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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 February 14, 2022 pm – Voting
Machines OK’ed by Congress

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCCXXIV] – PA Mail-In Lawsuit

{The astute reader may note that this memo is backdated; it has been kept-under-wraps
while the backlog was being laundered, as feedback regarding the key pending PA lawsuit
has been requested. Thus, it may be assumed that this memo is a standalone document,
reflecting all available info scheduled to have been adjudicated by the Ides of March.
Granted, if the PA-Supremes flip the Commonwealth Court’s decision due to “politics,”
SCOTUS-appeal would occur; on the other hand, there’s enough known to be able to draw
cogent conclusions about which others have—for whatever reason[s]—been “shy.”}

Just as the PA Supreme Court Dropped the Hammer on Dem Redistricting Games and Set
up a Coming Death Blow, the PA Commonwealth Court has issued a Death Warrant for
Vote-By-Mail after it found Act 77 to be unconstitutional. Russ Diamond initially observed:
"It's not yet certain when the state Supreme Court will hear the case, or if a final decision
will be reached in time to impact the May primary." Now we know and, in the process,
one Patriot with a backbone Showed the PA GOP Establishment [Corman] how it’s done.

While the courts ruminate, mail-in voting will remain in place, and Pennsylvanians can still
request mail-in ballots in the meantime. Whereas lefties feel Pa. courts shouldn’t have a
say on mail-in voting, Conservatives note the sick and disabled would not be forgotten if
Pennsylvania voided its mail balloting law. It’s established that if 40% of the 2020 Ballots
were unconstitutional then, without These Ballots, Trump Crushed Biden by a 2 to 1 Ratio.
The underlying force here is that No-Excuse Absentee Voting Allows Special Interests To
Manipulate Voters; there would be a modicum of secondary gain if Act 77 were rescinded,
for a newly-detected Paper Supply Shortage Could Imperil Primary Voting.

Mary Hannah Leavitt, president judge emerita of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court,
has set March 15 as the date when the mail-in ballot law will be stricken. In her brand-
new 12-page memorandum opinion, she wrote: “Given the particular challenges of this
election year, the Court agrees that the status quo ante should be preserved while the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court considers the merits of the McLinko and Bonner decisions,
which are listed for argument on March 8, 2022. For this reason, the Court will delay
vacating the supersedeas until March 15, 2022.”
This is how the Dems depict the future, regardless of the legal arguments and regardless
of the ability to appeal any PA Supreme Court decision to the SCOTUS [via Alito]:

The State Supreme Court hears oral arguments on the appeal on March 8.
Their ruling will ultimately decide the law’s fate. The Court has a 5-2
Democratic advantage, which makes it highly unlikely that the lower
court’s ruling will stand. {perhaps}

The Commonwealth Court ruled in a 3-2 decision in January that the 2019
law that authorized mail-in ballots was unconstitutionally enacted by
statute rather than put to voters as a constitutional referendum.

Leavitt, who wrote the original 50-page opinion, said the Republican
officeholders who challenged the law are likely to prevail in front of PA’s
highest court.

Terry Madonna, a political affairs professor at Millersville University, begs

to differ.

“The Supreme Court is heavily Democratic, and the Commonwealth Court

that struck it down is heavily Republican,” he told WFMZ-TV. “Make no
mistake, I would be surprised if the Supreme Court allows the law to be
struck down.”

The March 15 date allows county boards of election to notify voters of any
change in the law with two months to go before the May 17 primary, wrote
Leavitt. Counties would have to do it twice, were the Commonwealth
Court’s ruling to take effect and then be overruled.

Therefore, it would be SENSATIONAL if the ~600+ people on the “bcc” list were to read
my analyses of what the Commonwealth Court did, and why, and how; feedback invited.

I concluded the opinion is solid

Lefties correctly claim, “Republicans liked Pennsylvania’s 2019 voting reform law when
they passed it in 2019. Then Trump lost.” In response, Paul Deon correctly clarified the
history: “The legislature knew it could be ruled unconstitutional, but the GOP wanted to
get rid of straight party voting [because the leadership felt Trump could harm the chances
of down-ballot candidates] and didn’t realize implications of the rest of the legislation.”

All legal/political parameters of this decision were covered and I remain optimistic.
Secondary-Gain would be acquired, for drop-boxes would no longer be constitutional.

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