Notes - Nov 13th

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Nov 13th

Saturday, November 13, 2021 8:56 AM

1. Quick Recap
2. Python Hands-on

Python Basic:
Index starts from 0 (by default) to length-1
1. Data Types
a. Tuples
i. Immutable
ii. Heterogenous
iii. Can hold duplicate values
iv. T = (1,2)
v. One Dimensional
b. List:
i. Mutable
ii. L = [1,'a',(1,3)]
iii. Heterogenous - mixed data type
iv. One-Dimensional
v. L[0]
vi. Slicing & Dicing
1) From start[0:]
2) In between [1:5]
3) From last [-1:]
c. Dictionary:
i. Key-value pair
ii. Syntax: first_dict = {'a' :1, 'b':2, 'c':3}
iii. Access: first_dict['a']
iv. No Duplicate Keys
v. Functions:
1) .keys() - all the keys inside the dict
2) .values() - all the value inside the dict
3) .items() - return key and value pair of the dict
vi. Nested Dict is possible

Python Libraries:
1. Numpy - Numerical Python
Fundamental package for scientific computing
low-level implementation
short-hand or alias is "np"
2. Scipy - Scientific computing library.
different scientific test
3. Matplot lib - Python 2D plotting, visualization
4. Seaborn - Visualization library;
alias is sns
5. Scikit-learn : Built on numpy, scipy and matplotlib
for data mining and data analysis

Oct23- Dec4th Page 1

for data mining and data analysis
ML model
6. Pandas: High Performance, easy to use data structure and data analysis operation
Short hand or alias as pd

All these libraries are Open source - Huge Community, updates are very regular

Oct23- Dec4th Page 2

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