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Rebecca Nonnenmann


Hello, Twitter! I need help! I accidentally registered for a class

called #CatholicSocialTeaching and I don’t know what that
means! I think I might even be the only first year in the class😰
Can anyone tell me what CST is all about?

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Jake Kohlhaas

@RebeccaNonne Great! I can help. #CatholicSocialTeachings

is a body of literature written in the modern era by popes and
bishops in response to the various political, economical,and
social issues! Also, stop being such a #FirstYear!

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Jake Kohlhaas

@RebeccaNonne Here’s a graphic that shows the

anthropology of #CatholicSocialTeachings

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Born Feb.10 1982 Joined Loras College August 2013

Rebecca Nonnenmann

Hmm @Dr_Coolhaas seems like he knows what he’s talking

about, but I’m still a little confused. What do the Popes have to
do with it? How do they contribute to #CatholicSocialTeaching?

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Leo XIII

@RebeccaNonne Popes like me add our voices authoritatively

through our encyclicals addressing different topics around
social issues. It started with my document #RerumNovarum
and is carried throughout history to the current pope

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Born March 2, 1810 Joined Pacacy June 1846

Rebecca Nonnenmann

@LeoXIII what was #RerumNovarum about?

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Leo XIII

@RebeccaNonne Inequality, workers’ rights, unions, and

private property. The Human Person has dignity and inherent
worth that prohibits them from being treated as “things,”
especially in his right to fair treatment in work environments
and in ownership of private property.

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Pius XI

@LeoXIII WOW I agree! 40 years later! Happy anniversary

#RerumNovarum! In my anniversary document
#QuadragessimoAnno, I discussed how capitalism is broken
and, when unregulated, one person ends up having all the
wealth. If a person has the ability to pay, however, he should
11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Born May 31, 1857 Joined Papacy February 1922

Pope John XXIII

@LeoXIII @Pius11 I agree also! I wrote #MateretMagistra on

the 60th anniversary of #RerumNovarum. Socialism reduces
people to workers. While work can be used to glorify God,
there is much more to a man’s life than work.

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Born Nov 25, 1881 Joined Papacy October 1958

Antipope John XXIII

@TheRealJohnXXIII WAIT there’s another Pope John

XXIII?????? How? That’s my name and I was definitely an
actual real pope!

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Born 1365 “Joined” the papacy 1410

Rebecca Nonnenmann

@TheRealJohnXXIII Uh who is @NotTheRealJohnXXIII? Why

are there two Popes with the same name and why does it say
“joined” in quotation marks on his profile?

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope John XXIII

@RebeccaNonne Ignore him, he is a pirate pope who took the

title of pope wrongfully! I am the only real Pope John XXIII.
Anyway, back to praises of #RerumNovarum with

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Leo XIII

@TheRealPopeJohnXIII :-)

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Paul VI

@TheRealJohnXXIII Thank you! After 80 years of

#RerumNovarum I wrote #OctogesimaAdveniens but
@Dr_Coolhaas didn’t cover that in class so we’re not sure
what it’s about.

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Born Sep 26, 1897 Joined Papacy June 1963

Jake Kohlhaas

@PilgrimPopePaulVI ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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John Paul II

On the 90th anniversary of #RerumNovarum I wrote

#LaboremExercens. I spoke about how work has a
transcendent element. It actively humanizes us and, by living
out our vocations, we can more clearly see God and seek
fulfillment in life. Through this we also have a sense of social
solidarity and self-discovery.
11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Self-proclaimed Feminist, Survivor of Attempted Assassination

Born May 18, 1920 Joined Papacy October 1978
Rebecca Nonnenmann

Wow. It seems like #RerumNovarum really impacted a lot of


11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Pius X

PSA: This is a reminder to all clergymen, religious academics,

and all other church leaders to take the
#OathAgainstModernism. It is REQUIRED!

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Born June 2, 1835 Joined Papacy August 1903

Rebecca Nonnenmann

The #OathAgainstModernism? What is that all about?

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Jake Kohlhaas

@RebeccaNonne There was a whole period of the Catholic

Church called #Antimodernism in which the Popes were
opposed to modern society and the changes it brought about.

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Pius X

@RebeccaNonne The #OathAgainstModernism is a document

declaring the Church’s opposition to modernism. Everything
that is wrong with society is because of modernism! Rt if you

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Pius IX

The Church has made a grave many mistakes so I wrote the

#SyllabusOfErrors to identify each and every one of those
mistakes regarding the modern world and what is to be
avoided. #Antimodernism

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Born May 17, 1792 Joined Pacacy June 1846

Pope Pius XI

@RebeccaNonne While every other #Antimodernist Pope

believed the Church should remain exactly the same
throughout time, I believe that the Catholic Church remains
consistent within development over time.
#ThawingAntimodernism #QuadragessimoAnno

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Rebecca Nonnenmann

So, this is all well and good, but I see that you keep mentioning
men and using the words he/him. I am a woman and I seem to
be excluded, what are women’s role in the Church, then?

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Leo XIII

@RebeccaNonne Men and women are created equally in

dignity, but they will never be completely equal in their gifts,
talents, and contributions. Private property is owed to men as
the head of the family. #RerumNovarum

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Paul VI

@RebeccaNonne Women enjoy the same human rights in

theory and in practice, but women are mothers and have
unique roles in the home. Men are indirect caregivers while
women are primary caregivers #GaudiumetSpes

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Pius XI

@RebeccaNonne A husband and wife are equal in their dignity,

but, in their roles, the husband is the head. A woman’s dignity
is found in the work she does in the home and this is protected
by ensuring she does not have to worry about work

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope John XXIII

@RebeccaNonne Women can find and discern their own

dignity but are defined as wives and mothers. There is a
hierarchy of God -> Men -> Women. #PacemInTerris

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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John Paul II

@RebeccaNonne Women have irreplaceable roles as mothers.

However, they should be able to work in accordance with their
own nature, without being discriminated against, and without
being excluded from jobs for which they are capable of

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Francis

@RebeccaNonne The genius of woman is seen in feminine

styles of holiness, which are an essential means of reflecting
God’s holiness in this world #GaudeteEtExsultate

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Rebecca Nonnenmann

Thank you to everyone who helped me out to understand what

#CatholicSocialTeaching is all about! I am logging off now,
does anyone have anything else to add to my understanding?

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Leo XIII

@RebeccaNonne Private property is a right to secure a

person’s human dignity and personal livelihood, while also
being an asset leveraged for financial security. The ownership
of private property is what separates humans from animals.

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Pius XI

@RebeccaNonne Structures of society can be just or not and,

as members of the Church, we are expected to follow what we
believe to be just. This will henceforth be referred to as
#socialjustice. #QuadragesimoAnno

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Pius XII

@RebeccaNonne People of God, please pray for our brothers

and sisters impacted by the current events surrounding World
War II and God, bless those fighting to defend their countries.

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Born March 2, 1876 Joined Papacy March 1939

Pope John XXIII

@RebeccaNonne Open the doors of the Church and let the

fresh air in! Now is the beginning of a new era of reform,
tolerance, and acceptance, especially of the modern world and
its diversity of people. #UniversalHumanRights
#MaterEtMagistra #PacemInTerris

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Paul VI

@RebeccaNonne It is our responsibility to help alleviate the

pain and struggles of those who are suffering, the poor and
vulnerable. We can help them so they can help themselves

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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John Paul II

@RebeccaNonne Integral humanism, people are an ends not a

means and the economy should work towards the good of the
people. There is a solidarity that joins all people in our

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Pope Benedict XVI

@RebeccaNonne God is love, is in and through all kinds of

love, and love for others begins with love of God. Love and
charity are necessary for the justice of the common good,
which is the good of “all of us”, made up of individuals, families
and intermediate groups who together constitute society
#DeusCaritasEst #CaritasinVeritate
11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Born April 16, 1927 Joined Papacy April 2005 (until resignation in 2013)
Pope Francis

@RebeccaNonne Our mother earth is beginning to look more

and more like an immense pile of filth and the impact of
humans on our environment can be harmful for future
generations. We are called to be stewards to our home and
God’s creation #LaudatoSi

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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Rebecca Nonnenmann

Well, I think all of #CatholicSocialTeaching was covered here,

so I guess I don’t have to take this class anymore! Thanks!

11:32 AM - 28 Feb 2017

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