Prayer For Earth Gurmukhi Vol 2-2

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ivSv leI Ardws

BYrau mhlw 5 ]
Bhairao, Fifth Mehla:
aUTq suKIAw bYTq suKIAw ]
Standing up, I am at peace; sitting down, I am at peace.
Bau nhI lwgY jW AYsy buJIAw ]1]
I feel no fear, because this is what I understand. ||1||
rwKw eyku hmwrw suAwmI ]
The One Lord, my Lord and Master, is my Protector.
sgl Gtw kw AMqrjwmI ]1] rhwau ]
He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of Hearts. ||1||Pause||
soie AicMqw jwig AicMqw ]
I sleep without worry, and I awake without worry.
jhw khW pRBu qUM vrqMqw ]2]
You, O God, are pervading everywhere. ||2||
Gir suiK visAw bwhir suKu pwieAw ]
I dwell in peace in my home, and I am at peace outside.
khu nwnk guir mMqRü idRVwieAw ]3]2]
Says Nanak, the Guru has implanted His Mantra within me. ||3||2||
Awsw ]
suqu AprwD krq hY jyqy ]
As many mistakes as the son commits,
jnnI cIiq n rwKis qyqy ]1]
his mother does not hold them against him in her mind. ||1||
rwmeIAw hau bwirku qyrw ]
O Lord, I am Your child.
kwhy n KMfis Avgnu myrw ]1] rhwau ]
Why not destroy my sins? ||1||Pause||
jy Aiq k®op kry kir DwieAw ]
If the son, in anger, runs away,
qw BI cIiq n rwKis mwieAw ]2]
even then, his mother does not hold it against him in her mind. ||2||
icMq Bvin mnu pirE hmwrw ]
My mind has fallen into the whirlpool of anxiety.
nwm ibnw kYsy auqris pwrw ]3]
Without the Naam, how can I cross over to the other side? ||3||
dyih ibml miq sdw srIrw ]
Please, bless my body with pure and lasting understanding, Lord;
shij shij gun rvY kbIrw ]4]3]12]
in peace and poise, Kabeer chants the Praises of the Lord. ||4||3||12||
iqlµg mhlw 5 Gru 3 ]
Tilang, Fifth Mehla, Third House:
imhrvwnu swihbu imhrvwnu ]
Merciful, the Lord Master is Merciful.
swihbu myrw imhrvwnu ]
My Lord Master is Merciful.
jIA sgl kau dyie dwnu ] rhwau ]
He gives His gifts to all beings. ||Pause||
qU kwhy folih pRwxIAw quDu rwKYgw isrjxhwru ]
Why do you waver, O mortal being? The Creator Lord Himself shall protect you.
ijin pYdwieis qU kIAw soeI dyie AwDwru ]1]
He who created you, will also give you nourishment. ||1||
ijin aupweI mydnI soeI krdw swr ]
The One who created the world, takes care of it.
Git Git mwlku idlw kw scw prvdgwru ]2]
In each and every heart and mind, the Lord is the True Cherisher. ||2||
kudriq kIm n jwxIAY vfw vyprvwhu ]
His creative potency and His value cannot be known; He is the Great and carefree Lord.
kir bMdy qU bMdgI ijcru Gt mih swhu ]3]
O human being, meditate on the Lord, as long as there is breath in your body. ||3||
qU smrQu AkQu Agocru jIau ipMfu qyrI rwis ]
O God, You are all-powerful, inexpressible and imperceptible;
rhm qyrI suKu pwieAw sdw nwnk kI Ardwis ]4]3]
my soul and body are Your capital.
By Your Mercy, may I find peace; this is Nanak's lasting prayer. ||4||3||
mÚ 5 ]
Fifth Mehla:

rKy rKxhwir Awip aubwirAnu ]

O Savior Lord, save us and take us across.

gur kI pYrI pwie kwj svwirAnu ]

Falling at the feet of the Guru, our works are embellished with perfection.

hoAw Awip dieAwlu mnhu n ivswirAnu ]

You have become kind, merciful and compassionate; we do not
forget You from our minds.

swD jnw kY sMig Bvjlu qwirAnu ]

In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, we are carried across
the terrifying world-ocean.

swkq inMdk dust iKn mwih ibdwirAnu ]

In an instant, You have destroyed the faithless cynics and slanderous enemies.

iqsu swihb kI tyk nwnk mnY mwih ]

That Lord and Master is my Anchor and Support; O Nanak, hold firm in your mind.

ijsu ismrq suKu hoie sgly dUK jwih ]2]

Remembering Him in meditation, happiness comes,
and all sorrows and pains simply vanish. ||2||
sUhI mhlw 5 ]
Soohee, Fifth Mehla:
ijs ky isr aUpir qUM suAwmI so duKu kYsw pwvY ]
When You stand over our heads, O Lord and Master, how can we suffer in pain?
boil n jwxY mwieAw mid mwqw mrxw cIiq n AwvY ]1]
The mortal being does not know how to chant Your Name - he is intoxicated with the wine
of Maya, and the thought of death does not even enter his mind. ||1||
myry rwm rwie qUM sMqw kw sMq qyry ]
O my Sovereign Lord, You belong to the Saints, and the Saints belong to You.
qyry syvk kau Bau ikCu nwhI jmu nhI AwvY nyry ]1] rhwau ]
Your servant is not afraid of anything; the Messenger of Death
cannot even approach him. ||1||Pause||
jo qyrY rMig rwqy suAwmI iqn@ kw jnm mrx duKu nwsw ]
Those who are attuned to Your Love, O my Lord and Master,
are released from the pains of birth and death.
qyrI bKs n mytY koeI siqgur kw idlwsw ]2]
No one can erase Your Blessings; the True Guru has given me this assurance. ||2||
nwmu iDAwiein suK Pl pwiein AwT phr AwrwDih ]
Those who meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtain the fruits of peace.
Twenty-four hours a day, they worship and adore You.
qyrI srix qyrY BrvwsY pMc dust lY swDih ]3]
In Your Sanctuary, with Your Support, they subdue the five villains. ||3||
igAwnu iDAwnu ikCu krmu n jwxw swr n jwxw qyrI ]
I know nothing about wisdom, meditation and good deeds;
I know nothing about Your excellence.
sB qy vfw siqguru nwnku ijin kl rwKI myrI ]4]10]57]
Guru Nanak is the greatest of all; He saved my honor
in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||4||10||57||

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