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Open access Research

Road to resilience: a systematic review

and meta-analysis of resilience training
programmes and interventions
Sadhbh Joyce,1 Fiona Shand,2 Joseph Tighe,2 Steven J Laurent,3
Richard A Bryant,4 Samuel B Harvey1,2

To cite: Joyce S, Shand F, Abstract

Tighe J, et al. Road to Strengths and limitations of this study
Objectives  To synthesise the available evidence on
resilience: a systematic interventions designed to improve individual resilience.
review and meta-analysis of ►► We employed a systematic strategy to search for the
Design  A systematic review and meta-analysis
resilience training programmes best quality evidence of effectiveness in resilience
Methods  The following electronic databases were
and interventions. BMJ Open interventions and assessed the methodological
2018;8:e017858. doi:10.1136/ searched: Ovid Medline, Ovid EMBASE, PsycINFO, Ovid
rigour of each included study.
bmjopen-2017-017858 Cochrane and WHO Clinical Trials Registry in order to
►► We completed a priori planned subanalyses to pro-
identify any controlled trials or randomised controlled trials
►► Prepublication history and vide further insight regarding the effectiveness of
(RCTs) examining the efficacy of interventions aimed at
additional material for this different types of resilience training.
improving psychological resilience. Pooled effects sizes
paper are available online. To ►► There were relatively small sample sizes across
were calculated using the random-effects model of meta-
view these files, please visit many of the  randomised controlled trials  and over
the journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​ analysis.
a third of the included studies did not provide ade-
org/​10.​1136/​bmjopen-​2017-​ Outcome measures  Valid and reliable measures of
quate data for inclusion in the main meta-analysis.
017858). psychological resilience.
►► None of the included studies investigated the impact
Results  Overall, 437 citations were retrieved and 111
Received 24 May 2017
of adverse situations following intervention meaning
peer-reviewed articles were examined in full. Seventeen
Revised 6 April 2018 improvement in resilience was detected solely by a
studies met the inclusion criteria and were subject to
Accepted 27 April 2018 change in scores on self-report resilience scales.
a quality assessment, with 11 RCTs being included in
►► There was not a prospectively published protocol for
the final meta-analysis. Programmes were stratified
the systematic search and non-English articles were
into one of three categories (1) cognitive behavioural
therapy (CBT)-based interventions, (2) mindfulness-based
interventions or (3) mixed Interventions, those combining
CBT and Mindfulness training. A meta-analysis found a
moderate positive effect of resilience interventions (0.44 cope with heightened stress and adverse life
(95% CI 0.23 to 0.64) with subgroup analysis suggesting circumstances.4–9
CBT-based, mindfulness and mixed interventions were Definitions of resilience are diverse and
effective. plentiful. Some researchers have described
Conclusions  Resilience interventions based on a it as the ability to adapt positively to stressful
combination of CBT and mindfulness techniques appear to circumstances,10 while others have defined
have a positive impact on individual resilience. resilience as being able to remain function-
Workplace Mental Health
Research Team, School of ally stable and well despite ongoing stress.11
Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, The American Psychological Society defines
University of New South Wales, Introduction  resilience as a process of ‘bouncing back’
Sydney, New South Wales, Managing the ups and downs of daily life from difficult experiences and ‘adapting
The Black Dog Institute,
requires resilience. Given the impact of well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy,
University of New South Wales, stress-related illness on global economies, threats or significant sources of stress’.12 This
Sydney, New South Wales, resilience is not only a topic of immense definition captures the ‘bounce-back’ charac-
Australia personal and familial importance but also has teristic, which a number of researchers have
School of Psychology, University major social and financial significance.1–3 To proposed as being one of the central quali-
of Sydney, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia
meet this challenge, research is increasingly ties of resilience.4 13 In this way, resilience can
School of Psychology, Faculty focusing on what constitutes resilience and be viewed as being on a continuum ranging
of Science, University of New how it can be developed or enhanced. Resil- from low (poor bounce-back ability) to high
South Wales, Sydney, New South ience is a multifaceted phenomenon, which (strong capacity to recover) and extremely
Wales, Australia is influenced by the presence or absence high, which in the literature has been termed
Correspondence to of various resilience-promoting resources.4 ‘thriving’ and reflects a person’s ability to
Sadhbh Joyce; When such resources are cultivated, they reach a superior level of functioning following
​sadhbh.​joyce@​unsw.​edu.​au enhance a person’s overall ability to effectively an adverse or stressful event.13 14

Joyce S, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e017858. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017858 1

Open access

Higher self-reported resilience has been associated with

Table 1  Search strategy terms
lower levels of anxiety, psychological distress and mixed
anxiety/depression.5 15–17 Researchers have also found Database Search terms
that resilience, as measured by various self-report tools, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Resilience, Psych or
has a mitigating effect on depression symptoms among Wiley, Cochrane Library resilience or resiliency and
individuals who have experienced trauma in both child- controlled trial and training
hood and later life,18–21 as well as among patients experi- and/or intervention
encing severe health conditions.22 Together, these studies Medline Resilience and/or resiliency
suggest that the measurable components of individual and resilience training and/or
resilience may play an important protective role in easing resilience intervention
the negative effects of stress, trauma and adversity. WHO registry ‘Resilience’
Several studies have examined the benefits of resil-
ience training among various specific groups, including
intensive care nurses, college students, cancer survivors, ‘resilience training’ or ‘resilience intervention’. An
youth workers, radiologists, immigrants, physicians, mili- example of the full search strategy for one database is
tary officers and general office workers.4–9 While the provided in online supplementary file 1. No time restric-
training programmes typically share the common aim of tions were placed on the search strategy, with all published
enhancing resilience or resilience resources, they tend to articles up to June 2016 considered. The references of each
differ greatly in terms of content, delivery and length. An included paper were also searched for relevant resilience
important limitation in the resilience literature is aptly intervention studies. Additionally, in order to reduce the
noted by Leppin and colleagues23 who observe that ‘no risk of publication bias, in July 2016, we searched the WHO
single accepted theoretical framework or consensus state- Clinical Trials Registry using the term ‘resilience’ to identify
ment exists to guide the development or application of any trials that had not published their findings.
these programmes’.23 In spite of these concerns, a number
of recent reviews have highlighted the growing body of Eligibility criteria
research supporting the benefits of resilience training for Eligible studies were randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
mental health and well-being.23–25 While research high- or controlled trials assessing the efficacy of any programme
lighting the relationship between resilience and psycho- designed to develop, enhance or improve resilience in
logical well-being is vital, it is important to note that adults. Studies had to describe a specific aim to improve
resilience cannot simply be measured via psychometric resilience and employ an acceptable measure of resil-
tools examining well-being and mental health symptom- ience as one of the outcome measures. It was decided
ology. A training programme may enhance and improve a priori that in order to be an acceptable measure of
mental health symptoms, yet not improve a person’s resilience, the outcome measure used had to meet two
overall psychological resilience or vice versa.26 27 More- criteria. First, the measure had to assess an individual’s
over, in groups where people are ‘mentally healthy’, other ability to adapt to change and cope effectively with signif-
measures are needed to examine the efficacy of resilience icant life adversity. Second, the measure had to have
programmes beyond simple well-being outcomes. Given undergone some type of validity assessment. A recent
these concerns, when appraising the evidence for resil- review has systematically reviewed the psychometric
ience training, it is crucial to consider how resilience as rigour of resilience measurement scales developed for
an outcome is measured. A recent review analysed the use in general and clinical populations.28 This concluded
validity and reliability of various resilience measures that there is currently no gold standard measure of resil-
currently in use, and concluded that while there are a ience,28 which makes assessing criterion validity of various
number of valid and reliable measures of resilience, at measures difficult. In keeping with the conclusions of this
present, there was no gold standard measure.28 review,28 the following three measures of resilience were
The main aim of the present systematic review and agreed a priori to have met both of our defined criteria:
meta-analysis is to synthesise the available research The Connors and Davidson Resilience Scale, The Brief
evidence on the effectiveness of interventions designed Resilience Scale and The 14-item Resilience Scale. If
to promote or enhance individual resilience. studies were identified that employed other measures of
resilience, these were closely examined in terms of the
construct that was measured and the degree to which it
Methods had been validated against other recognised outcomes.
Search strategy No restrictions were made based on the type of compar-
A systematic search was carried out in accordance with ator used and length of follow-up. Studies that only eval-
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and uated the implementation or receptivity of a resilience
Meta-Analyses guidelines.29 In June 2016, the following programme were excluded. Non-English publications
electronic databases were searched: Ovid Medline, Ovid and studies that exclusively used well-being or mental
EMBASE, PsycINFO and Ovid Cochrane Library. Search health outcomes as the main measure of resilience were
items, summarised in table 1, included: ‘resilience’, also excluded.

2 Joyce S, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e017858. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017858

Open access

Study selection average score of the control group from that of the inter-
Two researchers (SJ and JT) worked independently to vention group, and dividing the result by the pooled SD.
initially screen the titles and abstracts retrieved by the The pooled mean effect sizes were expressed as SMD with
literature. Following the initial screening, relevant papers 95% CI. Some heterogeneity was anticipated given the
were retrieved in full text and specific inclusion criteria varying populations and interventions employed across
were used to identify eligible studies. Discrepancies included studies. Therefore, pooled effect size estimates
between the researchers’ selection results, which were were calculated using the random-effects model (REM) of
infrequent, were discussed with a third researcher (SBH) analysis using the method of DerSimonian and Laird.34
until consensus on inclusion or exclusion was reached. In addition, the I2 statistic was reported to determine the
level and impact of heterogeneity and the percentage of
Quality assessment outcome variability, which may result from heterogeneity
Methodological quality of each included study was present across studies. Two subgroup meta-analyses were
assessed using the Downs and Black Checklist.30 Minor planned a priori. First, in order to examine the evidence
modifications were made to the tool for use in this review. base for different types of resilience training, subgroup
In line with previous studies,31–33 the scoring for question analyses were planned for training based on CBT skills,
27 on statistical power was simplified to either zero or mindfulness training and a combination of both. Second,
one, based on whether or not there was sufficient power a planned subanalysis examined studies that provided
in the study to detect a clinically significant effect (ie, 6-month follow-up data to determine the longer-term
studies reporting power of less than 0.80 with alpha at effects of different types of resilience training. Publica-
0.05 obtained a zero score). The maximum score for the tion biases were examined through visual inspection of a
modified checklist was 28 with all individual items rated as funnel plot with the SMD plotted against the SMD SE and
either yes (=1) or no/unable to determine (=0), with the quantitatively through Egger’s test for small study effects.
exception of item 5, ‘Are the distributions of principals
confounders in each group of subjects to be compared Patient and public involvement
clearly described?’ in which responses were rated as yes The research question being addressed by this study was
(=2), partially (=1) and no (=0). Scores were grouped informed by consultations with a range of policy markers
into four categories based on ranges: excellent (26 to 28), and industry groups, who expressed a keen interest in
good (20 to 25), fair (15 to 19) and poor (14 and less). understanding if resilience training can work. Patients
Studies with an overall ‘poor’ quality assessment were were not directly involved in the conduct of the analysis.
excluded from the final review.

Data extraction and contact with researchers Results

Data from each study were extracted by the lead author Overview of search results and included studies
(SJ). Where additional information was required for The search of the databases of published papers retrieved
effect size calculations, the study’s lead researchers were 437 citations. Following the screening of title and
contacted. Contact details were obtained through the abstract, a total of 111 papers were examined in full.
correspondence addresses provided on the study’s publi- Ninety-six papers were excluded as they did not meet
cation. At times, website searches were also performed the inclusion criteria. Thus, 15 studies were considered
to ensure that contact details were still valid and in use. eligible for inclusion and were subject to quality assess-
Researchers were contacted by email and non-responders ment (figure 1).
were sent two follow-up emails at fortnightly intervals. A search of the WHO Clinical Trial Registry produced
Two authors (SJ and SJL), both practicing psychologists, 174 citations, with five studies meeting the inclusion
reviewed the available information to determine whether criteria. The lead researchers of each of these studies
the intervention being tested in each study was primarily were contacted, with two providing the requested data.
based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or mind- These two papers were combined with the 15 published
fulness principles, or a combination of both. Most studies studies obtained to result in a total of 17 included studies
provided a detailed description of the theoretical basis of for the present review. Six studies were deemed to be of
their interventions and examples of the content, which ‘good’ quality, 10 were ‘fair’ and one was deemed ‘poor’
made this classification possible. If required, additional quality. The quality rating for each study and a detailed
clarification was sought from the corresponding author. summary of each study’s characteristics including the
control condition are outlined in online supplementary
Data synthesis/statistical analysis table 1. Fifteen studies were RCTs with pre/postevalua-
The meta-analyses were performed using the statistical tion. Two papers described controlled studies that were
software package STATA, V.12.1. The main outcomes of not randomised. Eleven of these studies (all of which
interest in each study was the measure of psychological were RCTs) provided adequate postintervention data for
resilience. As studies used various measures of resilience, inclusion in the meta-analysis. Of these, all but two used
the effect size was represented by the standardised mean a wait list as the control condition. Five RCTs included a
difference (SMD), which was computed by subtracting the 6-month follow-up and appropriate data for analysis. The

Joyce S, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e017858. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017858 3

Open access

Figure 1  Flow diagram demonstrating how eligible studies were selected.

included studies employed the following measures of There was considerable variation in the type of resil-
resilience: Connors Davidson Resilience Scale 25-item,17 ience training provided, although most involved a combi-
Connor Davidson Resilience Scale 10-item,20 The Resil- nation of psychoeducation, mindfulness, cognitive skills,
ience Scale,35 The Dispositional Resilience Scale36 and self-compassion skills, gratitude practise, emotional regu-
The Response to Stressful Experiences Scale.37 lation training, relaxation and goal setting. As outlined in

Table 2  Overview of interventions and studies included in subgroup analyses

Treatment approach Studies Quality summary Included in analysis
Mixed Cerezo et al Fair n=5 Studies
(mindfulness+CBT) Kahn et al51 Good Combined sample:
Loprinizi et al5 Fair Treatment (n=212)
Sood et al15 Fair Control (n=205)
Sood et al7 Fair
Mealer et al6* Fair
CBT-based McGonagle et al52 Fair n=4 Studies
Nichols et al27* Good Combined sample:
Songprakun and McCann53 Good Treatment (n=144)
Steindhardt et al54* Fair Control (n=154)
Steindhardt and Dolbier16 Fair
Yu et al9 9 Good
Mindfulness-based Aikens et al44 Good n=2 Studies
Chesak et al55* Fair Combined sample:
Erogul et al26 Fair Treatment (n=62)
Johnson et al56* Fair Control (n=62)
Pigeon et al57† Poor
*Postintervention data not available and study therefore excluded from subgroup analyses.
†Poor quality, excluded from analysis.
CBT, c ognitive  b ehavioural  t herapy.

4 Joyce S, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e017858. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017858

Open access

Figure 2  Meta-analysis examining the effect of resilience training on self-reported measures of resilience.

table 2, six of the studies described mixed interventions the control groups was 0.51 (95% CI 0.12 to 0.91), indi-
that combined mindfulness and CBT while four studies cating a moderate effect.
used only CBT-based interventions and two focused on
mindfulness-based techniques. Training hours for inter- Effects of CBT-based resilience interventions
ventions varied considerably and ranged from a 2-hour Four studies provided sufficient data to permit a
single session to 28  hours of training over multiple subgroup analysis examining the effect of CBT-based
sessions. Eighty per cent of interventions were delivered resilience interventions. The results are presented
via face-to-face training over multiple sessions. in figure 3B. The SMD between CBT-based resilience
interventions and the control groups was 0.27 (95% CI
Meta-analysis 0.05 to 0.50), indicating a small positive effect.
Effects of resilience intervention programmes compared with
control conditions Effects of mindfulness-based resilience interventions
Figure 2 presents the SMDs of resilience levels at the Five included studies were mindfulness based; however,
completion of training and the pooled mean effect size only two of these studies provided adequate data to
using the REM for the 11 studies included in the meta-anal- permit a subgroup analysis and the results are presented
ysis. While only 4 of the 11 studies indicated a statistically in figure 3C. The SMD between mindfulness-based
significant effect of the interventions, the estimated pooled interventions and the control groups was 0.46 (95% CI
SMD between the intervention and control groups was 0.44 0.10 to0.82), indicating a positive moderate effect.
(95% CI 0.23 to 0.64), reflecting a moderate positive effect
favouring the intervention group. A moderate amount of Effect of resilience interventions compared with control conditions
heterogeneity was present, with an I2 estimate of 48%. A at 6-month follow-up
sensitivity analysis including only those studies deemed of Five studies reported a 6-month follow-up assessment,
‘good’ quality (n=5) also revealed a similar moderate posi- three of which involved mindfulness-based interven-
tive effect size estimate (0.50, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.79). tions and two CBT-based interventions. Two separate
subgroup analyses were performed to examine the
Effects of mixed interventions incorporating mindfulness and CBT long-term effects of each intervention type. For mind-
skills fulness-based interventions, the SMD between the inter-
As noted above, six of the included studies tested ‘Mixed’ vention and control groups was 0.58 (95% CI 0.27 to
resilience interventions incorporating both mindfulness 0.89), which is similar to the effect size seen immedi-
and CBT skills. Five of these studies provided sufficient data ately after training. With regards to CBT-based interven-
to permit a subgroup analysis and the results are presented tions, the SMD between the intervention and control
in figure 3A. The SMD between mixed interventions and groups was 0.76 (95% CI −0.04 to 1.55), although this is

Joyce S, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e017858. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017858 5

Open access

Figure 3  Meta-analysis examining effect of resilience interventions stratified by (A) mixed interventions, (B) cognitive
behavioural therapy (CBT)-based interventions and (C) mindfulness-based interventions.

based on only two studies and there was a high level of Discussion
heterogeneity (I2=94%, p=0.01). There has been increasing interest in the concept of resil-
ience and whether training programmes can enhance
individual resilience and protect overall well-being. To
Examination for evidence of publication bias
Visual inspection of a funnel plot of the SMD and SE for the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic
each study revealed no suggestion of asymmetry, indi- review and meta-analysis focused on examining the ability
cating a low likelihood of publication bias (see online of different interventions to successfully alter resilience
supplementary figure 1). Results of the Egger’s test for as assessed by validated resilience measures. Our results
funnel plot asymmetry confirmed this (p=0.31). highlight that certain types of resilience training appear

6 Joyce S, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e017858. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017858

Open access

to be beneficial. In particular, interventions using mind- of heterogeneity limits the interpretation of the pooled
fulness or CBT techniques appeared able to enhance effect sizes as it suggests there is a significant amount
measures of resilience. of variation between the individual studies included,
The key strengths of the present review and meta-anal- meaning pooling all results may not be appropriate.
ysis include the detailed systematic search strategy, the Possible explanations for the observed heterogeneity
inclusion of unpublished data and the quality assess- include the different types of training programmes imple-
ment of each study’s methodological rigour. Despite this, mented, different lengths of training, different measures
a number of important limitations both of our review of resilience and the different control conditions. While
process and the studies identified require consideration. the effects of different training programmes were able
First, there were relatively small sample sizes across many to be explored in stratified analyses, there were only
of the RCTs and over a third of the included studies did two studies that used a control condition other than the
not provide adequate data for inclusion in the main wait list, which made examining the impact of this factor
meta-analysis. Second, none of the included studies inves- impossible. As a result, the cause of much of this hetero-
tigated the impact of adverse situations following inter- geneity and therefore the accuracy of the pooled effect
vention meaning improvement in resilience was detected estimate remains uncertain.
solely by a change in scores on resilience scales. Given There is growing consensus that resilience is a malleable
the definition of resilience is usually taken as the ability characteristic, wherein an individual’s ability to adapt and
to bounce back from ‘adverse circumstances’,12 it is argu- ‘bounce-back’ effectively from adversity can be developed
able that the most accurate measure of resilience would and enhanced. Our findings suggest that resilience training,
require a significant challenge or threat to the individual particularly those based on mindfulness and/or cognitive
during the study period. When confronted with such and behavioural skills, may be able to enhance resilience.
adversity, the quality of adaptation and bounce back is The positive benefits of such strategies as treatment inter-
more accurately assessed. However, this approach would ventions for established mental health conditions have been
only be feasible with certain groups (eg, army/police/ examined thoroughly in the past. Several reviews have high-
emergency workers) who regularly encounter challenging lighted the value of such skills when treating common mental
circumstances given the nature of their daily work. More- health conditions such as anxiety and depression38–41 and
over, established resilience measures should be ideally have also been associated with improving psychological and
combined with measures of functioning or other indices physical health.40 42 43 In spite of these parallels, considerable
of one’s capacity to manage adverse circumstances. In the uncertainty remains regarding what type, if any, of resilience
absence of indices of exposure to adversity and measures training can be recommended. There was considerable
of functioning, the validated measures of resilience used variation in the type of CBT or mindfulness skills offered
in this review constitute the best available measures. in the intervention studies examined, and training times
While we limited the present review to include only those varied considerably across studies, from 2-hour single-ses-
studies which employed valid and reliable measures of sion seminars to 28 hours of multiple training sessions.
resilience, it remains unclear as to whether each of these The two studies that involved single-session training7 15 had
scales are capturing exactly the same construct of resil- conflicting results, which precludes any insight regarding
ience. The majority of studies in the present review used the efficacy of brief resilience training. Most interventions
a single measure of resilience. In future studies, it may be tended to follow the traditional group therapy format of
advantageous to include several measures of resilience. multiple 60–90 min sessions over several weeks. This is
Doing so is likely to provide clarity regarding which facets understandable given the fact that time is typically an influ-
of resilience are related to psychological health and are ential factor during any new skill acquisition including skills
most sensitive to change. This would also further inform acquired through psychological strategies. Eighty per cent
the development of targeted interventions aimed at of interventions were delivered via face-to-face training,
bolstering successful adaptation to significant adversity. with the remaining 20% involving a mix of bibliotherapy,
There are a number of additional limitations related online webinars or phone coaching. Despite the increased
to our review process which also need to be considered. popularity of resilience training in the corporate sector, the
First, while key decisions on inclusion and exclusion predominance of face-to-face training poses specific chal-
criteria were made a priori, we did not publish a protocol lenges with regards to accessibility and engagement. These
outlining our full search and data extraction processes. limitations may result in resilience programmes being
Second, the exclusion of non-English articles may have costly and time consuming. In response to these logistical
introduced additional bias to our search. As with any challenges, there is an emerging literature examining the
review, there is a risk of publication biases; however, the effectiveness of online e-health interventions, which target
detailed search of the WHO Clinical Trial Registry for resilience in the workplace.44 While e-health interventions
unpublished data should have reduced the probability offer some potential solutions to the logistic challenges asso-
of bias and both qualitative and quantitative tests for ciated with effective resilience training, our review demon-
publication bias suggested significant bias was unlikely. strates the lack of currently available evidence regarding the
Finally, there was a moderate amount of heterogeneity effectiveness of online resilience training and highlights the
in our main meta-analysis, with an I2 of 48%. This level needs for trials examining this possibility.

Joyce S, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e017858. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017858 7

Open access

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