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Bob and Maria

Walk to School
Elizabeth M. Delsandro
© 2010 Elizabeth M. Delsandro
Bob and Maria
walk to school together.

“Wow, my backpack is too heavy!”
says Bob.

“Don’t be a baby, Bob!
Stop complaining!” says Maria.

“I think it’s heavy because I have
lots of books in it,” says Bob.

“Well, duh, Bob, didn’t you think
books are heavy?” asks Maria.

“Oh, no, my
thermos is leaking all over the stuff
in my backpack!” says Bob.

“You goofball! Next time, put the
lid on your thermos!” says Maria.

Bob walks to school alone. He is
worried about his backpack.

We can make it

Maria helps Bob empty his thermos
and they walk to school together.

8 (new)
The End!
Bob and Maria Walk to School
Page 3
What is Maria doing?
Maria is calling Bob a name.
What is Maria saying?
Maria is saying Bob is a baby.
How could Bob be feeling?
Bob might be feeling upset because he is being called a name.
What could Bob be thinking?
Bob might be thinking that Maria is being mean.

Page 5
What is Maria doing?
Maria is making fun of Bob.
What is Maria saying?
Maria is saying, “Well, duh, Bob.”
How could Bob be feeling?
Bob might be feeling frustrated because Maria is acting as if
she thinks Bob is dumb.
What could Bob be thinking?
Bob might be thinking that Maria should offer to take one of his
books so his bag is not so heavy.

Page 7
What is Maria doing?
Maria is laughing at Bob. She is making fun of Bob.
What is Maria saying?
Maria is calling Bob a name. She is saying he is a goofball.
How could Bob be feeling?
Bob might be feeling worried that the thermos leaked all over
the stuff in his bag.
What could Bob be thinking?
Bob might be thinking that he is going to get in trouble because
his thermos leaked all over his library books.

Page 8
Why is Bob walking alone to school?

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