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Submitted by: Apoorva Kohli

Erp: 0201MBA284
Submitted to : Mr. Rajeev Ranjan
Presently, organizations have recognized the needs of Employee Participation in achieving
organizational objectives. Majority of firms that employ participative management approach
have recorded dramatic breakthrough in the area of operational cost, high profit margin and
work productivity. Through Employee Participation, individuals are offering the chance
carry job responsibility and partake in joint decision making for the
whole welfare of the firm (Management Study Guide, MSG, 2016).

In some firm most recent, the power of formulating decision depends on the magnitude of
confidence gains into a certain job. These avails an opportunity for employees to make
recommendations and contributions needed to achieve organizational objectives. Employee
involvement has contributed both impacts either positively or negatively on firm
achievement. Research by MSG (2016) noted that, Employee Participation has promoted the
level of individuals’ satisfaction on the job. When people have that feeling that there are been
involved on decision process of the firm the find their salve, that only can motivate them to
put in their best even when the cash rewards not fort coming, they are not demoralized in
making sure that organizational goal and objective is been achieved. Again, Employee
involvement has seen as an important contributor to organizational success. A study
conducted by Cooke (1994) employing 841 companies in Michigan in United States of
America noted that Employee involvement has positive impact on firm’s Performance due to
increased; output, quality, and time reduction. It is vital in improving; organizational
decision-making capability, attitude towards work, employee well-being and productivity in
the organization (Jones, Kalmia, & Keohane, 2010).
Employee Participation has negative impact on Organizational Performance. As the name
implies, it represents increased involvement, and i.e., to many people involved in the
decision-making process of the firm, and this in turn delay entire decision process because of
a lot of disagreement among member bodies involved in the decision-making process (MSG,
2016). More so, it takes time to verify the accuracy of information which may
lead to delay in decision making process. However, the benefits of Employee Participation
outweigh the cost since organizations have different culture and human resources; it is
advisable for them to have a well understanding of each other in order to establish a decision-
making style and adopt the best practice required to succeed in business environment.

The main objective of this research is to ascertain the

impact of Employee Participation in decision making

on Organizational Performance
from the main objective, specific objective of this research is to:
I. To determine the impact of Employee Commitment on Performance
II. To examine how Employee Motivation affect the Performance
III. To ascertain whether Organizational Structure affect the Performance.
Definition of Employee Participation and Decision Making

According to Sofiane and Chateau (2013)

Employee involvement is a course of involving and
empowering employees on the job in order to use their effort towards achieving higher
individual and organizational performance. Employee Participation is also defined as a direct
participation or engagement of employee to help an organization fulfil its mission statement
and meet its core objectives values by applying their own innovations, expertise, and efforts
towards solving problems and making decisions (Bullock & Powell, N.Y). Similarly,
Westhuizen (2010:11) also defined Employee Participation as “the entirety of forms, that is
direct (personal or by the employee) or indirect (through the legislative body of the
employees) by which persons, groups, collectives sheltered their welfare or throw in to the
decision-making process”. On the other hand, Bardwell and Claydon (2007) defined
Employee involvement as the distribution of power between employer and
employee in decision making of the firm, either through direct or indirect participation. In
addition, employee participation also refers to employee participation in decision making at
the firm (Buck et al., 2010). Employee involvement represents the grouping of task-related
practices, which aim at increasing employees’ sense of participation in their work place and
their obligation to the wider firm (Bhatti & Nawab 2011).

The significance of this definition lies in the fact that, it visibly brings out the two forms of
employee involvement in decision making, namely direct (by employees themselves), and
indirect (through their legislative body). Individuals in different organizations make
decisions daily, weekly, monthly or annually either directly or indirectly depending on the
desires. In most organizations, decision making ability is centralized or concentrated on the
top management position to use his/her powers to promote issues that will promote
organizational goal.

Employee participation in decision making has been acknowledged as a managerial tool for
regain organizational performance by striving for the shared goals of employees and
employers. This is actualized by allowing workers contribution in developing the mission
statement, establishing policies and procedures, pay determination, promotion, and
determining perks. Employee participation in decision making has become a
important topic in human resource management (HRM), and is regarded as one of the driving
tools of employee voice, which many management scholars have observed to be a growing
management concept (UK Essays,2013). Vrba and Brevis, (2002) also defined Decision
making as the process of selecting the best method of solving a problem. Marchington (1980)
argue that people no longer accept decisions without been part of the
processes to enable than to influence the final outcome. Harshman (1970), (cited in Mitchell,
1996) opine that when employees do not play a role in decision making, they often feel
inhibited and having feelings of leaving the organization. Perhaps it is for this reason that
modern management shows a greater need to increase their organization's effectiveness
through the participative mechanism. It is now recognized that the participation of various
people in decisions can have a positive impact both on the quality of the decision and on the
assurance that people feel towards the decision.
Decision making entails the mapping of likely penalty of decisions, identifying the
significance of human being factors, and selecting the best method of action to take”
(Florence, 2011). Moorhead and Griffin, (2004) also argues that it is a method of choosing
between alternatives. Related to this, Greenberg (2011) argue that both personal and group
decision making is very hard and intricate to achieve, though the upshot depends on firms,
where the stakes are substantial and the impact is well-known (Greenberg, 2011).
Employee Participation Indicators
Employee Participation is apprehensive with mutual decision making in the organization
between employee and employer. It shows how businesses can advance their performance by
engaging employee interest and dedication (Cotton, 1993). Employee participation indicators
include the following; employee motivation,
organizational structure and employee commitment.

a. Employee motivation
By definition, motivation is as an internal or external driving moral that produces individual
readiness to execute an action to an extreme (Nonabine, 2009). According to the researcher,
the driving force comes from an individual who motivates him/her to begin an action until the
task is completed or achieved. On the other hand, Motivation has to do with why individuals
behave the manner they do. It is an important organizational process because employees carry
out a lot of tasks which in turn influences organizational productivity.
Armstrong (2009) motivation is concerned with the strength, behaviours and factors that
sway people to behave in certain ways. In the author argument he says that motivation
encompasses the goal individual set to achieve and the way individual choose their goals in
the organization. Motivating people is about getting them to move in the direction you want
them to go in order to achieve a desired result. Employees are motivated when the
kwon that a path of action is likely to lead to the accomplishment of a goal and a valued
Motivation, regardless of explanation is an essential driver used by employees. In fact,
according to Mitchell (1982, p.81) motivation is so essential that it is often recognized as a
“psychological process that causes the arousal, direction, and persistence of deliberately
actions that are goal directed”.
b. Employee Commitment
Employee Commitment is defined as a state of psychology or sense of duty that characterizes
employee relationship on carrying out work task (Manning & Curtis, 2009). It refers to an
oath or guarantee that binds employee with others on accomplishing work task. Employee
commitment is very important because of its requirement in increasing the standard task of
organizational performances. It showed the extent to which
employee’s visualized with organizational mission statement and encourage it efficiently.

c. Organizational Structure
Organizational structure is described as a system that shows hierarchical power that flows
from upper management level to subordinate management level. It is a structure by which
tasks or coursework are shared, allocated and harmonized among firm’s associate. Put
differently, it is a way in which different sub-units are arranged and interrelate with each
other (Cheezie, Nnewi & Ofoegbu, 2008). Organizational structure also refers to the official
and managerial arrangement between personnel and groups as regards to the dividing of
tasks, responsibilities and power within the firm (Galbraith, 1987; Greenberg, 2011).
Organizations exist to achieve its setting goals. These goals are classified into tasks or
function required for
the task and it is usually grouped into departments. Most departments in some firms are
grouped into; marketing, sales, human resource, manufacturing, advertising, among others.
Within each department, even more distinctions are found between the jobs people perform.
Departments are linked to form the organizational structure. The organization’s structure
gives it the form to fulfil its function in the environment (Nelson & Quick, 2011).

As mentioned earlier, Employee Participation is a special form of entrustment in which the
subordinate gain greater control, freedom of choice with respect to bridging the
communication gap between the management bodies and employee. It refers to the degree of
employee participation in organizational strategic planning activities (Noah, 2008).
Bardwell and Claydon (2007) also pointed that, Employee Participation also involves the

Numerous researchers have researched on the relationship between Employee Participation
in decision making and Organizational Performance. This has created both positive and
negative point of view in the literature. Some of these researches conducted from different
part of the world including Nigeria are reviewed
Rajwant (2015), examined employee participation in decision-making: evidence from a
state-owned enterprise in Indonesia. The researcher employed descriptive statistics which
data source was through primary with the aid of questionnaire. The study was subjected into
multi regression analysis using SPSS software. The result from the research showed that there
is a positive significant relationship between participation in decision
making and motivation in state owned enterprise in Indonesia.
Similarly, Ojikutu and Saucier, (2014), studied the Effect of Employee Participation in
Making on Performance of Selected Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Lagos, Nigeria.
This study made use of primary data which was obtained with the help of structured
questionnaire. Total number of one hundred and fifty-six (156) questionnaire were
administered to the selected small and medium scale enterprises in Lagos
Nigeria, 127 went to the employees and the remaining 29 went to the owners of the
businesses. The study used Product-moment Correlation and Simple Regression as the mode
of analysis. The study revealed that employee participation in decision making have highly
influence on the impact of organizational performance of the SMEs.
Nigeria, a study of selected hotels in the federal capital territory in Abuja. The study adopted
descriptive method and data were sourced through primary means with the help of
questionnaire. It used Multiple Regression method of analysis to generate result. The findings
from the result showed that employee participation in decision making had great impact on
the performance of hotels in Nigeria.
6 Abdulrahman (2016) examined Employee Participation in Decision-making (PDM) and
Firm Performance. The study employed Descriptive Survey Design; and its data were
collected through validated piloted questionnaire which were administered through mail to
Three Hundred and Forty-One (341) manufacturing firm. The result of the study revealed
that there is a positive significant relationship that exist employee participation in decision
making and firm performance.
Nishath (2014) studied Employee participation and its impact on their Performance. The
researched employed Descriptive Survey Design; the data were sourced through
questionnaire which was administered to employees (team leaders) of the BPOs of different
companies and service sectors. The findings in different BPOs revealed that an excellent
performance of the organization and employer-employee relation depends highly on
employee participation in decision making. Based on that, the study conducted stated clearly
that there is greater significant link between employee participation in decision making and
their performance towards the organization.
Dede (2019) examined Employee Participation in Decision Making and Organizational
Productivity: Case Study of Cross River State Board of Internal Revenue, Calabar. The
Qualitative Data Collected Approach was employed by the researcher of this study which is
the use of primary data with the help of questionnaire. The result showed that employees
participate in the decision making of the organization becomes easy and creates a good
working environment, increase workers commitment and satisfaction on decisions taken and
also increase employee’s moral since they feel recognized and part of team players in the
organization and direct consequences of all these increase productivities within the
Given methodological limitations of studies conducted by Rehman et al. (2012); a gap in the
use of analytical tool, research objective, timing of research and geographic coverage has
been identified. Similarly, Rehman et al. (2012) used this tool regression technique to test
for the hypothesis and analyses data; therefore, this study used this tool SPSS with the aid of
Multiple Regression to test the hypothesis and analysed data to generate result. The selected
organization is Government Owned Enterprises, Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria.

Related Literature Review

Employee Participation in Decision Making and Organizational

Productivity: Case Study of Cross River State Board of Internal Revenue,
Calabar (IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business
Management ISSN 2489- 0065 Vol. 5 No. 1 2019)
The study examined the relationship between employee participation in decision making and
organizational productivity among staff in Cross River State Board of Internal Revenue,
Calabar. Motivation theory and qualitative data collection approach were employed. The
simple and purposive sampling techniques were used to obtained a sample of 80 respondents
for study, the questionnaire consisting of 40 question on the various employee participation
scenarios and an interview were administered. Finding from the study indicated that when
employees participate in decision making implementation becomes easy, and creates a good
working environment, increases commitment and satisfaction on decisions taken and also
increases employee’s moral since the feel recognized and as part of the team in the
organization and the direct consequence of all this improved productivity. The paper
recommended that employees should be given the necessary skills and adequate training need
in order to promote creativity and innovation in decision making and work attitude as this
enhance organizational productivity.
The study revealed that EPDM is an effective mechanism to increase productivity. The
research revealed that allowing all employees to participate in decision making is the best
and help increases commitment level of workers as well as promoting creativity and
innovation in the organization. Workers were of the view that they want to be part of the
team in the organization even though the time involve for the participation of them is limited,
they feel motivated since they are recognized. In some instance, employees are rewarded for
their work which boost their moral to work harder towards productivity. Employee
ownership was
also seen as one of the major tools to enhance EPDM in work decisions. Respondents were of
the view that they become committed towards productivity and eliminate laziness and
absenteeism of work since the eagerness of them to receive higher returns strives them to
work harder towards productivity. From the study, though 12 people were of the view that
representative participation does not enhance positive impact on productivity, majority of the
respondents were of the view that in decision making where all employees cannot participate,
representative participation is best and has positive impact on productivity since their
grievances and views will be channeled through their representatives. Informal participation
was seen as a good medium to increase productivity since it provides a good working
environment and also allows for the flow of information. Workers were of the view that the
good relationship with their supervisors makes it easy in consulting them on their job when
faced with challenges. They noted that the friendly relations even outside the working
environment motivate them to give off their best towards productivity. It was observed from
the study that in order for employees to have the right knowledge and skills to participate in
decision making, they should be trained to enable them participate effectively.

Employee participation in decision making and its effect on job

satisfaction Mohsen, Ahsanullah and Sharif, Omer Kabul University July
Pathak and Reeta (2012) in their study on "The Relationship between Employee Participation
and Job Satisfaction among HDFC Bank" explore the connection between Employee
Participation and Job Satisfaction in the financial division. The findings indicate a reliable
connection between job satisfaction and employee participation for example satisfaction
increases with an increase in employee participation and the other way around. The data
were gathered from the workers of one of the main private area banks HDFC bank Ltd in
Uttar Pradesh. Two distinctive standard questionnaires based on five pointers Likert scale
were utilized for the assortment of information. Job Satisfaction has been considered as a
dependent variable and Employee Participation as an independent variable. (Pathak&reeta,
2012). Zohori, Razai, and Jargi (2008), in their study on “effect of participative decision
making on job satisfaction in the Agricultural Bank of Khuzestan.” examine the effect of
participative decision making on job satisfaction. The findings show the agricultural bank of
Khuzestan employees gives importance to participatory decision making so that they can get
their job satisfaction by participating in the affairs of the organization. Naturally,
participatory decision making can be one of the ways that lead to employee job satisfaction.
Khezerloo, et, al, (2016), Conducted study on "the study of the causal effect of participation
in decision making on job commitment and Job satisfaction.” The finding demonstrates a
constructive and significant relation between participation and job commitment and
satisfaction. In other words, individuals with a high sense of participation in decision making
under conditions of high sense of job characteristics indicative of their significant levels of
organizational commitment. Saha and Kumar (2017), conducted a study on "influence of
participation in decision making on job satisfaction, group learning, and group commitment.”
The finding shows job satisfaction had a tremendous and enormous courting with
participation in decision making. Further, participation in decision making caused a
significant effect on group learning but had no effect on group commitment. Job satisfaction
had a positive and significant impact on group commitment. The group learning was
undoubtedly and significantly associated with job satisfaction and group commitment. The
results propose that employee participation within the selection-making method is pretty
desirable because it elevates employee identification with their respective organization. The
findings of the study are applicable to the humans maintaining key managerial positions in
public-quarter undertakings and they're discussed in detail. A study on effect of participative
decision making on job satisfaction show that participation is recognized as one of the most
significant variables related to job satisfaction that affect job satisfaction directly and
indirectly Eibli, et al (2014). Omar, Uzel, and Ibue (2017) conducted a study on the effect of
participatory decision making on employee satisfaction in parastatals in mombasa count. The
findings indicate that activity autonomy had an average high-quality relationship with job
satisfaction while transformational management and employee empowerment had a strong
fantastic courting with employee satisfaction. Pacheco and webber (2014) conducted study on
participative decision making and job satisfaction. The finding indicates that irrespective of
whether the worker has Participation in Decision Making (PDM), the marginal effects of
individual and situational variables are comparable in phrases of their impact on job
satisfaction. However, the effect of marital status and education level follow incredible
developments when rising through the ranges of occupational popularity. Shaed, Ishak, and
Ramli (2015) conducted study on employees’ participation in decision making (PDM). The
finding suggests that variables that had high-quality correlations with PDM were gender,
schooling level, task experiences, organizational performance, job satisfaction, activity
performance, job commitment, perceived manager support, perceived organizational support,
attitude, psychological ownership, self-efficacy, training, leadership, trust, motivation and
productivity. All this reiterated the fact that employees’ PDM have been one among the
powerful equipment in enhancing advantageous consequences for organizations, and ought to
consequently be given due priority in organizational management. Amin, Hossain, and
Nasimuzzaman (2012) conducted study on the impact of employee participation on job
satisfaction and employee commitment. The finding shows that manager’s use of a
participative management style and employee’s perceptions of participative strategic
planning processes are positively related with excessive degrees of activity satisfaction.

Employee Participation in Decision Making and its impact on

Organizational Performance

● September 2020
● SSRN Electronic Journal 27(18 Sep 2020):18

This study examined the impact of employee participation in decision making on

organizational performance using Government Owned Enterprises in Port-Harcourt, River
State as a case study. The population of study comprised managers and employees of the
selected firm in Port-Harcourt River state. The sample for the study was given as 125. Out of
the 125 questionnaires administered to the participant only 100 were returned while 25 were
not returned. The study was analyzed using of tables and percentage while the three
hypotheses were tested with the aid of ANOVA. The result from the research shows that
employee participation in decision making has positive effect on organizational performance.
This study recommends the following; Organizations are encourage to design their firm in
such a way that it will boot free flow of decision making in their organization and gives room
for full involvement of their employee to participate and create efficiency on organizational
decision making process. Again, Firms are advised to put more mechanisms that will
encourage their employees to come up with better innovative ways of achieving and
promoting organizational performance, and also Firms are commended to improve the level
of workers involvement in decision making between employees and employer, finally, Every
firm is advised to create a straightforward understanding and notion of the concept of
participative decision making to avoid conflicts of interest among the employees and the
This study ascertained the effect of Employee Participation in decision making on
Organizational Performance of Government Owned Enterprises, Port Harcourt Rivers State.
The result of hypothesis one showed that T cal
(2.733) > T tab (+_1.9867), therefore study reject the null hypothesis (H0
) and accept the alternative hypothesis (HA) and conclude that there is significant
relationship between employee motivation and
competitiveness of Government Owned Enterprises. Again, the result of hypothesis two
showed that, Tcal (-.329) is less than Ttab (+1.9867), study accept the null hypothesis and
reject the alternate hypothesis and conclude that,
there is no significant relationship between employee commitment and competitiveness of
the organization. Result of hypothesis three showed that, Tcal (3.520) is greater than T
tab (-1.9867), study reject the null hypothesis and
accept the alternate hypothesis and conclude that, there is a significant relationship
between organizational structure and competitiveness of the organization. Based on findings
of hypothesis 1 and 3 above, study conclude that, Employee Participation in decision
making has positive effect on Organizational Performance of Government
Owned Enterprises


IN KENYA Lawrence Wainaina* Dr. Mike Iravo* Dr. Anthony Waititu

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of employee participation in decision
making on academic staffs’ organizational commitment in the private and public universities
in Kenya. This survey study was a form of a cross-section study where descriptive research
design was used. The study targeted all the academic staff in the public and private
universities in Kenya. Stratified sampling was used where sixteen universities were selected
followed by simple random sampling to select both representative department and staff from
the selected departments. Data for the study was collected by administering a 25-item
questionnaire to a sample of 347 academic. A total of 282 questionnaires were returned and
analysis was done with the help of SPSS. To test the hypothesis for the study t-test and F-test
were used. Correlation and regression analysis were also done. The study found that
employee participation in decision making significantly influence university academic staffs’
organizational commitment in Kenya. The study recommended that university academic
staffs should be involved in making decisions especially those that affect their working life

Descriptive research survey was adopted using questionnaire. The population of this study
comprises of staff and managers of Government Owned Enterprises. The total population
was given as 125 staffs of the company representatives.


A simple random sampling technique was used to generate the sample population required
for the purpose of this research work. A simple random sampling is defined as a manner or
situation where every element in the population is selected and given opportunity to be
represented in the survey
Semi-structured questionnaire was employed in this study to gather information from
the company’s representatives. The questionnaire was administered to the participant
using five-point likert- scale in the following; strongly agree (5), agree (4), neutral (3),
disagree (2), and strongly disagree (1) in section B of appendix 1. Again, Bio-data or
personal profiles of the participants were sought out using questionnaire in section A of
appendix 1.


Both primary and secondary data were used in this study. Primary data was sourced through
questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to the close friends, peers and family.
Out of 125 questionnaires administered, only 100 were returned in good faith while, 25 were
not returned. Secondary sources include; textbook, journal, thesis, and archival materials.


Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maximu Mean Std.
m m Deviation
I like my place of work. 44 1 5 2.61 1.146
High pay encourages me
to 44 1 5 2.36 1.080

remain in the work place

Good working conditions
motivate me to bring out 44 1 5 2.32 1.290
effectiveness to work
Job security motives
me to stay on the job 44 1 5 2.14 1.193
Organizational structure
has a positive effect on 44 1 5 2.09 .960
performance depends on 44 1 5 1.98 1.067
Assess your organization
effectiveness with respect 42 1 5 1.95 1.209
Employee commitment
affects the performance 44 1 5 2.32 1.216
the organization positively.
Employee commitment
is important to ensure
44 1 5 2.20 1.193
Employee commitment
sustains positive
43 1 5 2.26 1.157
Valid N (listwise) 42

High pay encourages me to remain in the work place

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

1 9 20.0 20.5 20.5

2 18 40.0 40.9 61.4

3 12 26.7 27.3 88.6
4 2 4.4 4.5 93.2

5 3 6.7 6.8 100.0

Total 44 97.8 100.0

Missing 1 2.2
45 10
System Total 0.0

Good working conditions motivate me to bring out my effectiveness to work

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

1 13 28.9 29.5 29.5

2 17 37.8 38.6 68.2

3 6 13.3 13.6 81.8
4 3 6.7 6.8 88.6

5 5 11.1 11.4 100.0

Total 44 97.8 100.0

Missing 1 2.2
45 10
System Total 0.0
Job security motives me to stay on the job without quitting.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
1 14 31.1 31.8 31.8

2 20 44.4 45.5 77.3

3 4 8.9 9.1 86.4
4 2 4.4 4.5 90.9

5 4 8.9 9.1 100.0

Total 44 97.8 100.0

Missing 1 2.2
45 10
System Total

Assess your organization effectiveness with respect to performance.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

1 19 42.2 45.2 45.2

2 14 31.1 33.3 78.6

Valid 3 5 11.1 11.9 90.5

5 4 8.9 9.5 100.0

Total 42 93.3 100.0

Missing System 3 6.7
Total 45 100.0

Employee commitment is important to ensure favorable organizational performance.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

1 15 33.3 34.1 34.1

2 14 31.1 31.8 65.9

3 9 20.0 20.5 86.4
4 3 6.7 6.8 93.2

5 3 6.7 6.8 100.0

Total 44 97.8 100.0

Missing 1 2.2
45 10
System Total

My organization competes with people.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

1 11 24.4 26.2 26.2

2 18 40.0 42.9 69.0
3 7 15.6 16.7 85.7
4 2 4.4 4.8 90.5

5 4 8.9 9.5 100.0

Total 42 93.3 100.0

Missing System 3 6.7
Total 45 100.0

Case Processing Summary
Va Missi Total
lid ng
N Percent N Percent N Percent

Age * I like my place of work. 44 97.8% 1 2.2% 45 100.0%

Age * Organization’s
performance depends on 44 97.8% 1 2.2% 45 100.0%
Age * My organization competes
42 93.3% 3 6.7% 45 100.0%
with people.
Age * Assess your organization
effectiveness with respect
42 93.3% 3 6.7% 45 100.0%
to performance.

Age * I like my place of work. Crosstabulation

I like my place of Total

1 2 3 4 5
1 0 13 7 1 3 24
2 2 4 1 2 0 9
3 0 2 2 0 0 4

4 3 1 1 0 2 7
Total 5 20 11 3 5 44
Age * Organization’s performance depends on organizational structure. Crosstabulation


Organization’s performance depends on organizational structure. Total

1 2 3 4 5

1 7 12 2 2 1 24

2 5 4 0 0 0 9
3 0 2 1 1 0 4

4 4 2 0 0 1 7

Total 16 20 3 3 2 44
Age * My organization competes with people. Crosstabulation


My organization competes with people. Total

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 11 6 2 2 23

2 6 3 0 0 0 9
3 1 2 1 0 0 4

4 2 2 0 0 2 6

Total 11 18 7 2 4 42
Age * Assess your organization effectiveness with respect to performance. Crosstabulation


Assess your organization effectiveness with respect to performance. Total

1 2 3 5

1 8 9 3 2 22

2 5 3 0 1 9
3 3 0 1 0 4

4 3 2 1 1 7

Total 19 14 5 4 42

I like Organization’s Employee Organizational
my performance commitment competitiveness
place depends on sustains positive results to high
of organizational organizational productivity
work. structure. performance
Correlat 1 .145 .504** .601**
io n
I like my place of
work. Sig. (2-
.348 .001 .000
N 44 44 43 42
Correlat .145 1 .385* .142
performance depends
on organizational
Sig. (2-
structure. .348 .011 .369
N 44 44 43 42
Employee commitment Correlat .504** .385* 1 .673**
sustains positive io
organizational n
performance overtime. Sig. (2-
.001 .011 .000
N 43 43 43 41
Correlat .601** .142 .673** 1
Organizational io n
competitiveness results
Sig. (2-
to high productivity .000 .369 .000
N 42 42 41 42
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Time Series Modeler

Subcommand MODEL 1, Dependent series Ilikemyplaceofwork: Predictor series

Employeecommitmentsustainspositiveorganizationalperformanceovert is ignored because it has one
or more missing values within the estimation period.

Subcommand MODEL 1, Dependent series Ilikemyplaceofwork: Predictor series

Myfirmlookslikeacompanywithstrongprospectforfuturegrowth is ignored because it has one or
more missing values within the estimation period.

Subcommand MODEL 1, Dependent series Organizationalstructurehasapositiveeffectonitsperformance:

Predictor series Employeecommitmentsustainspositiveorganizationalperformanceovert is ignored
because it has one or more missing values within the estimation period.

Subcommand MODEL 1, Dependent series Organizationalstructurehasapositiveeffectonitsperformance:

Predictor series Myfirmlookslikeacompanywithstrongprospectforfuturegrowth is ignored because it has
one or more missing values within the estimation period.

Model Description

Model Type

I like my place of work. Model_1 ARIMA(0,0,0)

Model ID
Organizational structure has a
Model_2 ARIMA(0,0,0)
positive effect on its
Model Statistics

Model Number Model Ljung-Box Q(18) Number

of Fit of
Predicto statisti Outlier
rs cs s

Stationary Statistic D Sig.

s F

I like my place of
0 1.310E-014 18.277 18 .438 0
work.- Model_1

Organizational structure
has a positive effect on 0 -1.554E-015 12.752 18 .806 0
its performance.-
Results showed there is a significant influence of employee participation and involvement on
organizational performance. Results further revealed that affective commitment, continuance
commitment and normative commitment moderated the relationship between employee
participation and organizational performance.

Management should encourage employees to give meaningful suggestions and participate more in
decision making as this enhances organizational performance. Measures should be put in place to
increase employee participation and organizational commitment.
1. Gender
Prefer not to say

2. Age
56 & above

3. Marital Statues

4. Educational Qualification of Respondent

HND/First Degree
Masters Degree & Above

5. Working Experience

Employee Motivation

6. I like my place of work.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

7. High pay encourages me to remain in the work place

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

8. Good working conditions motivate me to bring out my effectiveness to work

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Organizational Structure

9. Organizational structure has a positive effect on its performance.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

10. Organization’s performance depends on organizational structure.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

11. Assess your organization effectiveness with respect to performance.

Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree

Employee Commitment

12. Employee commitment affects the performance of the organization positively.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

13. Employee commitment is important to ensure favourable organizational performance.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

14. Employee commitment sustains positive organizational performance overtime.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree


15. My organization has a strong record of profitability better than rivals.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

16. My firm looks like a company with strong prospect for future growth.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

17. Organizational competitiveness lies on the skills, competency and knowledge that
employees possess.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

18. Organizational competitiveness results to high productivity

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

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