Wild Amazon Cradle of Life Film Test

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Wild Amazon: Cradle of Life Film Test

Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________ Period:


Directions: Select the best answer for each statement or question that is based on the documentary located at the
following site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=861N4aLZ9y8

_____ 1. The Amazon Basin is one of the world’s greatest habitats and is home to _____ of all the plant and
animal species on Earth.

A. 1/5 B. 1/8 C. 1/10

_____ 2. In the past 10 years, a new species has been discovered on average every _____ days.

A. 3 B. 5 C. 7

_____ 3. The jaguar is a target for the fur trade due to their unique markings. In the 1960s, more than _____
jaguars were killed for their pelts every year.

A. 9,000 B. 12, 000 C. 15,000

_____ 4. The Amazon Basin is truly the _____ of the planet.

A. heart B. lungs C. brain

_____ 5. By the end of December, the rains have arrived with full force. In some areas, an incredible _____ will
fall in just a few months. This means the creatures either adapt or drown.

A. 1 meter B. 3 meters C. 5 meters

_____ 6. The Amazonian manatee is the smallest of its species, and the only one in the world that lives exclusively
in _____ water.

A. salt B. brine C. fresh

_____ 7. The Amazon is the last stronghold for the endangered giant otters. They can grow up to _____ meters.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4

_____ 8. The bright markings on the dart frog mean only one thing- _____ _____.

A. run away B. keep away C. stay away

_____ 9. Flooded lagoons on the fringes of the rain forest offer an ideal home for a floating giant. The Amazonian
giant water lily has the _____ largest single leaf of any plant in the world.

A. second B. third C. fourth

_____ 10. Many species flourish in the Amazon. A single square kilometer may contain _____ species of insects.

A. 20,000 B. 25,000 C. 30,000

_____ 11. The rainforest canopy can reach 50 meters above the forest floor making it so inaccessible that many of
its creatures remain a mystery. Just in the last decade, _____ new primates have been discovered.
Wild Amazon: Cradle of Life Film Test

Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________ Period:


A. eight B. nine C. ten

_____ 12. Life in the canopy is not without danger. What is the danger to the various species of monkeys living in
the canopy?

A. harpy eagle B. snakes C. hawk

_____ 13. The female harpy eagle is the largest raptor in the _____.

A. Americas B. Nile C. Basin

_____ 14. Nearly _____ of the Amazon Rain Forest has already been cleared, threatening not only the harpy eagle,
but all life on Earth.

A. 10% B. 15% C. 20%

_____ 15. How long does it take harpy eagles to raise a single chick?

A. a year B. six months C. a year and a half

_____ 16. Amazing stories of adaptation have been the key to _____ in the Amazon for millions of years.

A. survival B. continuation C. living

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