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Digital Transformation of Educational Textbook to E-book through UNIBOOK Application

A Business Plan

Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Engineering

Batangas State University

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Course



Guia, Abegail Lheani P.

Ilao, John Carlo V.

Lambio, Val Justine S.

Manalo, Jemuel C.

December 2021

Table of Contents



I. Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………. 3

II. Company Description …………………………………………………………….. 5

III. Product or Service ………………………………………………………………… 7

IV. Market Analysis …………………………………………………………………… 10

V. Strategy and Implementation ……………………………………………………… 14

VI. Management Team ………………………………………………………………… 15

VII. Financial Plan ……………………………………………………………………… 17

VIII. Recommendations …………………………………………………………………. 19

IX. Reference ………………………………………………………………………….. 20


                Educational textbooks is a book that contains information about a certain subject or

course providing student’s activities to use throughout the academic year. This includes

exercises, assignments, and tasks, chapters, included in the curriculum to improve the learning

standards of students. It is one of the most important tools used in education that provides an

organized unit of work, chronological presentation of information, supplementing materials and

ideas needed by both students and teachers, and providing student’s activities to use throughout

the academic year.

However, the process and experience of using it have been proven difficult. In relation to

this, the intention of this study is to introduce a solution to the existing problem that users are

experiencing. This will provide a summarized review of problems addressed and mentioned by

students and the solution that our group made up. 

1. Non-Portable. Books vary in different sizes and weights depending on the number of

pages, which makes it hard and hassle for students to carry them whenever and wherever they


2. Outdated. The accuracy of textbooks is one of the problems identified in the survey

conducted to students. It was proven and supported by many examples and studies. Some

information is outdated and biased which cannot be solved quickly hence textbooks continues to

have mistakes.

3. Space Consuming/ No Storage. Students are compounded by the lack of proper storage of

used books and worry about preserving and avoiding the destruction of books by rodents to

enhance the lifespan of textbooks. 

4. Non-Interactive. Textbooks fail to encourage students to think critically, understand some

important concepts, and enjoy studying not because it was necessary, which continues to be one

of the biggest flaws known in using textbooks.  

Problem Analysis

UNIBOOK is a mobile app solution that makes it more effective and efficient for both

students and teachers in purchasing the books and allows the use of textbooks online in the form

of E-book on smartphones and tablets. This gives students the privilege to access any books they

want at their fingertip, having infinite supply in just a click away. Moreover, students will be at

ease since there will be no space constraint and access to the internet will be maximized as

provided information in Ebook is timely and accurate. 


The mobile application was validated using a survey, which was conducted through the

dissemination of online questionnaires to 50 high school students where they were asked about

problems that they encountered in using textbooks-mainly: non-portable, incomplete

information, heavy, and boring. Afterward, respondents were asked if they find the UNIBOOK

application a proper solution that will address their problem and whether they will use the

application if built or not.

The success criteria of the application were 94% and 86% of respondents said that they would

use the app. 


1. The developer should have a high-level programming skills, knows different types of

coding languages and be able to interpret user needs accordingly to conform to certain


2. Future researches should constantly look for new and innovative ways to improve the

current service and address the problems that students face on daily basis.

3. Partners of the application should never give up on improving and expanding their

business to create an innovative learning environment.

4. Students should discipline themselves in while using application as they can be distracted

by social media sites available in their gadgets.


Location: Lipa City, Batangas
Industry: App Market Place
Year Established: 2021
Abegail Lheani Guia, John Carlo Ilao, Val
Justine Lambio, Jemuel Manalo

Over the last several decades, e-book has been the mainstay of publishing industry. The

introduction of this, gave aid to those users having trouble in using traditional textbooks and

offering them higher quality of learning opportunities because of its flexibility and effectiveness.

Established on 2021, UNIBOOK is a one stop shop mobile application where educational

textbooks from different publishers are collated with different usable features for users. This

allows users to access their textbooks without much hassle and maximize their experience in

using the application as users will be able to do things that a physical textbooks can’t.


UNIBOOK exist to earn a substantial profit while creating the opportunity for students and

teachers to generate additional way of learning without being hold back by the problem that they

are experiencing in using traditional textbooks. The Company’s overall goal is to become a

famous e-book application and this goal will be accomplished by exceeding the following

objectives over its first two operational years.

- To launch the application to the general market by June 2022, growing its current user

base to 200 private schools and 150 public school within a three-month period.

- To expand the application to serve the business market by November 2022, growing to

over 5,000 student and teacher customer by the end of the year.

- To reach profitability by year 2; growing profits by the end of year 3.

Company Values

The UNIBOOK application is built by four Industrial Engineering Students taking up

Technopreneurship course-to serve the industry and aid students in learning effectively. With a

familiarity of the market and industry, UNIBOOK will operate under a standard of professionals,

moral and ethical excellence, strictly adhering to the corporate values and principle laid out in

the following mission statement.

In UNIBOOK, we know that education is key success of person- and those that teach

students should be appreciated. It is our mission to connect students and teachers to one another,

to share knowledge, provide extra resources, and promote efficient independent learning- and

provide schools and publishing companies with earning opportunities, especially the developers

to incentivize their creativity and talents.


UNIBOOK application is a one-stop shop mobile application where educational textbooks from

different publishers are collated with different usable features for users.

For students, UNIBOOK is a creative online library where they can purchase, store and use e-

books as they please.

 Features. UNIBOOK App offers variety of features that aims to assist students in

learning and improve the overall reading experience. Traditional Textbooks limit

students’ standard quality learning. Through this, students can save pages and edit

their answers offline which will automatically upload once they go online, Annotate,

Quote, Add comments and bookmarks, read-aloud feature is also available, and

generate link for exercise’s copy for submission.

 Efficient. As opposed to other online e-book application, UNIBOOK users can

access high school (Junior and Senior) textbooks not just from one publishing

company, but most of them. The application also reduces the risk of serious health

problems of students that comes up from the daily burden of carrying textbooks on

their backs.

 User-friendly. The interface of UNIBOOK application is user-friendly making it

easier for them to understand each button function within one time of using it.

 Secured. Students won’t be able to share their answers to exercises and quizzes to

other students that isn’t a valid user. Moreover, taking screenshots after the students

wrote their answers will be prohibited as several pages will be encrypted accordingly.

Purchased E-books can be accessed whenever they want and will stay in the

application for as long the user wants.

 Advance features. UNIBOOK application offers premium accounts wherein

students will be able to use the application without advertisement, the exercises and

quiz pages will automatically generate the student’s information.

 Accessibility. The application has features that makes it easier for visually impaired

students to cope up. Read-aloud feature will be available and the font size of the e-

book can be resized depending on the user’s preference. This enables users to listen to

EBooks while they are too busy to read them, such as while driving or performing

household tasks. It can also be used to assist the user in understanding how a word is


 Portable. UNIBOOK allows students to use the e-book with convenience since it is

portable and lightweight. Students doesn’t have to go through the hassle of carrying

bulky textbooks.

 No Space Constraint. Through UNIBOOK app, students doesn’t have to worry in

book’s storage since mobile phone/tablet takes a very little space at home and in bag.

There is also no need for the users to be concerned in the storage limit of the gadget

since E-books will be compressed so that it would not take too much space.

 Interactive and Informative. UNIBOOK is interactive in a sense that it makes

learning fun and enjoyable for students. For additional information, each topic has

external video links

 Offline Reading. E-books can be downloaded and accessed for offline reading.

 Cloud-based. The application is primarily cloud-based, which means it can be

updated at any time. Authors and publishers can always update their information,

ensuring that users have access to the most recent digital content. This reduces the

cost of reprinting as well as the time it takes to complete the procedure.

 Environmental Friendly. UNIBOOK completely eliminates the need for paper

printing, saving publishers money on printing. Apart from chopping down trees,

Books contributes to the carbon footprint by moving raw materials, completing the

manufacturing process in the mill, and exporting the finished product. With the use of

eBooks, all of these steps can be removed.

 Compatibility and Availability. UNIBOOK is made compatible with MAC and

WINDOWS so students can use the app in whatever devices they want.

 Diverse. Developer of the app intends to deploy video advertisements on social

media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. They will also create

a website for the application that will provide users with information about the


 Fast Transaction. Students can make in-app purchase which will be determined by

the e-book’s price. Students simply need to look for and purchase the book they

choose. Payment can be made with a bank card, Gcash, Paymaya, or other online

payment methods.

 Good Service. The team will use UNITY Software to design and program the

application. Through this, developing and updating the program will be easier. This

will be tested several times to ensure that the quality of the service UNIBOOK will

offer will be par of its price for students and schools.

 Legality. Digital E-books will be provided by the Publishing Companies where

contract was signed stating that we are allowed to use their Intellectual Property

Rights in a certain period of time.

 Future Services. Our team keeps an eye on making UNIBOOK a learning platform

where students and teachers can communicate and for passing of activities and



Customers are one of the foundations of a certain business, without them, a business does

not exist. A marketing analysis is about analyzing the edges a product has against the other

(product), to whom the products are (target customer), how and when the firm will market the

product (distribution and packaging), how much (price) the firm will sell the products, and how

the firm will introduce the product to the target market (promotion). Publishing businesses that

produce a variety of products like books- those that try to sell what they produce by assessing the

needs of the customer - can lead to a more secure way ahead.

The target market of this project are secondary level students (high-school students)

under public and private schools. After conducting certain survey questionnaires to determine the

usual problems that they are facing today, the top problem entails the difficulty in dealing with

their learning materials. Most say that their learning materials like books are very unmanageable

and require effort to deal with. There are attributes that aren't ideal like the weight of the book,

the dimensions that require space, can easily torn apart and is subjected to destruction. The

proponents determined this set of customers as they are the ones who usually use books as part

of their studying. Since the project is an application that covers a wide range of books in an

application form plus with other features for a better way of learning, this is a great help to them

as this will pave the ease for their concerns



Knowing that we are now in the modern age where most of the students are able to use

smartphones, this project is very timely. With an application built to supply the needs of the new

millennium, there is a great percentage of this project to be easily accepted by the market.

Using SWOT Analysis, we can easily determine the strengths, weaknesses, the

opportunities, and threats of this project.


 Portable – unlike the usual books used in schools, this application is very movable as it is only

restored on our mobile phones.

Modern – as our time changes in the introduction of technology, putting a book into an

application is such a good move.

Multiple Features – since the project is in an application form, it is subjected to certain features

like highlights, pens, erasers, search bars, and others.

Eco Friendly – unlike books that require physical materials like trees and inks, which when

destroyed also adds to the waste in the environment, having an application can lessen the waste

associated with the product. 


For Selected Users only – the application can only be used with the use of devices like

smartphones which not everybody has.

Easily be Copied – knowing that there are so many talented people in terms of developing the

app, the idea can easily be copied.

Limitations – like other applications, this project is prone to the limited storage for the student’s

devices, the limitation for the power supplies during electricity interruptions, and other causes.


New Idea – knowing that this is new, people will take interest in it due to so many advantages

upon subscribing to the project.

Great Start – as the product is new, it can be subjected to more improvements.


Over Usage – over usage of mobile phones can affect the visuals of the students, though having

so many advantages, radiation is still present.


The objective of this project is to serve the students a more dynamic and easier way of

learning, just like the way of purchasing books, the number of accounts will be based on the

number of students. By this, people will see the proponents as someone who wants to always

seek for improvements – and that’s the reason why there will be a comment section in the app for

the customer to voice out their comments and suggestions.

3.      STRATEGY

Though this project has a target market of both public and private students, the

proponents will focus more on the private schools as these are where they can generate most of

the incomes. The strategy will start at introducing the application to the students, talk about its

advantages and its edges against the old way of learning, the new features listed in the app, and

the catch upon using it.

4.      TACTICS

The proponents will make certain tactics like emailing the school heads, to coordinate

and to know their views about the project. By this, the proponents will have a good way of

introducing the project to other places to gather a huge scope of customers. There would also be

some advertisements and online advertisements for faster dissemination of the project.

5.      ACTIONS

The student can access the application and can view some books that are free. For those

that need a book that costs some price, they need to buy a personal account where they can use it

to access the books they desire to read. The personnel to collect the payments and give the

accounts will be the personnel assigned in every school. Since purchasing books in private

schools is a prerequisite, and the payment of the books is associated with paying the tuition, it

can be ensured that every student will have one and no one can use the accounts of others.

6.      CONTROL

To make the great outcome constant, the proponents will conduct certain activities to

gather suggestions for the improvement and additional features of the application.


The researchers wanted a company that would become the industry leader and most

innovative provider of E-book apps. The goal is to design a user-friendly app that can be used by

all students of different year levels. This will be accomplished by forming an inventive and

forward-thinking development and management team. Also, they wanted to achieve their aim by

incorporating client feedback into the development of their product.

The Company will implement the following strategies to achieve its goals of becoming the

leading provider of E-book:

1. Form strategic alliances with leading companies and institutions. In order to swiftly

establish credibility, the Company intends to engage into a number of strategic alliances.

This might involve collaborations with well-known local and worldwide publications and

schools. These are intended to be revenue-sharing agreements at first.

2. Create a compelling company brand. UNIBOOK will be widely publicized on the

Internet and across the world. The Company's strategy is to promote, advertise, and

expand its user base using a variety of marketing techniques, including online

advertisements and promotions, listings with all major country search engines, ongoing

public relations, and developing business alliances and partnerships to help drive users to

the app.

3. Create a top-tier team of executives and industry specialists. Building an outstanding

management team with experience directing and communicating with multinational firms

and institutions will be vital to our success.


A firm can be ensured to be in good hands if the people running the processes are reliable

and know how to properly manage the causes. With great hands and mind comes along with a

greater percent of success, this enables a firm to continuously achieve its goal and to elevate its

service to the ever changing society. UNIBOOK is composed of people who has unique

capabilities to successfully run the business, each responsibility and personality is as follows:


Lambio, Val Justine Manalo, Jemuel Ilao, John Carlo Guia, Abegail Lheani

Project Manager Builder Designer Sales

Strategist Engineer Marketing


Key Responsibilities

 Plans and  Making  Able to do  Responsible for

Develop the plans using some introducing the
Project Idea detailed research on product to the
 Create and drawings the trends market
Lead the  Preparing and  up to  Contributing to the
Team estimates and date development of
 Monitor budgets designs marketing strategies
Project  Creating  Producing  Conducting market
Progress accurate consistent research of rival
 Solve issues project excellent products
that arise specification visual  Designing and
 Evaluate s work implementing
Project  Designing  Producing marketing plans for
Performance engineering a host of company products
 Collaboratin experiments ideas  Coordinating with 
g with team  Building of  Keeps representatives and
members to the project visual sponsors
define through designs
objectives coding ahead of
 Conduct  Identifying competitor

market the best idea s
 Performing
analysis of
 Creating and
 Find solution
for current


A summary of a company's future financial needs or goals, as well as how to achieve

them. Corporate financial planning entails determining which investments and activities are most

appropriate given the company's individual and broader economic circumstances.

Presented below are the cost of variables and fixed cost used to implement the

UNIBOOK application.

Expenses Cost Total Cost

Fixed Cost 

Intellectual Properties Php 10,000.00 Php 10,000.00

Administration Php 10,000.00 Php 10,000.00

Variable Cost 

Application Development (Hourly Effort x Hourly Cost)

Login interface 5 hours x 300 Php 1,500.00

Category  3 hours x 300 Php 900.00

Publishing House 8 hours x 300 Php 2,400.00

Username 40 hours x 300 Php 12,000.00

Testing 8 hours  x 300 Php2,400.00

Apps Maintenance Cost Php 8,000.00 Php 8,000.00

Additional Services Php 5,000.00 Php 5,000.00

Total Php52,200.00

Revenue Model

A business model is a company's primary strategy for doing business profitably. It maps

the critical business aspects in generating valuable revenue for a start-up.


To the application developer, they need to have high-level programming skills and know

different types of coding languages to succeed in their roles. App developers should be able to

interpret user needs and apply this to the mobile application products they create.

To the future researchers, they should constantly look for new and innovative ways to

improve the current situation and address the problems that students face on a daily basis.

         To the partners, they should never give up on improving and expanding their business

and teaching. In order for their business and university to grow and thrive, they must adapt to

industry trends and changes.

         To the students, they should learn to limit and discipline themselves while using the

application to avoid getting distracted easily.


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