm f-r<l>l\'ft 'l't arfor~ 'lit <rrtN iii
ail'< 0\1 artN ij; itr.r, ford' arU(f ~ ~m ~ q:m t ::r;r f~~ it 'If! 'l't ~ I
I. 1966 • ~ Ii. 47 'lit urn 53 I!TU "111 ":m~ 'IN""! 111 'l'T~ qf'1nnri" woti ~r (U-12-19G6 (I)
WN f~ 1f'IT I
20 1975 i6 ~ Ii. 40 'lit uro 8ml l'i«'1;1t ~ll~ iI) ;;jl~ '1'l'l I
a. 1989 i6 ~ Ii. I 1ft uro 13 ITU (1!;-J.-IIlB9 iI) <·J I
.. 1961 • ~ Ii. 401ft uro 2UTU (20- ... 19.1 iI) 'I"<!:roiilJ I
5. IOG6 V; ~ Ii. 47 'lit IlTU S. mr O'Iuro (1) '6NH q-( \1.1-12-1.6(;6) ~fiJf<lTrqal;
ti. 1989. afllfilll" Ii. I 'liTuro 14 11'1 lI5-J.-19S9irJ fWlIIilll~ ~I'f 'f{5If<R'ITfiI<r I

18-8f~ MIn law & Just~ceJ94

-, . : . '1-: '". -J,~;"t'=:'''i' (';.,.;
'ins Repre_si!llta'iio'n of Ihe"People Act, 1951
j ~l.'·.1 '.'-- ::i -,:-,:/::;._- .' , .. ,
(PART II,':'-Acts of Parliament)
, ....... l" ~ . : : ... 3" ~':... '-'l-! ·,F"'.~: :,";'."1"" ,rr.:::-:-'~~11:.: !,::-·i-rr·1 (I)·--r<::-:7_-, -
(3)' If, any poli~e officer reasonably suspects, any ,pcrso,n of ~o, olfcl\~c.;und~r sub-
"_' '" 1" . '. " .' . t • I . . ~., j , . ' ••

, section (1). heinay; ifrequestoo so to do by tJi(chairman of the mceting,/equ\re ~at perso~ to

declare to him immediately his name and add ress and. i.e tJ:!a! person refuses or fails so to deClare
'$ his name and address. or if diepolii:e officer'reas'analily'suspects liiri{B'r gi~ing 'it f~lse' name or
,', addre~s. the police officer'may arrest hfin',-Withoutfwarnint:---C F--;,
:!:~ ,"
" -
, r, '. 1 • :.'

'[Il7A. Restridions on the printing of pamphlets, p()sters, etc.--(J) _,Nopersoll shaH print or
. publish. or cause to be printed or -published,lihy eleCtion pilinphlet or p'oster wpich d~s not bear
,on its face the nam.:s and'addr~sses'ofthe 'printer iuid the publiShedheroor: ,.,--, - ,',- ':,
·1 •. ".~~. _'. . i : ; .-' .~ . ":. 1:.- ".;. ~. ' ~, . .) ,
(2) No person sh'all print or cause to be printed)lny
. ,Io{.·,

, '.
'." J.

'" ,(a)' unless a-'deClaration as to tlie:identity 'of tlie piiblifuc;i thii~f:;sig~t'd by him and
attested by two persons to whom he is personally known, i~ delivered him to'die printer by
,in duplic~t~;and. ~ r·. _.~' ; ; • .T::-:::~ ,'.' !~~-';i>..': .;,-. l. • :'
_ _ .., . - -,. ' -,.....- '.. ,..~.,:.,"'l'..... :JIJ.· , '··I·~ . ":7~-/~~
(b) unless; within a reasonable time after the printing of thc,document•• one copy of the
, ._,. - '.' ." '.' I.·-'P- ,""-'
de..laration is scnt'by the !>riiiter. togeth?r with O!1~.,opY;of th!J document.-=:- ,
_ "\ • • , ..) , 1 • ,,' ... ,

(i), where it is print

cxl in ,~e capital of !l1-e;~tate. 'to~,the,Chief Eketoral Officer; and
(ii) in any other case, toitIie iliStrl.:;rliiagistrate of th~ district in which it i~ printe<i,
- . ; ··r.· ' . . -.•.. <-::;;: :->:" ,>, ," ...~;.i-/ \J·T" I" ~, -; .. '.: i;: .. ~'
. P)'_fo~'tbe'purp~~s'-of this~~ction.7"'" ; ,if, ',1' , '",' , : ; " ',' ,; " " , ' -' '-',
_ . '• . 'f~ ~ _ .. ,.-. ~--~:~1=\0' T"~ •• -.-.-- ..... ..,(r·..• i "·_-,";"·,'··· ~- --;~.
. '(il) 'any process for multiply,ing copi9s of a" d,ocument. o,lOOr ~hlIn copying, it by hand.
oJIall be deemed to be printing'aM the' cxprd~siori "printer'" shilll' b{:cOIlstrued accordli;giy;
~n,d - - t·_ir . .-,'_ '.•..,>- - i .-) ~~':- =_.
,."d·.·.'. -'r:' .....
-·3···. . .i
I .'"; . . , .~. I ;

d . \,- ~ ''',~ .. : -~ . -i - J'j1'·' , -~ i~" :"'i{t:. ~r~1 - .. ::'. < ,t ,:~ . - >--~
" lb) "election pamphlet or poster'.' mean~ any printed .pa'npl)let.i hand-bill'or"other
'-. do~umel~t distributed fo.' 'the purpo~c 'of 'pr~moiing or prcjudis\ng ,the election. of a cal)di-
date or group of cand.
or any placard
or poster
,.- -'" .
reference to an election, but docs j , '.'" ,'.'
, not incluae any hand-brll, placard or poster merely annolinGing the date,_ \ime,..J~laC:e:iQ(.tother
particulars of an election meeting or routine in,truetions to election agents' or- wo':k~;~, : '.'
ol •. 1 r~ \4:'--}.;~~P:' '.~:~-.~ .;1.' .• ; .
'(4{~~y~r~n 'wh~ .contr;~encs any of ihe provisions' Of;'SUD'-sc<:lion" (1) dr' sub-seeiion' (2)
shall'be'puni~a~,le,wil;h impr,i~onment fora ternrwhich mayexteml to six months'; oi'with'finc
whiCh Jnayextend to two thousand. rupees, or, with 'both,l ,~":, ":,-,,,.:, ,-", 1"
J • • • I . "" • ,

• '1- ., _. - ,". : ., '-' ,f' 'r:~.-H j~~ ~- ,I ,.J j r' • 1":.,T :~'r.<?;,. 1:;- ~. - "}~. '::,

.' '}28. M~ntenanc.e ~f s,ecr~y., of .vo.~'ng;:-(11 ~v,9r~,,!=lprk. /!gel)t,.or ot!tc:r persol) ~ho
performs ;my ~uty ~n con!lect'5:I1.w.~h the re;~Q~d ._~g.-~r c~u\r;tt.',~g,!i'fVO!C:5; ,\!\.' an ~lec1ion sh~!l
maintain. and aid in' maintaining, the' sc..:ni~Y ~f thevo,tihg shall not (except ror some purpose
authorizoo by or under anY-·law) coinmunicateito:anyperson'any, information', Calculated' tb
viobte such secrCX'y. !" :,',1'.
I ,:.-,' ,. oJ.'- ,~.r, p ... -; •

• "'" ':'." t • .-., j' l ',';: rTf": I,'· 'l.'

(2) Any pe~n who contravenes the provI<lons of sub-~ectron (1) shall be pUnishable widl
imprisonment f<or a term
which may extend , to,'.th'ree'
. . •
months I'ori"ith
fine 'or
; ; . . . . .' , .
. -(,. ~

I. IDS. by Act 40 or t96t, s. 26 (w.e,'. 2()'9:196J), " : ' . , . . '-- ." "

"J ,j-
!.~~.. , .~r~r~~.f~ ~~':Hl ?,~,1 ,~~,,\. . l05
(>WI 2-~ if; ~) .
. . -',.~~.,,-:; ... ,-., i._ i, ... ' ,..~)

( 3) qI%.m ~
atTfiIm f~lfl" ~,if.m ''!it ~r;~ .~~~, if ~ ~ ri3: """"' ~ fj; m '3'folr~
( 1)'~ ir!lr.r ~ flI*'~' aT' :~ ,~itT 'ij;·IJlIl'Ifu·.qm; w1\'~!lT; *"=l ,'!it m~lT '!it 'fll! '" .'!'\l::.'Ul
. ' ~'.~m ~~ ~,flti~#'~'aiir'fT':'1'TiI *R~I~!lT:iI'<1TCt"3tk-~lfli' ''lffl3(l;fr'lfq; Ji',)-(, '{(fI :"
~;~"~'~<h'lf'lIT!~'it aim '$ ·~·Il1~~''!fu'q:iiriwr(i~·<mra'if''''l.",r,~,," 1Ri{:'.
~l~fi.; ~fi!,,",'~ ,ff !Iiii~f;mL fJa-r ~'~~ -:;\i"~iltf$iiftft-mr.:~q~;fr-I:'lJ'.,. ;,.
I'· ... ·.::.']" ,.,' 1-'df'!)j0';~'.!·~'· ~!.'·"'·"'d·: ,It'1i " . d l : I.ttH •• .:·):.·;, ... :ltl :j··:,:."l"-,.".,'t,,
1[ \27~, ~"iIll1, ~ .m ill ~ ~f~"--,CI }t,~~,>ft.. a*.« ,,}i':~.l~'fl' ,f,fr~'ry;, 'If:~:t:!,!'j "
lIT 'fm ~ lf~ lito ~ 11f:j; 1f(~ ail-.: II~~ if; 'lT1f 3fi1: Of(\' "~i '!,f{il 'if", " '¥~ if(
';:r "t,fttt lf1' ~,.~c<i~A:'T· .~~.:o:! ':. .j!c,: i~ .• ,vfrf".'ir1 ,~f\ 1;,., !.' ;,'T;\;J..... . . ", ':', ;.

(2) 'Iirt >ft "'Iffi! f11lfl' fit~~' ~~"irr'~ iifr:..~""-;': '.' ' . r"..,(, ' , )
", J .~; '~'. ,,:-' r,l" I::, .. ~'.),;.o~ ;-'\J ,_;_' -' ;,,' '.!'_l ' r: :__u-, . • :' .! ,.\
(.. ) -:;~ ~ it ill ftmlf ~ "T lffl~ lOrn, afT< " Iffi<r ~{(1TI fJl6it ,,~ -:;~ l\'''lVI~ -';1'
~ il;'lT~ if'al\\-~"tro'~mft~':~ ~?dl'~ii'~:irro'~;r)-M 'ft~' 'if!~ii ",~ '3f'l::i1frlQr~
-:d~r~·~'!af'lli;,~,,~,'~t~i;'!T-t~'~;"~_:t,;.jJ\'::. -'~ :";~.'.~ :ftOr.,:'I .r! ... :'r't.I .. '1 . "

.' '(('~')\!;:oif'lniT'~ ~jfi.. iq i~1(lffiifi~IrrL'~~I;f iffl(t ~.!i"~;iI 'f\hrlf H:1jr~ ~ .tr'I(''' ,"
~ ~ > I .

SlftI' mm- ifff ~II' srniL:~i\:t:~__i H..;/1: t~ ri0ir.~;·--tJLJt ·l..;:,f'i ..... rd·:·,~ll, :': ....... r ·")1 j,

'" .;, ,.': " I; .. ,~i!til '-:;q,~l if 'foi#."r"""i!' ~:.",I' ·uorO' ;~,IIiI" GlIift 'a,,;:1J,'IIf f.fllRi!.
:1< !·;art~,r·~", 6'fT 0" ~~~ ... ' 1:t! .. ·'1.r·,'·.·:~jr ·'.fiL .. -: "r--f;~; J:''';' :"4" ,.1:;' 4" .. !
.! '.'p . . .nL(·:Ji: :'d' -". ~,' t:CJ- 1. r-:':-L;', ,_.: -: : ~: ", ': it:; , . ,. ';'"
(ii) fm 3F!I lfJll
.... ~
it ;;;r furi<t 11; foIglf f.. <t~
1@\'I.!i!'U~!1ft, ~ r~1'I .lff*
.. '" _,' . ,. , .-,11 , , ' .

"". ~ It '!.1'Jf ij; ,",(Ii! ~r.'f't"" If'flf t -.itit': 't:~. :r~I,:.~', '.': >. ""
(3) ~" UI'U ii< lT1fl'f;ff it; fl'!t1:-:- ". ' .:" .' ... ',. ]" ;,L ',," ',"

(.. ) ~ ''''')3rm't.. srfilirt••.;rit·qfi fiI:Ift ~m' lIi'J1;~r '."". l(1'« 1ft '(I'l" irc~~ ~
~ srfifirt ".;r:t ~ f>fll' ~, If( lf1fRT1TrQ;trr~f~ ;'fi{. '!.{1JIt,i.m, ':~": ~ 1j;J, aN,~,i'f'l11IT
·,:t t1 :;.: I:, ~j -".JU,:-"
·i-"!1.' ,'" -:;.:. ',' :.! .... ,.J ., ,
,":'. ',' :.;.,:(.): tf.f<riofit ~f~l'1n, IIT,~\' "" flIml'lfO!~i ll1'a(~,ii>:.W{\! ,iff"~<f~: '11'1 "9~fd1 "
lIT Afd'f"d' lI'IfIffl rn il; ~.t il; f<'f~qflf~~«.t itri. :'!.fr~"L~R<I'1;T, .'f;f\',rt(1' 3f:'..q~" 'lIT ;"
~ it; IIf" fori'l1I ""'r,c"'t<rr:,~,t',~""~,'r!.4h:,,,~) tlJt!:'!·X~lf~JIf..n:~, <rm;a"
II'fIf "~ ,ai'r1: 3f'l,f.lff!fi"~"t 'l>T il; If<'f 311§1'ffll;r rn 'I1'<'fI lIT flrori;A 3ff,,,"<If.hl "" T.mrr.n
Jil. ;fft"~' ~~:'-lt~~~ i~~qi,..;?~"~f·f~~~,!1ft fl;k'~l'~tr .icu1f ·';:.;i;-, ~ I -:

• -·,.t l ,. ~Jt'. :,p;lt ~;,: '~,-.:, ' .• J,·lLT . • ' l~!, r.~· ~~.' ·r;}, ,' . • '

. ~C~J. ,oft rtrt~,,~'LT ,(I),~r ,~~,.(2),;\l..~~!lt ~f'U­ it. ~,r~,:", .~;f'f'f ,~1fI Ifi{
'"iI'~' .f.!!~, ~I"~!l!IT. <fi!;, ~ il:)~f.i\r.l!f ,~~f.!l-;~",~T ~r,~r,(,,~}Tr' 'IiT:;;:',I(~~~, t(1' ~ o:'r'!1 .
- - \!T'fT' I]' , -I"
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oft mm it If<lt ~ lif.mnlinf,rn 1l'T,,~ ;1l"fTotr rn ,i\'i,jtmET ~''';f;5!f 'liT !lTl'f,f ""'" ~,;-..lfa'f!'l" . ".':',~q
,,'" ~}.~~ ,") ,~~, ;\'f:"J, ,~~, !f;~W '''h '~~ru~.'T!;i~. ~ ..~I«l!', ~ ~.'1: ~,~ .tjf~, .
~ ~ "'i""'I~, f.!i!rl' ~"'!--:l"T,jf~1' .rjf\l:}.!Tl~r. :!~1" 1IIfr.f'! !-J;'«T :~;'.I:');~, ~:,~w.""!'
ro(.-; t.. ~) ~"," ,,",-'II I . ' ,
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~ ~ lIT I!%<ft, lIT'ilff.\" ,,", lIT ~t it, ~··Hilf ifI"I 1 J!"",! . . ' ." "~,i: '.' .,::, ,:,'

1:"1961rit ~II~ 40 ~ mr' 26 im... (',20,9,,1961i1) ~Ilrn

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\M Representation of the People Act. 1951

(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)

In. O1B~ers, etc., at elections not to act for candidates or to influence votlog.-{I) No per'!On
who is '[a distrkt election officer or a returning officer), or an assistant returning officer, or a
presiding or polling officer at an election, or an officer or clerk appointed by the returning ufficer
or the presiding officer to perform any duty in connection with an rlection shall in the conduct
or the m.magement of the election do any act (other than the giving of vote) for the furtherance of
the prospects of the election of a candidate.
(2) No such person as afore'laid, and no member of a police force, ~hall endeavour-
(a) to persuade any person to give his vote at an election, or
{b) to dissuade any person from giving his vote at an election. or
(e) to influence the voting of any person at an election in any manner.

(3) Any person who contravenes the provbions of sub-section (I) or sub-section (2) shall be
punishable with imprisonment which may extend to six months or with fine or with both.
'[(4) An offence punishable under sub-section (3) shall be cognizable.)
130. Prohibition of canvassing in or near polling stations.-(I) No person shall, on the date or
dates on which a poll is taken at any polling station, commit any of the following acts within the
polling station or in any public or private place within a distance of '[one hundred metres] of
the polling station, namely:-
(a) canvassing for votes; or
(b) soliciting the vote of any elector; or
(e) persuading any elector not to vote for any particular candidate; or
(d) persuadIng any elector not to vote at the election; or
(e) exhibiting any notice or sign (other than an official notice) relating to the election.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (I) shall be punishable with
fine which may extend to two hundred and fifty rupees. •
(3) An offence punishable under this section shall be cognizable.
131. Penalty for disorderly conduct in or near polling statlons.-{I) No person shall, on the
dale or dates on which a poll is taken at any polling station,-
Ca) use or op3rate within or at the entrance of the polling station, or in any public or
private place in the neighbourhood thereof, any apparanls for amplifying or reproducing
the human voice, such as a megaphone or a loudspeaker, or
(b) shout, or otherwise act in a disorderly manner, within or at the entrance of the poll-
ing station or in any pablic or private place in the neighbourhood thereof,
SO as to cause annoyance to any person visiting the polling station for the poIl, or so as to inter-
fere with the work of the offic~rs and other persons on duty at the poIling station.
(2) Any person who contravenes, or wilfully aids or abets the contravention of, the pro-
visions of sub-section (I) shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three
months or with fine or with both.
\. Sub,. by A.t 47 of 1966, s. 55. for "a returning officer" (w.e.f. 14-12-1966).
7.. I". by s. 55, ibid. (w.e.f. 14.\2.1966).
). Suhs. hy ,. 56, ibid., for "one hundred yards" (w.o.f. 14-12-1966).
".. Araf..f&N CIItat..QiiI 195 i lOr,
('IT'l 2~ it; "rarol4")

12 9. fitIt~ if ~ VIR "AlN4i ~ ~ m " ~ ~ " "" rot ;;fA' q ~ 11m: ~""­
( 1) ;;it 1['I>1t fONlT f.I<rt;;;t ~ 4T ft!f.r<r an%m:] 4T ~'ft!f.r<r arm;>:n: ~ 4T f~; it
rflor«T;r 4T ";roof anf'I;m. ~ 4T ~\lI ~a"{ ~ 4T f.!fir~ ~ f;,;r ft!f.r<r ~ 4T '1'Tor~; m'l>H 'r
f.I<rt;;;t iJ .rm Ii!;m '!i<i0lf it; Q'T;f'; it; f\;rQ: f.f'I~ f~ ~ 1(1f ~ it; >lifl;;.r q'I If;f'l it ('fer ~'r iJ
f<nr) ~ m ar'Pt'ff it. f~ 'liT ~dT>ii 'liT "fira"{ rn it. f.;r~ " >rim,
( 2) ,,'I, fI'l'ru '01{ "ll' aqtlRf 3Ji;: ~<'rn <Ii\' lj;J 'liT( ~ ~-
('0) "<ir Ii!;m 'liT r.m'f'; i:'r it. fut; q;rr,; 'r.T; m',"
it 0l'Al 1!\T
(lil) Ii!;m ..rnCf 'liT f';ifN.; it Of'f'IT "" " i:'r it; f\;rQ: 'f'IT'r '!iT; ;fro: "
(II) ~.; it r<tim olf~ it; or'\' ;ilf· it f~ ftfer it. 3!R ~nt 'Or.
If'lIII >rim ,
(3) ;;fr 'Iitt oqf~ '3'I1lTU (1) lH '3'NI'U (~) if, '>'T..di 'for ,,<"iI''l'f "~ITT, ;n;: q;r(R'l"l it. "If
I; ~ 'fill ",if, '!iT i![T ,,~% 4T "I,,,f.r it, 4T ~'I'fT q, ~'l' ",TITT ,

'(( 4) :a'l'.mT (3) it; 3lirr ~mlf 3!"qu .rirlf jfT'lT , ]

130, 'f<m'f ~1 if lIT m ~ "" ~ ~ sm.a-( I) ,..w 'ii'..rn<l' 0':1 <ITtl" 1f., ~I
:;.r nrU'iT 'liT, f.t<rif.T 4T f4ffi f~ ~ 'f;;;r it ..<RH ~m ~, 'f'm'f ~ it; ..i'm, 'l'r If:m'f If,;;:'
~ '[l1;'li oft ~], '01 ~I it; ~p: fm ;;fir. ~m 'If m.v- "'lH it r.;o:;f"lfn 'r.fliI iT 'lirt: m "
>ri~ T, "I'll<!. :-
('0) 1I<ii oj; f.:~Q; ~ofI
(,,) limf ~ ~ '3'!ir. 1ffl' 'lfr 4T'f'IT <r.V!T;
('I) fir.«1 flmrc<; "'«Rl it. ~ 1ffl' if ~ 'f.'r fir.«1 f~; 1f., 'f'fI'fT;
('f ) ~ it "" " 1l:'r it. ~ fir.«T ~'li 'O'r 'f'fI'fT; m
(50) f~ if, m it (QfRIlj;'\'q lJ:'AT it roN) 'Or{ \('i'IT .r~ ro11l;f ~,

( 2) ;;fr ..1{ Olffif,r 'O'I'mr (1) it; :wM f l ~.; ~r ~ ~'r it, '1', <rr~ II) ~:f<ti '!iT
i!:'r mr, ~ i![T1Ir ,
( 3) ~II UHT it. ",Jt;r ..1J6if)q qo:rQU m il'f'I r ,
1 ~ 1 onm;f ....l it lIT m firiI;z ~lI't"'IT"~ ~ ~ mnw-(1) '!i'lt 'Of', sqfif(f <nr mfru-
4T :;.r o~N'i 'lfr f.r;!lf;i f! 'I<ro'f it;;,:- it >nro'f I!:Tor a-
('li) Ifl'fif "m if, SfifU'" Iff ",,!'fR'f fr. ~ 'liTt Ii1Jl'liT;r Iff ~ fir<a-m; ;;ffir mfuOf >nro'f
1:;,:- it; 'iTCft: 'l'r lf~11I m: '1't: 'l'f ~ ~)'f it f'fi«T <irl> ~ Iff ~ '."IT" it ~ " <ir '3'l1it'I
it <m('Ii om: if ~I; oft, if
('i) If<ro'f if,;,:- if, 'ilnt: 4T \T<illl in, '1',4T ;;«t 'tim it it; ffr."T .rT'li f'i!" 4T If'~ M'f
iJ i!.1f N<"<11Q;'" Iff f~Ii<i<1<lT ~ ~"IT 'lil{ 'lI"i m ~r,
fit; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'i: it """ ...m fir.«1 &lfif\t 'liT fofN ",T 4T 'I<ro'f fr.'l1 it ~.d6Ql€&
"irfif.mi Iff ""f ..rn<f'ii if, 'f.f'f it ~ ~I' '
p) ;;i, ~:rt a'Tjiff \N"llU (1) if; \Nif.!il '!iT ~ ~, Iff ~ it ""'1'!01'!i( "I!:f1«IT 1l:'Ir
o!T ;m;r ~'{1IT ~I ifl'; '!iT~ ~,
1. {'lFI' 'R (1.-12-19GI;
''IT al'f 'fI'f ffil '!iT~) 'ftql4T "llff.r q, 4T ~r.ii iJ, ;:q;ftq ;fr'Ir I
1~66ir.1If~f.{lppj\J 47 of.r ~ll71 55 ~P.T I'f.-;:f-rrr~' if; ir) ~~ I
:l .• ~<t.r 'lfl.l ~5;;rn ll:1-12-1~f)6«) 1;T,T.~ I
J, ,!qm.~ uro Sti ~Rl"Q.'pit 'fOl" if, <'lTil 'R (1"1 ,. I %ti «) .fd\'uliI'1 I
107 REpresentalion: of 1/l6.f,flOp/t Act, 1951
(PARtiI.~Acts of parlia~ent)
(3) l~ the presiding officer of a, polling ,station, has reason to be!ie,:e;~t 8,1lY ,~rson is q>m-
mitti'ig'or has committed anoff~nce punishable unaerthis section,.heI!'ay:.4!r,ept.any police ~;tficer
to arrest such p;;rson; and thereupon the police,officer ~ll.arrcs~ him. "'if," ; ., ';:1 . ' F "r,:,
, _, , . ."l;' • ~. - '71 ( . ' _ .

(4) Any polic;} officer may take 'such sleps,' and'Use 5uchTorce,. as may be ,felsonahiy'neces":
sary for preventing any'contravimti()n 'of the prOVisions' of sub-section (I); and maY"seize· any ..
apparatus used for such ~ontra~cntio~. , .. , ' .., i.~' . , ' '1:,' .:~ ~. . • "",I

131. Penalty for mis~(l!lduct at the polling station.:':"(I) Aliy person' who' during the hours
ftxed for the poll' at :lny polling siiltion misc,mduds'himsclf o Hails to obey the lawful directions
ofth~ presiding officer may l>~ removed from the polling station by the presiding officer or by any
police officer Oll duty or by any person authorized in this behalf by such presiaing officer.
, J"'" ~

(2) The powors conferred'by sub-S'X(i(l1l (l) shall not be exercised to.,prevcn~ any
elector who is otllCrwisc entitled to vote at 11 pdlingstationfrom havingan,op)lqrtl!l)ity,of~oting
at that station.
,~ ". -.- -,' :.. i
, (3) If a~y person' who has b~on so removed fron~ a polling stati.on re-enters the polling
station without the permission qf the presiding officer, lic~ll be punishable wiib.:iiiiprisOlunent
for a tenn which may cxtcrd to three l110nth5, or with fine; or with both:' '. ., I, ,
" , • \. '. . '. 7 . , • i " ~ fl""", ,. ; ," • 1;.
(4) An offence punishable under sub·section (3) shall be cognizable..
1[131A. Penalty for failure to obscne procedure for voting.-If,any elect()r to,.who~ a ballot

paper has boon issued. refuses to ub;erve the p.roc~ure prescribed.for voting}he ballot paper
issued to him shall be liable for cancellation.] .,. . . , .'.
, " r· '. f '," ~l ,:'1 ~"

133. Penalty for Illegal hiring or procuring sclec:tions•...,.If 8:ny.~rso~ is guilty
of any such:corrupt practice;ls is, specilicd in '[clause (5)].,of section 123 at or in conneCtion with
an election, he shall b~ p~'lishable with fine whi~h~ay
-: .. , - . -""'t'7~'
to ·to~~ ihousal{d'rupeesj.
,. ..,,~ . r
exteiui )1'11':-· t . .":;" ,.~

134. Breaches of official duty in connec:tion with elec:tions.-{l) If any pe~s!ln to,
section applies is without reasonable cause guilty'
of. a,ny
act, or,, omission
".... .
in _breach
of his officiai'
'T,-·· ~

duty, he shall b3 punishabl:: with fme which may extend to' five huudred rupees. . .' > ,
_. ~rdA) 'An off~ncc' pU'lisil~bie ;\:der';~b-s-~t-id;'" (i) shall 'be 6ighiz.:ijjl~.] f."':· ,,',.; " .
.1-:t·'";' ,', i" ;" .-", .,-- .
... "'. '~,.::i -~ - .:"j-"'F
,1 ",0(1)

,No sui~ ,
, . -
k3al pio~edings ?haillie
.~gainst any" such person for damages' in
• 11 .... 1 hi" 'i '" •
of any such ,actor omission as aforesaid'. " .•. ' ' - '. . , ,..'.' '.
,. ,- ," , .• ' :1 .:' : ',:". '.- '."")1 ,,'.j:'" "., .. '
J •
. _ ..•
.~ . • :_"
(3) The persons to whom this section applies are the ~.' ~.• ,. '[di~trict electio!1,pfficers, • • J , • .' _ • . , •• ' I"~

returning officers], assistant returning officers, pre~iding officers, pol!iJig officers and any other
pcrso~ a:pp~'inted to pcrr';;':n any'duty in cOhnec·tioi).' witIi !,,~. • '."ihe'receipt 'of'i1<lmiitations or
withdrawal of candidatures. or the recordink or'countin'!; 'of votes at ~it cleetion;:ruid the expte~'
~io'n "official dhty" shaii' f,)r ihe purposes of this'Section be 'construed accordingly,l but shall not
include duties imposed otherwise than by or under'tIiis Act ,,*:. *; *. ......' T: /);, "j
" '
-' -,
Ins. \>y Act 4 of 1986. ,. 2 and Sch. (w,c.f, 15·5.1986).

" ~ . I'P

-. !:I r .: '-1" .,;, 't r',- :.' :-, ~ -~~,-,._ ,-"

.. , ,

~·3-:-Sl1bs. hy Act, 47 of 1966. s. 57, ror "twO hundred Md'f1fty' rupees"·(w.e.r. 14-12--1966).
4. Ill.'" by s. 58. {bid. (w.e:r. 14·12·1961\). '" " ,. .' ' .. "
S. Ci:rtain \vords omitted by Act 5S of 1958, 5.37. ' - .-,. '. ! , '
6. Sub", by Act 47 of 1966, s. 58, for "returning offieorf:,(w.e.f. 14·\2·1966). , , " "
7. The words "the prepara.tion of a." cl..!ctoral roll" omitted by Act 58 of 19S5, s. 37.

'>'i:mr 'Afaf'lr,."" m~;:.19n·"\. ' 107
I ('IIT'1,2~'!, if; ."fa r~~ .. )
· ,X3) ~ilit,,{;r..jf iii '!'mm~ it 'IT'!~ f~<Ii'! ",,,;,. if;r .~ fT> ..1t 6oo'I"!<1IlJ 'f.f'>:tJi
~'4M:r ~ ~.~ ~ ~>tr''fh ''In',~, ,fr ~ f'tffir ~ 'mfi!;lr;: 'f.T ~ mr fiI; 'Wi'
iti Olffil('f ..T 1iT-.;qirro: q;'t am: ~ ~ ~'! '!~ ~ flI'!.'1\rr<:' ~TI
. . '
. ,.'
,d : • .• " . .

(4) '!itt 'If<'rn !frfifm: ~~ v.>1' lOr mr m ~:rr"" If'.T)~ "" 'f);qr oT!T qr ~:rr 'l'!i1rlJ (!)
it; '~.m if f1r.m"~Ij;r' ~ ",f,f t-f!irn: ~it ~ ~ mq~, ~m ~iJ wf'lOf';' f~
~'~ ~'n:'~~r .mftr.f<f.l' wf1f~'1'cf ~p: 'l'f.<TT ;. >.. ,-. " '.
" ... ,',. . . ' : .' J " ••

P. 132, 'Ilm",iA' ;qf'I'J f'l1m"f~[~ it,. if ~'" if, fun;

t attmilr (l'I'{,mfuI'-'-:(I) ilfT. 'litf
f'f'll<r ~ it; ~RT'I' ".f'l' ar;<fr( ~oi 1fT~"r~Tifr'l' :Jfrf'w. if, f'ffi~f;WrT 1;' ;r'!,cmR if .r~ 'i!iTr
~, '11' oft~!fr.~ ari~ 'ir 'f.J~~ 'l7T~ ,!f<f<l >TTf'li,( 'to ~4' oft~<ft'l' arif~ In:r ~m'l'f '!rfi"-,,,
~ Clfflflr .~r.r.i!>''il''·it :\id' ~ I '.1 •. ' " '," :f :... '. . ',., ..' .'
,.: (2!) '3'ferro.( ;)."~r(r m.
1!)'ilfd'tfl., f'~ lr~~~ Of .~',;;rti.tT filtf1l' "'THorr f~'fI!;, lfl l1''f'fi'f ~
if If(f ~ if. f,~ iIl"Il"tT ~m ~, ~'! ,m if If~ rn 'I1T aiq,l": 'trOT jr f".mer' il'rorro; I '
( 3) .~ ,!"Tft. Clfflf(l,;;rT ~ if,;;r, ~ (~If ~ fll"l'T '1"l'T ~,oftmft'l' 3,-rf'l>~ it >T'!m ir. frifr Ifm-of
~ if ~: :sr~ ~, 1fT 'f~'",mifr:r ~, r;r(f.m ififf'ir'ifr'l'"';mr'1'f'i;:it ~T ~~rfr, ;'T ~il it.' 'iT ';~;r-fi
it, ~.f'tTf ~Im I . • . ' . .• ,,'

. (4)'~ ('11-'.. :ar,ft'l'~~'armniiTrf <tTIfU .' . ..... • .

• ' 1 " , · •
'h32i!;. 'flR'I"f~ if; .~ . mil,,' ,fif'R"qTt'l'f if am~ itt imi'mmr-'""'f<: ~~ <11flf" m"".'

f:;y~ '11~ 1f':M'<f ;;rrU fl!;-.1.'l"!T.~, Ifa"l1"'T ""if·

if. f~ f,ffl!('f· m'f.'lT' 'f.'T >qqT"'i 'f.-Qr . !T'm If;'.;rT
~ ('fT, ~T mr
fiml1 'fliT' lfa"ioJ ~ f'f.!fT i;rr' ¥t.:rr 11<1
;,: ' _.,' -' -"
• ,13 3, ~ q srl1'~ • ria ~ ~. '"' 'R 'iit:t 11'1 :;1fI1<f . ' " if/.. ~ mlm-Z..~r~ ;.r."t~ Clfiilil
rom'!',,' if. 'iT . f~'r. i/;. #~ if 1i!;!fi .~If ~ >fr'!'~ 'I1r ~ lit"'. oT!fT m":T 1 2 3 ~ '[iiil:' ( 5)]
.iU.f"~ ~, 1T ifi! "!',>M ~, :;it '[~ ~:;Yn: ,,~ <r'O] ~TlArIfr, ~ \iT"'I: . .
- , '" • ~" '.., , I • : , " " •

134. f~;if ~ ~ ~lq .<i~,Ii;.,~~--;-(l) ~~ <f.l'~ 6rf~H, f.'Ti('<'.i!,~ o.rt:f ~,arr.f '<m."
I(:~ it; ~ if flrnr. ' lI'I<ftr ~r, 1f'fif'i"<f, ~ 't. f<!'l'r ~\ft \ilm ffT 'I'<! ,'!fir ii,':;it 'fR 1ft li~
'f'f. l!T lArIfr, oT.f\q \iT'rT I . :..... '.. :. ,.." 'i

4[( I'f.) ;;qm~ (I) .il; 3!'!ft;r ~q ar<rou
f '-t.
m \ilml]'
. (2) 'NT':I:1OH fl(:!J"r.'liT!f ..r ...) •.*i, 'I'fif, 1,'O.~!.ft if;.f~ 'fT('I'T~ ~r :>f~ MflII; I(:flf.~T ~ rif,m
"fflrn' Ii; f'ls<rn; " ~"r I , ,.. . , ' . : ., ,
'. .
" (.3) i ....f'ffl', fiI~ "il ·am <W!. t.r, ~,.'*;',* o[f;r;rr ~'iiIfvr ~, r,~"" arrftn ~]. '!~n."'f.
~r.r" :>rrf<l;!I1:.J '!~T«"r" arrf~, 'IflI'm' arr;fq;~3(r, 3,~l>fIif if; 'l'TIrf'liw.ilj .lll;<r tjr(~ ITT .~~
'TMf ~ ITT f'iilfvr i'f ..m 'I1T arf~ rn 11'1 'l"'T'" rn ~ «~ ,.***r';;:r) ~~. if. <mr.r ~ f~
f"'l'ffl' ~~ 3I''''f .of'RT, <I'fT u!TfnJ ~<!f" <m:'«'r"r 'I1T ~ ~T, am il; ll'lTf",;fT if; f.-nt~, ~
;;n~ ~ ~ ar'O'f<r 'I" 'f.(f"'f " \iN ;;it ~ ",fOif"'l'lfif. .em G'T',,!i"r'f ,*"",,~ liTOr if iIl"Il"tT
arr!1Ufim~ I .... .. .'
': . • ,;; ;: I "I', ' '.

1.' I~S6~-~rfqf.t~Hio .i'lfr·S'f{i2~'f1~r :~(15-~"I~~(j-ii}Q:~1 '~ . '1'-

". 1956~~ «. 27 'lit 68mr"ora (6)" .. urn

lIf.~'IlI1 . ,mtt'
3.···1·966~~~ .. 47'1it1lTU57mr ...)II't'l'mt,'i'Ill': .. ~Ff~ .(14-17','.906.01) ~'fa I •
.j ... "'966~~ ~ \t. 47 'lit am 58 .m,('''1.2-J.9~601liffir.«lfITII., .
5. 1958 -. ~ It. 58 'lit am 37 mr fill woff 'I'T-.m; f."fr'llrt.1 ._. , '.'
G. ,968 ~.~ It. 47''Iit IITU 58 mr "f«f'l'l 3!"~. NFf ·:n (I ~'I 2" 966 iT) ~rlf'1lI'T~1
,. 1968 ~ r.lf1l1il1A Ii. 58 '1ft IITU 37 HU "mR~ .r>rmiT ~.ff>w: 'lI'l:'f' woff ~i om' r.,'f! 'r'rr I
. .. ,
IIiR Representation of tM People Act. 1951
(PART I1.-Aqs of Parliament)

l[I34A. Penalty for Government servants for acting as eIection ageDt, polliag qeut or COUDtIJJg
ageni.-If any person in the service of the Government acts as an election agent or a palling agent
or a {"ounting agent of a candidate at an election, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for
a term which may extend to three months, or with fine, or with both.]
135. Removal of ballot papers from poDing station to be an otrence.-(i) Any person who at
any election frau:lulently takes, or attempts to take, a ballot paper out of a polling station, or
wilflllly aids or aoots thJ doing of any sueh act, shall be 'punishable with imprisonment for a
term which may extend ti) one year or with fine which may extend to five hnndred rupees or with
both. .
(2) If tile presiding officer of a polling station hal; reason to believe that any person ~ com-
mitting or has committed an offence punishable under sub-section (1), su~h officer may, before
such person k-aves the polling station, ariest or direct a police officer to arrest such persori and
may search such person or cause him to be searched by a police officer: .
Provided that when it is necessacy to cause a woman. to be searched. the searc\l shall he made
by anoWr woman with strict regard to decency.
(3) Any ballot paper found upon the person arrested on search shall be made over for safe
custooy to a police officer by the presiding officer, or when the search is made by a police officer,
shall be kept by sueh officer in safe custody.
(4) An offence punishable under ~ub-section (1) shall be cognizable.
'[13SA. Offence of booth captur!ng.-Whocver rommits an offence of booth capturing shall
be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but which
may extend to two years and with fine, and where such offence is committed by a person in the
service of the Government, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall
not be less than one year but which may extend to three years and wi th fine.
Explanalion.-For the purposes of this section. "booth capturing'" includes, among other
things. all or any of the following activities. namely:-
(a) seizure of a polling station or a place fixed for the poll by any person or person~'
making polling authorities surrender the ballot papers or voting machines and doing of
any other act which affects the orderly conduct of elections:
(b) t~king possession of a polling station or a place fixed for the poll by any person or
persons and allowing only his or their own supporters to exercise their right to vote and pre-
vent others from voting;
(e) threatening any elector and preventing him from !;oing to the polling station or a
place fixed for the poII to cast his vote;
(d) seizure of a place for counting of vote~ by any person or persons, making the count-
ing authorities surrender the ballot papers or voting machines and the doing of anything
which affects the orderlY counting of votes;
(e) doing by any peNon in the service of Government, of all or any of the aforesaid
activities or aiding or conniving at, any such activity iii the furtherance of the prospects
of tbi: election of a candidate.]
1. I.~ r. ~-------------------------------
by A::t 47 of 1966, s. S91(w... 14-12-1966).
~. Ins. by Act;1 of 1989,~. IS (w.o.r. 15-3..1989).
• Alflf'llin=<l .. Ie"'..", 1951 108
('IT'! 2~ it. arfuf'lq.,)

1[13~. ~ ....'ut, IO<II!R ~~ QT 'I"R ~~ ilr ..., if m ~ ~

Ii ft::!tt ~ -llflr ~ iT ~ ii If,r ..1f O!;'flrn' f.r;~1' f'fllf'i'\' it ~ iI; ~ 3If~,.,. 'I\ro'f
3If~ ,.,. 'fVR air~ iI; l!"r it m q;W, <it ~ ~., (,~,\t !t, ~ 3R'fU oR 1I'm Qlf, ,."t \;"t ~
'if "T.'If.t !t, ,.,. ~r.n !t, ~'ll; ~1'IJT,]

135. l't qaqal q;)~,"

~--( 1) "IT ,."t~ ..flffi' f~ if It'1I<:T'I'iR,l't
Iffi'«i QAl');4'" ~. ~ ~'IT ll'T' ~ ~ o;r;; "" JlT;M' q;W >;T ~ f.r.m m it. ~ if "o'H'!:l1'I. \
~ ~ ,.,. '3'6'r.f ~"'T q;W "l1 ""("@ !t, f;;;~·3;"fi..I 1% qTJ Qlf, q;) ir"t >f.I;tft, >;T~i'; iT,
or"t '!R m ~ or. "" It''t ~, >;T < l't, ~ il1'lJT ,
( 2) "f~ It'1I<:T'I' it,;o it. trl'o,m;; "lim iI; mr ~ f~<mf ~ "" ~ ~ flr. ,.If O!;' flffi' :rnl'!1:;
( 1) it. 3;!l'R ~ 3;of':T'l '"' ~ ~ t;r 'i.I: 'f,'OT ~ o"t i% 3.rf'lm ~ "'lflR arcr ~ it,;o ~
OfT;; !t ~ ~ ..flffi' ,.1 f'l'<'m': 'i.I: ~ >;T ~ <:r;f'ffl 'f.T f~ ~ if. f\i1!;~;;rn 3;'r!'m"l:,.1
f~ ~ ~ m ~!T <:r;flfQ q;) 'ii'I'f\'ft ~ ~ ll'T ~f"ffi 3,"Tmt<: mr '3>f'fi1' ::r.mft 'f.'<'IT ~:

. ~ ~ '!:"liT liml' ",I' q;) <RT11I'1' m ;;rr;ft ~ if r. 'l'l"l1 3l"'I;' ",I' mr, fllP'l'lT "" '['T
'a;-r.r 'M ~, m ~I"
( 3) ~, ti;f1fQ ItT ::r.mft ~ 'l1: ~ mr ,.'N fl1<iT Iffi'«i lJU$ a;f~
'if '\Ii o;r;; it.
f\i1!; tr1o-r\t'R ~ arcr ~ a;rmn: iI; ~ '"' f\r>;T o;TIt'iT >;T ~ <r.mT1' ~<ilr. ~ arcr m
~ ~I (l'f ~ ~m a;rmn: lJU$ li'f~ it W'IT, .
( 4) ~ 1:T (1) iI; i!1'!ft;r ~ 3;'fmT mI>; i!1'IJT,
. 'r
13 5~. 1l'" ilr lII'ml: qaT 'l>T wrnu--m ~ 'l:'f iI;, lI'i!"f "" 3i'rnli =rt'IT 'Ii! 1f.Tm'T\t
i\', ~ ~ ~ 1I'm l't If.Il' q;) ~ ;p.ft fit:"! "IT ~T ~ "'" q;) itT <WIT, m "t'If.t i\', ~ i!T'!T
m ..~ ~ ~ .II'1."'rn q;) im it iI; f.r.m ~ rnr flr.>;T ;;mrr~, "i!i' "l1 !t, f.;m 4.,0,,,,,
3i'ffir ~ II'i l't 'PI' q;) ~ ~ ~ oR ~ Qlf, q;) It'I' ~, m "".'If.t l't, ~ i!"hrr ,

~lil~ ~ mr iI; lIIiP;;ff iI; ft::!tt "'l:'f "" "'"'t lI'i!"f" iI;. 3l"il'hr 3l"'I;' <mff it. 'l1'i'-
m'f f....,~fbd lI'Iil' ,.,. ;¢f !t ~ f'l\ll,,."'14 ~, 3!'Ifu',:-
(If.) f.mft ~ ,.,. ~ ~ ;rro 1Rw.f it,;o ,.,. 1Rw.f iI; f\i1!; f.I'r«r ~ "" arf~
""'"' 'I'dGT'f 1ft ~ 'Ii, f'{l<'1« """"" lIT 'I'dGT'f l!'Qft;ff q;) ~ '"""" m~~ 3\'li m
~;;ft f~ iI; ."~f*,,d ~ 'f.T lI'iITfiffl ~ ~;
(!if) fi!;«t eqf4Q ,.,. f.I:;{t ~ arcr mft It'1I<:T'I' iR tI1'1Rw.f iI; f~ flil«T mf\' ~
q;a;f if ~ ail, ii;<r.r ~.
'f.T 'I'
;m; li'N IiTIf'fitif 'f.T ~ 'I(f ~ it. am
arfltllm: q;r lIli\lr <f;~
~ m.
a;"I'f ~ ~ l't rn flmf'l:<r ~;
(If) ~.~ ~ Q'If'I>'\' ~ ai\1: ~ arm 'I"f ~ iI; f\i1!; 'I'<'mlI' iR 4' 'I'<'mlI' ij; f\i1!;
f.Iw ~ 'l1: ;;:f.t l't flmf'l:<r 'Irof1';
(or) fIr.Ii\' O!;'ilf;rzff lIT ~ IIIffif<tlff rnr Itd'Il"1"I1 rn ij; ~ <r.f arf~ 1f.'V!!', 'ffi1l'I1''fT
mfa'61f\4"i ~ ~ 'I' 1Rw.f .rnr·jY ~ ar'I'li'I'r<r '"""" m ~ ~ 3f'1r m 'Irof1' ;;r) It'6'i '1>1
."" f(!<l d 'l"1"IT ~ lI'I!1f<ra' ~ ~;
(?i) II'1."'rn q;) ~ if ij; f.r.«t O!;'fln' arcr fm ~ro iI; ~ q;) (iil,"'d,af! ~ ar!fIiT'I:
~ ij; fi:rt{ ~ rit ,.,. f.r.dT "'ilM""q "" fiI;m <1,'I'i!l' 1fT f.r.dT ~~ r'liM.,lq it ~ or.vrr
lIT ~fir i:tr ,] ,
1. 1966 iIr ~~. 47 'II'r 11m 59 ~ (\4-12-1966 i\') "",.",,1'1",
~. 1989 it; ~ \I. I ,.;r 11m 15 ~ (15-3-1989 i\') "",.""Iii",
2Q-~U4 M/o law.- &. JuClieel94
Represen;ation of the People Act. 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
136. Other offences and penalties tberefor.-(!) A person shall be guilty of an ela: to ra I
uffencc if at any election he-
(a) fraudulently defaces or fraudulently destroys any noniination paper; or
(b) fraudulently defaces, destroys or removes ally list, notice or other dorument affixed
by or under the authority of a returning officer; or
(c) fraudulently defaces 01' fraudulently destroys any ballot paper or the official mark
en any ballot paper or any declaration of identity or official envelop used in conne~tion with
voting by p'o~tal ballot; or
(d) without due authority supplie~ any ballot paper to any persoll'[or rtlCC'ives any ballot
paper from any person 'lr is ill possession of any ballot paper); or
(e) fraudulently puts into any ballot b()x anything'other than th" ballot pap!r which he
is authorised by law to put in; or
(f) without"due authority destroys, takes, opens or otherwise interfere~ with any ballot
box or ballot papers then in use for the purposes of the election; or
(g) fraudulently or without due authority, as the case may be, attempts to do any of
the foregoing acts or wilfully aius or abets the doing of any such a.:ts.
(2) Any person guilty of an electoral ofl'enl'e under this s~~tion shaIl,-
(a) if he is a returning officer or all assistant returning officer or a presiding offirer at a
polling station 01' any other officer or clerk employed on official duty in connection with the
. election, bJ punishable with imprisonm~ut for a term which may extend to two year, or with
fine or with both;

(h)if he i~ any other person, be pt;nishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to six months or with fine or with both.
(3) .For the purposes of this section, a per~n shall be deemed to be on official duty if his
cl uty is to take part in the conduct of an election or part of an elcrtionincluding the counting of
votes or to be responsible after an ehx:tion for the used ballot paper~ and other documents in
conne=tion with su~h election, bL t the expression "offi=ial duty" shall not include any duty irnpos-
"d oth')rwi5e tlnn by or under this Act ••• • •
3[(4) An offence punishable under sub-section (2) shall ~ cognizable.)
131. [PtOSeclltioll regarding certain offences.) Rep. by the Representation of the People (Amend-
ment) Act, 1966 (47 of 1966), s' 61.
138. [Ammdment of Act 5 of 1898.) Rep. by the Repealil/g and Amendbrg Act. 1957 (36 of 1957),
s. 2 and the First Scheduk

139-145. [Chapters [to [Tl.) Rep. by the Represelllation of the Peaple (.imell<imelll) ACI, 1966
(47 af 1966), s. 62.
I. Ins. by Act 27 or 19!6. s. 70.
2. Certain words omitted by Act !8 or 19'8, s. 38.
), SUM. by Act.7 or 1966. s. 60. Cor sub-section (I) (w,e,r. 14-12_1905).
~ lIfiIf'lfllR ~fuf~q", 1951 109
('11'1 2-~ i arfuf.;1rIr)

136. ~ a<m!t ..m: ;m; ~ ~-( 1) Il'& f'j,m f~ if ..T~ "If.I<T--

( .. ) ~~ 'fl"f~",,'f-'l<f ..~ f;n;:f'N ~ Il'I ~'P 'It?:~; 3T'm
(<;r) f~r'f'l 3ffftnm if; lITfim<: if;[T'U Il'T ~ ~ ~ fWt ~, Wf'IT qT ar.'If lffiI'T'f'l!
'!it 'P~ f<n;:f'N ~, llT 'f'a' ~ llT ~, 3f!IifT
('I) f'Pit 110m llT "1,1'-1'" If, if; wr;r'!>'ht f"f~ Il'T 3!"f"!m 'Ii\' fWt 'l'foivrr llT Miq,'h!
f~ 'PI, ;;it Woil-lIT'f" [T'tT lffl ~i'r if; ~;f!f if '3''l'lfTIj' if \'fillT 'IllT ~, 'P~ f~firn 'P't'IT llT
'Pql~4'P 'f"?: 'P't'IT; 3f!IifT

(tf) ~~ l!Tfwm: if; f<l'iT flOit 0lIi1Rr ..r ~~ 1l''''''' ~Ij'r 1[lfT fli;<rr ~f'f"T ~ ~ 'ffl'T"
lIT'<T ~ llT ~'It lTTfwm: if; f.T'fT '3'~ 'P~ if ..r{ 1l'iN" \!l'I'r; 1 3T'f'IT
(1:') fWt IfiI'lil' if '3'<f ~ ~ m-, f"T!r <Ii[ '3'(flf lJ'T<'Ti'r il! ~ fqffl' [T'tT lITfimr t, ~
.m,. 'liGl9;4.. ~; 8l'l<IT
("I') ~ SIIN .. , < if; fiAT flI;tft .mt\' llT lffl'rnl ..r, fu..m- if; ~ if; fu'~ m <T<T ~-
>iM if ~, l\I'C 'P't<rr, ~, li\'~ !l'T ~ ;mit ~ol'f; ar!l'<rT.
(W) ~<f, !pq'<1:~.f~ llT lI"'li~ 'lrffl'1m: if; f'l'<rr ~f,rcff 'liM if !r 'liT~ 'lIT7 m) 'lIT lI'IfM llT ~ ~ q;rql iii I!roi if "'1'1""'1>< ~ il'lT llT '3"f 'I>riI <or ~ m:rrr,
<IT Ill! aqfu; ~ arrrm:r 'fiT 'f'W't Il:Trrr I
( 2) ~ am ij; 3!!ft;f ~ ar'fU!l' <or 'fT<tt ~~ O!llf<1l-
('P) llfrr <Tl! f{OO ~ llT ~ f'{ef.rT[ atrfllim: q'T 1l':r<rT'f ij;;;: if <ftmft;I' ~ 1fT
~ ~ q,
1I!!'I<r 'f/ftlr ~ f~4If"'3 '!it'{ ar.'If atrfllim: q'T fuI'r~ ~ <It, 'Pro<mt ~,~ arqf!l'
'fT q<f <I~ 'Ii\' \!T ",:Mr, llT ;;prf.\' ~, q'T 'fAT ~, ~If \!Trrr;
(\!f) ~ <Tl! ~ ar.'If a!Ifu; ~ <It, .:T!I'I'mr ~, fum ar'ffu" ~ >rrn <f'P 'Ii\' \!! ;A;tft llT
<lJ.1if.\' ~, llT 'fFif ~, ~ \!Trrr 1
( 3) ~<r am ij; lI'Ii~ iii fu'l; <rii a!Ifu; 'f/ftlr ~ q"t ~ ~ f<;rnq;r ~ ~ ~ f.. Ill!
~ iF fl;rnil>' 3!'O'f;r 11<T1 'Ii\' '1'Il'iT arral~, q'T f~ if; 'IfTIT ij; ~ if 'IfTIT \'r q'T ~ ~
if; ~ if ~ if \'I'l11; ~ 1l'1I'r.r1 am: ar"l ~ iii fuQ: ~ if; Ifffi<{ "'tl<"'41 ~ ~
"'f/ftlr ~.. q'lI if; 3T'lI4<r il;m ~ ~ Of \!Trrr m~ 3Tf~ iii l;:rU lTT 3Tm •••• atfirofirn'
~ <5f1'i'r ~ ~ 3l'firofq;r ~ I
B[ ( 4) ~ (2) iF ar!ft;l ~ ar'fU!l' m \!m I]
137. ffg ~If<l!if ill f"l! ~f..roJl~ I]-m~ lIfuf;rfwr (,rm.<r) 3Tf;rf.rlflf, 1966 (1966 <or 47)
;tl ~r 61 ilro f.r'tf!I<T I
138. [1898 it; ~fi:lf"q" 5 I6T ~I]!'l' am: ~ 3Tfaf.l'qq, 1957 (1957 'PI 36) 'I\T
fm;T 2 am: ~ mr foromr I
'IfTIT 8
13~145. [W'llTTll 1 ~ 3 ~l;;ft.j; lIfi'ff.rfwr (~~T.<r) 3Tfqf;Ptlf, 1Q66 (1966 <or 47)
<tt UTU 62 m'U f.Rf!I<T I
1. 1956 ~ ~ Ii. 27 ~ !ITU 70 am <t~:l'fTfur I
2. 1958 ~ 1Ifilf.I!fII If. 58 ~ Im:r 38 w:r :Y~ 'Im'i m;ft~ f1<!IT lfQT 1
J. 19 6 6 ~ qfilfilll'r Ii. 4 7 ~ !ITU 6 0 ~ .'f<lT -u ( 4) >il "Il'f on: (14- I 2- 1 9 6 6 ~) 1ff<rFn1'f<l 1
110 Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
'[CHAPTER IV.-Powers of Electioll COllullissioll in conl/cction with Inquiries as to Disquali-
fications of Members
146. Powers of Election Commission.-(I) Where in connection with the tendering of any
opinion to the President under article 103 or, as'the case may be, under sub-section (4) of section
14 of the Government of Union Territories Act, 1963 (20 of 1963), or to the Governor under
article 192, the Election Commission considers it neces'iary or proper to make an inquiry, and
the Commission is satisfied that on the basis of the affidavits filed and the documents produced
in such inquiry by the parties concerned of their own accord, it cannot come to a decisive opinion
on the matter which is being inquired into, the Commission shall have, for the purposes of such
inquiry, the powers of a civil court, while trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
(S of 1908), in respect of the following matters, namely:-
(a) sUllmoning and enforcing the attendance of any pJrson and examining him on oath;
(b) requiring the discovery and production of any document or other material object
producible as evidence;
(e) receiving evidence on affidavits;
(d) requisitioning any public record or a copy thereof from any court or office;
(e) issuing commissions for the examination of witne~ses or documents.
(2) The Commission shall also have the power to require any person, s.bject to any pri-
vilege which may be claimed by that person under any law for the time being in force, to furnish
information on sm:h points or matters as in the opinion of the Commission may be useful for,
or relevant to, the subject-matter of the inquiry.

(3) The Commission shall be deemed to be a civil court and when any such offence, as is
described in section 175, section 178, section 179, section 180 or section 228 of the Indian Penal
Code (45 of 1860), is committed in the view or presence of the Commission, the Commission may
after recording the facts constituting the offence and the statement of the accused as provided for
in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898' (5 of 1898), forward the case to a magistrate having
jurisdiction to try the same and the magistmte to whom any such case is forwarded shall proceed
to hear the complaint against the accused as if the case had been forwarded to him under section
482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 18981 (5 of 1898).
(4) Any proceeding before the Commission shall be deemed to be a judicial proceeding within
the meaning ofsoction 193 and section 228 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).
146A. Statements made by per!IOlI!I to the Election Commisslon.-No statement made by a
person in. the course of giving evid.ence before the Election Commission shall ~ubject him to, or
be used against him in, any civil or criminal proceeding except a prosecution for giving false evi-
dence by such statement:
Provided that the statement-
(a) is made in reply to a question which he is required by th,> Commission to answer, or
(b) is relevant to the subject-matter of ,the inquiry.
14611. Proceure to be followed by the Eleetlon Commlsslon.-The Election Commission shall
have the power to regulate its own procedure (including the fixing of places and times of its sittings
and deciding whether to sit in public or in private).
I. IDs. by Act 170( 1965, s. 2.
2. See now the correspOndlDg provi~ion or the Code Ilf Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Ae! 2 or IQ74).
1'I'lIII Ar"r..1lR4 iIIfuf'l1l1f,
('flrr 2-;l''l'~ j; 'ffafowlf)
J9, I 110

'[I1I'~ 4 M ...l '!il f~(&mo1 '1'"1 ~ ~ liiiu if ~ I1I'IIWr ~I ~

146. ~ I1I'1'!l'\1r ~I ~-( I) "f~ f"', ~o, ~~ 103 if; 3l;IT-r lIT ;l'", ~
m~ atfl1f.rr!'I', 1963 (1963 ~ 20) "'I m"I 14 '!>'t '3'Wrq (4) ij; 3llir.f ~ff '!>'t lIT 3!'f~
192 il; ar;IT-r ~ 'f;1 'f;)t '(fq f'lRf~ ""'r ij; m it f.ffl'f'f '"'ill! ;;rT" if>'!:'fT ,"'fIIlf'fo lIT ~
<mRrT ~, m
arr'l'rrr ~ 11'!T!I'A ;;1 ;;r[ffT ~ f~ rtm ;;yR if ~ onf",p:l .ro '!i~ fif>ll; ~' ~_ m
'tOf am: w ~it~ ~~T ij; "mm rn: ~ '3''1 'I'f'l'(:\' '!>'t, f.rm "ff'f '!>'t 'fT ~I ~, Rf.m'Pll> U'l";;,ff
il"ifr !loj;<IT, 'IIF 3!T'l'rIf
.,) ~!l1 ;;yR 1; :nT;r:;1 ij; f~o;, f'l..rr.rlilff lfT1!;fi it' ;r~ it: '>rqii :__ . -
(~) f.rnt <l1fffi '!it """ 'lif.t, ¢';;r<: ifi<:f.t am: ~ mq rn: 'f1:"Mr if>'!:'r;
(.) mtt ~~ lIT lIIflI' iIr ~ it ~w ~ orR rhtll flP.IT <M<fl! rmcf '!it sRre "'~ itw
~..n amn~;
(If) ~-'lifT en: IiITIIl! If'' ' 'I!~;
(,,) mtt '414H~ lIT !f>I1ffir<t ~ ~ m Slf'll?!' lIT '3'o:rm lff'l' ~~ff 'fi\'f;
(,,) !Ilfu'll lIT ~~ '!>'t rn:"Mr ij; fl'fll; 'l>lfm-of ~'r,
il; ;r't it, ~ ~ i!:TrrT ;;r) fm;;r...-r~ '!>'t fm;;r lIf'llllT • . I t'08, (1908 <r.T 5) il; 3!1Ir.f
'iT~ 'lIT f'Rr'("T ~ !l1ftf ;;IoT ~ I

(2) arTtITor .,., III wmr 'IT ~)1f)' fiI;' q' fi!,m """,0 t ,fiI;oft ~ir f<fimfll~ ij; <si~'l'.ft'f 'Q!'f r.
f"""," 1fT," ~ '<Affi IJ'ro fiI;oft <f'@IlI' lfIffl l1rfu ij; 3!Ii\"f -fiI;ln '11'1 !iI't, ~ <mit 1IT"1f[""fT 'fT, 'lJ'T
arTlI'\1r '1ft IQ1f ,if \lit" "'T fq"4~,,! ij; fl'fll; ~ III ~ ;;1,""''1'",,1 ~ '!>'t omrl .." 1
~ fm;;r "fIIIT<r'l" ~ ~'IT ~ ~
(3) itln amTll, <it, 'I!N'I\1r, ~. (1860 .m:
'liT 45) ilil ~ 175, lm,T 178, m;:r 179, mr 180 ,lfT'lU"T 228 it od""Rr t, iIIJIIl>r ij;';rpR "'
~"f it Am ~ ~, ~ 'lit m ~if<n'r <rtllT 'lit
3!T'l"1If amTll 0 1 . ij; 'IN"!' 'liT ariir- am:
fi:rfuo m it; '"""t, ~'1T It'l!l lIfir;qr ~dT, 1898 (1898 'fiT 5)' if ;;<f.n;«<T 'I'f'l''r 'f;) ~-r.r a,
f.rn<:or ""it 'lit arf'.l'I>Tfv.rT wi! .m\" ~ 'lit ~"f ~rr' all, 'l'f~~, Mrij; 'll" it'1T 'I'f'l';;rT "":;YI ~4T
;;T. ariir'!'ffl' it'~ qf{q"~ 'fI'r ij; ~ ~i\' amr< ;;1IfT '1'1'1') IIT'I';;rT wil: 'll'1 .... mn 'I'ft'rr, 189S'
'I>'t Ul":T 482 ij; aiIit-r >lit rrllT 'H I
( 4) arnfttr ij; !lq~ '!i\i >ft <r.TlhT~T 'l""T'l" ~ mfi!:'!' (1860 'lIT 45) '!>'t mr I 93 am: ~T
228 ij; 3!'f ij; >ftO'( rm-~ ~>i<m:1 ~ ~r 1

14 6'5. ~ I1I'T1ft'I ~ ~ IJ'ro ~ 'lit ~,~ 'fI'l'\'1f ~ !Ilf~ In~ ~ ~ ar-t-

"II1fit fm "'Jfflj if'" f~ IflIT ;ffi 'F'f'f ~ir 'f;'f'f ;rnr, firfill' In~ if.\' if; OIf<r<f1<i('1' ij; f<r'iTII ;rtf f~T
fuf'f;!' lIT ~ "'~ if. ~Ift';r 'I';ff 'I'"~'" 3\'\'~ 'I' ~ wi!; ~ ~ if ;;flII'T ~:
Wi.! 'l"i!: ;r;r ~ 'Ii'f'f-
('I'") ~iT lITof it; '3'<l"( it m-T ~ ~ nr!l"l>T '3\i, if.\' it. f;rn: Ifi!: 3\RIIf mr atml'1 ~; Iff

(!if) ~ i¢f lim",,! ir Ti'l'l ~I

I 4 6W. ~ I1I'T1ft'I mr ~ ",) orA 1Ill'I) ~T-f.r<f\'f'f arMrr 'liT at'I'ft lIfir;qr (f.RA;
~o '3'!1~ arr-ft ~ ~ ~'I' !I'If4 f.r>«r ~ ail"< ~ f<riiIv;fll if>'!:'fT
afrt amt ~ fir; m ;rT'!i" ~r
lIT ~i':) ~~ ""it '1ft ~ ~\'I\'T I
I' 1965 ~ 'IIfiriiRq V. 17 '1ft am--2:"'n-~r-<f-'t-:~W'-;:-H-;-'I--------------
~, ~ ffitl'11l'1' ~ ON lIf\r;qy m.r, .97 J (1 9 H 'I'f ~'2' if ~"'\ 1
III Representation of the People Act, 1951
(PART IL-Acts of Parliam~nt)

146C. Protec.tion of action taken in good faltb.-No suit, prosecution or other legal procceding
shall lie against the Commission or any person acting under the direction of the Commission
in respect of anything which is in good faith donr. or intended to be done in pumlllnce of the
foregoing provisions of this Chapter or of any order made thereunder or in respect of
the tendering of any opinion by the Commission to the President or, as the case may be, to the
Governor or in respect (lfthe publicatioD, by or under the authority of the Commission of any
such opinion, paper or proceedings.


147. Casual vacancies in the Council of States.- 1[(1») When before the expiration of the
term ofofficc ofa member elected to the Coundl of States, his seat becomes vacant or is declared
vacant or his election to the Council of States is declared void, the Election Commission shall
by a notification in the Gazette ofIndia call upon the elected members of the Legislative Assembly
or the members of the electoral college concerned , . . " as the case may be, to elect a person
for the purpose of filling the vacancy so caused before such date as may be specified in the noti-
fica tion and the provisions of this Act and of the rules and orders made thereunder ,hall apply,
as far as may be, in relation to the election of a member to fill such vacancy.

'[(2) As soon as may be after the date of commencement of the Constitution (Seventh Amend-
ment) Act, 1956, bye-elections o;halll,e held to fill the vacancies existing on that date in the seat;
allotted to the States of Assam, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh and the Union territories of Delhi,
Himachal Pradesh' and Manipur*.)

148. [Casual vacancies in ,he electoral colleges for certain Union territories.) Rep. by the
Territorial Councils Act, 1956 (103 of 1956), s. 66.

149. Casual vacancies In tbe House of the People.-(1) Whei! thc seat of a member elected to
the House of the People becomes vacant or is declared vacant or his election to the House ·of the
People is declared void. the Election Commission shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2),
by a notification in the Gazette of India, call upon the Parliamentary constitutency concerned to
elect a person for the purpose of filling the vacancy so chused before such date as may be specified
in the notification. and the provisions of this Act and of the rule, and orders made thereunder shall
apply, as far as may be, in relation to the election of a member to fill >ucl! vaChney.

(2) If the vacancy so "aused be a vacancy in a seat reserved in any such constituency for the
Scheduled Castes or for any Scheduled Tribes, the notification issued under sub-section (1) shall
specify that the person to fill that seat shall belong to the Schd uled Castes or to such Scheduled
Tribes, as the case may be.

ISO. Casual vacancies in the State Legislatlv~, Assemblies.-(1) When the seat of a member
elected to the LegislatiVe Assembly of a St~te becomes vacant or is declared vacant or his election
to the Legislative Assembly is declared void, the Election Commission shall, subject to the provi-
sions of sub-section (2), by a notification in the Official Gazette, call upon the Assembly consti-
tuency concerned to elect a person for the purpose of filling the vacancy so caused before such
date as may be specified in the notification, and the pi'J\'j,ions of this Act and of the rules and
orders made thereunder shall apply, as far as Illdy be, in relation to the electi"n of a member to
fill surh vacancy.
I. s. 147 renumbered .s sub·section (I) or that section by the Adaptation onow. (No.2) Order, 1956.
2. Certain words omlue<\ by Act 49 or 1951. s.44 and the Fifth Sch. the
3. Ins. by the Adaptadon of Laws (No. 21 Order. 1956.
-Now it has become State.
"fAl lIf<ff~ mm'lll'!, 1951 111
('flIT 2-~ iI,\ .; 3ffll" f:l'lflf )

146IT. ~'If1'q''lIi'!1
~ 'I'It 'ff\1'!1IQ 'I1T """'TOI-~ 1ft 'lTG, atfir>ft"T'f 'l'T 3f'll''ll '01i~
fiI;;ft ~ ifm lj; if m m~I]' 3f!:'l'r.T lj; '[fTfTll't 'J'1"'itlj; 'IT ",!iT'f "f'fro: on; ~r armr lj; 3!,!lro'T it
\I'\"'''ti'h 'lit ~ 'l'T 'lit ",f.f lj; fu~ 3fT11lf'r:!' ~ 3f'MT, '<'l'Tft:'Ifu, ~i 'l'T 'q-'rTFi '1>1 3fTftlf em
<iii: 7J'1" fi\fu" ""if q; 'il': iT "I'm f;;m ~(fr U'l", '"1'1"1[,. 'l'T ;;;rihriiJ 1; 3frfTT il; lTrf:nH, ~ ml
'IT 0lUi'f w.rW'l it; 'IT't it ~,'f!'1"I'T lj; 'IT 3!T'l"Trr lj; I'r:m lj; ;ur'l q;ri ~'f 'II?\' fh\fr ;!ffu; lj; flffir
'f@ q;r ~r,]
'fT1T 9

14 7. UO'l" \Ill! it llt ~qo; fU~iI1rt- 1[( 1)] Of. fif; ~ "1lT lj; ~ mif'f'r \t'l~:r 'fir
lj; 3f'l~'T'f « '!ft "3"\t'I\l ro:l f(om iii "Trn ~ 'IT f(om q)f'fff ~ fu":rr "IIffT ~ 'IT U"q \!'If; ij; f<11l; \;\fijil
~ ~ <frfirff ~ fu"'IT ",Iff[ ~ ffiT f1'li'l'f 3fTftIT, 'l"llf<'lf:r, \lPJ:fl f~iXT{ trllT ij; fHifu \tGt'll1
ij- liT r.,,,i'''''''o, ij; ,~ 2*** «1lT'{(f ij; u;;r;m it arf'l1l:<rfT mr orr\TT 'liiTfT fq; ~ ~U" ~{ flf~;f
'1>1 '1f,f ij; IT'iT,N ij; f<i<!; :tffr orcr,,. \1' I:l, ~ ir 3ffir'l"'T it f'if'lfll"<!" 'lit ",ro:,
~ o~ f'mf..m ~
~ am: ~ arfm"lf>r;r ij; am: ",m ~ on; f.rq'll or11: anmt ij; 'J'1if"T ~m fl.fiF.!' 'lit >m- ij; f<i~ ~q
lj; f.;qfirf ~ W<f'!l" it 'IT~ VIT'1 ~ , '
'[(2) 6flM;r ('1'<JlT mittR) 3ff!lf.llflf, 1956 q; !IT;:<ll 'litor'(rli ij; q"Hf:{. ·'l'rTWU m;r"J'f
f~flf;Ill'i 'iiI '",i ij; fiiC!; 'J'1-f'filfif'! f~ ;;rr<tif ;;rr amrr.;, ~ am: ;;nt ;r't;r "<.T~'iT, aTr< ~, ~
~* 31i, ~* ij; <it< U1ll>ffii 'I>'r 3!T'ifua' "",;fj it \;\f <m:11ir .it f.m>n'f 1[1,]

148. [~ ~ Uilf~al ij; f~ f'llri'l'filfaif it mq;ff;n; fdofifll'l]--;l;rr~ q'~ !!TfU~li, 1956

(1956 q;r 103) 'lit !lTU 64 am mfml,
14 9, "fAr \lIlT if lli I!fTII\'f~<I! f(f~Cf'l"i-- ( I) ;;rOf fq; ~ \t11l q; fuol: fllqif"ffl ;m.r '"I ' IT'r
f,lCf iii ;;rmr ~ 'l"1 fuff "rl'lil' q;, fu"q-I "ITffT ~ 'l"1 ~ ,PIT ij; f<'l'« ;;fflj;r f.nfil"'! ~'l' "Ifim lj;'{ fu"q-r
;;rmr ~ <l"T f.rilf'fol !!Tnftrr ;;qmr (2) ij; '3"'1oM ij; !!T!>IJr;f ~ff if~ «'1"ff li~ f.,-ilf'fol__ffl rr
'ilTW lj; ,:ror'Tof it !!TfU1:(if'!r mr '-Ire1T 'J;(:-rr fop 'f(! ,Ft g{ f<flff 'ift '<1,'r ij; lI!fT:;r;r q; for~ ~
ort\'<lr rr rrf, ;;iffi' '-IfU1:('f'fr it f'l"['1f",! 'lit ;;r:r~, ~ o~f~ff f.nff<r<T q;, " ;ft-.: u '-Ifaf'flrlr am: ~i
!!Tofr.! 'f;fill; '1« f.roflfl am: ..r~m lj; ;;;r:f;f ~~ f(f'fff '1>1 'I<::r iii f'i'{ lR~ ij; f.r~'fol if; li~ iT ll'l'fff-
lIT'flf \'II'!, ~ ,
(2) 'l"1i;' ~rr if{ f(flfff ~~ .lfT'f 'lit f(f~ ~I, ;;rl f.!;ffi' ~i! r'fmo-~ it !!T,!Wm VTTfu'>ff q; ft'l£<
ItT f.t;{i !!T'1,1l:f<m ;;['fmfulfl ij; for~ !!TI,flffif ~, <it ;rnmr (1) ij; !!T<iT'f f'fq;r.rr 'lit m~"-r iT ~
firr.ffll"<!" ~r/fT fIl; \;\f ' IT'r
'1>1 >m- ij; fu~ Olffil<:r, 'l"'ITf\"lfu, !!T'1Jl:f'ld orrf"i'ii 'l"T ~m ~'"'" ;;rvrrf"i1..n
'Iqr t{trrr ,
15 O. uoqo f;mol \ll1"T1if if ilf Qr4fffqo; f(f"ItI- ( 1) or.f.!; f.!;!ft Uilf 'lit fqorr.r \!'Ifl ij; f<1ll
f."'ojq.njftlF'l""d \tGt'll 101 ~ fuff iii ;;rmr ~ 'l"T fu<r tftfim ~ fu"q-r;;rmr ~ 'l"1 P-i'l'T'f \tIlT lj; for~ ~
f.r'lm ~"l ,,'Tfim ~ Rzir ;;rrer~, <rii ~ ~ 'J'11olTU (2) ij; 'J'100 ij; ~&<l'ofr.! ~ il~
lI"'l'lff \!'1fT f.rq\<r;r-&'t;r «~ u;;r<r.r it ~f~ ifT\f ~e1T IOQrr flO 'fi! ~~ gl f<:f'lff 'liT >rf.r
lj; lI'!l'\;;r;; ij; for« ~!ft fff(roi" rr '!ft. ;;fffi' q~r it f'lFoff,,<: 'lit ;;rrlZ, [{'Ii O'if'lff f'fm<!ff '"' ~ orr- ~'l!
!!Tfuf'l4'1 am: ~ !!T!ft'f <r'f~ 'I£< f.o:qlfi am: iIT~m iii ;;qii<l ~ <it f<f~Q' f,f ",;f iii forlZ;m.r ij;
~ ij; m if Ifr'fffllT'flf orl'!, ~ ,

~f.I1iI ~ (Ii. 2) 1lTtir, 1956 am!lro 141'liT~ O'I'QTU (I) ij; 1fT if ~'T:4Hrf"~ fnr qn I
2. 1951 it; ~ Ii. 49 'il'r!lro 44.m ~l 1I1!l..rr am !Ii" Wi'ii '!>T 'Ii'! f4i'lf lJ1l1 I
3. flIfli "'l'ti."" (Ii. 2) <IWT, 1~56 am 1r,":~ I
.'iiI lit ~ ... I( ,
, 112 Representation 0/ Ihe People Act, 1951
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)

(2) If the vacancy <;0 cauS<1d be a \'acancy in a scat reserved in any such constituency for the
Scheduled Castes or for tiny Scheduled Tribes, the notification issued under sub-section (I)' shall
specify that the person to fill that scat shall belong to the Schedulc<l Castes or to ~uch Scheduled
Tribes, as the case may be. '
151. Casual vacancies in tbe State Legislative Councils.--Whcn beforc'the cxpiration of the
term of office of a member elected to thc \cegislativc Council of a Stat", his srat becomcs vacant or
is declared vacant or hi~ clection te thc' Legislativc Council is declared void, the Election Com-
mission shall; by a notilication in the O!ficial Gazette, call upon the Council constituency concer-
ned or the members of the Legislative Assembly of the State, as the cas.. may be, to elect a person
for the purpose of filling the vacancy ~o caused, before such date as may be specified in the
notification, and the provisions of this Act and of the rules and orders made thereunder shall
apply, as far as may be, in relation to the election' of a member to fill such vacancy.

152. List of members of tbe State Legislative Assemblies and electoral colIeges to be maintained
by the retuming officers concerned.-( 1) The returning officer for an ek'Ction by the elected members
'of the Legislative As,embly of a Statc to. fill a seat or seat~ in the COUlwil of States or for an
election, by the members of the Legislative Assembly of a State to fill a seat or seats in. the, Legis-
lative Coundl of the State shall, fo r the purposes of such election maintain in his office in the
prescribed manner and form a list of eleated members or a list of members, ~s the case may be,
of that Legislative Assembly. '
, (2) The returning officer for an election by the members of the electoral college fer a [Union
territory]···· •••• \0 .fill a seat or Mats in the Council of States shall, for· the purpoSf'S of such
. e\ClCtion, maintain in hi~ office in the pfC'>Cribcd manner and form a list of members ofthat electoral
, ,college ••••.

(3) Copies of the lists referred to hi sub-sections (1) and (2) shall be made available for sale.
'[153. ExteMiOR of .time for completloo of elec:tIon.-It shall be compeieut for the Election
Commission for reason~ which it con~idcrs sufficient, to extend the time for the completion of any
election by making necessary amendments in the notification issued by it under section 30 or sub- '
section (I) of section 39.]
154_ Tenn of oftke 01GItIIIIiIets of the CoIm£itof States.-'l( I) SUbject to the provisions of sub-
sections. (1) and (2A), the term of officeofa 1ftIlII1ber of Ihe Council ofState~, other than amcmber
'choSllll to nil a CljSU4I vacaacy, shaD be 5ix years.)
(2) •••• Upon the first constitution Qf the Council of States the President 'IIla1l, after consul-
tation with the ·Election Commission, make by order suc:h provision as he thinks fit for Clirtajfu;g
the ~ of otlioe of some of the 'lOOIIIbers then chosen in order that, as neady as may be, one-third
'of-the'.!IlDmbers holdiDg1iCllt5 of each elassshIuJ retire in-every second year thereafter.
. "l(2.4) In order that; as neaTly as maybe, onC4hird of the members may retire on the second
day of April, '1958, and on the expiraticm of every second year thereafter, the President shall, as
soon as may be after the' commencement of the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956
after consultation with the Election Commission, make 'by order such provisions. as he thinks fit
in regard to the terms of offiCe of thl! members elected under sub-section (2) of section 147.]
I. Subs. by the Adaptalion of Laws (No.2) Order, 1956. for "Part C Stale".
2. The word, "or group of such StaICS"omitted by Act 27 of 1956. s. 77.
3. Cerlain words omilled by Aol49 of 1951, s. 44 and Ihe Fifth Sch.
4. Subs. by Act 27 ort 956, .: 78, for s. 153.
5. Sub•. by Ihe Adaplalion of law. (No.2) Order, 1956, for ,ub·section (1).
6. Certain words omitted,lbld.
7. los., Ibid.
"',. lffllf:n!f1ll af!ff'llfll. 195 1 112
, (>VllT 2~'l:t qliTf.rqq)
(2) 'fft ~~ ~
ftf.fcr ~lr f'IT'l '1ft f'UInr ~T, OTT f.l;tft ~~ f.f~'l''l'~ if 'IImf.rcr 'lf1fu1iT ;j; ~
qr ~ qmm
&I'l;rITffliT ;j; fu~ ~ ~, <i't '3"Jmr (1) ~ wr.r f.R;r.ft 'T\: il'fin.rr.n if ~
f"#"~«?: {T"i fI; :u ~1frf fir 'H~ t f<'t',{ 81,''!;r, qqrrf'ifcr, 'IIi,«f'l';T OTrfcrliT qr ~!f) 'II~ 0T'l~
'In'~) ,m I
151. ~ fiIaIIf IIfml if rt aTm.
~~;rrf.l; ,iOl1 '1ft f'f!lT'l '1'fur-;: ~ ~ f.fqif;rn
If(flf ~ ~flfftr ~ ",'"A
~ ~i '3'~r m'I' fu<r itt OTfClr a
qr fficr qTfifcr 'I>{ mr OTrOT ~ Iff finTr;f .
'fR:~ _ fimlf'l q;q qTfifCI' 'I>{ mr OTfClr ~ cr'f f'l'lf<R iI'flir:r, q'lTft::<rfu, ~ ~
f<'f~ ~fi'f
fHhNh Ifi ~« ,~q '1>1' f'f.m !f'IT ~ Q'(fliT' ~ WfQ'<1\1'i ,PN'Of if iI'~ ar" "iIm 'l>mr flIl if
~;r q~ f(,'u Iff 'ij'(t ~ lflliTf ;j; ft~ ~!!T (! ~ ~<i, "!iT
IifiPJ;'l''l'r if fif~c '1ft ;;yro;, ~ ~
f.f~ "" ~ am ~Q' Iif<1f.f'l1f ~ am: ,,~>iT'l 1;''l~ If~ f.fqsft am: Iir~T ~ ~'fiiu ~ ftflm 'lit 1f~
iii f<;r~ ~flf ~ f'l.t.r-r ~ ~~ if qfifi{Wf'l <'fr't, ~ 1
-"'" 1 0
151. ~ ",,"1IWhif if m ~ 1I'if" wm'I 'Ii\~).~~m-(I) WI!
111fT if ;j; fIIT'l 'fl' 'lit lH:t t f<1' ~ ,iJ1 '1ft f(ilI''l II'IT ~ f'lnf'f<1' ~flii am f.f.t.r-r iI; ~ 'l'f
,~ '1>1' NtlT'f 'ff,~ if ~ fIfR qr flff'ff 'lit 'f':t 111 f<;r~ ,iOl1 '1>1' f'f!lT'l 1f'IT iI; ~flii am f.f(m iI;
~ ~ ~, Q4If... fff, ~ finTr;f 1f'IT ~ f.f4ff.r<1' ~ '1ft ~;ft qr Q'lflii '1>1' ~;fr ~ f.l'.t.r-r
fj; ~ fj; ~ ~ ~ if f'ffij:<r '{I-fff ~ if ,~rrr 1 am:
(2) ~ 1f'IT if _ f4R 'ff 'lit 'If(:t " f"~ l[ff« W<.f>fflf] .... ~ fu~ f.f4f'fq; "'" fj;
~ rnr •••• ~ it; flr~ fuf.M vrfilnrl: Wtf f.f~ff If" ~ !m'l'i 'Ift~;ft ~~ f.fifT'f'l ~ ~
iii ~ ~ ~ • ~ '{\'fu Wh: !A'f if ~ 1
(3) ~rarv«f (I) am: (2) it f'l~~ ~f'fliT '1>1' lI'f:'f,'t f'f'lilf iI; f~ '3'l$'ll '1ft ~<il' 1
'[153. f'ld... III) ~tr .(~ iI; flq ""II,
'III flffilltar--f'l'ifT'f'l orr'l1lf Ilm 30 'l'f 1tI'" 39
"') \N!IT'U( 1) il; atlfr.r am IT" ~ 'T\: orflll~ it ori~'I> <tmll'l ~ limiT f'l'<rm- 'lit 'l'" rn
it; ~ ~1I'1IIf fimrn: ;;If marl it; ~. ~ "l 'fqf'<f "!'fIf, ",,:j- ~ f;r~ lI'~.'f iir.Tf I]
154.~,"".wm'I ..hmfU--·[(l) ~iir\faif (2) am: (2'1» ~"Woi'!ll iI; ~~
~q, atl'll,". ~ 'lit ~ t f,,~ ,it
~ ~ ~ f'l'll' '(n'f "''If ~ ~(2f '1>1' omiffll "'l! lI'f '1>1' l{rlft I]
( 2) ••••'(t.IIf ~ il; I1'I1r lfO'l 'f'( '(~flr f'l~'fif orr'l1if i'f'(nrn 'Il~ iI; 'fnil{~« Q'J['f 'f i\'
~ ~iI;Jr:,~'Ii\'; 'RT1ri; 'Ii\ ~ II'Im: 'II1f 'P( ~'l' ~ ~9'<t t{ifI' '3''ft~, f,,~ "l t'tiIllIIOOrT it
~u rr'(f ~~l ~ tt ~ 'fIT it f'IfrIl 'II) vror rn <m? ~, it l\' qq IQliflI ~If It'I1 f~rt
a.... 4Iit ~¢lfIt ij; ~ 'f'( f~ it 'ff# 1
'[(2'Ii) ~ rllnRflii if it Ifqr~ f~ ~ f"li{ 1958 "') d<'fil;racft'q f<:'l' am: d....""(
l{'( \rl ~ it 3flrnr.f 'f'( f.f~ l{1 ;;flit. ,jC~q'fll', ~flfltl''I' (\lCQlf Q'Qft!l'l) orfiIf.f'lll', 1956 ~ ~ ~
~ II'I!,~, Wr;;r~ f~.!t.", orl'l11rW 'I"UInt . ..ror ,..'I'RT« ~ WoiI:f. ~ ~ ~ \l1I1mT
II). !lI'(f' i~.~~ .;~("ft' oritifr~.if.I"mflii ~ «r1lfiT il; ;rn: if. arrinrn ~ 1
I, ~ ~;(It. 2) . ' Itse 11m .,,",, If 1J>lI" t _ ~ 1If~ I
2, 19 It t tIflIfIIoIor'i:~ ~.1II'tT 77 1m "lit ~It::~ 'fI ~' 'II'if, 'lIT om- flrn If'" I
3- USt" ~;f.:~9 ~ III'tT H • l1l«I . . . 11m P IIIIIi'i "" om- f!;", 'NT I
I, I9S1 ill """"'" It. 17 '1ft urn78 lR:rlnll 153 •.~ on: ~rfim I
5. ~ • (~.'3) ....., 1956 Ill] '3'mtr (I )"ro;I on: l1fa~ I
.. ~ 1l~1 , . tIIi'/ "" "'" r""" 'PIT I
7· ~ II~T "a~1


JO-X04 M/o Lau.' &. Justicl?/9.t

,; ~- -~.':"'-' ..--' '-. ........... ~.

113 RcprC5eIH(/tial/ vJ the People Act•. 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
(3) A membcr chosen to hll a casllal vacancy shall bc choscn to servc for the remainder of
his predecessor's term of office.

155. Commencement of the term of office of members of the Council of States.-(J)" The term
of office of a member of the Council of States wb.e name is required to be I"'tified in the Official
Gazette under section 71 shall begin on the date of such notiijcation.

(2) Th..: term of office 01 a member of the Councilor Staks whose name is not required to be
notified ullder section 71 shall begin on the datc of publicati"n in the Official Gazette of the decla-
ration containing thc name of such person as elected under sertion 67 or of the notification issued
under sub·c1ause (a) of clause (I) of article 80 or under any other provision annollncing the nomi-
nation of such person to the Council of S,ates, as the case may be.
156. Term of olllee of members of State Legislative Couneils.-(I) The tcrm of office of 'l
member of the Legislative COllncil of a Stdte, other than a member chosen to fill a casual vacancy,
shall b~ six years, but upon thc first constitution of the Council the Govemor , ••• shall, after
con,ultalion with the Election Commission, make by order such provision as he thinks fit for'
curtailing the term of office of some of the members then chosen in ord.::r that, as nearly as may
be, one-third of the members holding seats of ea~h class shall retire in every second year thereafter.

(.?.l A member cho>~11 to lill a casual vacancy shall be chosen to serve for the rcmaimler cf
his predecessol's term of office.

157. Commencement of the term of office of members of the Legislative Councils.-(1) The
lena of office of a member of the Legislative Council of a State whose name is be noti-
fied in the Official Gazette under '[section 74] shall begin on the date of such notificatiOl'.

(2) The term of office of a lI1ember of the Legislntive Council of a State whose name is not
required to be notified under '[scction 74] shall begin on the date of publication in the Official
Gazette of the declaration containing the namc of such person a. elected under section 67 or of
the notilication issued Ullder sub-clauS\: (e) "r clause (3) of article 171, announcing the nomination
of such person to the Council, as the case may be.

'(158. Return or forfeiture of candidate's deposit.-(I) The deposit made under section 34 or
under that seeti()n read with sub-section (1) of section 39 shall either be returned to the person
making it or his legal I.... prese'llativeor be forfeited to the appropriate authority in accordance
\vith the prnvi:-.inns nf this scrtiol1.

(l) Ex~el't i'l case' hereafter mCOItioned ill this section, the deposit shall be rdurned as soen
as practicahle arter the result of the election is declared.

(.I) If (he caltdidate is Ilot shown ill the list of cvlltcsting cn.n,lidates, or if he dies before the
c(lmmencemcnt or the poll, the deposit shall be returned as soon a~ practicable after the pu bli,;atio n
"I' the tist ,lI' after his death, as the case may be.
(4) Suhject tn the provisio!l1 of sab-section (3), the deposit shall be forfeited if at ap. ela;tion
where a p,,11 has been taken. tIt.: calldidatc is not elected and the number of valid votes polled by
him d()Cs not exceed one-sixth of the total number of valid votes polled by all the candidate. or
I. The WQnl~ "Or the Rajpra.lllukh, as the CMc;may be" omitted by Ih.; AJaptation of Laws (No.2) Order. 1956. .
2. Subs. by Act 27 of 1956. s. 79, for "section 75",
, Sub,. by Act 58 of 1958, s. 39, for s. 158.
om; IIf"f.,flll'iiO mar""", 19 51 113
(~rr 2--~trl. it 'lffirl';rlr,,)

\ 3) a;Tlii'fm; Fd''ffl '!it ~ it ~~ ~ 'fill ~t'f 3N't ~ it Wq- 'IT'T it f<,({ ~<rf ",,:f it
fffi!; ~ OTr({'lT I
155. ~ ~ q; Im'ff 'liT <m<Ifu 'liT IImll--( I) ;:r.t! ;NT it ~~ Im« 'lit ~ f~ ;rTlf
lOT l1I'Hr~ uort;! if !fT"(f 71 it 3fa')';r 3fflf'J:Rrn f'li'T orT.;r 3fif~FI'~. ~"I 3fl'l'f'l'.;r <tt am..- lr
"I""'" i'[l<ft I
(2) ,~ 'J''1'T it,itif <m'« <tt'l'<rriffu. forJ]'i; orTIT 'li1!fT"(1 71 ~ 3l'!ft;J 311mj:f<frr f'lml' "I'!"iT ;,t'rf.m
'f~'" ~. ·N(f,qfo• f'fnf"fi'f it 1!''1 if ~if ""Ni'f it 'fl'Ir 'lfl 3f'(fy;,~" , ..:'! <rrffi' '1'Tq17fT it !fro 67 ij; 3lllR
l1I'm'lil<r '1"I'm' >f' l!~l1I"f 'iiI i'ff,fq ~ lfl it~ ~f.Rr i U"lf 'J''1'T i f<'T({ 'fT~l1I"f "'I arr~I'for ffi <;f<fT
ar,!~' 80 ij; ~ (I) it '3~ ('Ii) ij; 3f(fR ~I fit;lfr 3fill '3'l';;t... ij; ""m'f f'lq;r..jt >rt 3fTirlI,,"1 ",T

I 56. (r.q f<nTR ~ it ~ 'liT <m<If'u--.( I) ~ <tt form'l ~ if 3fT'Iim f7;N(f lfi't
'If"(if ij; f<'T'': '!;,'t 'Ii( ~Hf!1 if f'lflf '3"o!\' erl'>:'fo;: ij; ~f!1 'fiT <n'1<rl'ir ~ "l 'liT i'[T<ft iiIi! er~ it. 11'1"
'I5'f 'l'"( ,r.q~1<i ,**'"f~'f 3l'TlfTrr if <r1J1T~ 'Ii,:,! it. !fII'mr 'OJ]' l'flflf "f'l '10: ~flii ii if <f.1Jj <il
~fu ",I '<'T l(lI;["( "'If 'Ii<: ~'l
it f<'To; itm '0 [;t .... -fferf 'fl! ~ "'' i1.
3f;?:'; ml I!fl:'IT fit; t[, ~ ~q
ij; <'I'rff '!it U["("1' 'f1,:,! <r0r ~HT if if 'tlfTl1l'llf A>l;!J'1' 1:('11 fi'f~i~ (I'ifHI'!: '" lj''f'l: "<l it. o!'~rrr.; I["(

f~ (!I "I'llt I
(2) 3fT'Iif~ f,:f<m 'fil 'If':,! ij; f<'TO: ~ 'f'!l'T ~f!1 3f'l''t ';(of'fcIT '!iT erlITiffu ~i Iii .. 'Ifl1T q. fi~
ihlT 'Il<:'t ij; f<'T({ '!;,'If "I'r({'lT I
157. film;! q~ q; m¢f 'lit qqyotfU 'Ill srro:_( I) "(r.q" fifUT'f 'ff,'i1\ it. .=tif ~f!1 'liT
'Rliff.... f:J[Q'~ 'ffl'f lilT !1[w<t\'1r UOj "" 'if '[!1T1J 74] ij; 3fJ't'f 3ffu~fl<rn fq;qT wr.rl ;T~ff:l'i1' fc. ~
3ffu'J:'f'IT 'lit mr<r ~ 3f~ Ql<ft I

(2) ~" 'for

f"«i'l 'ffmo;: ;:; ~ir 1m'! 'fil W<rflf. f~ 'lTl[ 'l'T '[m'T 74] ij; mit-i 'lfflt\(f<!i'f
flI;ln ;;rT'IT q<1~li1' 'l'@ ~. q'ITwm-. flMf~i'f ij; 1!'er Ti ~~ Olffifi'f it 'fll[ '1'1 tFaf~'t;< w't 'ITtft ~I
ij; m<:1 67 it. 'lfti"I'f Srr"""r't ,T:J['f!l 'if lfif>TVT'f 'lfl <l'1i\1;r if 'IT itif "lffim it qf~ it f<'fTl; 'fTITf'iiW'f
if>T '!fTlilfT'l'or if>"(if "Tm 'll"!vo&' 1 7 I it ~lllr (3) if, TIcr"1l' (1l') ij; ~J1''f f'f'f.Ttft 'I'f mlftJ"I"1 if.T
w(\1;I ~ 'lfTmr ~1<ft I

O[ 158. ~ ~
'liT lfI'mi 'liT «q~Q(.1 ( I) !ml 34 i/; '!fm'f "T !frn 39;tr "''WI'i.1
( ~) ~ 'II" 'froa' 'Ol'f !1T1J i/; '!fm'f flI;q'T '1lfT f'fel<f "T i'ff f'ieJq-,.;"(if 'IT~ Olff.ffi "I"l'IT ;roil. fiffa,.;
lffi'ff.rf!l" ";1 'ITer", 'fo,
f~1 OTll:('IT !11 ~ mu it ;;<r;Fm
it "'l:Q'T": >:r-;,f'ii'f lflrn'fo,.€r ";1 ~ ~'T OTTl('IT I
( 2) ~ _!IT,T ii tJ;i'f<'fHHq: 'ff"1'i'f .marT it f"f<!Tlf f'feJq- for",,,,, 'l'f<:vri'lf ,ft tfiq17fT if, ~ Tq: 'l'ITQ'T"l'
lIfI'<ri'fT it 'IT<rn 'fo,
.f>:'llT ;;r[({'IT I
( 3) qf~ 'll""lf<l! f'f"T,,'f V!~'l 'IT~{ 'i~~fqqT 'fol 11."1 ii .fmr 'f~i fif>ll'! ITliT it "I rrf. '!"oJ'IT'f it
lfRo'lf if ';('i 'Ol'f,.;r 'i"l; ~I ,mfl ~ <i'r Pl'~<[. ll'>nWifu.1I.'<fr it ml1l"f if; <[ii:;Tq: 'IT ,,'l["'; 'l"l; ~ ~Iq:
'1'IT"fTtlf QTI<roT if 'IT<rn '1', f~T ;;rT({'IT I
( 4) rrf~ itif f~ ii. f;;r;rif 'l'<I"m' ~ ~. ~lf'ff flMf'ffi 'f~ff ~1i'fT "I'r, '36 1I",<cf f'ff~lfT'II 'f<fl
<iT ;:f>.m "" ~lTfq'l'i '1') lTJ"i'f ~f!flfTO't If<il ..I '!IV! 1tllll'T if, ~ mIT it. !11 f'f'!fq'f if l('fi ~ 'Tflt'li
~i it f'l~ ott 'WT if ,l'f ;jlilfT it. ~~ "1'1' ;1. 01) tr~ ~ ~ f<rf<f'IT<ll' 'l'<ii 'fiT '!J"i ij>.m 'f.1,
1. fl!fu "'!"i.'A (d' 2) "'~, 1956 nu "qr 'l'l~'.Q. ~'hj) f\1Ifa ~ .. '1m 'lOr -t\q f.ql qq, I
2. 1956iti~R~ 2i~URT 19;-Rr/Qf(t 7s"i$'~'ft;Sfffi~ I
3. 1959'6<1fi1f.w1«, saGITum 39=um !58q;""",,~";
114 Representation of the People Act,
(PART lI.-Acts of "ti:
in the ~asc of olectiun uf more than one member at the election, onC'-sixth of th~ total number of
valii vote' so pulled dividc-d by the number of memb~rs to be eJected:

'Provided that ..,here at "n ekction held in accordance wilh the system uf proportiunal repre-
sentation by mClins of the single tmnsfcrable vote, a candidate is Illll dc'Cted, the deposit made by
him ,Ilall h~ forfcitc'Ci if he docs nut get more than une-sixth of the numbeLof votes pre,eribed
in thi> behalf '" sutficicnt tu secure the return of a cand idatc.
(5) Nutwithstanding anything in sub-sectiuus (2). (3) and (4),-
(a) if at a general ekction, the candidate is a COlHl'sting canaidat" in more than one par-
liamentary Cl\nSt:lUCncy or in more than one assembly constituency, not more thdn one of the
deposits shall be returned, and the others shall be forfeited;
(l» if the candidate i, a contesting candidate at an ek'Ction in more than one council
cvnslitueney or at aa election in a cOWlcil cOllstitucncy and at an election by the member;
,)1' the State L~gislative Assembly to till scats in the Legislative Council, not more than one ot
the deposits shall be returned, and the others shall be forfeit~-d.l
159. Staff of c\'cry local autbority to be made available for election work.--Evcry local autho·
rity in a State slnll, when so requested by 1*** a Regional Commissioner appointed under clause
(-+) of article 3.2.. or the ChicI' Electoral Olliecr of the State, make available to any mturning olficcr
such staff 3S may be necessary for the performance of any dutie, in connection with an election.
160. Requisitioning of premises, vchicles, etc., for election purposes.-·(l) If it appears to the
State Government that ill "unnc'Ction with an elcctil)n held within the Statc-
(iI) any premise, arc nee<k-d or are likely to be n~",-ded for the purpo,", of being uSt.'Ci as a
polling station ur for the storage of ballot boxes after a poll has been taken, or
(b) any vehicle, vessel or animal is n~'eded or is likely to be needed for the purpuse 01'
tramport of ballvt boxe> to or from any polling station, or transport of members of the police
force for maintaining order during the conduct of such election, or transport of any "fficer
01' othcr person for performance of any duties in connection with such election,

that Government Illay by order in writing requisition such premises, or such vehicle, vessel or
animal, as the case may bo, and may make such further orders as may appear to it to be necessary
or expedient in c,)lltlection with the requisitioning:
Provided that no vehick, vessel or animal which is being lawfully used by a candidate or his
agent for any purpose cvllnct'ted with the election of such candidate shall be requisitioned under
this sub-section until the completillll of the poll at snch election.
(2) The requisition shall bo eiTect(.c:j by an order in writing addressed to the person deemed
by the State Government to be the owner Of person in possession of the property, aud such order
sh~1i b-J ,erved in the prcseribJd manner on the perSOl1 to whom it is addressed.
(3) Whenever any property is requi>iLioned under sub-section (I). the period of such requisi-
tion silalltlot eXlClld beyond the poriod for whi~h such property is required ror any of the purposes
mentioned in tha t ,ub-scction.
(4) In this se.:tion-
(a) "(lr"IIl",~;' meun, allY land. building or part of a huilding and includes a hilt. shed or
other slnicturc or au)' part thereor;
I. The worJ.~ "the Blc('lion Cllillmissiuil In'' I,)luilteu by A,t 27 of 1956,~. MI.
IIIzh llIli!J bI!' !!ll:.t.l> "ll! It\!tlh a~" WI! S D.lIIIJIo L Z oil ~ ~ 9SG I I

: ~ 1llJl1lljljl,ji ~ W.l<. }1.'Il IlI>li£. U!

~ lI<~ III !:tI '~li llJ£ ~ Ill!~ bllt. l!I! ke!.. U! kl<J.t 'hj'!. ~-l!l\ \! ..}Ji),Jh" (!e)
-,I! llUl IU (.)

I ~ 1l~J.\!.tIi
At:lj 'l! Jft!!» \! ,I! 1~l,.hJI IllDj.e ,I! IlJ.tlhe fiL gJhili ~ ll"'j ~j 1!'1~ Il Ilh.l2j ~ ~ rY.l2.1J:ll!l!
Jl.e . Jlj.l2J1:l1!e I,.!e ~JUljli l!ll .ell llll!: I...!!o Il~ji IljJm ~ (I) llHlhL gjh1lt~!e lJ'..!I! 1>1!: (C)

I 1!<illl£ 4J! l! Iljl,.l ~J.l2! '~ IlnAl'!' h \!l!'j '1:ll,.ltW lh 1l~j1!2

.ilL1..'" ~Jb \!~ L~ ~ 1lJ;j1l2 lllJ.l2 ~ID. l~.:l> Lh llL '1I! ~'t l!I! ~ Jl.e h .!!oj ~ J1'J!h.Il
~I! ll!l!Lfi l!!>ll 1l.e11> t"lil<j Iblllk lI!.!I!j lll! ll;~11i 1l~!?J IlnJV>i1 -l:l>IlI!J~ Jl.e ln~JUlJji (~)
I llJl~ I~ Il ll:J1lt.ll H~llh ,I! Il~ l!~ :J.Il l!k lblllk
lI!.!I!j Il llJjlJ.r1!A ~ .ell 1llJl!i ~ lll.tlhe It~ '~ lb I!?,I! hlftl'£' :1l\<lI'JoJ.l;J At:lJ !@ ll"I~1I l,..Il:J.j ~~il
\! Ill>ll>llj !!' J..hlltJ~ \!~ !Jl.!I!!tJ1i ~ 1I! llall1ll5 l!'!J 'M.eljo JI! Illlil:llo 'Illl! ~JI' 1.Il~ bJ,
:!~ ~J,jl..I:i !!1!'l,.h.Il III !f.i:!Ji.eJb \!L ,I! !l~ ~ lnllJUljli!eJ l!~ ~ !! ~I~ IlI!LJIlJll \!~ LlJf: '~
L.!I! lUll 1Ji~lb ~ilJl:lJ ~~ji J'" lhl<.e1j!> 1I! Illb_ 'HI! l!~ '1lJ.l<-tjll>1I 'lI! lIDJh l!~ lJl/>lll ll.e 1.1l
'~ n.llij1 lJoljl J~Ji.E111 1I! % 1ll.!I:I!Ji.EJb 1JIl ~.e1j!>
III H~l:l". 'l!ill \!till lll1j ~ ,l,~ ~ .IlJ;j1l> n..tIi III lll~ 1ft.'£J At:lj ~ ,l,l1Jh !@ !.Jlo...llll!ljl....J
.,I! tl;;!' ~ ll"JRltl \!~ 1I! ~ Ilh),jh !@ tllil>fi ~ l:l2 .Ill1J1 lll1J 'l! ~.l!>" llll:.I! lhilm! HLV' 'l!
l!12I~" ~ 1!1!.1.e~ \!~ 1I! ll12J!@ l!t.I.hJI!@ Ilh:..Jh !@ !~h I."' III l! ~ Iln·llh Jft.!I!J (II)
l.elil.tli : ~ I!.llt.» 1j!J~ IIl:J.hl.elli II! ~ IIl:J.h'.eJb Ij! lll),j.h ~J 'llUo lI!!I>J W•.Il.h£. ll.I:lJ !@ ~l!tL
'l! W2j!!l'h lll~ !@ l#jl H~1!h III ,I! hi< !@ ~ l!llilh 1!!>.It£. :l>j lll2J !@ IlItIP.II 11~ (.!!o)
-,I!!l~ !@ Il~.eltl ~ ~ll lllJ!' 'l! lloll .!!oj ~ J.IlJjl
IlI,.Il.II IDI I.:l> ll!l!lJl ll!>ll .l!JI! (1 )--~ltnj.tli lll2j ~ J;1t~ ~ J;~J I.!I< )JI.tIi l!!lII'lJl),!JI '091
Il,.~ HE.elli ll';lj ~ HIl· !l! t,h,¥.!I! jj?,.!l;J !! l'~)l !It 1l~!£J-j I,l,!<
1It~ ll>>2hL :>,hjl~!,!I> 1lt~ 1.;'_ lll!hjJb h!!j21j ~J .!!oj Lh .~II!:h:l.J l!!!,11I Jft~ llll lJl!hjlb Il!>!~!;j
t!9b. ~ l!!>ll It! Ilb'hllli~.11 ***,
£l!lu,J Ill,.tlr. !I! (~) ~, ~ ~ZC ~ ~I!I>IijllI lllJoll>~ l~ l!I!
l! llNl-1IWl~ ~ ruli!.be hl:!J ~ ltllt ~ J;~ lloiuJll!¥ll Ile ~1iI ~ li! '651

I !t!llk Ijl .illlhhll .h~ltl .I2ili ljJ\! lbllik lI!:l>J I1.hlI! ~IlJ ~ >loll 1.1l ~ !¥1l1ll5I.1:lIl! ~.I:l l!.l>!£IlJ 'l!
Il~!;j lUll !..ttlloI1!l! 1M IlUilY lloll At:lJ !l! ~lt. 1:!Il l.Jo.Ihl ,I! hl.LJh IlJ!l.eJ ).lJ£ ~ ~-J;~.el!j
1&lJh .!!oll ~ J;!>!l>Ilj 1I! 'l! !.~~-Il!>!l1ltl hl.Ljh >lol'JIi \! :l>ll l! 1o,,!.eJ;J lla1l1ll5 ~ll (J!.t)
: ttPlk l,.ll
Ilhhll.h~J;J lI<lS llJf: Ilthlklll!eJ I1hla h!i'l!) I] !l!lll,.1l ~ llallt,bl..,J.l2 ~l1 J;~!l'ltll! ~-loal.eJ;J
1M :l>nJh \! !Illl III l! Je!i'-l!~J I!~!, :l>njli \! !ell J..hll1ll5l! 1l!>!I>IlJ .IolUllli .l!Jll (!!o)
-1,.J.t h~ ~J ~ !l! IlIE Ift.<l!J ,I! (I') llJf: (r.) '( c ) !!£JlltlhL (S)
I ~ ~~~J ghjleJ 111. l! hi< Q:.jllh 11l1J 'l! ~IM~ J;!>.lEJ;) I:h j}1l:ill I.k ~.l! I~"' !bill !ih !hl'dr. ~ Itilt.
~!a !@ Ill;l» .Il~ I,.!I> 1}lli ~~ }Jll lbhlk ljl .~hn h~ltl 1I!1t ~ JlI~ ¥£. !ill! 11'1..l! i¥h ~IEl!J
ll>II1lI5 !IlJ !ill£ ~ 1o~,E!,J illt lrl.J Ill! llh t!l,.lolt~ I:l:J.h ll.llhli !@ IlJJl:h Jill'ylojlljt ~jl.hl,lll< !hL.h

: lbhU!. III
~ .. .-
1l.!l.Htli loll'.tdji '"- 1£<1>
-hE> !1! (r. ) lllRh~ h~~"'J 1.1l '~ 1jlJ. 9, 'lllh },.h ~ Itllt. '~ Ib!tlt 1,.. J.t,l:-lt 1!lli ~UO MJ IlI!;J!e.IlJ

(ltl>l< ~ ~»--Z Wlt.)

P[ [ IS 61 'IIltJ;JIYIII bI"J~JPjK *li:I
liS Representation of the People Act. 1951
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
(b) "vehicle" means any vehicle used or capable of being used for the' purpose of road
transport, whether propelled by mechanical power or othenvise.

161. Payment of compensation.- (I) Whenever in pursuance of section 160 the State Govern-
ment requisitions any premises, ther.: shall be paid to the persons int.:rc,!cd eompcll,ation the
amouut of which shall be determined by takin into consideration the following, namely:-
(i) t1J.e rent payable ill respect of the premises or if no rent is so payable, the rent payable
for similar premises in the locality;
(ii) if any eunsequence of the requisition of the premises the person interested is CUlll-
pelled to change his residence or place of business, the reasonable expenses (if any) incidental
to such change:
Provided that where any person interested being aggrieved by the amOUlH of compensation
so determined makes an application within the prescribed time to the State Government for re-
ferring the matter to an arbitrator, the amount of compensation to be paid shall be such as the
arbitrator appoint~-d ill this behalf by the State Government may determine: .
Provided further that where there is any dispute as to the title to receive the compen:;ation or
as to the apportionment of the amount of compensation, it shall be referred by the State Govern-
ment to an arbitrator appointed in this behalf by that G0verllment for'determination, and shall
bc detcrmined in aceordan,;c with thc decision of such arbitrator.

Explallalioll.-In this sub-section, the expression person interested" means the per.oll who
was in actual possession of the premises requisitioned under section 160 immediatelY before
the requisition, or where no pe['<;on was in such actual possession, the owner of such premises.
(2) Whenever .in pursuance of section 160 the State Government requisitions any vehicle,
vessel or animal, there shall be paid to the owner thereof compensation the anlOunt of which shall
be determined by the State Government on the basis of the fares or rates prevailing in the locality
for the hire of such vehicle, vessel or animal:
Provided that where the owner of such vehicle, vessel or animal being aggrieved by the amount
of compensation so determined makes an application within the prescribed time to the State
Government for referring the matter to an arbitrator, the amount of compensation to be paid shall
be such as the arbitrator appOinted in this behalf by the State Government may determine:
Provided further that where immediately before the requiSitioning the vehicle or vessel was
by virtue of a hire-purchase agreement in the possession of a person other than the owner, the
amount determined under this sub-section as the'total compensation payable in respect of the
requisition shall be apportioned between that person and the owner in such manner as they may
agree upon, and in default of agreement, in such manner as an arbitrator appointed by the
State Government in this behalf may decide.

162. Power to obtain information.-The State Government may with a view to requisitioning
any property under section 160 or determining the compensation payable under section 161,
by order, require any person to furnish to such authority as may be specified in the order such
information in his possession relating to such property as may specified.

163. Powers of entry into and inspection of premises, etc.-(/) Any person authorized in
this behalf by the State Government may cnter into any premises and inspect such premises
and any vehicle, vessel or animal therein for the purpose of determining whether, and if so in
what manner, an orda under section 160 should be made in relation to such premises, vehicle,
vessel or animal, or with a view to securing compliance with any order made under that section.
~ "f~f.t""" .. f"f"q .., 1951 115
(>m 2--lhr't if, ~.. )

(Q) "'fR" ~ itm 'Ir)( 'fR m..rnr ~ ;;il ~ 'l'f'{ifQ'I if, !flil;rf if, fml: '3'l'Il")'Ir if 'AIm f-
III ~)If iT ~;;rR 'llllf ~ 'f9- i1T <Ii!: >rtfOf'lr.m'fa' ~ '1Tf<rn i1) lIT 'I i11 I

161. ~ 111'1 nr.t-(I) 'iTlf'Olll ,I"Q .~, mrr

qf,!I1:") mu 160 if, q't~ iT me-
Wa' '!>1: a'lf ~<mr "'ff.Ia'l!1 ..) lfflr'f;, ~'3 f.Pn ~I f~1 >:'f>" 'f1T ~m'"T f.rl'ff\'lfiira' lfml if;1
SlfT'I iT W .., fll;ln ''iTT~, 'f'riq : -
(i) qj'{~ '1ft lfT'fa' ~lI 'fTO"f1 lIT lIfit "I~ 'f1C'f1 ~ll' ~Il" 'I il:1 a'1 ~ qf>:er.r if <lif @ ~
ij; foro: ~ 'fTO"f1;
(ii) qf~ f~or.r 0IffiIa' q'~ if, mmlif"T ij; <r\'l:ur~q ..of.! f.rllTlf ~'1 lIT "'T<:lfT<: if, ~
'lrl <mM ij; fml: ~ ~I i11· a'1 ~ >ror1t If 'AT'I,'tm 'tfim1r.'fa' ..... (qf". ..Wi11) :
~ ~ f....W ~lf;: "'ff.f,; ttif "'fmf'{a- srfa"f', ..I ~ ~ OIfftra' ~ ~ <FIl" >:r'l;'f1T, ~ f'1fl;a'
lfllQ if,..."., ll"i1"rm ~ ~ f.. <Ii!: 'fT'Ir.Ir I!!>f~" ..I foRfmr "', f>;'lfT 'iT11'; 'f&t f<'l; 'iTIOt lIT9- srfa'-
'f1-.: ..I ~ itlft ""If i11<f!' 'iTm m1f If,ij;j, .HI
~!I f.rf'ffl R't'fa' ~!!f'f!l'ma- ..'l::
~ Il"i1 m 'fl f.. ori'[t srfa"f', 1fTOf ij; il:'f1 lj;1 lITlfa' Il"r "fa"f', lj;T -.:.... if, lNr"l'l ..I 'frlfa' '1>)(
.~'fT<{ ~ l!il:i'Q'1Q'(O, if, fml:;;rif m1f ~, ..of.! [HI ~ f'ff1ffi f'l't'fa' I!!>fN lj;1 f.r~ 'l>'lm31h
'1l ~ it~ I!!>f~ ij; ~Il" ij; "?T'
!!f'f!l'rf'(a' f.olfT 'iTfll;1fT I
......·AI,o, ~ '3'l'!n'<1 iT "~<mr O!Ififfi" 'm'ffi;f ~ 'fil: 04f'fa', 'iTI !l'T'! 160 ij; '!fliT'I .. f!l'!l!Ta'
qj'{lf'( If'( q-mil:UT i ......~a' '!.'i 'fTFfflr.. ","iTI w~r 'IT Il"r ~t fifo ..W 0Iff'l'i ~lfr lITm'f'f1 < '1&1
wm '1'T l!il:i' ttll' 'If'>:lf, ..I ~T'fl q'f1r~ ~ I
(2) 'ill! '!>liT m<r ~ 'liW 'fR, ~ lIT;;it'f~ mu 160 i lIl'!!I1:UT ol'm~a' i!i'l: 001
~ ~T 'lrl srf~ ;flffi f.f;"r 'I'f1\1fT fom..1 ~ ij;j 'II"Im'"T q~ ~, ~~ 1l"T'!, ~ 'H'iTI'f"l'<l
'!it ~ If'{ 9-Of ij; fu'Q; ~ ~ iT lI'fr.ra' ~ Il"r ""I if, 'AIm, If'( i!itm: ~
1f9 'iT&t flt; ~~ 1l"T'I, m9'lIT'I lIT ~ 'f1T <lITlfr ~ ~a' lffu<!;, ..I ~ if iOff'l'o ~ ~
m1f !I1:..r' ~ ~~a' If'II'lf i 'fla" Il"i1 'AI~ 'f1>:a'T ~ f.. <Ii!: 'fTm11 '!Vm' ..'I f~ If>', f>;'lfT 'iTln:
"1!:f f~ ;;rR lIT"" "fu'f1-.: If>') , .... ~!l1 ,~ ~If) ~!l1 u~ !I1:..r, mr ~ f.rf'fi'f f.r'!'fa' 1!!>f>;>T""
~ Il"i1 afT, 'fl f.. ~ m!l',!@a' flf>'n; 'iTA' ~ ......~ 'Kf lfT'i' Il"I ;r.rlIT'I ~I if f'f'lf <>rna'
t ...if iT "'f'Iill' ..m <F 'AI!lT<: If'( 'IT "1!:f ~ if, m iT m ~ srfa"f', if, 1fq' if ~ ;;J'1f!lTU if,
\4!l1'l ..'fmf-.:a- ~ ~ 0Iff'fa' aft, ro..1 ~ .fl"! if ~I ,If1\' if, f~ fu'rl: <f ~ i11 orr-t,ar1'< ~Ift
~ oj; 3!'I!T'f ~, ~m ,1ft( >T, ~I ,['J1l" m:~r, .m ~ f'rfiffi f'l'l','fa' ~ f'ffllflfiffl ~, If'fTf;;rn
'lft ~I I
162...... 41") !llf1l!lM m H-,I"Q lm1R mrr ~m '!it """" 160 ij; 'IfliT'I 1!Ifi.r>tift<r
~ <tl' lIT !TT'(T 181 t 'IfliT'I IRIl" lI'ftAn: '!it ~ ~ 'lft ,,!'e ll' f..d'r BlIfiffi ll' oro ~
;ril;Ir"r f'f1 'i1! ~d'r
'II"( ~ ~ q-of.t If>'ii <tl' ~d'r "I'Rm, ;;1;ft ~ iT f'rf.f~'G <tl' 'iI'T1!;, ~ll'
~Ifih;,e '!it ~ ;oft ~~ rqf,,~"'! f.BlfT 'iI'T1!; I

163. mP ~< ~ if ~ q;~ ~ ;Jit6 f.tiliRGf 'If\' ~~--( I) ~~ q''fEf1'.UT 'f1<:Of t

lllil'oA if, ~ fill 'flfT "'* <m:m:, fwr 1l"T'I, ~ Il"T ~ if; !rRI>a' it !TT'(T 160 t \4!ft'I ~
f.f;'!1 'iI'T1!; afT<: !!R f.f;'!r 'iI'T1!; "I fW ~ iT f'f1lfT 'iI'T1!; lIT f!T '{!'ell' f.f; ~ !TT'(T t mit f~ '11!;
~I ~ 'f1T ~'t<mA' l,!f.tfffif fiIllfT 'iTfll; ~ mrfiffi, ;;it ~ !I1:m mr lIT ~ f'fflm lIl'fiIt;<I f'f1lfT
'flIT ~, ~ <m:m: iT m 'f1-.: IRm m ~ <m:m: m m it. fi!;d'r 'fR, ~ lIT ~'S ~ ~
'II'( mr I

.~ ..
116 /?('l'rCS(,/l/tllitlll 'd'ilte People Act. 1<)51
(l'c\l\T 11.- J\~ls or l'arlialllc'lIl)
(2) In this section the expressions "premises" and "vehicle" have the same meanings as in
section 160.
164. Eviction from requisitioned premises.-(i) Any person remaining in possession of any
requisitioned premises in contravention of any order made under section 160 may be summarily
evicted from the premises by any officer empowered by the State GovernmCl]t in this behalf.

, (2) Any om~er so empowcred may. after giving to any woman not appearing in public reason·
able warning and facility to withdraw. rcmove or opcn any lock or bolt or break open any door
of any building or do any other act necessary for effectillg such cviction.

165. Release of premises from requisition.-(I) When any p remises requisitioned under
section 160 are to be released from requisition, the possession thereof shiill be delivered to the
person from whom possession was taken at the time when the premises were requisitioned, or
if there were no such person, to the person deemed by th e State Government to be the owner
of such premises, and such delivery of possession shall be a full discharge of the State Government
from all liabilities in respect of such delivery. but shall not prejudice any rights in respect of the
premises which any othcr person may be entitled by due process of law to enforcc against the
person to whom possession of the premises is so delivered.
(2) Where the person to whom possession of any premises requisitioned under section
160 is to be given under sub-section (/) cannot be found or is not readily ascertainable or has
no agent or any other person empowaed to accept delive ryan his behalf, the State Govern-
ment shall cause a notice declaring that such premises are released from requisition to be affixed
on some ,onspicuous part of such premises and publish the notice in the Official Gazette.
(3) When a notice referred to in sub-section (2) is published in the Official Gazette, the pre·
mises specified in such notice shall cease to be subject to requisition on and from the date of such
publication and be deemed to have been delivered to the person entitled to possession thereof;
and the State Government shall not be liable for any compensation or other claim in respect
of such premises for any period after the said date
166. Delegation of functions of the State Government with regard to requisitioning.-.The
State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that any powers conferred
or any duty imposed on that Government by any of the provisions of sections 160 to 165 shall,
under such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the direction, be exercised or discharged
by such officer or class of officers as may be so specified.

167. Penalty for contra"ution of any order regarding requisitioning.-If any person contravenes
anv \l1'der made under section 160 or section 162, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for
a term which may extend to one year or with line or with both.
168. [Special pmvisioll-' willI re.lpeel ro Rulers offormer Indian Stares.] Rep. hy rIll' Rulers of
I"dian Sralel' (A ho/ilio/Lo( Pril'ileges) Acl, 1972 (54 '!f 1972), s. 4 (lV.eI 9·9-1972).


169. Power to make rules.-(i) Thc CClllral Government may. after consulting the Election
Commission, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules' for carrying out the purposes
of this Act.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules
may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely;-
(a) the duties ofpresdiing officers and polling officers at polling stations;
t, See the OInd~ Of Election. Rules, 1961. in Vol\llllc II.

, .. ' -':-=-.-
t'lA; 1Ifuf;rt'~ ~~, 195 I 116
('lIT'! 2--mr~ <i7 3If'Jf'rl11)

( 2) '{1!f m<J if "<rron:" ff'IT "'fR" <ro ~ .if! wi f ;;fr m<J 160 if ~. ,
16(. ~ii! <rf,«, iI' ~-( 1) ;;fr m "'.ff'f<t f.!;1't qfo:r.irTa <rf"" <r, m<J 160 if; q1ft;r
~ ~ f.!;~r ~11T ~ '>~ if ;0"11 f'lll'; >:\;'fl ~, ~ m>1' ~ [1'J ~ f.;flrw mffif ~~ ~
~ qfG!1: it it ma: ;f~ ;0<: lJij;lrr ,

~~ mm
( 2) m
qff'l;1!f~ ~d't f.!;d't -t'r 'lit, ;;fr <'ft<!; wr~ "irf qlcn, 't~;rzr,m ;'f(lT'.f;f\ 3l't<: ~'!:
'iff.t ~ f~ !ff<wr ~'j;<: f;o~ 'f'f'l' ~ f,.;ri <n'it ~I 'fi!'O;ft 'lit i;!1 'ff 'liH 'lJ;/ff ,fr{ f.1't m '1h
<r~ ml Iff rtd't i~;ft ~ lI'it:;r;r ~ f<1"'Z m Wll J,fIWf'l; 'f;TIf ~ 'lij;lrr ,
1 65... Ib,,!!", iI' '1ft«< Ifoi f~"- ( I) ~ WR m>J'(.~o '!iii <rron: qf~
'"' f.!; m<J 16 0
~ f.r'f~ f.m1: 'iff.t ~; <fif ~ q;;:;rr ~ "'1m 'lit, nr~ <rror, ~ ... fa''l.i{t<r f.m1: 'iff.t ij; Wfl! 'I1i'I'1
fum '1lf1 'IT, lfI zm '!iii <im "'1m ,,~ 'IT <IT .« "'If.f:r 'iii, Pr«tT .rq<r m>1' ~~ II\,! ""'111ft ~ f.!;
"'Ii ~~ <rron. ;01 f'fI'l'T ~ <r~ f.!;~1 '11'<-1[, aft, ;00;[ ;Of ~~ qf",,, m>I «<'1m: 'iii '>'1 Q" onfi<m
Jr, ;;iT f~ <rfurr.t ij; iIT1: it ~. '«ofo: '>'>r)f'fo ~ i'TI. ~ ~ qf"" <ft '1iT(! ~~ f!.'ii m>.r<rni
'f< 1I'~<1 !NT. 'l' ~'ll ~. m
Wll Olff'R ~ "'1m ij; f~<1"rq;. f'l~ <rf"" ;Of '!ii'll ~i't <rf'M'r f..lfl
or"l ~, W!l' <ft ~ lI'f'lf.llT lI"fI'ira' 'l1if.t ij; fu1l: ~om: ~ I
( 2)"fflJ f.!; "'Ii Olfm, f;ri't m<J I r, 0 ij; q1ft;r ...f!l"l.~o fimfr <rron:;ol '!ii'lI' '>'T\Tro (I) ~
q-J)" fun "Ir'I'T ~, 'fnlT ~f "IT ~ "I ~ mm;IT ~ ... f'ff.r'R'f ~ ~ '!TifT III ~T aft<: ~
<rfim'l' l!ftnl;@c! rn
ij; fu1l: mm m WOff.'f[ ~r m
Wll i,.m ~ ~.~ m>I «<'1m: II!! ~
rR.'t '1'Rft ~'11 fiI; lf~ qf"" W!liTi!"I Jr f"'im ;0<: rot ~ ~ <i~ <rron: ij; fiI;d't ~11Tlf "Irrr if
~'iT aft<: ~ 'lit ~ mrror it ~ 'Iii'1'T ,
(3) ;;ror f.!; ~ (2) if f.r~ 'rVIT ~ ~Of if l!;orrn<r;o< <ft ~ ~ <fif ~d't ~I it
f~ <rron: it~ m~ ~ ~!iA ~~ 1I'_ <ft (!1"IN.;f.t aft<: ~ " <Q:lT aft<: ~ iII<fO ll\!
wrflr ~r f.. If ~ "'If.f:r 'iii qf,~ ~ f~ ~ ~, ;;iT ~ 'f< ;oem ~ <j;f ~ ~, aft<: m>1'
«<'1m: ~ <IIi\~ ij; <rNT<t: f;od't ~f!l' 11; f.;rQ: ~i't <rfur1: ij; ~!l' if fimfr lIflrt;, ~r Wll ~~ ij;
f~ G,""",!?i" 'I' ~T ,
166, ~ '11\ itTlI"<I m>1' \m1T,
ij; pi! <j;f !mn1l","-'FlI «<'1m: ~ 'T~:. if W'J.
~ iITU Ai11T~ Q'ii;'lT f.!; 0lI ~.n: 'f< m<J 1 00 i't ~ an:r 165 <A. ~;:r'l'ii"a'i iii\, fimfr rn:fm m
~ lfI mln:iftrn m
'I><filf f~ mil ~ q'i'r.f, zm m ~, Gtd't ~ f'li11T it flff.rf~ 'lit omt ~i't
, ~ lfI ~i't <r<f ij; ",(\",,(1 iITU 1I',\'R Iff f'li/l!'f f.m1: "I'f~.r ~f'ff'f~ f.m1: omt,
167• .mt~ ~ihft fm ~ ::r.m ~ ft:Ilt mmr-l1'f.. '!iii !lfilr;r m<J 160 or. !l'I<1
162 i; wr.r f.m1: ~ ~~ ~" ;o~'ll, <IT'll! ~"""i\l \'1', fll"l"llT ..iff.. ~ "" ;r,; 'lit ~ 'fl;1ft.
"I "I''I'r.t ~. Iff ;ft;fT ~, ~ ~I ,

168. [~ it"i ",qf ~ WlQ'm '!Ii '.ffU fll'ilif ~If;i!l' ,]-lWI ~ ~ (flr~ ,,<rIA)
m!lf.r;rqo, 1972(1972'1\'154) 'litlml 4 ':rm (9-9'1972) ~f~,

'ti 1'1 11

169. fiN'I' ~ ~i ~~-( 1) ~ ""'m ~ Iff!Tf.rlr'l' it; ~ 'iii 'I1,qfr;'I" ""'" ij; f;rr):
f'l~"l, r~ IfrIit;r ~ <r'U'I'1lT ~ i. 'f'Rrn,11TIQ'<ft1l ,I"I"fOf it lfi~'11 irn ~ Q'ii;'lT ,
(2) f"f<,t\<O(f: 31'\, 'rf'Tl'lft m <ft ~T"fIIl'OI' <r>: ~<1 !f'llT'f mr flr'fr, ~~ f.rq;r Q'or f'fl"1~
ifI<i'i '1\'1, Iff ~ ~ fimft ij; fu1l:. 'l"fif''i ~ Q'<i1II, ~ :-
('11) II'<rGr'I' ~ if ~ ", FM (j 31'\, II'<rGr'I' 1fIf~ 1; . ;
--\. ~'I\'I~f.rq1r. 196\ .
f~ 2iiffir<;}
JI-RU4 M/o Law & justiceJ94
117 RfPI'~SCIII(/1 iOIl of tlte People A cl, 1951
(PART II.-Acts of Parliament)
(h) the rh~~king pf voters by reference to the elcdoral roll:
ee) the manner in which votes are to be given both generally and in the case of illiterate
voters.or voters under physical or other disability;
(d) the manner in which votes are to be given by a presiding officer, polling officer,
polling agent or any (·ther p~rson, who being an elector for a constituency is authorised or
appointed for duty at 11 polling station at which he is not entitled to vote;
(e) the procedure to be followed ill respect of the tender of vote by a person represent-
ing himself to he an elector after another person has voted as such elector;
'[(ee) the ll'a"ncr ofg iving and recording of votes by means of voting machines and
the procedure as to voting to be followed at polling stations where such machines are used;)
(f) the proeedl're as to voting to be followed at elections held in accordance with the
systeill of proporti'cnal representation by means of the single transferable vote;
(g) the scrutiny and counting of votes including cases itl which a recount of the votes
may he made bcf,)rc the declaration of the result of the election;
'[(gg) the procedure as to counting of votes recorded by means of voting machines;)
(It) the safe custody of '[ballot boxes, voting machines), ballot papers and other
election papers, the p~riod for which such papers shall be preserved and the insp~ctio n
and production of such papers;
(i) any other matter required to be prescribed by this Act.
'[(3) Every rule made under this Act shall be laid as soon as may be after it is made before
each House of Parliament while it is in session for a total period of thirty days which may be
comprised in one session or '[ill two or lUore succ~ssive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the
session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses
agree in mn 1:ing any modil1cation in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be
mack] the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the
case may be; ,(I, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice
to the validity ofanythinr, previoUsly done under that rule.)
170•.;uri'1ictinn of civil courts barrcd,-No civil court shall have juri:idiction to q oostion tho
legahty of a ny aeti0n taken or of any decision given by the returning omc~r or by any other p:r-
s'," appointca under elis Act ill connection with an election.
171. [Rppcal (~f.4cI 39 of 1920.] Rep. by tIre Repealillg mul,'/I11:'lIdillg Act, 1957 (36 nf 1957).
s. 2 alld Sell. I.

I. In•• by Act I of 1989, s. 16 (w.e.f. 15-3-1989).

2. Subs. by s. 16, ibid" for "ballot boxes" (w.e.f. 15-3-1989).
3. SUM. by Act 40 of 1961, s. 29, for sub-section (3) (w.•• f. 20-9-1961), which was in,. by Act 27 of 1956. s. 82.
4. Subs. by Act 4 of 1986, s. 2 and Sch. (w.e.f. 1S-5-1986).
m lIftIf'tfm<!' 1Ifuf:{ll'f, 1951 117
(¥IT'! 2~ iii" m~)

('T) "t\f<l f-llqif ...<1 ~ -.:r.n ~ ft, ~ ur;r~: am: f'f':<T': ....i'{nrr'l1 lfl ~'"
on W'I f~>if'Qdl ij' 1ffi! qd4Idl3l'i t\' ~ ft, ~ ;;!f.t ~ ;
(Of) ~ ~ Iff f;rqif rfioT!If;r ~, '!"ifU'! ~~, "'<ro'f ~f~ lfl fiFit crHf ~f.u
<lI't ~'" f.m<A'« iii" fZ:ro; f.r<ImI ilT1 61'( ~ij' ...<Wof iA ft m
iii" fu'i{ lITf!i!i<l' on
f'I!QI 'T!f1 €, f;rqif ~ '!"if iit 'Ill ~ ~ t; 'I"ir ~ ;;!f.t ~ ;
(8') ~ Ilffil<r mr '!"if it; f;rf«rr t\' ~~, ~EroJI 1f>1 ;;rlit ~ srf'liTI, <lI't 'll{ I'H~II iii;
it f.r<ImI ~, f'f.!ft ~ 8!ffil<r mr ~ij' ~ iii ..r ft '!"if ~ "IIit iii" q,~ '0(<1'1 t;
I[ (n) ...mor ...m'll t lI"ro'"If(\, fit ~ ~f.:rflt<t ~ t\' ,rr.;r ~ ~if If(\,~ it;;;V ~
0I1!i ~it lfoPr;ff ~ ~ fiFlfl ;;rr<fl t, ~'t,m1If t\' ;;!f.t 'ff;ft 'I'<I4A lrilm ; 1
('f) ~ ll'f'li'll ronm ~.,. 1II't'fIfu';!; ~fdf~fiiii4 qfu it; ~ ~ ~"1f'I IT':'
~ m f.r~'f'if it >rn' ~it iii f~ f.Fon G1'1"n' t ;
('ill) "lffff 1f>1. lttl'm ~ 'Taroff, f.rlrt; W<fli<l i lfI1f~ ~ ~, mit'f'l qfl;'llflr ott ti'tHt
iii ~ >mT lilt ~1If'II lilt 'lIT'ft t ;
1[('ilI'ilI) ~ IflIft;j'f mr "Nf.. f.. d >mT lilt If'Il'l\T lilt lIf.irm ;]
(;;r) '[If<Itf~ ~...m;ff,l 'I"ir'f(~:T~ ~ f.r<rivr;j; q'NI' ""',,,,.ii
*r ~ a!f\mn, q """il4flt
f;;m <f".f; fij' '" 1'1",." qf{if~ f~ ~ am: ~ij' '1>1'1",.,,1 'I1T f~ am: ihr f.Fon G1'1"n';
(fI) "tit ",-It q'NI' m 'lit ~" .. fiif.,Qq mr ~ ~ ;;!f.t iii" fu'~ "liW t I
1[( 3) \'T ~fUf.!!flf il; ~ 'f'II!fT 'Ilfl lfC'l'O mil', ~ ;;!f.t ij;. q''fr<f, !flfIoPr~,", iii ll'~
~ iii" «'m, ;;r. ~ mf it .:r.
~ <I'r'T fir.r 'lIT "mr ~ f"-i{ ,~ "I~'II I ~ ~1l \{'Ii
"" it "'!f<fI 4T lff 'lIfonl ~1't'lif'l'l1 !1if it ~ ~ ~1 I om ~ "" il; on ~ IIrI't,~ Of ,
~ If1'!{ ij; "" iii" .....UfiI iii" 'li 4T;ff ~ ~ fiflflf it '!ITt qf,d;r ~;f il; f"-i{ mpf(\' i{T <mt fft 6""'' «'
'fi[ :f~ qromr<l "'1' it itT Il"Irf1.ft ym I om 'ffiI. ~ ij; ~ '(r.n ~ mror<r ~ <mt fiF q f.r!flf ~
II'iII1lI G1'1"n' ~ <IT' a....... I« ~ f~""ql" ~ ~ I f~ fiflflf iii" ~ij' qmfil'<l on f.. ",,,,q
~ ~
m ~ 'IIf.t "''' ~ fiF!ft ifIlf 'Or fiOaql"lal ~ 'srftr"1,"- ll'1IT!I' ~ q''III]
170, ftrmr ;'MI<'IIi'! ~ IIrftf.mtcn ~-fiF!ft <fi f!1fif..- '"flfT..-"
~ ~ "flmft:~ ", ~
fill q mf.f" 3I'lf~ on f.t;!ft lf~ q'NI' _",fiI<r lI"ro', "IT ,!1 ~ftff.r!fll' il; ~ m.""
t, r.m"" it;!JHPIl
it lilt ~ ~ ,,,,,I,,, ~') on flI;;fi f~ f...... Q 'lIT <t!ffll ~ IN'fOJ<I oR I
In [1920 ij; "filf~qq 39 "" ~ I];.:r "In: ~ m~, 1957 (1957 'I1T 36)
'IfI !fro 2 ~ wr'f'ft
o· 1 am f~ I

I, 19S9,,~q. I ~Ilm l6Im-ii 5-3-1 989!!) ~ff 1

2, 1989lf;"fu""f'Hfo I 'Iilllm 161m (IS-3-19S.!!) "Of«~I1')"ij;,,",,'11:.fiI ... ,IlI. I
s. 198starfuf""qa'. ('I'I IlIl1 2'f)~ 'fn<i), ml (15,5-1916 1) ~lHr (3)tm"'l?,IIf~ ~ 1956 ..
~ '" 27 .. "'" 82 im1 ""'~ am: 1961 ;j; ~ '" 40 <t\ "'" 29 im1 om.m'«l <t\ rrt ol! 1 ' .
(37 OF 1956)

• • • •
The Legislative Councils
33. Madhya Pradesh Legislative COUDcil.-{I) As from such date as the President may by
order appoint, th~re shall be a Legislative Council for the new State of Madhya Pradesh.
(2) In. the ;;aid Council there shall be '[90] seats of which-

(a) the numb~rs to be filled by persons elected by the electorates referred to in sub-
clauses (a), (b) and (c) of clause (3) of article 171 shall be ,[31, 8 and 8) respectively;
(b) the number to be filled by persons elected by the members of the Legislative Assembly
in accordance with the provisions of sub-clause (d) of the said clause shall be 8(31); and
(c) the number to be filled by persons nominated by the Govemorin accordance with
the provisions of sub-clause (e) of that clause shall be 12.
(3) As soon as may be after the commencement of 'Lthe Legislative Councils Act, 1957
(37 of 1957)], t11e President, after consultation with the Election Commission, shall by order
(a). the constituencies into whkh the said new State shall be divided for the purpose
of elections to th" Council under each of the sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c) of clause (3) of artide
(b) the extent of each constituency; and
(c) the number of seats allotted to each constituency.
(of') As soon as may be after 'Lsuch commencement] steps shall be taken to constitute the
said Council in accordance with the provisions of this sectiol' and the provisions of the Represen-
tation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950), and the Representation of the People Act, 1951
(43 of 1951).
•• • • • •
•• • • • •

I. Subs. by Act 37 of 1957, s. 6. for "72".

1..Subs. by s. 6. Ibid.. for "24. 6 and 6".
3. Subs. by s. 6, ibid., for "24".
4-.Subs. by s. 6, {hid., for "this Act".
S. Subs. by s. 6. Ibid., for "the appointed day".
6. Proviso omitted by s. 6. Ibid.
~ ,!"1<i6"1 anm,""" 1956 (1956 !fiT 37) " "'4(4•
• ... • •
flIuR q~

33. ~ m flIuR 'If!:q1{--( I) ~m <frUlS i!r ;;1,fl ~qf<f ~RW mr fif!l<f qr~, ~ smr ill
~ ~ ij; ~ ~qr flrm qf«if, ~TIJ'\' I
(2) ~ ~ if 1[90] ~ ~ f'll'l'<t i!r-
(qr) ~~ 171 ij; lim (3) ij; 'd'l~ ('II). (Ii) am: (If) if ~ f.'Ilri;R ~
«rn f""YF<id "'l'fiffi1if am ~ ;;if.t .mr
~ ;t\" ~;rmt ~: '[31, 8 am: 8] @/fl:
(Ii) '3'rn' ~ ij; ~ (,,) ij; '3'fm i ~m: f.m;r ~T ij; ~ am f,... IPoitt ""f""lf1
ilTU \Ti ;;if.t .mr ~ ;t\" ~ a[ 31] &r1; <f'n

('I) ~ ~ ij; '3'fIif'Ji" (~) ij; '3'f"'fl"1 ij; \T'tm: "tr.'lf'Tror am 'l'ilrf'lfllWe &lff'Rllff 1m rl
;;if.t .mr ~ ;t\" 00 12 &r1 I

(3) '[flrm ~ qfuf"qq, 1957 (1957 'In" 37) ij; !Tro\T ij; Ifffi"i{ lflm1'i't 11ftA' ~f<r.
f.r~ \TTIIT<r i!r <rwrW qr1jf ij; Ifffi'{, \TRw mT--
(If» if flr<rivr-er.r, f;r;!if qi.~ 1 7 1 ij; IR ( 3) 'Ii ~ (If»; (,,) am: ('1') if i!r If' ~
Wt'l ~, il; f""Y",'" ij; 1ftIT:;r'l iii fu11: '3'rn' 'llfl ~ fq'uf"kl Ann ~ ;
(li) ~ ~ '01" <m mm;
(,,) ~ l1;of1 f'l' 'liT mm<r ~ ;t\" ~,
wmfm 'f>~ I
(4) '[~i!r lTTm:r] ij; 1fli"11<{ q~ 1IftA',~!lro ij; '3'fIi1if am: tim mf.ifilN \T~. 1950
(1950'01" 43) am:m5lfdf"ffM ~~, 1951 (1951'111 43) ij; '3'fm ij; ~m: ~ ~
'Ifuf qr-'t il; fu11: ~ ~ ;;rr~ I

'. ... ... ...

•* .... ... ...

1. 1957 iI; 11~ Ii, 37 otT!JTU 6:mr "72" iI; ~ '" IIfmrfqll ,
2. ~ otT !JTU 6:mr "24, 6 oIR 6" iI; _ '" .fu,."flId ,
3. ~*U'ro 6~rou24" iIr~,"SiraMINd I
4. ~ otT 11m 6:mr "~ qfillit .. q" iI; _ q~ ~i<rn ,
5. ~oiIlIm 6:mr"f.mft«'iI;_",.rd""Nd ,
6. 'l'I1", '!IT 11m 6 mr "'"!'" 1fiT ;iN Ron "'" ,

(20 OF 1963)

• • • • •

• • • • •
2. Definitions and interpretatiOll.-(I) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-

• • • • •
'{(h) "Union territory" meanq the Union territory of Pondicherry.]

• • • • •

3. Legislatife Assemblies Cor UnIon territories and their composition.-(l) There shall be a
Legislative Assembly for each Union territory.
1(2) The total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of '[the Union territory] te be
filled by persons chosen by direct election shall be thirty.]
(3) The CentraJ Government may nominate not more than three persons, not being persons
in the service of Government, to be members of the Legislative Assembly of8[the Union territory.]
'[(4) Seats shall ho reserved for the Scheduled Castes in the LegisI..tive Assembly of the
Union territory.]
(5) The number of seats reserved for the Sclleduled Castes or the Sclleduled Tribes in the
Legislative Assembly ·[of"the Union territory] [under sub-section](4) shall bear, as nearly as may
ho, the same proportion to the total number of seats in the Assembly as the population of the
Sclledu.led Ca~tes in the Union territory or of the !lCheduled tribes in the Union territory, as the
case may be, in respect of which seats are so reserved, bears to the total population of the Union'
'LEl'planation.-In this sub-section, the expression "population" means the population as
a5Cortained at the last preceding census of which the relevant figure; have been publisbrcl.
Provided that the reference in this Explanation to the last preceding census of which the rele-
vant figures have hoen publislIed shall, until the relevant figures fer the first census taken after
the year 2000 have been published, ho con~trued as a reference to the 1971 census.]
- -_.
I. Subs. by Act 18.of 1987... 6S for cL (h) (w.e.r. JO.S-1987).
. . --
2. Subs. by tiu> State of Himachal Prad.... (AdaPtatiOQofLaws on UDioQ Subjects) Order, 1973, for sub-sectioD (2)
(w.o.f. 2'.1·1971~
3. Subs. by Act 18 of 1987, s. 65, for "a UDion territory" (w.e.f. JO.'.1987).
4. Subs. by s. 6$,lblll.. for SUb-oectlOD (4) (w.e.f. JO.,·I987).
5. Sub •• byA', 86 ot 1976, s. 1. r" "of t'" U li)~ I:"ito,y of p->ndichorry" (w.e.f. 30-9·1976)
6. Sub•• by 'Acts 18 of 1987. 65, fOr "any UDion territory" (w.e.f. JO.S-I987).
7. Ins. by Act 19 1984, s. 2.
~ '(t~Qq1a ~~ anm~, 1963 (1963 ~ 20)
• • • •
''"'' 1

• • • • •

• • • • •

• • • • •
fQR ~ttt
3. ~ (, ... cHlii iii ftIq ~ 111111! Rq'j ;roIt m.n-( 1) lR'iq; ~ ~ iii fu'~ ~q;
ml"f Il'q'f i\:);ft I

'{ (2) .[~ <'''4cHII] ~ f<ml"f Il'm it ~« t'I'rif q;'1 ~ «'i!fT.n lIClillT f.m'f'f am ,!'l' lT~ 0lIf'ffl1ll
«>rt ~, ~ I{rfi ,]
(3) ~ "'('iii'< <ft, \\' aroWoJ; !(\\' oqf~,NT '!>T, 'I) ;1'(<01< '!>T hI it ~ ~, '[«If "<T'ilf<l;r]
~;r Il' q'f iii ~ if; ~ it ifl1Imfml q;( ~ ,
.[ ( 4) ~ ~ ~ flffll"f Il' 11'! it 3f1~i'f .rn<llll iii f;{~ ~H arrti'oT<I f'li"( ;;YIIN I]
(5) ;mro (4) il; Ol'!ftof .[.[~ "<T'ilf<ii;r]] tl' Fr!ll"f 1l'>Tl it ~ ;;fmr<1'T llT 3f1~<l ;;y;r-
"f!ftI>ij ij; f<:rl( arlmm ~ q;) «6!fT 'liT 3l'i"T<l -q iJ f.. <l!"f Il' >Tl it t'I'rif ~ \l"fffl «iii'll ~ IPilWillr
~ i\:1trr, .n, "..,ftotIfd, -qa «.
(~:nh 'lit ar~ft ~ ~ 3flI'q'1 -qll if. <p~ tl' ~<I
;;fi\<i1ifd41 tl', for;rij; lfI<i''lt iI ~H lrtf lfoJ;l( arrti'~:r ~, 'H{f6lff 'liT 3l'f'IO -qiJ (j~t<l;r ~ ;j<'l' «'t
·[......,I... (Gj ,(II qq'1i1'(f ii, ""''I'(fi'tf'' 'P. \\' ~m >tf:N '1:<i'IJ'T.n "f'I'lTiIl"fT ii, f,;rn:t ~
arr.ri. 1I~ I{) ,,\:iIi~. arfqf.;frnr q;) ...{ ;;f'!«Iil'fT arfm ~ :
<m! '(Il' ,~-li<"I' iI it«t atf,H ~<l;rr1lT ;;yiI~lnr iii. f:u:t <I~tr 3li4l'f lIoJ;rfu~ Q) '!'~' lIftr 'liT at>t <Iii' <f!j; ;;f;r <I<oJ; Il''t 2000 iii '"'1'1<{ 'lit ... i 'I'~ffi' ;;Y«"f'1'1 iii <I,d<m II'~ If(t art""
I{) ;;rffi ~, ~ ~ ~ fq; ~ W! 1971 <oJ;'1 ;;f'l"f"f'1'l iii srrl'l mil
I. I 9 8 7 iI; 1IfiJf.rir,"i. I 8 'iii am 6 urn (3 0-5- I 98 7 a) ..... (,,) iIr """ on: lIftfl'llTf'rl! ,
2. l\'I1'mmu-'!f (lItIflI'IlIlon: flIfil~) ~OT. 1973 1m l3'IUTU (2) iIr """ q, (25-1-1971 a) ~f<l!'IT!'rff ,
3. 1987 iIr ~ 11.18 ott am 65 ua (30.5-1987 a) "f1llft Ii"~" iIr """ on:lIfaroNa'
.. 'I'il'Ia 'iii am 65 ua (30-5-1987 a)..ram (4) iIr ""'~ on: orl"ff!'lTf!rff'
50 1976 >i IIIfIrf'Iq~ Ii. 86 'lIT .. "r
urn (30.9-1976 Ii) "qi~!ill ~">II 1"11'1 H lIfa~'\lIa' ,
e. 1984"~1I. I 9 'iii am 2iTUW,roNa'

120 Extracts from the Government of Union Territories A.ct, 1963
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
1[(6) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (4), the reservation of seats for the Scheduled
Castes in the Legislative Assembly of the Union territory shall cease to have effect on the same
date on which the reservation of seats for the Scheduled Caste~ in tht House of the People shall
eease to have eff!"Ct under article 334:
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shaH affect any representation in the Legislative
Assembly of the Union territory until the dissolution of the then existing Assembly.]
4. Qualification for membership of Legislative Assembly.-A person shal1 not be qualified to
be chosen to fil1 a seat in the Legislative Assembly of2[the Union territory] unless he-
(a) is a citizen oflndia and makes and subscribes before some person authorised in that
behalf by the Election Commission an oath or affirmation according to the form set out
for the purpose in the First Schedule;
(b) is not less than twenty-five years of age; and
(e) possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed in that behalf by or under
any law
5. Duration of Legislative Assemblies.-Tbe Legislative Assembly of '[the Union territory]
unless sooner dissloved, shall continue for five years from the date appointed for its first meeting
and no longer, and the expiration of the said period of five years shal1 operate as a dissolution of
the Assembly:
Provided that the said period may, while a Proclamation of Emergency issued under clause (I)
of article 352 is in operation, be extended by the President by order for a period not exceeding
one year at a time and not extending in any case beyond a period of six months after the Pro-
clamation has ceased to operate.
• • • • •
13. Vacation ofseats.-{l) No person shall be a member both of Parliament and of the Legis-
lative Assembly of t[the Union territoryj and if a person is chosen a member both of Parliament
and of such Assembly, then, at the expiration of such period as may be specified in the rules made
by the President, that person's seat in Parliament shall become vacant, unless he has previously
resigned his seat in the Legislative Assembly of the Union territory.
(2) If a member of the Legislative Assembly of '[the Union territoryj-
(a) becomes subject to any disqualification mentioned in '[section i4 or section l4AJ
for membership of the Assembly, or
(b) resigns his seat by writing under his hand addressed to the Speaker,
his seat shall thereupon become vacant.
(3) If for a period of sixty days a member of the Legislative Assembly of '[the Union territory]
is without permission of the Assembly absent from aH meetings thereof, the Assembly may
declare his seat vacant:
Provided that in computing the said period of sixty days, no account shaH be taken of any
period during which the Assembly is prorougcd or is adjourned for more than four consecutive
14. Disqualifications for membersbip.-(l) A person shaH be disqualified for being chosen
as, and for being, a member of the Legislative Assembly of '(the Union territory]-
J.-:~;'b~.-by Act ofi9S-;:~. 6S:f;'~-;~b~;"tio;t-(r.) ';'~:f. 3~5-198ii:----'-- --.--.----.. ----
2. Sub •. by s. 65. ibM., for ". territory" (w.e.f. 30·5-1987).
3. Subs. by Act 24 of 1985, s. 2, for "section 14".
• Ui4<ffio mtr.r "18101.... , 1 963 ft ~ 120
(1IT'T 2--W<{ ~ at 18 f",,")
I[ ( 6 ) ~ (4 J if fiRr 'mr 'I; ~'fct ~ .."t ;itr "(r~ '1ft finrl;{ <rm if at,!~O- "Ilf<flil 'I;
~ ~ lOT armfVT a<r o-lit", «
~ ~l "I'Tlt'lT f"lll'lil ~G' 334 'I; .,.ift;; .rT<1i<r1{! if at"!'lm
'IJ'lfuliT 'I; ~ ~T lOT armfVT ~ ~m :
~ ~<r '3'nl'ro '01 q;l~ iIIo- ;itr ~fu.- '1ft finrr'f ~m if ~ f'fWlfTif <rl{! 'I; f.m:;r 0-.. .nt
IT'IWf 'fI!T ~ I]
4. ~~~~m~~~-'li\f~ .[;itr~] '1ft flI!lH ~m 'I; fm ~ 'liT
..ror iI; ~ "f'f• oM 'I; f.r!:t arf~o- o-If"t lJ:Trrr GI';f-
lf~ "1m' lOT 'fT~ i[l
(if» am:
f.rilt;r;r arrll"R rnr ~ f.lflrtr lI1fu'!i"<f 'I; \!'If~,
fm "'Tf.Rr
'fi[\'ft ~ if l<r lI1I'm' ij; ~ ~ ~ ~ ij; at"!llT'I: W'l'f ~ lfT lIf<r'irr;f ~ .,;, '31f <n:
~!f;'{ ;

( liT) ij;'If « ij;'If 'IViIrn '!'i if>"t at'Tl! lOT \l:T, .,."
('I) m <mr ~ a;"lI" ~1fT1t~, GIl ~f.rilrafmfl!fu [m lI'Ta<ril;"'!l"t'fflm:d''lftGf;{( I

5. fim'f '""'" IJI nftl-·[;itr ~] '1ft flIaH <rm lffl: ~~ i!\' mi'o<r ~ "" ~"t ori<ft' ~
0-), .,.qit If¥l'Ir ",fu~M ij; ~ f.rlf(f trmiil « 'I'i'if iI'f 0-.. 'iff<'!. '$IT, ~ at'fu.. ~.,." 'I'i'if '!'i
if>"t ;ffiI' O!'!fu '1ft <I'Ifl1ta lOT ~ a<r <rIfT lOT f'f'Wl' i[Trrr :
~ 0I'Ifu 'liT, Gf'f il1~"4 352 ij; '1m (1) t 3t!ft'f ;;rm '1ft rr{ arl'ffir '1ft ",,<fIq'l! snr<fif
if ~, ~ arr~ rnr f.l;\ft ~tft at'<rf!l ij; ~ ~T ~~ <lIT !:tif> iIT'l: if !:t.. iI'f« at'fu.. '1ft 'f~ ~ift
.,;, ~~orr ij; IT'!ff 'f 'ii: <!Ilit ij; wm{ f..tft 'If"t ~ if '31ffl RUT( ~ ll'r<r ..r .,.,rril'« dff!l'lr
~\l:rrr I

* * * * * *
13. ~...,mtr~-(l) ~ "lI"f.f« ~8"!: .,." '[«'I' ,m:hJ'Ift f<Hr-or <rm, ~A1 ;pf Imq
~ 6:rrr am: qft ~ Olffii, «~ .,." it(fl flI!lI'f <r 1fT, ~lifT lOT mfll" "!'f f.r'll orfm ~ o-l ittft.,.;rflr
'1ft ~ ij; 'I'ffi<t ;;{t ~ rnr iATl!; ~ f.rll"IIT if fl!fif~'i!: 'liT "I lI:t «8"!: if itij' 0lIfi<! lOT mil'
f'Qffi I{T "IlI:t'lT qft '31f't Wl' .<~ if;1 finrr'f <rIfT ij; at"l''f .~Tif 'liT ~:lr I{T ;;@ <lI"T'l fW ~ I
( 2) qft Wl' ~ '1ft flf'olTif <r m lOT ~-
(if;) fii!lf'f ~m '1ft ~ ij; f.r!:t '[!I'm 14 Ifr !IT'T 14';1"] if ~ fm f.r$r ij' lffir
i[T GfrnT ~, lI'T
(liT) OTS!I~ if;T «.jlf!lO- a;qif ~, ~ ~1iT rnr at"l'if ~H lOT <lfI'1T "" itrr ~,
~T ~m i[Tit <n: <i~ i'Il'f R'ICf i[T Gfflt'll I
(3) qft 2[Wl' q~] '1ft fifElTif <rIfT lOT ~ mo fi:if '1ft .,.'lfa 0-.. f'Uf" <r IlT '1ft .,.~;rr 'iI!
f.riIT a<ri rn "'~I!\''Il «"'1,'fR:lI"<f '6:o-r <IT fii!lT'f ~T '31f'li ~ 'liT fffir 'Ilfira' "" ritft :
q~ mo f<R' 'lfr ;ffiI' O!'!fu '1ft ~lJVfifT m if fm ~r ar<ifEl 'liT ~iI' if 'f~ f",qr. or~ f<ra'~
~ mu'f "iTT mlr<rfua' In' foffin: 'iff'l: ~ atf.... fi:;fj \l; fiil'11; <Off'lef ~ ~ r
14. «if!'II<rI riI fi;r~ ~fIt-- ( 1) ~ oqfu '[«q -q'1nhLl'tT ~orf" ij'm lOT <Nflf '!;if <!IA ~
~ am: ~ i[T'" ij; ~ f'Rft<r i[rrr-
I. 19S7i1;~lIo ISotT urn 6UIU (3()05-19S7~) ~ (6) iI;"",,~~ I
:z. 1987 iI; ~ 110 IS ott urn 65 oro (3()o5-1987 it) "f'lHlhi'lr "«"",,<t' iI; m" ~ srfuml'iff I
3. I 9 S S iI; ~ lio 24 'lit urn 2 oro "sro 14" iI; """ ~ .f"'UNd I

32-804 MIa La\\' &. JusticeJ94

121 Extracts from the Government of Union Territories Act, 1963
(PART II.-Acts of Parliament)

(a) if he holds any office of profit under the Government of India or the Government of
any State or the Government of '[the Union territory], other than an office declared by law
made by Parliament or by the Legislative Assembly of the Union territory not to disqualify
its holder; or
(b) if he is for the time being disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member
of either House of Parliament under the provisicns of sub-clause (b), sub-clause (c) or sub-
clause (d) of clause (1) of article 102 or ofany law made in pursuance of that article.
(2) For the purposes of this s~ctiOll, a person shall not be deemed to hold an office of profit
under the Government of India or the Government of any State or the Government of '[the
Union territory] by reason only that he is a Minister either for the Union or for such State or
Union territory.
(3) If any question arises as to whether a member of the Legislative Assembly of '[the Union
territory] has become disqualified for being such a member under the provisions of sub-section
V), the question shall be referred for the decision of the President and his de':ision shall be final.
(4) Before giving any decision on any such_question, the President shall obtain the opinion
of the Election Commission and shall act according to such opinion.
'[14A. Disqllalification on ground of defection for being a member.-The provisions of the
Tenth Schedule ta the Constitution shall, subject to the necessary modifications (including modi-
fications for construing references thurein to the Legislative Assembly of a State, article 188,
article 194 and article 212 as references, re~pectively, to the Legislative Assembly of "[the Union
territoryL section 11, section 16 and section 37 of this Act), apply to and in relation to the mem-
bers of the Legislative AssemblY of '[the Union territory] as they apply to and in relation to
the members of the I:egislative A~sembly of a State, and accordingly,-
(a) the said Tenth Schedule as so modified shall be deemed to form part of this Act; and
(b) a person shall be disqualified for being a member of the Legislative Assembly of [the
Union territory] if he is so disqualified WIder the said Tenth Schedule as so modified.]
• • • • •
39. AS!ll'mhly c:onstituem:ies.~For the purpose of elections to the Legislative Assembly of
"{the Union territory], the Union territory shall be divided into single-member assembly consti-
tuencies in accordance with the provisions of this Part in such manner that the population of each
of the constituencies shall, so Ilu as practicable, be the same throughout the Union territory_
40_ Representation of Pondidlerry in the House of tbe People.-There shall be allotted one seat
to the Union territory of Pondichcrry in the House of the People and that Union territory shall
form one parliamentary constituency.
• • • • •
51. Provision in case of failure of constitutional macllincry.~If the President, on receipt of a
report from the Administrator of '[the Union territory] or otherwise. is satisfied,-

(a) that a situation has arisen ill which th" adminislration of the Union territory cannot
be carried on in accordance with lh~ provisions of this Act. or
- - - - -..._----
1. Subs_ by Act 18 of 1987. s. 65. for '-anyUnion territory" (w_c.r. 30-5·1987).
- - - --_._- -. ---
1- Subs. by s. 6'./hid.• for "a Union t<friwry" (w.o_f. 3O-5-t987).
3_ Ins_ by Act 24 of 198'••. 3.
ti\1 ~ mu;r .ilQlliqq, 1963 W~ III
(m'T 2-411'\ iii 3!faf~)

(~) Iff!: ~ 1fI~ ~ ill qr f'!>lft 'l:nq 'liT ~if>T"( ill lIT '[liIf "Q'lIl~I)f) 'liT q'~ iii
3fJA' ~ ~ ~) ~ pyit !l"I<'T 'l>,'t' <I'T(:r 'lIT ~ "' il:TifT ill'\ 'I' qr ~ "''<~, ~ Rm
"~T a
'I' fiffil rnr tftfl;'a' f~ ~Ii orTll' ~T ~ ,f[('![ ~T~; 31l1'1'r
('I) Iff!: 'It~. 102 ill ~ (1) ill '3"r~ (<f), '3"r~ (tT, IfT'3"rR ('f) ~ ~
ill 3Ilfr;r 1fT '3\t ~ iii ~ if ifolr{ '1"~ fm filf-I ij; lId\''f I\' 11'\ ij; 't'Af <R"Il if ~ f'f>'lft It
~ it ~ if '¥ ~. ij; 3f'\<: ~ Q'tll' il; ft;r~ <mf'!'1' ~ ~ I

(2) l1f a-m ij; !flf~:fj ij; f<'T~ m ·.ffl 'lou "(ll'f'l'<l; >troT ~ ill lIT fl14't ~ '11\ ~~
ij; 1fT '[,r.r 'I:TOlrorn] 'liT ~<11T< it srft;r vrT>t or.r . ~ m~ ~ qr;n 'If\' :;[lIfIT "IfI!'TT f.I; ~ ~
~ 1fT i{q "''''' 'lit lI'I ~ ~ 'lIT ti.rt ~ I
(3) W: ~ !fir.{ 'OO;fT f~ '[1\'<1' "(f11Il'~;f] 'liT f'l'm'! '1'<11' 'lIT ~ ~ i{m lm<f ~1'1' iii f.Itt
~ (1. J 'l':" ani'!; f.fU~ lIT 'TIfT ~ 1fT '1fT'll !f~ lI'H ~rr ~ M'TRlf ij; fiN, f.!~ tlI;zrT'
~ am: '3\t'IIT filr" ... " affirq iIFn I
( 4) ~ f~ In'f 'f( ~ir ~~ q ort ~qfcr r.m...r
3ff!it.T . 'liT 'l:Tlf tiMr 6'fI ~ 'I:TI1 iii
~'IiTli~ I
1[1". ~ ~ ill ~ ~ ~ iii ~m If{ ~-4fi:m'I 'liT ~ ~ iI;" ~
~ ~ ij; (fom; atorkr mf~T<PT 'liT fW'l1f,n, 3f1:~ t88,~ 194 ~ am:
212 iii !!fir ;;ft fm~ ;;;r~ 'I>'I'~ I\'q{ro!llffif) '1ft fif~T'I ",fT, >:'ct 3ffilfifIN <n m(f 11, mu t 6
am: m'I:T 3'
ij; !!fir
ij; ..., it 3f'i \Of;TTlI' ill f-rt1; ~~) arm-'T ~ ~ '[~ """Iofa] 'liT
fifaT'l "ttl iii ~ 'lit am
T-lil; ~~ it ;om ITWf{ ""I'l tlr ~ r'l1!1t~!f tfn f'fJ1A" "1l'T .. ~r "')
qft am ~. m if '"'l i!Tff ~ ~- am:
("') w lI'I1r( ,.qjaf"" '3'ffl 'f;vff 3f'!'l"" 'iiI' ~ 3!f.1f.n''I' 'fIT 'll'T'I lfIIIIl ~~ ; am:
(ti) ~ 8IIfiRT '[~ W~of,,] ;tt Nil!'" "oil 'l1T ~ ~n it f'I'-z f'fl:ft!y ~ If1'Ir 'f4: no
5I'Ii1'( :aqiaf(6 '3'RI 'fw.ft 3f'!'rf\' ~ oti{)., H !flir~ f.fl:~ 'IT ;rm I ] a
• • • • • •
39. """ f.miR-a-'[~ ~] "') WIT'! "ttl iii ft;rQ; f~ iIr lI'!I'r.rI iii f~ ~ ~
~ W m'T ill ;m;VT if; ~ tt'$ ~ uttl f~"-~r it Uftf ot;i\' t f'{<l,f;r.r fit;1fT ~'IT
f'" ~~ it ~ 'Iir ~, ~ 1f'Ii ~q<f i{T, «omr q.q. ~ it lIa't i\:T,ft I
40. ~ """ if ~ 'I1T softlf..lallf--I;fr'll «ttl it, 'lik<li\" ~ ~ '111 ~ m i!llItfi!"6' f""
\iIT~ ~ I« n ~ 1:t'fl ~~ fim;R-mr i{""'::1
. .
• • • • • • •
51. Qlftia,r".. a.fImI~~"'tm'if~-:qflt ~ 'I1T '[~ <1""",a] it; 1I'lI1'TWJ t {'(tilt
r'l({'f If{ lIT l!/OII'IT If( ~ iII' OfraT a fiI;.-
("') ~ f~ <n'f''''T i{T <F. a~"q ~ ~... (m4f~'fir IT>lTTlI'f n lifilf.fll! ill" ~ t.
~~~I(~ '1<'TNI' ~. «'I'<fT . a~ lIT

I, 1987 i!;!IIfiIf.rl1'rVo I8lJ'illRT 65l1R1 ( 3()-5-1987 ill "fflI'" ~",!Q" it; m<! ~ .f..... Nd I
2. 18 8 5 it; IIIfiIf.rq1r Ii 0 24 oft m:r 3 I\'U aiI!:i<I1Iirn' I
112 Extracts from the Government of Union Territories Act. 1963
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)
(b) that for tile proper administration of the Union territory it is necessary or expedient
so to do,
the President may, by order, suspend the operation of all or any of the provisions of this Act
for sUl'h period as he thinks fit and make such incidental and consequential provisions as may
appear to him to be necessary or expedient for administering the Union territory in accordance
with the provisions of article 239.
1[52. Autborisation of expenditure by President.-Where the Legislative Assembly of '[the
Union territory] is dissolvcd, or its functioning as 'uch Assembly remain' suspended, on account
of an order undor section 51, it shall be competent for the Prcsident to authorise when the House
of the People is not in session expcnditure from the Consolidated Fund of that Union territory
pending the sanction of such expenditure by Parliament] .
• • • • • •

I. IQS. i>y Act'l of 1980, s. 2 (w.e.f. 25·9·1979).

2. Sllh.~. hy Act [~(lf 19~7. s. 65. for "a"Union territory" (w.e"" 311-5-1987),
au (,...iil ~ .. fUf",q .. , 1963 6 '"~
(1fT" 2-~ ~ ilf!lf.fQ1r)

(li) ~ ~ ill :am- smm;r ill fult ~m ~ atmll"li QT ""lifA ~,

al ~ an~ mr ~ij' arfitflni.. ill {l>IT ~ If'! QT m ij'. ~ 'liT m'l ~ at<ri'il. ill fu1t,
<W iii! m ~, ~ i!>I: {l"ij;'lT arh: ~ij' 8/';fiIi,,,, <l'IT 'lTftarrflr'l; 'O<!iiu i!>I:~, ;;fr;ffl ~
239 ill :aq;ifii ill <II'fIT{ ~ ~ ill fult ajroQ"ij; QT ~ li<fta ~1 1
'[52. ~IRT SQIf~snftt!<ffil;1n;n'fl-~t ~T 51 ill aM'! mft ~ ill 'In~ "[~
<,~qole/] 'IlT ij'1Tf mmri!>I: 1ft ~ ~ QT ~«l N<rrr a>11' ill Ii"f it ;m; iit4" f.r;iflnr i!>I: mt
~ ~ i!i!T, "I'! ~ a'll «<i it ,,~ ~ <R ~ ~ ".qIllOl '1ft {l'f,rir f.rN it «
"4"11 ill fl'f1l:;i 8'{ ~l
~ ~ ~ if'Ii ~ 0lflI 'liT lnWF<1' ~ot '1ft ~;r 'IlT ~ ~Wt I]

• • • •

I. 1980il;~I!'. I otIliTU urn (25-9-1979lt) 'I'\'I~ I

2. 1987 iI: ~ Ii. 18 'Ilt!l111 65 rro (30-5-1987 It) ",,"i "U"'I iii" ij;~'Il'f 'I' lIfurom 1/
(1 OF 1992)

• • • •


3. Legislat;.. Assemhly and its composition.-(1) The total. number of seats in the \-egislative
Assembly to be filled by persons chosen by direct election frol'! territorial cor.stituencies shaH be

(2) For the purpose of elections to th"e Legislative A<sembly. the Capital shall be divided into single-
member assembly constituencies in "ccordance with the provisions of Part III in .,uch manner that the
population of each of the constituencies shaH, so far as practicable. be the same throughout the

(3) Seats shall bneserved for the Scheduled Castes in the Legislative Assembly. and the number of
seats so reserved shall bear.. asnearly as may be, the same proportion to the total number of seats in the
A"embly as the population of the Scheduled Castes in the Capital bears to the total population of the
Capital and the provisions of article 334 shall apply to such reservation.

Explanation.- In this section. the expression "populatioIJ" means the population as ascertained in
the last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published:

Provided that where such figures have not been published. then for the purposes of elections for the
constitution of the first LegiSlative A<sembly under this Act, the prOVisional figures of the popUlation of
the Capital as published. in relation to the 1991 census shall be deemed to be the popUlation of
the Capital.

4. Qualifications for membership of legislative Assembly,-A person shall not be qualified to be

chosen to fill a seat in the Legislative Assembly unless he-

(a) is a citizen of India and makes and subscribes before some person authorised in that
behalf by the Election Commission an oath or affirmation according to the form set out for the
purpose in the Schedule:

fb) lS not less than rwenty-five years of age: and

(e) possesses such othcr qualifications as may be prescribed in that behalfby or under any law
made by Parliament

5. Doration of LeglBlativ. Assembly.-The Legislative Assembly. unless sooner dissolved, shall con- .
tiiltie for five years from the date appointed forits first meeting and no longer. anel the expiration of the
said period of five years shall operate as a dissolution of the A<sembly:

Provided that the said period may, while a Proclamation of Emergency issued under clause (I) of
article 352 is in operation. be extended by the President by order for a period not exceeding one year at a
time and not extending in any case beyond a perio,! of six mcmths after the Proclamation has
ceased to operate.

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124 Extracts from tlze Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Act. 1991

(PART II.-Acts of Parliament)

14. Vacation of soats.-(1) No person shall be a member bOlh of Parliament and of the Legislative
Assembly and if a person is chosen a member both of Parliament and of such Assembly. then. at the
expiration of such period as is specified in or under the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of
1951) and the rules made by the President under clause (2) of article 101 and clause (2) of article 190, that
person's seat in Parliament shall become vacanl unless he has previously resigned his seat in the
Legislative Assembly.

(2) If a member of the Legislative Assembly-

(a) becomes subject to any disqualification mentionedin section 15 or section 16 for mem-
bership of the Assembly, or

(b) resigns his seat by writing under his hand addressed 10 the Speaker and his resignation is
accepted by the Speaker,

his seal shall thereupon become vacant:

Provided that in the case of any resignation referred to in olause (b). if from the information received
or otherwise and after making such inquiry as he thinks fillhe Speaker is satisfied that such resignation
is not voluntary or genuine, he shall not accept such resignation.

(3) Iffor a period of sixty days a member of the Legislative Assembly is withoul permission of the
Assembly absent from all meetings thereof, the Assembly may declare his seat vacant:

Provided that in computing the said period of sixty days, no account shall be taken of any period
during which the Assembly is prorogued or is adjourned for more than four conseculive days.

15. Disqualifications for membership.-(1) A person shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and
for being, a member of the Legislative Assembly-

(a) if he holds any office of profit under the Government ofIndia or the Government of any
State or the Government of any Union territory other than an office declared by law made by
Parliament or by the Legislature of any State or by the Legislative Assembly of the Capilal or of any
other Union territory not to disqualify its holder: or

(b) if he is for the time being disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of
either House of Parliament under the provisions of sub-clause (b), sub-clause (c) or sub-clause (d) of
clause (1) of article \02 or of any law made in pursuance of that article.

(2) For the purposes of this section, a person shall not be deemed to hold an office of profit under
the Government of India or the Government of any State or the Government of any Union territory by
reason only that he is a Minister either for the Union or for such State or Union territory.

(3) If any question arises as to whether a member of the Legislative Assembly has become <lis-
qualified for being such a member under the provisions of sub-section (1). the question shall be referred
for the decision of the President and his decision shall be final.

(4) Before giving any decision on any such question, the President shall obtain the opinion of the
Election Commission and shall act according to such opinion.

14. ~r liiT!twa R-(l) a;!t "'Iflffi ~ lI'IT fut:lR tI1'!l ~r' a;, ~ 'lift g)rrr am:
lIR a;!t "'Iflffi ~ lI'IT
~,tI1'!l,'a;, ~ 'fI fln1lI 0!ffiT ~ <it~, 31'ff'1~' ~ a; qi'ml, ;;II i!iJa; 'l'fuf.!f<l<'l'31~, 1951 (1951 iliI43)
,m- ~ m:T ~~ 10 I a; m (2) lI'IT ~ 19() a; m (2) iI' '" <rna; 31tfr.! ~ on ;;m(, <rn "'""" a;, ~ II'
"""" fhRr ;it <mU;TlI, '"" (fa; fa; m fut:lR tI1'!l iI' rn ~ a;) qgiR ;ft 'lift' 1'IfTT fu'IT gI

(tI)31"'1ll! a;) ~ 31ll'1 ll1'<lTaR 1'ImCl iim m:T3Ill'I ,,11'1 iliI1'IfTT a;r ~ ~ 31R: <rniliI ~ 31"'1ll! m:T
l'lftorn: a;r fln1lI 0!ffiT g,

~ m (l'l) iI' ~ ~ all ~i1I iI', 'Ifu 'lf1<! ~I if '" 31'"1'11 am: ~I Gi'I'I a;r-i a; qi'ml, ;;II 'IW ita; UlfGl,
If'lTft.:Jfu, 3l'Elf!ff a;, >«: 1'!l!1'IR ;it 0!ffiT g fa; w ~ ~a; '" 3I1'!<ift inff i <it 'IW ~ ~ all ~R:
'Itt' rim I

(3) 'Ifu fu"lR 1'11'11 iliI ~ 1'110 fu'! all ~ CIa; tI1'!l a(13I~ a; fiR! ~ 1'11'lt ~il'if i! 31~ rnrr i <it
1'11'!1 ;;rna; ~ a;) fhRr mflre a;r {I<i;rft:

~ "10 fu'! all """"",f>:r ~I WToR' a;"" iI' fa;.tI ~I'31'ff'1 'Ii, firnT;J iI' 'I1f!' fu'II ;;mr1T fur1:ri; 'lRR tI1'!l thl.Rld
1fI f.mrr
;m- if 3lMa; fu.rr a; ftm( ..wm
nret g I

15. ~r <l; ft;ro: f.n:tl'n-(l) a;!t "'""" fut:lR tI1'!l a;, ~ wi <lIR a; ftm( 31R: ~ m a;
flffi! f.rrffre iilT1l,-

(a;) 'Ifu 'IW 'IlTt1! tmOR: a; lIT fuml mol 1'Intm: a; 'lI fuml t!"I molllr-.! ~I tmOR: a; 31tfr.!, ~ ~ all li~
fur1:ri; tm1JT a;"" 'Ir.1I."" f.rrffre 'I iit'!! trn? mr lIT ftl;m mol a; ~-li~ m:T lIT ~ '" ftl;m ar.<I t!"I molllr-.!
aft fut:lR tI1'!l m:T "lm ~ K, a;!t <!lI1'I iliI ~ tm1JT lImI1 i;

'Ifu 'II! 31~ 102 a; m (I) a; ~ (\If), ~ (11) 111 <!'m'g ("l) a; ~ a; aJ<ft'I3I'l'IT <rn ~
a;31~ iI' ~ ~ fa;tft i\iM a; c<r.t<ir oil 31<f1'1 ~ oil ~ ~ l!' I} ftl;m tR'I iliI ~ wi <lIR am: a; ~ m
CI1'1'!l!lf Am g I
(2) lPl' '!I1U a; ~), ;i; ~ a;!t "'Iflffi liI<Ii!! lPl' iI>R:Vt 'IlTt1! 1'Intm: oil '" fa;tft mol on 1'Intm: '" fa;tft t!"I moltffilon
1'Intm: a; atfr.! <!lI1'I iliI ~ tm1JT a;r-i 'Ir.!I 'lift trII'G!l ;;mr1T fa; 'IW ti"l iliI '" ~ mol iliI '" ~ u.r mlftffiI
a;J Ii'.!t g I

(3) 'Ifu >«: l!!/'I COCII ~ fa; fu"lR tI1'!l a;J 0iTt 1'1~ ~ ( I ) a; ~ a; aJ<ft'I ~ w m
a; ~ f.!ma ;it 11'11
g lIT '11ft. <it 'II! l!!/'I ~ ;i; i\if.!11"'1'1 ;i; ~ f.RfiRI fa;lIT <mU;TlI am:
<rnl61 i\if.!11"'1'1 <iIftnl I m

<rim I

33-804 M/o Lllw & Juslice/94

125 Extracts from t"e Govemment of National Capital Territory of Del"i Act. 1991

(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

16. Disqualification on ground of defeclion.-The provisions of the Tenth Schedule to the Con-
stitution shall. subject to the necessary modifications (including modifications for construing
references therein to the Legislative Assembly of a State. article 188. article 194 and article 212 as
references. respectively. to the Legislative Assembly. section 12, section 18 and section 37 of this
Act). apply to and in relation to the members of the Legislative Assembly as they apply to and in
relation. to the members of the Legislative Assembly of a State, and accordingly:-

(a) the said Tenth Schedule as so modified shall be deemed to form part of this
Act; and

(b) a person shall be disqualified for being a member of the Legislativt Assembly if he is
so disqualified under the said Tenth Schedule as so modified .

• • • • •


38_ Election Commission to delimit conslituencles,-(l) The ~lection Commission shall, in the
manner herein provided, distribute the seats assigned to the LegiSlative Assembly under section 3 to
single-member territorial constituencies and delimit them having regard to the following provisions,

(a) all constituencies shall. as far as practicable. be delimited in such manner that the
ratio between the population of each of such constituencies and the total populaiion of the
Capital is the same; and .

(b) constituencies in which seats are reserved for the Scheduled Castes. shall, as far as
practicable. be located in areas where the prol'ortion of their population to the total popula-
tion is comparatively large.

(2) The Election Commission shall-

(a) publish its proposals for the delimitation of constituenCies in the...Official Gazette and
also in such other manner as the Commission may consider fit, together with a notice inviting
objections and suggestions in relation to th~. proPQ~als and specifying a daie on Or after which
the proposals will be further considered by it;

(b) consider all objections and sugtstions which may have been received by it before the
date so specified:

(c) after considering all objections and suggestions which may havt been received by it
before the date so specified. determine by one or more ordtrs the delimitation of constituen-
cies and cause such order or orders to be published in the Official Gazelle; and upon such
publication. the order or orders shall have the full foret of law and shall not be called in ques-
tion in any court.
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126 Extracts from the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Act, 1991

(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

39. Power of Election Commission to maintain delimitation orders' up-to-date.-The Election

Commission may. from time to time. by notification in the Official Gazette,-'

(a) correct any printing mistakes in any order made under'section 38 or any error
arising therein from inadvertent slip or omission: and

(b) where the boundaries or name of any territorial division mentioned in any such
order are or is altered. make such amendments as appear to it to be necessary or
expedient for bringing such order up-to-date.

40. Elections to the Legislative Assembly.-(1) For the purpose of constituting the Legislative
Assembly, a general election will be held as soon as may be, after the delimitation of all the
assembly constituencies under section 38.

(2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the Lieutenant Governor shall, by one or more
notifications published in the Official Gazette, call upon all the said assembly constituencies \0
elect members in accordance with the provisions of the Representation of the People Act, 1951
(43 of 1951). and of the rules and orders made or issued thereunder as applicable under sub-,
section (3/

(3) The Representation of the PeOple Act. 1950 (43 of 1950), the Representation of the Peo-
ple Act 1951 (43 of 1951). the rules and orders made or issued under the said Acts and all
other laws for the time being in force relating to elections shall apply with necessary mod-
ificatiolls (including modifications for construing references therein to a State, State Government
and Governor as including references to the Capital, Government of the Capital and Lieutenant
Governor, respectively) to. and in relation to. the general election referred to in
sub·section (l).

• • • • •
53. Power of President to remove difficulties.-(1) If any difficulty arises in relation to the
transition from the provisions of any law repealed by this Act or in giving effect to the pro-
visions of Ihis Act and in particular in relation to the constitution of the Legislative Assembly,
the President may by order do anything not inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution
or of this Act which appear to him to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing
the difficulty:

Provided that no order under this sub-section shall be made after the expiry of three years
from the date of constitution of the first Legislative Assembly.

(2) Every order made under sub-section (1) shall be laid before each House of

• • • • •

39. ka-~ atnitTr ~ Q fl: 4\ 'H' at~1!ir aft atml>l ~ lift 1l!ft.I-<r-' ~ ~. m!1flI Ii'
3i"'!t.m\l:rn"""," rn:r Q1'I"II-Q1'I"II Q"(-

(0;) 'lTU 38 <f; 31tlR ilI;Q; '111: ~I 31RI/T it <fii IiIi1ft !I"" ~ 'l.iil 0;) 'II dI'WMdl ~ ~ 'fiI 'II
iffiq ~ m' ~ IiIi1ft 'll!Rft 0;) I(!il" lIi1: ri'1l:

(Iii) '161. Gl6f ill; 3"lJ IiIi1ft M ,)' aft.""l1sid ilI;m ~ m <fii <fllmi; 'II 'lTl!'Ift>Iffrn lIi1: ~
;;nij go, lIiT Qji l'rirt:R o;r ~ ;;fI 3"lJ 31RI/T <il armt'I ""'" <f; flm< ail aJI'Ii"QlIj 'II
~ 1TtfIlt ;it'l

40. ftro:rR lim <f; ft;w. P""f.. " (I) 'lTU 38 <f; 31tlR ,,"" lJm ~->ir-it lIiT ~ m <f; tti'lIQ
ilrnllR rn'IR lJl'!T 0;1 7J;5'I m <f; ll"!~ <f;. Itt« ~~ lJtm(UT ~ lIi1:f!IT ;;mrrTI I

(2) d'<l'Qm (I) <f; ll"!,"",f <f; Itt«, aQ(lo'NIQt. mtm! it lI'6ITI/Td 11:0 'II 31ftro; dI f<I\l"~lo1t rn:r, om.
\lri1r.,~"" 31~. J95 J (195 J lIiT 43) 31t.: ~ 3ItlR iRT1I: '111: f.r<:!;it 'II ;mtT fl6tt '111: 3IRQlT <f;, ;;fI d'<l'Qm
(3) <f; 31tlR <ffiT! ~. ~ <f; ~ d"'" lJ1'I\ "'" ~ -liAr it ~ <f; ~ <fii
3litlID <rim I

(3) om. ~31~, 1950 (1950 0;1 43). om. Y~f.lfu"" 31~. 1951 (1951 0;1 43) om:
d'fij' a1~ <f; 31tlR iRT1I: '111: f.!<m 'II f.t1!mi\ '111: 3IR1/T ~n ~ it l'!oifua <IWI'I lI'fU tI"" 31"'1
flrtmri, ,or",i"QlIj aQid(Un' t!lta (R;r;rit' m' 31~ o;r't <f; Itt« ~, UOIi tI~ 31t.: ~ <f; lIfa ~
it lI;lll/T: ~. ~ <fii ~ 31t.: aQ(I'f4QIIit <fi lIfa ~I/T ij; ~ il' .. f4lfutd ~ "" t) <!1itIm (1)
it' .~ lJ1'Irr17l fi'r'ff;:r;J aft 'II ~ l'!oi<I' it <ffiT! itllt I

• • • • •

53, 0;f6" Iii" 1 ~ ~ lift (I lSi! Q fa lift ~-( 1) tlft ~ dI f<lr.,4.. rn:r mftrn IiIi1ft rnfu <f; ~
$ l'rlfiI11I1 <f; l'!oi<I it, 'II ~ 31~ <f; ~ 0;) ll'1i'ft m
it <I'll ~~I""d41 ~ lJm <f; 7J;5'I <f; l'!oi<I Ii'
itt '"~ ~ ;:)cf\ g a) ~. ~ aIRI/T rn:r, ;;fI 'l'r~ <f; 'II ~ dlNf.l ... <f; ~ <f; 3Il'!m! " it,
itt "" !lTd' <fir ri'1l ;;fI ail 3"lJ '"~ aft ~ m <f; lIliFiR <f; flm< aJI'Ii"QlIj 'II ~
IIlfia ;it:

~ ~ ~ <f; 31tlR '"'It 3IRI/T "'''' ~ lJm <f; 7J;5'I <fii mtrer ~ aA 'f<f <fii tIiIIfl<r <f; qi"lRf 'Ilfr
~ ;;mrrTI1

• • • • •
(3 OF 1968)

123rd March, J968.]

An Act to supplement the Jammu and Kashmir Representation of the People
Act, 1957.

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Nineteenth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-

1. Sbort title and commencement.-(l) This Act may be called the Jammu and Ka<bmir
Representation of the People (Supplementary) Act, 1968. .
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 9th day of February, 1968.
2. Application of sections 116A, 116B and 116C of the Representation of tbe People Att, 1951
to orderS made by tbe Jammu and Kashmir Higb Court.-The provisions of sections 116A, 116B,
and 116C of th~ Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951), shall, so far as may be,
apply to every order made by the High Court of Jammu and K4shmir subject to the following
modifi<:ations, namely:-
(a) references therein to the High Court shall be construed as including references to
the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir,
(b) references therein to the State Legislature or to the Speaker or Chairman thereof,
shall be construed as including references to the Legislature of the State of Jammu and
,Kashmir and to the Speaker or Chairman thereof, and
(c) references therein to the provisions of the Representation of the People Act, 1951
(43 of 1951), shall, in relation ttl the State of Ja~mu and Kashmir, be construed as references
to the corresponding provisions of the Jamml;l ""'d Kashmir Representation of the People
Aci, 1957 (Jammu and Kashmir Act No. IV of' 1957).
3. Repeal and saving.-{l) The Jammu and Kashmir RepresentatioD of the People (Supple-
mentary) Ordinance, 1968 (Ord. 2 of 1968), is hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the ,aid Ordi-
nance shall b~ deemed to have been done or taken under this Act.

~""'.t(R ~ Slfilf'1fac<f (041\<"') anaf'1QQ, 1968
(1968 ItiT 3)
[23 ,,~, 1968]
~~ "'- IIfttfllftoN ""'fII",,, 1957.)
ar.t~ ~ oifi:ltt

11m' 1'I"'ro~' ~ '" it ~~ rnr r"... !l1f&ij ~ it q srflIflr4fir<f ~ :-

I. ~ '"" ~ 1I'm'f-(I) q .. ftoPw, ~~ ~'lIra~fto ... (~) .. ftIr.tqq,
19611 qT ~ 9i11>Tr I

(2) ~ 1968 'II\'~it; "" fl:;r 'Ii'l' lf~ II) 'TIfT ~ ~ I

2. "'- 1IftIf.n1ilN'~, 1951 ~ihnmif 11 a., 116. ~ 114Pr lIlT ~~ ~
"'' ' ' '1' ' ',,,,,.,, 1m ~
'"t Il'TiWt lilt +f11J. ~-U .. rd~fS<q ~ 1951 (1951111T 43) 1I!\'!llmif
11~, 116li at'\1: 1161T ill ~ 'l(Rr.~~ ~ ·4141~1f mr f1fi'Q; '"t ~ snQ '" f<'ti",,, r"...
..mro iii; q!1Ir Q, ..eMq ""'I. l{"fof, 8Pri<!::-
'. ('Ii) <nI1I' ~ ~ "',", M iI> IIftr f.Iim 1IIT aN w IA1I"': <'I'<rrIfT ~ 111;' 111ft ~
<II1'It~ ~ """,~q it; Iffa' amt,~,
(V) m ij; ~ flmr;r-m ill IIftr 1fT wi!; at!5Im 1fT \I'It1'tftr' iii lIf<t ""'" 'lIT iII"t ~ ,
~ \'I1Tl1IT ~,f.I;.;m; ~ <II~ ~ q, ~->iq ~ lIflf Il'~ M _ qf •

~a' it; IIfu :m- ~, a"rT

(If) m it; Wt.I; lI1iIF"Itl<>l .. Iilfllqq; 1951 (1951 1IIT 43)' ill ~ ill lfftr· 'liT
~~ ~ it; mit 11:'1 lfiiT{ arf<'l'lfl'lfT ~ f<6 ~ '''<If.~( <'I')W Iff<lf.rflf:'f .. 111",,,q,
1957 (1957 'liT 'ifl1J:~( .,filfllqq ~. 4) ill ~ ~l t Iffa'!l ~!
a. r;ml'f ~ ~f"-( 1) \iTRf. ~ ~I(h: r(s1~..., <ml fi q~" (~) ..tfrnr, 1968
( 1966 'liT 2) ~<I"'«I (, mr~ A;1fT Gl'm t I
( 2) ~ f.ror;r iii; ~ lit 11\' ~ ~ A; ~ ~ iI> ~ 'lit 1ft 'Iil't lffif 1fT ",,4.. ,(l ~
.....Ii.... "q-q it; ~ ~ 1ft ~ "If((1ft,

(76 OF 1972)
[30th December, 1972.]

An Act to provide for the readjustment of the allocation of seats in the House
of the People to the States, the total number of seats in the Legislative
Assembly of each State, the division of each State and each Union terr;toryhwing
a Legisla- tive A~5embly and the Union territory of Delhi into territorial consti-
tuencies for elections to the House of the eople a'ld L~ gislative Assemblies of
the States and Union territories and Metropolitan Council of Delhi and for
matters connected therewith.
BE it enacted by Parliament in the Twenty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. Short title.-This Act may be called the Delimitation Act, 1977.
2. Deftnitions.-In this Act. unless the context otherwise requires.-
(a) "article" means an artiole of the Constitution;
(b) "associate member" a member nominated under section 5;
(c) "Commission" means the Delimitation Commission con~tituted under section 3;
(tf) "Legislative Assembly" includes the Metropolitan Council of Delhi;
(e) "latest c~nsus figures" mean the census figures as ascertained at the census held ill
1971 ;
(f) "Member" means a member of the Commission and includes the Chairman;
(g) "State" includes a Union territory having a Legislative Assembly but does not
include the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
3. Constitution of Dellmitation Commission.-(l) As soon a~ may be after the commence-
" ment of this Act. the Central Government shall constitute a Commission to be called the Deli-
mitation Commission which shalI consist of three members as follow~:~
(a) two members, each of whom shall be a person who is or has been a Judge of the
Supreme Court or of a High Court. to ba appointed by the Central Government; and
(b) the Chief Election Commission. ex {Jfficio.
(2) The Central GoveCl1ment shall nominate one of appointed under clause
(a) of sub-section (I) to be the Chairman of the Commission.
4. Duties of the CODlmission.-It shall be the duty of the Commission to" readjust on the
basis of the latest census figures the allocation of seats in the House of the People to the several
States. the totalnumb~r of seats in the Legislative Assembly of each State and "the division of
each State into territorial constituencies for the purpose of "elections to the HouS'" of People
.and to the State Legislative Assembly:

Ii" t i.. . . ",
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~- .~ -E ~~ it!f ! lJ E ~ ~ fIf., -; I i·'i' ~~ ..~ ~~ ~ E ~ 1: ~Ii:~ I~
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~ ~ " ~ t .g
129 Delimitation Act. 1972
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

Provided that where on such readjustment only one seat is allocated in the House of the
People to a State, the whole of that State shall form one territorial constituency for thr purpose
of elections to the House of the People from that State:
Provided further that it shall not be necessary for the Commission to readjust the allocation
of seats in the House of the Peopl to any Union territory or the tutal number o( seats in the Legis-
lative Assembly of any of the Union territories of Daman and Diu. Pondicherry and
Mizoram or the total number of seats in the Metropolitan Council of the Union territory of
5. Associate members.-(I) Th~ Commission shall associate with its, If for the purpose of
assi<ting it in its dutie< ill respect of each State, ten persons five of whom shall be members of the
House of the People representing that State and five shall be members of the Legislative Assembly
of that State:
Provided that where the nnmb~r of members of the House of the People representing any
State is five or less, then all such members shall be the associate members for that· State and in the
latter case the total number of associate members shall be less than ien by such number as by which
the total number of members of the House of the People representing t;)lat State is less than five.
(2) Th~ persons to be so associated from each State shall be nominated, in the case of mem-
bers of the House of the People, by the Speaker of that House, and iIi. the case of mFmbers of
a Legislative Assembly, by the Speaker of that Assembly, having due regard to the composition
of the House or, as the case may be, of the Assembly.
(3) The first nominations to be made under sub-section (2)-
(a) shall be made by the Speakers ()f the several Legislative Assemblies within
one month, and by the Speaker of the House of the People within two months, of the
commencement of this Act, ard
(b) shall be communicated to the Chief Election Commissioner, and where the
nominations are made by the Speaker of a Legislative Assembly, also to the Speaker
of the House of the Peoples.
(-I) None of the associate members shall have a right to vote or to .;ign any decision of the
6. Casual varancies.-If owing to death or resignation the offie-e of tne Chairman or of a mem-
be~ ,~o" an as~:odate member falls vacant, it shall be filled as soon as may be practicable by the
G:nt;af Gov"'1mcntor the Speaker concerned under and in accordance with the provisions of
sectioil ?, or, as the case may be, of section 5.
7. Procedure and powers of the Commission.-{ 1) The Commission shall determine its own
proced\lr~ and shall in the performance of its functions have all the powers of a civil court under
the Co~c of Civil Procedure, 1908.(5 ofI908), while trying a suit, in respect of the following matters,
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of witnesses;
(b) requiring the production of any document; and
(e) requisitioning any public record from any court or office.
(2) The Commission shall have power to require any person to furnish any information on
such points or matters as in the opinion of the Commission may be useful for, or relevant to,
any matter under the consideration of the Commission. .
(3) The Commission may authorise any of:its members t6 exercise any of the powers con-
ferred on it by clauses (a) to (c) of sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) and any order made or act
done in exercise of any of those powers by themember authorised by the Commi&sion in that
behalf shall b~ deemed to be the order or act, as the case may be, of the Commission.
(-I) If there is a difference of opinion among the members, the opinion of the majeority
shall prevail, and acts and orders of the Commission shall be 'expressed in terms of the viejws of
the majority.
qf~ arfuf.r'l11', 1972
(1I"t<f 2--<i1fl!: ~ arfu'f.!4,,) 129

'1m! ~ ~ '1:;;: ;;'IfTzf,"!'\" <n: mOf; miT if f'l;4t ~ il> f"f'l; il>.l'!
q~ flIT" 3frtf~\l f~..r qi'TT
~,'IW '3"ij' mil" \'t l'fi'I; mrr il> f.rqf;;;fj il> w."h!" ~ fuq m"T 1;~
~ lfT~ ~"-~<f ~:
q",! ~ aih: f'I; arc1frT il> fi:rt1: 4l; ~ 'l{f 1tTiff Ii!; 'iii: m~ <fill iff-miT Wr U;;qll;r '!iT flTr;fi
if; ~ 'liT lIT ~"1' ati, <i\<i, ~ <MT filoiT<:'! Wr ~'" if \'t fm 'liT flIiT'f mn if ro.n
'liT ~\i ~ 'liT 3T'!'IT ~ Wr ~ 'liT ~ ~ it rn;ff 'lit ~ <iii".. 'liT 'fif: \TIlr~;;
Ifi\ :
~ 1iI~~l{-- (1) 3!Tlfrr ~ ~ il> <rT~ if artit 'IiTlfI if ~ ~it ill IT'I'r.rI ~ rl'!'l;~«
~ 'lit m[T"f ~, r~ «
qR lill'f.!a' w ~ 'liT ~ q;;:it 'iT(lr m~ mrr it! ~ i!~
am: qR ~ '3"ij' 'U'iI1' 'liT flmTif mrr il> ~Ii i!rq :
""'! "'~ fm ~ 'f¥ lIf~ q;;:it <mI 'IT'li Iil'lfT iIr lmli\' 'liT ~ 'It'l' lIT '3'lf\'t "'" ~, q3T
it~ ij'lft ~!f W mil" il> f~ «~<f ~ i'tTii am: 'l1I'l'l'l; ~(f 1f!ITT if, ~ ~r 'liT '§<'r ~
~ «w.ft ~«'li1! 1l:Wl' f;;ri!'ft \'t '3'« ~ 'liT IIfaf.lflWf ~it <rrof\' \iT~ mrr if; ~ 'lIT '§<'r
~IIT ~ \'t lji1f ~ I
(2) Wl'li ~ « W~ ~ i'tr.t ~ ~ 'lit, m'll ij'qT il> ;moif ;fI m if, ;rn ~
if; 3lS!f1ff ~, am: flIltR mrr if; ~ Of;{ 1f!ITT if, '3'ij fil'fITif ,!lH il> 0I'51i0f ncr, 4qi~fcr, "fN; '""
lIT fiI'ItR ~ il> 1fO'f 'liT ij1'lT'I(. tlITif m
~ ;;rqf.!f;:.;e f'l;qT JTi~T i
( 3) '3'lm'U (2) if; anft'I ~;;rTit ~ ~ ~q('I-
('li) 11:« ~ il> lfT"ryi[ \'t~ ilTIiI it ~ f'lf-.r;r flIfITif ~lfTlif iI1 3l'5W rnr 3Il, ~
1fT~ if; ~ .rt'li mrr it; arS!f1ff imT, ~ ~; am:
(13) 't6'l ~ arc'!,"", 'liT~ f~ ~~iT, 3I'f<'f(tlfTlIf.mrif f~ffl~1fT ill 3l'5:ffl mr
~ "1m ~,qi ;;rT'li IiI''IT it; 3fSlI!lT 'liT '1ft ~'I<T ~ oriIt'T I
{ 4) ~ lm'ff if «f'I;m 'liT 11"1' O!T4fIT il> f'I;m fqf" .... 4 'R q", ~it 'IT ~ m 'liT ~
;;@ Ii:t'Tt I
6. cU'liftll'li f~~ 'f<li 'IT ~ il> 'IiT'('lf 3f~!f'll' lIT f~m ~q' 'IT f'llli\' <fi!'!'fl ~q 'liT
~ f~ 1[1<fT~, <it ~ 'lfi'l lI'IT(!\'~!l' m<l"<iT \'t, 'f4rWrt'<f, f.Tm 3 4T f.TTU 5 ij; '3'fif'lii ij; ~iT an(
&1'!<l11; ~ ~ ID<:T 'iT ~4 3l'5!l'!ff am 'liT ;;r,!1;lfT I

• 7. ~""IIf!r;1nan: ~\im1rt-(1) arr'lTrr arq;ft srf.. m m at'T.nfur am: OI''lit ~ .rn-r

~ iI ~ fm 'iT'l' 'liT fiI'<rr«r '\i,(t \TIl'! r"'iff<'ffu'ff ~~'lii ij; .r': it fuf.R mm .\ffll:fff,
79::71908~ 5) il> attft;;fu'f<f<; OIlJ'll'l'l'!4 'liT«1ft ~ ~<it, 3flflq::-
('I') ~1Wii 'lit ~ ~ am: "3"I"Iit ¢.;r1: lfi\Tit 'lit;
(10) f.I;liI' ~~ 'OT <rn f'I;'if OTf'IT ~ ~:{ ~; am:
(,,) mil ;mlilOfll" lIT ~ «f.r.m m.. 3ff.r.f€f 'liT 3l'5!l''tm q;;:'t q;{ I
( 2) arr1frT 'lit ~m 0iffi!<I «iW\' omit 4T fiI'q1if ij; <Itt it, Gil '!IT>it'T ~ 1;[4 if '3'ij'l; fil'qru!ft:r
f.1;<it' fiM'!T iF ~ ~~T 'IT '3'«« '!~'Td ~, 0l1<l.mT ~~ ij; f'T'Q; OI'M q;;:'t 'liT m'fl i'tTif! I
( 3) arrlfT!r 0T'rit lm'fi iI \'t fil;lfr ~ '!iT '3'tllT<T ( 1) ij; ~ ('li) \'t (" ) am: '3'Nm (2 )
1m'! ~ m~ iI ~ f~t ma- 'OT IT'it~ q;;:it ij; fuo; lI1f,,~ q;;: ;r"tin, am: arrm am ~
I\lfire' Il1iil f<f f.I;liI' ~ rnr '3"1 ~ if « f'liffi ij; lT1frT if ~ '1'Q; arr~ 'fT f~ '1'Q; f-miT
""li ij; om: if 'fI!. <l'{ollT ~ r..-, ~i'I, 'ffl. arr~ 'iT ..rt arc>iT'l 'liT ~ I
( 4) llfi: ~ it tfM ~ '" 'I'Q'I<T "T'IT ~ 3f'\; arr>itif ij; '!iJ'll;it>: '!IT~ qlfl!' iI; ,!fise",'r'l
if; ~ arr"'-'tR!I ~ 0fIItil1
130 iJeiwlitaliuli Acl, 1972
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)

(5) The Commission as well as any group of associate memb~rs shall have power to act not-
withstanding the t¢!Ilp;>rary aiJsenc~ of a m~;nOJr or asso~iat¢ memb¢r or the exiStenca of a vacancy
III ta~'>ll or lU taM or allt otller ,grouJ? or associate memoers; and no act or proceeding
of th~ CO.n.ntsslon or of <lllf group of ass:J~iat¢ m~mb:rs shall be invalid or called in question on
tll~ gr":llll.n;r~lt of su~i1 te.nJ?3rary absence or of thc'existcnce of such vacancy.

(6) The Commission shall be deemed to be I< civil court for the purposes of sections 480 and
482 of the Coae of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (5 of 1898)1.
Expiallalioll.-F or the purposes of enforling thc attendance of witncsses, the local limits of thc
jurisdiction of the Commlssion shall be the limits of the territory of India.
8. Readjustment of number of seats.-The Commission shall, on the basis of the latest census
and navmg regard to the provisions of articles 81, 170, 330 and 332, and also, in relation
to the State of l'lagalanu elause (2)(11) of article 371A and sub-section (1) of section 1l of the
State of Nagalauu Act, 1%1. U of 1~()1.), in r~lation to the Union territories except Delhi liections
3 and 39 oJ the Government of Union Territones Act, 1963 (20. Qf 1963), and in relation to the
Union territory of Delhi section 3 and sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Delhi Administration
Act, 1966 (19 of 1966), by order determine-
(a) the number of seats in the House of the Peoplll to be allocatud to each State and the
number of seats, if any, to be reserved for the Scheduled Castes and for the Scheduled Tribes
of the State; and
(b) the total number of seats to be assigned to the Legislative Assembly of each State
and the number of seats, if any. to be reserved for the Scheduled Castes and for the Sche-
duled Tribcos of the State:
Provided that the total number of seats assigned to the Legislative Assembly of any State
under clause (b) shall be an integral multiple of the number of seats in the House of the People
allocated to that State under clause la).
9. DeIlmitatioo of constituencies.~l) The Commission shall, in the manncr herein provideU,
then dismbute the,seats in the House of the PIlople allocated to each Stl1te and the seats assigned
to the Legislative Assembly of each State to' single-member territorial constituencies and deli-
mit them on the basis of the latest census figures, having regard to the provisions of the Consti-
tution and the provisions of the Acts specified in section 8 and also to the following provisions,
(a) all constituencies shall, as far as pra~ticable, be geographically compact areas,
and in delimiting them regard shall be had to physical features, existing boundaries of
administrative units, facilities of ':ommunication and public convenience:
(b) every assembly constituency shall be so delimited as to fall wholly within one parlia-
mentary constituency j
(c) constituencies in which seats are reserved for the Sched wed Castes shall be distributed
in different parts of tho State and located, as far as practicable, in those areas where ,the pro-
portion of their population to the total is comparatively large; and
(d) constituencies in which seats are reSllrved for the Scheduled Tribes shall, as far as
practicable, be located in areas where the proportion of their population to the total is
the largest.
(2) The Commission shl\ll-
(a) publish its proposals for the delimitation of con,tltucncies, together with the dissent-
ing proposals, if any, of any associate member who desires publication thereof, in the Gazette
of India and in the Official Gazettes of all the States concerned and also in such other manner
as it thinks fit;
I. SH now tbe Code or Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act 2 or 1974).
qft~ 'IftIf'lqq, 1 97 2 130
(qI'T 2~ i 3!fiifllq,,)

I (5) ~";rnr il; ~~ ~ #'t f.!; ~ ~ 'iT tI'il'tlfll' rnlI" ilP."fr>ft' '" ~, aqm.o\'\' ~, 'iT orrlftir '<f
~ ~'i ij; ~ 'iT foj;:ft ar>:r 'IVT<'fT it~f.n ftl1'11'f ~, 'IT'Il·T \'\''IT <T1{'!,1fl mn <n fmlforr.IT
'lit m~ <n mu
srr<d' 3:)'IT, ail-.: 3!rrf'r.r 'iT fli'~ "Hif.f mit "'" 1f1t;fi 'm 'liTi 'mf 'l1' <nr,f-
'f~ ij;rr.r i(m 3l'f'ITlft 3!'!'ffI'llf\'\' liT tt'm fI'f'I\'I' .;r mr>rf'lm ij; orrlm: G', m;n;.!1ff"f qr ~.f'rd' 'I(t
~rm I
(6) ~lIf'ii'l1'., 1898 (1898 <nr 5)1.;r urn 480 ail-.: 482 ij;~ ij; mil; 3!r>ft''1'!f;1
t;.Ii fmor ~II' >;!II1fr ;;nt1;'Tl I
~t'f-mf<m .rr i!ff;;n: !f;{fr 'l; If lim'i ij; f.rIl; 3!rrftir <n 3ff'Imvrr 'lit ro;n. mn:( \if@'
it (fo4<1a <n «"\'Irr1t ~'ilfT I
8. ""t;fi 11ft Qn 1Ii1 f\" M,.il ....-3lTrrTri ~ Of'fli"AT ij; art¢ ij; arrm:If>: am:
81, ~ 170, 3T\~ 330 3l'\'I: aq~<&~ 332 \'I"<rf ~ ~ ij; ~!l it, 3f1~ 371!f; ij; illig
(2) (;;:0) 3lT>: ~ ~ arllTA1rlf, 1962 (1962 'm 27) .;r mr 11 'Ift~ (1), fit.orf ij;
f'ir<n'if, *r {f~r. ij;m it, <f<r 'U7!<h !!IllPI' arM'fIflf, 1963 (1963 'm. 20) '1ft mr 3 aib:
urn 39, ail-.: ~;fr <i<nr"'flll<f ij; m it, ~ lfmwr 'arMofIflf, 1966 (1966 'm 19) '1ft
uro 3 3Ii<: urn 4 '1ft ;ron-cr (1) ij; 'OG'ili<if .rr !:lmf it ,w §t! 3!r~ am f,,"'If.rI~ arnrrf«i
(!f;) <f"\'!f;~ itlT<If'" mil' ij;' r.,~ ~ ~r.rlff(:r ~'lft U5'<T 3l'\'I: ~rO;iT 'lit UIilIT,
.m <i'rt &:T, 171~ ~ !f;T 3l'i'lJ... a "lrfu<iT 3l'\'I: 3l'l!rf"'d ;;r~"',fd41 ij; f.rIl; 3!f"(fm' foj;.fI' <lim
~; ar"h:
(Il) If<lf'li <Flf 'lit fim;{ <NT ij; f~ ~ 'Ii\ ~or ~1ilIT ail-.: :;;t ~ 'Ift~, qfi: ~
iiT, f<i'~ m. '1ft 3f,!'lf'f\,\, orrfff1ft 3l'\'I: .~ "I'f.;rrfu>if ij; ~ arro~ foj;qf Ofm ~ :
cro<f. illig ('i) ij; 3lm:r f<li~T mt
~)N~'f <f'IIT it; f<'i"~ ~q~iI;rr U~qf ~ ('I>i t arm
'3" mil' ij; f~ "TTli' it 'lTI<if~5 ~'Ift ",om 'lit '!vr'I<Ii 'If< ~ -L .........,.
9. ~-1IT.if 'lit qFmq ..-( 1) 3!r4Tlf If<lf'li ~ ij; f..{~ <'!).r, "lIT it 3ff~ ro;iT 0'lT IT<i!of>'
U"'If 'liT fi;arf lTIiT it; f.;rl1; ~ !f;T ~'#i :iT'f <l'fi!\'\' ,'\fu ~ n:oj; Iml[f<f lfTtI'm; f'l'lT'I''f~ii it
f'f~ !f;{'iT. <1'11' "'ff'f0lf <If'fII"II'{T ij; art~'i ij; 3!rm: q,
",,;;r qftm'l'l' m'farf ij; :;'I'ili;f'i ai\1: Q'l',1
8 it fi;f.('~ atfirfif• .n ij;':oG' arTl: f~;i:iCi 'OG'~'i.rr \if SIWi' itUff lilt ~'TT. ar<ri,,>-
('1'» lTIiT f;t<r['f'f-!lT;r .. ",6,611 'f111'1f"f~ ~ it· ~;; 1iTi.1' ~N ~ ~'ffl 'If~ ~~ Ii';.
'3'l'fl lfT§fuli' fq;T't:!T31l, ~MIF~... ~<IiT¢t '1ft NIIliT'f m.rr31l !f;1,!i<n<: '!,f'f;flar'f 3t'I, m~fif'"
'" Nm ~) S'tA' it ,'i'IT ;ri"iT;

('li) IT<~''' niTro 'fllT f«['f'f-1f. 'm 'If( if'fif 'H. 1;[, f.1I 'if11J;'TT f4; 'f<! '4!oT ~ if I:!'I>
;rT .rroll' f.!'qt;f'f-lll<f ij; ~ 3!r 'ifT11;;
('I) ~ f'f.r'f'l'-!hf '1ft, f.rilf oFt!jf'fd ~ it; fN ,·tT'f '-tro4rr ~ ij; fr~ -<1I'1'i
ii f<f:Ifa foj;!fT "l11l;'iT 3th: !['fT 'lTH ~ ~'f ri<f) it 3t''ft'i1'f Rqf ~ITT f.rrit 'J.'f Of'f'TIilIT'~ '3''''fof
0f'I~ 'lit 3!'!'fI\'I' ~Ti>\'\' arf'..:rili' ~; am:
('I) foi'if'f'f-,l;ir. ;f.rf;r·'{ii
:;;t "''lWiffi
'if;mfu:r'i ij; f<;1l; ~ 3!r1:for:r ~, ![-tr;fTH ~i ~.
ii aroWn'if Rqf <IfIl!;'lT fm'L-O- "I~464' ~;;~ "'~ 'lit 3t'1'lTiI arfiTi!;0If ~ ,
( 2) arTQTIf---

(~) f.ri!m~Wi ij; 'ifufI'>,.... if; ~~ -"""'I If'''''llITaii ,,'1 f.Ri'r ~ "'~'tlfa'
~JtAT3I'i ~, llf': ...~ ijJ, ;;iT '3'f;;r If!f;l1lif '"ldT ~, \i,,\,\, if; 'Q'.. 'I';l it ~
\'N{'.f '!iI,
If'q~ ,~i if;
,T"I'fa'i it ail-.: ~"T or'lI' -O-f,. \1:, "IT 'fi! .:;~ \I'llii' \11 ~, lI1Ii1fmi rnr,
131 Delimitation Act, 1972
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

(b) specify a date on or after which the proposals will be further considered by it;

tc) consider all obj~ctions and suggestions which may have been received by it before the
date so specified, and for the purpose of such consideration, held one or more public sittings
at such place or plaGes in ea(:h State as it thinks fit; and
(d) thereafter by one or more orders determine-
(i) the delimitation of parliamentary constituencies, and
(ii) the delimitation of assembly constituencies,
of each State.
10. Publication of orders and their date of operation.-{I)The Commission shall cause each of
its order~ made under section 8 or section 9 to be published in the Gazette of India and in the
Ollicial Gazette< of the States concernerl.
(2) Upon publication in the Gazette of India, every such order shall have the force of law
and shall not be called in question in any court.

(3) As soon as may be after such publication, every sw.:h order shall be laid before the House
of the People and the Legislative Assemblies of the States concerned.

(4) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (5), the readjustment of representation of the
several territorial constituencies in the House of the People or in the Legislative Assembly of a
State and the delimitation of those constituencies provided for in any such order shall apply in
relation to every election to the House or to the Assembly, as the case may be, held after the
publication in the Gazette of India of that order and shall so apply in supersession of the pro-
visions relating to such representation and delimitation contained in the Representation of the
People A~t, 1950 (4Mf ~(~Illd the Delimitation of Parliamentary and AssemblY Consti-
tuendes Order, 196iJ,iiiid'any final OI;ders of the Election Commission relating to the delimitation
of parliamentary constituencies or, as the case may be, of assembly constituencies of any State
made in pursuance of the provisions of any other Acts.

(5) Nothing in this section shall affect the representation in the House of the People or in the
Legislative Assembly of a State until the dissolution of the House or of the Assembly, as the case
may be, existing on the date of publication in the Gazette of India of the final order or orders of
the commission relating to the delimitation of parliamentary constituencies or, as the case may
be, of the assembly constituencies of tha t State and any bye-election to fill any vacancy in such
House or in any such AssemblY shall b~ held on the basis of the provisions of the laws and orders
superseded by sub-section (4) as if the said provisions had not been superseded.

11. Power to maintain delimitation orders up-to-date.-{I)The Election Commission may, from
time to time, by notification in the Gazette of India and in the Official Gazette of the State con-

(a) correct any printing mistake in any of the orders made by the Delimitation Com-
mis.sion under section 9 or any error arising therein from an inadvertent slip or
omission; and
(b) where the boundaries or name of any district or any territorial division mentioned in
any of the said orders are or is altered, make such amendments as appear to it to be necessary
or expedient for bringing the orders up-to-date, so, however that the boundaries or area~
or extent of any constituency shall not be changed by any such notification.
V) Every notification under this se.-tion shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is issued, before
the House of the People and the Legislative Assembly of the State concerned.
q(\41 ..,,~'I1A, 1172 131
(1l'T'T 2~ il; ~ """")

(Q') 1:f<iT ~ flI'f;rf.{oa- ;;"tlrT fmrit 1fT r.n!t 'f,'m!, if\{ lffIfTHT3Tf on: il"T.r f<r;m: rnr;
('I) ~ «1ft il"T~hT am: lli'lTl'T 'f, f'l'ifR ;;"tlrT .". '3'9' ,« 11''1>', flI'f;rr~.~ <rrtN ~ ~
lIl"<! i!r ~ {, am: ~ If;;r-.: ~ rn ij; lfll'r.r;r iii ft;r~ smr;; ~ it ~~ ~ QT ~ <n:,
f~ if\{ '3'firn IiflflrnT ~, ~ 1fT -rf;ro m<i~f.r'!> <fo;ff ;;{'IT; am:

(If) d""'I',( ~ 1fT 'ff!l'l> ~ am (>: ~ i/;-

(i) ~ f.r'l'f'f'l~;iT 'liT 'ffur'f;r;r; am:
(ii ) flI'!IT'! ij"Iff f.r'If;RT-m orT 'fft4t,..,

10. ~Thif'l!Tnmifalt'i;U;lfd'l'qi\-"r~l!I--( 1) m,ft·y ITi,r 8~; Eri_r 9 iii lI'ift;j- 1lt;Q; ~

'f~~ if< -rr~w 'liT 'if11:a' ~'i'i.f arr{ liu ,r;;!jf ~ ,pnii itlfi1ifw.f ~ I
(2) 'I!roI' iii ~ it If'IiTfWa' iit~ <n: ~i\' ~ il'r~if 'liT f'l'fl1 ~i 'I''{ lfl'.'l iit'tr arT-.:: q~ fiI1ST
'41\41.,4 it ~ 'ffi iit'fT I

(3) ~lr lfii;lff il; 'Ilifi,! 'HIITI< lifrii ~<ri ~{ -rillf I'IlII" «ifi arlnru: -.::rni'f 1ft RIl"A" «1IT3l1
t~ ~~I J

( 4) '3<T!TT-.::r (5) iii 'O'Wm ij; 1Ii!ft;f; ~ ~ ilNfij"Iff 4T rod't "(\'l'Ii f<nIN ""IT if flI'Flnr lIRmi
r.rilf'f'l-i!l'i iii srfirf.;f!1<if '!>T ~ \1iI141~~ am: 1:f~ mrr ~ if , ~ mm.wr '!>T qfu.'1%
i!V ~ t 'I!roI' ~ ~ it ~ &~ it; ~, ~ mr, q,"r~rd. oil;; ij"Iff 1fT f.I'!IT'! ij"Iff iii ~
(~ij;mif'-'lT'(. ~1 am:msrFcrRfIT<'f ~af'fIR; 1950 (1950'lr! 43) am:~3l'\;:f'or!rR ""IT
~.w qfuftlf;r irr~, 1 966 it warif<a" ff4T ~ ~ II'fETf.rq-q'f ij; '3"fr-!!'i ij; ~ if,
qq,F",rd, ~ ~-i;iT 4T mrr ~ it f.I'!IT'! «'if! f.r~-i;iT ~ m if. ~ ~ qf<,,'1q~ lj?
lift it f.lqivr ~ ~ reST -rf.<nr m~ it -r'C!r~o ~~ lff<rfilfl1<'f i!\'t, 'Ift4'rli'f ~ .r~ff ~ 'liT
.. fdNd m ~ ~ ~ \i!'T iiPi' I
(5) ~« !H-.::r 'Ift'liTf ifTa', ~4T~'lfa', If<r"rq f.llfiifNTiT 'If re:fr ,T;;:i ijr f'l'il'f'! «'IT f.I'l'fifNhlf
iii 4fuft1A" iii ifl1: if ~ iii, .". II'RfIf -rT~ o:rit ~, ~iIi 'I!roI' il; mr-nr it lI'I!Tfimr iit~ <it ~l!I
'liT ~, 4'1I r... rd, m «'if! 4T f.I'!IT'! «'IT ij; lff<rf.rfiwf 'I, <fq <r;; If'if!'I' 'f@ ~~, ~'I' ff'I; m
«'if! 4T f.I'!IT'! ij"Iff '!>T f'r'l"iR ~f iita'T ~ am: ~<iT m «'Ir 1fT fliITT'f «'if! 'Ill" reST ftf-Iff 'Ill" Wff ij; f\;rQ; 'Ii'tf
'3"ff;r1fiif;r ~ fqfUqf am IIRWi ij; '3"f'l"fii iii, f~ '3"fITT-.::r (4) am ~~ f.t14T '14T ~,'fTITT"' 'f,
~« ~ f.t14T ~ 'll'iT '3"ffi ~ 'liT qf~ 'ffi f<I>4T 'flf! ~ ,

U.qf,(\',q" ~ lit RlR ~ m rtt ~-( 1) f~~, \lro1' ~ ~ if ail<:

.rq ~ iii ~ if, ",fui"~' am 1iI'fIi-1iI'f4 <n:-
('I» qf(.i'r'l'f ~ ;rm m-.::r 9 iii iI';ft;r ~ ~ ..miT it ~ f.t;\ft if 'f,if1JT nlft 1[W 4T
"'~" a... oI ~ ~ 'i"" lIT om iii 'm"! m '3'mI' iitit ifT<ft reST q<'!tft 'liT tI;;;;-.:: ~; am:
(t;[) <ifflJ '3"ffi ..miT H f.t;\ft ~ it qfOrn mrr m 'Ill" ~ lIT
4T fil;\I'r lfTitfui!> ~
~ 'IT'f if '!i'tt r;f'(qff'f ~ ....m ~. '!\{i ..miT 'liT fta"f rn iii ~ ~~ mlT'f;;-':: wmT
;;fi ~ ""'WI", lIT Iiflf'r.ft;r lI<ft<r lfTff ~, ~ .lI\l:~« If'!>T<: 'f.~'IT re retft .. fa"..." ~ f.t;\ft f.r~­
W 'Ill" \I'r>noit lIT ~ QT FffirR if qfu-d;r ~ IIT4T I
(2) ~« ITT-.::r it; ~ ~ ~fmrm 'lit ~;;m"t f~ ~ iii wmr. ~ ~sr m ij"Iff lIT
~ ~ 'Ill" mT'f «'if! lj? ~ "WI ~ I
(108 OF 1976)
l181h September, 1976.)

An Act to provide for the inclu~io:l in, and the exclulion from, the lists of
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, of certaiil C.l,tel and tribe." for the re-
adjustment of representation of parliamentary and a~3embly constituencies fn so
far as such readjustment is necessitated by such inclusion or exclusion and for
matters conne:ted therewith.
Be it enacted by Parliament in the Twenty-seventh Year of the Republic ofInelia as follow, :-
1. Short title Bnd com;n~ncement.-(I) This Act may be called the Scheduled Castes and
Scheiuled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976.

(2) It shall come into force on such date' as the Central Govenllnent may, by notification in
the Official Gazette, appoint.

2. Definitions.-ln this Act, unless the tOntext otherwise requircs,-

(a) "census authority" m~ans the Registrar General and ex officio Census Commissioner
for India;
(b). "Commission" means the Election Commission appointed by th~ President under
articlCl 324 of the Constitution;
(c) "D~limitation Act" means"th~ Delimitation Act, 1972 (76 of 1972);
(d) "last census" m!ans tlu census hJld in India in 1971;

(e) "Scheduled Castes Order" means the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950,
made by the President under alticle 341 of the Constitution;

(j) "Scheduled Tribes Orders" means the Constitutio:l (Scheduled Trib~s) Order, 1950
and the Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959, made
by the President under article 342 of the Constitution.;
(g) "State" means a State meluded in the Scheduled Castes Order and the Scheduled
Trib~~ Orders, and includes the Union territory Oflhc Andamar: and Nicobar.Jslandg .

1. 27-7-1917 : vide Notifn. No. S.O. S89 (E), dated tho 27th July, 1977, Oazette ofindia, E.traordinary, Part II, Section
3(ii), page 2397.
!. Rep. by Ac. 19 of 19t!8, s. 2 & 1st Schedule.

OI'!W"4a- ~('IQf allt Ol'~~f.o:ffl iR~tfCilrt 3(1~~I' (m-rT<r.f)
3tf~;:rtJlJ, 1976
(1976 \fiT 108)
[18 fun<tI" 19761

"'l~"'n IImm "" "Wiln "l'I;;rrfctlif ~ ~ if ~f~ :;nfulit W. GI'IJj ,fil4l 'Ill
.. fi;oIf..n ~ "" m ~ ,,~C\ rn ~ ~ ii1~ !!~ A; qit"
lIT "q'lf"," t'iIn:i \lITi\ it; 'm"I .mit! "" mn ~-m it;
1IfiIf.If~ 1f;T ~: .... '4'NI.. '"'" ~ ~ arnfI ~
~ II'(; ~ ~ .... ,41.... iir ~ "" m
Iiiffi;m flfqTif t fin(

1IT«f ~ iirlttll{,,1j ll'q ii ~ ~ f"",~ ~ it II'\! ~fqf.;qf'ffl ~:-

1. WfA;n1f~\nT~-( 1) ..... 'IIf.1f 'liT «f~ '{ilf ~'f.':(f'«! ~ am: Wf,W.ffl <r.i-
Gilft;qt ~ (~Twf) qfuf~, 1976 ~I
( 2) ~ \n£ i'frtT<;r' 'liT If'{'f ~f"'iT 'liT ij;;;iN m:.;i>:, 1JOl'fOi ii "f~ QrU, m-il' ~ 1
20 qf(itlifili ~ 'llfaf.rr<;r if, 'ifif ff'r. flo Ififii It ~ '{ &r.-
. ('Ii) "", ...,0,'1, ,ufu .. ,{'j" It = 'Of !fil!'~rnm. m 'If'I''l'''AT ~ 'IIf~<1' ~;

(11) "~' It qF<nlT,{ it ~~.~ 324 il; ,,; [1'>:1 fof'f."1 f.r!f1"f'l' ~ 1!f\fli'a ~;
(,,) "qfuft>r;r ~r~" It'lror'frr;r I<faf.rr<;r, 1972 (197~ 'liT 76) "f... ~<1' ~;
"-"- ""'- " :.."...& -'~
('i) 141~" 'Jj.,ijU,'f' ~ ~.1{ 1971 t1 COl ·1\ \ifOtlJ'JTOiT q'N')l(t Q;

(l') ""'!.~f"d "ITftrort ~' ?r qi'ftlT'l' it "'t~ 341 if; MT-'! '''''Ff" aliJ f'l\'lff 'fIf'
~ ("'1>tt:f'l" <i1'TftfIft) ,,~, 1950 "f'fllfa ~;
(,,) ",,~ "' .... 'fd4f· "r~" it ~ if; ~~6l~ 342 if; '1r!fH ~<I' gn:T ~
iN; ~ ("'l:.~ ",,,,,,,fd4i) ~, 1950 n'lT lti'fll'l'l' pi~R orT1: f.r<1ir.m: m) "1.W'fn.
",,,,,,,liIql~, 1959 'IIf.rnr ~;

(~) ",~" It ~!\T IF< ~f\fri1 ~ >IT "'toFT" ;;rrf\rrt m~ am: "1.'lf'«r .. """fct4t mtqjj
if ufArr.r", t am: ~ 'f'<i<Tn amR am: f.r-mm: it'f ~mr 'Ift.~ 1 *1
2. •

I. :!7.i·IQ77-~ ~';fr '4~ Cf,1;':' '~0 'is..) (~~) ~ '2.7 ~ )')iI. 'Qi~ of.1 7TY.Tn -:;;;;~ '\;WI·.;. "'1U'! ~ilii ~f:O .:-:.,: j'

:!. 19S1l if.- ~~ ~(' 19 ~ '1m.? '::m- fTj{;;\1 :-,r;wifl ~ ~ f<tm Ml1 I
l3.l Scheduled Casles al/d Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendmel/t) Act, 1976
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)
S. Determination of population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.-(I) As ~oon as
may be after the commencement of this Act, the population as at the last census of the Scheduled
Caste, or, as the vasu Inay b:, of the Scheduled Tribes, in each State shall b(' ascertained or estima-
ted by the Ct'nsus authority.
(1; Where by reason of the amendments mad~ by section 3 or section 4-
(a) any locality in a State specified in relation to any caste or tribe in any of the parts
of the Schedules to the Orders referred to in the said sections is varied so as to specify a brger
area in relation to such ~aste or tribe, the census authority shall take int0 account the popula-
tion ligures of the ~aste 01 tribe as ascertained in the last census and in any previous cen su 5
\Vh~reill the popUlation figures of the caste or tribe in respect of the increased area had bern
ascmained and deteqnine the popUlation of that caste or tribe as on the 1st day of April,
1971 by increasing or decreasing sucb figures by the proportion in which the general popula-
tion of the State or, as the case may be, the division, district, taluk, tahsil, police station,
development block, or other territorial division in relation to which such caste or tribe has
been spedfied by the said amendments has increased or decreased betwccn the pre\'iou~ census
afclCesaid and the last census; .
(b) auy caste or tribe which is deemed to be both a Scheduk-d Caste and Scheduled Tribe
ill relation to a State or part thereof is varied so as to specify such caste or tribe only as a
Sch,Jdulcd Caste or Scheduled Tribe in relation to that State or ].>,\,.t, the ceusus authority
shall take iuto .lecount the population figures of su"h Sch,:<it.ietl Caste and Scheduled Tribe
as ascertdined in the last census:
Provid~u that it shall not be nece.;,ary for th~ census authority to determine the population
of any Scheduled CaSk or Tribe as on the I st day of April, 1971, if th" popUlation of that caste
or trib~ was not asc'Jrtain"d at the last census and in any of the previous censuses "nd is, in the
opinion of lhat authority, numerically small.
Exp[allatioll.-Where the population figures 01 any castc or tribe in respect of any increased
area referred to in clause (a) had been ascertained in more than one previous census, the census
authority shall take into account, for the purposeS of [hat clause, the population ligures of such
caste or tribe as ascertained in the previous census Which is nearest in point of time to the last
(3) ThJ population figures ascertained or determined under sub-section (2) shall be notified
by lhe census authority in: the Gazette of India.
(4) The population so notified shall be taken to be the relevant population figures as
ascertained at the last census and shall supersede any figures previously published;' and the
figures so notified shall be final and shall not be called in question in any court.
6. Readjustment or constituencies by the Elediou Commission.-(1) After the population
figures have been notified for any State noder section '5, it shall be the duty of the Commission
(0 make such amendments as may be n,cccssary in tlfe Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly
Constituencies Order, 1976 (without altering the extent Df any constituency as given in such Order),
having regard to the provisions of articles 81, 170. 330 and 332 of the Constitution, of secticn
8 of the Delimita:ion Act, and of this Act, for th~ purpose of giving proper representation to the
Sch~duled Castes ::lr, as the case may be, to the Scheduled Tribes of that State on tw basis of the
number of reserved seats as sp~cificd in that Order as hereunder amended by the Commission,
and the First Schedule and Second Schedule to the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of
1950) shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly,
",!~f"''' ~!Iin: ",!~" GI"ii"fil4i ~ (~) mf'llllf, 1976 J.1J
('1fT"! 2 -ij'''''l. <i atfuf.r.!lT)
. 5. ",!~f.." :snfiIlif!lin: "1\1f..1<1 \II'~ ~1 ...'''i.... , 'lIT "',,m
o, ( 1) ~ ~~ >ii !fro'\t
~ '"""'" li'I'l'!fif;f sR''Il' ~ it, G4,fl><fd, ~~ ~
....., ",,,;;c,fMi 'Il\' ",,,4114, ~ flI;
;;nf:r!ff tIT .. ,,<If
... C'\

'ffl: ~ >ii Il'If!r oft, "'''',','1, srrfll'lni\' iiTU trf\lf~f... <t tIT U,#f<'ld 'Il\' ~ ,
( 2) iiii!T !7T'J 3 'H mu 4 am ~ ~ mmm it; q;roJj',-
('Il') f.pft ~ it ~ '!f'OOf it, ;;ft m mmff it ~ ~ 'Il\' "'t~f"'4n m1f1't ~ f.pft
m1f it fm GfTf<r 1fT ;;r;mfu it; ~ it f~ ~, ~ '!fu<t-r fimrr ;;rnrr ~ flI; ~ \II'Tftf tIT
"I'I'iiiTRr it; ~fl" it ~ lim flff.r~ fimrr \lIT uit.", ~r "''f''"'''' u,m'li,{\ q'~. "''1',', .. , it m
~ ~ "l'I"TilfifT it f;rnTi ...rmr a't.f >ii ~a it :Off 'lfrRr 1fT 'lfifmfu' ~ "' .. 4.... , t ~ ...~f.rfffir
f'!ro; ~ it, ll"lT trf'ITf.rfffiT ~ \II'Tftf 1fT ~ ~ 'lf1f~ it; ~ f~ <t ~ oft~ 'ffl: it~
~ it ~ trtrmT {t f:;rnit ~ ~ ~ tIT, Il~, If''1l', f.r.a,~, ~;ftor, ~ 1!ff.t, mr>r
rn tIT ~ ~qrq; 1ft ~ m!l1(Of "'' 4. . . ,
it f.lri ~w it itd\' 'lfTfu" 1fT 'lfif'I'Tfif 'il'R !f"f);pff
;rm f<rilr~ ~ 'If ~, ~<!(f ", ... ,','1,
am ~ "" .. ",1'1' 1j; <fr.! 'IF.J ifT ",.il ~ ~, ,F.J Ifi '
~ ~ orrfu" tIT "f'IGfTf'i ;f.T "f'I~ 1!>T;;ft 1 . , 1971 'li't oft, tr~ 'Il'~;

(l1l) f.!;d\' ""rRr ~T ~ it ;;ft ~~t """""" If' ~ 'lTrlfi~ ";fii;r it ~ tr'f,,\l:ffir 'lfTRr 3iTI
~~ <lI"'!\II'TfiI ~ ;mit ~ ~, ~f<:t'o1: '!f1:o/i., fimrr ;;rnrr ~ f.!; ~>ft ;;rrfu tIT ;;roRTfu 'li't l!I' '3"'f
1J0ll tIT m \1m il; #.r 'f fin«\- tI't,!:f~ 'lfrRr l1T "'\:I:f... a "lif;;rrfu 'l;.;;tr it flff",f~ flI;~r \lIT ~,
~ ""'I""'" mf!l'lr~ trRr<r 'fifIT'IT'ir it ll"lT "f'ITf:r~i! iMt tr~\I:~ \llTf.r oft, ~~
~ <t\ "T'ftiw it; ~ ~.r it ~ :
~ ",'1','1'1,mf!l'i\"r{\" 'i; f~ f.!;<ft trif.lJ:ffir \llTRr tIT '3Tif\II'Tfu" ;f.T ",,,4,,.. I!>T ;;ft 1 trt.::T, 1971
""" tiT, 'If'TlI1"(Of '!r':'!T ~ ~ it "'iI"""
'fifT!!lETT f:;rnit 'l'l" \llTf'i 1fT'lfif'fTRr 'Il\' 'lfifi'ii~ ...~ 'If'rITOT'Ir
it 3Th: ~ffif "iifIl~ it i't f.!;fi 1j"·'lf"Rf it trf'il'f:rfffir if.! ;f.T ort oft m '3"!T lITfu";l;rt\" ~ m it
oj """ it 'I\"1f ~ ,

~~ If''1l' ('li) it ~ f.pft ...r!1i'1 lim 11; ~ it ~ \II'TRr tIT ;;r;mfu <t\ "iif;iii4-r
it; ..r.ri ~ {t trf!1'll' ~ "iif1f'lT'!T3ff it ..r\lf~Ii! .. ", ~ ~ it ..w
'If''''"''1, u,fu'li,tl, '3"!T ' " iii
lfllT;r;f'i il; mil;, ';t,<fffif "f'I lfilfifT if ll"lT trfuf:rfffiT ~ lfi "11f-I" tIT ~;f.T itJft "iif~ il; ~ f~
it Wrr ;;ft ~ ~ 'iliz hf.<rq- 'If'1'fOTifT 11; f~'li?<11t ~ ,
( 3) ~ (2) iii Q'!ft;f trf'lTf.rf!r<m tIT WI"'.nftir -H<i;;q, it; ..r.ri "iiflf'lTifT l!Tfi3'l1rt\" rnT ~i!
il;~if..r~~ ~,

( 4) ~ ~ l!'Il'~ trf~ H<iij~' it; m? o:rRrri 'lfiflfilfifT it; Il'If!r ll"lT ~fuf:r~ 1!!frrff 'l\'if!fWf
it; m~ ~ 'lfrc(oT 3Th: wi "',,'li' f'iI'l1 ~ 'li't 3Tf<r/to<r '!i"~ ; am: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ..m
'lliT am: f'll'ft "WfF1''T if In'1'1f<r 'f@ f.m; \II'T1'(if ,
6. f'lllfq'l" ~ !fro ~·mn ~ 'r" Q'h4',SH ( 1) fl"T'cl 5 il; to ~fl" if
Q'!ft;f f.pft ~
~ iF ~T iF trf~ f'!ro; ;if.r it; wmi", o;rTlI'trr I!>T ~ ~ l!'Frr fir. ~, 'iiflrurif iii ~
81, 170, 330 am: 332 >ii, ,!fu!\'q"~ "fl1~ <t\ !7T'J 8 ~ am:
'<lJ mlif';rq'f ij; ;roM 'li't ~f"
it ~ ~, ~!f m f'<nrA "!'Ill mm-mr
qf...?1"'1 o:rm-. 1976 it (~..roo- if W( mr f'r.;!'\
f.mvr-llfOf 11; f<ffir~ iT 'If"*"
~ f~,), ~ir <iui'rwf 'lit ;;ft"". 'mlI <t\, '1'11 ffG r~, '!,'.i;f... ~ "11f-I"tiT"I
,.;r 'If '"'f.W'fi 'f'i'\II'TfQ1ii iT ~~ ~ if 'lfT o;rTlI'trr :rm~;f<j; II1ft".l 'i"ll1mr mr ;;rru:, '!l!!T filf~r"Gi!
~film <4T'i'f ~ ~om il; >;[TfW; 'f': '1'r,m srf'lf.rf",.. if.T -1; If'fm 11; f,ru; \if, ail< ~"I,"""'"
srflfifflm ~I\', 1950 (19;;0 I!>T 4:1) ~ lIv.r<f ~ ail< ~ ~ ij; <n't Ti ~ 'fI\'1IT
<;f!1('lT f.!; ~ ~ !f:ri't'j;! roll om ~ ,
1.;4 Srhedlflcd Castes III/d Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Acl, 1976
(l',\RT n.-Acts of Parliamen t)

(.J) In making any amendments undcr sub-section (1), the Commission shall. as far
n~CJ.lsary, h3V~ rcsard to the provisions of clauses (e) ami (d) of sub-section (1) of sec
Delimitation Act.
(3) The Commission shall-
(a) publi,h its proposals for the amendments in the Gazette of India and the Official
Gazdlc of tll'J State concerned and also in such other manner as it thinks fit;
(b) specify a date on or after which sueh proposals will be furthcr comidered by it;
(e) consider all objections Hnd suggestions whi~h may have been received by it before
tJle date so speCified; and
(ell tllJrcartcr make the necessary am~lldments in the Ord~r.

7. Procedure anrl Powers of the Olmmission.-(l) In the discharge of its functions under this
Act. the Commissh)n shall dcterminJ iiS own procedure and shall have all the powers of a civil
court lI~der th~ Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908), while trying a·suit in respect of the
following matters, namely:-
(a) summoning and 'enforcing the attendance of witnc~ses;
(b) requiring the production of any document; and
(c) requisitioning any public record from any court or office.
(2) The Commission shall have the power to require any person to furnish any information
on such points or matters as, in the opinion of the Commission, may be useful for, or n-Ievant
to, any matler under th" consideration of the Commission.
(3) The Commission shall be !leemed to be a civil court for the purposes of sections 345 and
345 of tJl() Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974).
Explanalioll.-For the purpose of enforcing the attendance of witnesses, the local limits of
the jurisdiction of the Commission shall be the limits of the territory of India.
II. Publication of amendments and their dates of operation.-( I) The Commission shall cause
the amendments made by it in the Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencie~
Ordcr, 1976 to be published in the Gazette of India and in the Official Gazettes of the States
(2) Upon publication in the Gazette of India, every such amendment shall have the force
of law and shall not be called in question in any court.
(3) As soon a' may he after such pu )lica!;on in the Gazette ofTndia, every such amendment
' and the Legislative Assemblies of the States concerned.
shall be la1d before the House of the People
(4) Subject :0 th~ provisions df silb-set:tion (5)_ the readjustment of representation of any
territorial constituencies in the House of th~ People or in the Lcgi.lative A <sembly of a State
necessitated by any amendments made by the Commission in the Delimitation of Parliamentary
and Ass~mbly Constituencies Order. '1976 and provided for in that Order as so amended shall
apply in r~bt10n to every election to the House or. as the case may be. to the Assembly, held
after the puiJlic.,(i"" j" the Gazette ofTndia under ,ub-section(!) of such amendments and shall
so apply in supersession Gf me provisions rlliating to representation contained in the Represen-
tation of the People Act, 1950 (43 oi 1950).
(5) Nothing contained in the foregoing sUb-sections shall affect the representation in the
House of the Peopl~ or in the Legislative Assembly of a State, existing on the date of publication
in the Gazette of India under sub-section (I)of the amendments made by the Comniis~on under
this Act.
"''t'lf"" onfutri ,"" ",!\1f"" "~.lIf"",i ~ (~) 1IIfi.rf~, 1976 134
('WI 2--~,r, orf!1f.rnr)
( 2) ;oq!:lFT (1) ;f. ,"i!;;' ;f.i~ 'irrI'tI:r;r ,",:Or ii, !;":>i\1T,:;r1ii 'N; 'i1'r.ilff. 0:), '!r,·T.IHlf';IfnlT 'f.t
!:1FT 9 'f') ;o~"l'T (1) 'r; S" (li) 3li7 'lh ('I) ;r, "q""lif '!il t<iA 'i "ii'ir I
( 3) m<frr--
('Ii) 'f!llt"ofi ij; f;,'l; q·m ~Im ;:f.t 'IfTv.( ij; 'J1l'l".f if, iT, '1-q" ,r;;>l ij; ,r.rl?,!" ii,
3!'\, ~'ift Wli ,'[m ir ;;iT "0: ;J"f,," m ,ll'f;rma- 'fit'lr; .
( ~) "l! "ITu,. f'lf.rP::"'! 'fi"ttrr ~::rr fu~ W'Il« '!l[ '0'1" >r:'lT'!"iTm G<: moT f'!,,-r, ,,'{>rr;
('I) ~ mft -'iTem m <;mlfi <n: f'R11: lj\'~rr m ~ ;:'1' !l'liP: Prf.f~~ 11rftr,r it; 'rt lilt,!,

7.'!I1lil'l'li) srf'lm "'" ~-( 11 ~ mm;r((ll'it; mft;; q'l''t" ~,tff 'f; f~-f&'f if, '7ITlir~ 'Arm
llf.;;·rT ~ '!f'rmfur 'Ii~rr 3{1<: :air f.rkfr:~ f!tm ;:f.t <;!'f1'f ~ '!iT ~"T ~(t ~ fuf'!9' lriWrr
<itt"T, 1908 (1908 '!iT 5) it; mft;; fuf.r.;r "'T1'I1'14 lft >:!>IT ~f lIl"<f ~tft, ~:-
('Ii) mfwff '1fT ~ '!7BT am ¢"" '!7U'fT;
('11') fl!;'ift ~ ij; 'hi ~ m- ;f.r .;rilm '!7BT; am
(~) flirtft ~ '1r 'lWff\'!ll' \i' futft i'11'I1 ~ ;f.r ~m ~l I

( 2) m<frtr '1>1 f'li;ft oqfffi ir ~ m- 'lTTI am ~ ;f. ;n'l; ii '1# '" I'!'Iii a a-;r ;f.r ..ilm rn '1ft
wf"ffi lfrrI't ;;iT '7ITlir'1 '!>'\' ;:rq ii, ~ ij; f~ fucft f'!qq ij; ftrz, '3'l'4T1ft '11 ~ w,rlTlf ~ I
( 3) '!I1lil'l ;f.r ~ srfmr mll<fT, ! 973 (1974 '!iT 21 it\" m;:r 345 3fT>: 346 ij; ll"il"'r'l'i it; ftrz
f~ "41'11"''1 ~ ~ I

~Q.·i",<.,-mftm '1>1 ~ 'I>"Wr ? !pi'nr;; it; f\1'l:l;, ~ ;f.r .;rff.l'liTf;:(fT ;f.r rn;ft" ~ >m<r
ij; ~rn- ;f.r 'iftmI'( t.>rr I
s. ~ '!i1 lI'rnR' "'" ~ ~ '11") ~-( 1) !l!'flittr ~ am f'!m;r «'ItT ~-m.
qf«,''1'l1 '!fRvr, 1976 if ~ ;mr f<li~ mt: mrn 'fit \Trof i "<r"I"«'fif am
~ m<i'i ij; ~
if ll'!7Tfua- ~1fT I •

(2) 'IfTv.( it; ~ if !l"!7TfiJr1'f &i\' G<:, l1'~'Ii ~ '1fT flffu' '!iT If<1' o:'t<1T am "" fum "4IQl<f't
if 11l1'1"TQ' ~1 fiI;qr ~1fT I

( 3) 'IfTv.( it; -.:r.r<fOf if 't11 IT'li'~ i q~lfTo.:, q'-miTsr, ~\fi' 11·>f'l\' m~ i'11'I1 ij'\fi' am m ;:r;;tff
of.\" f.;l..r'A ll'fTati it; <!"riff WI ~ I
( 4) :awm ( 5) if, '3"l<I"'ii if; .;r;ft;r <:f.f gtr, i'11'I1;m il"T f'l1m ""'I' ;f.r f'!m;r «'ItT if fll;'if ~
f~-&'r.iT if; l1fuflrfmq- '!iT tt\fi' 'fT:ij'I!r<it;;r-r, ;;iT <f~, 3!'\1: f.M;; ij'1TT f.rqTVI-'ltl '!Ftlftl!'I' m~, 1976
:r m>Wr ;mr ~ 'Ill;, f..~ ~'f it; 'I\'To:UT m<r.I'l''<> 'lqr ~ am ~ l1'!7T;: ~m-rm'l' ~ ~~ if iP'
~ ~, >roi'm, i'11'I1 «'ItT il"T f.;l..r'A «'ItT it; ~11 l1'~'I\' ~ it; ~Ii if \'lTlT~ ;ft'lT ;;iT ~?r m$!',
it; \mTTU (1) i 'f"Jr.r 'IfTv.( ij; ~ if IT'mA ij; ~ fu<rr ~ am i'11'I1lTfuf.rflWr ~l!, 1 9; 0
(1950 'lIT 43) ii ~'<If'I"C 111(ff-roWf .tW ~'f"Eif '!it .;rf<rfisoQ' ~ ;rn l1'!7T;: <ift{, rn I liTm
( 5) ori1fTl!"t :rnmrofi 1fT ~ >iT 'ITQ' ~ «'ItT qr miT
'lft f.M;; «'ItT if <1"1' srf\rf.tftIFf
'l<: lNT'I' ~1 <ffipfl' ;;it ~ ;;:rfiif.lqq if; qlfr'I' !l!'flittr !fro ~ mt: ~ it; \3'!Ii11! ( 1) it; mft;r ~
il; "<r"I"«'f if ST'mA '1ft <tTfuo '1fT ~ if ~ I
1.15 Scfledufi'd Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act. 1976
(PART H.-Acts of Parliament)

9. Certnin other powcrs of Election Commisslon.--(l) The Commission may. from time to
time, by notification in the Gazette of luetia and in the Official Gazette of the State concerned-

(a) correct any printing mistake in the Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly
Constituencies Order, 1976 as a:nendcd under this Act, or any error occurring therein
from any inadvertent slip or omi.sion; and

(b) where the b'JUndarics or th,' 11"I11C of allY district or any territorial division mcntioned
in the said Order arc or is altercd. make such amcnc!mrnts as appear to it to be necessary 01
expedient for bringing the Order up-to-date.

(2) Every i1:Jtilic,~ti()a under this sc~tion shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is issued,
bafore the Hou,-: of th,! People and the' Lcg:slativc Assembly of the State con"crned.
10. VelidatioD of acts d,)lIc pre"iou~ to the commencement of the Aet.-All thIngs done, amI all
step5 takea, before the com:nenceillcnt of ~~is Aci by the c~nsus authcrity for the determination
of population of Sclledllled O!stes and oeherlulcd T,ibc>, or by the Commission for the purposc'
of readju5tment of coastitlle'1~ie5 Shlli. ia so far as they are in conformity with the provisions
of this Act, be de~mc:.l to hav~ b~en (lone or tak~1\ under th"sc provisions a, if SUdl pro\';si(Hls
were ill force at the time such things were done "r s1lch slt~pS were taken.

1. • G .. •



• • • • • •

2. Ddinitions.-(l) In this Act. unic:-s the ,.::ontext Onh·iW~SC rcqlli n:..:,-

• • • • •
Chapler II


3. Punishcmenls for otTences of alrodties.-(l) Whoever. nol being a member of a Scheduled

Casle or a Scheduled T ribe,-
(i) forces a member of a Scheduled Casle or a Scheduled Tribe to drink or eat any inedible
or obnoxicus substance;
(ii) acls wilh intent 10 cause injury, insult or annoyance to any member of a Scheduled
Caste or a Scheduled Tribe by dumping excreta, waste matter, carcasseS" or any other obnoxious
subs lance in his premises or neighbourhood:
(iii) forcibly removes clothes from the person of a member of a Scheduled Caste or a
Scheduled Tribe or parades him naked or wilh pain led face Or body or commits any similar act
which is derogalory to human dignity:

Rep. by Ace 19 I"~ 1988, s. 2 and 1st Seh.

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13() Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989.
(PART n.-Acts of Parliament)

(h') wrongfully occupies or cultivates any land owned by, or allotted to, or notified by any
competent authority to be allotted to, a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or
gets the lanJ allotted to him transferrt'd;
(v) wrongfully dispossesses a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe from his
land or premises or interferes with the enjoyment of his rights over allY land, premises or water;
("i) ctl,l]pels or entices a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe to do 'begar'
or other similar forms of forced or bonded labour other than any compulsory service for public
purposes impo>cd by Government;
(vii) forces or inti-nidates a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe not to vote
or to vote to a particular candidate or to vote ill a manner other than that provided by law;
(viii) institutes blse. malicious or vexatious suit or criminal or other legal proceedings
against a l1Iembcr of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribc;
(ix) gi\(.~:-. any false or frivulou:-. inforlllation to any public servant unu thereby causes such
public servant to U:-oC his lawful pow~r to the injury or nnnoyancL' of ~l member of ;) Sclwdulcd
Castc or a Scheduled Tribe;

(x) intentionally insults or intimidates .... ith intent to humiliate a member of a Scheduled
Caste or a Scheduled Tribe in any place within public "i~w;
(xi) assaults or uses force to any woman belonging 10 a SchcdulcJ Coste or a Scheduled
Tribe with intent 10 dishonour or outrage her modesty;
(xii) being in a position to dominate the will of a woman belonging to a Scheduled Caste
or a Scheduled Tribe and uses that position to exploit her sexually to which she would not
have otherwise agreed;
(xiii) corrupts or fouls the water of any spring, "reservoir or any other source ordlllarily
used by members of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes So as to render it less fit for
the purpose for which it is ordinarily used;
(xiv) denies a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe any customary right of
passage to a place of public resort or obstructs such ml.!rnbcr so as to pIcvcnt him from using
or having access to a place of public resort to which ,.ther members of public or :lIly section
thereof have a right to use or access to;
(xv) forces or causes a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe to leave his
house, village or other place of residence,
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but \I hich
may extend to five years and with finc.

(2) Whoever, not being a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe.-·

(i) gives or fabricates false evidence intending thereby to cause. or' knowing it to be
likely that he will thereby cause, any member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe
to be convicted of an offence which is capital by the law for the time being ii] f"fce shall
be punished with imprisonment for life and with fine; and if an innocent member of a
Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribc be convicted and executed in consequence of such
false or fabricated evidence. the person who gives or fabricates such false evidence. shall
be punished with death;
(ii) gives a fabricates false evidence intending thereby to C"usc, or knowing it to be
likely that he will th~reby cause, any member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe
to be convicted of an offence which is not capital but punishable with imprisonment for a
tcrm of seven years or upwards, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which
,hall not be less than six months but which may extend to seven years or upwards and
with fine;
"'1W"" .m,nil'nrWw;;r;r.;;fu (IW'1\"IIt f;pjRUf) "fwf~q .. , 1888 136
('1T'I 2-~ i 3Tflir~4~)
(iv) ~ .rna 'II ~ ~ iI; t%m ~ iI; \<llfit<&loil'1 'II ~ ~ 'II t%m "19"1 ~
~ ~ ~ ~ OIR iI; ~ ~ t%m 'lfit "1 ~ ~ it Wn 'II OB 'R W ~ 'II ~
~ 'l1'i <it 3iGfuI q;u Wn;
(v) ~ .rna 'II ~ ~ iI; ~ ~ <it 3t!'I>1 'lfit ~ ~ 'R ~ ~ ~ 'II t%m
'lfit. qftm 'II ~ 'R ~ 3lftmU iI; ~ it m~ 'Iitrn;
{vi) ~ .rna 'II ~ ~ iI; t%m ~ <it 'iP!R' ~ iI; ~ 'II ~ ~ oil<!; m:iY iI;
'~ 3tMUfilti t%m 3If.!qp\ ~ 'R f'f.! 3t"I ~ 'lI'!iR iI; """,,,Wi 'II 'iitj3IT ~ iI; ~ f<I<m ~ 'II
(vii) ~ 'II ~ ~ iI; f<I;tiJ ~ <it ll<RR " ~ iI; ~ 'II t%m f<rlW 3t'>I>ff iI;
~ ll<RR ~ iI; ~ 'II f<If'l mT ~ 'R f'f.! ffif 'R ll<RR ~ iI; ~ ~ 'II 3lfimiI ~;
(viii) ~ .rna 'II ~ ~ iI; fil;<:ft ~ iI; ~ flI"l1. ~ 'II Wi ~ <m'!1 'Ill: 'II
~ 'II 3t"I ~ ~ lift>ItI ~; ,
(ix) t%m JI",?I"", <it <itf flI"l1 'IIll"§ ~ ~ am:
~ mT ~ .rna 'II ~ ~ i\;
t%m ~ <it I\1flI ~ 'II f;!i!I ~ iI; ~ ~ JI",?I"", 'R 3t!'I>1 ~ -ma' ~ "I>Ul1!11; m
<it ~ t%m ~ it ~ .rna 'II ~ ~ iI; t%m ~ "" 3t'I'lR ~ iI;
(x) 0RiIl
~ 'R _ 3t'I'lIf.!a 'II 3tflI;Ra 'Iitrn;
(xi) ~ .rna 'II ~ ~ <it t%m ~ Ij;! 3tW ~ 'II ~ or.;;n $I ~ iI; ~ 'R
~ 'II if<'! m
(xii) ~ .rna 'II ~ ~ ~ t%m <fun lI>'l ~ <it "'f'Hllfl4tl ~ lI>'l fi>lfu it ~ 'R
~ fi>lfu ~ m ~ ~ 'iI'I"I ~ iI; ffi11, ~ ~ ~ 31"I'U lffi -=m itlil. 'Iitrn;
(xiii) t%m ~. ~ 'II t%m 3t"I ~ ;i; ~ <it oil 3TI'! ,m 'R ~ :;nffi 'II ~ ~
iI; l$if ~ 3'I'i'trI it <'!l'Il ;;mn t 'i!'ffi 'II ireJ ~ f;rtffi iii; ~ OB wi'r.R iI; ~ ~ ~ 'it ~ t.miI;
~ ~ ~ 'R mfiI;'Il ;;mn ~;
(xiv) ~ .rna 'II ~ ~ iI; M ~ <it ~I$if.t", 3tf'ilJ'! iI; ~ iI; 'IIT'lil; t%m
~ ~ 'R ~ ~ 'II ~ ~ <it iIItIT ~ f;rtffi iii; ~ ~ ~1~"If.t", 3tfipm iI; ~ QiI
3'I'i'trI ~ 'II .m m
~ 'R f.t<Ilfu! "fI11; ~ "I"ffiI iI; 3t"I oo'l! 'II ~ t%m '11'T <it 3'I'i'trI ~ "" 'II
~ "" ~ t;
(xv) ~.rna 'II ~ ~ iI; t%m ~ <it 3l'I'1Ill'I>FI. ~ 'II 3t"I f.t<m!-~ ~ iI;
~ ~ ~ 'II "I>Ul1!11. .
~. 'I>RI"Im 'R.\\ 3t'Ift1 UW lim 'R ~ lI>'l 'It! mrrr f<fin oil 'Ii<i 'fII "'" lI>'l ~ ~: am: ~ 'R. ~

(2) <itf oft ~. oil ~ .rna 'II ~ ~ 'Iii ~ 'It! t-

(i) flI"l1 m~ ~ 'II ~ f;rtffi ~ ~ ~ ;;nft! 'II ~ ~ iI; ~ ~ <it ~
~ 3t'RIt1 iI; ~ oil 1ffi'I'Il! ~ ~ ~ 'F.i ~ '?I mI'I ~ ~ t 'II ~ 'IW "II'I<IT t iii; lW
~ ~ '"" ~ t. ~ amftq::r 'I>RI"Im 'R am: ~ 'R ~ Wrr; am: 'IIfc: ~ .rna 'II ~
~ iI; t%m ~ ~ <it ~ flI"l1 'II >$' ~ m~ iI; q",.,\<l ..q ~ fiI;'Il ;;mn t am: w ~ omll t
<i\ ~ ~. oil ~ fiIt2I1 m~ ~ t 'II 11l'" to 'F.i ~ 'R ~ ~;

(ii) flI"l1 m~ ~ 'II ~ f;rtffi ~ ~ ~ ;;nft! 'II ~ ~ iI; t%m ~ <it ~

3t'RIt1 iI; ~ oil 'F.i ~ 'R ~ 'It! t flfi'i! ma 'fII 'II ~ 3tfl:Iq; lI>'l 3t'Ift1 iI; 'I>RI"Im 'R ~ l ~
q;u:n t 'II ~ 'IW "'II'1'dl t iii; ~ ~ ~ '"" ~ to
~ 'I>RI"Im 'R. f.m!;,'t 3t'Ift1 UW lim 'R ~
1111 'It! "8trft flfi'i! oil ma !Ill 'II ~ 3tf\IlI; lI>'l ~ m~ '?I. ~ ~; am: ,

3!-804 MIa La"w & JusticeJ94

137 Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
(PART II.--Acts of Parliament)
(iii) commits mischief by fire or any explosive substance. intending to cause or
knowing it to be likely that he will thereby cause damage to any property belonging .-to a
member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe, shall be punis.hable with
imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six month! but which may extend to
sc:.ven years aDd with fine;
(iv) commits mischief by fire or any explosive substaOce in tending to cause or
knowing it to be likely that he will thereby casue destruction of any building which is
ordinarily used as a place of worship or as a place for human dwelling or as a place for
custody of the property by a member of a Scheduled Caste. or a Scheduled Tribe, shall be
punishable with imprisonment for life and with fine;
(v) commits any offence under the Indian Penal Code 45 of 1860 punishable with
imprisonment for a term of ten years or more against a person or property on the ground
that such person is a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or such
property belongs to such member, shall be punishable with imprisonment for life and
with fine;
(vi) knowingly or having reaSon to believe that an offence has been committed under
this Chapter, causes any evidence of the commission of that offence to disappear with the
intention of screening the offender from legal punishment, or with that intention gives
any information respecting the offence which he knows or believes to be false, shall be
punishable with the pu~ishment provided for that offence; or
(vii) being a public servant, commits any offence under this section, shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year but which
may extend to the punishment provided for that offence.
~W'f<r mf<r q-h _~"Rf or.rmf<r (~m f'l'lR1:Uf) ,"fH~4", 1989: 137
('ll'T'T2 -Il'w:~ arM~4q)
,(iii) 3lfit "lIT f<I;m ~ tRTol rn
ftfi! ~ r.rmt ~ 31W! ~ "!1fu "lIT 3f:!1lf<m ~ ~
F<f;<fi 00't q,'\ f<I;m <l"!fu q,'\ ~ ~ ~ "lIT ~ ~ "IFrnT i f«; am'l Q;m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, m:u,'\ ~ m lim ~ q;lj q,'\ 'It! m
~ ol\ mo qq 0<Ii q,'\ it ~ ~, ~ m-rn; -oon, am
(iv) 3lfit "lIT Iiiim ~ tRTol im1 ftfi! ~ r.rmt
3tf<i;I 31W! f<I;m ~ '1lR 'lit ol\ 3f:!1lf<m "!1fu "lIT
~ ~ if; f<I;m ~ im1 ~: 'i'"1 if; l'IR if; ~ il "lIT "1m 3lJqm if; l'IR if; ~ il "lIT <l"!fu
q,'\ ne.l"l if; ft;!l!, Iiiim l'IR if; ~ il ~ ~ "l1lIT t 'Il! <!i«ll ~ "lIT ~ ~ "IFrnT ~ f«; am'l Q;m m:u
~ t, 1tW ~ ~ ~ am ~ ~ ~ m-rn;
(v) ~ ~ _ (1860 q;f 45) if; 3l>ft:! ~qq"llT am'l 31f~ q,'\ wU'l if; ~ ~ ~ ~
.~ f<I;m 0llf<Rl "lIT <l"!fu if; ~ '" 3mIR 'R ~ f«; Q;m 0llf<Rl ~ "!1fu "lIT ~ ~ q;f
~ t "lIT ~ ~ ~ ~ q,'\ t ~ ~ ~ ~, am ~ ~, ~ m-rn;

(vi) ~
0IRl\ St; "lIT ~ flIiIR'! q;B q;f lffiUl ui<\ St; f«; '" 31Ul1l! i\; 3l>ft:! ~ mutl ~ TT'!1 ~, ~
3l'lUtI ~ OIR i\; f<I;m ~I\'l 'lit, 3l'IUm 'lit ~ ~ ~ ~ i\; 31W! ~ TT1'I'I ~ "lIT 3B 31W! ~ 3l'IU'l
i\; om il ~ ~ ~ ~ ol\ ~ "IFrnT ~ '11 flIiIR'! <!i«ll ~ f«; ~ fil"ll ~, ~ 3B mutl i\; ft;!l!, ~
~ ~ ~ m-rn; '11

m ~ mSt; '" 'l1U i\; aNR ~ 3l'IU'l ~, ~ <!iRf<lm~, ~ ~ ~ qq ~

(vii) q;lj
q,'\ 'It! m 1lIril ol\ a'! 3l'IU'l i\; ft;!l!, ~ ~ 0<Ii it -oon, ~ m-rn I
Rules and Orders under the Constitution
1. In pursuance of clause (a) of article 84 and clause (a) of article 173 of the Constitution
of India and in supersession of its notification No. 3/3/66, dated the 25tb April, 1967, the
Election Commission 2[hereby autboris~s-
(i) tbe returning officer concerned and all the assistant returning officers subordinate
to him.
(ii) all stipendiary presidency magistrates and all stipendiary magistrates of the first
class. and
(iii) all district judges and all persons belonging to the iudicial service of a State other
than district judges,
as the persons] before anyone of whom a person having been nominated as a candidate (berein-
after referred to as the candidate) for election to fill a seat in the Council of States, or in the House
of the People or in the Legislative Assembly of a State (other than Jammu and Kashmir), or in
the Legislative Council of a State (other than Jammu and Kashmir) having a Legislative
Council, shall ~ke and subscribe the oath or affirmation in the form set out for the purpose in
the Third Schedule to tht laid C"nstilUlion
2. Notwithstanding anything cont".ined in paragraph 1, in pursuance of clause (a) of the.
said article 84 and elause (a) of the said article 173, the Election Commission hereby also autho-
rises as the person before whom the candidate may make and subscribe the said oatb or affirma-
(a) where the candidate is confined in i prison, the superintendent of the prison;
(b) wbere the candidate i, under preventive detention, tbe commandant of the deten-
tion camp;
(e) where the candidate is confined to bed in a hospital or elsewhere owing to iIIne.s or
any other cause, the medical superintendent in charge of the hospital or tbe medical prac-
titioner attending on him;
(d) where the candidate is out of India, the diplomatic or consular representative of
India in the country wllere the candidate happens to be or any person authorised by such.
diplomatic or consular representative;
(e) where the candidate is for any other reason unable to appear, or prevented from
appearing before the returning officer concerned or any assistant returning officer as afore-
said, any other person nominated by the Election Commission on application made to it in .
tbis behalf.
Explanation.-In .this notification-
(1) the expression "the relllrning officer concerned" means-
(a) where a person has been nominated as a candidate tor election to fill a seat in
the House of tbe People from a Parliamentary Constiiuency or a seat in the Legislative
Assembly of a State trom an Assembly Constituency or a seat in the Legislative Council
r4. a State from a Council Constituency, the returning officer for that constituency;
I. Published with the Election Commission of India Notification No. S.O. 1111. dated tbe 18th March, 1968.
su Gazette of India. Extraordinarv. 1968. Part n. Section 3m). pa.. 3fil.
2. Subs. by Notification No. S.O. 379'8. dated 2'·10-1968. for certain word•.

~fctaR C11 ~ ~1{ ~ amtr
~ atfQqiro f.At ~ ~ W'A ~ m !fI maonOf ~ rill l
1. >m<T il; @mif il; ~ 84 il; fi ( .... ) <NT ~ 1 7 a iII!i<18 (.... ) il; ar'1'l'"T it
<NT 3A'ft .. fa\'lij, ~ 3/a/66. ffI'"Uti 25 ar~. 1967 'lit ar~ ~. f.i.n'fif 9;frQT/f m
(i) ~ fWPr ~ <NT m ~ 6'lM ~~ dj,flb,,(1 'lit,
(ii) ~ ",kif"", iif;;rm ~"T$l <NT ~ ",kif"", lI'I'Ir 'I"f ~lf$l 'lit, am
. (iii) U'Ift f.;r.n "I,4,E;'hn 'lit <NT f.;r.n N1,4("jllif Qo I1nr ~ \Vl' .~r<fd<if 'lit ~ f~lfi
~ 'til" "I'I'fiA; U<IT il; rnq ~.
qQo:~ .il; ~ if srrfui;<! IJrorr ~l f.Aif Qo f.I;lft il; ~ \Ilm '!itt "l'fiRf. U3lr «1lT if. amJ
om; em if. ~ (Gfl'l!~ Qo fmr) f<m' m'1I 'lit fiillT'f «1lT if. ~ifT (.9,......i4't' Qo flrll)
A>Ift U;;lf ~. ~. fii!fT'r q'~~. R!1Tif ~ if f.I;{/\' Ii'IT'I' 'lit ~ il; fOT~ f.i~'flf ill f1;r~
iI'RI'ff il; ~ if (fu.r ~\f'i ~ ~r<r_ df"4"if ~ 1Iln~) ",,,i1I<mrtr ~ orA' If>:. ~f;r @mlf
'lit ~ ~ if ~ ~ % f.t1t m:
~ lfI!"l" if W'l"l' ~ IlT lIftm;r 'I>'W <NT ~8' If>: ~

2. oiu 1 if dji<tfqi$G fiOlft iIT<! il; ~ WIt ~. ;m ~ 84 il; IA' ( .... ) <NT n<l' ~
173 il; IA' ( .... ) il; lIf.l~ ·if flAN;r arnft!r f~..,r..f<id "'If'ffl'lif 'lit ~ ~if "'Iff<l' il; ~If if
~~ lfrN!"! 'I>'W~. ~ ~ ~ n<! ~ i1r 8''I>'<I'T ~ ~ifT lfrnmif "'" 1f'l\'<rT ~. <m
.n' If>: ~ "'" 6'Ii<IT ~ : -
( .. ) "I~ fll;
df'AI1If f.t;!ft ~ if 'iftq ~ ~ w ~ 'liT arit"," ;
(v) ~ flO df1'II'ff flmw f.rm/ if ~ ~ w f.rm/-milr1: ....1 mrrhl''I>;
('1) ~ fll; ;ftlrr(t il; 'liT ('If ar<m A>Ift ar... 'iiT>:1I! Qo ariII'ff fll;lfi armror if Ifr fWt
ij;q ~if If>: ~);r-mqr If>: ",I' ~ qi ~If ar~ 'liT 'II'T>:8'flR; f'rflmfr arft4rJ; IIf ~
'Ift;M ~ <mIT ,'If",,,,.. ;
('I") ~ fll; df'AI1If t ~ ~ ~ w ~w if. furi ~ t >m<T 'lit l;~..
If! ~ lIfuf.!m IlT ~if ('''I'IIiI", ar<m ~Rtq lff<rf.rfil rnr ~ f.rfir<r lfl'ftrii<! O{"".-II' 'II't{
0IIf;m ;
(~)~ fll; ~ A>Ift ar... 'IirolT Qo IAT ~ 8'l'{U mRlT arrflb,H ar"f<il Ifi{[lfoj;
fuf.\1r arrfiGm: il; ~ ~ ~ if ar8'lI'f ~ arvm ~~ ~ Qo flr<trf'l:Q' ~ 'TIlT ~ qi
n' flrfire ~ 8!f!iFr 'lit anitA ~ If>: ~!!t rnr 'l'l'ffflm<l' orill 'Iit~ ' 'If.rcT ,
~~-~ otl'tllJ:'lif' It-
( 1) "8'l"ilffi fm.t'I' ~ if 5Tfria' ~-

("') ~i f.... ~ IiifiRl oft<!; «1lT it M ~if 'liT 'If'it il; f~ f.lidT Iftmll f.t<ri'fif _
fi;r if. ar<m fll;;fi U3lr 'til" mt'I' IfItT It fiI;;f\' Ii'IT'I' 'lit ~ il; f.t1t fq;;fi 8'ItT'f;rif _
fi;r if. <II'flfT flI;dt U;;lf 'lit flf ~if ~ if r.. Jr' ~if 'lit 'Hit i!; r.rC1; f'l>«r r:rf<'l'~
~~ if. f'l"lf'f";t il; f<'!l!. >rRl"ff i!; ~ if 'fT1ff'fifu:t f.t;/ll 'T/ll liT, ~ .ff f.i.n'fif:
Iffil' 'lif mf'if1l mfi&e'<
I. ~ 1IroI 'iii -..mI. "IlITlIR"I. "'" 2. Igq 3(ii). ~ 381 if ~'IiIf\rn 1IroI t flrIIm" IIJlWr ~ ~ ..
'110 orto OIlo 1111. ~ 18 'II't. 1988 I .
I\. "If'q;m III. 'iii. OIl. 379B; ~ 250) (). \9~8 I!U IW ~ it; """ on • ro,","'" I

141 Officers before whom Ca"didates may make or subscribe Oath Or Affirmation
(PARTIn-Rules and Orders under the Constitution)
(b) where a person ha, been uominated as a candidate for electiou to fill a seat
in the Council of States by the electeol members of the Legislative Assembly of a State,
the returning officer for that election;
(c) where a person has been nominated as a candidate for election tb fill a seat
in the Legislative Council of a State by the members of the Legislative Assemhly of that
State, the returning officer for that election;
'[(lA) The expressions "district judge" and "judicial service" shall have the meanings
respectively assigned to them in artic!. 236 of the Constitution of India;]
(2) the expressions "parliamentary constituency", "assembly con~tituency" and.
"council constituency" shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Represen-
tation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950).

\. 10•. by Notifu:atloo No. s.o. 3798, elated 25-10-1968,

_ af,'UOI'" f'll'lt """ ~ _ ill '{iIT 'H \I;"",, 'it, !fi,y
("-lflT l--;ITHTOf if. mil'! Rll'>l" ';;7 q,~)

(I!I:) O\~ f'l' <f.1t Ollf.ffi 'F. >:NT it; fm f'4F1 '1'1 ~ ij; f.~ fij;ft '.m 'lir
fUT'! 'NT if; f1<1IF.. d .~ e,nT f.!<!'i'l'! ~ f'i1{ '1'''l'fi 1; ..q if 'f~lf;r;,f;n pmr IT'lT
~, ~i '3l! ~ if; ~ ~ ;n1wro; ;

('I) 'f~ f~ <irf 61ffir-r fm >:n. ~ fiUT'! 'l~ if 1-miT "!1'! <ir ,,~ ij; r~
'3l! -.:PI! <f.t f'I'I7T'! >:NT ~ ~m n'! f'lllf;r;f " ~ ",&':I'll t "'! IT 'Ill! Rim, fli'fT
11lfT ~. ~; .11' f.I<If~ if, f<~ fm,!q ;rrf<n!T': ;

Ir ( • .,) Hi"·,, "fTlmft>1" (l>!T ""ITn.", it<rr" '1'ii ir. "'" '1'4 iftii .~, -;;if 'o!f7d 't >'ffiruH
3!'1~ ~ 3 ~ it '4iIffl: f.:T; 'f1!. ~'' : 1
(2) "ffif~ flm'R'-Iit;J", "~11T R'IR;-em" 'I'fT ";r,;"'o: iffi'R-'t;r" '1'ii if; ,it 3N
;ifir ;;I, .~ ;ft;r. \I ~"If.Iflr~ 'ltf.rf.rqlr. 1 9 5 Q (I 9 5 0 'l:f 4 3) it '1:'1'1 r.n: ~ ~ !

, ,
.' ,,;, ...


I. ~ >\0 .." "'0 319. m. 25-i<H968 1m aR!:~ I

37-8t14 M/o Law & Justice/94 "''1'1'\'' '"

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (2) of article 101 and c1aU5e (2) of article
190 of the Constitution of India, tbe President is pletl6ed to make the. following Rules, namely:-
L These Rules may be called the Prohibition of Simultaneous Membership Rules, 1950.
2. The period at the expiration of which the seat in Parliament of a person who is cbosen
a member both of Parliament and of a House of Legislature of a State specified in •••• the FJrBt
Scbedule to the Constitution of India (bereinafter referred to as "lIie Constitution") shall become
vacant, unless he has previously resigned his seat in the Legislature of such Stlte, shall be fOllrteen
days from the date of publication m the Gazette of India or in the Official Gazette of the State,
whichever is later, of the declaration .that he has been so chosen.

• • • • •

3. The period at the expiratioI\ of which the seat of a person who is chosen a member of the
Legislatures of two or more States specified in the Fll'St Schedule to the Constitution in the
Legislatures of all such States shall become vacant, unless be has previously resigned his seat in
the Legislatures of all but one of the States, shall be ten days from the later or, as the case may
be, the latest of the dates of publication in the Official Gazettes of SUcll States of the declarations
I hat he has been so chosen.

I. MiDistry of Law NotifIca1IoD No. P. 46/5O-C. dated the 26th January, 1950.
2. The words "Part A \II' Part B of" omitted by Notlftcatlon No. 8.R.O. 2178, dated the 2nd 1uly. 1957.
3. Provho omitted. 1/114.

1IroI if; !tfioo~ if; ~ 1 0 1 if; lifT (2) ait>: ~ 1 90 if; (2) mT ""if smf wfiIro
'I1T lfIfttr ~ U't ~'Ifir il' arqil' lRI'!l{ \J f.rr:;ffirfV<f f.Itrv ~ ~. ~:-
1. " f.nil! .... ", .. f.. .,; ~ ~ flrfIr. t 950 .q ;;rI wiiir ,
2 "ll: <mfTl{1ii f~ 3J1IlI1'I 'R ~ flI"ffir <liT ;;rI' ~ if; aiR ,"'<I" if; Ui1nJr;r (f.Irit. FPr
AA "til<!. ;'m'lR" lj;jl q;{ ~ 1%>11 Ti'II ~) ill; ~ ~ it , ....~. ~ WI<
if;' f.mT~-~ ~ mft ~ ij; tmIf if; ~ if '!.~ f<'I"IIT 'i'IT t fiIt
ftf'iTIl if ""~ 'a'W Ifm it;
fi;mif w'r ~« m>i if; f.mT~-lJOr.T if aJIAT ""~ ~ Itt ~ fW ~. ~ .mvrr it; fin ill ~\J
'f' f<'I"IIT 'flIT ~ 'IT'<I" if; ~ if sr;mr;r 'Ill" ~ 1fT mlf it; ~. ~ if sr'li~'" 'Ill" \li"fuJ
if \J ;;IT 1ft <I"TlJ'S 4,,,,'1'1<"
it. 'a'W ~ ~ ..ror ~~ 'Ill" ~ ,
• • •
3. "ll: ~!f. f;;m'f; 3J1IlI1'I 'fl: ~ lRIfRr 'I1T ""~. ;;it fiI; ~~ 'Ill" IT'I'! ""~ if Iiif.f-
~ <:T 'IT arfiiq; ~ if; f<m;l-~ 'I1T ~ 'f' f,m 111fT ~ Uir ~ ~ if; fim~~
If ~ GWT if; fu<rrIr m<r iit ~ fiiRlif fin m
~ 'liT ~t Uir f'fm"-¥t'IW if it; ....r.r ~
'liT ~ I!.t tlrl'T f~ ~. ~ .mvrr ij; f.I; III ~ '!.~ r.m lfIIT ~ ~ ~ t ~ mmr if
!AmT'r ~ artNT it ~ 'TR1<{'«if Ifr, lfIfTft>If:'f. ~~ "''''fHi\' ffi'tt!I ~ ~ ~ 'Ill" iP'r'l" ,

<lit ~ Ito ~o 46/SH. ~ 36 ",iRl't. 1950 I

1. fiIfll I/ImIlr
2. ..Iii""",
Ito lJIo /lro orro 2178. lIrttv 2~. 1957 ~ "'lflii 'Ii III 'lflii ... ti"....:l "" ;ftq Aorr '!'IT I

3. ~ rnr 'R'<!'" "" "'" Aorr '!'IT I

142 .
(C.O. 19)

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) o[ article 341 ot the Conslilulion of India,
the Presidenl, "her consultation "ith the Governors and Rajpramulhs of the Stale, "'fiC·eruod,
is pleased to make the following Order. namely:-

J. This Order may be called Ihe Conslitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950.

2. SUbj..:t:t to the provisions of this Order, the t.::.lslcs, races ur tribes ot parts of, or groups
within, caSles or tribes specified in '[Parts 10 [XXIlJ J of the Schedule to this Order shall, in
.. datil'n tLl the States '" which IlJOse Parts respectively rclate, be deemed to be Sehoul!ieJ C",tes
so Car as regards member thereof resident in the localities specified in relation to them in those
Parts of that Schedule.

'[3. NOlwithslandiJ':.' an}1hipg contained in paragrapb 2, no person who profe,"cs a rdj~ion

diffcrem fwm.the Hindu '[, I/,e Sikh or Ihe Buddhisl) religion shall be deemed to be a mlmber
of. Scheduled Caste.]
br~· Any n.'ference in this Order to a State or 10 a d.istrict or other territurial division
thereof hhalJ be c-fTlJstrued as a reference to th(' State. district or other territorial divi!l.ion <l~
"oustill'led on the lSI day of Mal', 1976.

1. Publishcd \ .. ilh \bc Mi.ni511y of Law Notwcation l"o. S.R.O. 38S. datcd th~ 10th Auamt, 19~O, GncUe of
India. r.\truordin"fY, J950. Part ll. Section 3. pagC' 163.
_. ~ubs. b~' the SI.:!J.cdulcd Casks and Scheduled Tribes Li~h (ModificaHob) Order. 1956.

1.. Subs. hv :\(1 HI l)( 1987 . .!.. 19 and "i.rst Sch., for "XX!" (w.e.!. 30·5-1987).
4. Subs h\ Al.:t 03 of 1956. s. 3 and First Sch .. for paroarapb 3.
5. Sllh.... by .~1 15 of I~O. s ..:!. or "01' the Sikh"'.
6_ ~ub.~ by Act 108 of 197h. s. 3 anl1 Firs1 Sch~ for paragraph -4 (w.e.f. 27-7-1977),

~r.f (~;e \'UfMi) arRw, 1950 1
l«o ~o 19)

1lT"@ ~ mmif ~ iI!'!,~ 341 if; "6 (1) mr smf ~ .fT !I"!il1: rn ~ ~nr 't
!I"!'ffi ~ ~(j""qj.,1 aft-.: ~~ fI' ~ ~ t ~ 31~ snw: if ~ff ormr
fi!;qr ~. arq iq :-

1. ~ ~ mm;r (3!'!~ ;;rrftl'>rt) armr. 1950 ~ ;;rr ~ I

2. ~ ~Q1 if; '3'W!ii if; ~ lI11 ~ f.!; it ormr.rt. ~ 'IT "'""'lfd4j 'IT ~ 'IT GR'-
;;rrfim ~ 'IJT1T 'IT ;;~ ~ '{'f. iiI't f~ ~ antIr ott ,~ ~ %['IT'I 1 if m'IT'I l [22]] ~ >l'
~~ t
a;r ~ ~ m
it. f.T;m it 'IJT1T ~: Il14I1I' ~ <r'I1 fiI; ;;;rif; a~ ~ ~ t. m
~ iiI't ;;;r '!fum it f.mlft t .n
3'Q' .~ i; ~ tmi1 if;ffi; ~~ it fi\f~Fi1ot~. ..'1tf"d
;;nfu1rt !I1I'iI :;m:tiI I

'[0. ~ 2 ~ ~ mil iffiI il; ~ ~ oil ~ ~ olt ~ '[, fiI'lliI 'II ~


flf'if ri
~ ~
II'c{ ;m'IT ~ f~ ;r~ 1
'IflI\'fT ~

if ~ ~
~ '1>'1 ~ IT mftIT ~ I
1 i7 6
~ mil
..rr 1m trf~
~ 'U'>lI'.
'II 3R' ~
m 'IT aI"'I' ~
m. lIfl! ~
n ... lIfW
'1iI .~ II


.1. ~ 1I'Im<>< ~ 3!f~ Ii. ~"f.!, >T.' 385, oro. 10~, 1950.1frnI' ~~ ...... nm·~, 1950.'""2,
.... 3, ,'" 163 if • .m-W I
2. ~ 'flfiIlIi om ~ ,,~rftm ~ (~) onbr. 1956 rro >lfit .... ~d I
3. t 9 S 7 ~ IIfilf.r'fII Ii, t s .;t uro 19 om q>iT ~ rro ( 30-5- t 98711) "21" ~ ~ on: ltfaf'<lfim I
•. t 956 ~ artUf.r"" Ii. 63 0;) uro 3 ,,~ " " ~ rro ~ 3 ~ .~ on: .rdt"r., I
5 1990 t ~ '8- 15 ~ 'IIU 2 ~ ''1n row" t l'!R 'It IIfin1It!ir.s I !'IT'\' on: (27..,. t 977 it) ~~ I
6. 1976 t atfItf.!'l1! 'Ii- 108 q\j Ilro 3 am I!ll'! "T:I1I.'il ;ro ~ 4 t l>lI'f 'It (27-7-1977) ~ lI1irl>nm I

COIIS/illllion (Sd.tdu/td Casle.) Urdu, 1950
(PART I-Rules and Orders under the Constirution)


PAItT T.-,llIdlzra Pradtsh

1. . \di Andbra .1'1. MaJasi Kuru,a, !'.1aduri Kuruva

, Adi Dravida 32. Madiga
3. Anamuk 33. Madiga Dnsu, Mashtecn
4. Aray Mala 34. Mahar
5. Arundhatiya 35. Mala
Ii. Arwa Mal. 36. Mala Dasui
7. Bariki 37. Mala Dasu
8. Bavuri 38. Mala Hannai
9. Beda Jangam, Budga Jangam 39. M.alajangam
10. Bindla 40. Mala Masti
11. Byagarn 41 .. Mala Sale., N.thani
I~. Cbacbati 42. Mala Sanyasi
I 3. Chalavadi 43. Mang
14. Chamar, Mochi, Muchi 44. Mang Garodi
15. Cbambbar 45. Manne
J 6. Cbandala 46. Masht;
17. Dakkal. Dokl:alwar ·n. :>.fatan;;i
!'8. Dandnsi 48. Mc!lt.r
J9. Dbor 49. Mitha . \),y"lvar
~O. Dom, Dombara, Paid I, Pano 50. MIIII",,!a
21 .. Ellamalawar, YclIammalawandlu 51. Paky, MNi, Thoti
22. Ghasi, Haddi, ReUi, Cbancha"di 52. Pambad:l, Pan'banda
23 .. Godagali 53. Pamidi
~4. Godari 54. Panchama, Pariah
25. Gosangi 55. Relli
26. Holeya 56. Samagara
:i. Ifole-ya Dasari 57. Samban
18. JagpJi 58. $apru
29. ]ambu"ulu W.· Sinrlhollu, Ch;nd~lIl1
10. K"lupulvandlu

I. Bansphor ", Kaibant;1, JaJi"

~. Bhuinmali, Mali 10. Lalb~gi
3. Bdttial Bania, Bania II. Mahar"
4. Bhupi, Dhobi 12. ~&htar, Bhangi
5. Dligla. Dhnli 13. Muchi, Rishi
6. Him 14. Namaslldrn
7. Ialkeot 1.'i. Patn;
S.. JhaJo. \hIn, Jbal"·Mw,, \6. Sutradbar.
1. Subs. by Act lOS of 1976. So 3 and First Sch. for the fonner Sch. (w.e.f. 27-7-1g"J7).

Wf~ ('IIIl1Nft 1I!lfftlrt) ~, 1950
('fTIT l-lif'M'f If; Q\;r f.tlil£ aItt ~) ,

'fTIT l--ar.J1' sAw

~ ""'!if 31. ~ ~
32. srrrorr
-roft ~
3.~ 33. lllfim ~, srrtr.f
4. ~ 'I'm 34.~
5. ~!l'fulf 35. >mIT
8. ~ srr.r 36. srr.rr ~
7. iIT~ 37. IfllI'l ,~
8. iIT'ft\'
• 3S. srr.rr ~
9. afW ;;ftrq, '!V1T GI'trq 39. IfllI'l oiorrr
10. ~\'I' 4 O. 'I'm srfuf
11. chrm 41. srrm ~, ~
12.~ 42. IfllI'l ~'
13.~ 43. sri1r
1 4. "l1m:, Iff<ft, ~ 44. sri"! om:liT
15.~ 45. 1f'ir
16.~ 46. m :
17. !I'fIIi\'I', m~ 4 7. 1!I<ff1I'
IS. mfir 4S.~
19. rn 4 9. fif~'l"fl;
20. m, ~, ~, q;ft 50. '!W\'I'T

-. l'4 1(, lfHi'ilii"IUit'l'
21., IfHi'i
00, W,~, ~
. 5 I. 'IlflI;, ~,
52. q1<N, ~

23 .•i'!.. ,.,<'<fi 5 3. 'lTfiftl'

24. 'lml:T 54. <f"l1f, iffun
25. omtofT 55. ~
26.~ 5 6 . m'Ir'Tl1:
2 7. ~lfI G'T!I'f'o: 5 7. \l""A'
2S. G!nr1lr 5S. ~
29. Gil"!,<! 59.~, f~,
30. "')(j$41qi G$l'1

1IT'I 2--'SIll""',,l1IiQ

I. omr 'Iil; 9. m, OI'Iftrlfl

2. ~, -mfi 10.~
3. ,rt14,'" i!f.m, i!f.m II. I!~
4. qtfT, lir.ft 12. ~, '4'orT

5. &'IT\'I'T,, ,)<;fi
13.~, 'lItflf'
14. 'fT1I~if
15. mt
16. wnm'


. . ;. :.4.: ___ ..:

Constitution (Scheduled Casus) Order. 1950
145 (PART m-Rules and Orders ull~e, the Constitution)
PART TlI.-Hilun"'"
." t'
I. Bantnr '1'2: Ghasi
2. Bauri B. Halalkhor
3. Bhogta 14. Had, Mehtar, Bhangi
4. Bbuiya 15. Kanjar
5. llhumij (excluding North, Chotanagpur 16. Kurariar
and South Chotanagpur divisions nnd 17. Lalbegi
Santal Parganas <listriet) 18. Musahar
Ci. Chamar. "fachi 19. Nat
7. Chaupnl 20. Pan, Sawnsi
8. Dabgar 31. Pasi
9. Dhabi 22. Rajwar
10. Dom, Dhnllgad 23. Turi.
11. Dusadh, Dhnri. Dbarhi

PART lV.-·GlIjarat

I. Ager 13. HaIsar, Haslar, Hulasvar, Halasvar

Z. Bakad. Bant 14. Holar, Valhar
3. Hawn-Dedb, Dcdh-Sadhu 15. Holaya, Haler
4. Bhambi, BhambW, Asadam, Asodi, 16. Lingadcr
(,hamadia, Chamar, Cbambhar, Cham- 17. Mahar, Taral,
gar, HaraIayya, Harali, Khalpa, Machi- Dhcgu Megu
gar. Mochigar, Madar, Madig, Mochi, 18. Mahyavansbi, Dhed, Dhedh, Vankar.
Maru Vankar, Antyaj
Nalia, T c1egu Mochi, Kamati Mochi,
19. Mang, Matang, Minimadig
Ranigar, Rohidas, Robit, Samgar
20. Mang-Garudi
5. Bhangi; Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi, Mal- 21. Meghval, Meghw"l, Menghvar
kana, Halalkhor, Lalbegi, Balmiki, n. Mukri
Korar, Zadmalli 23. Nadia, Hadi
6. Chalvadi, Channayya ~4. Pasi
7. Chenna Dasar. Holaya Dasar :!5. Senva, Sbcnva, Chenva, Sedma, Rawat
8. Dangashia 26. Shcmalia
9. Dhor, Kakkayya, Kankayya 27. Thori
10. Garmatang 28. Tirgar. Tirbanda
11. Garoda, Garo 29. Turi
12. HaJ]eer 30. Turi Barot, Dedh Barot.

PART V.-lla/'yalla

1. Ad Dharmi 9. Chamar, Jatia Chamar, Rebgar, Raigar,

2. Balmiki, Chura, Bhangi Ramdasi, Ra\'idasi
3. Bangali 10. Chanal
4. Bamr, Burar, Berar 11. Dagi
5. Datwal l2. Darnin
6. Bauria, Bawaria 13. Deba, Dbaya, Dhea
). Bazigar 14. Dhanak
8. Bhanjra IS. Dhogri, Dhangri, Siggi

,,:t.," "
liflltl!'f (~'if1I ""ftNi) ~, 1950 145
(1Wl 1-~flIUR a; 3!,fR ~ 3!Tl: aRlIT)

>mT 3-f~

J. iIi<r>.: 12. tmfr

2.~1 1 3. i\<'I1<'I'9R
3. '!Pm 1 4.~, ~, >Nr
~.~ 1 5. i!f-o("':
5. 'jf>tOf (:ret! ~Tcr 'IT,!,!, ali">: <:fi:fuft 16. ¢W1"T
m '!T'f'!' m <!>IT <n; 'f7.1T'!T 17.~
AA ..T ~) J 8. I!m{':
6. """', >rW! 1 9. 'I?:
7 • .mtl'f 2 O. 'IT'f, ro>fr
8.~ 21. <mfr
9. ur.rl 22. ~~

10. iI>I, ~ 23. [U I

11.~, am, ~

>mT 4--,!omlI

1. ~~ 1 3. ~<:, i;mfl"':, ji<w.m:, ill'ft'!T>:

2. ~, iI"C 14.~,~
3. ifTCtT-n, i~-~ Is.~, 111m
4. 'IIfMft, ~, ~, nl<fi, 'I1ITf~ I 6. f",,"",<:
"I1fr" "If1'1m:, ...rm<:, ~,~r,
'il'T<i'!T, ~, ~" 1IT<r<:, lIlfl:'T.
17. ~<:, <rUli,
"""miD·~~ , ,
1S. lfiji4141ln, ai, U¢ qw<i:~,
. if'!
!lIT ~

1,'-':; ~1JA'~J ~\li

lIr.rt, 'I"1fu>rT, ~ >r);fT, 'liT'!TtT lIWt, 19. >!tIT, >mt:r fitiVMfG''1
<:IVfmn:, <:~,~, m'l'll<: 2 O. >!tIT-1JTVit
s. >iIft , ~, affi;Ir;rr, om, >Il'f'liT'!T , 21.~,~, ~<:
~~, m~r. 'Ir.'!'";.tT, 'IiTu>:.
~..rr 23.
.22. 1f'fr
'ITflIlrr, ~T
6. ~ <niar 24. mIT
7. 'NT mr<:, ~~ <m;>: 25. ~, ~, ~, ~r, <:r<ro
8. ttmm 26. w'I"ft:m
9. w., ~, 'Ii>mm 27 . .rru
10. ijViid1i 28. <f'rmn:, ~
II.~, ITl:T 29. ~r
12.~ 30· §"U ",)0, ~ ",)0 J

>mT 5

9. "I1m:, armn- "',"" ~, ~, <:f1Imft.

10. 'I'm!
4.~, ~~, ;iUl II. 'TIft
5.~ 12. rn
6. 1I'trolT, ;mfIm 13. qr, ~, ~, i'IT
7.~ 14. trrrr.
8. 'Iiwr 15. mu, mu, rnr.rl
38-804 MJo Law & Jllstice/94
146 COllstilllliOl' ::'Scheduled Castes) Order, [950
(PART I-Rules and Orders under rhe Constirutionl

II>. Oumn". \1alm:-ha. Doom 27. Pasi

17. Gagra 28. Perna
Ill. Gandhila. Gall<Jil Oondola 2<). Phe.rcra
19. Kahirpanthi. fulaha ,;0. Sanbai
~(). Khatik 11. Sanhal
21. Knri! Koli 12. Sansi, Bhedkut. Manesh
22. :>ladja, Marceba 33. Sansoi
2~. Mazhabi 14. Sapela
24. ~'egb ~5. Samra
2:', Nat ,n. Sikligar
26. Od .n. Sirkiband .

PART VI.··-Tliltt"cI,,,1 P,.:de..h

I. Ad Oharm; 28. Hali

, Rndhi, Nagalu 29. Hc~;
J. Aalll1i~i.
Bhallgi. ClllIhra. Chura, Chuh,." .~O. Jogi
4. Randhda J t. Julaha, Julabe, Kahirpanthi, Keer
5. flangali 32. Kamoh, Dagon
c). Banjara 33. Karoaek
7. Hans; 34. Khatik
K. Ramel 35. Kori, Koli
(). Bamr. Bumr. Rerar 36. Lohar
10. 13,111\"31 37. Marija. Mareeha
I I. Bauria~ Bawaria 38. Mazhabi
12. Baz;gar 39. Mcgb
13. flhanjra. Hhanjre 40. Nat
14. (,hamar, fatia Chamar, Rchg3l', Raigar, 41. Od
Ramdasi, Ravielasi. Ramelasia, Mnebi 42. Pasi
15. Chana! 43. Pema
In. Chhimbc, Dhohi 44. Phrer:,. Pherera
17. Dagi 45. Rehar, Rehara
18. Oarnin 46. Sal1hai
19. Darai, Daryai 47. Sal1hal
20. Daulc, Deole 48. Sans;' Hh~dkut. Man~sh
21. Dbaki, Tooti 49. Sansoi
22. Dhanak 50. Sarcla
23. Dhaogri, Dhuai 51. Sardo. Sarera. Sa ra rc. Siryare, Sarehde
24. Dhogri, Dhangri, Siggi 52. Sikligar
25. Doom. Doomna,, Dumna, Dumne, 53. Sipi
54. Sirliballd
~(,. Gag!'a
55. Teli
27. Gandhila, Oandil, Gondola
56. Thalhiar, Thathera
Ufim;I' (~~ 1;,,\ 'tj aMI, 1950 146
(111'1 1----*,!lTiI' ij; aN,\ :/fInr aiR ~)

16. ~<!'IT, q~~, ~ 27. <mIT

17. ~ 28. ifvn.
18. oM;rr <itr.r, "I:t.<ir.r. 29. m
19. ~~, (tivft, "fi'1{I 30.~
20. m;;. 3t. ~
2 I. 'lit(r, Ij;)oft 32.~, ~,
22. ~, 1I'l:;rr 33.~
23. q~ 34. mr
24. iN 35. ~
250 'lC 36. fe ....i."
26. ar~ 37. f,,( ...i~ ... I

I. ~ Iliff
2.~, '1"~
3. ".,.." ...1, -;fr,-t, "lW, "!'T,

4. WOlT
6. iI'<irro
7. <mft
9.~, ~~, ~:r,
10. ~.r

I I. iI'lfurr 'IT'If~ r
1 3. 'II'om., ¢;r~
14. "I1!J1:,~ "''"'' ~, my,
"IJ'Imft, -q-rmft, "IJ'I~1!Tr '"'oft
IS. o;;.mr
1 6. fWi<T, Ift;ft
17. 'IDI'l
18. ~
19. ;rot, ;ront
20. <mir,~
2 I. mft, 'l"l:'l

23. 'lr.;'l'j<l, ~t
24. m.m, ~r, ftritft . 53. ftNt
25. 1j.1r, {<!'IT, .t'I'\' 'I1{IWT 54. m(lflliiA;
26·.~ 55.
27. Ii!fri;n, Iitr.r, 56.~, ~<T I
147 COIISlfllllion (Scheduled Casles) Order, 1950
(PART~Rulcs and Orders under the Constitution)

PART Vll.-Kamalaka

1. Adi Andhra . 38. Uosangi

2. Adi Dravida 39. HaUcer
3. Adi Karnatala 40. Halsar, Haslar, Hulasvar, Halasvar
4. Adiya (in Coorg district) . 41. Handi 10gis
5. Ager 42. Hasla
6. Ajila 43. Holar, Valbar
7. Anamuk 44. Holaya, Holer, Holeya
S. Amy Mala 45. Holeya Dasari
9. Aruniliathiyar 46. JaggaJi
10. Arwa Mala 47. lambuvlliu
11. Bair" 48. Kadaiyan
12. Bakad 49. Kalladi
13. Vant (in Belgaum, Bijapur, Dbarwar aoo 50. Kepmaris
North Kanara districts) 51. Kolupulvandlll
14. Bakuda 52. Koosa
15. Balagai 53. Koracha
16. Bandi 54. Korama
17. Banjara, Lambani 55. KOlegar, Metri
18. Batbada 56. Kudumban
.19. Bcda JangaOl, Budga Jangam 57. Kuravall
20. Bellara 58. Lingader
21. Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhl, 59. Macbala
Malkana, HalaJkbor, Lalbegi, Balmiki, 60. Madari
Korar, ZadmalU 61. Madiga
2~. Bhambi, Bbambbi, Asadaru, Asooi, 62. Mahar, Taral, Dhegu Megu
. Cbamadia, Cbamar, Chambbar,
Cbamgar, Harala>:YB' Harali, ~~Jia, 63. Mahyavanshi, Dhed, Vankar. MarL
Macbigar, Mochlgar, Madar, 'g. Vankar
Mocbi, Mucbi, Telegu Mochl, Kamati 64. MaUa
Mocbi. Ranigar, Rohidas, Rohil, Samgar
65. Mala
23. Bboyi 66. Mala Dasari
24. Bindla 67. Mala Hannai
25. Byagara 6S. Mala Jangarn
26. Chakki1jyun 69. Mala MasH
27. Cbalavadi, Cbalvadi, Channayya 70. Mala Sale, Netkani
28. Chandala 71. Mala SanyasJ
29. Chenna Dasar, Holaya Dasar 72. Mang, Matang, Minimawg
30. Dakkal. Dokkalwar 73. Mang Garudl, Mang Garod!
31. Dakka1iga 74. Manne
32. Dbor, Kakkayya, Kankayya 75. Masthi
33. Dom, Dombara, Paidl, Pano 76. Mavilan
34. Ellamalwar, YeUammalawandlu 77. Meghwal, Mcnghvar
35. Ganti Chores 78. Moge
36. Oaroda, Garo 79. Mukri
37. Godda SO. Murulala
mllUr-l ('Ii«i''''' .miNt) ~, 1950 147
('WI 3~ ;j; o;rJ\";{ f.f<l1r "'" ~)

I .. mf<r Wo'U 38. tmM

2, mf<r 00. 3S. il..rt<:
J. mf<r ~ 4 o. Il:~j"{, ~<if'{, gm:qn:, ~
4. mitlr ('§'f f:;f<i it) 41. ~IGftift
5.~ 42. ~
6. !!l'if<llm 4 3. ~r.m:, iI1'i'im:
44. ~,~,~R%<r
8. m>f '1m 45. iilil"~ltl (l'
9. 'I~qf,,~('t 46. ;;rni<'IT
1 0, ~lfT<iT 47.~
II. <h:r 4 8. o:r.tij;j
12.~ 49. 'f.~
13. ~ (if<'l"lfiq, ~, m<:<!T~ ari<: '3ml 50. "qqlf«l
'f.'ITU f;;r;ff it) 51. <il"'l\lj$1Qlo\li«
14. ~~ 52. "!.117
I 5. OITWlTo.; 53, op~
16, ;fit 54. op"ror
17. ;i;;rm, ~l 5 5. oprz;.'I':, ~T
I 8. 'I1!fl\' 56. ~"
19. iff ;;i1ylf, ~ ~ 57.~~
20· ;ffirrn ';8. fwrrih
21. *it, ~, <lflwrr.IT, m, 'I'if'IiT'IT 5S. ¥f'lOir
ii"I<1 ..1t,~, <I 1<'41 fIt;, 'IfI'm, ~T\1'1 60. wrojt
22. 'Iiir"t, mft, ~~, ~~, ~, "1'11'1'1:~ 61. $fIRtI'
~"'I'Tl:, ~, ~, ~, lir.i'lT, 62. lfim', amr, Ii'! "'I
'If;f1m:, 1l1f'l'1I t, 'ITm, ¥flftir, ~, '!'ft, 63. I/i6QTII'Wl", ~, if1IT'!;r, ¥f~'f.<
dt1'litl-q"i, Cfi11ffZ ~, <iuflijj <, ~~ 64 . .rnr
'Uf~,~ 65. $fr.r
23, 1Wft 6 6. $fT\1~'<l'
24. f<mr 67. 'Ir.r~
25. RIT'IU 68. $fT\1~
2 6. ~f'l' 69. $fr.m<ft
27. ""Iql~"l,~, o;;WQT 7 o. If'r.m~, irnfflif
28.~ 71. 'I"" a'4nft
29. "fWmtl'{, i{I.... I~jij t 72. 'ITIT 1f'I<i1r, firf.fInfitO.,
30. 1I'f~, ~T'{ 73. If'i1T ~,1f'i1T 1TRTit
31. ~ifilif"llI 74,q;it
32. m,~ ...'PU 75.~
33. lillr, i\1:;r'{, ""', """ 76. ¥flfinl';t
34. ttrii4W4i{f i\l"\1¥Oq\4jlij Oi1 77. iNmr,~
35. liil'm 78.~
36. ~,ITU 79.~
37. Iflnr 110. ~
148 Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950
(PART I-Rules and Orders under the Constitution)

81. Nadia, Hadi 92. Rancyar

82. Nalkadaya 93. Samagara
83. Nalakeyava 94. Samban
84. Nayadi 95. Sapari
85. Pale 96. Sillekyathas
86. Pallan 97. Sindhollu, Chindollu
87. Pambada 98. Sudugadu Siddha
88. Panchama 99. Tholi
89. Panniandi 100. Tirgar, Tirhanda
90. Paraiyan, Paraya 101. Valluvan.
91. Paravan


I. Adi Andhra 30. Kavara

2. Adi Dravida 31. Koosa
3. Adi Kamataka 32. Kootan, Koodan
4. Ajila 33. Kudumban
5. Arunthathiyar 34. Kuravan, Sidhanar
6. Ayyanavar 35. Maila
7. Baira 36. Malayan [in the areas comprising the
8. Bakuda Malabar districyas specified by sub-
9. Bandi section (2) of section 5 of the States
10. Bathada Reorganisation Act, 1956 (37 of 1956»)
11. Bellara 37. Mannan
12. Bharatar 38. Mavilan
13. Boyan [excluding the !LI'eas comprising 39. Moger
the Malabar district lIS specified by 40. Mundala
sub-section (2) of section 5 of the States 4 J. Nalakeyava
Reorganisation Act, 1956 (37 of 1956)] 42. Nakadaya
14. Chakkiliyan 43. Nayadi
15. Chamar, Muchi 44. Padannan
16. Chandala 45. Pallan
17. CheJ'uman 46. Palluvan
18. Domt .•" 47. Pambada
19. Gavara 48. Panan
20. Godagali 49. Panchama
21. Godda 50. Parniyan, Parayan, SambavlU"
22. Gosangi 51. Paravan
23. Hasla 52. Pathiyan
24. Holeya 53. Perumannan
25. Kadaiyan 54. Pulayan, Choramar
26. Kakkalan 55. Pulaya Vettuvan
27. Kalladi 56. Puthirai Vannan
28. Kanakkan, Padanoa 57. Raneva
29. Karimpalan 58. Silmagara
miM'i (~«f;m 'lflf(1qf) ~, 1950 148
('l!l'T 1---m'l'.IT'I' ~ IldR R!!1I' m-:

8 I. 'nf\llrr, lIT'f I 9 2. 7J1Ift<iT>:

82.~" 93.' <l11!'m:
83.~ 94. It'<A
84. '1~ 95. l1~tt
85. <rr.t 96. f«oM,-;q-rn
86. q~<'A' , 97. f~, a
87.q~ 9 8. "''1.Z1}rrrUiIriJfill«<r
88. q''I1!' 99. <i\re-
89· .. fW4If.. 100. ~:<fR;t~
90· q~r'l', 'f>:7"lr 101.. ~~ 1
91. q"""

\. ~nflnttu :; o· <j';Cft

2. 'Infufil~ 31. ~T
J. mfG~'f; 32. ~,p;!
4. mf;;rm 33.~
5. 'll'ij;>j fi4 41 • 34. ~,f'1<r~T>:
6.'R~ 35. sfm
7. il"u 36. ~ (Wlr~'nrfUf~, 1956 (195('
8.~ 'fiT 37) ij;) ffTU 5 'lit ~ (2) m;
9. ;fir .~ fCilr..,f~&!. 't,fiiifl J, f~ if 'ti'Ufqt~ ~
10. ;pnrr fi']
I\, .mw-r 37. 1f1IUT'l
12. >rm>: 38.~
1 3. ill..., (Wlr ~'1.rO'l' qf!lf.!41f, I 95 6 39. ,,)ito: .
( 1 956 'FT 37) '1ft ffTU 5 '1ft ;;crnro 40.~
(2) irnr1M f"f"fi:6G 'Ir;;rl<lT>: f~ >i 4).~
l1srrf'lt<! ef,r"f .n ~",,] 42. 'ffi'!:nr>r
I 4. "If'l'l'fu'I'A 4 3. 'IT'!Tft
I 5. "flm:, lffr 44.~
I 6 •. 'iliT!<; 45. 'r.;;f'l
17.~ 46.~
18.~ 47.~

19. 'l>m: 48. q]Qj';f

2 O. <ft<ntr;fr 49. q''I1!'

21: '"F 5 O. 'I<'iI"I, q<:<r.! . ~
22: >fW:fr 51. GT<r.I
23. ~T
25 .. ~
54. ~ll'l'. 'r""
26. 'f.'Il!:\'I'l 55. ~m"
27. 'f~r 5 6. ~<ITf lI<Vl'I
2 S: lfo'ITlf'll'l, Wi; 57. ~T<
29. lftPaQIW., 5 8 . m'1I"IT<
149 Constitution (Scheduled Ca8tu) Order, 1950
(PARTID-Rules and Orders onder the Constitution)
59. Samban 64. Valluvan
60. Semman 65. Vannan
61. Thandan 66. Velan
62. Tholi 67. Vetan
63. Vallon 68. Vettuvan.

PART IX.-Madhya Pradesh

1. Audhelia 27. HoIiya

2. Bagri, Bagdi 28. Kanjar
3. Bahna, Bahana 29. Kalia, Patharia
4. BaIahi, Balai 30. Khatik
5. Banchada 31. KoIi, Korl
6. Barahar, Basad 32. Kotwal (in Bbind, Dbar, Dewas, Guna,
7. Bargunda GwaIior, Indore, Jhabua, Khargone,
8. Basar, Burud, Bansor, Bansodi, Bans- Mandsaur, Morena, RajFb, Ratlam,
phor, Basar Shajapur, Sbivpuri, Ujjam and Vidisba
9. Bedili
33. Khan gar, Kanera, Mirdha
to. Beklar, Sunkar
34. Kucbbandbia
11. Bhangi, Mehtar, Balmili, Lalbep,
Dharkar 35. Kumhar (in Cbhatarpur, Dalia, Panna,
Rewa, Satoa, Sbahdoi, Sidhi and
12. Bhanumati Tikamgarb districts)
13. Chadar 36. Mabar, Mehra, Mehar
14. Chamar, Cbamari, Bairwa, Bhambbi, 37. Mang, Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi,
Jatav, Mocbi, Reprl Nona, Rohidas, Dankbani Mans. Mang MaIwi,
Ramnami, SatnamJ, Surjyabansbl, Madari, Garudi, Radhe Mang
Surjyaramnami, Ahirwar, ChIllll8(
Mangan, RaidBs 38. Megbwal
15. Chidar 39. Mogbia
16. Chikwa, Cbikvi 40. Muskban
17. Chitar 41. Nat, KalbeIia, Sapera, Navdigar. Kubu-
18. Dahalt, Dahayat, Dahat
42. Pardhi (in Bbind, Dbar, Dewas, Guna,
19. Dewar GwaIior, Indore, Jhabua; Khargone,
20. Dhanuh Mandsaur, Morena, Rajgarh, Ratlam,
21. Dhed, Dher Sbajapur, Sbivpuri, UjjBio and Vidisba
22. Dhobi (in Bbopal, Raisen and Schoee districts)
districts) 43. Pasi
23. Dobor 44. Rujjbar
24. Dom, Dumar, Dome, Domar, Doris 45. Sansi, Sansia
25. Ganda, Gandi 46. Silawat
26. Ghasi, Gbasia 47. Zamral.

PART X.-Maharashtra
1. Ager 9. Beda Jangam, Budga Jangam
2. Anamllk 10. Bedar
3. Aray Mala 11. Bbambi, Bbambbi, Asadaru, Aaodi.,
4. Arwa Mala Chamadia, Chamar, Cbamari, Cham-
bhar, Cham~, Haraiayya, Harali,
5. Bahna, Babana Khalpa, Machigar, Mochlgar, Madar,
6. Bakad, Ban! Madi~ Mocbi, Te1egu Mochi, Karnatl
7. Balabi, Dalai Mocbl, Ranigar, RobilLis, Nona,
Ramnami, Robit, Sjungar, Samagara,
8. BaIlOr, Burnd, BanBOr, Bansodi Satnami, Surjyabansbi, Surjyaramnami.
~~ ("'!\INn ""fflqf) ~{f, 1950 149
'II1"T 3~ iii ~!fl'I- f'llll! q'l7 <;!~)

S&.~ 64.~
60. ~I'! 65· 'fOUl'!
61. <lqm 66. ~
62. 'I'm 67. ltz-l
63. '!...r.r 68.~1 ,.

I. >il"f"'I"1
2.~,~ 2 8 . '" IIrl:
3. q;lT,~ 29. 'fTfu7lT, 'I'!f>m
4.~,~ 30.~
5.~ 31. ~,OO
6. ~,iRir.r 32. ~T<'I (f'l1r, 1m, ~ffi, ,!~r, '''IF''',,",~.
7.$ ~,~, >min:,
~, m;r~, ~,
8. oim, ~, '"'"" omiWt, ~, orm<: mGfT!', f~, ~ tfr( flifurr fOJl'l'f it)
9.~ 33. 1ili1n", <, fJ!11T
10.~,~ 3 4. ~q'f!l~ r
I I. "ifrrl, iIw, IllO!1f\ir, ~, !R'Ir, 3 5. ~ ('i§""!,, .-f(f'I"T, ,'IT. ft<rr, a'd'I r,
12.~ ~, M ..m ful;q~ f.,;ff if)
13. ~ 36 ~, ~, i\ir:
14. 'An:, 'ATU, ~, 'liofi, "IC'T, 'I1<fT, m., 37. 'Ittr, 'Ittr ~r,'Ittr IfTQlJI, ~11Ff1 'ItIr, I!i1r
'!"AT, ~, (11;114'\, ~1lft, ~, 'Jfr- ~, 'lO"ro-, ~, mi I!i1r
mf.'rrlfl, ~f~n:, 'An: lI'oFI, ~ 38. i'ttr'!T<'I
IS. f"l;;:" 39. 1llfl:I>l r
1 6. f<l'!"IT, f"f'f.'fr 40.~
17. f"fflp: .j 1. ~, ~\1'liT, ~tro, 'fElf;:;:ijj <, ~
18. ~~(f, "iV'f<f, Gi{Rf 42. 'froft (f'lll", <m:, ~6"Tff, "II f"q(, ~(,
19. m ~, ~rt, JRm, ~r, ~'1~, 'UR'nl,
20. 1lT'!'" . m"1!!" ~, ~..m flfmrT rilfOiT if)
21. fur, ~ 43. <mfi
22. URI ('Il'tmr, ~ m>: ~ trm if) 44. ~

23. ;r~T>: 4S. 6Rft, eiftI'IT

24. liPr, '!'IT', itit, 1!l1r<, G'Ifu! 46.~
2 S. 'T'm, 'Tiit 47. srqm;r
26. trnfi, qfulrr

'"" 1 0---4UCf!ml(m'EIZ.
I. ~(
2. 'filfl!Cr. 10. m
3. iff<'fT lIAf 11. 'JI't'ift', """,, ~f ~J cq"irl4l, ~,
4. ",,€i ..,!':,T "fIfRt, '<i''IT<, "f1'lIfn:, .~" ~,
5. <ijflr, 'fT~ ~, 1J~, 'tl-q,,\iitl <, ~, ~. ~,
G. ~,;te ~ Ti't~, '!Or1frit Ti't~, ,,01\'11(' ~,
7. iI'l'\T&I,~ ifT.:n, (1""'il1'), "Uftffi', ~, ~, -W-
8 . .rnI1:,~, il'Rm, ;ffifti'r • 'If1fr, ~, wi mrolflfi
Constitutioll (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950
150 (PART I-Rules and Orders under the Constitution)

12. Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi, 35. Madgi

Malkana, Halelkhor, Lalbegi, Balmiki, 36. Madiga
Korar, Zadmalli 37. Mahar, Mehra, Taral, Dhegu Megu
13. Bindla 38. Mahyavanshi, Dhed, Vankar, Maru
14. Byagara Vankar
15. Chalvadi, Channayya 39. Mala
1-6. Chenna Dasar, Holaya Dasar, Holeya 40. Mala Dasari
41. Mala Hannai
I 7. Dakkal, Dokkalwar 42. Mala Jangam
18. Dhor, Kakkayya, Kankayya, Dohor
43. Mala Masti
19. Dom. Dumar
44. Mala Sale, Netkani
20. EIlamalvar. Ye11ammalawandlu
45. MaJa Sanyasi
21. Ganda, Gandi
46. Mans, Matang, Minimadig, Dankbni
22. Garoda, Garo Mang, Mang Mahashi, Madari, Garudi,
23. Ghasi, Ghasia Radhe Mang
24. Halleer 47 Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi
25. Halsar, Haslar, Hulasvar, Halasvar 48. Manne
26. Holar, Valhar 49. Masbti
27. Holaya, Holer, Holeya, Hollya 50. Meghval, Mengbvar
28. Kaikadi (in Akola, Amravati, 51. Mitha Ayyalvar
Bhandara, Buldana, Nagpur, Wardha
and Yavatmal districts and Cbandrapur 52. Mukrl
district other than Rajura tahsil) 53. Nadia, Hadi
29. Katia, Patharia 54. Pasi
30. Khangar, Kanera, Mirdha 55. Sansi
31. Khatik, Chikwa, Chikvi 56. Shenva, Chenva, Sedma, Ravat
32. Kolupulvandlu 57. Sindhollu, Chindollu
33. Korl 58. Tirgar, 'firbanda
34. Ungader 59. Turi.

PART XI -Manipur
1. Dhupi, Dhobl 5. Patni
2. Lois 6. Sutradhar
3. Muehi, Ravidas 7. Yaithibi.
4. Nlimasudra

PART XII.-Meghalaya
I. Bansphor 9. Kaibartta, J allya
2. Bhuinmali, Mali 10. Lalhegi
3. Brltti&! Bania, Bania 11. Mahara
4. Dhupi, Dhobi 12. Mehtar, Bhangi
5. Dugla, Dholl 13. Muehi, Rishi
6. Hira 14. Namasudra
7. la1keot 15. Patni
S. 1halo, Malo, JbaJo..Malo 16. Sutradhar.

I. Adi Andhm 3. Audhelia
2 ..... maot, Amat 4. Badaik
. !ifUl'f (",!~lf <iI(tiPrt) 'I!bt, J9.50 150
('If1'T ) ---«fttr'f it; jlrqq aiR: m)

} 2. $'fr. irGcf{, 3llQlTr.ff. {-;cir, ~r.=n, f'iQilriit1t(, 35.~

"fmlT'), iIT..tW'f, .mm, ~ 36~
)3. f~T J7, ~, iti{'U, <rmr, fl'I ill!
J4.~ 38. 'f1i;",'MI,~, q'Ufof."':, ;r'r1i'q'Vf", .
) 5. ~, ;nll('( 39. IfTm
1~. iiI"lmmr" ~T'l' <miT, ~'h:T'l' <n«tT 40· if~
17. lI',,:;;or, ,r'),,~ 41. ;r'/1;f~
18. iin:, 'l''lff.Z!ll', .... fiZlIT, .~n: \ 2. 1fr.rr ~1J1r
19. lI'l1r, ~I': -1:l. 'fr.rr ~
20. \~~i.{q&qj'(,~~~~ "4. 1fr.rnr.r, ~..n" .
~\. ~T, <M 15. 1fTm~
12. trUIT, trU ·16 lji'lf, 'HiP!, fllf.!qm.r, $.(1ft'lPr, 'fi'lf-
23. <mrT, trl'tm '1i;TWt, '1m'). 'fTli1r"t '. 'l~ lli'lf
~4.~ ., 7. 'I'I<r 'fTm'), '1i'1f 'fTnl
~5. lr<'Rfl':, i{tl"TP:, ~~, ~ ·j8. 'I'"
26.~,~ \9. '1~
n ~IfT, l!~' l!~1fT l!1t\;lrr 50· ittro\1', ~
~S. ~ (~, ~<f\',>imr, '!<'IiITiIT, 5J. fll~T~,

'!l'l'l', <NT ~'~r.r f,,;if >i qh: "'"!'U 52. '1.,'llf

'It!fur 'Ii1 ~n ~ f;;A if) :; 3 riT;rTlfT, ItT<ft
29. dPIy, <mf'IfT '54. 'l'HrI
30. litml:,~, firwt 55. uRil
3). 1!ilft.I;, f~, fOf<Rt 56. W'fiIT, iiI"fiIT, ~T, ,('ffl
32 .. "'i('1:!<1"~ 5 7. f ..tffir., f~r.r.
33 ~ 58. <rn:m" ~
.14. fl;rInm: 59. '!"U I

'IT'! 11--~'

5. 'l'Tc.rT
-.., .........
"'~'" c,. ~iNT1:
7. ,ff'lfol I

'IT'! 12-~
).~ Q. ~,'i/'Tfu'IfT
2. '!,t<.r;ft, '1m IO.~
3. ~ .r.m, m!JT I ). 'Ii!'!
4. !I<ft, inft I 2. ~"" 'firr"t

;. _.'AIT, iIi;fi 13.~, 'V:fV
6.i{ru 1 4. 'fI'"l)r
7.~ IS. 'l'TGor"t
8. smn, '1m, m<it-'1rm I 6. '!,iNT1: I

'IT'! 13~
1. 'IT~ '!ttl. 3. >:fuXftor!I'T
2. WIT'<!'. ~<r 4. iii ..
lSI Constitution (Schedul4d ClI3tu) Order, 1950
(l'AltT ll-Rules and Ordera undet the COIl5t1tut1on)

5. Baghcti BalYlt1ti 49. Knmmari

6. Bajikar 50. Kurunga
7. Bari 51. Laban
8. B.uiki 52. Laheri
9. Basor, Burud 53. Madari
10. Bauri 54. Madiga
11. Bau:i 55. Mahuria
12. Bavuri 56. Mala, Jhala, Malo. Zala
13. Bedia, Bejia 57. Mang
14. BeIdar 58. Mangan
IS. Bbata 59. Mehra, Mahar
16. Bhoi 60. Mehtar, Bhangi
17. Chachati 61. Mewar
18. ChnkJ; 62. Mundapotta
19. Chamw-, I,: C~·U. Muchi, Satnami 63. Musahar
20. Cbrulda!a 64. Nagarchi
65. Namasudra
21. Chandki M<::'c 66. Paidi
22. ChCIIia, G!l;e in 67. Painda
23. Dandasi 68. Pamidi
24. Dewar 69. Pan, Pano
25. Dhanwar 70. Panchama
26. Dhoba, D..lC':. 71. Panika
n. Dom, Dombo. Duria Dolr. 72. Panka
28. Dosadha 73. Pantanti
29. Ganda 74. Pap
30. Ghantarghada, Ghantra 75. Pasi
31. Ghasi, Ghasia 76. PatiaI, Patikar, P;~'rntonlJ, Patun
32. Ghogia 77. Rajna
33. Ghusuria 78. Relli
34. Godagali 79. Sabakhia
35. Godari 80. Samasi
36. Godra 81. Sanei
37. Gotha 82. Sapari
38. Gorait, Kor3it 83. Sauntia, Sanda
39. P..addi, Hadi, Hari 84. Sidhria
40. lrika 85. Sinduria
41. l a p 86. Siyal
42. Kandra, Kandara 87. Tamadia
43. Kama. 88. Tamudia
44. Katia 89. Tanla
45. Kela 90. Tiar, Tior
46. Khadala 91. Turi
47. Kodalo, Kbodalo 92. Vjia
48. Kori 93. VaIamiki, Valmiki
~ ("'!'lf1nl ~) vRu. 11150
('fT1I 3-~ ill srIf\;r flmI m: ~)

5. ~~T; ~ 49.~
6.~ 50.~
7. err(t 51. I'ATUl
s. mr..r 52.~~
9. err,m, ~ 53. 'll:'lU
10. IffiRr 54. 'Ilf;m,
11. ~«iT 55. '1gfm
12. ~"ir 56. '1r.rt, mlIl, ~nm, ImIT
13. ~,arf;m 57. '1i"T
14. i/0I0n: 58. '1Frvr
1 5. 'fTC 59. il'{u, '1~
16. 'lit 6 O. ~, 'Ii>ft'
17. 'f~i 61. im<:
18. "Im;fr 62.~

19. "!'1n:, "Fit, l!'i't, ~<I'IT"r 63. 'I.~

20. "Ii<:T<'i
21. ~ '1T11' 65. 'l'rII~lf
66. <fm
22. ~W ~
23. G'<rrm 68. qnfItT
24. W 69. '!Tor, 'IT"ff
25. li'fiIT<: 70. <hi'!'
26. mr.tiWt 71.~
27. 6!ll.~, ~ m 72. m
28. ~l~m 7 3. 'tf01(l'fu
29. tim 74. 'IT'f
30.~, .cro 75. '!Tit
31. '!Tit, 'If",m 76. qmmr, ~,%tdf"" ~
32. >itf'RT 77. ~
33. ~fun 78. 'tl';fr
34. ifmm<fr 79. =illn Iii,,,
35. ,jlmr so. tIlIm
36. ifWI 81. ~
37. ,","1. 82.~
3S. ifl<th 'f;T<:lt<l 83. mm.n, mftrIrr
39. ~,~r.~r 84. f!tllfun
40. ~A>r 85 f~
41 . "l1'R'fi 86. flT'ml'
42. ~, ";6P:l 87. G4,F.... ,
43.~ 8•• ~
44.~ 89. <Il1I'III
45. m 90. f,rIm, f<l1m
46. um; 91. '[6
4 7. i6Tmi1', ,,);rr<;j\ 92.~.
4S.~ 93. a,Mlf... ,· ii,fI/lfo!;
152 Constitution (Scheduled Castes) . Order, 1950
(PARTm-Rules and Orders under the Constitution)

PART XJV.-Pulljab
1. Ad Dharmi 19. Kabirpantbi, Julaha
2. Balmiki, Chura, Bbangi 20. Khatik
3. Bangali 21. Korl, Koli
4. Barar, Burar, Berar 22. Marlja, Marecha
5. Batwal 23. Mazhabi
6. Bauria, Bawaria 24. Megh
q. Bazigar 25. Nat
S. Bhanjra 26.0d
9. Chamar, Jatia Chamar, Rehgai, Raigar, 27. Pasi
Ramdasi, Ravidasi 28. Peroa
10. Chana! 29. Pherera
H. Dagi 30. Sanhai
12. Darain 31. Sanhal
13. Deba, Dhaya, Dhea 32. Sansi, Bhedkut, Manesh
14. Dhanak 33. Sansoi
15. Dhogrl, Dhangrl, Siggi 34. SapeJa
16. Dumna, Mahasha, Doom 35. Sarera
17. Gagra 36. Sikligar
18. Gandhila, GandiJ, Gondola 37. Sirkiband.

PART XV.-Rajasthan

1. Adi Dharmi 18. Chandal

2. Aherl 19. Dabl:ar
3. Badi 20. Dhanak,. Dhanuk
4. Bagri, Bagdi
21. Dhankia
5. Bairwa, Berwa
6. Bajgar 22. Dhobi
7. Balai 23. Dholi
8. Bansphor, Bansphod 24. Dome, Dom
9. Baorl 25. Gandia
10. Bargi, Vargi, Birgi 26. Garancha, Gancha
]1. Bawaria
27. Garo, Garura, Gurda, Garoda
12. Bedia, Betia
28. Gavaria
13. Bhand
29. Godhi
14. Bhangi, Chura, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi,
Malkana, Halalkhor, Lalbegi, Balmiki, 30. Jingar
Valmiki, Korar, Zadmalli 31. Kalhelia, Sapera
15. Bidakia 32. Kamad, Kamadia
16. Bola 33. Kanjar, Kunjar
17. Chamar, Bhambhi, Bambhi, Bhambi,
J alia, J atav, J atava. Mochi, Raidas, 34. Kapadia Sansi
Rohidas, Regar, Raigar, Ramdasia, 35. Khangar
Asadaru, Asodi, Chamadia, Cbambhar,
Chamgar, H3r.l1ayya, Harali, KhaIFa, 36. Khatik
Machigai, Mochigar, Mooar, Madig, 37. Koli, Kori
Telugu Mochi, Kamati Mochi, Ranigar,
Rohit, Samgar 38. Kooch Band, Kuchband
.tfll'1I1l! (~m 'IIIfiIqf) ,""", 1950 152
('IT'T J--ID'i'm'r it; wr.r f.r'f1l m q-rhr)

J. aH~"1 19., ~'fIlT

2. iImfIf.!;, '!JT, 'Ii1rr 20. lIitij;
3. < 21. 'IIrtt, 'I\T.It
4.~,~,~ 22.~, .ron
5. ~;;r 23.~
6. iIffim,iIT<Ifm 24. ~
7.~ 250 OR"
8. 'Ii~ 26. am
9. ~, ~ ~, ~, ~, -u1f<mfT, 27. 'mft .
7mffit 28. ~
10. 'A"1Vr 29. ~W
II. ilTrfr 30.~
12. q 31.~
13. "iif!",
i'IT, ii3IT 32. mit, ~, •
14. !!Tor.; 33. ~~
15. ;it",), iT'l"ft, f;rnft 34.~
16. 'l:f'IT, ~, ~lf 35.~
17. ~r 36. fijCfi611" <
18. ~r~, 1J'I~I;;r, 'l)oTm 37. fu«tli\~

'"" 1 5-(I'i."4fi1'

1. onR lirlf ~,1lRr, ', "oil'''''' '"'~, !fT1rII1'.

2. 3!tU 18. "Iimr
3. irr~ 19; ~

4. <rmr, 'Il11Tr 20. !!Tor.;, ~

5. ;fro, croo 2J. !!T~
6. ;mr<n: 22. titI/l
7. iT\'fTt 23. il~
8. ~, <iiiijqj)~ 24 .. sl1r, ~
9. Irr<rt\ 2 5. lfiftlrr
10. '!'if, if'ff, fim1 26. 'I"&<!r, 'Ti'fr
1 J. 'IT'Ifurr 27• .ro,~, ~wf, ~
12. ~r~, ~''lT 28. 'l<fTf'Orr
13. m 29. ii\m
14. ~, '!JT, ~i!~, ,"'(if'''~I, m, ~, 30.~
l!:<'I~,~, ij ..~lf"', lffilfifil;, 'IiTm, 31. ~f;;r'IT, .mr
ITT~ 32.~, ~'IT
1 5. flrofij;trT 33.~,~
16. ;furr 34. 'Imf~, mrr
17. <nm:, 'lim, <I'm, .ror, :;rf?:ltr, OfTG'f, ;;r~, 35. 'li'lTl:
lJro, ~m:r, ~, 7.:~, ~~, «(q<IFflQr, 36 . ..tTij;
areR1i',~, ~T, 'f"lfH, "IT1f'lTl:, if"'I'IT, 37. .mft, 'IIrtt
i{mfi, lir.!'IT, lff.iim:, 1I'r.f\"trr" lfm, lffm, 38.~~, ~
Constitulioll (Scheduled Casles) Order, 1950
(PARTm-Rules and Orders under the Constitlltion)

39. Koria 49. Pasi

40. Madari, Bazigar 50. Rawal
41. Mabar, Taral, Dbegumegu 51. Salvi
42. Mahyavanshl, Oiled, Dheda, Vankar, 52. Sansi
Maru Vankar 53. Santia, Satia
43. Majbabi 54. Sarbbangi
44. MaDg, Matang, Minimadig 55. Sargara
45. Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi 56. Singiwala
46. Megb, Meghval, Megbwal, Mengbvar 57. Tbori, Nayak
47. Mebar 58. Tirgar, Tirbanda
48. Nat, Nut 59. Turi.

PART XVT.-Tamil Nadu

1. Adi Andbra 30. Karimpalan
2. Adi Dravida 3 I. Kavara (in KaDyakumari district and
3. Adi Karnataka Shenkottah taiuk of Tirune)veli district)
4. Ajila 32. Koliyan
5. Aruntbatbiyar 33. Koosa
6. Ayyanavar (in Knnyakumari district 34. KootaD, KoodaD (iD Kanyakumari diS·
and Sbenkottab ta)uk of Tirunelveli dis.
trict and SbeDkottah taiuk of Tirunel...
trict) veli district)
7. Baira
35. Kudumban
8. Bakuda
36. KuravaD, Sidhanar
9. Bandi
37. Madari
10. BelIara
38. Madiga
1I. Bbaratar (in Kanyakumari district and
SbeDkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district) 39. Mana
12. Cbakkiliyan 40. Mala
13. Cbalavadi 41. MannaD (in Kanyakumari district and
14. Chamar, Muchi Sbenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
15. Cbandala 42. Mavt1an
16. CberumaD . 43. Moger
17. Devendrakulathan 44. Mundala
) 8. Dom, Dombara, Paidi, PallO 45. Nalakeyava
19. Domban 46. Nayadi
20. Godagali 47. Padannan (in Kanyakumari district and
21. Godda Shenkottab taiok of TirunelveU district)
22. GosaDgi 48. Pagadai
23. Holeya 49. Pallan
24. laggaJi SO. PaUuvan
25. ] ambuvulu 51. Pambada
26. Kadaiyan 52. Panan (in Kanyalcumari district and
27. Kakkalan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
Shenkottah ta)uk of Tirune)ve)i district) 53. Par.chama
28. Kalladi 54. Pannadi
29. Kanakkan, Padanna (in the Nilgiris 55. Panniandi
district) 56. Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar
wf~ (11'!~ <nf\m) 'IIbr,1950 15.1
(1fT1Tn.t--m'M'f if; mol f'lll1f am: ~)

39.~ 49. mfi

40. 1!Irr('t, ~ 50.~

41. qR, <r<11f,~ 51. Im!1fr

42. '''lIqI41111, ~,~, ~, '11"11 52. mft
, II'II'II( 53. uffim, mm
43.~ 54. rntft
44. "N,~, fir~ 55.~
45. 'Ii1T, ~, 'Ii1T, ~ 56. fWfm;n
46. iN,~, ~, iI"sPm: 57. oirtT, '!fIR;
47. ~ 58. Ifrom:, ~
48. ;reo, ¥. 59. q6' 1

'"" Ill--ftf""",!
30. ~'Ir.A
31. ~<ro ("''''11/''1(\ f~i1r if m fd .. ~,,~ifr
f~ ~ ~ """i'" if)
50 OifM-(rcrqi< 33.~
6.......... < (...... 1'''1(1 f.sffl if aft( flR"- 34. 'l!.t'f,~~ (~l1:lf~wifmfa ..~"ih"l
~ "'"'" ij; ~r ~ if) f.r.r
ij; ~ "''t~ if)
7. iu 35.~
37. 'lml
11. 111:<11:(4i... "",6!Grit
if.m: fd ..~,,~"'1 39. tt.n
~ ~ 41 ....'<:.", ImfIi if) 40. >iT\'\"
12... rWM4'1 41. >nr.r (~.... rtIftU fllr.t it m ftI ..~"~ofl f~
1 3. "II'fII1fiI ~ ~ ""{if; it)
14. ""'11:, 'f.~ 42. ilif~ .. ,..
1S.~ 43. >ftiI1:
16.~ 44.~
17. _il..' ...... 45.~
J 8. iI>r,~, ~, """ 46.~
J9.~ 47. q'Q";f (If.... I'!q'<'l f.3I\1t if m ftI ..~oAfft
f'iIir ~ ~ ~. it)
21. >ftnT
, 48. 'f111i
22. .mMI" 49. If"...-.r
23. ~ 50.~
u.1II"mft 5 I. 'fIf411T
25.~ 52. ifI'!'I" (4i""i q ,(\ f.3I\1t if m ftl4il ..' .... f~
26.~ t ~ ~'" it)
27. ~ ('lil'lnFlr(\' filM it m fa4il .. _.."'l 53. "if
filMt~~it) 5 4. """"
28.~ 55. qAiql,""
29. 'ii'R:'A, qmn (Ift1If1rft flIIW it)
40--81)4 M/o law & JlIS1ic~/94
Cons/ilution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950
( PART ill -Rules and Orders under the Constitution)

57. ~wn (in Kanyakumari district and 67. Thoti

Si'le::lbttab taluk of Tirunelveli district) 68. Tiruvalluvar
58. Pataiyan (in Kanyakumari district and 69. Vallon
Shdottab taluk of Tiruneiveli district) 70. Valluvan
59. Jl>uhyan. Cberamar 71. Vannan (ia Kanyaltumari district and
60. Putlrirai Vannan Shenkottab taluk of Tironelvcli district)
61. twJeyar 72. Vathiriyan .
62. SaJnae,nra 73. VeIan
63. Samtian 74. Vetan (in Kanyakumari district and
M. SntJari Sbenkottab taluk of Tirunelveli district)
65. Semman 75. Vettiyan
66. Thandan (ia Kanyakumari district and 76. Vettuvan (in Kanyakumari distlict and
Shenkottab taluk of Tirunelveli district) Shenkottah talule of T1fW1eIveli dIstrict).

PART XVII.-Tripura

1. &sdl . 17. Kanugb

2. BlllllLlali 18. Keot
3. Bhunar 19. Kbadit
4. Chnmar. Muchl 20. Khatia
5. D8fldasi 21. Koch
6. Dltenuar 22. Koic
7. Dhoba 23. Kol
8. DmI 24. Kora
9. Gbl:s:i 25. Kotal
10. Gour 26. Mabisyadas
11. Gur 27. Mali
12. J alia Knibarta 28. Mebtor
13. fCol!nr 29. Musahar
14. KaIlndi 30. Namasudra
IS. Krui 31. Patni
16. KoM 32. Sabar.

PART XVlIl.-Ultar Pradesh


4. Bal:eliya 16. Basor
5. &il:l 17. Bawariya
6. l'iai$Wat 18. Beldar
7. llsjaniya 19. Beriya
8. BJiiI 20. Bhantu
9. lb't.Jw 21. Bhuiya
10. Ba!ai 22. Bhuyiar
11. BaImilI 23. Boria
12, hiV!
24. Chamer. DIwBl3. Jtms.ia. lllU1va
wf'OO'f ('f~f~'IITf~)~. 1950 154
('111T 3-41'~11'! ~ WI'\' f'i<ill ~1, VI~)

57. 'rr"" (""Q'rpnfr Ari:r ii tTl, f'flR'<1ir.rT f.;ri:r 67 . .me

ir. lIT,,"!;!' I 'II"!" ii) 68. f:m~>:
5~. 'ii'l'Q"f (""'fl!i'l'fl:T f:;rilr ii ql, f~' 69. irR'!
fori'! ~ ~~r <l'I"!i' i,') 70.~
59. '!'1Q"f, inltr 7 7 I. ">r~ (:~fl:T ~;;r"r it m ,,0/\<14;(1 f.;ri;
fiO. 'If''~'''''''r'! ~ ~ <:mt'" Ii)
f; I. lJ1ITnrn 72. 'l'rf~llT'!
(} ::. lI'TlI11 r~ 73.m
(.3. ~~q;t 74. Wi ( ....... t~ .. t(r f>iR if .mf!f~r f~
h-l. 'GQ'ir ~ lIT~ ""'t 'f. it)
(; 5. q.~Jr.i 75.~~
(;6. 'f"T-i (if,.;;1f'ITf1 f<l\'~ ii ~l>: f~1r.frf~ 76. irc~ (<r. .... I~.,.I(r f~. it m fM'i\ ..iI(j)
~ ~ <m'!'" ii) f~ t ~ /f'!\'!~ if) I
'fill 17-~

I. 'l'11Iit 17. ~

2. '!flfl'l'fi 18. m
3. '!"' 19. ~<f
20. wrf'QII
4. "'"'. 'l'l'T
s.~T 21 ....~
6. ~cn 22. 1j;)In:
7. !flirT 23. ~
8. gl1f 24.~
9. -mIT 25 • .mm
10. ttl, 26. itftsq"ltt
II. '1' 27. it"",
12.~~ 28.~
I 3. if.i!'r{ 29.~
14. .mAT 30. ,,~
15. fl"f 31. onm
16. ;r,G41 32. ~I

'fill 18 I"C~ . ~',

13. "'1"''1''
14.~ .- -~

15. Irom:
16. . . .
5. l{1TT 17. ,,'i5iRill
6.~ 18.~
7.~ 19. • fun
8. IfTllI1i\' 20· 'lit
9.~ 21. ~
I O. i!\'fTt 22.~
II.~ 23.~
12. o(1mft 24. 'II1m:. 'lfim. I{ftm. ~
155 Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order. 1950
(PART1II-Rulcs and Orders under the Constitution)

15. Chern 46. Kharwar (excluding Benbansi)

26. Dabgar 47. Khatik
27. Dhangar 48. Khorot
28. Dhanuk 49. Kol
29. Dharkar 50. Kori
30. Dhobi 51. Korwa
31. Dom 52. Lalbegi
32. Domar 53. Majhwar
33. Dusadh 54. Mazbabi
34. Gharami 55. Musahar
35. Ghasiya 56. Nat
36. Good 57. Pankha
37. Gual 58. Parahiya
38. Habura 59. Pasi, Tarmali
39. Hari 60. Patari
40. HeJa 61. Rawat
41. KaJabaz 62. Saharya
42. Kanjar 63. Sanaurbiya
43. Kapariya 64. Sansiya
44. Karwal 65. 'Shilpkar
45. Khairaha 60. Turaiha.

PART XIX.-West Bengal

1. Bagdi, Duley 22. Hari. Mehtar, Mehtor, Bhaogi

2. Bahclia 23. J alia Kaibartta
3.. Baiti 24. 1halo Malo, Malo
4. Bantar 25. Kadar .
S. Bauri 26. Kami (Nepali)
6. Beldar 27. Kandra
7. Bhogta 28. Kanjar
8. Bhuimali 29. Kaora
9. Bhuiya 30. Karenga, Koranga
10. Bind 31. Kaur
11. Chamar, Chw;mak'lf. Mochi. Muehl. 32. Ke<>t. Keyot
Rabidas, Ruidas, Rishi 33. Khaira
12. Chaupal 34. Khatik
13. Dahgar 35. Koch
14. Damai (Nepali) 36. Konai
IS. Dboba, Dhobi 37. Konwar
16. Doai 38. Kotal
17. Dam, Dhangad 39. Kurariar
18. I>os$dh, Dusadh, Dhari, Dharhi 40. Lalbegi
19. Ghasi 41. Lohar
20. Ganrhi 42. Mabar
21. HalaIhkor 43. Mal
~ (~~""f<llri)~, 1950 155
('f11T 3-lI'flm~ iIr lMr.d""" -:n, ~~)
25. ~<) 46. 1!f>:llT>: (~ :f.T ~~r.()
26. 1\:qlJ\ 47. Ifit<I;
27. Ii1rl 48. ~rm
28. !Tfo!ij; 49. '!i\'«
29. !l"~ 50. !fur
30. lfTift 5 I. ifulIT
3.l.iI1I 52. "fT;;.rl[r
32. lrT1l< ;3. 1I1RT'{
33. S'ID1' 5 4. 1f;;r~r
34. IfUIf) 55. '!~
35. !l"fuIIT 56. ifO
36. 'It. 57. m
37. """ 58.~
38 ~~ 59. <mit, <r':1fr;:fr
39. ~ 60. 'R'(r
40. ~ 61. WB
4 I. ;;.rm;;r 62. 'JW':IIT
42. 'Ii<ll' 63. ~Trorr
43.~ 64. ij'ff~
44.~ 65. fm:<r~
45. ,,~ 66.~ 1

'lflii 1 ~ lftnw
I.~,~ 22. ~r,~,~, YfJrr
2. iI~ 23. 'IITf\;m, m
3. lITl4<fi 24. moft 1I1l'1l, 'Ill'll
4.m 25. limn:
5.M 2 6. IOTlfi (iI<mft I
6.iwm 27.~
7• .rpm 28.~
8. 'ftJIl'fi
29. 'Ii"!lI"'tr
9. 'If,W 3 O. oRtrr, mIlT
10. ~ 31. m
II. ~, ~, 1iWI, 'toof\', ~, ~, 32. ~,ij;~
~ 33. ~
12. .mnr 34. .tA;
13.~ 35.~
14. UllTt (~) 36. mr{
15. lim.
16. ~t
'"* 37.
17. m. a-.... 39. tm~
18 • .mmr. ~. am. ~ 4 o. ;mMtr'"t
19. >mfI 41. 1'Il{r<
20.~ 42. ~
21. ,"1""( 43. II'fI'i
156 Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950
(PARTllI-Rules and Orders under the Constitution)

44. M~Dah 52. Patni

45. Musahar 53. Pod, Poundrs
46. Namasudra 54. Rajbanshi
47. Nat 55. Rajwar
48. Nuniya 56. Slirki (Nepali)
49. Paliya 57. Suori (excluding Saha)
50. Pan, Sawasi 58. Tiyar
51. Pasi 59. Turi.]

l[PART XX.-Mizoram

1. Bansphor 9. Kaibartta or Jaliya

2. Bhuinmali or Mali 10. Lalbegi
3. Brittial-Bania or Bania 11.' Mahara
4. Dhupi or Dhobi 12. Mehtar or . Bhangi
5. Dugla or Dholi 13. Muchi or Risbi
6. Hira 14. Namasudra
7. Jalkeot 15. Patni
8. Ihalo, Malo or Jbalo-Malo 16. Sutradbar.]

'[PART XXI.-Arul/achal Pradesh

1. Banspbor 9. Kat1l8rtta or J aliya

2. Bhuimali or Mali 10. Lalbegi
3. Brittial Bania or Bania 11. Mahara
4. Dhupi or Dhobi 12. Mehtar Or Bhangi
5. Dugla of Dboli 13. Muebi or Rishi
6. Hira 14. Namasudra
7. Jalkeot 15. Patni
8. Ihalo, Malo or Jhalo-Malo 16. Sutradhar.]

1. Bhangi (Hadi) 4. Mabyavansbi (Vankar)
2. Chambhar 5. Mana.]
3. Mahar

I. 1m. by Aet 34 of 1986. s. 13 BDd First Soh. (w .•.f. 2()'2·19871.

2. In•. by Act 69 of 1986. L 16 and Fin! Soh. 2()'2-1987).
3. I ••. by Aet 18 of 1987. s. 19 .,nd Fint Soh. Iw ... f. 3()'~·1987).
Iff.m>r (~,f~~t) iIf~. 1950 15(,
('l1J1T 3-'imm ij; Wr'f f'flll! 'q't>: ~vr)
44.~ 52. 'fTZ'l'l
4 5. '!~~~ 5 3. 'f~, 'fr.n
46. 'fT'fi1P." ~
54. ,,;;r~~T
47. 'I'< 55. ""lifT>:
48. 1:f'flIT 56. ~"T ('l1mfT)
49. 'ff'l"lIT 5 7. WItt ('1~") ~rf"')
5 (). 'fRo ~I'fi 5 S. f(flfl:
5 I. 'Tf'fr 59. ~ IJ

l["IfI'f 2o:....f~
I. i!T~ 9. m 1fT ;;nfu1rr
2. ~r.ft lIT ;mfT 10. m<Wft
3. <rf<r>mr-ilf'flll lIT II. ~
4. !NT 1fT li\ift
1 2. ~ 1fT >t>TT
5. s'1<'!T lIT i!;{T
1 3. "If'ift 1fT "{1ft

6. fi>" 14.~
7. orrmz IS. 'f<f'fT
8. 'fr.ff, "lfr.ft liT 'fr.ft-lfT\i) 16.~ll

I.~ 9. m
2. ~ 1fT lfT\iT 10.~
3. flrfffiml'-'If.fIIT 1fT 1If.!1fT II. ~
4. f{'ft 1fT 00 I 2. ~ 1fT 1f'IrT
5. ~lfTiTm 1 3. 'f'ift 1fT '!I£flf

6.~ 14.~
7.~ IS. 'fi!'ft
8. mm,
lI'r.ft 1fT 1rn'I'\~ 16.~1]

1[,"" 2 2-m~

4. 11"T~ ~ ( (011\\)
5. 1ItIT I]

.. 19S6i;;~Ii. H'liTurn 13'itt~~1m (20-~198711) ailI:t1Im~'

2. 1966;r, ,"af~ Ii. 69 'liT !1m 16 m ~ ~ 1m (20-2-1987 II) .m:t1I1fi«t',
3 1987 t ~ Uo IS 'liT IlTU \9 m q>I\ ~ 1m ('30-5-1987 II) "":~ ,
(C. O. 32)
In exercise of the powers conferred by clal1~c.( II of article 341 of the Constitution of India.
as amended by tbe Constitution (Fi,-,,1 Amendment) Act. 1951. th~ President is pleased 10 make
tbe following Order. namely : -
I. This Order may be clIlled the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) 'reUnion Territories»
Order. 1951.
2. Subject to the provisions of tbis Order. the C'd>les. races or tribes or parts of. or groups
witbin. en~tes or tribes. specified in '[Parts' to III] of the Schedule to this Order shall. in relntil'n
to tbe 1{Union territories) to wbieh those Parts respectively relate. be· deemed t(l be Schetluled
Castes so far as regards members thereof resident in the lo;alities specified in relation tl' them
respectively in those Part~ of that Schedule.
4(3. Notwithstanding anytbing contained in paragraph 2. no person who professes a religion
different from the Hindu. '(the Sikh or the Budhist) religion shall be deemed to be a member of a
Scheduled Caste.)
6(4. Any reference in this Order to a Union territory in Part I of the Schedule shall be
construed as a reference to the territory eOllstituted as a Union territory. as from the first day of
November 1956, any reference to a Union territory in Part " of the Schedur'e sball be construed •
as a reference to the territory constituted ,IS a Union territory as
from the first day of Novelllber.
1966 and any reference to a Union territory in Part III of the Schedule. shall be construed a, a
reference to the territory constituted as a Union territory as from the day appoimed under clause
(b) of section 2 of tbe Goa. Daman and Diu Re(lrganisation Act. 1987.1
P.\RT I.-nrlhi

Throughollt the Union territory : -

I. Adi-Dharmi 18. Kabirpanthi
2. Agria I9. Kaehhandba
3. Abeti. 20. Kanjar or Giarllh
4. Balai ,21. Khatik
S. Banjara n. Koli·
6. Bawaria n Lalbegi
7. Bazigar 24. Madari
8. Bhangi 25. Mallah
9. Bbil 26. Mazhabi
lO. Chamar. Ch3nwar Chamat. lotavo or 27. MeBhwal
latav Chamar. Mochi. Ramdasia. Ravi- 211. Noribul
dasi. Raidasi. Rehgarb or Raigar 29. Nat (Rana)
11. Chohra (Sweeper) 30. Pasi
12. Chubra (Balmiki) 31. Perna
13. Dbauak or Dbanuk 3?. Saosi or Bhedhtt
14. Dhobi 33. Sapera
l!i. Dom '14. Sikligar
16: Gharrami 35. Singiwala or Kalbelia
17. lulaha (Weaver) 31i.Sirkihand.l
I. Publi!!ihed wich the Ministry of law Notifn. No. C.O. 32, dated the 20th September. 19~1. (iMuttc ur
India. Extraordinary 19~1. Purt II. Section 3. page 1198.
2. Sub•. by .he Scheduled Ca.te. and Scheduled Tribe. Li5l, . (MudifiCIIlion) Onler, t956.
3. Sub•. hy Ac:t 18 of t!IR7 .•. t'1 and Fi". Sch. ror "p.,,,
I In IV" (w.e.r. ~O·5·t9R7\
4. S.b,. by Act 63 of t956 .•. ) nnd Sch. JI.
S. Subs. by Act 15 of 1990. s. 3. for "or the Sikh".
6. Subs. by Act 18 of 1987. s. 19 and First Sch.o for paragraph 4 (w.e.f. 30-5.1987).
I~Pf (di'1'if'lli11 iinfMI) 2[("~ enr)) antW, 1951
(~o ~o 32)
m,fA (1i'flI' ~~) 'lfIl1il>Pr, 1951 Iml .<fl ~mfirn \'frof ~ iI; #i'4"<fA' iI; ~ 341
Q'1' (1) troWll'6 ~ "'I liql'l ~gtn~·tf<l i\' 'If'l'it li~ ~A"!f<'ff<t'<f ~mtf",,"~, ~:-
1. q ~.~ #f<rdT'l ("~<r;;nfa1rt) 2I\~'I' mtl'mr)) ~I~, 1951 qr iIIl ~ I
2. ~« ~mt iI;
:;'fif"i'! ~ ~ElfJt;r ~.~ f'" ~ 'IIrf<rlrt, ~w III 'H'lfdlli lIT ilfrfu'lt III ,",,-
-m<f'if t ~ lIT 'O'fit iI; '{'f tit ~~ '"~w 11ft ~~ iI; 8[~ 1 ~ 3 """') iI' f..r~~ t
'O'f 1["", ~ m) iI; URI"Il' <I, r;;r;r« it ~ ~: ;tit!! ~, ~ if"', ~ <fiI' r", 'f'!t 'O'f ~
'n ~"<lI"!I ~, ~ ~ 'ff-oort it flrlfrm- t, or) ~ "1~ if 'O'! 'IfT'it if, '!i1fW: 'f'!t ~.!f if
fllRl'i!t?:~· 'If'lW'Ia-m<l'tt ~"If.r ;;rrttif 1
4[3. Qu 2 if ~ M iIIC! ~ mlIi~..mre;;lt ~ 'L m-III ml.m iT fi:r-I.m 'I1'lOl i
~i'ffi ;;nfu <liT ~ " wmt "ITt('TT II
6[4. ~ an~lfI if at~ ~ IWT 1 it' M ~ Ul'Iir-;! ~ Ilfu M 1W1fI <liT t/6 at<! i!!'11III
~ r", ~ 1 'l'1fHr<, 1956 q ~'I'. < el;r ii;' ~ it ,"0<1 ti!;\it < el;r ii; wf<l flr4'w ~,
~~ ii; ~ f",\it ~if <~II el;r ii; l£f<l fij;\it f'l'.m ij;f II~ ~'" <'f'lflfl ~I f4i ill: 1
'l'1f1';f<, 1966 if ~'I' <~II el;r iI1 ';<'f if 1ff5<1 ",\it <~II elOl iI1 Iff<l f;rlw ~ <I<fT ~~ ii; ~ 3
if fWl'. #'I' mtI' mr il; srf<l fWl' fil.m 'liT q: ~ <'f'lflfl ~ fij; iii{ 1f)<rI, m qh: 1ft'!'
,!'l'.ro.r 'lfi'irflrlltf, 1987 '!it!ITU 2 ii; .n (<t') ii; W!;r f'l'll<f ~ ~ #'1' ~ mr ~ "" it
'!f5<r fWl' ~ mr ii; Iffa' flr.m ~ I]

m"~illli­ 1 8. "'iff< 'Nt

I. ~11'ft 1 9. 'I>W>!!T
2. \l"Ilfurr 2 O. 'Ii"" lIT f1fllTU
3. ~fw 21. ~'"
4.~ 2 2. '
5. ;fiIfTU 23.•ml~r
6. IrI'ri"w 24. ~r
7. iIR\m: 25.~

8. 1ftrr 26.~
9. 'Iff<'! 27. ~!ffi!
10. 'flIT" ~lff'<, 'II~ lIT "!,?:if "IIff'<, >ir.ft, 28.~
<r>rof~lIT,~, ~ lIT~ w«r, 29. '1~ (<m)
11. ~ (1I'IiTt ~ Iff.r) 30. <mit
12. mr (;n#tf'l» 31.·~1
13. !Il'!ij; lIT !IT'!'" 32. ~lIT~
14. 33. uiro
15. m 34. r«~
16,~ 3 5. f!f.rt>mn lIT ~l'IlIT
17.· "J;<'f1i\:1 (~ Ifr.t) 36. r«~ I)
I. fmr 100'I'I ~ ~ Ii. rism armr 32, lIrt\lr 20 \mm:, 1951 'IItti t mI'III", 1RIT1IT{tI, 1951,

1I\1l 2, .... 3, 'f"l 1198 Ii" lI'I'Ii1llr I

2. ~ ~mm .m "'1\l1l<I ~~mm 'l.f;ro (~) armr, 1956 rnT .fM.. lflo. I
3. 1987 t ariiIf.llriIli. 18 ~ 11m 19.m ~ ~ rnT (30-5-19871t) """, lit 4 !A<" it< ~ Of{ .RIt.u",. I
•. 1956 iI; alfllf.!lm Ii. 63 ~ 'IfU.3 .m ~ ~ rrn .fi,..uflo. I
S. 1990 ii; 3!f!lf.!>ll! l\o IS ... uro 3 mI "'lI ftmI" ii; _ 'R ~ I
6. 1987 ii; 3!f~ l\. 18 qi\ uro 19 am ~ ~ mI (30-5-1987 ~) ~ 4 ii; _ 'R ~,

41-804 MIa Law &. Ju~tict'J9-t
158 Connituti01l (Scheduled Castes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951
(PAIlTIII-Rulcs and Orders under the Constitution)
I[ • • • • •
l[ • • • • •
arlPAIlT II.}-Chandigarh
1. Ad Dbarmi 19. Khatik
2. Bangali 20. Keri or Koli
3. Barar, Burar or Bcrar 21. MaDja or Malecha
4. Batwal 22. Mazhabi
5. Bauria or Bawaria 23. Megb
6. Bazigar 24. Nat
7. Balmiki, Cbura or Bhangi 25. Od
8. Bhanjra 26. Pasi
9. Chamar, Jatia Chamar, Rehgar, Raigar, 27. Perna
Ramdasi or Ravidasi 28. Pbcrera
10. Chanal 29. Sanhai
11. Dagi 30. Sanhal
12. Darain 31. Sansoi
P. Dbanak 32. Sansi, Bhedkut or Manesb
14. Dhogri, Dhangri or Si&gi 33. Sapcla
15. Dumna, Mabasba or Doom 34. Sarcra
16. Gagra 35. Sik\igar
17.Gandhila or Gandil Gondola 36. Sirh'band.l
l~. Kabirpanthi or Iu1aha

61P41tT m -Daman and Diu

Throughout the Union territory : -

1. Bbangi (Hadi) 4. Mahyavansbi (Vankar)
2. Cbambbar 5. Mang.]
3. Mahar

1. Part II relatinalo Himachal PlIIdoah omitted by Act '3 of 1970, •. 19 Dnd Sch.1I (w ••.f. 2'.1·1971).
2. Parts III and IV relatiq to Maoipur ODd Tripura respectiwly omitted by Act 81 of 19'/1, L 2'(2) and
Sob. m (w"".f. 21·1·19721. .
3. Added by Act 31 of 1966, ,. 27 IIJId Sch. IX ("'....f: 1·11.1966).
4. Part V re·numbered .. Part 11 by Act 81 of 1971, ,;2'(21 IIIId·SCh. 111 (w.d. 21·1·1~72).
,. Ori,inal Part III relaliDa to Mizmam omiucd and Part IV renumbered as Part m by Act 34 of 1986, L 13
and Second 5<h. (w.e.f. 20-2·1987). <>riai..1 Part 111 relatin, 10 Arunaebal Pradesh omitted by Act 69
c.f 1986, s. 16 Ind Secoad Sc:b. (w....f. 20-2-1987) and Part min respect of Daman and Diu In•. by Act
18 of 1987, •• 19 alld Pint Sc:b. (w.e.f. 30-5-19'87).
~ (v;WUllnftllri) (~nn'''''''') 1951 wmr. 158
('fT1I' 1-!l'1'!flT~ .. Wf;f f.p(1f m:
S['["", 2]-~
1. ~Imr.ff 19. vtA;
2. 1I'tmi"T 20. ~llT~
3.~, ,~llT~ 21. ~ Iff lii"IT
4. iWm'r 22. ~~
5. ~nm 'llT ilI'if'(llT 23. iN
6. ;rr.ftm: 24. ~

7. ,"~iff, ~ llT WIt 25. aiI¥

8 • .r~ 26. 1fffi"T
9. 'I1m:. mr 'I1fI~. ~~. ~~ • 'Q1roli 27. ofVIT
llT~"T 28. 'fiW
1 O. ~T<'\ 2 9. ij"OI i{It
11. 'TIT"T 30.~

12. q 31. mi\f

13. lITol~ 32. mIT, >T~ Iff "ilw
14.. irrm, iJttn:1 llT firnrr 33.~
15. ~, ,,~ llT l'I 34. rnr
\6· ~ 35.fir~
1'1. ~r.rr llT ",;fur IfR1m 36. r~«il'i~ \]
18~ ",J\«iY'i ~~

~ ~ ~ "" 1t:-
1M (~)
1. 4. 1ti{141qffl (~)
2.~ 5. 1!i1r \]

\. 1970 t IIIf!Jf.rtA 1/. 53 'Ii\' 11m \9 oft1:fiIIN • 1m ~ smr'li\' 'fmt _ 2 ..... (25-1-1971
V) 'IN {;m IJ'II 1
2. 1971 is IIfiItiRor 1/. 8 1 'Ii\' 11m 2 s( 2) oft1:!f\iN ~ 1m ~ oft1: ftrJu 'Ii\'.mr lPIW: """ 3 oft1:
""" 41J1 (21 1-1972 V) 'IN {;m IJ'III

3. 1966 t IIfiItiRor Ii. 31 'Ii\' am 27 oft1: ""'{ ~Im- (1-11-1986 V) "I'm IJ'III
4. 1971 t IIfiItiRor 1/. 81 'Ii\' am 25( 2) oft1: l!lf\II "'l1'f\' 1m """ 5 'Ii\' """ 2 t ~ if (21-1-1972 V)
'!'f: ~I
5. Ii. 34 'Ii\' am 13 ~ 'ire ~ 1m (20-2-1987 if) Iiniror ~'Ii\' '1'" _ J ""
1986 t "filf.rlrq
.m _ 4 'Ii\' _ 3 t· '" it '!'f: mitl&ir {;m If1II 1 1986 t ~ Ii. 69 'Ii\'!'Im 16
{;m IJ'II oft1:
11'\1; l\riI ~ 1m (20-2-1987 V) II1'II1'IIf smr \iliIh 't" """ J ..... 'IN {;m IJ'II 1987 is .m
~ If. 18 'Ii\' 11m 1911'\1; 'It'ft ~ 1m (30-5-1987 V)....-.: oft1: !IR «6 'III! 3 t1!!:~ 1
ORDER, 1956
(C. O. 52)
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (I) o[ article 341 of the Constitution of India,
the President. after consultation with the Sadar-i-Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir, is pleased to
make the followin~ Order. namely:-
I. This Order may be culled the Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order,
2. The codstes specified in the Schedule to this Order shall. [or the purposes of the Consti-
tution. be deemed to be Scheduled Castes in relation to the State of Jammu and Kashmir:
Provided that no person who professes a religion different from the Hindu 2[ the Sikh or the
Buddhist] religion '


I. Barwalu 8. Gardi
2. Basith 9. Jolahu
3. Balwal I U. Megh or Kabirpalllhi
4. ChamaI' or Ramdasia I I. Ratal
5. Chura 12. SarYi.lrH
n. Dhyar 13. Wata!.
7. Doom or Mahasha

I. Published with the ~·Iinistry of law l"utHn. No. S.R.O. 3135A. dotted the 22n~ December. 19~6 .
. (iilzcttC of'lndi:l. F\Ir:ll)nlinary. 19;":11, 1),111 II. Secliun 3. png:e 26861\.,
2. Subs. by Act 15 of 1990. s.6 for "or the Sikh" (w.e.!. 3.6.1990).

19N'UO' (OI1'~~t~h:) 0I'!1f1a" ..m.m~, 1956
(~o 1I!To 52)
'.m;r ~ !il'f-II'! if, ~~ ;q I ... ~ (I) :l:l\T 1R'f !lIr'l<l,ii H !f'i11T ;p;~ ~ lJ1'{'if<r
if lr',!:","oin: it. .m-fnw.'~ if <n:rq~ 'Pit' ~ 'iT-'lrct ....1r srorq if f.!r.;fcrfJ><r qliror fHT ~,

I. ~ ~~ oi'f..-II'! (<f''!-P1r''t>') ~'!'Jf'i~ 'l\'rfw q~, 1~5~ ~\ll '1T"~ I

2. ~ q~Jf ~'1 Ifif"'" ..."J. .., it r.. riff.\"7. ;jTfil~. ftf"-II'! if, !f'iroI;ii if, f.,o; .&Tf-'Ii1I.rn;
"- TT"'1' ";:
1i'''-IO\t it q1'lfVf ;;rrf~ .."Ifff, urr#'T:

'R"il <ilf >it ~ ;;it ~ 'L fulRO <II ~ tllf II m ~ 'IR<lT t ~ -.nfu q;r ~ 'I
l!Il$U ~I

I.~ s. trif
~.~ 9.~'
J. 0IZln"'I I O. iI':r ~T T-irMoir
~. "'IT7 qt ""lfTmr II. ~p;

5. '!:~ 12. ;ro:rru

H.~ '1 3. lfTifTl'[ I
7. i11fqt~r

I. llril> """"" *'

~ "10 ,,"0 r..o &TO 3135 ... lITfuo 22~. 1956. """ liI """". """""". 1956. "'" 2 ....: 3•.
'I'" 268610 ,,' ~ I
2. 1990 ;i; arftIo {/O 15 *' <IT{! 6 "'" (3-6-19900) O\i!""tlid'

(C. 0.64)

III exercise or II,,' powers conferred by clause (l) of article 341 of the Constitution or India.
the' Presidcnl is plea~ed to make the following Order, namely : -
I. This may be caned the Constilution (ondra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes
Order. 1962.
2. The castes, races or trilies, or parts of, or groups within, castes, races Ol" Iribes specified
in the Schedule to this Ordec, shall, for the purposes. of the Constitution. be deemed to be
Scheduled Casles in relation to the Union territory of Dadrn and NaRDr Haven so far as
re~rds members thereof 'esident in th~t Union territory.

Provided t~a~ no person, who professes religion different from the Hindu 2[, the Sikh or the
BuddhIst] religIOn, shall be deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Caste.


1. Bhanai 3. Mahar
2. Clhamar 4. Mahayavanshi, Dbed.

I. Published ...ilb lbe Minislry "f law NOlifn. No. G.S.1I 300, d.'- Ihc 30th June, 1962, G . - 'Of India,
Extraordinary, 1962, Pan n. Section 3, PO"'. Jil9.
2. Subs. by Act IS of 1990/s.5. for "or the Sikh" (w.e.f. 3-6(1990).

t4f.. aTif (tmt srlt ;nq~~) 0i'!W<*t1 "flfMI ~, 1962
(~o ,"0 64)

>m<r ~ ttfim;t ~ 'f~ 341 ~ IR (1) mr lmr wfm'f if;l Sflft<r m ~, ~d

11' 'f {;nlJr~ « armr
f.f"'l'f<'l'fw fiilfr t, ~ :-
1.. ~ WIt" ~ (ifrqU rn ij11n:~) ClWiia' ~~, 1962 ~ Gfr ~ ,
2. it onftr!rt, ~ Ifl' Gj~""fdqi Ifl' o;rrftrIii, ~ Ifl' Gj~Gjlfd41 ijr \TPI' Ifl' ~ ~ l!'f
<If) ~q,,~ "") t,
C/!ll'll it flrf"f~,,! ttfim;! t !f~ ijr ~, ifI'!rn
~fi<f t;tW it· ~~t oj; ~QlIlf'll' ~ ~ ~ !!iT ~
'f11n: ~ t;tq
~;tq ~ wit f.rmf\'
~'''rtf4d .mim 61nl ..,.I(il
'R1l ~ ~ ~;;1t ft-<i. 'L ft!'III 'qf ~ q>f It f'IlI q>f l!RlIl ~ ~ ;;nf<I q;J ~ "mr

4. "'~4i',.f1, i<r I

1. fQftI .....oft_""" •• '"'"

~ IRI'1f\nr 1
Ilk 3. '1'1 388
'III. III. 300. lIrt\1r '0"',1982, 'IIroI'VOIV, IAImt'If. 1962, -2.
2. 1990 11; ~ 11" 15 11\1 IlRI 6 Iro (3.6.1990 ill ''1n ~.. 11; 'I'IR 1R ~ 1

(C. O. 68)
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of article 341 of the Constitution of
India, the President is pleased to make tJie following Order, namely :-
1. This Order may be called the Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order,
2. The castes, races or tribes or parts of or groups within castes, races or tribes specified
in the Schedule to this Order shall. for the purposes of the Constitution, be deemed to be Sche-
duled Castes in relation to the Union territory of Pondicherry so far as regards members thereof
resident in that Union territory :
Provided that no person who professes a religion different from the Hindu 2[. th~ Sikh or the
Buddhist] religion shall be deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Caste.


1. Adi Andhra 9. Pallan

2. Adi Dravida 10. Parayan, Sambavar
3. Chakkiliyan 11. Samban
4. Jambuvulu 12. Thoti
S. Kuravan 13. Valluvan
6. Madiga 14. Vetan
7. Mala, Mala Masti 1S. Vettiyan.
8. Paley

1. Published with the Ministry of law Notifn. No G.s.R. 419, dated the Sth March,. 1964,. Gazette of
India, Extraordinary, 1964, Part II, Section 3(il. page 327.
2. Subs. by Act 15 of 1990, s.7 for "or the Sikh" (w.e.f. 3.6.1990)

lQllflUii (IfTfii..~(\") 0i'!1f... a. Iitlta41~, 1964
(~o,"o 68)

>TrnI' ij; \lfurr;r ij; ~* 34 I ij; !h (I) ;rro smr ~ 'i'"T lflllor rn ~ ,,~or
q<r'f srn~ (r ~"'" f'"'IT~, ~:-
1. Ifi1 ~~ ~f.nrr.; .('l1fuffir) '1'!,'Af"a "I'mrrt m~, 1964 ~ m ,,-ii;m I
2. if "I'rfollT, ~11T lIT "I"I':;rmrrt lIT "I'rfu<rr, 'l:~m lIT "I"I''iln01l'i ij; 'I1l1T lIT m ij; l!";;it ~
~ 'i'"r ~-wrr it f'ff;;f~ ~', ~'f ij; lfl<1or.if ij; ~ Qlfiigo;j<1 ij; «-r <FlO Iffif ij; ~ itt
~ 0:0 "I'i{t "'" f.,; :;;;'1;:;;; 'ffilfT 'l'T W<f'U~, ;;it ;% «-r mtT Iffif it f.1<mft~, ~o
4fil ~ <it 0ZIflR! oil ~ , L ~ 'IT ~ 'llf ~ fil;r 'llf 'Il'fffl ~, ~ ;;nfu lfiI ~ ,,~

I. ~n1inrt~ 9. 'W<i'!,
2.~~ 10. <ro!T'T, ~
3. "flt",f<'l4'1 II. ~
4· GI'!W! 12. <i\it
5.~ 13.~
6. llnnr 14. iIr.t .
7. ;m:rr, ~fur 15.~1
8. mit

I. flIfu IilmN ~ ~ ';0 Illo ,,"0 Ro 419, mi\1;( 5 'IT'l, 1964, '11m iIr "'1'!q, amTtml'l, 1964, 'I11T 2,
.... 3.(i) 'J'O 327 on ~ I
2. 1990 il; ~ li. 1S ~ '11U 7 rn (3.6.1990 'i\ ) ...., f\l<Ia" il; <'1Ft 'll. l1fitl>t1fim I

1(, I
(C. O. 110)

In exerciso of the powers conferred by clause (1) Ii ~ l41 Ii the CoDStitulion of India,
the President, after oonsuilatioo with the Governor of the State of SikIdm, is pleased to make the
following Order, namely:-
1. This On!« may be caJIed the Constitntion (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order, 1978.
2. The- oastes, races or tribes, or parts of, or groups within, castes, races or tnDes specified
in the Scheduled to this Order, shall, for the purposes of the Constitution, be deemed to be
Scheduled Castes in relation to the State of Sikkim so far as regards m~mbers thereof resident in
that State. . -

Provided that 1J0 person, who professes a religion different from the Hindu 2[, the Sikh or the
Buddhist] religion shall be deemed to be a member of a Schedu\Cd Caste.

1. Damai (Nepali) 3. Majbi (Nepali)
2. Kami (Nepali), Lobar (Nepali) 4. Sarki (Nepali).

1. Published with the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affain NoIifn. No. OS.R. 334(E), dated
the .22od rune, 1978, Gazette of rndia, ExtmordinBrY, '111.111, .Part IT, s.Ctiob 3(i), pap 545(a).
2. Subs. by Aa IS of 199(1. 5.7 lor ·or the Sikh" (w .•. f. 3.6.1990,

ltir..,... (fttllfl;,,) OIijiNa IifIfir ~, .1978
(~o ,"0 110)

mtnlT'l iI; ~ ·341 it; !ifq" (1) rro Iffir ~. 'I1T lI'iPt
~\I'. C!roI".. iI; ~ ~
fuflRilf ~ it; ti"'l"" «.1f"(f1ff/rn it; ~ f.rr.rf.mrao ~ -mt. ~. :-
1. ~ «mt 'i>T;nq \!'flftM. (f~) 'l~ "!Ifu~, 1978 ~I
2. W Illtw lIi'r a;y,\I;'fr it fqfilRGCO .nwrt. 'I'w. 1fT .." .. ,fdql.1fT Itlfipff. tim 1fT ~a>ft it;
m>r 1fT u-w
'Ii't, ~fWR iI; ~ t ftIIt, f~ Will" ~ ~ it. ~ <Ai ;M '( it
f.lmft :out lmIft 'I1T ~. ~ IQ!l:Wo<d Il!Ifu ~ "I'JqtIT I.
'R'\I ~. -1\ ~ .0. It-{ 'L fWiIg 'l1 mJ qq ~~ qq .'IFIlIJ t; ~ Ollftr'~ ~ ~ 'I1T

1. ~(~)
2. 'In1h (lNr.h); ~ (lNr.h)

I. ~, "IN IIYt ~ m IilmI1! ~;) arfli1I"'ll Ifo «To 'l>To foIo 334('1), ~ 22 '¥; 1978, ''IroI t
...omr. 1I\tI'IITTGI. 19'8, 1Jl'T 2, ~ 3(i).·'f';s 54s(,,).if ~ I
2. 1990 iI; ~ lJoo 15 ~ 0lRf.'t. ~ (H.199O iI) '... ftIlIII" iI; l1IR 'R ~ I

(C. O. 22)

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of article 342 of the Constitution of India,
the President, after consultation with the Guvemors and Rajpralliukhs of the States concerned,
is pleased to make the following Order, namely : -
1. This Order may be called the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950.
2. The Tribes or tribal communities, or parts of, or groups within, tribes or tribal commu-
nities, specified in 2[Parts I to '[XIX]] of the Schedule to this Order shall, in relation to the
States to which those Parts respectively relate, be deemed to be Scheduled Tribes so far as ROg;m\S
members thereof ROSidents in the localities specified in relation to them respectively in those
Parts of that Schedule.
<[3. Any reference in this Order to State or to a district or other territorial division
thereOf shall be construed as a reference to the State, district or other territorial di~on as cons-
tituted on the 1st day of May. 1976.]

1. Published wilb Ibe Ministry of Law Notifn. No. S.R.O. 510. dated Ibe 61b September, 1950, Gazette
of India, Extraordinary, 1950, Part II, Section 3, page '597.
2. Subs. by Ibe Scbeduled Caste, and Seheduled Trihes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956.
3. Subs. by Act 1~ of 1987, s. 19 and Second Seh. for "xvm" (w.e.!. 30-5-1987).
4. Sub,. by Act 108 of 1976. ,. 4 and Second Soh. Chapter I. for Paragraph 3 (w.e.f. 27-7-1977).

lti"'Qt;{ (dI,!"!.foca "',,\iI(fMI) amrw, 1950
. (~omo 22)
"ffiif ij; mllT'l' ij; ~i~"~ 342 ij; ~ (I) irro ~ m'la'fT 'I:r If'fTlT m 9"lt ~
if ~ mm itI<I~4",,,,1 m {1"1~'1.'!i"i ~ rrow rn. ij; 'miRl: 'I!'f.r ~1': ~ f'f"!""fuo
~ flf;lrr ~. 'II'rllt :-
J. III ~Tliw ~. (~""" \lA;;nfulrt) ~. 195U ~ "1'T "ij;'1T 1
2. i\" "1~"1lfdqi lIT "1"f"1'ifu.~ lIT ~i:T'fT lIT tiR"llfu ~ ij; 'IT'I lIT 'Rii ij; 'l~
<liT ~ !If~ <tT ~ ij; ![~ 1 ~ ~'I>': 'IT'I 3[19]] <l'I> il'f.rf.r~~. ~ <T"'I1 ij; mil'
fm i\" 'IT'I 'fimt. ~ ~. ~ <l'I>. <!fiIT <l'I> f.. ~ ~ <m'fT 'Ii"T m ~. "1l ~". ~
if f.lomfi ~ 1
'[ 3. ~ !If~ il' f~r m4" "~.r fifilrr f.r.r lIT !!R liRfu'Ii" ~ ij; lIfu 'Ii"T qof III
<;'TTlfT "1'j~ fiI; ~ 1 1ft. 1976 ,,)!f'lT ~<T <r~. f.r.r lIT !!R rnfu'f> ~·6ij; lIfu t I]

1. f.rtlr oilmltr 'liT artawvrr q0 'In" , f.! , 3lT; 5 1 0, <nit<! 6 ~, 1 9 5 0, '!TV! 'Inl"",,", arn!lIT':"T, 1 9 5 0,
'1m 2, .... 3, 'j'O 5 9 7 '" l!'!iIfu<! I
2· ~.,ri\I1rt ai\~ ~ ",,,.,ri\I1rt '1J'm (1~) anffl, 1956 Ilrn srf~ I
3· 1987 it; arfuf.r'I1f q, 18;f.t!ITU 19 am:~ ~ ;:m (30-5-1987 it) "18" % """ '" "Rn'''NE! I
4. 1976 it; arfuf.r'I1f q, 108;f.t !ITU 4 ai\~ mmr~. ar6'I1'r 1 it; Ilrn G-u 3 it;"",, '" (27-7-1977 it)
SifbflilMd I

163 i
164 Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950
(PARTlR -Rules and Orders under the Constitution)

PART I.-Andhra Pradesh
1. Andh 19. Kulla
2. Bagata 20. Malis (excluding Adilabad, Hyderabad,
3. BhiI Karimnagar, Khammam, Mahbubnagar,
4. Chenchu, Chenchwar Medak, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and
S. Gadabas Warangal districts)
6. Gond. Naikpod, Rajgond 21. Manna Dhora
7. Goudu (in the Agency tracts) 22. Mukha Dhora, Nooka Dhora
8. Hill Reddis 23. Nayaks (in the Agency tracts)
9. Jatapus 24. Pardhan
10. Kammara
25. Porja, Parangiperja
11. Kattunayakan
26. Reddi Dhoras
12. Koiam, Mannervarlu
13. Konda Dhoras 27. Rona, Rena
14. Konda Kapus 28. Savaras, Kapu Savaras, MaJiya Savaras,
IS. Kondareddis Khutto Savaras
16. Kondhs, Kodi, Kodhu, Desaya Kondhs, 29. Sugalis, Lambadis
Dongria Kondhs, Kutliya Kondhs, 30. Tholi (in Adilabad, Hyderabad, Karim-
Tikiria Kondhs, Yenity Kondhs nagar, Khammam, MahllUbnagar,
17. Kotia, Bentho Oriya, Bartika, Dhulia, Medak, Nalgonda, N"JZamabad and
Dulia, Holva, Paiko, Putiya, Sanrona, Warangal districts)
18. Koya, Goud, Rajah, Rasha Koya, Lin- 31.. Valmiki (in the Agency tracts)
gadhari Koya (ordinary), Kottu Koya, 32. Yenadis
Bhine Koya, Rajkoya 33. Yerukulas.

I. In the autonomous Districts : -

1. Chakma (x) Haolai
2. Dimasa, Kachari (xi) Hengna
3. Garo (xii) Hongsung
4. Hajong (xiii) Hrangkhwal, Rangkhol
S. Hmar (xiv) Jongbe
6. Khasi, Jaintia, Synteng, Pnar, War, (xv) Khawchung
Bhoi, Lyngngam (xvi) Khawathlang, Khothalong
7. Any Kuki tribes inclooing : - (ltvii) Khelma
(i) Biate, Biete (xviii) Kholhou
(ii) Cbangsan (xix) KipgeD
(iii) Cbongloi (xx) Kuki
(iv) Doungel (xxi) Lengthang
(v) Gamalhou (xxii) Lhangum
(vi) Gangle (xxiii) Lhoujem
(vii) Guite (xxiv) Lhouvun
(viii) Hanneng (xxv) Lupheng
(ix) Haokip, Haupit (xxvi) Mangjel

1. Subs. by Act 108 of 1976. s. 4 and Second ·Sch .. !:;ilapter 1. for the Schedule (w.•.f. 27.7.1977).
"r~,"" ("'J'lf'lll' ...... ,f't1ql) ~, 1850 164
('lIT'! l -tiflm'l' it; aniR f.m' ~ ~U)

I [ ;,r;rq;ft

I. 3lta 19. !f1'm

20 1ITf.:r ("'f.""~'''' ~ 'l'IT(, .a"'.i.,q,
3. ",.,. ~If, q{;.tCi'1ij{, m.~, Jiiii''414 r..
5. liNT
'fl, ~m
- ~ lfWr
21. '1'81 <i'm
nRi ..n ~)

6. m, 'ITli~R-, TI",,"W 22. ~I <i'm, ~ mr

7. 1I't~ (~'!.'fOiI it} 23.;mr;t; (~ '!'fV!l it)
8. ffl.<'! ~,~ 24. <rnnvr
9. m<I'!. 2$. 'Pf, mmn
IO.~ 26. 'tit ~
I'.~'l' 27. Tlvrr, ~I
12.~,~ 28. 'I"Iffi, ~ 'I"Iffi, ~ '1m, ~r
1 3. if.IT am ~.

14. if.IT 'f;l'j 29. ':r'l'fi, ~

15. mrtfI 30. a)g-, (atif4\'J1i ... ';::, ~G'.i"i<:, CfltiQ'1 t l(,
,n. ~, ~i\ft, ~, ~ ~, if1rfm ~, ~, ii~,iII~'i(, qc:-'li,~, f.,Jljjq,ijjC:
'!irprr ~,
tm'm ;f.tu, qf.r?;~ !fiN >IT>: lfWr f,",," ii )
I 7. ..n~, ii1it aitrorr, omM;;r, ,!f.m, 31. iflfMfrr.'t ( .. Iii .. <", ~ ii)
~, ~, .r.n ~, wOvr, ftMohit 32. "fOf....'!
18. m, titI', ~I, "{TU flIrT,'! 'liNT 33. ~l'fT ,
(mur-.:or) , ~. flIrT, m ~I, mr flIrT

I. ~ f.;r.ff it :-
I. ;mI!T (x) ~
2. mmrr, 'I!Mft (xi) ~
3. 'm) (xi i) l!1tr 't"
4. ~irr (xiii) ~j1ntiifl\i, >:i>rl'l"l"
5. ~"( (xiv) ~
6 .•;mil", ~tH, fOR!1r, "IT"<. '11""(, .nf, (xv) ~
f~ ~:<.vi) ij~rjlt1iili, Ii","~
7. f~"'ll1liia it;~..rt~) ~<I1rt:­ (xvii) ~r
(i) mffi, ~ (xviii) ~
( i i ) "Iimlr-r (xi,) f.l;<ii'f
(iii) ~ ( xx) 'Ii'"r
(iv) 'llli;;r ( .. i) ~
(v) IfII\'i!T (xxii) ~
(vi) Ifi1R ( uiii) .,3t>r
(vii) ~ (uiv) ~if
(viii) ~;fll (xxv) ~
lix) ~ 1fT l!1m ('Wi) ~
I. 1• 7 6 ~ IIfIlA1l1f </. 10 8 'lit tI1"(T • am Iiti\1I If'!~, """" I ~ IT<! ~ ~ """ Of< \ ~; - • - 19; 7 it )
IIftII'IITflilr I
165 Con.flilution (Sch,dultd Trih,.\') Ordlr, 1950
.(PART Ill-Rules and Orders under the Constitution)

(Xlvii) Misao (xxxvi) Uib~l!

(xxviii) Riang (xxxvii) Vaiphei
(xxix) Sairhcm 8. Lalcher
(xxx) Selnam 9. Man (Tai speaking)
(xxxi) Singso'n lO. Any Mizo (Lusbai) tribes
(xxxii) Sitlhou II. Mileir
(xxxiii r Sulcte 12. Any Naga tribes
(xxxiv) Thado 13. Paw,
(xxxv) Thangngeu 14. Syntheng.
II .. In the State of Assam excluding theaulOnomous districts:-
I. Barmans in Cacbar '6. Lalung
2 Bora. Borolcachuri 7. Mecb
3. Deori 8. Miri
4. Hojai
9. Rabba.
S. Kacbari, Sonwal

PUT m.-Bihar

I. Asur 16. Kharia

2. Baiga 17. Khurwar
3. Banjara 18. Kbond
4. Bathudi 19. Kisan
5. Hedia 20. Kora
6. Bbumij (in Nortb Chotanagpur and 21. Korwa
Soutb Cbotanagpur divisions and Santal 22. Lobara, Lobra
Parganas districts) 23.
7. Binjbie 24. Mal Pahana
11. Bilbor 25. Munda
9. Bbjia
10. Chero 26. Oraon
1 I. Chile Barailc 27. Parhaiya
12. Gond 28. Saatal
13. Gorait
14. Ho 29. Sauria Pabaria
15. KaI1llllli 30. Savar.

PAIlT IV.-<lujarol

1. Barda 8. Dhanka, TadvJ, Tclaria, VaJvi

2. Bavacha, Bamcba 9. Dhodia
3. Bharwad (in the Nesses of the fore.ts 10. Dubla, Talavia, Halpati
of Alech. Barada and Gir) II. Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, Mavc11i, Padvi
4. Bhil, BhU Garasia, Dholi Bbil. Dungri
12. Gond, Ilajgond
BhU. Dungri Garasia, Mewasi BhU,
Rawal BhU. Tadvi Bbil, Bhagalia. 13. Katbodi; Katkari. Dhor Katbodi, Ollar
Bhilala. Pawra. Vasa va, Vasave Katkari,. Son Katbodi. Son Kattari
5. Cbaran (in tbe Nesses of tbe forests of 14. Kokna. Koleni, Kutna
A~b, Barada and Girl
«I. Chaudhri (in SIII'II\ and Valsad districts)
15. Koli {in Kutcb district}
7. Cbodbara 16. Koli Dbor, Tou. KoH, KoIc:IIa, KalJIIa
~ (1f~~r.1I --mrri) wmt.1950 165
('I!T1I m ~f«r'l' ij; anft'I' f.I'fII'.m .mr )
(xxVii) f1mo; (xxxvi) ~i!
(xxviii) fulitt (xxxvii) ~
(xxix) ~ 8. "",,l:
(xxx) ~ 9. (<ITt ~.r.r mil) 1!T'I'
(xxxi) ~ 10. 'Iflf mr (;prrf) ,";;r.~;n"nI,~!;.t1q"';i
• (xuii) f~ I I. firiiI;l:
(xxxiii) ~ 1 2. ~ ;nm .... "'·Jilfd4i
(xxxiv) qliT 1 3. IIRr
(xxxv) ~ H.fml

2. mmn ~ 'I1t ~ anm mlf it;-

I. 'Ii'iJIl: it ~ 6. '"'!'I
2.~. ~ ~ 7. iA
3.~ 8. tim
4.~ 9. l:roH ,
5. Qrft. ~r.;r

16. vfun
17. In.'m
16• ..,..
19. fiI;m;f
5. • 11:'11 2 o. 'Iin:r
6. ,!f1I;;r (~fr lim 'II'I'!l: am: I;ffrofr 21. If'~
sm ~vuiram:~;r~f.I'" iI) 22. ~" ~l
7. filfim 23. ~I
8. fiI$ 24. '!r.! ~
9. Rl:l'l!111 25. ifll
10. .ro 26. ;;>Jlf
11. m II~~ 27. '!1;~
12. tii. 28. lI-rrl'l
13. tirotll 29. litfw ~
14. ~ 30. 'IN{,

15. 'R1mI1

'I!I'I 4-'!l!mf
J.m 8. 1l'Ar. <rriT. ii<mw. ~I
2.~.~ 9. !ilfgllf
3. IIl:111. (~• .m:. II~I ij; "1'1<11 ij; #t it) 10. itillT, ;n'1,fq41;

4. ~. 'Iir.f trofl!lll. e'r.ft .rt;r, ~ .rtif. ~ II. '!Iim. iI1"fI, 'Ike. 1f'fI, 'rrIIT
rrof!m. ","it ~. ~~ .mr. !fro .mr. 12. om. ~~
~. 'IT'RI. ~.
5. ~ (~. ~ .m riP. iii >i;rr!fi if;
-'11", I 3. ~~, ~. ~n: ~nT.
~.!!T'f ~I
rn ~. '""
inf-i if) 14. ~. ~f;t;ofT. ~
6. ~ (~ am: 1I;rnr1{ ~i if) I 5. 'lit4T ('1>""'9 f'f;f 1;)
7· .-u 16. 'lit4T tn:. ~) ~ ~~.~. ~
·B-SU..J MIn Law 8: .I11.\licc.>JQ.t
166 Conslilulioll (Schedu/e,/ Tribes) Order. 1950
(PARTUI -Rulcs and Ordcrs under Constitution)

17. Kunbi 0'1 thc Dangs districl) 23. Pontla

18. Naikda. Nayaka. Cholivala Nayaka. 24. Rabari (in the Nesses of the forests of
Kapadrd Naya~'U. Mola Nayaka. Nana Alcch. Barada and Gir)
Nayaka 25. Rathawa
19. Padbar 26. Siddi (in Amrcli. Bhavnagar. Jamnagar.
20. Paradhi (in Kutcb district) Junagadh. Rajkot and SurendraDllgar •
21. Pardbi. Advicbincher. Phanse Pafl.1hi disiricts)
(excluding Amrcli. Bhavnngar. Jam- 27. Vaghri (in Kutcb district)
nagar. Junagadb. Kutch. Rajkot and
Snrcndrana8'~r districts) 28. Varli
22. Patcifu 29. Vitolia. Kotwalia. Barodia.
PART V -HiNluchal Pradesh
1. Bhot. BOOh thc Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966
2. Gaddi [cxcluding the territories speci- (31 of .1966»)
fied in sub-section (.l) of section 5 of 4. Jad. Lamba. Khampa
tbe Punjab Reorganisation Act. 1966 5. Kanaura. Kinnara
(31 of 1966). otber than the Labaul and 6. Lahaula
Spiti district)
7. Pangwal.
). Gujjal [excluding the territorics speci-
fied in sub-section (.l) of section S of 8. Swangla.

PART VI.-Kumutak"
1. Adiyan 20. Kattunayakan
2. Barda 21. Kokna, Kokni, Kukna
3. Bavacha. Bamcha 22. Koli Dhor. Tokre Koli. KoJcha. Koigha
4. BhiI. BhiI Garasia. Oboll Bhi!. Oungri 23. Konda Kapus
Bhi!. Dungri Garasi.. Mewasi Bbil. 24. Koraga
Rawal BhiI. Tadvi Bbi!. Bbagalia. 25. Kota
Bhilala, Pawra. Vasava. Vasavc 26. Koya, Bhine Koya. Rajkova
S. Cbencl!u. CbeDcbwar 27. Kudiya. Melakudi
6. Cbodbara 28. Kuruha (in Coorg district)
7. Ollbla. Talavia. Halpati 29. Kurumanas
8. Gamit. Gamta. Gavit. Mavcbi. Padvi. 30. Maha Malasar
Valvi 31. Malaikudi
9. GOOd. Naikpod. Rajgond 32. Malasar
10. Gowdalu 33. Malayekandi
II. HaWpikki 34. Maleru
12. Hasll1aru 35. Maratha (in Coorg District)
13. lrular 36. Marati (in South Kanara district)
14. lruJiga 37. Meda
IS. Jenu Kuruba 38. Naikda. Nayaka. Chollivala Nayaka.
Kapadia Nayaka. Mota Nayaka. Nana
16. Kadu Kuntha Nayaka. l(Naik. Nayak. Beda Bedar and
17. Kammara (10 Soutb Kaoara district and ValmikiJ
KoUegal talok of MY50re district) 39. Palliyan
18. Kanivan, Kanyan (in KoUegal lalok of 40. Paniyan
M ysore district) 41. P~rdbi. Advicbincber. Pbanse Pmlbi
19. Kathodi. KaLtari. Obor Katbodi. Obor 42. Patella
KaLtari. SOD Kathodi. Son Kat~ari 43. Ratbawa
I. Ins. by Act 39 of 1991. s. 2 (w.e.f. 19-4-1991).
tlfUItr (.,.IU ....1"'.1) ~J 1150 166
('IIT'f 3 Elf..VI" ~ 'fill" fiI1IIr II'tt "'")

17. ~ (m fri it) 23. '""'"

111•. 'ITlf'Rl'. if11Ilfo ~'" 'ITlfIfo. rrnfWllT 'IT1I'r.. H. ~ (""~.~IIT~m~~~ ~"'"it)
1I'TzT ~, .".".,'414\ 25.~

19·~ ~6· fi;(\(~.~ ... I.WI(.~.~

20. 'imft ( _ nR it) at\"{ '1~ f~ it)
• 21. 'flit. ""f.. r.. .... ~. ' 'ilfi (~.~. 27. mfr (_ fri it) .
..~ •. ~ _ . "O~~ ~ '!.~ 28.~
r.;;fj ~ ~~) 29. f.. ,if"ql. "'·Ia,,,f,,ql. ~)fWiI'T I
22. 1fZ~

I. ~ • •, , ' 4.~. ,,~ • •~

2. ~ .. r..f~q ... 1966 (196R
1i(\ [<AllI
'lIT 31) ~ am 5 i!r ~ (I) it
S. oRro. finrro
f.. f~f\l<t ~ ~ ~ f.Ir;f 6 f;f;;r 6.~
<I ......." ~ ~~l
7. <f1m,"
3. ~ l<tOfI. ~" .. r..f~qq. 1906
(1966 'lIT 31) it) am 5 'II\~ (I) 8.~
it filf~f." <I ..... <ii ~ ~"',]

W1'f 6 , ita.
20. Cflie,.,llICfl1
21. "'''"'''. "'' ' uh. W""lI
22. ",ffi1l '!R:: c:~ ",ffi1l, ",'i<rm, "'R!<:n
4. 'lim. ~ <rofuqy. tmfi 'lim. ~ ~. 23. "'00 ~
ttm II(IMqi. im«l,fr!r. ~ 'lim. 24. q;R:rT
~ 1I\lf. 'I\'iImm. f1r.mIl J 'NU. '"'".
",1m, il:!ii ",1m, {N!l!;1m
!InA' 27.~, it~
28. ~ (wf fimiI itl
29. 'Ji'6'lA

7. iRI'IT. -d~I"'"1 qml.
30. '161 'lr.!Rl'l1:
s. anfitz. 'lim. ~...fIIR'. '!WI m4\ 3 I. 'Ilit1t ~~
9. ..-w.
~Iw. UOiIfIw 32. 'IR1lml1:
10.~ 33. "1Q11~",,·tl
II. ,oKIli4+i1 34. 'IRiW
12. {mI'". 35. 'IUOT (wf fimiI it)
13. ~~ 36 . .mtr (<:fetU1 "''1m fimiI 'f)
U. ¢1fiIT 37. it61
IS.~~ 38. • 'l1'IQi6l, 'IT'Ilfi, ~<!ilqlQ11 'IT'Ilfi, ~ 'IT'Ilfi,

17. ~ (~i 'l1'IT"O
if; ~<I' ~q; it)
f;;;.n am: ~ f"" >ltc:!
39. Q1%141'1
'IT'Ilfi, 'IRT 'IT'Ilfi, I ['I$;, 'IT'Ilfi, 1m, im:

18. ~. Ifo"I!R (~~ m if; ~""''"'' 40, ~

in~ it) 41. Q1tff. ilI"f~f~lil<. ~ Q1tff
111. ~)it ~~:rir. in ",,,iiT.l~ 'I'1z.m:'I, 42.~
UA lPiTiT. ~r;r ...wr.rfr 43. U'II'IT

I. I" ,,~,;o 39li\\ '"" 2 iI1t1 (19-4·1991 it) """."furl

167 Constitution (Sch~dlll~d Trihts) Ord~r, 1950
(PARTm-Rules and Orders under Constitution)

44. Sbolaga 47. Varli

45. Soligaru 48. Vitolia, Kotwalia, Baro(lia
46. Toda 49. Ycrava.

PART VII.-K,·rtl/a
1. Adiyan 19. Maha Malasar
2. Arandan 20. Malai Arayan
3. Eruvallan 21. Malai Pandaram
4. Hill Pulaya 22. Malai Vedan
5. lralur, lrulan 23. Malakkuravan
6. Kadar 24. Malasar
7. Kammara [in tbe areas compnsmg tbe 25. Malayan [excluding the areas compris.
Malabar district as specified by sub- ing the Malabar district as , specified by
section (2) of section 5 of the States sub·section (2) of section 5 of tbe
Reorganisa~on Act, 1956 (37 of 1956)]
States Reorganisation Act, 1956 (37
of 1956)]
8. Kanikaran, Kanikkar
26. Malayarayar
9. Kattunayakan
27. Mannan
10. Kochu Velan
28. Marati (in Hosdrug and Kasaragod
11. Kooda Kapus taluks of Cannanore district)
12. Koodareddis 29. Mutbuvan, Mudugar, Muduvan
13. Koraga 30. Palleyan
14. Kota 31. PalIiyao
15. Kudiya, Melakudi 32. Palliyar
16. Kurichchan 33. Paniyao
17. Kurumans 34. Ulladao
18. Kurumbas 35. Uraly.

PART VDI.-Madhya Pradesh

1. Agariya Bbimma, Bhuta, Koliabhuta, Koliabhuti,
2. Andb Bbar, Bisonhom Maria, Chota Maria,
Dandami Maria, Dhuru, Dhurwa,
3. Baiga Dhoba, Dhulia, Dnrla, Galki, Gatta,
4. Bhaina Gatti, Gaita, Gond Gowari, Hill Maria,
5. Bbaria Bbumia, Bbuinhar Bbumia, Bhu· Kandra, Kalanga, Kbatola, Koitar,
Koya, Khirwar, Kbirwara, Kucba Maria,
miya, Bhatia, Paliba, Pando Kuchaki MaTia, Madia, Maria, Mana,
6. Bhattea Mannewar, Moghya, Mogia, Monghya,
7. Bhil, Bhilala, Barela, Patella Mudia, Muria, Nagarchi, Nagwanshi.
Ojba, Raj, Sonjhari Jhareka, Thalia,
8. Bhil Mina Thotya, Wade Maria, Vade Maria,
9. Bbuojia Daroi
10. Biar, Biyar 17. Halba, Halbi
11. Binjhwar 18. Kamar
12. Birhul. Birhor 19. Karku
13. Damor, Damaria 20. Kawar, Kaowar, Kaur, Cherwa, Ratbia,
Tanwar, Chhatri
14. Dbanwar 21. Keer (in Bbopal, Raisen and Sehore
15. Gadaba, Gadba districts)
16. Good; Arakh, Arrakh, Agaria, Asur, 22. Kbairwar, Kondar
Badi Maria, Bada Maria,Bhatola, 23. Kharia
~~ ("'!\If,," ...... f....!) vmw. 1950 167
('ltT11' J~. anf\'" ~it'I! ~>: ~~)

~4 . .mrm 47. >mit

45. 4ttfmi4 4ft t.....:.t:.-
l~ellt1qll ' "
46.m 4 9. 1f>:TlIT,

\. 'f~ IS. qglifit1il?li(

2.~ 2 O. q<wlWI
3. 'fmII~ 2 I. 'f<'flf 'IlT~
4. m.r 1.1'f11T 22. 1fflifToi
5.~·,~ 2 3. 1ffl"!'i'l
2 4. >mIT,,",
7 ~>:T [m>r ~ ctfuf~ .... , 19,6 25. 1ffllf'I [m>r ~ ~, 1956 (1956
( 1 9 S 6 If,T 3') '1ft !TT>:T 5 '!IT 'O'rWT ( 2) 'r.r 3 7) '!IT!TT>:T 5 '!IT 1'f!TT>:T (2) iH>:T If'IT
if If'ITI~f~fi:<e ommn, f.r.r ij; !lWT it1 f~~ 1ffi'r.m f"," it 'l1ItR<e mit it]
8. ... f"j ,,41 vi it" "'I"fCfl ( 26. W:rlJTll7
9. tflllc",14Cf
,. •.,, 27. 11''11'{
10. ",1,,"!~+1" 28. 11'ro~ ('f.WRf.r.r ~ ~Pr~ 1ft>: 'iiT~m
1 I. I!iT;m 1f;1'J.1f <IT"l:'Ii it )
12. ~fW
13. 'Iiror 30.~
14. 'lim 3.. 'lfur4T'I
IS.~• .r~ 32. qf..,qj(
16. lIf<f'o<t .. ~ 33.~
17. ~'( 34. ~W'f

IS.~ 3S.~1

I. arI1'f<1IT ~ I1'rfw, wrrnrr, 'Iil1IT, '!"!, ..1$'" ''!.dl ,

2. ,"If 'Iilfl;m"!'fi, 'fT(, ..
r~ I~~,,; 11'IfUrr, ~.
3.~ I1'Tron, m.rr 11 rron, '-!'>" '!"'T, aro,
'Ilfurr. ~,~, "I,flM, "I,fl1~,
~1fT, ~,
ITTmr, m.r
mm, ~, ~r.
1TTfun, nu, ...r.n, 1'Ji\;rr,
.m, 'Trw
'ITf'w, .,,~, '!tit ~, 'lim, firoTry:, f.. (~, •.I,!"IT .."Tfun,
1I;m;T 11'IfUrr, >nmr, 11'IfUrr, "TofT, l('iI1IR,
7. 'Iftt;f, f1r;mn-, ~, <re1i:r>tT lTfo:lfT, 1f'lfim, 1T~, ~, '!fur, 'T'!rofi;
8. 'fiw I1'm 'IT'T.rot, 00, >:T~, mn:r ~, ~,
9.1RFi1fT .m:1fT, m>rrron, 'l'irrrfurr, nTt
1 O. flIctR, .11m: 17.~, ~iiTr
11. fQ<n>: IS. '!'1fT(
12. ~,fir$ 19. 'liT"'!:
13. 1f1IT<, ~.1Iron 20. If.'T'':, m, ~,~,~. <T'fiI'<, 'ifi,
14. ll'!\fIO: 21. '1ft>: (1im<:r, <mf'l w"" nii!T< f'ii<:rT if \
15. IIWTlfT, 'IWlfT 22. Ii>:'I'T" 'liffi
16. rilw, 'f<V, ~(.,~, ct'§', 11ft 11'IfUrr, 23. 'if"'l
COllslilUlioll (Sc1w""ftot/ Tribe,,) Ortler. 19~()
(PART m-Rul~s a",1 Orders under Constitution)

~-l. K.,ndh. Khond. "andh Langoli Pardhi. Phans Panlhi, Shikari.

~5. ""I Takankar. Takia lin (I) Bastar. Chhind-
2(\. Kolam wara, M'andra. Raigarh. Sconi and
Surguja dislricts. (2) Baihar tahsil of
~7. ""kru. "orehi. Mouasi. Nih .. l. Nahul Balaghat district. (3) Betul and Bhains-
Bll11cfhi. Bnmkya dehi tahsils of Betul district. (4) Rilas-
2R. ""rwa. ",,"alu pur and Kat!,!.hora tahsils of Bilaspur
2'l. Majhi district. (5) Durg and BalOO tahsils of
30. Majhwar Drug district. (~ ) Chowki, Manpur
31. Mall'asi and Mohala Revenue Inspectors' Circles
of Rajnandgaon district. (7) Murwara.
J~. Mina (in Sironj sub-division of Vidisha Patun and Sihora tahsils of Jabalpur
districl) district. (8) Hoshangabad and Sohag-
B. lI-iund" pur tahsils of Hoshangahad district and
34. N:lgcsia. Nagasia Narsimhapur districl. (9) Harsud lahsil
J5. Ora"n. Dhanka. Dhangad of Khundwa district, (10) Bindra:
Nawagarh. Dharillari and Mahasamund
Jil. Paniko (in Chhlltarpur. Datia. Panna, lahsils of Raipur districtl
R<wa. Saln". Shnhdol. Sidhi and Tikam- 41. Parja
garh dislricls) 42. Sahariya. Saharia. Seharia. Sehria, Sosia,
J7. Pao Sor
38. Pardhan. Parhari. Sacoti 43. Suonta, Saunta
39. Pardhi (in Bhopal. Raisenand Schore 44. Sour
districts) 45. Sawar, Sa"(ara
40. Pardhi; Bahelia. BabeUia. Chita Pardhi, 46. Sonr.

PART TX.-Moharo"htro

1. Andh 18. Good, Raj[lond, Arakh, Arrakh. Agar ...

2. Baiga Asur, Badi Maria, Bada Maria, Bhalola.
3. Barda Bhimma, Bhuta, Koilabhuta, KOilabhuii,
4. Bavacha. Bameha Bhar. Bisonhorn Maria. Chota Maria,
5. Bhaina Dandami Maria, Dhuru, Dhurwa, Dhoba,
6. Bharia Bhumia. Bhuinhar Bhumia. Dhulia. DorIa, Kaiki; Gatta., Gatti.
Pando Gaita, Gond Gowari. Hill Maria,
7. Bhattra Kandra. Kalanga, Khatola, Koitai, Koya,
8. Bhil, Bhil Garasia, Dholi Hhil. Dungri Khirwar, Khirwara, Kucha Maria,
Bhil. Dungri Garasia. Mewasi Bhil. Kuchaki Maria, Madia, Maria, Mana.
Rawal Bhil, Tadvl Bhil, Bhagalia, Mannewar. Moghya, MOgia, Monghya,
Bhilala Pawra, Vasa va. Vasave Mudia, Muria. Nagarchi, Naikpod. Nag-
9. Bhunjia wanshi, Ojha, Raj, Sonjhari Jhareka,
10. Binjhwar Thatia. Thotya, Wade Maria, Vade
II. Birhul, Birhor Maria
12 Chodhara (excluding Akola, Amravati, 19. Halba, Halbi
Bhandara. Buldana. Chandrapur, Nag- 20. Kamar
pur. Wardh •• Yavatmal. Aurangabad, 21. Kathodi. Katkari, Dbor Kathodt, Dhor
Bhir, Nanded, Osmanahad and Parbhani Kathkari. Son Kathodi, Son Katkari
districts 1 22. Kawar, Kanwar. Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia,
13. Dhanka, Tadvi, Tetaria, Valvi Tanwar, Chaltri
14. Dhanwar 23. Khailwar
15. DhOOia 24. Kharia
16. Dulll., Talavia, Halpati 25. Kokna, Koknj, Kukna
17, Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, Mavcbi, Padvi 26. Kol
!if\m;t (-'Nf"n ...... If".. t) .mu,1950
(1IT'r 3 .lflla'I" it; arm aftt armr)
24, m, Q, m 'frofi, 'Iihr 'frofi,~, ~ ~
25. om.- [( 1) ~,f\§<;:"u, I, ~, 'UII"Il, fu;r;iI aItt
26,~ ~;;rr f;r.ff if, (2 ) "I., I'* f;;;;f ott ~
27. 'I1~, if)lffi, 1!1IT'ft, ~T"', ~~", if"fift, ~if, (3) ~ f;R il; ~.3I't1:
II'm'T ~ ~l if, (4) !lIMN( ~
26. 'Iilwr, ~ q!t ~~ ~ ~ ~ ii,
29. "nIT e5) '!'f f;R otT ~ aItt ~
~li't, f 6) ~ tri<f ~n m.'T 1fR-
30. "film: ~*,.~f.,f1 ....1 ~m if, (7)
32. J/m (~~ H~mwif)
~ ~ ~ ~, mor :m
~ ~ if, (8) j{14i"1I414
33. 1{wr fl;ri ott j{1,j'1I4111 *,' '!I[I'I$< ~
34. ~, f1liii~41 aft'< ~ <f'ilij( ~ if, (9) Ii"rn f;R otT
:15. :niqo, QF!lI;T, ~ ~ ~ if, (10) Ult$" f;R q!t flm
36. '1m (~, 4ftm,
il'lt,'!"IT, ffiI'IT, 'I'fIl'f, &'1Iott aft'< ,,~ ~ if]
41. oro;rr
~, .mit aft'< fu;Ir~ f;r"Il if)
42. ijj{lf<lll, <t'i{ftqT,~, <t'i{ftqT, ~,m
37. 'IN
43. mrmr, <t'fm
38. '1~, '1orm ~ 44. m
39. orroft (Iilmr, 'Ulffi;r <NT ~f';r;ffif) 45. m>f{, ~

40. orroft, ~mr, ~~, f.m orroft ~ 46.~1


1 8. ITA', U~" $fW, ~ "'iii f<I"

qft "rfurr. if1lT "rfurr, ~. 1f\1rT,
~, "'\~I'l\1I, ..1~1'11fl, m, fir~,
4.~. <mI~ "rfurr, m 'fIfWT, <iwrl1r IIrfurr, ~,
5. .r.rr !'I'wr, liNT,~, 'Ifro;rr,~, 'IF, 'Ttl'
6. "lTfuIr '!f1!cr(, ~~~-~. 'lR1 .m, ti'f~ Iimtt, ~ 'frfurr, 'li8'<T, ~,
7. 'la"U ~, ~, ~, ~, fl;j(ql<l,
R. '!fur, 'T"r.r 'I (I fill.. , u);fi 'T"r.r. ~u 'l'''r.r. :ti~ "rf'l:l!;r, ~ "rfurr, "rfuT "rfuT,
;t<rtl' 'TUf1lltT. 1f'mf) '!fur. mr.r '!fur. aT<ft 'fro, ~, 1i\'Ir<rr, .,tim, 1I'NIn, ~,
'!fur. "'11 flIQ I. 11f<:rrii1T, ~. 'RITlIT, if<t1it '!;furr, ~, lIfIl'IPITw, ~, ail1rr.
9. 'Ij;<IT mr, mrtt .m.r,
~, ~, m-
10. fQ<m: ,,~, qii(if(41
1 1. f.r<ij;I', flr$ 19.~. ~
12. "f'\'!ru (iIf.mtT. ilflfm<ft, 'l'mT. ~.
~, ~J wf, 4qd'fH1, ai'i<i... ilII4, 21. '!r1tl1f•• 'I1ldo" ..'),;fu:~. ;fu:'lildo,,(i
>fI:<. ;n$. ~T'I'1'iIR aft'< 'lWrr f;r.ff "" m~.m~
~) 22. 0/.11:, m,
4>'1'<. ~, ~. ~.
1 3. !ll'"T'FT. ~. <lal f<lll. ;r.rqr 'a<ft
J4.~ 23, I!IT<m:
15. !'I')fIm 24.~
16.~, md.,nllf;F..l"4~1,. ~ 25.~,~, ~
17. lTTfir<r. 'IT1faT. 'ITlfur. 1Iflrl';r, 'IWfif 28. om.-
169 Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950
(PART m-Rules and Orders under the Constitution)

27. Kolam, Mannervarlu Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Shikari, Takan-

28. Koli Dhor; Tokre Koli, Kolcha, Kolkha kar, Takia
29. Koli Mahadev, Dongar K"H 39. Parja
30. Koli Mathar 40. Patelia
31. Kondh, Khond. Kandh 41. Pomla
32. Korku, Bopchi, Monasi, Nihal, Nahul,
Bondhi, Bondeya 42. Rathawa
33. Koya, Bhinc Koya, Rajkoya 43. Sawar, Sawara
34. ,Nagesia, Nagasia 44. Thakur; Thakar, Ka Thakur. Ka
35. Naikda, Nayaka, Cholivala Nayaka, Thakar, Ma Thakur, Ma Thakar
Kapadia Nayaka, Mota Nayaka, Nana 45. Thoti (in Aurangabad, Bhir, Nanded,
Osmanabad and Parbhani districts and
36. Oraon, Dhangad
Rajnra tahsil of Chandrapur district)
:17. Pardhan, Pathari, Saroti
38. Pardhi, Advichincher, Phall. Pardhi 46. Varli
Phansr Pard hi. Langoli Pardhi. Babelia. 47. Vitolia. Kotwalia. Barodia.

PART X.-MalliplIr

1. Nmol 16. Maring

2. Ana! 17. Any Mizo (Lushai) tribes
3. Angami 18. Monsang
4. Chiru 19. Moyon
5. Chothe 20. Paile
h. Gangte 21. Purum
7. Hma,. 22. Raltc
R. Kabni 23. Serna
9. Kacha Naga 24. Simte
10. Koirao 25. Suhte
11. Koircng 26. Tangkhul
12. Kom 27. Thadou
13. Lamgang 28. Vaiphui
14. Mao 2<). Zou.
15. Maram

PART XI.-Me/ihalaya

I. Chakma (vi) Gaogtc

2. Dimasa . .Kachari (vii) Guite
3. Gara (viii) Hanncng
4. Hajong (ix) Haokip. Haupit
5. Hruar (x) Hao!ai
h. Khasi, Jaintia, Syntcng, Pnar, War, (xi) Hengoa
Bhoi, Lyngngam (xii) Hongsungh
7. Any Kuki tribes includin~.­ Lxiii) Hmngkhwal. Rangkhol
ti) Biate, Bietl' I xiv) Jongbc
(ii) Changsun (xv) Khawchung
(iii) Chongloi (xvi) Khawathil3ng. Khothalong
;iv) Doungel (xvii) Khelma
(v) Gamatholl (xviii) Kholhon
.tflm;r C"1t\r.......... 'f.... i) temr,1;150 169
(~l3Hilm'i ij; q-Ift;r foflflf ai\, miW)

n il.rl'l', li>ii<roI. 'IT>m, ;r~, f'ffif'lT'Uf1 ,

~ 6'. ~;ft. ,.fr. iTif.'r .;R1, <iR'iT. 'f.r.,,,r f!1fnfr <T'f>"R:r T ,
:!~. <f.p'f'r l1~ql 'iw ·f~l·:fr au. q,'Jif
ili.'ff l!~' ~O. 'fhfull1
:$ :. cr.T~1 lji~, cr.hl 4'. 'lTirm
n <;.. <itq~r, >iTimif, f~CT, 'lTg\'\", <iliff, 42. '{Toqqr
;jf~ ~ 3. tiT"f<, tI'fif7.l
33· If.'tm, f'Fir illf1, '1'Ji'lim H. ?;f!', ?;f~, lj'-OI'<I>(, '"1-01''",
:q. '1lif'1'>lT, 'f'IlTfltm, llT -~~l 1fi·O'j<JiT~

J 5. 'IT'l',"~ 'IT'l',", "l'Rm.rl '1''l''f., 'fi1IT~ ·15. oiie! (3fT..:'I'Ti£1<:', if,,,", '1rr~,,", ;w;r'fm<:',
'IT'l"f., 'l'm '!T'l'ij;, 'IT'IT 'IT'l''f. 3li>: If",",! ~ ain: 'R~ fu;f 'f.! '{TVl'{T
a6. aiRt<f, !!i!'I'~
J7.· '1WT'1, IflilTff, ~f
~ ~)
~ti. qrBr
.:.18. I'ff~Ir, :ct~fcri~T, q:;;q 'fF>ir, "i'I'i.tT ·17. f~rfulf1, 'lif'l'iTfu:ll1, <r,:,fS'll1 I

~ 1(}-1(~

I. m'l"ir.! 16 . .rim
:.!.~ 1 7. ~ tfuir ('!~) 'li'f'irfo'H
3. o;:i>rT1fr 18. mli
4: fil1l' 19. ;ft>fr;r
. ';. '<IN.
'j'.' '1'Rf ~o. 'lT~
',. -i:['lT>: ~ /. Tilf
~ . .. ~t :!:.!. 7J-:~

9· :r."'fT'If'fT ~ J. it'ii

1U. ~oiT. 24. f~

1 1. il'!:"f 25. W
I:!. m ~ti. 'flT'P
1 a.. CTl!'I'If ~7· 'H'U
J 4. 'lTiil ~8.~
1 5. 'i'{T'i ~ g. .,niT. I


I. "I1'1illT (vi) Ii'l'!l

~. I~, "'~rn () 'I. il
;<. 'fTiI . (viii).~ .
l.~ (ix) i!r(~. ~
.", ","7 (x) ~qri
0 .. r,mff,tf'~'l'r, f~-€i'l', "'If 7 , qf'(, 'i'Ji:, ii:t1f1lf lxi) ~or.;f
7. ¢ !;f.f ;;r;;mf'fl!t f.;r;rt Wd1T'f f'f"if;;fl]'ff . (xii) ~jl,~'l'
., <!. - (xiii) 0~' -{l'l-f'1
(i) f"~f;r, t<rT~ (xiv) ;;i<if
Iii) 'lIRi'A' I XV) ''l''l
(iii) ~ (xvi) ~,l'irffi<'llr
(iv) ~Frri.'f (xvi i) li7'iT
(v) 'T~T ("viii) ~

~R04 M/o Law & JII.c;lke/94

170 ConstiIUlion (fdlaluJal Tribes) OnIu, 1950
(PAllT m-Rules and On!ers 1UIder the Constitution)

(xix) Kippn (xxxiv) Thado

(xx) Kuki (xxxv) Thangngcu
(ui) Lengthang (xxxvi) Uibuh
(xxii) Lhangom (xxxvii) Vaiphei
(xxiii) Lhoujem 8. Lalcher
(xxiv) Lhonvun Man (Tai speaking)
(xxv) Lupheog 10.Any Mizo (Lushair tribes
(xxvi) Mangjel 11.Mildr
('XXVii) Mlsao 12.Any Naga tribes
(xxviii) Riang 13.Pawi
(uix) Sairhem 14.Syntcng
(xxx) Selnam Boro Kacharis
I[ 15.
(xxxi) Singson 16.Koch
(xxxii) Sltlhou 17. bba, RavaJ.
(xuiii) Sukte

1. lIagata 29. Kharia, Kharlan

2. BaIga 30. Kharwar
3. Banjara, Banjari 31. Khond, Koud, Kandha, Nauguli Kan-
4. Bathudi dba, Sitha Kandha
5. Bhottada, Dhotada 32. Kisan
6. Bhuiya, Bhuy31l 33. Kol
7. Bhumia 34. Kolah Loharas, Kol Loharas
8. Bhumij 35. Kolha
9. Bhunjia 36. KoJi, Malhar
10. Binjha1 37. Kondadora
11. Binjhia, Binjhoa 38. Kora
12. Biebor 39. Kocua
13. Bondo Poraja 40. Kotia
14. Chenchu 41. Koya
15. Dal 42. Kulis
16. Desua Bhumij 43. Lodha
17. Dharua 44. Madia
18. Didayi 45. Mahali
19. Gadaba 46. Mankidi
20. paudia 47. Mankirdia
21. Ghara 48. Matya
22. Gond, Goudo 49. Mirdhas
23. Ho SO. Munda, Munda Loham, Munda Mahalis
24. Holva 51. Mundari
25. Jatapu 52. Omanatya
26. Juang 53. Oraon
27. Kaudha Gauda 54. Parenga
28. Kawar
I. JIlL by Act 43 of 1!187, •. 2 (w .••f. 19·'·1987)
~ C"'1\\!lm ",,,..,r!Ni) m, 1950 171)
('IT'll Ii!: WW r~ ain; ~w)
(xix) ~ (xxxiv) 'il'T
(x.~) ~r (x~xv) ~"
(:\1Oi) ~ ( "xxvi) '31l'!:
(ni i) orf/Ilr (xxxvii) ~
(uiii) ~ 8. <l'l'li;:
(Div) ~ 9. IWI' (ani iflif.PfI<'Ir)
(Mv) \fii'r f o. ~ lft:;it (~) ",,,,,,,,,,,,,rllfi"'~~nTi
(xxvi) 'i~ 11. tiff""
(nvii) flf!!l~ 12. ~ "Fir ~'i;,;rf'f<rt
(uviii) fw.r 13. qFft
(nix) i $ I 4. firci'1f
(lIlIlt) rnl1f 1 [ I 5. oml 'F'if7;(i
(lIui) f~ 1 6. ;f.",
(xxxii) f~ 17. ;,Il!T, 7Pollj I
(xuiii) ~

1. ;nt{l'tT
2.~ 30.~
3. 'f'I;;m:T, ifIITUI"r 31'. m, 'Iiil', ""11, "iTfr 'f,>",rr, f~1
4.~ ",<IT
5. ~,!iRm 32. ~R
6. ~, 'J'lT 33. m
7. "lflfm 34., ~ .fl<l.I~, if.r<1-~'
8. 'IIPr.r :15. ;f.j~
9. ~IIT 36. 'Iir.ft, ~,
10. flramr 37.~m
11. filfmir; mn-.rr 38. ;f.j>:r
12.~ 39. ;f.mrr
13. ~,{Ulr 40. '§fro
14. 'if~ ~
41. m
I 5. iIR'I 42. ~r
16. ~l,!1Ir 'If,,;;r 43 • .oar
17. amn 44. qrf~
III. !«IiI 4~. JTI~f\1
I II. 1flfliIT 46. 'Iif'liil
20. 1Jtftqr 47.~
2t. 'RI 48. 1ITi?;1rr
22. titr, m 49. flmf
23. ~ 50.~, ~", 't1!T-~r
2·t.~ ~ I. '!,mr
~5. iJllO~. 5 ~, <IIl'IfiIWTI
~ G. "11Ifll 5J, ;ro.,ji
HoM):C 501. qm
28. 'A'Im:
~il Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950
(PAitTm-Rules and Orders under the <.:oostitution)
55. Paroja 59. Saora. Savar, Saura, Sahara
56. Penti" 60. Shabar, Lodha
57. Rajuar 61. SOUllt;
5S. Santal 62. Tharua.

PAR'! XIlI.-RajaSliuIII

J. Bhit. lihil Gara,ia, Dholi Bbil, Dungei 7. Kokna, Kokni, KiJkna

Bhil, Dungri Gamsia. Mewasi Bhil.
H. Koli Dhor. Tokre Koli. Koleha, Kolgna
({aw,II Bhit. Tadvi Bhit, Bhagaiia,
Rhilala, Pawra, Vasava. Vasave 9. Mina
, Bhil. Mina 10. Nail"a, Nayaka. Chillivala Nayaka,
J. Damor, Damar;a Kapadia Nayaka. Mota Nayaka, Nana
. -I. Dbanka.· Tadvi, Tela ria, Valvi Nayaka
·5. Garas;a .. t.exc!uding Rajput Garasia)
6. Kalhodi, Kalkari.· Dbor Katbixli.· Dho,.. I I. Palelia
Katkari, Son· Kathodi, Son Katka'i 1.2. ·Scharia. Schria. Saha,·iya.

. 'PAR'I XIV.-Tumil Nadll·

1. Adiyan 18. Kurumans
2. Aranadan 19. Maha Malasar
.J. Emvallan 20. Malai Arayan
-:I. Trular 21. Malai Pandaram
5. Kadar 22. Malai Vedan
. 6. Kammara (excluding Kajlyakumari di,· 23. Malakkuravl.Ill
Irkl 'lild Shcl1kutlah laluk uf Tirundvdi 24. ·Malasar
di~tricl) 25. Malaya Ii (in Dharmapuri, North ArwI.
7. Kanibcun, Kanikkar (in Kan}al..umari Pudukottai, Salem. South Areot and
di$rkt and Shenkottah ,"Iuk of TirunrI; Tiruehirapali districts)
\~di di'lrkt) . . 26. Malayokandi
X. Kaniyan, Kanyan 27. Mannan
9. Kllltunayakan 2H. Mudugar. Muduvan
W. Kcx:hu Velan 29. Mutbuvan
I I. Konda Kapus 30. Palkyan
I 2. Kondarcddis 31. PaIliyan
1J. Komga 32. Pa1\iyar
I~. 1<I)\a (excluding Kanyakumari di,tricl 33. Puniyall
and Sbcnkuttah taluk of Tirundveli .l..t. Sholaga
districl) 35. Toda (c.\c1udrug Kauyakumari dlstm:t
15. Kudiya;- Mclakudi and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunclvcli
16 .. Kuri~bebaD <listrict)
17. Kurumbas ·(in~h'i.:-Nitgiris district) 36. Umly.

PART XV ... -1'ri/J1I1'II

I. Hbil 7. Jallli.lIl;1
~ Bbutia H. Kha~i,l
J. Chaimal 9. Kuki. including Ihe '"Uuwing ,ub·
tr\bes : -
4. Chakma (\) Balte
5. Garoo (if) Belaihnt
6. Halam (iiI) Chhalya

~'f'fttl'l (~fo;fll ,",,'lITfllQ't) mu, 1950 171
(\If'I .~ 't".-@M;r if; WI'I f'fltlf aft, ~)

55. ",)orr 59. ~,\m:, ~,mtU

:; 6. iffC>fT 60. mn:, "r.1T
;, 7. 'Tf"!mV 61. '1r'Ffr
'i!t. 'fRr'l. II :! . ~flr'1T I

1. 'lfr;;r, ..rr;;r ,p.rf«Zrr, !·.fi'l,. 'ii;rti "iT", 7. 'f.i .. 'IT, <t.r~;fr, :rt:vrr
1"IU <mf~,it<mft '<lR, m-<'f \f\'l, aTofr 8. 'lfTift <m.. iTii: <f.lift. ,~. ;furm
.,fi<'f, '1mf<'f'fT, '1<'fTm, 'I1'I"'J ""'fl, ~, 9. lfT'I1
2. 'lfR lfRr I o. ~. '1111"", ;irf<'f'fI<'fT
3. ~m ..<mJfw . '1Tliif., ;mrf3llT '1Tli..,·
4. !JlVT'I\l, . <!'!'iT, ;""d~'fip..,(lj-',. ~ mer 'I11<'r.,. 'IT'IT '!!liT.
:;. ""f~ (~ 'TUfrn ~ f-.m) I 1. <m<'f'fT
6. If;T1Iirit, .~,;fr, ~N\'!r, ~f>: 't'I'f'OTT, I 2. mm7.'lT. ir,rf7lfT,."m7.'lT I
~ ~ , .rr.r 'f.T'I'r.TT

1. qf;.r;r HL~
19. qllJ ~w
4.~ 21. 'IT<l ~
5.~ 22. 'IT<l ~,
6. ~ (ifi"",tij,(\ f;;rm am:fd~~"'~"lT 23. q\i~(~"'i

f~ ij; ~ <I'1<\'f. '1fT ~) '24. ~

7. 'f.f'l'li,"" ..f'W': (ifi'OIfT~T f<iA ii a{'r\ 25. If.'rT''fr(a>i~'r mr wm~, TI~'
[fao;;r......ift f;;r.f ij; ~ ilT'!'" it') m, 'tf'W'lft ~ am: fmif'fmF.'lT f;;m'i ,,)
~. 'i1f1flf'l, "'"''I 26. ¥i<141fi&1
9. Cfli?&''1tQ#'1 27. 'ITWf
1 o. 'I1f;r~1il'I
, 28. ~'l>:, '\'I.'fo'f
I 1. 'lfm om;; 2 9. ~'!'I'!

12. mM~ :IO.~
1 3.'!itU'rr 31. 1ff~
14. 'lim (ifi""'tq,(l f~"am: a2. ~~

fi:wlii1Ul; f~ if; 91""l~i!' :13. 'ff\rIr;r

~ 'l1t ~) :14 . 1lfr.rr1n
1 5. 'lif'il'llT, If''IT ~T 35. mr ("''Ii""""m,t'' 'ij",,71(\ f~ it am:
16. 'lif~ f~ it. ~ ~ifi <t.r ~~)
17."IW (;fr;;rflrf': f;;R if) 36. ;rorr
>11'1 15-~
1. 1fr.r 7. <iMf1l"i'T
2,~ 8. 'Ifl\"llT
3. ~fT 9.· ~r, f'J'Iij;· ~ f'fl'ffl'lf.. " ;3'1' ;;:'!'lITfmrt

5. 'lRt J(i) m
fi.~ (ii) ;ft'liill'i
(iii) ~
172 Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950
(p,\lIT m-Rules and Orders under the Constitution)

(iv) Fun (xvi) Rangkbole

(v) Hajango (xvii) Thangluya
(vi) Janglei 10. Lepcba
(vi!) Khareng 11. lusbai
(viii) Kbephong 12. Mag
(ix) Kuntci 13. Munda, Kaur
(x) Laifang 14. Noalia
(xi) lentei 15. Orang
(xii) Mizel 16. Riang
(.iii) Namtc 17. Santal
(xiv) Paitu, Paile I R. Tripura, Tripuri, Tippera
(xv) Rangcban 19. Ucbai.

PART XVI.-Wesl Bengal

I. Asur 20. Kora

2.Baiga 21. KalWa
3.Badia, Bediya 22. Lepcha
4.Bbumij 23. Lodba, Kberia, Kbaria
S. Bbutia, Sberpa, Toto. Du1cpa, Kagatay, 24. Lobara, Lobra
Tibetan, Yolmo 25. Magh
6. Blrhor 26. MabaIi
7. Blrjia 27. MahIi
8. Chakma 28. Mal Pahariya
9. Chero 29. Mech
10, Chik Baraik 30. Mru
11. Garo 31. Munds
12. Gond 32. Nagesia
13. Gorait 33. Oraon
14. Hajang 34. Parbaiya
15. Ho 35. Rabba
16. Karmali 36. Santal
17: Kbarwar 37. Sauria Pabaria
18. Kbond 38. Savar.
19. Klsan

'[PART XVII.-Mizoram

1. Cbakma 7. Any Kuld tribes, Including,-

2. Dimasa (Kacbari) (i) Baite or Biete
3. Gam (il) Chaogsan
4. Hajong
S. Ilmar (iii) Cbongloi
6. liJlasi and laintia. (including Kbasi, (iv) Doungel
Synleng or Pnar, War, Bboi or Lyngli.- (v) Gamalhou
1. III.. by Act 54 of 1986, •• 14 aDd nIrcI SI:b. (w.e.t zo.~I98T)
~r~ (~"ffi' 1;A..-rf<llfi) mlr, 1950 172
('1T'T 3 --m"lm"l ilr WJ1'f f'i'flr am: m~)

(iv) ~'f (wi) 'Ue')'l

(v) ~ (xvii) fir.:['1l
( vi) ;;l1r1r 10. t.r:m
(vii) '-;:'1 I 1. 'l'1~
(viii) m'! 12. IT'!
(ix) 'l:.~~ 13. l!,~, !f>n:
( ,) ;;rq'i'l 14. 'f"lmfam
( "
(xi) "'f~ 1~. 0fr01T
(xii) r...ih 1 R. f7llttT
(xiii) 'fII'if 1 7. 'f''IT'i'
(xiv) 'll~; 'lInt 1 S. f"l1\1', fiil'!'T. 1!1'm
('v) "i'if"il'T'f 1~ .." .. ~ I

'If1'IT ,16--'1f~) Ii,"",

1. 1f'J;"= 20. ~
2. ;('T1 21.~
3./~R~1, flIf.nrr 22. ~
4. -r.rn. 2J. oiNT, '[f~, ~
5. -f.,n ;1->:'1[, zli.l ~,'fo'TT, q:'T;;l, f~l, 24. 'i17r\l', 'itro
'IRII) 2 5. ~""
r.. ~~ 26. '11",,1
7· f.r>:f;p.rr 27. ...~t
R. "IT'Pl'T 2 s. ·tWl <nrr~!fT
9. ~'(r 29. it.
10· f." 'rrh 30. ,!,
II. 'Tn:! 3 I. >t~
12. 'T11'
, 32. orr;r f'l7.fT
13. irl1'o 33. am:r.
14. l[T"li'T 34. ~m '.
I:;· ~! 35. \I'm
16. '...:11'I;;[r 36. >i'IT'.'T
17. ~, 37. «if'lfT "~~!fT
IS. m 3S. !IT'"
19. ~'f

1 ['If1'IT I 7-fQ),,, '

1. 'fR'Pl'T 7. ~ ~"I ,.·n,f';'fT, f'l''I'i; If'<l<To f'l''''T-

2. ~Tffi (~fT) fuflg;r 1ft ~. :--
3. 'Tn:) ( i) mffi lIT miT
4.~ ( i i ) '<fIrffi'f
5. ~T, (-iii) ~
6. ~ 3[n: .rf'OllT (f1ii'fil; WO';fo ~; ( iv) <:lii-.r
fu;;i'tr lIT "'Tn:, qr" >m lIT f\;>rrl! ~) (v) ~
173 Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, J9S0
(PAllTlIl-RuJes and Orders under Constitution)

(vi) Gangte (xxvi) Mangiel

(vii) Guite (xxvii) Missao
(viii) Hanneng (xxviii) Riang
(ix) Haokip or Haupit (xxix) Sairhem
(x) Haolai (xxx) Selnam
(xi) Hengna (xxxi) Sil1gson
(xii) Hongsungh (xxxii) Sitlhou
(xiii) Hrangkhwal or Rangkhol (xxxiii) Sukte
(xiv) longbe (xxxiv) Thado
(xv) Khawchung (xxxv) Thangngeu
(xvi) Khawathlang or Khothalong (xxxvi) Uibuh
(xvii) Khelma (xxxvii) ,Vaiphei
(xviii) Kholhou 8. Lalcher
(xix) IGpgen 9. Man (Tai-Speaking)
(xx) Kuki 10. Any Mizo (Lusbai) tribes
(xxi) Lengthang 11. Mildr
(xxii) Lhangum 12.' Any Naga tribes
(xxiii) LhouJem 13. Pawi
(xxiv) Lhouvun 14. Synteng,}
(xxv) Lupheng

'[PART XVm.-Arunachal Pradesh

AIl tn'bes in the State including;- 7. Kbowa

1. Abol 8. Misbmi
2. Aka 9. Momba
3. Apatani 10. Any Naga tribes
4. Da1Ia 11. Sherdukpen
5'. Galang 12. Singpho.]
6. Khampti

2[PAltT XIX.-Goa
1. Dhodia 4. Siddi (Nayaka)
2. Dubla (Halpati) 5. Varll.]
3. Naikda (TaJavia)

1. In•. by Act 69 of 1986. L l7 and Third Scb. (w.eJ. 20-2·1987).

2. IllS. by Alt 18 of 1m, L 19 aa4 SecoIId Sch. (w.oJ. 30-'-1981).

- - - .-.. - --- -. . , - ,.-.'- • -< ~. -

~f"n'" (1I!'rn~,m "T·nITftlQi) mvr, 1~50 173
('1m 3- -'Tf W'T it. 31;i'T'f FT!l1f m'31~!!T)

(vi) Tfif(t (xxvi) 'lhrcr

(vii) '!~ (xxvii) fllm3;
(viii) ~rrilT ( x.F iii) f'-'lit!
( ix) ;;iff;q" !IT iff'l'o (xxix) lT~l1
( .,) i[19'f~ (xxx) 'Rill
(xi) ~'Frr ( x xx i ) f>;7P'C'I
(xii) ifT'l1'! ( xxx ii) PlY!";;!
(xi i i) @Pr:i~T;:( ljT ·{l1Jtt.r (xxxiii) 11;m
(xiv) ;;i'o[ ( xxx i v) '1r<iT
(xv) ffi'ifif (xxxv) >ri'<'1
(xvi) ~meiif !IT ,iT(;I"!'1T (xxxvi) ,s:"!.
(xvii) &'.111T ( Xxx vi i ) 'iP";:i
(xviii) ~~
(xix) f.prif'l U. lIFl (m~ <im-1 !lrqr)
( xx) 'li'ffr • < lft.J')T
10. ~T\ ':.-; (1:!1!i
f) .. ".

( XX i) ~>rtrr II. fl1f..<:

(xxii) ~ 12, ~ '1T1fT ;;''''',lf~f!ft
(uiii) 'W"''1 IJ. '{r<lr
(xxiv) ~~'1 1 4. f«iil[ ,
(xxv) q:<ji'T

f~liI <f $ <:T"'f 'lft ~ ;;w,;rfro

I. or<i IT. 7, ''If'!r
2, IItT'R' s. fllJf,ft
J. IIItWi'r 9. liTRTI
4. 6l'<.crl 1u. 'lilt 'TI'rr "Iif"", f<PH
5. '1m'l 1 \. ~r~.q4'1
6. ,.-rnrif! \ 2. hf'q;T , J
2[ 'IWl 19-'11-"1
I. ~if~ 4, f,fil ('fl!lf,f)
2. ~.\'TT (~i) 5, ,,<:'9'r , 1
3, 'I:lll'!>;;T (~crf'lllT)

1. 19S6 ~ "f!1f~"'f';, 69 ol\ !1m 17 ,in: ..,,,,,) '"tv:'" IIT<T (20-2-1987 1I) w.r,·o:rf'ffll
2. 1987" ..raf~ Ii" 18 ol\ "''' 19.m ,.<It.) "':!'.\~ om (3U-;-1981 iI) "'~'~If'ffl I
45-X{\.' M/o La ..... & Ju ... tice/94
(C.O. 33)
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of article 342 of the Constitution of India,
as amended by the Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1951, the President is pleased to make
the following Order, namely : -
I. This Order may tc called the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) '[(Union Territories)]
Order, 1951.

2: The tribes or tribal communities, or parts of, or groups within, tribes or tribal communities,
specified in '[Parts I and H) of the Schedule to this Order, shall, iR relation to the '[Union
territories) to which thuse parts respectively relate, be deemed to be Sl;heduled Tribes so far as
regards mcmbers thClCUf resident in the localities specified in relation to them respectively in
those palts of that Schedule.
'[3. Any reference in this Order to a Union territory in Part I of the Schedule shall be const-
rued as a reference to that territory constituted as a Union territory as from the 1st day of Nov-
ember 19.56 '[illld any reference to a Uni~n territory in Part II of the Schedule shall be construed
as a· reference to the territory constituted as a Union territory as from the day appointed under
clause (b) of section 2 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Reorganisation Act, 1987).


•• • • • • •
• • • • •

TIPAIlT I.-Labhadweep)
Throl.'Shout the Union territorY :-
Iallabi;anls of the Lac,adive, Miliicoy aDd Amindivi Wands who, aDd both of whose parents,
were born ia those islands.

'[PAIlT ll.-Daman and Diu

Throughout the Union territory
1. Dhodia 4. Siddi (Nayaka)
2. Dubla (Halpati) 5. Varli.)
3. Naikda (Talavia)
1. Published with lhe Ministry of Law Notifn. No. 5:10. 1427B, daled the 20th September, 19'1, Gauttc
of India, Eltraordinary, 1951. Pan.n, ~ction 3, page 1198G.
2. Sub•• by the &;heduled Caste. and Scheduled Tribe. List (Modification) Order, 1956.
3. Sub,. by Act 18 of 1987, •. 19 and SeCOlld Sch. (w.e.f. 30-5-1981).
4. III!. by ibid.. (w .•. f. 30·5·1987).
5. Entry relating to Himachal Pradesh omitled by Aet 53 of 1970, •. 20 and the Fourth Soh. (w.d.
6. Pall! n and III relating to Ma.nipur and Tripura re.peelively omilled by Act 81 of 1911, s. 26(2) and
Sch. V (......f. 21·1·19n).
1. Sub•. by the Lacx:adive, Minieoy and Amindivi (Alteration of Naill.) Adaptation of l.4.... Order,
1974, for "PUT I.-The Laccadlve, Minicoy and Amindivl Island" (w.t.f. 1·11·1973).

l~f!Wlif (ar~f;ffl ",,,",,fA'lrl) "[ (~q ~!f~")] ~~", 19 5 1

(~o Ilflo 33)

IimrFf(If'<II «!!iT!r'f) artiif.f!l"ll'. 1 95 1 an:r IM'l'mcl"'f 'lTf-.:<f if, 'If'.f"<lTif if, '11T'~'r 3 4 ~ if, !log
( I) n'T smf wfi!.:rii 'liT lfrfrrr ""if 9'!;1J~fiI' it" arf't 'PlfO' it f;rr.r;';rf'J"<f ~r~~ f~!fl ~. 3f>n'{ :--

I. 'Il3frW 'l'f<nlTif (3f1W'ffi ", .. ""kIqi) 1[(1jff ~)J .m1ll._1951 'I'W <iff ~ I

2. <r <:iTif;;rTOO 1fT ~ ~~ If! <:iT~T If!;;r;r.rrfu ~Tl" Or. '>11'1!f1 ~ it; 'i'f. ;;il I;IJ ~
~i 3f".:~ if; 3[ \TIlT I am: 2] if f"M""'~·;;-if S[ Ijff ~ J if, ~cl" ii. f;;r;fir <r "'IT 'IilIlr: ~ t.
lIW <f r.. "'~ <f.f. fif; ~ ;;"if {(<<,ii '" ~ ~ <:iTT ;;"if '1"f>::'.l-ii to f.Hl'll ~ oil ;;->l 3A.:~ if;;-if '<llm
if 'IilIlr: m lfI'iI7il if f"f1fqI\G ~. aq!({f<m ;pr.rTfu!rt "",ill <>m(iT I

3[3. ~IJ ~1lI if art'rfi

iI; \TI'I I it Ijff ~ OJ; iffii' fm f.r~!iT 'liT !fir ~.r >nTrlfT ~1Tf f;r. 'Il
I~. 1956 ~11jff ~ it; ~ if...rot! fmmq-!ltli Or.l!fu Ailll~, trait<: ~i~: 'lTf'l 2 if f~i
" tm fm 'liT ~ api <iITfIfl "IT11;ITf f~ ~ tim. onror air>: fu- ~'fIT0'f 3lfuf1QQ. 1987
2 iJ; '!M (II) it; anft;f ~ if" ~if ijn;:q- it...rOlf ~if if, Ailll~] I m

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

• 1 ['"" 1- qiIq-]

\tImf " ".40'1" if-

'h",,,,q, f'lf1":14 aft'( arII~"t i'I'r it; • flI"Imft "" m>:: f~ lf1<IT-fim 00 ~i. ;;"if.rm it f l t I
'[ 'lfl'l 2_"'" a(i~ trill'
~ " UOIfW it :-
1. iTtWlfT
2. ~ (~))
3. ~ (<r.rrfil'ln)

1. Rftt ~ . ., .. flU'..... i ,"0 1fIT0 firo8l1o t42741',~20 fi:ffl"",, 1951, qrof "U~qw,~, 1951,
'"" 3, _ 3, ~ 1198"" II"( ~ I
2. ...~~ "Itftm ~ ~ ~~ ~ ( _ ) 1IItt, 1958 m1 .fMufila I
.3. 1987 ill orf8fir!r1r~. 18 ott !1m 19 ~ ~ ~ /Iro (30.5-1987 it) IIT~ .f~"',fiI, I

.. 1981 ill orf8fir!r1r ". 18 ott !1m 19 ~ ~ ~ m1 (31)-5- 1987 it) q:rnilRr I
5 1970 ill ~ ". 53'1it !1m 20 ~ ~ ''''It''ft /Iro ~ nor 'lit 11m< riiIfq 'I!f (21-1-1971 It)
'"" tl!nr. '!'IT I •
6. 1971 ill orf8fir!r1r !I. 8-1 ~ !1m 26(2).m ~ ~ IIT~ ~ .m fIIIu 'Iit~ omT: '"" 2 .m
'lIT'! 3 'II! (21-1-1972 It) '"" - - I
7. ~. fiIf.Im ~ ....1.. fi~j i\'f ~ ('IT'f 'Iftom) ~ "'1'(11'! 1IItt. 1974 m1 "'IT'! I~. flrfOrof.\q
m ....'i.. fi ..1 i\'f 1fIlt" '" _ II"( (1-11-1973 It) .fa""Pia I
(C.O. 58)
(n exercise of the powers conferred by elause (l) of article 342 of the Constitution of India,
the President is pleased to make the following Order, namely : -
l. This Order may be called the Constitution (Andaman amI Nicobar Islands) Schedukd
Tribes Order, 1959.
2. The tribes or tribal communities, or parts of, or groups within, tribes or tribal communities,
specified in the Schedule to this Order, shall, for the purpose of the Constitutioll, be deemed to
be Scheduled Tribes in relation to the Union territory of the Alldaman and Nicobar Islands so
rar as regards members thereof '[resident in that Union territory].


1. Andamanese, Chariar, Chari, Kora, 4. Onges

Tabo, Bo, Yere, Kede, Bea, Balawa,
Bojigiyab, Juwai, Kol 5. Sentinelese
2. Jarawas
3. Nicobarese 6. Shom Pens.]

I. P"bJished with the Ministry of Law Notifn. No. G.S.R. 405, dated the 31st March, 1959, Gazett. of
Jodia, Extraordinary, 1959, Part 11, Section 3(i), page lSI.
2. Subs. by Act 108 of 1976, s. 4, Second Sch., Chapter II, for certain words (w .•. f. 27·7-1977).
3. Subs. by •. 4, Second Sch., Chapter II, ibid., for the Schedule (w .• .!. 27-7-1977).

luf"'!lT'I' (~3tn: f'fll\1i(i1: g)q) 3f"!~f~ ~Tfiflrt 3fWW. 1959
(~o itlo 68) .

m<:<r ij; ~f.mT'f ij; ~ 342 ij; .... ( 1) in,r IT're ~1 'liT !Pl'\lr ~ 9":. ~" if 3f'l'f lim
"' f..,rrf.;rti." armr ~, Sf'lIRt:-
f. '& ~ #00'1 (3{1IOl{f'f am r~"'I"f( aN) 3Fl.;~""";;{'f:;rrftrrt arRor. 1959 ~ <iTr ~ I

2. it '4~GjI rd~i 1fT "l"f"l'rf" If'f,cHli.lfr "l"f"l'rfirii Ifr ;;r;r;rlf" IT'l:<ml ij; ''1''[llT~ ij; 'f<T "I) ~lf ~
"'I ar'rJ'IT it f<lf;rf~!2 ~'. aro...<rR m: f.R;);m frqr ij; ~ .""tim ii >tflr.n'f if, ~I' ij; «11(
'firi "ofi <iTe.i lI'Ii f",;;.Ri '3"f ~r "'PI""""! ~ "[ >til '(R'r~'f ii fFfi.mfT] ~. ilf't:W<rn ;;r;r;rrfu1!i lfIf01 Gf'rt(ii I

\. 3{lrl''fR f.f<mfT. ~, "!P:l. 'liTu. 00. 'IT, "i'l:, 4. 3fm

~. 00. ifr<1r'fT, iTTf"l'f'flfTiT. ~"ri. ","r.\ 5.~l
2. m:m 6. ~ it'I I]
3. f.f'i;Tim: f.rmfi

I. fin... ~ 'liT '""'1.'Rl 8' ",.'!'T,R, 405, <rrUoI 31 qr;f, 1959, '1m! ij; U'lmO,3l'Il!m'll, 1959, "''' 2 •
.... 3(i), '!"5 151 '" nmre I
2. 1 976 ij; II!ftrf.r<fII 8. 1 08 .rr !1m 4, mfrq ""ft'it, 0W1'T'I 2 ~ ~ m<i'i ij; """ .., (27- 7- 1 97 7 il')
Itfdt'Glfitd I

ORDER, 1962
(C.O. 65)
In exercise of the powers conferred hy clause (1) of article 342 of the Constitution of
Inuia, the President is pleased to make the following Order, namely ; -

I. This Order may be called the Constitution CDadra and Nagar Raveli) Scheduled Tribes
Order. '1962.
2. The tribes or tribal communities, or parts of, or groups within, tribes or tribal communi-
tic~, specified in the Schedule to this Order, shall, for the purposes of the Constitution,
be deemed
to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to the Union territpry of Dadra and Nagar Haveli so far as
regards members thereof resident in that Union territory.


1. Dhodia 5. Koli Dhor including Kolzha

2. Dubla including Halpati 6. Naikda or Nayaka
3. Kath~ 7. Varli.
4. Kelma

I. Publi1bc4 with the Ministry of Law NOlifn. No. a.S.R. 891, dated the 30th JUIII, 1961, (i_tc of
lDdia, EmaorcliDary, 196Z, Part n, Section 3(i), pap 389.

l~finrrl'f (ifmr afh:;rrm:~) ~R1r ..... "',rii4t ani~, 1962
(!t. lIlT. 65)

·olT-.:::r if; #nrror if; ~~ 342 if; ~ ( \) ~1J lR1'! ~'flii '!Of lflit1r rn ~,~'If'f 11 ll'f.I
.l!'lR it f~"IN'f ~ f'f;IfT ~, ~ : -

\. 'lI\ 3fRar zfR!llor (<:rr'J ;ITT 'fT'I~ *",i) ;r;t;~;;rrnfim ;nt.r, 1962 ~ 'lfT mr I
2. ""1 ...11 fMi 1ff.'f'Ilf'f 'qUlf Iff 'I'f'lfTfam Iff "I'I'Irf'f ~~ 'i;1fTTI1fT m
~ 'lor "" ~ antw t'r
>q1J:'ft it rqr~f~tG ~', #nrror lfTir.r.ii ~ f<'!l1; ~ .in orrrn: ~ t " ~mr .. m it qt "'"
f~ ~ 'l'f 'ffi'iT 'IrT R!1 ~ "Ii 'OIf IN >:r.!fffil if f-mm~, 3R.:~ ;r;r.m(l1ft «.m ~ I

\. 'I'tfI>rr 5. ..mtT rn rom; ~ ~r .mr t
2. ~ f.!;A; 31'O'io ~r'f ~m ~ 6. ~ 1fT ;nlf'f.
3 Ifil"Iffi' 7. If<<ft I

1. fifftJ ~ ~ ~ «" ,",',,",etA., S91, ftT'f\w 30;r.:(, 1~6:!J ~ ~ ~. ~, 1~)6:!, 'fTtt ::,
n 3( i), '!'5 389 it IA'Tftm I

(C.O. 78)
In exercise of the powers confcrred hy clause ( I) of article 342 of the Constitu,tion of India,
the President, after consultation with thc Govcrnor of thc State of Uttar Pradesh, is pleased to
make the following Order, namely : -

1. This Order may be callcd thc Constitution (Scheduled Tribe,) (Uttar Pradesh) Order,
2. The tribes or tribal communities, or parts of, or groups within. trihes or tribal communities,
specified in the Schedule to this Order, shall, for the purposes of the Constitution of India, he
deemed to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to the Statc of Uttar Pradesh so far as regards members
thereof resident in that State.

1. Bhotia 4. Raji
2. Buksa 5. Tharu.
3. lannsari

1. Pubtished with Ibe Ministry of La", NOlifn. No. G.S.R. 960, dated the 24th June, 1967, Gazette of
Judia, Extraordinary, 1967, Part n, Section 3(i), past 311.

l~f~Ul~ (Ol''rJ.fml ~"'!lt) (:n:rt lfiu) Ol'~u, 1967
(!Toilf[o 78)
~T\(f if a'f.nrr'l' if 31'!,"'Ck 342 if'ilo, ( 1) .nr ll"~n wfiFniT 'liT ll"11ltr rn~, ,~fif '" ~(m
,"" if m!T'!T1'T il' q mr~ "'"'''' if QV'lrq" 3lQ'r ll"fflG' ~ armr f'ltIH ~, lI'ri,! : -

1. Il!! armr lffWI'l' (31~~i'rcr ;;prmfCflii) (~, ll"~w) armr, 1 967 '"!IT orr ~ 1

2. ~ ;;ror;;rrfCflii lfT;;r;r;:;mcr If'I<:W, 1fT ;;ror;;rrfffQ"T III ;;ror,;rrfcr fflf1:T/fi if 'I1T'l 1fT ;oorit if IN, <ll'r w ~
~ oq~ it fqf~r"'G ~. 'I1TU if; ~<im'l' if !l"tr);;rorl if; fOfl( ;on< ll"~ ~ ~ a'ii!7 it ~.Cf'!r ~ Cf'!r f'li
m ;rwif 'liT ~ ~;;ft ,,;r mil it f'f'lm ~., oq~f'lC! ;;ror;;rlfCflii If'IR ~iT I

I. f.rfu ~..rr '"!I'J:'RT Ii, r;r,,,",f.r, 960, miN 24 ",Of, 1967, 11m! ~ U~</aT,8!1ITllT"("'T, 1967,1IT1I2,
on 3(i), '!'<I 311 ii ~ 1

(C.O. 81>
In exercise of the powen c:onferred byc:la11le (l) of article 342 of the COlIStitution of India,
tbe President, after Consultatloe witb the Oovernor of tbe State of Napland, is pleased to make
. the fpIJowina Order, namely : -
1. This Order may be c:aIIed the Constitution (Nlpland) Sc:heduled Tribes Order, 1970.
2. The tribes or tribal c:ommWlities, or pull of. or IfO\1PI within, tribes or tribal communities,
specified in the Sc:hedule to this Order, sbaII, for tbc .PUrposes of the Constitution. be deemed to be
Sc:batuJed Tribes in relilion to the Scate of Napllnd' 50 far as rCgards members thereof resident
in that State.

1. Nap 4. Mitir
2. Kuki ,. Garo.
3. IW:hari

. ... ,

I. PuWiIhed with 'ht Ministry 01 La_ Notifl. Ne. G.U. lott, clAted tho lJrd July, 1970, c;.... of
lnelil. ElIraordiaary, "70. 'art ~ Soction J(I), ~ 641.

, 178' .
•..•"f'.... ;·~<iJ,~i.;..~.~~;.-.~~I,• .l~ •• ·• . ,,,
lfirca'A (""'II+iI) IIINm ~~, 1970
(w. VI. as)
'lIT"" "'riM'f
~ ~ ar-t~ 342 ij; IPS' (I) IHI lmf 'III lr1i\1r rn iJll ~'¢lf ir
'l'~ Wlf ~ (I~qq,,, if ~ ~ iii ~,am ~ q fiI>:oI'~!1 ~ R;!n t, ~ :-
1. If~ atmr «fim'f ('fI11T\'t~) ar-t'lfiiRr .." .. ,f". ; .mr, 1978 ~ "IT ~~ ,
2. it ",,, .. ,fdqi lfT;;r;nrrfu 1fI!<mr, 1fT ",,,.. ,I!tqi 1fI""'1,rd ~ iIi'IIT" 1fT m iii 'J.'I', :it ~
armt ;tt ~ it fqf~fN~, ~ ~ lI'i'tiii"Iii iii f'II(. "",Rfq ~ iii m ii, qr·tAr, ~ tAr r...
m ~ ~ 'liT m t:it ~ u;iIf it f.m!ft t, dl1t!\d ",,,,,,,fdqi m ~ I

5. om:) I

I. 1!'lmIII 'lit • Iii",.. , Ii. lIT. Iff. iii. , 099, l!rt\w 23~, 1970 11m! ~ 1J1I'IW, _ . " 7 O. "'" ! •
...... 3(i), ~ 641 if lmf"'" I


(C.O. 111)
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (J) of article 34~ ot the Constitution of India.
the Pre~ident, after ccnsultation with the Governor of the Stale of Sikkim, is pleased to make
the following O,der, namely:-
I. This Order may be called the Constitution (SikJcim) Scheduled Tribes Order. 1978.

2. The tribes or tribal communities. or parIS of, or groups within, triPes or tribal commuoitics.
specified in the Scheduled to this Order, shall, fot the purposes of the Constitiltion, be deemed to
be Scheduled Tribes in relation to the State of SikJcim so far as regards members ~ resident
in Illat State.


I. Bhutia (including Chumbipa, Doptbapa, Dukpa, Kagatey, Sherpa. TIbetan, Trowopa,

2. Lepcha.

I Published witb the Ministry of Law. JIIIIice IIId Company N<!tifn. No OAR. DS(t!) , dated
Ihe 22nd June. 1978. Gazette of Indio: ElI\JDordinary 1978. Part 11. _ ... 3(i). _ S44i.
l~f~ (f~r..ijIq) ot'j'lfiorCl' "",,,,,fit otmr, 1\978
(ft. ~. 111)

,~, 1IT"" it; mvr'f it; a!'l:~ 34 it VVII' ( I) ~HT smr wfurlI'i~ m.r rn ~ ftrfiI'Ii'If
mil it; (1"441<'1 l't <rolIlT ~ it; '"'ffi!<r armr m
~, 3l1Itt :-
I. ~ll" armr 'I1f 'IT1f muT'f (f.m'R) a!'l:~ ~<r armr, I 978 ~ 1
%. \fl armr~) ~'i'fiit f'If'fR«!: ;;r;<flii 'IT ,"~",I<flq ll"'!,'IM 'IT :;r;r.nfrn 'IT ", .. ",,,fill
~ .iI;;itJr'i 'IT !fJ!it~ m~~ it; lf1ir.r;i\' it; ~, ~ ~ t #8" it, ;qi fflI; ;Ill" mil it f'fmfl
:;~ ~ ~ #il t, Ofo!,!ffif ;;r'fOTTRf lT1I1IT ~ 1

I. 1[.trn (,~, ~'IT, {~, 'I>"ITit irm, fdf"'d~, "brm, lIl;rql ~)

I. AflI, """ om IJ'I'I'Ifi 'IlT1I '"""" ~ '"~ liD m. 'liT. R.• 335(01), ~ 22 ~, 1978, omw ~'U"'IlI,
~"". 1978, '"" 2, . . . 3(i), "roo 546 Ii SA<Tf1Tl! I



(C. O. 142)

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (I) of article 342 of. the Constitution of India, ·the
President, after consultation with the Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, is pleased
to make the following Order, namely:-
1. This Order may be called the Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order,
2. The tribes or tribal communities, or parts of, or groups within, tribes or tribal communities,
specified in the Schedule to this Order shall, for the purposes of the Constitution, be deemed to be
Scheduled Tribes in relation to'the, State of Jammu and Kashmir so far as regards members thereof
resident in that State.
1. Balti
2. Beda
3. Bot, Boto
4. Brokpa, Drokpa, Dard, Shin
5. Changpa
6. Garra
7. Mon
8. Purigpa
'[9. Gujjar

10. BakarwalJ

2[11. Gaddi

.12. SippiJ

I. Ins. by the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Act. 1991 (36 of 1991). s. 2(8) (w.e.l 19-4-1991).
2. Ins. by ;bid~ s. 2(b) (w.e.f. 20-8-1991).

~fu"l101 (;;n::I'{-lJiil#h:) &;n:m UI'1U1lfaui &re;iT, 1989

(~o 3110 14l)

U{'lflI, 'IRlI ~ ~ iI; ~ 342 iI; m (1) gu ~ ~ '10 m ~ ~ "fDt~ ~ t _

Q 'R..m .m if; 'IfIRl. RWf.lR!Jd ~ ~ to
1. ~ ~ '10 m~ '11'1 ~ ("I"I.-~) ~ .,•.,,!aq., ~, 1989 t,

2. ~ ~ <fit ~ if ~ ~ 1II .,• ."Iii,,'

~ _ .......'!a<illll "R'lIIflr ~ t 'll'il1II.~
il;'{'l! <G, ~ iI; ~if; ft:N, "I"I.-~ ~ iI; ~ if, om fit; m; 001 q '9 ~ t oil ~ u;q t
I'PmIl t, ~ .i1.,,!a4, ~'TI'


3.~, ~
4.~,~, ~ ftR
'[9. '1"R


2[11. ~

12. ftroll]

I. ~ (~~) aNii (~) ~. 1991 (1991 '"' 36).:1 'lIU 2("~JrIU (194·1991~) <IIa"'"~1
2. ~ (~ ~) aNii (~) ~. 199) (1991 '"' 36).:1 'lIU 2(10) JrIU (2()'S·I991 ~) <IIa:tIIIflta.


Law relating to removal of disqualification

47-Rn4 M/o law & JU51icd94

(10 OF 1959)

[4th April, 1959)

An Act to declare that certain offices of profit under the ,Government shall
not disqualify the holders thereof for being chosen as, or for being,
members of Parliament.
DB it enacted by Parliament in the Tenth Year of the Republic of India as follows : -
1. Short title -This Act may' be called the Parliament (Preventiop of Disqualification) Act,
2. DefioitloDS.-In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) "compensatory allowance" means any sum of money payable to the holder of an
officc by way of daily allowance [such allowance not exceeding the amount of daily
allowance to which a member of Parliament is entitled under the Salaries and Allowances
of.Members of Parliament Act, 1954 (30 of 1954»), any conveyance allowance, house rent
allowance or travelling allowance for the purpose of enabling him to recoup any expenditnre
inCurred by him in performing 'the functions, of that office;
(6) "statutory body" means any corporation, committee, commission, council, board
or other body of persons, whether incorporated or not, established by or under any law for
the time being in force;
(e) "non-statutory body" means any body of persoDS other than a statutory body.

3. C~n offices of profit not to disqualify. -It is hereby declared that none of the foUow-
inS offices in so far as it is an office of profit under the Government of India or the Government
of anY,State, shall disqualify the holder thereof for being chosen as, or for being, a member of
,ParlIament, namely:-
(a) any office held by a Minister, Minister of State or Deputy Minister for the
Union or for any State, whether ex officio or by name;
t[(aa) the office of a Leader of the Opposition in Parliament;]
(b) the office of Chief Whip, Deputy, Chief Whip or Whip in Parliament or of a
'Piuliamentary Secretary;
(e) the office of member of any fqrce raised or maintained under the National
OIdet .Corps Act, 1948 (31 of 1948), the Territorial Army Act, 1948 (56 of 1948), or

. ,
the Reserve and Auxiliary Air Forces Act, 1952 (62, of 1952);
(d) the office of a member of a Home Guard constituted under any law for the time
being In force in any State;
(e) th,e office of sheriff in the city of Bombay, Calcutta: or Madras;
(n the office of chairman or member of the syndicate, senate, executive committee,
council or court of a university or any other body connected with a university;
(g) the office of a member of any delegation or mission sent outside India by the
Government for any special PUrpt)Sl';
I. flit. by Act 33 of 1977, •• 12 (w••. f. 1.11:1917).


. '
[4." 19se]
~ mi1f1l Iji"(i\ it; f~ fli: ~ it; v.i\;I' ij; l$faqq l'I11t ill
IA ~ umif 'Iii ~ ~ ~ <!!'R 1ft ~
lmIf ~~ >n~ ij; f~f~ Of ~

1It~ ~ 'I; ~ii If'f if ~ [HT f;r<;rf~ l;"f if 'l"ll: <!Tfuf.!>rtiRf iiT : -
I, "f~ ltPf-lfi; <!Tfuf.!"tl1f m (~f'f'IT"{VT) 3tfuf~qq, 1959 if;'i;T "I'T ltil;1rr I
2, "ft~-'rn 3tfur~qq if, ;;r<f <flO r", !i~>i« at"Q''l'T affi'ffif 'f fi\--

(1$) "Wfd .. (I,q.., 'lW' ~ tt'f "'T ~ ufiIr arfici<r ~ ;;it flI;<ft ~ ij;!T1'<'!\' "'" ~ <r1l t ~ it;
crnR if ;nriI; sro ~'f'Rf fm SII1l' 'Ifr srfuW'<I m if; ~ o/.r m "'fA' it. lI1it<"l ij; ~ WAr ""
[<Ill ~ ~ af.R; 'Ifff iffi ""'" ~ Off,,1$ Of iim f\;rffif; fu'~ '!iT{ !i~ ~, ~ ~ .. "" :a-t <r
WI'Ii ~ diT'!i ",f.
q, lit~, I 9 5 4 ( I 95 4' 1$T 30) :j; 3T'JA ii~ n
fm If'fi;''T tffl, ~
1ItG'l1 'IfW liT Ifm 'If\'i if; l;"f if m ~;

( .. ) "~f';A;rIf" ~ <mf'IflI' If,!" fiff~ mrr iii' mT liT <I1ffi HTflf<! ~ f.\1rIr, Q'firftr,
~, ~,iiTi liT ~ 1$T at"Q'' 3lf~<I ~, ...~ ~ f.f1rfiia ~llff 'f i;T;
('I) "~ f.A;rlf" ~~ .,rn<l,,'T1$T '!iTfitm' ~d' ~;;it~'it f\!w ~ ,

3, l$flAlf I'!T1f i!;1A f"'fiii! Of 'Ii~il--~TU "1;'frf'Pi f.!;ln "I'E'T ~ f", f.!r.Tf\1f'lf' 'Iii it it ~ tf\'
OR, m Ill<'!\' .a
~ lmIf "!".~ 1iT'~~ ~ iiT'r 'l'i ~ if; f~ 'Ii;i <I'" f;;l:f~ Of 'IiWr:qt ~
f~ 'fir 1It~ ~ liT ~ lFQ' 'OT 1t<'I1R: ij; <I1ffi <iN 1$T <r1l~, 3!'Ifu :- .
(1$) "1j; 'l'i f~T m<rh''''T, lFQ' miT 'l'i ~ aTU, ~<R;; 'It 'fTlf-~'f<t ~ '1'(;
1[ (~) ~ if fimft 'r<IT 1$T IA;]

-<~) ~ if ~ ~, ~1i'1' ,,~ 'l'i ~ 1$T IA 'l'i ~ m<r 1$T OR;

(11) '* '~in;),,: 3ifuf.rzrq', I 948 ( 1 94 8 'f;T 3 1 ), h1itful;f arm
~-, 1 948 (1 94.8
'f;T 56) 'l'i j'{;;r.f ~ 3!1fTmm l!;'n. ljiRf;;; it~, 1952 (195 21$T 62) if; 3T'!ft;r ~""PIT iAItt
~ 1fI1: f.P.ft :;r;:r if. ~ 1$T OR;

(,,) fm 1J"f if fm <i'R1flf lI"!" fiIfu if; orJr.r 'lfO<f ~rr.i if; ~ '111 't~;
(v) 't~, _T 'l'i 'firTll' ij; 'fIT'< if 1Iim; 'f;T IA;
('if) f'N'l'f.mT<i'I 'l'i p, 'qf4'ilT<i'I «~mIT at"Q' f.A;rlf if.1' ~"fu'rG, ~,,4q, r.. "" ~,
qf~ 'l'i 'lilt ij; awrn 'l'i lmIf 'f;T OR;
(~) ~ inu f'f;ltT f~ ">it..;; t fuo; \TT>:O ij; ~ >hi 'm f'f;ltT !<"'iTQIIT liT fir.w;r it; ~

J84 Parliallltil/ (Pr""flllioll 01 DlsquClUficQri,m) Act, 19S9
(PART IlL-Law ReJaling to Removal of Disqualification)

cII) th~ ofti.:e o( chairman or JI1Cmber of a commi1tee (Illhethet consistinl: 0( one or

m.ore membet.), set up temporarily for the purpose of advising the Govemnient or any other
authority in respect of any matter of public il\1portance or for tl1e purpose of maldng an
inquiry into, or collecting statistics in respect of, any such matter, if the holder of such
offiDe is not entitled to any remunemtion other than COIIIlICIIBatory aDowance;
(i) the office of chairman. director or member of any statutory or non-statutory body oth~r
than any such body as is referred to in clause (iI). if the holder of such office is not entitled to any
remuneration other than compensatory anowance. but excluding (i) the office of chairman of any
<t"tutory or non-statutory body specified in Part I of the Schedule. 1(. (ii) the office of chairman or
,ccrctary of any statutory or non-statutory body specified in Pan II of the Schedule land (iii) the
office of deputy chainnan of the non-statutory body specified in Part III of the Schedule];
(j) the office of village revenue officer, whether caUed a Jambardar, malguzar, patel,
deshmukh or by any other name, Whose duty is to collect land revenue and who is remune-
rated by a share of, br commission on, the amount of land revenue conected by him, but
who doos not discharge any police functions.
'(Explanation I(.-For the purposes of this section, the office of chairman or secetary
sball include every office of that description by whatever name called.
'[Explanation 2.-1n clause (aa), the expression "Leader of the Opposition" ,hall have the
meaning assigned to it in the Salary and Allawances of Leaders of Opposition In ParAament Act,
1m (19 of 1971).] .
4. Temperary suspemion of dlsgaalification in c:ertaia " 8 ' " If a person beiDg a member
of Parliament who immediately before the commcncemont of this Act hold IUl affice of profit
docIaraI by any law repealed by this Act not to disqualify the holder thereof for being such
11IIOiiIboa, bDcca:Ic5 60 disqualified by reason of any of the provisions contained in this Act, such
office shall not, if held by such person for any period not atending beyond a PICriod of six
months from the comme=enf of this Act disqualify him for being a member of Parliament.
S. Repeab--'T1!e Parliament (prevention of Disqualification) .Ac~, 1950 (19 of 19S0),
the ParliameDt Prevention of Disqualification Act, 1951 (68 of 195!:, ... ~ Prevention of Dis-
quaUfication Act, 1953 (l of 1954), and any prOvision in any other enactment wlrielt Is meon-
sillen! with this Aa are hereby repealed.

[See section 3 (in

~lodia intenuuional Corporation established under sccti,on 3 of the Air Corporations

Act, 1953 (27 of 19S3).
Air Transport Council constituted under section 30 of the Air Corporations Act, 19S3 (27
of 19S3).
Board of Directors of the Export Risks Insurance Corporation •••• Limited.
Board of Directors of the Heavy Electrieals •••• Limited.
IIoanI of DirectDrs of the Hindustan Cables •••• Limited.
Board of Directors of the Hindustan In~ecticides •••• Limited.
Board of Directors of the Hindusron Machine Tools •••• Li;;lited.
a..d of Directors of tbe Hinduslan Shipyard Limited.
1 Subs. by Act 20 of 1992. s. 2 for cer1ain words anJ leiters.
, EzplDMtlon n1Ullbered .. Ezplanation 1 thereof hy Act ~3 or 1977, •. 12' (w.e.f. 1,1\-1977).
J. las. by .. 12, /bU. (w.• l. 1-11-1977).
4. ,.... . . . . . . . ad word .~)' omitted by Act S8 of 1960, •• 3 UId tbo Soeoad S t 1,Ie
~ (~"'~) .ralii"".I9U 184
( 'lnH f~ (ttl Iail ,,) ~~.ntr fifftr)
(:sr) ""Ii
1I'1j't"" it; f;r~
q~ ij; fm lfi1l'<I' It; m ii ~m: II'ffm Wll' lIifs-m:"t 'II't~~ it;
q'!~t r~~ lfi1l''r 'Ii\' orR ~ qr "3''fi; ij'~ it 'fif6'tf~li i'(Ifl"" ,,'f.t ij;
1I''l' t f;r.:{ 'f~) "'" w."If
'It ('fri' t!;~ ~r 'ffll ~ ~ ~ f'fl'r.{ lI'fI') (ftirflf it;
1ISIIIIf q'! lmIr 'f>T 'N, qf. ~ ~ 'foT urn 1I'f!l'm:R1ft>' ri i't f'lf'ii' fm 'fTf,"Ifll'. ""
1[<1im ~ A";
(s) !Wi ~ ~ ~, ~ i$ m
(III) ll' ~ i, fW;! ~ • 'IT ~ f.!o;~ <f;
<lI'lm, f.mnIi lit ~ iii! IR, trit ~ <I'll 1fi1 'IiImfi OIa.,(R4., 'Iffi fW;! ~ Q1ft7ilf'llll; 1fi1 l:1Ii1m: u
;;Sf t, ~ (i) ~ $ I'I1'l 1 ll' ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ <f; ar»m .,1 IR 1[. (ii)
~ If; I'I1'l 2 1l- fIIPl~<e ~ • 'IT ~ ~ If; aTl'Q"1!! 'IT ~ iii! lR'am: (iii) ~
If; I'I1'l 3 ll' ~Pl~6C ~ ~ $ ~ 1fi1 IR I
($f) <n~ ~, qr.!'r;'Ir-.;, q'~, ~'V '11 f'Rfi Wlf ifTIf i't ~ it" ilT'l 'II'" .,i.r
~m 1IfIflJi!r( !foT lI'Il f'lInT ar.;fazr 'l-~~ iI'1J!l <r ~ ~ ai'r< f.:;r"l'!fr '1'Tf"~f111' '3'i~ lim
Itr[~(<r 'i-",-~ 'l1r ,-!ill'
it; 3I'vr '11 .IJ '1'>.: ;;11m mr f1f\'!a'T ~,f"'1 or) f,.<jfi '!f"1'i
"f1Ni !f.T f~ ~ ~ ,
2[~~ l[-!"If!mJ it; 1I'Iit:;r;iT t f<'ft!; ~ liT 'ff'l"f t 'R t J;A'I['[ "!f'i ll'fT>: 'I·T
~ lI'Il IIfI"t!;'TT <n~ ~ f',"If( iI ifTIf it ~ ;;rru;' -

4, lJIfim'lImil if f. "
J[~ 2~ (~) it "fomfl 'r;rr" lI'Il if;! .. ~( ~ ~)ITT ;;it "''1'1.T >f'T~ it f','T~fc :ro
am: '11m Irfm~, 1977 (1977 'il 33) if ~ I]
",""qi f~-qf>: ~"l,\ o;mq ;:T(r ~ 'I'~,'1f~'T, -:;ir "T
Irfm~ it; llro'IT it 1IfI!I'~ ~ itm- 'I'T'f if;! ,lI'Il !IT(VI "'iff IIf[ 'forn or,,' "-Ifuf'fll'l' ;;ro
f>ro'M fm f"'fll" ~ itm- Im'f i!T'r t f<'rO: .~ en:,; 'II't f;pf~;f ·P:'r ,T9"[ tiTfq'f f'fm
'lifT '11, l((f Irfm~ if 1IA'f,,", ~ ti it f'f."lfr t ~ ~it f'f'f,,'if iT ;;rlOT /( iff iT.;! 'R
"3'm ""l'!: ~ ~ t f<'ft!; f~" ~1TT~f>: "'ii! ~ir <Iff.". m1 ;;'1" uluf'flI'I' ~ 1T17<'l1' ~
lit 1fT(f 'II't ~~fll" it ~11T f~ " ~ omrl fm if;!<;'T';"f!1 it f<'ft!; '? ~ ,
5. r~,,--'f!f.;m>k (lIi~~ 1JfT'Ii fT~ Tf"l'f~) it~, 1 950 (I [150 'f.T ]" ) , 'lTf.;-qr-
it~ sttm ~rlJi f.;r~'(ff.n~ U:"~' 195'1 (1951 if;! 68), mVr'! "-Ir'li fH~'iTf"ff'f.if.17f'[
il;~, 1953 (1954 <i;r 1) ai1'< fmft wq ~f!1f""fll'f('f it 'l'T ~'rt'-,;qq;u,ms:" "-If"r"~t[i'r
~4'1<r A', o:<r>:mr f'f'f'l'if fif.\:( ~ ~. ,

[!1ro 3 (,,) ~.i!'t!; 1
1fTtT 1

~"' wm~ ~ ~'

"'i>r. f'l·TII ~fuf~, l!i53 (1953if;!27)~Ien:r3 *~;ft;rror'1'<r ~>ti'''T;to>:'r!Jf'f"l'
'f£l!f"lf1f~fm~, 1.953 (1953 ~ 27) '!>"ten:! 30 t ~;ft;r 'lfo.r u:q-.; ~"l~Tt 'f.Tif~"f'
~II'!Tt f~ ~i''f ",I ....'1:M ..... ~•. if;! r"Orr. ;iT;:',
ft;rl ~i"p:l'''l .•••• ~ "T filUr.. m ,
f~ *"'« - ~ if;! filUr .. m ,
f~" ~ro"lfl(i(<< •••• ~. if.T filUr-r. m ,
f~r.r >rif;r ~;:" •••• ~. <r.T f'lOr •. ;iTi ,
f~r.r fVf'l'llTi f;:rfll'n if.f filUr<r. m ,
1. 1992 ii ~ ~Q 20 dit mtl 2 rrtl "tW ~ abt: &Sir • ~ tT{ "'~fiili~d I
2. I 077 ~ ~ Ii. 33 ~1 \ITU 12 JT'T .",<iW'''' ofT m "'~ I ~ ..~ ii (I-II" 9" it) ~"""""
f"," "'" 1
J.',",,~ "" """ "rro (1-1','977 iI) :.r:~:",,",,'"
4.1960 ii< ~ Ii. 59 .:, are 3 ~"\1: miR ~~'IIU "(milo)" ,,~ ~1t 'fi,OS04ii "" ..wfilolr""I'
Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959
185 (PAR1' IV -Law Relating to Removal of Di!qualification)

Board of Directors of the '[Hindustan Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited].

Board of Directors of the National Coal Development Corporation (Private) Limited.
Board of Directors of the National 2[Industria1] Development Corporation ,... Limited.
Board of Directors of the National Instruments 3/ 7 ••• Limited.
Board of Directors of the National Small Industries. Corporation ,... Limited.
Board of Directors of the NeyveJi Lignite Corporation (Private) Limited.
Board of Directors of the Sindri Fertilizers and c;:hemicals , ••• Limited.
Board of Directors of the State Trading Corporation of India , ••• Limited.

Central Warehousing Corporation established under section 17 of the Agricultural Produce

(Development and Warehousil:~) Corporations Act, 1956 (28 of 1956).
Coal Board 'established undec section 4 of the Coal Mines (Conservation and Safety) Act.
1952 (12 of 1952) ..
Coal Mines Labour Housing Board constituted under section 6 of the Coal Mines Labour
Welfare Fund Act, 1947 (32 of 1947).
Com'llissioners for the Port of Calcutta.
Committee for the allotment of land in the township of .Gandhidham.
Company Law Advisory Commission constjtuted under section 410 of the Companie~ Act,
1956 (I of 1956).
Cotton'Textiles Fund Committee constituted under the Textile Funds Ordinance, 1944
(Ord. 34 of 1944).
Dock Labour Board, Bombay, established under the Bombay Dock Workers (Regulation
of Employment) Scheme, 1956, made under tbe Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment)
Act, 1948 (9 of 1948).
Dock Labour Board, Catcutta, established under the Calcutta Docie Workers (RegnJation
of Employment) Scheme. 1956, made under the Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment)
Act, 1948 (9 of 1948).
Dock Labour Board, Madras, established under the Madras Dock Workers (Regulation
of Employment) Scheme, 1956, made under the Docl< Workers (Regulation of Employment)
Act. 1948 (9 of 1948).
Forward Markets Commission established under section 3 of the Forward Contracts
(Regulation) Act 1952 (74 of 1952)", .
Indian Airlines Corporation established under section 3 of the Air Corporations Act. 1953
(27 of 1953).
Industrial Finance Corporation of India estabJishe.d under section 3 of the Industrial
Finance Corporation Act, 1948 (15 of 1948).
LicenSoing Committee constituted under rule 10 of the Re~istration and Licensin~ of Indus\rial
Undertakings Rules, 1952, made under the Industries (Development and Rel!\llatioo) Act.

Mining Boards constituted under section 12 of the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952).
I. Sub •. by Act '8 0"1960, s. 3 Dhd ,he Second Schedule, fOT "Nongal Fertiliun and Chemical. (PrIvate)
2. Tn •• by s. 3 nnd 'he Second Schedule. Ibld_
3. The brockets and word "(l'rlvale)" omitIed '" S. 8Dd the Secoad Scbedul..; Ibid.
Wq (~flllnJ"l) 16t~, 1959 185
('IIT'I+-f~<ta, ..'illi't~fiit Mil)

l[f~r.r it;flf~!T ~ q;thf~:;ffi f'ffm] ;or fmi> iIli ,

'fl!fo1~ 'iiIii' iq.rqifz 4, t'..n.,~ (lITt~) f'fflf~ ;or fm.. ~ I
'flll';r.t' 2[~f~] iif(f'l<lZ 41(I'ItM Forfm ;or f~ I m
~ ~~~ a.. forf~ 'I'T f~ iIli I *
iffi';rn' ~ ~):;r 4, (\i,'l..,~ 3*** forfm 'I'T i'llrn-l' IIii I
irqit;ri for~ <rn<itm (lIT~) forflf~~ ;or ,fm.. iIli I
fll'ft q;g<m.rn ~ it.f1fil><"« 3*** r.sf1!i~ ;or f~<lI <iii I
t& ~f1''1 'I'T~ ~116 U8'IfI a.** f~ ;or f~ <iii I
ttfv.:nur li\'~ (Nor-r.n- ~ 'w:ijOlaf«'I) ifiI<4i'l: .. " it-tz, 1956 (1956'IiT 28) 'liI!ITU
17 it. ~iI'r'l Mf<rn «¥r ~qG!''3f«'I 'Ii'<41h,~ I
'liror lf~5' (~m ~s Wizi) it>lZ, 1 952 ( 1952 'I'T 12) 'iiI ml "it. ~i.'1 ~If<rn
m iIli I

'I>'\lfifl 101'1 IJIlf "'<"il'" f'lfl.-T ~fl.-Tf'lli'f,. 1'947 (1947 'I'T 32) 'lfr !ITU 6 it. ~<ir'l 'IfOlf 1f.t;r
Ifl't« rn ¢«'I iIli I
ifiOI~ if; 'IWr if; 'lifw.r< I

'li1lilfllf '1'1'< ii 'l,flf it. I;floiZ'l it; f~ ~a I

'IitI;j'r ~f!1f'lq1f, 1956 (1956 'I'T 1) 'lit !ITU 410 if; Wf:;r rrfO<! mr orr ~iflmT
ifilfT1A I
~mor q;~« mfi'ii«, 1944 (1944 'I'T 34) it.mft'lrrf?Xl'~'1 ~~ 'lis 'lii!e:11
~'" ~"'" (fifll'r.r'l 'I'T f'ffifll1A) I;f[!lf'lli'f, 194 S (1948 'I'T 9) it. WA ~ 'It 'fI1'ir
~j; lfW (~ ~116 ~0ITlflI'z) ~, t956 it. mifMf'la ~'" rn iIli, 'fI1'ir I

~ ~if.n: (fifll'r.r'l 'I'T flffifll1A) mmifQlf, 1948 (1948 'I'T 9) it. WA ;r;rrt,It """/Om
~l> if*« ({'!.~ q'II6 ~'l\'rIlfifz) ~1>!, 1956 it; WA Mf<rn ifI.. rn iIli, ""''lim'1

1I1~ ",;i;m: (fiflit'fif''I'T flffifq1fif) ~fm'lli'f. 1948 (1948 'I'T 9) if; Wlif ~ 'It lfiIT«
~ ...r-l'f( (f'flir'fif "'I fiffifll1A) ~rq'. 1956 it. Wlif Mf<rn ifl9; i'l1f<iIli. lfiIT"I' I
<m:IIi 'j;f?~;! ('l:'!.i'l1A) itorz, 1952 (1952;or 74) ~ !ITU 3 it; W't'f ~<rn q;mi
~« ifi1ffw;r I

,",! fiflT'l' 'l'flififq1f. 1953 (1953 'I'T 27) ~!lrn 3 it; mif Mm U1!lIif l1;/f(\i~"I'

aficnfrrfl" f'ffl fiflT'l' ~fllf'lli'f, 1948 (1948 'I'T 15) ~!ITU 3 it. ~arif Mf<rn ltsf~ii'
~ 4,<4,'l:M q'II6 ~f8'lfl'

~;;r (iif~ ~ l:t!.ijw;f) it-tz. 1951 (1951 if>T 65) it; ~r.r lfifll1; 'Il1; _f*r.r ~
~«rr q'II6 ~lIf~if airnff>Ta- \<;;a-. 1952 it. fifq1f 10 it; I;fiir.r rrf?Xl' or~ilf(jll q;ifi\' ,

IOIif ~f!lfiflA. 19 52 ( 1 952 1>1 35) 'lir 1U<r 12 it. WA rrf«r ~ "ri I
I. 1960 ~ ~ lio 58. <tt am 3 ail\: mI\li ~ ITU U;jq;r"f,",,'nl ~ </;fiw..r (0Tf<t) ~..
iii fIfA 1ft st1d fit II\Ht I
.. ~ <tt am :. om mmr ~ ITU """~ I
3. ~ <tt !llU 3 .m: lim ~ IITU U(~)" "'" .m: ~ "" '"" Aon iliff.
186 Parliament (Prevention cif Disquali/icaiion) Act, 1959
(PART IIl.-Law Relating to Removal of Disqua1ifieation)
National Co-operative Development and W.arehousing Board established under section 3'
of the Agricultural Produce (Development and Warehousing) Corporations Act, 1956 (28 of
Rehabilitation Elface AdministratioIl constituted under section 3 of the Rehabilitation
Finance Administration Act, 1948 (12 of 1948).
Tariff Commission e>tablished unller section 3 of the Tariff Commission Act, 1951 (SO of
1951 ).
J'lUstces 01 the Port of Bombay.
Trustees of the Pvrt of Madras.
Trustees or Commissioners of any major port as defined iri the Indian Ports Act, 1908 (IS
of 1908), other than the Port of Calcutta, Bombay or Madras.
,4 ndhra Pradesh
Agricultural Improvement Fund Committee .constituted. und,:'r. secti,!!n 3 of tbe Hyderabad
Agricultural Improvement Act, 1952.
Co-operative Agricultural and Marketing Development Fund Committee.
Livcstock Purchasing Committee.
Adhi Cuunciliation Boards constituted under section 2A 01 the Assam Adhiars Protection
and Regulatiun Act, 1948.
Assam Evacuee Property Man"dgemenl Committee constituted under seclion 12 of the
Assam Evacuee Property Act, 195-1.
Assam Text Book Committee.
Mining Board for Coal Mines.
Tcxt Buok and Education Literature Committee.
Allocation Committee (Allopathic) under the Employees' State Insurance Scheme.
Allocation Committee (Ayurvedic) under the Employees' State Insurance Scheme.
3uan! to cOOlluCl over-all supervision of the business and affairs uf the Narsillggiriji Mills,
Bum bay Housing Board constituted under sectiun 3 of the Bombay Housing Board Act,
Bombay State Electricity Board constitutC<\ under section 5 of the Electricity (Supply) Act,
1948 (54 of 1948).
Bombay State Electricity Consultative Council constituted under section 16 of the Electricity
(Supply) Act. 1948 (54 of 1948).
Medical Service Committee under the Employees' State Insurance Scheme.
Pharmaceutical Committee under the Employees' State Insurance Scheme.
Regional TranspGrt AUlhority for Ahmedabad, Aurangabad, Bombay, Nagpur. P.oona, Rajkot
and Thana constituted under section 44 of. the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (4 of 1939).
Saurashtra Housing Board con.tituted under section 3 of the Saurashtra Housing Board
Act. 1954.
State Transport Authority constituted under section 44 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939
(4 of. 1939).
Vidarbha Housing Board constituted under section 3 of the Madhya Pradesh Housing Act,
Board of Examiners appointed under rule 8 of the Travancore-(ochin Boiler Attendants
Rules, 1954.
Panel of Assessors constituted under rule 63 of the Travar\core-Cochin Boiler Attendants
Rules. 1<)54.
Panel of Assessors constitute'd under the Travancore-Cochin Economiser Rules, 1956.
~ (~,"f;nm:or) I!{if.r(lfqlf; 1959
('If1lT ~--f~~<lTaff 'Ii't ~ mr f.rll)

t:!fH<"'f''i lIli!:'!' (i,!,,('lik ~ if"'~r.r«TT) "'r~ll:J1R ~, I 956 ( I 95 G 1f.T 28) If,1 lffi'
3 ij; ~nTI~ ~'lTf'ffl ~ 'Ii't->if'l;l:fc," i.'Hifc ~ iflf"l:i!ii1fJIf ;iIi I
f~filf<'f~!1R ~~ '0rl!f~ ii:fc, 1948 (1948 ..1 12) 'lil lffil 3 <!; J;f!fl'f 'Tfl:<!
f~filf<'f~~lJ u:>tfl!f~ ,
tr,q; pft'1Tif it'fO, 1951 (1951 1f.T 50) 'lir URI 3 i!; ..iir'f ~lr'«1 if-.::q; ",'l';!1R i
ilT~ if. 'ffi"'f if. ¢'O[ I
l!i:nl if. 'PI'f if. ForO[ I
.. "f;fIT, l!}~ ~i' l!;:T~ ';<1"'1 iJ f'l1"iT, !if"'i! 'l1i,{i it';?:, 1908 ( 1908 '1'1 15) .; 'N1'!("{'lflfq:r
fT.lir qilr'l'<'l'l if. ¢r. 'IT 'l'flflA"': I
~ ~I-U it Wl" f;r~',"lf

~r<f~ u:f1r~<'l ,1['.!iic ~"'o, 1952 'li"r lffiT 3 ij; ,,""[or 'Tfoo u:flf~ ~~~'c ~ ..ifir 'J
'Ii't-,,"f'f~fC'! t:tIff'R"fm ~ l!1'lifc'l i''''r<"!{c ~ 'l'irci I
\ll~ ~" ffif.;r'T 'l'irit I
I!{rij"ll! ;,rfa"lmr ir~'f1IT'f t:!OJS ~'l.~'I'f it'lC, 1948 <iii urn 2'1' if. 'l"IlH 'lfl:<! mkf,f'llf~
Iiri5 I
I!{fm "~lfT'l'CT it'lC, 195'1 ;pr!1RT 12 if. J;f!fl'f 'TIl:<! itHIlli ,,<i:!~ lillie'"' ,;Oronj'c • iti. I
~m'l ~ffi! ~'" 'f'iril I

l!1:;A-'l ;iIi 'liT-.:: il<'l llT~(l I

~ '!" otr ~if.'1T~<'l f<'l?'if' ,,"iril I

t:!"''ifh ~ ~q<ir~ij" <i,11" if. ",dI'~u:<'\1if.l1H l>irii' (u:<'frii'f';) I
U:""1rf. w- ~~<ir{n'J;fl! if. ...dI"'f t:!;ftif.'1T~ :r.ircf ("'I~ifnFfi) I
'i{f'f'lf'lf,:;[1 f'f(';r; !!lr'il~ if. ;pm-I{ arhf'T'f,oHI if. ~fqr>: 'l'ltlwor if. w;;r<'f~ ij; hIt:! <iii I
'l"i<if ~i;;f'N .ri itlo, 1948 'J;r URf 3 if. >i'll'~ 'TIl:<! 'l"i<;r i[ii1f«·T.H I
>:9f~f'ifit (~) Q:R:, 1948 (194~ <r.T 5 oj) 'r.hHI 5 '" ",oil 'I ~foo",~ ~~C'!;"'I~flJi',.)i I
,,~f~f'ifcr (",,<'ITt) Q:R:, 1948 (1948"" 54) ;pr!1RT IGif. ...,jI"'f 'I'f~~ ~~~lJif
""Ji.'~fCil' ",,;ir'if<;f I
~r;t" W- ~1/!fr{OJ m'l' if. ~r<T)~ irf:s-P<'f 'iff""WI' I
n;"<'lih \'& ~~!it~" iii'! if. ...dI'~ ""q:,~fcP'l ",iTt!' I
l!re-.;: iffi[f,1'I~, 1939 (1939'"' 4) ~'URI 44 if. ...dA 'Tfl:<! ~"I",~, aii':'1T<fr..-, ,[<iff,
"I~, orr, 'Uor'Ii'tc air-.:: 'fl'lTf it; f<'ln; ,I''il'f'i! ~~i 'I1'irf-.::i\' I
m-~rv. ~1;;f'if'1 ,M it<R:, 1954 'Of !1RT, 3 ij; ..m'if 'Tll:<! ,(m~ ~i,;'T<ili I
'lTc, ;,fi["C'!l it'!C, 1939 (19:!9 ,"I ,I) ~'lffiT 4;1 if; ..JI~ 'Tfoa'~ ~'if'1'lt ""If~) I
I!!:!f lI~ ~~, 1950 1tfl!TT'U 3;j;3!1ft'l' moa'~f'fG'.t i[1;,f""<rTi,

~~-~ <m<;r-.:: arl~OJ 1;'<'t!, 1954 ;j; f.r'f'l 8;j; ...1fA' f~'!'ffi ~Ti 3fT'Ii t:!'GIIFq"fi I
~r~-'!fr;Wr 'l"n:r<n: 3liic OJ 1;'('<1', 1 954 ~ f.r>nf r, 3 ;j; 3f'.fT;f'Tfl:<! <r.r.r 31'f'fi "ffi!PT I
~I<f'f'lin:-'li't<f\";f '{'f;l;ft~,'{' 1i',\'1!', 1956 ;j; atlfA' "foa- <t;rn 3fT'Ii 3f~iI'~ I

48-804 M/o Law & .Il1slice/94

187 Pwlitrmmt (IWwntlDn of DisqJlClliflcatkm) .ta, 1959
(pAn IV~-Law Rc1ati(lg to RaIIovat·ot-~·· .,
Madhya Pradesh
Madllya Pradesh HouIing Board constituted under seclios 3 of the Madhya P~
Housing Board Att, 1950.
Mahakosbal Hotlsing Board.
'lTamil Nadll)
Commitlee to sdect BOCIb fex ~udy for 5.S-L.C. EvminaUpu.
Landing aDd Shipping Fees CcmmiItees fee MiDer Ports.
LoI1a1 Committee COlIIIitttled UDder regu1ation 1OAOl the Employees' State lDsuralll:C
(Geseral) Rqulati'lllJ, 1950.
Madras BOard of Tr_port.
~aniil Nadia Electricity Boatd] constituted Under _tion 5 of the Electricity (Supply)
Act, 19411 (54 . of l!MB). ,
• Madtu Stale Electricity COD~live CouDI:iI cooslit1ltcd under section 16 of the .
EleI:tr.k:ity (Supply) Act, 1948 (54 of 1<148).
Port CoIIICmIIIC}' &ardL
Pon Trull BwnIa of NiB« Purti.
Slall Boaid of 0
Teal Buab o.mmlttee
. 1luaM· Of.a. 'lKrn",ka)
£l¥., MJIOrO In.l aDd SfecI Wtllb, IlbadnYlldli.
Board of f.tDapJaeat of Industrial Concuas.
AppIU CommitIeB iIMef tile Jloard of Secondary Educalion.
Orissa IIoud. III c-llIIiuatiollS ud Transport.
R.piIial TraDIpKt Autllerity Willliluted _er IIOClioe 44 of tile Motor V~ Act, 1939
(4 of 193').
!1m T~ Audlllrl1y 0iiijIII1ituW ~ ~OD 44 of the Motor VIIIWes Ad, 19)9
(4 fII. I''').
PuujRb Slate N.tioaaJ Workers (Refl,Cf aDd ~ebabililaliou) Board.

aty Improvaaeut Tnut, Kola, constituted under the aty of Kota Impto_.. t Act, 1946.
&else AppdIate Board, Ajmer.
ltajnthau Slate Elcctritity Board constitu.ted under .section. 5 of the E:.leclricity (Supply}
Act, 1943 (54 of 1948). . ....
~rban ImprovcmeGt Board, Jaipiu.

Uttar Pradesh
(jovernmeat Cement FaclO£y BoanI.
Lca1 Commi"_ for~, KaDpur, Lucknow and Silharanpur appointed under section 25
at·the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948). .
I. Sub.. by the MUtu Stat. (Alteration uf Name) (Adaptation of laws 011 Union Sobjocu) Order, 1970, for
""'adru" (w.•.f. 14-1-1969).
2. SulM. ih/d, fnr "Mlldr.. Slat. Elettritit:; Board-' . .
3. Saba. by lbe M,...".. SIaIe (Alleration of NBIIIOl (.4,daptalion of La.., OD UDiuor SooI>imII Order 1974
fo< "My..-e" (" ...t. 1-11-1971). . . . . ' ,
r •
~ (~f\m(or) .~~. 18111 187·
. ('II11l' 0 -mt-naii 'II) ~ ,,~ fifflr)
1I'E'I' smr ~ ~ ~., 1950 'I!t!IT~ 3 . IIdR 'Iflr.r iffii' lift' ~AJJ~ I
iil['''''/\' ~ ~ I .. •

ltII'0 ~0ltll'."". ~')m .f~ 1Mq<£ ~~~w.r m~~1

~ qw;i'i t Iiii1( m If'" fiIrIiN ~ ~ I
\(41.,.. m ,...n~ (~) ~crft'll', 1950 i~" 1.,.... !IIftIf 'Ifts8 "~,
1fn'I' ~ anq; ~P.mi I .

,4f1fi;~1!1 (~, ~, 1948 (.948 'liT 54) ~!fro shlftlr .'{wfiN.." ~iWI
lr'Wl '

1(q~1MI (wqfi~) ~ 194R (1948'IiT 54) ~ vro 16

. 'fit "'''' «..1 ~,If
~ ~ ~f?:
anq; ...!.r,,~~

1M If I
.•i I
.1I1ftor."IiI.... '\.~·.

Iiti 1II1'1i~. ~ ~ ll"W ~ ~. "'IT~ I •
om Ii1'II ~ >1'1'11 ....~~ ~ I

\!;iiM i >1'' ' ' II'ft;:r 'li\'tt
.., lfl'l ,,~ I
. ' .. , .
~ ~ ~ ~fIK ..... 1t"~'~ I
m~~. 1939(193911>1 4)~!IT~ 44i~.~~!Mflt\'1
~ il~~, 1939 (19:19'1i1 4) ~~ 44iallft=r ~ IAmtlf'fiM I m

<t1r1'f ~~ '""'Of ,,·lf~ (fu.ftq; ~ fqi;,l\>ii",,) 1M

..... I •


flra.1'II ~m:O![,jf~~, 1946 i 'I /). ~ I\rft .. ~ JR. 'lim I

~ 3I'fi.R oM, ....1< I
'.itf~~iI' ("",If) ~,,!, 1948 (1948'111 54) 'lfl'lfm 5 • •4tIf"r~n~f'fr'f"-i!'1(if~1aI
lf~ ~"'~Il! ;fii. ~ • .
IT'AiR 1ftJi?: qi ~ llli I
OJ;';;rri} ~Iff~. 1-948 (1 R4 8
"(J3'.I 'i1 :14) 'Ift!frtr %5 t ~ ~'tO awro. ~.
"IQ;r$ .4IIlf4!1'!< ~ ~ m:ftIt. \1f~.. i I

2. ~ 1m .""'" • •.;~ .... ~ ""'" ~ llK,mf/Jw I .

3. . . ~ ( _ crr~) (n tmt.-~ tIdlr "W'I"'/ ., '97411(1 ..~. _ _ _ OR (I·I\-Ina
, ) ilf\MIf\a • . ' .

. .,....
188 Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959
(PART IV.-Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)

Sub·Committec to select books for Educational Expansion Department.

U.P. Sugar and Power Alcohol and Labour Housing Board constituted under section 10
of the U.P. Sugar and Power Alcohol Industries Labour Welfare and Development Fund Act,
1950. .
West Bengal
Licensing Board constituted under the regulations made under rule 45 of the Indian
Electricity Rules, 1956.
West Bengal Housing Board constituted under the West Bengal Development Corporation
Act, 1954.
Delhi Development Authority constituted under section 3 of the Delhi Development Act,
1957 (61 of 1957).
Delhi Electricity Power Control' Buard constituted under section 5 of the Bombay
Electricity (Special Powers) Act, 1946, as applied to Delhi.
Delhi State Electricity Council constituted under section 16 of the Electricity (Supply) Act,
1948 (54 of 1948).

Advisory Committee for the Air-India International Corporation appointed under section
41 of the Air Corporations Act, 1953 (27 of.1953).
Advisory Committee for the Indian Airlines Corporation appointed under section 41 of the
Air Corporations Act, 1953 (27 of 1953).
Central Silk Board constituted under section 4 of the Central Silk Board Act, 1948 (61 of
1948) .
Coffee Board constituted under section 4 of the Coffee Act, 1942 (7 of 1942).
Coir Board constituted under section 4 of the Coir Industry Act, 1'953 (45 of 1953).
o.velopment Council for Acids and Fertilizers established under section 6 of the Industries
(Development and Regulation) 'Act, 1951 (65 of 1951).
Development Council for Alkalis and Allied Indusiries established under section 6 of the
Industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1951 (65 of 1951).
Development Council for Bicycles established under section 6 of the Industries (Develop-
ment and Regulation) Act. 1951 (65 of 1951).
Development Council for Drugs, Dyes and Intermediates es"'blished under section 6 of the
Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 (65 of 1951).
Development Council for Food Processing Industries established under section 6 of the
Industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1951 (65 of 1951).
Development Council for Heavy Electrical Engineering Industries established under section
6 of the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1951 (65 of 1951).
Development Council for Internal Combustion Engines and Power Driven Pumps established
under section 6 of the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 (65 of 1951).
Development Council for Light Electrical Enjrinecring Industries established under section 6
of the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act. 1951 (65 of 1951).
Development Council for Machine Tools estahlished under section 6 of the Industries'
(n.VI\opment and Regulation) Act,.1951 (65 of 1951).
Development Council for Non-ferrous Metals including alloys established under section 6
of Ibe Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 (6~ of 1951).
~ (f.~) .rr~. 1959 188
1'Iltr 't~<mff 1!i't ~it ".!ft Im')

i1mTmm: Rmlf ~ ~ ~m;~ 'Ii1:it mIT :aq"fIlf6 I

'I..<ft. ~ ~ 'fl'l1: ......1(\'1 ~ rn ~'''4'a ~ tt-R. 1950 ~1fT~ 10
• IjtIl1f\;r 'lflsa 'i. <ft. ~ ~ 'I'm: ......)t{\'I ~ m ~~i I -

\ li>mI' orw..n
, ~~ ~~Iell .~, I 956 ~ f~ 45 ~ 0I1f\';\' iNl~'l1!; fqP,..i'i ~ 0I1f\';\' 1lflslr ~~
~ _""" i~M.n "'<'fi'l:M ~, 1954 ~OI1f\';\'1lflslrim~~i()t I

~~ "m~~, 1957 (1957 'liT 61)
"~.!if " iIr f;mlf
'1ft 1fT~ 3 ~ anf\'~ 'lfls<l ~ \~~ am,f<!t I
~ 1!i'tlNl~~l(tilf"'l'fiji'l (~qT'I"J)~,1946 'If\1fT'l 5~. m ~
I\tilf~f"ei 'I'm: ~ Ir1i I
l(~~f"t\ (~..-rf) ~~, 1948 (1948 'liT 54) 'Iit!ll'<T16;f;3I!ft;f 1lfls(f ~ffi' !'~f~r"ti
.. ,r.i:3"'fflru
., " I

'qf11' 2

.iI;;ir~ ~ iii atmlt mn~

'ITlt f.I'rA atllif~q .. , 1953 (1953 'liT 27) 'lft1fT~ 41 if;3I!ft;f ~a ~ I{fVnT .:ue~"""
ifil('tYhi., ~ ~ i{iiijIC'lIO' ~ I
~f.ppr .. fiIf~qq, 1953 (1953 'liT 27) 'lit ~ 41 if; 0I1f\';\' ~ ~ ~~
"j(ql~," .. if;~ «" .. ,.....
!) '!>iItY I .
~ ~m~.1948 (1948,," 61) ~1fT'l4if;0I1f\';\'1lflslr~... fu<il;m I
~~, 1942 (1942'IiT 7) 'lftm'l4if;3I!ft;f'lf?i<f~i()t I
'I'f1'Il' ~~, 1953 ( 1953 'liT (5) 'Iil'1fTU 4'" 3I!ft;f 1lflslr 'I'f1'Il' oiti I
~ (m.m OIR fqf~q .... )OIfuf~qq, 1951 (1951 'liT 65) '1ft mu 6~ OI1f\';\'Nlfilai .. .,jqqa
",:af""" 'liT, ~ ~ qfG""\'iI<i 1
~ (m.m OIR fqf~qq .. ) atllifolq .. , 1951 (1951 'liT 65) 'lftmu 6if; q'!ft;f Nlfila~­
if! 'lirn-.-m:r 'Iii<: ..1"11./)", ~f ~ ~ I
~ (mmr ar"t" flIflIq .... ) .. f!lfolqQ,1951 (195 I 'liT 65) '1ft mu 6 if; artfr.f'i'lTfila i .. "q.n

~ (~OIR ~~) .. fiJf~q .. , 195 I (195 I 'liT 65) '1ft 1fT~ 6 if; 0I1f\';\' Nlfila i .. ",qqa
..-r:af.9\'I' 'IiT'\ J'lI', mlJ' ~\I' s:oeUtif,1«;.1J' I
....nor (m.mOlRf~flIqq .. ) .. fllf~qq, 1951 (1951 'liT 65) )l\'t1fT'l6;f;3I!ft;fNlfilai .. ",qaia
'A ~mfutr
.. "If... ", 'liT" . I ",Uit<f\'" ,
~ (m.m OIR f.. f~qq .. ) .. f.. folq .. , 195 I (195 I 'liT !,S) ~ ~ro 6 1j: 3I!ft;f ~ ii( ~

~ (m.m OIR f"f~qq .. ) .. fiJf~qq, 1951 (\951 'liT 65) '1ft 1fT'l6;f; 3I!ft;f Nlfila 'i('Naia
.. 'af..... 'IiT"~ ..... ~..... ~~g IfT'f': ~~ 1
~ (m.m~fqf~qM) OIfuf'lq .. , 1951 (1951 'liT 65) ~!fm eif;arl#R' ~'-lTfilai .. ",q"~
.. ,af~",'liT" ~ ~"'" ~;;ftf~qf{" ~.~i'" I ,,- . -.•
~(m.mOlRfqfllqq;\) .. fitf~q .. , 1951 (195 I 'liT 65) 'lftmu 6if;3I!ft;f NlN11'C4,wla
"':a~.. 'liT, 1I1f\'or ~~ I
~ (m.maft"fqf~q .... ) .. fuf~qq, 1951 (1951 'liT 65) ~mu eif;-,ro'f Nlfila~~
'lial><:i" 'liTO: 'II'f-<f;{IJ'.re-l'« (AF.)f.', Q<'fIl'if 1
, 189 Parlimnent (Prevention of DisquaUficalion) Act. 1959
(PART. IV -Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)
Development Council for Oil-based and .Plastic Industries -establish~ under section (i of the
lndustriCIS (Dl<velopmcnt and Regulation) Act, 1951 j.65 of 1951).
Development Council for Sugar Industry established under section 6 of the Industries (Deve-
lopment and Regulation) Act, 1951 (65 of 1951).
Development Council for Textiles. made of artificial silk including artificial silk yam estab-
lished under section.6 of the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1'/51 (65 of 1951).
Dev"lopment Council for textiles 'made of wool including woollen yarn, hosiery, carpets
and druggets established under section 6 of the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, •
1951 (6S of 1951).
Durgah Committee, Ajmer, constituted under section 4 or the Durgah Khawaja Saheb Act,
1955 (36 of 1955).
Indian' Centra1 Arecannt Committee.
Indian CeIImIl Coconut COmmittee constituted under section 4 of the Indian 'CoeonUt Com·
m1tteo Act, 1944 (10 of 1944).
Indian Ceatral Cotton Committee constituted under sectioll 4 of the Indian Cotton Cess Act,
1923 (14 of 1923). . .
IIIdI!n Central Jute Committee.
Indian Central OiIseeds Committee constituted under sectIon 4 of the Indian Oilseeds
Commiltee Act, 1946 (9 of 1946).
Indian Centml Sugarcane. ConunIttee.
Indian Central Tobacco Committee.
IIIdIDn La£ Cess Committee constituted under section 4 of the Indian Lac Cess' Act, 1930
(24 of 1930).
Rubber Boaf!l constituted under =rion 4 of the Rubber Act, 1947 (24 of 1947).
The Board constituted under section 4 of the Tea Act. 1953 (29 of 1953).

A "dhm PNdesh
Market Committee con.titu.ted under .cction 4 of the Hyderabad AgriaJltural Martet Act
No. II of 1339F.
Marlcet Committee constituted under .ectinn 4A of the Madras Commerclal Crops Markets
Act, 1933.
Billar State' Board of Religious Tm!!s.
Bibar Subai Maili" Awqaf.
_ Bodh Gaya Tm,pie Adm;,ry Committee constituted u.ider section IS .of the Bodh Gaya
Temple Act. t 949.
Bodb G'aJa Temple Mans!lement Comm'ttee consthuted under section 3 of the Bodh Gaya
Temple Act, 1949. "

Administration Committee for Coir Purchose Sefteme.
Malabar Martct C'ommittee con.titntcd under section 4A of tlte Madra. Commen:lal Crops
Martets Act. 1933.
Tapi~ MltTlcei l!xpansio]1 J!oard.
'[Tal/Ill Nadul
Area C'omnrittee rllr Hindu ReJiiriou. and Charitable Endowments conotituted under section
1201 tile MwIrn. Hindu R('Ii~ous and ('banta"'e Endowments Act, 1951.
lWa1bas ~ Waqf Boon! COI15tituted under «<tion I) of the Waqf Act, 1954 ('29 of
1954). PtmfqTt
.Slau. NIuIaetlur Board conSlitnted under sectinn 3 of t11e Pntlsla Agricultural Produce
M4Itm.Aet. 20M. '(PART ill


Planning Commissionl
1. Subs.. by tile S'.'e (AlIero'inn nf N~m.l (Ada1>I:Iti"" nf lawo l1li Ulllon Sub!<ct.) Orelet', 1910
rnr'.Msdrn.~ I.. d. '4-1-1969).
2. Part m .dd<d by Act 20 of \992. S. 3.

;1 .. :: •
·g"i (f,H~!flf;fm4l) WIUf;flf",1959 189
. ,
(~ 4 --f.rt:tman ~ ¢r ~iilit f\rf6')
'a1I'N (fim,r am flIr"qq .. ) arliJf,rIflr, 1951 ( 195J "" 65) 'I1t 1m! 6 ij; iI!fr;f rom , .. Mila
4i:af)w& ~ .~ .~ tt1IM4 1(".~Gt I,
• (fql1f.T3ft(r.f)r"",,) arf,rfHIf, 1951 (1951 ..1 65) ~r
·¢~qm~Aftrl .
• ~ (fimlram r"r"qq,,) ariiJmq, 1951 (1951 ~ 65) 'i1t!lT"U 6~anft";f rom nOl'l'lz
~~ '1m: Nal(." q. am;. snfmif1my ~ ~~ ~ r~ Ill't I
~ (f~'IIltraih:·~) arflrflrIfIr, 1951 (19511Jr 65) 'I1t!lT"U 6 t anft";f mflm i~
llil;""" 'lm:i...el"",, 1lw 8!I'Ii ~ (""!fe., ~ Ill't, ~, .1Ii1fu ~ ~ I
ift1I1t Rm ~~, 1955 (1.9551Jr 36) 'I1t!lT"U 4 ~anft";f Iflt<r ~ oPItt, ~ I
~.arf~~1 ...
~~~~, lIIU( lU41Jr 10) 1ft!lT"U 4of;anft";f~~~om.=t~~ I
~ ~~iA;;. 1923 (19231Jr 14) ttl'!lT"U 4~1I9R ITf6a' ~. 'IiI"Zlf ~,
~ irf ¥ 'llli8 • .
~ 'Amf ~ q;ifit~, 1946 (1946. 'Irr 9) ~ !IT"U 4 it; Wlfr.r 1Ifls<r ~ ~
'Amf~~ I
~ ~. ~ '!lilt\" I
~ '"' ~«~, '910 ( 1930 'Irr 24) 'IIt!lT"U • ihfllir.r IfflRr I{fqq;r ~ ~ ~ I
~~. lU7 (1947151" 24) ~ II1"tT 4 ill ~ 'I'flRI ~ qTi I
\'\;(w, I 953 (I 953 *'" u) 'Ill" I1ro • it; war..- Iffi<f it .w I
~ ...~rd itt anftlI ~
W1IR m
1339 q,;. it; 'CtI.,<1 ~~ 11m ~;fo 2 'Ill" IfTTI " Ijf nr.r
'Ifts<r ~ 1I\"i\it I
II'm' .qf"l4 .. 1Jl"II' ~ tlw, 1933 'Ill" !IT"U ' 1> ~ nr.r
IfflRr 1f11i~ ~ I

• _H..,.I\A:z',,-1
• .
• . • Pnf~, 19UIII'I"cm 11 t ...... ilk m I11IT ~ It"""ofl ~ I
a 1A'I'-itont..itw. 1U9 ..rtmr :I iIr ~ 'I1R ~ I11IT P'nf ~ ~ I
1I1Ttr lJ1Ifwmr ~ ~ ~,. 1833 'lit !JR! 4.... * q-dt;r Ifft(f lfTorm, ~ !Iii!it I
ffiilNi trf1i~ 'l(wfi., -'* I

.. '(wf.......,,)
I!ImI' ~ ~ ~ .Hth" tt"l;tI"'i."~' 1951 '1ft !ira 12 ij; 'Adr.r ITf6a' ffl: AA"-
""' t!;'W "f\:l ... ~~ .. ij; ~ ~ I!i1lit I
~~, 1954 ,.;) !IT"tT 9 ij; 'AIfI;r ~ 'fmf ~z 'f'I'li;in I

~lInrf qfl!,.;"."" ~"1I~ ~~, 2004 'i1t !IT"tT 3 ij;. 'AIlR~ m 1lJ1I;"'W! oi\i I
2[mtT 3

I. 1IIRI ~-,1!I1r~) (" Ilrriicn ~~) dw, 1'70 1m "1IIlV" _ t. •,cn (1,4-.1,196911)

19!\l. ~ \\0 201111"", 3 ........ 3.q. """


1. The Andhra Pradesh Paym~nt ,of Salaries and Pension and Removal of Disquali-
fications AC\, 1953 (English Version).
2. The Arunachal Pradesh Legislature Members. (Prevention of Disquali1ications)
Act, 1977 (English Version).
3. The Assam Stale Legislature Members (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1950
(English Version).
4 ..lrhe .Bihar Legislature (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1950 (English/Hindi

~ f;ro;r-m .(.,"ji'aldl! 'liT ~>. arflI:t'onnr, 1950 I

5. "[he Goa, Daman and Dilt Members of Legislative Assembly (Removal of Disquali-
lication) Act, 1982 (English \4ersion).
6. The Gujarat Legislative Assembly Members (Removili of Disquali1ications) Act, 1960
(English Version).
7. ~ mil' f;ro;r-m .(~-~) ~, 1974 (fFt cno) I
II. The Himachal Pradesh Legislatiw' Assembly Members (Removal of Disqualilications)
A,..t 10' I lJ.;nnlich VPnl.tnn \

II. The Legislative Assembly (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1951 (Engli.<h Version). 1962

12. The Legislative Assembly (Removal of Disqualifications) Amendment Act. 1979 (English·

13. The Madhya Pradesh Vidhan Manda! Sadasya Nirharta. Nivaran Adhiniyam, 1967
(English/Hindi Version).
~ m f;ro;r-m ~ ~ f-;rm-oT ~?~, 1967Jl
14. The Mabarashtra Legislature Members (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1956
(English Version).
IS. The Manipur Legislature (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1972 (English
16. The Prevention of DiliqualiJicatioJl (Members of the Legislative ~mbly of Megha-
laya) Act, 1972 (English Version).
17. The Mizoram Union Territory Legislature Members, (Removal of DisqualiJication)
Act, 1975 (English Version).
18. The Nagaland Stale Legislature Members (Removal of DisqualiJication) Act, 1964
(English Version).
19. The Orissa Offices of Profit (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1951 (EngliSh Vcr-
20. The Punjab Stale Legislature (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1952 (En~
21. The Parliamentary Secretary (Payment of Special Allowance and Prevention of Dis-
qualification) Act, 1971-Relating to Union Territory of Pondicherry (English Ver-
22. The Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Members (Removal of J?isquaJjfication) Act,
1956 (Hindi/English Version).
(I ..... '" f;ro;r mit ~ ~-r"(I"'(UI) ~" 1956t

49-S04 MIn Law & JlIslicl'/94 191

192 Acts of the State Legiswtures rewting /0 removal of disquaU(icatioru
(PART IV -Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)
23. The Sikkim Legislative Assembly Members Removal of Disqua1ifications Act,
1978 (English Version).
24. The Tamil Nadu Legislature (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1967 (English
25. The Tripura State Legislature Members (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1972
(English Version).
26. ;a-m: m·<r.lI' f<N1;r-1i'r.r (~t;rm.r) 3f~, 1971 (1'Ft <nO) I
27. The West Bengal Legislature (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1952 (English Ver-
sion) .


:..... ,

ACT II OF 1954
An Act to provide for the salaries and allowances of Ministers, Deputy Ministers,
the 'Chief Whip in the A5sembly, the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, Parlia-
mentary Secretaries and members of the Andhra :Pradesh Legislative
Assembly and the Chairmen of tlie Planning and Development Committees
, and the Leader of the Opposition in the Andhra Pradesh Legislative
Assembly and the Whips in the Legislative Assembly I[ and also to provide
for the pension of persons served as members of the ~egislative Assembly
and Legislative Council!
WHEREAS it is expedient to provide by an Act of the Legislature for the salaries and allow-
ances of Ministers, Deputy Ministers. the Chief Whip in the Assembly, the Speaker. Deputy
Speaker, Parliamentary Secretaries and members of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly
and the Chairmen of the Planning and Development Committees, and the Leader of the Oppo-
sition in Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly and also tho Whips in the Legislative Assembly
'[and for tbe pension of persons served as members of the Legislative Assembly and Legislative
AND WHEREAS il is netessary 10 remove the dlsqualillcalion imposed on holders of certain
offices for being chosen as, and for being, members of the said Legislative Assemblv; it is here-
by allacted as follows : -
1. Short tide and commencement-( 1) This Act may be called the Andhra Pradesh
Payment of 2[Salaries and Pension] and Removal tlf Disqualifications Act, 195il.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on 4th January, 1954 .
• • • • •
10. Removal of certain disqualifications-No person shall be disqlialified for being chosen
as, or for being, a member of the Atidhra Prades;; l"_egis\ative Assembly on the ground only that
he holds any of the offices specified in the Schedule to thi~ Act.

;.,." .
1. Added by-Andhra Att 28 ot 198' and came into fore. wltb 'iff..t from 31-10-1984.
2. Sub!. by Ibid. and .cam. into force with effect from 31·10·1984 nnd publilhtd in Andhra Prodeoll
GazeUe, Part IV·B of Extraordinary No. 47, dated 8-11·198'.

ACT No.4 OF 1977
An Act to provide for the prevention of certain disqualificatimls for being
chosen as, and for being, a member of the Arunachal Pradesh Legisla-
tive Assembly.
Preamble -WHEREAS it is expedient to provide in accordance with the p~ovisions of section
14(i)(a) of the Government of Union Territories Act, 1963 (20 of 1963) that the holders
of the offices hereinafter mentioned shall not he disqualilied for being chosen as, and for being,
a member of the Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly.
It is hereby enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Arunachl Pr:ldesh in the Twenty-eighth
Year of the Republic of India as follows : -
.1. Short title, extent and commencement -(i) This Act may he called the Arunachal Pra-
desh Legislature Members (Prevention of Disqualifications) Act, 1977.
(ii) It extends to the whole of Arunachal Pradesh.
(iii) It shall come into force at once.
2. Removal of certain disqnalifications for memhersloip-A person shall not he disquali-
fied for being chosen as, or for benig, a member of the Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly
hy reason of the fact that he holds any of the offices being offices of profit specified in the Sche-
dule appended hereto.

(See section 2)
I. Gounbura, whether called by this or any other title.
2. Any office held in the Territorial Army or National Cadet Corps or Auxiliary Air Force
or Air Defence Reserve.
3. The office of Chairman, Vice-Chairman or members of any committee, society, board
or authority appointed by the Government of India or the Govtrnment of any State or Union
territory specified in the First Schedule to the Constitution of India.
Explanation I-UCommittee" means any Committee, Commission, Council or any othtr
hody of one or more persons, whether statutory or not, set up hy Ille Government of India or
the Government of any State.
Expitmation 2.-u Board" or "authority" means any corporation, company, society or
any other body of one or more persons whether incorporated or not, established, registered or
formed by or under any Central law or law of any State for the time being b force or exercising
powers and functions under any such law.
4. Any office under the Government. which is not a whole-time office remunerated either
hy salary or fees.
5. The office of part-time Professor, Lecturer, Instructor or Teacher in Government edu-
cational institutions.
6. Medical practitioner rendering part-time service to Government.
7. Any office in the Horne guard which is nOf whole-time and is not remunerated by salary
or fees.
8. The office of Village Volunteer, in the SSB Organisation.
9. Any office held by a Minister or State or Deputy Minister for the Union or any State
specified in the First Schedule to the Constitution of India.

[30th March, 1950]
Au Act to provide for the r.:moval uf certain lIisqualifications for being
chosen as and for being a member of the Assdm Legislative Assembly.
Pr~mble -Whereas it is expedient to provide in accordance with the provisions of article
191 (1) (n) of the Constitution that the holders of tbe offices hereinaft~r mentioned shall 1I0t he
disqualified for being chosen as, and for being. ~ memher of the Assam Legislative Assemhly;
Il is hereby enacted as follows : -
1. Short title and commencement - ( I) This Act may he called the Assam State
Legislature. Members (Removal of Disqualifi(at inns) ,\,.1. 1<>50.
(2) It extends to the whole of Assam:
(3) It shall come into force on the date on which the J\s;am State Legislature Members
(Removal of Disqualifications) Ordinance, 1950 (Assam Ordinance No. II of 1950), ceases
In opernte.

2. Removal of certain disqnalilications -A person shall not be disqll:llified for being chosen
as, or for being, a member of the Assam Legislative Assembly hy reason of the fact that he
holds any of the offices specified in the Schedule nppended heretn l[in so far as it is an office or
profit IInder the State (jovemmentl.

1. The ,,/lice of the Parliament"ry Secretary to the (;ol'crnment of Assam.
2. The office of Governmeut Pleaders or Public Prosecutor.
3. The office of part-time Professor, Lecturer, Instructor or Teacher in Government educa-
tional institution.
4. ~1edical practitioner reml 7fing part-time service .. to Government.
5. Gaonburha, Chowkidar wllether called by this or any other title.
:[n. '[ he office of the '[Minister of State and] Deputy Minister to the Government of Assam].
'[6A. Any office held by a Minister, Minister of State, Deputy Minister or Parliamentary
Secretary for the State of Assam.1
17. Tbe ollice of Cbairman orand Director of the Assam State Warehousing Corporation
and of Puhlic Sector Corporations like Major Industries Development Corporation and Small
IIlt.iu"trieo:: Development Corporatio1l 1 etc., and Chairmanl. Vice-Chairman, or members of any
Committee, Board or Authority appointed by the Gov.ernment of India or the Government of
any State specified in the First Schedule to the Constitution of India.
8. Any office IInder the Government which is not a whOle time office remunerated either
by salary or fees.
9 The office of the Chief Executive Member and the other Executive Members of a Dis-
trict Council in an Autonomous District and of the members nominated to such a District
Council by the Governor.]
'[ I O. Any office held in the Territorial Army or National Cadet Corps].
'[II. Any office held in the Auxiliary Air Force or Air Defence Reserve].
t. Added by Assam Act Vln of 1970.
2. In«rted by Assam Act xxm of 1950.
3. Inserted by A".m Act VI of 1967.
-l. In.~l'ICd hv Assam Act VJJI of 1970.
5. Inserted hy A.. llj;am Act VOl of 1952.
6. Added by A,sam Act X of 1974.
7. Tno;ert~d hv A!I~nm Act XIV of 1954. s. 2.
8. Tnllj;('rt('ct bv A<;~m Act XVTfl of 1957.

(BIHAR ACT No. 160F 1950)
An Act to provi-Je that bolders of certain offices shall not be disqulifit:d for
. b~ing chosen as, or for being, members of- the Bihar legislative
Assembly or the Bihar Legislative Council.
WI! EREAS it is exepdicnt to provide that holders of certain olliees shall not be disqualified
for being chosen as, or for being. members of the Bihar Legislative Assembly or the Bihar
l.egislative Council;
It i& hereby enacted as follows : -
I. Short title-This Ae! may be called the fJibar Legislature (Removal of Disqualification.)
Act. 1950.
2. Removal of disqualifications for mcmbership-A person shall not be I[and shall be
deemed never to have been] disqualified for being chosen as, or for being, a member of the Bihar
Legislative Assemb!y or the Bihar Legislative Council by reason only of the fact that he holds
any of the offices, being offices of profit. mentioned in the Schedule.
3. Repeal of Bihar Ordinance I of 19SO-The Bihar Legislature (Removal of Disqualifi-
cations) Ordinance. 1950 (Bihar Ordinance No. i of 1950) is hereby repealed.


2[(1) The offices of the State Minister and the Deputy Minister.]
(2) The office of Parliamentary Secretary.

3[ (3) I Any office in the Territorial AmlY constituted under the Territorial Army Aet,
1948 .
.1[( 4) Any office in the National Cadet Corps constituted under the National Cadet Corps
Act. 1948 (31 of 1948).]
.[ (5) The offiee of the Chairman or member of any Committee or body appointed by the
Cenllal Ol" a State Govenunent or by a servant of tbe Government; Provided that the Chairman
or any member of such Committee or body does not receive any remuneration other than com-
pensatory allowance.]
U[Ex/,lanatioll-For the purpose of this item "Compensatory allowance" shall mean-
(i) the travelling allowance. daily allowance or any allowance in tbe shape of hono-
rarium, which may be paid to the holder of the office for the purpose of reimbUrsing the
personal expenditure incurred by him in attending the meetings of thC'Committee or body
or performing any other functions as the holder of the said office; and
l. Ins. by the Bihar Legislature (Removal of Disqualifications) (Amendment) Act. I~" (Bibar Act 33 of
1956). s. 2.
2. Subs. by the Bihar Lelislaturc (Removal of DisqualificRtions) (AmtndJn.nt) Act. 1975 (Bihar Act 25 of
3. CI. (2) renumbered no (3). Ibid.
4. Ins. by tbe Bihar Lesislatuno (Removal of DloquaIi8catiom) (Amendment) Act. 1953 (Bihar Act
34 of 1953) s. 2. 1be said ;ection al<" p....,ribcs that the cl,u ... nnd ••pl ....tlon shall be de.m.d alwnYt
to have been added In the main Act.
5. Subs. by the Bihar Legislature (Rem"",,1 of Disqualifications) (Ammdment) Act. 1970 (Bibnr Act I ,·f
1971), s. 2.
6. Subs. by the Rih.r Legislature (Removal of Disqualification.) (Amendm.nt! Act. 1974 (Rihar Act to
of 1975). 'i. :! and sl1nll he deemed alW3n to have b«n !lubstituted.

• fc{ar.f-Q~ (3fif~ ~~) 3ffa-m", 1950
( 19 50 1IiT ~ ~faf"'hl ~o . 16)

'l'~ :a-iii<rrn iii f<'r,!; if; "l~ ~T ij; !IT{!!; ~1: f<nrT'f '"" 'l'r ~ N 1A' r.-fu1'e;.
if; ~~ if; ~ if '!'t or,'t if; f~ 1fT Im'l ;r~ ~ ij; f!!1t ~ Of ~m 1
'{fl' 'I'l\ :a-cmr I!rofT ~~ ~ f~ "l~ <Ri ij; mu f~ mrOf ~ 'l'r ~r< NIIA' qf~
it; ~ t ~ " '!'t ~ iii f!!1t 1fT ~. lIit ~ iii f!!1t ~ Of ~"f>T 1
'fiT: t!;i'f'{ITU fll'·""~·1 "fioF~ .. f1tiT f.fIIT <lITOT t :--
I. WrlRt!r""'-~ "f"f~"q ~ f'r1IT'T-m ("~~dlafi ~,T ~'fT) "filf~q.,., .950 ~

2. ~ij; ftoIq~milliIT~;;rIlfl--m ~'!-/_ iii ~ 'I"( Ill; ~''f~ if

'ffor<r ;fT1f if; ~ ~ IITl'l 'I'{f " if fm '1>1 ~ I!r!:dT ~ '1>1( ~ ~ flrm'f ~ 1fT ~
NIIT'T ,,~ iii oro'l' if; ~ if '!'t ..-A' iii ~ 1fT oro'l'.-'r ~ iii ~ ~ Of ~ 1[ath:
...n 'fT ~ Of gliT mmr ~J 1

3. 1950 ij; iir~ 'f;,!{I'" 1 'l!liif(!n--f<r~r< f'rolT'f-.rn:r (~'fT3l'i 'liT ~'fT) I!~,.
1 950 (1 950 tn ~ 'f~ 1) ~ro flrd'ij'ff f.!;lrr 'mIT t 1


~ l ( I) 'U''l' .roti 1fT :;rr.r>ir if; '1'<:' ; 3th J

( 2) *-r;illf lI'f1Iq 'i:T ~ 1

8[(3)] srmvr<r. ~ "fum-.,., 1948 if; ,,;fA' ~iT ~ ~'OfT if ~ ~ 1

4[ (4) lJ'{r'f tmi ff.fq; '1.... ~., 1948 (UiU--fr 31) it; "1fA' ~i'f ~ tmi
'1m'!.... if ~ ~ 1J
5[ ( 5) if;;illf 1fT ~ ~'l>f1::rru 'f'iifT' ~:('ij; ir;f~; :rru f.r'{.1ffi I!1i;fil 1fT flrq;rq ij; fm
",:1m 1fT oro'l' 'liT q'/f: m'
fir: l(ir mt.ilr q;p .fiArr'l' Ii:T ..<mf 1fT ~ oro'l' ~(Ii'l>
'fW' ij; mT'l' ct"'f ~ ,..m.-ifii'l> Of m ~ 1~
6[""c!\I4I(i1I~ lf1II' if; 1I'~ "lI'Rr'l>U(li'l> 'lID" t ..l'nriT ~Tm :--
(i) <mlTfr 1II'r wfimr 1fT .~ ~ om; if a~ if.r INIfT aif<T<mrrfT iii ,,'I' if'·
'I>1t __ 1~ rn~ ~ if m :rru fiI>1t 'It!; cqP'<I'Id _ ~ ~ iii ~4't",,,,>i ~
",To; lfT'fT /fm-'fflT, m-.. ,,<IT 1fT ~ ij; 1f"i if ~ ;;rri\' lfT'fT '!<IT; ath:
L !qn: fQ1If->in (~ 'I'T (mY) (lhirtA) ~, 1956 'I!t urn 2 rnr aia':rotim I
2. !qn: """"->in (1fIItImii 'I'T (mY) (limr-r) ~, 1975 (1975 'I'T !qn: 'IfiIflN1! 25) mT
J. !qn: 1Qr-r->in (0I'I(m>i'i 'I'T (mY) (1i1fIlr;r)~, 1975 (1975 'I'T ~ I!ftlfiro'I! 25) rnr.~ (2)
'iii on (.3) ill "It $'I:nrrt1Q _ 'I'IT I
4. ~ 1Qr-r-ljF! ("*"'"
'I'T~) (.ninA)~, 1953 ( 1953 'I'T!qn: ITfilflNq 34) 'I!t urn 2
rnr .m:~ I ;rer urn q: "" ~ ~ t f;f; on "'" _ ~ l.rt It q: "'"" 1IT'~ f;f; it 'i'"
oIf,"""" it mT ~ ~ if I
5. ~ (~ 'I'T (mY) (1i1iiIR) ~, 1970 (1971 'I'T ~ oIf!lf.wl! J) ott urn 0
rnr aia':rofim ,
6, !qn: 1Qr-r->in (or-$mii 'I'T J!!T'IT) (1i1iIoA) oIf!lf.i1r1T, 1974 (\975 "" ~ 'ffltf.Rq 10) ~ urn 2
rnr IIflt .... ,flt.
aft-.: 1m it IIFa.... lllifl f1Iorr 'I'IT lf1nIT 1ITT1!'II I

Bihar Legislature lRemoval uf DisqU41~ations) Act, 1950
,PART IV --Law Relating III j,clIloval of Disqualificatiun)

(iii the allotment uf quarter and the provision tur eunveyam:e, and suell uther facl-
lities,.privileges and amenities to the hoWer of the oilice or cash payment in lieu thereof as
the State Government, the Board or the managing authority of the committee or the body,
as the case may be, may, by oru~!' madc ill this i>ehall, Ull such terms and conditions as
may be mentioned therein, from time to time, determine.]
1[(6) Any utlice under an insuerer the management uf whose controlled business has vested
in the CeDlraI Government.
Explanation.-For the purpose of this clause, the expression "CXlbtrolled busiuess'" and tbe
word "insurer" shall bave the meaniugs respectively assigned tu them in the Life Insurance
(Emergency Provisions) Act, 1956 (9 of 1956).
(7) The offu:e of an agent or other like otlice uuder the Ccotral Goverwuent or the State
Guvernment for the purpose of effectws sales of, or collecting subscriptions towards, National
Plan Certificates for such Commission as the CeDlm1 Government may have filled in that behalf
or without such commission.
Expiallatioll.-'-:'For the purpose of the clause, a National Plan 'Certificate include ; -
(i) 12 years' National Savings Certificate;
(jj) 10 years' National Plan Certificate; linel
(iii) any other savings certificate or GovernDlent Securities notified as such by the
Central Government.)
'[(8) The office of, a member in the Auxiliary Air Force or the Air Defence Reserve
raised and maintained under the Reserve "nd Auxiliary Air Forces Act, 1952 (62 of 1952).]

"[(9) .The office of the acting Chairman under clause (1) of Article 184 of the Constitu-
tion of India, and
(10) The office of the acting Speaker under clause (1) of Article 180 of the Constitu-
tion of India.]

1. the Bihar J.egislatufc (Removal of Disqlmlification!'~ (Am~ndmcnt) Act,' 1956 (Bihar Act 3~
ur 19561 ••. 3.
.! .•",lJed by the ~ihar Legislature (Removal of Di\quuHfacations) (Amendment) Act. 1957 (Whar A~t 1
of 19571. :'I. 2 and shan be deemed alway~ to have ~een substitnted.
j. Subs. by me Hihar Le£ialature (Removal of .Diaqunlitications) (Amendment) Act. 1975 (Blllar Act 2S of 19750.
I. 2 and shall be deemed always to have been substituted.
f~ fInInf-1/vw (""(lml'l "" ~mI) 'II'f~, 1950 197
('fllT '1-~ffilI'i ~T ~ {{;tit fln'a')

(ii) <rom:r iIiT 'RTi"l: lOT mm arh m fuI< ~r <!'IT ~ Wlf ~.n, fifW'fT-
mm <!'IT ~~, ~ m m il ~ '!.1fa'A' 'In':a'Ili'a' ~ Rr, II'IT-
~, ~ ~n: m, ~<ro' ~ 'IT f'f'l:Tlf "" IN'l1-lIrftrimT, W f.rfi;<;f
m: ~ ~ rnr, m 'NT ;;~(f ~T arh ~ <n:, ~~ <n:
"q"rf(d ~ I]
1[( 6) t1« flI;;ft ';'>;''fidT if, ~ i!iT{ 'l'1{ f~ flI>ffifo '!>roll'>; lOT lIiilI ~
~(f {pm ~ 1
amm--l\:l1 oR if; lI>ir;;;r if, full: "f.l>imr iffiif['>;" 'l'1{ am ";ft1rr"""" ~ lOT ~r
'l'f tPm "" ~,f flI; 'If;>ro: '3"'f"Ii"T 'Om ;ft1rr ('fI'!T(f ~a') 'ffifm, 1 9 56 ( I 956

( 7) t1~ ,,:.f1Wf <n:, ~m f.l; mlf m:<r.n: iT ~ f.ff>m f.llrd" f~ \l.T 'IT t1i!r ~ if;.
f.AT ~ Ifr...rr ~",o,"a1 lOT mlf lI>rr<ft ""'" 'IT ~ f.ff>;n ~ ~ ""'"
if; ~ if;' f~ ij;.it!f ij'o;..-ro; 'IT ~ ~ iii ~!fr.r ..r.t 'fidT lOT 'l'1{ 'IT Wlf ~ '!1{ , .

~--w fie if; lnit;;;'f if; m~ :--

(i) 12 'I'ffIf ~ '1'«1' lI11romf,
(i i) I 0 4'ffIf mfTlf >it;;r;rr ~ .. , 0,"", 3\'h:
(i i i) if;~ ~'>; rnr ~l1 "" if ~W"m 'liT{ ""If q.m lPif1Jl'f'l 'IT ~,r lIm-
7J"<;TIf Ifr...rr lI~ if; '!f'Oli(f ~ 1]

.2 [ ( 8) P:Gf"f 311,~TIf'" firo;r 'ffi o;;firf'nl1l, I 9 5 2 (, 9 5 2 . lOT 6 2) if, .. ifR ..~ ~ ~

am q;rr~ w tr~ ~ 'ffi 'IT firo;r lIfiron ~ iI1'T if ~ lOT 'l'1{ I]
3 [ ( 9) 'Iffi<ftIf tiflooor if; ~ I 84 if; 'liw (I) if; ..!fr.r 'fiTli..-ro;r ~fu lOT 'l'1{, (f'fr
( , 0) ~Tr<:<ft>ntf<nnor if,~. I 80 if; fie (1) if, .;nitor 'fiTli'liTfr ..t;lfe'{ lOT 'l'1{ I]

I. fqt<: firuA-m (~~~) (miWof)~, 1956 (1956 ~fqn:arfuflrlJ'1!33). 1m! 3

mr ~" 'l'IT 1
2. ~ ~ (~ ~ ~) (mitll'l)~, 1957 (1957 ~ fqn: "Iflr1lI1rq 2) ~ mr 2
mr ~ 'l'IT am 1m 11 ~ 'l'IT _ '"'l'Il 1
3. ~ m-r.r-m (~""~) (~)~. 1916(1975"" fqn: arfuflrlJ'1! 25) ~mr 2
mr 1I1lI""Na aItt 1m 11 IIfdtt1lll1d fiIIvr rm _ "J1q'lT 1

5(~S04 MIa & .Il1s1icd<J4


No.1 OF 1982
19th February, 1982
An Act to provide for the removal of certain disqualifications fOf being
chosen as, and for being, a member of the Legislative Assembly of Goa,
Darnall and Diu.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly lIf G"a, Daman and Diu in the Thmy-second
Year of the Republic of India as follows :--
I. Short title and commencement -( I) This Act Illay be callcd the Goa, Daman and Diu
Mcmbers of Legislative Assembly (Removal of Disqualification) Act. '1982.
(2) It shall come into force at once.
2. Removal of eertain disqualifieatl.....s -A person shall not be disqualified for being
chosen as, or for being, a member of t!-c Lq>;islative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu merely
by reason of the fact th"ot he holds any of tJ,~ offices specified in the Schedule appended to this
I. The office of a member of a Home Guard constituted under any law for the time being
in force in any State;
2. Any office in connection with the affairs of the Goa University or any committee,
councilor body connected with the Goa University;
3. The office of Chairman, Economic Development Corporation, Goa, Daman and Diu;
4. Thc olticc of Chairman, Kadamba T runspon Corporation Limited;
5. The office of Chairman, Goa, Daman and Diu Housing Board;
6. The office of Chairman, Goa, Daman and Diu Tourism Development Corporation
7. The oflice of Chairman, Goa, Handicrafts Rural and Small Scale Industries Corporation
8. The office of Chairman, Goa, Daman and Diu Industrial Development Corporation;
9. The office of ChairDlan, Director or member of a statutory or non-statutory booy or
cODlDlittec or corporation constituted by the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu:
Provided that the Chairman, Director or member of any of the aforesaid committees or
bodies or corporations is not entitled to any remuneration other than compensatory allowance.
Explanation.-For the purpose of the aforesaid entries-
(i) "compensatory allowance" means any sum of money paY-dble to the holder of
an office by way of daily allowance [such allowance not exceeding the amount of daily
allowance to which a member of the Legislative Assembly is entitled under the GOOd,
Daman and Diu Salary, Allowances and Pension of the Members of the Legislative
Assembly Act, 1964 (2 of 1965)], any conveyance allowance, house-rent allowance or
travelling allowance for the purpose of enabling him to reconp any expenditure incorred
by him in performin8 the functions of that office;
(ii) "statutory body" means any corporation, committee, cODlDlission, cooneil, board
or other body of persons, whether incorporated or not, established by or under any law
for the time being in force;
(iii) "non-statutory body" means any body of persons other than a statutory body.]
1. Subs. by the Goa, Daman and Diu Members of Legislative Assembly (Removal of Di~qt1alification)
Amendment Act. 19R~ (Act No. 11 of 1985), s. 2.


GUJARAT ACT No. I Of 1960 1

A 111m"," hy Clli. 23
of 1962. [22ml Seplell1bn, 196 0 1
An Act to provide for the removal of certain disqualifications for bt:ing
chosen, as and for being a member of the Gujara r Legislative Assembly.
WHEREAS by Ihe Conslitulion provision has been made for declaring by Acl of thc
Slate Legislature any office of profil under the Gmornmellt of India or the Go\'ern-
ment of any State specified in the First Schedule to the said Constitution not to disqualify
.its holder for being chosen as. and for heing. a member of a State Legislature;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to ma~e such declaration; It is hereby enacted in the
Eleventh Year of the Repuhlic of India as below:-
1. Short title and commeocement - ( I) This Act may be called the (Jujarat Lc)!islative
Assembly Members (Remo"al of Disqualitications) Act. 1960.
(2) It shall come ill'" force on tho I st day of May. 1960.
*2. Removal of certain disquul;flCationo -A person shall not be disqualified for being
chosen as, or for heing a member of the Gujumt Legislative Assembly merely hy
rcasoll of the fact that hc holds any of the olliees specified in the Schedule appended hereto.
3. Repeal of Gujarat Ordance No. "of 1960·_· -The Guj""lt Legislative A"embly
Members (Removal of Disqllalifiealions) Ordinance, 1960 is herehy repealed.
(See scelion 2)

I. The ollice of Parliamentary Secretary to a Minister of the Government of Glljaral.

2. The office of part-time professor 'If lecturer in a Government College.
3. Any office ;n the Nation:,1 Cadet Corrs. the Territorial Arlll\'. the Air Defence
Reserve and the Auxiliary Air Force.
4. Any office. in the Home Gllards.
5. Any office in a village defence party (hy whatever name called) constituted hy or
lIndrr the authority of the State Go\'crnnlcnt.

6. The office of a memher of the Ad"i,ory Board constituted under the Bomhay Wild
Animals and Wild Birds Protection Act, 1951 or any corresponding law in force in
any part of the State of Guj.r.t.
7. The office of Secretary of the District or Rc~ional lJewlopment Boards constituted
hy the State Government (by whatever nam" eailed):
Provided Ihat the holder (.f such ollice dnes not hold any other office of profit under
the State Government.

8. Any office 1I1ldl.!f an insurer the management of whose cont rolled business has
vested in thl: Central Guvernment 11l1dcr the Life Insurance (Emergency Provisions)
Act. 1956.
EXI,lwUllioll,-For the purpose of this entry, the expres!\ion ".contrulled bu~incss" :lno
'"insurer" shaH h3VC thl! meanings assig:m.'d to them in th(' Life Insurance (Emcrgen=y
Provisions) Act. 195(,.
1. F':lr St~tC'ml!nr nf Objects nnd Rca,on". ,l":',', Guj:utlt Gm'C'rnmenl GaleUc. 1960. Part V. page 13).

rh':"'~ .fe',' 'i';lion ~'" {If Ihe (ilij~r;l.l Shun Are~ (In,pr(wem:nt. CI""aranCl' =-.nd Redtvel""menll ,",cr,
200 Gujarar Legislative Assembly Members (Removal oj Disqualificatiom) Act, 1960
(PART IV.-Law Relating to Removal 01 'Disqualification!

'J. The uilice of an Honorary Medical OOicer or Honor.,')' Assistant ,\kdkal OOirer
in n hospital under Government mnnagcl1lent.
10. The "mcr. pr Chairman or member of Ihr Labour Welf",'c Bo.rd constituted
{Iud,'!" rhe Bomhay Labour Welfare I lind Ac!. : 953.
11. The onicc of Chairman or nlL'rnber of allY Com!1litft'e <-If hody apP,)inteo hy tht'
Ccntral or State Government :
'I Provided that the Chairman or any Member of such Committee or hady does nOI
receive any remuneration other than compensatory allowance nor does he receive any
facilitics othcr than such facilities (including furnishcd officc. ,taff. vchicle and frce resi-
dentbl accommodation) as arr deemed hy Govcrnmem to hc e,sential for the cfficicnt
performance of his duties as such Chairman or Memher.]
Exp/a"o/ioll.-For thc purpose of this cnt,,,. "Compcnsalory allll\\'ancc" shall mean the
travclling allowance. the daily allowance or such other allowance which is paid to the holder
of the office for the purpose of meeting his personal expenditure in attendin!,"
the meetings of the Committec or hody 01' in performing any other fnnction, as the holder
of the said office.

12. The officc of an examiner for any cxamination held In' the ('entral or State
Government or by the ]Tnion Puhlie Service ,ommi"ion or thl' nninrat Pnhlie
c;erv;ce Commission.
l~. The following offices held undrr the Employees' Slate T",ur~nce Act 194R to
provide medical benefit to insurcd persons under the' said Atf. th"t is to so\'-
(0) the office of an Insurance Medical Practitioner.
(b) the office of a part-time medical officer or specialist in a hospital. dispensary.
nlll·"ing bome. maternity home or other institution c<rahli,heci hv the "nlplnyee,'
, Tnsurance Corporation or the State Government. , and
(e) tpe office of a medical practitioner appointed to provide medical henefit to
insured persons in any private h05pita1. dispensary. Ilursin.!:! home or maternity
"h0rne or other institution Trcogni!'icd for the pllrpn'-(' 1,y the Employer,,' State TI1,\\1-
ranee Corporation or the State Government.
2r[t4.1 The office of a memher of the GujaTat Industrial DC\'elo[>menl Cor[>oro-
tion nominated under clause (b). (c l or (d) of sub-section (J) <,f section 4 of the
Guiarat Tndustrial De"elopment Act. 1%2 (Guj XXTTT of 1962). hy rca son only of his holdin~'
such office.]
'f15. The office of Chairman or Member of the Ouiar:lt '~bal Development Corroration
constitnted under the Oujarat Tribal De,'elopment Cnrporotioll Act. 1972.
Iii. The office of Chairman or Mcmhcr of the Gujamt State Social Welfare Advisory
I? The office of Chairman or Mcmher of the Gujarat Backward Classes Board.
TH. The office of Chairman or 'T\femhcr (If Gujarat Minoritie ... Board.
19. The office of Chairman or Memher (If the Gujarat SdlCduhl C"'tc, Economic Dcvclo[>-
ment Corporation Limited.
20 The office of Chairman or Memhcr of thc Guia .."t Stat~ Schcdllkd Castes Welf"rr
Board. ~

1. Sl1h ... b\' Guiar3f Act 17 of 19~4. c:, 2.

2. Entin' 13A wnc: in... bv Guinrnt Act 2~ of 1962. ,. 59
~. Entry t:1A rt'nllmf,e-rt!,1 a. t'ntrv 14.". t. 2. (bit
4 Tn•. by .. 2. tbld.
GI/jarat Legislative Assembly Members (Removal oj DisqUCIli(icarions) Act, 1960 20]
(PART IV -Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)

21. The office of Chairman or Member of the Gujarat Women's Economic Development
22. The office of Chairmtn or Member bf the Gujarat Landless Labourers and Halpati
Housing Board.

23. The office of the Executive Chairman and of the Additional Executive Chairman of
the High Level Committee for effective implementation of the 20 point Economic

1[24. The office of Govern!llent Chief Whip.]

2[25. The office of Chairman of the Film Development Corporation of Gujarat Limited.]

1. Ins. bv Guiilrnt Act 3 of 1985. s. 2.

2. Ins. by Cujara! Ac! 2 of 1986. s. 2 (w ...r. 19·10·1185).


'& 'If, 1945

ilf''tT'IlT ~ ~f~~'fl: (flf~~ iiT'li f;{f'l'{i<'fTfq;il;~) it-,c, 1974 <;:f f'fl';;f<,;mr .f~T v.r'!1~

I{f'{liJ1ITI iI; {I "llqJ " ill' fuN 23 ii'.nr, 1975 iii Ifria-",p: iii WR Q;o;:;r,r lI"f.lf!1T<f f,lfT ;;rIID ~ ~ lfil:
~1l:IfJ1l1'r WlI'IINT 'Ifliflflf'l', 1969 (1969 'f,T 17) <r.T uro 4l' if; "("" ('i) iii o;ra'R '<[~cp;rfuf;;l!1T "'T
~I 'lINT if IfTll'TfOr l> 'flO ~m ;;r~ : - '

t!f<<4TurT ~ mr.f.lI~~ (f"(~dl.f.,ql(OI) 3{fufiNq, 1974

( 19 74 ltI'T ~11IfI atf~ ~ 0 4 1)

~ iii wr-r
",f_ it~ \'!T'iI..qq', f;;'AiIi
am; ~f~ mlf f!l!ll'l'-m iii
~ iii ~ if f""ff.ffl f~
"';1 Q'T _ ~" iii 1("
f~T1~ f~" ~ ~l1T,
Q1t1ra: ""'" iii ~'

'I'rof ~ ij; 'I"'fRr~ '" i\' iiftlfJ1l1'T Wlf f<m'i-~":rro f;;<;;f..1f"ffl ~ ii 1I\i '-1fU'f.l'lflfff ~l :-
1. Iffe1<ff ""'--Ifi\: ii'fu"f.rl!1T \!fmJ1l1'T -.:tmT fiM'i-'1,,"<1" (f'l~'rr-f;;<!r<:1Jf) ~!J"t, 1974 "'il:T
orr ""'" ~ 1
2. qr('hiI1~~!I' 'IFilf"qq ii, "l'iI' <fl> ~t~ ~ ~ ~>.m ;; \!l,-
("') "lIfu'l>(J(q'''' 'IffiT" ij' ~~, f<r.dT'R if;!IT"," '!ii ~'i 'R iF '1F<ii 'l; f.,<firt ii ~ij; mT
f~ '1'11; r;r<i! 'lftlTfuW"o rn i\' '<[ij' ~'I' q.n'f iii If'll"''' '" f"1q ~i'l' r. 'llnT, <r.]i \jqT-{t 'mT, '1"";;.
fRTlrr 'IffiT 41 4T<fT-1f<f ill ~ if "'~ '!,iif U'I' ,rfw;
(111) "q "T'f'ft
f.f 1iTlr" ij' qi'''flf<f ~
{"'<II 1-R.,I
f.r f.Tlf U m ",]i <lff~-f.r'l'T'!;
('I) "~I-f.tfllf" ij' ~ ~ awTlf lI'!'f f"'«T 1fT ~ WR ~rftld < f'i'1''1,
!l'1'rfu', qr!jtq, qf'{lf,\, if"tJ ~ ii''lf 'Iff~-f,'" -foTlf ;;I~ ~ f'i'1'fir<r ~l wr<!f";~ 1
3. IIIf_ "",.om 1m flRfi!'l " f"'IfT otr;n- - ( 1) ~ o;rf'lR'.fIf [1<:r '& qlfu! [1;41 'lIrm ~ f r. f.t;;;-
f.<f if ij' ~ 1ft ~ ~ a-o!> if\! 'IfTm ;m;r<: If!' ilfmJ1l1'T "<R'! {f~ iF 3Tfl"R <1"T'll..qq' ~ ~ lffi'I\'
iii'\' f{fmJ1l1'T~f«r;t~ iI; ~If il;1;''1 if knf..-, J f'l>l1;;;rrr Ifr '-I"r 'l!'f if; f.,1l1: f'rUl!'i 'I'~ 'foW, '-1"lfu:-
('Ii) ..... «11<;
(111) ~.~~, ~ f\Mtrllf iit q>:f'Iff ii'M'I'. f<N;filfJ1l1"'; (om-U) W'I'f qJl!"'f ~
lImrm rotl'lf{ "" 'lui... 1r", .. ~R'I>!I'<'I>,iT $' f;;[(1 ;; \!l Ifl ~ ~'If olffu ;;it f~I i!« if"r'lr....dT
iii V'<iT~ tifr 'ImI'r (t f;;r;A; f;rliFofa- <r.r<qr<: 'liT lI'ifOU' ;;ft<r;;-if\lr( (ql'tRf '<r'I~>u) ~, 1956
( 1956 liT '"',\ qf!lf.rlf'f 9J iii qm iIr.ifi'f !I'('!;g Ti rVil:<f ill 'l!fl ~;

('I) (fO~I'f tr~ .."tl: qiil'f.r!fll', 194 S ( 1 943 "-1 'I;..llf o;rr-.n'l'1"IT 50), 1:frow;;; U';tr qftlf'llf'!,
1948 (1948 '~r i!;.m qfu"f;rlf'! .31), ii''l'if fl:",i ~ 1,W'f;; <i1'!U';tT ,"-raf.f~lI', 1952 ( 1952 ,{;T
!I'w{'ff~ 62), q-rn l[ftqJ1l1'f ~-mt~ ii'~, 1974 (1974 'FT\!f<'lJ1l1'T nfuf.r'l'l31)
iii wft;r, QQlffilfa, 'I'fl1t '1'11;, vi '1'11; ii'f<!T '!faa- fnft iI'\1 "" "{'''-<'I;
('If) ftGR-'ff&'m\' ~T it qNl>\-(\';

(!f;:lflVTT <T~ f'iU'Ci{-1I'lr.! (f'f~ffi-flf<il~"I) maf""", 1974 203
('<il'T 4-f~J",~1,,) ~,it "(1'litfr flITll')

1[( .. ) ;".m 'l'J"iffT ~T ""1'1'T f'iE1lf '"'~, ~rum, lI1ll'f, ~-lI1lI;;, fomr'l1 lfT~,
'ltir ~ r~.jf'f·J~) .. HT &'1' !;-:"F If; ,~ ~"",, 'IT ~ f~ "ia~ ifT<T 't1~ lil f'l'l:""
fPH'1'<l'I~1. 'i',i!f;;rlr'-1,;:r -Hf"'l'iij; qF'·'iij;~Tn'fllf<l'-r.<:'lff ~i;;:;~"rf;:>.rl1rI;flr.ffi1 ~) lfI'fifT];
C'l) tr~nnil' ""'. lfT 1l'~'i1" '-,'I, «m;
(~) 'I~ ,,--ryr.r, it finTT r<r.n'1' ii ;m ij'{i7I< "'T daf;n: M1Ti{..-r<:;
(;;r) q'm<! 'flf' ~.r, f"i'f<l''f, I 922 ..1irl''f'ill' 4) it; "<l'T~
( 1922 'N q';;rlif fiI;it moo wm:
"m; ~Hi;lf~ em q'''fi'.I' ':;:fq ~;,"'l'in;f.f'ilf'f, I 9 GI ( I 961 "" 'l';;r,iI "fuf.rlf'f 2 3) 'Ift!TrtT 3
it; ",Jro; 'Ii'!>"' i'(f\'Tl'lTT ,I"" '[ofq f""",,,;n'ti 'f.T '!l~;
(iT) i'(r,lfl"TT -q;;'1;:[1 fi"'l~ (;ic1~) folllll' f"ff~ 'fl ~ <m ;;:f\'TT"IT ~flr-mr-f.r'1lI'
f;oriii'!1r 'M ~e;; <I''IT

("1) i'(""lurr ,r.'! 7~f;;;;; lil ",f,'f'Uff llT~T <t4T wiTm'1';iti lfT;;:f\'TI"TT ",f~ <r.lfT'OT
f'f1f'llfl ;;:fr:rrrurl ,[01! 1111','," 'I1<'lI"l' ;;"fT",~r<: 'llg 'fT J;!~ lfT ~rd"'I'fT ~EliIllIlT ",ql""'" lfT 'I1"hf
2( (i!) r"'JT 'if I'!!"'!'!, ~flT ''''~, '.('l"1 iII'll' lfTfa"""T it; mlfit <:1'"1 «{im: ifT'q lfT ;mit; f",<I'
f~;'JT f"r~ 'If'<[, 'fi'fif 1l'1 Of"i ~·F.i~~T '1.1 ~,,'il'f'! m
it; f,,~, "'!'IT;;ri"l "Pil'l' 'I1T «i{l"rnr iltf.rl:l
I 952, 1l'1 ;;-" ,ilN ""l f"'JT '!Fll' 1'fill' it; Ii'<l'' r.! f",!'I<l' G&;i ~r>it'l' it; ~{r~
lil ;;rf;;' 'filfllf :r,fufi{iilf,
If;'; i:1<1 'fiT «o:rml it; j(f~ 'ii '3"l..1lTfaf;i~WT.'p.~it; r'l'?;, 'q'"f «mum, f.\o{,'I<l' 'lilt ~ I]
~ 2) ~«~firf.riilf ifT'(T "'" '1fT tflicm f,:lfT ;;rr.;1 ~ f,; fi!>'iim'1if<I' it iT .."hf 'IT 'N, "'li' <1''0 'f~ m;<T.
>rl f{i;TT "'1i' 'I'ill' ~Ri'in: it; ~T;; ,,['l <n 'N ~ ;n;iI; an:" .n 1{f\'TT"IT
;-{f.T1:, ll:""f1;TT 'q;" ij"f.T1:
'q'"f r"m-~ it;;;~ it; "'.. 'i f~a f<.~;;rf.{ lfT.m>i;f.t"(i{it ij; f'l'?;;;:a 'I'~l ~ : -

(<r.) ItffT:
(rsr) ~OfT;
('1') ;rotorT I
4. f;rol'l'-4;;;1if 'q'"f fq'R-'l':.wr (f",~ai-f;;qT"'T) ~ilrtlr'l1r, 1952, qi a'O iii[ 1{f<41 0 11 'q'"I.n
""l ~, ~i[T'q f'f<fM f~ ;;rmT ~ I

I, 1981 if; ~r arf!1f.l>m li. ~ ol't fmT 2 iJT'J srfat'Qlfilcr r

2. 1980 if; ~ arf!1f.l>m'li. 24 .,;r fmT 2 rm:r affi:roflro I
(ACT No.7 OF 1971)
An Act to declare certain offices of plofit under the Government of India, or
tb e O.)vo:rnment of any State specilied in the First Schedule tv the ConstI-
tution not to dlsquali(y tneif nolders for beiog cnvsen as, or tOf beIng,
members of the Himachal Pradesh Legis/alive Assembly.
Bil it enacted by the Legislative As.embly of Himachal Pradesh in the Twenty- second Year
of the Republic eX India as follows : -
I. Shrt title 8Dd tommellCemeot -( 1) This Act may be called the Himachal Pradesh
J..egislative Assembly Members (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1971.
(2) It shall come into force at once.
2. DefinitIons -In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) "compensatory allowance" means such sum of money as the Government mav
determine as being payable to the holder of an office by way of travelling allow-
ance, daily allowance, sitting allowance, conveyance allowance or house rent allowance
for the purpose of ,. •• pedorming the functions of that office;
(bl "statutory body" means any corporation, committee, commission, council,
hoard or other body of persons, whether incorporated or not, established by or under
any law for the time being in force;
(c) ''hon-statutory body" means any body of persons other than a statutroy body.
3. PreNUtiwt of cIlIIrnalllcglloos for membership "f the Legislative Assembly 01 Himachal
PPr..wd",esIa- A person shall not be disqualified for being chosen as, and or benig, a member
of the Himacllal Pradesh Legislative Assembly by reason only of the fa~t that he holds any of
the following offices of profit under the Government of India or the Governmeot of any State:-
(a) the office of a Deputy Minister or Minister of State,
(b) any office held by a Minister, Member of State, or Deputy Minister, whether
ex-ofJicio or by name;
(c) the office of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker of the Himachal Pradesh Legis-
lative Assembly or of Parliament or of the Legislative Assembly of any other State;
(d) the 'office of the Chief Parliamentary Secretary or Parliamentary Secretary;
Ie) the office of the Chief Whip, Deputy Chief Whip or Whip in any Legislative
Assembly or in Parliament;
(f) the office of village revenue officer whether called a lamberdar, malguzar, patel,
deshmukh or by any other name, whose duty is to collect land revenue and who is re-
munerated by a share of or commission on, the amount of land revenue collected by him,
but who does not discharge any police functions;
(g) any office of the National Cadet Corps, the Territorial Army, the Air Defence
Reserve and the Auxiliary Air Force under any law for the time being in force;
(h) the office of a member or a Home Guard constituted under any law for the time
being in force in any State;
(i) the office of Chairman or member of the Syndicate, Senate, Executive Committee,
Council or Court of a University or any other body connected with a University;
(j) the office of the Vice-Chancellor of any University;

1. Published in the Extraordinary Gazette of Himachal Pradesh on 18-5-1971.

2. Omitted by H. P. Act No. H ·of 1981.

Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly Members (Removal of DisqualificatlOn.s) Act, 1971 205
(PART IV -Law Relating to Removal of DIsqualillcauou)

(k) the office of a member of any delegatiou or mission sent outside India by. the
Govel nment 0\ india or the Government 01 auy ::'tate. or sent outsIde tile State ot llimachal
pradesb by the Government of the said ::'tale lor any spccml purpose;
(I) the office Of chairman or member of a committee (whether consisting of une or
more members) set up temporarily fur the purpose of adVIsing the Government ur any
other authority in respect of any matter oi public importance or for the purpose of milking
an inquiry into, or coUecting staListics in respect ot, any such matter if the holder of such
office IS not entitled to any remuneration other than compensatory allowance;
(m) the office of chairman or vice-chairman, director or member of any statutory or
non-statutory body other than any such body. as is referred to in clause (l) if the
holder of such office is not entitled to any remuneration other than compensatory
(n) the office of any honorary medical officer or honorary assistant medical officer in
a hospital under Government management;
(0) a person drawing his service pension, political pcpsion or grant, mansab, charit-
able grant or' commutation sum of· compensation in respect of a jagir, inam or other
(p) the office of an agent or other like office for the purpose of elfecting sales of or
collecting subscriptions towards National Plan Certificates or ;lllY other savings certificates
or Government securities notified as such by the Central Government for ~uch commission
as the Central Government may have fixed in that behalf or without such commission;
(q) the office of an examiner for any examination held by the Central or State
Governm~nt or by the Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Com-
(r) the office of Sarpanch or member of a Panchayat under any law for the time being
in force;
l[(S) notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (I) and (m) of this section, the
office of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, or Member of Commission for Seheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes appointed by the Government of India or the office of the Deputy Chair-
man of the Himachal Pradesh State Planning Board Constituted by the State Government.]
4. Determination of question arising after tbe commencement of tbe Act -Any question
arising after the commencement of this Act as to any office being an office of profit under the
Government of India or the Government of any State shall be determined as if the provisions of
this Act had been in force' at all material dates.
5. Repeal and Saving-rhe Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly Members (Removal
of Disqualifications) Ordinance, 1971 is hereby repealed.
Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the aforesaid
Ordinance, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under this Act as if this Act had com-
menced on the 25th January, ·1971.

1. In •. by H. P. Act No.8 of 1979 and subsequently amended by Act No. 26 of t979 and Act No.·7 of 1981.

51-R04 MIa Law & JlI.'aicel94

DI~QU.'\llFiCATlO:>iJ ACT, 1962

J. & K. Act No. XVI OF 1962

[181/1 Jill.', IY62j
An Act to J~clarc that certain olli;~s of pru:it unJer the Goycrn1l1~nt ,Itall
nJt Ji:;qU:llily the hulJ;::rs th"r'~ui' for iJ~iI1g .;il,)sen as, or for being,
m;:mbers of the Jammu and Kashmir Slate Legislatun:.
HE it enacted by the Jammu and Kash",ir State Legislature in the Thirteenth Year of the
Republic of India as follows ; -
l. Shm; lille -This Act may be called the Jammu and Kashmir State Lagislature (Preven-
tion of Disqualification) Act, 1962.
2. Definitions -In this Act, unless the context otherwi~e rcquires;-
(a) 'compensatory allowance' 'mea;ls any sum of money payable to the, holder of an
oHie", by "ay of daily allowance (such allowance not exceeding the amount of daily
allowance to which a member of the Jammu and Kashmir State Legislature is entitled under
the Saladc. and allowances of Members of J.Jmmu and Kasi1l11ir State Legislature Act,
1960), any conveyance allowance, house-rent allowance or travelling allowance for the
purpose of enabling him to recoup any 'expenditure incurred by him in performing the func-
tions of that oflice; .
(b) 'statutory body' means any corporation, committee, commission, council, board or
other body of persons.whether nicorporated or not, established by or under any law for'the
time being in force;
(e) 'non-statutory body' means any body of persons other than a statutory body.
3. Certain olteos of profit not to disqunlify - -it is hereby declared that none of tbe
following offices, in so far as it is an office of praf.t under the Government of Jammu and
Kashmir or the Government of India, shall disqualify the h"!der thereof for being chosen as, or
for being, a member of the Jammu and Kashmir State. Legislature, namely : -
-(a) ~ny office held by a Minister, Minister of State or Deputy Minister whether ex-
officio or by name;
(b) the office of Chief Whip, Deputy Chief Whip or Whip in either House of the
Ja!11mu and Kashmir State Legislature;
(c) the office of a Chief Parliamentary Secretary or a Parliamentary Secretary or a
Parliamentary Under Secretary;
(d) the office of Chairman or member of the syndicate, senate, executive commiti..e,
councilor court of the IUniversity of Jammu and Kashmir or any other body connected
with the said University;
l[(dd) the office of Chairman or member of a Committee, Commission or Board set up
by the Government whether under" stalute or by. executive order, for or in connection with
(;) prevention of corruption,
(ii) development of the State in planned manner,
(iii) land reforms1;
(el the office of a member of any delegation or mission sent outside India by the
Government for any special purpose;
,I. Nuw The Universities of Jammu and Kashmir.
2. Gause (dd) ins. by J, & K. Act n of 1963.

Jammu and Kashmir State Legislature (P,evention of Disqualification) Act, 1962 207
(PART I~.-Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)
(f) the office of Chairman or member of a committee, (whether consisting of on" or
more memhers), set up temporarily for the purpose of ad·.ising the Government or any
other authority in respect of any motter of public importance or for the purpose of making
an inquiry into, or collecting statistics in respect of. any such matter, if the holder of such
office is not entitled to any remuneration other than compensatory allowance;
(g) the office of Clairman, Director or member of any statutory or non-statutory
body other than any such body as is referred to in I(clause (dd) 1 or clause (f) if tho holder
of such office is not entitled to any remuneration other than compensatory allowance.
Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, the office of Chairman or Secretary ,hall
include every office of that description by whatever name called.
4. Repeal-The Jammu and Kashmir legislature (Prevention of Disqua\ification) Act,
1957 is hereby repealed. .

1. In•. by 1. '" K. Act n 01 1963.

ACT No.4 OF 1957
An Act to declare certain offices of profit not to disqualify theil holders
for being chosen as, or for being, members of the Mysorc Legislative
Assembly and the Mysore Legislative Council.
WHEREAS it is expedient to declare that certain offices should. not, under certain conditions,
disqualify or be deemed' to have disqualliied, the holder thereof for being chosen as, or for being.
memben of the Mysore Legislative Assembly and the Mysore Legislative Council.
Bl'{jt enacted by the Mysore State Legislature in the Seventh Year of the Republic of India
as follows : -
1. Short title-This Act may be called the Mysore Legislature (Prevention of Disqualifica-
tion) Act, 1956.

2. DefinItIons -In tbis Act, unless the context otherwise requIres : -

(q) "Committee" means any CQmll)ittee, Commission, Council, Board or any other
body of one or more persons, wbether statutory or not, set up by the Government of India
or the Government of any State;

(b) "compensatory allowance" means such sum of money as the Central Govern-
ment, or the Government of any State, as the case may be, may determine as being payable
to the Chairman or. any other member of a Committee by way of travelling allowance, daily
. allowance, sitting fee, conveyance anowance or house rent allowance for the purpose of
enabling the Chairman or other member to recoup any expenditure incurred •by him in
attending any meeting of a Committee or performing any other function as a member of a

(c) "Statutory body" means any corporation, board, company, society or any other
body of one or more persons, whether incorporated or not, established, registered or formed
. by or under any Central Law or 'the law of any State for the time being in force or exercising
. power and functions under any' such law.

3. Removal of certain disqualifications-It is hereby declared that the following offices

shail not disqualify and shan be deemed never to have disqualified, the holders thereof for being
chosen as, or for being, members of the Mysore Legislative Assembly or the Mysore Legislative

(a) the office. of a Deputy Minister. a Parliamentary Secretary *the Leaders of the
Opposition or the Government Chief Whips.

(b) the offices held in the National Cadet Corps raised and maintained under the
National Cadet Corps Act, 1948 (Central Act 31 of 1948) in the Territorial Army raised
Hnd maintained under the Territorial Army Act, 1948 (Central Act 56 of 1948). and in
the Auxiliary Air Force and the Air Defence·Reserve under the Reserve and Auxiliary Air
Forces Act. 1952 (Central Act 62 of 1952):
[( hh) the office of a member of the Home Guards constituted under the Mysore Home
Guards Act. 1962 (Mysore 35 of 1962);1
[( h") (sic.) the office of a member of a Villaee Defence Party constituted under the
Village Defence Parties Act. '1964. (My.ore 34 of 1,964;1
·A!I.smended in Kaml'ltnu Act No. 72 of 1976. _ _ _~

Karnataka Legislature (Prevention of Disqualification) Act. 195(; 209
(PART IV -Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)

(e) the office of the Secretaries of the District Development Boards constituted by uie
State Government (by whatever name called) ;
"(ce) the offices of the Adhyaksha and Upadhyaksha of the Zilla Parishads constituted
under the Kamataka Zilla Parlshads, Taluk Panchayat Samithis, MandaI Panchayats aDd
Nyaya Panchayats Act, 1983 (Kamataka Act 20 of 1985):
Provided that the ·holders of such office do not hold any other office of profit under the
State Government;
(d) the office of the Chairman or Member of a Committee;
Provided that the holder of any such office is not in receipt of or entitled any remune-
ration other than the compensatory aIluwance .

• Amended in Karnataka Ordinance No.2 of 1989 and published In Karnataka Special Gazette dated 301h
January 1989.
21-274 Law & Justice/ 89
ACT, 1951' (Act 15 of 1951)
Preamble:-Whereas, pursuant to sub-clause (a) of clause (1) of Article 191 of the
Constitution of India read with Article 238 thereof, it is expcdient to declare certain offices
as offices which will not disqualify the holders thereof being choscn as, and for bcing,
mcmbcrs of the (Lcgislative Assembly of the State of Kcrala).
It is hereby enacted as follows:-
1. Short title and commencement-(l) This Act may be called the Legislative Assembly
(Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1951.
(2) It shall come into force at once.
2. Removal of certain disqualifications for membership- A person shall not be
disqualified for bcin~ chosen as and for being, a member of the Legislative Assembly of
the State of Kerala by reason only-
(i) that he is ill receipt of ihe salaries or allowances to which he is entitled
under the law for tloc time being in force relating to the payment of salaries and
allowances to members of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Kerala or of
travelling and daily allowances while serving as a member of any Committee or Board
constituted by the Government of India or the Government of any State specified in
the First Schedule to the Constitution of India; or
(ii) that he hold, under the Government of India or the Govcrnment of any
')tatc spccificd in the First Schcdule to the Constitution of India an office which is not
remuneratcd either by salary or by fees payable out of the Consolidated Fund of
India or of any such State; or
(iii) that he is a mcmber of the Committee constituted to translate the
Constitution of India into Malayalam: or
(iv) that he holds an office in any cducational institution other than a
Government institution; or
(v) that he holds an office in the National Cadet Corps raised and maintained
under the National Cadet Corps Act, 1948 (Central Act XXXI of 1948), or in the
Territorial Army raised and maintained- under the Territorial Army Act, 1948
(Central Act LVI of 1948); or
(vi) that he is a member of the Air Defence Reserve or the Auxiliary Air Force
raiscd undcr the Reserve and Auxiliary Air Forccs Act, 1952 (6< of 1952).
(vii) that he holds the office of Chairman or member of the Kerala State Law
Commission; or
(viii) that he is the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman or a mcmber of the State
Planning Board constituted by the Government or a member of the Backward Classcs
Reservation Commission constituted by the Government.
3. Removal of certain other disqualifications for membership-A person shall nnt be
deemed to be or to have bcen disqualified for being a mcmber of the Legislative Assembly
of the State of Kerala by reason only that such person had prior to the commencement of
this Act held under the State Governmcnt an office which was not a whole time office or
that he had held an office in any educational institution other than a Government


(Act 4 of 1979)
An Act further to amend the Legislative Assembly (Removal of Disqualifications) Act,
Preamble.-WHEREAS it is expedient further to amend the Legislative Assembly
(Rcmoval of Disqualifications) Act, 1951, for the purP9se hcreinafter appearing;
BE it enacted in the Thirtieth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. Short tille. This Act may be called the Legislative Assembly (Removal of
Disqualifications) Amendment Act, 1979

2. Amendment of section 2.-Section 2 of the Legislative Assembly (Removal of

D ,ualifications) Act, 1951 (15 of 1951) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), shall
be renumbered as sub-section (1) thereof, and, after sub-section (1') as so renumbered, the
following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:-
"(2) No person shall be disqualified or deemed ever to have been disqualified for
being chosen as, and for being, a member of the Legislative Assembly of the State of
Kerala by reason only-
, (i) that he holds or has held the office of the Chainpan of a Government Company.
Explanation,-For the purposes of this clause, "Government COll)pany" means a
company in which not less than fifty-one per cent. of the paid up shace capital is held by
the Government of Kerala or jointly by the Central Government and the Government of
Kerala, and includes a company which is a subsidiary of any such company; or
(ii) that he holds or has held the office of the Chairman' of a Corporation established
or constituted by or under any Central or State Act and owned or controlled by the
Government of Kerala" '
3. Repeal and Savlngs.-{I) The Legislative Assembly (Removal of Disqualifications)
Amendment Ordinance, 1978 (30 of 1978), is hereby repealed. .
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the
Principal Act as amended by the said Ordinance shall be deemed to have been done or
taken under the Principal Act as amended by this Act as if this Act had come into force on
the 29th day of December. 1978:
(No. 16 OF 1967)
[14th JUly 1967]
An Act to declare certainoflices oftne profit not to disqualify their holders for
being chosen as or for being members of· the State Legislature [Received
the assent oftne Governor on the 14th July. 1967 assent first published in
the Madhya Pradesh Gazette, Extraordinary, ou the 17th July, 1967.J
BE it enacted by the Madhya Pradesh Legislatllre in the Eighteenth Year of the Republic of
India as follows : -
I. Sbort title-'This Act may be called the Madhya Pradesh Vidhan Mandai Sadasya
Nirharta Nivaran Adhiniyam, 1967.
2. Definitions ..-ln this Act, unless the' context otherwise requires,-
(0) "Committee" means any committee, council, board or any other body of persons
whether a statutory body or not set up by the Central Government or any State Govern-
(b) "Statutory body" means any corporation, board, company, society or any other
body of persoll6, whether incorporated or aot, establisbed, registered or formed by or under
any law for the time being in force or exercising powers and functio'ns under any such
3. Prevention of disqualification -(1) A person shall not bc disqualified for being chosen'
as, or for being, a member of the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly or !be Madhya Pradesh
Legislative Council by reason only of the fact that hc bolds any of the offices of profit under
Government specified in the Schedule.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1) no person holding' the office of the Chair-
man or member of any Committee, shall be disqualified at any time for being chosen as, or for
being, a member of the Madhya- Pradesh Legislative Council by reason only of the fact that he
holds such office:
Provided that the holder of any such office is not in receipt of any fee, allowances or
remuneration other than travelling or daily allowances, not excecding-
(i) the travelling nllowance and daily aIlowance admissible to a first grade officer,
serving under the State Government if such holder is not a member of the said Legislative
Assembly or the Legislative Council .. and
(ii) the travelling allowance and daily allowance admissible to a membe~ of the Hause
of the People or a member of the State Legislative Assembly, tbe State Legislative Council
according as the office held is under 'tbe control of the Central Government, or the State
Government, if such holder is n member of the said Legislative Assembly or Legislative
Explanation .-For the purposes of this sub-section, the expression "Chairman" shall include
4. Repeal-The Madbya Pradesh Legislative Asse.mbly Prevention of Disqualification Act,
1956 () of 1957) hereby repealed.

List of. offices of profit under- (iovernmellt
[Vide section 3 (1) J
I. Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly.
2. Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the State Legislative Assembly.

I(Sq m f.nttif..Qt:r ~ ~m f;rcn~ anafif1fQ, 1967
(~'If1I; 16 ~ 1967)
(14 ~II7J
f;;.rtq; 14 ''!''If, 1967'111 1:T~1'( 'III at!"f<l 1IT"if 6f; at,!'ff<l """"' sr.r~ 'Uif"." 1II1fT""""
"f~'It~ 17 "lI'fif, 1967 'Iilll"" ill'l: lI'11Tr~Rllii 'If I
II>1<I'I1f ~ iIi.m "'I ",,'I; milt! "') UiQ' fl(lJI"-1('l'I' iI; ~~ '!;{ OIA '" ~if
t fl'l'~ilHr~iPllf~lhr.f lIn.ntH ~!
1IroI' ~ iii ~ 'I"f if IfS!I' m flNT;f~ mr ~ f>tqfl'l'fw WI' if !Ilf!lf'Nfq<l
flf;1rr omt I
1. ~rlRta' ""'~ orftrf~ 1ft!!' lI'?<r f'f!fT'f->if" ~:r f'f~ol fif'l'(~ ar~ 1967
"'W \lIT~ I
2. qf,~-il;« maflfll'll' if, 0Tir <lq; ~ if WII"lT ~&1(f 'f ~ -
('O) "«fll'f<r" « '!I'f..rnr ~ iI;oitlf ~j;f, llT ~I m'lI' ~m mr ~'I'<I ~ '1ft
«rlffo, 'ff"", <iti llT "'ff'Rl'iT 'Or ~ W'l' f'f-l!TIf ~ ~ ""Til f'f'OTQ' ~ llT " ~;
. (<r) "~ f".I<1''' «'!I'f..rnr ~ <r<S1rlI' If'f'1' fm 11'1 f'if!i mr lfT m !!I'!i)q~'I'<I
f'PllT 'lllT, -r~~ f'PllT 'lllT 'II 'R'[lfT 'f'I1 llT ~I '1ft ~ f'ff!i iii W\'l' m'Rl'li'i 'Or lI7fttr.
rn <mIT 0llT F«r 'f-f.r 'fr.fT ~ '1ft f'fll1l', 'fri, '!i'Pl"r1, ~r llT ;;qf~ro 'Or 'Ii)f W'l'
f'f:;;Tlr, "Il~ ,,~ fiflTf1r;r ~ llT " ;;:1 I
3. f~ \~~ ( 1) ~ '1fT 0!ff'Rl' IfS!I' smr f'ffl1'f '1'IT llT lI'~ smr f'ffl1'f 'ff~ 'Or ~
,if mi't llT am;r ~ ~ iii fl'l'(t iliq" ~ ~ iI; 'Or"" ~"r f~ ~ ~ fif. ~ m'm.
11; 9;!\i)q l'I'N it; rr.! if «,;;It fq; ,",!~r it f'ff~~, ~ '1ft rr. !iroJI' 'Ii~ ~ I
( 2) '3'llmT (1) it; ~ it; '!I'S!I'!Ttor ~a- 9lt ~ 11'1 itm O!ffiffi, ;;It f'Rfi «fll'fo it; «'IT'ff<l
'IT >ro'Ir 'Or 'R ttrorT 'IiW ~,f'li«r 11'1 'Ill"! IfS!I' smr f'ffl1'f «'IT llT IfS!I' f'lm'\' 'ffm 'P m
~ '!'\' mi't 'IT ~ it; fl'l'(t t<r.r il;« ~ it; 'Or"" f~ ~ ~rrr f'li 'll! it« 'R 'lit flROI
"1.11 Q.

'fV<\ f'li«r it« 'R ij; tm:J; 'Ii't f""'ff"r~" «'!I'"r>T'r. '1ToIT ~ llT <?fll"li ~ « f'iWlIi)f 'Ift~,
mrr 'IT m-OOll''r. ~ f'fl'l'ffT ~-
(~'") 'Ir~ itar tm:J; 'd''RI' f...1lTIl' «'IT lfT f'lllTll' 'ff"''l: 'f.T ~ ,,~ aT
m'lI' OJ >:<rn: ij; w.ft;r \T'fT rn 'fT\l If'llr ~'r ij; '!I'Tfq;~ it; fl'l'(t ~ lffi!T mrr <NT ff'f'f.
mrr, ali,
(~)) 'If~ itm tm:J;;Jiffl f...QT" «.". 'II f... QT'f 'lff~ 'Or. ~ ~i, <iT ""'l>" «'IT il;
~ 'IT ~ r'l!iR «iIT 'II ,1'1lf f'f!iR Iff~ ij; «<mr ij; rl'l'(t, "''''' r~ 'TIt 'R it; ij;;;f\lf
~ 'IT m'lI' ~.m: ij; f'fli;r",' ij; '!I'iitor ~rif ...r ~ ij; 'l'!«f"{,;rlf lffi!T 'ffiT <NT ~"'"

\460-.'11(41 il;« '3'llmT ij; 1I'it;r;r ij; r"l/;, 'lr"lfOlf"f'Rl' "~f<r" ij; lII'ri<l m"lfOlf"f'Rl' "~l"
'!I'Tt1JT"r I
'lit.","" flff'W'f WIj; f"!"!rromfq;ij;wq
4. f~--'If'S'I II~II ~f;rft~" f~ tf.Ie, 1956
(~ 1 ~ 1957) ~mr f~f'PllT 'lITaT ~ I

~ ~ ~I.ft" <'TN ~ qq-llfii ~"'"
[m:r 3( 1) U~l
'Or ~ am: ,,"54111 I
1. m'lI' f'ffl1'f «'IT
2. 1:T~ flnn;r Iff"" 'Or .«'IT'ff<r am: ;JIf«'lT'ff<r I

52-804 MIa Law & JlIstice/94

213 The Madhya Pradesh Vidhan Mandai Sadasya Nirharta Nivaran Adhilliyam, 1967
(PART TV.-Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)

3. Minister of State.
4. Deputy Minister.
5'. Parliamentary Secretary.
6. Advocate General.
7. Government Pleader.
8. Public Prosecutor defined as in the Code of Criminal Procedure; 1898 (5 of 1898).
9. Any person appointed as, or performing the functions of a Petal under the Madhya
Pradesh Land Revenue Code, 1959 (20 of 1959) or n Mnnjhi or a Chalki in Bastar District.
W. Ollicial Receiver appointed under the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920 (5 of 1920).
II. Sarpanch of an irrigation panchayat as defined in the rules made under section 62 of
the Madhya Pradesh Irrigation Act. 1931 (III of 1931).
12. Any office in the National Cadet Corps or the Territorial Arm)'.
13. Any ofilce in the· Auxilliary Air Force or the Air Defence Reserve raised under the Reserved
and Allxilliary Air Forces Act. 1952 ((>2 of 1952).
14. Member of the Naval, Military, Air Forces or any othcr armed forces of the Union
during. the period, the Proclamation of Emergency by the President of India. dated the 26th
October, 1962. force and six remains iu months thereafter.
15. Any office under nil insurer the management of whose controlled business is vested in
the Central Governmcnt under the Life Insurance (Emergency Pnwisiolls) Act. J 956 (9 of
Explullatiull.-For the purpose of item 15 "insurer" and "controlled business" shall have
the meanings respectively assigned tn them in the Life Insurance (Emergency Provisions) Act, ~
1956 ,.? of 1 9 5 6 ) . -
J6. The office of the Leader of opposition in the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly.
Explall£ltioll.-For the purpose of item 16, the Leader of the opposition .shall have the
meaning assigned to it in the Madhya Pradesh Vidhan MandaI Virodhi Dal Ka Neta (Vetan
Tntha Hhatta) Adhiniyam, 1980.
17. Chairman and Vice-Chairman or President and Vice-President or Managing Director or
Director of a Statutory Body, or a member of any committee by whatever name any of the
aforesaid ollice is called.
Explullatioll.-For the purpose of item 17, the office mentioned thercin shall includeq any
other office held jointly with the office or any office held jointly with the ollice mentioned in ·item
17 in the statutory body.
18. Secretary of the Madhya Pradesh Khadi and Village Industries Board.
~ m f'lm-~"'_ f~:iTf;;.m:<Il ~fQf'llll'l, 1967 2\3
('IT'T 4-f~aff '!IT ~ ij'iiQI f;rfQ)
3• '(f'ilI' > I
4. ;;<r-ll'<rr I
5. mnr m'if'f I
7. «l:ifin:1 «fm I
8. 0:" lI'f'l"ff «f~m, 1898 (~t'O 5 <i'f 1898) i:i >ro'ff~ <it" ~~ I
9. ~smr ~ ~ ~, 1959 (...rt;; 20 ij'i{ 1959) it; ~r.r Wi it; ~ ilf'flt'ffl'iT~
'1i<'l'T '!iT qn;r;f rn
'fr.rT, 'iT ~ f~ it .mrl 'iT "fT'01 it; ~ i:i f~ 'iT ~ '§<'ff '!iT ,"or-f
rn 'fr.rT, ~ "fl szrf'ffl I

10. srrf'ff~ ~"'1~61 {t'!G, 1920 (..m,; 56"( 1920) it; 'I'm f'flt'ffl' f'f'lIT '1"1fT ,,~

I!. 'It'I' smr ~1~ ~'!G, 1931 (..m'l' 3ij'i{ 1931) lOrarcr 62il;~r.r If'I'l{('111;f'!ll1ff
illfIll'tfwf'l'a' f«'!T'l\: ~ '!iT ~ I

12. mO\' il;f~ '!f\1: '1'T lIT~f1l1'," ~T if 'f.1' ~ '1'1 '!a: I

13. f~'fOi ~ 'I'm'''r'<n:1 {t~ ~, 1952 (~'l' 62 m« iT'! 1952) il; wr.r li"lTf'l'a' '1ft
'It 'l'm'1~1 1l;ll1: m
'iT ~ frii;r f,;;r<r if '!iT ~ "fl' '!a: I

14. 'lm:d' il; ~~ftT uu '01 'It m<mT ~I ~,",,"fT fa::rt'O 2 6~, ~ 1962 .. lI'i!'f ~
'01 'I'T<'I1"ifa it; .'(-U'f 3m: '3'6'1; 'Ti!'mf~:
, 'mT it; <fr'U'f ~ '01 ;ft-~, ~ ~T, 'fT'1', lAr 'iT f~'

l1l«I ~ 00 'f.1' ~ I
15. ti;lf <fI1rr'fi'tTT it; 'I'm,
fomit; fq; f'flifmr '!iT~ '!iT m. ~ (·.~l{6 (~I lIT'ft-,
~) ti:'R, 1956 (~ff. 9 ~ 1956) 'I; ~orr.r iI;;';;:; «l:1'~ if f;rf~ 1ft, ~ '<ii' '" I
"",~itq;<l7l-;ra: 15 it; lI'i\";r;r it; f\i11; "iI>rrnrf" tT'iT "f'flif.rcr '!iT~" ij; ~r ~ lfiii ;;if f~ ~
~« (~[ lTT'f[~) ~, 1956 (~t1" 9 ~ 1956) if '3"fil; f\i11; 'iiIl'>r: W;'l.:~fmT f~ '111;

1 6. ~ smr fqm;f ~ if f'f<:it:rl 0:0\' 'I; otm '!iT '!a: I

"",';'I6<<Jf--'I'O 16 'I; lI'i\":;r'f it; f<'fQ; f'f<:lorr a:<1 'I; otm '!iT '1'il[ ~ ~ifT ;;if f.-;; ~ ~ smr
fqm;f-m f'f<:Wr 0<1 '!iT otm (;m- tT'iT 'Ifflf) mQr~, 1980 i{ fw '1"1fT ~ I
17. f'Ril 'l"1~r f'f'Ol~ '!iT ~ tT'iT ;;<r-lJ'I!T'!ftT ~r ~ tT'iT ~ 'iT lIiI"!i' ~
'iT ij;fT,'H '1'T f'l>«1 ;rflffu '!iT ~ ~, 'Iffl' ill ~ '!a:! if ~ ~ '!a: fm[ "fl 'lTlf i:r m<f
~~--'I'O 17 it; lI'i\"'f'f il; f\i11;, '3'<1 '!a: 'I;,;;if ~~ 'fiVr<r~, ~ ~ f~r IOr.fIr
f'l'liT!! if;;<1 '!a: 'I; <lTI!f ~'1mI':. QTf'<:<f '!ITf l1l«I '!a: 'iT fm .
'!a: it; ;rT1!f «'l''1mI': "fTf~ ¥I'a: 17 it
'lfOf<! '" ,
18. ~ smr liR'T tT'iT 1fT1I'I1ft;r ;iii '!iT m'if'f I
(ACT No. LIT OP 1956)
[12th December, 1956]
An Act to provide for the removal of certain disqualifications for being chosen
as, and for being, a member of, 2[the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly
and the Maharashtra Legislative Council].

WHEREAS by the Constitution of India provision has been made for dociaring by Act
uf the Slate Legislature any office of profit under the Government of India or the Government
of any State specified in the FIrst Schedule to the said Constitution not to disqualify its holder
for being chosen as, and for being, a member of a State Legislature;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make such declaration; It is hereby enacted in tile Sevcnth
Year of the Republic of India as folluws : -
1. !l:1ort tille and commencement- B[ (1) This Act may be called the Maharashtra Legislature
Members (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1956.]
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force 011 the 1st day of November, 1956.
2. Removal of certain disqm;\i/icHtioos-A person shall not be disqualified for being
chosen as, or for being, a'member of, the 4[Maharashtra Legislative Assembly] or the C[M,,~arashtra
Legislative Council] merely by reason of the fact that he holds any of the offices specified in
Schedule I appended hereto.
3. Temporary provisions- For the removal of doubt, it is hereby declared that a person
deemed to have been elected or chosen as a member of the Bombay Legislature under section
28 or section 34 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956 (37 of 1956) shall not he decmed to
be disqualified for being elected or chosen as, or for being, a member of the said Legislature
merely by reason of the fact that he holds an office declared, by any of the Acts specified in Schedule
II or any other law in force immediately before the 1st day of November, 1956, to be an office
of profit which shall not disqualify the holder for being elected or chosen as. or for being, a
member of a State Legislature.
2. Repeal-The Bombay Legislature Members (Removal at Disqualifications) Act, 1951
(Bam. XXV of 1951) i. hereby repealed.
(See section 2)
1. The office of the Parliamentary Seeretaries to the Ministers of the ·[Government of
2. The office of part-time professors or lecturers in a Government college.
3. Any office in the National Cadct Corps.. the Territorial Army, the Air Defence
Reserve and the Auxiliary Air Force.

'Sec .150 section 6(4) of Mah. 37 of 1961.

1. For Statement of Objects and Rtasons. sec Bombay Govcrnmcnl Gazette, 1956" Part V, pages 345·346.
2. These words were substituted for the words "the Bombay Legislative Assembly and the Bombay Legislative
Council" by Mah. IS of 1980. Schedule.
3. Sub·section (l) was substituted. ibid.
4. These words were substituted for the words "Bombay Legislative Assembly" by the Prl3hara..';htra Adaptation
of Laws (State ami Concurrent Subjeots) Order, 1960.
S. These wordB arc substituted for the worda "Bombay Legislative CouDcil", ibid.
6. The", word. were substituted for the words· "Govemment of Bombay" by the Maharashtra Adaptation of
Laws (Slote and Concurrent Subjects) Order. 1960.

MahDrasntra LegisiatlUe Member8 (Removal of DisqUal;{icatUnu) Act, 19Sb 215
(PART IV -Law Relating to Removal of DisqUAlification)

4. Any office in the Home Guauls.

5. Any office in a village defence party (by whatever name called) ~"m~tituied by or
under the authority of the State Government.
• • • • • •
7. The office of the Secretaries of the District of Regional Development Boards constituted
by the State Government (by whatever name called) :
Provided that the holders of such office do not hold any other office of profit under the
State Government.
8. Any office under an insurer the management of wnose controlled businesa bas vested
in the Ccntral Government under the Life InsuraBce [Emergency Provi~ions Act, 1956 (9 of
Explanation.-For the purpose of this entry the expressions "controlled business" and
"insurer" shall have the meanings as.igned to them in the Life In<urnnoe (Emergency Provisions)
Act, 1956 (9 of 1956).
9. The office of an Honorary Medical Officer or Honorary Assistant Medical Officer in
a hospital under Government management.
2[9A. The office of Chairman or member of the committee of any co-opemtive society
(which is r!)gistered or deemed to be registered under any law for the time being in force relaiing
~o the registration of co-opemtive societies) to which appointment is made by the State Govern-
ment, or the office of liquidator or joint liquidator to which appointment is made by the Registrar
of Co-operative Societies, or the office of nominee of tbe Registrar whether appointed individually
or to a board of nominees.]
10. The office of the Chairman "f memlx-r oLthe '[Labour Welfare Board] constituted under
the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953 (Born. XL of 1953).
·[IOA. The office of a member of the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation
nominated under clause (b), (e) or (d) of sub-section (I) of section 4 'Of the Maharashtra
Industrial De,!clopment Act, 1961 (M.h. III of 1961), by reason only of his holding snch
'[IOAA. The office of a member of the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation
nominated under clause (d), (e), (t), (g) or (h) in section 4 of the Maharashtra Industrial
Development Act, 1961 (Mah. III of 1961), by reason only of his holding such office.]
6[IOB. The office of a member (including the Chairman, Vi~airman, member-secre-
tary) of the Maharashtra State Khadi and Village Industries Board, or of the Maharashtra Stale
Khadi and Village Industries Councll constituted under the Bombay Khadi and Village Industries
Act, t 960 (Bam. XIX of 1960) or thc office of a member of any committee constituted under
Chat Act.]
11. nil office of the Cbairman or member of ~ny committee or hody appointed by the
Central or Slate Government:
Provided that the alai~m'lll or any member or such committee or body dot:s not receive
any remuneration other than the compensatory allowance.
t. Entry 6 was omitted by Moh. 2 of 1964••. 3
2. Entry 9A was deemed always to have been inserted by Mah. 23 of 1963, s. 3.
3. Thest words were substituted for tho words "Bombay labour Welfare Board"' by the Mabarashtra
Adaptation of laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order 1960.
4. Entry lOA was inserted by Mah. J of 19~2, •. 69.
5. Substituted by Mah. 44 of 1981.
6. Entrv lOB wo, insert<d bv Moh. 28 of 1965. s. 39.
216 Mahrlrash/rQ Legislature Membm (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1956
(PART TV -Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)

El;planation.-For the purpose of this entty, "compensatory allowance" sba11 mean the
travelling allowance, the daily allowance or such other allowanCes which is paid, to the holder
of the office for the purpose of meeting the personal expenditure in attending the meeting of the
committee or body or in performing any other functions as the holder of the said office.

'[12. The office of an examiner for any examination held by the Central or State Govern-
ment or by the Union Public Service Commission or the '[Maharashtra Public Service Com-
13. The following offices held under the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of
1948) to provide medical benefit to insured persons under the said Act. that is to say,-
(a) the office of an Insurance Medical Practi1ioner,
(b) the office of a part-time medical officer or specialist in a hospital, dispensary,
.nursing home, maternity home or other institution established by the Employees' State
Insurance Corporation or the State Government, and
(c) the office of a medical practitioner appointed to provide medical benefit to in-
sured persons iu any private hospital, dispensary, nursing home or maternity home or
other institution recognisec! for the purpose by the Employees' State Insurance Cor-pora-
lion or the State Government.]

8[14. The office of the Otairman or member of the Maharashtra State Police Commission
appointed by the StIlle Govemment.]

'US The office of a member of the Maharashtra Housing and Area Developuumt Autho-
rity (including the President and the Vice-President thereof) constituted under the Maharashtra
Housing and Area Development Act, 1976 (Mah. XXVIII of 1977), or a member of any of the
Housin8 and Area Development Boards (including the Otairman and the Vire-Chairman there-
of) established under that Act, or a member of any Panchayat (including the Sarpanch and
Upa-sarpavch thereof) established under that Act, by reason only of hlsholding such office.]

G{16. The office of the member (including the Otairman or Vice-Chairman) of the Autho-
rity constituted under the Bombay Metropolitan Region Development Authority Act, 1974
(Mah. IV of 1975) or of any of its committl:es or Boards constituted under that Act.]
6[17. The office of the Chairman or a member of the Maharashtra State Law Commission
constituted by the State Government]
7[18. The office of a member (including the Otairman and the Vice-Otairman) of the
Mahamshtra State Road Tnmsport Corporation constituted under the Road Transport Corpora-
tidB Act, 1950 (LXIV of 1950) or of a.ny of its committees constituted under that Act.l
'[19. The offic.e of the Otairman, Vice-Otairman or any other member of the Board of
Directors (by whatever name called) of a.ny other Corporation, owned or controlled by the
State Government, wbich is not mentioned in any of the above entires in this Sc.hedule and to
which appointment is made by the Sta10 Government.
1. Entries 12 and 13 were added by BolD. 52 of 1958, s. 2.
2. These words wen 6ubm:ituted for the words "Rombay ·Public Service Commission" by the Mnharashtra
Adaptation of Law. (State and ConcurreDI Subjocta) Order, 1960.
3. Entry 14 was added by Mah. IS of 1962. L 2.
4. Entry IS was substituted by Moh. 28 of 1977, s. 192.
5. EIltry 16 w.o inscJtaI by Mal\. " of 1975, s. 10(2).
6. Entry 17 was inserted by Mah. 7 of 1978, s. Z.
7. Entry 18 was added by Mah. 23 of 1980, s. 2.
8. Entry 19 WBS added by Mab. 38 of 1981, 8. 2.
Maharashtra Legislalllrc Members (Remuval of Disqualification.<) Act. 1956 217
(PART IV -Law Rd"tin~ to Rcm,,,,,d of' Dj'qllnlitication,

Explanalion.-For the purpose of this entry,-

(1) the expression "a corporation" means aoy body corporate and shall include
a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) in it< appli-
cation to the State of Maharashtra, or any body constituted under 'any law for tho time
being in force;
(2) the expression "a corporation controlled by the State Government" shall include
" corporation in which not Ie" tl\1l1\ twenty-five per cent. of the paid up share capital is held
by the State Goverrunent.]

(See section 3)
(1) The Hydcrabad Legislati "" Assembly ( PrOh'nl i"l1 "r Disqualification) Act, 1955
(Hyderabad Act XVIII of 1955).
(2) The Madhya Pradesh Officcs of Prolit (Removal or Disqualifications) Act, 1950
(Mndhya P(aBesh ACt VIr of 1950)
(3) The Saurashtra Legislative A"cmhly I Prevention of Disqualification) Act. 1950
(Saurashtra Act VI of 1950).
(4) Section 28(5) of the States Rcorganisatioll,Acl, 1956 (37 of )956).
(MANlPpR AcT No.1 OF 1973)

An Act to declare in accordance with the provisions contained in sub-

clause (Q) of clause (I) of article 191 of the Constitutionoflndia that the
holders of certain offices of profit under the Government of Indi.a or the
Government of any State specified in the First Schedule to the Constitution
of lDJia sbaU nlt be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, memberll
of the ManipU[ Legislative Assembly.
It is hereby enacted by tho Legislature of Msnipur in the Twenty-third Year of the Re-
public of India as follows : -
1. Short title and commencement - ( 1) This Act may be eaIIed the Manipur Ulgjslatn~
(Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1972.
(2) It shall come Into force at once.
2. Removal of certain disqualification fo! memberShip -{I) It is hereby declared that a
person shall not be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of the Manipur
Legislative Assembly by reason only of the fact that he holds any of the following offices of
profit under the Government of India or tho Government of any State specified in the FIrst
Schedule to the Constitution of India, namely:-
(a) an office of the Parliamentary Secretary or Deputy-Chainnan of the Stale Plan-
ning Bomi, Manipur or the Chairman of the Hill Areas Committee of the ManipUl'
Lesislative Assembly;
(b) an office which is not a whole time office remunerated either by salary or by
( e) the office of a Minister of State or of a Deputy Minister;
(d) the office of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker of tho Manipur Legislative
(e) the office of the Chief whip or Deputy Chief Whip or Whip in Parliament or in
the Manipur Legislative Assembly;
U) Chairman of the District Council, Manipur:
(g) Chairman of the Manipur State Pay Commission;
(h) CluUrman or Vtee-Chairman, Manipur Khadi and Village Industries Board,
(2) NotWithstanding any judgment or order of any Court or Tribunal, the aforesaid
offices from clauses (e) to (h) sball not disqualify or sball be deemed never to have disqualified
the holders thereof for being chosen as, or for being, members of the Manipur Legislative
Assembly as if this Act had been in force on 6th darof February, 1973.


(ACT 3 OF 1972)
[23rd April, 1972]
An Act to declare certain offices of profit ilot to disqualify their holders for
being chosen as, and for being, members of the Legislative As~embly of
HE it enacted by the Legislature of MeghaJaya in the Twenty-third year of the Republic of
rndia as follows 0 -
I. Short title and commencemeni-(I) This Act may be called the Prevention of Dill-
qualification (Members of the Legislative Assembly of Meghalaya) Act, 1972.
(2) It shall b~ deemed to have come into force cn the 21st day ot January, 1972.
2. Removal of disqualification in certain cas,",- A person shall not be disqualified or
shall not be deemed ever to have been disqualified for being chosen as, or for being, a membcr
of the Legislative Assembly of Meghalay,~ by renson of the fact that he holds any of the offices
spccifie<' in the Schedule in so far as it is an office of profit undcr the State Government.
3. Repeal of J\leghalaya State Ordinances J and 5 of 1972-The prevention of disquali-
fication (Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Siate of Meghalaya) Ordinance, 1972
and the Prevention uf Disqualification (Members of the Legislative Assemhly of the State of
Mcghalaya) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1972 arc hereby repealed.

(See Section 2)

I. Any office helel by a Min;;ter, Minister of State, Deputy Minister or Parliamentary Seen,-
lary [or M~ghalaya.
I A. The Oflice of the Leader of the Opposition.
2. The Oflicc of the Minister of State or the Deputy Minis!er to the Government of Megha-
3. T he Office of lhe Parliamentary Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya .
.t. The Qffice of Govenunent Pleader or Public ProsCJ::lItor.
5. The Office of the part-time Professor} Lecturer, Instructor or Teacher in Government
Educational Institution of which term shall include Additional Government Pleader, Govern-
ment Advocate, Additional Public Prusecut("r,. Assistant Government Pleader, Assistant Public
Prosecutor and any othl!r advocate cr Pleader specially appointed by tbe Government to con-
duct State cases before any Court or Tribunal.
6. Medical practitioner rendering part-time. service to Government.
7. The Office of the Chairman, Vice-Cbairman,. or member of any Committee, Board or
authority "ppointed by the Government of India or Government of any State specified in the
First Schedule to the Constitution of India.
Explanation ] .-"Commitkc~' means any Committee, Commission, Council or any
olber /iody of olle or more persons, whether statutory or not. set up by the Government of
India or the Government of any State.
Expianatiull 2.--·"Board or Authority" means any Corporation, Company Society or any
other" body of one or more persons whether incorporated or not, established. registered or form~
ed by or under any Central Law or Law of any Stale for the time being in force or exercising
powers and functions under any sncb law.



Prevention of DisqUQ/i~alion(Membus of tM Legislative Assembly of Meghalaya) Act, 1972

(PART IV -Law Relating to RemovaJ. of Disqualification)

7A. The office, whether whole-time or not of the Chairman, Vice-Cbairman, Deputy
Qairman or member of the Slate Planning Board or of the Slate Level Public Grievances Com-
mittee or any other Board or Committee constituted by the Slate Government of Meghala}'ll.
8. Any office under the Government which is not Ii whole-time office remunerated either
by salary or fees. .
9. The office of Chairman, Chief Executive Member or other Executive Member or ordi-
nary member of a District Council in an Autonomous District or any member nominated to
such a District Council by the Governor.
10. Any office held in the Territorial Army or National Cadet u>rps.
11. The office of the Speaker or Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Meghalaya.
12. The office of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Municipal Board.
13. Any office in a Village Defence Party (by whatever name eaIIed) constituted by or
under the authOrity of the State Government.
14. The offi<c of qmirman or Member of the Committee or any Co-operative Society
l which is registered or deemed to be registered under any law for the time being in force relat-
ing to the registration of Co-operative Societies) to which appointment is made by the State
Govomment, or the offtce of Liquidator or Joint Liquidator to which appointment is made
oy the Registrar of Co-operative Sqcietics or the office of nominee of the Registmr whother
appointed irulhidually or to a Board of nominees.
J5. ·Ihe office of Chief Whip, Deputy Chief Whip or Whip of the Ruling or Opposition
Pany or group.
16. The office" of a ('"'hairman or Deputy Chairman of any Board or Committee or any
office. which" member of the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly holding it enjoys the facilities,
privileges or statu, of a Minister or a Minis,!" of State, as the case may be.

NOle:-The Act is as it stands amended up to 31-12-1985 last amended vide Meghalaya

Act No. 10 of 1985.

.". ~
'd' • '-.~.; ,~, .

· ,
[27th December 1975)
An Act to provide for the removal of certain disqualifications for being'
chosen as and for being a member of the Mizoram Legislative Assembly.
Preamble -Whereas it is expedient to provide in accordance with the provisions of Arti-
cle 191 (1) (a) of the Constitution of India tbat the holders of the officers hereinafter men-
tioned sha1I not be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being. a member of the Mizoitim
Legislative Asserilbly :
It is hereby enacted in the twenty-fifth (25th) Year of the Republic of India as follo~:-

1. Short title, extent and CODDDelKement -This Act may be called the Mizonun UnioD
Territory Legislature Members' (Removal of Disqualification) Act, 1975.
(2) It extends to the wbole of Mizoram.
(3) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 10th May, 1972.

2. Removal of certain disqualifications- A person shall not be and shall be deemed never 19
have 'b<en disqualified or being chosen as or for being, a member of the Mizoram Legislative by
reason of the fact that he holds any of the offices specified in the Schedule appended hereto.

1. Any office held by a Minister of State or Deputy Minisu.r for the UnioD or for any
State specified in the FItS! Scheduled to the Constitution of India.. .
2. The office of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Government of India or to the Govern-
ment of Mizoram.
3. The office of the Chief Whip, Deputy Chief Whip or Whip in Parliament or in. the
Mizoram Legislative Assembly.
4. The I[office of the Cniel Executive Member, Executive Member, Chairmanl, Vice-
Olairman or Member of any Autonomous District Councils and the President, Vu»-Pre.sident
or member of any Village Council constituted in Mizoram under any existing law or R~
5. The office of the G!>vemment Pleader or Public Prosecutor.
6. The office of the part-time, Profe.1>Or, Lecturer, Instructor or Teacher in Govero,
ment Educational Insututions.
7. Medical Practitioner rendering part-time service to G!>vcmment.
8. The office of Chairman, Vioe-C'hairmao, or Member of any Committee, Board or
Authority appointed by the Government of India or the Government of any Stale or Unioo
territory specified in the Ftrst Schedule to the Constitution of India.
9. Any office under the'Government which is not a whole-time office remunerated either
by saIa1yor fees.
10. Any office held in the Temtorial Army or National Cadet Corps.
11. Any office held in Auxiliary Air Force or Air Defence Reserve.

I.. Subs. by tho Mizoram Union Territory lesia!.ture Members' (Remo,'lI of Disqualil!cadoD) ~
. Act. 1986 (Mizonua Act No.5 of 1986) •. s. 2.



An Act to provide for the removal of certain disqualifications for being
chosen as and for being a member of the Nagaland Legislative A~sembly.

WHEREAS it is expedient to provid~ in accordance with the provisions of article 191

<l) (a) of the Constitution of India tlIat the holders of the offices b$reinaftr.r mentioned shall
not be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of the Nagaland Legislative
It is hereby enacted in the Fiftc~nth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
I. Short tide, extent and commencement (J) This Act may be called the !'agabnd
State Legislature Members (Removal of Disqualification) Act. 1964.
(2) It extends to the whole of Nagaland.
(3) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the II th day of February, 1964.
2. Removal of certain disqualifications -A person shall not be deemed never to have
been disqualified for being chosen as, or for being, a member of the Nagaland Legislative
Assembly by reason of the fact tbat he hoHs any of th~ offices specified in the Schedule ap~nd­
ed hereto.

I. Any office held by a Minister of State or Deputy Minister for the Union or for any
State specified in the FICSt Schedule to the Constitution of India.
2. The office of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Government of India or to the Govern-
ment of Nagalanll.
3. The office of the Chief Whip, Deputy Chief Whip or Whip in Parliamentary or is the
Nagaland Legislative A«"'T1bly.
4. The office of t. _ ...."'hainnan, Vice-Chainnan or member of any Regional Tribal Area,
Range or Village Council constituted in Naga1and under any existing law or Regulation.
5. The office of Government Pleader or Public ProseclIlor.
6. The office of part-time Professor, Lecturer, Instructor or Teacher in Government edu.
cational institutions.
7. ~"Iedical practitioner rendering part-time servico to Govcrnment.
8. The office of Chairman, Vice:-Chairman or member or members of any Committee,
Board or Authority appointed by the Governmetlt of India Or the Government of any State
speciJied in the First Schedule to the Constitution of India.
9. Gaonbura, Chowkidar whetber called by this or any other title.
10. Any office under the Government which is nOI a wbole-time office remunenued either
by salary or fees.
11. Any omce held in th", 'J erritonal Army or National Cadet Corps.
12. Any office held in Auxiliary Air Force or Air Defence Reserve.

[31st October, 1951]
AnAct to declare certain offices ofproftt not to disqualify their holders for
b'~ing chosen as, and for being a m~mber of the Onssa Legislative
WHEREAS it is expedient to declare certain offices of profit under the Government of
India or Government of any State so as not to disqualify their holders for being chosen as, aud
for being members of the Orissa Legislative Assembly:
It is hereby enacted as follows:-
1. Short title, extent aDd commencement-(l) This Act may be called the Orissa Offices of
Profit (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1951.
(2) It extends to lhe whole of the State of Orissa.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions -In this Act unless there is anything repugnant in the ~ubject or context : -
(a) "Government" means Government of India or Government of any State spccified
in the First Schedule to the Constitution;
(b) "Compensatory allowancc" means travelling allowance, daily allowance, convoy-
ance allowance and house renl allowance.
3. Removal and prevention of disqua1ificatiu~:;-ll is hereby declareti that the following
offices of profit under the Government shall UOt disqualify and shall be deemed never to have
dIsqualified, the holders thereof for being chosen as. and for being members oi the Orissa
Legislative Assembly, namely:-
(i) office of membe,rs of the Regional Po,ts and Tcl~graphs Advisory Cornmittee,
Loc31 Advisory Committee (Railway) and ~ny other Committee, Board, Tribunal or Com-
mission, office for advising Government or for pcrfcrmance of any spt!ci..ll duty and such
other like offices the holders of whieh being appointed by Government are allowed daily
allowance not exceeding twenty rupees per day besides receiving any other compensatory
aHowance: .
Provided that such holders of office are not paid any fee or remuneration other than
any compensatory allowance;
(ii) the office of a Parliamentary Secretary to a Minister if and when it is created;
(iii) any office in the National Cadet Corps or the Territorial Army;
(iv) membership of the Statutory Bodies constitutM under the Employees' State
Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948);
(v) Persons in the employ of an insurer the rnanagement of whose controlled busi-
ness has vested in the Central Government under the Life Insurance (Emergency Provi-
sions), Act, 1956 (9 of 1956).
4. Repeal of Or. Act V of 1937 -The Orissa Offices of Profit (Removal of Disqualifica-
tions) Act, 1937 is hereby repealed.
1. LEGISLATIVE PAPERS-For Statement of Objects and Reasons SU, Oriss Gazette. Extraordinary,
dated the 18th September. 1951, P. 2 and for proceedings in the Assembly. see Proceeding.'i of thl! Orissa
Legislative Assembly, 1951. Vol. XIV, No. 23. pp. 43-44.
2. Inserted by the Ori<IJsa Offices of Profit (Removal of Disqualifications) (Amendment) Act. 1954 (Or.
Act X of 19541. s. 2.
3. Inserted by the Orissa Ofilces of Profit (Removal of Disqualifications) (Amendment) Act, 1956 (Or.
Act 20 of 19"56). s. 2.

(ACT No. 12 OF 1971)
[11th June, 1971)

An Act to provide for the payment of special allowance to the Parlia-

mentarY Secretary and to declare that the office of the Parliamentary
Secretary shall not disqualify the holder thereof for bemg chosen as, or
for being, a member of the Legislative AssemblY ofPondichcrry.
BI! it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Pondichcrry ill the Twenty-second Year ot
the Republic of India as foIlows:-
1. Short title Dnd commencement -·This Act may be called the Parliamentary Secretary
(Payment of Special Allowance and Prevention of Disqnalilication) Act, 1971.
(2) It shall come into force at once.
2. Payment or special allowance to llie Parliamentary Secretary -A member of the legis-
lative Assembly of Pondicherry, who is appointed as Parliament.1ry Secretary, shall. in addi-
tion to the salary and other allowances to which he is entitled from time to time as suett member,
he paid a special allowance of one hundred and fifty rupees per month.
3. Office of ParIlamentary Secretary not to disqnalify -It is hereby declared that the
ollice of Parliamentary Secretary shall not disqualify the holder thereof for being chosen
as, or for being, a member of the Legislative Assembly of Pondicherry.

(PuNJAB ACT No.7 OF 1952)
[9th August, 1952]
An Act ~o declare certain offices of profit not to disqualify their holders
for being chosen as, and for being, members of the State Legislature.
It is hereby enacted as follows:-
, 1. Short tide 8Dd COIIIIIIeDCeJDeDt-(]) This Act may be called the Pnnjab State Legis·
lature (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1952. .
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 26th day of January, 1950.
2. Prevention of disqualification for memherslllp of Slate Leglslatllre -A person shall not
be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of the Punjab State Legis-
lature by reason only of the fact that he holds any of the fonowing offices of profit under
the Government of India or under the Government of the State of Punjab, namely:-
(a) Lambardar:
I[(b) Sub-Repstrar, whether depanmentaI or honorary, .notary Public, Oath Commis-
sioners or an offiCIal receiver who is not a whole-time salaried Government servant.
or any person who holds any office of profit under an insurer the management of
whose controlled business has vested in the C.ntral Government under the Life Insu-
rance (Emergency Provisions) Act. 1956 (Central Act No, 9 of 1956);]
2(C) Officers, non-commissioned officers and persons enrolled under the Territorial
Army Act. 1948 (Act LVI of 1948); persons enrolled under the National Cadet Corp6
Act. 1948 (Act XXXI of 1948); and persons of the Auxiliary Air Force or the Air
Defence Reserve under the Reserve and Auxiliary' Air Force Act, 1952 (Act LXn of
1952) ;
a[(cc) the office of a member of the Pnniab Home Guards constituted under
the Pnnjab Home Guards Act, 1947. or the office of a member of the Civil Defence
Service deemed to be constituted under section 7 of the Defence of IndIa Act. 1962];
(d) Officer in the Army Reserve of Officers;
(e) A member of any statutory body or authority, or a member of any Committee or
other body appointed or constituted by the Pnnjab Government '[for the Union 60vernment]
and who is not in receipt of a salary but who;
(f) A Parliamentary Secretary' or a Parliamentary Under-Secretary,
"[(,) A Deputy Minister;]
8«h) the office of the adviser and Co-ordinator (Prom'bition) set up tempora·
rily for the period commencing on the 11th June•. 1963 and ending on the 7th November,
1963 and the office of the Honorary Adviser to the State Government Co-operation Depart-
ment or any other Department.]
- - - -
3. Repeal-The Punjab Legislative Assembly (Removal of Disqulllifications) Act.
1937 and the Punjab Provisional Le~stature (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1950, are
hereby repealed.
I. Substituted by Punjab Act 33 of 19S7, Schedule.
2. Subnituted by Punjab Act 41 of J956, oectlon 2, it was amended by Punjab Act 7 of \954,
3. In..rted by Punjab Act 3 of 1963, .ection 2,
4. Sub,tituted. by Punjab Act 23 of \98\, ..ction 2.
5. T~sert~d bi Pimjab Act 25 of \956, oection 2.
fi. Tn..rted by Punjab Act 8 of \9604.
7. Section 2-.1. omitted by Puniab Adaptation of 1.&... (Stlte and ConCUTTe1lt Subject.) Orden. 1968.
which wo. In ..rted by Punjab Act 40 of \960, oection 2 .

. 225

-- ~-
(ACT No. 7 OF 1957)
[11 th dOy of JanULlry, 1957]
An Act to declare certain offices of profit not to disqualify their
holders for being, or for being chosen as, members of the Legislative
Assembly of the State.
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law declaring the offices of
profit in the State which shall not disqualify their holders for being. or for being chosen as,
members of the Legislative Assembly of the State.
BE it enacted by the Rajasthan State L~gislature in the Seventh Year of the Republic of
India as follows:-
I. Short title and commen«meDt- (I) This Act may be called the Rajasthan Legislative
Assembly Members (Removal of Disqualification) Act. 1956.
(2) It shall come into force at once.
2. IDterprellrtioD (J )-In this Act unless the subject or context otherwise requires, "State"
means the new State of Rajasthan as formed py section 10 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956
(Central Act 37 of 1956).
(2) The provisions of the Rajasthan General Gauses Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act
8 of 1955) in force in the pre-reorganisation State of Rajasthan shall as for as may be.
apply mlltatis mlllllllliis to this Act.
3. Removal aDd prevention of disqualificatioD for memhership of the State Legislath'e
Assembly -It is hereby declared that the following offices shall not disqualify, and sball
be deemed never to have disqualified, the holders thereof for being chosen as. or for
being. members of the State Legislative Assembly. namely:-
(a) the office of a Minister of State or a Deputy Minister;
1[(00) the office of the Government Chief Whip];
'f (aaa) the office of the Deputy Government Chief Wilip];
(h) the office of a Parliamentary Secretary or a Parliamentary Under Secretary;
O[ (1)b) the office of the Leader of tbe Opposition in the Rajasthan Legislative
(c) the office of a chairman or the member of a committee set up for tbe pur-
pose of advising the Government or any other autnority in respect of any matter
of public importance or for the purpose of making an enquiry into, or collcet-
ing statistics in r~spect of, any such matter; provided that the holder of any sucb office is not
in receipt of, or entitled to, any fee or remuneration other than compensatory allowance;
(d) the office held by officers in the National Cadet Corps raised and main-
tained under the National Cadet Corps Act, 1948 (Central Act, 31 of 1948) or in the
Territorial Army raised and maintained under the Territorial Army Act, 1948 (Central Act
56 of 1948) or in the Auxiliary Air Force or the Air Defence Reserve raised under the
Reserve and Auxiliary Air Force Act. 1952 (Central Act 62 of 1952);
(e) the office of a chairman or a member of the committee other thnn any such com-
mittee as is referred to in clause (c);
1. Inserted and shall be deemed always to have been in~erted h~ sectilm 5 of Rnj.-:sthan .",ct No.7 of 1969,
published in the Rajasthan Gazette. E~traordinary. Part JV~A. dated 16-4-1969.
2. rn~rted by section 16(a) of Rajruothan Act No.4 of 1981. published in the Ra_iasthno Gazette. Extrn-
ordinary. Part lV·A, datod '2-4·1981,
:, [",erted by section t6(b). ibid.

(1\1I+'4li'1' f!ml"'-~~ {f.. (~\'.~~) ~"%J, 1956
(1957 ~ ~~'" 'Ito 7)
( (1 ..lm\'\" 'fiT 3fil1ffu' 11 ,*1 <J (T, 1 957 ;it sr~ sf)
WI1f .IIIf!l1l1l' q~ m w<'II11if), 'UlRf ~ f~ W1IT
~i!; ~ "~qA 1IT~~RW
f~~!1 ~1~, il'l! ~ m ill n.q
'«1": "U;;,r ii ~ <'IT\l ~ ;;iT If<' m !lmit if>'\' ~ '1ft f<nlFf ~ if; ~ t l';I1f it ~
~ lfT ro>i &l't if f~ if@' ''i{~ ;r;r<FI ~ m <mfT 'Ill ij'iIf'li<r am: \1ijilflis m
>m"a' ~ ~ \iTtA' 'I'i it "U~ "(I;;,r f<nlFf-lf'Ir.I' r"'"If.,r..a m~ <ro11<iT t:-
1_ \f~'fT1f!1ClT5Iro'1f--( 1) ;HJma:f;;ll1f'OPIT1I'"U~f<nlFf~ ~ (f$-rll(I<i>(1ir)
mlif'llfll', 1 956 t I

(2) ~ i"'l Jt¥ ~ I

2. ~;;.\"- ( 1) ~ <r'I' flIqll" lfT ~ if -w>m qilfmr if it i;« qf5T;;II1f it, "~" it
~ $'f'i0'\" mlif'llfll', 1956 (1956'Or ~III" 1fftlf;;ll1f 37);fr am 10 ~ firtiRJ 'flIT <1"It'1Jiit
"(I;;,r mm ~ I
(2) ¥qoif-~ ~ "U~ "{I;;,r it If'fil <I"Iwrll \iT!m.'JT ~ mlif'llfll'. 1955 (1955 or.r
"U~ ma-f.r,rIr 8 ) ~ ~ q'M",,'O ~ ~~~ ;;« ~ 'I"( 'IT'l mt<r I I!:m
3. mqf~ U'IIT lliT ~i!; f~ f;ntm 'iii f.. <I ... <'1 ,{Ii f;m"(4f--1:(Q'\U<T lit 'l'tf\f!1
f'li"llT ;;mIT ~ f'l> f.....rrmlia If<', m QT(lI;'j if>'\' "{I;;,r f<nlFf \'TIlT ~ <m'IiT ~ ~ it '1"" ;;rr1r Iff
~ &l't if f~ if@' m lfT ~ 'f.lft 1ft f.I$ f1i;In~, ~ if@' <mIT ~, ~ ! -
('l> ) ~ >i;fi lfT ;,qo->i;fi.'I>I If<';
l[ (ij;<f;) ~ ~ ~ or.r If<'; J
2[ (~) ~ ;,qo-'!6II" ~ '1>1 If<'; J
(~) "~III" uf'R lfT ~ mIll" uf'R or.r If<';
3 [ (fi) "U~ f'lS"T'1 {f\lT it f'l'm ~ 'rnl or.r 'l"1l; J

(,,) ..w. ~ it; fm 1I'l.r.r if; m: it f'f-ir ~ 5I1f!f'R'l! 'lit ;:rail! ~ if,
ij'"(iOn: lfT
!Iliror.f if; f;;flt lfT ttif fql 1I'l.r.r ii Ofi;f '0'"
Iff ;;~ m ii ~ ~~ ..~ ~ lI1fr;;r;r
if; f~ IffOcf 1'Tf1l'fff iii ~ Iff ~ 'foT 'l"1l; '1ft it« fm 'l"1l 'foT flT<'r. ufd'HIMl> ~ if
f>1'll' ~ <€I« lIN" if 'RID ~r Iff f'f-ir '1Tf~1f'I' ..r ~n: if 1ft;
(>r) ~II" ~e om: mm'l<!'!. J 948 (1948 ..T ~.·illf mlif'l<!'! 3 J) if; WR 'J'f.~Tf'ffi
:.IT"!: mm<ll' ~ if;i'e 'fin: it II"T ~ ir.rr mm'l<!'!. I 948 (I 9 4s ..r ~ 9;ffm'llfll'
56) if; 9;ff.T1'f <f,!~llTf'ffi :.IT"!: mrrf<ll' 5I1i:"hT'f; ir.rr it Iff 9;fT"UW<f 0IlT Ui!Tlf',: lfTll: ir.rr mm'llfll'. .~
I 952 ( I 952 or.r ~rlf mlif'llfll' 62) ~ wr.r <f'!'1llf'lO ~lfr. ~ ir.rr lfT n;qoq: fri;;iIfm
it ij; o;rfilor.rf\lii rnr m<ll' If<';
(50) ~ (if) it II"lfTf~ f'f-ir '{f'ffo if f>1'll' lIf'ffo ~ ~~l lfT ro>i '1'1 '1<:;
1. f~ 16·4·1969 ~ ~1~,qr-1 '{r7a'P,(, f~'ft"',1Il'1J'" i q: !(if,lfwCl 1H6~ ~ '{f1f~~ qftrfOfll¥J «.. j if.r 9"71

5 ;rn ""':~ t.;..,. 1J'IT m lRlf it ""':~ f_ '!lIT 'I1!JIT ~~ ,

2. ~ 2-4-\98' ij; U~"'A ""''"'. ~. '"" 4'" it lI'I'Tfor" '9"' ij; ""';>IT'! 'lfuf.N>f ~., • '1fT 1m,
\ 6 ("') mr 3F.!:~ t.;..,. '!lIT ,

3. am \" (.)~ rnr ",,":.~m" rr,qr 'fliT I

·54-8114 M/o Law & Juslicc/94
n7 l<~j~iillU' Legislalive A&sembly Members lRenwl'a/ 0/ Di~~/jjii;ati,m) Act, 1956
lPART lV.-Law Relating to Removal of Disqualilication)
lO the ollice of a chairman, director, member or any cllker of a statutory body, where
we power to make any appointment to any such oliice or the power to remove any persoll
therdrom is vested in the Government;
19) the office of profit under an insurer, the management of whose couuolled
businoss has vested in the Cenual Government under w~ Life Insurance (Bmergency
Provisions) Act, 1956 lCenual Act 9 of 1956).
ExplalWtion.-ln this section, unless the subject or context otherwise requires,-
li) "committee" means any committee, colllJllission, council, board or any
othW' body of persons whether a statutory body or not, set 'up by Government;
lii) "compensatory allowance" means such ~um of money as the Government
may determine as being payable to the chairman . or any other member of a
committee by way of uavelliog illowance, daily allowance, conveyance allowance
or house rent allowance for the purpose of enabling the chairman or other mem-
ber to recoup any expenditure incurred by him in attending any meeting of
a committee or performing any other function as Ii member of the committee;
'[(iii) "daily allowance" means such daily allowance as SbaII not exceed the
amount of daily allowance admissible to. a Member of the State Legislative Assembly
in accordance with the provisions of the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly (OOcers
and Members Emoluments) Act, 1956,' as amended from time to time, and the
rules made thereunder;]
(iv) "i!isurer" means an insurer as defined in clause .. (5) of section 2 of the
Life Insurance (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1956 (Centrai'"Act 9:~of 1956); .
(v) "siatutory body" means any. cOrpOra~n, board,' company, society or any
other body of persons, whether incorporated . or not, established, registered or form-
e!! by or under any law for the time being in force or exercising powers and
functions under any such law.
4. Repeal -The Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Members (Removal of .Disquali-
fication) Ordinance, 1956 (Rajasthan Ordinance 10 of 1956) is hereby repealed.


I. Substituted by se<:lion 2 of Rajuthan Act No.3 of 1976, pubUahed in !be Rajasthan Gazelle, Eltra'
ordiaary, Part. IV-A, dated 24-H976.. Amendment .ball be deemed 10 bave. come into foree w.e.f.
("("',.. ,.. f'IUA ~I ~ (f~lI'I-flI" .. (Uj) 'Ifa"'"",. 1956 227
('l11T 4-~<tTaIT '!it ~ #!l"r fiffu)
('if) fm 1f>T¥t R'Iml' it; ~i f.mrq;, \I'm llT fm Q'flii",,(1 If>T Cflf, G!{t fm ~
~ 'R fm 'liT f~ m 'l>r m;m llT fm azrf.Rr '!it qt tr ~ 'liT wf;m ~ it f..r~
~;. , . .
(~) fm ~·i!fl~,·:f.l6t f'll!fi<nr a;nm: If>T lIW!i' ;;iR;r ;fi1n (1Ii1'mI w.r.s:)
qflif.rq1r, 1956 (i95·R~~ .. fsf;jqq·9)it; CC'!ft>f ~ ~ if.f;rf{a' tt 'Ill'! ~,it;CC'IfI'I'
o;rr,.- If>T 'f<I';
...",1"".. "r.f <r'I> f'l'lli llT ~ tr Q'i'II1IT ~qm 'I' ~, 1;« 11m if,-
(i) "«f'lfu" tr ~ itre 'If&t l!o'\t ~1'I, CC'J'Ift1T, ~,iIli llT aqf""'i"i If>T ~
CCOjf f'l"liFi, 'iil q ~ f'l"liFi tt llT 'I' ~, vfrilr~;

(ii) .,!Iftr'l>O(1!'I> 'IffiI''' tr ~ r.rnfw vfrilr t f"lV'f.T ~6' it; ~ llT fm CCOjf
«<:~ 'liT' «f1ffif 'liT f'l>«r m if ;ffl'{'W ~ llT «f1ffif it; ~ it; " it ~ CCOjf f'<!f m
it m mT ~ fm ii4"I' 'liT ~ m it ~ llT ~ 'liT «'!'If ;r.rf.t if; ~ it;
f~ Iffi1T ri, Iif'l"l>ri, ~ ri llT ~ f'Rl1t ri it; ..r it fu ~ zrot;n: .. qQ,f<a

1[ (iii) "~'r'l> 'IffiI''' IHnm ~ ~f'r'I> ri tr ~ <U qII'Ii-qII'Ii '11: IN! !hRfinI' ,<, "' ... ,"
r'i'Wf~ (qf~ aqT rnaii it; 'ff\lmf) Q'f1if.rq1r, 1956 aqT m CC'!ft>f ~ ~
f'W'lT iii ;maT it; Ull«11: "(Fi<l f<m'l' ~ it; mar iji) • if.A; ri '1ft ~ tr Q'f!l'li
(iv) ";(tllT",,"," ~;;il<R ifI'IIT ('"'""'~) .. fllf;jqq, 1956 (1956'I>Tii;;i\lr Q'fllf;rlflf
9) '1ft aro 2 ij; IfVg (5) if ~'I<r q ,,,,af Q'f~ t;
(V) .,~ f'l"lil1l" tr <ffiJ'IflI' lI'!'I' fm fiif!1 it; mT llT CC'!ft;f ...-rfinr, 'd~t>if llT
t'lfifa', llT fm ~ r"f!1 ij; ccm.,. mri If>T W4t·,,,,,,f am: ~ 'I>T on~, 'lilt f.I'irlr,
iIli,~·, 6l.Ii\il llT Olffri 'liT 'lilt CCOjf f'l"liFi, 'fIl f.!iTflnr ~ llT 'I' ~,Q'fria' ~ I
•. f<m'l' ~ ~ (f~-f;j\'ifi(.') ...... 4.. , 1956 (1956 If>T ~~
",sq,\t.. 10), ,<,,'\Oal<l, f'l"d«l'l f'l>llT "I"1'6T t,

I. ~ 24-1-1976 t ~_ m!'IlI, ~, "'" ~ ;r ~ 1978 it; ~ IIftrfiI1rq t/. 3 'iii

um 2 rm .f.... illa. ~ '1111 I -nm..r 1-4-1979 W ~ pr \I1IIrr IlIrqv •
nUNS ACT, 197M
lSIKKlM ACT No.5 01' 1979)
l31~t March, InM.J
An Act to declare iliat certain oilices arc not to disqualify the holders therC<lf
lor being chosen as, or fVl" belllg, member of tile Legislative Assembly of
the State of Sillim.
WHliREAS it is expedient to dt:clarc that certain ollices are not to disqualify the holders
thcr~of for being chosen as, or for being, members of th~ Legislative Assembly of the State of
It is hereby enacted in the TWenty-ninth Year of the Republic of India by th~ Lv'gislature
of Sikkim, as follows ; -
1. Sliort tille -U) fhis Act may be called thc Sikkim Legislalive Assembly Memb~rs Re-
Dloval of Disqualifications Act, 1978.
(2·) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 3ed day of November, 1977.
2. Definitions -10 this Act, unless the context othe~e r"<Lnires .;-
(a) "Compensatory allowance"' means any sum of muney payable to the· holder
of an ottice by way u1 daily allowance, conveyance allowance, house rent allowanct:
or travelling allowance for the purpOl>e of enabling him to recoup any expenditure incurred
by hUn in performing the functions of that ollice.
(b) "Legislative Assembly" mC;l115 the Legislative Asseml1ly of the State of S~.
(c) "non-statutory body" means any body of persons other than a statutory. body.
(d) "State GovemrnenL"' means the Governmcut of the State of Sikkim.
(e) "Statutory body" IIlI:aIIS any COrpolation, .Committee, COmmission, Council,
Board or other body of persons whether incorporated ·or not; established by or
under any law for the time being. in force.
3. Cl'rtaiB Offices Rot to disqualify.-It is declarcd that none of the following ottices
under the (jQVCl'llln~nt 'of India or the State Government, shall disqualify or be deemed ever to
have disqualilied th.:: bold~r thereof for being chosen as or for. being, a member of the
L~gis1alhe Assembly name!};- _
("J the olliee·of th_e Minister of th" State or the Deputy Minister, either for the
union or for th" State of Sikkim;
t b) til" oUice of a member of any force raised or maintained under the National Cadet
Corps Act, 1948, the Territorial Army Act, 1948, or the Reserve and Auxiliary Air
force Act, 1952;
(c) any office in the Home Guard constituted by or under any law for the time
bdllg in force under the authority of the State Government;
(d) the office of th~ Chairman or a member of the syndicate, Senate, Executive
Council .or Coun of a' University or any Committee, by whatever name called,
of any educational in,titutiull receiving aid out of the State funds;
(e) ·tbe olliee of tbe Chairman or a member of the Committee of.. management
of a Co-openttivc Society nominated or appointed by the State Government
.under any law relating to eo-opcratiw societies for the time being in force in Ibe State of
(f) Ibe ullice of the ehai rman or a member of the planning commission or Committee
.or· Board .or ~iruilar other authorities appointed by the Stale Government;
(8) theofficc of the ChairDlan or a B1ember of the . Labonr CommisSion appointed
by the State Government;
(11) the office of the Chairman or a member of the pay Commission appointed by the
State Government;

Sikkim Legis/lIIire Assembly Members Remoral of Disqualifications Act, 1978 229
(PART IV -Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)

(i) the ottice of the Chairman or a member of the Board of the Directors of the Stat~
Trading Corporation;
(j) the office of the Chairman or a member (If the Board (If Directors of the State Bank
(If Sikkim;
(k) the office of the Chairman or a member of the State Electricity Ad\'i~ory
Board or the State Electricity Board appointed by the State Government;
(I) ·the office of the Chairman or a member of the Sikkim Khadi and ViIlaee Indus-
tries Board appointed by the State Government; -
(m) the office of the Chairman or a member of the Board of the Sikkim Nationa-
lised Trilnsport appointed by the State Government;
(;S'the office of the Chairman or a member of the Board of Directors of the Sikkim
Mining .Corporation appointed hy the State Government;
(0) the office of the Chairman or a member of the Scheduled Caste Welfare Board
appointed by the State Government;
(p) the office of the Block MandaI appointed hy the State Government;
(q) the office of the Chairman. Deputy Chairman or a member or Secretary
of any Committee. Commission. Corporation or similar other authorities constituted
by the Government of India or the State Government or any other authority in res-
. pect of any public' matter. if the holder of such office is not entitled to any remune-
ration other than compensatory allowance or any residential accommodation or any arrange-
ment for conveyance' to facilitate the performance of the function of slIch office.
Explanation.-For the purpose of this Act, the office of Chairman. Deputy Chair-
man or Secretary shall include every office of that description, hy whatever name called.
4. Repeal -nie Sikkim Legislative Assembly Members Removal of Disqualifications
Ordinance. 1977, is hereby -repealed.
(TAMIL NADU ACT No. 30F 1967)
[10th April, 1967]
An AcHo declare that certain offices of profit under the Government shall
not disqualify the holders thereof for being cnosen as, or for being,
members of the State Legislature.
BI! it enacted by the Legislature of "Tamil Nadu in the Eighteenth Year of the Republic of
India as follows ; -
1. Short IitIe IlIld commeucement- (1) This Act may be called the "Tamil Nadu Legislature
(Prevention of Disqualification) Act, i967.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April, 1964.
2. Certain offices of profit not to disqualify -It is hereby declared tbat none of the
offices specified in the Schedule shall disqualify, or shall be deemed ever to have
disqualified, the holder thereof for being chosen as, or for being, n member of the Legis-
lative Assembly.$$
3. Ameadment of *TamU Sadu Ad XX of 1 951;-ln the "Tamil Nadu Payment of
Salaries and Removal of Disqualifications Act, 1951 (*Tamil Nadu Act XX of 1951),-
(1) in the long title, the words "and for the removal of certain disqualifications" shall
be omitted;
(2) in the preamble, the second paragraph 811811 be omitted;
(3) in section 1, the words "and Removal of Djsqualifications" shall be omitted;
(4) section 11 shall be omitted.
4. AuvwcJnwnt of section 17. *TamU Nadu Ad, 3 of 1963 -~n section 17 of the
"'Tamil Nadu Home Guard Act, 1953 ("'Tanul Nadu Act 3 of 1953) ; -
(1) sub-section (1) shall be omitted; alld
(2) the ·brackets and figure "(2)." occurring at the commencement of sub-section (2)
shall be omitted.
5. Repeal of Madras OnDnance 4 of 1966 -The Madras Legislature (Prevention of
Disqualification) Ordinance, 1966 (Madras Ordinance 4 of 1966). is hereby repealed.

(See section 2)
1. The office of Minister of State or Deputy Minister for the Union or for any
2. The, office of Chief Government Whip, Deputy Chief Government Whip. Government
Whip or Parliamentary Se,cretary..
, \
3. The Qffice of Sheriff in the City of Madras.
4. The o\lice of member of any· delegation (>r mission sent outside India by tbe
Government (>f any special purpose.
" Substituted by 111_ Tamil N.du AdaptntloD of Order. 1969.
~$CoDsequent on the abolition tlf the Tomil- Nacfu LelZic;l:ltive Council hv thr. Tl1mil Nadn J.("(dsTntivt'
CoUDdJ (Abolition) Act. 1986 (CeDtral Act 40 of 1986). Ill. term· "or of tlle uri,lative C011nci1~
0CCIIJ'TeC! SectIon 2 of tho TamD Nad1l r..,sd,latur. ~.nli"" of Di,q11alification) Act. 1967. omitt.~
"" the TamO Nadu Adaptation of law. Order. 1987 (Tamil Nod" Oovernment Oazette No. 6'4.
hit IV. Seet/OII 2. dl· 2,,10-19.7).

Tamil Nodu Legislature (Preventiun uj Disquali/iallivn) Act, 1967 231
(PART IV -J...;IW Rclatillg to Removal of Disqualification)
5. Tbe office of member of a cvmmittee (not being a body specified in item 11), SCI
up temporarily for the purpose of advising the Government or any other authority in
respe<'t of any matter of public importance or for the purpose of making an inquiry into
or collecting statistics in respect of any such matter.
6. The ollice of member of any force raised or maintained under the National Cadet
Corps Act, 1948 (Central Act XXXl of 1948), the Territorial Army Act, 1948 (Central Act
LVI of 1948) ,or the Reserve and Auxiliary Air Forces Act, 1954 (Central Act LXII of
7. The office of member of a Home Guard constituted under any law for the time
bdng in force in any State.
£. 7-A.The office of member of a District Development Council.
8. The office of hOnO)"llry medical officer or
honorary assistant medical officer io any
hospital maintaioed by the Government.
9. The office of examiner or assistant examiner for any examination held by the
Centrill or State Government or by the Union or State Public Service Commission.
10. The office of director of the--
$(ll Omitted.
$(2) Neyveli Lignite Corporation Uroited.
*0(2) (a) Tamil Nadu Handicrafts Development Corporation· Limited;
. .···(2)· (b) Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Economic Development Corporation
(Private) Limited;
$ (3) Omitted.
11. The office of •• 'Chaimmn, 1[Vice-Chairman], member or secretary of the--
(1) Advisory Committee for a Rural Extension Training Centre;
(2) Advisory Committee for Iron and Steel under Agricultural Quota and Agricul.
tUral Implements;
(3) Board of Examiners for Cinema Operators;
(4) Board of Visitors -Wider rule 41 of the Suppression· of Immoral Tra1IIc in
Women and Girls@ (Tamil Nadu) Rules, 1958;
(5) Committees for the Selection of Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Pupils;
(6) Committee for the Selection of Nurse Pupils;
(7) Forage Resources Board;
t(8) Tamil Nadu State FIlm Advisory Board;
(9) Managiog Committees for the Aftercare Homes at Madras and Venore,
(10) State Agricultural Advisory Committee;
(11) State Campaign Committee for Freedom from Hunger;
(12) State CommIttee on Employment;
.eJnserted by the Tamil Nadu legiJlature (Prevention of Dlsqualifk:ation) (AmeDdment) Act, 1971.
$ Omitted by the TamO Nadu (Prevention of Disqua1lfication) AmeudmeDt Act, 1975 (TamB Nadu Act
No. 53 of 1975).
UIDSerted by the Tamil Nadu (Prevention of Disqua1lfication) Amend~ Act. 1975 (TamIl Nadu Act
No. 53 of 1975). .
.... ·In item (10), sub-Item (2-11) and in item (11), 81Ib-item 87 were Inserted by the TamU Nad" ,"",g;..
1.1Ure (Prevention of Disqu:ilifk:ation) Amendment Act, 1986 (TamO Nadu Act No. 26 of 1986).
1. Ins. by the TQmfl Nodu legislature (Prevention of DI'qunllfle.,tions) Amendment Act, 1989 rromn
Nndo Act No. 12 of 1989).
@Substituted by the Tam" Naclu Adaptation of Lnws (Second Amendment) Order. 1969.
tSubstituted by the TamU Naclu Adaptatlan of Lnws Order, 1970.

. ~- .. -
232 Tamil Nudu Lcgisiuture (Prel'entiuiI of Disqualification) Act, 1967
(PART IV -Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)

{13) State Level Co-ordination Committee on Training;

(14) State Social Welfare Board;
(15) Allocation Committee under .he Employ~es State. Insurance {Medical
Benefit) Pand System Rules, 1954:
(16) Board of E"minations tTamil Nodu:

(17) Board of Studies.o review the existing >ylJahi and curricula for Ibe
various courses couducted in the polytechnics and to suggest suitahle modifications:
OS) Greater Madras Road Development and Traffic Planning Comm.ittee:.
(19) Madras City Road D,'vdopmcnt and T raflic Planning Committ~:

(201 tTamil Nadu Rond Devc\"rment and Trank Planning Committee:

(21) Medical Service Committee:
(22) Project Level ConllniLlel's for Rural Industries at Nanj!uneri, Omalur and
(23) State Le-vel Advisory Committee for Rural Indu,'ric>:
(24) Wenlock Downs Advisory Commi.tee:
(25) Inspection COlllmittec_ -:-Tamil Nadu;
(26) ·Tamil Nadu Khadi and Village Industric, Boaru estahlished undor .he
·Tamil" Nadn Khadi and Villa!!e Industries Board Act. 1959 ("Tamil Nadu Act J 8 of
(27) -j-Tamil Nadu HOI"in;; Board constituted undor the Tantil Nadu State Housing
Board Act, 1961 (. Tamil Nadu Act 17 of 1961);
(28) @@ Omitted;

:r (29)
Panchayat Development Consultative Committee on Administration ;l1lU
Works, Production Programmes and Welfurc Senices Programmes;
(30) State Cotton Committee;
(31) All-India Handicrafts Board:
(32) Central Advisory Committee fur Consumer Co-operatives;
(33) Central Committee on Employment;

(34) Central Poultry Development Advisory Cuuncil;

(25) Coal Development. Council;
(36) Committee on l'ntouchability, Econontic Uplift and Educational Development
(If Scheduled Castes;
(37) Court of the Forest Researcb Institute and Colleges, Dehra Dun;
(3S) Employees' State Insurance Corporation;
(39) Export Advisory Committee for Booh and Periodicals;
(40) Film Export Advisory Committee;
tSnbstituted by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Ul.WS Order. 1970.
Sub:-.titnted by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order. 1969.
la'ffH)mittc.J hy tile Tamil Nadu J.cgi.~latnTC' (Prevention of Disqualification) Amendment Act. 1983
(Tamil N.du Act No. S of 1983).
heDl:o. 29 to 58 Were inserted hy the Tamil Nilliu legislature (Prevention of Disqualification) (~\m~nll­
""'''\ J Mt, 1971.
Tall/il Nodu Legisinl1/J'e U'n:vclition oj iJisqlUllijication) ACI, 1~i>7 233
IP.\RT IV --L:I,," Rd:lting In Rrmm'ul of Disqmllilica(ion)
(41) Kh"di a"d Village Induslries Commi\(ce;
(42) Lndian COCOllut Development Council;·
(43) louiun Sugarcane Development Council;
(44) Medical Benefit Council of the Employees' State Insun\n~c CorporallQn;
(45) ~kntal Heallh Advisory Committee;
(46) National C('mmiltee fur International Council of Scientilic Unions;
(47) National Commiltee nn Training in Community ~vi)\opment and P"I,'"s;on:
. (48) National Commission on Labour;
(49) National Food and AgricuUure Organis,nion Liaison Committee:
(50) National Sehool Health Council;
(51) P-dnel for Air-<:onditiooing and Refrigeration [ndustry;

(52) Railway Catering and Passenger Amenities Committee;

(53) Small Scale Industries (Official Level) Committee;
(54) State Advi~ory Committee fOr the Territorial Army ;n Delbi;
(55) Standing Technical ('.ommittee;
(56) Stntc Advisory Committee for the Territorial Army in the State of Bihar;
(57) Selection Cl)lnmittees for the Marine F'1sherics Training Centres at CoIachel.
Tuticorin, Mandapam. Nagapattinam, Cuddalore, Mettur and Madras;
(S8) Tamil Nadu Agro-Industrics Corporation;
··(59) Tamil Nadu State Board rnr Salt and Allied Chemicak;
•• (60) Sub-Committee to fix ex-mill and ex-depot prices of yam produced in C0-
operative Spinning Mills;
•• (61) State Level Advisory Committee for Co-<lperative Spinning MiD~;

•• (62) Committee for selecting drama scripts ond troupes OD Family Planning;
.. ··(63) State Wakf Board;
(64) Minimum Wap AdWiory .Committee for employmatt in vlU"iou~ trades,
appointed onder sectIon 5 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (Centrnl Act XI of 19411);
(65) Minimum Wag,es (State) Advisory Board, appointed under section 7 of the
Minimum Wages Act, 194R (Central Act XI of 194R);
(66) Press Accreditation Committee;
(67) State Level Advisory Committee for Co-operative Sugar l\rui~;

(68) State Labour Advisory Board;

(69) Thmil Nadu Toori"" 'OcYClopmen£ Corporation limited; •
.;. ~. J
(70) Tamil Nadn ·State :rube. Wen. eorporatioo limited;

(71) Second Backward Classe!i Cdpl~siQn con~tituted in G.O.Ms. No. .1078.
Social Welfare Department, dated the 13th. I\;cembet' 1982;
-'"lCrtod by the Tamil Naolu r,:"v'1"ion of l)i;iq.i.Jilicati":) ,~mon<lmcnl \ct. 1973 (Tamil Nadu Act
. No. 5~ of Irr5). , .
• .....tcm~ 63 to 86 were inscrted by me Tamil Nadu t..egf~latnre (Prevention of ~iftcation) AJDefldmenr
Act. 1983 rTannl Nadn Act No. 5 of 1983).

.. 55-SI)4 M/o Law & Justicl!l~

234 Tamil Nadu Legislal!u~ (Prevelltion of Disqualification) Act, 1967
(PART IV -Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)
(72) State Advisory Board for National Savings;
(73) State Industries Promotion Corpuration of Tamil Nadu Limited;
(74) Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Co",oration Limited;
(75) Tamil Nadu Indo,trial Investment Corporation Limit~:

(76) Tamil Nadu Small Industries CorpClr:,tion Limited;

(77) Tamil Nadu Textile Corporation Limited;
(78) Tamil Nudu Ceramics Limited:
(79) Tamil Nadu Handloom Finance and Traclin:; Corpor3ti<:in Limited.
,~O) Taruil Nadu Theatre Corporation Limited;
(81) Tamil Nudu Forest Plantation Corporation Limited:
(82) Tamil Nudu Tea Plantation Corporation Limited;
(83) Tamil Nadu Dairy Development Corporation Limited:
(84) Tamil Nadu SUl@rcane Farm Corporation Limited;
(85) Tamil Nadu H . uijan HOllsiol( and Development Corporation Limited;
""(86) Tamil Nadu Agro-Engincering and Service Co-operative Federation Limited"
·····(87) State Organising Committee for NehOl Yuvak Kendras .

... ., Items 63 to 86 were inserted by the Tamil Nadu Legislature (Prevention (If Dio;;qunlification) Amendmen:
Act, 1983 (Tamil Nadu Act No. S of 1983)
uH·In ikm (10). fiub-item (2-R) and in item (11), !<Iub-item 87 were inserted by the' Tamil Nadu l.e!!i!l
lature (Pr("vcntion of Disqualification) Amendment Act. 1986 (Trunil rv- "111. Act .No. 16.of 1986) .

[271h JlIly, 1972.1

All Act to providt:: for the removal of disqualifications' for being choscn
as, and for being, a member of the TripUra Legislativc Assembly
BE it enacted by tbe Legislative Assembly of Tripu .... · is tho Twenty-Thiru Year "f the
Republic of India iIs follows ; -
I. Short title, cxient and commencement -( I) This Act may hc called the Tripura State
Legislature Members (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1972.
(2) It extends to the whole of Tripura.
(3) II shall be deemed to have come into ftll'Ce with clIcct frolll thc twentieth day of March.
2. Removal of certain disqualificatioll! -A person shall not be disqualified 1.11' being
chosen as, or for being, a member of the Tripura Legislative Assembly by reason of the fact
that he holds any of the ollices specified in the Schedule insofar as it is an ollice of prufit under
the '([Government of India or the State Government].

(See section 2)

I. The oOlce of the ParHamCntnry Secretary to the Government of Tripu",.

2. The office of the Public Prosecutor, GovernmenL Plc~ldcr or Government Advocate.
~. The olliee of the Minister of Stote and Deputy Minister tu the Government of Tripura.
4. The ofliees of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker and the Lc"del' of the Opposition in the
Tripu", Legislative Assembly.
5; The offices of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, members of any committe". board or
authority, statutory or otherwise, appointed hy the Government of India or the Government of any
6. I[Any ollice under the Governmellt of Indiq or undor the State Government "hicil is not
" wholctime office remunerated by honorarium, allowances, salaries or fecs1
7. Any olliee held in the Territorbl Army or National Cadet COI:pS.

1. Amended by the Tripura State Legislature Members.

t (Removal of Disqualifications) Amendment Act, 1976.

!~~~ Sfi~ ~ f<nrr.{-m (at~ffi ri1,U(UI) Qff&f~q, 1971
(~'SIi~ atf~ ~ 15, 1971)
[ 17 "!<'lr{, 197 1]
1ImI'I it. ar.,;Ii i\' ~ <;TIfSl~ q~l if ~ !frr"" ~ it. fl'llt fu ~ ", atQrrllllf
iqflfff '"" q(i if; II>T':'II U~ :<r<lT'l'-_ it. ~~ ~ ~
Q'T ";l '(i!:.{ if; 'i~ ~ '" ~"" 3uaf'i!l'f

"i<:(1 'llJr{Fi:r it. 'l'l1lri <r<i ;i' fif"'ff<f;o.. , ;;j'C1Tf~ ""'1'.1 Gaol ~ :--

1. <f';W:i\' "IT<I-~i!: lif!lf'fll1T' '3'l'r{ lR'" ~f"!IT'!-lfos.r{;;'·'T~ffl f'f'fl'l:1JT) '!Ifaf'l<i'l, 1971

"'' ' Ii'"'<1mj~m.nil I

2, '1;''''IIfT~--''I'iI
a'r> sr(i:r oro 'WqQ'T o;m!ff<l 'f i>;T. >:'i '!Ifm'1lf1f if :--
('0) '1If<fi!;'( 'IfflT' 'f.! (lIm fO::«1 <mTTl:1 ''Ii'r €f",,' 'I';'ffi, ~'). "1m, 'Iii rif, WIT <;m
lfT 'non 1I"Ul if; 1;'1' i'i >:(lll1ll -l'f iJ ~ !T'I":1illl ~ ~ f",-.ri1 f.o 'll[;o'f(f 'I-.: ij; ~ 'f.! ~,~
ii '!I<f.t """ f'l'11; ~ "'Iq 'iiI ;\fa "', Wl;, U:~ -.R[, ~f'l7:.· "I~r, 'P! f'f.<llfT 'iffiT lfIlfI<rT ""nT qi'll<lIfT
ii, 'f il't ;0"1 ~1 iJ '!If!l'r. \iT afr, '" ,i'f lII<i! iT <;if"," 'II'T.~ lII<i! <n: lITW '@ oft ID<i!lT'! it.
"'!"~ 1 9 5 it. mfl.., """~ ~ <Rli'lli ~'Fo f<rn1 f'lf" it. mil'" !I~ ,@,
(~") 'qf,f'fq'a' f'f'l>T'1" .", fflNIi' r. . ;jl· 1'flT1f, (fflffa, o;mi\lT, qf~, <m lfI 'lff'iG1l'i ~,
'!I"I i't,I'f it~, "~'fQ:fifllllf<f '@ lfI if '1l, oft <Rtllfli ~ fWf f_flt ffiT lfT;mit. W''f 'i'lTfqa \\1.
(II) 'l,f"f["(fif'rn' ",m "*'<fliT it. f",it U;iJ f'f ,.:nr ~ ~ oft qf<fif'rn' f'1'f,nr
fif.;;n:r~ in" 'f;fr,
( .. ) ''''ill"' 'iiI ffl<'l"f =< m ~ ii ~ I
3. ~w ""lfllil 'I-.: a'f~ 'f 'O~1T--t(W<[lU '1'i'i .."rf'fa" f.f.llT "ilffl ~ f'" fif"'ff"ffw ir if q;)f '1-.:,
'"Iii Q'O '1\! ''IT'm (f'(r.T< (1'(1'T< it. 'W1f'Ta' q;)f ~ 'I-.: lif '3<lit. !1n:'1' 'Iii U"'l" f,,!IT'!-
lfI U"'l"
1l'1J1!'0I' 'f.! ~<>r "!;if ;;nif lfI;;f.r ~ it. f..-r1; 'f ~ ~ m an,
if ..m 11"1 ~ f'f.7lT 'l'l!1 ~
"fTl!;'TT, ~ 'Ifq :-
("') .r.. Q'T ~ it. fm u'ill";f;fi lfI ~ 'f.! -'l-.: ~ fWf 1i;ft it. (f'llT m"i'l 'Iil ~,
((0) ~ m ~ ~'!G, 1940 (~~ 31, 1940), ~fmr'(ll"<Hrllff Q;'le, 1940
(~ <fli'1'r 56, 1940) lfI f,~ ~ "" l1;'I"{ 'Iiffi;;r ~, 1952 (~~ 82, 1952)
it. '!Iefiif W1;lif<r lfT ~<f!ff(f f'l'(ff ~ it. f'l'(ff ~ 'f.T '1-.:,

(If) '"'"'" m'l!lT'! it. ~"'~ 352 it. ~ '!!I'lTa' 'Of "''tG'Iq1J1I SI'l<R it @, 'I!rofIlj'
~ hr, ''IT'mf'1' 'If!! WIT Q'T >m:a1>r ;fT WIT lfT <f!ff(f ~ it. fm 'llfwmf . '"' '10, ~ ~
fm 1I"f ifrlf iJ '!'Oro ;;ni(, Q'T ifT'Tf'('j; '!mT fr<Il it. f'!i(fl ~ 'OJ '1-.:,

( .. ). <R~ lI"!'f f'l'(ff f"fa- ffiT lfI m '!I!I'A ~'" ~ (1'("1< it. ma-,"T< it. mflif
rnC('f lifll' ~ ii q;)f 'I-.: ;
(~) <R({Ifl1' IT¥ fm f"fa- [l'(l lfI m 'lla"f'f ~"I ~ (1<:"1< it. mQ"l'T< it. .o;nit.,
rnC('f fmrf 'APr '!mT ~ (~ ~ f'l'(ff 'Iff ifrIf iJ '!""U GTT~) ~ 'Iii~ '10;
('1") f~f f'f.-.f'fm'il"<l' it. f~f.k, ¥'te, 'f.!Ii'J;Tf<."lf miffa', qf~ lfI 'Oli ~~I f'l~­
f'fUT('[lf if (f<ifi! fm '!I"I fifJ;T'f it. lfI ~ riffa- iJ "\iTW lll"<r rn <miT f'l'(ff fmrr
~T ~ lIiI"!l miffa', ~ ~ fWf 1ft ifrIf It '!'fro ~,it. ~ lfI ~ 'OJ '1-.:,
(w) fm f'fliM" lI1Ilif'f it. f"-r1; ''IT'm (1'(liT'( 'l"1 U'ill" "'(~, [l'(l 'ifror it. iIT\i< ~
'11:( fm 1If<rI'ffa- lf1J1!'0I' lfI f"ll'G lf~ it. <mil" 'iii '1-.:,

'3<1,{ II~U mtf~IiA-~ (ar.$n f.tlfl<'lr) arfilfilqq, 1971 237
('IIT1T 4 --f.r$'Tai'i 'lit irG,;f ll'iI'vft fiIf~)

("f) ~m:miii f.m;r;rf'fiIT'I it"U;;q,!~ff,'f m;flI~n:q'rw.;:if;~ lfT ;;q-fSll"~

(!I) ;;<n: II~ «~ml «f1l"iiI" mm'fll"lr, 1965 (;;<n: mmm'lQ1l" ~ 11, 1966)
i;; o.:ril"f f~1 Wo:1\"rfl «1'1I"fcr '11"1 1IiF<i '1I"il"it it ~ m:;;p: oro 'fI1ff~ <l~ " ' " "'lIT-
'ff<r 'r.T 'R,
(Sf) ~ «'1:m rnl f'fl!,'Rf f«~ mril'l iii J;fSq'0l lfT ",eq" 'r.T 'R;

(e) ~ m:'1I"11: oro f'l'!'Rf l!I1flITflit'T iii ~ lfT ~ '1I"T'R;

(.,) mIf ~ oro f'l'!'Rf iter'! lITTriIlf iii mtm lfT ~ 'r.T 'R;
(~) <'iT1\" l\T<'! iii fm flf'l'lf iii ;Au if 'IIlB' m:'1I"11: lfT ~ m:-m: ~Q'iTT f<r.«"riIi"1f
lITf~-u 'lit ~ ~ iii f\'lU; lfT f<rnl ~ flf'l'lf i;; ;Au ~ ori"'f 'fiof.t ~Q'iTT ¢~ ~"ro '1I"'f.t
iii f\'lU; ~li: ~ ij- iI"ff{ 'It f<rnl m1l"fa- iii (~ ;;Wi {('r. ~ lfT mfl'l> ~ lit)
~Ol, ~ Ifl ~ ~ «f"f'f '1I"T 'lG', Iff~ Q;lf 'R 'r.T !I'm> 1If0'1l"'1: mrt ij- f1T'lr fm
q;lf 'fTf'1:'l!f1l" r. '1I"T ~ 'I ~;

(i) <'f11\" IIf<rf.ffm'l o.:rfa'f'fll"lr, 1951 (mm'fll"lr ~ 43, 1951) 'Iit!fro J 0 iii ~
iii Wf'l <l{ff ~_ '306 ("f), '!is: (~), '306 (3'1), <J1IS" (e), '306 (.,), lfT '306 (,,) it ~f~
fif:~ ~ f'lr.T!l ij- f'1'iT fm 'ff<f'llfO lfT ~f'1:f'llfO f'f<mf iii ~,~. f~, ~
'l'f «f"f'f '1I"T ~,lff. 'tit 'lG' 'r.T !m:1\" IIfcr1l"'1: 'ffiT ij- fmi fm q;lf 'fT'f'1:'!Tfif1l" '1I"T ~ 'I

("I) fm 1ITIf ":rlfH o.:rfII ~P:I 'liT q'~, 'I!l~ ;olr <'fl'<rVm:, !:f!lT'f, «"~!inr, 1I"f<'fll"ff{, 1ITIf
~,~ ~I'll iii 'lfll' ~ 'iT fOil" o;r'q' 'fI1f ~ '!"P:T;;m;, f;;r<f;;r '1I"Tli 'I!T<'f,!;;rffi 'f~
'foVII ~ 3l't>: f"T9' ~ :mr 'f1l:<'F 'lfi '1~ 'ffi11!"T11:1 '1I"T -;fer lfT '!>q"m'f :mr 'fTf"{'!ff1l"'O f~
;;m;, f~ .rt ~f\1<f iii ~ w-t'if 'lit 'I '!>':<il ~;
(1') ;;fn'f f<fl!iTfw. ~, 1920 (~ mr 10, 1920) it Q'iTT 'fT'f'1:'l!Tflfff ~
IIfCf'lff<flif lfT '1m' m:m: :mr "ff{I f'fil( 'II( f~,0F,1 'Nff II'fTUf-rr.ii 'lit fif'r.) ij; f\'lU; ~
;;rtf'!;" oimr.r. iii \WiPT iii f\'lU; f~r l(;ro'r.T ('Pf"hr'! q"{ lfT fif'fT 'f.lfWf q"{) 'lG" ~ <rQ- f~
'11 'fI1f ij- T"n:T ml(;
(ff) df'f!lT'! iii ~~ 31'11" iii ~ (J) i;;a~ (.. ) ij; mit'f 'I'fTf 1ft f~f!f ij;
W;l'qcr ;fil'lra" ~f!f ij; f\'lU; >TT'1:<r m:;;n: 1fT = m:1I"T'1: ,;1>.1 ~'r m~'1: it "1 'if f'f.<ft
'JPff<f ij; II'i"!f ij; <'fr~ 'R, "f1! 'fil: fm ~ij- "llf'F.r oro!f.l ~ oft ~<l1l'1l"T'1: <T'f<r ~i'f ij;
qf<T'1I"11: it f\'lU; m~ ij; '1ft ij-;;r<rl; Wf'!f '!; *ilf if ij-'ITIfTf"fO ;(t;
(~) ~ 'lG' oft f<o;fT f'f~ 'O<iOlf '1I"T 'fT<'T'f om iii ftl~ ~f<;.l; 'lG' 'f ~, Iff. ~ 'R
q;r !m:'P II'fffO'1: 'ffiT it fmi f<rnl q;lf 'fT'f<!'~1I"1I" q;r ~ 'I ;ft;
(!f) oT.rtl ij; q"O!f\' q;r 'lG' (f"f«'r. >;RT<ffi 1950 ~o <r.T;;<n:m ~I 3l't>:
''If'!~ mm'fll"lr '11"1 !fro 127lil ij; mit'f f'l'!'Rf ~~ m '1I"T q"Of<1 '11- ~), Iff~ ~
'lG' <r.T !m:1\" fm IIf<rrn"l lfT iIa'f,;;rij- ~ fm 'lfl 'fI1f ~ ~lIT'1:T ;;m;, ij; f\'lU; ~'( 'f
('I) ~-lI'fTar1\" lfT W'f'f o.:ri!f'1l"11:1 <r.T 'lG' lfT f'f.<ft -4141<'11f lfT ~ :mr f'fl!'!\'!
'lifw-n: IN'IT lTm<rT ~ l(1I"I<rn "'orU '1I"T 'R !Il"r'fT ~ lTm<rT f~ ~ ~
<l'1:rnl q f'1:!llfT'l' 1I" 'f.T 'lG' '!if ~; I~
f (Of) = mom lITflit'T it; ~.f, <T'fTSlm lfT ~ '11"1 'lG' ;
238 ~ lliv ~~ rWT~ (lI~m f'RR'l) .fll~. 1971
('4T'T ~-m:~~ ~ ~ ~ ~fll)
('6) ~ m:~~ il; 'l'~Tl«ff 'U'I'(2) flowr it ~If .",r-nt.4519-ii'r/33-1II-71,
mful' 13 f~«~, 1971 ir1'U ~~ ~~ ~ r"'!'Rnrflrfil' it ~!5111fllT ~ 'f.1 ~;
(~) ~ ~<I>~ it ~I«<'~ f'l'IIT'l' mf f,,'!"if "{lorn "iflfJ; 'f'.r~'f «rlfflf it; m>r&r 'IT
f~1 ~ 'liT ~;
(1() f'fl"!f'ff'l<f 'f.1¥1 f,,~>if « ~'f; it; m>r4l' Iff «m' ("I'~ ~ fmr" .1fT f'lillT
""" 'fT'P' « 1IRf iP) lfi"1 ~. ~ :--
(1) 'ffl"{ m m- 'IiIl"f..->rlf '1>1 (q\tOlil.
(2) 'ffl"{ smr m- -u" ~~ ,.;r'{<jfur;f.
(3) '3'<1"( Il'~VI .a m ~m«'l' 'liI<'l1l:.H.
(4) T<I1: m ~f~H{ ~ f<r'l>l'« 'l'f~.

(If) f">-f[wfn 'liT'f!rr r"l>T'I't iT q lR;r'f; it; ~61f~ Iff ~fIf ("I'I~ <r~
!If"!' 'fIlf q 1IRf iP) 'liT ~. ~i! :--
( 1) ~~ sr~ ~~ ~r.r ~~:;r ~<iTm f... flrh'.
( 2) 'ffl"{ smr .a 11;lit ~~w ~m f...f1rho.
(3) 'ffl"{m ~ lf11~q1l:.... f ... fm.
( 4) 'ffl"{ m .a ~r~ ~m f;ffm,
( 5) 'ffl"{ m .a 1!TlR ~m f.;rrlf~. ~

( ,;) 'ffl"{ m m Z'IrnlW ~m f;;rflfh.

( 7) ~ m m f'i.f(:r;;r ".1 ~1l:"", f<'l'fm.
(8) ~ m tt'ffi'ilt .. I (Q'lt.I'1,
(9) fl['" i'f~ lf11(Qlbt'1 f~.
( 1 0) ~ ~~('I' tt"i' l'~~~ ~l:~ 'IIT'l'i '3'in: ll'irn f<'l'fm.
( 1 1) ~f~" ~ml'f tt.~ -uf;;r;r ~;rr f<'fflf~.
( 12) 'ffl"{ m m ~ "'1<'l'll:M.
( 13) ~ flf¥m f;y11'll' ft:ri'ra,
( 14) ~...... f'rImr f;y11'll' flfflra,
{If) ~ If" iT <rm iI; W'ft q'j\'f itif Ifl hrllT q~w iti iI>, IflfTf~il', W>m Iff
~ Iff f~, ~ ~iP, 'liT ~ ,I
....~ ....,,--.« ~f it Ifti't;r;ff t fWi!; 3I'61f~. ~~~ Ifi ~'f""" it ~ t """l\<r:o€t ~
it; \!'Irl ~ lfffl, 'f1t ~ fm ~ 'fIlf q ~;;rro; ,
4. f"qfwfll<r !!ff&f.r>rlr ttd'{4l (I rlrn<r flfi"t; ;;ffit ~ :--

( 1) r'f ~ lfIfi.fq'l' ttf'l'f'~ it1:;r1t r"{'t"w !!ff'l'i f~~r.,flI>""I'1 ~'fe, 1940

('I. <fiG ~ ~ 7. 1940).
(2) ~ m "«m' ~" (!!f'lTtwf f,,'ITl:'1) ~faf.rqoq, 1950 (~m ~lf
~ 2. 1950 (0).
1. VClIfftr ~ WO 1" 1973 Itit urn 2 1m ,.rUfi/I,fqd, r~q ':3' ••• ~ Vo 30, 1974 1m
f.miI<r '!t fr. .filflI4f~d;'h 1l'1li I
~-ui~ '{~" f"!tT~·lf.U (it,,~;n f;ro'{lll) itfaf~. 1971 239
('IT'T ~ -f.r>i,mif 'lit ~ >:mft ~1)
(3) q;n: 1I?,:q[ '{r;;'1f f.NT'I'-lfg-;r 1; "'~fii 'li"r (qif~;fi f"'fr~IT) ;ff\If~'1'f, 1951,."
(qm mll'fm'1'll'lfmr 19, 1951).
( 4) ,ff< 'lf~'1' '{r~1f fHI if-'l"f;nr~,1f (qift<rr f'f'fr'{"I) qf!l'f'flfll, 1952 (;re1: m
mr..rf.flpr mr 4, 1952),
(5) qen: lIt<r '{f'Sq f"!iTif->r~('\' 'l{f!!' (qift<rr f'f'fl'{lll) (fm) ll'f~, 1952
(-.m: m ll'fm'flPf mr 13, 1952).
(6) qff"( 1I{l! '{i~ f<raTif-lf'~"'I' q.f!!' (o;rif~ r~'fl'{lll) (~) ~. 1953
(qn'{mll'fm'flPf mr 20,1953).
(7) q;n: lf~QT r"!rr.f-If"lr;f ~ (~ r~,"'A 'li:"T) (~f'Rl'{III) afm'fll1l'
19~4 (qff"( m ll'fm'flPf mr 23, 1954).
(M) '3'nU'tQT f"'lTif-If'~':; "f{f!!' (o;rif~rf~m"l) o;rf!-1f'flPf. 1955 (;re1: ~ mm'1'll'll
IJOO 18, 1955).
(9) qon: lf~-'I' ':;''1' r"ilT'l'-If"lr"'l' "I~f!I ("1'19''1' "tlfr) (o;r"~;fT r~'m'I) o;rfaf'1'll'll. 1950
(a<:!,{ m o;rfm'1'll'll IimrT 35, 1 956 ).
(10),en: lI?,:QT '{r~ f"aT'I'-If"lrf.!' "I~(o;r'f~r t~} (o;r'1~~) o;rfaf'flPf. 1956
(-.m: m mm'1'll'll *",13, 1957) I
[22nd July, 1952:1
An Act to declare tliat the holders of certain offices of profit under the
Government of India or the Government of any State specified in the
First Schedule to the COnstitution of India shall nol be disqualified
for being chosen as, and for being members of the West Bengal
Legislative Assembly2 " .. "
WHEREAS it is expedient 10 declare in accordance with the provisions contained in sub-dause
(a) of clause (1) of article 191 of the Constitution of India that the holders of certain offices
of profit under the Government of India or the Government of any State specified in the F'trst
Schedule to the said Constitution shall not be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being.
members of the West Bengal Legislalive Assemhly 2 ••• •

It is hereby enacled as follows:-

1. Short title and commeJlc~ment-(1) This Act may be called the West Bengal Legis-
lature (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1952.
(2) It shall come into force immediately on the West Bengal Legislative (Removal of
Disqualifications) Ordinance, 1952 (We,t Bcn. Ord. IT! of 1952), ceasing to operate.
'2. Removal of certain disqualifications for membership -It is hereby declared that a
person shall nol be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of the West Bengal
Legi!;lative Assembly"" hy reason only of the faet-
(i) that he holds any of the following offices of profit under the Government of India
or the Government of any State specified in the FIrSt Schedule to the Constitution of India,
(a) an office of a Parliamentary Secretary or a Parliamentary Under Secretary:

(b) an office which is nol a wholelime office remunerated either by salary or by

fees; 4•••

~(c) an office in connection with tbt: manag~menl of any property taL.'; \ uvtr
h) the State Govemmcnt for n limited period under a law made under snb-clause (h)
of clause (l) of article 31 A of the COllstitution of India, when held by a person
who was employed in connection with the management of the property before such
taking over; 6* ••

I. F(lr'nt of Objcc~~ and Rea~ons. see HIe Calcutta GaLelle, Extraordinary. dated the 16th June,
J952, Pt. [VA, page 1248; for proceedings of the West Benltai l..e.gislative Ast;;cmbly, sc{' the procec..d-
inll's of the meeting of the West Bengal l.tgislative Assembly held on the 21st June, 195~; and for
proceedings of tht: W~t Bengal tcgislative Council, sre the procecdingo; of the meeting of the Wt":'t
RcnJl:;lI 1.e2ls1ative Council held on the 4th July. 1952.
2. 111e \'fords "or tbe West Bengal Legislative Council'~ werl' oOlilte'll by pnntgTHph 3 of, and the Schedule
10, UIt· Adaptation of Bengal and West R~ngal taws Order. 1970.
l. This ~ction was substituted for the originil,1 section 2 by section 2 of the West Bengal Legi~latllre
(Removnl of Dh:quaJification~) (Amendment) Act. 1954 (West BeD. Act "XXVII of 1954).
4. 1be word "or" was omitted by s. 2(A) of the West Bengal legislature (Removal of Disql1atification~)
(Amendment) ACI. 1960 (Wesl Ben. Act XI of 1960).
Iii. Sub-clau~ (c) W:t..11{ jn~rted hv s. 2 (B). ibM
6. "rite word "or" was omitted by ~. 2(a) of the \\'c!'t Bengal Legislature (Removal of Disqualifications)
(,\mendment) Act, 1983 (\\'<'1 B..II. Act of 1983). m

West Bengal Legislature (Removal of Qualifications) Act. 1952 241
(PART IV.-Law Relating to Removal of Disqualification)

1 (d) the office of Chairman or member of a Road Tran~port Corporation estab-

lished under section 3 of the Road Transport Corporations Act. 1950 (64 of 1950)
2[or the office of .mem"'er of the West Bengal Pollution Control Board con~ti­
tuted under section 4 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
(6 of 1974),] if the holder of such office is not entitled to any remune",tion other
than compensatory allowance.
Explanatioll.-For the purpose of this sub-clause, "compensatory allowance" shall
mean any ~um of money payable to the holder of the office as aforesaid by way of daily
allowance [such allowance not exceeding the amount of daily allowance to which a mem-
her of the West Bengal Ll!gislative Assembly is entitled under the Bengal Legislative
Assembly (Members' Emoluments) Act, 1937 (Ben. Act II of 1937)] any conveyance
allowance, house-rent allowance or travelling allowance for the purpose of enabling him
to recoup any expenditure incurred by him in performing the functions of that office; or
(ii) that he has been enrolled in the National Cadet Corps raised and maintained
under Ilie National Cadet Corps Act, 1948 (31 of 1948), or in the Territorial Army
raised and maintained under the Territorial Army Act, 1948 (56 of 1948). or in the West
Bengal National Volunteer Force raised and maintained under the West Bengal National
Volunteer For;;c Act, 1949 (We,t BCIl. Act I of 1949), ::[or in the Air Defence Reserve or
the Auxiliary Air Force raised and maintained under the Reserve and Auxiliary Air
Forces Act, 1952 (62 of 1952)] and rcccives emolumenls consequont thereon.
3. Rep",,1 of Bengal Act JII of 1937 and Wesl Ilollgat Act XXXVII of 19S0-The Bengal
,Legislature (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1937 and the Legislative Assembly of West
Bengal (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1950, are hereby repealed.
4. Saving.' -On the West Bengal Legislature (Removal of Disqualifications) Ordinance,
1952 (West Ben. Oni. III of 1952), ceasing to operate, section 8 of the Bengal General
Clauses Act, 1899 (Ben. Act I of 1899), shall apply as if the said Ordinance were an enact-
ment then repealed by a West Bengal Act.

I. Sub-clausc (d) was inserted by s. 2(b) of the West Bengal Legislature (Removal of Disqualificatiooti)
(Amendment) A<I. 1983 (West BeD. Act III of 19R3).
2. 'rhe words were inserted by s. 2 of the West U('ngai LegisL'lturc (Rl!moval of Dbljualitkations) (Amend.
ment) '\et. 1984 (West Ren. ,let VII of 1984).
3. TIle wonls were inserted by s. 2 of thl! West Bengal Legislature (Rcmo\"nl of DisqualificoUions) (Am'~D.j.
ment) Act. 1959 (West Ilen. Act XXTI of t959).

MGIPF-804 M ofL'1W &. Justice/94-15.000

pLD 213 I (DIg.)
15,006-1995 (DSK-IV)


I, .AI.(
,f £P

Vol. I
fiav;r 1
' '\ 1995
f ',I . r".m :-( I) lI''IInR' 'I' f'r.n lI'if;!f'll, f<r;'!f ,nfi{<'f lI"IiTlff'I, 1fr.., «~, 1f1~q ~
1f<r-l', 1f1f<rl;r'l'1« m, ;rf fiffiiT-Ilooo I.
(2) srmrif.flnt.rop, 1froI ~~, fuflr.! ~, ~-1l0054 . ./
( 3) lI''liTWiI firIrrrr, ~I ar'h: itm<:vr Jim, 1fr-.r .'~, qf!'lllOll ~«,
;rf moft.llOOOl.

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