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Data Analytics

In 21st Century importance of Data and its expertise is rapidly increasing

and it will keep continue to increase, You know why??… so the answer is
Every day, the amount of data out there gets bigger and bigger. So the
ability to interpret it effectively is more important than ever before. Data
analytics is becoming one of the fastest-growing and most rewarding
career choices in the world. In the next decade, the demand for business
analytics skills will probably be higher than the demand for any other career
(10.9% vs. 5.2%) (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics). All kinds of
companies all over the world need qualified data analysts to solve
problems and help them make the best possible business decisions. And
right now, fifty-nine percent of companies have plans to add even more
positions requiring data analysis skills (Source: SHRM). By the time if
anyone will get skills of Data Analyst, they will be well-prepared to make
smart, strategic, data-driven recommendations for organizations in all kinds
of industries.

So what is Data and who are Data analyst, in simpler words Data means
facts or figures for example “people need to sleep for 7 – 8 hour” that is fact
and it is collected by doing researches on thousands of persons.

Data Analyst are the persons who are known as experts of data, they can
make best use of data and help businesses and other organizations to
solve their problems, it could be related to customers, product and services
or even within their organization like employee retention rate e.g.

“Data Is So Powerful” but without Data Analyst it is futile to make sense of it

or use it, in other words Data without experts is nothing and there is no use
of it. That is why company hires Data experts like Data scientists, Business
Analysts and Data Analysts. Although Data scientist, Business Analyst and
Data Analyst are Data experts but still their role are diffrent from each
other, they may work on the same problem but still their responsibilities and
task could be different and also they have different expertise in their own

Skills required to Become a Data Analyst

Well the skills required for Data Analyst is depend upon different
organization like some companies demand “R” language but some demand
“Python” and same thing happen with the other tools as well, it varies from
organisation to organisation it if you are confused in choosing either one of
them then try both and finds which suits your personality. so don’t get
puzzled in making a choice. try and explore to find out the best for yourself.

Here are some skills required to become a Data Analyst

1. Excel
2. Python
3. R
4. Sequel (like MySQL, SQL Server or MS Access)
5. No Sequel (Mongo DB)
6. Statistics and Probability
7. Matlab
8. Power BI
9. Tableu

After gaining at least 4 Skills and doing some projects as a begineer you
will definetly get hired and and will learn more about Data and how you can
solve different and real life problems.
February 23, 2022

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