Examples in Cotangent

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EXAMPLE 2: y= 2 cot1/2 x +1


Step 1: Identify if the given problem is in its standard form

Step 2: Identify the given values of the ff:

 A=
 B=
 C=
 D=

Step 3: Find the Values of the ff: (Amplitude, Period, Phase Shift, and Vertical Shift)

Step 4: Substitute the given value of P and PS

Step 5: Make a Table of Values

Step 6: Sketch A Graph

Step 7: Plot points or Draw Asymptotes

Step 8: Connect the points

With explanation:

Step 1: Identify if the given problem is in its standard form

(The standard form of Cotangent it should be y = a cot b (x – c) +d)

 As you can see on the given problem it is in standard form

Step 2: Identify the given values of the ff:

 A= a is equal to 2
 B= b is equal to ½, since the numerical coefficient of x is ½.
 C= as you can see in the given problem there is no parenthesis so it means there will be no c,
so c is equal to 0.
 D= Then D is equal to 1
Step 3: Find the Value tof the ff:

Amplitude is equal to absolute value of 2

Period = To find period, the formula of period is P is equal to π/b (pi over b), then substitute b to
½ it will be π/1/2 (pi divided by one half). Get the reciprocal of ½ so it will be 2/1, then multiply
to the numerators which is π, so it will be π times 2/1 Is equal to 2π, so P=2π
Phase Shift since it is zero there will be None phase shift
Vertical Shift since the vertical shift is one so it means there is movement of one unit upward.
Why upward because it is positive

Step 4: For the Domain substitute the given value of P and PS

(x is an element of real numbers such that x is not equal to p, p is equal 2π ( two pi), we have 2πk (two pi
k) so we do not have phase shift or PS so we’re going to have k is an element of z)

(Simply substitute the value of p, x is an element of real number such that x is not equal to 2πk (two pi k)
where k is an element of integers. The range is set of all real numbers

Step 5: Make a Table of Values

Complete the table of values for x and y. to find x we’re going to substitute PS, so we do not PS it focuses
in 0, we have P/4, P/2, 3P/4 and P
For the P/4, we have p which is equal to 2π, subtitute P to 2π so it will be 2π/4 which is equal to π/2
For the p/2, same process from P/4, so it will be 2π/2 which is equal to π
For the 3P/4(as you can see, it just simply add π/2 to get the next term, therefore it will be 3π/4
And last it will be equal to 2π

In cotangent there is positive, negative and negative, positive. If the sign of A is positive you’re going to
start with positive, but if the sign of A is negative you’re going to start with negative.
Since the A is a positive therefore it will be a positive, our A is equal to 2 so it will be positive 2 then add
to d, our D is equal to 1 so it will be 2+1 = 3
Next D is equal to 1
Since the A start with negative therefore it will be a negative, so it will be a negative 2 then add to D
which is equal to 1, so it will be -2 + 1= -1

Step 6: Sketch A graph

Draw a Cartesian plane and write the values for x and y on the given graph

 First write the value of x axis which is 0, π/2, π, 3π/2 and 2π.
 Then write the values for y we have 1,2,3 and -1,-2,-3
Step 7: Plot points and draw asymptotes

 For zero that is undefined draw asymptotes

 For the π/2 that is 3
 for π that is equal to 1
 for the 3π/2 that Is equal to -1
 for the 2π that is undefined therefore draw the asymptotes

Step 8: Connect the points

Note: The graph should not touch the asymptotes
Example 3

 This is the increasing function because it is negative cotangent.

Step 1: Identify if the given problem is in its standard form

(The standard form of Cotangent it should be y = a cot b (x – c) +d)

 As you can see on the given problem it is in standard form

Step 2: Find the Values of the ff: (Period, Phase Shift, and Vertical Shift)

 The vertical shift is equal to 3

 To find period, the formula of period is P is equal to π/b (pi over b), then substitute b to ½ it will
be π/1/2 (pi divided by one half). Get the reciprocal of ½ so it will be 2/1, then multiply to the
numerators which is π, so it will be π times 2/1 Is equal to 2π, so P=2π
 For the starting point for the phase shift we need to equate (½ x- π) to 0, then x is equal to 2π.
After finding the starting point of the phase shift we need add our period to starting point phase
shift, so 2π + 2π= 4π

Step 3: Draw a graph

The vertical shift is on the 3 so this will the center line of the graph

The phase shift will see from the 2π to 4π

The vertical asymptotes will see on 0, 2π, 4π, 6π, -2π, -4π and -6π.

Note: The graph should not touch the asymptotes

The domain is x is not equal to nπ (n pi) where in the set of even numbers including zero
The range is a set of all real numbers

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