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Dosen: Prof. Drs. Tans Feliks, M.Ed., Ph.D/Yandres A. Djedelbert Lao, SS., M. Pd


Aneke Latuluma (2001020019)





Listening Is Primary Stage of Learning Foreign Language

Learning language will dealing with four major language skills – listening, speaking, reading,
writing. In process of language learning, awaking awareness of the language as it is a receptive
skill that first develops in a human being is really important. To be able to understand the
rhythm, intonation, pronunciation, someone have to listen a lot and get used to the language.

Listening is really important in daily life. It takes role in very basic interaction which is
communication. Through listening, a language learner can understand the color and beauty of the
language. Listening is vital in the language classroom because it provides input for the learner.
Intonation, word stress, pronunciation, vocabulary, can be expertise of a learner through
listening. Thus listening is primary stage to learning a language.


Listening has an important role both in daily life and in academic contexts. As Guo and Wills
(2006) state “it is the medium through which people gain a large proportion of their education,
their information, their understanding of the world and human affairs, their ideals, sense of
values” (p. 3).

Based on an academic article, the role of listening in language acquisition said that “every study
conducted regarding the language skills acquisition has proved that when we communicate, we
gain 45% of language competence from listening, 30% from speaking, 15% from reading and
10% from writing”. From the percentage, listening is involved the highest. According to
Mendelson (1994) “of the total time spent on communicating, listening takes up 40-50 %;
speaking 25-30 %; reading 11-16 %; and writing about 9 %” (p. 9). In conclusion, without
listening skill, no communication can be achieved.

Listening also has an important place in learning as it is one of the four major skills in language
acquisition. Even though the other skills such as reading, speaking and writing are essential to
develop language proficiency, listening contributes primarily for language expertise. Peterson
(2001) states that “no other type of language input is easy to process as spoken language,
received through listening … through listening, learners can build an awareness of the
interworking of language systems at various levels and thus establish a base for more fluent
productive skills” (p. 87).

Learning to listen to the target language improves language ability. Anderson and Lynch (2003)
state that “we only become aware of what remarkable feats of listening we achieve when we are
in an unfamiliar listening environment, such as listening to a language in which we have limited
proficiency” (p. 3).

When we just try to speak or read in the target language, we won’t know how the words sound
like unless we ever listened about the words. Otherwise, when we never saw the word but we
ever listened to, we will know how to read the word. It shows the language acquisition through
listening. Someone can be able to use a word in a target language after listen a lot to many
conversation, speech, or monolog without ever looking for the translations of the word. It means
by listen, it will aware us to the use of the certain words.

Listening is the very basic step in language absorption. Just like a baby who gets into his/her
mother tongue by listen to parents, family and environment. Human can learn to new or another
language (first of all) by gets to use to the target language. Despite not understand to the
language, training ears to listen a lot to the language will acquire a lot of inputs. Listen a lot just
like baby, which is how language acquisition works of human being.

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