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Marine Georesources & Geotechnology

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Behavior of Loose Silty Sand of Chlef River:

Effect of Low Plastic Fine Contents and Other

Mohammed Chemmam, Ahmed Arab, Mostefa Belkhatir & Rachid Bouferra

To cite this article: Mohammed Chemmam, Ahmed Arab, Mostefa Belkhatir & Rachid
Bouferra (2015): Behavior of Loose Silty Sand of Chlef River: Effect of Low Plastic
Fine Contents and Other Parameters, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, DOI:

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Accepted online: 22 Jun 2015.Published

online: 22 Jun 2015.

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Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 0: 1–11
Copyright # 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1064-119X print/1521-0618 online
DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2015.1014983

Behavior of Loose Silty Sand of Chlef River: Effect

of Low Plastic Fine Contents and Other Parameters
Laboratory of Materials Sciences and Environment, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef, Chlef, Algeria
Faculty of Science and Technology of Marrakech, Morocco

Received 13 October 2014, Accepted 30 January 2015

This article presents a laboratory study of static behavior of silty-sand soils. The objective of this laboratory investigation is to study
the effect of initial confining pressures and fines content on the undrained shear strength (known as liquefaction resistance) response,
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pore pressure, and hydraulic conductivity of sand–silt mixtures. The triaxial tests were conducted on reconstituted saturated silty-sand
samples at initial relative density Dr ¼ 15% with fines content ranging from 0 to 50%. All the samples were subjected to a range
of initial confining pressures (50, 100, and 200 kPa). The obtained results indicate that the presence of low plastic fines in sand–silt
mixture leads to a more compressible soil fabric, and consequently to a significant loss in the soil resistance to liquefaction. The
evaluation of the data indicates that the undrained shear strength can be correlated to fines content (Fc), inter-granular void ratio
(eg), and excess of pore pressure (Du). The undrained shear strength decreases with the decrease of saturated hydraulic conductivity
and the increase of fines content for all confining pressures under consideration. There is a relatively high degree of correlation
between the peak shear strength (qpeak) and the logarithm of the saturated hydraulic conductivity (ksat) for all confining pressures.
Keywords: fines content, hydraulic conductivity, initial confining pressure, inter-granular void ratio, shear strength, triaxial

Introduction Ishihara and Okada 1978). Since 1990s, it has been

understood that the presence of fines in some manner affects
Shearing strength and deformation characteristics of the resistance to liquefaction, but systematic studies on sand
granular materials like sand and silty sand are very influ- with fines are relatively limited. Careful study on the
enced by confining pressure where it is considered as a vital literature has revealed contradictory outcome on the effect
factor. Several experimental researches (Marachi, Chan, and of fines. Three different findings or tendencies have been
Seed 1972) have investigated the effect of medium to high reported in the literature.
confining pressure, Krim et al. (2012) have reported that
the initial confining pressure and the relative density affec- . Liquefaction resistance decreases with increase in fines
ted, in a significant manner, the resistance to liquefaction; contents up to a threshold fines content, and then lique-
however, it increases with the confining pressure and relative faction resistance increases with increase in fines content
density. Experimental studies of Tatsuoka, Sakamoto, et al. beyond the threshold fines content (Altun, Goktepe,
(1986), Gupta (2009) have shown that with the increase of and Akguner 2005; Thevanayagam 1998; Xenaki and
pressure, load bearing capacity increases as angle of shearing Athanasopoulos 2003; Yang, Lacasse, and Sandven 2006;
resistance (u), and dilation of sand decrease with the Zlatovic and Ishihara 1995; Law and Ling 1992; Koester
increase of confining pressure (Lancelot, Shahrour, and Al 1994; Bouferra and Shahrour 2004; Arab and Belkhatir
Mahmoud 1996; Al Mahmoud 1997; Arab 2008). 2012; Bayat et al. 2012).
Early studies on liquefaction were mainly concentrated on . Liquefaction resistance increases with the increase in fines
clean sand, although the occurrence of loose sand with fines content (Amini and Qi 2000; Kuerbis, Negussey, and Vaid
(particle diameter 0.075 mm) is not uncommon (Castro 1988; Pitman, Roberston, and Sego 1994).
1975; Chaney 1978; Colliat 1986; Yoshimi and Oh-Oka . Liquefaction resistance decreases with the increase in
1975; Tatsuoka, Toki, et al. 1986; Seed and Lee 1966; fines content (Troncoso 1986; Georgiannou, Highnt, and
Burland 1990; Shen, Vrymoed, and Uyeno 1997; Troncoso
and Verdugo 1985; Finn, Ledbetter, and Wu 1994; Vaid
Address correspondence to Ahmed Arab, Civil Engineering, 1994; Zlatovic and Ishihara 1997; Arab 2008; Arab 2009;
Laboratory of Materials Sciences and Environment, Belkhatir et al. 2011, 2012; Bayat 2012; Hanifi et al. 2011).
Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef (02000), Algeria. E-mail:
Third finding might be first reported by Zlatovic and
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article Ishihara (1995) on Toyoura sand with non-plastic fines.
can be found online at Relatively recent studies also confirmed the third finding
2 C. Mohamed et al.

on several other sand with fines (Altun, Goktepe, and History and Geological Context
Akguner 2005; Thevanayagam and Martin 2002; Xenaki
and Athanasopoulos 2003). However, there are also some According to geology, the Chlef region is represented by the
research efforts which have investigated the reasons for plain bottom oriented roughly east–west, bordered on the
contradictory results concerning the effects of fines. North by the Chaine Mountains of Dahra and South by
Clean sand behavior changes from a dilative tendency to the massif of Ouarsenis. The Ouarsenis is a series of moun-
a contractive tendency with increasing mean effective stress tains in North-Western Algeria located about 80 km south of
for the same void ratio. However, Yamamuro and Lade the Mediterranean. It has a maximum elevation of 1985 m
(1998) reported a reversed trend for sand with fines. They near Bordj Bounaama city at about 60 km west of Tissemsilt
found that Nevada sand with 7% fines liquefied at low mean department. This plain is a Neogene basin, where it has
effective stress (25 kPa) and become stable with increasing accumulated powerful sediments dating from the Miocene
mean effective stress (200 kPa) at same void ratio after con- and Pliocene. Miocene is composed of soft sandstone and
solidation (e  0.779). This behavior appears to be opposite sandy marl overcoming blue marl; Pliocene consists of mar-
to the clean sand behavior. Considering clean sand behavior ine formations, sand, and sandstone conglomerates which
as ‘‘normal behavior,’’ they named sand with fines behavior are succeeded by blue marls, sandstones, and read sands;
as ‘‘reversed behavior.’’ They also found the ‘‘reverse beha- and Quaternary era is composed of alluvial terrace indicat-
vior’’ on Nevada sand at several relative density (Dr ¼ 12, 22, ing Roman sites in the Cheliff basin with a terrace surface
31, 42%) (Yamamuro and Lade 1997). Bobei and Lo (2005) of 500 years old.
also reported ‘‘normal behavior’’ for Sydney sand and Most of the northern Algerian cities lie in earthquake-
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‘‘reverse behavior’’ for Sydney sand with 10% Majura fines prone zones. Chlef (formerly known as El Asnam) and other
(MII fines). The generation and redistribution of the excess important cities have been affected by damaging earth-
pore pressure, thus, the undrained shear strength (liquefac- quakes in the last century. The last earthquake of magnitude
tion resistance) of sandy soils subjected to earthquake load- of 7.3 (Wave Magnitude of 7.3) occurred on 10 October 1980
ings is very much influenced by the hydraulic conductivity at 13:25:23.7 local time (12:25:23.7 GMT). The earthquake
(Belkhatir et al. 2013; Belkhatir et al. 2014) and gradation main shock was located 12 km east of Chlef city (210 km
(Asskar et al. 2013; Bayat et al. 2013). This soil parameter west of Algiers) at latitude 36.143 N and longitude
may be influenced by the type (nature) and sand gradation, 1.413 E with a focal depth of about 10 km. The approximate
percentage of fines, initial void ratio, confining pressure, and duration of the quake was between 35 and 40 s. The event,
initial relative density; laboratory testing allows more commonly referred to as the Chlef earthquake, was among
control of the different parameters that affect the hydraulic the most disastrous earthquakes that have affected the
conductivity of soils. northern region of Algeria. The earthquake devastated
In the published literature, to assess (evaluate) the the city of Chlef, population estimated at 125,000, and the
magnitude (amplitude) of the percentage of fines, void ratio, nearby towns and villages. The large loss of life (reportedly,
confining pressure, and density effects on the saturated 5,000–20,000 casualties) and property was attributed to the
hydraulic conductivity of sands mixed with fines is very collapse of buildings. In several places of the affected area,
limited. Thevanayagam (2000) observed that the hydraulic especially along Chlef river banks, great masses of sandy
conductivity (ksat) was found to be one order of magnitude soils were ejected on to the ground surface level. Major
smaller for silty sand when compared to clean sand for damage to certain civil and hydraulic structures (earth dams,
Ottawa sand mixed with low plastic fines. Thevanayagam embankments, bridges, slopes, and buildings) was caused by
(2000) found values of k in the range of 0.6  103 this earthquake.
–1.3  103 cm=s for Ottawa sand, 9.0  105 cm=s for sand Chlef city lies in a broad alluvial valley flanked to the
with 15% fines, and 0.6  105–1.2  105 cm=s for sand with North and South by ranges of hills that rise to a height of
25% fines. Sathees (2006) and Bandini and Sathiskumar approximately 1,000 m. The valley is drained by the Chlef
(2009) also reported mostly similar ranges of the hydraulic river. Although there was clear evidence of different types
conductivity (ksat) for two sands mixed with non-plastic of soil failure, some of these failures occurred in a region
fines, Belkhatir, Schanz, and Arab (2013) found to be four where engineered structures existed, thus, loss of life and
orders of magnitude smaller than that of clean sand. property because of soil failure was important. Settlement
This present study has been carried out to determine how of structures may have occurred, particularly in fill areas,
confining pressure, fines content, and inter-granular void and most backfill behind bridge abutments settled. Numer-
ratio affect the liquefaction resistance, steady state strength, ous slope failures were observed in the mountains, some
pore pressure, and hydraulic conductivity of sand–silt mix- involving the whole side of hills in the region of fault move-
tures. To examine the behavior of silty sand under low to ments. Some major slope failures were observed in the city
medium confining pressures, a series of undrained triaxial of Chlef. Soil liquefaction occurred over widespread areas
compression tests under monotonic loading were conducted in the flood plain of the Chlef river, particularly in the region
on reconstituted samples of Chlef sand with variation in of Chlef and surrounding areas. Numerous sand boils were
fines content from 0 to 50%. The tests conducted on loose visible. Some of these were 4 m in diameter. Water spouts
samples subjected to confining pressure ranging from 50 to up to 2 m high were reported in many of the sand boil areas.
200 kPa. Partially as a result of liquefaction subsidence, a large
Behavior of Loose Silty Sand of Chlef River 3

earthquake lake formed southeast of the canyon mouth in Figure 4, according to this figure, the different indices
where the Oued Fodda and Oued Chlef rivers join and flow decrease with increasing the fines content until Fc ¼ 20%;
north-westward through the uplands on the up-thrown then, they increase with further fines content increase.
block of the Oued Fodda fault. Figure 5 shows the variation of emax with emin; we note from
this figure that the correlation between the minimum and
Experimental Program maximum void ratio of the sand–silt mixtures specimens is
quite similar to that of Yilmaz and Mollamahmutoglu
Description of Materials (2009) and Cubrinovski and Ishihara (2002).
All sand samples were collected from banks liquefied layer of Many tests were carried out on the Chlef sand Arab
the deposit areas at a depth of 6.50 m (Figure 1). Figure 2a (2009), Della, Arab, and Belkhatir (2011a), Della, Arab,
shows the craters of liquefied soil of the Chlef river and and Belkhatir (2011b), Belkhatir et al. (2011a), Djafar et al.
sample collection. Figure 2b shows the area susceptible to (2011), Belkhatir et al. (2011b), Belkhatir et al. (2013),
liquefaction. The tests were conducted on the mixtures of Missoum, Belkhatir, and Bendani (2013).
Chlef sand and silt. Chlef sand was mixed with 0–50% silt Figure 6 shows the variation of coefficient of uniformity
to obtain different fines contents. The index properties of (Cu) versus fines content (Fc); as it can be seen from this
the sand, silt, and sand–silt mixtures used in this experi- figure, the uniformity’s coefficient increase exponentially as
mental laboratory research work are presented in Table 1. the fines content increases (R2 ¼ 0.995). The variation of
The grain-size distribution curves of the tested sand–silt the coefficient of uniformity (Cu) versus effective diameter
are shown in Figure 3. The variation of emin (minimum void (D10) is illustrated in Figure 7. As can be seen from this
Downloaded by [CERIST] at 00:18 21 September 2015

ratio corresponding to the densest state of the soil sample) figure, coefficient of uniformity decreases logarithmically
and emax (maximum void ratio corresponding to the loosest with the increase of effective diameter. Figure 8 shows the
state of the soil sample) versus the fines content Fc is given variation of the initial gross void ratio versus coefficient of
uniformity and fines content at the initial relative density
(Dr ¼ 15%). The initial gross void ratio (e) decreases drasti-
cally with the increase of uniformity and fines content until
the value of 20% and the increases moderately from 30 to
40% fines content.

Sample Preparation
The dimensions of the samples were 70 mm in diameter and
70 mm in height (H=D ¼ 1) to avoid the appearance of shear
banding (sliding surfaces) and buckling. All samples were
prepared by first estimating the dry weights of sand and silt
needed for desired proportion (Table 2), the experimental
program includes static undrained tests on samples with
a relative density Dr ¼ 15% using under compaction method
of sample preparation which simulates a relativity homo-
geneous soil condition and is performed by compacted dry
Fig. 1. Geotechnical profile of the soil deposit at the site. soil in layers to a selected percentage of the required dry unit

Fig. 2. (a) Craters of liquefied soil on the banks of Chlef river, (b) Ground susceptible to liquefaction.
4 C. Mohamed et al.

Table 1. Index properties of sand and silt

Index properties of materials Sand Silt

Specific gravity, Gs 2.67 2.69

Effective diameter, D10 (mm) 0.263 —
Mean grain size, D50 (mm) 0.72 0.017
Coefficient of uniformity, Cu () 3.17 —
Maximum gross void ratio, emax () 0.783 1.39
Minimum gross void ratio, emin () 0.593 0.802
Plasticity index, Ip (%) — 6
Particles form Rounded Rounded
Liquid limit, LL (%) — 27.06
Plastic limit, PL (%) — 22.25

Fig. 5. Maximum void ratio versus minimum void ratio of the

sand–silt mixtures.
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Fig. 3. Grain-size distribution curves of the sand–silt mixtures.

Fig. 6. Coefficient uniformity versus fines content.

Fig. 4. Maximum and minimum void ratio sand–silt mixtures

versus fines content. Fig. 7. Coefficient uniformity versus effective diameter.
Behavior of Loose Silty Sand of Chlef River 5

Shear Loading
All undrained triaxial tests for this study were carried out at
a constant strain rate of 0.166%=min, which was slow
enough to allow pore pressure change to equalize through-
out the sample with the pore pressure measured at the base
of sample. All tests were continued up to 24% axial strain.

Monotonic Test Results

Effects of Fines on Undrained Behavior
The results of the undrained monotonic compression triaxial
tests carried out under initial confining pressures of 50, 100,
and 200 kPa for different fines contents ranging from 0 to
50% and the initial relative density (Dr ¼ 15%) are illustrated
in Figures 9, 10, and 11. As can be seen from these figures,
Fig. 8. Gross void ratio versus coefficient Uniformity. the increase of the low plastic fines induces a decrease of
the sand–silt mixture liquefaction resistance (Figures 9a,
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10a, and 11a). This decrease results from the role of the fines
of the specimen Ladd (1978). After the specimen soil has to increase the contractiveness of the sand–silt mixtures
been performed, the specimen cap is placed with O-rings, leading to an increase of the excess pore pressure and
and a partial vacuum of 15–20 kPa is applied to the specimen consequently to a decrease of the peak shear resistance
in order to reduce the disturbances. of the mixtures as it is illustrated in Figures 9b, 10b, and
11b. The stress path in the (p0 , q) plane shows clearly the role
Sample Saturation of fines to decrease the average effective pressure and the
The specimens were saturated by injecting CO2 gas (carbon maximum deviatoric stress (Figures 9c, 10c, and 11c). In this
dioxide) during a 20-min period, followed by the injection case, the influence of fines on the undrained behavior of the
of de-aired and demineralized water into the specimen mixtures is observed for the lower fines contents (Fc ¼ 0 and
from the bottom drain line. It is noted that saturation 10%), and becomes very pronounced beyond 20%. These
affects significantly the shear strength of soils, and the results are also in good agreement with the observations of
liquefaction resistance of sands increases when the degree Singh (1994) where the liquefaction resistance (undrained
of saturation decreases (Yoshimi, Tanaka, and Tokimatsu shear strength) of sand including an amount of 10, 20, and
1989; Ishihara et al. 2001; Ishihara, Tsukamoto, and 30% silt content is somewhat smaller than that of the clean
Kamada 2004; Yang 2002; Yang, Savidis, and Roemer sand at 50% relative density. The low plastic fines make
2004; Bouferra, Benseddiq, and Shahrour 2007; Arab, the soil structure more compressible, and therefore, acceler-
Shahrour, and Lancelot 2011). ates the risk of liquefaction of sand–silt mixture samples
in the range of 0–50% fines content, this behavior has been
well explained by Lade and Yamamuro (1997).
Sample Consolidation
Figure 12 illustrates the peak undrained shear strength
When samples were fully saturated, they were subjected to versus the fines content. It can be seen from this figure
consolidation. During consolidation, the difference between that the undrained shear strength at the peak (qpeak) of the
all-around pressure and back pressure is set, so that, for each sand–silt mixtures decreases linearly with the increase of
sample the effective consolidation pressure is fixed as 50, 100, the fines content. We notice that all the curves of this figure
and 200 kPa equivalent to the in situ effective stress where the (Figure 12) decrease with the same slope (a ¼ 3.1). In this
soil sample was collected. The back pressure (u) used in the laboratory investigation, for the range of 0–50% fines
experiments was 400 kPa, while the confining pressure (r3) content in normally consolidated undrained triaxial com-
was 450, 500, and 600 kPa. The saturation quality was pression tests, the following expressions are suggested to
estimated through the Skempton’s coefficient B measurement evaluate the undrained shear strength at the peak as a func-
after consolidation (B ¼ Du=Dr0c ) (Skempton 1954). tion of the fines content (R2 ¼ 0.87 for r0c ¼50 kPa, R2 ¼ 0.94

Table 2. Index properties of sand–silt mixtures

Index properties Sand silt mixtures

Fines fraction, Fc (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Specific gravity, Gs 2.665 2.667 2.669 2.671 2.674 2.677 2.680 2.682 2.685 2.688 2.692
Maximum gross void ratio, emax () 0.783 0.685 0.633 0.642 0.698 0.768 0.897 1.028 1.106 1.242 1.395
Minimum gross void ratio, emin () 0.593 0.455 0.399 0.418 0.439 0.468 0.555 0.672 0.717 0.775 0.802
6 C. Mohamed et al.

Fig. 9. Undrained monotonic response of the sand–silt mixtures ðr0c ¼ 50 kPa; Dr ¼ 15%Þ.
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Fig. 10. Undrained monotonic response of the sand–silt mixtures ðr0c ¼ 100 kPa; Dr ¼ 15%Þ.

for r0c ¼ 100 kPa, and R2 ¼ 0.99 for r0c ¼ 200 ka). figure that the peak shear strength decreases, almost, as the
gross void ratio decreases and fines content increases for all
qpeak ¼ 32  ðFcÞ þ 140 for r0c ¼ 50 kPa samples shearing under confining pressure (r0c ¼ 50; 100;
qpeak ¼ 3:1  ðFcÞ þ 160 for r0c ¼ 100 kPa and 200 kPa) up to 20% fines content. It means that when
qpeak ¼ 3:1  ðFcÞ þ 180 for r0c ¼ 200 kPa decreasing the gross void ratio and increasing the fines content,
the undrained shear strength also decreases. In our case, we
could say that the gross void ratio appears to be a parameter
Effect of Gross Void Ratio on Shear Strength not as pertinent in sand–fines mixtures as in clean sands for
Figure 13 shows the peak shear strength versus the initial gross characterizing the strength continues to decrease almost with
void ratio and fines content. It is clearly observed from this increasing of the gross void ratio and the fines content.

Fig. 11. Undrained monotonic response of the sand–silt mixtures (r0c ¼ 200 kPa, Dr ¼ 15%).
Behavior of Loose Silty Sand of Chlef River 7

Effect of Inter-granular Void Ratio on Shear Strength

Figure 14a shows the undrained shear strength at the peak
(Qss) versus the intergranular void ratio (es). It is clear from
this figure that the undrained shear strength at the (qpeak)
decreases logarithmically as the intergranular void ratio
increases. It seems that the variation of the undrained
strength (qpeak) due to the presence of the low plastic fines
fraction is related to the intergranular void ratio in the range
of 0–50% fines content. The behavior of sand–silt mixture
samples in this case is influenced by the contacts of coarser
grains, which is solely quantified by the inter-particle void
ratio. By increasing the fines content in the range of
0–50%, the contact between the sand grain decreases; and
consequently the intergranular void ratio (es) increases and
the undrained shear strength at the peak (qpeak) decreases.
The following expressions are proposed to correlate the
Fig. 12. Peak strength versus fines content at various confining undrained shear strength at the peak to the intergranular
pressure (r0 3 ¼ 50, 100, and 200 kPa; Dr ¼ 15%). void ratio parameter (es) for the range of 0–50% fines
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content (R2 ¼ 0.93 for r0c ¼ 50 kPa, R2 ¼ 0.97 for r0c ¼

100 kPa, and R2 ¼ 0.99 for r0c ¼ 200 kPa). Moreover, the
slope of the undrained shear strength line at the peak become
very pronounced for higher fines content comparing to smaller
fines content (Figure 14b). These results are in good agreement
with the observations of Belkhatir et al. (2010).

log qpeak ¼ 2:63  logðes Þ þ 4:10 for r0c ¼ 50 kPa

log qpeak ¼ 1:92  logðes Þ þ 4:50 for r0c ¼ 100 kPa

log qpeak ¼ 1:42  logðes Þ þ 4:80 for r0c ¼ 200 kPa

Effect of Mean Grain Size on Undrained Shear Strength

Figure 15 illustrates the variation of the peak strength (qpeak)
with the mean grain size (D50) and fines content. It is clear
from this figure that the undrained peak shear strength of
the sand–silt mixtures decreases logarithmically with the
decrease of the mean grain size (D50) and the increase of
the fines content for the relative density Dr ¼ 15%. It can
Fig. 13. Undrained shear strength versus initial void ratio. be seen from this figure that the range of the undrained shear

Fig. 14. Undrained shear strength versus intergranular void ratio and fines content (Dr ¼ 15%).
8 C. Mohamed et al.

Effect of Fines Content on Excess Pore Pressure

Figure 16 illustrates the variation of excess pore pressure (Du)
at cancellation rate with the fines content (Fc). It is clear from
this figure that the excess of pore pressure increases logarithmi-
cally as the confining pressure and the fines content increase;
we notice that the higher values of excess pore pressure are
obtained for the higher confining pressure (r0c ¼ 200 kPa)
and fines content (Fc), this is due to the contractiveness and
compressibility of the fines fraction. The presence of low
plastic fines induces a contractive response of the sand–silt
mixtures. There is good correlation between excess pore
pressure with fines content (R2 ¼ 0.95 for r0c ¼50 kPa,
R2 ¼ 0.97 for r0c ¼100 kPa, and R2 ¼ 0.87 for r0c ¼200 kPa).

LogðDuÞ ¼ 0:11  logðFc Þ þ 3:31 for r0c ¼ 50 kPa

LogðDuÞ ¼ 0:10  logðFc Þ þ 4:00 for r0c ¼ 100 kPa
Fig. 15. Peak shear strength versus mean grain size and fines LogðDuÞ ¼ 0:07  logðFc Þ þ 4:83 for r0c ¼ 200 kPa
content (Dr ¼ 15%).
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Figure 17 shows the variation of the excess pore pressure

strength is very important for the smaller fines content (Du) versus the undrained shear strength at the peak (qpeak).
and becomes lower for the higher fines content; and we It is clear from this figure that the excess pore pressure
notice that the higher undrained shear strength was obtained (Du) decreases in a linear manner as the undrained shear
for the higher confining pressures. In this laboratory strength (qpeak) increases. We notice that the higher excess pore
investigation, within this range of 0–50%, fines content pressures are obtained for the higher fines content (Fc). It
in normally consolidated undrained compression triaxial seems that the increase of the excess pore pressure (Du) and
tests, the following expressions are suggested to evaluate the decrease of the undrained shear strength (qpeak) is due to
the undrained shear strength at peak as function of the mean the presence of low plastic fines inducing contractive response
grain size (D50). of the sand–silt mixture samples. We notice that the excess
pore pressure (Du) correlates very well with the undrained shear
strength (qpeak) for the range of 0–50% fines content (R2 ¼ 0.90
qpeak ¼ 176  logðD50 Þ þ 215 for r0c
 for r0c ¼ 50 kPa, R2 ¼ 0.91 for r0c ¼ 100 kPa, and R2 ¼ 0.94
¼ 100 kPa R2 ¼ 0:90 for r0c ¼ 200 kPa) according to the following expressions:
qpeak ¼ 171  logðD50 Þ þ 227 for r0c 
 Du ¼ 0:380632  qpeak þ 186:261 for r0c ¼ 50 kPa
¼ 100 kPa R2 ¼ 0:93 
qpeak ¼ 167  logðD50 Þ þ 247 for r0c Du ¼ 0:232893  qpeak þ 89:0447 for r0c ¼ 100 kPa

 Du ¼ 0:122138  qpeak þ 43:5056 for r0c ¼ 200 kPa
¼ 100 kPa R2 ¼ 0:96

Fig. 16. Excess pore pressure versus fines content and confining Fig. 17. Excess pore pressure versus undrained shear strength at
pressure (Dr ¼ 15%). various fines content.
Behavior of Loose Silty Sand of Chlef River 9

Effect of Fines Content on Hydraulic Conductivity

Figure 18 shows the variation of the saturated hydraulic
conductivity with the fines content. As it can be seen from
this figure, the saturated hydraulic conductivity (ksat) of
the sand–silt mixtures decreases linearly with the increase
of the fines content for the initial relative density (Dr ¼ 15%).
The laboratory results reveal that the saturated hydraulic
conductivity (ksat) of saturated sand containing 50% silt is
approximately four orders of magnitude smaller than the
saturated hydraulic conductivity of clean sand. There is
a relatively high degree of correlation between the fines
content (Fc) and the logarithm of the saturated hydraulic
conductivity (ksat) for the relative density under consideration
(coefficient of determination R2 ¼ 0.998 for Dr ¼ 15%). The
following expression is suggested to evaluate the saturated
hydraulic conductivity (ksat) as a function of the fines content:
Fig. 19. Undrained shear strength versus hydraulic conductivity
logðksat Þ ¼ 0:27  ðFc Þ  9:80 for Dr ¼ 15% at various fines content.
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Figure 19 shows the variation of the undrained shear

strength at the peak with the saturated hydraulic conduc- Conclusion
tivity (ksat) at various fines contents for samples shearing
This article presents the main results of a laboratory study
under confining pressures r0c ¼ 50; 100; and 200 kPa. It is
on the influence of initial confining pressure, fines content,
clear from this figure that the undrained shear strength at
and hydraulic conductivity on the behavior of sand–silt
the peak decreases logarithmically with the decrease of the
mixtures. A series of monotonic tests were conducted on
saturated hydraulic conductivity and increase of the fines
loose samples reconstituted with different fines contents
content for all confining pressures. However, the undrained
and sheared under various confining pressures.
shear strength slope line is very pronounced for the sample
The increase of fines content showed a contractive beha-
shearing under r0c ¼ 50 kPa (a ¼ 15) when compared to the
vior of the sand–silt mixtures samples and leads to a decrease
other samples shearing under r0c ¼ 100 and 200 kPa. There
of soil permeability consequently excess pore pressure
is a relatively high degree of correlation between the peak
increases rapidly. The liquefaction resistance decreases with
shear strength (qpeak) and the logarithm of the saturated
increasing fines content.
hydraulic conductivity (ksat) for all confining pressure
The undrained shear strength at the peak (qpeak) decreases
(R2 ¼ 0.94 for r0c ¼ 50 kPa, R2 ¼ 0.96 for r0c ¼ 100 kPa,
logarithmically as the intergranular void ratio increases.
and R2 ¼ 0.99 for r0c ¼ 200 kPa).
The slope line of the undrained shear strength at the peak
qpeak ¼ 14:70  logðksat Þ þ 295 for r0c ¼ 50 kPa becomes very pronounced for higher fines content compar-
ing to smaller fines contents.
qpeak ¼ 13:25  logðksat Þ þ 293 for r0c ¼ 100 kPa
The liquefaction resistance of the sand–silt mixtures
qpeak ¼ 12:30  logðksat Þ þ 303 for r0c ¼ 200 kPa decreases logarithmically with the decrease of the mean
grain size (D50) and fines content increase.
The excess pore pressure (Du) decreases linearly as the
undrained shear strength (qpeak) increases; the higher excess
pore pressures are obtained for the higher fines content (Fc).
The increase of excess pore pressure (Du) and, consequently,
the decrease of the undrained shear strength (qpeak) are due
to the presence of low plastic fines inducing contractive
response of the sand–silt mixture samples.
The peak undrained shear strength decreases logarithmically
with the decrease of the saturated hydraulic conductivity and
increase of the fines content for all confining pressures. The
undrained shear strength slope line is very pronounced for
the sample sheared under r0c ¼50 kPa (a ¼ 15) when compared
to the other samples sheared under r0c ¼100 and 200 kPa.
There is a relatively high degree of correlation between
the peak shear strength (qpeak) and the logarithm of the
saturated hydraulic conductivity (ksat) for all confining
pressures. The saturated hydraulic conductivity (ksat)
Fig. 18. Hydraulic conductivity versus fines content. decreases either with the increase of fines content.
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