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South Paulding High School

Honors World Geography Course Syllabus

Instructor: Dawn Quarles Room #: 3015 Year: 2017-2018

Teacher Website:

Textbooks Used: Geography Alive! Regions and People

Supplementary Texts or Special Materials:

Pens- Blue/ Black ink only
1.5” three-ring binder with 5 dividers
3” x 5” index cards (I would recommend getting with some friends to share the cost for this item since you
only need 10 cards for the semester unless you use them to make study guide flash cards.)

Students may want to purchase crayons/ colored pencils, markers, rulers, or scissors if you wish to have your
own personal supply. However, these materials will be provided in limited quantity for the entire class, so you
will need to share.

Notebooks-Your world geography notebook should contain the following sections:

1. Warm Ups/ Bell Ringers and Essential Questions
2. Notes
3. Assignments
4. Worksheets, Maps, Charts, and Graphs
5. Graded Work

Course Description/Student Achievement: The world geography objective is that the students will develop
an understanding of physical and human geography, diverse cultures, how people react to their environment,
society, and way of living. This information will be emphasized academically through critical thinking skills,
problem solving skills, map skills, and cooperative learning skills. Also, real world applications and
connections will be applied to different units of study. Finally, this course will require in-depth research on a
variety of topics studied within geography.

Course Outline and Content: Throughout the semester, we will be studying a variety of countries and
cultures. The following is a tentative agenda for the semester. We will spend approximately two weeks on each
unit. At the end of each unit students will be tested. All assessments will be cumulative in nature based on units
and culminating in the semester exam that will include material from the entire semester. Students will be
responsible for periodically reviewing previously studied content throughout the year on their own. Students
will also be responsible for exhibiting an understanding of each of the World Geography Performance

Student Achievement Targets: We here at SPHS have high expectations for our students. Our achievement
targets are high expectations and mastery of standards in each subject. Mastery in a subject is set at a grade of
85. My expectations as well as yours should be to meet mastery and/or exceed mastery. With a strong work
ethic, this is achievable. Be prepared meet the challenge in my class and every class that you are taking.

Methodology: The class will revolve around the use of discussions, mini-lectures, group projects,
investigations, presentations, and debates. Audiovisual materials, films, movies, and computer technology will
be used when necessary. Be prepared to be creative and independent thinkers in this class!
Special Assignments and Projects: Students will be required to do projects throughout the semester. This will
enable students to demonstrate their creative skills, talents, problem solving skills, and critical thinking analysis.

Class Rules/ Expectations:

1. Respect themselves and others and be responsible for their actions.
2. Take an active role in class discussions.
3. Maintain a positive attitude.
4. Be prepared for class. (pen, paper, binder, textbook, assignment completed)
5. Hand in assignments on time.
6. Use appropriate language. Cursing in class will result in immediate referral to an administrator.
7. No food in class. Food byproducts such as crumbs tend to mess up the carpet and bring in ants and
roaches, so there will be no eating in the classroom.
8. Drinks in class. You may have a drink, but only if it has a twist on cap. Fast food or convenience store
cups or anything else with a lid that can come off when knocked over are not allowed.

Disciplinary progression:
1. Warning
2. Student conference/contact parent
3. Detention
4. Discipline referral
*Please note: in the case of severe disruption (fighting, use of profanity, destruction of school property,
disrespect shown to anyone, etc.) the student will be sent to an administrator immediately.

Bell Work: Bell work will be required at the beginning of each class. The questions you will be answering will
appear again in quizzes and tests, so understanding the question is essential. You must keep this in your

Paper headings: Name, date, class period, and description of work/ title of assignment will be required on each
assignment. Please put this at the top of your paper. You will lose 5 points for failure to put all required
information on your paper. Failure to put your name on your paper will result in no credit for the assignment, or
a 10-point deduction once claimed by the student. I do not have time to try and figure out whose paper it is.

Classwork and Homework:

Classwork is necessary because it is an introduction to new material. Some will be used for grades. In the event
I am out, a substitute will provide classwork that will be turned in at the end of class. These assignments will
always be graded, so do not waste time socializing. Anything not turned in at the end of class will receive a late
Homework is a review of the material that has been or is being studied. Please complete all assignments on
time. Also, I give a project that will require a week or two to complete. You will still be responsible for all
homework assignments that will be given in conjunction with the project, so do not procrastinate.

Late work: There will be a late penalty of 25 points per day for any assignment that is late. On the fourth day,
it will be entered into the grade book as a zero. The only exception is for excused absences in which you have
three days to submit missed work.

Attendance: Attendance is extremely important. If you miss class due to an excused absence (please refer to
the student handbook on what consist of an excused absence), it is your responsibility on the day you return to
get your assignments using the absence form. It is also your responsibility to complete the form for missing
work, completing missed work, and turning it in.
Agenda: It is very helpful to use your agenda. They are free at Student Services. This will help you keep up
with assignments, not only for my class but others as well.

Restroom: Time away from class means you miss valuable information, so restroom breaks should be handled
before school, between classes, during lunch, and after school. Everyone in this class, to include me, must
follow these guidelines of when they go to the restroom, so you need to plan accordingly. However, I do
understand there may be occasional unforeseen emergencies of when you need to go, so I am allotting each
student 5 restroom/ hall passes to use each nine-week period when you need it. Be sure to use them sparingly.
You will also not be allowed to leave class the first or last 15 minutes of class per school policy.
If you do not have your pass with you, or you have reached your limit, then the answer will be “NO.” If I tell
you no, please do not make the mistake of disrupting class to try and get your way by attempting to argue. I will
not argue the matter, and the only result will be a write up for you for causing the disruption.

Medical: This rule will not apply to those with a medical excuse on file with the nurse, and will be allowed
to use the restroom based on the directions in the medical file.

Technology and Cell phones

Electronics we be used for educational purposes only and with my permission only. This includes the use of cell
Cell phones:
If the “light” is red, then you will not be allowed to have it out or even visible. The light itself is your warning.
Once the tardy bell rings, if it is out or in use (even to check the time which is unnecessary since there is a clock
in the classroom), then you will receive a referral.
If the light is green, that means you may have use of the cellphone or electronic device for educational purposes
only. Unauthorized use such as recording/ viewing videos, messaging, or using social media will result in an
immediate referral.
Practice cell phone etiquette: Put your phone on vibrate or airplane mode before class starts.

Make-up Policy: Whenever a student has an excused absence, he or she is responsible for the make-up work
(completed and turned in). It is your responsibility to complete a Missing Assignment Due to Absence Request
Form the day you return to class and turn it in to me. I will fill it out on what you missed, or provide a day
for you to make up a quiz or test and give it back to you. That slip will be your pass to come to me either before
or after school. You will turn it in with the missing work, quiz, or test when it is submitted.
Finally, review the handbook concerning attendance and make-up work. It is also helpful to have a classroom
“buddy.” He/she is someone you can rely on to get makeup work from when you are out. You might want to
exchange phone numbers to get assignments.
Make-up tests and quizzes will be taken in my room before and after school depending on when you are
scheduled on your form to come in to make it up. You will need to make accommodations to either arrive early,
or have someone pick you up.

Handbook/ Dress Code:

All county and South Paulding High School policies (including dress code, tardies, and electronics use) will be
enforced. If you are not following dress code, you will be sent to student services no matter if it is the beginning
of the day or the end of the day.

Unit Repair
All students who earn a 69 or lower on a major assessment (as defined by the teacher) will have the option to
participate in unit repair (tutoring). Students will have 5 class days to complete test corrections, review
assignments, and attend a minimum of one tutoring day. Any additional absences do not result in additional
days to complete the assignments. Failure to complete all parts of the unit repair will result in the student being
unable to retake the unit test.
The reassessment score will be averaged with the original assessment score (even if the reassessment score is
lower than the original score).

Tutoring: Tutoring will be offered during the fall semester on Wednesday mornings from 7:50- 8:15 and on
Tuesday/Thursday afternoons from 3:35-4:00. Tutoring is available on Fridays by appointment only. Please let
me know one day in advance if you will be attending tutoring so I can plan accordingly, and provide a pass to

Mastery Targets: Students should take ownership of their learning by seeking mastery of the subject they are
studying. Students will receive progress reports half-way through the semester. The grades and absences are
cumulative from the first day of school. There will be a cumulative assessment at the end of the semester. The
following grade equivalents are used in Paulding County Schools:
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89%
C = 70 – 79%
F = 00 – 69%
Your semester grade for the course will be calculated as follows:
This class is a semester long class. The breakdown is as follows:
Tests and projects- 71% of your semester grade
Quizzes, Current Event Articles, class work and homework- 29%

*Note- Quizzes and Current Event Articles will count as two formative grades (multiplied by 2.0 instead of 1.0).

Your course final average will be calculated as follows:

At the end of the semester, your semester average will be calculated with your final exam grade.
Semester average- 80%
Semester Exam- 20%

Cheating: Cheating is a terrible and highly disrespectful action that brings more penalties than rewards; and
WILL NOT be tolerated.

Tests- For every test, all electronic devices (and smart watches) will be turned in prior to the quiz or test.

Collaborative work- Be sure the work you turn in is entirely yours, not a copy of, or even collaboration with
someone else’s, unless we are completing a group activity.

Anyone found to be cheating on a quiz or test, or submitting the work of another to include plagiarism, will
receive a “Cheating” designation on the assignment, a referral to administration, and your parent/ guardian
will be notified.


Teacher Comments: I am looking forward to a great semester. Be prepared to THINK and WORK.
YOU are responsible for your grade. I will not give anything to you. You will EARN everything you
receive in this class. Also, be responsible and take ownership of your education by studying for quizzes
and tests as well as completing class work, homework, and projects on time. Finally, let’s have a great
learning community and have fun.  
I have read and understand all the objectives, requirements, and expectations for the course of Honors
World Geography.

____________________________ __________________________________ ____________________

Student Printed Name Student Signature Date

____________________________ __________________________________ ____________________

Parent/ Guardian Printed Name Parent/ Guardian Signature Date

____________________________ __________________________________ ____________________

Parent/ Guardian Printed Name Parent/ Guardian Signature Date

I have read and understand all the objectives, requirements, and expectations for the course of Honors
World Geography.

____________________________ __________________________________ ____________________

Student Printed Name Student Signature Date

____________________________ __________________________________ ____________________

Parent/ Guardian Printed Name Parent/ Guardian Signature Date

____________________________ __________________________________ ____________________

Parent/ Guardian Printed Name Parent/ Guardian Signature Date

I have read and understand all the objectives, requirements, and expectations for the course of Honors
World Geography.

____________________________ __________________________________ ____________________

Student Printed Name Student Signature Date

____________________________ __________________________________ ____________________

Parent/ Guardian Printed Name Parent/ Guardian Signature Date

____________________________ __________________________________ ____________________

Parent/ Guardian Printed Name Parent/ Guardian Signature Date

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