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‘CONFIDENTIAL NOVEMBER 2021/SET APECZ4S ‘COURSE MACROECONOMICS COURSE CODE : PEC2143 DURATION 1 HOUR INSTRUCTIONTO CANDIDATES : 1. Ths question paperconists of TWO (2)pat PART A(13 questons) PART 8 (3questons) 2. Anawer ALL quests fom PART Aare PART 8. 3. Passe checkto mate su that this examina pack consist of {The Question Paces 14, The arswer must be ohana a footeap pa ung | Upload the POF fe #2 Google Cassar OR 1 Upload the POF eva erst OR, ‘Upload the POF fe via inalsAgp OR, Iv. Upload the POF tle wa OLES. 19. Please we your answer using a bal-scint pan on tobe submtiod fo the respecive lecturer ether 5. Plagariem,copyng snd cheating wil nol be flea where na mark wie given and diseplinary actos canbe taken, 6 econ cals alowed, MYKAD NO LECTURER SECTION ‘TBO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLDTO DO SO ‘The question papor consists of 06 printod pages ‘CONFIDENTIAL NOVEMBERZO21ISET APEC2S PART A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ‘Anse AL Questions 1) Wich of he fotowng ope most kayo be stud mecrosconamics? ‘A. The percentage fhe bor force thas cut af work BB. Thocet of taxes on te pre of ane exes. ‘C. The pee of beet and wage erences between genders, . The prea of auiobie manufacturing fms. 2) Which fhe foling note cblectve ot macraecanamies fom helsiamic pont of vw? ‘A. Univeral edveaton B, Socialjustee ©. Optial rat ef ecorais gow 1. Favorable bance of pment 3} Theta area conventinal microssonamis abjates, except 1K toacneve ie slay 8 twacnove universal edtcaton . toachive econome greath . toachove heaty balance of payment 4) Macroscenamiesis concerned withthe stay of ‘A ow Haasan respond to al pce changes production methods an cone inthe amet ncuty ©. thee of ecucien of wages on agua output ©, the goerl pce vee 15) Te total market valu fala gods and rence produced bythe eee of a county Gung aigven tne pao f timo, rearcon of ho procucton acto ‘oss national product 8. gross domesti product ©. et tiona income ©. hat national product 19) Which oftefolonng statanents te? 1X The product produced ty Malaylane working abroad is counted ie May's GOP The nome of tooigner waking in Malaysa fs counted in Malaysia's GOP, (©. Pure eames abroad by Malaysan companies are couned in Mayes OOP D. Profi eames in Malaya by foreg-cwned compares are counedn Maya's GNP 7) Thedilerence between gross domestic product and goss rstenalroductis A subsiy iret tax ©. depreciation 1. retpropery income on abroad HEA.BPAD-00 ‘CONFIDENTIAL NOVEMBERZO21ISET APECZ43 18) Afonomous consumption is consumer spending Ron drab gods that causes MPC to inroato . thalis dependent on changes in deposable noone thats independent of te evel of disposable come 9) tte ince eels RH2,00 and savings is M200, now much is the average property 0 ‘A O4 B04 © 08 Dos 10) Y= RN2.000, stonemeussonsumgton = M300 an he marginal popensty 10 ave (MPS) = 03, then savngs equas to re) ‘11) Te sum ofthe average propensity to consume andthe average repens o save hays equals ene 8 260 c we 1. The breakeven income 12) The defatenary gap cen bebe desctbed asa stustion wer: ‘the atl natonal income elute (Ye) exceed tefl employment nation ncors(¥) {the acai natonal ncone culate (Ye) equals othe fll employment ratenal neame(¥) the atal nator income caleulated Ye} as shor ote fl employment national corte a) ©. the fut employment nstinal income (V9 fas skort of he actual national ame eased re) 12) Consumpten spending may heres due to: ‘or heteae in inerest te ‘an herease inthe pie ve ‘repectton of a derase i ture pes ‘nicreae in weath soem SHEA BPADI-00 CONFIDENTIAL, NOvEMBER2O2VISET APEC243 PART 6: STRUCTURED QUESTIONS Asser ALL Gvestons 1. (1oponts) ‘The table Below contains emt rom hentia ecm dan 2020, Table - TENS "raavon | “aac, rear ana Tan 500 Tenuta T0280 Tiana SHS ‘000 Banking and aura 2500 Resonmeaon ana rea 7000 Carat 3500 ‘Goverment oponTare Eas) Tonaanpton epee Ta75 Taxon apenas 000 Pispery near Fen aoa 7250 Property come oabroad 30 apres ar ‘Sibsiios 7007 Caleta: Gross Dameste Pract at mare pice (4 points) Gross Domestic Product a factr cost (pois) © Gross Nationa Proce tfatr cost (@poins) &Natonat home (2 pins) HEA BPHO1-00 ‘CONFIDENTIAL NOVEMBER2021SET APEC2A3 2. (Spolns) Referto Table 1 below and asuer th folowing questions Tobe 1 ‘Ya (iio Consumption (RA lion) 200 200 4 200 400, ca 6 0 Ta 300 280 ‘4 Calculate te marginal ropes o consume (MPC) (pit . Caloutate we margin propensity to save (MPS) (pai © Determine the autenonous consumption (2 peints) 4 State the sevngsfndon (point HEA BPA-00 ‘CONFIDENTIAL [NOVEMBER2O2(ISET APECZIA3 3. (1opoints) {Give below fhe inermatin of n economy, Allvateearein RMilion ‘Consumption ©) 400+ 09v4 ‘Government eapenatue(6) = 300, frvestment () = Taaton Taxation) = 200 Export = Import) 0 ‘Besadon the above deta anaverthe question below ‘2 Cale he equi vel of ational incre sing the oupu expen approach, “@ponis) Cale the equ evel of atenancime using the leakages — jection appro (2 ports) © Callas he amount ot savings a he eat income (4 pont 4 Calotate the amount of consumption a the equ nea (1 point 1 Calcite the breakeven income level. (1 pain {tefl employmentovel of nome forthe above eznomy is RA5,000 rill is there ‘an iiatoary er elonayy gap? Sketch a dlagram fo show the stuaton ard abl he. ‘iponthe dao ‘opem) END OF QUESTIONS PAPER Feat Vere by: Endomed y a So - Dt ngezatite TORARFAN enTTano muna =a haan “She Ree Sse ‘tou Pao aes Sa vamsre0z2 sav Bhpor

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