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Faculty Information
NAME: Dr. Madhu Mandal

Course Type: Elective, Vth Term

Course Credit: 1
Session Duration: 75 minutes


We live in an era of consumerism where products and brands have taken over most of our physical and
mental space. Every day we are exposed to numerous brands around us, yet, when we think of a product
category we can recall only a very few brands! It is quite fascinating to comprehend what these brands
do to occupy a special position in our minds and hearts. Why do some product offerings last forever
while some fade away in weeks? This course will throw light on the art and science of strategies put
together to make a brand stand out.
This course is on Product and Brand Management and is offered as an elective. It aims to provide insights
on creation and management of sustainable product and brand offerings. This course will prepare the
participants for the role of future managers by providing them an opportunity to understand the basic
nuances of developing new products, branding and managing them.

The basic objective of this course is to:
(1) Provide an understanding of various concepts, theories, frameworks and issues associated with
the development and management of products and brands.

(2) Learn to analyse and appreciate different product and brand strategies and their application in
real life situations through cases.

(3) Administer the application of various theoretical product planning and branding strategies,
learnt in this course, through project work.
This course will involve a combination of teaching techniques like case analyses, group activities and
lectures. A mixed approach would allow comprehensive development of the participants, which would
not only aid them to understand the product planning and branding theories but also encourage them to
apply these theories in practice to experience its application in real time.
Case study method will enable the participants to learn how to diagnose and respond to various scenarios
and contexts. Harvard and Emerald Insights cases have been thoughtfully selected with judicious
inclusion of Indian based cases so that the students could relate more. The participants must come
prepared for the class with thorough case analysis and related decision sheet to encourage healthy class
This course also involves the participants in live group projects, through which they would learn to
identify managerial problems or possible product and branding opportunities in and around them. Live
projects will give them a chance to apply their theoretical knowledge to analyse the situation and find
workable solutions in the most unorthodox ways.


Class Participation and Preparation 10%

Quizzes* 10%

Group Project** 20%

End Term Exam 60%

Total 100%

*The quizzes would be unannounced and would be administered to check on the level of preparedness
and the continuous learning of the participants.
**The details of group project will be shared in the first class. The participants are required to present
their projects in the 18th and 19th sessions with their respective groups and submit the final report (hard
copy) later in not more than 10 pages (including appendices, references etc).

1. Strategic Brand Management by Keller, Parameswaran and Jacob (4th Edition) – Pearson

2. Product Management by Lehmann and Winer (4th Edition) – McGraw-Hill


Session 1 Introduction to Product design & development and Brand Management

Session 2 Product Lifecycle, Product Portfolio and Product Packaging

Case1 (HBS) IKEA Invades America

Session 3 Product Planning and Entry into Market

Case2 (Emerald) McDonald’s breakfast launch dilemma

Session 4 New Product Development & Challenges

Reading HBS Module Note: Managing the New Product Development Process
Case3 (HBS) Sweet Water

Session 5 Brand and Brand Management

Reading Keller: Chapter 1
Reading HBS Module Note: Understanding Brands
Case4 (Emerald) Amazon India’s “Apni Dukaan”: branding strategy

Session 6 Customer-based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning

Reading Keller: Chapter 2
Case5 (HBS) Gucci Group in 2009

Session 7 Brand Resonance & the Brand Value Chain

Reading Keller: Chapter 3
Case6 (HBS) Dove: Evolution of a Brand

Session 8 Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity

Reading Keller: Chapter 4
Case7 (HBS) Astra Sports Inc. (A)
Case8 (HBS) Pepsi Blue

Session 9 Designing Marketing Programs to Build Brand Equity

Reading Keller: Chapter 5
Case9 (HBS) The Birth of the Swatch

Session 10 Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity

Reading Keller: Chapter 6
Case10 (HBS) YouTube for Brands

Session 11 Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity

Reading Keller: Chapter 7
Case11 (HBS) Whiskey and Cheddar: Ingredient Branding at the Caesan Cheese Cooperative
Session 12 Designing & Implementing Brand Architecture Strategies
Reading Keller: Chapter 11
Case12 (HBS) Taj Hotels, Resorts and Palaces

Session 13 Naming New Products & Brand Extensions

Reading Keller: Chapter 12
Case13 (HBS) Claiborne Asks Web Surfers to Name New Line

Session 14 Managing Brands Over Time

Reading Keller: Chapter 13
Case14 (Emerald) Harley-Davidson: Chasing a New Generation of Customers

Session 15 Managing Brands Over Geographic Boundaries

Reading Keller: Chapter 14
Case15 (HBS) L’Oreal: Global Brand, Local Knowledge

Session 16 Guest Lecture by Industry Practitioner (Product Manager)

Session 17 Guest Lecture by Industry Practitioner (Brand Manager)

Session 18 & 19 Project Presentations

Session 20 Course Review: Summarizing the learning & Feedback

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