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Bob and Maria

Go to the Pumpkin Farm

Elizabeth M. Delsandro
© 2010 Elizabeth M. Delsandro
Bob and Maria
go to the pumpkin farm.

Maria finds the most
perfect pumpkin.

“Hey, that’s the one that I like,”
says Bob. He grabs the pumpkin.

Maria decides to get some apple
cider. “Yum,” thinks Maria.

Bob walks in front of Maria.
“I’m first,” says Bob.

Maria is excited about the hayride.
“This is going to be fun!”
thinks Maria.

Bob pushes Maria out of the way.
“I want to sit in front,” says Bob.

Maria thinks, “This wasn’t a fun
trip. Bob was kind of mean today.”

We can make it

Bob and Maria talk about how they
are going to carve their pumpkins.

8 (new)
The End!
Bob and Maria
Go to the Pumpkin Farm
Page 3
What is Bob doing?
Bob is grabbing the pumpkin away from Maria.
What is Bob saying?
Bob is saying he likes the same pumpkin that Maria likes.
How could Maria be feeling?
Maria might be feeling mad that Bob is taking away
her pumpkin.
What could Maria be thinking?
Maria might be thinking that Bob is being mean.

Page 5
What is Bob doing?
Bob is pushing in front of Maria.
What is Bob saying?
Bob is saying he is first.
How could Maria be feeling?
Maria might be feeling frustrated because Bob is taking her
What could Maria be thinking?
Maria might be thinking that Bob is being rude for taking her
place and getting his apple cider first. He should wait.

Page 7
What is Bob doing?
Bob is pushing Maria out of the way.
What is Bob saying?
Bob is saying he wants to sit in the front.
How could Maria be feeling?
Maria might be feeling mad because Bob is pushing her.
What could Maria be thinking?
Maria might be thinking that Bob should ask her instead of
pushing her. She might move if he asks.

Page 8
Why is Maria saying the trip wasn’t fun?

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