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OCTET RULE states that in forming a compound, atoms tend to

achieve the electron configuration of a noble gas, that

is the number of their valence electrons becomes
ORGANIC COMPOUND compound that contain carbon and bonded with the
hydrogen atom and are produce by living things
PROTON are a type of subatomic particle with a positive charge
particle of the location and arrangement
defines aof electrons
ATOM matter that uniquely chemical
in an
elementatom, it describes the different atomic orbitals
SUBATOMIC Particlesthat
smaller than atoms, inside of the
ATOMIC ENERGY energy is created by splitting apart nuclei of
SUBLEVEL is anmass
energy level defined by quantum theory, it refer
ATOMIC MASS the of an atom of a chemical element expressed
to atomic
in energies associated
mass unit with electrons, denoted by s, p,
d, and f
ATOMIC NUMBER the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom,
which of an atom,
determines located properties
the chemical in the outermost
of an shell
or valence shell of the atom, that can be transferred to
element and its place in the periodic atom
or shared with another atom
BOND the sharing of electrons between two or more atoms
VALENCE SHELL the outermost shell of an atom containing the valence
lasting attraction between atoms, ions or molecules
that enables the formation of chemical compounds
COVALENT BOND a bond formed between two nometals that share

ELECTRON CONFIGURATION of an atom is a way of distributing the electrons of the

atom among orbitals of an atom
ELECTRONS are the negatively charged particles of atom

INORGANIC COMPOUND contain metals and other elements, do not contain

carbon atom, produced by non-living natural processes
IONIC BONDS the electrostatic force holding two oppositely charged
ions together, cation or positive ions and anions or
negatively charged ions
IONIC COMPOUND compound formed by ionic bonds

LEDS Lewis Electron Dot System

METALLIC BONDS a force that holds atoms together in a metallic

NUCLEUS a collection of particles called protons, which are
positively charged, and neutrons, which are electrically

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