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Printed P&es: 7 RMB. 106I RMT. 106

(Following Paper I and RoIl No. to be filled in your

nswer Books)

Roll No. I

Regular Theory Ex mination (Odd Sem - I), 2016-17

Time : 3 Hours MLY. Msrks: 70

Note: i) The questio paper contains three parts.

ii) Figures gi en at the right margin indic ate


Answer all the q estions. (10x 1:10)

1. ExplainMarketin Myopia?

2. Differentiate be een Industrial Market and Consumer


3. Define Product I gth and product width wtfft examples.

4. Explain value pncmg.

rc6n2l2At6n2360 [P.T.O.

RMB. 106I RMT I 106

5. Ditrerentiate Brand an Trademark.

6. What is the significan of studying network marketing?

7. g?
What is Personal Selli b'

8. Discuss various levels f products.

9. What is push pull strat of promotion?

10. Explain Supply Chain anagement.

SE ol{-R
Attempt any four of t e following (4*10:40)

1. Define marketing and outline the steps in marketing

process. Give suitable amples to suppOrr tour answer.

2. How macro and micr environment factors effect the

marketing strategies? E plain with some recent examptres
from Indian corporate ector.

3. Describe factors use by companies to understand

consumerbehaviotr Ho these factors help the companies
to formulate marketing lan?

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4. Explain differen bases of rnarket segmentatiorl. Give

suitable example o support your answers.

5. Draw a neat dia showing all the stages ofthe product
life cycle. Descri different stages ofPLC with suitable
examples and its mportance for marketers.

6. Packaging has a endous imp actonthe environmental

aspect of any nati n. Comment.

7. Describe impo ance of distribution channel. What

factors should be en into collsideration while selecting
a channel?

SECTIOI{. C (2*10:20)

HSBC is known the "'World's local bank", originally

called the Hong ng and Shanghai banking corporation
LiMitEd. HSBC as established in 1865 to finance the
growing trade b ween China andthe UnitedKingdom"
HSBCisnowthe nd largest bank in the world, serving
100 million cus mers through 9,500 branches in 79
countries. The c mpany is organized by business, line
(personal fina cial services, consumer finance,

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commercial banking, corporate investment banking and

markets, privatebanki ) as well as by geographic segment
(Asia-pacific, UIVE rozone, North AmericaA.{AFTA,
South Amertca,Mid e East).

Despite operating in 79 different countries, the bank

works hard to mainta n a local feel and local knowledge
in each area. HSBC's fundamental operating strategy is
to rem ain close to its ustomers. As HSBC chairman Sir

John Bond Said inN ember 2003, "Our position as the

world's local bank en bles us to approach each country
uniquely, blending I al knowledge with a worldwide
operating platfom".

For example, consid r HSBC's local marketing efforts

inNewYorkCity. To rove a jaded New llorkers that the
London-based financi I behemoth was "the world's local
bank", HSBC held a'N )aork Crty's most knowledgeable
Cabbie" contest. The inning cabbie gets paid to drive
full time for HSBC fi r the year, and HSBC customers
win, too.Any custom r showing an HSBC bank card,
cheque book or bank tement can get a free ride in the
HSBC branded bank ab. The Campaign demonstrates

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HSBC's localknowl e, "in orderto make l!-lewYorkers

believe you are loc L, you have to act local", said
Renegade Marketing roup's CEO Drew Neisser.

Across the world rn ong Kong, HSBC undertook a

different campaign. I the region hit hard by the Severe

Acute Respiratory Sy drome (SARS) outbreak, HSBC
launched a program o revitahze the local economy,
HSBC plowed back i terest payment to customer who

worked in industries ost affected by SARS (cinem?S,

hotels, restaurants an travel agencies). The program
eased its customer's inancial burden. The bank also
promoted Hong Kon 's commercial sector by offering
discounts and rebates for customers who use an HSBC
credit card when sho ng and dining out, to help business
affected by the do nturn. More than 1,500 local
merchants participate the promotion.

In addition to local marketing, HSBC does niche

marketing. For exam e, it found a little known product
areathat was growing t 125 percent ayear: pet insurance.

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In Decemb er 2 3, it announced that it will distribute
nationwide pet i surance through its HSBC Insurance
agency, making t e insurance available to its depositors.

HSBC also seg ents demographically. In the United

States, the bank ill target the immigrant population,
particularly His anics, now it has acquired Bital in
Mexico, wherem y migrants to the United States deposit

Overall, the bank las been consciously pulling together

its worldwide bus ness under a single globalbrand with
the u''World's Loc l Bank" slogan. The aim is to link its
international size ith close relationships in each of the
countries in whi h it operates. The compdny spends
56000 million an ually on global marketing and will
Iikely consotridate d use fewer and agencies. HSBC will
decide who gets e account by giving each agency a
"brand-strategy e ercise. Agencies will be trying for the
&cflount by irnprov g on HStsC's nurnber 37 global brand


\ti RMB I 106I RMT I 106


1. Wrat arethekey ccess factors for HSBC? Which

factor is most imp rtarfiand why?

2. What recommen tions would you make to your

senior for future wth ofthe comp any? What they
should surely do i its marketing efforts'l


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