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Hassan Allam Holding

HR Policies & Procedures

HUMAN RESOURCES | Talent Management

HR Policies & Procedures

Date of issue:

Date of application:

Department: Human Resources

Approval Authority;

Date of approval;
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Manpower Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Purpose...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Policy Statement ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Roles & Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................... 6
Procedures ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Recruitment and Selection Policy .............................................................................................................. 8
1) Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 8
2) Scope .................................................................................................................................................... 8
3) Policy Statements ................................................................................................................................. 8
4) Roles and Responsibilities (Users and Departmental) .......................................................................... 8
Procedures/Implementation: ..................................................................................................................... 9
Hiring and Termination Policy ................................................................................................................ 18
Purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 18
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
Policy statement ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Procedures/Implementation .................................................................................................................... 18
The Hiring Process.................................................................................................................................. 18
Employment Contract ............................................................................................................................. 18
Probation Period...................................................................................................................................... 19
Induction ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Contract Termination Policy ................................................................................................................... 20
Purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 20
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Internal Job Transfer Policy .................................................................................................................... 22
Purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 22
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Policy Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................... 22
Employee Leaves Policy ........................................................................................................................... 24
Purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 24
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Policy Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Roles and Responsibilities (Users and Departmental) ............................................................................ 24
Procedures/Implementation .................................................................................................................... 24
Annual Leave .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Casual Leave ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Sick Leave............................................................................................................................................... 25
Maternity Leave ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Marriage Leave ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Military Leave......................................................................................................................................... 25
Public Holidays ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Leave without Pay................................................................................................................................... 26
Attendance and Punctuality Policy ......................................................................................................... 26
Purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 26
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
Policy Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Roles and Responsibilities (Users and Departmental) ............................................................................ 27
5) Procedures/Implementation ................................................................................................................ 27
Code of Conduct Policy ............................................................................................................................ 34
Grievance Policy........................................................................................................................................ 36
Dress code Policy ....................................................................................................................................... 38
Purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 38
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
Policy Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 38
This Human Resources Policy Manual is provided as a central reference for all managers,
supervisors and employees and applies to staff across all locations where the Company carries out
its work.

The specific policies that follow promote the philosophy of Hassan Allam Group with regard to
standards of excellence; terms of employment; employee development; and employee services.
It may be necessary to change these policies from time to time to reflect changes in the workforce,
employment trends, economic conditions and Global legislation. However, any changes in policy
will be consistent with the Company’s approach to:

Employing talented individuals whose creativity and imagination will support and contribute to
achieving Company’s business objectives;
Communicating Company standards and expectations in all aspects of employment including

Valuing diversity, and assure equal employment opportunity and a workplace where
relationships are based on mutual respect;

Treating all staff, workers, contractors and customers in a professional, non-discriminatory

manner; Providing safe, effective working conditions, and; Providing competitive terms and
conditions in our workplace market.

Any Policy changes will be fully consulted on and communicated to all staff through normal
communication channels. This Policy Manual will also be updated as necessary. This Manual
applies to all Jurisdictions Globally.
Manpower Policy
Manpower Planning (MPP) is responsible for achieving the effective and efficient utilization of
Hassan Allam people resources in fulfilling the company’s job openings and highlighting the
skills shortages and/or surpluses.

This ensures enrichment of Hassan Allam employee’s experiences by exploring opportunities for
career advancement through horizontal and vertical mobility and maintains employment
stability, as well as profiting the organization by reducing the costs implicated in external
recruitment, saving time in filling job openings and decreasing turnover rates.

The Manpower Planning function operates on the headcount of all Hassan Allam business units.
Policy Statement

Manpower Planning (MPP) evaluates and analyzes the available people resources within the company
and the current and forecasted headcount requirements, whereby priority is given to internal
candidates in their fulfillment.
One of Hassan Allam Group strongest assets is its manpower’s collective and relevant experience,
thus, MPP believes in making the best use of the organization’s resources by their internal

Roles & Responsibilities

Human Resources Role

Responsible for achieving the effective and efficient utilization of Hassan Allam people resources
in fulfilling the organization’s job openings and highlighting the skills shortages and/or surpluses.
Co-ordinates the budgeting exercise and provides assistance to the heads of departments.
Estimated Future Manpower Plan:
▪ The HR Manager organizes a meeting with the head of department to discuss the
forecasted Manpower requirements for the department/functional area for preparation of
the manpower budget, keeping in mind the objectives and future needs of the department
in the period under review and targets set in the business plans.
▪ A Proper justification is required for each requisitioned position by the head of
▪ The HR Manager distributes Manpower budget data Form to the heads of respective
departments indicating the no. of job vacancies, job description for each job and the date
by which completed forms are to be returned to the Human Resource department.
▪ The head of department arranges to complete the Manpower Budget Data Form
specifying number of vacancies, estimated salary, planned date of induction etc., and
forwards the form to the Head of Human Resource department.
▪ Departmental manpower budgets are submitted to the Human Resource department at
least 10-12 weeks before the end of the operating financial year.
▪ The HR Manager Receives and checks Manpower Budget Data Forms to ensure that
they are correct, complete and consistent while being filled by the requisitioning
▪ The HR Manager Prepares a report summarizing the manpower requirements for each
department and forwards it along with the Manpower HR Planning Forms to the CHRO
/ HR Director review/ decision.
▪ Manpower planning for HQ- it will be determined by HQ Manpower budget that will be
created by budget control dept. and presented to budget committee for approval.
▪ Manpower planning for operations- it will be determined by operation Manpower budget
that will be created by tendering dept. or controls dept. to get an approval.
▪ The CHRO / Group HR Director assesses the necessity of the requisitioned new
positions and discusses with the head of departments
▪ The CHRO / Group HR Director Approves as proposed or with modification the Man
Power Plan.

1) Tools/Forms
1. Job Requisition Form
Recruitment and Selection Policy

1) Purpose
The purpose of our recruitment policy is to ensure that we have a consistent, fair, and cost-
effective approach to the way that we recruit and select candidates for the Hassan Allam
Group. In doing so we aim to make Hassan Allam employer of choice.
2) Scope
This Policy is applied to all Hassan Allam Employees across all Subsidiaries
3) Policy Statements
At Hassan Allam we place a high priority on hiring the very best people. The policy defines the
requirements to be met in the implementation of Recruitment and Selection. It aims at attracting
competent individuals to fill a specified position with the most suitable applicant. Candidates are
selected for appointment according to their ability, qualifications and competencies required to
fulfil the job requirements, with no discrimination based on factors such as race, gender or
4) Roles and Responsibilities (Users and Departmental)
Line Manager
The Line Manager is responsible for the requirements specification of the vacant position by
ensuring that an accurate, up to date and documented Job Description exists.
Line Managers should discuss their requirements with their line director, and then submit their
application to HR for consideration. HR will seek final approval from the HR Director.
Line Managers should be aware of the recruitment Policy & Procedures.
Human Resources Department
The HR Department will provide assistance in the preparation of the Job Descriptions and will
approve the formal document.
Ensure that all the Line Managers are aware of their responsibilities in the recruitment and
selection process.
Managers are given continuous support and guidance in regards to recruitment and selection
Ensure that equality of opportunity is an integral part of the recruitment practice.
Undergo selection interview training to Line Managers and keep these skills up to date.
The following documentation must be completed for recruitment to all posts:
Manpower Planning is contacted to fill a vacancy
Recruitment Request – HR
Job Description-Role profile
Personal Specification –Competencies
The Recruitment Process
A. Recruitment Sourcing
Recruitment unit will select a recruitment source according to the nature of the position.
Sources of recruitment include:
1. Database Searching
Human resources department will start fulfilling recruitment needs from within its database.
2. Head Hunting: (Golden candidates)
Head hunting proved – as per best practice - to be a very strong source of recruitment for senior
managerial positions. The human resources department is responsible for all vacancies
recruitment within the company. If a vacancy’s requirement is unlikely to be met internally,
external ads may proceed in parallel with internal ones. Any internal ad will state that the post
is being advertised externally.
3. Recruiting agencies
May be used for facilitating the recruitment process. The recruitment department will collect
and compile an initial short-list for applicants who passed the initial screening process within 7
working days.
4. Job Advertising
It is normal practice that all vacancies are advertised, both internally within the Company, as
well as externally. However, where it is considered that existing staff have the prerequisite
skills, priority/consideration may be given to advertising posts internally only. Staff who have
been identified to be ‘at risk’ may be considered for vacant posts prior to internal / external
advertisement if they meet all the essential criteria of the vacancy.
Internal Advertising

Where appropriate, Hassan Allam will advertise all vacancies internally.

Exceptions to this rule may occur when:
▪ The position is of such a specialised nature, and appropriate skills are not available
within the organisation; or
▪ There is a need to make a direct appointment or promotion into the vacant position.
Upon receiving approval for the vacant position, Human Resources will advertise the available
position internally. Internal advertisements should include the following:
▪ Position title
▪ Outline of the position
▪ Skills required for the role
▪ Closing date for applications
All internal applicants should forward a current copy of their resume, together with a Cover
letter, to the applicable manager for acknowledgement, consideration and processing.
Internal applicants who possess the required skills, qualifications and work-related experience, as
specified in the internal advertisement, should be interviewed for the position by the relevant
Manager or Supervisor.
External Advertising
The Following social networking website are used for professional occupations such as follows:
▪ Hassan Allam website
▪ LinkedIn
Where a position cannot be filled internally or where it is appropriate to conduct concurrent
internal and external recruitment campaigns, the available position should be advertised
All such positions will be advertised through relevant networks, on relevant websites, and
through local employment services.
Volunteer positions will be advertised as widely as deemed reasonable.
All advertisements must be approved by the CEO and CHRO, if the cost exceeds the allocated
budget, by the Board.
If required, the Human Resources Department will prepare an appropriate recruitment
advertisement for the position and submit it for review and approval by the appropriate Manager.
The Human Resources Department will administer the placement of the advertisement and
monitor applications received.
B. Screening (Recruitment Department)
Prior to reviewing a resume, there is a list of standards and criteria in mind against to which
resumes are compared. In addition, the job description is compared with the resumes. By
evaluating all candidates against the same screening standards, the process will be more
objective, fair and accurate.
C. 1- Panel Interview for (Technical Vacancies)
A panel is formed that includes:
1. Head of Department
2. HR
2 – Individual Interview (Non-Technical Vacancies)
Candidate will be interviewed as follows:
1. HR
2. Head of Department
3- Panel interview (Non-Technical Sr. positions (VPS, Directors)
Candidate will be interviewed as follows:
1. HR Director
2. Directors from other Functions
3. CEO
4. If required CHRO (Holding)
D. Shortlisting
It is the responsibility of the HR to make appropriate arrangements for shortlisting,
The shortlisting should be undertaken against the information compiled on the Job Description
and the personal Specification. It is important to ensure that there is a consistent approach to the
way in which personal data is used and assessed in the shortlisting process. It is more important
that the selection criteria used is applied in a fair and consistent way rather than that the criteria
are in themselves fair.
Candidates will only be shortlisted for interview if they meet all the essential criteria defined in
the personal specification. If the number of candidates meeting the essential criteria is excessive,
further selection must be undertaken utilizing the desirable criteria to achieve a workable
shortlist (suggest no more than 6 candidates).
Shortlisting must be undertaken by at least two individuals who are experienced in the
recruitment process and who will go on to be involved in the interviewing process. At least one
member of the panel should have attended the recruitment and selection “Best Fit” training.
E. Interviewing
Following shortlisting, selected applicants will be invited for an interview by the HRD. The
purpose of the interview is to facilitate the selection of the most suitable candidate for the post,
although it should be recognized that this is only a part of the selection process.
Invitations to Interview
Candidates should be given at least one-week clear notice of an interview date. The invitation
should include the details of any skills assessments and related preparatory work that they will be
required to undertake prior to or as part of the recruitment process. For urgent recruitment needs,
exception to this rule is applicable
Skills assessment (Technical and Non-Technical Roles)
As part of the selection process, Departments may wish candidates to partake in a series of skills
tests. These tests must be directly related to the role in question and must be measurable against
objective criteria.
Candidates must be informed of the details in the letter inviting them for interview. Details of
any skills tests, including the criteria to be measured and the method of measuring must be
provided in advance to HRD.
Types of Assessments:
• English
• IQ test
• Psychometric tests
• Technical (Verbal – Onsite)
All external applicants must complete the appropriate company application form.
Conduct of the Interview
When conducting interviews every member of the panel must make notes of questions asked and
answers given. This will provide feedback and evidence of why the candidates have been
selected or rejected. These notes must be signed and given to HRD. Just as with shortlisting,
these notes should be relevant to, and necessary for the process itself.
Interview questions and areas of discussion will be based on agreed upon Function and Core
Competencies Care must be taken to avoid questions which are discriminatory.
The selection of Candidate
After discussion the selection of candidate to be appointed will be made based on the decision of
the HR with cooperation of Line Manager. The panel will take account of any other information
that will have been generated as part of the selection process.
If the candidate selected does not take up the appointment, any decision to offer the appointment
to the second-choice applicant must be taken by the whole panel. Before the panel disbands it
should agree, if possible, on the reserved candidates.
Upon selection of the candidate, HR should make recommendation to the department/division
Medical assessment
All external applicants must complete the appropriate company application form. Which includes
Medical Questionnaire concerning the health of the candidate
The successful candidate is assured that the completed form will only be reviewed by an
Occupational Health Advisor acting on behalf of the company.
Offering Letter

The HRD (Recruitment section) will prepare the offer. This outlines the terms and conditions of
employment. (Starting date, Gross base salary, Benefits).

Rejecting Applicants

With external recruitment HR will reject unsuccessful short-listed applicants directly (by email).

On boarding

Once the HRD receives the signed job offer of the candidate, the candidate will be on the on-
boarding process.

During the recruitment process, the candidate will be contacted by the recruitment team via
email and/or phone to keep him/her informed of the hiring documents needed.

The confidentiality of the staff selection process must be maintained under all circumstances.
Applications and referee reports must be stored securely and details of applications, interviews or
any other aspect of the selection process should not be discussed outside the HR dept.
Application and personal information collected from applications for advertised positions must
only be used to complete the recruitment and selection process.

Over 60
Over 60 employees are not allowed to be hired unless there is an urgent need. If they had an
exception to be hired, in this case they are not entitling to annual increase, Bonus, Profit share,
Retention Plan or Promotion

Hiring Foreigners
H.A.C has a continuing commitment to equal employment opportunity (EEO) with absolutely no
discrimination regarding color, race, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability or marital status,
however some nationalities require security, CEO and HR approvals before being hired.

Employment of The Family Member

H.A.C will consider a member of an employee’s immediate family for employment if the applicant
possesses all the qualifications for employment for the position.
An immediate family member may not be hired, however, if the employment would a) create either a
direct or indirect supervisor/subordinate relationship with a family member or b) create an actual conflict
of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.
These criteria will also be considered when assigning, transferring or promoting an employee. For
purposes of this policy, “immediate family” includes the employee’s spouse, brother, sister, mother,
father, stepmother, stepfather, children, stepchildren, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-
in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law and any other member of the employee’s household.
Employees who may continue employment if there is not a) a direct or indirect supervisor/subordinate
relationship between the employees or b) an actual conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of
Before signing the job offer the applicant fills in an application form and write down any relative names
who works at H.A.C “Form is filled online/hardcopy”. The recruitment team must make sure that there is
no conflict of interest between hiring the applicant and his working relatives at H.A.C if found.

External or internal hiring is done according to the project manning schedule and the department org
The HR Business partner must maintain the hiring budget and avoid any overrun.

Reference Checking
For Senior Managerial Positions (Grade 15 and above), where possible, a minimum of two
reference checks are conducted prior to an offer of employment being extended to a candidate.
Details of the reference checks should be attached to the candidate’s application for future

Re-Hiring Criteria for All Candidates

Candidate Eligibility
- Employee must be resigned from their earlier employment in the company with timely
notice in compliance with company policy.
- Received performance evaluations showing satisfactory performance in terms of job
performance, attendance, and similar measuring factors. If an employee resigned prior to
receiving an evaluation, the employee must have successfully completed the probationary
period and have no disciplinary or similar record in the employee’s prior employment file.
- Receive a favorable report from a background check.
- Employee will be hired with the same last title and last salary within period of 1 year form
the date of the resignation.

Candidate Ineligibility
- Employees who were terminated for cause or abandoned their job.
- Employees who accepted a job offer but didn’t show up on their first day won’t be
considered for rehire for a period of [6] months. This doesn’t apply if they had serious
reasons for not showing up (e.g. medical emergencies).
- Former employees who had a less-than-satisfactory work record appropriately noted at
termination as not being eligible for rehire.
- Employees who were involuntarily terminated by H.A.C or who were laid off (with a less-
than-satisfactory work record) or who failed to complete their company introductory period
will not be considered for rehire.
- Resigned twice.
1) Tools/Forms
o Employment Application Form
o Offering Letter Form
o Position Requisition form
o Interview Assessment Form
Hiring and Termination Policy
The Hiring Process
This policy provides guidelines for the hiring and termination of employment and is intended to
ensure that the company fulfills its responsibilities in relation to all hiring & termination process.
This Policy is applied to all Hassan Allam Employees.
Policy statement
Hassan Allam Group believes that hiring qualified individuals to fill positions contributes to the
overall success of the company. Each employee is hired to make significant contributions to
Hassan Allam Group.
In hiring the most qualified candidates for positions, the following process should be followed.
The Hiring Process
After getting the approval of employment from the executives, the recruitment unit will
notify the successful applicant to notify him/her that he/she has been selected for the job
and the personnel to ask him/her to prepare his/her documents.
Employment Documents
The HR operation will provide the candidate with a list of employment documents as
1. Birth Certificate
2. Education Certificate
3. Criminal Status Certificate
4. Military Service Status
5. (3) Personal Photos
6. Identity Card
7. Form (6)
8. Permission Labor office
The HR Operations will review all submitted documents and file them in the Employee
personnel file.
Employment Contract
When the employment has been approved, a Service Contract of Employment will be
drawn-up by the HR Operations for joint signature by Hassan Allam and the prospective
HR Director will sign the Employment contract.
When the employee signs this contract, it will be deemed that the employee will abide by
all Hassan Allam policies and procedures.
The HR Operations files the original copy of the contract in the employee’s personnel file
and sends one copy to the employee and one copy to the Social Insurance Office, within
two weeks from the date of signature. An English version of the contract will be written
next to the Arabic one in case the employee’s first language is not Arabic but the Arabic
remains the official one.
The Contract of Employment should include the following:
▪ Position
▪ Basic Salary upon commencement
▪ The effective date and duration of the period of employment
Contractual arrangements for assignments on part time/temporary basis will follow the
same procedure and the duration of the assignment will be clearly documented.
Probation Period
The first three months of employment are considered a probationary period. During this time,
work performance is regularly monitored and assessed in order to determine whether or not
continued employment status should be granted.
Two weeks prior to the end of the probation period, HR operation unit will ask the
concerned department manager to fill the probation evaluation sheet to judge if the
employee is fit for the job or not. The Employee’s Department Manager shall prepare a
written Probation Evaluation Report for the Employee and meet with him/her to discuss
his/her performance before sending it to the Human Resources Department.
If the new employee does not perform satisfactorily according to the company standards and/or
does not conform to the terms and conditions of employment at the company, the HR Operations
will terminate the Contract.
The HR Team is responsible for undertaking the induction of new employees. HR
Operations will be responsible for the development of a formal induction course or
orientation program which will include briefings on: the group profile, its history, its
business operations, different Divisions/Departments, Policies and Procedures. (Check
the Induction Policy)
Contract Termination Policy

It is company policy to ensure that employee terminations are handled in a professional manner
with minimal disruption to ongoing work functions.

This Procedure applies to all employees of Hassan Allam Group

There are three types of terminations:

a. Resignation
b. Termination / Non-Renewal
c. Death


2.1 General

Voluntary termination of employment occurs when an employee informs his or her supervisor of
employee’s resignation.

2.2 Procedure

a. Employees are expected to provide a minimum of one month notice of their intention to
separate from the company in order to allow a reasonable amount of time to transfer
ongoing workloads. It is expected that written notification will be provided to the
employee's line manager.
b. Upon receipt of an employee's resignation, the line manager must notify Human
Resources (HR) by sending a copy of the resignation letter to HR, annotated if necessary,
with pertinent information (i.e. employee's reason for leaving, last day of work, etc.).
c. The employee has right to change his opinion through one week from acceptance date of
d. The HR Operations will coordinate the employee's out-processing. This process includes:
▪ Returning all company property (i.e. ID cards, Laptop, Business Line, etc.).
▪ Review of benefits status.
▪ Completion of an exit Interview questionnaire. The exit interview provides employees the
opportunity to freely express views about working at the company and will be held in
strict confidence. HR will compile data from exit interviews to determine if feedback to
an employee’s director is necessary.

3.1 General

a. An involuntary termination of employment, to include layoffs and stand-downs over 30

days, is a management-initiated dismissal. The inability of an employee to perform the
essential functions of the job with or without a reasonable accommodation may also
result in an involuntary termination.
b. Discharge may be for any legal reason, i.e., misconduct, tardiness, absenteeism,
unsatisfactory performance, inability to perform, etc. In some cases, progressive
discipline may be used.

▪ Termination in probation: The Company has the right anytime during the
probation period to raise a termination letter to the employee if his employee
evaluation is not good enough.
▪ Termination before end of contract: employee has two-month notice period
before leaving work. Leaves entitlements & accruals: Salary: employee will be
paid till the end of his contractual term (in case of contract of determined
▪ Nonrenewal contract: employee has two Month notice period before leaving
work. Leaves entitlements & accruals: Salary: employee will be paid till his last
day at work


The HR Operations will coordinate the employee's out-processing. This process includes:

a. Before any action is taken to discharge an employee, an approval request by the

employee’s line manager, and to be approved by the function head/director. Request must
be reviewed by the Termination Review Board.
b. The Termination Review Board consists of the President, Vice President of Corporate
Services and the employee's function head. It is the Board's responsibility to review the
situation and determine if dismissal is warranted.
c. If the Board recommends dismissal, it is the Line Manager's responsibility to notify the
employee and coordinate with HR to ensure that the terminated employee follows
Termination Procedures.
d. The line manager should complete an "Employee Change Form" or e-mail HR to confirm
the last day worked.
e. Returning all company proper ty (i.e. ID cards, Laptop, Business Line, etc.).
Internal Job Transfer Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide Hassan Allam employees with the opportunity to apply
for open positions that may enhance their career growth, before offers of employment are
extended to external applicants. It is also the objective of the Company to assign each employee
to a position that effectively utilizes the employee's skills in compliance with the overall
company requirements.
Employees who wish to transfer to a position outside their current department must satisfy the
requirements of the Internal transfer Policy and Procedures and follow the process outlined
Policy Statement
Hassan Allam supports an environment that values the pursuit of career mobility and encourages
the employee who expresses an interest and has the abilities to provide him/her the opportunity
to be considered for internal job opportunities throughout the company.
Roles and Responsibilities
Employee Role
• Employees interested in applying for an open position can contact Human Resources or the
hiring manager for additional job information. If the employee so requests, Human
Resources will keep their inquiries regarding a posted position confidential.
• Minimum of 12 months continuous service in present position
• Performance Evaluation: Job performance should be at least Successful Performance
• Meet the minimum experience, skill, and education qualifications for the open position.
• A recommendation of the Line Manager and divisional head must be obtained.
• Employees must complete the Internal Position Application form and return it to Human
Resources before a formal interview is scheduled.

Human Resources Responsibilities

• Determination of Eligibility. Human Resources will interview or refer an employee

applicant whose knowledge base, skillset, and work history match the position referenced
by the employee. Only employees deemed qualified and suitable are forwarded to the
hiring manager for review
• Hiring Manager Responsibilities

• Interview and Hiring Process. Each hiring manager is responsible for conducting the final
interview(s), verifying past employment and to assess the required qualifications.
• Compensation. Hiring managers should discuss with the HR the employee’s current salary
and may grant a salary increase, for a promotion (a move to a job in a higher salary grade).
No salary increase is provided for a lateral transfer (a move to a job in the same grade)
because there is no increase in the level of responsibility.

1) Procedures/implementation
▪ Job Vacancy Announcement: Vacancies will be announced periodically through e-mail.

- A Requisition form from a departmental head to fulfill job vacancy (s) internally by
transferring one (many) of staff from other divisions / departments.
- HR coordinates with the concerned divisions/ departments to get the approvals.
- HR sends the form to the function VP & VP Corporate Services for his final approval on the
transfer process and other related remuneration.
- HR to inform the employee subject for transfer (change of status) and/ or change of salary or
- HR to execute the transfer on personnel and payroll system according to Job title, position
reporting manager and benefits related to the new Job / Position.
- HR to announce the transfer process with new title, new job responsibilities and new
reporting lines to the whole company.
- Transfers shall typically take effect within one month, after an employee's acceptance.
Factors such as the urgency to fill the position, status of the employee's present workload,
and difficulty in filling the employee's present position are to be considered in determining a
transfer date.
2) Tools/Forms
1. Internal Job Transfer
Employee Leaves Policy
The Purpose of this policy is to inform employees of their entitlements and requirements
regarding the types of leaves.
This Policy applies to all Hassan Allam Employees.
Policy Statement
The Company recognizes the importance of work life balance and encourages all employees to
have regular holidays for rest and relaxation. In accordance with the Egypt Labor Law, No.12 -
2003, the Company provides leave time to eligible employees as identified below.
Roles and Responsibilities (Users and Departmental)
Line Managers:
▪ Planning and scheduling their employees leave requirements in advance. (six consecutive
days should be given to the employees once in a year)
▪ Monitoring the use of leave in their area at least on quarterly basis.
▪ undertaking appropriate action in accordance with the policy when leave standards and
requirements are not met (e.g. unauthorized absences)
▪ Consuming their annual leave during the course of the year.
▪ Assisting the Line Manager to plan and schedule leave plans in advance
▪ Providing adequate notice of planned annual leaves.
▪ All requests for planned leaves must be made in writing and signed by the employee and
the Line Manager and to be submitted to the Human Resources office.
Human Resources:
▪ The HR Department will send a quarterly report to all departments informing the Heads
of Department by the remaining balance of each employee till the end of the year.
▪ Keep records of each employee ‘s annual Leaves.

Annual Leave
An employee is entitled to a minimum annual paid leave of 21 days every one full year of service
and proportionally if his/her period of service is less than one year. This annual leave is
increased to 30 calendar days after the employee has worked for 10 consecutive years or is over
50 years old.
The Employee would be entitled to take the Annual Leaves after passing the Probation Period.
Casual Leave
Casual leave is the leave taken by an employee, as a result of unexpected circumstances, in
which he has no choice except desisting from work, after that the employee should inform the
employer with the reasons of absence.

Article No. 51 of the Labor Law states that desisting from work for emergency reasons should
not exceed six days per year with a maximum of two days each time, and this leave will be
deducted from the annual leave of the employee

Sick Leave

The employee is entitled to sick leaves. Employees whose sickness is established and determined
by the concerned medical network, and shall be compensated according to the Egyptian labor
law as follows

▪ 1 month to 6 months: 75% paid sick leave of the employee’s gross salary.
▪ More than 6 months: Visits a Medical Committee.

In case of Work-related Accidents & Injuries

A work-related injury or illness is any injury or illness arising out of and during the course of
employment. In this case, the sick leave is fully paid by the company.

In case of Regular Sickness

A worker has the right to request his leaves of sickness to be transferred to the annual leave

Maternity Leave

A female who has spent 10 months in the company shall be entitled to a maternity leave of 90
days with full wage payment including the period preceding giving birth. The female employee
is entitled for the maternity leave two times during her working period at the company.

During the 24 months following the date of childbirth, she has the right to two period of rest
daily (30 minute each) for breast-feeding her child, with the option to combine both periods in

Marriage Leave
The Employee will get the marriage leave from his/her annual balance.
Military Leave
Military leave will be granted to full-time employees who are members of the Egyptian Armed Forces to
attend required annual training or other duty required by the services.
The employee should provide advance notice of the military obligations and a copy of the military order to
the employee relation unit immediately.
The leave duration will not be treated as annual leave rules and will be paid.
Public Holidays

According to ministerial decree No. 112/2003, The Company grants 14 days of official Public
Holidays fully paid, as follows:

▪ The 1st day of Moharam (Islamic New Year)

▪ The 12th day of Rabie the first (Prophet Mohamed's birthday)
▪ The 1st and 2nd days of Shawal (1st Bairum)
▪ The 9th, 10th, and 11th days of Zoelhega (2nd Bairum)
▪ The seventh day of January (Eastern Christmas)
▪ 25 January (25 Revolutionary Day)
▪ Spring day (Sham El Nessim)
▪ The 25th of April (Sinai Liberation Day)
▪ The 1st of May (Labor Day)
▪ 30th June Revolution day
▪ The 23rd of July (Revolution Day)
▪ The 6th of October (Armed Forces Day

Performing Pilgrimage or Visiting Jerusalem

Regarding religious respects, Article No. 53 of the new Labor Law stated that an employee who
has spent five consecutive years in the service has the right of a full paid leave for a period not
exceeding one month for performing pilgrimage or to visit Jerusalem. Such leave shall be
enjoyed only once during the period of service.

Leave without Pay

In very special cases the company may grant leave without pay for not more than 15 days and
upon the approval of the Head of Department and CHRO.

1) Tools and Forms

1. Leave Request Form

Attendance and Punctuality Policy

This policy provides guidelines for monitoring the attendance and punctuality of employees to
perform the duties and responsibilities of their positions productively and efficiently
This Policy applies to all Hassan Allam employees.
Policy Statement
Hassan Allam expects all employees to conduct themselves regularly in a professional manner
during their working hours. All Employees should regard coming & Leave work on time. It is the
responsibility of employees to notify their line managers of any expected leaves, absences and

Roles and Responsibilities (Users and Departmental)

Line Manager:
Line Managers should monitor their employees’ attendance on a regular basis through the
attendance System. Unsatisfactory attendance should be addressed in a timely and consistent

▪ Employees must be punctual and maintain satisfactory attendance. In Case the employee is
absent for an emergency case, he/she should inform his Line Manager.
▪ Frequent or unscheduled absences and repeated lateness will result in disciplinary action.
▪ A missed Sign in/out on the designated time clock at the beginning and/or end of their
assigned shift is a violation of this policy.
▪ Signing in (late) or out (early) without prior approval is not acceptable and Penalty
regulations will be applied as per Labor Law.

5) Procedures/Implementation


Working Hours:
▪ The Head Quarter working hours are eight and half hours from Sunday to Thursday from
08:00 a.m. till 05:00 p.m. including Half hour break per day. Total of 42.5 Net working
hours per week.
▪ Operations/Sites Working hours are determined according the work conditions and in
accordance with the Egyptian Labor Law.
▪ Any changes in the Working hours are determined by HAH.
Attendance Access Cards:
Employees’ attendance is managed by an automated time management system. Using access
card / Finger print for each employee in order to facilitate tracking and monitoring of employees’
If an employee doesn’t abide to use the access card as advised upon arrival, he/she will be
considered absent. Upon departure, if the employee doesn’t abide to use of the access card,
he/she will be considered as if they left work early.
Business missions outside the head-office/Project should be approved by the employee’s direct
manager/line Manager using the HR portal/hard copy form.
This includes when the time of the mission starts early in the morning that leads the employee to come after
the head office/Project working hours or late in the afternoon that leads him to leave the office/project early.

Lunch Break:
By arrangement with the Line Manager, he/she will schedule meal periods to accommodate
operating requirements, all employees are provided with one meal period of maximum of 30
minutes in length each workday.

Days off:
▪ The weekly vacation are generally Fridays and Saturdays for all employees at the Head
▪ For employees working in projects on shift basis, weekly vacation days will be in
accordance with the shift schedules arranged by their Line Manager and the Plant
General Manager.


Late Arrivals:
Employees must follow department call-in procedures to notify the department of the reason for
lateness and expected arrival time.
▪ The Employee is allowed to have a 15-minute late arrival in the morning maximum till
08:15 AM
▪ Employees have a maximum of two hours excuse twice per month.
▪ Employees who do not notify their supervisors of their tardiness or have exceeded their
excuse hours shall be disciplined and penalty regulations shall be applied as per Labor

Please refer to Disciplinary Action according to Egypt Labor Law.

Reporting Absence:

Absence Without Notification

Employees who do not notify their Line Managers of unscheduled absences will be disciplined
and Penalty regulations will be applied as per Labor Law.

impact penalty
Absent for
Positions working Time Off days days in delay excuse impact in Fingerprint
days schedule payroll or per payroll system
leave month
Top 5 days 8 AM : Friday & day by Null - Null Not
Management (flexible 5.00PM Saturday day applicable
“MDs’s, hour/
Directors” days)
Management 5 days 8 AM : Friday & day by After - Cumulative Applicable
5.00PM Saturday day 30 delay
“ Sr. Minutes (early
Managers , leave is
Managers Null)
,Section Head
Staff 5 days 8 AM : Friday & as per After 4 per Cumulative Applicable
5.00PM Saturday labor 15 month (delay
“Seniors , law Minutes +leave
Specialists, early )-4
Coordinators, hours (if
Juniors” the
didn't use it
5 days 8 AM : Friday & as per After 4 per Cumulative Applicable
5.00PM Saturday labor 15 month (delay
Line Staff law Minutes +leave
early )-4
hours (if
didn't use it
6 days 8 Am : one day as per After 4 per Cumulative Applicable
4 Pm labor 15 month (delay
Line Staff 4 Pm : law Minutes +leave
12 Pm early)-4
“Security” 12Am: 8 hours (if
Am the
didn't use it
Please refer to Disciplinary Action Policy according to the Egyptian Labor Law.

2. Tools and Form

3. Leave Request Form
4. Excuse Request Form

(i) All leave is granted at the discretion of the Management. Nothing can limit the discretion of
the management to refuse, revoke or curtail leave subject to the exigencies of work.
(ii) The authority to sanction leave shall be such officers of the Company as may be authorized
by the management.
(iii) Weekly Off, National holidays and Paid Holidays, Compulsory or Restricted, may be
prefixed and suffixed to any leave subject to the provision governing grant of such leave.
(iv) An employee who desires to avail of leave has to make an application in the prescribed Leave
Form or through e-HR (Leave Management System).
(v) Application for leave of absence for three days or less should ordinarily be made at least 24
hours prior to the beginning of the period for which leave is required. Such leave application
is to be disposed of immediately.
(vi) Application for leave of absence for more than three days shall ordinarily be made at least 7
days before the date from which the leave is required. The leave application in such cases is
to be disposed of within three days.
(vii) An employee who desires to extend his leave shall make an application in writing to the
leave sanctioning authority before expiry of the leave already sanctioned. If the application
for leave is on medical grounds, he has to submit a medical certificate issued by the
Registered Medical Practitioner stating the probable period for which leave is required. On
receipt of such an application the HR department will immediately inform the employee in
writing at the address given by the employee whether the extension of leave has been
sanctioned, and if so, for what period, or whether extension has been refused.
(viii) Employees separating from company’s service may, if they so desire, get their notice
period adjusted against privilege leave due to them on the date of resignation.
Code of Conduct Policy
1) Purpose
This Policy affirms the Hassan Allam Group belief in responsible social and ethical behavior
from all employees. It outlines the standard of behavior expected from all employees. It is
designed to assist in understanding the responsibilities and obligations in the workplace in order
to foster a culture of honesty and accountability.
2) Scope
This policy is applied to all the employees of Hassan Allam
3) Policy Statement
Our Code of Conduct contains a number of important guidelines of behavior and is intended to
guide all of us in our daily business but also in our strategic planning, dealing with other employees
and our decision-making processes. Where appropriate, our Code of Conduct manual will be
modified by local laws and standards.

4) Roles and Responsibilities (Users and Departmental)

Line Managers Role
▪ informing employees and creating awareness in their teams about the Employee Code of
Conduct, relevant policies, procedures and minutes
▪ Providing appropriate training and/or performance counselling to ensure that required
standard is met.
▪ Reporting any deviation from the Employee Code of Conduct by themselves or others
acting consistently and fairly in dealing with behavior that breaches this code.

Employee Role
▪ Under take their duties and behave in a manner that is consistent with the provisions of
the Employee Code of Conduct.
▪ report any breading from the Employee Code of Conduct by themselves or others
▪ Promote a positive, safe and healthy environment in the conduct of their work.

5) Code of Conduct is based on the following:

1. Confidentiality
Employees must maintain the confidentiality of confidential information entrusted to them by the
Company or its suppliers or customers, except when disclosure is authorized by senior
management or required by laws, regulations or legal proceedings. Confidential information
includes all non-public information that might be of use to competitors of the Company, or harmful
to the Company or its customers, if disclosed.
2. Gifts
As a general rule, Hassan Allamdoes not allow or encourage the receipt of personal gifts and/or
personal favors’ of any kind or of any material value by any of its employees. However, and in
limited cases only, it is allowed whereby the refusal to receive and/or to accept a gift or a personal
courtesy or favor may have an adverse impact on the business relations and interests of the

The employees to whom the gift and/or favor is being extended must obtain the prior written
consent of his/her department head. In determining if the said exception should be made, the gift
and/or favor must be of a symbolic nature. The value of the gift must not exceed 250 L.E.

Gifts of nominal value can be offered and received in reasonable quantities. Examples of this kind
of gifts are: pens, t-shirts, mugs, calendars, etc., containing the logo of the company.It is not
allowed to offer, provide or accept money or money equivalents.Lunch/Dinner invitations, (either
extended by employees of Hassan Allamor otherwise received by them) should also be explicitly
approved by each department head.

3. Protection and Proper Use of Company Properties

All employees, officers and directors shall protect the Company’s assets and ensure their
efficient use. Theft, loss, misuse, carelessness, and waste of assets have a direct impact on the
Company’s profitability. All Company assets shall be used for legitimate business purposes.
The personal use of Company assets without permission is prohibited.
4. Smoking
The Company Smoking regulations is made to ensure the proper atmosphere for health and
safety of the company employees.
Smoking is totally forbidden in the following areas:
▪ Meeting rooms
▪ Kitchens
▪ Toilets
▪ Corridors
▪ Elevators
▪ Staircases

The only closed areas where smoking is allowed are single closed offices and the staff cafeteria.
At your discretion, smoking is allowed outside company buildings while taking into
consideration the company safety procedures.
Grievance Policy
1) Purpose
The purpose of the grievance procedure is to ensure that, as far as possible ,grievances are dealt
with and resolved informally through discussion between the aggrieved employee and their line
manager. Grievances are concerns, problems or complaints raised by an employee and must be
made in writing.
However, before using the grievance procedure it is expected that an employee will try to resolve
their complaint informally if at all possible. The formal stage of the procedure should only be used
when the informal stage has failed to resolve the issue or is not making progress at reasonable
2) Policy Statement
It is company policy that employees will be given a fair hearing concerning any grievance they
wish to raise in connection with their employment.
3) Scope
This Policy applies to all employees of Hassan Allam Group, regardless of their length of service
or type of employment contract.
4) Procedures/Implementation
Stage 1
Details of the grievance should be given in written and signed statement to the employee’s
immediate superior. In the case of employees who have a language difficulty and/or find it difficult
to express themselves in writing, they may get a colleague to act on their behalf.
The direct manager upon receiving such a grievance, will reply to the employee within 5 working
days. If the employee did not receive a reply this means that the manager rejects this grievance.
Upon receipt of a formal grievance, the manager may initially arrange a meeting with the employee
to ascertain whether it could be resolved through an informal way (meeting of employee with the
Stage 2
If a grievance is not answered to the employee satisfaction at this stage, the employee may request
an interview with the head of his department. The manager has to reply to the employee within 5
working days since the interview.
Following an investigation into the facts of the case, the manager may give consideration at this
stage as to whether the case should be progressed as a disciplinary matter. In these circumstances,
advice must always be sought from the HR Director.
Stage 3
Employees may proceed through escalating this process until they have an interview with the VP
Corporate Service.
Stage 4
If a grievance is not answered to the employee satisfaction, he/she may write a formal complaint
signed and approved by the Human Resources Department to be sent to the Legal Department (See
Grievance policy in Legal Section).
6. Compliance with Rules & Hassan Allam Policies
Hassan Allam employees are expected and directed to comply with all laws and all the company
policies relating to the business activities. It is also each employee’s responsibility to know and
understand legal and policy requirements, and to notify management when they believe a
violation of law or Hassan Allam policies/standards has occurred.
7. Conflict of Interest
All employees are obligated to act at all times solely in the best interests of the Company. A
conflict of interest arises when an employee has a personal relationship or financial or other
interest that could interfere with this obligation, or when they use their position with the
Company for personal gain. The Company requires that employees disclose all potential
conflicts of interest and that they promptly take actions to eliminate the conflict when the
Company requests them to do so.
Dress code Policy
The Dress Code Policy assists in the enhancement of the corporate image of the organization.
This Policy has been developed with consideration to the nature and type of work performed by
all employees and includes an outline for the appropriate appearance that supports Hassan Allam
Group Image.
This policy applies to all employees of Hassan Allam.
Policy Statement
The way in which Hassan Allam employees dress and present themselves plays an important part
in the image that portrays to clients, and the general public.all employees shall avoid wearing
clothing and accessories that would detract from the professional image of Hassan Allam group.
Head Quarter Employees:
Head Quarter employees are obliged to dress Formal business dress code during their working
Dress wear Guidelines

▪ Men shall always wear a suit and tie during the working hours.
▪ Men should always keep haircuts well maintained, and always shave any facial hair.
▪ Jeans, t-shirt, shorts, Flip-flops, and snickers do not present appropriate professional attire.
▪ Hats are not allowed in the office.
▪ Any form of sports shoes (including joggers or runners) are not allowed in the office.
▪ For women, clothing shouldn’t be too short or too tight.
▪ Facial jewelry, such as eyebrow rings, lip rings, and tongue studs, is not professionally
appropriate and must not be worn during business hours.

Exceptions to Corporate Dress code:

For Occupational Health & Safety risk minimization, and the nature of various tasks, some
employees may be exempted from wearing the formal business attire. Technical office /
Projects Department fall into this category but only under the discretion of the department.
Project/site employees:
Employees in projects are required to wear the uniform that is given by the company according
to the nature of the job during the working hours to ensure compliance with Health and Safety
Maintenance, Office Boys, Drivers:
Maintenance, Office Boys, Drivers are required to wear uniform that is given by the company
according to the nature of the job during the working hours.
1) Roles and Responsibilities (Users and Departmental)
The Line Manager/Supervisor
Will ensure subordinates compliance with this policy.
Line managers must ensure that instructions relating to dress code and appearance are complied
with the Company Image and that a high standard of personal appearance is maintained.
The Employee
All employees are individually responsible for their general presentation, appearance and
personal hygiene
Employees are responsible for following the standards of uniform and appearance and should
understand how the dress code relates to their working environment, health and safety, their
specific role and duties and their contact with others during their employment.
Failure to adhere to the Company’s standard of dress and appearance may constitute misconduct
and could ultimately result in formal disciplinary procedures being implemented.

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