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Research question

Is there an association between on the one side trust in the legal system and on the other side,
economic and gender discrimination?

Hypotheses formulated in previous assignment

 No relationship between gender discrimination and trust in legal system.

 No association between economic discrimination and trust in the legal system

Resit Assignment 3. Describe the variables (max 10

In this assignment, we ask you to describe the variables you will use to test your
hypotheses (the ones you have formulated in the previous assignment). Here, we want you
to choose 3 variables from the dataset ESS9e02.sav that you will use to test your

For example, I am trying to answer my RQ

How political and social trust influences participation in protests.

Here, I need to measure three variables. One of those variables is political trust.
In ESS9e02.sav, I have several variables that measure political trust. Those are: trust to the
politicians, European Parliament, party leaders, etc. In my analysis, I will use only one of
those variables (one variable measuring one concept). For example, I will take trust to the

I have to describe this variable: I will write what's its scale, min and max values, range,
interquartile range, build a graph, find the center of the distribution, check if the distribution
is skewed, etc. 

In that manner, I will define all the three variables, I will use in my analysis. In this
example, I will have to find variables that measure political trust, social trust, and
participation in protests. 

What is the dependent variable, and which are its predictors?

Re-sit Assignment 4. Check the correlation between the
variables (max 10 points)
In this assignment, we ask you to describe the relationships between the variables you use to
test your hypotheses (the ones you have formulated in Assignment 1). Here, we want you to test
your hypotheses using basic statistics. 

(1) First of all, we want you to build 3 graphs showing the following relationships:

1. Dependent variable - Independent variable 1

2. Dependent variable - Independent variable 2

3. Independent variable 1 - Independent variable 2

In the lectures, we have presented two main ways to depict such relationships. Those ways are
scatterplots and boxplots (however, in some cases, we can also use histograms and barplots
grouped by categories). Choose the best graph type to present the relationships between two
variables depending on their types. Each graph must have a caption and must be described in
the text.

For example, I am trying to answer my RQ

How political and social trust influences participation in protests.

I must build 3 graphs to show the correlation between 

1. participation in protests (binominal variable with values YES and NO) - political trust (ratio
variable with values 0-10)

2. participation in protests - social trust (ratio variable with values 0-10)

3. political trust - social trust

I will use boxplots to visualize all of those relationships, as my ratio variables have only a
limited number of values. E.g.,
(2) Secondly, if some of your 3 variables are categorical or ratio with a limited number of values
(e.g., political trust with values 0-10) use cross-tabulations to examine the relationships
between your dependent and independent variables. Show the results of this analysis in a table
and describe this table in the text. Every table must have a caption and addressed in the text as
Table 1/2/.../N.

(3) Apply significance testing to see if the association between the variables is

significant. Report the results in a table and summarize this result in the text.

(4) Lastly, check the correlation between your dependent and independent variables. Report

the results in a table and interpret these results in the text.

To sum up, we expect your paper to contain 4 elements described earlier. If none of your
variables is categorical or ratio with a limited number of categories, you can skip part (2) and
focus more on other parts.

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