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My favourite things in life don't cost any money. ‘Stove Jobs, Americen founder of Apple Ys Samia c=Jer cole) in) 1 VOCABULARY things Complete the crossword, Clues downy LP 2 GRAMMAR a/ an, plurals; this / that / © Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those these / those a Write 1's+ a /an orThey're. 1 Thu’s French uewspaper Isa purse. They're _ pens. diary 2 umbrella, watch is Swiss, Keys. 1 2 3 4 5 stamps. 6 7 identity card 3 aren 8 pencil headphones! " 1b Write each word in ts plural form in the correct column. pencil city coin ticket diary watch window = address sandwich country class dictionary ‘ aL bee * "es vies coins addresses cities your keys, Complete the chart. Singular Plural women person children € Complete the sentences with a word from the chart ind, 1 Her mother isa very nice — person 2. My English teacher isa Hisname’s William. 3 Thavetwo My firse ise years old 4 Many British drink wea, 5 Not those toilets, Mr Davis! They're for 3 PRONUNCIATION final -s and -es; th a Gireld the word which ends in fz T coins wallets Game 2 classes filles sclsors 3 stamps books addresses 4 photos watches headphones 5 tissues pens sandwiches 6 magazines glasses newspapers b ETAT) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. © Gireld the word witha dit ferent sound. B | 2 vee ter tos 8. 2 thing thirty these nett Be) turtoy tose tite tino 4 GGTREY Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 READING Read the text and label the pictures. The top five things in people’s bags Keys are atthe top ofthe lst. They can be house keys, car keys, or office keys. Next are pens, to write down names, numbers. and email addresses. Number three on the list is ‘a packet of tissues, These can be white or different colours, like pink or yellow. Next medicine, for example paracetamol for abad head. Receipts are number five on the ist. These ‘ere smell pieces of paper from shops L 2 medicine 5S LISTENING {GD Listen to four people talking about things they their bags. Which person...? 1 hasabookin his / her bag which helps him | her speak to people 2. has something to listen to music 5 changes bags every day 4 basa computer in his | her bag USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these wordsand phrases. lamp J tidy aid untidy What's this in English? Not merely a nation, but a nation of nations. Lyndon 8 Johnson, American president 2B-—Stars and stripes 1 GRAMMAR adjectives 'b Complete the crossword. Write the opposite adjectives. 1 They'rejeans blue /blue jeans. 2 Wsanice day / day nice 1 3. My sistersare very tall | very calls F 4 Thav'sacar fast /fast 5 These are goods photos | good photos. 6 Thosebootsare quite cheap / quite cheaps. | 7 isabig house house big = ; 8 Her chien aren very olds very ol aan q 1b Order the words to make sentences, I Lf 1 blue Tis t/a pen Ths abluc pon | 2 expensive an] Tha watch 3 quite / My {long / hair jis 4 ich /very [ig / woman / Thar 5 boots jreally / Your [dirty are Clues across Clues down 6 city | This dangerous is 2slow 12 cold 1 dangerous 7” small 4 cheap 13 weak 3 easy 9 new 8 rich 14 clean far 10 right 7 very | book { good | That | isn’t /a 5 vt cad t ! 11 bad 6 full 13 tall R eae | hewter | nite J [Hie 2 VOCABULARY colours, adjectives, modifiers: quite / very / really a Write the colours, blue + yellow = _ green black + white red+ yellow whine ed red + green 1 She’sthin,withlonghair. [B] 4 She's young, with blonde har. CJ 2 Hestal.withshorthair. C$ He'sshort,withdaskhair. C] 3 He's quite old and 6 She's quite fat, and she's 004 looking CO * beaut Look at the information and write sentences with quite eit aim Age 45 65 85 Height | 2metres | imetre 601 metre 60 Weight | 150kilos | 80kilos | SSkilos Age (old | young) 1 Robis_quiteyoung 2 Neilisquite 3 Jimis Height (call shore) 4 Rob 5 Neil 6 Jim Weigh (fat / thin) 7 Rob. 8 Neil 9 Jim 3 PRONUNCIATION long and short vowel sounds a Make phrases with an adjective and a noun with the same vowel sound. Write the phrases in the chart. Use 4a an with singular nouns. Adjectives blue clean dark fet good long big small Nouns book city door car jeans man shoes song atigin | | s : : or, horse z o 3 Sir bait ufT 4 8 car boot. 1b GET Licten and check, Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 5 READING Read the text and write T (true) or F (false). 1 The Walk of Fame isin the UK. 2 Isa shore street 3. Every year there are more stars. 4 The starsare for famous actors. 5 Michael Jackson 6 Only real people can havea star. THEHOLLYNOOD ANAUKIO REANIES Hollywoodisa district of Los Angeles in California, USA. The Walk ‘of Fameisin the centre of the district on Holywood Boulevard and Vine Street. tis over two klometres ong, and has more than 2.400 stars. There are more than 20 new stars every year ‘The tars arm in Five efferent types:film, TV. mie. ado, and theatre. Some famous people have more than one star, for ‘example Michae! jackson. He hac two 2tars: one asa sol artist, and one as a member ofthe Jackson Five. But the Walk of Fame ‘srt onl for real people. Mickey Meuse hasastarand more recenty Shrek. LISTENING 2} Listen to five speakers describing celebrities ‘itl Holly woud stars. Whilispeaker describes...2 A a short singer with blonde or brown hair B agquite old American actor with dark eyes C tall, good-looking man with brown eyes D anactor and musician with blue eyes E British woman with green eyes USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. actor /ekta’ actress /ektras eyes. at hair ‘hes musician “nj politician pols sportsman spostsmicn sportswoman./spostswoman about (50) ‘bao famous What colour isie? vot ‘kalo(e) 16 2 G=*After 300 metres, Durr worry, be lappy. Bobby McFerrin, American musician MU sam cae 1 GRAMMAR imperatives, let’s 7 the sentences witha verb inthe box. ora limperatve be close come drink park slow speck tun worry 1 Thecity is dangerous at night, Please he careful. 2 I's cold in here. Please the window 3 Icisn'ta problem. Please about. 4 Thisisan English class, Please Spanish 5. Their house is quite near. Please dows, 6 con! We're ate! 7 Thisisa bus stop. Please here. 8 that water—i's dirty 9. This musicis terrible. Please icoft 'b_ Match the sentences to the pictures. A Let's park here. B Let's gohome. Let's eat lunch there, D Let's cross the road here. E Let's go toahotel F Let's tur on the ai conditioning. 2 VOCABULARY feelings Write a sentence from the box. “Tmangry. Imbored. Imcold, tmhappy. Imstressed. Iimbot. Tm hungry. tmsad. Imtired, tm thirsty. fm worried, My friend is late. rmangey.— We. I’smy birthday! My mother isin hospital It’s time for dinner. don't know what todo, 42°C. Is very late 9) My boyftiend is very far away. 10 Twanta drink 11 Thavea lot of work. 3 PRONUNCIATION understanding connected speech ‘a Practise saying the sentences. 1 Lookgt those children 2 Turn pffthe TV. 3 Lev'ggskthat man, 4 Don’t open the window. 5 Ler'seatat home. 6 Siggn this chair 6 GGTTAH Listen and check. Then listen ‘again and repeat the sentences. © Complete the chart with the words in the box. angry fat happy have hungry matter Monday one sad ugly worried young =) cat wp angry 4 RIED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat 4 READING a Read the article about tips for long car journey. Match the headings to the paragraphs. Have fun! Is your car ready? Plan your journey Make sure everythingisinthe car Keep awake! © A Planyour journey Look at a map before you go. Think about the time you need to arrive at your destination, and places where perhaps there is a lot of traffic. ‘Accidents sometime hapnen hecause cars are in had condition. Check the engine, the lights, and the wheels. Take the car to the garage if necessary “c Put your bags and everything you want to take with you in the hal the night before, Don't forget essential documents like passports or identity cards, and of course your driving licence. “D Being tured is very dangerous for drivers. f you are tured, stop ata service station. Have a coffee, or sleep for 15 minutes. In the car, open the windows and turn the radio on. te Children are often difficult during long journeys. Take games, for example computer games or word games, and iPods to listen to music. And don't forget things to eat and drink. 1b Underline five words you don’t know. Use your y to look up their meaning and pronunciation in a dictionary. 5 LISTENING SGD Listen to the dialogues and choose 1 Where are they? b athome 2 Whe a ina hotel ¢ ina restaurant Where are they? a inaplane tale are they? 4 Where are they? b athome Where are they? a inahotel b avanairpore © athome USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. jarker Migeku sign (sam skirt sks uniform /jusnifssm, teat (opposite tertible)_/grcit left (opposite right) ‘lett park (verb) ‘pack smoke smaok stop stop. with al Be quiet! bi: ‘kwaiot Don’t worry. ‘dont ‘wa Slow dws. ‘slau ‘Uauny turn on (oppositeturn off) issn on SED GS rez

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