Answer Sheet 1-10

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Student number:

Research Report Reading – IKW 2016

24 May 2021

Answer sheet
a. Read the following text before you answer the questions.
b. Type the answer after each question.
c. Don’t forget to write down your full name and student number on the answer
d. Remember that this is individual work and therefore your honesty is greatly

1. What is the topic of the paper? (3 points)
Answer: The topic is about investigating teacher-supported peer assessment
for EFL writing
2. Mention three keywords of the paper. (3 points)
Answer: Peer assessment, teacher support, EFL writing.
3. What is the purpose of the study? (3 points)
Answer: The aim of the study is to implement peer assessment for EFL writing
in China, by addressing learners’ concerns through tailor-made teacher
intervention strategies.
4. How many types of survey were conducted in this sudy and what are they?
(4 points)
Answer: There are 2 types of survey, Pre-intervention surveys and Post-task
5. According to Nelson and Murphy (1993), two reasons explain why ESL
learners mistrust peer responses to their writing and might not incorporate
them while revising drafts. What are they? (4 points)
Answer: Because English is not their peers’ first language, and they view the
teacher as ‘the one who knows'.
6. a. Who were the participants of the study? (2 points)
Answer: The study was carried out in an EFL writing class at a university in
China, consisting of 18 second-year English majors (ten females and eight
males) over four months. Eighteen English majors participated in peer
assessment for nine writing tasks.

b. How long was the study conducted? (2 points)

Answer: The study was carried out in an EFL writing class at a university in
China over four months.
c. What is the participants’ level of English? (2 points)
Answer: The students gained an average score of 120 out of 150 in the English
entrance examination (which roughly corresponds to a score of 6–6.5 on IELTS).
d. How did the author know the participant’s level of English? (2 points)
Answer: Pre-intervention surveys elicited learners’ concerns over peer
assessment, leading to the design of teacher-led support strategies. Post-task
surveys examined learners’ satisfaction with teacher-supported peer
assessment, and were supplemented by the assignment feedback data.
7. Mention one main impact of teacher support on peer assessment, and give
an example of a student’s statement which supports the impact. (5 points)
Answer: Impact of teacher intervention strategies on peer assessment
The post-task survey showed that all students were satisfied with the teacher
support strategies.
Firstly, training improved the efficiency of peer assessment, as Shu stated:
Sometime he [the writing teacher] provided guidelines on how to provide feedback so
that we focused on those aspects he suggested. This helps me to be more organized
when participating in peer assessment.
8. Which statement shows that over 50% of the students used peer feedback in
their revisions? (5 points)
Answer: The student writers integrated 52 per cent of the peer feedback points
into their revisions. Two-hundredand-sixty-seven peer feedback points (SD =
4.21) were fully used and 53 (SD = 2.1) were partially used.
9. The peer feedback practice also makes some students learn from their
peers’ errors. Which statement shows that evidence? (5 points)
Answer: Similarly, Zhu said: I use more feedback on grammar and spelling and it
also depends on teacher comments on its correctness.
Likewise, Xiong commented:
If peer feedback is about wording, I will put a question mark after it then the teacher
will give comments on it. If he commented ‘disagree’, then I will reconsider it.
10. Which example shows the student’s fully-used indirect peer feedback? (5
Answer: A similar view was expressed by Xin:
I think it is good to discuss with peers because we can point out each other’s problems
and explain them in details. Further, the atmosphere between peers is more relaxing
than with the tutor, so we can discuss the problems more deeply. For example, I didn’t
discuss the organization of the whole essay with my tutor.

11. Read examples 4 – 7. Why are some of them called ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’
feedback? (8 points)

12. What are the four teacher support strategies for peer assessment? (12 points)
13. How many assignments were collected during the course of the study? (2

14. Based on whether or not the peer feedback was accommodated by the student
writers during the revision, the use of peer feedback can be categorized into
three. What are they? Explain what each of them means (9 points)

15. How did the author collect perceptional data? (4 points)

16. Some students said that peer reviewers understood their writing better than
the teacher. Why is that so? (5 points)

17. Did all participant writers integrate all the peer feedback points into their
revisions? Explain! (4 points)

18. The author said that teacher disagreement with peer feedback could
discourage its use. Why? (5 points)

19. What is the result of the study reported in the paper? (3 points)

20. What future studies were suggested by the author? (3 points)

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