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Medical Radiography Diagnostic System

Medical Radiography Diagnostic System

Shenzhen Lanmage Medical Technology Co.,Ltd.

Address:Lanmage Science & Technology Park, Tangtou Road, Shiyan Sub-
district, Baoan District, Shenzhen.
Tel: (86-755) 6686 9896
copyright2020 Shenzhen Lanmage Medical Technology Co., Ltd. All rights
specifications and appearance are subject to change without prior notice.

2020.3 V2.0
Medical Radiography Diagnostic System

A f f o r d ab l e, r el i ab l e and c o n v en i en t
Automatic Tracing Module

4 directional floating table optional

Two x-ray generator to option

Medical Radiography Diagnostic System
Automatic Tracing Module

Automatic Tracing the Wall Stand

and the Table Detector Along the
Vertical and Horizontal Axis.

4 directional floating table


Shoot in a flexible position,

Omnidirectional shooting

Tw o x -r ay g en er at o r t o

32/50 kw generator optional

Ou t s t an d i n g Im aging Qualit y

Compactness design
Steady move, simple installation, save space and
Floating table, vertical and horizontal stand
movement, and electromagnetic locking, can
provide the most reliable protection to the patient,
in the case of a sudden power failure.

Main configurations

High frequency voltage generator

Reliable small focus X-ray tube High
quality flat panel detector Integrated
radiographic table Vertical bucky
High performance collimator and grid
Image acquisition workstation

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