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Bob and Maria

Play Soccer
Elizabeth M. Delsandro
© 2010 Elizabeth M. Delsandro
Bob and Maria practice
soccer together on the field.

Maria waves her hands and says,
“Over here, Bob. Kick it over here!”

Bob says, “It’s my ball and maybe I
don’t want to kick it to you!”

Bob kicks the ball really hard to
Maria and the ball hits Maria
in the stomach.

Maria tries to kick the ball back to
Bob and falls on the ground.

“Ha, ha. You don’t even know how
to kick a ball!” says Bob.

Maria had a terrible time practicing
soccer with Bob. She walks home.

We can make it
Bob teaches Maria some new
soccer tricks. Now, Maria
plays better!

7 (new)
The End!
Bob and Maria Play Soccer
Page 3
What is Bob doing?
Bob is not kicking the ball to Maria.
What is Bob saying?
Bob is saying he might not want to share the ball with Maria.
How could Maria be feeling?
Maria might be feeling mad because Bob isn’t sharing.
What could Maria be thinking?
Maria might be thinking that Bob is being selfish.

Page 4
What is Bob doing?
Bob is kicking the ball at Maria.
What is Bob saying?
Bob isn’t saying anything.
How could Maria be feeling?
Maria might be feeling hurt. Bob kicked the ball really hard.
What could Maria be thinking?
Maria might be thinking that Bob plays soccer too roughly. She
might be thinking that he isn’t a good practice partner. She
might be thinking that he should say sorry.

Page 6
What is Bob doing?
Bob is laughing at and teasing Maria.
What is Bob saying?
Bob is saying Maria can’t kick a ball and she is not good
at soccer.
How could Maria be feeling?
Maria might be feeling embarrassed that she fell on the ground.
What could Maria be thinking?
Maria might be thinking that Bob is being mean.
He should help her.

Page 7
Why is Maria walking home?

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