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Rich Jacobs1, Erwin Johnson2, John Ausman3

and Pichuraman Sundaram4
The Boeing Company, 2201 Seal Beach Blvd MC 110-SK56 Seal Beach, California 90740
MSC Software Corporation, 2 MacArthur PL Santa Ana, California 92707
MSC Software Corporation, 2 MacArthur PL Santa Ana, California 92707
The Boeing Company, 2301 Bolsa Ave MC H45N-E405 Huntington Beach, California 90740

Keywords: Static Aeroelasticity, Aeroelastic Loads, Nonlinear CFD, MD Nastran

Abstract. An innovative process has been developed that combines the fidelity and power of
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods with the low cost of time-honored panel
methods to achieve an accurate and efficient aeroelastic trim and loads generation capability
using MD Nastran. The process utilizes non-linear aerodynamic data from CFD or wind
tunnel sources with aeroelastic corrections from Doublet-Lattice, ZONA51, or CPM
methods. The nonlinear trim calculation is performed in an efficient manner while
incorporating aerodynamic nonlinearities, flexible corrections, and a general trim
specification. Statistics on problem size and CPU times indicate that this process can be
applied to “real-world” design tasks in an affordable manner. This paper will detail the
process and show applications at The Boeing Company.

Fast and accurate external loads development is essential to efficiently support structural
design and optimization efforts. For low cost rapid prototyping or trade study applications,
this can be challenging due to limited budget and task duration constraints. Loads can be
developed quickly using linear panel methods, but these are unable to capture complex flows
and nonlinearity from shocks, separation, vortex flows, or model control devices such as
speed brakes. High quality aerodynamic data can be obtained from wind tunnel testing, but
this process is costly and time consuming. High fidelity aeroelastic CFD simulations continue
to evolve, but are not capable of generating the variety of trimmed maneuvers for the large
number of load cases necessary for structural design or for use in structural optimization
applications. Addressing multiple mass and center of gravity conditions adds complication
for these methods. Also, the aerodynamic data from these methods must be used as is and can
not be corrected to better agree with wind tunnel or flight test observations.

What is needed is a robust variable-fidelity process that allows for integration of high-fidelity
aerodynamics early in the design process to improve results and reduce risk. This process
should be capable of supporting both loads generation and structural optimization
applications. The process should be capable of incorporating results from experimental

methods as they become available. These features can provide significant benefits for a wide
range of applications. This paper describes a new hybrid loads process built on commercial
off the shelf (COTS) MD Nastran and enhanced with Boeing funded developments that
provide these capabilities. The process was developed as part of a joint effort between MSC
Software Corporation and The Boeing Company.

The MD Nastran computer program available from the MSC Software Corporation has long
been used to perform static aeroelastic analysis [1]. The aerodynamic data provided in the
code are based on linear panel methods, such as the Doublet-Lattice Method (DLM) for
subsonic speeds and ZONA51 or CPM for supersonic regimes. In this solution, the user
specifies a structural model, an aerodynamic model, splining procedures to connect the two
models, and a maneuver specification. The program then solves for the free controller
settings (e.g., angle of attack and control deflection) to produce a trimmed aeroelastic

Several new features have been added to augment the standard [1] capability. These include
nonlinear trim enhancements [2] and the ability to perform static aeroelastic analysis with
two separate aerodynamic meshes [3]. This latter enhancement enables the integration of 3-D
aerodynamic data from CFD or experimental methods with aeroelastic corrections produced
from a coarse mesh based on the DLM, ZONA51, or CPM methods.

Before describing the new process, the governing equations are briefly discussed. The
general form of the aeroelastic trim problem is given by equation (1):

M [u ]  (K   qQ [u

gg g gg gg g    
]  (q Qgv  Pgv )[uv ] (1)

Where M gg and K gg are the mass and stiffness matrices in the g-set and:

Q gg  G gkp Qkk Gkgd (2)

is the aeroelastic influence matrix that is a combination of Q kk, the aerodynamic influence
coefficient matrix and the spline matrices that convert structural displacements to
aerodynamic displacements ( Gkgd ) and aerodynamic forces to structural forces ( Ggkp ). The
matrices on the left hand side of equation (1) are derived from the flexible model. The right
hand side of equation (1) contains a u v term which represents the aerodynamic states. Two
types of rigid loads are considered. The first due to aerodynamics is given by:

Q gv  G gkp Qkv (3)

Where Q kv contains rigid loads produced from CFD or wind tunnel sources, and

Pgv  qPgvq  Pgvo (4)

contains the non-aerodynamic controller forces which may be independent of dynamic

pressure ( Pgvo ) such as engine thrust or may be scaled by dynamic pressure ( Pgvq ). An
overview of the new hybrid static aeroelastic (SOL 144) process is presented in Figure 1.

Rigid Aero CFD2NAST


SOL 144 1
Rigid CFD Solution

.Master Database
CFD to FEM Spline

SOL 144 2
Combined CFD + DL

Aeroelastic Trim and Loads

Figure 1 CFD/Doublet Lattice Process for Static Aeroelastic Analysis

The process begins with creation of the rigid aerodynamic data. A wide variety of linear or
non-linear aerodynamic sources can be accommodated. These may include, CFD, wind
tunnel, or panel codes such as A502 [4]. Advances in CFD mesh generation with linkage to
CAD geometry have significantly reduced mesh generation times and allow for fast updates
as configurations evolve. Low cost cluster computing with ever increasing CPU performance
allow for increased solution production. All of this, plus improvements in flow solver
convergence and automated batch processing, is making CFD more efficient and easier to
apply today and into the future.

Once the rigid aero data is available, it is processed using the CFD2NAST utility. This is a
Boeing program that was jointly developed by Boeing and MSC. The purpose of this
program is to convert and store the rigid aerodynamic and associated data into data blocks
necessary for the MD Nastran aeroelastic solution sequence. Table 1 contains a list of the
data blocks stored on the ADBD database. The key data consists of distributed loads due to
pressures used for trim, and loads generation, pressures for display in Patran, mesh geometry,
and solution states. All solutions share the same aerodynamic mesh, but differ in the solution
state. (e.g. Mach number, angle of attack, and control deflection) Also, as additional CFD or
wind tunnel results become available, they can be easily added to an existing database.

DATABLOCK Description
AERO Basic aero parameters, such as symmetry flags and reference lengths
AECOMP Aerodynamic components (panel geometry)
AECSTM Aerodynamic coordinate systems
CONTROL Set of controllers including control surfaces and aerodynamic states
AEBOXS Aerodynamic box geometry information
AEBGPDTS Aerodynamic grid point data
ADBINDX Index for columns in ABFJV0 and ADBQKV0
AEUSETS Aerodynamic degrees of freedom and aerodynamic grid points
ADBUXV State vectors for results ABFJV0 and ADBQKV0
ADBFJV0 Pressure vectors for the states of ADBUXV
ADBQKV0 Force vectors for the states of ADBUXV
SAERKS Integration matrix for aerodynamic monitor points
TRX Boolean matrix to select accelerations from the state vectors
AEROMON Definition of aerodynamic monitor points
Table 1 MD Nastran Datablocks Produced by the CFD2NAST Utility

A key feature of the CFD2NAST utility is the ability to correct rigid CFD pressure
distributions to match target load values. These target values can be based on experimental
results, or could be used to introduce uncertainty, or to apply conservatism. For example, the
wing bending moment could be increased by 5% to determine the impact on structural weight
and control effectiveness. This can be helpful to understand the robustness of the design.

The CFD2NAST utility can also be used to interpolate aerodynamic data from one mesh to
another. This can be useful for reducing storage and computational requirements by applying
CFD results from a very fine mesh to a reduced-density mesh more appropriate for structural
analysis. The interpolation capability can also be used to augment linear data from panel
codes such as A502 with high angle of attack CFD results. Figure 2 illustrates an example
where viscous CFD was used to augment linear A502 data to capture the high angle of attack
nonlinear trend.



Figure 2 Example of A502 Data Augmented with Nonlinear CFD

Once the ADBD database has been generated, a SOL 144 job is performed. SOL 144 is the
MD Nastran solution sequence for static aeroelasticity. The rigid aerodynamic data is
obtained from the ADBD database using the DBLOCATE command. Splines are used to
transform loads from the CFD degrees of freedom to the FEM grid points. MD Nastran
contains several splining methods for use with 3-D aerodynamics as well as the capability to
access an external spline using client/server technology. The external spline server was used
by MSC and Boeing to couple the Discrete Transform method developed at NASA by
Samareh [6] with MD Nastran. Integration of the Discrete Transform was a Boeing
proprietary development that allows for faster generation of splines for CFD models which
contain significantly more points than typical DLM models. At this point, a nonlinear rigid
trim capability is available and could be used for CFD based loads generation. The main
purpose of this analysis, however, is to produce a Nastran database that contains the CFD
spline information for input into the second SOL 144 analysis, which is used to compute an
aeroelastic solution using CFD and DLM data.

The flexible model input for the second SOL 144 run contains the Doublet-Lattice model
used to provide aeroelastic corrections, and any desired rigid aerodynamic data not available
from the CFD analyses. This file also contains the spline data for transferring the Doublet-
Lattice results to the structure and the structural displacements to the Doublet-Lattice
downwash points.

A significant feature of the separate aerodynamic mesh developments is that the set of
controllers for the two meshes does not need to be the same. The flexible mesh is allowed to
have additional controllers not contained in the CFD data. This provides an optional way of
adding additional states not easily computed from CFD methods. An example of this would
be adding states for vehicle roll, pitch, and yaw rotations. These are easily created in MD
Nastran using the DLM, but are not easily developed from a CFD analysis. Additionally, the
flexible mesh could be used to supply additional rigid control surface data that are not
defined in the CFD model. In this case, both the rigid load and the elastic corrections would
come from the Doublet-Lattice model.

The second SOL 144 analysis shown in Figure 1 performs the aeroelastic trim using CFD and
DLM data for a specified maneuver condition. In this second run, two case control
commands (AECONFIG and AERCONFIG) are used to indicate that there are separate rigid
and flexible aerodynamic models. AECONFIG (for example, AECONFIG=FLEXMOD) is a
standard case control command where FLEXMOD is a user-defined configuration name used
to identify the flexible aerodynamic model. The AERCONFIG command (for example,
AERCONFIG=RIGIDMOD) is a new case control command to identify the rigid
aerodynamic model. The user-defined RIGIDMOD configuration name is specified during
the CFD2NAST process to identify the rigid model.

The trim process involves specifying a maneuver in terms of Mach number, dynamic pressure
and the prescribed control parameters (e.g., accelerations and rates). In standard SOL 144, the
calculation of the trim state is a simple matter of solving a set of linear equations where the
number of unknowns is equal to the number of rigid body degrees of freedom of the
structure. This is performed under the restriction that the aerodynamics are a linear function
of the control settings. For CFD applications, the trim algorithm needs to support a nonlinear

solution since, unlike the Doublet-Lattice procedure, the aerodynamics can be a nonlinear
function of any of the states such as angle of attack, sideslip, and control deflection.
Figure 3 shows the Nastran trim logic for linear and nonlinear aerodynamics.

Calculate Derivatives About 
Reference Point

Linear  Yes


Iter < Max and  No
UX not  Done



Recalculate Derivatives 
About Trim Point

Figure 3 Nastran Trim Logic

Results from a SOL 144 analysis consist of the trim states, structural deflections,
aerodynamic stability derivatives, external loads, internal loads, stresses, and strains. The
new process produces the same output as a standard SOL 144 analysis, but since the
aerodynamic data may now be a nonlinear function of angle of attack and control deflections,
the stability derivatives may also be nonlinear. The basics of these derivatives are described
in [1] while [2] describes enhancements that allow derivatives to be computed about a user-
defined state. SOL 144 results can be displayed using MSC.FlightLoads [5] for pressures,
forces, displacements, stresses, etc. Figure 4 presents pressure results for the X-48 Blended
Wing Body (BWB) low noise concept configuration. Patran currently allows for display of 3-
D aerodynamic pressure results produced from rigid SOL 144 solutions. For SOL 144
aeroelastic solutions using CFD and DLM data the aero results available for display in Patran
are limited to the Doublet-Lattice aeroelastic increments.

Figure 4 CFD Pressures Displayed using MSC.FlightLoads

Monitor points are an essential output used to help identify critical load conditions which
have evolved through a number of Nastran releases. As part of these developments several
new capabilities have been added to SOL 144 to streamline and simplify processing of
results. These include; Comma Separated Value (CSV) output, and, FORCE and MOMENT
output that will be available in MD Nastran R4 [6]. All three items are discussed here in
more detail:

3.1 Monitor points

Monitor points are a useful capability available in SOL 144 and a number of other MD
Nastran solution sequences. They can be used to recover key response data, and to identify
critical load conditions. There are four basic types of monitor points which can be developed
for either aerodynamic or structural degrees of freedom. These are:

 MONPNT1 – Defines an integrated load (Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz) at a point (x,y,z) in a

user defined coordinate system [2]. The MONPNT1 is used to specify a set of grids
(in the case of structural monitor points) or elements (for aerodynamic monitor points)
which are used in the computation of an integrated load. The user specifies the
components of the load, as well as the location and coordinate system for the output.
 MONPNT2 – this monitor point type allows the user to target a particular element and
response item (e.g., stress, strain, force) for output.
 MONPNT3 – provides a summation of grid point forces at user-specified locations for
a user-specified set of grids and elements
 MONDPSP1 - allows for the sampling of a displacement vector to create a blended
displacement response at a user specified point and coordinate system. The sampled
points can be either structural or aerodynamic grid points.

3.2 Comma separated value (CSV) output
The standard SOL 144 f06 output contains detailed information on the solution results and
model mass properties used in the analysis, but this information is not presented in a
convenient format. A new feature implemented in MD Nastran R4 allows for the creation of a
CSV output file that contains a more user-friendly summary of the trim, monitor point results,
and model data. This is particularly useful when processing large numbers of conditions,
reviewing results, and making comparisons. A partial CSV output listing is presented in
Figure 5 that shows Mach, dynamic pressure, angle of attack, control deflection… The CSV
output is activated using PARAM LDSUM.

Figure 5 Partial CSV Output from SOL 144 using PARAM,LDSUM

3.3 FORCE and MOMENT output
Another new feature available in MD Nastran R4 is support for the generation of Nastran
FORCE and MOMENT entries based on SOL 144 results. This capability is activated using
the new TRIMF case control command. Several options are available to specify format and
components (aero, inertia, applied, total) for rigid or elastic loads. Figure 6 provides a
fragment of this output to illustrate the concept.

Figure 6 Sample FORCE/MOMENT Output from SOL 144 using TRIMF Case Control Command

To illustrate some of the new capabilities available in SOL 144 and show representative
solution times, static aeroelastic trim and loads analysis were performed using models from
the X-37 and X-48 programs. To illustrate a more advanced program phase application, X-37
nonlinear aerodynamics from CFD solutions were combined with elastic corrections
computed using the Doublet-Lattice method. To show how CFD can be included for initial
loads development, X-48B rigid aerodynamics from A502 were augmented with viscous
CFD solutions and combined with elastic corrections generated using the Doublet-Lattice

4.1 X-37
The X-37 was developed as an advanced technology demonstrator to test future technologies.
Structural loads were developed from distributed aerodynamics produced using NASA’s
CFL3D flow solver [7]. CFL3D is multi-zone structured grid program capable of solving the
Euler or Navier-Stokes equations. Figure 7 presents the X-37 CFD, FEM, and Doublet-
Lattice models.


Figure 7 X-37 CFD, FEM, and Doublet Lattice Models

CFL3D was used with a batch processing utility to automate pre and post processing tasks for
creating a loads database that included results from deflected control surface geometries. A
key pre-processing feature was the ability to deflect control surfaces to specified positions
using a CFD mesh perturbation process. Use of restart databases and convergence monitoring
strategies were employed to reduce the computational requirements. The complete CFD
database consists of 520 Navier-Stokes solutions stored in 3 files segregated by Mach
number. The solution data consists of the surface mesh geometry, controller states, and
element pressure coefficients. The CFD surface mesh contains 41,848 elements. The
conditions in the database span a range of Mach numbers, angles of attack, sideslip angles,
and control surface deflections for six surfaces (two flaperons, two ruddervators, speed brake
and body flap).

The CFD2NAST program can process most CFD data formats, including Plot3D used by
CFL3D. For this demonstration, 316 conditions from the first CFD database file were
processed and saved to a MD Nastran database. The database contains Mach numbers
between 0.60 and 0.95. The time required for reading, processing, and storing the CFD data
was 26 seconds. The resulting MD Nastran database size is 517MB.

The structural finite element model for the X-37 is a Nastran model created from shell, beam,
and solid elements. The model contains 53,865 grid points, and 58,769 elements. Before a
trimmed solution can be performed, a spline must be defined for coupling the CFD and FEM
models. For this demonstration, the Discrete Transform method was used. The input for the
Discrete Transform is created by generating groups of CFD and FEM elements using MSC
Patran. A utility program is then used to reformat the Patran group information into AELIST
and SET1 bulk data entries, as well as create the spline entry. At this point, SOL 144 can be
performed using the nonlinear CFD aerodynamic data. The SOL 144 input includes:
definition of the maneuver condition using a TRIM entry, structural finite element model,
CFD to FEM splines, and Monitor Points for response recoveries. The CFD aerodynamic

data generated by the CFD2NAST is accessed using the DBLOCATE command shown in
Figure 8.

Figure 8 DBLOCATE command used to access CFD Aero Data

The SOL 144 job is submitted with scratch=no in order to save the database for use in the
next step. The time required to complete the initial SOL 144 run for one condition was ~12
minutes running on a Dell laptop with 4GB of RAM and a 2.3 GHz processor. Of this the
time required to generate the CFD to FEM spline with 41,848 CFD aero elements was ~4
minutes. To include aeroelastic effects, a second SOL 144 analysis is performed with the
addition of the Doublet-Lattice model shown in Figure 7 along with a spline definition, and
AECONFIG, and AERCONFIG entries for the two aerodynamic meshes. An additional
DBLOCATE command is added to access data blocks from the database of the initial SOL
144 run. For the CFD + DLM SOL 144 job, a series of trim maneuvers were specified for 10
flight conditions. The time required for generation of trim, internal loads, and Nastran
FORCE/MOMENT entries was ~16 minutes.

4.2 X-48B
The X-48B BWB is used to demonstrate the integration of A502 and CFD with Doublet-
Lattice. The X-48B was developed by Boeing in cooperation with the NASA Langley
Research Center, and built by Cranfield Aerospace. The X-48B is an 8.5% scaled remotely-
piloted vehicle with a wing span of ~21ft. The objective of the program is to investigate the
flight characteristics of the BWB design. The aircraft is currently undergoing flight testing at
Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base where it has recently completed
its 50th flight.

Rigid aerodynamic data for this demonstration were developed using the A502, and CFD++
programs. A502 is a higher order 3-D panel code developed by Boeing to solve the linearized
potential flow boundary-value problem at subsonic and supersonic Mach numbers. The
aerodynamic solution yields surface flow properties, sectional forces, moments, pressures and
distributed loads. The program has the capability to produce unit solutions using transpiration
boundary conditions. A complete set of unit solutions for one Mach number was generated in
68 minutes using a Linux PC. The unit solutions consist of distributed pressures and loads for
an intercept term, along with incremental loads due to unit perturbations of: angle of attack,
sideslip, pitch rate, roll rate, yaw rate, and control surface deflections. Figure 9 presents the
X-48B A502, CFD++, FEM, and DLM models which contain 12,484 DOF, 881,402
elements, 19,897 nodes, and 1,764 elements respectively.

CFD++ is a commercial CFD flow solver available from Metacomp Technologies [9, 10].
For the X-48B an unstructured grid was created and CFD++ used to produce Navier-Stokes
solutions for several high angle of attack conditions. The CFD surface mesh contains 881,402
elements which is significantly more detail than necessary for structural analysis. For this

demonstration the 10 degree angle of attack condition was interpolated onto the A502 mesh
which contains 12,484 DOF. The interpolated data includes pressures and the aero element
forces due to pressure. A force transfer is performed so that the original force and moment
distribution is maintained. The interpolated pressure data is used only for display in Patran.
The interpolated forces are used by Nastran to determine trim and generate loads.


Figure 9 X-48B A502, CFD++, FEM, & Doublet Lattice Models

The same process that was used for the X-37 was performed again using the X-48B data. The
CFD2NAST program was used to create a rigid aerodynamic database using the A502 unit
solutions along with the interpolated CFD++ 10 degree angle of attack condition. A SOL 144
analysis was performed with scratch=no to save the CFD to FEM spline in the database for
the next step. The DLM, splines, and a DBLOCATE command were added to the SOL 144
input, and aeroelastic trim and loads were produced for the defined maneuvers. For the X-
48B, 197 maneuver conditions were computed in 22 minutes. This is significantly faster than
the X-37 (10 cases in 16 minutes) result due to reduced memory requirements from the
smaller aerodynamic and FEM models. These results indicate the new SOL 144 loads
capability can be used effectively in both loads and structural optimization applications. For
structural optimization involving aeroelastic loading it is important that loads are updated
efficiently since the loads must be updated repeatedly until convergence is achieved.

A new approach for improving the accuracy and efficiency of static aeroelastic loads
development has been presented. The process is based on new capabilities available in MD
Nastran that allow use of two separate aerodynamic meshes for SOL 144 analysis. The
technique utilizes and combines aerodynamics from high fidelity sources such as nonlinear
CFD, and wind tunnel, with Doublet-Lattice, ZONA51, or CPM methods. The process
allows for a progression of aerodynamic fidelity from linear panel methods, to nonlinear
CFD, to incorporation of results from experimental methods. Application of the new process
was demonstrated on two representative models that indicated that loads can be generated
efficiently for “real-world” applications. Several new output capabilities that provide a
convenient solution summary, and FORCE and MOMENT output options have been added to
SOL 144 to streamline and simplify processing.

[1] Rodden, W.P. and Johnson, E.H., “MSC/NASTRAN Aeroelastic Analysis, User’s Guide,”
The MSC Software Corporation, 1994.
[2] MSC.Nastran, Version 2001 Release Guide, MSC Software Corporation, 2001.
[3] MD Nastran 2006 Release Guide, MSC Software Corporation, 2006.

[4] A502 User’s Manual PAN AIR Technology Program for Solving Problems of Potential
Flow about Arbitrary Configurations, The Boeing Company, 1992.
[5] MSC.FlightLoads 2001, User’s Guide, The MSC Software Corporation, 2001.
[6] Samareh, J. A., “Discrete Data Transfer Technique for Fluid-Structure Interaction”, 18th
AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA-2007-4309, Miami, FL, June 25-
28, 2007.
[6] MD Nastran R4 Release Guide, MSC Software Corporation, 2009.
[7] Krist, S. L. and Biedron, R. T. and Rumsey, C. L., “CFL3D User’s Manual (Version
5.0),” NASA TM-1998-208444, June 1998.
[8] MD Nastran R2 Release Guide, MSC Software Corporation, 2007.
[9]Peroomian, O.; Chakravarthy, S.; Goldberg, U. A ‘Grid-Transparent’ Methodology for
CFD; AIAA Paper 97-07245; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics: Reston,
VA, 1997.
[10] Peroomian, O.; Chakravarthy, S.; Palaniswamy, S.; Goldberg, U. Convergence
Acceleration for Unified-Grid Formulation using Preconditioned Implicit Relaxation; AIAA
Paper 98-0116; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics: Reston, VA, 1998.
[11] Egel, D., Ausman, J., “Integration of MSC.FlightLoads and Dynamics at Lockheed
Martin Aeronautics Company”, MSC.Software 3rd Worldwide Aerospace Conference and
Technology Showcase, 24 - 26 September, 2001.
[12] Whiting B., Neill D., “Interfacing External, High Order Aerodynamics into
MSC/NASTRAN for Aeroelastic Analyses”, MSC Aerospace Users Conference., 1997.


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