WCMIB Story 3 Rake

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Bob and Maria

Rake Leaves
Elizabeth M. Delsandro
© 2010 Elizabeth M. Delsandro
Bob and Maria
rake leaves in Bob’s yard.

Bob says, “Let’s make a
big pile of leaves!”

Maria says, “No, YOU can rake all
the leaves! They’re your leaves!”

“We can jump in the big pile of
leaves!” says Bob.

“You do all the work, then I’ll jump
in the leaves,” says Maria.

“Let’s have some hot cocoa!”
says Bob.

“Hey, that’s mine! Did I say you
could have some?” says Maria.

Maria drinks her hot cocoa
and walks home.
Bob is left alone and upset.

We can make it

Bob and Maria drink hot cocoa and
play in the leaves some more.

8 (new)
The End!
Bob and Maria Rake Leaves
Page 3
What is Maria doing?
Maria is telling Bob what to do. She is being bossy.
What is Maria saying?
Maria is saying Bob should rake his own leaves.
How could Bob be feeling?
Bob might be feeling irritated because Maria is telling him what
to do.
What could Bob be thinking?
Bob might be thinking that Maria should help out a friend.

Page 5
What is Maria doing?
Maria is telling Bob what to do again. She is being bossy.
What is Maria saying?
Maria is telling Bob to do all the work.
How could Bob be feeling?
Bob might be feeling frustrated because Maria wants to play
but not do any of the work.
What could Bob be thinking?
Bob might be thinking that Maria should go home.

Page 7
What is Maria doing?
Maria is not sharing her hot cocoa.
What is Maria saying?
Maria is saying the cocoa is hers.
How could Bob be feeling?
Bob might be feeling embarrassed because he thought Maria
might share her cocoa and she does not want to.
What could Bob be thinking?
Bob might be thinking that if he had cocoa, he would share it
with Maria.

Page 8
Why is Bob upset?

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